#how to make peach smash cocktail
luckystorein22 · 1 year
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pinkydevil16 · 1 year
Tangerine x reader: Peach 
Tangerine and Lemon sat across from the son, Peach next to him as she pushed his hair from his face until Tangerine slapped her hand making her pout and sit back.
"Stop touching his fucking hair." Tangerine snapped, Lemon rolling his eyes as he lightly kicked his brother, Tangerine glaring at him as he took off his suit jacket. Watching Peach as she followed suit shrugging off her blazer, matching Tangerine with a white button down and tight waist coat which didn't button over her chest and emphasised her curves. A pair of black jeans fitting her legs and combat boots, both rolling up their sleeves, Tangerine's rings gold whilst Peach wore all silver chunky rings. Her favourite which she'd also gotten Tangerine one in gold, 'fuck you' on the ring in raised metal so when you punched someone it left a little note for whoever found them, something Tangerine had laughed loudly at and pulled Peach into his side. 
"You two need to quit it." Lemon said, Tangerine looking at Peach as she tied up her hair in a ponytail, his eyes on her neck and chest, the button down open and showing her cleavage as always. 
"Peach is the one being a fucking weirdo touching him up." Tangerine crossed his arms, his eyes running over Peach as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, her breasts pushing upwards making his eyes drop as she smirked and snapped her fingers in his face.
"You're a fucking perv Tang, think you're just jealous i'm not sorting out that birds nest on your head. Or your weird porno stache." Tangerine glared at her, pushing her hand away as she laughed and winked at Lemon, who was already getting out his stickers and comparing both of them to the characters making Tangerine's anger go through the roof and begin arguing with his twin. Peach sighing and rolling her eyes until she heard a groan, turning with a smirk to see the son waking up, leaning against the table to turn to him, his eyes adjusting as he looked at the three.
"Ahh the fuck up is awake." The son looked between them until he turned to Peach with a smile, his eyes running over her body before groaning at how fucked he felt, Peach pushing his hair out his face as Tangerine kicked her making her yelp and look at him with a glare. 
"Where am i? Who are you?" Tangerine rolled his eyes, Peach now sat in her chair normally and playing with her nails ignoring the three men.
"You're on a bullet train, on the way to kyoto station to be handed off to your daddy. That's Lemon, i'm Tangerine and that's Peach." Peach smiled at the son as he looked between them.
"Like the fruit." Tangerine's face made Peach giggle as she adjusting in her seat and ran her foot along his leg to stop the odd face he pulled.
"Mhm, now you just need to be a good boy and sit here can you do that for us?" Peach's voice was like honey as the son nodded captured in her sweetness, her smile cute before she pat his head and moved to stand, all three of them watching her as she adjusted her waistcoat and pushed her boobs up.
"Where do you think you're fucking going!" Tangerine seethed as he watched her hands cup her boobs, making them pop out some more, Peach bending over, holding the back of his seat and the table to look at him with a smirk.
"I'm gonna go check on the case Tang, why want to come with me to make sure no one looks at my peachy ass?" Tangerine scowled as Peach laughed and ruffled his hair, fixing it as she walked off, the case still hidden as she walked past towards the bar wanting a cocktail. Tangerine glared at the son, who had been staring at Peach's ass as she walked off before letting out a chuckle and looking out the window.
"Peachy." The son said, his accent heavy as Tangerine held himself back from smashing his head through the window and chucking him out the train, Lemon still talking about Thomas as Peach made her way back, placing a pink cocktail down in front of herself as she dropped next to the son. Her chest bouncing as she shuffled, leaning forward and taking a sip through the straw with a moan, eyes closed before sitting back. Opening her eyes to see Tangerine staring at her, his knuckles white from making a fist, Peach leaning forward to flick them.
"You need to work on your anger Tang, you'll end up with wrinkles." Peach smirked, taking another sip as Tangerine looked away from her, standing up angrily and storming off.
"Peach." Lemon began to scold her, although he enjoyed their little back and forth he knew how much his brother loved her and didn't like others looking at what he had decided was his. 
"Don't be a spoil sport Lemon, it's fun." Lemon stared at her for a moment before taking a sip of the cocktail, wincing as he pushed it back to her, looking towards the son before glaring at him.
"Stop looking at her bruv. Also why is that pure alcohol?" Peach smirked playing with the straw before taking another sip with a loud sigh and sitting back, crossing her legs and arms with a little shrug, the son now staring back out the window. Tangerine strutted back, dropping into his seat with a glare at Peach, who simply grinned at him and ran her foot along his calf again with a teasing glint to her eyes. Tangerine was trying his best to stay professional, but Peach always made it hard, not even on purpose, he'd fallen for her years ago and it never went away. Seeing the wanker of a son looking at Peach constantly, how she had no idea what she did to half the men on the train when she walked by, what she did to him, it was all a joke to her, nothing serious but to him it was like she'd punched him in the throat. Watching her twirl one of her rings before looking up at him and giving him a genuine smile, one that made his insides melt and all the irritation slip away until Lemon elbowed him. Tangerine hadn't noticed his phone buzzing, quickly standing but Peach followed him, Lemon being left with the son, Tangerine answering the phone as Peach leaned against his arm to listen. Flicking her forehead as she glared at him and rubbed the spot he'd flicked, Peach listening intently as the white death's henchman went on and on about where to drop him blah blah blah, the same stuff they'd been going on and on about since they'd gotten the job. It was just infuriating now so Tangerine tried to keep his cool, he didn't need his hand to get cut off for swearing at the idiot on the phone. Hanging up he started swearing, Peach leaning against the opposing wall as she thought, nodding along to his anger.
"Why do they feel the need to check in so much? What a bunch of dicks." Tangerine agreed before putting his phone back in his pocket and running a hand through his hair irritated, Peach moving forward to slap his hand as she fixed his hair.
"Fuckers tellin' us how to do the fuckin' job like we're 4 fuckin' years old." Peach let a smile crack as she finished fixing his hair, his hands now on her hips and not letting her move away until she lightly tapped his chest.
"Think of the money Tang, we can finally go to bora bora and see that topless beach." Peach gave him a cheeky grin, the three of them had always joked bora bora would be their retirement, live next to a topless beach and spend their days tanned and drunk but everytime they got close the thrill of money and murder drew them back. Tangerine smirked, pulling her closer so her chest laid against his, his hands coming to splay out against her back before raising an eyebrow and pressing against her middle back, up and down, side to side.
"No bra Peach?" Peach chuckled and shook her head, pulling back as his eyes dropped to her covered chest, how her tits sat in the waitcoat and shirt, mind going crazy at the thought of how her nipples were probably grazing against the harsh cotton, his thoughts only broken by her voice.
"Perv. Come on or Lemon will tease us." Tangerine kept her close, tapping his ringed fingers on her back as she tried to move away, raising an eyebrow as she waited for him to let go. Once again tapping his chest but Tangerine wouldn't let go, huffing Peach pushed his chest only to be pulled closer.
"When we get off this train i'm taking you out, no more bullshit." Peach's cheeks went pink, nodding as Tangerine placed a kiss on her cheek and pulled away walking back to find Lemon freaking out where he'd stashed the case. 
"What the fuck is fucking going on here?" Peach's eyes were wide as she began searching with Lemon, Tangerine confused until Lemon told him what was wrong, Peach wincing as Tangerine shouted loudly.
"FUCK! You fucking idiots why would you leave it out here? Fuck, we need to find the fucking case. Lemon stay with the prick, Peach go up i'll go down." Lemon walked back to their seats, Peach walking past him with a small pat on his shoulder in sympathy as Tangerine stormed off the other end. Peach's phone rang as Lemon panicked on the end of the line, wiping the blood from the son's eyes as he waited for her to pick up, not giving her a second before he rattled off what had happened followed by Peach swearing.
"Fuck man, we're fucked, we have nothing! I like my hands they're great hands!" Lemon rolled his eyes and saw Tangerine begin walking back towards him as he told Peach to come back. Tangerine sitting down annoyed and then swearing as he looked at the son, throwing some glasses on him to hide the death as Peach slid in next to him, Lemon sat next to the son. 
"So we're totally fucked? You guys wanna go out in an orgy or guns blazin?" Peach joked, dropping her head onto the table as Tangerine rolled his eyes answering the phone as he lied his ass off to the white death's henchmen. 
"Fuck it, we'll get the case and find the fucker who killed this wanker." Y/n nodded, running a comforting hand along his thigh as Lemon and Tangerine stared at each other thinking of a plan. 
So this has been in my notes for ages so i'm just fonna post it, it's not finished so i am sorry 
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soranihimawari · 6 months
Fondly Yours
Delayed Sakusa x Reader (sorry Omi!)
Pairing: Sakusa x friend!reader
Word Count: TBA
Warnings: none? Mentions of injury (reader: head// Sakusa toe stub)
Reader is fem!presenting
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The first time you met Sakusa Kiyoomi, you were out on a coffee shop delivery. The MSBY had asked for a coffee run early in the morning from your family ran shop. Regardless, you were on the morning delivery rotation and weren’t prepared to take a volleyball to the noggin.
“Oww,” you rub your head after you spilled the last coffee all over the court floor. Number 15, the outside hitter steadies you and he snaps at his setter who accidentally hit the ball to go astray.
Funnily enough, that’s how your absurd friendship began with the popular outside hitter began. You two hung out every other weekend and one hang out led to a party invitation which led you to a year later where you find yourself.
“Oh c’mon, Atsu,” you whine. You’re all gussied up in your dress blues (your military casual formal wear from when you were [and still] employed with) and you wait on the blonde setter comes out of his room.
“You look sharp,” you say.
“Was it yer idea to have a ‘formal’ for Omi’s 30th?” Atsumu says fiddling with his cuff link.
“Yes,” you laugh and roll your eyes. “Because you all wanted to see me in my old dress blues. Gotta remind youse guys I make a wonderful lady.”
“And who you trying to impress huh? Cause lord knows if Omi didn’t fall fer yer ass ya would be having his birthday party at his penthouse!”
Atsumu’s typically a loud mouth and an instigator of saying rumors that may or may not be true. You raise your eyebrow at him and play it off, but given the heavy hitters in your shared core memories with the man of the hour being told second hand by his closest confidant on the team, you realistically… freeze. Blushing three different shades of lock and peach color. You momentarily gain your motor skills back as you find yourself being escorted to the ride share with Atsumu holding your arm.
Hours later, at the private area of the speakeasy lihnge you’re in, you are all cozy nursing a whiskey smash cocktail next to a very socially drained Sakusa Kiyoomi. Surely there are snacks scattered on the table, gifts—intimate toys and other wise too are haphazardly littered as well—too are noticeable in the dim lights. Here is something not many people know about a tipsy now 30-year old broody volleyball player: he becomes very affectionate. Like a neighborhood feral cat become docile as he rests his head against your shoulder. You hold his hand and give it a squeeze whispering a birthday greeting on top of his curls and you see his lips curl into a small smile.
Yes, you may have an unconventional start to your friendship, but knowing how Atsumu was right, you push that aside the moment you enjoy your privacy away from the rest when said 6’3” volleyball player presses his lips against yours soberly at 5am. The rest of the party is a blur until you recall his team allows you to watch over their more than tipsy friend. You go home with Sakusa to his place, holding him upright as he limps due to stubbing his toe earlier at the speakeasy’s low table before leaving. You help him undress halfway, no belt, no silk button down in bed, and you decide after he falls asleep to go to sleep too right next to him.
That’s how you find yourself nose to nose with him in the dawning hour. His lips suddenly on yours calling you, “pretty” and his mumbling woke you slightly and you, garnering your senses to realize not all of Atsumu’s tale was a lie, you cup Sakusa’s face and kiss him back.
“Sakusa fuckin’ Kiyoomi,” you curse under your breath with a warm groan when he kisses your neck next. “You do that again and ‘m afraid you might need to show me what else that mouth can do.”
“Gladly,” is the last thing you hear before humming an acknowledgment of said dare.
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justbureau · 2 years
Apple cider cocktail
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#Apple cider cocktail free#
I had multiple people afterward ask for the recipe. Obviously since we picked this drink we thought they were good, but didn't have any idea how popular they'd be at the wedding. To play off the wedding, we named it Applely Ever After. The one thing we knew is we wanted to have apple involved as we had a fall wedding.Īfter enjoying quite a few different iterations, we settled on a simple yet tasty recipe I found on Food Network that only had three ingredients, four if you wanted some fresh apple in it - an apple cocktail. I remember the summer leading up to the wedding, we were trying different drinks almost every weekend. As has become popular with weddings these days, we wanted to have a signature drink. A few years ago Lauren and I got married in the fall. When you think of fall fruit, you think of apples. After they are heated, I would add the bourbon so the alcohol doesn’t evaporate during the heating process.I love me a good cocktail - from a pumpkin martini to bourbon peach smash to an apple cider Moscow Mule. You can do so in a small saucepan on the stove – or take the more lazy way and carefully heat it in intervals in the microwave. To serve it hot, I recommend heating the cider, lemon juice, and syrup together. You know there’s nothing better than a hot drink on a cold night sometimes. Yes! This cocktail is excellent served cold or warm. I would recommend adding a little extra lemon juice to add balance it out if you decide to use apple juice. You can use apple juice interchangeably in this recipe, just know that because apple juice is slightly sweeter than apple cider, the drink may be as well. Apple juice, on the other hand, has been pasteurized and is shelf-stable it’s generally sweeter, too.
#Apple cider cocktail free#
Feel free to use whichever brand of bourbon you enjoy drinking – that’s what’s most important! Can I use Apple Juice instead of Cider?Īpple cider is raw and has no filtration, which means it’s often a little more tart than its juice counterpart. In our house, we like to use Bulleit Bourbon. The flavor will come through, however, because it’s going in a mixed drink I tend to stay away from the super-good-enjoy-it-on-its-own kind of stuff. I recommend using a middle-range bourbon for this recipe. Or just get straight to enjoying! What is the Best Bourbon to Use? Garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme for color as desired, or add in an apple slice and cinnamon stick to compliment the flavors. Give it all a stir to combine and chill, or shake it gently in a shaker, then strain it into your glass. Then pour in the bourbon, apple cider, simple syrup, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This serves two purposes: it chills the cocktail while also keeping it from getting watered down from melting ice while enjoying it.Ĭan you serve it over ice anyway? Yes, if you prefer that, you absolutely can!įirst, in a cocktail shaker or large glass or jar, add ice. Please use freshly squeezed lemon juice for the best results!įor this cocktail recipe, we’re shaking the ingredients with ice in a shaker, and then straining the concoction into a glass. Lemon Juice: the tartness of fresh lemon juice balances out this cocktail so well.Bourbon: isn’t it just the liquor of fall? Its deep vanilla and caramel-type flavor notes make it the perfect pairing for fall cocktails!.Apple Cider: nothing beats fresh, straight-from-the-orchard cider.It’s also quick and easy to make, but having it ready ahead of time means you’ll be ready to make this cocktail whenever! It’s loaded with warm spices and is the perfect pairing in this cocktail, adding a touch of sweetness and a whole love of fall spice. Autumn Spice Simple Syrup: this simple syrup is made with cinnamon, allspice, and coriander.That is, as long as you have the one very important ingredient ready… With just a few simple ingredients, you’ll have a tasty, fall-inspired cocktail to sip on in less than 5 minutes (YES!). Ingredients for this Bourbon Cider Cocktail
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lumosinlove · 3 years
It’s here!! Thank you all for the support of this universe, it truly means so very much to me. Every time I get a comment, or get to read the fan fiction you all write, see the art you create...it just fills me with so much joy. I’m so excited to share the Sweater Weather sequel with you, Vaincre! Go Lions!
cw: brief mention of past injury and past abuse
part i: July
I’ve been holding my breath
I’ve been counting to ten
The media wasn’t kind. There were network shows and blogs. Magazines and papers and podcasts. Not to mention Twitter.
Remus had heard his name on all of them, even if he wasn’t listening. It was part of Alice’s job to make sure he knew what was being said about him. It was his job to tune most of it out. Some outrage. Some elation. Some confusion.
This is my question, one podcast asked. I mean, I’m happy for Black. Lupin, too. I’m happy for the hockey world to have this happen, it’s about time, I mean, tune it, come on, and all that.
I’m confused about the, you know, ‘let’s put the PT on the roster.’ I’ve seen college clips, like, those have been released, we know that he got injured, we know all that. He’s fast, we know that, too. But a lot of guys are fast.
Just…what a move by Coach Weasley. A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
Remus had always loved to run. It cleared his head. It had been one of the forms of exercise he had been able to do first once his shoulder had healed, before weights or any sort of strength training. His therapists had recommended it. Endorphins, they had said.
But Remus liked it because it was the closest he had been able to get to gliding on the ice, even when he still couldn’t stand to even look at a rink.
A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
Remus was used to not knowing. He was beginning to think he thrived on it. Would he play hockey again? Would he ever find love? Would Sirius want him?
Was this really happening?
