#how to get a airbnb property
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Finding the right area for your Airbnb! 🔎🏡📍
Finding the right area for your Airbnb depends on several factors, including your goals as a host, the type of property you have, and the preferences of your target guests.
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Hey author! Will you be continuing the NANA Tour series??
Yes, of course!! I know, I’m taking quite some time with it, but I sadly don’t have much time to watch the episodes one after the other, so it usually takes me a while to write them, especially bc I never know when enough is enough, so I also always write way too much😅, but I still love continuing it even now!😊🥰
series masterlist
word count – 12.5k
warnings – almost cursing haha
Go Together NANA Tour EP3-3. - EP3-4. 🌷 Minnie
[added captions are in brackets] ˙ᵕ˙
EP3.3 Nice to meet you, Salute!
After an exciting day, going well over the recommended 10k steps a day average, Jeognhan, Joshua, Minnie, and Vernon finally arrived back at the rented AirBnB. They had divided the bags filled with trinkets and clothing, as well as a few snacks, equally so that each one of them was carrying one back to the house. The sun had already started to set, draping the Italian countryside in a soft golden glow. While the day was slowly coming to an end, the temperature was still peaking high, explaining the exhaustion radiating off the group.
"Great job everyone," Jeonghan breathed out heavily. As enjoyable as the day was, they were happy to be back, re-joining the rest of the members as they walked onto the property.
Before they even reached the door, Seventeen's main producer was just coming from the other direction, presumably the garden, welcoming the four with a naked torso and sweatshorts.
"Oh, Woozi," the '95 Liner called out. "Did you have fun?" The younger three members huddled in with Vernon right behind him, followed by Minnie, then Joshua. The girl's eyes found the '96 Liner in a clearly very comfortable state of mind, chuckling at his choice of non-existing clothing.
"Ey," the younger rapper's voice rang through her ears as he stopped in his tracks, quickly turning around and raising a hand to cover the female member's eyes.
[Protecting innocent eyes]
His antic only made her laugh even louder, getting Jeonghan to stop and glance at the maknae duo.
Minnie slapped Vernon's hand away from her face with a whine and gave him a nudge, making him slightly stumble backwards, cackling to himself.
"What are you doing?" The oldest laughed out loud, joining Joshua, who was already amused at the two. The girl just shook her head and passed them to head towards the entry of the house.
[A loving bond between the youngsters]
Before they reached it, Jeonghan mentioned the Korean grocery store they had come across, explaining where they had gotten the groceries they were holding. The supermarket carried everything they could've asked for on the other side of the world - Ramen noodle packages, instant rice, they had even bought a good amount of Soju bottles, knowing these would go down like water with the rest of the members.
As soon as they got into the house, Minnie noticed how unusually quiet the place was.
"Where's everyone?"
Dokyeom, who was chilling in the living room on the other end of the room, perked his head up at the sound of the girl's voice.
"In their rooms. We're having a break."
Minnie chuckled, "A break from what?" Knowing they were on a vacation in general and finding humour in the term 'break' while not having to do or worry about anything at all. Her fellow '97 Liner shrugged as he walked up to her, reaching his hand out to take over the paper bag she was holding in her grip.
[A gentleman at heart]
"No, it's okay, I'm gonna take it downstairs," she brushed him off, wanting to rush into the kitchen while he continued to be hot on her tracks.
"I can help," he announced, but Minnie stopped him right before she headed down the steps.
"It's okay," smiling brightly up at him before noticing the oldest member, who had come to a halt closer towards the entrance. "Jeonghannie!" She called out to him, making him turn around. "Give me your bag!"
In a somewhat jog, he crossed the ground over to her and was about to hand over the other bag-
"Can you carry both of them?"
Getting a nod from her in return, but he shook his head and joined her on the steps. "It's okay, I'll go with you."
"But I can-"
"Go," he nudged her carefully to continue walking as they both disappeared onto the lower floor of the house.
[Minnie has a lot of helping hands]
In the kitchen, Joshua and Dokyeom joined the two, helping with unloading everything that was supposed to stay there before bringing the rest back upstairs. While some decided to go back into their individual rooms, Minnie was being kept in the living room, mostly due to the maknae who had found out his favourite noona arrived again.
"Noona!" Dino smiled brightly as soon as he found her silhouette coming up the stairs again.
[A little brother that has been desperately waiting for his favourite sister]
Planted in his seat, he opened his arms, waiting for her to come towards him. A grin had made its way onto her face, only widening with each step she took.
"How was the wine tasting?" She asked him. Partially theoretically with a hint of sarcasm, but also somewhat truly wondering about it. His cheery persona wasn't anything rare, yet she could tell by the still soft blush on his cheeks that the alcohol had not yet completely worn off the younger member.
She bent down, to wrap her arms around his muscular frame, chuckling as he tightened his grip before releasing her.
"Ah...," he sighed out loud. "It was... an experience." Minnie chuckled, watching the maknae smile to himself. She let her hand brush over the top of his blonde head of hair.
"Did you drink a lot?"
[Caring words of an older sister <3]
As soon as he glanced up, the girl snickered, the look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know.
"Too much," he admitted, only getting her to laugh louder, Dokyeom and Joshua joining in as they walked into the living room, throwing themselves onto individual seats.
"We all took a nap afterwards. We had to," the maknae continued. "We also brought some of the wine. One is from 2015, our debut year."
"Aw, that's cute. Let's drink it later on," she stated, getting a soft groan from the youngest in return, making her giggle once again.
The group got a short, yet much needed, break from exploring Italy before they were asked to get into the bus that was waiting outside for them. Their packed timetable was still not coming to an end any time soon - the producers made sure they'd be using and enjoying every possible moment to the fullest.
Minnie had found her seat in the very back again with the window to her left and Vernon to her right. While they were putting on their seatbelts and sinking into the cushions, one of the female producers in the very front of the bust started to explain part of their schedule for the evening.
"Today is the last and peak day of the wine festival," she told the members. "You can compare it to Myeongdong Christmas day." Her explanation received a round of gasps from the group as they realised just how many people they were going to be met with once they arrived.
"Woah...," Minnie spoke quietly. "But how cool to have a wine festival in your city."
Vernon nodded next to her, meeting her eye as he spoke. "Imagine having a soju festival."
[Dreams of a true SEVENTEEN member]
His remark made the girl's eyes immediately widen in fear, changing to speak English,
"I wouldn't survive that... But I'd enjoy it." Her reaction got a chuckle out of the younger member as he nudged her side, shaking his head at her comment. "I'm serious!" She exclaimed, joining him with laughter as Joshua in the middle also started chuckling.
The bus set off, letting a rush of excitement rush through the members as they headed to the festival. Dokyeom celebrated by lifting up the phone in his hands, ready to take a picture of himself and everyone around him when he noticed the younger members behind him engulfed in a conversation.
"Can you please look up if you're gonna be in the picture?" His question caught the maknaes' attention as they perked their heads up, immediately smiling into the camera as if it was a reflex. Afterwards, everyone turned back to focus on themselves, most getting entertainment from their phones. Minnie used the time to send a quick text to the leader, forgetting about the time difference separating them.
"Vernonnie, Josh," she called out to get her fellow English-speaking members to glance at her. Minnie was already holding up her front camera, snapping a few pictures once they had looked her way.
"Who are they for?" Joshua wondered as he posed a few different ways before the girl took the phone back into both of her hands.
"My mum and the Chois," the female member automatically switched to their native tongue as he had done so as well.
Shua chuckled, "'The Chois-'"
"I don't know how else to say it," Minnie answered with a smile. "Eomma, Appa, Seungmin-, and Seungcheol-oppa. Better?"
"You really have a group chat with everyone, huh?" Vernon suddenly jumped in, his arms crossed while his head relaxed against the backrest.
With an excited nod, the girl answered. "With everyone that's important to me."
[A loving family person <3]
The drive was only a short 10 minutes long. The bus stopped right at the unofficial entrance of the festival, leaving the members to get off and explore the open space on their own. It was only then that they were able to come to face with the crowd that had already gathered.
Strutting by herself, Minnie was right behind Jun, who had gotten one of the many go-pros they should be carrying from the producers.
Their eyes fell over the area, looking around the different corners and everything the festival had to offer. A soft gasp from the female member made Jun turn around as he continued to walk.
Not thinking, he would've heard her, Minnie looked up before glancing down again, taking the seam of her top between her fingers.
"I just realised, I probably shouldn't have worn white to a wine festival."
"Why?" He wondered, slowing down in his steps to let her catch up with him.
"It's really hard to get red wine out of clothing."
The '96 Liner raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, really?" Getting a nod from her in return. "Interesting... but you're not a messy eater, I don't think you'll get your clothes dirty."
She shrugged. "We'll see. I'm just gonna have to be careful." Sending him a quick grin before they fell into a comfortable silence again.
Before they entered the festival, the group decided to explore some of the more narrow side lanes. Lined with tables, they were able to look through typical touristy souvenirs they might be interested in buying - anything from magnets, to bags or hats, or even paintings.
At the very end of that lane, they finally reached the hot spot of the festival. The crowd they had seen earlier was nothing compared to what they were met with at that moment. A round of gasps flooded through the group, and Minnie could feel herself taking a step closer to the members next to her, who just so happened to be Woozi and Hoshi. She managed to get right in between the two, catching the attention of both unit leaders.
The producer spoke up first. "You okay?"
"Hm?" Her head snapped towards him. "Oh- yeah, yeah."
Minnie wasn't terrible with crowds. She used to be. The thought of being in one could make her panic within only a few seconds. But that was in the past. She had gotten used to bigger masses of people - she had to over time. These days, people don't make her nervous anymore, she had promised herself to keep her head up high and keep a positive mindset, remembering how bad her anxiety used to be when she was younger - constantly looking for a security guard or other member had become exhausting over time and also almost impossible. Only airports are what she sometimes still fears. But this wasn't an airport and she was surrounded by her members, so everything was good.
Hoshi's arm suddenly thrown over her, made her glance over at him. "Let's get drunk."
[A clear goal ahead]
[Very ambitious]
His smile was so bright, making her chuckle at the chubby cheeks forming as the excitement was beaming off of him.
She let her arm wrap around his waist as she could feel him pulling her in closer. His hand brushed over the naked skin of her biceps.
"Won't you get cold later?" Commenting on the cold that would wash over the old city once the sun would set completely, leaving only the moon in the sky.
Minnie shrugged before looking up at him with a grin. "Once the alcohol is flowing, I'll forget about the cold." Her words made the '96 Liner cackle and give her a proud squeeze while Woozi just shook his head with a sigh, already knowing once these two were drinking together, there'd be no stopping them.
[A duo you have to look out for]
They continued their walk into the very centre of the open space, already admiring all the wine and food stands around them. The members could already tell, they would enjoy this evening very much. The producers informed them that they were allowed to roam around freely and on their own, only to remember to meet up later on at the restaurant they were standing in front of.
First on the list to enjoy the festival to its fullest was to purchase empty wine glasses, which Hoshi had already spotted. The 15 Euros entrance fee came along with a pouch, a glass, a pen, and a piece of paper to document each wine they'd be drinking to remember it later on - a survival participation kit if you so will. The group divided itself into a few members, who lined up to get a couple of those, while the rest stayed back and waited.
With their kits on them, the idols started their journey around the festival. Some decided to start on the left, others went to the right side first, and a few even just went straight into the mass.
Minnie, Dokyeom, and Hoshi had found themselves together, arriving at their first spot. After the woman generously filled up their glasses, they left the stall to find a free spot to stand together. Jeonghan and Joshua joined them within a few seconds as well.
Just as the girl was about to take her first sip of the evening, the '97 Liner stopped her.
"You have to smell it first."
With scrunched eyebrows, she looked at him closely.
"Smell it," he demonstrated, "And then swirl it in your glass and let oxygen get to it."
[A wine connoisseur at work.]
Minnie chuckled, "You became a real... how do you say-," she turned towards her fellow English-speaking member, "a wine connoisseur?" But Joshua just shrugged in return, grinning to himself,
"I have no idea."
"A wine expert," she settled on a simpler term, getting a bright smile from the main vocalist in response. Minnie did as she was told, moving her glass to let the wine move around before she took another sniff, getting notified by the experts that the smell was supposed to be different. Well,... if they say so.
"Can I drink it now?" She carefully asked, meeting Hoshi's eye as he had already thrown his head back to get the alcohol down his throat.
Dokyeom nodded, "Yeah, after smelling it, take a sip." The two '97 Liners clinked their glasses together before making the next move. As soon as the liquid touched their tongue, DK let out a satisfied hum.
"OH!" He put the glass down again. "Buongiorno!" Making the members around him laugh at his reaction.
"It's really good," Minnie nodded in agreement, handing hers over to Shua to let him make his own review. He took a quick sip and just by the raise of his eyebrows, the female member knew, he was thinking the same thing.
"Really good, wow."
Knowing that this was only the first one of many they tried, they were even more motivated to explore the other stalls as well, heading straight towards the next one. Stuck in line, Shua pulled out his go-pro to film the '97 Liner closely.
"Dokyeom seems like such a professional," he commented, getting a chuckle out of the girl next to them.
"When going to the winery today," DK started. "It was fun thinking that each bottle of wine had its own story." Minnie couldn't help but cackle at his statement.
"You're getting so sentimental over bottles of wine?"
"Think about it!" He scolded her, "Wine bottles sometimes have a long way in front of them and then they get stored for a very long time before you get to drink them."
"Okay, okay," she nodded, yet still finding amusement in the sentiment. "I understand."
They got their glasses filled up once again, this time, Minnie clinked hers with Hoshi after he had tapped her on the shoulder, nudging his in her direction.
"This one is heavy," he commented on it, handing it over to Shua - all while Minnie stood there with a frown. "What's wrong?" Hoshi asked her, noticing her quiet stance.
"I don't know if I can really taste a difference. It's wine," she shrugged.
[Alcohol is alcohol]
"You have to take a class like us," he told her. "Then you'll become an expert as well." Making her and the '95 Liner laugh.
Suddenly, Jeonghan jumped in, taking the glass into his hold, "What is it like?"
"It's heavy!" Hoshi blurted out. "I can feel that it's heavy," he proudly announced.
"You did well at the winery tour today," Joshua complimented him, getting a smile out of the younger member.
The ringing sound coming from Minnie's back pocket of her jeans brought the attention of all the members to her. She took her phone out, but before she could answer, Hoshi got nosy.
"Who is it?"
"Wonwoo," she let him know, a slight frown to her brows as she picked up, catching the 'aw' from Joshua and having to hold back a roll of her eyes, but not her grin.
"Where are you?" He asked her.
"At one of the stalls with the members. I can tell you the name, wait-", thinking he might want to join them, when he stopped her,
"Do you want to look at some of the souvenirs?"
[Roomates that have similar taste in sightseeing]
"Oh! Yes!" Her exclaim made the others glance at her in surprise. "But- where are you?"
Wonwoo tried to explain the location of his whereabouts as best as he could, knowing that most of the corners in the area looked too similar to each other.
"I think, I know what you mean," Minnie assured him. "I'll be right there." She let him know before hanging up with a soft 'bye'.
"Where are you going?" Jeonghan asked her as soon as he had put her phone away again.
"Wonwoo wants to look at the souvenirs." She turned around to glance at the side of the festival space, focusing on the different windows of the shops. "He said, he's over there. I'm gonna go," she let the others know. But not before leaving with an empty glass. She got a refill on what she and the members had just shared, finishing it quickly again, before handing the glass over and excusing herself from the rest of the group, getting a couple of 'be careful' and 'call him if you can't find him' in return before she disappeared into the mass.
