#how to  register for coronavirus vaccine
mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return
By Jack Davis, The Western Journal Sep. 2, 2023 7:40 pm
A Maine health-care provider wants the nurses it fired during the pandemic for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to come back to work.
MaineGeneral Health in Augusta has reached out to health-care workers, many of whom were denied unemployment compensation after they were fired, according to The Maine Wire.
Former registered nurse Terry Poland shared the message she received from the employer that booted her.
“You were once a proud member of the MaineGeneral team. Would you consider rejoining us? We would be pleased to discuss options with you,” the facility told her in a text, per The Maine Wire.
“As you know, nearly 2 years ago MaineGeneral had to comply with a state mandate for COVID-19 vaccination. We lost a number of great employees as a result, including you,” MaineGeneral continued, noting that the vaccination rule has been waived by the state.
Return of COVID Restrictions? Instead Of Complying, Here’s One Way To Be Prepared
Despite hard economic times after losing her job, Poland, who made about $75,000 a year before being fired, was not tempted.
“I was livid. Like, how dare you force me out of a career that I’ve dedicated my whole life to, taken away my livelihood, my ability to earn a good income, and now you think I’m gonna come grovel back to you?” Poland said.
“I don’t hardly think so. And that’s the attitude of most everybody that I’ve been in contact with since yesterday.”
Poland would not accept the mRNA vaccines.
“I knew enough not to take it. I’ve been a nurse long enough to know I need to question what new products are. I’m not going to be the first one to jump on board of an experiment,” she said, noting that her Christian convictions also came into play over concern for the use of fetal tissues in developing the drug.
The result was that she was fired and accused of misconduct, which meant she could not collect unemployment benefits, according to The Maine Wire.
Joy McKenna, director of communications for MaineGeneral, said only “a few people” have been interested in returning.
Some nurses who were fired and later fought back in court have scored victories.
Roswell Park Comprehensive Care Center has been ordered to reinstate nurse Wendy Cooper and negotiate retroactive pay and benefits with her, according to The Buffalo News.
State Supreme Court Justice Emilio Colaiacovo ruled this week that an  arbitrator’s decision that went against Cooper was “irrational, violative of public policy and contrary to the interests of justice.”
“Ms. Cooper is an unfortunate victim in the wake of excesses exhibited by governors, administrators, legislatures, and yes, even the judiciary,” the ruling said. “All too frequently did critical thinking and the exercise of personal liberties expire at the altar of false righteousness, fear and authority.”
“Since the mandate which formed the basis for Ms. Cooper’s termination was found to be invalid while the matter was being litigated (in arbitration), the arbitrator’s decision upholding the termination must be vacated,” Colaiacovo wrote.
“It is troubling to find that this arbitrator found it fair and just to confirm Cooper’s termination despite there being scant evidence of Ms. Cooper being derelict in her duties, incompetent or insubordinate, other than refusing to take a vaccine pursuant to a mandate which was found to be found null and void, that the person issuing the mandate lacked the authority to do so, and that the rule was unenforceable.”
Roswell Park said it will appeal the decision.
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Bolsonaro's home raided in Brazil vaccine records probe, say sources
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Brazilian police on Wednesday raided former President Jair Bolsonaro's home and arrested two personal aides as part of an investigation into falsified COVID-19 vaccination records, two sources familiar with the matter said.
The investigation may answer questions about how Bolsonaro, a strident coronavirus skeptic who vowed never to get the COVID vaccine, was registered as vaccinated in health records made public in February.
The vaccine probe is one of many putting the former far-right leader under pressure, including investigations into alleged voter suppression, attacks on the legitimacy of Brazilian elections and embezzlement of foreign gifts.
Bolsonaro has denied any wrongdoing. His spokesman and his lawyer did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
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Learn and discuss the various kinds of Covid variations at the 12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference.
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As modifications to the genetic code (either from genetic mutations or viral recombination) take place during genome replication, viruses like SARS-CoV-2 continue to evolve. A lineage is a collection of genetically distinct viral strains that have a common ancestor. A variety of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses has one or more mutations that set it apart from other variants. Recombinant means combining genetic material from two separate variants to form a new variant. Multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants have been identified throughout this pandemic in the United States and throughout the world, as was to be expected. Scientists evaluate the genetic differences between viruses to find variants (including recombinants) and how they are related to one another in order to inform local outbreak investigations and comprehend national trends.
Inspirational speakers and insider knowledge are presented at a gathering where the most recent studies and trends are debated. Register to talk at the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference, which will be held in Dubai, UAE from July 25-27, 2023, and demonstrate your expertise to the delegates from all over the world.