He didn’t think of dreams as coming so late, but, then again, why should dreams be put on any sort of time schedule?
Now, he banged out the screen door and onto the rickety, well-loved porch of the lake house that had been passed down through his family for years. His mother and her brothers split it up in the summer, overlapping for a week or so, and there were always little gifts left behind for each family at the trade-off. A bottle of the best maple syrup, or some of the local honey. They were small, but Remus smiled when he saw what his uncle and aunt and cousins had left for him and Sirius after his parents and Julian had given them the month of July with the house to themselves. A little flower arrangement with two hockey sticks, carved out of wood, sticking up in the middle.
Sirius had plucked one from the dirt, twirled it over in his fingers, and smiled.
“Your family will never stop surprising me.”
Green Lake was deep, prime for fishing, and gorgeous. The smell of the water, of the soil and sweet summer air was as good as home to Remus. He breathed it in now as he bent to lace up his sneakers. He could smell the fire pit that they had lit last night, one that he and Julian had roasted thousands of marshmallows over.
“I showed Jules how to roast the perfect marshmallow here,” Remus had said that first July night, leaning back against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius had blew out his burnt-black one. “Like this?”
Remus had scoffed. “No, you heathen.”
Sirius looked good here, surrounded by the woods and rusty cabin, wearing the old fleeces that never seemed to leave this place for when the sun had yet to warm the chilly mornings. Some mornings, they’d make their coffee, tangle their socked feet together on the small couch until the sun began to get high and they’d strip it all off in favor of swimsuits and sunscreen. Other mornings, Remus would rise, pressing a gentle kiss to Sirius’ sleeping face, and take to the dirt road that ran around the lake.
Sirius, just off of the hard won playoffs, needed to rest. Remus needed to train.
A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
They would leave in two days for Pascal’s Cup Day celebration, and then to meet Remus’ parents, his little brother Julian, and Regulus back in Gryffindor for Sirius’ Cup Day. And August training. Remus stretched his hands to his toes and closed his eyes. A strange type of adrenaline filled him whenever he thought about practicing with the team, about the fitness tests that would come first. He’d have to prove himself again and again. He wanted to. But part of him wondered what would happen if he couldn’t.
The screen door squeaked open and shut again, and Remus jumped, looking up to find Sirius, still sleep rumpled, standing there in running shorts.
Remus laughed, reaching up to trace a pillow crease in his cheek. “You’re supposed to be sleeping in while you can.”
Sirius let out a grumbly sort of yawn and gathered his hair, long from the summer and just brushing his chin now, back into a small half-up bun.
“I can’t believe you do this before coffee.”
“Too acidic. Gives you running stitches.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sirius sighed, and threw his arm around Remus’ shoulders as they walked up the steep driveway to the road.
Remus kissed his wrist. “I’ll miss being here with you.”
Sirius smiled. He was tan from the summer, hair dark as ever and his skin sun-kissed.
Remus leaned into his shoulder. “I mean look at you. I like seeing you this relaxed.”
Sirius bit his lip as the rounded a bend, waving at Mrs. Barrow, who was tending to her garden.
“I don’t think I knew I could be this relaxed,” Sirius admitted. “It was always train, train, train, you didn’t get a Cup, try harder.”
Remus was familiar with the notes that appeared in Sirius’ voice now from years of Sirius’ small slips in conversation, even when, to Remus, Sirius had only been they youngest captain in the league, cold and reserved from even more years of his father’s abusive, relentless attitude towards hockey and Sirius’ skills. Even when Remus had only been the team’s physical therapist, closeted, crushing on Sirius, and surprised by the cracks Sirius showed when he had gotten his ankle smashed by Severus Snape, Captain of the Slytherin Snakes—the Gryffindor Lions greatest rivalry. Pain, it had seemed, and fear of never stepping on the ice again, had given Remus his first glimpses into a different Sirius beneath it all, a boy who was filled with much more than just a need to win, but for whom the want of winning only made him love his sport, and his team, more.
“And now that you have a Cup?” Remus asked. “How’re you feeling?”
They came to the road and Sirius balanced on one foot, stretching his thigh. “Now that I have you,” he said. “I’m feeling just fine.”
Remus snorted. “Yeah, the Stanley Cup Champion part has nothing to do with it.”
Sirius laughed, but took Remus’ face between his palms. “If I didn’t have you, and I had only a Cup, all I would be doing right now is thinking about another Cup.”
Remus put a hand on his chest, fingers finding the number twelve pendant that rested there.
“Now, there’s more,” Sirius said simply, and leaned down for a tender kiss. “Like your mother’s peach pie.”
Remus punched him in the arm as Sirius laughed loudly.
“You’ll have to beat me if you want a slice of that!” Remus called as he took off.
Sirius made a wounded noise, but sprinted after him until they were side by side again.
“I don’t think I can leave this beach,” Leo mumbled into the lounging cabana they were spread out beneath, and Logan looked down at him from where he was reading—trying to read—one of the books Finn had given him. He didn’t know how many books Finn had tried to get him to read over the years, but he knew he never made it through more than a few pages without looking up, getting distracted, or having to go back.
“Non?” Logan asked.
Leo shook his head. “The sun. The sea. I’m in heaven.”
“What about hockey?”
Logan laughed and settled back into the pillows, setting the book aside and rolling towards Leo to feel his sun-warmed back and leaned down to kiss his temple. A private beach definitely had its perks—and so did three hockey salaries.
“We’ll just stay here, then.”
They’d had a good summer. Leo’s Cup Day, Finn’s, his own, all in their hometowns and accompanied by large parades and fanfare. Logan had finally gotten to take Leo home to his sisters and parents for the first time. It had been nice to see Finn around his family again, too, after what felt like eons of avoiding him in that small gap between being at Harvard and then them both making it to the NHL, and to the Lions.
Leo’s sleepy smile up at him melted Logan like ice in the sun.
“Okay, good,” Leo said, then his eyes went behind Logan. “There’s the ghost-on-toast with our drinks.”
Logan snorted and looked up to see Finn—and Finn’s tiny blue swim shorts that he insisted weren’t see-through—walking towards them through the sand from the resort bar with a tray of drinks in his hands.
“Hey, lover-nuts,” Finn said as he set the tray down in the shade. “Got us some snacks, too. That bar tender loves me.”
“You are so pale,” Leo laughed. “I love you, though, please put more sunscreen on.”
“Keep your sandy feet off my towel,” Logan nudged Finn’s foot with his own as he reached for his drink. Finn just smiled and nodded at the book.
“How is it?” Finn asked.
Logan just looked at him.
He laughed and ran a hand through Logan’s salty, damp hair. “I know. I’ll read it to you later. I just thought you might want something for the beach!”
Logan held up his cocktail. “I have something for the beach.”
They settled back under their cabana, the thin, white linen curtains fluttering around them in the three o’clock breeze. Maybe Logan, as he closed his eyes between Leo and Finn, Leo’s hand still on his thigh, Finn’s arm pillowing the back of his neck, never wanted to leave this beach, either.
“Back to Gryffindor tomorrow,” Logan said.
“Group chat says most guys’ll be back this week,” Finn said, squinting at his phone over his sunglasses. “We gotta be back for Dumo’s, and then Cap’s Cup Day. That’ll be nice, man.”
“I like that they’re bringing it to Gryffindor Pride,” Leo said, rolling onto his back. “Should have thought of that. Or, I guess…” Leo trailed off and Logan frowned. They couldn’t do that. Not yet, at least. Leo caught Logan’s expression and rested a reassuring hand on his thigh. “I’m glad we get to go, even if its for them on the surface. That’s real thoughtful of them, you know?”
Logan nodded. It was thoughtful. When Remus and Sirius had brought it up to them, he’d found himself getting a little choked up.
“We want you guys to be able to experience that, too,” Remus had said. “If you want. No matter what you decide to do public-wise in the future.”
Finn clicked his phone off and chucked it to the side. “Hey, don’t take me off island time yet. We’ll order to the room, eat on the deck, hike up and stargaze…”
Finn rattled off the perfect list, tilting towards Logan until their lips met.
“And then we’ll go win another Cup.”
Leo and Logan punched him at the same time.
Thomas sat in the shade with Kasey as they watched Alex try to take on Natalie and Noelle at pool basketball.
“I really think they’re going to accidentally drown him,” Thomas said thoughtfully.
“He probably thinks that, too, and is just too competitive to stop,” Kasey replied.
Thomas laughed, and held out his beer to cheers.
“This is a nice house the O’Haras have, man,” he looked at the sparkling ocean beyond the steps and fence, and at the pool with the grill and lounge chairs. They’d only come up for the weekend, between training and visiting their own families, and before returning to Gryffindor for the season.
“Tell me about it.”
“Cheating!” Alex spluttered from the pool as Natalie put all of her weight on him to dunk him under the water. Alex pointed very seriously to the foot marker on the side tile. “We agreed from that to Thomas’ chair, I was too far away!”
“Too bad!” Noelle shouted as she made another basket.
Thomas didn’t think it was the alcohol that made him feel a little fuzzy at the edges as he looked over her in her swimsuit. She was all curves of tanned muscle, softened the summer around her stomach and arms. Thomas was a goner. But she seemed pretty gone, too, so he guessed it was all right.
“This moment’s always rough,” Kasey said softly from beside him, and when Thomas looked at him questioningly, he gestured vaguely with his beer. “The end of July. One more month, but not really. Alex’ll go back for training, you know? It’s like a trick. I always think, I get three months with these two. But it’s more like two and the first week of August.”
Thomas nodded. “I know. Noelle, too. Her training camp starts on the eight. I’m just…”
Kasey sighed in sympathy.
“At least you have Nat, you know?” Thomas said. “Not that I’m saying you have it easier, I just…”
Kasey shook his head. “I know. Believe me, I’m thankful for that every day. But…when you miss someone, you miss someone.”
Thomas nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, exactly.”
Last season hadn’t been too bad. His relationship with Noelle had been new. They only really knew FaceTime dates, and squeezed in weekend flights that sometimes left them more exhausted than sated. They had been taking it slow. Thomas had been kissed by Noelle—a lot. Enough to make him dizzy with it. Only, then she’d met him at the airport in Quebec, they’d spent a month with her family in France…
And Thomas wasn’t sure he knew how to do just FaceTime anymore. There was a new yearning, knotted just below his heart. He knew what her skin felt like under his hands now, knew what she looked like right when she waked up, even her skincare routine before bed. It would feel like being away from the ice for too long, the knot pulling tight. He thought this year was going to be harder. Maybe he knew it, but if he did, he was pretending it might be easy still.
“T,” Noelle called, floating on her back, dark hair fanned out in the water. “C’mere!”
Thomas smiled, setting his drink down. He would come, whenever she called. Wherever.
Cole Reyes didn’t know if Adele Dumais staring at him the way she was was a good thing, or a bad thing. He was nervous enough without the seemingly disapproval of Pascal Dumais'—the Pascal Dumais of the Gryffindor Lions, oldest player in the league—teenage daughter.
“Don’t you talk?” Marc, one of his sons, asked.
Cole blinked. “Uh. Yeah. Yeah.”
Adele waved her brother off. “They’re always super nervous at first. Remember Sirius?”
Marc scoffed. “I was a baby.”
Cole let out a breath. Now they were casually talking about Sirius Black, who had lived in the very room Cole had been sleeping in for a week now when he was a rookie, too. It was the same with Logan Tremblay. He felt like he needed to keep the room pristine, like he was living in some Hockey Hall of Fame museum that he had not earned the right to be in yet.
“You’re still a baby,” Adele shot back.
“Kids,” came Celeste, Pascal’s wife’s voice from where she was setting the table. “Come on now.”
“Sorry, maman,” Marc said softly.
“Sorry,” Adele sighed more reluctantly.
“Go help your father with the grill, you two,” she said. “Everyone will be arriving soon.”
Katie, Celeste and Pascal’s youngest daughter, perked up from where she was sitting beside Cole, drawing. Not Pascal, Dumo—Cole kept having to remind himself that he could call Pascal by his nickname now, that it was all official, that he was a Gryffindor Lion, too. Katie hadn’t left his side since he arrived a week ago to billet with the Dumais, and he still wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“Even the Cup?” she asked.
Celeste laughed. “Oui, ma cherie. Cole? Would you mind going to get the flowers for the table? They’re on the kitchen counter, just inside.”
“Oh, sure, Mrs. Dumais,” Cole nodded, glad for something to do. The thought of the Cup arriving gave him the chills. He’d have to be careful not to touch it. He was scared to even look at it, to be honest. His mom would be laughing at him right about now. He wanted to call her afterwards, tell her everything.
“Call me Celeste, I told you, please,” Celeste smiled. She was lovely, with her dark hair twisted and clipped up and a summer dress as green as her eyes, silky against her olive skin.
Cole flushed, but smiled. “Celeste.”
Cole made his way through the sliding door from the back yard and through the dining room. The kitchen was one of the biggest rooms in the house—and it was a big house. Beautiful copper pans hung shining above the island, along with some herbs that Celeste grew and dried herself. It looked like something out of a magazine to Cole, and it was nice, but it wouldn’t beat his mom’s kitchen in the small apartment they shared in Boston. The small space would fill up to the brim with the smell of spices, or cobbler. The thought sent a pang right to his heart. He missed home, that was for sure. After being away for so long, for so many hockey camps, he’d hoped he would be more used to it by now.
The flowers were right where Celeste had said they would be, and he was reaching for one when the back door that led to the garage dinged open. Cole froze, sure that he was about to run into captain Sirius Black completely unprepared, when a girl stepped through instead. She was dressed in denim shorts and a white tank top, had dark brown skin, and a Gryffindor College hat over her hair, which was plaited back into many small braids.
She smiled when she saw him. No sign of surprised, or of the nervousness Cole felt when he met basically anyone.
“You must be Cole,” she said.
Cole nodded. The girl was gorgeous. Cole was a mess of nerves already. He didn’t need the stare of the teenage daughter of one of his idols, but he especially could not handle a beautiful girl right now.
“Yeah,” Cole said. “No, yeah, um. Yes.”
The girl strode forward, setting her bag down on the counter, along with a water bottle decorated in stickers. He caught a few Lions ones. She offered her hand, which was slender and had two golden rings on it. “I’m Layla. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Cole took it, trying to place her. “Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, I babysit for the Dumais family,” she said in explanation, then waved her hand. “Well, this year, at least. I’m actually—we’re going to be working together.”
Cole blinked. “You mean the Lions?”
She nodded. “I’m in the middle of my undergrad for physical therapy. Dumo’s amazing and he got me an internship under the new PT. You know. I’ll probably get you stick tape or something,” she laughed. “Congrats, by the way.”
Cole tilted his head and she raised an eyebrow.
“On making it to the NHL?”
“Oh,” Cole laughed. “Oh, I, yeah, thanks. You, too—or…yeah.”
Cole was going to stay in his room in the basement and never come out.
“I gotta—Mrs. Du—Celeste wants these flowers outside,” he said, picking the vases up.
“Sure thing,” Layla smiled.
“Layla,” came a shriek, and a moment later Katie Dumais came sprinting into the kitchen and wrapped herself around Layla’s legs and smiled at Cole. “This is my new hockey player.”
Cole couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t have a lot of experience with kids, but Katie sure was cute.
“Yours?” Layla gasped as she smiled at Cole. “He’s all yours, is he?”
Katie nodded. “Like Tremzy and Sirius. His name is Cole, like when Santa Clause doesn’t like you.”
Again, with the casual mentions of Logan Tremblay and Sirius Black.
“Oh, of course,” Layla laughed. “Well, I’m sure Santa Clause has never not liked you, babes. Let’s go let your mom know I’m here, okay? Your new hockey player can come with us, too.”
“He’s yours, too!” Katie insisted. “You’re here all the time, so he’s yours, too, don’t worry.”
“Oh, good,” Layla said. “I was worried.”
When Katie looked at Cole expectedly, Cole managed, “I guess everyone does need a hockey player?”
“Exactly!” Katie squealed, and Cole could only follow them outside, heart pounding.
It was good to be back in Gryffindor. Remus and Sirius had dropped their bags in Sirius’ entryway, said hello to Regulus, showered, and then hopped right back in the car to get to Pascal’s house.
“You two look disgustingly happy,” Regulus said, leaning forward from the back seat.
“We are,” Sirius grinned at him in the review mirror. “I am also happy,” he stroked the leather steering wheel of his Range Rover. “To be back with this baby.”
While Sirius’ hair had grown longer, Regulus had shaved his short. The curls were barely curls at all anymore, but Remus was happy to see that his seemingly ever-present dark circles had receded some.
“Why, thank you, Regulus, you look happy, too,” Remus snorted. “When do you leave for NYU’s orientation?”
“August 23rd,” he said. “Been texting with my housemates, too. They seem cool.”
“Maybe one of you will pull a Finn and fall in love with each other,” Sirius said.
“Twice,” Remus laughed, and Regulus did, too.
