#how to sign a document on android
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omgbaldguy · 1 year ago
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tiredfoxtf · 1 month ago
hi. h/c 500 words anon here with more words, but it's getting away from me i'm at 1k words and it isn't FINISHED D: so this is just the first ~500 words. you drew the art that started this i'm just possessed (and took some liberties umm sorry!!)
"Etho," Tango said, "you have to report this."
Etho didn't respond. He couldn't take his eyes off Joel, couldn't stop looking for any sign that Joel was still 'awake' in there. Any sign that Joel could hear him.
In his head, Etho knew that Joel would be okay. Tango was very good at what he did. Soon enough, there would be no evidence that this day had ever happened -- no physical evidence, at least. But that didn't make Etho's stupid human heart feel any better.
"Etho," Tango said again, a couple octaves higher this time as his 'stressed Tango' voice came out, "If you don't call this in, I'll have to, and I've got enough on my plate already!"
Etho made a wordless noise. Ducked his head. Pulled his phone out of his pocket. He didn't want to. He hated talking to authorities, for lots of reasons. But it wouldn't be right to leave Tango with all the work. "I'll be right back, Joel," he murmured. "I just need to make a phone call."
Did he imagine that Joel's eyes flicked towards him for a moment? Did it matter that he squeezed Joel's hand before he walked away, even though Joel probably couldn't feel it?
It wasn't an easy call to make. It was never going to be easy. Etho struggled to keep his voice steady as he spoke to the dispatcher. Pressed the fingers of his free hand into a bruise on his side so that the pain would keep him focused. He did not want to be doing this. If it had only been himself that was hurt he would have crawled back to his apartment and never told a soul. This was for Joel, though. His repairs were going to be so expensive there'd be no way to keep it hidden. The Company would push for an investigation, would want to press charges against the 'vandals'. Etho pressing charges might get quicker action from the police, but his injuries would barely be a footnote in the Company's report. An audio engineer was a replaceable expense. A custom-designed entertainment android was an investment.
He hated having to stand there at the front of Tango's shop and wait for the paramedics and the cops to arrive. Hated having to put on his 'professional' face and talk to so many uniforms and keep his anxiety from showing. They asked questions (too many questions) and took pictures of Etho's injuries. They made him take his shirt off for it. He really hated that. They barged into the repair bay to take pictures of Joel, to document the "property damage". They interrupted Tango's work, questioned him, made him break out his license and contracts and argue them out of taking Joel away as "evidence". Etho might've done something really stupid if they'd tried that.
They made Etho tell them what happened. They asked why he'd risked his life for an android. Etho knew that the truth -- the real truth -- would not help anyone. It might make things worse. He had learned very early in his life that sometimes, to survive in the world, you had to lie about important things. He had gotten very good at lying.
(TBC! they will get to the recliner i swear)
Gnawing at the bars of my enclosure, 500 words anon, I love you (/silly).
I'm so obsessed with this. Etho hating to talk to authorities, Tango literally pulling everything up to fight tooth and nail for his right to keep Joel on repair, Etho having to lie about his intentions to not needlessly complicate things. And I am not even talking about how well it's written, because I don't understand how you're so amazing and skilled with language. Also, we love creative liberties in this house. I am just glad to be a source of inspiration really.
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neopoliitan · 7 months ago
There's a lot of content warnings in this one; murder, abuse, torture, blood, the whole nine yards, so... be aware of that before diving in. This is some of the edgiest shit I've written.
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Part 1 is here. You'll need to refresh yourself.
In a flashback, Kamala Braith is born from the PRISM. Lucius Braith cradles her in his arms.
We cut to several x-rays and tests being run as present-day Lucius narrates that they had been successful on the first run. Kamala was healthy, and even possessed advantages over a naturally born child. For one, her aura was active from birth - which he puts down to his own being active when he injected it into the PRISM to create her.
He notes her drawbacks, too - she became sickly for a time, and had even more heightened emotions due to the trauma of her gestation and birth from a machine. 
Past-Lucius becomes greedy, and decides he has to try again. In a paranoia he casts his team aside and works alone, throwing himself completely into his endeavour. This is to his detriment, as his lack of second opinion causes him to miss something in his amendments to the PRISM, leaving Gardner Braith in a constant state of draining aura.
“I longed for the perfect result, ignorant of the lives I was carelessly bringing into the world.”
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We cut forward to a military convoy advancing upon Zenith as Lucius, Kamala (4), Gardner (3), Sterling (1) and Viola (newborn) watch. Out of the leading truck steps General Boris Northwind, the newly decided leader of Mantle and Atlas. 
“Boris Northwind - Atlas’s newly elected General. A man whose nationalism had won the hearts of a public sick to their stomach of the distrust Atlas was shown by other kingdoms. A man who had ousted those who had approved my projects and replaced them with his warlike allies. A man who now had access to all redacted knowledge about Zenith, and he had his own designs.”
Lucius and General Northwind meet in Lucius’s office. Boris demands that they use PRISM technology to create a home-grown army, stronger than the average man, but Lucius refuses to let his research intersect with defense or war. Boris is incredulous.
“Since becoming General of this Kingdom I have heard things that would make your head spin. If you knew what was out there - what was really out there - and that it is coming, you would militarize this operation in five minutes!”
Lucius responds that he will not let his research into creating life be used to end it, but in doing so seals his fate.
“It’s not your research.” Northwind responds. Lucius is taken aback.
“I’ve read the documents - documents that you signed. They declare that everything in these walls is property of the Kingdom of Mantle - the Kingdom of Atlas. Rossi’s Talos androids, the PRISM… those four… creations of yours.”
Lucius sees the writing on the wall, but refuses to give in. Guards restrain him, and Northwind says to have him escorted back to Mantle. As he is dragged down a hallway, Lucius turns to Kamala and cries out to her that he will return for them - to wait for him, but he is blocked from her view by Northwind, who sidles in front of her, rests a hand on her shoulder, and tells her they have work to do.
This is where it gets bad.
We cut back to the present, with Teams RAIN and PALM in Lucius’s cave. 
Robin asks why he never went back, and he old man explains that Northwind’s cronies found a bogus prison sentence, leaving him to rot in a cell for years. He was only released two decades after, during an administration after Northwind’s - they couldn’t find records of a Lucius Braith existing, let alone his prison sentence.
Robin then goes on to ask; “They were just kids when that happened - and there were only four of them. How did they go so bad, and how were the other three even born without you?”
And Lucius responds “Each of my children contains a hint of my aura - and through that, a faint connection to me. On occasion, mostly through dreams, I felt their memories and emotions as my own. While I may have been in prison, I experienced the rest of the story in spirit.”
Desperate for solutions, Northwind intended to use the PRISM to birth a ‘disposable’ army he could throw at the source of his paranoia.
We see Northwind, clearly stressed about something - clearly afraid - as he rests his head against the PRISM. 
Lucius explains; “The PRISM was hardwired to only accept my aura pattern. He didn’t know that, of course - he only knew that he had three remaining samples to work with…”
Northwind turns to Kamala, Gardner, Sterling and Viola.
“...So he focused on the children themselves. If he couldn't make something in his image, he would warp that which had been made in mine. My children were once harmless… but Northwind wanted his super soldiers. He did whatever he could to make them fight.”
We see Northwind snatching Sterling’s teddy bear from him (the same one from Arc 3, Chapter 10), and gives it to Viola, who hugs it.
“They were so delicate… So malleable…”
Sterling’s face twists into a mask of anger.
“…So unstable…”
We cut forward again. The Braiths are a little older now. Gardner’s aura is flaring, and he is clearly in pain.
“When they refused to fight each other, they were subjected to far worse pain than what they could inflict upon each other. They were pitted against each other, manipulated… drained and betrayed and they were just children. Children suffering what no one in the universe should have to.”
Northwind opens the PRISM again. His minions have cracked the code - though only slightly. They use what trace amounts were left of Lucius’s aura, and produce Zelena, Viorel and Tahlia.
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We then see Kamala in the same cell the Lincolns were held in. She’s likely not even ten, but there are scratches and dried blood on the wall. Her arms are covered in surgical scars, where scientists have examined her biological makeup to see how similar she is to a “real” human.
“Between the torture, the manipulation, the starvation and the surgery, Northwind had taken my children and attempted to fashion them into weapons. He just had to pull the trigger…
…But he didn't realise how good of a job he had done.”
And again we flash forward. 
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Northwind and some of his goons are sitting in the same boardroom from Arc 3, Chapter 1. A large portrait of Northwind himself sits behind it, a monument to his ego yet also his ignorance of the horrors he has committed on these children simply by the merit of how they were born. Kamala, now around ten to twelve, is serving as his cupbearer. An advisor is cradling the newborn Tahlia, whilst the other five Braiths are lined up against the wall like statues, awaiting any sort of command or punishment.
Kamala pours Northwind a drink, but twitches while doing so. Northwind reprimands her, which one of his advisors actually speaks up against; noting that the General is not winning these childrens’ loyalty. Northwind ignores this, claiming he has brought them to heel and his “soldiers” will do as they are told. He won an election, he can win Braith’s creations.
