#how to prepare for jee advanced
How to Prepare for JEE Mains | How to Crack IIT JEE
Prepare effectively how to prepare for jee mains and crack IIT JEE with guidance from Pradeep Agarwal Academy. Access comprehensive strategies, expert tips, and targeted preparation methods. Empower yourself with the right resources and mentorship to excel in these competitive exams.
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yvsdelhi · 2 years
How You Start Your Preparation & Get Good Scores in NEET & IIT-JEE by Dr. Yaduvir Singh Sir.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 4 months
for bucktommy prompts - tommy smiled as he looked down the aisle at his extremely soon to be husband.
This prompt actually came at the perfect time because I already had some semblance of an idea on my head, so thanks for pushing me to write it!
If anybody else has a prompt, send to my ask and I'll write a little something something ❤️
Buck nuzzled further into Tommy's warmth. He'd slip beneath his ribcage and tightly wrap around his actual heart if he could. Tommy squeezed his arms around him tighter
"We should probably get up." He said placing a kiss on the top of Bucks head.
"I don't wanna." He replied muffled into Tommy's chest.
"Me neither, kid, but we've got a big day ahead, plus an early flight tomorrow - I'd like to be at least somewhat prepared."
Buck knew he was right. The plans had all come together in a rush last minute. One minute they were discussing ideas for Bucks birthday, and the next the plans were made, tickets bought, and bags were packed. Despite Tommy insisting, much to Bucks chagrin, that he leave the clipboard at the station, everything had ran pretty smoothly. Mostly because Tommy was the one doing the organising. He may not have had a clipboard but he had a way of making sure things were done properly.
"What time is everyone arriving, again?" Buck asked.
"Food is coming at 6pm, everyone arriving 6:30pm."
"So we have some time then.." Buck climbed on top of him. Tommy always struggled to resist Bucks advances. The way he so eagerly wanted to show Tommy how much he loved him. He indulged Buck for a few moments, leaning up into his languid kisses, before gently pulling away.
"Hold that thought til tonight." He said, half lifting Buck from him.
"Nope. Later, Romeo." He placed a kiss on his forehead and got out of bed.
"I still don't understand why we had to get this dressed up." Chimney complained pulling at his shirt collar.
"Because it's Bucks birthday and he wanted a nice celebration. Besides, it'll be good seeing eveyone and not have half of you in uniform or dirty turnouts."
They got out if the car and Maddie took a bag from the trunk.
"Whats that?" Chim asked.
"Oh just some party favours Buck asked me to bring."
"There's my favourite girl" Buck greeted them at the door immediately picking up Jee-yun into a hug.
"Look at you!" Maddie admired Bucks deep burgundy suit. "It's nice to see you dressed like a grown up." She teased. Buck smiled.
"It is a special occasion. Gotta make some effort."
"Since when have you thought birthdays were special?" Chim asked.
"I think that's kind of obvious Howie.." Maddie answered pointing behind Buck. Tommy walked toward them in a navy blue suit so perfectly fitted it had to have been tailored she thought. He smiled them and reached a hand to stroke Jee-yun's hair.
"Hi sweetheart."
"Hi uncle Tommy!" She excitedly responded.
"Hey guys." He kissed maddie on the cheek and gave a hug to Chim. Everyone else is in the kitchen"
"Yeah sorry were late. Someone wouldn't leave until she found her rabbit." Chim gestured to Jee-yun.
"No problem. Come on." Tommy and Buck led them to the back ontonthe kitchen where the rest of the 118 were. A buffet was laid out along the entire length of the counter, and an array of drinks sat on the island.
"Finally!" Hen called out to Chim as she walked over. "Whats with the curtains?" She asked pointing to the heavy black drapes covering the bifolding doors that lead out to the back deck. "That ocean view is the best part of this house."
"Uh.. there's a problem with the deck. Couple of the boards have weakened, and didn't want the kids to go out there when it's not safe." Tommy answered. Chimney noticed a look between him and Maddie buy didn't acknowledge it.
"Ah. Good thinking."
"Happy birthday, kid." Bobby said walking over.
"Thanks cap."
"You looking forward to your trip?" He asked.
"Trip?" Lucy asked
"Buck here is abandoning us for two weeks to go on vacation." Chimney answered.
"Ooh where you going?" Lucy.
"I'm taking him to a cabin in Vermont." Tommy replied kissing Buck on the cheek.
"Stop being so adorable" Lucy responded.
"Is everyone here?" Tommy asked Buck.
"Yeah, I think so."
"You ready?" He leaned in and whispered quietly into his ear.
"I am." He smiled warmly back. Tommy nodded knowingly at Maddie.
"Right, I think it's time for some real celebratory drinks." She announced before removing a couple of bottles of champagne from the fridge?
"Champagne? Fancy!" Lucy declared taking a glass. Maddie handed everyone a glass and asked for everyone's attention.
"I just wanted to wish my big little brother a happy birthday. I know that you wouldn't want to share this day with anybody else than those here in this room. I love you so much and I'm so ridiculously happy for you." She raised a glass and everyone followed suit.
"Happy birthday!" They cheered together.
"Also! I think Tommy has something to add.
Everyone looked to him standing a little awkwardly. The man fought fires for a living but standing in a room full of people made him nervous. He hated being the center of attention.
"Thanks everybody for coming. So, as you know tomorrow Evan and I are going on vacation-"
"Boooo!" Eddie called out eliciting a laugh from everyone.
"However, it's not just a typical vacation were going on."
Everyone's faced were a wash of confusion.
"You getting married or something?" Karen suggesting jokingly. Tommy and Buck looked at one another with a smile neither of them could hide.