“I think I’ve had enough romance drama to last me a life time, thanks,” Regulus smiled. “But, yeah. I’m just…I’m focused on friends right now, I think. Normal, non-hockey creatures like you two. But that’s not to say if something came up…or I guess someone. Who knows.”
Sirius’ smile was softer this time. “Focus on whatever you want, Reg. You deserve it.”
Regulus just grumbled something about hockey gods, and then they were pulling up to the Dumais’. There were silver and white balloons lining the driveway and the fence to the backyard where, as Remus slammed his door, he could already hear laughter. A zing of excitement shot through him.
“I missed this team,” he sighed as Sirius took his hand.
Sirius pressed a kiss to his temple. “Your team.”
“Our team.”
“Jesus Christ,” Regulus said, and gave them a shove forward.
Thomas gave a loud woop when he spotted them coming out to the backyard. Regulus immediately made a B-line towards Leo and the Cubs.
“Yes! The Captain!” Thomas said and pulled Sirius into a hug. “Missed you, man.”
“You, too, T,” Sirius said. “Ready to tear it up?”
“You know it.”
Remus smiled as Thomas hugged him next. “I forgot you two train together before pre-season.”
“You two?” Thomas raised an eyebrow, the small gold hoops in his ears glinting in the sun. Remus noticed he’d shaved three stripes into one side of his head. They were a little wobbly. Maybe Noelle had done it. “You’re not coming with us?”
“You know how this one is about his routines,” Remus said, wrapping an arm around Sirius’ waist. “Wouldn’t want to mess anything up.”
“Please,” Sirius said. “I want you there more than I want a second—”
Remus and Thomas punched him at the same time.
“I know you weren’t just about to say that,” said an accented voice from behind Remus, and they turned to see Pascal standing there. He looked as he always did, smile lines around his eyes, gray streaks at his temples. He wore a white t-shirt and had Katie on his hip. She was definitely getting too big to be carried around like that, but Remus couldn’t see a time when Pascal would ever refuse her. He’d probably carry Adele around like that, too, if she’d let him.
“Dumo,” Sirius smiled, and took the two beers he was holding out, handing one to Remus. He kissed Katie’s forehead. “Good summer?”
“The best,” Pascal laughed, and nodded towards the edge of the yard. “Especially with the promise of seeing that thing again.”
Remus followed his gaze, and his breath caught, just as he knew it would. The Cup stood there, its guards near by with drinks and plates of food in their hands. It sat proudly on a table, surrounded by white tulips—no doubt Celeste’s doing.
“I’m excited to see you two bring it to the parade,” Pascal said. “That will be a wonderful day for everyone.”
Remus glanced at where Logan, Leo, and Finn were standing with Kasey Winter, Gryffindor’s goalie, and his partners Natalie, with her long blonde hair, and Finn’s brother Alex, who played for Tampa Bay.
Sirius’ smile lit up his face. “It will be.”
Remus peered around him. “Is that our rookie?”
Sirius scoffed. “A rookie can’t call a fellow rookie rookie, rookie.”
Remus blinked. “What did you just say?”
“That’s Cole!” Katie said. “I love him.” Then she turned and shouted his name again. He looked up from where he was standing quietly beside Jackson Nadeau, another player, and Remus suppressed a smile at the way his eyes widened when he saw Sirius.
“Oh, here we go,” Sirius mumbled.
“Oh, hush,” Remus said, and sounded far too much like his mother to himself. “You’re going to be throwing hands for him the second someone gets close, and you know it.”
“I don’t know how to tell rookies I’m just a person!” Sirius whispered as Cole began to make his way over. “They act all…”
“Star struck?” Thomas offered.
Sirius just glowered at him.
Cole Reyes did not look as young as he was. Even at 19, he was jacked, and tall, with light brown skin, green eyes, and a stripe shaved into one of his eyebrows. His hair was shaved at the sides, but longer on the top and in tight curls.
Remus glanced somewhat self-consciously down at himself. He could only put on more muscle healthily so fast. He thought he’d been doing well, but looking at Cole…
“Hello,” Cole said hesitantly and Pascal set Katie down and clapped Cole on the shoulder.
“Reyes, meet Sirius. Sirius, meet the boy who is a much better billet than you ever were.”
Sirius snorted, and Cole laughed—nervously.
“Hi, Cole,” Sirius said, and held out his hand. “I know we spoke briefly over the summer, but it’s nice to officially meet you.”
“You, too,” Cole said, smile slight. “Thanks for the call. My mom freaked out. I mean—well, me too, but my mom…” Cole stuttered out, wincing.
“Loves me?” Sirius laughed. “I get that a lot.”
“He’s so humble,” Remus shook his head jokingly. “Hi Cole, I’m Remus. Welcome to the team.”
“You too…?” Cole said hesitantly. “Well, the roster, I guess.”
“Cole,” Katie said, taking his large hand in her small one. “Come meet Tremzy. He’s my best friend.”
Sirius feigned a pout. “What about me?”
Katie smiled sheepishly, throwing herself at Sirius’ legs, “You, too!”
“Always one-uped by Tremblay,” Thomas laughed, shaking his head. “How’s it feel, Cap?”
“Wonderful,” Sirius said dryly and then looked down at Katie, petting her head. “Go on, go show Cole your best friend.”
They watched her lead Cole through the crowd for a moment before Sirius huffed.
“See?” Sirius whispered to Remus. “It’s like he’s scared of me.”
“I’ve never heard you use the phrase spoke briefly in my life. Who are you, Alice?”
“I was trying to be professional!”
Remus laughed. “Why?”
Sirius just rolled his eyes and dragged him over to stack their plates with food.
The party went well into the evening, the sky pink and blue in the setting sun. There were lanterns floating in the pool where Evgeni and Jackson were playing chicken with a delighted Marc and Louis, or sometimes one of Coach Arthur Weasley’s boys, on their shoulders. Logan was sitting with Cole and Finn, cradling a sleepy Katie against his chest, Leo and Regulus laughing with Kasey and Alex.
Remus found Sirius again standing alone in front of the Cup. His hair was falling into his face, the curls gentled by the evening breeze and the Cup’s silver surface reflecting the silver of Sirius’ eyes. Remus went to stand beside him, and neither of them spoke for a moment.
“I’m nervous,” Remus broke the silence.
Sirius nodded. “I know, mon loup.”
Remus sighed, resting his head against Sirius’ arm. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” Sirius switched his drink to his other hand so he could run his fingers through Remus’ hair. “This is…big.”
“It’s what I’ve always wanted,” Remus whispered. It felt dangerous, to say the words aloud. “It’s everything that I lost. Last time.”
Remus could still feel Fenrir Greyback rip at his shoulder, even if it was years ago now, while they were still at college. Being in the NHL meant that Remus would have to play against him again whenever they met Vegas.
Sirius turned towards him, hand on his cheek.
“You will have this,” he said earnestly, and then smile, reaching into his shirt for his necklace, the one Remus had gifted him last Christmas. He brought it to his lips. “Loops.”
Remus smiled at the now familiar sight, touching the pendant when Sirius’ let it drop.
“You know,” Remus said. “You’re everything I’ve always wanted, too.”
Sirius’ smile was one of Remus’ favorites, and he tucked him against his side. Remus followed his gaze to find him looking at Cole again.
“I’m not happy with the way it happened,” Sirius said softly, and Remus knew he was thinking of the pictures that someone had leaked of them kissing. The pictures that had upturned their entire lives. “But I’m glad I get to hold you like this in front of new faces. I wasn’t thinking about trades—I try not to—but getting Reyes, if things had been different, would have meant we were back to square one at parties like these.”
Remus nodded, taking a drink. “And he seemed okay with it. With us.”
“I was thinking we should invite him to train with us. With me, you, and T. Maybe Dumo would join, too. I know he usually goes with Sergei, but Sergei might be with Kuns and Nado, even though they usually like it just them. The Cubs—”
“Okay, Captain, okay,” Remus laughed.
Sirius pressed a hand over his eyes, laughing. “I just don’t like it when they’re nervous around me. Like Leo was. It’s so much better now that we’re friends.”
“You’ll get there with him,” Remus said. “Yeah, invite him to train with us. The more the merrier.”
Secretly, Remus wanted to see how Cole trained. He couldn’t shake the analytical side of him, the physical therapist side. Cole was built for such a young age.
“If I didn’t know better,” Sirius said softly, mouth close to Remus’ ear. “I’d say you were checking him out.”
Remus spluttered. “I’m not! I want to know his routine!”
Sirius cracked up. “This is your superstition, isn’t it? Cracking other player’s codes.”
Remus just shrugged, smiling into his cup.
“Have you cracked my code?” Sirius asked in the low voice he used that made Remus not want to be surrounded by people.
Remus looked up at him. “Maybe. It certainly has nothing to do with a piece of toast at five o’clock.”
“My pre-game toast is very important to me.”
Remus leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “No, you just like honey and cinnamon.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Okay, I’m going to talk to Reyes now.”
“Catch him if he passes out.”
Sirius just glowered over his shoulder as he stalked across the grass. Remus looked around at the back yard, at the team, together again. His team.
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the-3rd-key · 5 years
Prompt: Queliot, 31. "If you sing that song one more time, I will kill you." Your last one with the Hallmark movie was gorgeous, btw!
Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it. Sorry it took so long to finish this. I got stuck, and then it ended up being twice as long as my last one… so I should probably just throw it up on AO3.
The cottage is dark as Eliot helps a stumbling Quentin through the front door. Eliot wonders why everyone is asleep already, then remembers that it’s three AM on a Tuesday, and it’s not like they have a lot of parties anymore. Even though magic is back and stronger than ever, the cottage smells of dust and cleaning supplies. And when Eliot flicks on a light switch, the warm light does little to change the fact that it feels… empty.
At least Quentin is here, hanging on to Eliot’s shoulders for dear life.
“Shit. Am I putting too much weight on you?” Quentin’s speech is relaxed, but not slurred, as lets go of Eliot and balances himself against the wall. Hesmirks, eyebrows raised.
Warmth floods Eliot, and he can’t tell whether his fingers are tingling from too many Old Fashioneds, or too much Quentin Coldwater. Like there’s such a thing as too much Quentin Coldwater.
Laughing, Eliot takes Quentin’s hand and pulls him away from the wall, but Quentin stops short of Eliot’s embrace.
“What’s wrong?” Eliot asks.
Quentin’s brows stitch together as he looks down at Eliot’s stomach. “I don’t want to—”
“I told you.” Eliot squeezes Quentin’s hand. “Lipson cleared me for most activities as long as I’m careful.”
Quentin smiles, lacing his fingers with Eliot’s and pulling him closer. “Most activities?”
The scent of gin wafts between them and floods Eliot with warmth. “How many Tom Collins did you have again?”
“It was your idea to go to a Prohibition bar,” Quentin mumbles into Eliot’s neck.
Quentin’s lips send shivers up Eliot's neck. God, he needs to stop that.
“I’m just saying.” Eliot takes a step back and grips Quentin’s shoulders. “You reek of Beefeater. Go sit down, and I’ll bring you some water. You’ll keep us both awake if you’re getting out of bed to puke every fifteen minutes.”
With a sigh, Quentin stumbles toward the living room. His foot catches on the rug as he falls face-first into the couch with an “Oof…” 
Eliot rushes to help him, but Quentin gives a thumbs up before he can get there.
“Okay. So you’re… good?” Eliot looks rapidly back and forth between Quentin and the kitchen. “Um. Water. Right. You should sit up.”
Quentin makes a noncommittal noise.
Half amused, half annoyed, Eliot hurries to the kitchen, rummages through the cabinets for the largest glass he can find, and fills it up.
When Eliot returns, Quentin is still lying face down on the couch, head buried in a throw pillow. And he‘s mumbling to himself. No, not mumbling. Singing?
The tune sounds familiar, but Quentin is off key as usual, so Eliot can’t quite place it.
“What are you singing?”
Quentin turns his head, cheek smashed against the pillow so that his lips stick out.
Eliot’s heart jumps. Adorable.
“You didn’t recognize it?” Quentin asks.
Eliot shrugs. Don’t make me say you can’t sing, Q.
Quentin clears his throat. “Just a small town boy…”
Eliot’s laugh is louder and more high-pitched than he intended. Because Quentin is singing Journey. Journey, of all things.
“It’s a small town girl. Not a small town boy.” The laughter keeps overflowing from Eliot‘s chest. “Boy doesn’t rhyme with world.”
“Neither does girl,” Quentin says.
“It’s a slant—”
“I know it’s a slant rhyme. I passed my lit classes.” As Quentin looks up, his hair—which is now as long as it was when Eliot first met him—flops over his face.
Quentin blows a stray strand of hair out of his eyes, and Eliot’s mind is buzzing from expensive cocktails and some long-forgotten feeling from a lifetime he spent breathing in opium and laying tiles and playing tag with Quentin’s—with their son.
Eliot sits cross-legged on the floor next to Quentin. And before he knows what he’s doing, before he can stop himself, Eliot’s hand is moving toward Quentin, and it’s resting on Quentin’s cheek. And his thumb is rubbing at the stubble on Quentin’s jawline. And somewhere in the back of his mind, Eliot realizes Quentin is placing his hand over Eliot’s, and bringing Eliot’s hands to his lips. Pressing his lips to Eliot’s hand.
Eliot’s heart thrums, and he’s certain Quentin knows exactly what he’s thinking. What he’s feeling.
Eliot clears his throat. Tries to sort out the fifty years of thoughts that rise out of his chest like smoke. Fifty years of emotion that twist and whirl as Quentin sing-screeches out the next line.
“Just a city boy. Born and raised in North New Jersey…”
Eliot realizes then… Quentin is drunkenly changing the lyrics of a fucking Journey song to be about them.
“I know I can’t sing, El,” Quentin grins. “But I’m too drunk to care.”
And Eliot says, in a voice that’s bursting at the seams with an affection he doesn’t want to hide anymore, “If you sing that song one more time, I will kill you.”
“I could sing some Tom Petty. About how you grew up in an Indiana town.”
“C’mon, Q.” Eliot taps his shoulder. “You need to hydrate.”
Quentin grins. He’s been doing that a lot more recently. “Since when do you care about hydration?”
Since we almost died like two months ago?
When Quentin concedes and sits up, Eliot hands him the glass of water.
He drinks in seconds and lets the glass fall limp in his hand. “Do you remember?”
Eliot raises an eyebrow. “Remember what?”
Quentin looks down at the floor. Takes in a deep breath. “How we used to sing Earth songs.”
Earth songs. Eliot’s limbs are weak. Shaking. Quentin remembers a lot more than he lets on. They both do. And when Eliot stops and thinks about it for long enough, it all comes flooding back.
Eyes glazed over, Quentin stares off in the distance. Eliot lays his head in Quentin’s lap and takes his hand, stroking his thumb over Quentin’s palm. Memories recollected in intimate moments are the only reminder Eliot has from that lifetime.
Quentin gulps. His gaze flickers to Eliot. “You used to sing Blackbird to Teddy after Arielle died.”
When Eliot speaks, it comes out as a whisper that scrapes against the lump swelling in his throat. “I remember.”
Quentin looks down again, and says in a voice so soft—so unsure—that it wrenches Eliot’s heart, “Do you think we’ll ever have that again?”
Eliot looks around the cottage. It’s theirs, but it’s not theirs. There’s no mosaic to build. No orchards with peach and plum trees nearby. And it’s got modern appliances and expensive booze and cable, not a fireplace and a dirt floor and wooden shutters.
Quentin clears his throat, and Eliot realizes it’s Quentin who’s putting his heart on the line again—like he always does. So Eliot pulls himself off the floor and plops down next to Quentin. Drunk, adorable Quentin, who loves him. Who’s looking down at his feet because Eliot’s already broken his heart once.
Eliot’s working hard on making amends every day, but he’s got a long way to go. When he lays a hand on Quentin’s thigh, Quentin looks at him with some mixture of hope and apprehension. And Eliot brings his hand to Quentin’s neck like he has so many times before and pulls him close. Quentin’s kisses are soft. Careful. Familiar. And somehow, he tastes not of gin, but of fresh juniper.
When they break, Eliot presses his forehead to Quentin’s. “I think we’re already on our way.”
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southernchicstyle · 5 years
The Big ONE
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                                                                                           Photos by Daniel Ortiz
I always think my party ideas for the kids are so original until I start looking for items for them and find a million parties done in the same theme. Our son’s first birthday was no exception, but I like to think we put it all together in a creative way you haven’t seen yet... Reeling in the Big ONE! 
Our little guy turned the big ONE and we had the best time celebrating with a fishing themed party. Keep reading and scrolling for ALL of the details with photos by Daniel Ortiz . 
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Fishing bobbers, nets, lures (keep out of reach of little hands because the hooks are sharp!), lanterns, and cattails all came to mind immediately as I gathered decorations for the party. “We’re reeling in the big ONE” read the invite. A comprehensive list of the items will be at the bottom of this post, but I also linked the ones I refer to in the body of the post like the fish food tents above.