[Caring friends <3]
The grip on the go-pro in her hand tightened as she managed to brush past the people coming from the opposite direction. Thankfully, Wonwoo's directions were clear and his location was close enough to let her find him quickly and not look like a lost puppy in the middle of the crowd.
Her smile widened as soon as her eyes fell on the familiar back looking into one of the windows, only to get even wider once she found Na PD turning around and revealing his face.
"Hyung!" She called out with a wave. The producer chuckled at her action, waving back and grinning as she waddled over to the duo. Wonwoo turned around at the sound of her voice, welcoming her with a smile as well.
The cameraman, who was filming the two men focused his view on her as she got closer.
"How was the wine?" Na PD wondered, getting a big smile in return.
"Really good," she sheepishly admitted, knowing that there most probably was already a slight blush in her cheeks since she hadn't eaten much before they started drinking. "But!" Minnie quickly added, "I haven't drunk a lot yet."
"Yet?" Wonwoo chuckled at her.
[Remembering Hoshi's words]
The girl nodded with a slight shrug, "Who knows... maybe we're gonna drink more later on."
"YOU are definitely going to drink some more," Youngseok chuckled as they started their journey into one of the side streets that separated them from the busy main space of the wine festival.
Minnie stopped in her tracks, making Wonwoo do the same immediately as well. "You can't say that!" She pointed at the producer with a smile. "That makes me sound like a drunk."
The '96 Liner patted her back to keep her walking while the laughs of the oldest of the three could be heard outside of the camera's view. "I didn't say that."
"You just enjoy having fun," Wonwoo defended her. "With wine."
"Exactly," she nodded at him while Na PD just shook his head.
[The excuse of drinking a lot]
As the two idols wanted to leave the plaza and head towards the side streets, Na PD decided to leave them with the other producer and stayed back at the main area of the wine festival to keep an eye on the rest of the group. They said their goodbyes and promised to meet up again at the restaurant they had picked out for later activities.
Now alone as three, writer and producer Choi Jaeyoung wondered, "What are you guys looking for?"
"I want to do something the others haven't done," the rapper explained.
Minnie nodded along to his words. "And we also talked about bringing something back to Seoul."
"Like what?" The producer wanted to know.
"Maybe magnets?" Wonwoo glanced at the girl.
"Yeah," she agreed. "We could see if we can get something for all of the members. Like small things." The duo determined that would be a good idea.
[Always thinking about the others as well]
Just as they were strolling through the narrow street, the '96 Liner stopped. "Let's go there!" He pointed at a walkthrough, painted in a bright yellow, easily catching the eyes of bystanders. "It's so pretty there."
Minnie and Writer Choi were slightly ahead, therefore not able to see what he was talking about but as soon as they caught up with him, the girl gasped.
"Woah..." Her gaze fell on the stone bridge they were getting close to that stretched over trees that were planted much lower and would lead to the other side, where another narrow street was waiting for them, but with brightly painted houses instead of souvenir shops.
"This really is a picture spot," Wonwoo commented, getting nods of agreement as answers.
Jaeyoung looked around the area. "I guess this is a village where people live," he explained.
"Oh wow... to live here...," Minnie dreamed out loud.
"Would you like that?" The producer asked her, getting a nod with a big smile from her.
"We talked about it earlier," she told him, swiftly pointing at Wonwoo, "it must be really nice to have a house here and be able to come whenever you want."
[Deep chats]
"If my house looked like that," Wonwoo jumped into the conversation. "I'm confident, I'd live happily."
"Mm," he hummed. "That's true. But you'd need someone to take care of it while you're gone."
Minnie gave him a quick look, "Mm... I didn't think that far. I just like the idea of it."
[Dreaming a lot while you're young...]
The writer chuckled. "I see."
"Wait," the female member turned around to glance at the rapper who was still admiring the view. "Did you just say you'd live happily if you had a house here?"
With raised eyebrows, he focused on her. "Yeah, wh-"
"Don't you live happily now?!" She threw at him.
Suddenly, the producer and cameraman laughed out loud at her words and Wonwoo's surprised expression. The rapper joined in, chuckling while Minnie continued to look at him unamused.
"Minnie-ya," PD Choi took a deep breath, trying to control his laughter.
The rapper did the same but went ahead to pat her shoulder but she softly pushed him away with a smile.
"I thought you were happy."
"Does she take everything word for word usually?" Jaeyoung asked into the round.
[Never take everything too seriously]
Wonwoo nodded with a smile only to turn towards the girl in the next second, meeting her already sheepish grin to match.
"Ah...," the older man breathed out, "You guys..."
"We're fun, huh?" Minnie jumped next to him, hugging his arm in an overly excited tone.
The producer nodded, patting her hand, "Very, yeah." Getting chuckles from the idols.
[Quick change of emotion seems normal]
Wonwoo had taken his phone out to capture the beautiful scenery surrounding them, making sure to not miss any spots. Minnie decided to take everything in with her own eyes, forgetting about the device in the back pocket of her jeans and not noticing the camera being focused on her for a few shots.
The writer's voice made her turn towards him. "Go stand there on the side together. Let me take a picture of you." He pointed at the edge of the bridge, pushing the girl closer to her fellow member. Handing the phone over to him, Wonwoo joined Minnie.
Together, they leaned onto the stones with the rapper putting his hand on top of them to let him lean.
"Get closer," Jaeyoung motioned with his hands to make them hurdle in together. Minnie chuckled but took a step closer. Wonwoo whispered something, getting a chuckle out of her as she settled down again, letting her shoulder brush against his chest while his right arm was resting behind her.
"A little closer," he asked them, getting an almost shy smile and shake of Minnie's head as an answer. Wonwoo opened his arm to let her slide in closer, scootching in a little bit more as well.
With her head slightly tilted towards the '96 Liner, the producer seemed finally happy enough and started to take some pictures, smiling brightly at the two in front of him.
"Woah... very pretty," Writer Choi grinned. "Next to Minnie, Wonwoo looks even broader."
The girl scoffed jokingly as the rapper took his phone back so they could continue their adventures, with a slight blush to his cheeks now. "Are you making fun of my statue?"
"No," he promised her, putting his hands on her shoulders, and leading them forward. "I'm just saying you look sweet like a doll and Wonwoo looks like he's part of the bridge."
[Compliments all around]
Even though the rapper was further ahead of them, the laughter coming from him made the two chuckle as well. He stopped to let them catch up, only continuing once he was next to Minnie again, leaving her to be in between the two men.
They decided to go back to where they came from, remembering that they had wanted to look through souvenirs and hopefully also buy some. Lazily strolling through the street, the girl had looped her arm through Wonwoo's, slightly leaning onto him as they glanced around.
"I think they sold some pretty pictures here before," he thought out loud as they headed towards the small stalls that were set up on the left side of the street. And just as they arrived, his eyes immediately found what he was looking for. "There it is!"
Nosily, the girl lifted her head, trying to get a glimpse of what was in front of them, but Wonwoo dragged her over.
"Oh my god," she smiled. "They look so good!"
[Admiring artwork carefully]
Together they looked through the small paintings lined up on the very left side of the seller's table. Compared to the other artwork he was presenting, the ones the idols were focused on, were tiny.
"Did he draw all of these?" Wonwoo wondered.
Minnie shrugged. "I guess so. They look handpainted." With a closer look, you were able to see each clear brush stroke that made the paintings only look even more alive than they already did.
"Oh, look!" The female member pointed at the back of the table. "Magnets." Originally, the two had planned to buy small souvenirs like that, thinking of putting them up on their fridge to make their new place look more lived in, but at that moment, as they were surrounded by beautiful artwork left and right, the choice became harder than they had originally thought it would be.
Still, they agreed magnets would make the most sense, so they settled on buying some of them along with one tiny landscape painting they couldn't take their eyes off of - where they would put it was a conversation for another time.
After enough time roaming the streets for a good while more, they found themselves back at the plaza again. The NANA Tour producers had gone ahead and secured a big table at one of the restaurants. They were slowly gathering the members one by one once they passed them, leading them towards the seating area where Wonwoo and Minnie were already chatting with the other producers, passing the time while waiting.
"Oooh," Jeonghan called out as his eyes found the two younger members. "You really did go shopping," he commented on the plastic bag the rapper was holding.
With her arms crossed, the girl glanced at the '95 Liner. "I told you he called me so we could look at souvenirs."
But he just shrugged. "I don't know, maybe you lied to me."
[Trust issues]
"Why would I lie to you about that?" She chuckled, only getting a cheeky grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows in return, which made her shake her head and turn her attention back to Hyojung, who was already laughing at their antics.
Settling down at the massive table they had booked for every Seventeen and NANA Tour member, Wonwoo started to proudly show off the trinkets he and Minnie had chosen to guy. She had just come back and was about to take a seat on the chair nearest her, right next to Dokyeom, who was sitting opposite Wonwoo, when the '97 Liner suddenly jumped up.
"Do you want to sit here?" He asked the girl, who just glanced at him in surprise.
She shook her head, motioning for him to sit back down again. "No, no, it's okay." Assuring him with a quick smile. He pulled the chair out for her, his eyes trained on her, only leaving her frame once she had properly sat down.
[The gentleman is back]
"Did you order yet?" She wondered, getting a 'yes' in return and before she was able to open her mouth again, DK continued,
"Just sodas. They're over there." Pointing at the variety of cans. Minnie didn't have to ask as he was already handing her a Coke Zero. Appreciatively with a grin, she took it and emptied it into the glass at her seat.
"Has Myungho not come yet?" Na PD asked into the round, making every member look around the table only to find no sight of the '97 Liner.
To Minnie's right, Jun was quick with the answer. "Myungho, Mingyu, and Woozi are over there still drinking!" Stretching his arm behind him to point at where the trio was enjoying another round of wine.
"Oh God," the female member chuckled as she glanced at them.
Suddenly, DK sighed.
Minnie's ears immediately perked up. "What?"
"I'm kinda disappointed," he admitted. "I only drank like five glasses."
From a little further down the table, Dino caught the disappointment.
"Guys," he called out, making both '97 Liners' heads turn. "Do you want to go one more round?"
The girl chuckled at the excitement coming from the youngest, ready to shake her head, but Dokyeom was already out of his seat.
"Are you not coming?" The vocalist looked down at the girl, who caught his gaze with expecting eyes.
"Are you really going?" Quickly changing her focus to the maknae who was already on his feet, wine glass tight in his grip.
"Of course," DK's smile beamed at her. "Come on." Nudging for her to follow them.
Once she didn't immediately react, he took a step closer to her, getting a hold of her elbow and pulling her up.
"Dokyeom-ah!" Minnie laughed out loud, not pushing him away, but standing up along with him to leave the table.
[Children, don't let peer pressure influence you]
[This is not a good example]
Now, all the attention was on the leaving trio. Na PD was the first to comment on it. "They're going again!"
"Noona didn't get to taste much, we're gonna show her around some more," the youngest explained, leaving the female idol to look at the rest of the group with wide eyes and a chuckle.
"It wasn't even my idea!"
"We'll be back before the food arrives," Dino promised before pushing the older members along with him, using this as a 'see you later'.
Just as they were getting their glasses refilled, familiar voices spoke up from behind them.
Turning around, Minnie found Jun and Joshua, who seemed to have followed them, along with their wine glasses, ready for another round as well.
"OOH," the girl shouted out in excitement, "You too?"
Shua pushed past them to get to the front of the stall as Dokyeom, Minnie, and Dino were already sipping on the next round of wine.
"This here is the best one," the female member admitted, glancing at Jun, who decided to stay a bit behind.
"This is good?" He suddenly asked in English.
She nodded with a big smile decorating her face, "Very good, yes."
"Good, good."
[The alcohol is so good, they had to change languages]
"Here," she handed him her half-filled glass, exchanging it with his empty one.
"Oh- thank you," Jun accepted it, taking a sip right away while the girl continued to look at him, just waiting for his reaction. As soon as his eyebrows shot up, she knew, she was right - it was in fact the best one so far.
"Wow," the '96 Liner breathed out. "It's really good."
"I told you!" Jokingly, she smacked his upper arm.
After she got a refill into his glass as well, the group took a step to the side, each of them enjoying their wine slowly together. In silence, they took sip after sip, letting the background noise fill the silence.
"I'm so happy," Joshua admitted dreamily, his head tilted to the side. With a soft smile, Minnie gazed at him. She had joined him by his side, nudging his arm with her shoulder. "What do I do?"
"Enjoy the moment." She tried to let the scene not pass, closing her eyes to add to the feeling they were trying to create. Just a comforting atmosphere where each member was quietly sipping on their wine, inhaling the fresh, yet slightly damp and cooler Summer night air.
"I think I can drink 30 more glasses here," he admitted, getting a chuckle out of her. "Drunk on this atmosphere..."
With a grin, she interlocked their arms before pulling him ahead and calling out, "Let's go!" Lifting her now empty glass of wine as she was ready for the next one.
[Enthusiastic for more alcohol]
The laughter of the other members drowned out the background noise.
"Should we meet up with the others?"
The two had been walking around on their own for a bit when Joshua spotted Woozi, Mingyu, and Minghao, whom they had yet to see in quite a while. As it was slowly getting darker and they could only guess their food was soon to be served, they were on their way back to the restaurant. But wine was such an easy distraction.
"Where are they?" Minnie was looking in a different direction, not seeing Shua lift his glass when he met eyes with Mingyu, who, in return, found the girl before she could catch him. Sneaking up to her, while she was occupied with her re-fill, she didn't notice the massive statue that was suddenly behind her. Only when she started to turn to the side.
"AH-" she jumped in surprised when Mingyu lowered his head to meet her gaze. Minnie welcomed him with a hard punch to his shoulder. "Idiot..."
[SEVENTEEN loves each other]
Ignoring the show of annoyance - even if it wasn't serious - the '97 Liner threw his arm around the girl, pulling her into his side before snatching the glass from her grip.
"Didn't you drink enough already today?" She asked him, a slight teasing undertone to her voice.
The rapper gulped down everything that was inside before glancing down at her again. "Didn't you drink enough already today?"
[Bickering is an act of kindness]
"I didn't even drink that much!" She scoffed, letting herself get pulled towards the restaurant as the rest of the group, now with Minghao and Woozi in tow as well, decided to join the team again.
"But your face is really red," Gyu commented, making Minnie stop for a second, her hands flying up to her cheeks.
"Really?" Only getting a chuckle and a shake of his head in return, making her do the same before they continued their walk towards the reserved table.
Stomach filled, in a happy, slightly tipsy, and contained state, Minnie leaned back into her chair, gazing into thin air. A good hour has passed, in which the only thing the idols did was eat. And eat even more. And then drink some more too.
The voices of the members around her were getting quieter as she zoned out, getting pulled back into the presence at the sound of her name being called out by Youngseok.
"Huh?" She glanced up at him.
Na PD chuckled, "Everyone but you is eating so well."
With an almost pained look on her face, she clutched her stomach. "I already ate so much. I promise." And for once, she wasn't lying about it. "I'm really full from the wine."
[Alcohol... is... a meal...?]
"Minnie gets full from drinking quickly," Jeonghan added to her statement.
The producer nodded in understanding. "Did you drink too quickly?"
"I think so. But I feel good, that's all that matters." She grinned brightly. "And I'm happy."
"And you did eat well," Dokyeom commented with a proud smile.