"Wait.. you're.. are you eloping?!" Chimmed asked. Everyone was standing wide eyed waiting for the answer.
"Uh.. not exactly." Buck answered. "We're going on our honeymoon." Tommy moved to the back and pulled away the black curtains to reveal the deck.
Chairs were placed all around - a mismatch of them, begged and borrowed - facing two small potted palm trees, a few feet apart wrapped in twinkling lights. More twinkling lights and lanterns hung all above and around giving the whole deck a beautiful warm glow.
"My uh.. my sister was right." Bucks voice was a little croaky, thick with emotion. "There's nobody else we would rather share this moment with that you guys. Our family." He turned his attention to Bobby. "What do you say. Cap? You wanna marry us?".
Bobby smiled broadly.
"My pleasure, kid."
There was a few moments of silence before the room erupted into joyous noise.
Oh my god!
I can't believe it!
You sneaky son of a..!
The next 10 minutes were spent with everyone embracing them both. And chastising them for keeping it a secret.
Maddie opened up the bag she had brought in, took out a box and opened it to reveal an array of small  buttonhole flowers.
"Wait, you knew?!" Chim said to Maddie.
"Of course I did. Who do you think helped decorate?"
"I knew two of those chairs looked familiar. They're ours! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Howie, I love you - but you can't keep a secret to save you're life." Chimney started to protest but quickly conceded.
"I can't believe my little brother is getting married." Maddie told Buck after pulling him aside. Everyone else was taking their seat outside.
"I know, right?" He said, almost not believing it himself. "Is it.. is it weird that I kind of wish that Daniel was here to see it?" Tears formed in Maddies eyes, remembering their brother.
"No, its not weird. I think he'd be happy for you too." She said with a sad smile. "But hey, mom and dad are going to lose their mind when they find out, so you have that to look forward to."
"They're only now just starting to accept I'm dating a guy - I did not want to have to deal with their thoughts and feelings about marrying one. Besides they missed your first wedding so really im just carrying on the Buckley tradition."
Maddie lightly smacked him on the arm. He raised his hands in defence.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry." He laughed.
"Seriously, I'm so happy for you, Evan." She brought him into a hug.
"I'm happy for me too."
"So Buck told me you dont have a best man?" Eddie asked Tommy as they walked outside.
"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that." He turned his attention Chimney. Chim looked around before looking back at Tommy.
"You saved my life. I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for you." Chim smiled at him. "More importantly, if you hadn't of called asking for my help I wouldn't have met Evan. So all this-" He gestured to everyone taking their seats on their beautifully decorated deck "-wouldnt be happening if it weren't for you."
Chimney sniffed away the emotion he felt and reached out to shake Tommy's hand.
"Absolutely." He smiled and Tommy pulled him into a hug. The same type of hug he gave him after he saved his life - tightly held with his face against Chimneys to show just how grateful he was.
"Speaking of best men, you better go see if your boy is ready." Chim told Eddie. It was a given be would be Bucks best man.
Things started to quiet down as eveyone started to settle into their seats. Tommy stood at the front. Chimney to his side, looking towards the doors waiting for the love of his life to come out.
Tommy thought that it was only when you were about to die that your life flashed before your eyes. As he stood waiting, heart thumping in his chest so hard he thought for sure everyone could hear it, he thought about all the choices and moments in his life that lead to here.
All the hiding, all of the hate, all of the heartbreak. His parents, the army, even Captain Gerrard. All people and experiences that pushed him further away from who he wanted to be. Further away from happiness. He thought about all the times he'd come home from work to an empty house. All of the birthdays he'd spent alone. All those moments that he was convinced that he would never be loved.
As his eyes swept across everyone sitting in front of him - Chimney, Hen, Bobby, and everyone else he'd gotten to know at the 118 since they reconnected - his heart warmed even more. He finally had the one thing he had yearned for since he was a child. A family.
And as Maddie pressed play and the sound of Lauren Daigle's 'Hold On To Me' began playing out, the biggest smile spresd across his face as the most beautiful man he'd ever had the privilege of knowing walked out and he saw the rest of his life walking towards him.
Tommy helped a drunken Lucy into Hens car, the last of the guests to leave, then walked back into the house and closed the door behind him. Buck was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, waiting. Tommy walked towards him slowly.
"So, Mr Kinard, what do you want to do now?" Buck closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around Tommys neck.
"Show my husband how much I love him." Then he crashed his lips into Tommy's.
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Buck & Eddie
Unpopular Opinion
It's season 7 but it appears the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and they're based on my observations and interpretations of the BTS pics, interviews and promos that have been released in advance of the upcoming episodes.
Back to the regularly scheduled program...
It appears my favorite character Eddie Diaz is about to be sidelined yet again and he won't have a beneficial or substantive storyline 🤔🧐 all his own, possibly for the remainder of season 7. As usual, he'll be there to support Buck but is there anything else for Eddie? Can he please have a storyline that's solely about him and Chris and it not be one that's tied to giggly, creepy and smiling Marisol? He hasn't had one since season 3 and it's been four years therefore, it's time (I'm not including the shooting because the audience didn't see his recovery nor am I including his PTSD arc because it wasn't given the time it deserved and after 5x14 he wasn't shown going to therapy anymore so there's that. Furthermore, he wasn't even shown preparing to go back to the 118, he just slid down the fireman's pole in 5x18 and it wasn't revisited). Can Eddie and Chris FINALLY have an open and honest conversation about Shannon? Eddie views her through a pair of rose colored glasses because he thinks it's his fault but there were two people in their relationship so he shouldn't shoulder all the blame especially when she left and was gone for almost 2 years without a call to her son. A conversation between just the two of them is needed because Chris is older now and he read the letter she wrote in 7x1. The audience didn't see him ask Eddie any questions about it and we didn't see how he's feeling now that he knows she may not have ever returned if she hadn't died.
