#how to read draconic chart
crystalsenergy · 11 months
Draconic charts - meaning & how to read (past life personality)
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Draconic charts are perfect for seeing the patterns of our Soul - until now. Therefore, this chart helps us to know our personality in past lives.
You can calculate your Draconic chart here.
The Draconic chart is there to remind us of the path our Soul has traveled - or still needs to travel - to evolve.
No Soul of an incarnated being is perfect. Don't be surprised if, when looking at your Draconic chart, you find many excesses, points that may not even manifest in this life… in my view, the Draconic chart is a snapshot of the points we have chosen to evolve in our Soul, points that we have worked on improving in this current life or in some recent ones.
This is because the Draconic chart, in the end, is directly related to the natal chart. The Draconic chart changes as we reincarnate. "But if it represents the Soul, why does it change?" Soul is not fixed, static, frozen in time.
I have an experience to share regarding a Draconic chart that can help better understand what I want to say above.
I know a person who, in this current life, has a chart somewhat opposite to what they have in the Draconic chart - literally opposite.
In the Draconic chart (which represents the condition of our Soul in most recent lives, accumulated patterns, what we have been, the truths we possess), we see a lot of Scorpio, and in the current natal chart, the person is Venusian, with Taurus in various aspects of personality. By the way, this person feels extremely comfortable with Taurus energy, so if she brought this aspect into this life, it's because her Soul has already taken some steps and integrated this point - that doesn't appear in Draconic chart.
This is because we are not born with the natal chart we have by "the force of the universe". The universe doesn't force anything. We don't have a natal chart that was given to us - instead, we define it. Our natal chart is a reflection of our current personality, and the Draconic chart is a reflection of past life patterns, the primary essence that a person possessed. This primary essence doesn't go away, you feel it there, but it evolves, no longer being just what it was on page 1.
Therefore, I see the Draconic chart as the gateway to understanding the past, but not to becoming imprisoned in it. Many end up imprisoning themselves in the past when trying to understand it. The past is past for a reason, and you have certainly changed. Well, you need to change.
"Paty, but does everything change?" Of course not. Only the necessary. And always according to our own efforts. We talk about this below, when explaining the aspects in Draconic charts.
Exactly for this reason, if the person in the example, who has a lot of Scorpio in their Draconic chart, in this current life integrates exactly the opposite sign very easily, we can conclude that this person has made significant progress in relation to their Soul's patterns. And, of course, there is still more to go.
You see, the Draconic chart is not a chart to focus all the time. This is because it represents the past, what we have accumulated in the Soul from past lives.
Every time a life ends, the lessons that make sense are integrated into the Soul; therefore, the Soul changes with each life. The Draconic chart is not a chart to be focused because if it symbolizes the past, which is merely a foundation for the present, and if we are in evolution, we are not here to look back, but to understand what we have from the past to be used in the current moment and what we still have to change, improve because it's not good yet.
Literally, my intention is to convey the idea that the Draconic chart is not a fixed chart that will not change in other lives. This chart represents the higher state in which your Soul was BEFORE you incarnated, came to this earthly experience.
The Draconic chart represents your patterns before you came here, patterns that may be being repeated or changed, issues that may have become only present or still repeat difficulties. The answer to these questions lies in the relationship between the Natal Chart x the Draconic chart.
And since the Draconic chart is not a goal but rather an awareness of what our Soul has been up to this point, the focus must truly be on the relationship between the current personality we assume and the Draconic chart. It is from these two that we see our evolution… and what state we are in relation to that.
We are beings capable of constantly evolving, and understanding this is to move forward and break the monotony of life. It is letting go of the need to be one thing forever, releasing fixed patterns and attachments to your own way of being, to understand that there is something much greater for you to achieve - to achieve from YOURSELF, always.
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I invite you to focus on reading from the following perspective:
Natal x Draconic
-> the lessons we commit to learning in this lifetime IN RELATION to our Soul's constant dynamics, urges, and patterns. <-
The HOUSES in the Draconic and natal charts are always the same because they represent the karmic contract we made with ourselves (karmic not in a derogatory sense, but in terms of lessons and experiences we agreed to undergo for our evolution, the journey we agreed to embark on).
In this contract, these are the areas we are working very hard to master, refine, evolve. In our lives, we are experiencing different perspectives of the same area until we understand that there don't need to be extremes, but rather integration to become broader and more complete.
✨ ASPECTS in the Draconic chart x natal chart ✨
Oppositions - Lessons through discomfort, learning from the opposite side. If there are oppositions, it appears that the necessary lessons have been developed by you in that area involving both planets. This is because the natal chart, on one hand, represents your current personality, the set of traits developed up to the PRESENT. The Draconic chart, on the other hand, represents your Soul's quests in relation to past lives, accumulated patterns that may need improvement and evolution.
Squares - Squares represent points of tension. To understand a square aspect, we can think of the signs that naturally form this aspect. An example is Taurus and Aquarius. While the former prefers things in an earthly, practical, objective manner, aiming for energy conservation, is solid, consistent, seeks comfort and security; the latter often wanders, prefers a more mental approach rather than practical, seeks reason, mental life rather than sensation, pleasure, tactile experience as Taurus does. They are distinct languages in many ways. The same goes for Aries and Capricorn. They are very different signs. Aries is instinctive, fast, immediate, impulsive, assertive, independent, often prefers something new; Capricorn is traditional, closed, melancholic, restrictive, limiting, conservative, practical, and planning. In the relationship between these signs, many things need to be adjusted or even sacrificed (which is not always good) to achieve harmony. Given all this, when reading the Draconic chart x natal chart, if you see squares, they may represent the greatest opportunity of all to learn, evolve. It will be difficult, yes, but these lessons will take you out of your comfort zone, require effort, awareness, and discipline. The keyword for squares is conflict that generates change, learning that generates growth.
Conjunctions - The joining of forces and efforts. Here, we have a tremendous opportunity for a person to be INCREASING, GROWING, and EXPANDING that point in their Soul's personality that already existed (after all, conjunctions represent the union of forces and energies that are very similar, almost identical, because they involve the same sign). It's important to examine, through an analysis of the natal chart as a whole, whether the person is 1) reaching new levels in that aspect of the personality, evolving, or 2) if the person is in a comfort zone. Conjunctions can represent points of evolution in an issue that has been repeating, meaning that you are getting better and better at what your Soul already possesses (level 1, level 2, level 3, only analogy), or it can, on the other hand, indicate a comfort zone.
Sextile - Aspects of your Soul that you are manifesting very easily in the current life, through action. Observe, through astrological analysis and your intuition, if these aspects of ease in your personality are beneficial. Is it something that represents a strong point, a force, or is it something to be improved, worked on, or even transcended? For our evolution, we cannot continue with the same old patterns if they don't lead us on a good path. If it's something that harms you more than it helps (e.g., a pride pattern), it's something you haven't evolved, learned yet, something to be improved. If the aspect represents a strength, something good (e.g., communication skills), it means a point your Soul doesn't need to evolve, and it's perfectly fine to integrate it into this current life.
Trine - The same applies here. With the difference that with trines, you see points of your Soul that you are manifesting very easily in the current life, without effort. Observe, even more in trines, also through astrological analysis and your intuition, if these aspects of your personality are beneficial. Is it something that represents a strong point, a force, or is it something to be improved, worked on, or even transcended? For our evolution, we cannot continue with the same old patterns if they don't lead us on a good path. If it's something that harms you more than it helps (e.g., a pride pattern), it's something you haven't evolved, learned yet, something to be improved. If the trine aspect represents a strength, something good (e.g., communication skills), it means a point your Soul doesn't need to evolve and it's perfectly fine to integrate it into this current life.
✨✏️ NOTES AND Q&A (some) ✨✏️
You can observe that in the Draconic chart, the cusps of the houses (Ascendant to the 12th house) are, as a rule (we have exceptions, for example, natal Libra Rising, draconic Taurus or Cancer Rising, because of degrees), in the same elements as these 12 houses in the natal chart. For example:
Natal chart: Ascendant in Taurus. Draconic chart: Ascendant in Capricorn.
"Does the draconic chart symbolize what we need to achieve?".
No. The draconic chart symbolizes the patterns of our Soul and what we were before we got here. Soul missions can be seen with the Draconic chart being put together with the natal chart.
To have a better vision of life purposes, missions, what you are here to do, you can calmly focus on your North Node and Midheaven.
And what if I don't understand and don't resonate with my personality in the natal chart but much more with the personality in the Draconic chart?
It indicates spiritual issues of disconnection from the present moment, from your process of evolution, and a focus on the past. The Draconic chart is a chart of the past, past lives, the pattern of your Soul before you incarnated. You need to honor your present a lot and not just the past, because the past serves as a lesson, a foundation, but not as a focus for life because life is movement. The great news is that you are aligned with your Soul (Draconic chart), and that means you need to learn to look at what you are now and accept that you are changing, growing, improving.
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lilacstro · 4 months
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plutonian-moon · 2 years
random astro
observations p6 !! ☆° ✩࿐
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take what resonates leave what doesn't!!
