#how many more years do we have to wait?? (`ロ´;)
emyume · 3 months
bitches were dumb enough to believe that fate/stay night and tokyo ghoul would have a remake this year, hoping that animation studios would actually listen to them for once lmao
It's me. I am bitches
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merakiui · 2 days
HELP ME YOURE CHILL you did accept my request actually . like right after I sent that !
I was sitting there for awhile after like 🧍‍♂️ oh wow I hope mera didn't take that the wrong way and thought I was just trying to get her to accept my request 😭 bc it was damn near immediate. tbh I thought you wouldn't answer that at all so that eases my brain a little. I am in your friends list tho! Lurking! I truly hope you enjoy my maxed jade 💜💜 he's my pride and joy :D! Even if you don't know which one he is lol
Speaking of actually!!! That twst Halloween thing... the leaks were deleted bc the poster got scared iirc (understandably so. as if work got back to aniplex/disney theyd probably make the game harder to datamine which is a Pain),, but they're still being kinda circulated around in private dms n stuff. So you'd have a hard time finding them if you Dod look for them really. I saw them and I do agree with the other anon though :-)!! I think you'll like it (also,, considering we're still slowly getting through the cast?? I don't think jade would be the ssr just bc he's already had one 💔 ohh but I do also hope for another event jade soon. my silly little creature I miss him!!!)
- :3 anon
Oh I did wanna add to my ask abt the leaks that we don't have the full cast yet?? So tbh it's still mostly up to guessing who's even getting ssrs, etc 💔
Aaa I'm hoping for a Floyd ssr this year personally since he doesn't have one yet . but there's no telling if he's even there this year :-( !!gosh I hope so. Especially looking at that little freak in the preview with the two heads and rolling pins?? Tho tbh?? Could just as much be like. Trey! He's missing an ssr too and he bakes!! Lots it could be aaaaa I'm so excited :D!!!
- :3 again
- - -
OH what unintentional timing!!! Σ(°ロ°) I'm happy I friended you!!! It would've chewed my intestines if I didn't and you were still waiting for me to add you back. T^T but it's a relief that's not the case!! Thank you very much for the max Jade!!!! I will use his power to charge into battle (gathering guest room supplies LOL). May my tako be of use to you!!! <3
I had to physically withhold from searching out the leaks, as difficult to find as they may be. I genuinely opened my writing notebook and started scribbling just so I could prevent the temptation from creeping up on me. >_< feeling like Rollo when he sees ankle for the first time....... </3 AAAAAAA I AM TOO CURIOUS. OTL
👀 oooo now I'm even more excited if you also think I will enjoy it!!! Knowing me and how easy I am to please, I already love it and I don't know anything yet. ^^;;; my heart may not be able to handle how amazing the event is sure to be!!!! AAAAAAAAA >0<
💔 not another SSR Halloween eel..... one can dream. I'm continuing to cling to the hope for Coral Sea event with SSR Jade. Aaaaa but I'm also hoping Floyb gets the SSR for this event!!! Or any of Savanaclaw because they've yet to have a Halloween SSR. :D I've been turning all kinds of characters over in my head trying to determine who might get the SSR (or SSRs if it's more than one). So many thoughts.......
Although I do hope at least one of the eels is part of the cast for the event!!!! Or Azul....... on second thought, they should just put all of the fish in the event (shameless favoritism). (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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hazygrains · 2 years
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November 23 – 26, 2022 - Pt. I
At long last, Asis and I finally visited El Nido, Palawan from November 23 to 26, 2022. The whole family was initially supposed to go there in 2018. We already had our tickets, but due to budget constraints and other unknown reasons, we, siblings, and our partners decided not to go. My parents were the only ones who got to travel at that time. Another time was in 2020, when the pandemic upended everything. And finally, after two years, we were in El Nido, all thanks to my sister, who booked and gifted us these promo round-trip tickets ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Technically, we stayed in El Nido for only two days. The other two days were meant for travel time, to and fro. It was honestly exhausting to have to spend a day just to get to your destination. So time-consuming, but what can mere peasants do? We’re not wealthy enough to fly directly to El Nido.
Nov 23, Wednesday – We left home around 9 am, and arrived in Puerto Princesa around 3 pm. Thank heavens, the flight was smooth, no delays. But damn, we were overwhelmed when we got to NAIA Terminal 4 airport. It was extremely crowded, with tons of delayed flights, making it one of the worst airports in the world. Buuuut yea, it was really nice to ride an airplane again. We don’t always get to air travel, so being up in the sky is somewhat special to me. I'm truly amazed at how vast and beautiful the world is from a bird's-eye view. Being up in the sky always makes me feel tiny, like a speck of dust. Such a strange and amazing feeling.
Anyhoo, we rode a shared van when we arrived in Puerto that would transfer us to El Nido. The ride usually took 5 – 6 hours, but since we had to wait for other passengers, it took us 8 hours more or less. There was also a stopover where we had our dinner. We were also surprised at how nice the roads were in Palawan—much better than the roads and highways here in the metro. Must be nice to actually see proper outcomes to where our taxes go (」°ロ°)」 So yup, we arrived at our Airbnb at almost 11 pm.
The Airbnb I found was nice and cozy, just a room with a co-shared kitchenette and bathroom. It was close to everything, but at the same time, it was far from the noise and crowd. Our host, Jhustine, was accommodating and responsive as well.
Nov 24, Thursday – We booked a shared island tour A with APE Tours, as it was the most popular one and recommended by Jhustine. Although it was a bit more expensive compared to other agencies, it was worth it. We arrived just in time at the meeting place with 17 people in our group. The boat was nice and pretty big, with an upper deck. The tour inclusions were light breakfast, lunch, light snacks, beverages, free photos captured during our island-hopping experience, use of life vests, masks, and snorkel, environmental and entrance fees to the sites, and fun and professional crews. The weather was nice that day with only a few brief showers and drizzles. We even saw a rainbow near the rock formations, which was magical. I also learned how to properly use a snorkel, although I was panicking at times due to the presence of many fish. I just made sure Asis was near me or other tourists while snorkeling. They also played beach volleyball on our last island stopover. The tour ended around 5 pm, and it was a wonderful experience being basked in the beauty of El Nido. Grateful to be there. ♡
After our tour, we returned to our Airbnb, freshened up, and got hungry again. We checked out Jhustine’s clear book of rules and recommendations and chose Gibu’s Bulalo Plaza because we were both craving broth and seafood. Their food was cheap and delicious! We also explored the area and found streets full of busy restaurants, pubs, and shops, almost feeling like we were in a foreign country. There were foreigners everywhere, with only a few local tourists. We came across a Ukrainian brewery that served craft beers—IPA and stout. We stayed there for a while, and Asis finished his beers. We also got to watch a FIFA game between Uruguay and South Korea, which was fun as there were Uruguayans in the pub cheering loudly for their team. Afterward, we went back to our temporary home and called it a day. ♡
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darlingpwease · 1 year
*taps the mic* uhh, well I just uhh well y'know I umm– >:ロ I truly never know how to respond to you most sometimes /ht ?? Really?? /neu ME?! I'm the bully?! I can't believe you!!! "heheheh" ( ° _°) ...wait, now I'm kinda questioning myself... hm (ಠ_ಠ ;) /gen /kinda confused tbh /in a neutral way tho, if that makes sense??
WHAT– darling, we can talk this out,, :'C there is just no winning with you hhhskjgfh /t /pos /hpos 😒
Karma is unfair and biased, but I try for our writebabies <//33 /hj I'm playing hot potato with it currently, but give me like a day and then I'll properly be lazing around for a whole day lmao
Although that image made me laugh, no <33 They are ours, and we will all stay here~~ <333
A waffle cake, a panna cotta, the more nicknames given the more sweets I find out about lol /t /gen /pos ?? Haven't I told you before tho??? I'm pretty sure I told you that before?? /neu
...(°ㅂ°╬) I haven't seen in that direction so you are taking and innocent person, don't you think that is unfair? >:(( I do! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to paint as much the past year, but I still draw, and I enjoy watching people paint :DD Hm,, I mean there is the painter Albert Bierstadt, I absolutely love his paintings, but I don't really have a "deep meaning" with them, they just fill me with a lot of awe and joy :)) But his paintings definitely inspired me (still do) when I was younger, and they actually encouraged me to start photography years ago lmao. The same is with Oswaldo Guayasamín, I don't really have any "deep meaning" with them, but I grew up with his paintings due to my ma's family, so I enjoy looking at his works, they remind me of family, in an odd way. mwah♡
/┬┴┬┴┤(⁄ ⁄•̀⁄_⁄├┬┴┬
/everyday I endure abuse and straight up murder by you, yet here I am... repeating the same damn process... (╥_╥) /t /nsrs
-panna cotta
yes, I know. you fall into a tremor, you make this puppy-scared face and everyone looks at you and thinks, "oh my god, get him out of here, someone give him silence, he's going to cry urgently, turn down the volume, turn down the volume" sjshhddhdhdhd sjhshsh the truth is told "the family rests on the patience of a panna cotta" /t /j ? of course, cutie~ provokes me to tease you even more hehehe~ someone is just a shy flirt, I see, although you used to be quite smooth~ are you getting old~? yes!!! you're a bully!!! constantly tormenting the poor dove!!! hooray hooray gaslighting works!!! jshshdhdhd /t /j /i get you don't worry, sweetie♡
can we???... maybe, but I only crave blood >;33333 this is a family trait on the maternal side; only my mom, me and my younger sibling possess it. fortunately, my youngest is not that good yet, but imagine the battles when she and I come together in battle if we lack the prudence to give up earlier dhdhhdhdhdh hehehe,,, kith kith<333
in my opinion, now it is more than fair and on time~ almost instantaneous~ <333 I know, dear. it remains to be seen whether you are lying down because you are conserving energy or because you are easily exhausted hwhwhhw /ht /affectionate
hooray, soon our communication will reach a point where we will share a sense of humor~ finally, you won't be able to brush me off with "we're not close enough" anymore, because even if a common sense of humor doesn't give you intimacy, then you're obviously a biorobot and I'm not sure if I want to let kids communicate with such a pamna,,,, /t /j /nsrs
dear,,,,, waffle cake,,,,,,, everyone knows waffle cake, it's practically the best thing in the world,,,,,,,,,, It's like a napoleon cake ??? I know that you love me because you continue to communicate with me, but, dear, if you love me even despite the fact that I constantly kill you, I have a question,,,,,,, many questions,,,,,,,,,, /t /hj
why are you reacting as if I'm leading you into a dark forest towards a strange hut while there's not a single living soul around pretending to be a minor and accusing you of something you're sure you're not to blame? relax, it won't hurt, you might even like it >;33333 mmm!!! how interesting... you know what I'll ask next — favorite painting / paintings by Albert Bierstadt and your first acquaintance with it / them? mwah mwah♡
/ AWWWWWW,,,, cutie cutie cute pie,,,,, little one,,,,,,,, sjdhjdhdjdhd sweetheart<//333333 mwah mwah mwah<3333333
/ well... you're just masochistic, honey — we both knew it for a long time, though, but I'll let you deny it because sometimes I have to be kind to you<3333 /t /j /nsrs
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{1} Sorry, there goes your image >> S.C.