Northwind commands Kamala to fetch their food. Kamala hesitates. Then she twitches again. Then Northwind slaps her hard enough that she hits the floor. The advisor speaks out again.
“Boris, she's a child!”
“It's not anything! They're all nothing! And I have had it up to here with their hesitancy!”
Northwind commands his guards to escort the Braiths down to level eight, and that they “know what to do.” He commands Kamala to get up, and she mumbles as she cradles her face.
“When… When… my father comes home… when my family…”
Northwind laughs, a booming, terrible laugh from the stomach. 
“That's what you think this is?” He turns to his advisors. “Get a load of this! It doesn't know its place in the world -- it doesn't know where it came from.” 
He gets on Kamala’s eye level. “Maybe that's why you're so hard to housebreak. So let me put this in little words you'll be able to understand.
“You have no family. You are an experiment. You are merely the result of Lucius Braith creating a substitute for humanity in times of war, and humanity needs things to be this way.
“You are here to serve Mantle. The men, women and children will not have to lay down their lives when we can send drones such as yourself.
“You are a crash test dummy. You are not alive, your feelings are not real. Whatever you may have thought you felt… It's all just programming. Code. Read my lips:
“You're. Not. Real.”
Kamala freezes. Her eyes glaze over. Something tugs at the corners of her lips, and slowly her mouth warps into a smile - but the rest of her face isn’t smiling, it’s just absent.
Northwind draws himself up to his full height and turns back to his advisors. He begins to talk, but Kamala speaks again.
“When I was younger, my father used to read me stories. Once, he told me a story of a bridge. An old bridge that would be beaten and damaged by the travelers who crossed it. No one cared for it, and no one maintained it. People just took advantage.”
“What in the world are you talking about…?” Northwind asks incredulously, but Kamala continues.
“One day, the bridge was very weak. A large party attempted to cross it during a storm - it was the only bridge for miles around - and it couldn’t take the strain. Eventually, it collapsed and all those who had neglected to take care of it fell into the river, lost to the storm and the current. After so much, the bridge just… snapped. And they all fell down. But it was okay, you see? Because in their idiocy and self interest they had failed to do right by what they had created. It was all fine.”
She looks up at Northwind, her eyes finally focusing on something for the first time since he told her she was not real - and perhaps the first time she truly saw existence for what she now believes it is.
“Because… Well… because they deserved to die.”
In a single, swift movement, Kamala springs forth like an animal, tears a butter knife from the conference room table, and jams it into Northwind’s collarbone. A blunt weapon, it doesn’t hurt him much, but the weight of her leaping into him while he was so sure he had her “trained” is enough to knock him into the table, winding him, and sending them both tumbling to the floor. 
We see Kamala’s face now. It’s the same face she pulled on Viola at the end of Arc 2 as she screams through an expression that barely opens its lips. 
Kamala attacks Boris again and again with the knife, eventually landing it in his eye or his cheek. Boris commands her to stop, but she grows more feral, scratching at him with her nails, tearing into his flesh with her teeth. Eventually she bites into the soft flesh of his throat, and his commands turn to pleas of mercy.
The guards advance and level their weapons at the girl, but they don’t realise their mistake in leaving the other Braiths unattended. Seeing their comrade finally snap, they recognise their opening and do what they were trained to do. Sterling is the first. He wrenches a pipe from the wall and swings it at the nearest guard, who crumples to the floor. Raising it above his head, the boy screams “I'M GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU--! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!”
The other guard turns to subdue him, but Viola is quick to retrieve the downed guard’s weapon and kill him with it. 
The advisor cradling Tahlia runs for the door, but we see Viorel nonchalantly locking it and turning to look blankly at them. From behind, we hear Gardner say “Give me the baby.”
We cut to Zelena, who has mounted the conference table and is stabbing someone in the face, screaming “You get everything AND WE HAVE NOTHING!” through tears.
The room is in carnage. Adults are being slain by the children they made into warriors. They did their job too well.
As the chaos draws to an end - the other Braiths becoming exhausted, at least - Kamala stands up, her face and body covered with Northwind’s blood. Through his shredded throat, Northwind makes one final plea.
“For the good of your kingdom… for the good of the world… stop…”
Kamala looks at him, unflinching.
“Your kingdom. Your world.”
Northwind dies. The other Braiths gather around Kamala. Gardner is carrying Tahlia in his arms; she slept through it all.
Zelena asks what they do, and Kamala says they’ll make “them” pay. “Everything we’ve been through… they thought it was all a lie, or they didn’t care. They stood by and let us suffer for their stupid Mantle.
“We’ll show them they were so wrong to do what they did. They’ll feel the pain we felt and more. We’ll take everything they cared about and turn it to dust like they did to us.
“When they’re on their knees, they’ll beg for mercy like we did… …we’ll make them wish they never crawled out of the tidepool. And only then will they finally understand that this is kindness.”
Viorel asks, “You propose we take back the world with only seven children?”
Kamala smirks ask her aura flares. “Viorel… you underestimate what they turned us into.
We could take back the world with one.”
Back to the present. Lucius clasps a cup, his hands shaking. He tells Teams RAIN & PALM that his children have been plotting ever since. He feels “their rage, their hate, their hunger, their envy.” It was all he could do to delete all knowledge of Zenith when he was released so that he might keep them isolated - keep them “safe.”
He knows they won’t understand, but they are his children and it pains him to think what might happen when his visitors inevitably arrive at Zenith. He also knows he can’t convince them to turn away, knowing how much of a threat his children are, but he begs them not to make them suffer if it comes to it.
Nyssa pipes up and asks why he never returned to Zenith after being freed. Lucius smiles weakly and explains that as much as he loves his children, he fears them more. He only made it as far as his self-imposed exile between Faraday and Zenith - shame stopped him from turning back, cowardice kept him from continuing on.
His disposition becomes more steely, then, and he stands up. He announces the storm has cleared, and tells his visitors they should go. To keep the sun to their east and aim for a notch between two mountains. 
Aware they have outstayed their welcome, RAIN and PALM pour out of the cave. Robin turns back and tells Lucius she’s sorry for all that has happened. He simply scoffs “Not as much as I.”
RAIN and PALM depart for Zenith, their final destination, but we continue to linger on the image of Lucius Braith, as he slowly sits down in front of the fire again, and runs his hands down his face.
We then see all seven Braiths in the elevator that leads down to the PRISM, Kamala at the front of the pack. They walk single-file across the gantry as their leader and eldest sibling explains her plan;
“We know they’re coming, and while we’ll win, we have to plan for the future. Making them pay might take longer than any of our lifetimes, so we have to keep the cause going. We refuse to be snuffed out.”
She gently runs her hand across the PRISM. “I would do it alone, but alone we are only equal to a seventh of… him. So we need to do this together. Just put your hands in the holes.”
All except Tahlia do as they are told, until she is encouraged by Gardner. Closest to the control panel, Viorel flicks a switch. All seven have a piece of their aura sliced for the machine - a machine that only responds to Lucius’s biological imprint, a seventh of which exists in each of them.
As they all clutch their arms in pain - except, of course, Sterling - Kamala produces the most genuine smile she has given in the story and turns to Viorel with only one thing to say as the machine hums to life;
“And now it begins.”
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blackrabbit111 · 1 year ago
~Twst android au, prequel draft~
"You are the sole heir to the worlds top tec company that makes everything from military weapons to remotes. Raised alone by your grandfather, you've found yourself alone since his passing and are struggling to find someone to turn too.
On a whim you go looking for one of his crack pot inventions in one of his old factory's. Only to find more then you were looking for"
An au fic I wrote months ago but never shared cuz insecure, But I'm down so I say heck to it 👍
Feed back and critic is appreciated especially on grammar😅Not sure how much I'll keep or if I will even make more but I might as well share what I've already made
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The sound of a switch echoed as the warehouse lights shot on in uniform order one by one until the massive hanger sized warehouse was lit up. 
The walls and roof were vast and the rows upon rows of shelves were endless, each filled with who knows what? All different types of machinery, a tec nerd might see this as some gold mine full of decades worth of technology going back nearly fifty years according to your newly bequeathed assistant. 
You hadn’t even changed clothes yet. You were still in these uncomfortable shoes, these stuffy black clothes that were far too warm to wear indoors, even your hair had been newly styled at your “guardians” request. 
You don’t even remember most of the day ... just stepping into the car. 
“Master Yuu?” Your assistant’s voice tore you from your mindlessness, you hadn’t even noticed they’d stopped. You’d just kept walking down the isle of discarded tec. 
“O-oh? Sorry Mira, and please don’t call me that” You asked, your voice quite as always. You hated having to force a smile but manners like other things had been drilled into as a child, so you had no choice. 
“Of course, sorry” She gave you a sympathetic smile, one of the few you’d had despite the circumstance. With your years forcing smiles you had grown to recognize when someone else was faking it too. 
Mira was genuine at least “Are you sure you're up to this? We can wait a few more days?” 
You appreciated the thought, but your hand was going numb from signing forms. The owners of such documents, the sources of most of those forced smiles, they knew better than to be honest about what they wanted. Or else risk upsetting you and with the power you now had none of them could afford such a thing, for some literally. 