To her right, Minnie found Vernon's head tipped down. Jun had left for the bathroom, giving her a perfect view of the younger rapper.
She turned to Wonwoo, pointing at the '98 Liner. "Is he really sleeping?" Wondering if maybe he had watched him fall into a slumber. Leaning slightly forward, the rapper tried to get a glimpse of the younger's eyes, but he sat back with a shrug.
"I don't know. I don't think so."
Carefully, she reached out, petting his shoulder. "Vernonnie-" He raked himself up and met her eyes immediately. "Oh- I thought you were sleeping."
"No," he chuckled, "But I'm really tired." He let a hand brush over his face, stopping to rub his eyes.
Minnie nodded, "Mm, same..." Knowing as soon as her head would hit a pillow, her eyes would shut and getting up in the morning would be a big challenge. But the quality of sleep would be absolutely worth it.
EP3-4. What are you doing?
Back at the AirBnB, some of the members gathered in the living room of the accommodation while waiting for further instructions. They knew the next point on their timetable was a game, yet what game they'd be playing was still a mystery to them.
Minnie found her place on the single stool in the corner between Jeonghan, who was occupying a single yellow chair and Joshua who was sharing the loveseat with Mingyu. Before she had sat down, she took the fan with S.Coups' face on it into her hands, now holding onto it tightly.
[Even when he's so far away, the leader is always close to the members]
Mindlessly, she looked around the room while catching some words from the '95 Liners' conversation.
At 9:30pm the members had separated into different rooms in the house, with Jun, Woozi, and Dokyeom still in the living room. The '97 Liner was singing along to the random tune the producer was playing, making up lyrics on the go. Minnie was listening to them from a few feet away. She had found an empty spot on the floor she could lie on while putting her legs up against the wall. All the alcohol and food had made her feel bloated and from what she remembered her friends once telling her, this was a quick way to get rid of that.
[Just another day in the life of a SEVENTEEN member?]
Wonwoo was coming back out of their room, eyes fixed on the phone in his hand as he walked towards the living room. Getting a glimpse of the girl in his peripheral view made him take a step back and glance down.
"Are you okay?"
Minnie opened her eyes and smiled. "Yep."
"Do you need help getting up?"
"No, I'm good. I'm just gonna lay here for a bit," she just answered, closing her eyes again.
Clearly unfazed by her antics, the rapper nodded. "Okay." Continuing his way into the living room to join Woozi on the left side, only that he sat down on the yellow couch. From the entryway, Na PD watched them with a fond smile, shaking his head when a chuckle fell from his lips.
For a few more seconds, the house was in complete silence other than Woozi and his guitar and Dokyeom's voice filling the ears of the people around them.
"Pumping and my butthole-" he suddenly sang, making the girl sit up and look to her right, watching the others stop in their movements. Even the producer had stopped playing.
The girl chuckled out loud, "What?"
"Why does your butthole come out?" Woozi asked, getting a round of laughter from the members in the room.
"The result of eating six dishes needs to have a result," Dokyeom explained honestly, only afterwards finding the female member who had now stood up but just stopped in the hallway, gazing at him almost disturbed.
"Oh-," he laughed out loud, "I'm sorry, Minnie!"
With a shake of her head, she joined the members, moving towards the side with the couch where Woozi and Wonwoo were sitting.
"It was good up to then," Wonwoo admitted, "and then you ruined it." Letting the girl settle down beside him.
Minnie pulled her legs up, letting them slightly lean onto the rapper's thighs as she sighed and let her head tilt back in exhaustion. Suddenly noticing the empty feeling in her back pocket, she wondered out loud.
"Where's my phone?" Speaking almost too quietly.
[Important for the young generation]
Not looking up from his own, Wonwoo told her, "On the bed. You put it there not too long ago."
"Oh yeah, right...," Her breathy voice was a clear indication of her tired she had become. Or maybe it was just the food and alcohol.
"Minnie's in a food coma right now. She doesn't know what she's doing or saying," Jun joked, making her straighten her head again.
"That's true. I feel so... like I just ate a ten-course meal."
"Did you really eat that much?" He asked her, getting a nod in return. But Wonwoo had a different answer,
"You didn't."
Minnie turned her head towards him. "Yes, I did. I ate enough."
"Enough, but not a lot," he argued.
She scoffed softly, almost rolling her eyes. "That's the same."
[Oh so nice]
"You drank a lot," Dokyeom added to the conversation, making her nod.
"That too," she admitted. "Just a lot all together." And threw her head back again with another grunt.
Only a few moments later, the group was asked to come together in the kitchen downstairs. With heavy steps, Minnie followed the guys, getting surprised by the volume of Wonwoo's loud voice as he called out for the rest.
She joined Vernon and Dino on the right side of the long table in the middle of the room, settling down right between them. The maknae was still carrying the crossbody bag with the 'pocket money' they were given, making her chuckle and point it out to him. The bag had become almost useless as S.Coups had stopped their overseas payment option since they were apparently spending too much money. The revelation made the girl roll her eyes back when they were told this news on the bus earlier. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't get another way of earning some money to spend.
Mingyu was the last to arrive, but once he joined the group, the 'rules' of the game were laid out for them. There were two separate rooms on the second floor where the NANA Tour staff was staying. By playing rock-paper-scissors, the order in which they would enter these rooms was decided. What was waiting for them there, wasn't revealed to them just yet.
Somewhere along the line, it was finally Minnie's turn to go upstairs, coming to sight with the DIY signs displaying 'Room 1' and 'Room 2'. Not leaving herself a long time to think, she went with the first room to her right.
"Ah, hyung!" She immediately found Na PD already waiting for her with a bright but somewhat cheeky smile on his lips.
[Happy to see her favourite producer]
"How are you, Minnie?" He motioned for her to sit down in front of him. "I heard you're playing a game downstairs."
The girl shook her head, her lips curled up in amusement. "I don't understand what they're doing, so I'm glad I called up right now." Her confession got a laugh out of the producer. With Jeonghan's support, DK created a game he called 'Electric Man' as he tried to entertain the other members while they were waiting for everyone to get the final instructions of what they were doing next. What was the premise of his self-made game? No one knew. How was it played? Also, no one really knew.
"Did they tell you what we're doing?"
"Dokyeom said something about missions," she recalled, "but I think it's probably Mafia, right?"
Na PD pointed at the cards that were spread out on the table in front of them. "You can pick a card and find out."
"Why are you making this so mysterious?" She squealed out, glancing over at the cameraman in the corner who just shrugged. Biting down on her lip, Minnie pretended to think for a split second before her hand landed on top of one card.
"Is this a good one?"
"Turn around and find out," Youngseok simply told her, making her huff out while holding back a grin.
"No," she changed her mind, reaching for a different card, "I'll take this one."
"Okay," he simply nodded and gave her the 'okay' to take a look at it.
Flipping it over, so only she could see it first, Minnie read the words on it. With a slight frown on her eyebrows, almost in pain, she looked up again.
"Can I change it?"
"What did you get?"
She showed the card to the producers and then moved it slightly so the camera could get a good shot of it.
'Make a package of Ramen and eat it with a member.'
"I'm really full. I can't eat anything anymore," she whined with a chuckle.
"You have to share it with a member, so they could technically eat more than you," Youngseok tried to compromise, not wanting to torture her by having to eat.
Minnie nodded with a soft sigh. "So I just have to do this?" She wondered, slightly confused by the challenge here.
[Are you sure it's that simple?]
"You have to do this mission and not get caught," he reminded her. The premise of it being able to earn some money for the next day was explained to her. Now suddenly everything made a lot more sense than before. Finishing her mission while also trying to stop others from achieving theirs. Easier said than done in a group of currently 13 people, all of whom are usually very attentive to the ones around them.
Minnie nodded, mostly to herself. "Okay." Grinning up at the producer, who had the same facial expression.
"Good luck," he told her as she was on her way back downstairs.
The playing field reached from the basement - including the sauna - up to the first floor where the living room and their individual rooms were, only that those and the outside area were banned from using while trying to finish their missions.
As soon as the producers gave them the 'go', the members jumped up from their seats. Minnie and Jeonghan were the only ones who decided to stay seated, knowing if they went ahead right away, there was a good chance, they'd fail.
Dokyeom filled the room with his singing, making Joshua suddenly join in while Vernon just stood on the side, glancing at him with an unreadable facial expression. Minnie's eyes fell on him. Feeling her gaze on him, he turned towards her, giving her the same look.
"What?" She asked him. "What's going on?" Still not knowing why he had stopped in his tracks.
"I'm out," he chuckled.
Her eyes widened immediately. "Already?! What happened?" But he just shook his head and went to find one of the producers to ask for further instructions. He didn't even last a second.
The female member decided to glance around, trying to find some suspicious behaviour. With all the turmoil, it was hard to tell. Most of the members were just walking around, trying to entertain themselves, or at least it seemed like that.
The loud voices coming from the kitchen caught her attention, but what made her stop and stare was Dokyeom who had fished out a Ramen package and looked like he was about to make it. Quick on her feet, she rushed over to the producers, trying to find Na PD.
"Hyung!" He turned around when she called out for him. "What if I also make the Ramen with a member and then eat it together?"
But he shook his head. "You have to make it on your own and then share it."
[Rules are strict]
Minnie pressed her lips together and muttered a quiet, "Okay," before strolling over to the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" She asked her fellow '97 Liner as if she couldn't see it.
"Ramen," he showed her the package. "Do you want some too?"
"No, thank you, I'll make my own." She simply said, about to brush past him, when his voice stopped her.
"Didn't you say you were full from earlier?" True to his attentive self Minnie could curse at that very moment.
[Very attentive members]
"Yeah...," she trailed off. "But there's always room for Ramen."
"True," he shrugged and moved on.
Out of the same cupboard as him, Minnie got a package out and joined him by the kitchen island. Some of the members had found Dokyeom's act of cooking suspicious but now that the girl was technically just joining him, no one was questioning her. Almost no one.
While she was looking around for some vegetables and other things she could add, her eyes found Mingyu, who was currently filling a metal bowl with sugar.
"What are you doing?" She eyes him suspiciously, sending him a grin. His reaction told her everything she needed to know. The rapper snatched the bowl off the counter and tried to hide it behind him.
"Leave it!"
"Wh- I was just asking!" She argued back, not able to hold back her laughter. He most definitely wasn't one of the good liars of the group. Mindlessly, he put the bowl back, focusing on what she was holding, which was a carton of eggs. Eggs that he would need.
"What are you doing with them?"
Her lips curled up into a wicked grin. "Why?" She raised her eyebrows provokingly. "Do you need them?"
Mingyu tried to reach for them, but for once her reflexes were quick enough to dodge out of the way.
"Ha ha!" She threw at him before taking a few steps back. Thanks to his height and much longer limbs, it didn't take long for him to catch up to her, framing Minnie in the kitchen corner. She held the carton far away from him, almost leaning backwards against the counter.
"Tell me what you need them for."
"No," he argued. "Just give me a few and you can have the rest."
Before she could snap back at him, Dokyeom's voice rang through the room. "Has anyone seen the eggs?" Distracted by the question, Minnie's grip slightly lightened, giving Mingyu the perfect opportunity to snatch them out of her hands easily.
"HEY!" She jogged after him, ready to fight, but he suddenly put them back on the counter, now focused on Joshua, who was walking away from the kitchen, taking the bowl of sugar with him.
"Hyung!" Mingyu called out as he went after him.
Without wasting another moment, Minnie took the eggs and brought them back to where she would need them.
In the background, the '97 Liner was still fighting for his bowl with one of the older members, who was very keen on not giving it back. That's when Mingyu's patience snapped, making a shout out to him, using words most definitely not appropriate for TV.
Minnie gasped out loud. "Mingyu just cursed!" She pointed at him, eyeing the producer, who just started laughing on the other end of the room.
[Calling out bad behaviour]
"Hey! Why are you cursing?" Dokyeom, who was still next to her, jumped into the conversation, ending the question by dragging it out and creating another melody. His antics got a chuckle out of the girl and Joshua, who was still running from Mingyu, who would not stop chasing him.
"Dokyeom and Minnie are making Ramen, stop them first!" The '97 Liner tried to convert the attention of his fellow members, who glanced up at him with big eyes.
"Don't drag us into your *shit*!" The girl argued, immediately getting a soft punch to her upper arm.
[Minnie said some pretty words we had to bleep out]
"You can't curse either," DK chuckled when he noticed that the girl had only just realised what she had said. A hand immediately flew up to cover her mouth.
"Now look at you, you punk!" Mingyu pointed a strict finger at her. "You're cursing too!"
[Nice words from a nice member]
"And look who I got it from!" Coyping his stance periodically.
In the meantime, Joshua strutted over to the kitchen island, motivated by the words of the younger rapper to investigate what the two '97 Liners were doing. Snatching it right out of Minnie's hands, Shua grabbed the uncooked noodles and walked away.
"YA!" The girl shouted after him, taking off in a jog to catch up with him.
"Ey, hyung!" Dokyeom continued. "Why are you taking out ramyeon? We want to eat it."
"Why are you cooking it all of a sudden?" The '95 Liner looked at the younger members expectedly while the girl was desperately trying to get a hold of her food from his hands. But damn his quick reflexes. "Do you have a mission together?" With a hand on her shoulder, Joshua made Minnie stop.
With a pained facial expression, she whined at him, "What are you talking about?! How could we have the same mission when we went to the rooms separately! I don't even know what his mission is, I just wanted to eat this because I saw it and felt like it!" Her cries seemed to make him buckle as he put his arms down and placed the noodles back on the countertop.
Swiftly, they were able to move around the kitchen, Minnie grabbing her own pot to fill with water finally and heat it up by the stove.
Suddenly, Mingyu's groans filled the room.
"What did you do?" She glanced to her left, watching him pick the bowl back out of the sink where it had fallen into.
"Nothing, nothing," he quickly brushed it off and went to continue, but the girl blocked his way. "Minnie-ya," he hissed at her. "Move."
She shook her head. "What are you doing? Is it your mission?"
"Shut up," he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and gently pushed her to the side, making her giggle. Dokyeom sneaked a quick look at the two, laughing at the duo.
"Mingyu is really suspicious about the bowl," he commented.
Minnie nodded in agreement, "We have to stop him," her eyes not leaving his form as he moved around the room. As soon as DK tried to get the stove to work, her attention was back to what was in front of her. Since it worked with gas rather than with electricity, the members faced their next challenge.
"Wait," Minnie told him. "Raise the flame," she motioned for him to move to the side slightly so she could change the strength with one of the regulators. Just as a small flame let itself be seen, Mingyu passed them. With a quick blow to the stove, the fire got extinguished and the other two '97 Liners were back to the start.
"You f-" The girl lifted her hand, ready to curse at the rapper, but already knowing her well enough, he caught her arm mid-air.
"Don't curse," he grinned at her, making her only even more annoyed.
[He's doing our job, thank you <3]
She pushed him away. "Leave us alone," whining out loud seemed to entertain the other members as Dino's laughter rang through their ears.
"What are you guys doing?" He stopped by her side, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her in closer to let his chin rest on her shoulder.
"Mingyu's being mean." Her pout got an eye-roll from the man in question and another chuckle from the maknae while DK was still focused on getting the stove to work.
"I can't do it!" He called out in disappointment, making the two younger members turn around while holding onto each other - Dino was clearly not thinking of letting go that soon. Minnie patted his back and brought him with her as she got to work on her portion of Ramen noodles. Easier said than done when suddenly the two packages they had opened had disappeared into thin air.