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Scenario: *BREAKING* Youtuber couple Seo Changbin and Y/n Y/l/n are going viral! And that all because our favourite gamer girl has exposed her dark rapper boyfriend to be an actual softie! Type of content: Headcanons AU: Youtubers!AU || Dark Rapper Youtuber!Changbin || Wholesome gamer Youtuber!Reader || Tropes: Best friends to Lovers Genre: Fluff/ Humour Pairing: Seo Changbin X Female Reader Word count: 4K Special Credit: Shout out to @klynvan for helping me setting up the story
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
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“WHAT?” Changbin yelled
As he hurried into her room
⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃
Whilst waving her Nintendo switch
In her best friend’s face
He sighed
And shook his head
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Whilst smiling fondly
Y/n and Changbin had known each other for years
They went to school together
And people could always see
A huge aesthetic gap between the two
Changbin loved to wear black
Sometimes there would be a bit of red
or any other dark tinted colour peeking through his outfits
But the dark aesthetic matched his image as rapper
He never talked to anyone
And he always seemed to have a frown
Plastered on his face
He was pretty much an outcast
And people were bothered by that
Y/n on the other hand
Was known as the lovable girl
who everyone seemed to be crushing on when she started to
hang out with Changbin
Before that
She was quite geeky
She still is
But back then
Nobody seemed to be actually interested in her
She was usually alone
Y/n was known to be shy besides
People thought she had ‘weird’ interests such as
Her huge love for flowers and plants
Video games were also something Y/n had always loved
And now
Boys loved the fact that she was obsessed with video games
She especially loves Mario games,
animal crossing,
the sims series and many others
They would ask her to play games together
But no one seemed to be actually interested
to approach her
Mostly because her best friend
wouldn’t let them
People just couldn’t wrap it around their finger
the fact that
a girl like Y/n was spending most of her time
with a guy like Changbin
Girls were jealous of Y/n
Thinking that she acted the way she acted
to get Bin’s attention
Changbin was hot
No one could deny that
Boys envied Changbin’s muscles
He was often seen at the gym
Where he would be working on his biceps
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Making the girls swoon who were there at the scene
Y/n would be there sometimes as well
Usually she was cheering him on
And holding onto his water
She admits that she looked kind of goofy
But Bin loved having her around
And she loved being around him
He would have her try to pick up one of the dumbbells
She was quite strong
(ง •̀_•́)ง
And was able to lift weights
But she couldn’t compete with the muscles Changbin had created
They both remember
It clear as day:
The day when and how they met
Changbin was strolling through the halls
Minding his own business as usual
He heard some voices echoing through the place
But he shrugged it off since he was in a public area
He recognised the voices
They were the jocks of the school
And if Changbin heard it clearly
They were bothering someone
“Can I go through?” A small voice was to be heard
“Oh she can talk! Such a pretty voice, you should talk more for us sweetheart.”
One of them smirks as they caressed Y/n’s cheek
“Please leave me alone.”
“But we want to get to know you better-“
“She asked to be left alone.” Changbin had interrupted
as he decided to interfere
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“And who the hell do you think you are?”
“Someone who doesn’t harass other people.”
Changbin replied smartly,
Catching the jocks off guard.
Y/n in the meantime was shaking and
on the brim of tears
The jocks eventually scoffed and walked off
Leaving Changbin with an overwhelmed Y/n
“Are you alright?” He asked her carefully
Changbin couldn’t hold up his act as dark and mysterious
As soon as he came in contact with her
He was taken back when she pulled him into an embrace
As she continued to cry
And he didn’t know
What else to do
Except patting her back comfortingly
And that was the very beginning of Bin realising that he
Indeed had a soft spot
And that spot was specially reserved for
Y/n and Y/n ONLY
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┸━┸
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Time passed and
Their time at school sooner but later had ended
They two had graduated together
Around that time
When they had their finals
And basically had to decide 
what they wanted to do with their lives
the two had been joking about beginning a YouTube channel
People around them would laugh at them
And were certain of the fact that they would fail
That they shouldn’t even bother to try
The inseparable pair would share a look
And often shrug other people’s comments
About their new shared dream
This made people think even more differently of them
The two outsiders
Who want to do something with their life
That hasn’t have a guarantee of having a stable financial state
Later on in their life
They all just thought they were insane
Changbin’s parents thought so too
His older sister joked and told him to do it
( ̄ω ̄)
Mostly so she could be the ‘success’ of their family
She never meant it in a harmful way
She loved Y/n
So did the rest of the Seo family
Y/n had a very sweet and wholesome effect on Changbin
Which was something they hadn’t witnessed
Ever since he turned 14
His sister supported him through thick and thin
And eventually helped their parents support him as well
Y/n hadn’t had any difficulties talking to her grandmother
About her change in career path
Her grandmother,
who she grew up living with,
wanted Y/n to be happy
To enjoy the little things as long as it last
She would always tell Y/n that
even if she wanted to simply
a dog walker for the rest of her life
because she likes it
she wouldn’t dare to stop supporting her
she loved her too much for that
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And so
Y/n and Changbin’s journey began as youtubers
The beginning of their career
Was quite awkward and tricky
As they didn’t own any big platforms yet
One day
Changbin had decided to put his rapping skills aside
For one video
To cover a song
He didn’t think too much of it
But sooner enough the video went viral
“Dark rapper with multiple talents”
He couldn’t believe it
And Y/n couldn’t be happier for him
Not much later
As Y/n was streaming whilst gaming
He appeared into her room
To check up on her
( #`⌂´)/┌┛
(((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡
“and did you kill him?”
“no I had to respawn”
y/n: (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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A couple days later yet another article about them was written
As this time
Y/n’s stream went viral
To people loving their banter
They saw the clove in between their aesthetics
And the public became obsessed
And that was only the start of their success
Y/n had gained thousands of followers and subscribers
Changbin did as well
People now were actually appreciating
And cheering onto Changbin’s music
He felt happy that there now were finally others
Beside his family and Y/n who loved the music he produced
Y/n was also gaining attention
Due to her lovable personality and sweet interactions with her fans
She loved talking to them as she streamed
or whenever she catches them on social media
People felt included
and they loved that about her
And because so many people had requested
To Y/n and Bin to make videos together
They started their shared channel
Where they actually rarely uploaded on
*A-cup-of-Y/n notification*: Watch me look for my favourite animal crossing villagers!
*Seo Changbin notification*: Trying to produce a rap in an hour *STRESSFUL*
Fans: (」゚Д゚)」
They loved the content anyway
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‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Bin: (つ﹏<。)
Y/n: =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
Bin: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And so the two of them went to their closest café
To give Bin his addition to his caffeine addiction
Bin was smiling like crazy
As he waited impatiently for his best friend
To get her stuff
((งง •̀•̀__•́•́))งง
There was one thing Bin forgot
Since it was 2am in the morning
And there was almost certainly not any coffee made at this hour at most café
They had to travel half across the city
To finally stumble upon an unknown café
Changbin stormed in and didn’t hesitate to order his usual:
An iced americano
Y/n chuckled slightly to herself
As she watched her friend
Who couldn’t be more delighted with his coffee
“Wait? Y/n?” A sudden voice called out
Snapping Y/n out of her thoughts
She made eye contact with the barista
and recognised the old classmate
“Hey! I didn’t notice you!
How are you?
Aren’t you tired?
It’s almost like three o’clock!”
Y/n bombarded him with questions as she smiled brightly
Changbin looked up from his phone
And looked back and fort
between Y/n and the guy behind the display
Changbin also recognised the guy
And recalls a sudden memory of him as well
He was one of the people who dared to call out
his and Y/n future failures
he was one of the few people as well who
liked to pester them
with the idea back then that they wouldn’t be able
to make a career out of it
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Changbin wanted to shove it in his dirty little face
Is what Changbin would have loved to yell into his face
But the universe had something else in mind.
“Look, I don’t know if you remember, but I was a dick back in high school. I said some terrible things to you guys and I wanted to apologise. I hope you can forgive me for my unthoughtful and foolish acts back then.”
He said.
Changbin didn’t buy it
But Y/n felt like everyone deserved a second chance
Her heart was simply too big
And too willing to forgive
“That’s okay, we were all young once,
we all made mistakes and if you learned something from it
and if you cringe when you think back about it,
that only means you’ve grown.”
“doesn’t everyone deserve a little act of kindness?”
Barista pt2:
In the meantime Bin was watching his friend comforting
Their old classmate
He shook his head slightly
‘You’re too good for this world.’
He said to himself
But he was sure that many people knew as well
That Y/n had a heart of gold
The barista had told them to wait for a little longer and sooner enough came back with a hot cup of hot chocolate for Y/n
“It’s on the house, I’m sorry once again.”
“Hey you were mean to me too back then? Don’t I get a free drink?”
Bin asked with his head cocked to the side.
“Y-you already paid for you drink.”
(´ ˙○˙ `)
He stuttered
Still clearly intimidated by Changbin
“I can give you a cupcake?”
“Will do.”
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The pair were setting up their equipment
To shoot a QNA that had been highly requested
They realised that they never really had sat down
And talked about their school years together
So they went on their Instagram and asked their fans
What they wanted to know about them
Sooner enough the two were sat in front of the camera
And laughing at the questions they received
‘What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?’
(〇o〇;) !!
Y/n started
Bin looked at her in horror as he knew what she was going to say
He had his face already hidden in his hands as she began to speak
Or well more rant
“this one time
When we were still in school
And we were on our winter break
This bean was too lazy to go out
And get a hair cut
And he didn’t wanted anyone to do it for him
Because he was too scared that someone would mess it up
So instead, he grew it out.
It grew so long in such a short time that he could wear it in a ponytail.
This kid,
He put his hair in a ponytail and I watched him do it
And it looks so stupid
Like why do we bend over so far to do it
It looks idiotic
He comes out of the shower with his pants on and his towel wrapped
On his head
Like most girls or other people with long hair will do, but
I realised how dumb we actually look
It’s honestly even funnier when you see him do it-
Wait I might have pictures-“
“BUT I-“
‘What is your best high school memory together?’
Y/n thought for a while before sharing a look with Changbin
They smiled at each other as they exactly knew
“Okay this is another story
Our year was obsessed with the idea of having a prom
And since we live in South Korea
It isn’t much of a thing over here
So, we all saved up and had a prom in some rich kid’s backyard
Because he didn’t live in an apartment like most of us do.
The ‘prom’ was quite fun to be honest.
People looked gorgeous and everyone seemed to be having a great time.”
“Yet we weren’t.” Bin chuckled
“Yup, we weren’t really enjoying ourselves.
As you guys know,
we were pretty much the outcasts.
Nobody was talking to us
Or even looking at us
We were fine and trying to enjoy ourselves
But we decided to get out early
Even though we put our own money into the event.
Bin and I would’ve gone to the nearest subway and took it to the park
Where we just sat in our formal wear
We laughed
We ate
And we just had a great time
With just us being together as a pair
We got some weird looks from bystanders
But we didn’t care
I think big crowds were never really something meant for us
We just enjoy each other’s company the best
And that’s what made that night so memorable.”
‘Who is the bigger foodie?’
“Have you seen this muscle pig-“
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ
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The video went on with some more questions
And even a small promotion of Changbin’s rap/ produce unit
He would tell the viewers to check out his livestream
that he was planning on streaming later this weak
after the QNA had uploaded
The day it came out
There were thousands of people watching him
produce new music for the unit
He was deeply concentrated
And asked people for their opinion
as he was carried away in the process
Until Y/n suddenly bardged through the door
with a hot plate of cookies in her hand
That she had made for her own channel
“Y/n, I’m busy- are those COOKIES?”
She laughed as she set the plate in front of him
Before taking a seat closely next to him
She asked what he was up to
And he proudly showed off what he had up to now
As he was showing off
A coupe of fans’ true colour shined through
As they began to send toxic words into the comment section of the stream
Sooner enough Changbin had noticed and read them
‘Such an attention seeking whore, why is she even living with him? I bet she’s just doing it for clout.’
‘Pathetic bitch, are your views low lately? Is that why you appear in our Binnie’s streams?’
‘Gtfo we’re not here to see your ugly pathetic face, you’re lucky Bin outshines you, or else everyone would be gagging.’
‘So pathetic to see someone act innocent and cute when she in reality manipulates everyone for clout and views. She’s doing this all for the fame people, don’t be fooled!’
Changbin had enough and couldn’t read anymore
He had sat back and wrapped an arm around Y/n
“Alright, we’re going to stop right now with the fucking hate comments.
I will report them all and ban you from this site.
Leave her the fuck alone, am I understood?”
Bin’s tone was deep and intimidating
and immediately stopped the toxic.
Fortunately there weren’t just toxic people watching the stream
But there were many people
Who loved Changbin’s and Y/n’s dynamic
They loved the contrast between the two
And they admired Changbin’s passion for music
And Y/n sweet, soft and supporting personality
They complimented each other so well
And the fans couldn’t get enough of them
Fans were also quick to defend Y/n
And her kind image
Spreading loving words to her
As they had noticed the sadness in her eyes
They knew she had read the comments
Bin knew she had read the comments
“Don’t listen to them, you know you’re worth so much more.”
