#how to prepare turmeric latte
modmyst-ayurveda · 2 days
Ayurvedic Routines for Seasonal Transition
Embrace Fall with Balance and Magic
Written By Amber R
As the crisp air of fall sweeps in, it’s not just the leaves that are changing—our bodies and minds crave balance too. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, teaches us that aligning our routines with the season can help us stay grounded, nourished, and energized. And let’s not forget the enchanting energy of autumn! For those of us who dabble in a bit of witchcraft, this is also a time of magic, reflection, and renewal. So, how can we merge these beautiful practices to honor both our bodies and the season?
Grab your favorite cozy blanket, a cup of spiced tea, and let’s dive into how to transition smoothly into fall, both with Ayurvedic wisdom and some seasonal witchy vibes!
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1. Warmth is Your Best Friend
Fall is a Vata-dominant season, which means we’re prone to feeling a little more ungrounded, chilly, and scattered. To combat this, warmth becomes essential! Think warm foods, warm clothes, and warm thoughts. Soups, stews, and herbal teas become your new go-to.
Ayurvedic Tip: Incorporate grounding, warming spices like ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, and cardamom into your meals. These spices help ignite the digestive fire (Agni) and keep you feeling cozy from the inside out.
Witchy Add-On: Create a kitchen altar using a candle or small crystal dedicated to your health and well-being. Light it each time you prepare your meals, infusing your food with intention and grounding energy.
2. Slow Down and Savor
As nature begins to slow down, we should too. Fall is the time for reflection, nurturing routines, and inner calm. Ayurveda recommends incorporating self-care rituals like Abhyanga (self-massage with warm oil), which not only nourishes the skin but soothes the nervous system.
Ayurvedic Tip: Use warm sesame or almond oil for daily self-massage. It’s the perfect remedy for calming Vata’s light, airy energy, and it feels like a warm hug after a long day.
Witchy Add-On: Make your self-massage a ritual. Set the mood with fall scents like clove, sandalwood, or cedar. As you massage, visualize the oil absorbing not only into your skin but into your aura, protecting and grounding you for the season ahead.
3. Eat with the Season
One of the most important Ayurvedic principles is eating seasonally. As the air becomes cooler and drier, your body craves warm, nourishing, and moist foods. Goodbye summer salads, hello roasted veggies and hearty grains!
Ayurvedic Tip: Focus on root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets. They’re packed with grounding energy, perfect for balancing Vata. Cook them with ghee for added nourishment.
Witchy Add-On: Fall is a time for harvest magic! Before you prepare your meals, take a moment to honor the Earth for its bounty. Light a small candle and offer gratitude for the food you’re about to enjoy. You can even try a simple kitchen blessing before cooking to infuse your meal with love and abundance.
4. Stay Hydrated, Stay Grounded
While summer heat may have had you reaching for iced drinks, fall calls for something warmer. Sip on herbal teas throughout the day to stay hydrated and grounded.
Ayurvedic Tip: Favor teas with warming herbs like ginger, cinnamon, or licorice. Hydrating is key as Vata’s dry quality can leave us feeling a bit parched.
Witchy Add-On: Brew your tea with intention. Stir clockwise to invite warmth and grounding into your day, or create a simple spell by whispering your desires for balance and calm as you pour your cup.
5. Find Your Fall Rhythm
Routine is everything when it comes to balancing Vata energy. With the days getting shorter, it’s important to create a daily rhythm that keeps you anchored.
Ayurvedic Tip: Start your day with a grounding morning routine: wake up early, enjoy a warm drink (perhaps a ginger-turmeric latte?), and take time for gentle movement like yoga or a nature walk. Fall mornings are the perfect time to enjoy some quiet reflection before the day’s activities begin.
Witchy Add-On: Use the fall equinox as a time to reset your routines. You can create a personal ritual to honor the balance of light and dark, setting intentions for the season ahead. Try journaling or creating a small altar dedicated to your goals for the fall.
6. Honor the Season of Letting Go
Just as the trees shed their leaves, autumn is a powerful time for letting go of what no longer serves us. This is essential not just for your mental and emotional health, but for your physical health too.
Ayurvedic Tip: Engage in detoxifying practices like sipping warm water with lemon in the mornings to cleanse the body gently. It’s a simple way to reset the digestive system and release any built-up toxins.
Witchy Add-On: On a magical note, perform a simple fall cleansing ritual in your home. Open the windows, light some sage or palo santo, and release any stagnant energy. As you do, let go of any personal burdens, leaving space for renewal.
Ready to Create Your Perfect Fall Routine?
Transitioning with the seasons doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it’s a time of deep nourishment, reflection, and magic! Whether you’re drawn to Ayurveda’s grounding wisdom or the mystical energy of fall witchcraft, there’s something in this season for everyone.
Looking for a more personalized approach? I’d love to help you craft a routine that’s aligned with your unique needs. From custom meal plans to daily rituals tailored to balance your doshas, I’m here to guide you through this seasonal shift with ease. Feel free to reach out for a consultation, and let’s work together to create a fall routine that feels just right for you - modmystayurveda.com
Stay cozy and balanced, - Amber
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thechakralounge · 3 months
Turmeric Latte Recipe – The Perfect Addition to Your Healthy Diet
Are you getting tired of kale smoothies and decaf lattes? Well, how about experiencing a latte recipe with a refreshing yet healthy twist? Introducing turmeric latte! The health benefits of turmeric are well-known nowadays. Turmeric latte is a simple recipe, which makes it perfect for the daily lifestyle. Here we will know about the turmeric latte recipe, its benefits and how you can enjoy it to its fullest.
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The Perfect Turmeric Latte Recipe to Try Out
Here is a quick and simple turmeric latte recipe that takes less than 5 minutes to prepare. So, you can prepare it before you head out for work or after hitting the gym.
1 cup almond, soy or coconut milk. We are preparing a vegan turmeric latte, but you can use dairy-based milk as well.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon maple syrup. For non-vegans, honey is a good substitute.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
A pinch of black pepper (enhances the absorption of turmeric)
In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it's hot but not boiling.
Whisk in the turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper until well combined.
Stir in the maple syrup as per taste. You can also add the vanilla extract if you want.
For a more frothy latte, you can blend the mixture using an immersion blender or regular blender until frothy.
Pour the latte into a mug and enjoy it warm.
What are some Turmeric Latte Benefits?
Here are some of the Major Turmeric Latte Benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Compounds: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound which is a powerful antioxidant and known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects. This protects the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage and also reduces inflammation in the body, minimizing the risk of various chronic conditions.
Improves Mood and Reduces Depression: Turmeric latte can have antidepressant effects, which may help improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression.
Helps in Maintaining Skin Health: The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric can also benefit the skin, helping to reduce acne, scarring, and other skin conditions.
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What is the Best time to Drink Turmeric Milk?
The best time to drink turmeric milk depends on your personal health goals and daily routine. You can have it before you go to bed to get a good night’s sleep. It can be had in the morning as it kick starts your metabolism and boosts immunity. Turmeric milk can also be taken after meals to aid in digestion. So, it's really up to you.
The most important thing for your turmeric latte recipe is to get the best quality turmeric. At the Chakra Lounge, we bring you the choicest selection of the finest Indian spices. So, get the best quality turmeric from our online store and experience this tasty and healthy drink.
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Exploring Health and Wellness Trends in the UAE Food Service Market
In recent years, the UAE food service market has experienced a significant shift towards health and wellness. As more people prioritise their well-being, the demand for nutritious and wholesome options has grown exponentially. This trend is not just about what we eat but also how it's prepared, packaged, and presented. Let's delve into some of the noteworthy health and wellness trends shaping the UAE food industry today.
Organic and Locally Sourced Ingredients
One prominent trend in the UAE food service market is the emphasis on organic and locally sourced ingredients. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the origins of their food, preferring options that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. This has led to an increase in restaurants and cafes partnering with local farmers and suppliers to ensure the freshness and quality of their ingredients.
From organic fruits and vegetables to grass-fed meats and dairy products, establishments across the UAE are incorporating these offerings into their menus. Not only does this support local farmers and reduce carbon footprints, but it also provides customers with healthier choices.
Plant-Based and Vegan Options
The plant-based movement has taken the world by storm, and the UAE is no exception. More restaurants and food service providers are expanding their menus to cater to vegan and vegetarian preferences. Whether it's a plant-based burger, dairy-free desserts, or vegan-friendly salads, the options are becoming increasingly diverse and delicious.
This shift towards plant-based options is not only driven by health considerations but also by environmental and ethical concerns. Consumers are more aware of the impact of their food choices on the planet and animal welfare, making plant-based eating a popular choice.
Mindful Eating and Wellness Menus
Mindful eating is another growing trend in the UAE food industry, focusing on being present and aware of the eating experience. This includes paying attention to portion sizes, savouring flavours, and choosing foods that nourish the body and mind. Restaurants are responding to this trend by offering wellness menus that highlight nutritious and balanced meals.
Wellness menus often feature dishes rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, promoting overall health and vitality. These menus may include superfood bowls, quinoa salads, lean protein options, and nutrient-packed smoothies. By prioritising ingredients that support well-being, these establishments are attracting health-conscious consumers.
Functional Foods and Beverages
Functional foods and beverages are gaining popularity in the UAE, driven by their health-promoting properties. These are items that offer additional benefits beyond basic nutrition, such as boosting immunity, improving digestion, or enhancing energy levels. From turmeric lattes to probiotic-rich yoghourt bowls, consumers are seeking out products that support their health goals.
Incorporating functional ingredients like chia seeds, matcha, and spirulina into dishes and drinks has become a common practice. Not only do these ingredients add nutritional value, but they also provide unique flavours and textures that appeal to a diverse range of tastes.
Technology and Health-Conscious Dining
Technology is playing a significant role in promoting health-conscious dining experiences in the UAE. From mobile apps that provide nutritional information to online platforms for ordering custom meals, consumers have more tools at their disposal to make informed choices. Some restaurants even offer virtual cooking classes or meal prep services designed for health and wellness enthusiasts.
Additionally, technology has enabled greater transparency in the food industry. Consumers can now trace the journey of their food from farm to table, ensuring its authenticity and quality. This level of transparency fosters trust between establishments and their patrons, especially when it comes to health-related claims.