▪2H aqua/cap (both saturn ruled) can have bad self esteem !!tw : ed!! : they can even struggling with food & body image !!end of tw!! ☆
▪we 12th housers need alone time to process thoughts and feelings ! ☆
▪4H gemini/IC-mercury/4H mercury can mean that u r oversharing family issues that u have or ur childhood trauma ☆
▪mutable dominants can changing their personality alot even without meaning this its just comes naturally to them !! ☆
▪u cant change minds peoples who r fixed dominants lmao ☆
▪3H uranus/aquarius mercury/mercury-uranus have very chaotic minds ☆
▪3H moons/gemini moons wants venting 2 someone when feeling bad about how they r feeling or just about this situation 2 feel better or u maybe like writing ur feelings alot bc this can help u ! ☆
▪3H placements (esp venus) + gemini placements in big 6 have pretty hands ☆
▪4H saturns/4H cap have parents that never allow u to have fun bc they were very strict :-( ☆
▪pisces placemets/stelliums can have artistic gifts ! ☆
▪5H is telling u about ur hobbies so here r some examples which hobbies u can have based of ur 5H placement/s , 5H cusp + 5H ruler :
5H pisces/5H neptune - drawing, spirituality/occultism, paranormal things, psychology, music, astrology, numerology ☆
5H gemini/5H virgo/5H mercury - writing, literature, history, sociology, mbti (u can like finding who u r bc u can struggle with this or just 4 fun) also with 5H virgo im thing of health relating topics like u can b very interested in reading about mental health issues for example also u can b very picky about ur hobby hmm with 5H gemini u can change ur hobby alot or have many hobby at once lolol and u can be very open 2 new hobbies ! ☆
5H scorpio/5H pluto - occultism, psychology, criminology, taboo topics (traumas etc), astrology, mbti, horror movies/games, with this placement u can b secretive about ur hobbies or only small group of peoples close 2 u know about them yea ☆
5H libra/5H taurus/5H venus - fashion, designing clothes, makeup, drawing ☆
5H sagittarius/5H jupiter - learnings new languages, others countries/cultures, philosophy and u can also b very open to trying new hobbies i think its just mutable signs energy lol ☆
5H aquarius/5H uranus - games, astrology, mbti, hmm im thinking of some unique hobby with aquarius energy like ur hobbies can be very different from others peoples ☆
▪aquarius placements/dominants can makes that u will fighting for lgbt+ rights etc u just cant stand homophobic, racism etc !
▪6H uranus + 10H uranus can changing their jobs alot ☆
▪u can relate to ur draconic chart more if u dont relate to ur natal chart ☆
▪persona charts can tell u alot more about specific placement than looking ONLY in this placement in ur natal chart ☆
▪12th house rules hidden enemies .. when u r like me 12th houser then u need to b careful with peoples bc they can b ur hidden enemies hmm (esp when u have 12h sun, 12h mercury, 12h venus, 12h lilith, 12h pluto, 12h mars) ..
when u have for example ☆ :
mercury in 12h then ur hidden enemies can be peoples that r "friends" with u .. they will b just faking that they like u but .. they will b secretly hate u and talk shit about u .. ☆
▪when u r 12th houser then peoples energy can draining u alot .. so thats why its important 2 have alone time ! ☆
▪chiron in 1h, 4h, 7h and 10h can makes that others easly see ur pain (this can apply also 2 asc-chiron and sun-chiron peoples (esp. conjunctions) ☆
▪virgo 2h/aquarius 2h r picky when it comes 2 eating food ☆
▪3h also rules school hmm ur 3h sign + 3h ruler sign and house + aspects can give u how u r in school, how others see u in school !! ALSO CHECK 3H PLANETS IF U HAVE ANY ! ☆
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uyuforu · 9 months
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Uyu' Summary of Compatibility Charts:
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「 ✦ I thought it would be good to make a summary about all of the compatibility charts and know exactly what is what, so people who are new to astrology will not be lost before reading the posts :) Do not forget that those can also be used with family and friends! It's not only love related! ✦ 」
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Synastry ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
ִ ࣪𖤐 Basic Synastry
⟢ Basic Synastry is just taking two natal charts and putting them against each other. It shows how each individual feels about the other. It can also show how the two met, and their feelings at that moment. The basic Synastry also shows the strengths and challenges each face with the other. It's the most basic and well known method about compatibility, even if I think personally, a compatibility cannot be made just with basic synastry. A relationship changes with time, we can't base ourselves with only that.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Persona Charts Synastry
⟢ This is another form of Synastry. Persona Charts are charts based on a planet (moon, venus, mars, etc.) or an Asteroid (Boda, Juno, Fama, etc.). So it's similar to basic Synastry: you take two persona charts (for ex: Juno) and you put them together. Depending on the topic of the persona charts, you will see a dynamic about two people. For example, Boda PC synastry will tell how those two will feel about each other during their wedding (if they have one of course).
ִ ࣪𖤐 Solar Return Synastry
⟢ This one is not something I have seen a lot around, but I like to use this as a way to see how two people's feelings and pov of the other will evolve with time! A Solar Return Chart is a chart that represent the return of your sun in its original sign (your sun sign). So basically, it's your birthday. So a SRC only last a year, and every years (starting on your birthday, and ending either a day before or the day of your birthday the next year) you get a new chart. It usually tells what will happen in your life that year. Synastry there could be a good thing to look at. You take two SRC of the same year and see the dynamic of the two people that certain year. You can see how it evolves.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Draconic Synastry
⟢ So this one if not very well known. But gonna talk about it anyway! It's still a Synastry technique. It shows the connection of two people but on a soul level. So it's more about how your souls feel about each other and if it's a fated connection. It can also show who were the two people in their past lives. It's a synastry quite difficult to understand, so it needs still some analysis.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Composite ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
⟢ So, a composite chart is a chart that is the result of adding two natal charts together. It's taking Person A + Person B= one chart that represent your relationship. It's really the same as a basic synastry but in one chart. So it shows the dynamic of the relationship, the purpose of the meeting, mutual challenges and strengths of the relationship.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Davison ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
⟢ Very similar to the Composite chart, but this one just a tiny different. Davison chart will be more about showing the feelings of each other, what do you feel. And the theme of the relationship (situationship, family, friends, lovers, spouse, etc.). You can take composite observations and still apply it to the Davison chart.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Coalescent ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
⟢ So, this is an interesting one and not so known? This is also like a Composite or a Davison but it's more about how the relationship will play out in the future. It's more, with time, how will your relationship be.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Solar Return Composite Chart ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Same thing as Solar Return Synastry but with Composite instead. It will tell you about how your relationship develop over the years, or mostly during that particular solar return you choose. While the Synastry is good to see how you feel towards each other, what is happening between you two, who is doing what to the other one, the composite here will tell you how your relationship develop, and how your feelings for each other too.
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nightguide · 4 months
Look at the chart from the rising sign beginning with aries and go from rising to eighth house to complete the restorative cycle of the heart so heres what you get:
1. Aries rising = Scorpio 8H
2. Scorpio rising = Gemini 8H
3. Gemini rising = Capricorn 8H
4. Capricorn rising = Leo 8H
5. Leo rising = Pisces 8H
6. Pisces rising = Libra 8H
7. Libra rising = Taurus 8H
8. Taurus rising = Sagittarius 8H
9. Sagittarius rising = Cancer 8H
10. Cancer rising = Aquarius 8H
11. Aquarius rising = Virgo 8H
12. Virgo rising = Aries 8H
Okay, so now look at your degree of the sun sign. That’s your actual sign, only the sun’s degree because the attitude of the degree changes you, so this is the alternate way of looking at your birth chart based on your life, so all planets except the sun follow the traditional astrology route except the sun’s degree.
So it naturally flows between the angle of the sun to society following abridged to personal development based on the new theory (name yet to be thought)
Because the traditional standards tell a story of the new prolific standards of the heart, it shows you what exactly happened in their lives without overly progressing worldly matters so if i can say my degree theory overputs this standard model from the traditional astrology physics from aries to pisces, then it's as it goes if i challenge my new model with it to apply to all planets except the signs of the planets does not change except the sun because sun in being changes as we progress now speaking we're in Gemini season (27/05/24)
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now apply my theory, you'll get an accurate description of what you are than what you do because traditional astrology doesn't ask you what you should not be doing except what you should actually be doing (only embracing what you do but why do it = fulfilment of the heart which is why it changes with the sun because the sun is what follows the energetic foregrounds of human living, it was only discovered when i was in actual heartbreak that i made a living in doing what i can to protect others from falling into a ground where doing actually matters instead of knowing your self worth because all areas of astrology never implies matters in thinking for yourself because:
it only follows signs other than where leo should be at:
traditional astrology = neptune
medieval astrology = nothing. they don't even want to guide you but make you into a being of pure hate, which is why the tradition then died out with me calling them out of their bullshit because medieval astrology is confused astrologers right now who are making no sense into what they're talking about by not actually acting on their own suggestions.