"Huh?!" The female member looked stunned at where they were last seen. "Didn't we...," she thought out loud, glancing around in confusion. "Dokyeom, where did you put the Ramen?"
"Right there," he pointed at the now completely empty space on the counter. "Where's it gone?"
"Mingyu!" The girl spat at her fellow '97 Liner, who stood a few feet away from them. His head shot up, meeting her furious eyes.
"What? I didn't do anything!" He immediately stated.
"Don't lie! Where did you put it?"
"W- I didn't do it! What even are you talking about?" Completely stunned, he held her gaze.
Dokyeom's hand reached out to touch his arm. "Hyung, you're a really bad liar."
Mingyu scoffed with an eye roll. "But I'm not lying."
"You're annoying!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"Liar!" Minnie and Mingyu went back and forth, completely ignoring what the other members around them were doing.
[A normal day for SEVENTEEN]
Woozi and Jeonghan were still walking around the space, having a fight of their own, Dokyeom was nowhere to be seen and Joshua seemed to have been minding his own business.
"Guys!" Suddenly Minghao's voice rang through the room. "I'm done!"
In surprise, everyone's eyes fell on him. He had just come out of the left corner of the room, clearly dripping wet with his hair slicked back and a towel thrown over his shoulder.
"What did you have to do?" Minnie asked.
Mingyu took a different guess. "Did you have to wash your hair?"
"No, I'm done if I go into the sauna," Hao enlightened them. A round of 'aah' came from the members in return.
"Seungkwan is supposed to do Calligraphy!" Hoshi came sprinting down the stairs, bursting into the kitchen, interrupting another argument that had broken out between Mingyu and Minnie as she tried to get the bowl out of his tight grip. The interruption made her loosen her grip, and he was able to pull away, making her stumble back slightly, only for him to reach out and catch her arm, steadying her.
"Calligraphy?" She asked again, getting a nod from the '96 Liner who was still chuckling.
"Wonwoo's trying to take his stuff away and hide it." And just the mere imagination of that picture got all of the members in the room to laugh. Some wanted to see it with their own eyes and rushed up the stairs, leaving the kitchen fairly empty. Out of the corner of her eye, Minnie saw something colourful peek out from the shelf. Taking a step closer, she found the Ramen packages she had been looking for underneath a cake bell. Not even caring about who had put it there, she took the quiet time to get them back and head over into the kitchen, even forgetting about Mingyu who was moving around the room to find a moment of peace to finish his own mission.
[The mission might have been too easy]
Standing by the stove, water boiling and noodles cooking, Jeonghan and Woozi suddenly joined her. Secretively, they moved into the corner of the kitchen. As they spoke in hushed tones, the girl had a hard time catching what they were saying, but she was able to make out an important part.
"This is kind of vague, so I will protect you," he promised the group's producer.
"You're protecting him of what? Huh?" Minnie glanced over, her eyebrows raised with a smirk playing on her lips. "What are you guys doing?"
"Should I help you too?" Jeonghan's sudden question made her frown.
She shook her head. "I don't trust you."
[Hurtful words]
Right at that moment, Joshua came back, passing the girl and heading towards the two other members.
"They're being weird!" Minnie pointed out, only making him even more suspicious than he already was. With Shua's attention now on the older members, she was able to concentrate back on the noodles in front of her. She added the soup package and cracked an egg into the middle. Focusing on her own task at hand, she blended out most of what was happening around her. Dokyeom had been chasing Mingyu around the room. Only when the rapper's moans of pain and clanking of metal erupted did she turn around to take a look.
"What happened?" Her eyes were trained on him now limping towards the kitchen. "What did you do?" Taking a step closer she reached out to where Mingyu was clutching his knee, hunched over, clearly hurting from what had just happened.
"Be careful," she somewhat hissed at him while Dokyeom continued to worry, with a soft laugh lacing his voice.
"Are you okay?" But the answer to his question came quick when Mingyu suddenly took off in a sprint to the other side of the room with DK hot in his tracks, leaving the girl, once again, alone. Shrugging and with a deep breath, she went back to the stove, deciding to ignore the rest of their antics.
"Minnie," Woozi's voice made ears perk up.
"Huh?" She turned towards him, finding him with the screen of his phone facing her. With a few steps closer, he stopped right next to her.
"Do you want to say 'hi' to Carats?"
"To Carats?" Her focus was still on the pot in front of her, she didn't realise that she would be seeing herself on his screen as he was currently doing a livestream on Weverse.
"I'm live right now," he explained.
"Huh?" Confused she glanced over, surprising herself by watching her face stare right back at her. "Oh- hello everyone!" She leaned in closer, waving to the camera with a big smile. "Was that your mission?" She asked before another realisation hit her. Quickly, she covered the camera. "Are they even allowed to see this?"
With a chuckle, Woozi pushed her hand away, so the fans could see them again.
"If I'm supposed to do it, of course, they can see us."
Minnie sent another smile at them, "Hiii."
As soon as Hoshi came in closer, the group's producer asked him if he would want to be in the frame as well, now moving the phone to film him and away from the female member.
To see if it was finally done, Minnie grabbed a pair of wooden chopsticks they had gotten from the producers, dipping them into the pot and gathering some of the noodles. After a quick few blows, she got to taste them, nodding to herself happily. Just when she thought, she'd finally be done and could get to eating them and finishing her mission, Dokyeom came back again.
"Minnie, how did you turn on the stove?" With a lighter in his hand, he was clearly struggling, not knowing the next thing about a gas stove. Quickly, she helped him, not even thinking about this being a possible mission of his since it was hers already, she left him in the kitchen and moved over to the dining table. Minghao had followed her, claiming the seat next to her.
"Is this your mission?" He quietly asked her, keeping his voice low enough so no other member could hear them. With her lips pressed together, she looked at him, shaking her head. But Minghao chuckled, seeing right through her.
"Please," she whined. "Here, you can have some. Just please let me do this in peace." She held up the chopsticks with enough noodles for him to slurp and pushed the pot closer to him.
He leaned in, but before opening his mouth, he stopped for a second but decided to just take it, not in the mood to ruin this for her.
Hoshi had come down the stairs into the kitchen, seeing Minnie by the table, still painfully trying to finish the pot of Ramen while the two '95 Liners and Dokyeom were occupied by the stove.
"Is everyone already out?"
"Huh?" Jeonghan looked at him confused, "No, Minnie's still doing hers and Dokyeom too."
"Minnie?" The '96 Liner turned towards the girl, sitting down opposite of her with a big grin on his lips. "Is this your mission?"
She decided not to say anything but just nodded.
Slowly but surely, Hoshi reached out, obviously trying to pull the pot towards him. It didn't take long for the female member to catch onto his action.
"Just take it." She brushed it off. "I can't anymore, I'm so full." Minnie let herself fall into the chair with a heavy breath.
"Really? Just like that?" He wondered, taking the chopstick between his fingers.
The girl nodded. "I wanted to finish it, but I can't. I don't care."
Not caring much about the truth behind her words, Hoshi dug into the rest of the meal, while Minnie was biting down on her lip. Holding back her grin about the fact that she had just managed to achieve her secret mission without anyone knowing and with Hoshi believing she had given up that easily.
Looking around the room, her hands on top of her stomach, she noticed something.
"Has anyone seen Mingyu?" Only getting a shrug in return from the member sitting across from her while the other three were talking too loud amongst themselves to hear her. Remembering the last place she had seen him run off to, she decided to take a chance and go look for him.
In the left corner of the room was another door leading to what she had yet to discover, only knowing that Minghao came back from exactly there, soaking wet.
Pushing it open, she came to sight of the small pool right in front of her.
"Woah-" Movement out of the corner of her eye made her stop and turn her head. "What are you doing?" Watching Mingyu crouched down on the floor, the bowl tight in his grip and a whisk in the other hand. She chuckled at the sight while he just begged her to keep quiet.
"Finishing my mission," he explained to her.
"But what is it?" She took a step closer to look into the bowl, frowning at whatever was inside of it.
"I have to make a meringue."
"Meringue?" She repeated, unsure if she understood him correctly. "The stuff that goes into macarons?" He nodded his head quickly.
In the meantime, the door had opened again, letting Jeonghan in, who found them immediately. He didn't even have to ask what they were doing.
"He has to make meringue," Minnie let him know, taking a step to the side to let him fully in. As they both just stood there watching Mingyu whisk hastily, the girl felt a finger poke her side. She glanced down, but right up again, seeing the oldest member nudge his head towards the pool. A wide smirk spread on her lips, but she didn't need to be told twice. Watching the rapper intensively, she could tell how focused he was, not even noticing as she got closer again, now with some water in the cup she created with her hands. With a quick motion, she managed to dunk some of the water into the bowl before Mingyu could even realise it and pull it away.
"YA!" He shouted out, pushing her back. Not able to react quick enough, Minnie didn't get away far enough as he leaned forward, putting his arm into the water and splashing it right at her, only with much more force and amount.
[At this point, we'd like the remind Carats and viewers that SEVENTEEN truly loves each other]
She shouted, giggling as she tried to get away, but bumped into Jeonghan. He switched positions with her, now copying Mingyu to throw some of the water on him. He repeated it while the rapper just stood in the corner, hoping to somewhat shield his bowl. Deciding he was drenched enough, the older member moved to the side while the '97 Liner got back to the water, ready to splash it back at the mischievous duo.
With a loud chuckle, Minnie took a few steps forward and just started to do the same, sudden laughter from her and the '95 Liner filling the room while Mingyu was still grunting in annoyance. From the other side of the pool, Jeonghan tried to help Minnie, splatter even more water onto the younger member.
"Mingyu, do you think you'll be able to make Meringue?" Giggling along with his words while the girl tried to contain her laughter.
Once they noticed he had officially given up by the way his shoulder sunk down, the splashing stopped.
"Ah, guys..." Mingyu sighed out loud. With a sweet chuckle, Minnie got closer to him, throwing her hands around his waist to hug him from behind. He turned around, making her loosen her grip and take a step back when he sat down the bowl, thinking he would just take a short second of peace. But before they could even blink, Mingyu put the bowl into the water, throwing the much bigger amount of water right at her before dipping it in again and making Jeonghan his second victim. Her screech could probably even be heard from next door.
Minnie rubbed her eyes, not even thinking about her hair at the moment that was probably sticking to her forehead and all over the place, making her look like a wet puppy. The rapper managed to push past them while Jeonghan snatched the bowl into his own hands, filling it up and waiting behind the door that Mingyu was holding onto tightly from the other side of it. Getting it to open just slightly the oldest member threw the water out, not even looking if it would hit him directly - that just happened out of pure luck, making the duo laugh out loud.
[Fun day at the indoor waterpark]
Minnie opened the door fully, now revealing a fully drenched Mingyu in front of her, but she wasn't looking much drier either. He sighed heavily while the girl continued to giggle, following him back into the kitchen, where wide eyes were waiting for them.
"What?" Woozi couldn't stop looking at the three fully submerged in water as if they had just gone swimming with their clothes on.
Mingyu glanced behind him at the girl who was cheekily looking at him.
"Careful." He pointed at her shirt before heading further into the kitchen. Glancing down at her shirt, Minnie realised her white top had turned quite sheer. With her fingers, she managed to get it from sticking too tightly onto her body as she continued to go upstairs to change.
On their way up, Hoshi came from the other direction, stopping to look at her and Jeonghan, who trailed behind.
"What did you do?"
"Making Mingyu fail," the older member giggled, making the girl chuckle.
Wonwoo stood up at the sound of their laughter, putting the guitar he had been clinging onto back on the couch.
"Mingyu's out?" He wondered, getting a nod from the girl and a verbal confirmation from Jeonghan in return.
"Good job, guys." His smile made theirs only widen. Then, he suddenly came to sight with the state of their clothes.
"Wh- Guys!" He chuckled, pointing at Jeonghan and stopping the girl by putting his hand on her elbow. "You did this to make Mingyu fail?"
"Yeah," Minnie told him excitedly.
"Wait-," the maknae looked at them with big eyes. "What did you do?"
"We put water into his meringue," Jeonghan explained.
"He told me to do it!" The female member excused herself by pointing at the older member, getting the infamous 'hehe' out of him. She headed over to her own room, ready to change as she wanted to stop clutching onto her shirt to not let every camera catch just how see-through it had gotten.
Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere @iamawkwardandshy
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I don’t live my life thinking a lot about money, trying to ‘get’ more money, or not having enough money yet I am not motivated by money either. The act of receiving more money does not make me rush to hurry up and finalize my books or open up my school. I can’t remember the last time I worried about money because having money is an intimate frequency and energy of FREEDOM. You have to break the frequencies of constantly penny-pinching, being stingy, allowing how much money you have in the bank to dictate your mood or living afraid to buy the very things that you need that will expand or evolve you, which is not the same thing as shopping all the time as a coping mechanism for being human, incurring consumer debt or being irresponsible and reckless with your money. And your life force will never thrive when you are a slave or prisoner to money.
The Practical and Spiritual Journey to Making More Money —You Must Enlist Your Warrior and Your Energy
You have to look at earning money like a game and enjoy growing your money and playing the game or else you never win. Not just saving or hoarding it away in your bra but allowing your money to work for you while you sleep like putting it in stocks. I have a degree in Accounting and have always believed that women were born to be skilled in financials but we are socialized to perceive ourselves not. But when you were born with a womb, you are naturally gifted at multiplying a seed into something much larger and intelligent like a whole baby. You are a natural amplifier, nourishing and growing what has been received. Be willing to look into investments and not be afraid of accumulating “healthy debt” and learn to move your money around in order to grow it. Look to investing part of your earnings into different funds, even if it is just cutting back on buying coffee and putting that money you would have paid for a daily coffee into a savings that will accrue and be used to invest in the future. If you already have cash flow, getting rental property to airbnb or sell (everyone I know that is quietly wealth-oriented owns at least 2-3 homes) which can be overwhelming to think about when living pay check-to-pay check but just beginning to think about how you can earn more money from your own money passively gets the ball rolling in your consciousness like what would it be like to open up a laundry mat, build it up and sell it in a few years for huge profit? Laundry mat ownership is such a fast lucrative business, just like what you see in the hood in movies. Or buy a raggedy house, build it up and sell it for a higher cost and incredible profit. Some of you straight and bi women entrepreneurs who are ready for good lovers must find love and attraction with lovers who are builders and handymen and can help to upscale and modernize your home that you can then resale for great profit and stop messing with dusties who have zero skill sets and create more stress on your life. 🙏🏿 Because when you live a highly stressful, parasympathetic, flight or fight life, the first thing you lose is your sexual desire or libido i.e. your umlimited creative power. No thank you!
If you have a spiritual business like me, you can do deals underneath the table but also work towards a LLC to legitimize your company which gives you tax breaks and allows you to earn more money. Something about going through the channels to make something official moves it from just being a hobby to a legit business. As magical spiritual woman, your power move is to attract someone willing to invest in your work as a start-up. If you do, you must cherish this person, love this person with all your heart, hips and soul (if the relationship is romantic but of course it can also be platonic or familial, either way, love this person), adore them deep and true. The person, this angelic being, this God, is saving you massive stress and headache. Their presence in your life serves a larger purpose —you must help them to understand this because our world teaches us to be so fearful and suspicious of being helped or helping someone rather than gracious and honored. Too many people are missing out on great blessings of interdependence because they live afraid and suspicious of the big heart of another human. So sad that many amazing beautiful people are stuck in their little corners hoarding away and missing out on healing, thriving, and experiencing the gifts and/or talents of another human because of how we have been wired to perceive the desire to meet one another’s needs and desires by status quo culture. To be a woman who can love someone in ways that relax their body so deeply that they can finally get out of their head and rest well and regenerate their tissues at night is incredibly priceless.