You shook your head no “I’m fine, just tierd. This is the third warehouse we’ve checked after all”  
Might as well of been the one hundred with the size of these things?! Your college campus was half the size of the last one 
“Could you go check with the site manager and see if they had any luck tracking it down? I’d like to keep looking around on my own” 
She nodded, lingering a bit before turning back to leave the way you both came her footsteps faded to echo’s and suddenly you were alone. 
The shelves were daunting like this, shaded over from the different levels framed the discarded bot shells in a creepy way. Yet that wasn’t what was on your mind. 
Not much … had been on your mind lately …  
Everything had felt- fuzzy? 
You were never the greatest at showing your feelings, you’d certainly been teased enough because of it growing up. 
It was easier to just make friends. (literally) 
Rustling through your pocket you pulled out an old worn leather-bound book. Its pagers were flakier than the old coot that had left it for you. Sticky notes and faded pages stuck out and fell lose as you flipped back through its ancient pages. 
Sketches, notes and old diagrams were all etched into it. Most had been released, just one of his many sketch books you’d had the ‘joy’ of flipping through. 
But there was one page that had caught your interest, 
“Project Wonderland” God he sucked at naming things. 
Among the faded doodles these few seemed the oldest, added in safter the pages had already been filled? Even Mira didn’t know what it was, and she seemed to have known more about his company than he had. She knew him more than you had... 
“Project Wonderland, Log #037. 
So far, all prototypes for model “Heart” have remained lacking, subject Ace ________ ____hap ___ _______ ___ ___ ___  ___ ____  ___________________ ________Riddle remains____ __________ ,strict rules_ _________. Further_______ ______ ______” 
The rest was too faded. 
Most of the scribbles summed up that amount. Even the more salvageable ones left too many holes to piece together anything that made sense? 
You groaned trying to make sense of it all. This was just a way to get away from all the work you still had to do, Mira’s suggestion, if not you’d probably still be sat behind that oversized desk, in that oversized chair signing the endless rotation of papers brought by your newly acquired legal department.  
Attending the by hourly meetings on new bot colors, branding and all the other topics you didn’t understand. That didn’t stop the bombarding you with requests and asking your opinions … more demanding... 
Day in day out, 
Right up until- 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
 You were again torn from your invasive thoughts, the pitchy voice crying out from your pocket. 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
Pulling the device from your pocket its screeching only seemed to get louder- 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
Small, grey with a bright blue screen. Its body, an old tomogachi toy you had as a kid, now turned into a travel sized version of an ai interface. Your first attempt, robots were child's play to you. At the age of ten you were making drones on par with your grandfathers. You could code before you could spell your own name, which made passing online tests a breeze. 
Ai was different, specifically intelligent ones. 
Nowadays it was rarer to see a machine that didn’t have some type of interface built in, even kid’s toys could remind the child to brush their teeth. But the ones used for androids, the ones running shop tills and driving buses.  
Those were harder for you. 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
“ALRIGHT! Sheesh....” 
 Generated, Response, intelligence, Model #008. Or Grim for short, you were still working out the kinks. Somehow it had begun to prioritize meal notifications, despite it being near 6pm it kept on screaming for lunch until you clicked off its alarm. 
It’s been nearly 2 weeks since you’d last had a free moment to look at the code, which meant round the clock alerts at random. 
You let out an audible groan “Maybe this really is a waste of time? ….....” 
You stared at the old, tattered book in your hands. His name engraved in white tread across the wine-red material 
How were you supposed to feel? You didn’t know? 
You never knew, so when you could you’d just avoid it. Avoid feeling much of anything? 
Hence the names the other kids called you.  
“Freak-droid”, “Robot”, “dumb as a bot” .... it wasn’t your fault; you just weren’t good at being like them. You eventually learned to pretend, to force a smile or a chuckle when needed. 
It was better anyway; the robots were better. 
More time to hone your skills, why make friends when you can build them? That’s what you told yourself. 
Alone at school, alone at home... 
Nothing had changed … those two weeks ago.. 
You were still eating alone,  
Still spending the evenings alone, 
Still walking through those empty halls alone.... 
He was your only family, yet you were lucky if you saw him twice in one week. Either locked in his lab or at the office. He was never there. He was just, not with you, not beside you. 
You’ve always been alone, so why- 
Why now … did you feel so- 
His name engraved in white tread across the wine-red material 
You looked back at the books cover, His name still engraved in white tread across the wine-red material... 
 He was gone now... 
You were now … alone... 
It was quiet here.... 
“Project ...wonderland?” you mumbled out loud. You don’t know why, but you began giggling. 
This was so unlike you, wandering around aimlessly. After this crazy idea that- that this MYSTERIOUS project could somehow be for you! Could somehow help you explain how to do a job you didn’t want or how you were supposed to feel or how to make this STUPID AI tell you about something other than LUNCH!!! 
It was stupid of you … to think that... 
You sniffled, having to dry your eyes before anything came out. You shook your head trying to think straight. 
It had been a good distraction, but it wasn’t important. You could get some intern to find it for you, you had those now apparently and they seemed despite. They nearly decked each other the first time you met after asking for a drink. 
Give extra credit to whichever one found it~ 
Perfect! You took another sharp inhale and turned to leave, ready to head back to the office. No doubt there would be a whole new stack of papers there to greet you when you arrive. 
Only to crash face first. 
Stumbling back, you looked up confused, there wasn’t anything behind you a moment ago- 
What you saw made you jump.  
He was tall, like REALLY tall. The dim light in of the war house casting his dark slender form in a shadow simply from looking down at you, his raven hair falling over his broad shoulders, his chiseled features pale as a ghost yet sharp and defined. 
He looked almost ethereal, if not for his eyes... 
They cut through the shadow that painted his form as if they glowed like screens in the dark. 
A piercing green that seemed to dance through the many shades, cut through by the black slit of his pupils. 
You were speechless, almost afraid to move in case he might pounce. A green grew on his face, as if your nerves amused him. 
“Are you okay?” 
His voice was deep, smooth, yet his tone was gentle? You were able to relax a little more but were still wary. Why was he here? Had he been following you?! 
“What do you want?” You ask bluntly, your voice is flat, yet he only seems to grin more at it letting out a small chuckle. 
“You were looking for something weren’t you? It’s a big facility, so I thought you could use some help” 
“How did you-?!” 
“Your assistant went back to speak the site manager; I noticed you weren’t with her, I’m sorry if I'm interrupting you” His appearance was still daunting, but he seemed genuine enough? You assumed he must work here. 
“O-oh? No, it’s alright, thank you. I was just heading back anyway” 
His head tilts “No luck then?” 
You shock your head “Something like that” Your forced smile grew back, deciding to be pleasant instead “I have better things to be doing is all, could you point me towards the exit?”   
A hand lifts to his chin as he lets out a hum in thought. 
“I believe I know a short cut? You took a rather unorthodox route here from what I could tell” He beamed again raising one hand to his chest while extending the other to guide the way, his sleek yet dark appearance, butler like movements plus his kind smile brought to mind a certain show you’d watched a few years ago? 
You thanked him, walking past him down the isles weaving left or right with his direction. 
He walked a few steps behind you simply directing you as a turn came up, otherwise you were both silent. 
The route was bizarre? Weaving in and out like an ally cat over a neighborhood's walls or roof tops, a fair comparison with his dark hair and and bright eye color, all in all you felt more lost than anything? 
Did he really know the way? His assuring nature just made him feel like he knew what he was talking about? 
“Sorry, but are you sure-?” Concerned, you turned to ask him about where he was taking you only to find more empty isles of shelves. This tall dark stranger had vanished, you looked around thinking you might have just gotten ahead of him? But he was nowhere to be seen... 
You cursed under your breath.... 
He had ditched you, you felt stupid for not too of seen this coming. After your little “Episode” you’d been so frustrated to get out you didn’t even think about it. At least he’d only gotten you lost, given your new net worth MUCH worse could have happened. 
You let out another sigh, you were really done with this. 
You began to dig around in your pocket for your phone, deciding to just call Mira and the staff to come find you. 
As you pulled it out your annoying- you're in need of updating Tamagotchi toy tumbled out with it. 
You groaned again, just one more thing gone wrong. 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
It had slid under one of the shelving units, peering underneath you could just see it on the other side. The lights were out on that side, so it was a little hard to tell? 
After failing to swat at it you relented to having to try squeeze between the gaps of the two units, it was tight and the creaking noises it made as you nudged it made you nervous- 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
But you knew it wouldn’t stop sending alerts if you didn’t get it... 
So, between the metal frames it was~! 
Squeezing your way through, you just managed to make it without knocking much off, you finally reach this annoying pest of a program. 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lunch time! - 
-Nya! Lu- 
And off it goes.... 
You’re about to plop your ‘pet’ back in your pocket when a light catches your eye? 
A low flash of red was glowing from the corner pile. 
This space was narrow, a small corner tucked away behind the shelves you hadn’t been able to see with the lack of lighting and old parts blocking your view from the isle. 
Walled in by the units and the warehouse walls, meaning you could just barely squeeze in. 