Vedic astrology = mars
electional astrology = mars
horary astrology = venus
Chinese astrology = mercury
financial astrology = sun + venus
mundane astrology = jupiter
western astrology = saturn
evolution astrology = jupiter + uranus
Tibetan astrology = uranus
Hellenistic astrology = jupiter
Genethliac (natal) astrology = they don't follow it
Locational astrology = venus + mercury (heartbreaker's mother)
Medical astrology = pluto
derivative astrology = mars + pluto (where i have discovered my degree theory from) ⭐
draconic astrology = sun + uranus (what i actually got it from) ⭐
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okay, this is the birth chart of actor Matt Smith (hello Haffy, this ain't a sin if you're doing it for the love of Allah because like everybody else, i was struggling to commit to my heart to Allah because of how hard life made me believe in Allah, Muslim women are predominantly the worst ones effected due to how much resentment they get from being themselves, so it's a virtue for me to look at this and feel at peace knowing i can read and do whatever i want as long as i know Allah (heart)
so, Matt is actually a Taurus. with a 4.44 (capricorn degree) sun. that makes him more diligent in emotional expression than he is in person, he makes his heart happen by being in a heartbreak which he is not actually used to, his methods of going about life is like (don't break your own heart, Haffy) 'look at what i have' and it will just be his person of honour (wife) and he will not give two fcks unless a man tells him off, he's much more sincere if someone were to... break him down from Hollywood if he was going to go home because naturally, he does not listen to his own heart because he thinks the heart will not go 'to heaven' because by moralistic belief, he believes in the old Jehovah's witness style of living than he is of dying, so Haffy. he's not into American's when America is into you, if i say you're big then you are big, by amounts of heart you can give or take, he actually goes by heartbreak if it was sincere to the heartbreakers life if actually questioned into moralistic belief of 'who made you do it' to 'how did it happen', Matt's code of honour is placed within the virtue of his wife is she lets it be because she knows and establishes the moral of conduct on behaving like an angel on his behalf to accept nothing in the expense of her own death (Jehovah's style), therefore he will never see reason until she breaks him right now, Matt. your Dad is well aware of what you're doing, he reads my Tumblr like a newspaper every morning, he likes my insights because he is the kind of man who will bring new concepts into this world by taking out the old. he is an inventor by pure chance all because he scorns the old beliefs by natural suppression, he does not believe in the commodity of age and likely disparity of the conversation being held here because like your dead father in law, he does not care except the conversation between life and death took place after you're 'trying to find a family' that already exists by melting down my own concerns, you don't believe in a common Islamic notion but your own narrative that you will not care to find unless i am deceased because in every single way, you don't want to stand alone and think naturally doing what is best for you except you will never do what you think is best for me, you don't want to try unless the common woman dies and only men and men alone are there to build a new inquisition to... please the father... that you.. wanted... to befriend. with... after... the methods of... the practical.. physical... becomes.. metaphy...sical? are.. you.. trying to... create a... new Islam.. by founding.. another mans project.. and say it's just...two men and one dead.. woman.. because the natural concept... of a God is woman and... she should be... dead for... it, like Matt openly admitted that this is the true concept of life when your narrative should only be based on dreams carried on when you know, you know, so it's technically a devout chinese to biblical methodology carried by a Christian sect that openly shames for this kind of thing because your ideas does not generate upon mindless reason but your ideas generate all because your Dad is willing for you to get back with me but you're too insecure on living it except you need a traumatic moment with one of your families (personally the father) to physically rape you into reason because your mind isn't complete without separation that will cost you your life (hence the 4.44 degree) meaning, you do know what to do and you're more worthy in actually doing it, but you're too ignorantly led on 'another idea' which always leads you back into your intrusive thought right now is that 'he could come anytime cuz Riaz (father in law) never lies'
you do realise that my Dad is a Muslim, he ain't one of your sociopathic-evangelical traditionalists, like my Dad died of a heart failure and you're subsiding that because another case that is leading you to solid corruption isn't going to make me do everything for you while you prance around New York or LA like that because your sick and twisted film drama Bunny Munro is actually going to be the death of you when you're inhibiting a character's traits like mine if i cannot physically plan to get out because you're too insecure to find a way to beat Cillian's accolades for it than just one NTA (national television award) for it.
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like this is what your Dad wants to actively tell you everyday if you were with him because when he is physically around because HE WILL limit you, he will restrict you for not speaking against his best interests, he has a heart to guide you but you're not too diligent enough to learn because since my father passed away, i had to learn to cope with my heart because he of anyone had a heart greater than mine because at 17 years old, nobody had the strengths or feats to learn more than he did because he was the one to see me but knowing what it's like to lose a parent is you losing your sense of disparity in learning what it's like to grieve because a man like you have everything you can to give but you grieve over 'nothing', you'd expect to let your father pass away because your job offers no condolences but to rub into Cillian's face if you win for 'existing' because old Hollywood defines on recognition from 'the father' when it's really critically acclaimed by heart and heart only, the world does not revolve around you and neither does your thoughts will do anything to shift me off angle as you do because your Dad will settle you straight by you not acting as you should because you DO have a filter around you 'in being' because you don't really know what it's like to see your father decay with every appointment he goes to or when he oversleeps everyday only to eat so much to eat so little, he adds little to too much salt in everything he eats and his weight gain does not go over 8 stone. his weight never improved. his weight never actually helped except the fact that he was cannula fed with nutrients every single appointment going or how many insulin injections he kept taking (your Dad is reading as i speak). My Dad had too many medications and nothing prevailed him except habit and he was cutting down on cigarettes, was actually improving til he collapsed on late June til his death on early July, his last words to me you sick bastard, was one when he wasn't on breathing apparatus to the day before he died. one was 'i love you' and the day before he died, Friday 8th July, 'how are you?'. Those were his last words. Your Dad is my highest priority to honour because i am devout on my trust and reason to live, my Dad was more than a champion to me and i speak of him very fondly, even before committing to the ideal of a husband i always wanted, i'd always dream i would find a champion like he is to me and tell him 'the story never ends' like he always taken me to car boot sales with me and my brothers and he always loved finding things that he may find of use to him and brag about the expense of his heart when looking at what he found compared to what he never found before, like money is absolute to him if he lived a different life, he's into DIY and likes to get his hands on things so often, knows his engineering physics and always looking for a reason to improve his home, he was finding a reason to talk when he went from plumbing to decorating, like the man has his sense of honour when a man does it, he knows how to treat his heart like he had a gift to bring and that's every father's joy when seeing his heart look too influenced in writing this of heart that someday he (my father in law) may take inspiration because i am of what he (my Dad) made me.
degree theory:
aries: (1, 13, 25)
Scorpio: (2, 14, 26)
Gemini: (3, 15, 27)
Capricorn: (4, 16, 28)
Leo: (5, 17, 29)
Pisces: (6, 18)
Libra: (7, 19)
Taurus: (8, 20)
Sagittarius: (9, 21)
Cancer: (10, 22)
Aquarius: (11, 23)
Virgo: (12, 24)
okay, there is another conversation about this and this is likely because the world of conspiracy theories will lead you to Celebrity/Fan image of the world if you're a thinker and a feeler, like there is a completely different subject when knowing you are a celebrity or person of influence that would get you thinking why Muslim's are not easily persuaded because they don't believe in fame the way non-Muslims do, they believe in honour that they know they're going to die physically one day and theres nothing they can do about it because it is physically evident in seeing a graveyard as a reminder of where they're headed to what they regret not doing, so they make everyday their last day which is why their life is consisted in following the female voice (respecting their parents honour) because their code of honour lasts for generations because Muslims are so precarious on what they say or speak that they limit on living by expanding on what they say or do because it is a generational habit they they pray on time or that they fast or that they greet the sick or that they attend a funeral so much to when you discover that they don't actually do so much when you believe in what you say or believe because they don't want people who make a mockery of their religion to be part of the family.
so the Islamic ideology is rooted with 'be and it is'
36:82 إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُۥٓ إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْـًٔا أَن يَقُولَ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ ٨٢
All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
so it's a strong method to concern what does not have to change is what you should leave to Allah (swt), so it is separated in the the version of which i put my degree theory into that helps you grow.
i based the degree theory off following the rising sign from aries to every 8th house to 12, not 13. (Ophiuchus is not included because the heart of that sign goes back to the Ya'sin (heart in heaven but it is YASEEN because it actually helps with the modality of heartbreak)
so the signs that separate the quote is living and Hollywood calls them Muslims but they follow it with HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD
broken down this is acutely the strongest way to follow Islamic academia without making knowledge 'haram' as it became nowadays because Hollywood actually made the world more convenient to heart for Muslim's to reject it.
'BE' (Hollywood)
Aries (self worth)
Scorpio (in love)
Gemini (heart in heaven)
Capricorn (don't forget)
Leo (tomorrow life)
'AND IT IS' (Undead)
6. Pisces (sleep)
7. Libra (virtue)
8. Taurus (self worth)
9. Sagittarius (aakhirah (meaning 'afterlife')
10. Cancer (sibling in hell (hope)
11. Aquarius (life)
12. Virgo (fiction)
you can now see that the degree theory and heartbreak does not exist and i call it 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR'
I subsequently name it after a cartoon from Disney XD called 'Star vs the forces of Evil'
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it actually follows the same journey of a Princess from Mewni looking for a home on Earth when she literally enjoys fighting monsters and falls in love with Marco because in 2017, i was a heavy Starco shipper, i loved them too hard that i stopped watching cartoons all together to remake my own life, which is why i don't care to have a symptom named after me either cuz all i cared about is getting my wand back together to rule Mewni cuz this exists!