Eddie and Chris have the largest biological family of all the mains (not including Bobby because other than his deceased wife and two children, the audience hasn't been introduced to them... like ever) but for some reason they moved Eddie’s abuela back to El Paso even though his aunt has that big house that she lives in by herself. Also, the audience never gets to see Eddie’s sisters and with all the attention that's going to be given to Tommy in the upcoming episodes, it's likely the audience might not get to see them this time either. Eddie has a deep and interesting background but the show barely touches the surface of it. Can Eddie please be given a worthy storyline all on his own? He deserves it!
So... is the audience supposed to just forget everything that happened to Buck in season 6? Apparently, so because based on OS's multiple interviews, Buck’s not dwelling on the broken relationship with his parents (they're still $hitty, their rushed and trifiling redemption arc sucked and it was undeserved. I don't trust them but Buck does so, whatever), there hasn't been any more mentions of Connor's and Kameron's baby (Full Disclosure: I still don't believe their baby is biologically his but it's probably been forgotten or retconned like everything else including Buck’s age), does he or does he not still want to be captain? He's not in therapy and he may or may not go back but he's moved on from his death, so I guess there's no trauma resulting from it. How does he feel about his job now because... HE DIED while he was doing it in 6x10 but the audience didn't see him process it even though every other character processed their own individual traumas.
Eddie used a baseball bat to destroy his bedroom in 5x13, Maddie walked into the ocean in 5x12, Hen went to therapy after 3x8, Bobby broke his sobriety in 1x4, Athena broke down in season 5 after she killed Jeffrey and Chimney took Jee-Yun with him to find Maddie in 5x4 and they were gone for 6 months. They all went to therapy at some point but it appears Buck’s immune to the trauma he's experienced so there's that.
7x4 airs tomorrow and I'm still not excited about it. After the way 6x18 ended, I hoped things would be different but maybe my expectations were too high. I don't think so because IMO, the upcoming episodes seem to be repetitive and basically a wash, rinse, repeat of the past. Maybe it will be different... but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Will the rest of season 7 be different for Buck and Eddie or is the focus still going to be solely on Buck? Who knows except the showrunner, writers, producers, actors and actresses since they are the only ones who know the answer to that question.
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questpix · 7 months
Important tips on how to crack IIT JEE exam
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Are you gearing up for the ultimate academic challenge, the IIT JEE exam? As one of the most competitive and prestigious exams in India, cracking the IIT JEE requires meticulous planning, dedicated effort, and a strategic approach. With the right guidance and preparation, you can turn your aspirations into achievements. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into essential tips and strategies to help you ace the IIT JEE exam with confidence.
Understanding the Exam:
Before diving into preparation strategies, it's crucial to understand the structure and format of the IIT JEE exam. The exam consists of two stages: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main serves as a qualifying exam for JEE Advanced, which is the gateway to prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Both exams assess candidates' knowledge and problem-solving skills in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Start Early, Stay Consistent:
The journey to cracking the IIT JEE exam begins well in advance. Starting early allows you to cover the vast syllabus thoroughly and revise multiple times. Establish a study routine that suits your pace and stick to it consistently. Consistent effort over an extended period is more effective than last-minute cramming.
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Plan Your Preparation:
Create a well-structured study plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Break down the syllabus into manageable sections and allocate sufficient time for each topic. Prioritize topics based on their weightage and your proficiency level. A balanced approach ensures comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.
Comprehensive Study Material:
Invest in high-quality study material, including textbooks, reference books, and online resources. Choose renowned authors and publishers known for their clarity and accuracy. Additionally, solve previous years' question papers and sample papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and improve time management skills.
Conceptual Clarity:
Focus on building a strong conceptual foundation in each subject. Instead of rote memorization, strive to understand the underlying principles and theories. Practice solving problems from basic to advanced levels to reinforce your understanding and develop problem-solving skills.
Effective Time Management:
Time management is a critical aspect of exam preparation. Allocate time judiciously to cover all subjects and topics adequately. Break your study sessions into smaller intervals with short breaks to maintain focus and productivity. Identify your peak hours of concentration and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.
Regular Revision and Practice:
Revision is key to retention and reinforcement of concepts. Schedule regular revision sessions to consolidate your learning and identify areas that need further improvement. Additionally, practice solving mock tests and quizzes to gauge your progress and simulate exam conditions. Analyze your performance, identify mistakes, and work on improving accuracy and speed.
Seek Guidance and Support:
Don't hesitate to seek guidance from experienced mentors, teachers, or coaching institutes specializing in JEE exam preparation. Join study groups or online forums to exchange ideas, clarify doubts, and stay motivated. Surround yourself with peers who share similar goals and aspirations, fostering a competitive yet supportive environment.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:
Amidst rigorous preparation, don't neglect your health and well-being. Ensure an adequate amount of sleep, nutritious diet, and regular exercise to stay physically and mentally fit. Manage stress effectively through relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or pursuing hobbies and interests.
Stay Positive and Motivated:
Maintain a positive mindset throughout your preparation journey. Believe in your abilities and stay motivated, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. Celebrate small victories and milestones to boost your confidence and momentum. Visualize success and keep your eye on the ultimate goal of cracking the IIT JEE exam.
cracking the IIT JEE exam requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and strategic planning. By following these essential tips and strategies, you can enhance your preparation and maximize your chances of success. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but the rewards are undoubtedly worth the effort. Stay focused, stay determined, and embark on your journey to academic excellence with confidence!