A photo spot with bobbers and nets formed in my brain as I pinned ideas, and the variations of those came together to create this one I’m so proud of below! My husband assembled scrap 2x4s we had that were painted grey into the photo frame.
The bobbers on the photo spot (pictured below) are paper lanterns we spray painted red on the bottom half (painters tape used to make the line) and the top (linking the paper lanterns). There’s pretend fish hanging below the bobbers on the left strung with fishing line. 
And, the directional arrows pointing toward “fishing hole”, “weighing station”, “bait and tackle”, and “catch of the day” were cut by our friend and I drew the words and art on with paint markers. (pictured below)
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My mom and her crafty skills is always a part of making these parties a reality and she helped put the finishing touches on the “ONE” for the picture table. I love how it turned out! We used styrofoam letters (”O”, “N”, “E” each linked), cut out one for the boats from the invitation for the “N”, and glued cardstock paper in red, white, blue and green to the letters. The blue waves we cut out in different colors and there is twine wrapped around the “E” and the cattails.
We also had to secure the letters to the backdrop (tape was sufficient) since they are styrofoam and could easily fall over.
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Each of the months (on paper bobbers from newborn to one) just HAD to be displayed on a net, so figuring out how to secure them was a challenge we solved by hot glueing small clothespins to the back of the flat paper bobbers and taping pennies to the back of the pictures to attempt to keep them all from blowing up when the wind blew. 
The wind had other ideas, but it looked good throughout the party.
The red lanterns, net, fishing lures, small fishing bobbers, and cups are all linked. Click on the words to shop them. And, the tackle box on the table was a Houston Nutcracker Market find. 
We also decided to do a time capsule (directions in the frame on the left in the photo above) at our guy’s 1st birthday. I regretted not doing one for our daughter’s first birthday after my mother-in-law passed shortly after the party. Each person in attendance can write a message to the birthday kiddo and answer some fun questions about what they think the child will be and like, etc. Your child can read all of the messages when they turn 18!
What I’d give for a message from my mother-in-law for our daughter to read when she’s older.
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For our big guy’s outfit, I found an adorable baby fishing shirt onesie for our birthday boy to wear for his party. Even if you’re not doing a fishing themed party, this shirt was so cute on him! 
Our nanny made the balloon 1 with fishing line and balloons pictured above. Linked the balloons we purchased here. We went for a slight ombre effect with more light blue on the top and dark blue on the bottom. (Would recommend buying a couple of packs to ensure you have enough of each color)
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Galvanized buckets were the perfect serving piece for the food along with fishing related food items, like gummy worms labeled as “worms”, Twizzlers as “fishing line”, Swedish Fish, Goldfish, peach rings as “Life Preservers” and pretzel sticks as “fishing rods”. The pretend fish decorating the tables are foam (squishy is the best way I can describe them) but really good looking and linked here. 
I also saw the puffer fish idea online and thought it would be fun for the kids to have the punch balloons to play with. And, I was a bit nostalgic thinking back to playing with punch balloons as a kid. Obviously, one year olds weren’t doing much balloon punching, but they were fun for older kids. 
The wooden boat and boxes on the food table were borrowed from a friend, but the white 1 was purchased online.  Also borrowed fishing poles that were used throughout the party. 
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Along with puffer fish punch balloons, we had a “Catch and Release” activity where we put water in a kiddie pool with fish in it and fishing poles (magnets on the poles and fish connect the two) where kids could attempt to catch fish. And, our “Feed the Fish” station was a bean bag toss which has now been repainted for a third time to have fish swimming. 
The printables I used for the activity signs & favors are here:
Bait Bar
Thank You for Making my Birthday Reel Fun
Catch and Release (couldn’t find this one so I used my own skills to make one)
Feed the Fish (couldn’t find this one so I used my own skills to make one)
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When it comes to kids and cake, I’ve become a big believer in cupcakes being the easiest all around. They don’t have to be cut, don’t require a fork or spoon, and are cost effective. So, this time I did store cupcakes from our Kroger with blue icing and bobbers on top (linking the bobbers here).
If my son ever decides to be a fisherman, we now have bobbers and lures for days!
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Cattails for centerpieces made for a simple table decoration. I used the galvanized buckets with paper in the bottom (had a bunch from all of my Amazon orders) then river rocks on top to fill the bucket with the cattails secured in between. Around the buckets we draped some fishing net with some smaller rocks, lures (be careful of the sharp hooks), and bobbers. 
The cocktail tables I use are linked here along with the table covers. For the bigger tables, I used a fun blue with the raised circles adding texture to the table.
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My goal with the “Ofishally ONE” diaper cover was to get a picture of him in just that, but this was the best I got. Fishing shirt and diaper cover. It’s still adorable, though! And, you get a close up look at the baby fishing shirt. 
I’ve learned to let some things go at the parties and enjoy it. Hard for a type A personality like me, for sure!
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These cattails are Swiss Rolls on on bamboo skewers (which we cut to eliminate the point on the end) held in place by styrofoam under the moss in an oval galvanized tub. And, bobbers made everything more festive!
Now, I have to share our learning. The Swiss Rolls will slide down the skewers since they are standing upright, so we cut slivers of wine cork and slid them under the rolls to hold them up. Completely a game time call as they were sliding right before guests arrived. You can see the cork if you look closely.
The cutest cookies were done by a local baker, Sweets by Shey: bobbers, fish, “Gone Fishing” sign, and one that looked like an oval piece of wood with “The Big ONE” on it. 
The other two items, scalloped napkins and fish coasters, pictured below were perfect additions to the party. The scalloped napkins with a  gold trim were a fun nod to the scales on a fish while still keeping an elegance to them. I found the coasters at HomeGoods randomly and snagged the “Drink Up” coasters for the event. 
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Here’s a closeup of the texture of the blue/turquoise raised petal tablecloths. I used cream colored ones for my daughter’s 2nd birthday Bubble Bash so when I saw this color I knew it was perfect for the party. 
Also linking the tables and chairs that at this point have been used for 4 birthday parties and a couple of other events. For us, since we have room to store it all, buying was ideal. 
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The banners I found online were perfect for the background of the cake smashing. “The Big One” banner is customizable and comes with the fish and bobbers also (or without if you choose). The cute “ONE” for the highchair was an easy order and great quality!
I hung the big banners behind the high chair on bamboo poles and put the bamboo poles through actual fishing poles so the fishing poles flank the banners. They somewhat blend in with the busy vine background, but the small detail made me happy.
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For a smash cake, there’s a baker in my area that makes a blueberry cake (it was INCREDIBLE) and could create this “wave” look - Kingwood Bakery. I found the fish and “The Big One” sign cake topper online and added them myself along with the 1 candle. I used a log cake stand that has come in handy more often than I anticipated.
Below you can see the layout of the time capsule pages I printed (they were an easy printable I found online) that went with the theme. It includes sections like “When you grow up I think you will be...” and “How do I know you?” to name a couple. 
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Fishing pole favors were a must! I found little water squirting fish, handheld fish water games, fish stickers, and Swedish Fish and cinched them in clear favor bags with twine tied to sticks we collected around the house. Gathering sticks was a fun activity for my daughter to feel like she was a part of the planning.
The printable tags were easy to print, but I had Katie & Co print and cut them to make sure the bobbers were cut correctly. And, I printed a sign that was framed near the favors that said “Thank You for Making My Birthday Reel Fun!”
My apologies to my friends/the parents who had sticks in their cars on the way home, but it was really cute! 
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Unlike his sister, our little guy dug right in to the cake and enjoyed eating it! I love this picture that Daniel Ortiz captured of him once we took the cake away. O-fish-ally ONE!
We love that so many friends celebrate with us. And, below is a close up of the photo spot (you can see the paper lantern bobbers) with two of my friends that are so good about coming!
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Having our pool completed literally the week of the party was chaotic, but I was able to create my big bobbers for the pool. This was not a perfectly executed project, but overall I was happy with them and they looked great. The top is a to-go container spray painted red and the bottom is a red plastic tablecloth taped to the floating orbs I purchased with red Duck Tape.
The taping of the tablecloth to the orb was a feat in itself. With help from my family, we did it once and then redid it. Ultimately, the tablecloth was taped at the base of the orb. It will take in water, so I attempted to tape the seam as well as we could.
I wish I could give a step but step tutorial, but the pool bobber was truly a “try and see what works” experience. Biggest tip: have patience and don’t be afraid to redo them if they don’t look right.
**A big thank you to all of my family who helps me execute all of my ideas and to Daniel Ortiz for the great photos!
Reeling in the Big One Party Supplies
- Bait Bar Sign (printable) $2.50
- Balloons (light blue, white, and true blue, 100 pack) $10.99
- Banner: The Big One (personalized banner linked w bobbers & fish) $44
- Banner: Burlap One for Highchair $10.99
- Bobbers (small for cupcakes and tables) $6.49
- Cattails (set of 4 sprays) $24.99
- Cake Stand (Rustic Log) $48.86
- Cake Topper: “The Big One” starts at $14.99 (linked similar as exact one no longer available)
- Chairs (individual and 4 pack) $44.72 and $142.41
- Cups (gold rimmed, 50 count) $14.99
- Diaper Cover: “Ofishally One” $20
- Duck Tape (red) $7.08
- Favor Tags: Bobbers $3 (in favors: Fish water game, Swedish Fish, Stickers)
- Favor Bags (100 clear bags) $3.98
- Favor Tags (bobber printable) $3
- Fish (foam, decorative on tables and photo spot, set of 3) $15.91
- Fish & Poles for Catch and Release $13.86
- Fish Coasters (unavailable online, cork ones here $12.24)
- Fish Food Tents Printable $3.50
- Fishing Game (fish and 2 poles) $28
- Fishing Lures $18.99 (found a similar set for $15.99)
- Fishing Net (natural color 2 pack) $9.50
- Fishing Net (blue) $5.52
- Fishing Shirt (for baby) $37.99
- Fish Squirts (for Favors) $7.49
- Fish Stickers for Favors (3D puffy, 20 sheets) $7.97
- Fish Water Games for Favors (assorted with others) $38.99
- Galvanized Buckets (small, set of 12) $18.87
- Galvanized Buckets (large, 2 gallon) $28.98
- Galvanized Tub (for edible cattails) $31.99
- Highchair Banner - ONE $10.99
- Invitiations: “Reeling in the Big One” file $11.99
- Kiddie Pool (45 x 10″) $10.39
- Lanterns (red) $9.97
- Months Paper Bobbers $9.50
- Moss (SuperMoss Spanish Moss) $9.52
- ONE letters (12 inch styrofoam “O”, “N”, and “E”) $9.98 each
- Paper Lanterns (made into bobbers, set of three 8 in white) $10.99
- Plastic Red Tablecloth $14.99
- Pool Orbs (made into bobbers) $89.99
- Puffer Fish (Punch Balloons, 30 count) $10.99
- Scalloped Napkins with gold trim $9.99
- Skewers (bamboo, 100 pieces) $6.95
- Swedish Fish (0.5 oz packages, 64 count) $14.99
- Swiss Rolls (for edible cattails, 6 boxes, 36 count) $11.94
- Tables: cocktail ($107.88) and large 60″ round ($118.99)
- Tablecovers (cocktail) $16.99
- Tablecloths (blue with raised round petals) $39.99
- “Thank You for Making My Party REEL Fun” signage - $2.50
- Time Capsule Printables $8
- Twine (2 roles x 656 feet) $9.89
- Wooden 1 (8 cm tall) $7.89
***Photos by Daniel Ortiz
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cashtonwoah-blog · 6 years
Better Man // Part 2
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Hey guys! Hope you liked the first part of Better Man, my newest fanfict for Ashton! I'm really enjoying writing this, and felt inspired recently as I have just returned from a holiday! Enjoy this second part.
Warnings: light smut, swearing, slight mention of controlling relationships.
"He called you cute?!" Camila squeeled with delight, as I recalled the events from earlier in the day.
I sighed, but smiled a little. For once Camila actually sounded invested in one of my guy stories.
"And then... His mate just walked off with him?!" she asked confused.
"Well, Luke his friend, and band mate, basically dragged him back to have a nap, he'd had so much to drink Cami" I scoffed.
"He's in a band?!" Ed gasped.
"Go Y/N! You've pulled! " Camila cheered, clapping.
"Comeon guys, I was just providing support. He was quite drunk so I bet he doesn't remember any of it". I chuckle, picking up my drink and heading back to the bar after finishing my break. I wasn't try to make a big deal out of the chat with the boy as it wasn't a big deal, but he was kinda cute. And it was nice that he felt comfortable talking to me.
"Lucky number 7, numero siete" I hear the entertainer Sami shout from the stage. Bingo was a very popular game in the hotel, especially as the old folk found it fun. I'd noted that the hotel was busier tonight, filled with all ages, which meant good business. I'd already had to stop 2 guys on a stag do from having more alcohol. I continued to make my favourite cocktail for a lady at the bar, Love On The Beach, which had vodka, strawberry flavouring with peach schnaps and a dash of lemonade. I presented the lady with the drink, to which she lightly clapped.
"Excuse me miss?" I hear a voice say at the bar. I turn around and see the curly haired boy, looking rather sleepy. His hair was messier than usual, and he was dressed in the same clothes are he had on 5 hours earlier. He rubbed his hand in the back of his head in an awkward fashion.
"Well hello rockstar, back for another drink?" I jokingly ask.
He smirks, sitting down at the bar, placing his head in the palm of his hands. I decide to make him a special drink. It was my first drink I learnt from Camila, a hangover cure! Orange juice, lemonade and a few other secret ingredients. I make the drink up, and place it in front of him.
"Please tell me there's no gin in this" he groans, lifting his head up from the bar table to inspect the drink.
I chuckle. "None what so ever sir".
He goes to give me a €10 note to pay for the drink. I wave my hand across my chest.
"No charge, its on me" I smile, pushing the drink closer towards him. He replies with a wide smile, I note his big ___ eyes, looking at me.
"Thanks Y/N" he replies, taking a sip. He subtlety moans.
"That's lovely".
"Enjoy... D'you know, I never got your name." I chuckle.
"Really? How rude of me." the boy laughs, offering me his hand.
"My names Ashton" he says, shaking my hand.
"So I wanted to apologise for earlier, I wasn't myself, and normally I'm not that much of a drinker like that" he said.
"It's okay, I've heard a lot worse stories over the past few months. I witnessed a divorce at this very bar, so you're good" I reply.
"Wow" is all his reply is. He takes another sip of the drink, followed by 2 headache tablets.
"Did you have some dinner?" I ask.
"Not yet, I'm waiting for Luke and Sierra and then we'll head out for the night" he replies.
"So is Luke a friend in your band?".
"Yup, he's the guitarist and vocalist, I'm the drummer" he says proudly.
"That's so cool!" I smile. As I attempt to find out more about Ashton, I hear a clicking of a finger and find a big old gentlemen trying to beckon me over to his side of the bar. I sigh.
"Excuse me Ashton" I say, walking to the gentlemen.
"Finally! I've been waiting for service for ages!" the old man moans.
"I do apologise sir, how may I help?" I reply awkwardly.
Its 1am, and the stag do have finally left the bar to head into the town centre for a night out. I sigh in relief, tidying up so I can close up and head home for the night. It was my day off tomorrow so I was looking forward to a lie in. I decided to start clearing the tables first, filling my tray with cocktail glasses. I hear a smash of glass, I turn around and see Margot by shattered glass.
I groan, heading over to her with a brush and pan. I smile at her, and let her get on with cleaning up the mess. She just shrugs at me, and proceeds to clean up. Throughout my shift, all I've thought about is Ashton, and how lovely he was. For the rest of the night before Luke and Sierra returned, we talked about lots in between me serving customers. We spoke about living in England, something both of us had done.
"Don't you miss home?" I questioned.
"Yeah, but the boys and I knew that we had to leave Aus a bit to try and get known musically. It was brilliant, living on our own, no rules, no nagging mums-" he says.
"No cleaning" I interrupted, laughing. He gives me a playful nudge at my comment.
"So did you live alone in England before moving here?" he asks.
"I actually lived with my Dad until he remarried, which became difficult to I decided to stay here for good!" I reply with a smile.
Ashton pouts. "But do you not miss home?" he asks.
"Not really. I have bad memories of home, with family and other people, so it was nice to start all over here again" I reply.
"I get it, like I miss home but so much has happened since I moved out and focused on the band" Ashton smiles.
I continued to clean the bar, and manage to finish around 2am. I sigh looking at my Apple Watch, noting the time. I head to reception to sign out, and am greeted by Ashton, sat on the chairs, like he was waiting for someone.
"Hey Rockstar" I smile tiredly, trying to hide my yawn.
"Hey Y/N, going home?" he asks.
"Yup, off tomorrow which will be nice".
Ashton looks somewhat disappointed. "Oh? So I won't see you tomorrow?" he replies, looking at the floor.
"Not at work nope, but if you're in the town or about maybe I'll say hey" I wink, confused at why he appeared so disappointed.