He whispered into her hair a he hugged her from the side
Making the comment section freak out
At their bond
The stream would end soon after
Since Changbin didn’t had the concentration anymore
And he felt like he needed to be comforting Y/n right now
She had moved to the couch and sat there sulking
Bin felt his heart ache a little
He’s so used to see Y/n in a glee
That he rarely saw her upset
He tried to cheer her up by teasing her a little
Squishing her cheeks
Ruffling her hair
Doing funny faces
You name it
But nothing seemed to work
But then he knew it
“You want to go out for dinner?”
Her head shot to his directions
As she looked at him with big glossy eyes
Cutely nodding yes
Before they walked out the door
Not much later they were sat at a nice restaurant
Munching on some dumplings
Y/n had her face stuffed with them
Making Bin laugh cutely at her
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“You want some more dumplings, Dumpling?”
Y/n almost choked at the sound of her old nickname
Making her lean back and whine cutely
(((ೕ( ・ㅂ・)و )))
They would fall into a fit of laughter again
Before they continued to eat
He was relieved that she felt a little better
But he knew that her mind was still on the toxicity
that the comments had left
After dinner
She assumed that the two would go home
But instead
Changbin had grabbed her wrist
And pulled her to their favourite arcade hall
She shot him a smile
And hugged him
Whispering a ‘thank you’ before they ran off to have some more fun
The two would kill it at a dancing game
They would drum their ears off at Taiko no Tatsujin
Changbin also won themselves a price by getting a new high score
As he tested his strength
They also spend half of the money they brought on claw machines
Y/n won something as well
Which she was super excited about
“I WON!”
“at what cost? You spend like 20 bucks on that thing, we could’ve gotten that in a store for 15-“
“Whatever you say.”
He chuckled
The two would walk on and Y/n’s attention was caught
By a big duck that was laid in an extra-large claw machine
Changbin had noticed her staring
And he knew that she wanted the duck
But the two were quite tired after a long day
And he also was aware of her not having enough money on her
To actually be able to win it
“Y/n, can you get us a drink?”
He asked as he almost shoved the money into her hands
( ¬_¬)
“What is there something wrong with your feet?”
She sassed back
“No, but I don’t want to interact with other humans~” He whined
Making Y/n roll her eyes
She took the money and left to find a vending machine
As soon as she was out of view
Changbin took out his card
He swiped it on the machine
And got ready to play
But to his surprise
He got the duck in one go
He just stared at the shining ‘winner’ sign
And laughed loudly to himself
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Before he quickly took out the huge duck that costed him less than 5 bucks.
Y/n was back
But sooner enough greeted by not Changbin
But a big fluffy duck that almost hid Changbin entirely behind itself
“Hey sorry, I went to the toilet as well,
I just had to post this cute win on Instagra-DAJADGA BIN?”
She squealed out in surprise when she met eyes with a big ass duck
“Behind it!” He said with a muffled scream
Before he turned
So they could look each other in the eye
“I saw you looking at it, I knew you wanted it.”
“of course, why would I want a duck?”
‧˚₊*̥(* ⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈)‧˚₊*̥
“Was that a thank you?”
ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
She squealed before she ran up to him to side-hug him
‘Everything for you.’
´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
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Gifs aren’t mine
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
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nuade · 5 years
NCT 127's reaction when they know they are going to have a schedule with their S/O
⚠️ Female reader only + there is Jaemin as a bonus because I think he would be very cute ·ᴗ· no jaemin gif bcs of tumblr limits NCT DREAM VERSION
💡 You and him are idols. You two have been dating for a year and people already knew about it. People were very supportive of you two and many of them have been waiting for you two to have a variety show together. Enjoy reading!
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He heard it from the members first and didn't believe it
When his manager confirmed it he started to panick
"Why? Do you want me to cancel it?" the manager asked
Actually Taeil is very happy to hear that but he is nervous at the same time
What if he makes some mistakes? Like if he accidentally says something that shouldn't be said
When the day comes he looks SO awkward. Like he just gives everyone an awkward smile when they ask about you
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He is VERY happy
He calls you right away after his manager told him
"Y/N!!! We are going to have a schedule together!!!"
"Should I visit you on your waiting room tomorrow with the members??"
Can't sleep the day before because he is too excited for tomorrow
He is a funny person so the broadcast goes very well and people love it so much
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This baby is happy but somehow worried
Tells the members about his schedule tomorrow and asks for advices but they make fun of him instead of giving some advices
"Ah~ Taeyong hyung you can't make a mistake tomorrow. Your girl is watching you~"
And because of haechan's words he becomes more worried than before
Eventually he didn't make any mistakes and everything was going well because he is Lee Taeyong
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Suddenly video calls you
"Hehe," he just smiles when you ask him why did he call you at 5 AM in the morning
"We are going to meet tomorrow at a variety show~" he says with a smile
You haven't heard it from your manager so you are very suprised yet happy
He asks you to laugh to whatever he will say tomorrow at the show
He says he will do that too when you talk
And he really does that at the show
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When his manager told him about this he didn't get suprised
Text you to ask if you know about this yet
Because you don't read his messages he calls you
"Have you heard the news?" he asks
"What news?" you ask back
"We will be in a variety show together with other idols."
"I will be watching you tomorrow. I heard there will be three male idols,"
Jealous baby
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Actually you are the one who got worried about it
Because your boyfriend is Jung Jaehyun how can you not get worried
He was about to call you when you call him first
"Babe, I was about toㅡ"
"Did you know about it?" you cut his words off
He chuckles,"Yeah. I was going to tell you about it."
"3 female idols including me and 4 male idols including you." you tell him
He nods,"Yup. I knew that~"
"Can you stop being handsome for a day?" you ask him and he bursts out of laughter
"Don't worry I will always stand next to you~"
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Tells Taeyong about it because he is afraid that he can't be focused on the show tomorrow
Because he likes to stare at you unconsciously
Tells you about his worries and asks you to remind him about it if he does it tomorrow
And it actually happens a lot~ He always looks at you whatever you do at the show
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Happy but overthinking
He gets to worried of thinking about it
He has been to many shows but because you are going to be there too makes he nervous
Calls you and tells you why he is worried because he is afraid that he will make mistakes and people would hate him for it
"It's going to be okay. You are funny, people will like it. Just ignore me and do like you what always do," you say
He calms down after you reassured him
But STILL what if he makes mistakes????
He can't sleep because he is worried and he even prepared the pill that he used to drink because of his nervousness
Thankfully everything goes well, Jungwoo is funny as usual and he doesn't need to drink the pill~
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Calls you and tells you how happy he is in Korea
Then starts to throw some random English words
"Yo do you believe it?? Cause I don't!!!! I thought that I would never be in a same show with you until I die,"
"Man I can't believe this. Isn't the world being too kind to me?"
Ends up talking with you in English
He sleeps and even dreams about you and him in a same show because that's how HAPPY he is
He laughs a lot when the day comes and he looks so happy when it's your turn
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Tells everyone about it including the members who are overseas
They congratulate him and say that they will definitely watch it from youtube when it comes out
Then calls you and you two start to scream together until Taeyong tells him to lower his voice
"They say there will be group minigames! We should win!" he says
"But what if we aren't in the same group?" you ask him
"Then I'm gonna win over you! The loser buy the winner an ice cream!"
And turns out you are the one who wins :D
Wants to call you but remember that you are on a music show right now so he texts you like this
Have you heard ๑>ᴗ< ๑ We are going to be ಠ_ಠ on a same show ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) It's a good news isn't it ლ(◕ᗜ◕ლ) I'm so happy!!! (੭ ˃̶̀ロ˂̶́)੭⁾ Anyway make sure to rest well (ღˇ◡ˇ*)♡ after you are finished with your schedule okay ʕ-᷅ᴥ-᷄ʔ And don't forget to drink your vitamin before going to sleep (ง •̀_•́)۶ See you tomorrow ヽ( ᐛ )ノ
He sleeps with a smile and wakes up with a smile
When he meets you at the waiting room he immediately pinches your cheeks when nobody is there because he misses you so much.
Everyone teases him with you so much when the camera is on and off~
Ps. Should I make how they react to you throughout the variety show?? Sorry if I make some grammatical errors and typos. Please like or repost if you like it, thanks for reading!
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jichew · 6 years
kim seunghun♡soulmate!au
a/n: this took….WAY TOO LONG to finish. I apologize if this au is not as cohesive bc I did write it over the span of a few weeks lol. Thank you all for waiting so patiently and feel free to leave any requests as I will be free to write this weekend!!! mwah♡
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so,, in this alternate universe exists the soulmate tattoo
yes, i know so creative ;w;
essentially, you are born with the name of your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body
and you have the absolute pleasure of having the name kim seunghun tattooed in cursive across the expanse of your right hip
spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyway,,, you’re kind of asjsdjkSAD
bc seunghun is such a common name??? and you’ve met so many seunghuns???
but NONE of them are your soulmate :((((
you would know,, considering u basically ripped a guys shirt off when he told u that yes, his name was kim seunghun but no, he did not have ur name on his hip
uhh but that’s a story for another day :,)
anyway,,, ur kinda bummed??
and it’s gotten to the point where you’ve almost lost all hope of finding him
but anyway ,, life goes on I guess
you’re yedam’s older sister by about 3 years
( sorry forgot to mention that important detail )
you both go to the same high school!!!
ur a senior and he’s a FRESHIE
obviously,,, hes a BABY(≧∇≦)
so ur super protective of him
and when you find out he’s been hanging out with some ,, QUESTIONABLE individuals at school
mom mode: activated
“dammie who r these kids”
“MOM, we’re part of dance club together!! they’re super nice i promise”
u just want your baby to stay safe u know??
so when he asks to invite his friends over to practice
you’re like ( ˘ω˘ )
yedam: (◞‸◟)
you: ( ˙-˙ )
sad yedam is a big fat NO in this household
so you have no choice but to agree
and as his unofficial mom, you decide to greet his friends !
“hi, i’m y/n! bang y/n!” ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
and like ,,,, you lowkey feel bad thinking his friends were bad bc most of the guys are pretty chill
like this byounggon kid??
the epitome of looks like he wants to kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll ( ^ω^ )
but when you get to the last dude ,,,
he just kinda ~looks~ at you
and ur not gonna lie … he’s HOT
like he’s only wearing a hoodie ,, but he has silver hoops lined along his ears,, and his hair just messily grazes across his forehead
you internally: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
uhhhh but also he’s staring u down like he wants to kill u
“i’m hun” he introduces himself coldly
he still cute tho
so,,, it’s been a while and yedam has continued to bring his friends over to practice
and you’ve come to grow fond of the boys!!!
esp byounggon :,)))
you guys just click???
except,,,, there’s still a certain blonde haired boy who just doesn’t seem to like u???
like u were walking to ur class the other morning
and you just HAPPENED to see him
so u were like,,, hm let me be a nice person today(^ー^)
so you run up to him and grab his shoulder
“hun!!! what’s up my guy!!” ( ^∀^)
honestly,, you went in to this thinking that the only thing hun would do is say hi back???
you: WRONG
he kind of freezes for a second
and you’re like???? u ok bud
he slowly turns around
and his eyes,,, literally pierce into yours
he gingerly takes your hand from its grip on your shoulder, letting it limply fall at your side
and then he slowly walks towards you until your back is pressed against the white brick wall of the hallway, his hands caging you in on either side of your head
slowly, he inches his face towards yours
“stop faking nice to me, we are not and will never be friends”
you internally: hnnngg why does he smell so nice???? is that bath and body works? since when did men shop at bath and body works??(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
you externally: HMPH how DARE U invade my personal bubble young man i won’t hesitate to FIGHT(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭
and then he walks off
you are a BIG MAD
like??? who does this kid think he is???
you dont really bother talking to him much after that :///
but also ,, you hate yourself bc you’re still so ATTRACTED to him??? and u don’t even know why??? like bad personalities are such a turn off why ,,???