Stumbling a bit, you saw the source of the low red light. 
Two sleek metal crates, each taller yourself, were stacked against the wall tucked away between bits of cardboard. Each one looked huge black versions of those fancy box's phones come in, the red light shining from beneath its seal? 
Both metal caskets had gold engraving carved into their surfaces, some type of registration number and a symbol?  
“A1-164-♥ & D2-164-♥?” each read with a golden heart displayed above? 
It took a moment to click before you were again digging through your back pocket for the withered remains of a notebook, he’d left you. 
-Model Heart- 
“Project … wonderland?” you mumbled aloud now looking at these caskets like they were some mythical creatures that had hopped out from a children's story. 
Digging through the faded pages had already been difficult, now near impossible with only the glow of these things to see. You scanned it for anything that still counted as language that mentioned these things?  
Finally, a passage mostly filled with flawed calculations caught your eye 
“___ ________ ____ sleep mode while ins____, 
_____ _______________ _______urther funds ____ ______ coffins develop___” 
“____subject Silv____ ___ _______ ________ more time in sleep_____.  
_______ _____ bug reports t_ ___________ later.” 
The rest is more faded calculations. 
The texts were mostly useless, it was the sketches that caught your eye. 
Like most of this leather-bound pile of dust the sketches were rough, looking to be more concepts rather than any type of blueprints? They mentioned some type of access panel on the front, molded to match one of the seven symbols outlined in more detail earlier in the notes. 
It was easy to assume it was that gold heart etched into the metal caskets casing. 
You didn’t really think, more just acted. 
Reaching out, you laced your palm over the etching of a golden heart. 
Nothing happened, at first, but suddenly the gold coloring was painted over by that same crimson red from under the seal. The etching became filled in causing you to flinch and pull your hand back, as if it had sent some type of signal to its twin, the other caskets matching heart also lit up now an almost blinding light. 
“Palm scan complete~ 
Connection established” An obnoxiously cheery voice sang 
“Running security check, 
Running diagnostics check, 
Running personal check” It read off line after line, running upload bars through one after the other. Most of the more complicated one’s were lost on you and your limited knowledge of software; it was much easier for you to follow the hardware terminology meaning at the very least you could piece together it was running checks on some type of high moveability machine? 
“All preparation checks complete for model’s A1-164-♥ & D2-164-♥. 
How gracious~ 
Beginning reupload of data files of model’s A1-164-♥ & D2-164-♥” It had all loaded pretty quickly until now, each screen uploading in seconds, but now- 
Unable to recover crucial data, beginning recovery measures- 
-ERROR-” Both screens began to flash with alerts, as if the system’s attempts to recover whatever it couldn’t was somehow causing the other files to corrupt. You were by no means an expert, but you knew if you didn’t act soon the whole system would be unsalvageable 
-ERROR-” still panicked, you put your hand back to the screen swiping away as many of the alerts as you could to try and get at the recovery icon. 
The alerts were popping up faster than you could close them, with little other choice you did the only thing you could think of in this panicked moment 
“Cancel recovery measures! Proceed with upload as is!” You yelled hoping for some type of response, and just as you did the corrupting screens froze, the loading bar froze, the whole screen froze …. before another loading bar popped up. 
Slowly it filled, there was a brief pause before- 
“Upload complete~ 
All systems ready, deactivating sleep mode for models A1-164-♥ & D2-164-♥” 
A relived sigh escaped you, the screen shut off before the crimson glow faded as both seals jutted forward a white cloud of steam blowing out as the casket undid its releases. 
The doors slid open, tucking their lids around each of their left sides. 
The cloud died down finally letting you see inside, having the squint at first you thought at first you were mistaken. But now you were certain, two figures stood within. 
One with boyish features, red spikey hair and a heart shape painted over one eye. 
The other slightly taller, features sharper with flat raven hair and a spade shape painted to match their opposite. 
Wide eyed, you didn’t notice you held a breath once they stepped forward. You tried to speak, ask them questions like if they were okay or why they were in there? Only for it to come out as mumbles once their eyes both shot open in synch. That same pixelated crimson flashing over their eyes only to fade again replaced by their respective red and blue iris’s. 
The red one blinked, you held your breath again... 
The blue one held its head staggering a bit before both their sights landed on you. 
You all stood their starring for a moment; afraid moving might activate some attack mode or- 
“Excuse me but-” 
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freedompanda · 5 months ago
For my American Friends
I feel now is a good time to spread this news. Much like how the internet came together to help share information with the Ukrainians for resisting Russia, I’m here delivering help of a similar nature to those that could be impacted by this latest election in the US. There are ways to communicate relatively securely, outside of Big Brother's social media. I bring this up so that we can minimize the amount of gatherable information that could be used to hurt you, or others you know, in the coming years as changes are made. I'm not going to tell you how or why to use them, I'm just going to provide you with the information.
WhatsApp – While not my personal favorite, since Facebook/Meta is the parent company, WhatsApp is free, globally popular, and widely-used, featuring the ability to lock chats with passwords, disappearing messages, photos and videos that are deleted after being opened, profile photo privacy, the ability to lock the app itself so that only your biometrics can unlock it, encrypted backups, the ability to set custom permissions for who can see you online or when you last used the app, and of course End-to-End Encryption for all conversations EXCEPT those with business accounts. WhatsApp is a good option for those who are not really technically savvy, but still value privacy – if one trusts Facebook/Meta to adequately protect their privacy. It does require a phone number to sign up, however.
Signal - Signal is an end-to-end encrypted messaging software. meaning that the contents of your conversation is secure. The protocol they use (which they created) is seen as the best known protocol for asynchronous messaging by cybersecurity researchers. It's so good that it has been implemented in WhatsApp and in Messenger's secret chats. This app has even been mentioned in the Right-wing author Jack Carr's Political Thriller about a Navy SEAL named James Reece, as being a preferred method of secure communication on the civilian side for operators. (Jack Carr is a former US Navy SEAL.) It's run by a Non-Profit organization called Signal Foundation, and it's mission is to "protect free expression and enable secure global communication through open source privacy technology." It allows secure messaging, voice calls, and video calls. The only downside is that app links to your phone number, so while your conversations and content are secure, who you are talking to is not. Signal is available on Windows, Mac, Andriod, Linus, and iOS.
Session - Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that minimises sensitive metadata, designed and built for people who want absolute privacy and freedom from any form of surveillance. Session is an open-source, public-key-based secure messaging application which uses a set of decentralized storage servers and an onion routing protocol to send end-to-end encrypted messages with minimal exposure of user metadata. This means no phone numbers, no metadata for digital footprints, and censorship resistance. It features group chats, the ability to send documents, files, and images securely, and has added voice messages, though these can be spotty. It’s slow, but effective, and be downloaded on Android, F-Droid, iPhone, Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Briar - If you have an Android phone, Briar is another option you have. It features a decentralized network (it’s peer-to-peer encrypted, rather than relying on a central server), meaning messages are synced directly between user devices. It also means that even if the internet is down, it can sync via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or even memory cards, meaning information can continue to flow even during a crisis. In the event the internet is functioning, it can sync via the Tor network, protecting users and their relationships from surveillance. Other features: - Screenshots and screen recording are disabled by default - Each user’s contact list is encrypted and stored on her own device. - Briar’s end-to-end encryption prevents keyword filtering, and because of its decentralized design there are no servers to block. - Every user who subscribes to a forum keeps a copy of its content, so there’s no single point where a post can be deleted. - Briar’s forums have no central server to attack, and every subscriber has access to the content even if they’re offline. - Doesn’t require any user data like name and phone number. The downside is that it is text-only and limited to Android Devices, but they do offer Briar Mailbox to deliver messages securely to those who are online at different times. Briar’s goal is “to enable people in any country to create safe spaces where they can debate any topic, plan events, and organize social movements”
Protonmail - A free end-to-end encrypted AND zero-access encryption email service based out of Switzerland, you can safely email with peace of mind that your content is secure. Unlike Google, Outlook, Yahoo, and others, Proton's zero-access encryption means they can't even view the contents of your emails or attachments. As a Swiss-owned company they are not allowed to share information with foreign law enforcement under criminal penalty and they are politically neutral, meaning they won't be pressured by foreign governments. Furthermore, Switzerland has a constitutional right to privacy and strict data protection laws. Unlike companies in other countries, Proton cannot be compelled by foreign or Swiss authorities to engage in bulk surveillance.
Additional Information, from Proton’s Website: Switzerland has strong legal protections for individual rights, and in fact the Swiss Federal Constitution(new window) explicitly establishes a constitutional right to privacy. (In the US, this right is merely implied.) Specifically, Article 13 safeguards privacy in personal or family life and within one’s home, and the Swiss Civil Code(new window) translates this right into statutory law in Article 28.
In the US and EU, authorities can issue gag orders to prevent an individual from knowing they are being investigated or under surveillance. While this type of order also exists in Switzerland, the prosecutors have an obligation to notify the target of surveillance, and the target has an opportunity to appeal in court. In Switzerland, there are no such things as national security letters(new window), and all surveillance requests must go through the courts. Warrantless surveillance, like that practiced in the US where the FBI conducts 3.4 million searches per year(new window) with little oversight, is illegal and not permitted in Switzerland.