"That would be nice, Luke and Sierra were thinking of heading to the beach tomorrow, so maybe see you around" Ashton says.
"Well personally, I'd go to the one further down towards the airport. Its much nicer and better quality sand, if you get me. I head there with Cami and Ed often, it's nice" I smile.
"I take it Ed and Cami are mates?" he asks.
"Yup, Cami is a cleaner here at the hotel and Ed works on reception." I reply.
"That's cool, well maybe I'll say hey to them if I see them around, point out next time? He asks.
"Will do, enjoy your night Ashton" I smile, signing my name and walk towards the exit.
"Goodnight Y/N" he smiles at me, before walking away.
I couldn't sleep last night, which was weird for me. Normally, I'm out like a light, but last night was different. I had Ashton on my mind and I couldn't work out why. The way he smiled at me, made me laugh all night at the bar. The sparkle in his Hazel eyes got made me feel gooey.
I decided to get up, and head to the local Spar to get some food bits for the day. I parked my car in the car park, and headed into the store. I grabbed a roll, some Lays crisps and a bottle of Pepsi. I turned into the sweet section and overheard a woman with an American accent laughing.
"Luke! There here, come get the candy" she laughed, before walking into the same section as me. I stopped, and recognised the voice as Sierra, Luke's girlfriend.
"Oh hello" I warmly smile, continuing my shopping and placing some strawberry laces in my basket.
"Hey Y/N, Ash said you had a day off today!" Sierra says, grabbing the same bag of sweets.
"Do I hear my name?" I hear Ashton say, as he turns the corner into where we're stood. As soon as he sees me, his face lights up like a little boy in Christmas day. I playfully wave at him. He comes over.
"Hey Y/N, did you decide on a beach day too?" Ashton says.
"As a matter of fact I did! I take it you listened to my suggestion of this beach?" I say, pointing to the beach over the road from the shop.
"Ahhh so you recommend it... That explains a lot." Sierra winked at Ashton.
"Well it would be rude of us to not invite you along to sit with us for the day, if you wanted?" Sierra asks.
"That would be lovely, thank you. It's always nice to have some company on my days off" I reply, excited at the fact that I get to spend time with them, as they seemed like a good bunch of mates.
Ashton smiled over at me, beckoning me over to the sweet counter.
"Now Y/N, what other sweets should we get?" he asks.
"You're definitely cheating!" Ashton insists, pouting like a four year and throwing the cards onto the blanket.
I laugh, picking up the cards and start to reshuffle the deck. It's the 5th round of Rummy and Ashton had lost every single round.
"What can I say, I'm just too good for you" I wink playfully. Ashton rolls his eyes, poking my chest playfully. I watch Sierra and Luke, who are play wrestling on the beach. Its been good hanging out with the three of them for the day. They've spoken a lot about the band, Luke and Sierra's relationship and planning future holidays.
"They're cute together" I admire the couple dancing on the beach. I look over at Ashton, who is also looking at them.
"Yeah, they've been through a lot those guys, I love them lots" he smiles. "They've both been great friends to me, especially recently".
"Can I ask you, what actually happened with your ex?" I asked curiously, not wanted to upset him.
"Myself and Kay had been dating for 6 months, things were going well, but I found myself not being able to give her my full attention, with everything that was going well with 5SOS. She started to make me feel guilty for being away from her. I tried to make effort more, but in the end she wanted more than I could offer. I tried to end up several times, but each time she'd come up with a different excuse or reason not to. In the end I stupidly invited her on this holiday with Luke and Sierra to try and calm things down. Biggest mistake. She took it as a sign that we would be getting back together, but I kept saying to her that I just want to be friends. We sat down the other day and she ended up storming off. So... That's it" Ashton said, his head facing down the whole time.
I pause, taking it all it. "I'm so sorry, it must have been difficult." I reply, placing a reasurring hand on his back.
"It's okay. I just feel bad that she wanted more from me that I can offer. She knew my schedule. I just wish I could find someone that understands that" he sighs.
"I get you, like a no strings things?" I ask.
"Basically yeah, it's how things with her started, but then it clearly got more complicated. Feelings get mixed up. Sex turns into moving in. It went quickly." he says.
"I get that. My ex jumped ahead, its scary, especially if you aren't ready for it" I reply, sighing.
"You went through the same thing?" Ashton asks, looking at me.
I pause, preparing myself to tell the story.
"Yup, and it ended messy. We dated for 5 months. Started off as a hook up after meeting on Tinder, and somehow he turned it into a relationship. I basically felt forced into it, he kept saying 'it's the right thing' when in reality I didn't want it. He insisted on making it a serious relationship, meeting family and making it official on social media. When I tried to end it, all I'd get is abuse, calling me crazy and stupid. In the end I managed to leave him, but he ended up stalking me for weeks after. In the end I got a retraining order, and I've had no trouble since" I said.
Ashton sat and listened to my entire story in silence, nodding a little and sighing with me.
"Wow, you've been through a lot" he said.
"Yup, but then I look at how happy I am now, at my new job, making new friends and meeting new faces each and every day, it gives me so much happiness" I reply smiling. Ashton smiles at this comment, knowing that I'm hinting at him.
"That makes me happy to hear. I'm glad we met y'know Y/N, you're a lovely girl" Ashton says.
"Thanks Ash, I guess you're alright" I reply giving him a wink. He jokingly pushes me to the ground, and jokingly pins me down to the sand, holding both of my hands. We're both laughing, before it all goes quiet. I look deeply into his eyes, memerizing each part of his face. His cute dimples on his cheek, the crease in his lips. Realising what he was doing, all of a sudden he gets up and walks in a circle.
I pause, confused.
"Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, sorry, I shouldnt have done that" he replies worryingly.
"It's okay, we were only messing around. It was funny" I replied, shocked at how serious he was taking this.
"If you're sure, just don't wanna hurt you" he replies.
I laugh. "I'm a big girl Ash, I'll be okay" I laugh. He chuckles, rolling his eyes, before sitting back down on the picnic blanket again.
We get back to the Hotel, and I'm greeted by a beaming Camila, who introduces herself to Ashton, Sierra and Luke.
"Please excuse Miss Y/L/N, she's needed in a room urgently." she requests, dragging me arm away to room 263. She pulls me into the room, and I see Ed is already sat there patiently waiting, on the bed, legs and arms crossed.
"What in earth?" I whisper, realising that we're in a guests room.
"Oh don't worry they checked out an hour ago, no one new expected until later on" Cami reasurres me.
"So, spill some tea sis!!!" Ed chimes.
"Why didn't you tell us you were meeting up with the curly haired boy?!" Cami says.
"OK so his name is Ashton, and he's really sweet. We hung out with his friends at the beach, nothing special" I shrug.
"It looked pretty special to me, looked like a double date" Camila smirked. Ed clapped his hands at this.
"Ashton isn't really looking for... Anything... Or anyone for that matter... At the moment, so it definitely wasn't a date, just hanging out." I shrug, trying to contain my excitement that he was pretty cute.
"But still, he is cute girl, you gotta admit that" Camila said, smiling.
"Yeah, he is, I like him". I said, smiling and dancing around the room a little. Ed and Camila join in dancing with me, before we're interrupted by a knock. Camila forgot to shut the door behind her.
"You lot seem... Happy?" Ashton questions, seeing us all dancing. I can feel myself turning bright red, hoping that he didn't hear what I just said.
"Erm.. Yeah, just happy that it's the weekend!" Ed smiles, trying to cover our backs.
"Speaking of which, cool if I grab Y/N?" Ashton asks.
"You go ahead sweetie, we'll be just here". Camila grins from ear to ear, ushering Ed out of the room, and hide behind the corner so they can hear every word. I roll my eyes at this action.
Ashton chuckeled. "Your friends are funny".
"Yeah they're petty decent. Did you have a good day? I hope you liked the beach and that you liked the food also, because I really was worried tha-" I said.
"It was perfect, Y/N, thank you. Luke commented on how much of a great tour guide you were for us today. So thankyou. Plus you have a good eye for nice food!" Ashton smiles, lightly brushing his finger along my cheek. I can feel myself shudder at this light touch, making me legs feel like jelly.
"Speaking of food, to say thank you, I'd like to take you out for dinner tonight, just me and you. Is that okay?" Ashton asked.
I pause, shocked at his request.
"I-I would love to" is all I manage to reply.
"Great, it's a date" he winks, before walking off.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 //
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probablymango · 6 years
Dungeons and Arcana
Chapter 1: New Game
Lucio rubbed his face, trying hard not to glare at the others at the table with him. “Explain to me again, what is it you want to do?”
Asra smiles, setting down his glass. “We want to bring two more people into the game with us.”
“I got that. Who are they, do I know them, what are their experience, and do I need to start a new campaign?” He hated getting new players. Not that he wants to keep others from playing, but it meant having to learn them, figure out how they play characters, see what they could and couldn’t deal with, merging them into pre-existing campaigns was a bitch.
Julian raises his hand a bit. “My sister, she’s got a bit of experience from playing with me.”
Lucio nods, then looks at the other two.
“Our roommate, Muriel. You’ve probably met him before, or well, at least seen him.” Mordenkainen answered, making vaguely descriptive hand gestures. “Tall guy, beefy, wears a hoodie all the time, and has the big service dog. Ring any bells?”
It did, mostly because the guy was like a huge brick wall, but he wasn’t very social, so Lucio didn’t know him very well. “Does he have any experience?”
Asra and Mordenkainen look between each other with small looks of worry. “... We’ve tried…” “But neither of us are good dms so….” “Not really….”
“Jesus christ.” He groans, rubbing his face and pushing his glasses further up his face. “...... I’m going to have to meet them both, then we’ll see about a new campaign. Nadia!” He looked over his shoulder towards the kitchen.
“What?” Nadia yells back.
“You’re going to need to make a new character!”
“Okay! What kind of campaign?”
“Not sure yet! Probably just a self inserts and fantasy!”
Lucio rolls his eyes then turns back to the three in front of him. “Same time or do we need to reschedule for the others?”
“Muriel is good with us.” Asra smiles brightly, lightly jumping in his seat.
Julian thinks for a bit, then pulls his cell out of his scrubs pocket. “... I’ll have to check in with her for that, but let’s stick with the same time for now.”
Lucio nods, ideas of what to make the campaign starting to form. “Good, good, please get them in contact with me before then please. I need to meet them first, even if it’s over webcam.”
Nadia came out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of grapes and milk shake. “So we’ve got more people coming?”
“Yes.” Rang in everyone else.
She nods, thoughtfully sipping at her shake. “We’ll have to order more food then. Do any of them have allergies?”
“Portia does, but I doubt that’ll stop her from eating what’s presented.”
“Still, best to make preparations anyways. What’s she allergic to?”
“Dairy, but she doesn’t acknowledge that fact.”
“Oh.” She makes a face. “Is…. is there a non-dairy pizza? Hmm, I’ll keep an eye out for non-dairy snacks that taste good.”
Julian sighs with relief. “Thank you. I can try to get her to send a list of snacks she likes, if that’d help?”
Nadia and Julian start to discuss food, while Lucio turns to the other two. “So, I know of Muriel, but what’s he like? Asides from being a big boy.”
“Shy, not outgoing, and suffers from anxiety.” Asra says, ruffling his brown hair. “We figured that doing it with friends would be the best chance at having him play and plus you’re pretty good, so we figured you’d be best at being one of his first dms.”
Lucio sighs in defeat. “We’ll talk more about this later.” He glances at the clock, then groans. “After work, it’s time to go.” He and Asra stand up, grabbing their bags and coats. “Bye Noddy!”
“Bye Mayor!” Asra grins, sliding on his obnoxiously colored green, pink, and orange jacket.
“Not mayor yet.” She laughs, waving them farewell. “Don’t forget your arm charger!”
“Thank you!” Lucio quickly grabs it from the counter, then goes out to the car. “What do you plan on playing tonight?”
Asra buckles himself, as he makes his signature cat face. “What do you mean?”
Lucio narrowed his eyes at him as he buckled himself in and pulled out. “Do you plan on being a memey little shit with the music tonight or do you plan on doing normal bar music?”
“Oh, you know.” He grins, giving Lucio the answer he knew. The bar was going to be filled with meme songs, most of them were going to give him a headache.
“You little shit.” He groaned, already feeling the headache forming from just thinking of what he was going to hear for the hours they were working together. “Can you at least put on good meme music?”
“Excuse you, but Smash Mouth is great music.” He laughs, watching the buildings pass by.
“No, no it’s not. And please, for the love of god, don’t play What’s New Pussycat, because I swear, I will jump over the bar and strangle you for it.”
“Kinky.” He snickers, poking at his shoulder.
“It’s not a kink thing you perverted little shit!” He groans, keeping his eyes on the road as he blindly slaps at Asra.
Asra snorts, weakly batting his hand away. “What if I play, It’s Not Unusual?”
“That’s worse!” He groans, putting his hand back on the wheel. “Just… Please, take some of the patrons’ requests.”
“I’ll consider it.”
It was quiet for the next few minutes, but as Lucio finished parking, his speakers came to life with-
The culprit ran into the bar, laughing with bastardly delight. Lucio groaned, rubbing his face as he turned off the car, and grabbed his bag. He hoped today will be slow, so he could write, but since Asra took over the music selection, more people started coming in. It was good for business, but not good for his creativity. He went inside, clocked himself in, and went to his usual part of the bar, the one with the plug-in built into the counter. He plugged in his phone and arm, hoping people chose the other bartenders, but knowing he’s never that lucky.
His fear was confirmed about 10 minutes into his shift. Asra had some weird remix playing as a sickly looking older man came to the bar in front of him. Worm man, or Vlastomil, as his name tag reads, comes in regularly. The only reason Lucio even remembers this fucker is solely because he stands out; super pale, an almost leprechaun face, dark clothes, and is usually saying something about worms. He assumes the man works at the bait shop, but honestly didn't care enough to find out. “What will it be, sir?”
“Drunken worm cocktail.”
He gets out the ingredients, passion fruit vodka, peach schnapps, cointreu, coconut rum, sweet and sour, cranberry juice, and gummy worms. It looked tasty, white bottom, with red top, ice, and gummy worms resting on the top. “Here you go.”
“Thank you.” He sets down $15 and walks away to a darker part of the room. A weird, but alright person.
He stares at him for a bit, then picks up his phone and starts typing.  Vlastomil…. Sounds like a perfect fantasy name….  He quickly made some notes, then put away his phone as another person came over. “Hi, how can I help you?”
The man in front of him was beautiful, like almost a model. Long hair in a braid, brown that somehow beautifully turns to blond, and clothes that looked a bit more expensive than this area normally gets. Dammit, he didn’t need an instant crush on a stranger. “What kinds of wine do you have?”
“... Uh, I’ll have to check the list.” Not many people wanted straight wine, so he forgot the actual names of them. “We have…. Pinot Grigio.. Some Chardonnay… uhhh.. Pinot Noir… Rose and Cabernet Sauvignon?”
He raises an eyebrow and has a small smile. “Not used to serving?”
“Not used to serving straight wine. Which would you like?”
He stares at the bottles for a bit. “Pinot Noir.”
“You got it.” He pours him a glass and hands it to him, then watches as he awkwardly holds the glass, probably expecting a wine glass instead of the regular ass glasses they have.
“Thank you.” He continues to stay at the bar, drinking as he looked around, sipping thoughtfully at his wine. “Hmp, this is just like him too.”
He shouldn’t butt in or even mention that he heard it, but his nosiness is getting the better of him. “Who?”
He sighs, leaning back into the bar. “My ex, he used to bring this home constantly. Should have expected the bad after taste of him with it.”
“That’s rough buddy.” Did he really just say that? He’s been dming too long, now he sounds like an actual NPC!
He snorts softly, turning to smile at him. “I didn’t think bartenders actually said that.”
They don’t, I’m just too used to fantasy. “I like going beyond people’s expectations.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He turns back around, continuing to sip at his wine.
Lucio looked over at Asra, only to see him gesturing to…. Do something? He looked at his phone and, oh, he sent a text.
Snek meme bastard: is that valerius? Me: Who is that and why should I care? Snek meme bastard: cuz hes muriels cuz Me: ….. Me: Can u try that again with proper spelling? Snek meme bastard: valerius is muriels cousin Snek meme bastard: is that valerius? Me: not sure Snek meme bastard: ASK Me: NO Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: ………. Snek meme bastard: ill give you $20 bucks if you do Me: …… if he calls the cops im bringing you to jail with me
He groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose, then looks back up at the handsome man in front of him. “What’s your name?”
He looks up at him. “.... any reason you want to know?”
Shit, shit, what does he say? “Why wouldn’t I like to know the name of an attractive person at my bar?” He grins, dying on the inside. He really needs to stop hanging out with MC, they were giving him bad habits of unnecessary flirting with everyone who sticks around for more than 5 minutes.
He looks at him for a bit, then laughs. “You…” He snorts, setting down his drink. “Where.. How did you learn to talk like that?”