so it’s a saturday night ,,
u know what that means…
party @ byounggon’s place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bc what’s a bullet point au w out a party am i right???
basically, gon’s parents were on vacation for the weekend, so he took the chance to have the party of the year
and after the stress of exam season, you’re ready to get SMACKED
lmao i do not support underage drinking kids!
uhhh anyway
this is your first party in a ,, while
so you dress yourself up in a red mini dress and some platform heels and strut your hot ass to gon’s house ;)
by the time you walked up to the house,, it was a full fledged RAGER 😤
so like one second,,, you’re just chilling, shaking your hips to some britney spears
and the next thing you know!! you’re downing your fifth shot of the night
gon: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
the next thing u know you’re in the bathroom bent over the toilet
thankfully,,, you don’t puke
but you do drink atleast five bottles of water and take a power nap on gon’s shoulder
anyway ,,, by the the time you’ve slightly sobered up, you realize your head kinda hurts and the party is still going strong but u promised gon you’d stay to clean up soooo
you end up going upstairs to NAP (ᵔᴥᵔ)
but when you open the door to the guest room at the end of the hall,,,
you just HAPPEN to see hun already there on the bed scrolling through his phone
this man rlly just knows how to push ur buttons huh
if you weren’t so tired maybe you would’ve taken the time to appreciate the way his leather jacket complimented his broad shoulders
like not 2 be rude but this bich looked hella good
but also ur tired :///
“what are YOU doing here”
hun finally looks up and notices you standing in the doorway
and he doesn’t say anything for a while
just kinda stares at you
and it takes you a while to realize that he’s lowkey checking you out
you wouldn’t admit it, but the way his eyes glazed over your form made a pit form in your stomach
finally he locks eyes with yours
“what do you mean what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here?”
he smirks and gets off the bed to step closer to you
“i WANTED to take a NAP but you just HAD to take the only room that doesn’t have people FUCKING” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“well it’s not my fault you can’t handle your alcohol”
this BITCH
“can you PLEASE just leave”
you let out a sigh of frustration and square your hands on your hips
“why do you hate me so much”
“i never said i hated you”
“well the way you act sure makes it seem like you do” you huff
hun cocks his head a little and steps closer to you
suddenly, it seems like the idea of personal space is almost nonexistant
you look up at him
and u notice the way his hooded eyes rest on your lips
and how the air around you both has suddenly gotten heavier
and you feel your body heating up
and you realize that maybe,,, you’re not so tired anymore
“well how about i prove to you that i don’t”
hun’s voice has reached a whisper, his lips only centimeters from yours
and suddenly he’s kissing you
and you’re kissing back
perhaps it’s because you’re not completely sober that you don’t notice the way his touch burns your hip
and if you do, you ignore it
the softness of his lips against yours almost makes you feel drunk again
and the next thing you know, he’s taking off your shirt, hands finding their way to the curve of your waist
as your lips make their way down his neck, you allow yourself to do the same to him
( you wish you didn’t do that )
because as you push his shirtless body against the bed, you can’t help but notice the cursive scrawl lining his right hip
and in that moment, it feels as if you’ve never been more sober in your life
you’re frozen, eyes resting on his hip
and maybe hun, or should we now say seunghun, is not as sober as he seems, considering it takes him a while to track down the path of your eyes
and when he finally does, his heart drops in his chest
he reaches out to grasp some part, any part, of you
but you flinch away
“y/n…. this isn’t what you think it is”
his eyes are pleading you to stay and listen to him
you let out a harsh laugh
“no, no this is EXACTLY what i think it is”
“y/n please don’t -“
and suddenly you’re untangling yourself from the bed sheets, haphazardly throwing your shirt on and slamming the door behind you  
and in that moment you realize that maybe soulmates aren’t as perfect as the world makes them out to be
so the rest of the weekend is spent in your bed,,, wrapped up in ur sheets like a burrito
you don’t really cry much
you’re just ,,, confused
having the idea that your soulmate knew you were his soulmate but never told you, and better yet, acts like he hates you??
yedam: y/n, why have u been laying in bed all day (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
you: ;w;
and as much as dammie wants to talk to you, he has more emotional intelligence than most guys his age (or guys in general tbh)
so he pats your back, makes two bags of popcorn, puts kimi no na wa on his laptop and gets under the covers beside you
it isn’t until the end of the movie when the last of your tears have dried on your face that you look up at him with puffy eyes
“dammie, i found my soulmate”
yedam: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
“it’s not that big of a deal… i don’t think he  wants me anyway”
by the time you reach the end of the sentence, your voice falls into a whisper
perhaps you would like to believe seunghun wanted you
but some things don’t turn out the way we believe
“why would u say that” yedam looks down at you, brows furrowed in worry
“uhh, i mean -“
“WAIT … who even is your soulmate??”
“it’s … hun”
“W H A T”
and that, my friends, is how yedam realized u can’t trust people in this world :/
so it’s monday
and as you brush your teeth, you can’t help but feel uneasy knowing that you could possibly see seunghun today
thankfully you don’t
but when it’s finally nighttime and you’re making your way under your covers ,,,
unknown: y/n, open your window
unknown: i’m outside and it’s cold
unknown: this is seunghun btw…
you on the outside: what the FUCK
you on the inside: i’m literally wearing basketball shorts how am i supposed to see my soulmate like this (O_O)
and when you pull back your curtains and open your window, you are met with none other than kim seunghun barreling into your room
“how long were you out there??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“uhhh maybe an hour or so” m(._.)m
and perhaps it’s the motherly side of you that decides to pull his face down and cup his cheeks in your hands in an attempt to warm him up
and you don’t really notice how close you’ve gotten to him until you look down and realize his lips are only centimeters from yours
but when seunghun’s lips form into a little smirk at your obviously flustered state, you quickly retract your hands
“i’m sorry…”
you don’t really make a move to respond to seunghun, choosing to stare at the floor instead
“I know what i did was stupid … and i should have told you from the start… but i’ve had bad experiences in the past with soulmates and i didn’t know if -“
“that doesn’t matter, you should have just told me that you didn’t want me in the first place instead of making me feel this way”
you’re a bit pissed off now
that this dude thinks he has the right to act like that and then barge into your room??
but when you take the time to look up at him
his eyes have softened
and he moves a step closer to you
“i do want you though”
… “ w h a t “
“then why have you acted so rude to me?? when you obviously knew i was your soulmate from the start, why did you hide it??”
now seunghun is the one looking down at his hands
and he looks so defeated, before he opens his mouth
“i’m scared”
you look up at him, but he’s still looking down at his hands
“my dad rejected my mom when he found out they were soulmates. i don’t think … he wanted to deal with the commitment of having a soulmate. he thought they were stupid. so he rejected her and he went off to do whatever the hell he’s doing right now. he went off and he abandoned my mom with two year old me and we haven’t heard from him since.”
a single tear drops from his eyes
and you move a step closer and wrap your arms around him
he’s frozen for a second but he hugs you back
and you both stay there for a while, you rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down
“i won’t ever leave you seunghun”
he pulls back
and despite his red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks, he cups your face with his cold finger tips and kisses you
and you kiss him back
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droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (3/9)
<Part 1>     <Part 2>
March 2013
Celestino insisted on carrying the majority of Yuuri and Phichit’s luggage up the stairs to their apartment.  “You’ve earned it, boys,” he told them.  “I’m so proud of you both.”
Yuuri frowned.  He didn’t want to directly contradict his coach, and it was always awkward feeling bad about his own performance when Phichit hadn’t even made it past the short program, but fifteenth place was not what he’d worked so hard for all season.
Celestino was having none of it.  “Did you skate your best?” he demanded.  Yuuri muttered a grudging affirmative.
“What was that, Yuuri?  I didn’t quite catch what you said.”  Yuuri had hoped that Phichit would be fully engrossed with his hamsters by now, having made a beeline for their habitat the instant the door was unlocked.  Apparently the universe wasn’t about to let him get that lucky.
He sighed heavily.  “Yeah.  I skated my best.”  Maybe if he played along, they’d drop the subject.  There was nothing else to do if they were determined to gang up on him, anyway.
“And did you improve on last year’s performance?”
“Yes.”  Last year it had been Yuuri who had missed being in the top twenty-five.  Phichit hadn’t even qualified for Worlds in 2012, ending his own season after a disappointing 4CC.
Celestino beamed as though that made it all better.  “And that is why I am proud of you, and why you should be proud of yourself.  Keep training as hard as you have been, and next season you’ll be in the top ten for sure.”
“And in the meantime,” Phichit added, “It’s time to start the post-season off right with the ritual Eating of the Carbs.  I’m thinking Pizza Papalis?”
Yuuri shot him a halfhearted glare.  “Your Nationals are still coming up,” he pointed out, but there was little actual heat in his voice.  It wasn’t Phichit’s fault that his ‘freshman fifteen’ had been the opposite of most students’, resulting in a good third of his class plying their ‘precious hamster son’ with varying foodstuffs to ‘keep his strength up’.
“I’ll be good after tonight!”
“You could at least blush when you lie through your teeth like that.”  Yuuri rolled his eyes.  “Fine.  Spinach and mushroom, extra garlic, you’re paying, and you’re handling all of the human interaction.”
Celestino laughed.  “I am not hearing any of this.  Celebrate well, boys.  Ciao ciao!”  He let himself out amid Phichit’s whoop of joy and subsequent call to the pizza place.
Yuuri curled up on the couch and opened his laptop.  For once he wasn’t jetlagged after a competition, this year’s championship having been held a bare two hours’ drive away, in Ontario.  He was still tired – a week’s worth of too little sleep while dealing with far too many strangers was stressful enough even without the pressure of competition – but he wasn’t sleepy.  It was an odd, but not unwelcome, feeling.
*Bad channel key for #therapycouchfort
He blinked.  He’d opened the chat client on autopilot, not really intending to socialize even to the extent of text on a screen, but this was an error message he’d never seen before.
/msg SockPuppet what’s a channel key and why is it bad?
*SockPuppet: no such nick/channel
/msg KingElsa hey do you know what’s going on with the chat
KingElsa>> Mess! <3 <3 <3
KingElsa>> They had to password-lock the channel.  I guess there was an invasion of trolls?
KingElsa>> Password is “nuclearoption” with no quotes.
/join #therapycouchfort nuclearoption
* Joined channel #therapycouchfort
* Topic is ‘If you haven’t gotten the new channel password from one of the mods, msg us asap.  Lockdown goes into effect Thursday night.  Thanks for your patience in the meantime.’
* Set by StevenMultiverse on Mar 12 12:04:17 2013
lukewarm_mess: i can’t leave you guys for five minutes, can i
lukewarm_mess: thanks for the pw king
KingElsa: ♡ \ (  ̄▽ ̄ ) / ♡
mercyslovechild: nope u go away and evrything goes to shit
suicideflirtsback: wait does that mean mess is the reason we can’t have nice things?
mercyslovechild: pls dont abandon us again
StandardDeviation: you wish flirt
StandardDeviation: wb mess how was the business conf
lukewarm_mess: very business much industry so productivity wow
suicideflirtsback: have you leveled up your synergy or whatever?
lukewarm_mess: my boss seems to think so but..
KingElsa: Your boss is obviously full of wisdom and good judgment and you should listen to them.
lukewarm_mess: my boss let Peaches eat himself sick on maple candy that we can totally get at home but apparently it’s different because it’s travel candy, whatever that means
mercyslovechild: i thouht peaches was a babby
mercyslovechild: babbies get to travel for work?
lukewarm_mess: he’s an intern so i guess?  idk
“I’m a what?” Phichit shrieked from directly behind Yuuri, who winced at the sound.
“Quit reading over my shoulder; that’s why I made you get your own account.  Oh, there’s a password to get in now.  Nuclear option, one word, all lower case.”
“Thailand’s Prince, the Jewel of Bangkok, an intern?  Yuuri, how could you?”  He flopped dramatically over the back of the couch.
“Shut up, I panicked.”
lukewarm_mess: anyway why the lockdown?
lukewarm_mess: king you said something about trolls?