The UAE food service market is undergoing a transformative period, driven by a growing emphasis on health and wellness. From organic and locally sourced ingredients to plant-based options and mindful eating practices, consumers are seeking out establishments that align with their values and health goals. As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative approaches to promoting well-being through food. Whether you're a health-conscious diner or a food service provider, these trends offer exciting opportunities to explore and enjoy a healthier culinary landscape in the UAE.
Whether you're a health-conscious diner or a food service provider, these trends offer exciting opportunities to explore and enjoy a healthier culinary landscape in the UAE.
Keywords: UAE Food Service Market, Health and Wellness Trends, Organic Ingredients, Locally Sourced, Plant-Based Options, Vegan, Mindful Eating, Wellness Menus, Functional Foods, Technology, Transparency.
This blog aims to shed light on the evolving landscape of health and wellness within the UAE food industry, highlighting key trends and consumer preferences that are shaping menus and dining experiences. As the industry continues to respond to these demands, both diners and establishments stand to benefit from a healthier, more sustainable approach to food service.
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coalvines · 1 year
Does a Chai Latte Have More Caffeine Than Coffee?
A chai latte is a popular drink that combines milk, black tea and spices. However, some people wonder if it has more caffeine than coffee.
While black tea does contain some caffeine, it is much less than coffee. The amount varies according to the recipe and type of tea used.
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Does a Chai Latte Have Caffeine
Black Tea
Black tea has many health benefits that can help to reduce the risk of several types of diseases. It also has an abundance of antioxidants that work to flush toxins from the body and boost your immune system.
These antioxidants may also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. They are also known to protect the brain from degenerative neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that protect the body from free radicals, which can lead to a variety of health problems. They can also reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Theaflavins and thearubigins, the main antioxidants found in black tea, are thought to be the key to its health benefits. They can help to prevent certain cancers and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
In addition to its antioxidants, black tea is also known to lower bad cholesterol levels and promote a healthy digestive tract. It is also said to ease stress and anxiety.
This is because black tea has been shown to decrease the activity of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. This can lead to a feeling of relaxation and help you to sleep better at night.
Besides reducing stress, black tea can also be helpful for people who suffer from stomach disorders such as Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, or IBS. It can also help to soothe the digestive tract and promote the growth of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which can decrease the likelihood of developing these disorders.
As black tea has a lot of caffeine, it is recommended to drink it in moderation. This is especially true if you have children or are pregnant or nursing. It is also important to keep in mind that the amount of caffeine in black tea can vary depending on how it is prepared.
There are two types of black teas: CTC (crush-tear-curl) and orthodox. Both are categorized by the way that the leaves are broken during production. The CTC types have very small crushed leaves, while the orthodox type has larger leaves that are not broken. The CTC types are generally cheaper and are typically found in tea bags. However, if you want to enjoy the full flavor experience of brewing loose leaf tea, then you should choose the orthodox type.
Spices are an integral part of a traditional chai. They add flavor and aroma to the tea and can also contain caffeine, depending on the spice used.
The most common spices in a chai blend are ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper. These spices are known to be beneficial for both body and mind.
Some of the most common benefits of consuming these spices include anti-inflammatory properties, weight loss, improved digestion and liver function, and better heart health. Additionally, some of the spices are known for their ability to reduce nausea and relieve pain.
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can help with digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. It also improves heart health and blood circulation.
Another important spice in a chai is cloves, which add a warm flavor to the drink and partner well with the sweetness of the other spices. They are also an excellent source of antioxidants and have been known to help reduce cholesterol levels and improve digestive tract health.
Cloves can be found in most households, so they are often a part of daily meals. They can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups and baked goods.
Other spices that can be added to a chai are turmeric, which has a delicious, earthy spice flavor. It is also an anti-inflammatory and helps lower cholesterol levels.
Turmeric can be found in many supermarkets and is easy to use. It can be ground and sprinkled on top of your chai or added to teas, smoothies, oatmeal and more for a delicious addition to your favorite cup of joe!
Cinnamon is one of the sweeter spices used for a chai, but it can be replaced with other flavors. You can also add vanilla to the chai for an extra kick of flavor.
Fresh ginger is a great alternative to using whole dried ginger in your chai. It can be used in place of cinnamon to give it a fresh, spicy flavor and elevate the other spices to bring out the best possible flavor.
There are many different flavors of chai that can be created, so it is important to try them all out to find the perfect balance for your tastes. Some people prefer their chai to be spicier and more peppery, while others like it on the sweeter side.
A cup of frothy milk is a favourite beverage for many coffee lovers. It's the perfect accompaniment for your morning brew or a tasty treat at the end of the day, especially on cold, dreary days when you want something comforting and warming.
The milk used in a chai latte, however, can cause problems for some people. This is due to its high levels of milk sugar, also known as lactose, which has a tendency to break down and become scorched when heated beyond the ideal sweet point.
This can cause a bitter flavour to develop, which can be quite unpleasant in a latte. To fix this, it's important to keep the temperature of the milk at the right level. The ideal temperature is 60degC to ensure that the milk sugars break down into smaller, sweeter-tasting compounds.
Thankfully, this means that you can make your own chai latte at home and still enjoy all the benefits that a latte has to offer. You can even use dairy-free alternatives like almond, coconut or soy milk to create a delicious drink that you'll be sure to love.
If you're not familiar with chai tea, it is a traditional black tea blend from India, which is often infused with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and fennel. You can also find a variety of chai blends that contain a range of other ingredients.
To prepare your own chai concentrate, you'll need to combine a mixture of crushed spices with water and sugar. Depending on how strong you like your tea, you can start with just 1/2 to 3/4 of the prepared concentrate and add more to suit your taste.
Then, top the concentrate with warmed milk and garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon to serve. You can also try adding a dash of vanilla extract or vanilla syrup for added sweetness.
Although milk does contain some caffeine, it's not a major source of it and it doesn't have any negative effects on your health - if anything, it might increase your energy level. It can also help to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Sugar is a common ingredient in many food items and drinks. However, there are some health concerns associated with it. The main reason for this is that it can contain caffeine.
Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause many different side effects. These include dizziness, insomnia, restlessness, shakiness, and anxiety. It can also lead to blood pressure spikes and even heart disease.
This is why it is important to watch your intake of caffeine. If you are a regular coffee drinker, it is vital that you limit your daily dose of caffeine to around 400mg per day.
The caffeine in coffee can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, it can also lead to weight gain and other health problems if you consume too much of it.
Therefore, it is very important to choose low-calorie coffees and drinks that are a good source of protein. In addition, coffee can be a good way to boost your energy levels, especially in the morning.
It is also a great source of vitamins C, A, E, and D. Adding milk to your coffee can help increase the amount of calcium in the drink.
Moreover, milk also contains vitamins B6, B9 and K. If you are looking for a healthier alternative to coffee, chai is a great choice. It has a lower calorie content and is high in antioxidants.
But, if you want to make your chai healthier, it is important to know what sugar is and how it is used. You may be surprised to learn that the syrups used in most chai lattes contain a significant amount of sugar.
This can add up to over 20g of sugar per 8-ounce cup of chai, which is more than the recommended intake of four teaspoons per day.
If you are concerned about the sugar in your chai tea, you can always add sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol to your latte. These sweeteners can be found in many stores and can be very effective in lowering the sugar in your chai tea.
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ack3rlady · 3 years
The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 6
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Summary: Reader finally goes back home to meet Levi & Luna and discovers the true reason behind her fallout with him.
Chapters: Five | Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fem! Reader, Fluff, Spice - non-explicit , Modern AU
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
Inspiration: Shall We - Chen
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le ; Anyone else who'd like to be tagged, please let me know!
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Being at the patisserie today was difficult. You were exhausted after staying up all night in anticipation of how the day would go. The thought of returning to your old home that evening to see Levi and Luna combined with the revelation bombs that Hange had dropped on you yesterday had your heart in your throat for a good part of the day.
You were so distracted that a dozen eggs went flying from your hands when Miche tapped on your shoulder from behind during one of his usual visits, causing a huge mess on the kitchen floor. You had blown up at your new assistants Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie for looking at you wrong when they rushed to help with cleaning up the mess, after which Miche had officially ordered everyone to stay out of your way.
Your head rested on his shoulder, as you ate a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich, sat in the breakroom during lunch hour. Mikasa sat opposite you, quietly analyzing your body language, contemplating whether breaking the silence would be the correct choice to make. The television news anchor’s gibber-gabber played like white noise in the background while you chewed on the dry bread at a frustratingly slow pace, your eyes glued to the Aztec patterns on the ceramic backsplash beyond the sink. After hearing you sigh for the fourth time in three minutes, Miche decided to finally speak up.
“You do realize you’re not going to war, right? It’s just your little girl, not a titan. What has got you this terrified?”
He was right. Why were you overthinking this? Luna was your own daughter. She could never hate you, could she? Would she despise you for not being there for her for the last two months? What if she refused to see you today? What if she refused to see you at all? Your breathing began speeding up again.
“Oi!”, Miche jerked his shoulder and shook you out of your thoughts. “Stop worrying, will you? It'll be just fine.”
This resulted in another sigh from you and an eyeroll from the two.
Hours flew by in a matter of what felt like seconds. It was already time to leave for the much-awaited reunion. You assured Miche that you were okay to drive when he offered you a lift. Upon beginning on the familiar route you took every day for the last five years before you moved, memories of the long periods you spent stuck in traffic, longing to see your family after an exhausting day at work flashed before your eyes. Unlike then, you were hoping to be stuck in it today, just so that you could buy more time to prepare yourself.
But obviously, life had other plans. You zoomed past surprisingly empty roads and didn’t have stop at many red lights. And before you knew it, you pulled up on the street outside the house, your house, within fifteen minutes. You sat in your car frantically shaking your leg and running your hands through your hair, looking at the little home where you had spent both the best and the worst days of your life.
Light emanated from the large windows, the Prussian blue front door that you and Levi had painted yourselves, was closed, the lawn was freshly mowed, and Luna’s swing set sat on the grass just like it did while you still lived there. The sight made your heart warm, but you couldn’t get yourself to walk towards it. You gripped the steering wheel and laid your head on it, trying to calm down, until a knock on the window caused you to jump. You looked up to find Levi hunched over and motioning you to step outside.
“Oi! You’ve been parked here for thirty minutes. Are you coming home or what?”, he asked when you lowered the window.