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/442033222718
Submit your abstract here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
Different coronaviruses
Since viruses are always evolving, a new strain or version of the virus may appear. Typically, a variation has no impact on the virus's functionality. But occasionally they alter its behaviour.
Globally, researchers are monitoring changes to the COVID-19-causing virus. Their work is assisting scientists in understanding how COVID-19 mutations might affect your health, whether some of them spread more quickly than others, and how well various vaccinations might protect you from them.
How Many Different Coronaviruses Exist?
Coronaviruses have been around for a while. These numerous viruses have been around for a very long period. Many of them have a wide range of diseases that they can spread, from a simple cough to serious respiratory ailments.
There are a number of coronaviruses that can infect people, including the new (or "novel") one that causes COVID-19. Animals have likely been using it for some time. A virus from animals can occasionally infect humans. Scientists believe that is what took place here. In other words, although this virus is not new to the globe, it is new to people. In 2019, when it began to sicken humans, researchers identified it as a novel coronavirus. These strains are known as SARS-CoV-2 by experts.
How Do Variations Occur?
All of the genetic material in coronaviruses is contained in a substance called RNA (ribonucleic acid). While RNA and DNA share some similarities, they are not the same.
In order to spread, viruses need to adhere to your cells, enter them, and generate copies of their RNA. The RNA changes if there is a copying error. These changes are known as mutations in science.
These alterations take place haphazardly and by mistake. As viruses replicate and spread, this is a typical side effect. The alterations could have little to no impact on a person's health because they are random. Sometimes they can even spread illness. For instance, the fact that influenza viruses mutate each year is one of the reasons you need an annual flu vaccination. It's unlikely that the flu virus circulating this year is the same one that did so last year.
A virus's variant will increase in frequency if it undergoes a chance mutation that makes it simpler to infect individuals and the virus spreads.
Bottom line: All viruses, including coronaviruses, can evolve over time, and the pandemic has already been aided by a number of varieties. The Omicron variant is the only one on the CDC's list of Variants of Concern (VOCs) as of May 2022.
The Omicron Variant: What Is It?
Omicron variant (B.1.1.529): It was discovered for the first time in samples that were taken on November 11, 2021, in Botswana. On November 24, 2021, experts in South Africa informed the WHO for the first time about the Omicron variety. After an unexpected rise in COVID-19 infections, they found the variation.
This classification denotes that the variant may be more contagious, more severely ill, and maybe less responsive to treatments or immunisations. But more data is required for researchers to verify these factors. Early research indicates that, in comparison to other variants, the Omicron variant increases the likelihood of reinfection.
Current COVID-19 PCR testing can successfully detect Omicron patients. The S gene dropout is one of the three target genes that experts discovered one specific PCR test fails to detect in Omicron-infected individuals. As a result, these tests can more quickly detect this variety than they could with earlier spikes and can precisely mark positive Omicron cases.
Even if you are fully immunised, breakthrough infections with the Omicron type are reportedly conceivable. The COVID-19 vaccination and boosters are nevertheless still useful in reducing fatalities, serious sickness, and hospitalisations.
"Stealth" variant of the Omicron (BA.2): As contrast to the original Omicron variation, BA.1, scientists refer to it as Omicron BA.2. Scientists initially believed BA.2 would eventually disappear because it wasn't as contagious as BA.1. That did not occur, and beginning in January 2022, BA.2 seemed to be at least as simple to broadcast as BA.1.
Sub variant BA.2.12.1 of the Omicron: It accounted for over 43% of COVID-19 infections in the United States as of early May 2022. Early studies indicate that it is disseminating more quickly than other Omicron sub variants. The CDC is investigating how it spreads as well as how well existing medications and the COVID vaccine combat it.
Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 versions: First discovered in South Africa, these. According to preliminary study, they have "rapidly supplanted" BA.2 there. The CDC classified BA.4 and BA.5 as variations of concern as of May 2022.
Alpha of Earlier Coronavirus Variants (B.1.1.7): Experts discovered gene mutations in COVID-19 cases in persons in southeast England toward the end of 2020. Since then, reports of this variety have come from various nations, including the US. According to scientists, these alterations could increase the virus's transmissibility by up to 70%, increasing the ease with which it can spread. This variation has been associated with a greater risk of death in several studies, but the evidence is weak.
Beta (B.1.351): Other nations, such as South Africa and Nigeria, are where this variety was initially discovered. Although the Beta variety doesn't seem to worsen sickness, it does tend to propagate more quickly than the original virus.
Gamma (P.1): Experts discovered this COVID-19 variation in Brazilian visitors to Japan in January 2021. It started appearing in the United States towards the end of that month. In comparison to prior viral strains, the Gamma version seems to be more contagious. Additionally, it might be able to spread infection to COVID-19 survivors. According to a report from Brazil, a 29-year-old lady contracted this variation following a previous coronavirus infection a few months earlier.