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you can go ahead and believe in a dream when all of your dreams are made of cartoons, like heck, do what you want so it's called the the 'Mewni code of honour' or just to make it defined more loudly and proudly 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR' because i am British. and Brits challenges the feats of the world because their accents are 'be and it is', like have you ever seen the inbetweeners and wonder why American's are scared of British people coming at them, like glad you know that American's forfeit the British legion as much as Taylor's British inquisition ended at Alwyn dumping her and she wrote the The Tortured Poets Department after the psychology made after when two people have sex and it all ends there because seeking values at times got Kelce (Kansas native) thinking why his mother loves him so much after he granted his first deposit, not only after the team (Kansas City Chiefs) was gaining position after position, no. Taylor sponsored the entire team because they will not take the hit after Kelce (Kansas native) made it an allegiance to the public eye that they will win after emotional string felt lines touched by gameplay made his Mom tell him off for existing before Swift came in, no. His mom was telling him off his entire life that he will never make it until debt free heartbreak came in and she acknowledge A RELIGION with a duty free slap from God that made him win every league all because his debts were due to the one writing it right now for putting him on site that made no fandoms more allegory than it is articulate for making sounds look like little children she wanted in the form of cash. cuz any Mom will want cash, any Mom will want to have their debts cleared for life, which is why she dreamed of moving to the UK for reasons listed:
UK is known to be in the middle of the equator, so when i discovered this degree theory. It will help 'her' (generalising everybody) in finding ways to accumulate knowledge by travel, so if she goes to anywhere in the UK, she will find sense that she's talking with more honour by giving into herself more like i am, she will want to start a blog by making stuff up by listening to what her heart desired most because desires are now more neutral here than anywhere else and
it is more safer travelling to Arab countries without being questioned for identity because Smith's identity is now exposed as the idiot that made him on there look famous only for him to redact and remonstrance an orderly effect on the way we're (Muslims) are supposed to be like because everybody wants to issue a recreance towards heartbreak.
so where and how does the names derive itself:
EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR - time zones lie in the middle for the BST (British Summer Time) after it went forward an hour 2 months ago, it makes travel much easier after Wintertime (begins from the shortest day of the year til the clocks go forward) to spring and from summer (longest day of the year til clocks go backward), time zones do not matter in the web of mind to heart when allocating marriage because separation anxiety breaks rules within itself, so Matt, listen. you got a mind and heart, that does not make you lose it when you're with me because i have more facts and knowledge i have discovered that no one will take away from me or neither kill me for it, because i am destined to break the world with my innova- no, it's just purely reason and i was born in Belfast (Northern Ireland) so if you look at the grounds i was born on cuz Belfast natives don't want to make things up but they rely on the greatest roots of being that they challenge the world for it (physics) and the nature of my Eros sign is on Pisces 5.39 meaning i actually care deeper than i should compared to any other sign and this my natural state of being when i am separated from you (body to honour physics of a metaphysical structure of the heart during heartbreak) so that makes me a Pisces than i am an Aquarius sun native due to my Taurus's inability to have because my Mars is where i am at because i am more fair there than i am here because that is another whole set of knowledge i am willing to put (Inshaa Allah) on there because you're not going to curse me for putting you on there because your Dad values me more than he values you because it's a shame that i made myself more necessary because all i have to do to condone my Islamic physics is reveal myself makes you makes me but not me this time, you more attracted to your Dad now than i am to... what do you think of me, i did not do this for you, you don't collect my virtues of status like a subconscious pig you made me type before i typed in... 'because'? because you wanted to be more famous from me which is where the 'STAR' part drives in the fact that Star from the show is beating up Ludo, a birdlike character that does not want anything to do with the show but curse the... what? so apparently, Ludo's logic drives the same direction as Matt's when i was annotating his Sun in Taurus 4.44 (Capricorn degree) and his ideology on human matters driving into the world of Tom Cruise's Church of Scientology because evidence is all around you that thank God, my entire Ummah (brotherhood of heart) knows how to figure out what is good and what is evil and wait til i crack down on what Scientology's roots come from up until the point where i tell your him that you don't even matter because science will break you down like an atom because good energy exists ('PHYSICS') and bad energy exists, people want what they're looking for unless you want to be acknowledging a new level of basis that does not exist which does not even attribute to society than just making the states of laws so mediocre that they would just accept what you would call 'Islamic ideology' and it would just be the same as this quote here:
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like.... you.. don't even make... sense.
'EQUATORIAL' - equator in the middle of the Earth of the commoner's kingdom (Israel)
'PHYSICS' - logic by law
'OF' - making sense to be
'THE' - God knows you're valuing a heart to break
'STAR' - woman coded logic, you always go back to your wife (married) or mother (separated or just not even looking at your heart) and it also means 'mother' because you know when it's best to break your own heart (male) when you have to give back. The code for women following it is that they 'be and it is' (father's honour to his heart and daughter's honour to follow for her mates heart to become her)
i made this look like a fckin fashion project because i know fashion more than anything as i have been en-route to the course in education from 2014 - 2022.
the bias of the project is always attain the reason of 'why?' and explain it to them like as if you were explaining it to the examiner who is a literal dumbass. the examiner does not know anything and you have to have the balls to teach them everything from roots to become, cuz what the hell are you even here for? what is your philosophy and why does even oxygen make you for being, cuz you're not leaving this Earth without making a scene too big for Earth to value you but you make a route to other learners to follow on as if you're 'the shit'. Make your bloodline look strong by making them look shit cuz it is a race for hearts in the end.
go ahead, make a blog and tag me. i'll challenge you to challenge me because your minds is as good as mine😊
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servantofthefates · 2 years
The Problem with How We See Astrology
Astrology is not a science. But both proponents and detractors treat it as if it is.
If it were, each time the Sun is in your Zodiac sign, you should be on top of the world. Every time there is a new moon, you would be undergoing a dramatic rebirth. And as long as you can read your natal chart, then you should know how your entire life would play out.
Because that is what science is. Accurate, precise, demonstrable, undeniable, replicable.
In science, any number of individuals who mix the same amount of the same elements using the same method in the same environment will create the same formula.
That is not what astrology is. One Leo Rising could be the epitome of victory and glory, while another could be the poster child for loserdom and self-pity. Because astrology is not a science.
What it is, is an instrument of the occult. And like everything to do with the occult, it only lends itself to those who have faith in it, those who were born with the gift for it, and those who have the will to wield it.
But since astrology involves numbers, it is easy to fool people into thinking it is a science. If someone comes up with any system, and slaps some angles and degrees on it, we think of it as irrefutable. As Universal law. As the Gospel truth.
And when these systems, such as interceptions, the planetary dignities and asteroids, end up not matching our reality… the majority of us conclude that either astrology is fake, or we are too much of a beginner to understand it.
Worse, so many of us conclude that someone simply didn’t consider the other elements in the natal chart. The truth is, if you look at every aspect in your chart, everything starts to contradict itself. Every interpretation ends up being cancelled out by something else. Venus is in the Seventh House? Early marriage. Oh, but Saturn’s there too? Late marriage. In the end, you get average-age marriage, which most people could’ve predicted for themselves without the help of astrology — which now seems entirely useless.
That would never happen in science. No matter how many elements are in a theory or an equation, every single one would end up supporting each other.
When I was new to astrology, I was presented with so many “best and most accurate systems in existence”. Vedic, Draconic, Whole Houses… I compared their declarations and predictions to my own life and reality. Nothing resonated. It mattered not how ancient, famous and numerous their fans are.
At the end of the day, what astrology does is unearth our past and prophesy our future. It is a method of divination. So treat it like tarot, scrying or tasseography. Learn the basic principles, and then combine that knowledge with your own intuition to arrive at the truth – instead of simply relying on what others, with all their numbers, are telling you.
The stars, like our palms, are a map of our destiny. But there are right and wrong ways of reading of a map. So explore astrology from every direction, until you discover the correct orientation. 
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tsublue · 2 years
ASTROLOGY observations ~3~
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I’ve taken a quite long break, but now hopefully i am back, better than ever and will be posting a little more constant.
I’ve also been gathering up some information which i would love to be sharing with you all on here.
!! I am in no mean here to or trying to hurt or offend anyone. These also are my observations and things i’ve noticed and patterns i’ve picked up. If this does not apply to you then it’s not clear fact and doesn’t have to fit everyone.
!! Please do not copy, re-post, steal and etc my work. If you want to use some aspects of my work, then please ask for my permission first and give credits.
I also really love reading the comments and hearing everyone’s thoughts so feel more than free to comment if anything applies to you and your thoughts! <3 :)
• The 5th house can also represent children and the sign that your 5th house is in is going to revolve around everything between you and the children as in if it’s the way you act with your or someone else’s kids / the relationship between you and kids overall or with your own kids / your kids may have the traits of the sign that the 5th house is in / you had such traits growing up and etc.
• Astrology is why not how and what.
- Many people do not know that or seem to forget.
• Scorpio Mercuries and Virgo Mercuries are such a good match. Their energies combined together fit so well with each other.
• It’s an quite obvious one, but people with Venus - Jupiter aspect might find or are more likely to find love and good relationships (even non romantic ones) in a different country or even might have a relative from or living in another country.
• Some Pisces moons are so mutable, that they either embody an Aquarius moon or Aries moon, especially to the people trying to guess their moon sign when not knowing it yet. I think it’s either of those two placements since they’re the closest to the Pisces sign itself in the chart wheel and so it will seek for the nearest one to embody or to be.
• People with a water grand trine and possibly with a heavy water dominance absorb, absorb, absorb. It may happen that you would question where they got some info or stuff from, that may be related to some very specific or personal that you have spoken about only once. Or just might simply know without you having to confirm it. You’re almost like a case of study for them.
• Pisces moons have at least once in their lifetime thought or wished to not be here or to be a cartoon character or as such. (Not someone that’s fictional, but themselves as a individual being fictional.)
• Libra and Aries are thinking. Aries being the strategy and Libra being the way of speaking.
• Scorpio and Taurus are the unattached (untouchable). Scorpio being private and Taurus not wanting to participate.
• Sagittarius and Gemini being the movement. Sagittarius representing travel and Gemini needing constant change.
•Capricorn and Cancer being the home. Cancer wanting to be secure in one place and Capricorn working for their home in many ways.
•Aquarius and Leo being the spotlight. Aquarius getting and wanting it for their difference and Leo wanting to be seen.