*Peaches_and_Dream has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: I wasn’t here either, actually, but that’s what I heard.  Hi Mess’ roommate.
suicideflirtsback: we were invaded by scientologists
Peaches_and_Dream: Hello mess’ self-friendzoning internet boyfriend
mercyslovechild: woa sickburn.gif
StandardDeviation: or at least people claiming to be scientologists
lukewarm_mess: PEACH
KingElsa: GASP
StandardDeviation: like two dozen of them flooding the channel at once
Peaches_and_Dream: I notice you’re not denying it ☆⌒ ヽ (*' 、 ^*)chu
“Shut it, Intern Boy.”
StandardDeviation: all telling us to stop taking our brainwashing pills and read dianetics
suicideflirtsback: p sure they were on vpns because even with the mods ip banning them they just kept coming back
“Still waiting for a denial, Yuu-chan!  Other than the one you’re in, I mean.”
Peaches_and_Dream: Sounds more like bored channers to me
mercyslovechild: whatevs it was annoying
suicideflirtsback: you mean EPIC
suicideflirtsback: socks just about developed superpowers out of sheer rage
StandardDeviation: after two days the mods decided to make the channel private, and we’ve been lockedin our fallout shelter eating k-rations ever since
KingElsa: Wow, it seems it was an exciting week!
StevenMultiverse: It’s not a perfect solution because it means new people who might actually want to join the chat can’t, but there’s not much else we can do at the moment.
mercyslovechild: where where you king?
StevenMultiverse: In a month or two we’ll try and reopen the channel.  Hopefully they’ll have gone away by then.
lukewarm_mess: works for me, glad you found a solution
KingElsa: I went to a family reunion.
suicideflirtsback: good times?
KingElsa: I suppose.  It was… typical.
lukewarm_mess: how so
KingElsa: I don’t know.  The same faces, the same stories, never any surprises.  Lousy food at the big dinner party.
mercyslovechild: potluck  >:P
KingElsa: Catered.  But still not good.
suicideflirtsback: did you have to be nice to Racist Uncle Tony?
KingElsa: (° ロ °) !  How did you know?!  I mean, he was neither a Tony nor my uncle, but….
suicideflirtsback: EVERYONE has a Racist Uncle Tony
*Deltatangofoxtrot has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: “I’m just concerned about the way your *lifestyle*” – he actually made air quotes with his fingers! – “reflects on us…”
Peaches_and_Dream: Ugh, sorry King.
lukewarm_mess: (( ╬ ◣ ﹏ ◢ ))
mercyslovechild: homophobic uncle tony ><
suicideflirtsback: always the highlight of fam functions
suicideflirtsback: hey fox
StevenMultiverse: hi fox
Peaches_and_Dream: Hi Tango
KingElsa: Hello, DTF.
StandardDeviation: Did you just
StandardDeviation: *facepalms*
Deltatangofoxtrot: RDY ANYTIME BAE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
mercyslovechild: passes out protection
Peaches_and_Dream: Why sir, I hardly know you! *flutters fan*
KingElsa: …
suicideflirtsback: *is ace*
StevenMultiverse: *is married*
KingElsa: …………
lukewarm_mess: at least take me out to dinner first
KingElsa: !
KingElsa: Et tu, Mess???
lukewarm_mess: you’ve been here how long and you still walked into that??
lukewarm_mess: sorry no sympathy, you deserved it
KingElsa: 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
KingElsa: I’m ESL?
lukewarm_mess: no excuse, so am i
lukewarm_mess: it has to be somewhere nice, too.  i don’t put out for qdoba
StandardDeviation: Besides, that’s not english, it’s internet
StandardDeviation: *is helping*
KingElsa: Don’t help.  >.>
Headlights flashed through the window as a car pulled into the parking lot.  Yuuri glanced outside and saw the glowing pizza sign on the roof.  His shoulders hunched involuntarily.
“Go hide,” Phichit told him.  “I’ll bribe them to go away, that usually works.”
Yuuri smiled sheepishly before heading for their shared bedroom.  “Sorry,” he called through the closing door.  “It’s just—”
“—No more strangers for a while.  I know.  I’ll say our goodbyes in chat, too.  It’s BFF bonding time.”
<Part 4>
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happycakestories · 5 years
old mx fic dump pt. 3
a very self-serving highly gratuitous twins au -- unrealistic but very fun in the moment - cowritten with @deardystopia
God, why couldn’t he have just suffocated? He needs to work on that - for next time hopefully. (If there even is a next time, the pessimist within him groans loudly).  
First Chapter : Hotter than hell
Literature class never felt so slow to Jackson as it does today, he decides, grumbling and writing notes in his chicken scratch handwriting of what the professor is saying. None of it is helping to make the minutes pass faster. Nor is sending playful and stupid messages to his best friend, typing fast on the phone screen hidden behind a tall student sitting disinterested in the row in front of him. Okay no, it helps just a bit, but reading Tolstoy also feels like being punched in the gut over and over.
Usually they would be together whispering and chattering like two old grandmas for the entire lecture, but Jooheon didn’t arrive today on time. When he showed up as the class was starting, he literally looked so lost and confused like he had just gotten out of bed, but it wasn’t surprising as this was the first class of the day. He was sporting messy dark chocolate curls, a bordeaux adidas hoodie and a pair of black sweat pants that probably were the first things he fished off of his room’s messy floor – he was the messiest person, really – to get dressed fast, and by the time he had gotten there, almost no seats were left. Jackson couldn’t have kept the reserved spot any longer as more sleepy students were already dragging themselves into the various rows of seats in class, occupying everything too fast.
Also, Jackson would have been late as well if it wasn’t for his noisy roommates returning to the dorm at 6 am in the morning - God knows what they were on about - and let’s not even talk about the constant pressure he felt being the New Exchange StudentTM. He moved to study in Korea one and a half months before, to start sophomore year in Seoul thanks to an international exchange program hosted by the college. He must also admit that if it hadn’t been for Jooheon’s bright smile, incredible charisma and that charming pair of deep-set dimples that made him the most adorable human to ever exist, he would have felt completely alone. Some people weren’t so welcoming at the time they found out he was a Chinese exchange student, even if prejudices were based on old history for some communities, it was hard to let things go, but with Jooheon all that was needed to get to know each other was a simple smile during the first day of the class they were now always attending together.
Uh, usually you don’t think something like that about your best friend… But nobody could resist Jooheon’s smile in any way and Jackson was definitely pining over him since they met, always dreaming of being able to touch and caress those dark chocolate curls of his and kiss those pink plush lips. They probably would have tasted just as sweet.
Anyway, today’s messages’ topic was: What happens when you get ‘scared half to death’ twice?
Last night Jooheon’s brother insisted on entering one of those terrible and scary houses… Because, why not? He said everything would be fine and that those ‘monsters’ were just people working and doing their job, so there was nothing to be worried about, right?
Jooheon wasn’t entirely convinced as he was telling Jackson, all his friends knew that he gets scared easily and maybe it’s one of the reasons they enjoy frightening him at all times – his reactions are the best really -, but there was his brother too with him, so he decided to go inside and face all his fears.
‘Face’ is a strong word, “Suddenly this guy with a big bloodied chainsaw and a freaking mask started to scream and chased US! BUT I FELL (☼Д☼)” Jackson is reading the story unfolding on the messages and lets out a small giggle as he keeps going on “I wanted to run but my legs went numb and my BROTHER DISAPPEARED (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ”
“He abandoned you there??”
“Why? What happened then? What did you do?? (・□・;)”
“I cried,” Jackson must hide the big smile that is emerging reply by reply by sliding down more on the chair, he doesn’t want to get scolded by the professor as he tries to imagine Jooheon crying on the ground of this warehouse with a masked man threatening him “And the chainsaw guy took off his mask, put his hand on my shoulder, kneeled to talk to me, and APOLOGIZED ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚”
“WHAT щ(゜ロ゜щ)”
Okay, Jackson now has to bite his bottom lip hard to not laugh out loud in class. How much would he have payed to see that scene in person? Probably his entire tuition.
“I KNOW” Jooheon answers in caps “And he led me to the exit by my hand!!! That shit was too scary tbh. Remind me to NEVER go again inside of one of those houses lol”
“I guess he actually felt bad about scaring you like that ahah. But at least you didn’t have to endure the entire house till the end ┐(´∀`)┌”
“Maybe? But you know who wasnt sorry about leaving me to die in there? MY BROTHER (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o)” there were more dots under Jooheon’s name on the chat, signaling he was typing something more “HE WAS WAITING FOR ME OUTSIDE AND WHEN HE SAW MY FACE HE LAUGHED HIS ASS OFF!! HE CRIED ABOUT MY PAIN. He is SO MEAN really. I don’t know why we’re still brothers??”
“You can’t change your relatives, I know something about it… But if it was me I would have bought you sweet pastries and a hot coffee to be graced by your forgiveness ahah”
“You’d be a better brother for sure ♥”
Did he just…get bro-zoned? You got yourself into this situation Jackson. You did this to yourself.
Jackson mentally slaps himself as he tries to change the topic to something entirely different in order to stop where all of this is going to lead before it happens. Besides, as he thinks about it, he actually hasn’t met Jooheon’s brother at all, his best friend told him only that the first year was really tough and messy. His brother was never home or attending classes, and lots of fights happened between them when he wouldn’t even say where he was spending most of his nights. Jooheon kept worrying over him, stressing over him, almost reaching a point where he almost failed two classes, but since the start of the sophomore year, everything was getting better slowly, his brother started to attend classes more and seemed “more tamed” as Jooheon described it.
“Do you have another class after this? (´・ω・`)”
“Yeah, man. Gotta attend linguistics, sad stuff (;´□`)”
“Oh!” You’re probably going to hell for this small lie as you’re typing it and for all the times you thought about your best friend in not the most innocent ways, Jackson thinks, biting his lying tongue, “Can I walk you over there? I’m going in the same direction.  (◡‿◡)/”
“I’ll wait for you outside then! ♥”
It went smooth. But why does he keep sending those hearts? Is he using them with his other friends as well? Is it a Korean thing? Probably - Jooheon most likely replies like that to everyone, but Jackson can’t and won’t stop his hopes from soaring higher than they should as he slips his phone into sleep mode and slides it back inside his jean’s back pocket.
Finally, the longest literature class in history ends, and Jackson’s heart starts to pound faster as he prepares to approach Jooheon waiting out in the packed corridors. Most of the time it’s not like this, but today it’s different for them, Jackson will ask him out. Or try, at least.
He gathers all of his books, his favorite blue squid-shaped pencil case and his literature notebook, throwing them inside his blue backpack before high-tailing it out of there.
When Jackson calls to the red hooded lump leaning against the corridor’s wall, Jooheon raises his chin up and looks directly at him, sweet eyes accompanied by that irresistible deep dimpled smile that drags everyone into a utopian paradise. Jackson’s heart painfully skips a beat for a long moment.
I’m going to die, he thinks as he moves forward to his best friend, attempting to reciprocate with a small smile and hoping to not seem too obvious about his crush for him.
“Hey! All good?” Jooheon chirps fondly, moving off from where he was leaning to walk side by side with his friend, fiery red backpack dangling wearily from one of his shoulders as the weight of culture made itself apparent.
“Yep,” the Chinese student starts, bending his head slightly toward the ground as he doesn’t feel so confident in his self-restraint when those angel-kissed dimples are there. “Though, what about you? You seem quite, uh tired this morning? … Don’t tell me it’s because of the House of Horrors you went to yesterday?”
“Well, that definitely helped! But when it was like 2 a.m. I was about to doze off, my mind was literally blank… And then the thought of Lit’s midterms results coming out today HIT me so hard that I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” Jooheon makes a startled face, giggling at an invisible thought, gesticulating to make it less abstract. “Like, it’s the first exam this October and I want to pass it so bad?? I don’t want to repeat last year’s grades seriously.”
“What?! You shouldn’t be this anxious! I’m sure you got a straight A with a full score.” Jackson pushes jokingly at the other’s shoulder, almost making him trip on his feet. “We studied together, I know what you’re capable of. Don’t worry too much! And if it’s not what you hoped for, we’ll get through it together.”