About Questpix  
We offer you the flexibility to customize your practice tests according to your preferences and areas of focus. Interactive and engaging teaching methods to keep students motivated and interested in the subjects.
For further assistance and guidance on IIT JEE exam preparation, feel free to contact us at - Email  -  [email protected] , Phone Number - +91 95098 42965 Our team of experienced educators and mentors is dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals.
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jeeourney · 8 months
It has been so long since I have posted here. I started this blogging so that I can share my thoughts (truest thoughts) of how I feel during this journey of preparing for the JEE exam and its aftereffects. If you see my previous post, it would have sounded depressing as hell. But I am here to update you on my life. And this is going to be LOOONNGGG. so hold yourself up till the end.
So I give my JEE Advanced and when I calculate my score, it is known to be below par. Poor enough to make me forget my IIT dreams. The counseling starts, and I get production engineering from NIT, CALICUT. It is decent but not what I wanted to get. At this point, I lost HOPE in everything. Literally everything. I used to pray to god like crazy but then I didn't bother to pray at all. I thought I was not going to college this year. I will study for one whole year again to give JEE the next year. To see my friends get into the nicest colleges, I felt really really LOST (I am being real).
Though my parents were disappointed, they were still trying to boost my morale. They took me to a temple and I did some rituals and poojas but with literally NO HOPE. Every night I cried about how much of a fool I was on this journey to have wasted my potential.
But then one evening, I think I was watching a series or something. Maybe B99 (which u guys should definitely watch). My parents came rushing through my door only to say " YOU GOT INTO NTU." (In case you're wondering, NTU is in Singapore and is one of the finest universities in Asia). My mind just .... it just FROZE. I didn't know how to react. My mom was crying and my dad... shit even my dad was tearing up. I have never seen him that emotional in my life. But in front of my parents, I just didn't feel like expressing anything. I just acted like KAY, IT AINT A BIG THING. But it really is a HUGE thing for me. I just waited for their emotions to settle, I went into my room and took my laptop to search the god's name to whom I did the ritual and started praying and crying. At that point, I just gave god the credit for my acceptance.
YES. I got into NTU. Hell, I even completed my first semester here at NTU. Oh well, I am studying MECHANICAL ENGINEERING with a second major in DATA ANALYTICS. I think this is my happy place. I just want to say one final thing. Time is the biggest problem as well as the biggest solution (at times the ONLY SOLUTION) in a lot of scenarios. Either you use it or you wait for it to use you. In my case, I failed to use but it used me when it wanted to. It may not be such a big accomplishment for many, but for a guy who let down his parents, who thought he wouldn't go to college that year, who basically lost interest in life cuz his dreams went down the drain... I should say that the guy is HAPPY right now ( I am the guy if you're wondering who).
From here on, I will try to post frequently. and it may not be about JEE every time, but my name still wud be JEEOURNEY, cuz that's where it all started!!!
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vidhyamacademy · 1 year
B.Tech Admission Consultants in Delhi NCR - Vidhyam Academy
Are you aspiring to pursue a B.Tech Degree from a renowned institute but feeling overwhelmed by the complex Admission process? Look no further than Vidhyam Academy, your trusted partner in turning your engineering dreams into reality. With a sterling reputation as the best B.Tech Admission Consultants in Delhi NCR, Vidhyam Academy has been guiding and mentoring countless students on their path to success. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why Vidhyam Academy stands out as the go-to consultancy for B.Tech aspirants.
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Unparalleled Expertise and Experience
Vidhyam Academy boasts a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the field of Education and Admission Consulting. Their collective knowledge spans across a multitude of engineering disciplines, allowing them to provide tailored advice and guidance for every student's unique goals. These experts stay up-to-date with the latest Admission trends, entrance exams, and eligibility criteria, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and relevant information.
Personalized Guidance
One of the standout features of Vidhyam Academy is its commitment to providing personalized guidance to each student. They understand that every aspiring engineer has distinct strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Therefore, they take the time to assess your individual profile, academic performance, and career objectives. This personalized approach helps you make informed decisions and craft a winning strategy for B.Tech Admissions.
Vast Network of Connections
Over the years, Vidhyam Academy has cultivated a vast network of connections with Top Engineering Colleges and Universities across India. This network gives students a competitive edge by facilitating direct interaction with admission officials and faculty members. Through this network, Vidhyam Academy can provide valuable insights into the admission criteria of various institutions, helping you identify the best-fit options.
Comprehensive Services
Vidhyam Academy offers a wide range of services designed to streamline your B.Tech Admission journey. These services include:
College Selection: Helping you choose the right engineering colleges based on your interests, academic performance, and career goals.
Entrance Exam Preparation: Providing guidance and resources to excel in highly competitive entrance exams such as JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, and state-level engineering exams.
Application Assistance: Assisting you in preparing error-free and compelling applications, including drafting impressive personal statements and recommendation letters.
Interview Preparation: Conducting mock interviews to boost your confidence and readiness for admission interviews.
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Beyond academic achievements, Vidhyam Academy emphasizes the holistic development of students. They encourage participation in extracurricular activities, volunteering, and internships, ensuring that your application reflects a well-rounded personality and a passion for engineering.
Continuous Support
Vidhyam Academy's support doesn't end once you secure admission. They continue to offer guidance throughout your B.Tech journey, helping you navigate challenges, make informed decisions about specializations, and explore internship and job opportunities.
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In today's digital age, Vidhyam Academy leverages technology to enhance its services. They offer online coaching, webinars, and virtual counseling sessions, making their expertise accessible to students from across the country.