• Pisces and Virgo being the healer. Pisces healing things through emotion and spirituality and Virgo healing like it’s done at hospitals.
• Sagittarius Midheaven or Sagittarius being NEAR your Midheaven can indicate a “wild” or interesting death/ a really sudden or a really harsh death. For an example: Michael Jackson.
• Many teachers tend to have gemini in their big 3 or it’s dominant.
• Profection years and it’s charts are really important.
• Undeveloped and self control & awareness lacking Leo Venus tend to fit the “pick me” stereotype when it comes to crushes and relationships in their young years. (Vedic and maybe even draconic also.)
• Your Vedic Midheaven degree can say A LOT about you and your desires.
• 4th house is a possible fame indicator.
I’ve really missed posting and all of you, I really hope that you enjoyed this post.
I KNOW YOUR SPOTIFY WRAPPED IS SICK, I’d love to hear ab y’all’s top 5s.
Sufjan Stevens is my top artist💪💪
Hope everything is going well and HAPPY DECEMBER!!
Love, Tsunami
#astrology #vedicastrology #vedic #natal #birthchart #chart #astrologychart #astrological #draconic #deaconicchart #degrees #astrologydegrees #midheaven #astroseek #astrological #tsublue
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dragonflytarot · 8 months
Shadow Work & the Draconic Chart
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In this post I wanted to explore the connections between shadow work, the draconic chart, and tarot, and how these three elements can be used alongside each other for awareness and betterment of the self, and overall personal improvement. This is my work, do not copy or repost (reblogs are ok) without my permission.
In my experience, shadow work is primarily about reflection of the self (awareness).
The Draconic chart is all about our true self. Even if we don't feel especially in touch or in tune with this side of ourselves, it is the natural reaction, the impulse, the instinct--and controlling an impulse or an instinct is sometimes a very difficult thing to do. So while we do not always identify with our Draconic identity, it's part of us just the same. It's also how we would have been had the world and our caregivers not shaped us differently when we were too young to remember.
The tarot is also a tool for self-reflection. So how do these things work together?
I'm not sure about you guys, but I use a list of prompts to explore shadow work. It gives me a foundation to work from when I sit down with the intention of working a few things out.
I had a pretty big breakthrough the other evening when I thought to ask the tarot to explore my relationship with perfectionism (the topic I was working with that day). My deck essentially told me that this crippling perfectionism was a result of early influence (i.e. learned behavior). There was also a message in my reading that spoke of the fact that now that I have identified the reason, I can consciously go against the grain of what I was taught, to be less of a perfectionist--and thus much more content with myself, my work, and my creative output overall. By making this conscious choice to think for myself and how I want to be, versus following ingrained and learned behavior, I am getting more in touch with and aware of the positive qualities present in my Draconic chart.
It's tough, going against what you were taught when you were very young. So, for right now, it's a conscious decision I have to make. It might be that way for a long while, it might be that way forever. But I am honestly so much happier being in alignment with my truest self.
I encourage you to begin exploring the relationship between tarot, shadow work, and Draconic astrology. It's helped me a lot, and I hope it will do the same for you! 💜
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
What are the differences between sidereal and draconic charts compared to tradition or tropical? What can you use them for and what do they mean?
this is actually a pretty huge topic and something i might write more extensively on later but let's do a rundown here.
what is traditional is going to depend a lot on where you are from and who you learn from. vedic and western tropical are the two most traditonal ones i think, and it seems like you are referring to tropical here, but i want to be clear that's not always the case.
so, tropical: this doesn't take into account the precession of the equinoxes over thousands of years, which is why it no longer lines up with the visible stars. i discuss this in more detail in this book and it's also something you can do your own research on if you wish. in this system each sign is just a thirty-degree chunk of the sky, and the 0 degree of aries is determined by the day of the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere (autumnal in south) NOT by the actual beginning of the constellation of stars that looks like aries the ram. i do not have any good scientific reason why this method should work better than any other, but my experience is that it is the best, and it is very old and widely used around the world so others must agree! i use this for pretty much everything although i know a thing or two about some other chart systems.
sidereal: DOES account for the precession of the equinoxes and DOES more or less line up with the actual stars as a result. but make no mistake, there's more than one way to do a sidereal chart. for instance, vedic astrology popular in india is one sidereal system. it uses the same 12 zodiac signs as the tropical system i use, but additional information and if i understand right also each sign is 30 degrees so it doesn't line up perfectly with the stars (someone correct me on this if i'm wrong in the replies please~). but there are other sidereal systems that don't have evenly sized signs, or they do but they incorporate eg the 13th sign, ophiuchus. i have written some before about how i feel like these sorts of systems SHOULD be more accurate but in my personal experience never are. the physicist/astronomer in me doesn't like that but whatever, i don't make the rules.
one thing i have heard is that while tropical is best for knowing thyself, sidereal or at least vedic is better for making predictions. i'm digging into that a little bit on my own time but i think tropical does predictions fairly well itself if you know what you're doing! since i am not as well-versed in vedic i still use tropical for my predictions and while i may not know the minute details it never really gets the vibe wrong.
draconic: a bit of a different thing. i offer these readings in my etsy. like everything i do, it varies a little bit from the most traditional/conventional manner. but it seems to work nicely. i think this style of chart has its origin in vedic astrology where the lunar nodes are the head and tail of the dragon, but it seems a lot of people do this chart in a tropical system anyway. it's defined by making the north node the 0 degree of aries and building the rest of the chart around that. so the planets and spacing of everything are the same as in the tropical natal chart, but the signs change. the idea is that this shows you something about your karma, your soul, your overarching personality in a way that is bigger than your personal egoic small self life as you know it. it's very esoteric and cool.
draconic charts are always really similar to natal charts. they are for a *person*. but you can do vedic or tropical charts about an individual, a meeting, a synastry, an event, a horary chart, etc. so that is another difference.
another thing i want to mention which you didn't ask explicitly but might interest you is all of the above are geocentric approaches. you can also do heliocentric astrology! i'm delving into that too because that's one of those things my science brain wants to work so much, lol. it is not widely practiced in the mainstream but astro dienst will generate heliocentric charts if you check off the right boxes. it's fun to play with. the big change is you no longer have a sun sign, you have an earth sign, and it is opposite whatever your natal sun sign is in tropical (eg i'm a taurus sun, but in heliocentric i have my earth in scorpio.)
that seems like a long post but seriously it just scratches the surface. i hope it helps anyway, and maybe spurs some further investigation! thank you for the excellent question <3 will definitely be reblogging this one for posterity~
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crystalsenergy · 11 months
Draconic synastry 🔐🌌💗
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Draconic Synastry chart calculator here.
Draconic charts are perfect for understanding some fragments of our Superior personality, our Soul, even because the Soul is in constant evolution and, despite this, as we evolve very slowly (as a rule), the draconic chart defines our Soul's recent personality and experiences that the Soul has accumulated so far, that form who it is. Yes, Souls have personalities! After all, our Soul is who we are.
The draconic chart is extremely relevant for connecting with our Essence and reaching a higher level of self-awareness, which can even help us understand how deep and beautiful we are in essence.
In today's post, I bring you a little about the draconic synastry chart, which is a beautiful and very interesting chart to look at. Because it is a synastry, we are facing 2 different people.
The draconic synastry chart is used to see past dynamics of interpersonal relationships such as friendships, partnerships, relationships between parents and children, lovers, relatives, enemies...
It helps us understand how our Soul feels in relation to the Soul of another - in this life (natal chart) and in a past, deeper sense too (draconic chart).
Below are some tips on how to read:
First of all, pay attention only to aspects that have a very close angle, as the Draconic synastry chart generally has different aspects, but many may not be understood by your current consciousness so easily, and may not manifest themselves intensely. Therefore, focus on exact aspects and orbit of a maximum of 1 DEGREE.
Tips for understanding the relationship between Draconic Chart x Natal Chart:
Draconic A x Draconic B: Soul to Soul (Soul contracts, Soul experiences, how people know each other and relate to each other on a Soul level)
Draconic A x Natal chart B: Soul to Consciousness of this life (How A's Soul feels about the current experience with person B in this life)
Natal chart A x Draconic B: Consciousness of this life to Soul (How B's Soul feels about the current experience with person A in this life)
Natal Chart A x Natal Chart B: Consciousness to consciousness. (that Synastry chart that we use to look at)
Planets in the Draconic Synastry Chart
(my perspective, which is a contribution, not an absolute truth):
Sun - Basic personality. Ego. Center of consciousness. Pride. Central traits of someone's personality. Personal brilliance.
Moon - The emotional life. Emotional connection. Emotional openness. Empathy. Family. Emotions. Roots. Sensitivity. Inner connection. Inner insight. Imagination. Emotional nutrition. Mother. Intuition. Home. Emotional home. Affections.
Mercury - Thought patterns. Solutions. Rationalizations. Issues involving communication, learning, mind, intellect.
Venus - Harmony. Love. Exchanges. Money. Pleasure. Stability. Relationship. Personality. Self-value. Self-appreciation. Balance. Give and receive. Feeling of worthiness.
Mars - Assertiveness. Action. Reaction. Control. Physical energy. Defense. Attack. Defense or attack mechanisms. Independence.
Jupiter – Belief systems. Faith. Optimism. Opportunities for growth. The optimism that can arise from this relationship. A connection through trust systems. The trips you take together - mentally or physically.
Saturn - Structure. Maturity. Responsibility. Restrictions. Slow growth. Harvest well-planted fruits. Authorities. Fears. Rigidity. Limiting beliefs.