Delta (B.1.617.2): In December 2020, this variation was discovered in India. Mid-April 2021 saw a sharp increase in instances as a result. Currently, 178 nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and all of Europe, have this extremely contagious form. In the US and the UK, it is the prevalent strain.
Two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were 88% effective two weeks after the second dosage, according to a study on the COVID-19 vaccine's efficacy against this variation.
The UK-only AstraZeneca vaccine was 60% effective after two doses.
3 weeks after the initial dosage, just 33% of the two vaccines are still effective.
Mu (B.1.621): In Colombia in January 2021, experts discovered the COVID-19 variation (pronounced m'yoo). Since then, Mu outbreaks have been recorded in South American and European nations.
According to the CDC, Mu peaked in the United States in June 2021, when it made up fewer than 5% of variants spreading across the nation. It had been rapidly falling as of the start of September.
Scientists are still tracking Mu. The COVID-19 vaccination and our immune systems may be less effective against this version. Although preliminary evidence reveals some parallels to the Beta form, we still need more studies to be sure.
R.1: It was first discovered by scientists in a variety of nations, including Japan. In Kentucky, a nursing facility experienced an outbreak in March 2021 when an unvaccinated healthcare worker spread the illness to roughly 45 other staff members and residents.
BF.7: According to data from the California-based Scripps Research Institute, variations with the same genetic make-up as BF.7 have previously been discovered in around 90 nations before February 2021, prior to the current Covid increase in China. BF.7, a branch of the BA.5 sub-variant of Omicron, still makes up less than 0.5% of samples globally. According to experts, it is unlikely to have a significant impact in the world because the vast majority of people there have dual protection to both spontaneous illness and vaccinations.
Seize your spot for the #12NHPSUCG, which will take place July 25-27, 2023 in Dubai, UAE, and is CME/CPD accredited. Join the conference to learn about nursing, healthcare administration, and patient safety, as well as to network with other attendees. Meet experts from around the world to discuss various sessions on connecting, interacting, and transforming innovations in nursing and healthcare management and patient safety, as well as promoting international collaboration in clinical and research practise. This exciting programme will be presented by delegates and poster sessions from all over the world.
Email us at [email protected] WhatsApp: https://wa.me/442033222718 Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/ Visit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/ Submit your research work/abstract/case studies here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
#covid #coronavirus #corona #bhfyp #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #health #pandemic #life #virus #socialdistancing #news #dirumahaja #memes #motivation #stayathome #omicron #covid #coronavirus #omicronvariant #lockdown #indonesia #staysafe #delta #virus #pandemic #micron #health #voeux #trending #variant #a #vaccine #pandemia #kesehatan #booster #student #Alfa #BF7
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visualandpublicart · 2 years
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Lecture date: November 10, 2022
Time: 6-8pm
Location: VPA Complex, Build. 70
Free & Open to the Public!
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Register for Event: Advance Registration/Self-Attestation*
For ADA Accommodations: Jennifer Benge at [email protected]
Lecture Title: Belonging, Gratitude, and Resilience
Lecture description: Visual artist and social practitioner Christine Wong Yap will share recent and current projects exploring belonging, gratitude, and resilience in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, Berlin, Tokyo, and Bangalore. She will share behind-the-scenes looks at her interdisciplinary process spanning community engagement, calligraphy, design, letterpress printmaking, textiles, public art, and public activations. Christine will explain why she is motivated by psychology, and how she sees herself in the role of artist-as-researcher. Finally, she will share her practical insights drawn from her experiences surviving as an artist.
About Artist: Christine Wong Yap is a visual artist and social practitioner working in community engagement, drawing, printmaking, publishing, and public art. She partners with organizations to conduct participatory research projects to explore dimensions of psychological wellbeing such as belonging, resilience, interdependence, and collaboration. She lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area, after a decade of living in New York City.
Artist’s Website: https://christinewongyap.com
*MASKS AND SELF-ATTESTATIONS:  CSUMB moved to a mask-friendly campus, meaning that anyone who chooses to wear a mask in most indoor spaces is welcome and encouraged to do so.  If you are COVID-19 positive or have COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home, and we hope you get well soon!
Masking is still required in particular locations and situations on campus, and any place where official signs indicate masking is required.
Event organizers will provide free masks, including 3-ply surgical and KN95 options.
By attending this event, you are attesting to:
being fully vaccinated OR having taken a COVID-19 test in the past 3 days with a negative result.
you are well and healthy and are NOT currently experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms (including in the last 48 hours).