Switzerland also benefits from a unique legal provision with Article 271 of the Swiss Criminal Code(new window), which forbids any Swiss company from assisting foreign law enforcement, under threat of criminal penalty. While Switzerland is party to certain international legal assistance agreements, all requests under such agreements must hold up under Swiss law, which has much stricter privacy provisions. All foreign requests are assessed by the Swiss government, which generally does not assist requests from countries with poor rule of law or lack an independent judiciary.
Swiss law has several more unique points. First, it preserves end-to-end encryption, and unlike in the US, UK, or EU, there is no legislation that has been introduced or considered to limit the right to encryption. Second, Swiss law protects no-logs VPN(new window) meaning that Proton VPN does not have logging obligations. While numerous VPNs claim no-logs, these claims generally do not stand up legally because in most jurisdictions, governments can request that the VPN in question starts logging. So the VPN is only no-logs until the government asks. However, in Switzerland, the law does not allow the government to compel Proton VPN to start logging.
We’ve also fought to ensure that Switzerland remains a legal jurisdiction that respects and protects privacy.
Nearly every country in the world has laws governing lawful interception of electronic communications for law enforcement purposes. In Switzerland, these regulations are set out in the Swiss Federal Act on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications (SPTA), which was last revised on March 18, 2018. In May 2020, we challenged a decision of the Swiss government over what we believed was an improper attempt to use telecommunications laws to undermine privacy.
In October 2021, The Swiss Federal Administrative Court ultimately agreed with us and ruled that email companies cannot be considered telecommunication providers. This means Proton isn’t required to follow any of the SPTA’s mandatory data retention rules, nor are we bound by a full obligation to identify Proton Mail users. Moreover, as a Swiss company, Proton Mail cannot be compelled to engage in bulk surveillance on behalf of US or Swiss intelligence agencies. (Links can be found at: proton.me/blog/switzerland)
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
This day in history
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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#20yrsago Vote absentee, avoid Diebold machines http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2004/01/22/avoid_diebold_register_absentee.html
#20yrsago Air travel “security” as theater of the absurd https://web.archive.org/web/20040130200202/https://idlewords.com/2004/01/security_as_theater.htm
#20yrsago GOP electronically burgled Dems’ computers https://arstechnica.com/uncategorized/2004/01/3327-2/
#20yrsago Milne heirs don’t own Pooh https://web.archive.org/web/20040211100427/http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2004-01/22/11.45.film
#20yrsago DVD cartel backs off, EFF wins, DVD keys aren’t “secret” https://www.eff.org/cases/dvdcca-v-bunner-and-dvdcca-v-pavlovich
#15yrsago Monty Python’s free web video increased DVD sales by 23,000 percent https://mashable.com/archive/youtube-boost-sales
#15yrsago National Film Board of Canada puts its archives online, free https://www.nfb.ca/explore-all-films/
#10yrsago Animal Planet’s “nature” shows: whistleblowers detail crimes, animal cruelty, fakery https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/01/animal-abuse-drugs-call-of-the-wildman-animal-planet/
#10yrsago Teach your rooted Android phones to lie to apps about whether it’s rooted https://lifehacker.com/rootcloak-hides-root-access-from-specific-applications-1505596942
#10yrsago Eyes on the Prize, famed civil rights documentary series, is back on DVD and Youtube https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/eyesontheprize/
#10yrsago One Soul: 18 interwoven lives in a graphic novel that pushes the boundaries https://memex.craphound.com/2014/01/22/one-soul-18-interwoven-lives-in-a-graphic-novel-that-pushes-the-boundaries/
#5yrsago Senator Mark Warner’s Stop STUPIDITY Act would protect federal employees’ pay during shutdowns https://www.scribd.com/document/398006535/Stop-the-Shutdowns-Transferring-Unnecessary-Pain-and-Inflicting-Damage-In-The-Coming-Years-Act
#5yrsago Republican Arizona lawmaker revives doomed “porn tax” to fund Trump’s doomed border-wall https://www.vice.com/en/article/gyapwj/arizona-porn-blocking-bill-trump-border-wall
#5yrsago An annotated bibliography of anarchism in science fiction https://www.anarchysf.com
#5yrsago The sad history of Livejournal as a lens for understanding the state of social media today https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/01/the-linux-of-social-media-how-livejournal-pioneered-then-lost-web-blogging/
#5yrsago Teen Vogue explainer: what are “resistance, rebellion, and revolution?” https://www.teenvogue.com/story/resistance-rebellion-revolution-explainer-interviews
#5yrsago English and Welsh Ramblers have seven years left to catalogue the nation’s footpaths, or they will be absorbed into private lands https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-uk/the-search-for-englands-forgotten-footpaths
#5yrsago A list of all the booze in Casablanca (surprisingly long!) https://www.wired.com/beyond-the-beyond/2019/01/booze-gin-joints-crazy-world/
#1yrago Walking the Plank https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/22/walking-the-plank/
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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mentalisttraceur-software · 2 years ago
I think it's a really good sign of growth and healing that I'm finding myself increasingly repulsed by the kind of portability extremism that once compelled me.
One of the biggest and worst examples was shell scripts. /bin/sh was the Bourne shell in UNIXv7 (prior to that, there was the Thompson shell, and thankfully I managed to keep my mind cancer from metastasizing further backwards in time to try to achieve compatibility with that shell too). After the Bourne shell, every /bin/sh on every system was a Bourne-like shell, and if you thought that meant you could just write something that worked, take a glance at:
GNU Autoconf's Portable Shell documentation.
Sven Mascheck's various pages.
Paul Jarc's "lintsh" notes.
Ubuntu's "dash"-as-/bin/sh guide.
and others which you can find from there.
Now, a healthy person simply rejects this problem space. But for years, I was obsessed with writing shell scripts which would work on all /bin/sh still in production. It started as a growing annoyance with so many programs depending on bash - I was otherwise happily using a system with a more minimal shell at the time, and the limitations of my beloved Nokia N900 as a pocket Linux device gave me some real reason to prefer "reducing bloat" back then. Of course if it mattered to me, my compassion generalized it to everyone else in the same boat (everyone real or imagined... and in this case, mostly imagined). Then one day in the first year of my career as a software developer I got into a small argument with a coworker about them mandating #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh in our shell scripts - after he asserted that it was unreasonable to expect developers to remember what is or isn't a bashism, my maladaptive narcissistic cope reflexively kicked into full gear and now I had something to prove.
I still remember bits of that evening after work. It's... kinda horrifying looking back on it, because I was aware of what was happening in my mind. I was aware that I was basically starting to involuntarily, compulsively terraform my own preferences and values about shell scripts, from the modest and real and practical "I just want scripts to run on my N900s (BusyBox ash implementation for /bin/sh), and maybe also my Debian boxes (dash for /bin/sh)" to some perverse "principled" stance with poorly-defined scope which was divorced from any specific concrete goals. I had seen this runaway snowballing of artificial nitpicky values happen in my mind before, and I recognized that what I was doing in my head was feeding it, that it was happening again or that I was making it happen again, and I felt some conflict with that, I could see how it was bad... but back then I didn't know how to do anything about it. I didn't know how to diffuse those wants back then. I could in some technical sense, have chosen to not do it, but I couldn't stop wanting to, and I couldn't stop rationalizing it.
So I became the kind of guy that basically had every caveat mentioned on the above pages memorized. I even went as far as having a Solaris 10 VM, some old Android phones, and a PDP emulator running UNIXv7, so that I could test things not mentioned or not elaborated on those pages. But since it's really costly to remember so much trivia, I only remembered the caveats themselves, not necessarily which shells/systems they applied to. I could tell you off the top of my head "well you see, on some shells, 'set -e' will not affect the code inside functions", but I couldn't tell you which shells - I just had the caveats grouped by
"only matters on systems that no one runs anymore",
"only matters in situations you/we will never need to be compatible with (like Solaris 10's /bin/sh)",
"only matters if you want portability on Windows ports of UNIX-y shell stuff",
"only matters if you want portability beyond just Linux", and
"only matters if you want portability beyond just 'bash'".
I also used to have a little template for shell portability disclaimers that I would add to my shell scripts, deleting/re-adding lines as-needed:
# This script is compatible with Bourne and POSIX shells. # EXCEPT for the following exceptions (last verified on YYYY-MM-DD): # Comments (Appeared in 1981, still not universal around 1987) # Functions (First appeared in SVR2 Bourne shells in 1984) # `mkfifo` (First appeared sometime circa 1984, possibly earlier; unsure) # `test -p` (First appeared in SVR1 Bourne shell in 1983). # `wait` exit status (Missing in Almquist shell until 4.4BSD in 1993) # `hash` builtin (First appeared in SVR2 Bourne shells in 1984) # `type` builtin (First appeared in SVR2 Bourne shells in 1984) # $() is used instead of `` (not supported by some ancient Bourne shells) # `shift` when no positional parameters (broke some old MIPS RISC/os shells) # ${VAR%glob} substitution (Solaris (<= 10) /bin/sh does not support it) ...