**This is not the same thing as looking for a handout, walking around broken like the world owes you something or hoping someone will help because you tell a victimization story. It is about being mature and resourceful and consciously manifesting what is needed and not simply what would be cool or cute potentially through love and loving.
But not every woman is ready or qualified for the aforementioned experience because you do have to develop skills that will be greatly useful, nourishing, nurturing, decompressing, relaxing or expansive or beneficial in other ways to another person. You can’t just be attractive or whatever. You have to be a woman who has developed a certain ease and peace in her body and life first and and that is what joining my school and online temple will help you master. And I personally believe you must also really love someone if the harmony is right because 1. love is incredible and healthy for the body to experience for however long it lasts 2. love is essential for the brightest sustained outcome. I’m not talking about the “sprinkle, sprinkle“ foolishness being promoted online. I am advocating for more love between people and all that comes with truly loving someone.
Be so skillful in your mature womanhood that you don't run from challenges, but face and engage them head on, and refine, recalibrate, and evolve beyond them. Never lose the boundaries that you are running a business albeit a spiritual one but still a business. Stay devoted and disciplined, both are essential. Work towards hiring people who can help you scale and grow eventually.
The Spiritual Journey to Making More Money—You Must Invoke Your Lover
The key to having more money is to learn to surrender and trust and truly allow the universe to be your provider, which is not an intellectual idea but a frequency of feminine energy. This is less about gender and more about the willingness to live a little bit beyond the egoic surface layer of reality of urgency that tells you to hurry and produce, to hoard or take or trigger you to constantly need to check off a to-do list, always needing to plan or to cross your t’s and dot your i’s which will allow you to buy that nice house and cute car eventually, but could greatly inhibit your energy from flowing where you never really can feel the joy of a simple moment pulse up your spine because you live in stress and overwork for external things that never make you fully truly happy.
No matter what stage of life you are, the undercurrent of your reality must feel like more relaxation and freedom if you want to have more money but not exhaust yourself in rigorous pursuit and constant labor for it.
I had to learn to draw in the frequency of freedom—to laugh at myself, to play, to rest, to relax, to do silly shit like twirling throughout my day —when life was very stressful, drama was high, and money was low. Neighbors would see me twirling. I would sometimes twirl for customers whose shopping totals were over 200 dollars. Because changing frequencies or weaving new realities is most potent when life is hard. You have to discover strategic ways to do the things you really want to do in life but was told you couldn’t afford. You must also have this hunger and desire to play the game of life to win while laughing at yourself along the way as you refine more and more and develop intimacy with the currencies of relaxation, love and freedom, which naturally include having more money.
But do not just copy and paste and take from others. Give. —India Ame’ye
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.
Kahlil Gibran, Mirrors of the Soul
Chapter: The Money Drop (unedited)
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I love old mills, but only if they have the original equipment inside. This 1835 Victorian in St. Johnsville, NY is an inn/Airbnb, but the mill is like a museum. The Airbnb is the 6bd, 6ba, 8,236 sq ft farmhouse on the property. I have never seen a property like this for less than $1m and this one is $750k.
Apparently, the Inn is closed for the season.
I wouldn't mind renting out the farmhouse, as long as I get the mill.
The current owners are ready to pass the magic to the new owners, so I'm certain that all the props come with the mill.
There are some very cool antiques in here.
As well as some creepy mannequins. This looks like a little souvenir shop area.
Here's an antique print shop.
There's a pool table here at the mill.
A living room area.
Plus a very large kitchen.
Small dining space next to the kitchen.
This is cute.
There's a lot of free space in here.
Bedrooms on the upper floor.
The uppermost floor is empty.
The Victorian farmhouse Airbnb is really sweet.
It has a kitchen.
But look at how cute the bedrooms are.
This one's very Victorian.
The baths are vintage/modern.
Lots of frills.
Dining area for the guests.
And, there are sitting areas.
There's also a large barn on the property. 4.10 Acre lot
#victorian mill#inns for sale#airbnbs for sale#victorian farmhouses#old house dreams#unique property#houses#house tours#home tour
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sun, fun, and a whole lotta you
Lando Norris x Amelie Dayman
Summary: Amelie and Lando are on vacation in Mykonos, Greece, with their friends, enjoying a laid-back escape after the party-filled chaos of Ibiza.
Wordcount: 1.5 k
Warnings: fluff, smau, kinda suggestive content
full masterlist // request over here!
August 7th, 2024 - Mykonos, Greece
The Greek sun cast its golden glow over the pristine white walls of their sprawling Airbnb villa. It was a breathtaking property perched on the cliffs, offering a panoramic view of the cerulean sea below. After the whirlwind chaos of Ibiza—nights spent partying until sunrise, their group had unanimously agreed that Greece would be the perfect follow-up for something more laid-back.
Their group sprawled across the massive villa, each person staking a claim on their corner of paradise. Amelie and Lando, however, had found themselves gravitating toward the same sunlit balcony every morning, sipping their coffee and sharing lazy smiles that didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
Today was no different. Amelie was leaning on the railing, her oversized linen shirt billowing in the breeze, while Lando stood close behind her, arms resting casually on either side of her as he stole a sip from her mug.
—You know, you could just get your own,— she teased, looking up at him through her sunglasses.
—But stealing yours is way more fun,— Lando shot back, his smirk curling as he leaned in, his chin brushing her shoulder.
—Can you two ever not be all over each other?— came Max’s voice from behind them.
Amelie turned, grinning, and spotted Max Fewtrell walking out with Pietra Pilão, his girlfriend, in tow. Pietra rolled her eyes at Max’s comment but was clearly amused.
—Jealous?— Amelie quipped, raising an eyebrow.
—Of what? Your grossly unnecessary PDA?— Max countered, making a face.
—You’re just mad because Pietra doesn’t let you do it,— Lando fired back smoothly, earning a playful shove from Pietra as everyone burst out laughing.
—Not all of us need to act like horny teenagers on vacation,— Pietra teased, though her grin betrayed her amusement.
Amelie shrugged, turning her attention back to the sea. —What can I say? Some of us know how to live.—
From inside, Rozzi’s voice rang out, calling everyone to get ready for the day’s plans. A yacht was waiting for them at the port, promising a full day of swimming, sunbathing, and uninterrupted relaxation.
The group piled onto the yacht shortly after noon, laughter and the clinking of glasses filling the air as they set out toward a secluded cove. The water was impossibly blue, and the sun was high, baking their skin as they lounged on the deck.
Amelie was sprawled out on a lounge chair, her bikini glinting in the sun as she flipped lazily through a magazine. Lando was beside her, shirtless, a pair of sunglasses perched on his nose, but his attention was entirely on her.
—You’re staring,— Amelie muttered without looking up.
Lando smirked, tilting his head. —Can you blame me?—
—Careful, Norris,— she teased, glancing at him sideways. —People are watching.—
He leaned closer, brushing his fingers along her arm. —Let them,— he whispered, his voice low enough that only she could hear.
—Oi, get a room!— came Keegan’s shout from the edge of the boat, where he was preparing to dive into the water.
Amelie smirked, giving Lando a sidelong glance as she reached over and took a sip of her cocktail. —We’re on vacation, Keegan. What do you think we’ve been doing all week?—
Lando chuckled, not even bothering to hide his grin. He reached over to tug at the straps of Amelie’s bikini, his fingers brushing her skin in a way that sent a jolt of electricity through her. —Careful, baby,— he whispered, his lips just a breath away from her ear. —I’m pretty sure they know exactly what we’re doing.—
The yacht drifted lazily through the crystal-clear waters of Greece, the sun high and relentless in the sky as the soft hum of the engine blended with the laughter of their friends. Amelie stretched out, relishing the sensation of the warmth soaking into her skin, but every time she tried to relax, she could feel Lando's eyes on her. He hadn’t stopped looking at her since they'd stepped onto the boat, and it was beginning to drive her crazy in the best way possible.
—You’re making me self-conscious, you know that?— she murmured, keeping her gaze fixed on the horizon, but her lips curling into a mischievous smile.
Lando leaned closer, his body almost pressing against hers as he whispered into her ear. —Is that a challenge? You should know, I love making you squirm.—
She gave him a sidelong glance, raising an eyebrow. —Oh, trust me, Norris, I’m not the one squirming here.—
Just as she spoke, Lando’s hand slid up her back, fingers brushing lightly against the strap of her bikini top before tracing lazy circles on her skin. The touch was light, teasing, but it was enough to send a thrill through her body.
—You’re gonna be the death of me,— Amelie muttered, her voice barely audible, and yet loud enough for him to hear.
Lando smirked, his lips curling into that cocky, confident smile she had come to adore. —If I’m the death of you, babe, I’ll make it worth your while.—
As if on cue, their friends interrupted them, already growing tired of the heat and itching for a bit of excitement. Max called out from the front of the boat, holding a large inflatable ring. —Alright, who’s ready to jump in? You two lovebirds coming or what?—
Amelie stood up, stretching her arms above her head as she adjusted the straps of her bikini. Lando, ever the playful one, stood right behind her, his hands resting casually on her hips, his fingers brushing over her skin just enough to make her skin tingle.
She glanced over her shoulder, catching Lando’s gaze. His mischievous smirk was still there, like he was plotting something, and she could feel the heat rising between them despite their friends’ presence.
—You know, you could be less obvious about it,— she muttered, her voice laced with humor and a hint of challenge.
Lando just leaned down slightly, lips brushing her ear as he whispered, —And why would I do that? You’re the one who loves the attention.—
She let out a small, incredulous laugh, but before she could retort, Max shouted again from the front of the boat, —Hey, are you two coming, or are you just gonna stand there and stare at each other all day?—
Amelie shook her head, trying to shake off the lingering tension, and grabbed Lando’s hand, tugging him toward the side of the boat. —Let’s go, lover boy,— she teased, her voice carrying just enough of a taunt to make him grin.
Lando followed her, his hand tightly gripping hers as they moved to the edge of the boat. His grin was unwavering, even as the rest of the group grew louder with anticipation. Keegan was already dangling off the side, waiting for someone to jump in with him, while Tom and Hayes were chatting about who would dive in first.
As Amelie reached the edge, she looked down at the water, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. —You ready for this?—
Lando raised an eyebrow, his smirk only deepening. —You’re the one who’s gonna make me jump, aren’t you?—
She gave a dramatic sigh, rolling her eyes as if the idea of him being the hesitant one was absurd. —You’re just scared of getting wet, Norris.—
—Me? Scared?— He scoffed, taking her hand and pulling her closer to the edge. —If anything, it’s you who’s scared of the water. Remember last time?—
Amelie shot him a playful glare. —I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing. This time, I’m fine.—
—Sure you are, babe.— He gave her a cheeky wink before, in one fluid motion, he yanked her into the water with him.
The cold splash of the ocean hit them both, and for a moment, everything was pure chaos as they floundered in the waves. Amelie came up sputtering, her hair now clinging to her face. She shot a playful glare at Lando, who was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning.
—You are so dead,— she threatened, splashing water at him.
Lando laughed, dodging the spray and splashing back with both hands. —Come on, babe, you know I’m always gonna make it fun.—
Their friends, already in the water and cheering them on, joined in the splashing. Max, Keegan, and Tom were swimming toward them, their loud banter making it impossible to ignore the party atmosphere.
The heat of the Greek sun bore down on them, but it was nothing compared to the heat between Amelie and Lando. Every touch, every lingering glance, seemed to set the air on fire. As their friends swam and joked around, the couple couldn't help but gravitate back toward each other, the chemistry between them undeniable.
Amelie found herself treading water, her eyes locked onto Lando, who was effortlessly gliding through the waves with that cocky grin plastered on his face. He reached out, pulling her closer with a gentle tug, the ocean waves lapping around them.
—You know, I’m starting to think you’ve got a thing for getting me wet,— Amelie teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm but playful in tone.
Lando's smile only grew wider as he pulled her in even closer, his hands now resting on her hips. —Not the worst thing to happen, is it?— he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
—Maybe, maybe not,— she replied, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her words.
Before Lando could respond, Keegan surfaced beside them, grinning wildly. —Alright, you two, enough of the sexy water games. Time for some real fun.—
The banter continued as they all swam around, the atmosphere light and carefree. Max and Tom were challenging each other to a race, while Hayes and Minnie were laughing over something ridiculous. Rozzi was floating in the water with a cocktail in hand, and Alex was trying to convince Pietra to jump in from the boat’s diving board.
After a few more rounds of playful splashing, Lando and Amelie found themselves drifting toward the edge of the yacht, where the others had gathered for a break.
—Can we just… stay here for a minute?— Amelie murmured, looking up at Lando, her expression softening.
Lando smiled down at her, his hand lightly grazing the back of her neck as he nodded. —Yeah. Just you and me. No distractions.—
As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, turning the sea a deep shade of violet, the group gathered around for dinner on the yacht’s deck. The table was set with fresh seafood, olives, and an array of Greek dishes that made Amelie’s mouth water. Lando, ever the gentleman, made sure to fill her plate before his own, offering her a taste of the grilled chicken.
—You always know what I want, don’t you?— she teased, reaching for the wine glass he’d poured for her.
—It’s a gift,— Lando replied, his smirk as easy as always. He reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his fingers grazing her skin. —Just like I know how much you love it when I spoil you.—
Amelie rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the smile tugging at her lips. —Stop flattering yourself, Norris.—
Their friends around them exchanged amused glances, sensing the underlying flirtation between the couple, but none of them could deny how well they fit together.
After dinner, the group lounged on the yacht’s deck, letting the sea breeze cool their sun-kissed skin as they shared stories, joked around, and took turns telling embarrassing stories from past vacations. Lando, with his typical mischievous grin, took the opportunity to throw Amelie under the bus with a story about her trying to out-drink him on their first trip to Ibiza.
—Oh my God, Lando, why do you have to tell them that?— Amelie groaned, trying to hide her face behind her hands as everyone burst out laughing.
—Because it was hilarious,— Lando replied, looking far too pleased with himself.