You decided to finally leave the comfortable confines of your vehicle and slowly made your way to the house, your heart beating rapidly. Levi’s hand found yours; the warmth from his fingers intertwining with yours made your breath hitch.
“It's going to be okay. She’s really excited to see you.”, he assured you when you met his eyes.
Inhaling deeply, you stepped inside the house. Everything looked exactly how you remembered it. The sheer white curtains lining the French windows were gently blowing with the breeze, the rich cherry-wood grandfather clock that stood ticking away at the far end of the living room, books were lined neatly on shelves, family pictures were mounted on the wall, warm yellow light from the lamps illuminated all these features - it was all unchanged. You were instantly drawn to the pictures. Letting go of Levi’s hand, you moved to stand in front of the wall, softened gaze roaming through them and reminiscing the happy memories they brought back.
“Mama!” You were roused from your reverie by a voice you yearned to hear for the last two months. Immediately, Luna had clung to your leg like a koala bear.
“Loonie!” you squealed, picking her up and pulling her into a solid embrace.
“I missed you, Mama!”, she reciprocated with an equally tight hug.
“Oh, I missed you so much more, baby girl!”, you didn’t realize when you began sobbing.
Levi, who was happily watching your reunion from a distance, walked closer and placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as a reminder for you to stay strong.
“I’ll get dinner ready. Moon beam, why don’t you take Mama up to your room?”, he drew Luna’s attention as you stole some moments to compose yourself. The little one zealously tugged on your hand and guided you upstairs yapping in excitement the whole way.
You watched in awe as she told you story after story about everything she could possibly remember since the day you last saw her. Her angelic voice was like cool water to your parched ears. What took you so long to come back here? All the fear of rejection vanished in thin air as Luna modeled the new dresses you just gifted to her, and showcased the toys and books that her doting Papa, uncles and aunts bought. She insisted that you tie her hair into two space buns like you always did before because apparently, “Papa never gets it right like you do.”
Levi leaned against the door frame and smiled at the sight of Luna theatrically narrating an especially thrilling story about her encounter with a ladybug in the backyard. He clicked a mental picture of his little girl's dramatic oration while you marveled at her as if she sprinkled the stars up in the sky. As soon as she was finished telling how the polka-dotted bug landed right on the ridge of her nose, she spotted her father and announced that the three of you were to immediately commence with a tea party.
Akin to the rest of the evening, Luna insisted upon sitting on your lap as you sipped on hibiscus tea that Levi brewed while she drank the warm turmeric latte that she requested you to make. You peppered the top of her head with kisses as the walls of your home reverberated with more tales about her day at the park, and about a puppy that tickled her fingers by licking them. At 8:00 PM sharp, Levi declared that it was time for dinner when you finished your respective beverages.
His signature dish, Tonkotsu ramen was on the menu that both you and Luna gobbled it up in no time. For dessert, you brought her favorite strawberry ice-cream mochi that you made yourself at the patisserie. You two ladies chatted away and Levi participated every now and then.  You couldn’t help but think how perfect this felt and going by his serene expression, Levi seemed to be mirroring your thoughts.
Bath time after dinner had been a routine as the three-year-old was still learning to eat by herself and more often than not, made a big mess. You volunteered to bathe her while he cleaned up.  He slet out a content sigh when Luna’s laughter accompanied by yours echoed through the house as you splashed her with water while she played in the tub. Even the most beautiful music in the world did not hold a candle to this harmony that was falling on his ears.
When it was finally time for bed, Luna was in deep slumber within minutes, drowsy after a warm bath and a fun-filled evening. You reclined on the bed by her side, caressing her hair and listening to her mellow snores, and Levi sat on the armchair by the bed, catching up on some reading, occasionally glancing at the pair of you.
It was tranquil. The light from her moon-shaped night lamp dimly illuminated the room. The dream catcher that you made for her swayed over your hear. Nothing but sound of the soft breaths of your baby and of Levi occasionally turning the page of his novel filled the air. There was no stress, no negativity, only peace of mind. With closed eyes, you took it all in, this life you missed so much.
You had been entranced for a while before feeling a soft tap on your forearm. Levi signaled you with his neck to head outside. Right as you tried to get out of bed as gently as possible, a little hand gripped yours tightly.
“Mama, don’t leave.”, the melancholy in Luna's sleepy voice tugged on the strings of your heart. You opened your mouth to respond, but words refused to spawn.
“Moon beam, Mama will be back home with us soon.”
Levi was now on the bed beside you, caressing Luna’s hair with one hand and clutching yours tightly with the other. It was hard to decide whether the sudden flutter in your heart was a result of bewilderment, or from the warmth of his words.
Making sure she was really asleep this time you both lightly kissed the snoozing baby, snugly tucked her in and made your way downstairs.
“Tea?”, he offered while entering the kitchen. You obliged, making yourself comfortable on the couch, not ignoring the sudden Deja- vu that dawned upon you.
He soon returned with two steaming cups of fragrant chamomile tea and sat next to you, stretching his arm on the backrest. He absentmindedly twirled strands of your hair between his fingers as you both sipped the hot beverage in a serene silence.
“I owe you an explanation.”, Levi finally began.
You turned to face him, with your back now resting against the arm of the couch. Poles apart from his usual calm demeanor, he looked... fidgety. His puffed the already plump pillows beside him, eyes glancing over everything in the room but you. Your continued silence was enough sign for him to go on with what he wanted to say.
“Uh... You are the first person I’m about to tell this to. In fact, I have never even uttered this out loud before. I only just came to terms with it myself.”, he exhaled sharply.
“What is it, Levi?”, you urged.
"Okay. Here goes. Something in me changed on the day Luna was born. I knew that as a father, I was expected to be her protector; that's what I was told a father should be. But- But I was too afraid for her. It was an obsession, almost blinding. It started with keeping the kid out of harm's way at all costs. But it just deteriorated from there. As she grew up, she wanted to try new things and explore. And you, like any parent would, encouraged her to do just that. It makes me sick to even say this, but my urge to shield Luna got so bad that I started to perceive you as a threat to our own daughter. I got these splitting headaches and I’d black out and lose track of what I was saying or doing every time things didn’t go my way. I didn’t even realize when I pushed you far, far away until it was too late.”, he sighed, his gaze locked on the blank television screen in front of him.
Your stomach was in twists, horrified face exuding your inability to grasp what you just heard. There was a long, pregnant pause as he waited for you to say something... anything.
“How could you?”
Levi and you had been together for a long time even before you married. You were offended that he could feel this way about you. It made you furious that he put you, Luna and himself through so much pain. Neither of you could control tears from being shed as he continually begged for your forgiveness.
"I knew I had fucked up, the moment I signed those papers. I turned our whole world upside down with my own hands. My mind felt like a prison that I could not break out of, and instead of letting you help me, I abandoned you.", he despaired.
Your rage started to evaporate when he described how lost he felt the moment you were gone; how he had hung on to Luna like his life depended on it, just to maintain his sanity. He was barely sleeping and the frequent nightmares he had were only making things worse. He told you how he had been working hard on controlling his impulses - starting by trusting Furlan, Isabel, Hange or Erwin with taking care of her in his absence.
“I can’t express how much I regret letting you go, love. I wish for every second of every day that I hadn't done it.”, He was breathing raggedly, as if trying hold back another wave of tears.
You quietly stared at him, unable to think of anything to say to him.
“It is getting late. I should leave.”, you sniffled as you began to gather your things.
Your mind was in scrambles; the heartache threatening another breakdown. It was almost midnight, the tea had done its job and you were exhausted, causing your feelings to be much more amplified than they would be otherwise. The last two days had been too much to process.
He nodded in despondency and watched you walking to the door.
It reminded him of something.
This was his nightmare coming true. Again.
In his dream he was stuck to the floor, robbed of his voice, his limbs frozen. He couldn't let that miserable dream win this time. He needed to stop you. He had to have you back. He couldn't let you leave.
Not again.
Just as you were about to step out, he called out your name and reached out for your hand.
“Stay.”, he whispered, almost too softly.
“Levi, I have to be at work early tomor...”
“Why are you such a dumbass? Do I really need to spell everything out for you?”, he interrupted.
“You’re not helping your case right now.”, you raised your brow.
“I love you, you idiot. I let you go once, and I don’t want to do it again. I wont survive being away from you any longer. I need you. I horribly failed at being a good husband. But I promise I’ll make everything right if you give me another chance. Please.”, he begged, the lone tear running down his cheek shone in the dim luminescence of the room.
Dumbfounded, you gaped at his anguished face. You were wordlessly taking in what he had just said when he mistook your silence for rejection and turned around, looking dejected.
“Levi!”, you clutched his hand and pulled him towards you.
Your bodies collided, faces just a few inches away from each other's. Reaching for his face with your other hand, you wiped the tear away with your thumb.
“Kiss me.”, you breathed.
He looked... befuddled, unable to comprehend the words that just left your tongue. Getting impatient, you took it upon yourself to close whatever little distance that remained between you.
And like pieces of a puzzle, your lips met; perfectly merging together as if that’s where they always belonged. The stars that twinkled in front of your closed eyes accompanied were by ecstatic explosions in your heart and butterflies in your stomach. His lips tasted like sweet chamomile tea, with hints of the tangy strawberry from earlier. His touch was so gentle that you were transported back in time to the balcony of his old apartment where a shy Levi took all evening to muster up the courage to kiss you after your first date while it snowed outside.
The tenderness soon heightened into fiery passion when his hands wandered down to your thighs to pick you up and pin you against the door, slamming it shut. Waltzing tongues, heavy breaths, frisky hands; you were like two starving animals who were just presented with their favorite meals, hungrily grabbing the other and moaning into each other's mouths. He began to fiddle with the hem of your shirt, pulling it up with one hand as the other held you firmly against the door.
“Oi! What the fuck?”, Levi resembled a child who dropped his ice-cream on a hot summer day when you swatted his hand away.
“Slow down, Tiger. What’s the rush?”, you smiled coyly while wiggling out of his grip.
“I-I uh...”, He looked dazed, unable to form sentences.
“I love you too, Levi. I never stopped. But I don’t want to get hurt again. It has only been a day since we reconnected. Can we take this slow?”, you sighed, smoothing his hair and straightening out his shirt.