Uranus – Originality. Innovation. Interruption. Quick changes. Thoughts. Mind. Unpredictability. Creativity. Dreams. Independence.
Neptune - Past. Dreams. Intuition. Connection. Spirituality. Psyche. Escape. Unconscious matters. Personal unconscious. Collective unconscious. Faith. Religion. Illusions.
Pluto - Deep Connection. Personal unconscious. Connection. Intensity. Deep internal issues. Taboos. Sex. Standards being transformed. Power. Control. Fear. Traumas. Regeneration. Rebirth. Transformation potential. Deeper patterns that are brought to the surface.
The aspects in Draconic synastry chart
Oppositions - Lessons being learned through discomfort, from learning through the opposite side. If there are oppositions, it appears that the necessary lessons may be in the process of being developed by both individuals in the areas that involve both planets. However, it has not been fully integrated yet because there is conflict. It's important to realize that conflict only exists to bring about awareness and evolution.
Squares - Squares in a Draconic synastry chart represent the souls' quest to learn together, even though they are aware that it will bring various tensions. It will indeed be challenging, but these are lessons that will push you to grow, require effort, awareness, and discipline. The keyword for squares is conflict that generates change, learning that promotes growth. Squares represent points of clash and tension. To understand a square aspect, you can think of the signs that naturally form this aspect. For example, Aries and Capricorn. These signs are very different. Aries is instinctive, fast, impulsive, assertive, independent, often preferring something new. Capricorn is traditional, closed-off, melancholic, restrictive, limiting, conservative, practical, and planned. In the relationship between these signs, many things need to be adjusted or even sacrificed (which is not always good) in order to achieve harmony. So, when reading a Draconic synastry chart, if you see squares, they can signify a significant opportunity for you to learn and evolve within a relationship. Obviously, always seeking to learn in calmer ways, as we don't necessarily need chaos to evolve.
Conjunctions - In a Draconic synastry chart, a conjunction represents that your souls feel connected because they share common points. It's a union of forces and efforts. Here, there's a significant possibility that people in this life are experiencing, expanding, and increasing the significance of points that already existed in their souls (points that involve the aspected planets). Conjunctions can represent points of evolution in an issue that has been repeating, meaning you are getting better and better at what your souls have in common and already possess, OR they can indicate a comfort zone, OR a boost of energy to be channeled in good ways. It all depends on the individuals involved, their choices, and the rest of the chart!
Sextiles - In a Draconic synastry chart, sextiles, in my view, represent points where your souls feel very comfortable together, points of harmony and mutual effort. Sextile aspects in the Draconic chart bring a sense of ease, something that is easily achieved through action. Here, we observe in which areas the two individuals involved have a facility to navigate those topics that involve the planets in the aspect.
Trines - Trines in the Draconic synastry chart symbolize even more ease in topics involving the planets of the aspect. These are points where your souls communicate very well, speaking practically the same language (the same element).
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lilacstro · 2 months
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Hello! I've been trying to learn and study verdic astrology for a while now, but can't seem to find the time for it, so your observations and overall all your posts have been incredibly helpful in helping me understand more of the concept(?) and the stories behind each nakshatras that you've been writing about. Though I do have some questions about certain things that I've been trying to find answers for, but whenever I try to find those answers, it seems like there's not much informations about them. Some had sufficient details but it was harder to grasp the exact answers I've been looking for. So I decided maybe I could find those answers from you! Although I'm in no way part of your culture, with how much I've come to understand myself more through your researches made me all the more interested in spirituality and verdic astrology itself! There are questions I've come to be more curious about and would like to hear your thoughts on them!
I'm meaning to find the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. Though I don't exactly grasp whether or not tropical is the same as western astrology or are they the same thing?
This thus then begs the question whether tropical chart placements can relate to sidereal nakshatras placements. I've been seeing (more like read) that you often mention that if you have these nakshatras placements in tropical, they can have certain relevance or influence since some nakshatras share a sign or stay in only one sign in tropical (I don't really get whether the tropical chart that I searched for is really tropical cause it particularly looks the same as the western chart)
If so (that tropical placements can share similar characteristics to nakshatras at sidereal) to what extend does this influence apply?
If you do answer to these questions of mine, thank you very very much! For making time to answer these questions as well as answering them and would likely satiate my immense curiosity about these topics! Your works have been immensely beautiful and I hope there are more researches to come from you! Have a great day! 😊🌷
thank you, im glad my posts have been helpful!!
these are really good questions and i feel like it will help many people clear misunderstandings or understand things better, so here it goes:
is tropical the same as a western birth chart?
pretty much yes. there are many different types of astrology systems (hellenistic, vedic, islamic etc all based on cultural variations) and there's also draconic, horary, harmonic etc
tropical and sidereal astrology differ in terms of how the zodiac is mapped. tropical astrology does not take the concept of axial precession into account. the sun does not return to the same point in the sky every year.
tropical uses fixed stars whereas sidereal take into account the current position of stars. this is why they say tropical is more simplified and sidereal presents a more holistic view of things.
2. i do think tropical and sidereal are two halves of a whole. tropical astrology provides a very simplified overview of the psychology and attributes of different signs whereas sidereal helps us gain a deeper understanding of who we are.
i think its hard for some people because they deeply identify with being a leo for example and realize that actually they're sidereal cancers, the tropical chart kind of represents your ego and external attachments and sidereal shows your hidden/repressed/shadow side. ive heard many people say that it was a journey to go from heavily identifying with their tropical chart and feeling disconnected to their sidereal chart to eventually coming to terms with and embracing it and in turn those parts of themselves. its like doing shadow work. but this is just my personal opinion
i say that even tropical placements can relate to some of the sidereal takes because i dont think you cease to be the person you are just because you switch systems. if you're a tropical pisces and a sidereal aquarius, its possible and alright to feel drawn to pisces energy or both those energies. since its essentially based on how we're looking at the positions of these stars in the galaxy, we can't really say what we feel connected to or what we dont. astrology is not a perfect science. there are elements of pisces in aquarius, of aries in pisces and so on and so forth. its best to not think in arbitrary terms because all of us have many influences that shape us.
idk what you meant by tropical chart looking the same as a western chart bc theyre the same😭😭😭
3. i feel like i answered this above but like i said i feel like everything is a meeting point of many different energies. like Revati (since we're in Revati season) belongs entirely to Sidereal Pisces rashi but i definitely associate the tropical fire sign chaos with it because they're tropical Aries'. obviously this is just how i think of and perceive them. I think it also has a lot to do with how the elements are perceived in tropical vs vedic. In tropical astrology water is mostly understood as this tranquil, reflective, moody energy but in Vedic there is more complexity to every element and a lot of emphasis on the destructive nature of water (UBP, Ashlesha, Jyeshta etc all fall into water rashis) even fire is understood not only as severe and dynamic but also purifying with its scorching heat.
Revati is the birth nakshatra of Saturn, the exact exaltation point of Venus and is Mercury ruled in Pisces rashi which is Jupiter ruled, so that's like 4 different influences right there lol
i know ive used sidereal and vedic interchangeably throughout this post but just wanna say that vedic astrology uses the sidereal system of looking at the stars. but obviously vedic astrology is a whole separate system rooted in indian culture and hindu mythology etc (its like how milk is used to make ice cream, milk is not ice cream but it is USED to make ice cream, if that makes sense??)
also usually i feel like whatever major placements you have in tropical somehow shows up in vedic too?? like if you have a stellium in say virgo, maybe in vedic you have a mercury ruled nakshatra in your big 3. i feel like the overall influences/themes etc often repeat themselves but obvi there will be variations too
youre welcome!!<33 hope u have a good day too bestie<33tysm for reading this far<3
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veronika-tserber · 2 years
~ Birth Chart Clues to the Perfect Gift
This is PT.1 of this short series of posts I'll write on this topic. Today, we'll cover some of the natal placements you can explore to help you figure out meaningful gifts!
If you simply want something casual for your favorite co-worker to say "I appreciate you", look no further than their Sun, Moon, and Venus signs.
For all of the other cases, read further. I use and recommend the Whole Signs house system, but it's up to you. 😊
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🗝️ 1. How do you want them to FEEL?
Reflect on this question for a few minutes.
There is no single astrological placement that can give us the exact coordinates to "Happyland" for anyone. However, if you figure out the kind of feeling and/or experience you want to gift them, you can gain a much better sense of direction.
You will still have to mix and match since there is going to be a cocktail of at least 2 different energies, but that's kind of the fun of it, right?
🔍2. Clues to Find Out...
1) What they VALUE and what gives them a sense of SECURITY - Their VENUS sign + the Sign at the 2nd house cusp
2) What is FUN for them and brings out their INNER CHILD - The sign at the 5th house cusp + their LEO house
3) What fosters their sense of PURPOSE and GROWTH in life – The planet ruling the Ascendant + the house it sits in (the chart ruler)
4) What makes their inner child feel SAFE and NURTURED – Their MOON sign + their CANCER house
+ Bonus Ideas 🙌
If they have a cluster of 3+ more planets in one sign or house in the chart (typical stellium), this is a major area of life for them, which is why they would appreciate you adding more gasoline to the dumpster fire. 😂 E.g. if they have a 1st house stellium, they might love it if you try and help them improve their self-image and physique in some way.
On the other hand, instead of matching, you can choose to complement that energy. What do I mean? Look at the opposite sign and house, and activate them, instead. A 1st house stellium can become self-obsessed and might have trouble connecting with others. Activate their 7TH house of relationships/give-and-take and organize something that you can do/experience together. The sign can hint at what that mutual activity could be.