Rozzi shook her head, laughing. —Amelie, I thought you were supposed to be the mature one here. You’re letting Lando drag you down.—
Amelie stuck her middle finger out, earning another round of laughter. —Hey, I can be as immature as I want when I’m with him.—
As the night deepened, the sounds of waves gently lapping against the yacht were the only thing that accompanied the laughter and chatter that continued among their group, their hearts felt just as expansive as the endless sea around them, their love continuing to grow with every shared glance, every teasing touch, and every whispered word.
liked by keeganpalmer, callumdayman, and others
landonorris: aug 24. sun & things ☀️
View all 955 comments
ameliedayman: sun, fun, and a whole lotta YOU 💖 → landonorris: @ameliedayman couldn’t be a better combo, babe. ☀️🔥
f1gossiper69: Wait, no helmet pics? Guess you really are enjoying the break, huh? 😂
maxfewtrell: Amazing time and many U turns, can’t wait for the next 🫶
f1fanatic69: Oh, so this is how you’re spending your time while the rest of us are WORKING? 😩
pietrapilao: Some amazing pics in there, who took it
fan_69: Ok, but am I the only one who feels like this break is a little too... cozy? 😏
hayesgrier: Too much fun happening here... sadly I didn't make it to the dump
f1gossiper25: Lando really said ‘vacay mode ON’ and left the racing behind for a sec. 😂
lilxjake: you and amelie look so good together. summer love vibes. 👏☀️
keeganpalmer: Just out here trying to keep up with you two...
fan_707: Bet Lando’s got his mind on one thing... and it’s not the beach. 😏
#f1 fluff#lando norris#lando norris fluff#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#lando norris fanfic#lando x reader#f1#f1 smau#formula 1#lando fluff#lando x you#f1 fic#f1 imagine#formula 1 fanfic#formula one#formula racing
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[PM 10:49] The maknaes are maknae-ing harder than any maknae has ever maknae-d before


[PM 10:50] ㅎㅎ I might possibly be on social media more than you guys think, but the caption was both of our ideas to be fair. It's maknae telepathy
[PM 10:50] No we rode on the same one (please help me), I have a racing circuit license, a driver's license but I don't have a motorcycle license yet. We've been really busy lately so I'll get it when I have time
[PM 10:51] Ah, we're ahead of you! Jungkook oppa already posted the ta ta ta challenge on his account, we knew you guys would want us to do it ㅎㅎㅎ I can't believe he's starting trends while doing his service...
[PM 10:52] Oh, Tiny! It's his birthday today, he turned 27...he's getting very close to being 30 already yet he acts the same age as me. It's a shared braincell between maknaes I think
[PM 10:52] It's hard to keep track of but it's been about 11 years now, maybe a little more since we met before their debut. Since I'm still 22 I've known him half of my life
[PM 10:52] I didn't know he used one of his rest days, he just called me in the morning after my boyfriend left for the studio and asked if I was busy. It was fun, we went to eat barbeque after the bike ride
[PM 10:53] Oh I remember that, people were speculating for so long ㅎㅎI solved the mystery now, as you can see the extra helmet in his house was mine. I think the other members use it sometimes too so it's shared property
[PM 10:53] Some protective gear he bought for me is there too, I think some army were talking about it after a live and I felt kind of bad because they thought it was a girlfriend...
[PM 10:54] Jimin oppa told you that we cried when he started his service ? Wow, what a tattler, but it's true. I guess it was just really strange, I mean we grew up together in a sense so leaving each other for so long was heavy
[PM 10:54] Ahh no you can't talk to him, we said goodbye about two hours ago so I'm back home now. Mingi asked if I wanted to do a live later so you might talk to us!
[PM 10:54] If you guys are lucky he'll turn on the camera this time ㅎㅎ I really want to give you a tour of the airbnb at some point too, since it's a hanok (a traditional house) it looks really nice, like we're back in time almost
[PM 10:55] Hyunjin oppa already posted the pictures ? It's true, we went to see Stray Kids yesterday and it was such an amazing concert ! We met a few staytinys there, then had dinner with some of the members
[PM 10:55] No, I've actually known Bangchan oppa longer since we spent some time together before I left for KQ. We slept in the same room for a bit since neither of us were in the lineup for any group so there was no set dorm
[PM 10:56] How can you do this to me ?! There's no way I can pick a favorite solo, I really hope that they release them soon though...I'll put in a good word to JYP for you guys ;p
[PM 10:57] Don't worry I have plans with other members later on! But first we're going to go see my family in a few days, mom's been very adamant on 'setting my boyfriend straight just in case' ㅎㅎ I missed them a lot
[PM 10:57] Haneul's been asking me to come non-stop every time my brother calls to check up on me so I'm sure she'll be happy too. The members and I got so many gifts while we were on tour, Seonghwa oppa even got her some baby Lego
[PM 10:57] Oh, no, not Sannie oppa's older sister ! Haneul is my niece, Hanzo nii-chan's daughter, my brother wanted to continue the legacy of 'H' names to honor our parents
[PM 10:58] Ahh Mingi's out of the shower so I have to go now, we're gonna go on a walk (really romantic right ??) ♡ Love you so much, kisses!
Translated from Korean by Google

#ateez au#ateez imagines#ateez 9th member#ateez extra member#ateez female member#kpop oc#HimaFromm♡#HimaSocial♡
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Hey molly ofgeo :) just read your reply about addressing homelessness through housing. I agree 100% (though through a less informed viewpoint I'm sure) - I'm currently politically frustrated because my province with screamingly expensive rental housing is trying to address housing insecurity exclusively through building more units. I have feelings for days about renovictions, airbnb, vacant properties with overseas buyers etc... but that's another story.
I'm curious about specifically how your experience with your job informed your understanding of housing / homelessness as you expressed in the post. If you feel like sharing, do you have any examples or situations you'd be interested in expanding on? ✨
hi! this is such a big question that i'm not quite sure how to answer, haha. let me say first that actually people going with the shorthand "the solution to homelessness is housing" is fine. it's genuinely fine. i'd rather have that be the rallying cry than anything else. it annoys me in the ben wyatt "i don't have time to explain this to you, actually it's going to bother me if i don't" kind of way, not because i think people are bad for rallying behind it.
but if you're genuinely interested in my niche expertise, see below the cut!
the long and short of it is twofold: as long as housing is a form of capital it cannot be the solution to homelessness because it needs to be profitable because it is expensive to build and maintain; and saying that "all people need is a house" is deeply misleading because the routes people take to homelessness are actually almost never simply driven by the market. the "solution" to homelessness as a social problem cannot be to get people off the street but to keep people from arriving on the street, because once they're there it becomes exponentially more difficult to get them (and keep them) housed. this is because life on the street is traumatic, and those who arrived without mental health crises or substance dependencies often develop them as a coping response. these then make it more difficult for them to secure or remain housed/employed/etc. so the solution is not housing, it is prevention.
but prevention is difficult both because the roads to insecure or total lack of housing are numerous and thorny and because it requires a bunch of coalitions who often feel they need to fight for resources to work together, and also is less sexy for fundraising campaigns etc because there is no way to definitively measure your success. and of course while you're doing all this prevention you do need to be worrying about the folks already on the street.
my gentle beef with the "solution to homelessness is housing" narrative is that all the studies people are citing are called Housing First Pathway programs, which are, don't get me wrong, extremely effective, both from a cost and a harm reduction lens. but that's a very specific intervention, established by a man named sam tsemberis, which has like 47 specific tenets around how the program has to be run, how the extremely thorough and intensive wraparound services operate, and a million different failsafes and Plan B, C, D, E, Fs in order for it to be effective. also, it's for folks experiencing chronic homelessness, because they have a different set of needs from folks who are (for example) couch-surfing while they figure out their next steps, or who are living in a DV shelter, etc etc. the idea behind Housing First is to remove barriers to housing, which is an unmitigated good, but it's done so that other issues can be addressed to ease mental and physical suffering of the folks living there. the idea is not that "what you need is a house", the idea is that "you cannot address the roots of your trauma & suffering without a house."
anyway. housing first is dope and we know that in much of the west & global north it works incredibly effectively, but it's not just .... giving people a house, and it won't end homelessness. it is a great intervention for people currently experiencing chronic homelessness but it will not erase homelessness as a complex social problem because it does not prevent new people from entering the streets. and we cannot offer it up to everyone forever because, as stated above, housing is capital, and also because we will in that case genuinely eventually run out of houses.
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Ikepri Rooms Ranked By How Expensive They'd Be As Hotel/Airbnb Suites
Listed in the dictionary as the extreme antonym of a cheap room. The type that requires reserving years before in advance because nowhere on earth will you get a better view of dolphins porking. And forget about sheets being washed daily, they get completely replaced three times a day. You feel like a billion dollars after one night's stay, which is great because you've surely spent half that amount on said stay.
2. JIN
The reason this ranking exists. Luxury walls, flooring, bedding. Other hotel suites wish they could be Jin's room. Catching your reflection on any of the surfaces automatically increases libido. The sheets are infused with heady compounds commonly found in massage oils. You can see the mini-bar no matter where you're standing in the room. The fucking complimentary lollipops.
The crown canopy alone is so iconic that it demands a premium, but who wouldn't want to treat themselves to a stay in such a chic and manicured suite? Its amenities rival any high-end spa. There's amenities for actual cats. You go in clean and come out shiny.
You're paying for the books and you're paying for the balcony. If you face the bookshelves it smells like roses. If you face the roses, it smells like books. It's obvious Chevalier did not put this room on the market, nor did he tamper with it to such inutile effect.
The premiere suite for introverts who simp for succulents. The bright and refreshing color palette is sure to uplift your spirits, and if that doesn't do the trick, who doesn't like fiddling with an actual telescope and accidentally breaking it? The ceilings are higher than you'd find in most suites, making it perfect for taller guests. There's always a fresh galette waiting for you every day.
A room that enticingly strays into the realm of maximalism. Staying in this suite with all its souvenirs and foreign effects lets you feel like a globe-trotter while you're getting ravished into the luxurious mattress. No single occupants allowed.
You're paying for the books and you're paying for the sheets. Mostly the sheets because some of the books are a little dusty. Room Service specializes in meat dishes. The windows grant one of the most breathtaking sunsets you'll see anywhere.
8. LICHT (palace room)
Despite the cool palette, it evokes calm and happy feelings. The wolf motif means lots of fur accessories. Just, uh, ignore the collar in the drawer. Even if you're into it. That's not for you. Yeah, this is probably another room that wasn't listed by its owner.
9. RIO
The view, the view, the view. For some reason Rio comes with the suite. 24/7 butler. Partway through your stay and after receiving world-world-class service, your understand why the convenience fee was so much higher than what you paid for the actual room. It's also obvious that this experience is worth far more than what it was listed for.
10. LUKE (cottage room)
A cozy stop on any b&b tour. The owner asks you do not disturb the teddy bears on display. If you find that the teddy bears disturb you, you are free to sleep facing the walls while enjoying the everpresent fragrance of honey.
The perfect room to spend an entire day in while reading or cuddling or being spooky and goth. There's spare glasses everywhere. You can see how some of the seemingly-ordinary fixtures could easily be turned into props for more adult-oriented activities. There's also ale flasks everywhere. ...Who put this room on the market? (whip-cracking sounds)
12. LUKE (palace room)
It definitely feels like you're staying in someone's personal bedroom and not an officially sanctioned suite. If you stayed in the cottage room before this, you might even think one of the teddy bears followed you. Well, that's just what they do.
Unlisted properties ranked:
1. CLAVIS (treasure and contraband room)
A national secret too dangerous to list. Expensive based purely on the illicit contents and sheer volume of shovels, which apparently add up.
2. LICHT (cottage room)
A national secret too secret to list. Also if "Simple and Clean" was a physical room. No one should know it exists, even though everyone probably knows it exists. If it were on the market, it'd be impossible to book. It's so picturesque it makes you want to cry. Most of the hypothetical extra charges on the hypothetical bill go toward maintaining the field of flowers surrounding the property.
3. CLAVIS (palace room)
A national secret too dangerous to list, but there have been rumors that you can stay for free if you manage to get past all the locks and traps and tell the owner how much you love him.
A national secret too dangerous to list, and there have been rumors that it undergoes regular renovations ever since the owner got engaged. It's the kind of room that makes you think "yeah, that'd probably be expensive as hell to stay in," but it seems the owner doesn't care for pricing things out of the reach of the masses, so that's why it's ranked so far down. If the room were available.
a/n: Thank you for reading. I took some inspiration from the modern headcanons @/leonscape has posted in the past. Also the bit about where Licht keeps his collar I believe is something mentioned in a collection event story, which I read the translation by @/hotaru987 for.
#ikepri spoilers#ikemen prince#jin grandet#chevalier michel#clavis lelouch#leon dompteur#yves kloss#licht klein#nokto klein#luke randolph#rio ortiz#sariel noir#silvio ricci#keith howell#gilbert von obsidian#ikepri ranked
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after I saw a headcanon about the mercs as Uber drivers; how about the mercs (plus ms. Pauling) but they are Airbnb hosts?
Miss Pauling and the Mercs as Air BNB Hosts
Coming from someone with a very limited idea of what an Airbnb host does, had to research a bit. I get the gist of it but still.
The very idea of this is frightening to me but in the best ways possible. I also like to think if they were put into this situation, it was a Mann Co. ordinance to say the company isn't as bad as people think it is, so there's more people coming to Teufort, and also to make the Mann Brothers even more money. (If that is even possible.) I also like to consider this something where they either fully understand what they're supposed to be doing or they completely wing it, no real in-betweens.
Miss Pauling
Probably one of the more responsible ones in terms of being a host, making sure to greet people staying and give them a little tour of the place, and overall just ensure they have a pleasant experience. She's very keen on keeping up with property maintenance, and once the people staying leave she'll do her rounds of the place to make sure there's no damage, or that nobody left anything behind. Maintenance is usually taken care of by Engie, and general house decoration is done by herself, or by Heavy since he can reach up higher. Pictures are done by Sniper since he has the best ability to capture the spirit of a place, and she makes sure they get paid for their help. But of course, she still has a job to carry out for The Administrator, so sometimes she'll use the Airbnb to trap people who need to be "taken care of", so to speak. Any bodies are disposed of appropriately, and blood and other gorey materials are promptly cleaned up, staging the scene to make it seem like they just canceled their reservations. Though, belongings of the missing individuals sometimes end up in thrift stores or antique shops.
He treats his time as a host more as him being a host for MTV Cribs, he doesn't understand that hosting means he has to take on more of a professional role. So, to a lot of people, Jeremy the Host is more like a party house owner than anything. He stocks up, he lets people drink, party, and he even gets involved in it quite a bit, leading to him skateboarding into a ditch in the middle of Teufort. This leads to issues when the parties get to be a bit too much though, leading to him either having to kick people out, or end up having to spend a good chunk of the money he made on repairing holes in the wall, or trying to figure out how to install a new toilet because the one he had magically disappeared. He gets scolded constantly for allowing such reckless things to happen, but his only rebuttal is "Hey, I'm makin' us money, ain't I? So quit worryin'." If people come just to stay there and not party, he awkwardly tries to make small talk, or something. Again, not understanding that it's people using the space for there own purposes, not something where the host is having a sleepover. But, he's just trying to make sure everyone is comfortable, even if he is obnoxiously awkward about it. The weirdest thing he does is stock the fridge with Bonk! in all kinds of flavors, and he'll also have at least one bucket of chicken in there, nice and cold for the guests.
Probably the lowest rated experience within all the mercs because of his insistence of patriotism and MREs. He truly makes you feel like you're in army boot camp, having rules such as waking up at 5am (he says 0500 hours of course), doing exercise, training, and having rations for meals. Actually, he doesn't make you feel like you're in army boot camp, he just runs the Airbnb as one. And it's weird, because if he advertises it as an Airbnb, he get's horrible reviews. But if he advertises it as "Sergeant Doe's Boot Camp", he gets a lot more positive feedback from random people who decide to go visit. It almost becomes like an attraction for Teufort, and instead of being a tourist trap and labeled thusly, it's more of something painfully fun for people to go participate in. Of course while people think it's just fun and games, Soldier thinks it's just real life, no nonsense stuff. It also gives him an opportunity to fulfill his desire to want to be in this position, even if he's tried to be this way with the mercs. (As in, he's tried to be the sergeant of or leader of the mercenaries, not really to any avail.) People also go there for the added on mini-raccoon sanctuary, and the chance to be able to have raccoons wandering around the house. (Even if the contracts disclose there's a 72% chance of getting infected with rabies, people still go, and still pet the raccoons.) Plus if you get through an entire stay with Soldier, he will reward you with something. (Sometimes it's a bottle of water from Teufort, sometimes it's a rocket.)