That version of me looked at my old esceval.sh with pride, as if it was important or worthwhile. It tries to use modern-ish POSIX shell features but falls back to portable shell if it must. Basically every single line has at least one detail that is a deliberate portability choice. Almost every degree of freedom has been optimized for portability (and then some performance optimization within that) - change almost anything and it's probably less portable.
I revisited "esceval" for the first time in years this past week, and I noticed something really nice. I no longer have enough appetite for this portabiliy stuff. I'm too acutely aware, down to my motivating emotions, that it's a waste of my life. I'm once again in touch with actual concrete use-cases and benefits that have high odds of coming up in my life. I've re-learned to value myself and my goals more than this portability shit.
So I'm going to delete the portability fallback from "esceval.sh". I'm done trying to figure out what the portability fallback looks like for the other esceval pieces that I still want to finish. Unless I'm being compensated better than I can get elsewhere, I'm never again going to lift a finger to support Solaris 10 /bin/sh, or Android phones lobotomized to the point of not having a "printf" command in their shell, or anything else that isn't at least POSIX-compatible shell. And even then I'd suggest implementing that by writing a backpiler from modern shell to older. Maybe I'll answer portability questions if I still remember the answer and can say it off the top of my head - I enjoy helping people after all.
And it goes deeper than that. I'm very done giving Bourne-style shells nearly as much time and effort as I've given them so far. They're good DSLs for redirecting file descriptors and sorta okay DSLs for invoking and managing processes, and that's about it. As an unfortunate practical matter, Bourne-style shell is one of the most widely deployed programming language families, so if the goal is "I want to be able to give this tiny CLI to a coworker so they can run it on their machine with minimal human hassle", it can be nice to have a #!/bin/sh implementation (but so is having a couple statically compiled executables for the common platforms and a cross-compiler ready for the rest, or a Python script, or [...]).
It'll take me some time to figure out exactly where that balance is, and to fully unlearn the various hangups and compulsions that I've built up which motivate writing a /bin/sh script instead of something else, but what I've been doing so far definitely ain't that balance, ain't even close, and now I finally have a strong-enough hunger for breaking free and moving in the direction of that healthier balance.
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annaktaylor65 · 1 year ago
DefAds AI App
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there is no specific "DefAds AI App" that I am aware of. However, I can guide you on how to install and use an AI-powered application in a general sense. If "DefAds AI App" is a new app developed after my last update, I recommend referring to the app's official website or the app store for the most up-to-date and accurate instructions.
Here are general steps to install and use an AI-powered application:
Check for Availability and Compatibilit. Verify that the "DefAds AI App" is available on your desired platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.). Ensure your device meets the system requirements.
Download and Install a. Go to the respective app store (e.g., Apple App Store for iOS, Google Play Store for Android). b. Search for "DefAds AI App" in the search bar. c. Locate the app and tap "Install" (for Android) or "Get" (for iOS) to download and install the app.
Open the App Once the app is installed, tap the app icon on your device to open it.
Sign Up or Log In If required, create an account or log in with your existing credentials.
Explore the App Navigate through the app's features and options to familiarize yourself with its functionalities.
Use the AI Features Follow the app's instructions to use the AI-powered features or tools it provides. This might include uploading images, providing text inputs, or interacting with the AI in some way.
Follow Guidelines and Instructions Pay attention to any tutorials, guidelines, or onboarding processes provided within the app to make the most of its AI capabilities. If you need specific help or encounter issues while using the "DefAds AI App," I recommend reaching out to the app's official support or consulting the app's documentation or customer service for assistance. INSTALL APPLE IOS- https://getyourtools.app/APP-STORE
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cashappscontact · 2 years ago
7 Easy Steps to Cash App Sign In and Log In
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The Cash App sign-in procedure is as simple as downloading this app from the Play Store. If you haven't yet downloaded Cash App, it's a good idea to download and complete your Cash App login today. Cash App is a user-friendly app that lets you move money between the app and your bank account. You can also send money from your bank account to the Cash App or the other way around, even without using a debit or credit card. It's especially beneficial for parents who want to teach money management to their teens.
Now, let's dive into how to get into your account for Cash App sign-in.
How to Get Your Cash App Account:
Step 1: Download the App or Open It: First things first, if you haven't already, download the Cash App from the App Store or Google Play. If you've got it already, open the app.
Step 2: Sign In: You'll see a button that says "Sign In." Tap on that. You can use your phone number or email to get started.
Step 3: Confirmation Code: After you enter your info, they'll send you a code to make sure it's you. Type in that code, and you're in. If you're into cool stuff, you can set up a fingerprint or Face ID for quick access next time.
Don't Have the App? No Worries!
You can still complete the Cash App sign-in process without the app. Just open your web browser and go to the Cash App website. You'll find a sign-up page there. Enter your email or phone number, and they'll send you a special code. Click on that code, and you're almost there.
You can link your bank account by putting in your account and routing numbers. The Cash App will send a tiny bit of money to your account, check everything is right. Confirm the amount they sent, and you're all set up. So, no app? No problem!
What About Cash App Signing in with Email?
Signing up with your email is super easy. Just download the app, and when you open it for the first time, they'll ask you for a Cash App sign-up. Tap "Sign Up," put in your email, and create a strong password. The app will share a code on your email. Check your inbox or spam folder, type in the code, and bam, you're ready to manage your hard-earned money with Cash App.
Documents You Need for Cash App Sign-Up:
To sign in, all you need is a working email or phone number. That's how you create your account. But, if you want to link your bank account or add a debit card, you might need some bank info or card details.
What's Cash App Login?
Cash App login means getting into your account to handle your money stuff. You can send money, receive it, and do more with it. Remember, you cannot use the $Cashtag identifier for Cash App login, go to the Cash App website or open the app, put in your email or phone number, and your password. Once they confirm it's you, you're good to go.
Cash App Logging in on Android:
If you're using an Android device, here's how you log in: Open the app, enter your email or phone number, put in your password, and log in.
Trouble Signing In? Here's Help:
If Cash App gives you a hard time signing in, here's what you can do:
Check your internet connection.
Log out and log in again.
Restart your device and try again.
Clear the app's cache or update it.
Double-check your login info.
How to Change Your Password for Cash App Sign in?
Changing your password is easy. Open the Cash App, tap your profile icon, go to "Privacy & Security," then "Change Password." Enter your old and new passwords, and you're all set.
Signing In on a New Phone:
Download the Cash App on your new phone, open it, hit "Sign In," and enter your email, number, and password. Now manage your money on your new device.
That's the details on Cash App sign-in and Cash App login. It's a simple way to handle your money, send cash, and keep track of your funds.
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datamakesthedifference · 2 years ago
How to Login In to Your Existing VB-MAPP App Account
To VB MAPP login in to your existing account, you will need the login credentials that you used during the registration process. Here's a general guideline on how to sign in:
Launch the VB-MAPP app: Open the VB MAPP app on your device. Make sure you have it installed and updated to the latest version.
Locate the Sign-In Screen: Once the app is launched, you should see a sign-in screen where you can enter your login information.
Enter your Username/Email: In the appropriate field, enter the username or email address associated with your VB-MAPP app account. Make sure to enter it accurately.
Enter your Password: In the corresponding field, enter your password. Passwords are case-sensitive, so ensure that you enter it correctly.
Tap "Sign In" or Similar: Once you have entered your username/email and password, tap the "Sign In" button or a similar option to proceed.
Wait for Verification: The app will validate your login credentials by connecting to the server. This process may take a few seconds.
Access Your Account: If the login information is correct, you will be redirected to your existing VB-MAPP app account, where you can access your assessments, data, and other features.
Note: If you have forgotten your password, most apps provide a "Forgot Password" or "Reset Password" option that allows you to reset your password by following specific instructions. Look for such an option on the sign-in screen if needed.
Please keep in mind that the steps provided above are general guidelines, and the actual sign-in process may vary slightly depending on the specific VB MAPP app version and platform (iOS, Android, etc.) you are using. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, it is recommended to consult the app's official documentation or contact their support team for detailed instructions.
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toomanysurveys9 · 2 years ago
[chasingghosts @ bzoink]
What can you smell right now?   Lilli’s rat cage because it’s in the living room and needs cleaned. Again.
What was the last thing you bought online?   Decorations for Erin’s baby shower because she was freaking out and talking about canceling it.
If you drink coffee, when was the last time you went a day without having one?   I do drink coffee. But most days I go without it.
Do you have any appointments coming up?   Not currently.
Do you put appointments in your phone’s calendar app to remember them?   I try. But I’m better at writing them down in my agenda.
Will you be visiting anyone’s house in the next week or so?   We will be going to Nick’s dad’s house for my sister’s baby shower.
Have you ever been to a petting zoo? What animals did you pet?   Yeah. I always pet goats and bunnies.
What was the last movie you saw in theatres?   The newest Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
Do you know anyone who has done a PhD?   I mean, my doctor obviously. One of the BCBAs that worked at my job was super close to getting their PhD but they left at the beginning of the month.
How many unread emails are in your inbox right now?   In the main mailbox part, probably at least 100.