“I have no idea of what you mean.” Well, at least he got the stranger to laugh, hopefully that means good things and not being considered a creep. “I speak like a regular people.”
He laughs more, then tries to take a sip of his wine. “I’ll…” He snickers. “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me your’s.”
“I’m Lucio of Vesuvia!” He adds a bit of lordly flair to the way he says it, deciding to commit to the weird way of talking for this man. “And you are?”
He giggles, barely able to talk at this point. “I’m- hehehe- I’m Consul Valerius, at your service!” He goes back to laughing.
His phone lights up, warning him that Asra wanted to call. Fuck that, it’s too loud for that to work out. He declines the call to see that Asra had texted him. A lot.
Snek meme bastard: is it him? Snek meme bastard: hey Snek meme bastard: lucio Snek meme bastard: lucio Snek meme bastard: is it him? Snek meme bastard: LUCIO Snek meme bastard: lucy Snek meme bastard: i said get a name not flirt Snek meme bastard: …… Snek meme bastard: bitch Snek meme bastard: dude Snek meme bastard: respond or i will rick roll the entire club Snek meme bastard: im serious Snek meme bastard: just say if he is or isnt Snek meme bastard: 3 Snek meme bastard: 2 Snek meme bastard: 1 Me: WAIT
But it was too late, the room was filling with the beginning of Never Going to Give You Up, sending almost every person in the bar into a collective flight or fight response. Some were booing Asra, others just loudly complaining, some were laughing, and even fewer actually left. Asra stared directly at Lucio, demanding a response.
Me: YES HIS NAME IS VALERIUS Me: TURN IT OFF Snek meme bastard: :3
The music was changed to.. Something else, the song wasn’t familiar, so that was good. He sighs, rubbing his face. “Sorry about that. Our DJ is a…. He’s a bastard and let’s leave it at that…”
He shrugs, finishing his glass of wine. “It’s alright, odd choices in music, but he seems alright.”
After the song, one of the other DJs took over for a bit, then Asra made, as straight as he could, for them. “Valerius?”
“Who wants to know.” His mood immediately dropped back to being serious.
“Muriel’s roommate, Asra.”
He glances at Lucio, as if to get confirmation.
“This is my bastard coworker, Asra, the memelord.” Lucio sighs, gesturing at him.
Asra grins, then starts talking to Valerius, but Lucio stopped listening so that he could make some more notes. Vesuvia and Valerius… wonderful names..
“Excuse me!” A loud person, yelled at Lucio. He looked up to see Vulgora, one of the few people you actually remembered the name of. They were constantly getting into fights and just overall loud. “Get me a beer!”
“Any specific kind?”
“A beer!”
Lucio nodded, getting the cheapest beer he could find and putting it in a glass, then handing it to them. “Here you go.” Vulgora and the bar had a deal, they could drink as much as they wanted and the bill would be put directly on their bank account. The bill on most days was too many drinks, on worst days, over hundreds of dollars for repairs. He didn’t understand why they were let back in after the first time, but at least they were paying for it.
With their drink in hand, Vulgora started chugging as they went to find someone to arm wrestle, and Lucio went back to his phone. Vulgora… that’s a rather unique name…
There was tapping on the counter, he looked up to see one of his greatest fears: Dr. Valdemar. The doctor might not have done anything specifically harmful to him, but waking up in the middle of surgery was still lucid led to….. Visual nightmares that have haunted him for over 6 years. “..... How can I help you?”
“Have you seen Dearil?”
“Uhh.. no?” Name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place who it was.
They look around, contemplating their next words. “Dark orange hair, reddish brown eyes, and is probably carrying a skull?”
No, no he has not. Well, maybe, there’s a lot of people here. He shrugs. “Can’t help you, sorry.”
They nod, setting down a bill. “Thanks anyways.” They wandered into the crowd, hopefully to never be seen again.
…. They would make a great villain. He typed some more at his phone. He was getting a lot of V names tonight.
“Um, sir?” There was a lady in front of him. “Do you serve food here?”
“The bar with food is over there.” He points to the other side.
“Thank you.” She smiles, walking away and someone said “Volta!” as she approached.
This place has a surprising amount of people with Vs in their first name… He went back to his phone, waiting on Asra to stop talking to the cute guy.
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paulwilliamsinc · 5 years
The Ultimate Healthy Snack Guide for People Who Love to Eat
  Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works.
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It’s 3 p.m. and your work emails are quickly escalating from charming sentences with smiley face emojis to writing the entire email body in the subject line — in all caps. The hunger monster has arrived, loud and proud, and you (and all your coworkers) know it. But what to eat that won’t ruin your whole day? Need a healthy option from your local grocery store? Check. Want to batch prep some balanced bites? Check. Looking for something vegan or high in protein for your unique dietary needs? Double check. What about something you can share with your toddlers or kids? Mama, we got that covered too. We’ve compiled over 50 dietitian-approved snacks to help you satisfy those cravings and fuel your busy days. 😄
  Apple and almond butter. What’s not to love about this OG sweet and salty snack? Sweet, juicy apple slices and salty, creamy almond butter not only satisfy practically every craving, but this power combo also delivers fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
Greek yogurt and berries. With 10 grams of protein per 1/2 cup, Greek yogurt is an ideal snack to keep the hunger beast at bay. And when paired with a handful of fiber-rich berries for natural sweetness, you know you’ll be good until lunch.
Hummus and pita. Hummus is a classic snack for a reason — it’s got fiber, protein, and good fats, not to mention it’s plant based and naturally gluten free. Pair it up with some veggies or pita for a solid morning or afternoon nosh.
Chia pudding. For you sweet tooth snackers, chia pudding is a nutritious way to prep for a busy day while still bringing those dessert vibes. Just mix 3 tablespoons of chia seeds with 1 cup of the milk of your choice and let it sit in the fridge overnight. Then sweeten or season to taste, and dive in.
Hard-boiled eggs. With 7 grams of powerful protein in a perfect portable shell, hard-boiled eggs are a satisfying classic that’ll keep you full and focused.
Edamame. Edamame shouldn’t just be for sushi night. It’s packed with plant based protein, and preparing it is as easy as running a little warm water over frozen pods.
Yogurt and fruit smoothie. Smoothies don’t have to be complicated. We suggest including a source of protein (yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein powder), a serving of fruit (banana, berries, peaches), a handful of greens (baby spinach works well), and the healthy fat of your choice (nut butter, avocado, hemp hearts or chia). Blend until smooth and get sipping.
Avocado toast. Who doesn’t like the satiating combination of whole-grain toast with healthy fat-rich avo? Top it off with a poached egg to turn snack time into a hearty meal!
Celery, peanut butter, and raisins. Remember ants on a log? Bring it back to basics with this crunchy, savory, sweet snack loaded with the satisfying combination of fiber, protein, and fat.
High fiber crackers and cheese. Whether you’re a hard cheddar fan or into something creamy and spreadable like chèvre, pairing the staying power of calcium-rich cheese with a high fiber crunchy cracker can help kill that afternoon energy dip STAT.
    Whisps. Cheese lovers, rejoice! You can get your cheese fix with just 1 gram of carbs per serving, and 10 to 12 grams of protein in a crispy crunchy bite.
Epic Provisions Baked Pork Rinds. While most pork rind products are loaded with sodium and fat from the fryer, these bad boys are light, low carb (0 grams!), and deliver 11 grams of protein per serving.
Keto Pepperoni Pizza Bagel Bites. Hello, the 90s are calling and they want you to smash some bagel bites! While we can’t promise you won’t burn your mouth, we can promise this version is low in carbs, crazy delicious, and hella nostalgic.
Cauliflower hummus. Craving the savory goodness of hummus without the carbs from beans? We got you. This cauliflower dip is loaded with rich sesame flavor and pairs perfectly with crunchy low carb veggies.
Notty Foods Peppermint Bark. Chocolate that’s low carb? What is this sorcery?! This high protein chocolate bark tastes like a handful of Andes chocolates but has no added sugar and 11 grams of protein per serving.
  Skotidakis Tzatziki dip and veggies. Made with non-fat Greek yogurt and packed with fresh cucumber and garlic, this 50 calorie per serving dip is a tasty way to sneak in your 5 to 10 servings of daily veg.
Two-ingredient strawberry popcorn. Popcorn is not only super fun to eat, but is a surprisingly low calorie snack, with just 30 calories per popped cup! Add a little sprinkling of freeze-dried berries and you’ve got a naturally sweet and colorful treat without the need for added sugar or salt.
Annie Chun’s organic seaweed snacks. Craving something savory and crunchy without the calories? These crispy roasted seaweed sheets have just 30 calories per pack and are a tasty alternative to chips.
Baked kale chips. We love chips, but hate the preservatives, fat, and sodium in every bite. These oil-free kale chips are seasoned with nutritional yeast, lemon, and cayenne — plus they offer a wicked crunch for those days where you know you can’t eat just one.
Shrimp cocktail. Raw bar doesn’t have to be saved for weddings or cocktail parties. One medium shrimp has just 7 calories, while a teaspoon of cocktail sauce has only 5, meaning you can have a dozen with tangy dip for under 100 calories!
  KIND Simple Crunch Bar. If you’re craving crunch on the run, this is the bar for you. While a lot of bars are packed with a laundry list of ingredients, this two-pack bar contains just 8 simple ingredients, including 100 percent whole-grain oats and nut butter.
Biena Chickpea Snacks. For 140 calories per package with 6 grams each of fiber and plant based protein, you’ll make sure every bag, desk, and locker in your life is fully stocked with this convenient snack.
Peanut butter chocolate protein balls. While most energy balls are nothing more than high carb dates and a little nut butter, we like that these ones are actually low in sugar, vegan, gluten free, and keto friendly. Plus, they taste like a peanut butter cup (#Yaaas).
Prana Organic Maca Power chocolate bark. Need your chocolate fix in a hurry? We got you covered with this superfood loaded dark bark. Made with whole grains, almonds, and a sprinkle of maca (did we mention you get 4 grams of protein per serving?) it’s the perfect way to crush those afternoon cravings on the go.
88 Acres unsweetened watermelon seed butter pouch with whole-grain crackers. We didn’t even know you should eat watermelon seeds, let alone that they make a delicious butter! We love this protein-rich seed butter smeared on whole-grain crackers (or squirted right into your mouth), and the single-serve pouches make them so easy for transport.
    Cottage cheese with sour cherries. A powerful bedtime duo, the casein in the cottage cheese slowly digests to keep you full all night long, while research suggests that sour cherries may ease symptoms for people with insomnia.
Cherry banana almond baked oatmeal. Oatmeal doesn’t have to be saved for breakfast! The combination of whole grains, magnesium rich banana, and melatonin packed almonds all have been shown to help improve sleep.
Kiwi yogurt parfait. Like cottage cheese, yogurt is a great source of protein to keep you from tiptoeing down to the pantry for a midnight nosh. Meanwhile, research suggests that kiwi may help improve total sleep time and sleep efficiency.
Hope Foods chocolate cashew and almond dip with banana. For you chocoholics, you’re gonna to need to get on this plant based dip that has only 4 grams of sugar per serving. Paired with a little sliced banana, it’s the ultimate chocolatey nightcap.
Lesser Evil “No Cheese” Cheesiness Popcorn. For nights you’re actually going to Netflix and chill, this organic plant based cheesy popcorn is a perfect stand-in for traditional microwave popcorn. And with 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, and just 110 calories per serving, it’s a super satisfying late night snack.
Seapoint Farms dry roasted edamame. Chip fans, you’re going to love the epic crunch factor of these dry roasted edamame. With a minimal ingredient list and 13 grams of protein per serving, they may become your new go-to bedtime snack.
  Trader Joe’s Tomato and Basil Hummus with baby carrots and celery. Hummus that makes celery taste like pizza but only has 35 calories per 2 tablespoons? Yes please! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️
Trader Joes Banana Almond Butter Protein Smoothie. Love that sweet and salty combo of a banana smeared with nut butter, but need something super portable for a post workout nosh? This drinkable snack packs a solid 14 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber in each 320 calorie bottle.
365 Striders Snack trail mix. While most trail mixes are loaded with added sugar and salt, this version from Whole Foods provides a satisfying combination of nuts and sweet raisins without any additives.
365 Greek Yogurt Strawberry Frozen Bars. Sometimes you need a lil’ something sweet to finish off the day. This 80 calorie Froyo bar is sweet, creamy, and packs an impressive 4 grams of protein thanks to the addition of real low fat Greek yogurt.
Kirkland Signature protein bars. With 15 grams of fiber, 21 grams of protein, and only 3 to 4 grams of net carbs per 190 calories, these gluten free bars are a perfect post-workout snack!
    Made Good Granola Minis. Organic, gluten free, allergen free, and packed with one serving of vegetables per pack, these crunchy sweet snacks are a school-safe fave.
Chocolate dipped banana roll ups. With a high fiber cereal for crunch, some natural nut butter for healthy fats and protein, and a little chocolate to sweeten the deal, these roll up pops are a perfect healthy after school snack.
Bitsy Cheddar Chia Smart Crackers. Made in a nut-free facility and with the goodness of real veggies and heart-healthy chia seeds, these organic non-GMO snacks give you that “junk food” vibe without the junk.
Mini broccoli and cheese egg muffins. Packed with iron, protein and some stealthy veggies, these bite sized savory muffins are perfect for active kids on the go.
Munk Pack Maple Pear Quinoa Oatmeal Fruit Squeeze Packs. Parents love the convenience (and clean up) from squeeze pouches, and we love that these ones are packed with fiber, plant based protein, real fruit and omega-3 fatty acids! They’re like overnight oats, without the prep (#MomWin)!
Carrot oat bars. These carrot oat bars are super easy to make in a food processor and can be made ahead of time to enjoy all week long! They’re also full of fiber and veggies and low in added sugar, but they totally taste like dessert!
  Gluten free vegan protein bars. These no-bake bars are gluten free, vegan, and hella tasty, made from a combination of nut butter, maple syrup, flaxseed, oats, and protein powder.
Peanut sriracha hummus. Add a little kick to your hummus game with this savory and spicy peanut sriracha dip that packs a satisfying combination of protein, fiber, and good fats.
Protein brownies. With just five ingredient and less than 100 calories and 8 grams of protein per brownie, these little cuties can be baked, frozen, and pulled out for those days you really need a chocolate hit.
Peanut butter cup quinoa energy bites. These easy energy balls are perfect to beat the mid-morning blues, plus they only have five ingredients (one of which being delish chocolate chips).
Chocolate protein popcorn. We love popcorn, we love chocolate, and we definitely love protein, so this batch-prepped snack is a dream snack morning, noon, or night.
  Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Mini Cup and veggies. Vegan, paleo, and keto-friendly, we all love guac but we hate dealing with tricky avocados. Problem solved! These 100 calorie cups have no preservatives, are made with real hand-scooped Hass avos, and we don’t have to wait for the perfect moment of ripeness to dive in.
Spicy TUNO with Sriracha on whole-grain crackers. This non-GMO, gluten free fish alternative has the flaky texture of real tuna plus all of its protein and omega-3 rich benefits, but packed into a more sustainable plant based product. Pile it onto your go-to cracker for a satisfying afternoon snack.
Chocolate hazelnut granola bars. Healthy bars that taste like Nutella? It’s a vegan miracle! Loaded with fiber from whole grains, natural sweetness from ripe banana and dates, and healthy fats from the hazelnuts, hemp hearts, and almond butter, these bars are a must.
Munk Pack protein cookie. Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies with 18 grams of plant based protein? Sign us up! These babies are conveniently packaged so they’re easy to throw in your bag and contain no gluten, soy, dairy, egg, GMOs, or sugar alcohols.
Spicy watermelon fries. Sweet and spicy and bursting with hydration, consider this the love child of your favorite fruit (watermelon) and favorite food group (fries). You’re welcome.
  Litehouse Greek yogurt smoothie. These single serving smoothies pack 13 grams of powerful protein per bottle and are made without any artificial dyes or preservatives. They’ve got five different fruity combinations to try, but right now we’re really digging the Raspberry Passion.
SimplyProtein chips. Available in three swoon-worthy flavors (we’re kinda obsessed with the Spicy Chili), each bag packs 15 grams of protein and only one gram of sugar. Crunch on, snack lovers!
Moon cheese. Crunchy high protein cheese? Get in my mouth! These crispy little balls are packed with savory flavor and 11 grams of protein per serving.
Bada Bean Bada Boom broad beans. With 7 grams of protein, and 6 grams of fiber in each single serving 100-calorie pack, these are addictively crunchy and a perfectly balanced snack. We’re partial to the new Sweet Onion & Mustard, but they have a dozen tasty options to try.
Stryve Foods Original Beef Biltong. While a lot of jerky products are packed with added sugar and preservatives, Stryve Foods has 0 grams of sugar, 16 grams of protein and only five ingredients.
2 Ingredient Protein Nice Cream. Yep, you read that right. If you puree together cottage cheese and your favorite frozen fruit, you end up with a creamy dreamy high protein Froyo without any added sugar.