In the competitive landscape of B.Tech Admissions, Vidhyam Academy shines as a beacon of hope for aspiring engineers. Their unparalleled expertise, personalized guidance, vast network, comprehensive services, and commitment to ethical practices make them the best B.Tech Admission Consultants in Delhi NCR. If you aspire to pursue a B.Tech Degree from a premier institution, trust Vidhyam Academy to be your guiding light on this transformative journey. Unlock your engineering dreams today with Vidhyam Academy!
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jeestudybuddy · 2 years
Overcome demotivation while studying
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Let us imagine you sat down to study. You are solving an Advanced level book. You found many difficult questions, and you could not solve them. You feel discouraged. You feel bad about yourself and your preparation for the exam.
If you had such a horrible study session, would you ever feel like opening that book again? Whenever you try to open it, your fear will kick in. It will stop you from studying. But being a JEE aspirant, you are supposed to study all day. So when you don't study, you feel guilty. That guilt, plus previous bad thoughts about self take us on a trip to depression. We want an escape. We watch entertaining content. We waste time. We feel more regret. It just keeps building up.
Not only in JEE, such vicious traps are also everywhere—engineering exams, placement preparation, startup building, and whatnot.
You are young, very young. Even far from reaching the 20s. Don't you think you have enough time to build a strong protection against such psychological traps? It will protect you for life. JEE is a great opportunity to make yourself strong, to break through these inhibitions.
Try doing a few good things. Such as focused study sessions. Understanding theory well. Enjoying a study session. Solving difficult problems with focus. If unable to solve, watch an advanced problem-solving video session. After the session, try solving the problems yourself. When you are stuck, you can't see any progress. When you can't see progress, your destination seems unreachable. Progress, even if slow, is necessary.
How will your mindset change: Seeing your level increase. Seeing the syllabus getting completed slowly. Seeing that you can solve problems more quickly. Seeing that your study hours are expanding every day. Seeing that you can complete a chapter faster than before Seeing that your mind is getting calmer every day. Seeing that your chances of doing good are increasing every day. Seeing that effort from you is sincere and more consistent. Seeing that you don't repeat the old mistakes. Seeing that you don't give up easily. Seeing that your self-respect is increasing. Seeing that your confidence is improving. Seeing that your mock test marks are improving.
Let us know what you think.
Don't forget to share this with your friends who demotivate while studying.
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Hi! I messed up a lot in eleventh and am really not in a good mental place rn, I'm really good with tech though and was intially preparing to head abroad but can't do so anymore cause my average in my junior yr was like rlly low. So stuck w trying to prep for JEE and have already dropped my coaching - was in sankalp @fiitjee, and just couldn't handle the obnoxiously poor teaching there anymore. I'm with like private JEE coaching directly from Delhi/Kota rn that happens online but frankly I have sm sm backlog I just don't know if I'll be able to crack it. Also, in regular schooling obvi, which is a completely different pain in the a**.
Any tips/tricks/ideas on how to get into a good uni here (DTU, IIITs, BITS, etectera like anything with decent ranking so that I could still try for outside for my masters again with?)
Tysm, have been following your blog for a while and love your daily posts, they really do motivate me to head to the study table : ))
Hey anon,
First of all, I'd like you to take a deep breath and let go of your worries and stress, just for a moment. Tell them to come back in a couple minutes ;)
You have something that I don't have now, and it's something that I wish for- you have time. Realising in 12th that you have to work hard is not too late. You still can work hard and drastically improve your performance in the real JEE Mains exam.
I don't want to give you a big lecture on being motivated and fighting for yourself by studying, though that is something that you should do- fight for yourself.
Even if your 11th went absolutely horribly, you can still turn things around. I have seen people, classmates, who completely changed their scores and performance, by practising rigorously and strengthening their concepts. They were people from whom I did not expect to see 97+ percentile, but they got it- and they deserved it too.
(also there's plenty of motivation videos on youtube and pinterest, sometimes they do help, so you can go to them- just be mindful of the time you'll spend watching them)
Some tips I'll give for working on your performance:
Give mock exams. Yes, even if they're going absolutely shittily.
Analyse your mocks question by question- if it was correct, incorrect, or unattempted. Incorrect or unattempted because you made a silly mistake, had forgotten the concept, or did not know the concept at all.
Work hard but also take breaks- getting burnt out only hurts you, your health (both mental and physical) and your efficiency
You have to have confidence, and believe in yourself- I am putting in the effort, I am working hard- this itself will help your progress (tried and tested)
NCERT is literally God for Chemistry for exams like JEE Mains. Physics and Maths require a lot of practise- you can use PYQ's for all of these, and can access plenty of practise sheets from yout own institute and the web too.
Keep practising, keep revising concepts.
Keep up with whatever they're teaching in your institute. Trying to catch up with backlog while letting the current topics go, will not be helpful. Catch up with the backlog on the weekends, or whenever you get even 20 minutes spare time.
Make a timetable. And if that doesn't work, just be consistent in your studies- tell yourself to study for at least 4 hours other than school and coaching (it's going to be tough, you can set your own goals, this was just an example)
Note- I have to say, keeping up with school studies is important too, because it gets you material to study from for the boards. There's some friends of mine who are now ineligible for appearing for JEE Advance because they did not clear the 75% Boards cutoff, even though they got 90+ percentile in JEE Mains.
See if you have Delhi domicile, still you need 96+ percentile to have a chance at getting IIITD, DTU, NSUT, IGDTUW
BITS is an exam that requires speed and efficiency and immense knowledge. It's got 130 questions, +3, 0 and -1 marking, and has to be completed in 3 hours. It's very competitive, and you need to practise pyq's and work on your speed for that, from what I've heard.