For more information, please visit: https://csumb.edu/health/coronavirus-information/
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Don't miss Mr. Carl Dowling's speech on is there a link between where or how the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine is administered in young adults and the risk of acquiring myocarditis/pericarditis? In San Francisco, USA, at the 11th World Nursing, Healthcare Management, and Patient Safety Conference, which is CME/CPD accredited.
Mr. Carl Dowling recently earned a 2:1 overall grade for my BSC Paramedic Science degree from the institution. In order to provide emergency medical care to members of the public, he is now working to complete my paramedic preceptorship in the prehospital environment and events sector.
He briefly lived in London during the Covid-19 epidemic, when he was able to help with the urgent evacuation of Critical Care Covid-19 positive patients who needed to be transferred to other hospital facilities while they were on ECMO. After returning from London, he thought back on his time there and used it as inspiration to write his first editorial for a medical magazine, which dealt with Covid-19. He has since developed a greater interest in evidence-based practise and has produced more papers in a variety of journals.
As a Project Editorial Assistant for the journal (IJTMRPH), he presently donate my free time to help with various projects pertaining to the development of the journal and peer reviewing upcoming pieces of research. He is very interested in learning more about medical research and am eager to do so.
In his current position as a resuscitation trainer for the NHS Trust, he is able to provide various staff members with training in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation, basic life support, immediate life support, and other topics.
Email us at [email protected] WhatsApp: https://wa.me/442033222718 Register here: https://nursing.universeconferences.com/registration/
#nurses #nurse #nurselife #doctors #nursing #nursesofinstagram #covid #healthcare #medical #rn #nursesrock #nursingschool #hospital #doctor #medicine #nursingstudent #registerednurse #nursepractitioner #health #coronavirus #nursehumor #nurseproblems #nursestudent #rnlife #nursesweek #healthcareworkers #cna #Virus #coronavirus #Omicron
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singlestitta · 2 years
Una llamada por facechat queda grabada
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So what I would say is this: First of all, if you get COVID and you're vaccinated, you get virus in your upper airway, your nasal passages, about at the same rate as someone who is unvaccinated. That being stated, there are breakthrough cases that are happening. So you're less likely to get it if you are vaccinated. There was a study coming out of Seattle data that showed that the rate of COVID cases was 10 times higher in those who were not fully vaccinated. If you are vaccinated, you are less likely to get COVID. So let's look at it this way, let's start with getting COVID. How is COVID different for someone who is vaccinated versus someone who is unvaccinated? Brooks, as the COVID cases climb, there are more breakthrough cases fueled by the delta variant. Let's get started with the discussion, and just a reminder to our listeners, to ask your question, please press *3 on your telephone keypad or drop it in the comments section on Facebook or YouTube. Thanks for having me.īill Walsh: All right, we're delighted to have you. Welcome to the program, Chester.Ĭhester Elton: Delighted to be here. Chester Elton is a business coach and best-selling author of Anxiety at Work and Leading With Gratitude. Good to be with you again.īill Walsh: All right, great to have you. He is also the CEO of the HomeCare Association of Louisiana. Also joining us today is Warren Hebert Jr., a doctor of nursing practice, a registered nurse, and a nursing professor at Loyola University of New Orleans. I'm happy to be back, Bill.īill Walsh: All right. He is the past president of the National Medical Association and past president of the California Immunization Coalition. Oliver Tate Brooks, M.D., is the chief medical officer for Watts Healthcare. Or, if you're joining on Facebook or YouTube, place your question in the comments. Again, to ask your question, please press *3 at any time on your telephone keypad to be connected with an AARP staff member. This event is being recorded, and you can access the recording at /coronavirus 24 hours after we wrap up. We'll also be joined by my AARP colleague Jean Setzfand, who will help facilitate your calls today. We have some outstanding guests joining us today, including a medical expert, another on caregiving, and a business coach. And if you're joining on Facebook or YouTube, you can post your question in the comments section. We're talking with leading experts today and taking your questions live. Hello, if you're just joining, I'm Bill Walsh with AARP, and I want to welcome you to this important discussion about the global coronavirus pandemic. If you're joining on Facebook or YouTube, you can post your question in the comments. For those of you joining us on the phone, if you'd like to ask a question about the coronavirus pandemic, press *3 on your telephone to be connected with an AARP staff member who will note your name and question and place you in a queue to ask that question live. If you've participated in one of our tele-town halls before, you know this is similar to a radio talk show, and you have the opportunity to ask your question live. Today, we'll hear from an impressive panel of experts about these issues and more. Many older adults have questions and concerns related to vaccines, boosters, caring for and protecting their loved ones, and navigating the changing workplace. As the impact of the delta variant grows, so do concerns about safety, both at home and at work. Of course, these days the daily thread on most Americans’ minds is the surging COVID-19 pandemic. This week, Americans are taking time to pause and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. In the face of the global coronavirus pandemic, AARP is providing information and resources to help older adults and those caring for them. Before we begin, if you'd like to hear this telephone town hall in Spanish, press *0 on your telephone keypad now.īill Walsh: AARP, a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization has been working to promote the health and well-being of older Americans for more than 60 years. TTH 090921 1 PM – Staying Safe, Caring for Loved Ones & New Work Realitiesīill Walsh: Hello, I am AARP Vice President Bill Walsh, and I want to welcome you to this important discussion about the coronavirus.