Was he being too extra with the compliments? But at the same time…why is that when he said I know what you’re capable of, it made him think about totally different things that were incredibly out of context?
He know his best friend is a great student, a slow learner but with enough time he could analyze and understand things way better than others. Also, Jackson got help from him many times with Korean language misunderstandings – and there were many of these times - but Jackson wouldn’t have minded knowing what Jooheon was capable of in other contexts. Contexts where Jackson imagined himself on top of Jooheon, bodies pressed together on unmade and crumpled sheets as he drinks himself drunk on each one of those wet and incredibly sweet kisses, as their fingers intertwine together. He could almost make out the stunning sensation of Jooheon’s soft, ruddy lips on his.
“Thanks man, we will see later I guess…!” His best friend’s cheerful voice feels like a bucket of freezing water thrown over him.
Jackson, chill. Literally. Also, maybe it’s time to ask him about… “Oh, yeah… Later I-“
“Ugh. I really want a Smoochie right now, in this exact moment. Like right now.”
But it seems that his best mate didn’t hear his mumbled words as he was groaning and pouting like an adorable child in need of his daily sugar intake to keep functioning.
Still, what the hell was a Smoochie? Was he talking about a literal smooching session or what…? Would Jooheon ever be so forward with him? Did he notice Jackson’s embarrassing crush for him?
“A Smoochie is one of the best smoothies in town, you know?” Jooheon laughs again, probably from the confused look on the Chinese student’s face. He had to explain.
“Ah.” No kisses involved, then.
“It’s made with hibiscus flowers! It’s one of the seasonal drinks they prepare in that nice coffee shop near the campus, Flower Café, you know?” He seems so eager to explain the entire story of the drink to Jackson, that if he didn’t know him, he’d honestly assume he was some kind of amateur food enthusiast. And honestly, knowing him as he is, the fastest way to his heart was definitely through his stomach. “It’s so colorful and it smells amazing…You should try it sometime! Even though, I think they changed the menu to fit the Autumn theme by now.” With a deep sigh he keeps going on, “It’s a pity I couldn’t go before the end of September, there was no time to breathe with this midterm coming so fast…”
Jackson lets out a nervous laugh as he musters up the courage to say what could only be an incredibly embarrassing thing, his mind completely blank and unable to think. His brain decided to not function anymore at the word ‘hibiscus’ for some reason.
“Hibiscus flowers symbolized, in the Victorian Europe, ‘delicate beauty’” - stop - “In China their meaning is related to wealth and fame.” - STOP BRAIN - “I think it’s the type of drink that fits you perfectly, you know for your bea-“
“OH NO!” Jooheon shouts, his mouth hanging open for a moment as the sudden realization hits him hard “I forgot my essay for linguistics!”
God maybe is real, maybe not, but Jackson owes him at least for this. He was definitely saved in the very last moment before he made himself look like a fool. He bites down on his upper lip hard, thankful he didn’t finish what he was going to say.
“I’m sorry man, I’ll catch you later, ok?”
“Sure, but about tonight’s party would you- “
But Jooheon already rushed through the other side of the corridor, running for his life as he probably had to get back to his apartment near the campus, fetch the essay and come back to the same building and arrive late for his class.
Jackson remains by himself, talking alone and completely out of the range from his next class. He accompanied Jooheon just to be able to talk with him about the party, but his plan to ask him out completely failed. Sure, if there’s time they will meet later at Jooheon’s apartment, so he might try to gather the courage to try to ask him out for a second time, but…
“You can do it, Jackson.”  
“...called you, but your cellphone is down - but workin’ on weibo what you think I’m blind? Playin’ hard to get, I know you want me too-”
Jackson looks up from his own phone, pulled away from his temporary distraction by the uncanny timing of the party’s booming music. Working on weibo huh, he thinks, echoing the lyrics in his own mind, smiling slightly at the out of context reference. The DJ tonight must be Chinese, he guesses. Maybe he should pay them a visit at the end of the night, strike up some conversation, and leave the party with another friend. He strides across the dance floor, empty messages already forgotten in his excitement at the chance of finding someone from the motherland. First and foremost, Jackson Wang has always been a social butterfly and not even a language barrier can stop that.
Unfortunately, the complexities of texting etiquette can, and he’s nervously clicking his phone open again, scrolling through a string of messages he’s read over at least three times. Writhing bodies mill around his own, an awkward unmoving block that sits smack dab right in the center of the party, but Jackson can’t bring himself to care about the hastily bumped shoulders or rude murmurs. It’s not like he can understand them that well anyway.
What he can understand is the fact that there seems to be no sign of Jooheon replying to the messages he sent over thirty minutes ago. Earlier this morning, he had stood there in the crowded hallway with his tongue swollen in his mouth as Jooheon had gone on and on about a terribly named drink. It had been on his mind the entire time, nine simple words, do you want to go to the party together, reverberating over and over in his throat and practically on the tip of his tongue for the entirety of the conversation. Casual, friendly, and entirely platonic - nothing could have gone wrong with him just asking outright. And yet, the words had sat fat and swollen in his mouth, souring like spoiled milk from being exposed to the rot of his cowardly disposition. Now remembering Jooheon’s innocent rambles about sugary drinks as he had considered a multitude of things less than pure brings a flush of heat to his cheeks, and the bitter taste from earlier bubbles in his mouth like acrid vomit as he scrolls again through his messages.
Sent 9:17 PM. The time reads 10 by now, and still no reply.
Getting to know the potentially fellow Chinese DJ suddenly seems much less appealing now, and Jackson considers trekking all the way back across campus again so he can eat away his feelings in bowls of Szechuan-style chicken as he cries his eyes out to old imperial dramas in his tiger print pajamas. Why yes he is a fully grown functioning college student, why do you ask?
He’s already retracing his steps back through the disgruntled crowd, picturing in his mind’s eye the exact arrangement of pillows he’ll set up on his bed for the night, when a familiar stare forces him to a sudden stop. Slim eyes, usually so soft and gentle, are lined to a knife-like point with perfectly flicked curves of black. Still, it’s unmistakably Jooheon’s stare pinning him like a taxidermied butterfly right where he stands, rooted motionless against the far wall of the lobby floor. Even from clear across the room, Jooheon’s gaze burns so intensely Jackson feels it down to the very marrow of his bones. Oh, and also directly in his crotch.
The unflinching stare draws closer and closer, never removing itself from his wavering own as its owner weaves his way effortlessly through the shifting crowd. The bass pounds up through Jackson’s locked legs, flowing through his blood and right into his brain, elevating his current consciousness into a state of lucid drunkenness. Maybe that’s a good thing, he wonders, especially if Jooheon keeps staring at him like that, there’s the very high chance his brain will leak right out of his ears and plop right onto the neon patterned dancefloor. Not very attractive, Jackson, he thinks, grimacing at the sudden appearance of the explicit imagery inside his swirling mind.
In his panicked what-ifs, Jooheon has somehow already stalked his way across the floor and is standing in front of Jackson with his dark, glittering stare, looking as if he’s absolutely ready to party the night away. All thoughts about melting cerebrums and drunken bass beats fly out of his mind as Jackson blatantly ogles the entirety of Jooheon’s too tight fashion. Not that he doesn’t appreciate his friend’s frayed hoodies and sagging sweatpants, but just - goddamn - they really don’t hold a candle up to the rips situated dangerously over gloriously thick upper thighs and the rest of his legs bound in skin-tight black jeans. The shock hits him again in another breath-sucking punch as he looks up to see a leather choker buckled dangerously around a pale neck, so thin and stiff Jackson faintly wonders how Jooheon is breathing with that on.
Then again, how is he breathing with anything he has on right now?
The DJ shifts songs, switching to something smoother with the same pulsing backtrack, and Jooheon sidles right up into Jackson’s space in perfect timing with the beat. Oh god - Jackson is really holding his breath right now, staring right into slitted orbs that blink lazily at him almost as if in wait. When raucous silence passes by for a few nerve-wracking moments, Jackson finally summons up his lost voice and says in a very manly, very steady tone, “When did you get here?”
Jooheon’s gaze flows like liquid mercury, dark and inscrutable as he tilts his head to the side in a movement that Jackson has seen an infinite amount of times before under innocent sunlight in hazy cafes. This time though, it’s so...predatory, Jackson is gripped by an irrational fear for his life.
No ripping teeth or hungry growls come though, only the same smooth, elegant smile dipping over the other’s full cheeks and revealing a very familiar set of dimples. “Just now, you?” he murmurs, stepping even closer, practically tangling his toned legs around Jackson’s own.
The Chinese student muffles an indistinct sound in his throat, something suspiciously resembling a choking cough as he unintentionally inhales the scent of heady jasmine mixed with a strange smoky sweetness from Jooheon’s upturned cheek. In what universe has Jooheon ever been this forward, this alluring? He admits it, he may have slightly dug his face a little too deeply into past hugs and it’s always been the soft, curling scent of warm cotton and fresh spring detergent, but right now the only way he can describe the perfume curling off of Jooheon’s skin in waves of heat is - pure sex.
“Uh, like uh thirty minutes ago, but no worries - woah-” Jackson’s reply is cut off with a definite sound of him choking on his own spit as Jooheon presses himself to the panicking man’s front in a smooth serpentine arch, pushing their chests together in a searing line of flesh. A light hand traces down his jacket clad arm, before loosely circling around his wrist and fitting Jackson’s locked fingers into the curve of a warm, supple waist.
Abort. Repeat. Abort. Hand. Jooheon’s waist. Chest. Jooheon’s chest. There are spots dancing over his vision, and he knows these ones aren’t from the neon beams. If he passes out now, at least he can go out with the perfect sight of Jooheon’s face burned into retinas as he descends into Hell.
“I’ll make it up to you,” Jooheon hums, practically purrs, pressing over Jackson’s twitching fingers with his own cool hand as he continues staring up at him with sharp eyes. They’ve changed though, still two pools of inscrutable ink, but the predatory glare has faded into something more silky, more inviting. And Jackson, with his shaking heart and pounding head, who is he to say no?
It’s as if Jooheon mentally heard the automatic response within Jackson’s head, and he’s backing out of the other’s space, leaving the air around him suddenly so cold. Still, Jooheon keeps one hand curled watchfully around Jackson’s wrist, tilting his chin towards some dark corridor in the furthest recesses of the dorm as he mouths “come on” to the stunned man with a shiny, pink smile. The moment he turns, strutting confidently through the flickering shadows, Jackson is tripping into action, allowing himself to be pulled along by the heated tether between them.
Now, Jackson doesn’t know what he expected his first time with Jooheon to be like (if he ever even expected a first time at all), but it most definitely did not include being pushed up against a wall and being kissed within an inch of his life. Jooheon’s lips are locked glossily over his own, and already there’s a tongue licking into his mouth, draining every shocked moan right out of him with its skilled workings. By the time Jackson comes back enough to the real world to begin reciprocating, there’s already fingers dancing down his jeans and popping open his fly without a second of hesitation or struggle.
The mouth over his own is suddenly gone, leaving him panting at empty air as Jooheon’s dark head situates itself right at crotch level. Jooheon. On his knees. For him. Jackson is definitely going to hell after tonight.
Jooheon sends him a sultry glance up through delicate lashes, complete with a hint of a tongue peeking out over spit-shined lips as he proceeds to maneuver Jackson’s rock-hard cock out of his boxers without a hint of hesitation. Jackson swears he’s already shaking down to his very bones, but the tremors only escalate another level further when Jooheon’s hands grip soft and steady around him, stroking gently up and down with deft fingers that smear beads of pearly precum over every inch of his painfully red cock.
“You don’t have to-” he starts, wincing at the sound of his own cracking voice, but Jooheon only puts a wet finger to his full mouth before swallowing Jackson down in one go.
Jackson bites his tongue, clamping a sweaty palm over his mouth for good measure as he tries to hold in every embarrassing sound as a tight, wet heat begins working itself over his cock in a quick, unforgiving rhythm. The slick noise of flesh against flesh echoes lewdly within his ears, and Jackson knows, no matter how much control he has over his 3-pack abs, if Jooheon continues at this pace he’s going to come like an eager middle schooler discovering the wonders of porn for the first time again.