Ah. Well. I hope this post covered the questions you had! If it didn't, feel free to send another ask or even message me, whatever you want. (Sorry for answering this anon after a day heh, I wanted to think things through before posting the answer)
And thank you so much for following me :) I'm glad that my posts help you get motivated to study (PS: They help me get motivated to study too)
Keep working, happily, anon! <3
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bambioleo · 2 years
so one thing that happened yesterday was I saw my best friend’s mom and he’s currently in india in a hostel preparing for JEE and I didn’t know how his first attempt went cause we obviously can’t talk since his restrictions are quite strict and yesterday I come to know that fool has gotten 99.5 percentile and he’s still there studying for the JEE advanced and now my parents have begun with the tumhara bhi time aa raha hai exam ka accha karna chahiye and yada yada Like sure am I happy for him? yes of course he’s always wanted to do well in JEE so I’m happy it’s happening but also wtf why would I suddenly meet aunty yesterday when I haven’t seen her in ages and that too 3months before my exam? ye kaunsa ghatiya coincidence hui hai mere saath like both of our goals was that he wanted to study robotics and I wanted to study medicine but rn I’m in a very sensitive place and I am quite literally on eggshells to sudde everything’s so distorted to me rn all I want is for both of us to do well in our exams
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JEE Main or JEE Advanced: Analyzing Difficulty and Subjects
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When it comes to the pursuit of undergraduate engineering programs in India, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) plays a pivotal role. This examination is the gateway to prestigious institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and various other government engineering institutes. However, the JEE is not a single examination; it is divided into two significant phases: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. In this article, we will delve into the fundamental differences between these two exams, exploring aspects like exam pattern, syllabus, difficulty, preparation, and the choice of the best coaching institute for JEE.
JEE Main: The First Step
JEE Main is the initial phase of the JEE examination and is often considered the stepping stone to engineering excellence. It serves as the admission criterion for NITs,  IIITs, and numerous other prestigious engineering colleges across India. JEE Main is typically held twice annually, with examination sessions scheduled for January and April. This examination primarily covers three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Physics: Physics in JEE Main is known for its moderate difficulty level. It encompasses topics such as Mechanics, Electrostatics, Thermodynamics, and Optics. While it requires a solid foundation, it is relatively manageable for most students. To understand how to prepare for JEE mains effectively, consider seeking guidance from a best coaching institute for JEE.
Chemistry: Chemistry, divided into Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry, is generally considered the most scoring subject in JEE Main. With dedicated preparation, students can excel in this section.
Mathematics: Mathematics in JEE Main is often regarded as the most challenging. It involves topics like Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Coordinate Geometry. Strong mathematical skills are crucial for success in this section.
JEE Advanced: The Ultimate Challenge
JEE Advanced is the second phase of the JEE series and is designed for students aiming to secure a seat in the prestigious IITs. This exam is known for its increased difficulty level compared to JEE Main.
Physics: The Physics section in JEE Advanced is notably more challenging than in JEE Main. It includes advanced problems that need more intricate problem-solving.
Chemistry: Chemistry in JEE Advanced is also more demanding. While it covers the same divisions as JEE Main, the questions are more complex and require a deeper understanding of the subject.
Mathematics: Mathematics in JEE Advanced is at its most advanced level. It comprises topics like Differential Equations, Vector Calculus, and Probability. High-level mathematical proficiency is essential for success. Knowing how to prepare for JEE advanced requires rigorous study and practice.
Analyzing the Difference in Difficulty
The primary difference in difficulty between JEE Main and JEE Advanced lies in the complexity of the questions and the depth of knowledge required. JEE Main questions are relatively straightforward, while JEE Advanced questions are designed to test a student's profound understanding of the subjects.
Moreover, the time allocated for JEE Advanced is more limited, adding to the overall challenge. Students attempting JEE Advanced need to be exceptionally well-prepared to handle the intense competition and the demanding questions.
Making the Right Choice
The choice between JEE Main and JEE Advanced should align with your aspirations, capabilities, and the colleges you aim to enter. Take into account the following considerations when arriving at this vital decision.:
Aspirations: If your ultimate goal is to secure a seat in one of the IITs, JEE Advanced is the path to take. However, if you aim for other reputed engineering institutions, JEE Main might be your preferred choice.
Preparation Time: Assess your preparation level and the time available. JEE Advanced demands more rigorous preparation, while JEE Main is relatively more manageable.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Analyze your strengths and weaknesses in the subjects. If you excel in Physics and Chemistry, JEE Main might be a better option. If you are a mathematics enthusiast and love challenging problems, JEE Advanced could be your forte.
Competition: Be aware of the competition level. JEE Advanced is more competitive due to the limited number of seats in the IITs.
Striking a Balance
Both JEE Main and JEE Advanced are significant milestones in the journey of becoming an engineer in India. Your choice between the two should align with your ambitions and the level of dedication you are willing to put into your preparation. Remember that success in either exam ultimately depends on your hard work, determination, and a strong foundation in the subjects. Choose wisely, and may your engineering dreams take flight!
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momentum-gorakhpur · 22 hours
One of the most effective tools in your preparation arsenal is the Best JEE Advanced Test Series. In this blog, we will explore what makes the best test series unique and how they can help you gain an edge in your preparation.
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dishaclasses1234 · 3 days
Best Coaching Classes for IIT in Delhi
Preparing for IIT JEE is an important step for college kids aiming to pursue engineering from the celebrated IITs. Finding the proper coaching institute is important for achievement, and Disha Classes in Rohini, Delhi, sticks out as one of the quality education lessons for IIT education. With a validated track record and a team of skilled school, Disha Classes presents a complete and end result-orientated method to IIT JEE preparation.