“We’ll go at whatever pace you’d like.”
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A/N: So, did you ever expect to be Levi's Modern AU Zeke Yaeger? 🙊😬
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Chapters: Five | Six | Seven
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maren-as-an-adult · 4 years
The 2020 Experience, Part 4
December was...rough. Every free moment I had was spent looking for better paying jobs and more apartments. Christmas gifts were planned and purchased under extreme budget. I had an upcoming OB-GYN appointment. And the accumulated stress finally broke me physically and mentally.
I started noticing it when I had my OB-GYN appointment. My appointment wasn’t until 4:30pm, but I wanted to get some Christmas shopping done, so I took an early train into Atlantic Terminal to do some shopping in and around Barclay’s Center. I didn’t have breakfast before I left, so I grabbed a latte and a slice of iced lemon cake from Starbucks. There were some benches outside where I sat down and ate. Afterwards, I hit up Target and Marshall’s. Once I was in line for Marshall’s, I started feeling... off. I could feel my pulse rushing in my face, and my stomach felt simultaneously empty and twisted upside down. I couldn’t tell if I felt like I was going to vomit or poop, or if I was just really gassy and needed to fart. I made it through purchasing and left to sit down somewhere, anywhere. I think I settled down in front of either TJ Maxx or Burlington on the ground. I pulled my knees into my chest, waiting and hoping for this feeling to pass. After about 15 minutes and no change, I knew I needed to find a bathroom. And in COVID times, I had a better chance of finding a four-leaf clover growing out of the concrete than a public toilet I could access.
Target, however, was my savior. Having purchased from them earlier, I happily took advantage of their open and clean bathroom facilities. I won’t go into too much detail, but I will say I spent a long time on that toilet trying to feel better. Eventually I had to move on, and I decided I would go outside and get as much fresh air as I could, hoping that would somehow cure me of this... whatever feeling it was. It helped, or at least that’s what I told myself as I slowly sipped water from my water bottle. I tried to make one last stop at one last shop before heading down to Bay Ridge for my OB-GYN appointment, but after two instances where I was forced to sit down again and wait for the feeling to pass to something barely more manageable, I decided the best course of action would be to arrive exceptionally early to my appointment and hope they had an unoccupied bathroom I could access.
Thankfully, they did. I somehow managed a thirty minute train ride, a ten minute wait for the bus, a ten minute bus ride, and a ten minute walk to the doctor’s office, where after filling out a few forms I retreated to their very clean single occupancy bathroom. I felt awful and wanted something done about it, so I open mouth breathed while kneeling in front of the toilet bowl for a while. It’s a technique I use when I feel like I may throw up and want to encourage my stomach to expel whatever’s clearly upsetting it. [I also wish to take this moment to make this very clear: I am not, nor have I ever been, bulimic. I don’t endorse or condone bulimia. I’m sure it’s very easy to read what I just wrote as inducing vomiting to purposefully purge, but it is not. I was not trying to make myself vomit, but I was prepared for that to happen should my body have decided that’s what it needed to do.] What ended up happening was about five minutes of dry heaving before my body apparently decided that because there was nothing there, that nothing was wrong anymore.
What was wrong with me? I hadn’t interacted with anyone who was sick, had I? I had recently started babysitting, could I have gotten something from one of the kids? Was I not as diligent as I thought I’d been with maintaining social distance and wearing a mask and sanitizing and washing my hands? Or was it something else? All I’d had to eat that day was some processed cake and a sugary latte, could I possibly have developed celiac disease overnight? Was my body finally shutting down it’s lactose-digesting functions? Was I just really overcaffeinated because I forgot to specify “half-caf” in my Starbucks order?
I posited these queries to my doctor while she poked around my vagina. She said it was possible I could be lactose intolerant or I could be crashing from the caffeine. When the staff had taken my temperature I wasn’t running a fever, so it wasn’t likely I’d caught anything off of someone. With a final fingering to gauge the position of my uterus (I learned it has a slight anterior tilt), my appointment was done and I was free to go home. Though I felt better, I decided against calling on my old roommates and to instead just head back to Graham’s. I made one last gift purchase before hopping on the LIRR, and my Christmas shopping was essentially done.
The feeling didn’t disappear though, and on some days it became unmanageable. My GI system was clearly in distress, and not a lot was helping. I found a few packs of ginger turmeric tea at Graham’s house and made myself a cup, firmly placing my faith in the healing properties of what some (uncultured) people call “hot leaf juice”. I think it helped, but I can’t be sure. I’d told Graham about what was going on and what I thought it could be, and he could sympathize and to a degree empathize. It wasn’t until one night when I was again dry heaving into a toilet bowl that Graham fully saw what an awful state I was in. I told him at this point I thought it was a manifestation of the stress we’d been under for the past eight weeks. For eight weeks we’d been searching for apartments, passing on nice ones just out of our budget, trying to come to terms with the infinite number of mediocre same-floor plan, same-color, same-appliances, same-building looking ones, and getting discouraged with the shitty, falling apart ones. I had spent my first Thanksgiving away from my family and had resigned myself to spending Christmas apart from my family for the first time as well. I’d had three separate COVID tests in the past two months. I hadn’t spoken to my therapist since before Thanksgiving. And I had spent the entire month at Graham’s family’s house, which was not something I had wanted.
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. Truly, I’m indebted to Graham’s mom for letting me not only stay with them rent-free (but agreeing to walk their dogs) but also keep my stuff there while she is also getting ready to move out. But I have never felt comfortable calling someone else’s place my home. I cannot help but feel like an outsider, and no matter how many times people tell me to “make [myself] comfortable” and “help [myself] to whatever food there is” I will feel like an imposition and a burden. It’s only my anxiety coming through, but it comes through LOUD.
I finally scheduled an appointment with my therapist again, and poured all this out to him. I told him exactly how bad things had gotten, and not for the first time I considered asking to be prescribed anti-anxiety medication and possibly antidepressants. I decided to keep going without them...for now.
Christmas Eve came and Graham, his family, and I all celebrated together. We were gifted some lovely items to start our life living together, like a knife set, a set of glasses, new bedding, and a casserole dish. It was a lovely respite from the stress.
On Christmas Day, Graham and I went to see another apartment. This apartment was in the same building as the apartment we almost signed for, and the only differences were that this apartment was on a lower floor and didn’t have a balcony. It was also almost $100/month less than what we had almost agreed to. The owner said he would send over the application and answers to our questions on Monday. We both felt good about this apartment.
When Monday came with no e-mail from the guy, I reached out to him to ask when we could expect it. His response was that he had just been diagnosed with COVID-19 and now wanted to sell instead of rent. This became all too much for me, and when I got back into Graham’s car as we were out running errands, I started screaming. I hadn’t screamed like this since a particularly bad day of work I had back when I worked at Target. It was cathartic, but I felt cold and disconnected from Graham for the rest of the day. Something had broken inside me, and I wasn’t sure if it was my heart, my soul, my mind, or all three. It took a while for me to recover, and honestly I’m still hurt and feel betrayed by this guy. I understand I cannot speak for what’s best for him or what he felt he should have done, but Graham and I felt that we were given the runaround by this guy. We scheduled another COVID test for ourselves, and tried to move forward.
We made it to New Year’s Eve, and stayed up to watch 2020 end. New Year’s felt somber this year, and it felt hard to celebrate the start of a new year when the one we just went through was so damaging.
But we made it. We’re here, and it’s the first week of January in 2021. Currently there are radical conservatives storming the Capitol protesting the electoral college results, but in less than 20 days, Trump will be out of office. I’ve given myself goals that are manageable for the new year, and Graham and I have three applications out for three different apartments, and there’s a chance we may be able to get the apartment we saw on Christmas Day. We keep moving forward, because the alternative is to not move at all.
And I refuse to allow that for myself.
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cookinandstudyin · 5 years
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Pumpkin spice latte
Today I've been at the third global strike for climate, and when I came back I saw a pretty pumpkin in a grocery and that was love...
In fact I always wanted trying the pumpkin spice latte and than I got the possibility!
It's not as complicated as it looks, it's actually just a matter of time, since it takes at least 40 minutes... But here I am to help you.
You'll need:
2 or 3 tbsps of pumpkin puree
A tsp of pumpkin spice
A shot of coffee
1/2 cup of any milk (I prefer almond)
Whipped cream (how much you like)
Extra cinnamon
Now I tell you, to prepare pumpkin puree there are 2 ways, one is to bake it at 180°C until is cooked, or to boil it until is soft. I prepare and freeze 4/5 portions to have it always ready.
The other problem is the pumpkin spice, because it's quiet annoying and needs a lot of spices, I'll give you my recipe but you can change with whatever you want :
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of ginger
1/4 tsp of curry
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
1/4 tsp of turmeric
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
A sprinkle of red pepper and same with black pepper
1 tsp of organic sugar cane
Little advice: prepare a little jar with them and keep it in the cupboard
Now just mix together the pumpkin puree, the spices and the coffee until smooth, add preheated milk and mix. Enjoy also with some whipped cream and extra spice⭐⭐⭐
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sonita0526 · 5 years
गोल्डन मिल्क के फायदे: हल्दी वाले दूध को और बहुत फायदेमंद बनाने के सबसे शानदार तरीके, हल्दी मिल्क से जुडे़ हर सवाल का एक्सपर्ट्स: जानें जवाब
गोल्डन मिल्क के फायदे: हल्दी वाले दूध को और बहुत फायदेमंद बनाने के सबसे शानदार तरीके, हल्दी मिल्क से जुडे़ हर सवाल का एक्सपर्ट्स: जानें जवाब
अद्भुत हल्दी दूध के लाभ: सोने से पहले हल्दी वाला दूध (हल्दी दूध) या हल्दी का लट्टे (हल्दी लट्टे) पीना एक ऐसी चीज है जिसका पालन भारत में कई पीढ़ियों से किया जा रहा है। हल्दी वाले दूध (Haldi Doodh) की लोकप्रियता के पीछे सबसे आम कारण नींद के लिए फायदेमंद होना है। इसके अलावा अपने दैनिक आहार (दैनिक आहार) में हल्दी वाला दूध (हल्दी दूध) शामिल करना आपकी हड्डियों के लिए (हल्दी दूध के लिए हड्डियों)…
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crimsonblackrose · 5 years
A friend invited me to meet her at the Vegan festival and I was not properly prepared at all. Vegan means without he use of animals or animal by products. This is used for both diet and lifestyle meaning most things are made from plants and nothing like dairy, eggs or honey is used in making food or consumed.