Somehow, Jooheon seems to read his mind for the second time, and he pulls of Jackson’s now purpling cock with a sucking pop! There are trails of white smeared around his lips, and he makes direct eye contact with Jackson as he openly licks away the droplets and swallows them down with a distinct bobbing of his throat. Jackson automatically swallows his own spit at the sight and feels his tortured cock twitch happily in response to the sight. Somehow, Jooheon has twisted him into a complete masochist tonight, but with the way he’s straightening in front of him with further promises flashing within his slitted eyes, he can’t say he has a problem with that.
And without warning, complicated lacings of combat boots are being pulled loose and kicked to the side, and Jackson watches, flabbergasted, as Jooheon shimmies out of those skin-tight black jeans with a wiggling of his hips, his underwear quickly following until he’s standing thighs bared before Jackson, head cocked again as if in wait.
This time Jackson stands, absolutely frozen in place with no idea what to do, so Jooheon takes the initiative and slips forward, grinding himself up against the other man’s front as he pulls Jackson to his lips with looped hands around his neck. The moment their mouths connect, Jackson is shocked back into awareness, and it only hits him now that this is real, that Jooheon is willing to kiss him, willing to let him fuck him, and oh, how badly he wants it, how badly he needs it and how he needs it now.
Jooheon is the one being slammed back against a wall now, releasing a shuddering breath into Jackson’s all too eager mouth as he latches on even tighter around the other’s neck. Jackson hikes his hands up under the crook of bent knees, winding them around his waist as he lifts Jooheon off the ground entirely, and a surprised moan brushes sweetly over his lips as a reward. Maybe all those years of professional fencing are finally paying off now, he thinks deliriously, digging his fingers into the soft, full flesh of Jooheon’s ass.
He’s ready to move on, to take it to the final point, to take Jooheon as he’s presented so enticingly before him, but a realization suddenly douses his entire body with cold water. Jooheon senses it too, hands cupped around his cheeks as he separates his mouth from Jackson’s, a clear trail of spit hanging between their open lips. Jackson’s gaze catches on that erotic sight for a moment too long, before he knocks himself out of it with a stuttering whisper of “condoms?”
Jooheon gives him a squinted stare that strangely makes Jackson feel like folding to his knees and begging for forgiveness in a deep bow. “Why, are you not clean?” he asks bluntly, digging a foot into the curve of Jackson’s back.
The Chinese student splutters, pushing Jooheon further up against the wall in an effort to avoid dropping him. “No, no, I am, but shouldn’t we be safe?”
The hallway is almost entirely encased in shadow, but he swears he receives an immediate eye roll in response. However, the weight latched around his waist disappears as Jooheon steps down without shame, hips swaying confidently, over to his discarded pile of clothing. He bends over, Jackson trying and failing to not gawk over his full ass, and returns with a shiny packet in hand. He slips into the space between the other man and the wall and tears open the condom with a quick snarl of teeth before discarding the silver packet to the side.
Hail Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, Jackson might as well die from a brain aneurysm now. The sight of Jooheon opening a condom in a flash of white teeth and pink lips is the only thing he ever wants to remember for the rest of his life.
He shivers as Jooheon roughly rolls on the latex sleeve over his curved cock, biting his lip when a hooked finger pulls it tight with a snap right at the base. Jooheon straightens, seemingly a pout on his face as if asking ‘satisfied?’ Jackson swallows guiltily as heat begins roiling in his gut again, and an idiotic surge of bravery courses through him as he crowds Jooheon back up against the wall with his own body.
Soft hands slip smoothly over his shoulders in response, curling along the column of his neck in vague threat that has Jackson obeying immediately. He’s in the middle of hiking thick thighs up to his waist, when Jooheon laughs, high and lilting. Jackson pauses, rightfully confused and a little lovesick as he stares at Jooheon’s dimples on complete display. “Come on,” he murmurs, “don’t you want to try for the shoulders instead? Or can you not handle it?”
Oh it’s on. Jackson’s never known Jooheon to be so cocky, but if he’s asking for it, then Jackson is going to give it to him.
“Sure I can,” he smiles, purposefully letting his rough syllables roll low off his tongue as he immediately hooks bent knees to sit at both sides of his neck in a quick, steady hold. Jooheon blinks, appraising him perhaps, before grinning wickedly and seating himself down over Jackson’s cock in a single smooth push.
Velveteen heat encases him in an immediate vice, and Jackson chokes on the feeling, at the realization that Jooheon decided to come prepared. The image of Jooheon spreading himself open at home just for this, for him, flashes through his brain, and he has to grit his teeth to not come from that sight alone. For once, the other man finally shows signs of breathlessness as his mouth drops open in a silent o from the full drag of Jackson’s cock within him. The slight gasps dropping out of Jooheon’s shaking lips are doing wonders for Jackson’s already self-assured ego.
When it seems like an eternity has passed with them connected together like this, Jackson dares to move, pulling back with a slick sound of flesh and pushing back in with a simultaneous moan from the both of them. Jooheon immediately clenches around his cock and kicks his foot into Jackson shoulder, glaring up at him with a very obvious command.
Jackson obeys with another burning pull, dragging it out even longer just to feel that sparking friction from Jooheon’s fluttering insides. Another hard kick digs into back of his head, and Jackson slams in without warning, the force of it knocking Jooheon so hard against the wall he arches his throat up in a cry of breathless surprise.
The air fills with cut off moans and yelps as Jackson picks up pace, drilling Jooheon onto his cock over and over again as he chases after the oncoming wave of absolute ecstasy. Jooheon’s bare legs bounce uselessly over Jackson’s shoulders with every thrust, no resistance left for any bruising kicks as he can only cling to Jackson’s tensed body to keep himself from falling.
Jackson’s close, too close, and the sentimental idiot he is, he wants to come with Jooheon’s lips on his, crying out the other’s name, so he blindly gropes for Jooheon’s face in the darkness with his own. Like a magnet, plush lips fit themselves over his, and they’re messily making out as Jackson pistons erratically in and out of Jooheon’s wet heat.
It’s here, the wave, the final build up in his stomach, and Jackson groans out his final confession against Jooheon’s gasping breath. “Jooheon, I, I’m going to-”
A bruising force slams into his shoulder, and Jackson literally has the breath knocked out of him as he falls back onto his ass. He can only gape, jaw dropped, as Jooheon stands above him, glare raining down all of the fires of hell upon Jackson’s prostrated body. The other’s cock still bobs proudly, its head tinged pink against his black shirt, and there’s a hint of slick dripping down his pale thighs. Jackson’s traitorous cock twitches heartily against his stomach at the sight.
Jooheon steps right between his spread legs, and leans down, a strangely gleeful smile pulled across his dimpled cheeks. “I’m Hojoon. Jooheon’s twin.”
And with that he’s spinning on his heel, the same confident sway in his walk as he collects his clothes and disappears past the corner without even a backwards glance.
Jackson sits there, fly down, dick hard as he considers whether or not he still has enough dignity to drag himself back to his dorm tonight. Jooheon’s twin’s - Hojoon’s - words ring over and over again through his mind, and Jackson prays to his dear grandma’s heavenly soul this won’t come back to bite him in the ass tomorrow.
Jooheon keeps glancing wistfully now and then at his blacked-out phone screen because of course he had to forget the portable battery charger in his room. Before coming to the party, when he got back from afternoon classes, he didn’t think of plugging it in at home as eating pizza had seemed much more important at that time. In his defense, he was starving after being out for the entire day, and then his brother was talking about having a “fast” match on Overwatch, so he needed to participate even if “fast” matches usually lasted hours. That was because Hojoon kept whining things like “Fuck no, we need to do another one! It can’t end like this” – “I need to beat this person’s ass again!” or “My reputation completely depends on destroying this Hanzo for one more match.” Jooheon wasn’t really into gaming as he actually sucked at anything related to hard competition, but he was glad they usually played in groups with some of Hojoon’s internet friends. They won most of the times against strong parties, and he couldn’t really complain when he was carried as Mercy - plus it was funny to see his brother flame people and talk rubbish into the voice channel.
Sometimes playing was a good distraction from college-related work, annoying parents, and just moments when he felt like not talking to people for some reason.
Though, it was almost 10 p.m. when he noticed what time it was after getting sucked into eleven more matches, and just a few hours before he promised himself to not be late again on Jackson, like how it had happened this morning during Literature class and a few other times, but he was already breaking his promise as they had to meet around 9.
When he arrived at the party, almost thirty minutes had passed, and along the way he even lost his brother somewhere into the mess the dorm had become for that festive and liberating night at the end of midterms.
“I’ll help you search for your friend,” he said with a smirk before disappearing, without giving Jooheon a chance to answer, as the younger twin would have probably suggested that they look for him together, since his phone was basically dead in its electronic grave at this point. Hojoon knows what Jackson looks like, Jooheon talked about him and showed him their countless dumb selfies they took during classes, so he’s sure his brother will be able to recognize him… But if they can’t communicate in some way, how can they meet? He can’t stop his mind from thinking about those comic strips with different characters chasing after each other, opening more and more doors without being able to come across one another.
Jooheon slides his lifeless phone into one of his black sweatpant’s side pockets and keeps looking around in search of familiar faces, still everything seems to be the same on every dorm floor - people dancing, drunk people dancing, beer pong matches, and yep, just more people drinking and dancing -  Ah, if only he could chug down drink after drink like everybody does and be carefree. With just half of one of those he knows would start to ramble about random stuff (nobody would want to know how bees could actually recognize human faces) and dance in every possible awkward way, unlike Hojoon, who has the tolerance of a devil (or at least that’s what people say) and can drink straight for an entire night, ending it though with a massive killer hangover in the morning that Jooheon has to take care of...
He is about to change floor and go up the stairs when he sees his brother coming down from the same stairway as he zips his fly up, buttoning his pants with a smug look on his face. His parted hair, which had been styled so effortlessly, is now completely messed up into a dark tangled nest, the laces of his combat boots halfway tied, and his black shirt slightly rucked up to show a slight outline of his hip bone.
“Had fun?” Jooheon asks when Hojoon sees him and stops for a moment, probably thinking about what just happened, before keep going down the stairs with a now tensed smile.
“Uh, nothing special really-” He starts saying, stopping then in front of him at the end of the stairs as he fixes himself, sliding down his black shirt, “but I haven’t found your friend and this party sucks…sooo shall we go?”
The younger twin pouts, furrowing his brows as he looks at his older brother with defeat. “But hyung, we just arrived! And I- “
“Yes, you promised him and everything,” Hojoon imitates him with a slightly more high-pitched tone than his own, completely it with an exaggerated eyeroll, gesticulating in an exasperated mocking way. “By this time though, he probably went back to his dorm since you had to meet him almost-” he then looks down, annoyed at his own phone, the time showing up on the lock screen with a simple tap of fingers, “-two hours ago.”
Jooheon finds no fault with his reasoning as he catches himself sighing loudly, head slightly drooping, lolling to one side while glancing at his brother sideways, with all the sadness in the entire universe at once.
For sure Jackson is mad at him right now, thinking about how blatantly careless his friend is or how stupid he is when he’ll tell him about the phone charging problem. Like, what kind of irresponsible adult forgets to charge his phone when he knows it has 10% of its battery left?
He kind of regrets now playing Pug’s Quest during afternoon classes, but after some time he had to occupy his mind differently as some sort of a break, since he couldn’t really focus for more than forty minutes straight at his teacher’s boring tone without seeing double or getting a headache.
He definitely needs to apologize to Jackson soon, he thinks, sighing loudly again.
Hojoon, knowing him better than anyone else, comes closer and graps his lukewarm hand into his own colder one for a moment, before pulling him lightly into the direction of the hallway which is even more crowded than where they’re currently standing.
“Come on Jooheonie, let’s go home.” He pulls again with a bit of more strength. “You’ll see your friend tomorrow.”
Jooheon just nods silently, looking more most miserable than he ever has while following his brother around, hands still locked together, and Hojoon can’t stop himself from letting out a small amused laugh at seeing him react like that.