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greysxtra · 2 years
Ocean county health department
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#Ocean county health department how to#
#Ocean county health department free#
Seniors over 60 and residents with disabilities can call 73, Ext.
#Ocean county health department free#
→ Ocean County seniors age 60 and older along with persons with disabilities are being provided fare free transportation to COVID 19 vaccination clinics by the County's public transportation system, Ocean Ride. at the RWJ Barnabas Health Arena at Toms River High School North on Old Freehold Road, and on Tuesdays from 3-7 p.m. They will set an appointment for them over the phone. Services and Departments Alcohol and Drug Services Animal Shelters and Adoptions Chronic Disease Services Community Assessment and Health Education Health. The health department has clinics Tuesdays through Thursdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. → Seniors who want to register for a Covid vaccination and do not have an email account, should contact Ocean County Senior Services at 73. Whether you are looking for information on senior services, parks and recreation programs or commuter forecasts, just to name a few, this website provides you with updated. For anything not related to COVID-19, the main Ocean County Health Department number should still be used, 73. Welcome to Ocean County On this site you will have quick and convenient access to the host of programs and services offered by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners. Ocean County Health Department pays an average salary of 230,617 and salaries range from a low of 203,697 to a high of 261,887.
#Ocean county health department how to#
Visit their vaccination update page for information on how to book an appointment or call 73. → The Ocean County Health Department is also making COVID-19 Vaccination appointments. → OCHD COVID-19 Information Call Center 73 or toll free 83 Visit their vaccination update page for information on how to book an. The increase in numbers represents the difference from one week ago.Information regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) from the Ocean County Health Department: The Ocean County Health Department is also making COVID-19 Vaccination appointments. Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during the school year, hours may vary during the summer. (Located in the reception area across from the principal’s office) 300 West Johnson Street. There are 3 health care providers, specializing in Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, being reported as members of the medical group. Hart Wellness Center (Oceana County) Serves students ages 10-21 enrolled in Hart Public Schools. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see. Ocean County residents may call 73 or 83 with general questions about the pandemic and the vaccine.Ĭlick here to register: Ocean County COVID-19 Vaccination Registrationīelow is a town-by-town breakdown of the number of residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 and the number of residents who have died since the start of the pandemic. Ocean County Health Department is a Medical Group that has only one practice medical office located in Toms River NJ. See what your friends are saying about Ocean County Health Department. Next-day appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine from the Ocean County Health Department are now available, county Commissioner Director Gary Quinn said. Ocean County Health Department provides alcohol services, drug services, animal shelters and adoptions services, chronic disease services, community assessment, and health education, health preparedness and planning. Uncover why Ocean County Health Department is the best company for you. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in New Jersey in March 2020, 65,146 county residents have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus and 1,980 of those patients have died. Legal Name Ocean County Health Department. Find out what works well at Ocean County Health Department from the people who know best. The number of new Ocean County residents infected with the novel coronavirus and the number of deaths attributed to the disease have been declining as more and more people become fully vaccinated, the data indicate.Ībout 30% of county residents had been fully vaccinated from the virus as of Thursday, according to the state Department of Health. TOMS RIVER - An additional 160 COVID-19 cases and nine deaths from the disease were reported in the past week across Ocean County, according to data from the county Health Department.
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Covid vaccination Phase-II: Check if you are eligible to get a shot
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Coronavirus News The registration portal could be accessed at https://selfregistration.cowin.gov.in/. The government has issued a list of 20 specified co-morbidities to determine the eligibility of people who can be administered a vaccine shot on priority.
If someone is more than 45 years old and suffers from conditions like diabetes or has suffered a heart attack in the past year, they will be eligible to get a Covid-19 vaccine shot.
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Here’s the full list of specified co-morbidities: 1. Heart failure with hospital admission in the past one year. 2. Post cardiac transplant/ Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD).
3. Significant left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF < 40%). 4. Moderate or severe valvular heart disease. 5. Congenital heart disease with severe PAH or Idiopathic PAH...Read more.