To Pyro, this meant new friends, and potentially a sleepover. And with Pyrovision, we know what they saw isn't what the guests saw. The place is decorated like Pyroland, or at least similarly to it. Very cutesy, almost like it was meant to be a place for families to stay. What scares people off is when they start to bring up fire, and also just how much fire-related paraphernalia is left out in the open. Blowtorches, matches, lighters, you name it. To some this is scary, to others its cool. And this seems like some of the only activity you find within the place, outside of the random Spy head they accidentally leave around who starts to insult you. Their presence as a host is either regarded as very sweet or very frightening, with very few in-betweens. They've gotten scolded a few times over for nearly burning the place down, but to them it's just adding more fun things to the place. To them, what they're doing is okay, and there's nothing wrong with it. In their view everyone is happy. The only saving grace with this is perhaps Engineer being by their side a lot, helping with the place, and undoing any damage they do. And also trying to get stuff in for the people staying there, such as a TV and other things to occupy themselves, and food that isn't just sweets and candies.
Another one of the more popular hosts, namely due to the luxurious living conditions, and the only payment necessary to stay being alcohol. Buy him a pack of beer? You stay there for free. If you don't, you can just fork over enough money to pay for some alcohol. Given his insurmountable wealth, he provides one of the best experiences, even if he's found drunkenly wandering the halls of the place. Regardless of that, it's furnished, it's fancy, and you even get fancy foods to eat in the fridge, again, no charge. So if anyone is flocking to an Airbnb, it's the one he's a host of. He isn't demanding or anything along those lines, and if you choose to, he can (drunkenly) tell you about his family's history, and how he got to where he is. His presence makes the stay a bit more comforting, as it starts to feel like you have a friend you can talk to at any time you want. There really aren't any downsides to him, he's fair, and you get a cozy place to stay. Well, okay there's a couple downsides. You may have to deal with Eyelander's crap, and depending on the time of year you may have to bare witness to Demoman's eye coming to try and kill him. But 99% of the year you're golden to not have to deal with that.
Heavy would be a polite host, probably would make a surplus of Sandviches, and has print-outs of the recipe for people to take home with them. He's kind and is willing to show people around, and introduce them to some of the books he's providing, his only rules are to make sure to be quiet after a certain point of time so that it's not noisy. He does enforce the noise cut off when it gets close to midnight, and is pretty strict about it too. "You are to go to sleep, not be rambunctious." Though he doesn't care if you stay up late, he just says that so you aren't disturbing other people. Like Sniper, Engineer, and Demoman, he is considered to be one of the favorites among the mercs being forced to host. He's considered to be fair and sweet amongst the people who are hosted, and a lot of them will recommend him to people who are thinking of staying in Teufort. He also randomly leaves out books about mini-gun care, and will sometimes talk to people about Sasha, correcting them when they think Sasha is some sort of significant other to him. As in thinking she is either a lover or possibly a child of his, which he has to clarify she is a gun, but he does say she has has her own thoughts and feelings. More in a joking sense, but he still loves to tell people about her.
Definitely one of the favorite hosts. Sweet and kind man, makes the place he's in charge of look nice and cozy. Him and Sniper both would win for having the homiest places, and in Engie's case he's definitely have the vintage sense of style that has wood panel walls and such. It's cozy, and he tries to make sure all the spots in the house are cozy enough for the people staying, even going out of his way to maybe get some stuff to better suit people's comfort needs. He does regular maintenance, keeping up with the place every day on the dot. Any leaks, breaks, or cracks, they get fixed in minutes. Any complaints get answered, and he tries to assess the situation to the best of his abilities. And he tries to make small talk so long as the people he's hosting are cool with it, understanding some people wanna just be left alone. Funny enough he does keep in contact with some of the people he hosted after they leave, sometimes inviting them back for a little get together for free. Usually it's for a campfire or maybe a barbecue. He's definitely putting up the better front for the Mann Co. sponsored Airbnb's, and is one of the pillars ensuring the whole thing doesn't come crashing down.
The question is more why did anyone let this man be in charge of an Airbnb. To him this was the perfect opportunity to get free patients, which ends up making him the worst rated host. Reports of people waking up with multiple tongues, seeing in ultraviolet, and in some cases they wake feeling the need to breathe through water, rather than breathe pure oxygen. Countless instances of this have caused people to consider him frightening, and say that they never want to have him as a host or a doctor the rest of their lives. (To which he retorts, "Ha! As if you have control over that, Dummkopf!") He waits until people are asleep to be able to do these surgeries, and while sometimes they just happen in the bed, sometimes they are transported to his lab, especially if he needs special access to something, or if he needs a specific type of organ he doesn't carry on himself. The place is... not even fully normal, almost looking more like a doctor's office than anything. The rooms also aren't that appealing, looking more like medical rooms. Definitely not a fun place to stay, unless you're into that stuff, or you just really like medical horror. The only slightly nice thing is the flock of doves that randomly shows up... that is until you see Archimedes with blood on his feathers.
He tries his best as a host. Tries to make the place look nice and homey, which he does a great job of. His aesthetic is one of rusticity and antiquated nature, so he'd probably make the Airbnb look a bit like his childhood home in Australia. As a host he's a bit quiet, not exactly keen on being around so many people (especially given his occupation), so he just gives the basic rules and says "make too big a mess and ya get to either clean it, or pay for it", which can be a bit threatening even if unintentional. He's one of the few mercs to make the place feel like a home, so it becomes very popular with older tourists, and people with kids, so it feels more like you're just staying at a grandparents house. He's not demanding, just wants you to respect the place and not break anything. (Especially since his mom's probably insisted on knitting a few tapestries for the place.) He himself is barely there, trying to focus on his normal day to day life without it somehow crashing with this weird attempt to not make Mann Co. look like a criminal organization. If he is there, it's usually for a little bit after people have gone to sleep/when he's waking up (so around 3am), and all he's really doing is making sure everything is in order, and maybe taking the time to do his laundry or take a shower. The people staying do know he does this, and he kinda brings it up beforehand. If they aren't comfy with it, he won't enter. But, he isn't there for long before he's back out the door, going to take on whatever jobs the day has.
Decadence behold this man as he is an Airbnb host. Quite similarly to Demoman he hosts in nothing more than luxury. More for himself, but, he provides it to others, albeit at a cost. See, this is his own abode, his own lounge. He does not want others to tamper with it, so he makes strict rules as to not go into certain areas. No going into the smoking room, the lounge, or a certain bedroom. Go in there, and you will either be kicked out or threatened. He does this for obvious reasons, he is a ladies man, after all, and he wouldn't want to end up disturbing the guests. ...Moreso he doesn't want them to disturb him. He doesn't even like having to be a host, finding it to be a waste of time. He tolerates it so that he may get paid, but that's about it. Despite being a man of mystery, he tends to loom throughout the place. He's wiped clean any proof of who he is as a person, but there's always a lingering fear he has forgotten something. A picture, a medical document, so on. That would be the end for him. Plus, he's particular about his things. So as much as he wants to try to trust anyone, he finds himself suspicious, and needing to make sure everything is in order by the end. If you decide to steal something of his, consider there to be a bounty on your head. His possessions are not cheap.
#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 medic#tf2 scout#tf2 sniper#tf2 spy#tf2 engineer#tf2 heavy#tf2 soldier#tf2 pyro#tf2 demoman#tf2 miss pauling#tf2 headcanons#my headcanons#ask box#thank you for the ask!!#inaccuracies are possible but in the tf2 universe they're a common occurrence /lh
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Finding the right area for your Airbnb! 🔎🏡📍
🌟Finding the right area for your Airbnb depends on several factors, including your goals as a host, the type of property you have, and the preferences of your target guests.
#what is an air b and b#invest in airbnb#what is an airbnb house#invest in airbnb property#what is a airbnb house#buying an airbnb property#buy an airbnb#how to get started with airbnb without owning property#buy airbnb#how to get in the airbnb business without owning property#how to get a airbnb property#investing in an airbnb#buying a house for airbnb#airbnb real estate investing#finding the right area#your airbnb#real estate#airbnb business
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Society needs to do a few things to help unhoused people. Firstly, and obviously, those who want to be housed in houses and apartments should be able to get them. Cities should create and enforce rent reduction policies on landlords who let apartments and homes sit vacant - and if they sit vacant too long, the city takes control of the property. Most Airbnbs have to go. Apartments and homes that are foreclosed or owned by banks need to be given to the city to be used for low income or free housing. House selling agencies like Zillow etc who have unsold properties just sitting around should be forced to lower the prices of those homes until someone buys them, and if they are still vacant after a certain amount of time, they too go to the city to manage. You wanna get angry? Google the number of foreclosed homes in your town or city, then Google the estimated homeless population in your area.
I also think society needs to get easier for people who don't have and don't want a permanent house or apartment?? Cities and towns need to ease restrictions on "tiny homes", trailers, campers, mobile homes, live-in-vans, and things like that. They need to provide safe, dry areas for people who want to camp. They need to provide clean places to bathe and shower and clean your clothes. They need to provide water and electricity and plumbing to these places. Because of how job applications work right now, those camps need to have a real address that the people living there can use.
Oh yeah - and of course, hostile architecture needs to be banned WHILE mandating that public spaces must have a minimum mandatory amount of seating.
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Was talking with coworkers about the evils of AirBNB and I really don't get how people think about housing.
It started out in the context of Lahaina, and at least there there are some special circumstances, islands have limited room to grow and particularly with a fire that effects mostly renters you have a risk of essentially pushing everybody out and repricing the city through the mechanism of spectacular destructive negligence.
But then someone brought up Nashville turning against AirBNBs and like... Did Tenessee run out of land while I wasn't looking?
"Nashville isn't a big tourist location, we should increase the expense and inconvenience of tourism to shore up the local economy"
Yeah, makes sense.
Like, okay, you buy a beach house and use it as an Airbnb, it's not on the market as a rental.
So we make Airbnb's illegal, okay, you just charge exhorbitant rents and I'm still not living there.
Well, we make it illegal for rental properties to remain unoccupied for any length of time.
Okay, now they sell that beach house to a millionaire who wants to live there and I still don't live there.
I genuinely don't understand why the AirBNB should piss me off more than the guy who paid more for his house than I can afford, I don't live in either place.
Apparently the response to high demand for housing is to make it illegal to meet some of that demand, which seems, uh, backwards to me.
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thinking about some of my babies
these three are invading my thoughts so heavily recently and i am figuring out their childhood secrets, slowly but surely.....
Valkyries can be born from any home, and since there's a limited amount that can exist at any time, they're only born in some period after a previous one passes! Esperanza was born in a small home out in the desert boondocks outside of Turquoise Springs, to a family who had a stain on their name since her father was known for pulling terrible business buying and reselling property. no one liked him bc he was basically a fantasy airbnb flipper and sucked ass
and once Esperanza's Valkyrie tells appeared when she was a few years old (mostly the random wings tbh) her parents thought she would be their big break and finally earn their family some respect, since the reputation of the Valkyries was very well-known!! they hoped their baby would at least bring some good luck! she hadn't gotten her card pulled yet so they didn't know she was The Lovers yet, butttt they could've probably guessed seeing that position had recently been opened.....
Esperanza liked the bigger village a lot, but to her family's disappointment, she HATED people knowing she was a Valkyrie. they always treated her weird.....Valkyries (to keep things brief) are basicallyyyyy just. very densely magical creatures. their connection to the cards and fate is very strong, very closely tied to the world's religion, so people treated Esperanza with almost too much respect that this little baby wanted. she really wanted to make friends with other kids, and she was excited a big village meant she could go to school normally! she took to going outside with her wings covered, lying to people she was just a normal human (with some impish features), which her parents HATED .. but Esperanza remained whimsical
she met Lwaukee the season before she was set to start Tuesday's equivalent of elementary. the little kitty was creeping around and scampering around the washes where Esperanza had taken to enjoy playing (kicking up dirt and running around collecting sticks. baby games) and they played silently a couple times chasing each other back and forth before Lwaukee would randomly get scared and dart off. Esperanza kept returning there hoping Lwaukee would show up.
their relationship changed drastically the time Esperanza ended up bringing a snackie- a little pouch of sun-dried chub that her family had saved up to buy from one of the market stalls (seafood is quite rare out in the desert, these chub were local tho because they lived in Turquoise Springs!!) Esperanza thought she could share them with her new buddy!! maybe they'd be actually buddies!!! her parents always said that material goods were the fastest way to a person's heart! ^D^
Lwaukee stole all of them. immedically. he ate them so fucking fast and Esperanza just went 😲🥲
then Lwaukee scampered off again
so she brought a little bit more the next time, which Lwaukee wolfed down again. Esperanza was really concerned, thinking maybe Lwaukee was homeless, or his parents didn't feed him, so she asked- and Lwaukee finally spoke to her, explaining the food at home "made him sick". Neither of them knew what it meant, but basically Lwaukee is the only cat/human in his house, and he had a combo of a strange diet + ARFID. his parents didn't know how to make him eat, since he could only stomach very certain foods without getting sick. seafood, mostly, meats, and very small portions of fruits and veggies. so basically Lwaukee's parents were going "my kid wont eat his brocolli!! tsk silly kid" while Lwaukee was dry-retching in the background, if he can manage to get it into his mouth
so Esperanza really did win his heart over with food; the two quickly become more comfortable with each other and shared their snacks and continued to play In The Ditch. you know when you just play in the ditch....real desertheads understand
they met their dear friend Georgiana when Lwaukee and Esperanza were trotting town on their way to their favorite dirt patch, and Lwaukee thought it would be a good idea to duck through the nearby marketplace (just wanted to steal some fish) (stole some fish)
Georgiana was a small single child from a fisherman's family, very sheltered just like Esperanza, but with an intense fear of outsiders. their family was all made of hunters, and living off the land was everything Georgiana knew. they lived a few villages over closer to the rivers and they only visited for markets to sell their catches. so when Lwaukee tried to grab a bass cut (Esperanza made the surprised Pikachu face) Georgiana immediately took after him- Georgi's parents told them it wasn't worth it, but Georgiana is really protective of their fishes, very proud to be working the stall...Lwaukee took off cackling but Georgiana caught him very easily. Esperanza explained the situation and apologized 500 times and...hey do you wanna play In The Ditch with us?? you look really strong! you could pick up a lot of sticks when we build forts in the ditch!
Georgiana was terrified of this approach, but they let Lwaukee keep the fish. and guess who quietly showed up next time their family was in town and Esperanza and Lwaukee were rolling in the dirt
#quail talks#sobbing crying what do you mean theyre childhood friends in a small town#i hope nothing bad ever happens to this friend group#if you see spelling errors close your eyes
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Is Enclosing a Patio a Good Idea?
If you’ve been looking at your patio, wondering if it’s time to do something more with that space, you’re not alone. Plenty of homeowners in South Bend and beyond consider enclosing their patios for extra comfort, functionality, and even property value. But is it worth it? Let’s talk about it.
More Living Space Without the Hassle of a Full Remodel
Adding an enclosed patio is like giving your home a bonus room—without the headache of a major renovation. It’s less expensive than building an addition, doesn’t usually require major structural changes, and can be customized to suit your lifestyle.
A sunroom for year-round enjoyment – If you love the idea of a bright, airy space where you can enjoy natural light without dealing with wind, rain, or bugs, an enclosed patio could be your dream come true.