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Almost everyone I saw at the festival brought their own supplies. I saw tons of people wandering around eating out of glass containers with their own forks/spoons/chopsticks. I saw people having their coffee filled up in tumblers. It felt like a block party where everyone had just popped out of their house with their own plates before chatting with their neighbors. I, of course, didn’t have any of my own containers in my bag. I had cash, I figured cash was a necessity since it was an outdoor festival. But that’s about as prepared as I was. Thankfully there was a little booth where you could rent their dishware, like these in the boxes pictured above. Which I thought was pretty cool. However I took what I was given in the containers/on the plates the vendors had, mostly because I kept jumping in ridiculously long lines and didn’t want to have to run back and rent a plate and then have to wait even longer.
First up I got in line for doughnuts. The line was huge and a person who’d come with my friend said that it was the thing they went straight for, because the line had been so long last year. So with a glowing review I got in line and waited to grab a doughnut.
The line was long. Very long. Several people in front of me had brought jumbo containers and bought tons of doughnuts, which made me a bit nervous until they put more out. My friends also left to grab other foods and eventually came back to give me money to buy them something.
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For the three of us we each got one thing. I got a dark chocolate caramel doughnut and my friends got a mocha brownie and a green tea with strawberry jam doughnut (I was told to just pick something out for her, so I did).
Here’s the thing at the vegan festival. Popularity doesn’t always mean it’s actually good. I waited in line for that dark chocolate caramel doughnut forever and it was not worth it. Mind you I’m not vegan. For a vegan who hasn’t had a doughnut in a long time it might be great. But this was more like an overly sweet dense and dry bagel pretending it was doughnut. The caramel? A filling in the center like the cream cheese on a bagel. It was two complete separate halves stuck together with caramel as the glue and doused in the messiest icing imaginable. It was not easy to eat. It left me feeling like a dog who’d just taken on a tub of peanut butter without any water in sight. And my friends? Not the biggest fans of their own dry desserts. It does however get an A+ on looks. Those are some mighty appetizing looking doughnuts and brownie but they settled in my stomach like a rock and I was without water.
There was a lot of really cool sounding food as I wandered around. Jackfruit sloopy joes and bbq veggie burgers sounded delightful. I’ve always wanted to try a jackfruit masquerading as meat. However after a quick chat with the people working there I learned both were spicy and thus beyond my ability to enjoy. Which turned out to be a theme. Everyone was making their food quite spicy and thus my options were rather limited. At that point I really just wanted a black bean burger. My aunt back home makes great ones and the only black beans I can find here are dry which requires me to soak them for several days so I don’t accidentally poison myself…and I don’t have time for that. However I didn’t find any. Instead I spotted a long line for burgers.
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Monks Butcher is a vegetarian friendly restaurant found in Itaewon that was working overtime making their one thing: Burgers.
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The line was insanely long and it didn’t move. At all. Eventually I told my friends to go get what else they wanted. I.e. drinks/ find us a seat so we could divide and conquer. Which under the blue skies and beating sun I instantly regretted. It was my second long line and it was at least an hour that I waited to get tickets. Since it was a small booth with only about 2-3 people working they were working in a very specific order: Take about 10 orders and payment. Make burgers. Call numbers. Give out burgers. Take new orders.
Because people had left due to how long it took to cook and make the burgers people would wander off and they’d keep calling out numbers and no one would come forward and claim their burger, which slowed down the process by a lot. But eventually, when I was utterly exhausted we finally got our burgers.
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The burgers included Beyond Meat. (Which is a brand of meatless patties made from plants.) They were pretty good but by the time I got to sit down and eat I was utterly exhausted and a little bitter hangry.  The burger was decent, however it also had sriracha mayo on it which is spicy so my enjoyment of it was greatly decreased. It also hadn’t been a cheap burger so I was wishing I’d found something else to enjoy instead.
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The final thing I got before leaving was a turmeric latte. It was pretty good and helped wash down the donuts which I’d saved for a dessert.
My phone decided the camera wouldn’t work so thank you to GuacandrollinSeoul for being patient taking all the pictures I asked her to and sharing them with me.
I think my first vegan festival was a mixed success. I kind of wish I’d had the foresight or even just a heads up to bring my own containers. It was windy and the ground was dusty and I nearly lost my burger just walking to a table to sit down. I also wouldn’t have ended up with chocolate all over my bag from the doughnut if I’d brought some sort of glassware to put it in. I also wish I hadn’t decided to wait in lines the entire time. I feel like I didn’t get to fully enjoy the festival and ended up just hot and hangry by the time I did get my food. It was probably not the best, but there was a lot of cool things I did enjoy like the whole block party feel of it and the fact they’d set up areas for you to wash your dishes (borrowed or your own). And that there were so many options. I didn’t think vegan was an easy life style to maintain in Korea but it was a packed festival and everyone was very friendly.
2019 Vegan Festival A friend invited me to meet her at the Vegan festival and I was not properly prepared at all.
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scoopreview01 · 3 years
Lemonkind Coupon Code
Kickstart your body & achieve desired health objectives with lemonkind
Lemonkind Coupon Codes help you to buy products at rock bottom prices
Additionally, Lemonkind provides peace of mind that you & your loved ones are safe
Lemonkind makes juices, teas, and weight-loss bubble teas that are simple to prepare, ready-to-eat, mix and drink. Our functional, ready-to-drink, and ready-to-mix products are designed to help you kickstart your body and achieve your health objectives. Use our Lemonkind Coupon Code to get even more discounts on your purchases.
Being health-conscious has never been easier, thanks to the brand. A juice detox or a one-serving healthy boost might help you reset your lifestyle. Make your health a priority by setting a few simple, attainable goals with Lemonkind.
Quality, safety, and value are all priorities for us. Our processing, packaging, ingredient technology, and distribution methods ensure that juice and beverage products are safe, stable, and appealing simply and cost-effectively. Consumers benefit from our mild pasteurization method because it is safer for them, healthier for the environment, and easier to manage across the supply chain. Because all of our products pass the Juice HACCP 5-log Pathogen Reduction Performance Standard test, and each batch is lab-tested to pass the toughest of requirements, Lemonkind has the peace of mind that you and your loved ones are safe.
What is Lemonkind?
Lemonkind has introduced nutrient-dense botanicals to our fitness fanatics in the form of packed superfoods to uplift and support you. All of the items are plant-based and have no additives, allowing you to shine, feel lighter, and think more clearly. Self-care has never been easier, and it helps you feel good from both the exterior and interior. It would help if you tried using our updated Lemonkind Coupon Code to save a lot of money.
Moreover, you can try our Core Detox; an original nutrient-dense cleanse designed to help you reset your body. Our low-calorie, high-impact detox is the Master Cleanse (recommended for advanced cleansers). The Fat-Burn Cleanse is a latte cleanse designed to help people lose weight while restoring their nutritional balance.
Why do you need Lemonkind?
Vegan: Only plant-based components are used.
Organic botanicals and non-GMO substances are used to create clean labels.
Gluten-free: less than ten parts per million. It's been tried and true.
Terracycle's cooperation allowed us to make this product recyclable.
Shelf-stable: Contains no preservatives and is ready to eat.
All of our products are available in single-serve shelf-stable ready-to-eat, ready-to-mix, or ready-to-drink packaging.
Lemonkind uses only plant-based, plant-extracted ingredients with no synthetic colors, preservatives, or other chemicals to achieve a natural shade.
The company has taken an environmentally responsible approach to its packaging materials, using 45 percent less cardboard.
The brand offers ready-to-use kits that make working out simple and achieving your objectives a reality. All packages come with free delivery and are simple to return.
Make sure to use our most current Lemonkind Coupon Code to enjoy significant savings on all of your purchases.
With us, you can get ready for a sense of well-being, lightness, and mental clarity.
Lemonkind pricing & plans?
Vegan meal replacements, 3-day fat-burning latte detox + bottle available for $64.95
3 Day MASTER Juice Cleanse, Low-Calorie Low-Carb comes for $119.95
Buy Golden Vanilla with Turmeric and Milk Thistle – Liver Detox & Stress Relief (10 Lattes) at $34.99
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We may make thoughtful, aware decisions about our health and well-being through learning. You actively fuel your body with solid superfoods, reset your mentality and digestive system, increase your body's metabolism, and kickstart your weight reduction objectives when you cleanse.
Lemonkind has health advantages that go beyond fruits and vegetables. The brand provides metabolism-boosting juice cleanses and adaptogen fat-burning tea; all items will help you feel more confident and energized. Our updated Voucher Code will bring you a lot of discounts and deals at a great price. Remember (because we never forget) that your health is a lovely thing—so let's work together to make today the start of anything you desire.
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cliftonsteen · 3 years
Exploring alternative coffee beverages
While specialty coffee consumption continues to rise around the world, demand for functional alternative beverages is also increasing. 
This is in no small part because health and wellbeing are rapidly growing as consumer priorities. As a result, coffee alternatives marketed as “healthy” pre or post-workout supplements are becoming more popular. 
To learn more about alternative coffee beverages, I spoke to two professionals from the “low-roast” coffee market. Read on to find out what they told me.
You may also like our article on the matcha latte.
What is “alternative” roasted coffee?
Across the coffee sector, consumer interest in alternatives to “regular” roasted coffee has been changing. 
There’s no doubt that younger demographics have influenced the trajectory of the coffee industry with new product categories (such as cold brew and RTD lattes, for example). In response, roasters have changed their strategy to meet this demand and produce “alternative” beverages.
Logan Allender is the Head Roaster and COO at Atlas Coffee Club. “Typical coffee [like medium to dark roasts] attempts to strike a bittersweet kind of balance,” he says. “When we think bittersweet, we often consider foods like dark chocolates or cranberries.”
Logan roasts coffee for Golden Ratio, a company that produces single-serve, “gold” roast coffee bags in Austin, Texas. 
“Golden Ratio aims to be less acidic, [so] we find the resulting cup is smoother and sweeter,” he says. “[There are] more caramel [flavours], with complementing notes of cashew, oat milk, and malt tea.”