Now, go forth and snack!
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Video Game Costumes - Opposuit Super Mario Suit Men's
Theme Halloween Costumes
Super Mario Bros Costumes
Super Swagger BrotherNot every problem can be solved with sheer force. We know that busting bricks and stomping on baddies works for the Super Mario Bros when dealing with Bowser and his Koopa Troopas, but what happens when you need to attend a formal party at Princess Peach’s castle? What happens when you want to look fancy for Toad’s next fancy cocktail party? Now that’s a problem that can’t be solved by smashing bricks or smooshing Goombas. That’s when you need to tap into some super swagger power.Skip the overalls and plumber’s cap. Don’t put on a tanooki suit. And definitely save that frog suit for some of the water levels. What you need is this Super Mario Men’s Suit, which is a design straight from Opposuits.  Product DetailsThis Super Mario Suit combines details from the video game with the cut of a casual suit. It comes with 3 pieces, including a suit jacket, a pair of pants, and a matching tie. Each piece has a Nintendo themed print which has images of Mario, Yoshi, Bowser, Toad, and more. The jacket is a standard 2-button style front and features faux pocket flaps in front. The pants have a zip fly and elastic in the waist to provide a comfortable fit and it even features 3 pockets: 2 in the front and one in the back. They’re designed with additional length in each pant leg for tailoring purposes. Finally, the tie brings the whole look together! No clip here—you need to tie this bad boy, so make sure you know how to tie a quick Windsor knot!Gaming at the GalaWhether you want to impress Princess Peach at the next Mushroom Kingdom gala or you need a new look that will wow them at prom, this video game suit is exactly the outfit you need.
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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greatdrams · 8 years
The Great British Bar Hunt. Part Two: Reading
Reading’s great. There, I’ve said it. (The town East of London, not the bibliophilic activity, should there be confusion. Though I actually love both.)
I’ve been here a year now, and in honesty I had my doubts to begin with. Descriptions I heard prior to moving featured “grey”, “dull”, “functional”, and “close to Slough”.
Happily, those descriptions must have been conjured by people who hadn’t spent any meaningful time in Reading, or who hadn’t been bothered to look around properly. (Though it is close to Slough). Because thanks to the superb food blog Edible Reading, and the discovery of a drinking companion whose alcohol tastes were as small-‘c’-catholic as my own, I’ve rather got to know my new home town. And you know what? I like it.
But it doesn’t really have a whisky bar.
Ok, caveat: it has The Purple Turtle. And I’m still not sure what to make of that place, but you can read about a previous misadventure here. The problem is, it has a superb selection of US whiskey...but I’m really not sure who goes there to drink it. Other than me that one time.
It just isn’t the sort of place you go for a quiet drop of something fancy. Because – and I must be blunt here – if I’m having something fancy, I’d quite like to be sober for it. And if you go into the Turtle sober then may God have mercy on your soul.
But I wanted to be proven wrong. I wanted to discover some tucked-away gem where exciting whiskies and creative cocktails were just waiting to dazzle and mildly befuddle me. An online perusal didn’t raise my hopes much – both Slug and Lettuce and TGI Friday’s were suggested by Dr Google.
So instead I picked the brains of my Reading-drink-scene consigliere, Liv, and a rain blattered Sunday afternoon saw the two of us make our way to a place called Caffeine & Cocktails...
Caffeine & Cocktails
5, The Walk, King’s Road, Reading. RG1 2HG
Might as well get something straight right away. This is not a whisk(e)y bar. It has 13 or 14 bottles, some of which, such as Nikka From The Barrel and Rittenhouse 100 proof, I rate very highly. But nothing that a mildly enthusiastic whiskonaut won’t have stumbled upon before. Put it this way: I don’t have the wallet to be a collector. But even my collection is bigger than Caffeine & Cocktails’
That aside, it’s a nice place to sit. Fairly high roofed, which alongside the glass-panelled walls give the impression of airy spaciousness. I’ve never been to C&C to eat (or indeed drink caffeine) before, but my understanding is that they’re pretty good in both respects.
Oh, and they have Happy Hour on Cocktails a lot.
From Monday to Saturday between 4pm and 7pm, and for the whole day on Sunday a good range of Cocktails are just £4 each. This being the South of England, that works out around the price of a pint, and I make that pretty good value. (The cocktails, not the pints – don’t get me started on the price of pints in the South.)
Should you venture to C&C outside of Happy Hour (saying “Hour” seems to really undersell them incidentally!) their cocktails range from about £7.50 to £8.50. That’s the same range that last month’s Jenny’s and Berry & Rye worked in, and which I’m coming to think of as “appropriate value for a decent cocktail.” Because I don’t live in London.
There’s a broad selection, including a double page spread featuring caffeine-based cocktails, which seems appropriate. Oh, and for what it’s worth, C&C wins many points from me for their cocktail name puns!
Anyhow – to business. I opted for a Tom Collins, not wanting to go too hard at 3pm on a Sunday, and Liv picked a Bellini. (They have several Bellini options – Liv had peach.)
This may not be the usual thing to comment on in a bar review, but I ought probably to mention in passing that the graffiti in the toilets may not be to your taste. Liv thought the offerings in the ladies’ was pretty funny; the writing in the gents’ is a little sexist for my taste. Takes all sorts, I know, but seems a little unnecessary. Happily it’s confined to the toilets, and I suppose you can always just cross your legs...
The cocktails on arrival were well worth £4 each. My Tom Collins was just the right side of too sharp, which is exactly the level I like. Liv’s Bellini was...a Bellini. In honesty, they always leave me a little cold. The overall verdict was that we probably wouldn’t want to pay £7.50 for them, but at Happy Hour prices no complaints whatsoever.
Our visit was short and sweet – a little like the Bellini. It’s a nice place to sit; I’ve never been at what you might call ‘peak time’, but I’d definitely recommend stopping by during Happy Hour. If you’re after the upper echelons of mixology, or a challenging and bewildering range of Aqua Vitae, however, you may want to look elsewhere.
Which is what we did next, in the shape of Cerise Bar, at the Forbury Hotel.
  Cerise Bar
The Forbury Hotel, 26 The Forbury, Reading. RG1 3EJ.
I’ve been to Cerise before, for my birthday meal last year, and can confirm that the food there is smashing. My mother rated her dessert the best she’d ever eaten, which is high praise indeed.
It is, however, not somewhere you go when you’re after saving a few pennies. Its website claims that it is becoming “the place to be seen outside London,” which rather says it all. The interior – and staff – are very smart indeed; Liv and I aren’t exactly scruffy, but we felt pretty underdressed until a chap helpfully bowled in sporting a hoodie.
The restaurant is slightly separate from the bar, and there’s a particularly comfy-looking lounge into which you can take your drinks, should you feel so inclined. Their outdoor area is also worth mentioning, as it’s a gorgeous place to sit, with a high wall and a fountain. It’s even covered during the rain, and sufficiently heated to make it almost worth sitting outside in the winter.
That being said, to get into it, you have to go through the restaurant. That wasn’t a problem on this occasion, as it was still a little early for diners, but I’d feel slightly awkward swinging through, Old Fashioned in hand, if groups of people were tucking into their grouse. (Other fine dining options are available.) But perhaps that’s just me.
I say Old Fashioned because that’s what I ordered, whilst Liv opted for an Espresso Martini. And here I encountered a quibble. The menu doesn’t specify which whiskey they use in their Old Fashioned, and when I placed the order the barman asked me if I had a preference.
Now I know this is my fault. I know that the cheap answer here is “just the house one, please”. But that’d be a little dull, so instead I opted for Knob Creek. What I hadn’t accounted for was quite how expensive the Knob Creek would be, compared to whichever their standard bourbon is.
Which brings me neatly to the selection and prices of their whiskies. Size-wise, it’s medium, to medium-light. It’s not a whisk(e)y-focussed bar, but the bottles they have include some interesting juice: Dalmore 25, Talisker 18, Yamazaki 12, Hibiki 17 etc.
But their pricings are absolutely all over the place. There’s no consistency to the markup; Yamazaki 12, which costs about £90+ online is £9 for a single. That’s not bad. Talisker 18, however, which with very little effort you can pick up for £70 a bottle, they charge £19 a throw for. I did the maths, and that’s about a 700% markup. And those are just two examples.
Cocktails took a little longer than anticipated, given the bar was relatively empty at the time. That being said, they were very good. Ironically, having been fussy about the whiskey in my Old Fashioned, I actually preferred Liv’s Espresso Martini. But both were excellent.
The thing is though, they weren’t any better than those at Berry & Rye, covered last month. And they were considerably more expensive. Once the 10% discretionary service charge had been added, the two came to just shy of £27. That’s more or less what I paid for a round of four in Liverpool.
It’s unquestionably a lovely place to sit, Cerise. The food is stunning and the drinks are very well made. But the bar prices are inconsistent, and I’m simply not sure that you always get your money’s worth. Happily they have a menu which details the selection – something none of the Liverpool bars offered – but you do need it, because otherwise there’s a chance you’ll end up burned.
I’ll probably go back, because there aren’t many restaurants like it in Reading. And I’ll probably have a cocktail with my meal. But if I’m asked what my spirit preference is, I’ll probably just say “just the house one, please,” next time. And for a spirits enthusiast that’s a pretty sad admission.
Liv and I left it at that for the evening, as the third bar I wanted to inspect doesn’t open on Sunday. So at this point we flash forward to Thursday evening to find me back in town centre after work, and heading for Milk.
  Milk Bar
8, Merchants Place, Reading. RG1 1DT.
Milk is my favourite bar in Reading. It actually leads a double life, because during the day it is Shed, which holds a special place in my heart for making My Favourite Sandwich In All The World.
But come evening the ciabattas are cordoned off, the outrageously good Jerk Chicken refrigerated, and the building throws on its cowl to become the spirits bar Reading needs.
Unfortunately for me, that spirit is Rum.
In a parallel universe I suppose there is an Adam who sets out his stall as The Rum Pilgrim. That Adam would go to Milk and say “yes, my search is over. This is the bar I wanted Reading to have.”
Because it’s a fantastic place. Usually busy, but seldom overcrowded; the staff are brilliant; service, despite the number of cocktails being made, is efficient and friendly, and their Rum selection is indeed prodigious in breadth and variety.
But wasted on me. There may come a time when neat Rum and I set aside our differences and become bedfellows, but it is not this day. An hour of sugar and Caribbean exoticism, but it is not this day. This day I am the Whisky Pilgrim, and Rum doesn’t quite do it for me.
They do have whiskies. Indeed they offer a ‘Rum and Whisky Wednesday’ service, with discounts and everything. (Which begs the question: why was I there on a Thursday?) Occasionally they get brand ambassadors in, which means that from time to time something more interesting appears on the shelves. (Or rather, lurks behind the first row of bottles; whisky visibility is set to “foggy” at Milk – not much tiering I’m afraid.) But again, the 20-bottle-strong bunch at Château Wellsy is – forgive my bragging – superior.
Milk’s cocktails are also decent. Rum-focussed, of course, but other spirits, whisk(e)y included, get a page each. Prices largely sit around the Caffeine & Cocktails mark, and to this taster the quality is slightly higher. But I fancied something neat, and opted for a Balvenie 14. Which, needless to say, is finished in Rum casks. Call it my concession...
  So: drinking in Reading.
On the one hand, a good night out is to be had. Something carefully selected and pretty well made in Cerise to begin with, followed by what’s left of Happy Hour at C&C. Then on to Milk for its fantastic ambience and friendly feel. Hell, I might even give Rum another chance sometime.
The thing is, I can have a good night just by going to The Allied Arms, which is a really first-rate pub in the town centre. But that’s not really the point of The Great British Bar Hunt.
I’m after a place with an exciting and broad whisky selection; with decent prices, and perhaps a good cocktail range. I’m after somewhere I’d pop into two or three times a week if I lived close by, spend a few hours there each time and gradually get to know the bottles and the staff. I’m after places that prove London doesn’t have a monopoly on interesting drinks.
A few onths ago a few whisky friends from The Smoke had made their way west and asked for bar recommendations since I wasn’t around in person. I wanted to send them to Milk – I genuinely think it’s the best bar in Reading. But these chaps wanted a whisk(e)y range, so with a heavy heart I directed them to The Purple Turtle.
Because however incongruous it seems at half past one on Saturday morning amidst the mingling whiffs of Jäger and sweat and bad judgement, Turtle has Reading’s premier whisk(e)y selection. It just does. Some of the Bourbons and Ryes there are first rate; prices are very reasonable, and the range is vast and growing.
I want to take that range and re-house it in Milk. I want Reading to have a chilled out bar somewhere that I can make my own, excitedly point friends towards, and continuously explore. But it just doesn’t.
So perhaps the answer is to go to The Turtle at the time of day and week that you feel least inclined to drink whisk(e)y. To specify that you don’t want your double to be served in a pint glass, and to quietly and solitarily enjoy the liquid treasures on offer.
But somehow that doesn’t quite seem like strong consumer advice.
Sorry Reading – I still think you’re great. But nowhere’s perfect.
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The post The Great British Bar Hunt. Part Two: Reading appeared first on GreatDrams.
from GreatDrams http://ift.tt/2lJsL7y Adam Wells
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crazyblondelife · 5 years
12 Best Summer Cocktails to Make This Weekend
It’s officially the weekend and there’s no better way to spend it than with an ice-cold cocktail in hand! If you have a party in the works, or you’re just wanting to relax with something tasty, you’ll love these recipes for delicious summer cocktails!
Insanely Refreshing Mandarine Mojito via Luvo
Strawberry Campari Gin Fizz via One Sweet Mess
Blackberry Tequila Lemon Cooler via Half Baked Harvest
Watermelon Champagne Popsicles via What Should I Make For
Fresh Peach Gin and Tonic via How Sweet Eats
Blackberry Pineapple Smash via What’s Gabby Cooking
Cucumber Kiwi Gimlet via Sugar and Charm
Fresh Mint Mojitos from The Endless Meal
Cantaloupe Melon and Kiwi Agua Fresca from Foodness Gracious
Honey Sweetened Strawberry Basil Limeade from Foolproof Living
Strawberry Tequila Sunrise via The Little Epicurean
Sweet Bourbon Peach Lemonade via Half Baked Harvest
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weightlos6 · 5 years
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer:
Looking for some fun summer cocktails (or mocktails) with a healthy twist? You’ve come to the right place! Here I’ll give you the recipes for my top 5 summer cocktails and mocktails.
Summertime calls for cool, refreshing drinks. Whether you’re having friends over, grilling in the back yard or just looking for something fun to sip on during a date night in, I’ve got you covered. These drinks are chock-full of real, nutritious ingredients to help you chill out and enjoy some summer fun!
How to Make a Healthy Cocktail
While there are quite a few fun cocktail recipes out there for summer, it’s a bit harder to find one that isn’t packed with added sugar.
Ingredients like simple syrup, the juice from concentrate and pre-made cocktail mixes are the usual culprits. By swapping out these ingredients and instead of using freshly squeezed juices, real fruit, herbs, and natural sweeteners, you keep the same great taste and ditch the high sugar content.
Just like with anything else, it’s all about moderation when it comes to alcohol. It is perfectly possible to include alcohol within a healthy lifestyle. With that being said, it’s important to know your limits and understand how alcohol impacts the body in terms of both digestion and metabolism. We discuss alcohol in terms of health in our Is Alcohol Unhealthy? article if you want to read a bit more on the subject.
Stevia Simple Syrup
Simple syrup is probably one of the most common cocktail components. For those of you that have a sweet tooth or simply prefer sweeter beverages, don’t worry – I have a substitute for you!
Making a homemade simple syrup out of stevia rather than sugar is a great alternative. If you’re curious about stevia and want to learn more about why it’s a viable sweetener, you can find it in our Nutrition Stripped Health Index.
To make stevia simple syrup, simply combine 2 cups of water with ¼ cup of stevia and stir until all of the stevia has dissolved. Next, bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Voila! You now have a stevia simple syrup to use in place of traditional simple syrup.
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer
Now onto the good stuff! All of these recipes will make just one serving. If you would rather make a mocktail, you can simply replace the alcohol with an unsweetened seltzer of your choice. Additionally, the stevia simple syrup is completely optional. If you don’t need the extra boost of sweetness, feel free to opt-out.
Cucumber Mint Twist
There’s nothing more refreshing than a cucumber in the summer! Not only does it taste great in a drink, but cucumbers are also made up of about 96% water and packed with antioxidants.
We’ve talked quite a bit about antioxidants here at NS, but to give you a recap, our bodies need antioxidants to fight off free radicals. Different food items have different antioxidants present, but as a whole, antioxidants can help prevent conditions like heart disease and some types of cancer. In a nutshell – they’re the good guys.