A safe play area for kids or pets – Families (especially with young kids or pets) appreciate having a controlled environment where little ones can play freely without running into the yard.
An extended entertaining area – Imagine hosting a get-together without worrying about rain ruining the fun. Enclosing your patio gives you more flexibility for gatherings, no matter the season.
Weather Protection—Because South Bend Gets a Little Unpredictable
Let’s be real—South Bend weather doesn’t always play nice. One day, it’s a warm, breezy afternoon; the next, you’re dealing with unexpected rain or even an early cold snap. An enclosed patio helps you stay comfortable no matter what’s happening outside.
Shield yourself from the elements – Rain? No problem. Sudden gusts of wind? You’re covered. Even in winter, you can still enjoy the space with a space heater or well-insulated windows.
Say goodbye to annoying bugs – Mosquitoes, wasps, and other pests love outdoor spaces. But if you enclose your patio with screens or glass, you can sip your coffee or enjoy an evening breeze without swatting at insects.
Reduce outdoor maintenance – Leaves, dust, and debris can make maintaining an open patio a chore. With an enclosure, you’ll spend less time sweeping and more time actually enjoying the space.
Adds Value to Your Home—But How Much?
If you’re considering enclosing your patio as an investment, the good news is that it often increases property value. While the exact return depends on materials, design, and overall execution, here’s why buyers and renters love enclosed patios:
More usable square footage – A functional enclosed patio can make your home feel bigger, which is always a selling point.
Energy efficiency benefits – Insulated enclosures help with temperature regulation, reducing the strain on heating and cooling systems.
Aesthetic appeal – A well-designed enclosed patio adds to your home’s overall look and charm, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
For those thinking about renting out their property—whether as a long-term rental or on platforms like Airbnb—a finished, enclosed patio can be a standout feature that commands a higher price.
But What About the Cost?
Of course, the big question is, how much will this set you back? The answer depends on materials, design, and whether you hire a professional or try the DIY route.
Screened-in patio – One of the more affordable options, adding a screened enclosure can range from $3,000 to $8,000, depending on size and quality.
Three-season room – A step up in both comfort and cost, a three-season enclosure (with insulated walls and windows) can run $10,000 to $25,000.
Four-season sunroom – The premium option, complete with HVAC integration, can go upwards of $30,000 to $50,000.
The key is balancing budget with what makes sense for your home. If you plan to stay for years, a high-quality enclosure is worth the investment. But if you’re thinking short-term, a simpler option might be better.
Choosing the Right Enclosure—Screened, Glass, or Hybrid?
Your enclosure choice depends on how you plan to use the space.
Screened patios – Best for warm-weather enjoyment, keeping bugs out while letting fresh air in. Affordable and easy to install.
Glass-enclosed sunrooms – Ideal if you want to use the space year-round. They provide more insulation but come at a higher cost.
Hybrid options – Some homeowners choose a mix of retractable screens and glass windows for flexibility.
Consider your local climate, lifestyle, and budget before making a decision.
Who Benefits Most from an Enclosed Patio?
An enclosed patio isn’t just a home upgrade—it’s a lifestyle improvement. Here’s who gets the most out of it:
Homeowners who love outdoor living but hate dealing with unpredictable weather.
Retirees looking for a relaxing, bug-free space to enjoy their morning coffee.
Families needing extra play space for kids and pets.
People with seasonal allergies who want fresh air without all the pollen.
DIY enthusiasts looking for a workshop area that isn’t exposed to the elements.
Remote workers who want a bright, peaceful home office.
Restaurant or café owners needing an all-weather seating area.
Final Thoughts
If you want more livable space, better weather protection, and a potential boost in home value, enclosing your patio is a solid move. While it does require an upfront investment, the comfort and usability it adds to your home often make it worthwhile.
Thinking about enclosing your patio in South Bend? Screenmobile South Bend specializes in high-quality enclosures tailored to your needs. Whether you want a screened patio for summer evenings or a full sunroom for year-round comfort, we can help.
Don’t wait—transform your outdoor space today with Screenmobile South Bend!
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It's a bad idea, right?
Chapter 1: Soap and Suds
Pairing: Best-friends dad!Dark!Ari Levinson x College!Reader
Summary: Reader settles in at the lake house. And Ari is a panty stealer.
Word Count: 2,170
Warnings: 18+ (of course), age gap, non con voyeurism, masturbation, mention of dollplay and rape, eventual smut
Authors Note: I know it's been almost a month since I've updated. I apologize. I should be on schedule soon. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and series. Thank you to everyone who is reading!
The lake house reminds you of an Airbnb rather than a cozy quaint type that you’re used to. The house has a wrap around porch on both levels with multiple places to eat, tan, or relax. Tall and large windows create an open space complimenting the view. The two-story property sits on a few acres of land with beautiful trees surrounding it. Of course, a lake accompanies the house not too far from its front steps. Surprisingly the water isn’t as murky and green as you thought it would be. Instead, it’s clearer than most lakes and you can actually see what you’re stepping in.
Your bag hangs on your shoulder as you and Mia walk towards the house. You remind yourself to thank her with dinner or something for making this trip happen. You can’t remember the last time you gave yourself a break. Summers meant either working for any extra money or becoming a homebody until school started again.
“I told my dad to get us some mixers and wine so we wouldn’t have to go out much. I also gave him a list of food and snacks we like. But knowing him, he probably just grabbed whatever he thought we would like without looking at the list,” Mia looks at you as she rolls her eyes playfully. You tell her that you don’t care what’s in the kitchen as long as you have drinks on standby.
As you walk into the house with her, you’re greeted by her dad, Ari. You’ve always thought he was a handsome man, but it’s never been anything more than a passing thought. But now that you’re seeing him again, you begin to feel heat forming. Not just from your cheeks either. While you’ve had a few boyfriends and hook ups, Ari makes you feel different. His aura exudes a certain energy. You couldn’t figure out if was just because he’s an older man or if it was just his presence that made it seem that way. He seemed more rugged now but considering his past divorce and older age, it would make sense. His age and maturity, let alone experience, makes you wonder what it would be like with him.
“I’m glad that you guys made it safe. I know it’s a little out of the way,” said Ari said pulling you out of your thoughts. He was dressed in a casual manner, a grey cotton shirt paired with jeans.
“It was no problem, we made here in one piece, didn’t we Mi?” You look at Mia, both smiling at the small remark.
He gave you a small nod in appreciation as Mia spoke up.
“Yeah, it was okay. Though I wish you would’ve told me the driveway up here was hell. I was afraid of how steep it was.” You and Mia laugh at her comment. It was true though; the driveway is sort of steep since it sits on a hill. You had to remind her multiple times that her car wasn’t going to roll backwards as long as she kept driving forward.
Ari flashed a small smile replying, “I didn’t think to mention it, I apologize for that.” His eyes scanned over your figure. You felt somewhat out of place now that you’re in his presence with no bra. You’re sure that he could see the outline of your breasts even through the baggy t shirt. Depending on if he looked straight at your chest he might could even see your nipples.
And he could. Right as you walked through the door, he was able to see your breasts. It didn’t help that the house was cold and not too long into welcoming that your nipples became hard. Just like how his dick was about to be if he didn’t leave the conversation soon.
“Why don’t you show her to the guest room yeah? Take her to the one closest to my room, the ventilation system isn’t running properly in the other one, don’t know when I can get around to fixing it just yet.” Ari’s comment made your heartbeat faster. Maybe you’d get a chance to play out your fantasy if you played your cards right. After all, no ones every turned you down before why would he be any different?
While it may seem like a coincidence or an innocent mishap that your rooms are beside one another, it was entirely fabricated for Ari’s plan. He patted himself on the back for the quick lie. There was no messed up air conditioning system. He just wanted to be closer to you so he could indulge on his desires and perversions without getting caught. The second he saw you he knew he had to have you. The kind innocent freshman now turned woman was creating a hunger inside him. He was already creating a mental list of things he was going to do to you. But for now, he would wait, even if it meant he had to endure an aching cock.
Mia shows you around the place, getting you used to the area. The first floor that you’re on is the main floor. Two bedrooms are closer to the kitchen while on the other side of the house, the other two bedrooms are adjacent to a large porch area. The second floor is used for a studio. It’s just a bedroom, bathroom, and washer and dryer. Mia mentions that Ari is planning to renovate it soon. Maybe into a work shop or something.
You and Mia arrive at the guest room after the tour is over. The bedroom is cozy with a dresser, large bed, nightstand, and of course an attached bathroom. You make a note that you’re glad to have brought your laptop since there was no tv in the bedroom.
“I hope you don’t mind being close to my dad. I didn’t know the air conditioner stopped working but I can sleep in the guest room, and you can take my room” Mia says happily.
“No, it’s all fine, I don’t mind anyway. I kind of look forward to being near a porch. You know me being a night owl, I will probably find myself out there more than in the actual bedroom.” You shoot her offer down as you put your bag onto the bed to unpack.
“Great then! I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll do the same. Let me know when you’re done so we can do something together then.” Says Mia as she happily walks out of the room.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you unzip your bag. You rummage through the duffel as you take out your laptop first. You place it on the nightstand to move it out of the way. You’re glad you brought the laptop even if it is a vacation. While you may not be on it a lot, considering there is not tv in the bedroom, it’ll do just fine when you need it.
You gather your pajamas, toiletries, and hair products and sprawl them out on the bed. As you take your swimsuits out you thank yourself for picking out cute ones instead of just throwing your old ones in. You also thank yourself for the cute panties and (limited) bras you brought. You weren’t a huge bra wearer in the first place, especially in the summer, but a cute matching set never hurt anyone. Especially if it meant Ari could take if off you.
Throwing the pieces and other clothes in a drawer you move everything else to other compartments or in the bathroom. You debate if you should take a shower considering it is nighttime now and the drive made you feel tired. Maybe a shower will give you the energy you need.
Turning the faucet on and letting it run, you take off your clothes throwing them by your bag as a reminder to keep a dirty pile separate from clean clothes. You find a towel and hang it nearby as you get in with your body wash and other products in hand.
Ari was nearby. He kept his door open to make sure he knew when you came and went. He saw Mia go down for a nap not too long ago. Car drives always made her sleepy. This would give him time to check on you. But of course, nothing is ever an innocent gesture when it comes to Ari.
As if luck was on his side, he heard the shower begin to run. He waited a few minutes before he crept into your room. He looked around the area, analyzing the things you set up or put on the furniture. It wasn’t too long before his eyes landed on a pile of luck. More specifically your panties. Ari made sure to keep an ear out for you as he picked up the panties. Without hesitation he pressed the panties to his face. Breathing in your smell and a hint of laundry detergent you used made him harder than he already was. He began to rub himself from the outside of his jeans, imagining how pretty your pussy must look. Feel. Taste.
He found himself right outside the bathroom. Due to the layout, the shower was in the middle of the bathroom with the shower head facing away from the door. But even with the door cracked anyone could see in. To Ari’s advantage it gave him a great view of your backside. The water cascaded down your shoulders and back creating soapy suds. It made him wonder how soft your ass would feel against his hardness. Combined with your wetness, the friction would make it easy to stick himself between your ass. Hands gripping your hips, back arching into him, his cock rubbing over both holes until it just slips in. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed relief.
Ari began to unbutton his jeans. He didn’t waste time before he placed a hand into his underwear and tug at his hard cock. Precum had already stained his underwear and now made it easy to act as lube and pump himself. He started with slow strokes but with tight squeezes trying to replicate as close as possible what you might feel like. His breathing became a little harder as he watched you turn around and give him a full view of your body. Your breasts had a glistening look to them from the water that made him want to suck and pull at them as he pounded into you. Your nipples were just asking for attention that he would take care of when the time is right, he thought to himself.
He wrapped your panties around his cock continuing to pump into his hand. The feeling of your wetness was slick on his upper shaft and tip. Along with the soft material it began to drive him over the edge. He watched as your hands made their way down to your pussy. While he knew you were just washing yourself, he wanted to see you touch yourself. How you would play with your wet cunt, how many fingers you used. If you rubbed your little swollen clit or if you ignored the aching bud. With how wet your panties were already; he couldn’t imagine how wet you’d feel. How easy it would be to slip inside you. He was sure that your walls would grip him so perfectly unlike anyone before.
His strokes became more erratic as his thoughts became more perverse. You bent over to grab a product and your ass was in perfect line that he could see both holes. Your cunt looked inviting and just begging to be fucked. He wanted to stretch you out until you couldn’t take him anymore. He knew just from his size that he was bigger than most, but he’d make sure that you take all of him. He knew you could even if he had to force it to make it happen. He wouldn’t care if you wanted, needed him to stop. He wouldn’t anyways, not once he got a feel of you. Your pleads would fall on deaf ears. It would encourage him if anything. You would be his doll. His perfect doll that he would make a mold into being nothing more than his devoted cock slut. Your whimpers and moans would be hymns to him. Your body would be something he worshipped. You would be his to wreck beyond means.
That’s all he needed to cum. His semen painted the inside of the panties while some fell onto the floor. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cum so hard or fast. Without even catching his breath he rubbed the remaining cum into the floor, a small smile form as he imagined your bare feet walking over the sticky mess.
He was already in his room when he heard the shower turn off. He placed the panties in a random drawer as a trophy and for future use. He was just getting started.
#dark smut#dark ari levinson#ari levinson smut#ari levison x reader#ari levinson fanfiction#dark fic#smut#ari levinson x you#ari levinson x y/n#chris evans fic#chris evans fanfiction#it’s a bad idea right series#draftsandrecs
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╰┈➤ ❝ [Northistle Neighbourhood] ❞
A quieter and cheaper neighbourhood, Northistle is more known for the nature surrounding it than the families themselves. With many of its homes residing deep in the forested and mountainous areas, not many people venture through unless they want to explore the park or fish in the Central Pond.
╰┈➤[1] Dae Residence
Home of the Dae family, composed of Medjine Calixte-Dae, and her daughter Dawn Dae. Her son, Duskin Dae, used to live in the home, but moved out to live in Centretown and get a more 'authentic college experience'. Before the disappearance of Medjine's husband, Gi Dae, the home was much more lively and positive, but now finds itself in shambles. The grass is overgrown, the drywall is stained, and the wood floors are cracked, but Dusk always sends back money to try and keep things stable.
╰┈➤[2] Northistle Suburb
A small cluster of homes residing beside the park, all seen better days. The neighbourhood is known for its cheap and poorly managed houses, but they are a close-knit and connected community. All neighbours support one another, making it one of the more wholesome areas in Casus, even ahead of the Welcome Wagon (WW) suburb.
╰┈➤[3] Northistle Forest
A thick coniferous forest moving up the mountain, with some cottages along the way. Mostly quiet, people don't tend to traverse this area. The residents within the forest are still technically part of the Northistle Suburb, and sometimes come down to participate in community projects. Often, they are on their own, mostly living off the land. One of the cottages is an AirBNB, and often attracts the wrong crowds. We all know how bad AirBNB can be...
╰┈➤[4] Northistle Park
A large open field, often where kids are running around and throwing frisbees or balls. The park used to be larger, separated into Northistle and Southistle, but the Valmous family purchased the Southistle property and the park became much smaller.
╰┈➤[5] Central Pond
A freshwater pond with native fish and plant life, shared with the Valmous properties. Most people fish in the pond, while kids dip their feet in.
#worldbuiding#artwork#my artwork#ocs#oc#casus vallis#cartography#longpost#worldbuilding#writing#story#casus map
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