The “gold” roast profile also means that the caffeine levels in Golden Ratio remain high. According to the company’s website, it contains 50% more caffeine per gram than regular brewed arabica coffee. 
However, recognising that younger consumers are increasingly drinking smoother, mellower coffee beverages (like cold brew), it also aims to eliminate acidity and bitterness.
Logan says that this “gold” roast is achieved using a different technique. 
“Our approach is much more gentle than typical roasting – not too dissimilar from roasting nuts,” he tells me. “We use higher airflow and lower temperatures to create an even roast that ensures good moisture removal from the coffee, without overcooking the exterior.”
Golden Ratio is also only sold in pre-ground pouches. This helps to meet a growing demand for convenience among younger consumers. However, this isn’t the only reason why it’s pre-ground for sale.
Robbie Thomas is the Marketing Director at Golden Ratio. “Our beans are less roasted than regular coffee, [so] the beans are much more dense post-roast than regular coffee,” he explains. 
“This creates a problem with most coffee grinders – the golden beans will break them!”
The growing functional ingredient market
The global functional ingredient market is set to reach US $105.64 billion by 2027. But what does “functional” actually mean?
There are multiple definitions, but the general consensus is that a functional ingredient is a food or beverage item that has some kind of tangible benefit beyond its flavour. For instance, coffee is a functional ingredient which promotes health and wellness and improves wakefulness because of its caffeine content.
However, in an effort to make coffee even more “functional”, some consumers are increasingly looking to maximise the impact of their coffee. For instance, many people use cold brew in tandem with fitness supplements as a preworkout combo.
Robbie, however, explains that the functional beverage market is always evolving.
“People’s love of coffee and caffeination cannot help itself but to push new bounds,” says Robbie. “Today, we can see an explosion of new creative expressions, helping folks enjoy their coffee.
“This includes flash-frozen coffee, higher-quality instant, mushroom coffee, [and] low-roasted coffees (like gold coffee).”
Mushroom coffee is an historic example of a functional beverage. Despite its recent surge in popularity, the drink was actually used in early Chinese medicine. More recently, it was employed as a coffee substitute during the Second World War.
Mushroom coffee is typically made by adding hot water to a ground mixture of roasted coffee and mushrooms. These mushrooms are traditionally of the chaga, turkey’s tail, lion’s mane, or reishi varieties, all of which have supposed medicinal properties. 
However, while there are claims that mushroom coffee can improve immune activity and reduce the risk of heart disease, its flavour profile isn’t for everyone.
“While the spicy and carbonic flavours [can be preferable to some, it] can also be off-putting to others – often requiring customers to add milk or milk alternatives to reduce the bitterness,” Logan says.
“Acidity and bitterness are two sides of the same coin. [They are] the extremes of the pH scale and can be harsh if they go too far in any direction.”
Consumers & a new focus on wellbeing
“Two-thirds of Americans who drink coffee everyday add cream or sugar to their beverage,” Robbie says. “Only one-third of Americans who drink coffee everyday enjoy it black and without sugar.”
Adding milk, cream, sugar, or sweeteners can increase the calorie content of a cup of coffee and make it a less healthy beverage option.
Research shows that health and wellbeing is a growing priority for many younger coffee consumers; in a survey by Sandford Health, some 53% of millennials cited health and wellbeing as their most important values. 
“One in every seven US Americans wrestles with some sort of digestive issue,” Robbie says. “Regular coffee can irritate these through its natural acidity or caffeine levels.
He also says that Golden Ratio is five times less acidic than regular brewed coffee. This can be beneficial for consumers who are sensitive to acidic foods and beverages.
“Our beans are roasted less than regular coffee,” Robbie says. “It’s somewhere in between green coffee and a blonde roast (the lightest ‘regular’ coffee roast in the market).”
Caffeine sensitivity is another important factor, too. While coffee is linked with a number of health and wellness benefits, decaf and other caffeine-free alternatives are popular with people who are caffeine-sensitive.
Caffeine sensitivity itself is actually determined by an individual’s genetic makeup and metabolism. People with faster metabolisms tend to feel the impact of caffeine less. Conversely, caffeine naturally processes more slowly for people with slower metabolisms.
This growing segment of caffeine-sensitive consumers understandably looks for alternative beverage options. Furthermore, even for those who aren’t especially caffeine-sensitive, caffeine can lead to headaches, anxiety, and stomach problems in high doses.
Alongside decaf, however, other caffeine-free options are emerging on the market. Chicory root, for instance, can be roasted, ground, and brewed as an alternative to coffee. In New Orleans, ground chicory has even been mixed with coffee in a citywide tradition for hundreds of years.
How might this market develop?
As interest in higher-quality coffee and consumer wellbeing both continue to grow, the alternative coffee market seems set to increase. Robbie notes, however, that quality itself plays an important role in the development of these markets.
“Let’s take matcha for example,” he says. “It’s become overwhelmingly popular in a short period of time, but it’s not cheap [or] generic matcha that’s causing this meteoric rise.
“Instead, it’s ceremonial grade [or] specialty matcha that is making a big name for itself in [the] alternative beverage [market].”
Matcha is prepared by grinding young green tea leaves to a fine powder, then whisking the powder with hot water to make a tea, or adding it to steamed milk. 
Matcha has become overwhelmingly popular for its health benefits, as there is plenty of research linking the consumption of green tea to a decreased risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. 
The growing focus on health has also boosted the popularity of other traditional beverages, too. Another example is haldi doodh, also known as turmeric milk, golden milk, or the turmeric latte. 
Believed to have originated in India, this beverage is made by steeping fresh turmeric is in milk or dairy alternatives. It is then boiled and mixed spices and sweeteners. Studies have shown that curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Beverages like these have become increasingly popular with wellbeing-focused consumers in recent years, and have started to appear on café menus around the world as a result.
But what does this mean for coffee? More competition, or a higher profile?
Coffee contains high levels of antioxidants, and a 2011 study published in Food Science and Nutrition found that it can reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and certain cancers. 
Beyond that, thanks to the energy boost caffeine provides and coffee’s naturally low calorie content, interest in using it as a fitness supplement is increasing.
For example, consuming coffee before running has been found to increase runners’ top speed. Similarly, research from the University of Illinois concluded participants who drank coffee before exercising suffered less from muscle soreness.
But it’s not just health and wellness that drive the demand for coffee as a functional beverage.
“Customers are more interested in finding high-quality coffee that ensures farmers and the land are treated ethically and sustainably,” Logan says. “With Golden Ratio, we are roasting coffee much lighter than what is considered typical, [so there is] far less room to hide flaws in coffee with darker roasts.
“This essentially requires that we seek out the very best coffee and ensure those involved in its production are being ethically supported.”
Consumers are becoming more interested in alternative roasting techniques and alternatives to coffee. It’s becoming clear that both ingredient quality and consumer wellbeing are driving behaviours.
Furthermore, Logan notes that classic attitudes to coffee are changing. “Coffee drinkers are dropping the idea that adding anything or changing your coffee is sacrilege,” he concludes. “Ultimately, it’s your coffee and you should enjoy it however you want.”.
Enjoyed this? Then read our article on white coffee around the world.
Photo credits: wonderkindco.co
Perfect Daily Grind
Please note: Golden Ratio is a sponsor of Perfect Daily Grind.
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The post Exploring alternative coffee beverages appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Exploring alternative coffee beverages published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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superghee · 4 years
Do you want to drink turmeric milk every night to stay healthy and prevent cold and cough? Then you must know how to make turmeric milk? Preparing this dish is quite easy and hardly takes time. Super Ghee is a well-known name when it comes to shopping for top-quality ghee. So, if you are the one who wants to reap the maximum benefits of ghee, you should start adding ghee from Super Ghee into your dishes. You can rely on the quality of the product that they offer as they are simply the best.
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anjumkhannaayurveda · 4 years
Anjum Khanna - Ayurvedic Consultant Shows How Ayurveda Could Help Indians To Recover From COVID-19
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As always, Ayurveda has come to the rescue of Indians dealing with the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ayurvedic Consultants like Anjum Khanna have been instrumental in propagating the health benefits as per Ayurveda to people looking to safeguard themselves and their families against the Coronavirus. What has boosted the public faith in ancient healthcare is the fact that India’s recovery rate is among the best in the world. The Union Health Ministry recently revealed that the national COVID-19 recovery rate for India was 96.04 per cent. This was mainly applicable for patients with mild symptoms, who were able to make a speedier recovery.
Anjum Khanna is an Ayurvedic Consultant with a decade-long experience in practicing this alternative medicine. Talking about the self-care measures prescribed by Ayurveda, Anjum Khanna says equivocally, “Daily practices like drinking warm water regularly, practicing Yoga daily, meditating for at least 30 minutes every day, were really beneficial practices to follow. Besides, regular and sufficient use of spices like Haldi, Jeera, Dhaniya and Lehsun (turmeric, Cumin, Coriander and Garlic) in your cooked food also enhances your immune power.”
Drinking ‘Kadha’ or a herbal concoction daily also boosts your immunity, as prescribed by several experienced Ayurveda consultants. This Kadha is a herbal concoction prepared usually with Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kali Mirch (Black Pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin). Ayurveda consultants often advice adding a bit of jaggery or fresh lemon juice to make the Kadha more palatable!
Turmeric’s antiseptic benefits are world-renowned and though the Western world started having its ‘turmeric lattes’ quite late, Indians have been reaping the health benefits of the quintessential ‘Haldi-doodh’ (turmeric in warm milk) for centuries. Then there is the “Chyawanprash”, just one teaspoon of it is enough to prevent a variety of health issues.
Ayurveda procedures like nasal treatment or oil-pulling therapy works wonders to keep your body fit and immune against the onset of diseases.
According to Anjum Khanna, the most significant aspect of encountering COVID-19 is to recover in a healthy manner. Thus, post-COVID care is as important as the treatment itself. Proper rest, physical isolation, a nutritious diet, simple exercises, and regular check-ups are an important aspect of helping the body regain normalcy after facing the virus.
Whether it is drinking Haldi-doodh, Kadha, using ginger/garlic/turmeric in cooking food or practicing Yoga, Indians are known to follow Ayurveda in every aspect of life, knowingly or unknowingly. The COVID-19 Pandemic only made us realize the importance of following Ayurveda practices in a more proactive manner.