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reportwire · 3 years
Register for v-safe
Use this step-by-action information to learn how you can register for v-protected to report any facet effects just after your COVID-19 vaccination. Resource backlink
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breakingnews365 · 3 years
registration of vaccination starts from 28th April, 18+ people will be get the vaccine from May 1, know the whole process
registration of vaccination starts from 28th April, 18+ people will be get the vaccine from May 1, know the whole process
Vaccination of people of the age group for more than 18 years will start in the country from May 1. Registration for this starts on April 28. The central government has framed a new policy regarding this new system. All eligible Indian citizens can register on the Cowin APP cowin.gov.in or the Arogya Setu App to get the vaccine. So let’s know how you can register for a complete vaccine. Register…
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liferealthought · 3 years
Registration for Vaccine 18+ : क्या करना है। जानें पूरी प्रक्रिया और जरूरी बातें
Registration for Vaccine 18+ : क्या करना है। जानें पूरी प्रक्रिया और जरूरी बातें
देश इस वक्त कोरोना से जंग लड़ रहा है। संकट की इस घड़ी में कोरोना वैक्सीनेशन ड्राइव को तेज किया गया है। 1 मई 2021 से देश में 18 वर्ष से ऊपर के लोगों को कोरोना वैक्सीन लगना शुरू हो जाएगा। इसके लिए 28 अप्रैल से रजिस्ट्रेशन शुरू होगा। स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने ट्वीट कर जानकारी दी है कि वर्तमान में 45 वर्ष या उससे अधिक उम्र के लोग टीकाकरण किया जा रहा है। अगले महीने यानी  1 मई, 2021 से 18-45 वर्ष आयु वर्ग…
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surfincloud · 4 years
Ways to register online for the COVID-19 vaccine
Ways to register online for the COVID-19 vaccine
Since Monday, March 1, 2021, the second phase of Coronavirus vaccination has started across India. The Covid-19 vaccine will first be applied to seniors 60 years or older. In addition, persons aged 45 years or older, who are suffering from more than one permanent disease, will be given the vaccination on priority. In the initial stage, if you also want to register yourself for Covid-19 vaccine,…
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Centre allows all private hospitals to administer Covid-19 vaccine
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Coronavirus The states and Union territories were also urged not to store, reserve, conserve or create a buffer stock of the COVID-19 vaccines, the Union Health ministry said in a statement, a day after the start of the second phase of India's inoculation drive.
In which the coverage has been expanded to include everyone above 60 and those over 45 with specified co-morbidities.
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At an official review meeting with the states, the Centre reiterated there is no shortage of the vaccines and hence, adequate vaccine doses should be allocated to the COVID Vaccination Centres(CVCs)
The Centre urged the states and the UTs to ensure adequate allocation of COVID-19 vaccines to all hospitals, government as well as private, for the entire duration for which vaccination sessions have been planned...Read more.
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reportwire · 3 years
Enroll your Dependent in v-safe
Enroll your Dependent in v-safe
Use this step-by-step information to learn how you can sign up your dependent or kid into v-risk-free to report any aspect outcomes just after their COVID-19 vaccination. Source connection
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Homeschooling in India: Concept, Curriculum & More
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The coronavirus outbreak ushered in what may be the world's fastest-growing trend in homeschooling. Many parents have decided to continue guiding their children for education themselves, even after schools have reopened post-pandemic and vaccines have become widely available.
Homeschooling allows parents and guardians to direct their children's overall development outside of the confines of formal education. Parents decide what and how their children are taught, and they are not required to follow any school board's curriculum. In India, parents have the option of not enrolling their children in school or withdrawing their children from school if the school's approach does not fulfil their child's needs.
The homeschooling concept in India
The notion was developed in India for children with special needs who require additional parental assistance. Many parents experimented with the idea as concerns about a rigorous schooling system arose. Other factors include concerns about bullying, child abuse, ineffective teaching methods, and children's desire to pursue careers other than academics.
Homeschooling has been supported by edtech companies that carry the curricula of various educational boards like ICSE, IGCE, Cambridge, etc. While most parents use homeschooling online platforms to assist their children understand a variety of concepts, they avoid restricting their children to the curricula.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act of 2009 mandates that all children complete eight years of formal education, although it does not mention any other options.
Proof of competence is required for homeschooled students to be eligible for higher education in India. This can be accomplished by taking the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) exams, which provide Open Basic Education to children aged 14 and up. Children can take A, B, and C level exams, similar to Classes 3, 5, and 7, or Secondary Education Course and Senior Secondary Course exams, which are equivalent to Classes 10 and 12. They can also take the Cambridge Assessment International Examination's International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) (CAIE). Children are eligible for college entrance after passing any of these tests.
With the growing popularity of homeschooling in India, open education and learning have become more formalized to ensure that students receiving this type of education do not fall behind. Major academic institutions, both domestic and international, have joined this learning alternative. The two influential organizations linked with homeschooling in India are listed below.