Cucumbers are a cool, refreshing way to add a hint of flavor to any cocktail or mocktail. This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional Cucumber Collins!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ ounce stevia simple syrup
5 slices of cucumber
3 mint leaves
1-ounce gin
Seltzer water to finish
Cucumber slice to garnish
Pour the lemon juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with cucumber slices and mint leaves. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add gin and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a cucumber slice and serve.
Berry Smash
If you like sweet, summery drinks, this one’s for you. Berries are also packed with antioxidants and quite a bit of fiber. When muddled, they’re a great way to add a boost of nutrition to any drink.
The Berry Smash is the perfect summer cocktail or mocktail to have with your favorite summer salad, mine is the Antioxidant Summer Salad!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
½ ounce stevia simple syrup
6 raspberries
5 blackberries
1-ounce vodka
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour the lime juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with raspberries and blueberries. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add vodka and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Summer Sangria
Sangria is a great way to switch up your usual glass of wine in the summer. Traditionally, sangria is a wine punch derived from Spain. By swapping out the usual red wine for an organic option and the juice for kombucha or seltzer, we’re left with a punch that has fewer sulfites, minimal sugar, and more antioxidants. This is a great quick read if you want to learn a little more from a sommelier about organic wine.
When it comes to the type of organic red wine you use, stick to what you know! Sangria is extremely versatile, if you know you love a particular type of red wine, chances are you’ll like it in the sangria as well.
The same goes for kombucha here. While it’s a great source of healthy bacteria (particularly of the lactic-acid family) and has some antioxidants present as well – it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re not a fan of kombucha on its own, I wouldn’t recommend adding it to your sangria. Instead, try using seltzer water, unsweetened lemon seltzer water tastes great in this recipe!
1 bottle of organic red wine
1 cup strawberry kombucha (naturally sweetened) or 1 cup unsweetened lemon seltzer water
1 lemon sliced
2 small white peaches chopped
1 lime sliced
1 orange sliced
Unsweetened lemon seltzer water to finish
Combine all ingredients, except the seltzer water, in a large pitcher and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight).
When you’re ready to serve, fill wine glasses ¾ of the way with sangria and top with lemon seltzer water to finish.
Strawberry Basil Mojito
Add basil to anything and I’m all for it! Basil is a powerful herb that can have anti-inflammatory benefits, antimicrobial properties and, you guessed it, plenty of antioxidants to go around. Strawberries and mint are great additions as well. Mint, in particular, is great for indigestion and calming an upset stomach.
I love that a traditional mojito doesn’t include any straining – the mint leaves and lime are both kept in the drink for an extra boost of nutrition. This summer cocktail or mocktail recipe is a little twist on the traditional mojito!
½ lime cut into 4 wedges
5 fresh mint leaves
5 fresh basil leaves
3 large strawberries
½ ounce stevia simple syrup
1-ounce white rum
Seltzer water to finish
Place the mint leaves and 1 lime wedge into a shaker or mason jar. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add 2 more lime wedges along with the basil, strawberries and stevia simple syrup then muddle the ingredients again.
Add rum and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Pour the entire mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with the remaining lime wedge and serve.
Grapefruit Crush
While margaritas get quite a bit of praise in the summer cocktails and mocktails category, a variation of the La Paloma is one of my personal favorites. The fresh grapefruit juice keeps it light and refreshing while also giving off a light pink hue that screams summertime.
This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional La Paloma!
1 ounce Blanco tequila
½ ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
2 ounces freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1-ounce stevia simple syrup
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour tequila, lime juice, grapefruit juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar and fill with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Connect With Us
What’s your favorite summer cocktail or mocktail? Have you made simple syrup stevia before? I would love to hear about your experience with summer drinks, and I’m sure someone else reading this would too! Let us know if you try any of these recipes as well – you can tag us on Instagram via @nutritionstrippederica, @nutritionstripped, #nutritionstripped, and #nswellnesscoaching.
from https://nutritionstripped.com/5-mocktails-and-cocktails-for-summer/ from https://myfunweightloss.tumblr.com/post/186720569797
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weightloss441posts · 5 years
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer
Looking for some fun summer cocktails (or mocktails) with a healthy twist? You’ve come to the right place! Here I’ll give you the recipes for my top 5 summer cocktails and mocktails.
Summertime calls for cool, refreshing drinks. Whether you’re having friends over, grilling in the back yard or just looking for something fun to sip on during a date night in, I’ve got you covered. These drinks are chock-full of real, nutritious ingredients to help you chill out and enjoy some summer fun!
How to Make a Healthy Cocktail
While there are quite a few fun cocktail recipes out there for summer, it’s a bit harder to find one that isn’t packed with added sugar.
Ingredients like simple syrup, the juice from concentrate and pre-made cocktail mixes are the usual culprits. By swapping out these ingredients and instead of using freshly squeezed juices, real fruit, herbs, and natural sweeteners, you keep the same great taste and ditch the high sugar content.
Just like with anything else, it’s all about moderation when it comes to alcohol. It is perfectly possible to include alcohol within a healthy lifestyle. With that being said, it’s important to know your limits and understand how alcohol impacts the body in terms of both digestion and metabolism. We discuss alcohol in terms of health in our Is Alcohol Unhealthy? article if you want to read a bit more on the subject.
Stevia Simple Syrup
Simple syrup is probably one of the most common cocktail components. For those of you that have a sweet tooth or simply prefer sweeter beverages, don’t worry – I have a substitute for you!
Making a homemade simple syrup out of stevia rather than sugar is a great alternative. If you’re curious about stevia and want to learn more about why it’s a viable sweetener, you can find it in our Nutrition Stripped Health Index.
To make stevia simple syrup, simply combine 2 cups of water with 1/4 cup of stevia and stir until all of the stevia has dissolved. Next, bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Voila! You now have a stevia simple syrup to use in place of traditional simple syrup.
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer
Now onto the good stuff! All of these recipes will make just one serving. If you would rather make a mocktail, you can simply replace the alcohol with an unsweetened seltzer of your choice. Additionally, the stevia simple syrup is completely optional. If you don’t need the extra boost of sweetness, feel free to opt-out.
Cucumber Mint Twist
There’s nothing more refreshing than a cucumber in the summer! Not only does it taste great in a drink, but cucumbers are also made up of about 96% water and packed with antioxidants.
We’ve talked quite a bit about antioxidants here at NS, but to give you a recap, our bodies need antioxidants to fight off free radicals. Different food items have different antioxidants present, but as a whole, antioxidants can help prevent conditions like heart disease and some types of cancer. In a nutshell – they’re the good guys.
Cucumbers are a cool, refreshing way to add a hint of flavor to any cocktail or mocktail. This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional Cucumber Collins!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
5 slices of cucumber
3 mint leaves
1-ounce gin
Seltzer water to finish
Cucumber slice to garnish
Pour the lemon juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with cucumber slices and mint leaves. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add gin and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a cucumber slice and serve.
Berry Smash
If you like sweet, summery drinks, this one’s for you. Berries are also packed with antioxidants and quite a bit of fiber. When muddled, they’re a great way to add a boost of nutrition to any drink.
The Berry Smash is the perfect summer cocktail or mocktail to have with your favorite summer salad, mine is the Antioxidant Summer Salad!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
6 raspberries
5 blackberries
1-ounce vodka
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour the lime juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with raspberries and blueberries. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add vodka and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Summer Sangria
Sangria is a great way to switch up your usual glass of wine in the summer. Traditionally, sangria is a wine punch derived from Spain. By swapping out the usual red wine for an organic option and the juice for kombucha or seltzer, we’re left with a punch that has fewer sulfites, minimal sugar, and more antioxidants. This is a great quick read if you want to learn a little more from a sommelier about organic wine.
When it comes to the type of organic red wine you use, stick to what you know! Sangria is extremely versatile, if you know you love a particular type of red wine, chances are you’ll like it in the sangria as well.
The same goes for kombucha here. While it’s a great source of healthy bacteria (particularly of the lactic-acid family) and has some antioxidants present as well – it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re not a fan of kombucha on its own, I wouldn’t recommend adding it to your sangria. Instead, try using seltzer water, unsweetened lemon seltzer water tastes great in this recipe!
1 bottle of organic red wine
1 cup strawberry kombucha (naturally sweetened) or 1 cup unsweetened lemon seltzer water
1 lemon sliced
2 small white peaches chopped
1 lime sliced
1 orange sliced
Unsweetened lemon seltzer water to finish
Combine all ingredients, except the seltzer water, in a large pitcher and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight).
When you’re ready to serve, fill wine glasses 3/4 of the way with sangria and top with lemon seltzer water to finish.
Strawberry Basil Mojito
Add basil to anything and I’m all for it! Basil is a powerful herb that can have anti-inflammatory benefits, antimicrobial properties and, you guessed it, plenty of antioxidants to go around. Strawberries and mint are great additions as well. Mint, in particular, is great for indigestion and calming an upset stomach.
I love that a traditional mojito doesn’t include any straining – the mint leaves and lime are both kept in the drink for an extra boost of nutrition. This summer cocktail or mocktail recipe is a little twist on the traditional mojito!
1/2 lime cut into 4 wedges
5 fresh mint leaves
5 fresh basil leaves
3 large strawberries
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
1-ounce white rum
Seltzer water to finish
Place the mint leaves and 1 lime wedge into a shaker or mason jar. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add 2 more lime wedges along with the basil, strawberries and stevia simple syrup then muddle the ingredients again.
Add rum and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Pour the entire mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with the remaining lime wedge and serve.
Grapefruit Crush
While margaritas get quite a bit of praise in the summer cocktails and mocktails category, a variation of the La Paloma is one of my personal favorites. The fresh grapefruit juice keeps it light and refreshing while also giving off a light pink hue that screams summertime.
This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional La Paloma!
1 ounce Blanco tequila
1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
2 ounces freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1-ounce stevia simple syrup
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour tequila, lime juice, grapefruit juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar and fill with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Connect With Us
What’s your favorite summer cocktail or mocktail? Have you made simple syrup stevia before? I would love to hear about your experience with summer drinks, and I’m sure someone else reading this would too! Let us know if you try any of these recipes as well – you can tag us on Instagram via @nutritionstrippederica, @nutritionstripped, #nutritionstripped, and #nswellnesscoaching.
from https://nutritionstripped.com/5-mocktails-and-cocktails-for-summer/ from https://myfunweightloss.blogspot.com/2019/08/5-mocktails-and-cocktails-for-summer.html
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myfunweightloss · 5 years
Looking for some fun summer cocktails (or mocktails) with a healthy twist? You’ve come to the right place! Here I’ll give you the recipes for my top 5 summer cocktails and mocktails.
Summertime calls for cool, refreshing drinks. Whether you’re having friends over, grilling in the back yard or just looking for something fun to sip on during a date night in, I’ve got you covered. These drinks are chock-full of real, nutritious ingredients to help you chill out and enjoy some summer fun!
How to Make a Healthy Cocktail
While there are quite a few fun cocktail recipes out there for summer, it’s a bit harder to find one that isn’t packed with added sugar.
Ingredients like simple syrup, the juice from concentrate and pre-made cocktail mixes are the usual culprits. By swapping out these ingredients and instead of using freshly squeezed juices, real fruit, herbs, and natural sweeteners, you keep the same great taste and ditch the high sugar content.
Just like with anything else, it’s all about moderation when it comes to alcohol. It is perfectly possible to include alcohol within a healthy lifestyle. With that being said, it’s important to know your limits and understand how alcohol impacts the body in terms of both digestion and metabolism. We discuss alcohol in terms of health in our Is Alcohol Unhealthy? article if you want to read a bit more on the subject.
Stevia Simple Syrup
Simple syrup is probably one of the most common cocktail components. For those of you that have a sweet tooth or simply prefer sweeter beverages, don’t worry – I have a substitute for you!
Making a homemade simple syrup out of stevia rather than sugar is a great alternative. If you’re curious about stevia and want to learn more about why it’s a viable sweetener, you can find it in our Nutrition Stripped Health Index.
To make stevia simple syrup, simply combine 2 cups of water with 1/4 cup of stevia and stir until all of the stevia has dissolved. Next, bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Voila! You now have a stevia simple syrup to use in place of traditional simple syrup.
5 Mocktails And Cocktails For Summer
Now onto the good stuff! All of these recipes will make just one serving. If you would rather make a mocktail, you can simply replace the alcohol with an unsweetened seltzer of your choice. Additionally, the stevia simple syrup is completely optional. If you don’t need the extra boost of sweetness, feel free to opt-out.
Cucumber Mint Twist
There’s nothing more refreshing than a cucumber in the summer! Not only does it taste great in a drink, but cucumbers are also made up of about 96% water and packed with antioxidants.
We’ve talked quite a bit about antioxidants here at NS, but to give you a recap, our bodies need antioxidants to fight off free radicals. Different food items have different antioxidants present, but as a whole, antioxidants can help prevent conditions like heart disease and some types of cancer. In a nutshell – they’re the good guys.
Cucumbers are a cool, refreshing way to add a hint of flavor to any cocktail or mocktail. This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional Cucumber Collins!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
5 slices of cucumber
3 mint leaves
1-ounce gin
Seltzer water to finish
Cucumber slice to garnish
Pour the lemon juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with cucumber slices and mint leaves. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add gin and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a cucumber slice and serve.
Berry Smash
If you like sweet, summery drinks, this one’s for you. Berries are also packed with antioxidants and quite a bit of fiber. When muddled, they’re a great way to add a boost of nutrition to any drink.
The Berry Smash is the perfect summer cocktail or mocktail to have with your favorite summer salad, mine is the Antioxidant Summer Salad!
1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
6 raspberries
5 blackberries
1-ounce vodka
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour the lime juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar along with raspberries and blueberries. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add vodka and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Summer Sangria
Sangria is a great way to switch up your usual glass of wine in the summer. Traditionally, sangria is a wine punch derived from Spain. By swapping out the usual red wine for an organic option and the juice for kombucha or seltzer, we’re left with a punch that has fewer sulfites, minimal sugar, and more antioxidants. This is a great quick read if you want to learn a little more from a sommelier about organic wine.
When it comes to the type of organic red wine you use, stick to what you know! Sangria is extremely versatile, if you know you love a particular type of red wine, chances are you’ll like it in the sangria as well.
The same goes for kombucha here. While it’s a great source of healthy bacteria (particularly of the lactic-acid family) and has some antioxidants present as well – it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re not a fan of kombucha on its own, I wouldn’t recommend adding it to your sangria. Instead, try using seltzer water, unsweetened lemon seltzer water tastes great in this recipe!
1 bottle of organic red wine
1 cup strawberry kombucha (naturally sweetened) or 1 cup unsweetened lemon seltzer water
1 lemon sliced
2 small white peaches chopped
1 lime sliced
1 orange sliced
Unsweetened lemon seltzer water to finish
Combine all ingredients, except the seltzer water, in a large pitcher and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight).
When you’re ready to serve, fill wine glasses 3/4 of the way with sangria and top with lemon seltzer water to finish.
Strawberry Basil Mojito
Add basil to anything and I’m all for it! Basil is a powerful herb that can have anti-inflammatory benefits, antimicrobial properties and, you guessed it, plenty of antioxidants to go around. Strawberries and mint are great additions as well. Mint, in particular, is great for indigestion and calming an upset stomach.
I love that a traditional mojito doesn’t include any straining – the mint leaves and lime are both kept in the drink for an extra boost of nutrition. This summer cocktail or mocktail recipe is a little twist on the traditional mojito!
1/2 lime cut into 4 wedges
5 fresh mint leaves
5 fresh basil leaves
3 large strawberries
1/2 ounce stevia simple syrup
1-ounce white rum
Seltzer water to finish
Place the mint leaves and 1 lime wedge into a shaker or mason jar. Muddle the ingredients together with a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon.
Add 2 more lime wedges along with the basil, strawberries and stevia simple syrup then muddle the ingredients again.
Add rum and fill the shaker or mason jar with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Pour the entire mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with the remaining lime wedge and serve.
Grapefruit Crush
While margaritas get quite a bit of praise in the summer cocktails and mocktails category, a variation of the La Paloma is one of my personal favorites. The fresh grapefruit juice keeps it light and refreshing while also giving off a light pink hue that screams summertime.
This is my take on a healthy alternative to the traditional La Paloma!
1 ounce Blanco tequila
1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
2 ounces freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1-ounce stevia simple syrup
Seltzer water to finish
Lime wedge to garnish
Pour tequila, lime juice, grapefruit juice and stevia simple syrup into a shaker or mason jar and fill with ice. Cap whichever tool you are using and shake to combine.
Strain the mixture into a glass and top with seltzer water to finish.
Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Connect With Us
What’s your favorite summer cocktail or mocktail? Have you made simple syrup stevia before? I would love to hear about your experience with summer drinks, and I’m sure someone else reading this would too! Let us know if you try any of these recipes as well – you can tag us on Instagram via @nutritionstrippederica, @nutritionstripped, #nutritionstripped, and #nswellnesscoaching.
from https://nutritionstripped.com/5-mocktails-and-cocktails-for-summer/
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