Anjum Khanna is an Ayurvedic Consultant comes with experience of 10 years of practicing Ayurveda and alternative medicine having its corporate office in Bawana Industrial Area, Delhi and also its distribution & sales office in Bangalore.
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allbaseballmom · 4 years
Potent Benefits of Turmeric Milk and How to make It! - https://allbaseballmom.com/blog/potent-benefits-of-turmeric-milk-and-how-to-make-itTurmeric milk benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and rejuvenating properties of turmeric can be made to use only when you add the right amount of it to milk. Read here to know health benefits of drinking turmeric milk every night.   Turmeric Milk Benefits: Why You Should Have Turmeric Milk Every Night Turmeric milk: Add a pinch of turmeric to a cup of milk and have it at night to sleep well. Turmeric milk benefits: Do you have turmeric milk or turmeric latte (as it is popularly called), every night? Well, there is not one but many reasons why you must have the age-old time-tested turmeric milk every night. From inducing better sleep to boosting immunity and aiding better recovery, a cup of turmeric milk can take you a long way in terms of achieving good health. Celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar believes that you must have a cup of turmeric milk every night. However, the key is to make it right, using the just the right amount of turmeric. The "magic of turmeric milk lies in its use and not abuse," writes Diwekar in her Insta post. Turmeric Milk: Adding the right amount of turmeric is important To make these properties work, using the right proportion of turmeric and the time at which you consume it is very important, says Diwekar. "So if you have too much or too little of it, it won't have any of the benefits. In fact too much can cause serious harm, from acidity, bloating to interference in iron assimilation," she says. Also, to reap the benefits of turmeric, it is important to consume it in the natural form. Having a curcumin pill on an empty stomach with water or adding in-discriminating amounts of it to your food, is not going to be helpful. "Remember, its about adopting turmeric as a part of the lifestyle and not being greedy about its benefits," she recommends. Health benefits of drinking turmeric milk every night Diwekar is of the belief that you must do strength training at least once every week. Not only will it help you build muscles, get stronger and fitter, it will also in regulating blood sugar levels. "But for exercise to work and to continue to work, we need to recover from the stimuli of exercise.In fact we need to recover from the stimuli and stresses of daily life to make meaning of our existence," she writes. 1. Turmeric milk can help in accelerating recovery. It makes room for the body's repair work to work optimally. 2. A cup of turmeric milk at night can be especially beneficially for people who get restless during sleep. It can help you have a restful sleep. People whose sleep breaks multiples times for using the bathroom can also benefit by drinking a cup of turmeric milk at bedtime. 3. Turmeric, as we all know, can boost immunity. You should definitely drink turmeric milk during every season change, to protect yourself from cough, cold and flu. 4. Turmeric milk at night can improve hormonal balance. It can be helpful as a remedy for acne and unpredictable periods. Turmeric Milk: Some interesting tips for preparation Just take a cup of milk and put it to a boil. Add a pinch of turmeric and some sugar/jaggery(Cane sugar in raw form) to taste. Drink it hot or warm, just before you sleep. If you have diabetes, heart disease or joint pain, add a pinch of nutmeg for added benefits Add a few cashews if you have thyroid issues, have weak joints and experience cramping in legs at night  If you feel low on energy and have acne, then add some aliv (garden cress) seeds A pinch of black pepper in your turmeric milk can help in dealing with sore throat and infections If you have lactose intolerance, add turmeric in buttermilk instead of milk. In case you want to avoid dairy in full totality, then have turmeric with some dry coconut and jaggery (raw form of cane sugar) in the evening around 4 or 5 pm. Source >>>Watch the video to understand the power of herbs and how it can cure various ailments. https://youtu.be/YuQ5V5QQkjs
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michellelinkous · 4 years
How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas
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Did you know that every year, in 2018 alone, volunteers collected more than 23 million pounds of trash during the International Coastal Cleanup on beaches around the word?[1] More and more people are figuring out creative ways to reduce plastic use — so that it never creates waste in the first place!
You may have heard the adage "reduce, reuse, and recycle," but it’s even simpler than it sounds. A few small changes to your daily habits can quickly add up to less plastic waste.
You can swap everyday items for more sustainable choices, like bags at the grocery store or toothpaste containers. After all, plastic waste is a human concern, which means we can contribute to the solution. Reducing plastic use is not only easy but great for the earth.
Why Is Plastic Bad?
Many people avoid plastic for various reasons, primarily for health and the environment. Plastic contains chemicals that can be harmful to human health. Moreover, it requires unsustainable fossil fuels to create it, releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.[2, 3] This release makes the climate warmer, causing global changes to weather patterns, storms, and serious risks to public health.[4]
Plastic does not easily break down or biodegrade, which means you create hundreds of years of plastic trash for just a few minutes of use — especially for single-use plastics like straws, water bottles, or grocery bags.[5] And when it does break down into tinier and tinier pieces, the chemicals leach into the soil and then get back into the food chain.
How Does Plastic Hurt the Environment?
Even though there’s plastic recycling, a lot of plastic ends up as garbage. More than 26 million tons of plastic went into U.S. landfills in 2017.[1, 6] Trash often flies out of garbage trucks — it does not always end up in the dump. Some of this plastic garbage gets into waterways where it makes its way to the ocean. The top 10 most-collected items during beach cleanups are plastic. There's so much oceanic trash that we have giant floating islands where plastics have accumulated — like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Plastic pollution is hard to get rid of because it sticks around for so long. Plastic breaks down into tiny pieces called microplastic.[1] Some companies even make products with tiny plastics inside — avoid buying facial and body cleaners containing microbeads because these are plastic. They wash down the drain and out to waterways!
Making plastic also uses a lot of unsustainable fossil fuels. Up to 17 million barrels of oil were required to produce all the bottled water that Americans drink in a year. Imagine how much energy it takes to create all the disposable plastic bags, coffee cups, and take out containers around the world?
How Do Plastics Harm Human Health?
Plastics harm human health in various ways.[7] Many plastic products can contain Bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates, both endocrine-disrupting chemicals.[8, 9, 10, 11] Phthalates and BPA can leach out of plastic and into food, potentially harming still-growing children as well as adult reproductive health.[9, 11]
Even in tiny amounts, these chemicals can lead to health concerns.[8, 9, 10, 11] Thousands of quality studies have shown that the chemicals contained in plastics are bad news.
Choose products that do not contribute to your body's toxin load, like glass, steel, or organic cloth. Don’t get sidetracked by companies saying their products are "BPA free" because many of the alternatives have been found equally harmful.[12]
Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic
Living without plastic waste is not hard, especially if you make just one or two changes at a time. Try these nine strategies to reduce waste, avoid harmful chemicals, and save money! Your choices will make a big difference.
Remember that you don’t have to make changes overnight. Let’s look at how you can start building a life without plastic.
1. Use Reusable Water Bottles & Coffee Mugs
It only takes a few minutes to drink a bottle of water or enjoy an almond milk latte, but that plastic bottle or cup could take hundreds of years to break down in a dump — or end up in the ocean.
If you stop for coffee on your way to work, try keeping a mug in your bag and take for your drink in a personal cup. Some places will even give you a few cents off your order!
The same goes for staying hydrated: make sure you have a reusable bottle to fill up at water fountains instead of buying bottled water. Opt for reusable glass or stainless steel bottles rather than plastic.
2. Swap Plastic Bags for Reusable Bags
Bring your own bags! At the grocery store, try shopping for produce without single-use plastic bags. You can either keep your fruits and vegetables loose or use reusable mesh or cloth bags.
When you’re ready to check out, pack your groceries into hemp or organic cotton shopping bags. They’re reusable and much less likely to tear. Each reusable bag helps eliminate hundreds of single-use plastic bags! Your small effort makes a big difference in waste reduction.[13]
It might help you remember your bags if you keep them folded up in the backseat or trunk of your car — rather than at home. Or find one of those fold-up ones that you can pack in your purse, if you have one.
3. Pack Your Own Gear
It’s helpful to carry a set of silverware and a cloth napkin in your purse or briefcase. A fork, knife, and spoon are small enough that they don’t take up much space, but they have a big impact. You’ll never have to use another plastic fork!
Get matching bamboo or other travel cutlery sets for your family so everyone can reduce waste when eating out.
If you’re ready to go the extra mile, ask your office, community center, or place of worship to invest in silverware, glasses, and cloth napkins that can be used during events. It will save money and help the planet!
4. Stop Using Plastic Straws
Drinking straws are one of the most commonly collected items during beach cleanups.[1] Most people don’t have to use straws, so they’re easy to cut out of your life. Instead of a straw in your iced coffee or tea, just forgo a lid and drink from the cup.
Better yet, bring your reusable coffee mug — you’ll be able to drink on the go without spilling or wasting a plastic straw.
If you have to use a straw for a health condition, try a reusable stainless steel, silicone, or bamboo one.
5. Shop the Bulk Sections at Your Grocery Store
Buying items like beans, rice, nuts, and seeds in bulk can reduce waste, including plastic packaging. You don't have to use the plastic bags the stores provide. Make your bulk food use more environmentally friendly by bringing your own container. Try a glass jar, upcycled coffee can, or something else.
Some stores even have freshly ground nut butter stations, where you can grind your own straight into the container you bring — yum!
If your grocery store doesn’t have a bulk section, you can reduce waste (and save money) by buying large packages of items, like cooking oil or cleaning solutions. You can then refill smaller containers, rather than buying lots of small ones. Look for food packaging that minimizes waste, and recycle what you can.
6. Make Your Own Toothpaste!
Most toothpaste tubes are made of multiple types of plastic and metal, so they’re not recyclable. To avoid that waste, make your own toothpaste at home with these easy recipes. To make zero-waste mint toothpaste, you only have three ingredients: baking soda, organic peppermint essential oil, and water.
If you want to brighten your smile naturally, try our turmeric toothpaste recipe. You can store your DIY toothpaste in a large glass jar. Take a small amount with you if you’re traveling — you don’t have to buy travel-sized toothpaste tubes.
7. Keep Reusable Containers Nearby
Plastic-free living is more convenient if your reusable containers are easy to access, so make sure you keep them in your purse, car, or at your office — all the places you spend time. That way, you’ll never have to use a disposable container while you’re on the go.
Try bringing a reusable glass container next time you go out to eat, instead of using a restaurant’s disposable ones. Although glass is a little bit heavier, it’s more durable and doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.