The concept of open schooling
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an open learning board in India that allows students to continue their education at home. This board enables parents to homeschool their children and complete significant exams such as class 10th and 12th exams. Students must register with the board, and the certification acquired through the board's tests is equivalent to that of any other board in the country. It provides education at many levels and places a strong emphasis on vocational learning and formal education.
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an internationally recognized qualification for homeschooled students. It is held in the 10th grade and has many phases to assess a child's learning from the beginning to the end. Candidates can sit for the exam as private candidates and acquire a globally recognized qualification.
The admission process of learning from home
The decision to learn from home is the first step because there are further stages to take after you've decided on an educational path. The procedure for applying to learn from home in India is detailed here.
Approach a school that permits pupils to apply as a private candidate. The school should be affiliated with one of the open learning boards and be one of the open learning from home platforms and provide students the opportunity to continue their education in their choice of time.
After that, the main focus is on determining whether to teach yourself or hire a private teacher.
The child can comfortably pursue their schooling while also focusing on developing their talents in other disciplines. 
Benefits of Homeschooling in India
Homeschooling or learning from home provides the room and scope to develop and foster a child's potential when the traditional education sector becomes increasingly rigid and inflexible. Some of the advantages of homeschooling that you should be aware of are listed below:
It allows parents to tailor their children's academic learning, allowing them to develop their talents.
The child has a better comprehension and stronger conceptual underpinnings due to paying more attention to details.
The kid's requirements can be considered, and milestones can be established to allow the youngster to develop at their own rate without being rushed.
It provides the flexibility and freedom to pursue one's passion and thrive at it.
Because it has become more regimented, it does not cause a child to fall behind and is comparable to any other form of education.
Parents who homeschool their children believe that as India begins to value uniqueness, homeschooling will become more popular. These homeschools are now centered in urban areas such as Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, and Chennai. Make sure it's accredited by an agency recognised by the government or your state. Not all programs are accredited in every state, so check! Many schools list their accreditation status on the home page of their websites and in marketing materials. Having said that, 21K School is India’s leading online school that offers transparent quality education, regardless of the situation and location. It is a recognised and accredited K-12 School offering Indian, American and British Curriculum online for students aged 3 to 18 years in India and abroad. The online model allows learning from anywhere and hence also allows parents to evaluate their child’s progress from anywhere and at any time. Visit today to enrol.
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low-budget-mulan · 4 years
My Experience with the Covid Vaccine
Hi Everyone! I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about my experience with the Covid vaccine and I figured it would be best to just make a post where I can answer everyone’s questions all in one place. I will be going over a couple of different things here from how I was able to get the vaccine, my reaction to the vaccine, the ethics behind the vaccine (for my Catholic, Christian, Pro-Life friends-- you can ignore this section if you are none of those things), how the vaccine works, and why you should get the vaccine. I will try my best to make everything here as honest as I can in terms of my experience and I will link you to sources for my more scientific facts. I know that there is a lot of misinformation out there and fear regarding the vaccine and I hope to put all that to rest. 
So let’s start this off with how I was able to get the vaccine. For those of you who don’t know I am a healthcare worker. I work in EMS as an EMT.  I was lucky enough to have the option for either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine. My company offered us the Moderna vaccine, but the local hospital in our area (which was offering the Pfizer Vaccine) had some extra vaccines and were generous enough to share those vaccines with us. My company wouldn’t receive their shipment for another week or two and I wanted to get my dose as soon as possible, so I decided to get my dose through the local hospital. Which is how I ended up with the Pfizer one. 
Many of you asked about my reaction to the vaccine. I have had both doses now and my reactions to both were very different. These were MY reactions. I know people who had different reactions than me, so just because it happened to me does not mean it will happen to you. Everyone is different and can experience things on their own. For my first dose I didn’t have any reactions. I just had the sore arm that comes with any vaccination. They are injecting it directly into your muscle so you are going to be sore. That is normal and you shouldn’t be worried. It feels kind of like a charlie horse or like you worked out really hard at the gym, but only in that one spot. Just ice it or throw on a heat pack or take a tylenol and power through. You did a good thing for yourself and your community. About 18 days later I had my second dose of the vaccine. This dose is larger and is needed in order for you to have the immunity to the virus. DO NOT MISS YOUR SECOND DOSE. I made the mistake of getting this shot while on duty lol. I had started my day with some normal back and neck pain that I attributed to regular heavy lifting of patients and a car crash I had a month prior. About 4 hours after getting my vaccine I started feeling VERY achy in both my back and neck. I thought nothing of it because I started the day with that pain and figured it was just because we had lifted some heavier patients. About an hour later I started getting the chills and the weakness. I was just feeling off and not quite myself. As the night progressed I ended up getting a low grade fever, nausea (luckily I had zofran on hand), a cough, dizziness, and I was diaphoretic (sweaty). I just really didn’t feel very good. I powered through my shift where I got off at 0700 and went home the next morning where I was able to sleep it off. By noon I was back to my regular self with only the sore arm. My reaction to the vaccine from start to finish was probably only about 15 hours. Yea that reaction sucked and I really did not feel too great, but would I do it again if it meant protecting myself and others from Covid? Hell yes!