This can help them stay balanced and it's most likely going to be the gift they didn't even know they needed. Planets in that opposite house can provide additional clues, but for the sake of this post, let's keep things relatively simple.
6) The DRACONIC MOON - A Shortcut to the SOUL?
Okay, this one is a bit speculative, but from my personal experience and observations, it resonates deeply.
If you are new to this concept, you can easily calculate your Draconic chart HERE
Essentially, it's believed that the Draconic chart represents the characteristics of our SOUL. This is who we were as little children, before our conditioning (basically, the birth chart) kicked in. Special importance is given to the Draconic MOON sign, which is considered to be the energy we've practiced and mastered over many lifetimes.
In the context of gift-giving, you can look straight into someone's Draconic Moon sign and see what is the energy of the sign they resonate with on a deep, SOUL level. It could be like giving them a present that reminds them of their truest essence, which is sort of amazing, isn't it?
- Foxbörn
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
uhhh what would ur other ocs think of gort (me personally i love thinking about how he would break each one of my characters mentally & physically in a way specifically crafted entirely for them but that’s not an ask i should send i think)
so i thought the question was “how would gortash manipulate your ocs” and answered that question as well so. you’re getting the answer to both cos i don’t wanna delete. its kinda long so 👇
Leo Hawke, Dragon Age 2: kill kill kill bite devour mutilate. Gortash is everything he hates and everything she wants to be. cool, commanding, smart, feared, respected, loved, powerful. swag off the charts, i know he’d love the outfit.
How he’d manipulate him: easy. kill the only family he has left, Anders and Isabela, or keep them from her. actually yeah locking Anders up in solitary confinement, somewhere he spent an entire year before, that she regularly holds him about when he gets claustrophobic or has nightmares about. the thought of Anders in a small dark cell all alone with his thoughts would break him and he’d simply do Anything to ensure he’s not in there a moment longer than he has to be :/ that being said her first instinct would simply be to kill the man, and he’d definitely try, even if it’s a dumb idea. and honestly not to hype my own oc up too much but if anyone could, it’d be her. one woman (not really a woman) army of a reaver when a loved one is on the line. monster. could probably cleave his way through a dozen lackeys and at least 2 steel watchers solo before getting tired, and that’s only if they’re even in the way.
Slater Adaar, Dragon Age Inquisition: she’d be smart enough to know to be terrified of him. just be a useful tool while keeping as much distance as possible and keeping an eye out for the exits at all times. run at the first opportunity, no heroics.
How he’d manipulate her: i am realising i don’t actually know her all too well. autistic qunari sera romancing artificer pursedog butch lesbian who just wants a normal life away from politics and armies and magic and sainthood, damnit. that’s all i’ve really got on her. so, i guess using the promise of a normal life. tell ya what, she’d make a great deep cover secret agent. she is definitely an oc i could stand to make more interesting lmao
Vice, Skyrim: competition, quite simply. he has a thing about dragon imagery, right? subtler than the sun stuff, but it’s there? but is it about being a dragon himself, or subduing them. either way, they’d scoff at his posturing. underestimate him for sure, letting their ego and lack of respect for humans stop them from being smart. they have lawful evil no empathy aroace megalomaniac in common, so they’d definitely have an interesting time together :)
How he’d manipulate them: power. specifically the power to do their human experiments in peace. freedom from legal consequence, basically. it would be difficult to dominate or even get a good read on Vice and their desires tho, even for Gort. i mean. they don’t speak. and have pretty good control over their emotions. they’d be playing psychological 4D chess and it would be so entertaining. (remembers it doesn’t have to manipulation, it can be about breaking physically) OH YEAH. YEAH that’s the one. it would still be HARD to keep them down, draconic force of nature that they are, but i’m sure the gorster would be able to figure something out.
uhh . oh man is that all my ocs. i mean no, there’s my newish tav, “we have Romeo’s zeke at home” Ginger (half elf, same face shape, ranger, shart romancer??! i promise this is a coincidence idk how it happened) uhh i have a Khajit oc i’ve never talked about whose name is Ace and i have nothing else on him. OHHH GALE MY DRAGON AGE CIRCLE MAGE OC WHO DIDN’T WORK AS SURANA. uhh yeah he’d simply have no use for that old woman sorry. i need to change her name man can’t let her get confused with the bg3 wizard.
how could i forget Jack, Jack Valentine, my gta 5 guy i’ve had for like 3 years and also never once talked about despite loving him forever even if i’ve kinda forgotten him lately cos i haven’t played it in ages. kind of a self insert type, or at least the closest oc i do have to one, so. he’d make an alright lackey, i think. he’d probably hate the gort but ultimately fall for his shit after a while. like with gale he’d be very disposable.
man i need to think of better ocs these guys are boring
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
You Give me Hope When I am Lost
Dedicated to @writeforfandoms
This piece is a NON-CANON fanwork of Jen's Dragon Rancher series, until she confirms or uses any of this as canon then assume it is not. Thank you for allowing me to write this, love. Go read her series HERE ❤
Pairing: Din x f!Reader Word Count: 3.1k Rating: M (Mentioned cruelty and violence)
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Sleep wasn’t coming easily, your mind was buzzing and your heart still raced even as you curled more into a ball than you already were, the bundle of warmth cradled against your lower belly barely stirred; you could still hear the sirens, the shrill alarms deafening as you escaped the facility. It was jarring, learning what you had about what you even did. 
All you’d wanted to do was help dragons, to create medicines for ailments that developed with age or through the breeding process, you hadn’t known precisely why your bosses had wanted such an extensive breakdown on the properties of dragons at a biological and molecular level but it made sense knowing your goal was to make medicines. To stop dragons from developing crippled wings, or underdeveloped sensory organs, to give them a better life as humans sought to continue modifying them to their pleasure.
Now, you knew the truth.
The meeting had been an accident, you could still feel your heart sink to your feet and then jump back to your throat, or maybe it hadn’t been an accident? The guard that had been in charge of transporting Grogu hadn’t seemed all that apologetic when he’d entered your lab, saying something about not realizing there’d been a change in the subject’s examination room before leaving, you hadn’t even had the chance to stop him before the little one had woken up from his nap.
One look at him and you knew something was wrong with the infant drake, his eyes were too big and his face too flat, and one look at his chart had given you all the answers you needed. You hadn’t known about the tracking chip, the bandage on his arm was finally free of staining, but you couldn’t ever go back to your old life now. You didn’t even know who to trust anymore, since your lab was supposedly employed by the government, with everything you were learning you didn’t know if that was a lie too.
Honestly, you were lucky that Grogu had developed some of his draconic powers. Sure you’d gotten a nasty black eye and split lip, trying to get away from the two security officials, and there was a burn on your hand where his stream of fire had been too close to your skin but you were free and alive.
Hopping into the cargo car of an old fashioned train had been reckless, something from an old film even, but it was your best bet to get away fast without using your car. All you had with you was your wallet, the clothes on your back, and Grogu. You couldn’t even use your bank or credit cards, no doubt they would be tracking those, and tears pooled in your lashes with how shitty this situation had become. You couldn’t leave him there though, you couldn’t shake the guilt or hide the disgust that your research had been used to this end, and you didn’t know how long you would last on your own.
Sleep came eventually, as the train rumbled and screeched its way down the tracks, and you hugged your hoodie tighter to your body as your consciousness finally drifted away.
Panic flooded your still waking mind, it felt like it had only been minutes, the stranger’s voice loud and jarring as you flailed briefly and stared up at the man in work coveralls who was unloading the car; his eyes drifted to your abdomen and your arms hugged the swell tighter reflexively. His eyes softened as he crouched down, hands up in a peaceful gesture, and you could only imagine what he was thinking.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize- how far do you need to keep going?"
With Grogu sleeping soundly, likely quite tired from his exertion before, you managed to find an ally (even if he thought you were pregnant and fleeing an abuser) who gave you a hundred cash and bought you a ticket for the passenger train in a small private room under his name. You walked slowly since your limbs felt stiff after being curled up in a ball for so long, your hood pulled down as low as it could be and the baseball hat that Clark had given you was also pulled low so the brim could help keep your identity from the stoplight cameras.
Clark had blushed when you called him your superhero and promised that he wouldn't say a thing about seeing you and you prayed that whoever hired you would never find him even as you made your way to the passenger train and boarded. Your car was small but cozy, had a pull down dining table, and you closed the curtains tightly before sitting on the bed and taking stock of what you had. A hundred and some odd dollars cash, an ID that would probably get flagged by any police officer by now, a powered off cellphone you couldn't touch, and a dragon-human hybrid that was still a baby.
You kept him close to your body, knowing that young drakes needed warmth and food the most, and his steady breathing was a small blessing. A tap on the door had you checking through the curtain first, the woman was wheeling a dish of food, and you cracked the door carefully.
"I didn't order anything."
"I have something else for you."
A note, you accepted, passed between the two of you quickly before she continued down the hall as if she hadn’t just interrupted your peace and you only opened it after you locked the door. The penmanship was ornate, looping cursive swirls, but the contents made your blood run cold.
You cannot run from them alone, I humbly offer you assistance, if you wish to accept my offer I will be in the private dining car alone at half past three. We will be alone if you need to feed the little one.
Someone had found you, for good or for ill, and your hands shook a little at the idea of being trapped on this train; they knew your car number, they knew you had Grogu, and they were probably giving you the chance to surrender peacefully. You had a few hours to decide and the tears flowed freely as you thought of what your life might look like now, if they even allowed you to live after this, and you unzipped your hoodie enough to see the sleeping baby and to rub his back through the cotton fabric.