8. Swap Plastic Wrap for Plant-Based Wrap
Plastic wrap is a convenient way to cover up food, but it’s wasteful — you can only use it once, and it’s not recyclable. Instead, try a reusable plant-based wrap.
Plant-based wraps are pieces of reusable cloth that have been dipped in plant waxes, beeswax, or tree resin to make them pliable and slightly sticky, just like plastic wrap. You can use the plant-based wraps multiple times on leftovers, prepared meals, and other food products, so you’re not contributing to plastic pollution or food waste.
9. Dine-In Instead of Getting Food To-Go
When you get takeout at a restaurant, it gets packed up into multiple containers, many of which are plastic or styrofoam. They go right in the trash. Instead, eat at the restaurant so that you don’t generate any unnecessary food waste — or plastic garbage.
If you do want takeout, see if your favorite restaurants will let you bring a container for the food. Then you can order ahead and bring the food home in reusable containers. You get the convenience without the waste.
Points to Remember
Single-use plastic causes pollution all around the world, impacting both natural environments and our health. But there’s a lot you can do to decrease how much plastic you use. Simple changes to your habits make a big difference.
Start by carrying reusable containers when you go to a restaurant or coffee shop. Bring your leftovers home in a glass container, and ask for your coffee in a personal mug. Avoid getting takeout, and dine in instead.
Stop using straws, or carry a reusable silicone, stainless steel, or bamboo straw with you. You can also bring reusable cutlery when you go out. Shop in the bulk section to avoid packaging waste. Use mesh bags for fruits and vegetables and take your groceries home in cotton or hemp bags.
Try making your own toothpaste to avoid using non-recyclable plastic tubes. You can also try reusable plant-based wraps instead of single-use plastic wrap. Together we can make a difference!
What have you done to reduce plastic waste? Share your story in the comments below!
The post How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas
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Did you know that every year, in 2018 alone, volunteers collected more than 23 million pounds of trash during the International Coastal Cleanup on beaches around the word?[1] More and more people are figuring out creative ways to reduce plastic use — so that it never creates waste in the first place!
You may have heard the adage "reduce, reuse, and recycle," but it’s even simpler than it sounds. A few small changes to your daily habits can quickly add up to less plastic waste.
You can swap everyday items for more sustainable choices, like bags at the grocery store or toothpaste containers. After all, plastic waste is a human concern, which means we can contribute to the solution. Reducing plastic use is not only easy but great for the earth.
Why Is Plastic Bad?
Many people avoid plastic for various reasons, primarily for health and the environment. Plastic contains chemicals that can be harmful to human health. Moreover, it requires unsustainable fossil fuels to create it, releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.[2, 3] This release makes the climate warmer, causing global changes to weather patterns, storms, and serious risks to public health.[4]
Plastic does not easily break down or biodegrade, which means you create hundreds of years of plastic trash for just a few minutes of use — especially for single-use plastics like straws, water bottles, or grocery bags.[5] And when it does break down into tinier and tinier pieces, the chemicals leach into the soil and then get back into the food chain.
How Does Plastic Hurt the Environment?
Even though there’s plastic recycling, a lot of plastic ends up as garbage. More than 26 million tons of plastic went into U.S. landfills in 2017.[1, 6] Trash often flies out of garbage trucks — it does not always end up in the dump. Some of this plastic garbage gets into waterways where it makes its way to the ocean. The top 10 most-collected items during beach cleanups are plastic. There's so much oceanic trash that we have giant floating islands where plastics have accumulated — like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Plastic pollution is hard to get rid of because it sticks around for so long. Plastic breaks down into tiny pieces called microplastic.[1] Some companies even make products with tiny plastics inside — avoid buying facial and body cleaners containing microbeads because these are plastic. They wash down the drain and out to waterways!
Making plastic also uses a lot of unsustainable fossil fuels. Up to 17 million barrels of oil were required to produce all the bottled water that Americans drink in a year. Imagine how much energy it takes to create all the disposable plastic bags, coffee cups, and take out containers around the world?
How Do Plastics Harm Human Health?
Plastics harm human health in various ways.[7] Many plastic products can contain Bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates, both endocrine-disrupting chemicals.[8, 9, 10, 11] Phthalates and BPA can leach out of plastic and into food, potentially harming still-growing children as well as adult reproductive health.[9, 11]
Even in tiny amounts, these chemicals can lead to health concerns.[8, 9, 10, 11] Thousands of quality studies have shown that the chemicals contained in plastics are bad news.
Choose products that do not contribute to your body's toxin load, like glass, steel, or organic cloth. Don’t get sidetracked by companies saying their products are "BPA free" because many of the alternatives have been found equally harmful.[12]
Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic
Living without plastic waste is not hard, especially if you make just one or two changes at a time. Try these nine strategies to reduce waste, avoid harmful chemicals, and save money! Your choices will make a big difference.
Remember that you don’t have to make changes overnight. Let’s look at how you can start building a life without plastic.
1. Use Reusable Water Bottles & Coffee Mugs
It only takes a few minutes to drink a bottle of water or enjoy an almond milk latte, but that plastic bottle or cup could take hundreds of years to break down in a dump — or end up in the ocean.
If you stop for coffee on your way to work, try keeping a mug in your bag and take for your drink in a personal cup. Some places will even give you a few cents off your order!
The same goes for staying hydrated: make sure you have a reusable bottle to fill up at water fountains instead of buying bottled water. Opt for reusable glass or stainless steel bottles rather than plastic.
2. Swap Plastic Bags for Reusable Bags
Bring your own bags! At the grocery store, try shopping for produce without single-use plastic bags. You can either keep your fruits and vegetables loose or use reusable mesh or cloth bags.
When you’re ready to check out, pack your groceries into hemp or organic cotton shopping bags. They’re reusable and much less likely to tear. Each reusable bag helps eliminate hundreds of single-use plastic bags! Your small effort makes a big difference in waste reduction.[13]
It might help you remember your bags if you keep them folded up in the backseat or trunk of your car — rather than at home. Or find one of those fold-up ones that you can pack in your purse, if you have one.
3. Pack Your Own Gear
It’s helpful to carry a set of silverware and a cloth napkin in your purse or briefcase. A fork, knife, and spoon are small enough that they don’t take up much space, but they have a big impact. You’ll never have to use another plastic fork!
Get matching bamboo or other travel cutlery sets for your family so everyone can reduce waste when eating out.
If you’re ready to go the extra mile, ask your office, community center, or place of worship to invest in silverware, glasses, and cloth napkins that can be used during events. It will save money and help the planet!
4. Stop Using Plastic Straws
Drinking straws are one of the most commonly collected items during beach cleanups.[1] Most people don’t have to use straws, so they’re easy to cut out of your life. Instead of a straw in your iced coffee or tea, just forgo a lid and drink from the cup.
Better yet, bring your reusable coffee mug — you’ll be able to drink on the go without spilling or wasting a plastic straw.
If you have to use a straw for a health condition, try a reusable stainless steel, silicone, or bamboo one.
5. Shop the Bulk Sections at Your Grocery Store
Buying items like beans, rice, nuts, and seeds in bulk can reduce waste, including plastic packaging. You don't have to use the plastic bags the stores provide. Make your bulk food use more environmentally friendly by bringing your own container. Try a glass jar, upcycled coffee can, or something else.
Some stores even have freshly ground nut butter stations, where you can grind your own straight into the container you bring — yum!
If your grocery store doesn’t have a bulk section, you can reduce waste (and save money) by buying large packages of items, like cooking oil or cleaning solutions. You can then refill smaller containers, rather than buying lots of small ones. Look for food packaging that minimizes waste, and recycle what you can.
6. Make Your Own Toothpaste!
Most toothpaste tubes are made of multiple types of plastic and metal, so they’re not recyclable. To avoid that waste, make your own toothpaste at home with these easy recipes. To make zero-waste mint toothpaste, you only have three ingredients: baking soda, organic peppermint essential oil, and water.
If you want to brighten your smile naturally, try our turmeric toothpaste recipe. You can store your DIY toothpaste in a large glass jar. Take a small amount with you if you’re traveling — you don’t have to buy travel-sized toothpaste tubes.
7. Keep Reusable Containers Nearby
Plastic-free living is more convenient if your reusable containers are easy to access, so make sure you keep them in your purse, car, or at your office — all the places you spend time. That way, you’ll never have to use a disposable container while you’re on the go.
Try bringing a reusable glass container next time you go out to eat, instead of using a restaurant’s disposable ones. Although glass is a little bit heavier, it’s more durable and doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.
8. Swap Plastic Wrap for Plant-Based Wrap
Plastic wrap is a convenient way to cover up food, but it’s wasteful — you can only use it once, and it’s not recyclable. Instead, try a reusable plant-based wrap.
Plant-based wraps are pieces of reusable cloth that have been dipped in plant waxes, beeswax, or tree resin to make them pliable and slightly sticky, just like plastic wrap. You can use the plant-based wraps multiple times on leftovers, prepared meals, and other food products, so you’re not contributing to plastic pollution or food waste.
9. Dine-In Instead of Getting Food To-Go
When you get takeout at a restaurant, it gets packed up into multiple containers, many of which are plastic or styrofoam. They go right in the trash. Instead, eat at the restaurant so that you don’t generate any unnecessary food waste — or plastic garbage.
If you do want takeout, see if your favorite restaurants will let you bring a container for the food. Then you can order ahead and bring the food home in reusable containers. You get the convenience without the waste.
Points to Remember
Single-use plastic causes pollution all around the world, impacting both natural environments and our health. But there’s a lot you can do to decrease how much plastic you use. Simple changes to your habits make a big difference.
Start by carrying reusable containers when you go to a restaurant or coffee shop. Bring your leftovers home in a glass container, and ask for your coffee in a personal mug. Avoid getting takeout, and dine in instead.
Stop using straws, or carry a reusable silicone, stainless steel, or bamboo straw with you. You can also bring reusable cutlery when you go out. Shop in the bulk section to avoid packaging waste. Use mesh bags for fruits and vegetables and take your groceries home in cotton or hemp bags.
Try making your own toothpaste to avoid using non-recyclable plastic tubes. You can also try reusable plant-based wraps instead of single-use plastic wrap. Together we can make a difference!
What have you done to reduce plastic waste? Share your story in the comments below!
The post How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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