Why Choose Disha Classes?
Disha Classes offers top-notch training applications designed to meet the wishes of students making ready for both JEE Main and Advanced. Their precise coaching method focuses on building a sturdy foundation in centre subjects including physics, chemistry, and arithmetic. What units Disha Classes apart because the satisfactory location for IIT training is its willpower to personalised studying and student success.
Here’s why Disha Classes is taken into consideration one of the leading IIT JEE training institutes in Delhi:
Experienced Faculty: The teachers at Disha Classes are specialists of their respective topics, imparting college students’ valuable insights and clean causes to make sure they draw close complex principles.
Comprehensive Study Material: The institute affords well-established and distinctive observe material protecting each aspect of the IIT JEE syllabus, enabling students to practice extensively and solidify their know-how.
Regular Assessments: Students at Disha Classes undergo everyday assessments and ridicule assessments, which simulate the real IIT JEE exam environment. This helps students gauge their progress and perceive regions in which they want development.
Focused Attention: Small batch sizes make sure that scholars acquire character attention and steering, making Disha Classes the nice education classes for IIT aspirants who fee a customised studying enjoy.
Why Choose Online Coaching at Disha Classes?
In nowadays virtual age, Disha Classes gives a handy and flexible online coaching platform that gives all the benefits of study room teaching with the introduced advantage of gaining knowledge of from home. For students searching out the high-quality place for IIT preparation, the online instructions at Disha Classes offer:
Live Interactive Sessions: Students can attend stay lectures and interact with school in real-time, making the experience as engaging as in-individual training.
Recorded Lectures: If a scholar misses a session, they could access recorded lectures, ensuring they in no way fall at the back of.
Online Tests and Quizzes: Regular online checks keep college students engaged and ensure they live on track with their preparation.
Avoiding Common Choices for IIT JEE Coaching
While some college students may choose popular names like Aakash Institute or Allen Career Institute, it is important to apprehend that these big institutes might not usually provide the personalised interest that scholars want. In assessment, Disha Classes makes a speciality of tailor-made assist and smaller batch sizes, making it one of the excellent selections for college students critical about cracking the IIT JEE examination.
Contact Disha Classes
For students seeking the great coaching instructions for IIT in Delhi, Disha Classes is a choicest choice for committed and effective IIT JEE education. With flexible online training alternatives and a supportive gaining knowledge of surroundings, Disha Classes is the right vicinity to your IIT JEE journey.
Website: https://www.Dishaclasses.Org/
Phone:  +917290016770, 011-42474702
Address: 401-404, SG Shopping Mall, DC Chowk, Sec-nine, Rohini, Delhi-110085
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testprepkart13 · 7 days
Download the JEE Chemistry Notes to Strengthen Your Study with Professional Resources
Chemistry is one of the subjects where preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) can be particularly difficult because it combines application-based learning with conceptual comprehension. To maximize your preparation, whether you're going for JEE Main or Advanced, you need to have the correct study materials. We'll present you tips on how to use your JEE Chemistry notes efficiently in this blog, along with links to obtain premium tools to make your study sessions more productive. Why Is Chemistry Important for JEE Prep? As one of the three JEE pillars (together with Physics and Mathematics), Chemistry addresses both theoretical and conceptual topics. It is split into three primary sections:
Practice is crucial for Physical Chemistry since it focuses on numerical problems and formulas. Strong understanding of functional groups and reaction processes is necessary for organic chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry: This subject is memory-based, however it's important to comprehend the periodic trends and properties.
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topscoree · 11 days
Smart Ways to Ace JEE and Achieve Top Ranks
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Cracking the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a dream for many students aspiring to secure admission into India’s premier engineering institutes, such as the IITs and NITs. With competition at its peak and the vast syllabus, it’s essential to prepare smartly. The good news is, while JEE is challenging, it’s not impossible to ace it if approached with the right strategies. Here are some smart ways to ace the JEE and achieve top ranks:
JEE training in Coimbatore
1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Before diving into preparation, familiarize yourself with the JEE exam pattern and syllabus. JEE is divided into two parts – JEE Main and JEE Advanced, and each has its distinct structure. Knowing the weightage of topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics helps you prioritize your study plan.
Tip: Focus on high-weightage topics first, but ensure you have a good grasp of all concepts to avoid surprises in the exam.
2. Create a Realistic Study Plan
A well-structured study plan is crucial to effective preparation. Distribute your study time for each subject according to your strengths and areas for improvement. Establish daily, weekly, and monthly targets to monitor your progress. Break your study sessions into focused intervals to avoid burnout.
Tip: Use the Pomodoro Technique – study for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and repeat. This helps in maintaining focus and retention.
3. Master the NCERT Books
Many students overlook NCERT books in favor of advanced material, but these books form the backbone of JEE preparation, especially for Chemistry. Ensure that you thoroughly study NCERT textbooks before moving on to reference books.
Tip: Solve the exercises at the end of each chapter in NCERT. They provide a solid foundation for conceptual clarity.
JEE Coaching in Coimbatore
4. Practice, Practice, and More Practice
Solving previous years’ JEE papers and taking mock tests are non-negotiable for success. Regular practice improves speed, accuracy, and time management. By simulating exam conditions, you become more comfortable with the format and pressure.
Tip: Analyze your mock test results to identify weak areas and work on them diligently.