The process for getting the vaccine may differ at each distribution site in terms of registration, but there are a few things that are going to stay the same. It started off with me registering on the website and answering some basic questions. Such as “are you a healthcare worker?” “have you been exposed to Covid without PPE?” “Are you Pregnant?” “Are you over 16?” “Do you have any allergies?” etc. Common questions that get asked in the current medical setting. I then had to register for an appointment time and show them my ID to prove I am who I am. After answering those questions I was sent off to wait for the first available person to administer my vaccine. Each table is sanitized after each person. I went over and got my shot. Went and filled out my vaccination card and had it signed off by someone then I went to sit in the waiting area for 15 minutes. That part is mandatory for everyone in case there is a reaction to the vaccine. WHICH IS EXTREMELY RARE. If you are a person who has many allergies then it is recommended you wait 30 minutes instead as it can sometimes take 30 minutes for a reaction to develop. Luckily there are healthcare providers all around so you are in good hands :) The whole process was so simple and I made friends with everyone else who was there getting their shots. We were bonding over our combined 5G super coverage. It was glorious. 
How does the vaccine work? The Covid 19 Vaccine is a newer type of vaccine. It is something called a mRNA vaccine. mRNA Vaccines are different from our traditional vaccines as they don’t have a weak or inactive version of the virus or bacteria in them. What it does is it teaches the cells in our body how to fight off the virus by creating a protein to trigger our immune systems into action and fight off whatever shouldn’t be there.  After the protein in our cells is created it gets displayed for our body to realize that it doesn’t belong. Our immune system then starts creating antibodies to fight off this unknown and very unwelcome protein. After our body has created these antibodies it deletes the protein out of existence as if it never existed leaving only the antibodies to protect us later down the line in case we do end up catching Covid (you can read more on this here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html) . I think mRNA vaccines are going to be the future. They are more effective and way cooler in how they work. How did this vaccine come out so fast you ask? It was obviously planned by the government right? Wrong. Stop with the conspiracy theories ya wackos. mRNA vaccines had been in the works for YEARS.  China had successfully identified the protein on the outside of the virus and sent that information to the labs across the world (pfizer and Moderna) to get started on a vaccine. They were able to crank one out and start the testing on animals, then people. After the trials they were able to approve these vaccines for distribution across the world (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-are-mrna-vaccines-so-exciting-2020121021599). So basically the vaccine is cool and in no way a conspiracy. 
Now for all of my Catholic, Christian, and Pro-Life friends. Is it ethical to receive the vaccine. In short, yes. For those of you who are still reading this part the reason this is a big issue for my Catholic, Christian, and Pro-Life friends is because past vaccines have used stem cells from an aborted baby. This is not meant to start a pro-life/pro-choice debate. Any of that on this post will be shut down immediately. For us as Catholics and as people who are pro-life it can be seen as a morally gray area due to the fact that a life has been taken and each human being has inherent dignity and value from conception to natural death. Now on to why we are able to receive the vaccine. Both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines were made using the mRNA technique. Which basically means there is no fetal tissue in them. Now where people are getting confused. While the vaccines do not use fetal tissue in them, they still tested them on a morally compromised cell line. Now the reason we are able to receive these vaccines still is because while neither of these vaccines is remote from evil there were no other options for us to keep the population as a whole safe. If you are still concerned about it we are so far removed from the act of the abortion that we cannot be held accountable for the actions that took place that day. This is a very very shortened version and if you would like to keep reading then you can do so here https://www.catholic.com/audio/cot/covid-19-vaccines-and-the-usccb?fbclid=IwAR2xRPbNxiCdsc1ISeb6u_D-YHjyoCrQlT3oTI4QZdeU1z9LZ6eGtbqrrKw. We should be getting this vaccine to protect those of us who are unable to receive it. 
This post was not meant to be political in any way. I wanted to help you all understand why this vaccine is so important and put your minds at ease. Remember, the reasons vaccines work is because of herd immunity. Which means if the majority of us as a community get the vaccine then it will help to keep those who can’t get it (the pregnant, breastfeeding, immunocompromised, etc) safe and better protected from the virus. So please do your part. Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, get your vaccine, and look out for your neighbors. We are all in this together.
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