What four apps do you keep on the home bar on your iPhone? (Sorry, I’m not sure if Android has an equivalent!) I don’t have an iPhone. But I have contacts, messages, camera, and google I think.
Have you ever used Tumblr? Do you still use it today?   Obviously I do, although not nearly as much as I would like to these days. BUT I’m almost done done with school and hopefully that will free some time.
Are you tired right now?   I am absolutely exhausted.
What’s your favourite day of the week and why?   Fridays. It’s the start of the weekend and that’s usually when Jake is able to do things with me, like go to dinner.
How far away is the nearest major city?   Not that far.
Do you own an electric kettle?   Nope.
Are your eyebrows wispy or bushy?   Bushy.
Have you ever lost your wallet or purse? Did you have to replace a bunch of things?   I lose my wallet ALL THE TIME. It’s probably one of Jacob’s pet peeves about me.
Where are you right now? Describe the room or place to me.   In the living room. It has a bookshelf full of DVDs and VCR tapes. A multi-level rat cage. A couple toy boxes overflowing with toys for Nora, as well as some bigger toys that don’t fit in the toy box. A couple black shelves that are full of all sorts of random shit, mostly Jacob’s, although it also has some piles of miscellaneous books on it too. There are two couches that are a dark-ish gray, and a black recliner.
Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?   Big dogs are my favorite, but I don’t mind little dogs either.
Are you good at understanding heavy accents? Which accents would you say you’re the best at understanding?   It just depends on the accent I guess.
Have you ever played on a real life pinball machine, or just on the computer?   I’ve played a real one at an arcade.
Do you have a lot of word documents or notes on your computer?   I have a ton of word documents because I use my computer for school, which involves writing a lot of papers.
What’s your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour?   I don’t know. I don’t really eat Ben & Jerry’s too often.
Have you ever been to a school reunion? How was it?   I have not been to one. We were supposed to have one not too long ago because we didn’t get to do one last year but it never happened.
How many nights a week do you generally cook at home?   I cook two nights a week. My mom cooks two nights a week. And Brian cooks two nights a week. Then we have one night for leftovers or whatever you want.
What colour are the street signs in your neighbourhood? Are they the same all over town or do they vary?   Green. They are all mostly green although I guess I’ve seen a few blue too I think.
Do you have good grammar and punctuation skills?   For the most part. Then there are times when I obviously do not care.
Have you ever tried vegan chicken? Did you like it? I have not had it, nor do I want to.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years ago
[chasingghosts @ bzoink]
What can you smell right now?   I smell my coffee energy drink that I just took a sip of.
What was the last thing you bought online?   It’s been awhile since I’ve done any online shopping since I just haven’t been in a shopping mood. It’s not fun when you spend all day at home in bed to go shopping for new clothes or accessories. I want to be able to wear them out somewhere, ya know?
If you drink coffee, when was the last time you went a day without having one?   I drink coffee daily, which for the past several months I’ve just been having a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. While I was in the hospital last year for 3 months I couldn’t eat or drink anything due to a breathing tube, later on trachea tube, so those definitely felt like the longest 3 months of my life.
Do you have any appointments coming up?   Not this month. 
Do you put appointments in your phone's calendar app to remember them?   Sometimes, but for the past several months my mom has just been writing them on the marker board calendar we have hung up in my room. She’s the one who typically keeps track of that stuff for me right now.
Will you be visiting anyone's house in the next week or so?   No. I won’t be going anywhere. 
Have you ever been to a petting zoo? What animals did you pet?   Yeah, as a kid. I remember there always be goats. 
What was the last movie you saw in theatres?   Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness last year. I didn’t know not long after I’d be admitted into the hospital. 
Do you know anyone who has done a PhD?   No. My brother recently decided to go back to school for his master’s and just got accepted into the program, which is amazing.
How many unread emails are in your inbox right now?   Omg, like well over 1,000. I used be on top of my emails and kept my inbox clean, but I got lazy with it for some reason. The notification used to bother me and help me stay on track; I don’t know what happened.
What four apps do you keep on the home bar on your iPhone? (Sorry, I'm not sure if Android has an equivalent!) Contacts, call, messages, emails.  
Have you ever used Tumblr? Do you still use it today?   Nope, what’s that?
Are you tired right now?   Very. One of the things about the edibles I found that seems to be helping my anxiety also makes me extremely tired. So, I’m napping more but whatever. What else am I doing?
What's your favourite day of the week and why?   I don’t have one.
How far away is the nearest major city?   A few hours.
Do you own an electric kettle?   Nope.
Are your eyebrows wispy or bushy?   Bushy.
Have you ever lost your wallet or purse? Did you have to replace a bunch of things?   No, thankfully. 
Where are you right now? Describe the room or place to me.   I’m in bed in my room. It’s a small room with a closet, dresser, tv, window, canvas art and posters hung up, marker boards, bulletin board, a side table, an office chair, and a shit ton of medical supplies. My room is small and cluttered and I hate it. 
Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?   As someone in a wheelchair, I personally feel most comfortable around medium sized dogs.
Are you good at understanding heavy accents? Which accents would you say you're the best at understanding?   I admittedly have a hard time sometimes, it just really depends.
Have you ever played on a real life pinball machine, or just on the computer?   A real one, yeah. 
Do you have a lot of word documents or notes on your computer?   No.
What's your favourite Ben & Jerry's flavour?   I don’t really have a particular favorite. When I was younger I loved the Phish food one.
Have you ever been to a school reunion? How was it?   No, and I have no interest in going to one.
How many nights a week do you generally cook at home?   I personally don’t cook at all.
What colour are the street signs in your neighbourhood? Are they the same all over town or do they vary?   They’re green.
Do you have good grammar and punctuation skills?   I believe so.
Have you ever tried vegan chicken? Did you like it? No, and I gotta say... it doesn’t sound appealing to me.
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tiredfoxtf · 18 days ago
(Sexual assault warning, kinda) Wouldn't it be so fucked up for Android Joel to return to the company and have his current physical state thoroughly examined and documented by the label's mechanic. Docm is also there to explain any oddities and make sure his work of art is handled properly.
Joel must be in operation for the examination to be complete. He has to stay awake and is not allowed to speak.
Between getting his thighs and butt squeezed they prod and touch every square of Joel. Every cavity is examined, some a little more... thorough than others. Upon reaching Joel's new private parts, the mechanic lets out a little chuckle. "I thought you were a singer, what is this part for?"
Doc explains it's a simple design choice on his end. It doesn't impede the contractually required work agreed for the music label but allows the robot to be more flexible in terms of areas of expertise. He also implores the mechanic to move on to the next part of the body, the area is sensitive and touching it in an ill prepared environment for such prolonged time causes discomfort to the robot.
Joel looks like he wants to throw up.
THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKED UP. Dark as hell sign me up. ILL. Thinking about how Joel has to manage this later by himself. THE FACT THAT HE STILL DOESN'T GET TO EVEN CRYYYYY. I'm sorry. I am obsessed.
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survey--s · 2 years ago
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What can you smell right now?    My scented candle, which apparently smells like “smoked roses”.
What was the last thing you bought online?   A cooling blanket and some air freshener for my car.
If you drink coffee, when was the last time you went a day without having one?   Whenever I had that horrendous flu/bug thing - it must have been back in February, I think?
Do you have any appointments coming up?   I have two jobs to do in a couple of hours. I have to go and feed Monty and then pop in on Charley the cat.
Do you put appointments in your phone’s calendar app to remember them?   Yeah.
Will you be visiting anyone’s house in the next week or so?   Yeah, my job involves going in/out of people’s houses lol. I also see my in-laws most days as they look after the dog for us while we work.
Have you ever been to a petting zoo? What animals did you pet?   Yeah, loads of times - goats, lambs, pigs, calves, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, chicks, ducklings - all sorts.
What was the last movie you saw in theatres?   I haven’t been to the movies since before COVID lol.
Do you know anyone who has done a PhD?   Yeah, quite a few people.
How many unread emails are in your inbox right now?   Zero, I check/delete my e-mails as they come in.
What four apps do you keep on the home bar on your iPhone? (Sorry, I’m not sure if Android has an equivalent!) Phone, Spotify, Safari, Messages.
Have you ever used Tumblr? Do you still use it today?   No, this is all a figment of your imagination.
Are you tired right now?   A little bit, but not full-on exhausted or anything like that.
What’s your favourite day of the week and why?   It depends on the week and what I have planned, but generally weekends are the best for obvious reasons lol.
How far away is the nearest major city?   About two hours away.
Do you own an electric kettle?   Sure.
Are your eyebrows wispy or bushy?   Both lol.
Have you ever lost your wallet or purse? Did you have to replace a bunch of things?   I’ve lost my bank card a few times but I just froze it via the app and ordered a new one.
Where are you right now? Describe the room or place to me.   I’m in the living room as it’s bloody roasting outside. There are windows at each end - the front door is at one end, the kitchen door at the other and the upstairs door on far left as you come in. The walls are painted a mix of red and grey, the carpets are grey and so is the sofa, with red blankets/cushions to match the walls. All the furniture is white. There are fairylights all around the room and a scented candle burning above the fireplace.
Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?   Medium sized dogs - around 15-25kg is perfect for me. Anything bigger and they’re generally too strong for me to handle safely, and any smaller and they’re just not really my thing, I guess.
Are you good at understanding heavy accents? Which accents would you say you’re the best at understanding?   For the most part I manage fine. I guess British accents.
Have you ever played on a real life pinball machine, or just on the computer?   Both.
Do you have a lot of word documents or notes on your computer?   No, I don’t think there any saved on here actually.
What’s your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour?   I’m not a fan of Ben & Jerry’s anymore. I loved it as a teenager but now it all tastes really sweet and artificial,.
Have you ever been to a school reunion? How was it?   No, and I have no interest in going to one.
How many nights a week do you generally cook at home?   I eat at home pretty much every night but I don’t always cook.
What colour are the street signs in your neighbourhood? Are they the same all over town or do they vary?   Like, the signs with street names on them? White with black lettering. That’s the same everywhere in the UK.
Do you have good grammar and punctuation skills?   Yes.
Have you ever tried vegan chicken? Did you like it? Yeah, I used to love Quorn stuff but now it makes me sick lol.
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cobaltsage · 1 year ago
As a fellow security guard, I can attest to all of this. You may think the girl earlier was joking but no. They will hammer home that this is NOT a job to play hero at. Most of the time, you are considered the product and the point is to deter, and never to let the parent company be held liable for something, immediately before teaching you how to handle a terrorist attack, and then usually following it up with how to report things on your company android, except the OS you use will be wildly different from the one they taught so the only thing relevant 90% of the time just straight up isn’t.
My average day is coming in, going to my office, asking my boss why now suddenly East doors and West doors are swapped. She says Damn it not again. I’ll have a maintenance guy come in next week. I pull up all the cameras. Four people are in office. Three are facilities. I’ve never seen the fourth before in my life. I ask facilities “ oh yeah that’s just Molly “ with no further elaboration. Molly has a suspended badge that won’t let her through doors. She put in a request for reactivating, apparently, but we just have to let her in because facilities doesn’t want heat for Molly not being able to do her job (idk spreadsheets or something she is not important to this company at all ). We let her in to any room she asks, if facilities doesn’t. We already wrote her a visitors pass, but her badge hasn’t been used since 2020. I have no idea if she was actually disabled, or if she was fired and not properly taken out of the system. She is touching archived physical documents and the door to the room is propped open with a cheap box. She shreds some maybe? Maybe she even pockets some. I have no idea what she isnt allowed to do.
A Maintenance Guy with a visitors pass has the server room propped open and has been left unsupervised by facilities. I’ve not seen them all day. I ask facilities if I should close it and they say no, it’s still being worked on. The UPS guy comes up from the freight elevator and starts making coffee with our coffee machine. “Oh hey, where’s Mark? “ I ask him, used to seeing the same UPS guy every time. He tells me mark is out Sick, and that he’s handling the route today. I give him a polite nod and he has me sign for something that facilities should be signing for. The package is now in my hands. He could have just as easily handed that package to Molly and given her a $1500 laptop. At least this time he actually has a package, and didn’t just come up for only coffee this time.
The maintenance guy accidentally unplugs the Laptop in the server room that says “ load bearing, do not turn off “ by tripping over the power cord and not realizing it unplugged at the adapter. Someone in facilities is holding a $800 monitor in his arms and is swinging it playfully. He’s known for making bad jokes but I can’t hear him from my office so I don’t know what dumb thing he said, I just hope he drops it on his foot. He once had a conversation with me complaining about a legal form he was filling out included X as a gender. On his laptop he has the building schematic out. The facilities manager has forgotten his badge and is wearing a visitors pass. I’m still not entirely sure what the company I work for actually does. I’ve worked here for years and all I really know is that they have some very wealthy clients and do something that involves servers.
The program I use to clear alarms goes down. I message my boss about it and she says ‘ yeah sorry, we’re doing some server maintenance that will have that go on and off. By the way we’re about to do work on the cameras.’ The camera feed goes down. I am effectively doing nothing except for some occasional tours for the rest of the day as I have no camera feed nor alarms to check.
Ever since I got a job as a security guard I can’t take heist movies seriously anymore.
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kamana-mishra · 1 day ago
Nuvama Account Opening Guide: Complete Step-by-Step Process
In today’s world, having a Demat and trading account is essential for anyone interested in stock market investing. Nuvama, formerly known as Edelweiss, is one of India’s prominent stockbroking firms that offers a user-friendly platform for trading and investment services. Opening an account with Nuvama is a straightforward process, and this guide will provide you with all the details needed to get started on your investing journey.
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For a comprehensive Nuvama account opening guide and to explore more about their services, visit Finology Select for expert reviews and insightful comparisons.
1. What is Nuvama?
Nuvama, which rebranded from Edelweiss Broking, is a financial services company that provides investment solutions like stock trading, mutual funds, derivatives, and commodity trading. Nuvama has gained popularity due to its user-friendly platform and its competitive pricing structure. It caters to individual investors and traders by offering easy-to-use tools and resources for both new and experienced traders.
2. Documents Needed to Open a Nuvama Account
Before starting the process of opening your Nuvama account, it is important to have the following documents ready:
Aadhar Card: For identity verification and address proof.
PAN Card: Essential for tax purposes.
Bank Account Details: For linking your account to make deposits and withdrawals.
Bank Statement/Canceled Cheque: Proof of the bank account you want to link.
Photograph: A passport-sized photograph for your account.
Email Address and Mobile Number: For communication purposes and OTP verification.
3. How to Open a Nuvama Account: A Step-by-Step Process
Opening an account with Nuvama is simple and can be done online. Follow the steps outlined below to open your account:
Step 1: Visit Nuvama's Website or Download the App
To begin the process, visit the official Nuvama website or download the Nuvama mobile app from the Play Store (for Android) or App Store (for iOS). Once you are on the website or app, look for the option to “Sign Up” or “Open Account.”
Step 2: Fill in Basic Details
Once you select the “Open Account” option, Nuvama will ask for basic details such as:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Mobile Number
Address (for KYC)
Ensure that the details entered match your documents to avoid verification issues.
Step 3: KYC (Know Your Customer) Process
The next step is KYC verification. For this, you will need to upload:
A copy of your Aadhar Card (for identity verification).
A copy of your PAN Card (required for tax purposes).
A bank proof (like a bank statement or canceled cheque).
A photograph.
Additionally, you will need to complete the In-Person Verification (IPV) through a video call, where a Nuvama representative will verify your details.
Step 4: Risk Profiling and Investment Preferences
Nuvama will ask you to complete a risk profiling questionnaire to assess your risk appetite, investment goals, and financial situation. This step helps Nuvama tailor investment recommendations according to your preferences.
Step 5: Link Your Bank Account
Link your bank account with Nuvama to facilitate easy deposit and withdrawal of funds. You can choose between various payment methods like IMPS, NEFT, or UPI to transfer money into your Nuvama trading account.
Step 6: Complete the Process and Start Trading
After submitting all the required documents, your application will be reviewed. Once approved, you’ll receive an email confirming the activation of your Nuvama account. After activation, you can start trading and investing in various products like stocks, mutual funds, derivatives, and more.
4. Nuvama Account Types
Nuvama offers a range of account types depending on the services you wish to use:
Equity Trading Account: For buying and selling shares on the NSE and BSE.
Derivatives Account: For trading in futures and options.
Commodity Trading Account: For investing in commodities like gold, silver, and oil.
Demat Account: To hold your shares and securities in an electronic form.
5. Key Features of Nuvama
Competitive Brokerage Fees: Nuvama offers competitive pricing for both equity and derivatives trading. Their brokerage fees are transparent, with no hidden charges.
User-Friendly Trading Platforms: Nuvama provides Nuvama Trading Terminal for desktop trading and a mobile app for on-the-go trading.
Zero Account Opening Charges: Nuvama does not charge any fees for opening an account.
Advanced Research Tools: Nuvama offers research reports, stock recommendations, and market insights to help investors make informed decisions.
Educational Resources: Nuvama provides tutorials and learning resources for both beginners and experienced traders.
6. How to Deposit and Withdraw Funds in Nuvama
Depositing and withdrawing funds in Nuvama is easy and can be done using the following methods:
Depositing Funds: You can transfer funds using IMPS, NEFT, or UPI directly from your linked bank account.
Withdrawing Funds: To withdraw funds, simply request the transfer to your bank account through the Nuvama platform. The funds will be credited to your account promptly.
7. Customer Support
If you face any issues during the process, Nuvama provides excellent customer support via:
Phone: Call their customer support number for assistance.
Email: Reach out to [email protected] for any inquiries.
Live Chat: Available on the Nuvama platform for instant help.
Opening a Nuvama account is a straightforward process that anyone can complete within a few hours. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to start your investment journey with ease. Nuvama’s comprehensive tools, competitive pricing, and customer support make it a solid choice for traders and investors alike.
For more detailed information on the Nuvama account opening process, visit Finology Select to explore their expert guides and insights.
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