5. Focus on Conceptual Understanding
JEE is not about rote learning; it tests your understanding of concepts and their application. Focus on building strong conceptual clarity, especially in Physics and Mathematics, where problem-solving is key.
Tip: For every topic, ask yourself, “Why?” and “How?” This helps in deepening your understanding, making it easier to tackle tricky problems in the exam.
6. Time Management and Prioritization
With the clock ticking during the exam, managing your time efficiently is critical. Develop a strategy where you attempt the easier questions first and then move on to the more challenging ones. Focus on answering the questions you're most confident in to boost your score effectively.
·         Tip: During practice sessions, time yourself to get a sense of how long you spend on each section.
7. Revise Regularly
Revision is key to retaining what you’ve learned. Without regular revision, it’s easy to forget important concepts, especially in a vast syllabus like JEE. Set aside dedicated time each week for revision.
Tip: Maintain a separate notebook for key formulas, shortcuts, and important concepts. This will come in handy during the last-minute revision.
JEE training in Coimbatore
8. Stay Positive and Stress-Free
JEE preparation can be overwhelming, but maintaining a positive mindset is important. Stress and anxiety can hinder your performance, so take time to relax and recharge. Engage in physical activity, hobbies, or meditation to manage stress.
Tip: Break your study routine with short breaks. Celebrate your progress by rewarding yourself after reaching small milestones to maintain motivation.
9. Seek Guidance and Mentorship
If you find certain topics difficult, don’t hesitate to seek help. Whether it's from your teachers, online resources, or fellow peers, a clear understanding is vital for JEE success.
Tip: Join a study group or online forum where you can discuss problems and get doubts clarified. Having a mentor can also provide valuable insights into effective preparation strategies.
10. Healthy Lifestyle
Your physical and mental well-being are vital to your preparation. Eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, and ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. A healthy body leads to a sharper mind.
Tip: Incorporate regular exercise or yoga into your routine to keep yourself energized and focused.
JEE Coaching in Coimbatore
Acing the JEE requires more than just hard work; it demands a smart and strategic approach. By understanding the exam, practicing consistently, staying focused on conceptual clarity, and managing your time effectively, you can maximize your chances of securing a top rank. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Stick to your plan, stay positive, and believe in your ability to succeed. With the right mindset and preparation, you can achieve your dream of excelling in JEE and getting into your desired engineering institute!
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digitalsanshta · 11 days
If you're aspiring to crack the IIT-JEE exams and are on the lookout for top-notch coaching in Kakadeo, Kanpur, look no further than Sanjeev Rathore. Known for its exceptional track record and commitment to student success, Sanjeev Rathore offers the best IIT coaching in the region. Here's why it stands out and how it can help you achieve your IIT dreams.
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Why Choose Sanjeev Rathore for IIT Coaching?
1. Proven Track Record
Best IIT coaching in kakadeo Kanpur, Sanjeev Rathore boasts a remarkable history of producing IIT-JEE top rankers. With a focus on both foundational concepts and advanced problem-solving skills, the coaching institute has consistently helped students achieve excellent results. Their success rate speaks volumes about the quality of education provided and the effectiveness of their teaching methodologies.
2. Expert Faculty
One of the strongest assets of Sanjeev Rathore is its team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. Each teacher brings a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom, ensuring that students receive top-tier instruction. The faculty members are not only subject matter experts but also skilled at understanding and addressing individual student needs, making learning more personalized and effective.
3. Comprehensive Curriculum
The coaching program at Sanjeev Rathore is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of the IIT-JEE syllabus. The curriculum includes in-depth lessons on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, with a balanced approach to theory and practical application. Regular assessments and mock tests are integral parts of the program, helping students gauge their progress and prepare effectively for the actual exam.
4. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Sanjeev Rathore's coaching center in Kakadeo is equipped with modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. The institute features well-ventilated classrooms, advanced teaching aids, and a well-stocked library. These amenities create an environment conducive to focused study and efficient learning.
5. Personalized Attention
Understanding that every student has unique learning needs, Sanjeev Rathore emphasizes personalized attention. With smaller batch sizes, students receive more direct interaction with faculty members. This approach allows for better understanding of concepts, timely resolution of doubts, and tailored guidance to improve performance.
6. Regular Assessments and Feedback
Continuous evaluation is key to student success in competitive exams. Sanjeev Rathore conducts regular tests and provides detailed feedback to help students identify their strengths and areas for improvement. This structured assessment process ensures that students stay on track and make necessary adjustments to their study strategies.
7. Motivational Environment
The learning environment at Sanjeev Rathore is designed to motivate and inspire students. The institute conducts workshops, seminars, and guest lectures featuring successful IITians and industry experts. These sessions provide valuable insights and keep students motivated throughout their preparation journey.
8. Affordable and Transparent Fees
Quality education should be accessible to all deserving students. Sanjeev Rathore offers its coaching programs at competitive rates, ensuring that high-quality IIT preparation is within reach for students from various backgrounds. The institute maintains transparency in its fee structure, with no hidden costs.
Success Stories
The success stories of former students who have excelled in IIT-JEE exams bear testimony to the effectiveness of Sanjeev Rathore's coaching. Many alumni have gone on to pursue prestigious engineering courses at IITs and other renowned institutions, attributing their success to the solid foundation built during their time at the institute.
Choosing the Best IIT coaching in kakadeo Kanpur is crucial for success in the highly competitive IIT-JEE exams. Sanjeev Rathore in Kakadeo, Kanpur, stands out as the best choice for aspirants seeking a comprehensive, well-rounded coaching experience. With its expert faculty, proven track record, personalized attention, and supportive learning environment, Sanjeev Rathore is dedicated to helping students achieve their IIT dreams.
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