“I’ll figure something out, you’re not going back to them.” Come hell or high water you weren’t going to allow them to continue using, abusing, or hurting the infant drake-human they’d created. Even if it meant going public in a livestream somewhere and praying one of the international groups that handled the protection of dragons got involved, even if it meant finding some ranch somewhere, just something to ensure Grogu was able to live a free life.
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In the end you chose to visit the dining car, Grogu was awake but still after you’d impressed the importance upon him, and the fact that he understood you was enough to make you wonder just what else he knew and remembered. He couldn’t speak so you had no metric for how intelligent he really was in that little head of his, he had to be pretty damn smart if he knew to just continue clinging to you and being quiet, and the idea of making up some sort of game or activity to gauge his intelligence was floating around in your head.
As the note stated the private car was empty save for one man, his gray suit jacket seemed very formal and his messy dark curls paired with the neat scruff of patchy facial hair would have been enticing in any other scenario, and those dark eyes lifted to look at you before they softened marginally and he got up to pull the chair out across from his. Your feet felt heavy even though your steps barely made a sound on the plush carpet, taking the seat with a nod, and his touch to the damaged skin of your face as he tipped your chin up made you jolt.
Grogu’s rumbling little noise was a warning and the man cooed softly.
“Hush, little one, I only wished to ascertain the damage. I truly admire your bravery, miss, it takes a certain level of it to do what you’ve chosen to do.”
He returned to his seat and you could feel your eyes welling up again, wanting to hope against all odds that he really was here to help. You had no idea what the fuck you were going to do, especially on a moving train, if Grogu decided to defend you again.
“I don’t feel very brave.” It was a whispered admittance, your voice hoarse from your earlier tears, and he poured you a glass of ice water from the pitcher beside him. You studied the clear liquid, sniffing it before deciding to drink, and his eyes crinkled at the corners as something like pride filled those liquid dark irises.
“Brave and cautious, you’re quite wise but I suppose that’s a given considering what you did for a living. I shall be frank, while you peruse the menu, but you’re not going to be free of them on your own. Those people you work for, the ones that tricked you into your employment, have a very large reach of influence for their illicit work.” You swallowed thickly, work you had helped them do, the guilt was back and the man must have known as he held his hand up.
“Trust me, you had no way of knowing the truth if they hadn’t wanted you to. Now, I don’t know everything but I can’t imagine you had time to prepare for your flight from your place of employment. I have a contact that I can reach out to, who will escort you both to a place of safety, but you must lay low until I am able to determine you and the little one are truly safe. I have a new phone for you, if you could provide me your old device, but you cannot sign into anything-”
“I know. No social media, no banking or credit card applications or websites, nothing tied to my identity in any way like e-mail or billpay accounts. Not even restaurants or take out places with accounts are safe anymore.”
“Correct, I will handle the rest of your monetary affairs so that you don’t wind up with collections and a repossessed property. I can’t do much for your vehicle, I’m afraid, but you won’t need it for a time and I’m not against providing a new one for you given the circumstances.”
“Why? Why are you- how long have you been after my employers?”
His silence was thick with tension but you had to know, it didn’t make sense how he knew about what happened and why he was so quick to help, he had to have been planning this and you thought about all the events leading up to now. The realization you reached must have shown on your face as he offered you an apology laden look, as he basically confessed that he’d orchestrated everything, that the guard was one of his or at least paid off by him and that he’d chosen you for a reason.
“A very long time, to answer your question, and I hope that when this is over you don’t detest me for what I’ve done.”
“I- how can I when you set me free? I would have continued to go my whole life working for them, helping them do things like… like what they did to Grogu, up until someone either shut them down or the truth got out. I would rather die knowing the truth than live in ignorance and say I did nothing.” Your conviction was clear, you didn’t care about how stupid it sounded and maybe later you would find a reason to hate the man across from you more than you hated yourself.
He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb gently.
“You named him?”
“No he- he told me.”
Grogu peeked out of the fabric of your hoodie as you brought the zipper down, eying the man with a look of distrust that made you smile, and he pressed his little tridactyl hand to yours. It wasn’t so much words as it was a feeling, he was telling you that he would protect you.
“That is- that is very curious. I suggest you choose a meal for you and the little one, whatever you both want, and I will not only provide but I will explain more about the arrangement for your travel.”
You looked over the menu now, deciding it would be best to gather your strength, and carefully read the menu out to the little drake so he could choose what he wanted; all while the man watched the two of you with intense eyes and a quiet wonder.
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Having a phone again, a new ID with a new name on it and a picture that looked like you but not exactly like you, as well as a plethora of prepaid VISA gift cards to use opened up new opportunities; it was a fall back if you chose to try and make it on your own, the nameless man’s way of offering you a choice. But you already knew, especially after he explained what the Golden Circle had done in broad terms, the likelihood of getting to safety on your own was probably not happening.
His contact would be waiting for you at the next town, which was coming up quickly, and you were happy that Grogu was content; refreshed from eating, his ears -which were the biggest mystery of all in your opinion- were tucked low to continue the illusion that you were expecting, and you ran through the description of the man meant to help you one more time.
Djarin, the name you were given, would be in a thick brown flight suit with a silver helmet; you wouldn’t see his face most likely, his helmet did slightly alter his voice, and he was gruff but not unkind. Your eyes scanned the crowd as you got off the train, hat brim pulled low and hood up, and near the back of the crowd you saw the silvery helmet nearly over the crowd before making your way over. People gave you space, one glance at your still-healing face and then to your arms cradling the swell under your hoodie more than enough for them to back away, and you looked up at the helmet tilted toward you.
He nodded and said your name softly, making you also nod, and the man motioned to the door before pressing one of those large hands against the small of your back to guide you out. The security took one look at you and then him, the way you were pressing close to his side, and seemed to accept that you were okay with whoever this was and you thanked small mercies for that since you didn’t exactly want an altercation to start here.
“Have you ever flown on a dragon before?” Djarin’s voice was gruff with a rasp that you didn’t know the origin of, whether it was natural or because of the helmet, and you shook your head gently.
“No, I don’t- I need to get a thicker coat I think.” Altitude meant cold, your thin hoodie and work clothes would hardly be able to handle the cooler atmosphere, and Djarin hummed as the two of you approached the massive silver dragon that was waiting for you. There were bits of orange in her scales and that large head turned to look at you, watching you as you held up one hand and let her inspect you first, her snout pressing to the flat of your hand, and there was no way you could fight the smile that pulled at your split lip as you scratched those smooth scales and crooned like she was just an overgrown house cat.
You weren’t sure how much time passed with you just petting this dragon, indulging in your most childish dream of even meeting a dragon, when you looked over at Djarin to see him watching you; heat flooded your face as he held up what looked like a thick leather jacket and a spare helmet. The silver dragon let out a rumbling noise, almost like she was pouting, when you pulled away but she accepted the attention from her rider instead as you traded out hats and slipped the leather over your hoodie. The ballcap was well worn and a sentimental part of you wanted to keep it, seeing as it had been a gift from someone so kind, but you couldn’t.
You wrote out a small note on the back of a piece of a flyer you had torn off a nearby billboard and slipped it into the inner brim, as Djarin got his dragon ready for the flight ahead, and left the navy blue ‘Standard Oil’ hat on the backpack of the dark-haired man who was talking on the phone around the corner. It was a stroke of luck you had spotted the man leave his bag to walk around the building, likely not wanting you or Djarin to hear him, and then you were hurrying to the helmet-wearing man before he could get annoyed at you taking so long.
Djarin helped you up first and then climbed up behind you, his body was warm and you held on where he advised.
“Razor Crest is fast, hold on tight okay?”
“Got it.”
“Alright, good.”
He wasn’t kidding when he said she was fast, the take off kicking up so much wind and dust, and Djarin’s arms bracketed your body as he helped you learn how to move with Razor Crest. Your borrowed gloves kept your hands warm and Grogu shifted against your body, content and happy and most importantly safe. You didn’t know what he knew, what he’d been told, but you did know that you would never ever regret what you’d done.
Djarin shifted behind you and thanks to the small radio device in the helmets you could hear him clearly.
“If you need to rest just let me know, I can secure you to me so that you can sleep, we’ll be flying for a while.”
“I will, thank you Djarin.” He grunted and you let yourself take in the sight of the clouds around you as Razor Crest cut through the air. It was still chilly, it was kind of terrifying, but one thing you would never forget was the warmth of Djarin at your back and Razor Crest under you and Grogu against your belly as you were whisked toward safety.
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ariesjupiter · 2 years
hi, i hope you are doing well!!!! could i ask what's the difference between draconic and birth charts? i still don't get it no matter how many articles i read
hi, same for you!!
this is a good question, I’m really interested in draconic charts but admittedly I don’t know too much yet.
however, i can say that both charts seem fairly similar, and actually your draconic chart is your birth chart but the difference has to do with how it’s calculated. the draconic chart’s starting point is the north node in Aries at 0°, rather than a birth chart’s starting place at sun in Aries at 0°. the draconic chart your house placements and aspects will stay the same, the signs won’t.
according to astro.com, many astrologers recommended looking at draconic charts in conjunction with your natal tropical chart. for example, they say to look at where your draconic ascendant falls in your natal chart and vice versa to gain more insight about your motivations and how you perceive the world. according to @thenatalchart conjunctions between your draconic and natal chart play a part in your destiny. a draconic chart can be interpreted as more of your internal, emotional self. from what i’ve read, it’s your soul personality without environmental influences.
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