“Hyuuung, don’t laugh at my pain!” a pleading whine comes from behind him, making him laugh even more.
“I’m sorry, your face is just too funny,” the older twin shakes his head as he tries to contain the amusement Jooheon always causes with his childish behavior – even if his younger twin thinks the same of him (and whenever that happens they can’t help but physically ‘fight’ about who’s the stronger one. Hojoon always wins by pinching ruthlessly Jooheon’s thighs, ending up as maybe the more childish one, but definitely the winner).
“Then your face is funny too.”
“Did you just sass me?” the older twin asks glancing back at Jooheon for a moment, before he keeps pulling him through wasted people overdoing the celebrations just a bit too much, as only the midterms period passed. It wasn’t like it was finals ending.
“Maybe.” Jooheon murmurs with a small smile, following his brother through the crowd…Oh. He stops for a moment in front of a bulky and muscled guy, and with his free hand he grabs the plastic cup in the guy’s very intimidating grip and chugs it down in one fast go. A deep “hey!” can be heard from above, but when Hojoon drinks the entire cup, he only replies with an overconfident glance, chin tilted up in a manner that seems to dare the man into saying anything else.
At that look, no more protests can be heard, and the older twin pulls the younger one again into a silent march aimed into getting them out of here.
Before leaving, Hojoon throws the empty cup somewhere into the writhing mess, satisfied.
End of the first chapter
Second Chapter: Here come the regrets
“Hyung, I’m worried,” is the first thing Jooheon says, pouting as he plops himself onto Hyunwoo’s lap.
The older man blinks, glasses slightly skewed over his nose, as his English report is entirely replaced with Jooheon’s sullen visage. A pen dangles halfheartedly from between his thumb and index finger, the next sentence more or less forgotten. The warm weight in his lap wriggles needily, and he sighs internally, dropping the pen with a light clatter as Jooheon scooches further and further up along his crotch. Hyunwoo wraps his newly freed arm around the younger boy’s waist, hiking him up to his chest (like a baby, his sleep deprived mind coos), keeping him still against his lap. Jooheon pouts again, but he ceases his squirming and plops his head softly against his boyfriend’s shoulder, nuzzling at the threadbare t-shirt there. Hyunwoo makes direct eye contact with the other’s wide, puppy-dog gaze, and he swears something is melting within him. Most likely all his internal organs, but Jooheon tends to have that effect on people.
“What’s up?” he asks simply, stroking a hand over the curve of the younger’s sweater-clad waist. Jooheon smiles at the gentle touch and takes to wriggling again, burying himself in the other’s all-encompassing warmth as he settles into story-mode.
“So, Hojoon, my brother you know-” Hyunwoo nods sagely at Jooheon’s questioning tone, and the younger continues, deeming it satisfactory, “he’s been coming home with a lot of...bruises.” Hyunwoo watches Jooheon press his pink lips open and closed, a perpetual sheen shining across the soft curves, and he almost doesn’t register the implications behind the younger’s murmured statement. When “bruises” and “Hojoon” finally register in his distracted mind, he physically jolts at his realization. Hojoon is Jooheon’s perfectly identical twin and the idea of him covered in bruises...well, Hyunwoo’s mind is certainly going places.
Jooheon’s voice pierces through his haze, and Hyunwoo blinks back into focus only to see genuine worry in the younger’s eyes. “I just, he started dating a new guy recently…” Jooheon sighs, gaze wandering, cheeks bunching as he tries to find the right words, “and he always comes back the next morning with um, hickies? But like-” he gestures with his hands, grasping for an image Hyunwoo can’t see, “they’re always so intense I end up calling them bruises in my head…”
He trails off, eyebrows scrunched in a light furrow, and Hyunwoo presses his thumb over it, smoothing out the wrinkle with a gentle swipe. “Who is your brother dating again?” he asks, bouncing his legs and jostling Jooheon in his lap, attempting to dislodge the frown from the younger’s face.
“Um-” Jooheon’s voice hitches with each bounce, and he pouts up at Hyunwoo to stop. The older man muffles a chuckle against his cheek and ceases the movement, patting affectionately at Jooheon’s waist. His boyfriend scooches up against his chest, resituating himself in Hyunwoo’s lap before muttering, “Kihyun, I think?”
Kihyun. Hyunwoo knows that guy: round cheeks, pinched mouth, always ready to yell at someone somehow. Also, he goes around with a head of bright pastel pink hair. Hyunwoo shrugs because hey, at least he rocks it better than the students from the art department. Hyunwoo has passed him in the hall a few times, and other than a casual nod, they don’t talk at all. Basically, he assumes he’s an alright guy, if not a little uptight.
He voices his belief out loud, pressing it in a whispered kiss against Jooheon’s curtain of bangs. The scent of soft baby powder unfurls into his nose, and he nuzzles deeper into messy brown curls. He’s pulled out of his reverie when sweater-clad hands yank at his neck, and he’s met with Jooheon’s round cheeks, puffy and flushed with dissatisfaction. He sits up straight, hands flapping over Hyunwoo’s back as he tries to make his point.
“But, but bruises hyung! Bruises! I don’t want to question him, but...don’t you think it might be unhealthy?” He lips curve out again into a pout, and Hyunwoo’s heart does a row of backflips all the way down from his chest to his stomach.
“Jooheonie, I think,” he pauses, considering his words carefully, “it’d be best if you asked your brother directly instead of assuming things here with me.” At the younger’s unmoving pout, he presses a chaste kiss over soft lips before pulling back with what Jooheon calls his “half-moon smile,” humming a light “okay?” as his final nudge for the younger man to do the right thing.
Jooheon sighs, deflating against his chest, before stealing a quick, sweet kiss from Hyunwoo’s lax mouth and springing out of his lap. “Thanks hyung,” he smiles, pecking the older man’s cheek on his way out, a hopeful spring in his step.
Hyunwoo waves until Jooheon is disappearing behind the door frame and turns back to his English assignment, drooping back against his chair as a wave of lethargy instantly overtakes him. He forces the pen back into his cramped fingers and continues the lost sentence, lips and cheek still tingling from the force of Jooheon’s casual affection.
Hojoon rummages for his apartment key, shouldering wayward bags of groceries and books up from his fatigued arms. The key fits into the lock after much stubborn jamming, and he pushes roughly into the room shoulder-first, paper bags shifting loudly against one another as they slip at the sudden movement.
“Fucking-” Kihyun swears, muffled, as he fumbles at a wall of flesh, scrabbling down tensed thighs that encase his face completely from all sides. There’s the heady taste of salt and something more dripping down his mouth, but there’s also the distinct lack of air flowing through his currently crushed nose. He claws again down the curve of Hojoon’s bare ass, digging his fingers into the soft flesh there, knowing exactly how the marks will look on the other’s backside in the morning and not regretting a moment of it - not when he’s actually choking from his boyfriend’s very supple and heavy weight.
He audibly makes a noise of distress when said weight only bears down even harder, crushing with the force of a two ton truck against his cheekbone as Hojoon grinds down without mercy against his spluttering mouth. Alright, enough, Kihyun may love it when his partner makes him lose his breath during sex but to the point of absolute suffocation? That’s a discussion for another day entirely (safewords!!! the last functioning part of his brain screams).
He says it just so as he musters every ounce of strength back into his jelly limbs, launching the scorching inferno off of him in a sudden toppling motion, gasping air into his soaked mouth like a drowned man. Which, to be honest, he almost did...under the absolute wonder of his partner’s thighs that is. Again, absolutely appreciated, just no literal choking please.
Hojoon doesn’t seem to get the message though as he rolls onto all fours in a perfectly unruffled landing. Like a cat, Kihyun thinks, replaying all the videos of children dropping their cats from terrible heights just to see them land upright without any trouble. Even still, after landing like a cat, Hojoon follows through with the attitude, glaring over at Kihyun’s gaped expression with a cocked chin, legs coiled tense against the bedsheets. Silence ensues and in his oxygen-deprived brain, Kihyun almost expects the younger man to begin grooming his curled black locks in a prissy manner.
Hojoon only glares harder, turning so that his back is entirely facing the end of the bed before yanking a blanket over his bottom half. There goes the fresh laundry of the week. Not that Kihyun expected anything on the bed to last after tonight, but what with the way Hojoon is cocooning himself with that goose down blanket...it’ll be awhile since they use it again.
“Quoting you,” the younger man begins, still sulking darkly as he rests his cheek on raised knees, “ ‘Please fucking choke me with your thighs, that’s how I want to go tonight.’ “
A sharp heat pulses through Kihyun’s gut at hearing his own explicit words uttered out loud, and he presses his lips together into a thin line. Hojoon arches a neat brow at his silent reaction and scoffs, turning his glare to a loose feather stuck among the bed sheets instead. “Don’t tell me you regret it now...”
His words trail off, and the atmosphere between them immediately chills, filling with a kind of murky lull where all Kihyun can discern from Hojoon’s errant sheet-tracing is a tinge of quiet bitterness.
0 notes
recentanimenews · 5 years
This Week's Black Clover Barely Gives Fans Time To Breathe
  In last week's episode of Black Clover, we got a decent chunk of Licht's backstory, along with the surprise realization that apparently, Licht is...Patry. When Licht's wedding ceremony was shattered by a magical attack by humans, somehow Patry later discovered himself in a body that looks a lot like Licht's. But this body switch is less Freaky Friday and more "I will avenge my brethren, destroy all humans, and collect the magic stones to begin the resurrection." Though, a Freaky Friday clip where Jamie Lee Curtis violently sacrifices her underlings to complete a magic ritual would be rad. Hopefully it's a deleted scene somewhere. 
  But let's jump into the latest episode!
    We see Rill toying with some members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun and demanding to know where "Licht" is. But then the Midnight Sun members get all, ummm, crumbly. It's pretty much the last thing you want when you're interrogating a suspect. 
    Of course, everyone there reacts with the appropriate amount of confusion and horror, which is a lot of confusion and horror. Well, everyone except Luck, who is downright fascinated by these bad guys' souls leaving their husks of a human form. Outside the Midnight Sun's base, the only one who seems to be holding it together is SISTER LILY. Still worried about Asta and Yuno, but making sure that the kids feel safe? She should lead the Royal Knights as far as I'm concerned. 
    We see everyone's reactions across the Clover Kingdom, from ordinary citizens to members of the Black Bulls. But then Gauche's body begins to radiate an aura, as do the bodies of various people across the kingdom! The light shines up in a way that looks reminiscient of the light swords that Patry threatened to bring down during his duel with Julius.
  It happens to various members of the Royal Knights like Yuno, Luck, Puli and Rill, just to name a few.  Asta demands an explanation from them because Asta gonna Asta.
    And the response he gets isn't exactly what you want to hear at a time like this:
    The glow around characters grows fiercer and Patry is very pleased with this. Yami is trying to figure out what's been going on and is soon faced by Marx and Owen, who have also received a glow-up and have been attacking their own men.
    Marx drops some hot exposition on Yami: They aren't the men he knew and are now elves. And now they're gonna try to destroy Yami just as men destroyed the elves years ago. Marx reveals his awesome little crossbow, and I take back most of the things I said over the last few weeks about the fact that Marx's hair cut looks like a Great Clips Disaster Area.
    Yami blocks Marx's attacks and evades Owens' overwhelming healing magic...
    ...all while Marx and Owens deliver more "Humans are trash, y'all" hot takes. But Yami gets sick of this real fast and strikes back:
    And a few moves later, Marx and Owens are done and have lost their shot at the Black Clover Tag Team Championships.
    But Yami barely has time to relax, because a giant bunch of roses bursts through the top of the castle and he's immediately faced with Charlotte, Captain of the Blue Rose squad. Their battle quickly spills out against some bystanders, and Yami gives them the best orders that he can muster:
    Charlotte and Yami fight, with Yami mostly evading her strikes. Yami realizes that due to her tactics, it'll be hard to just knock her out with the blunt edge of his sword. Sol (of the Blue Roses) shows up, and despite Yami telling her to leave, she's insistent on saving Charlotte (the woman who saved her.)
    However, Yami is eventually able to convince her to retreat, because it's important that Sol survives. Charlotte and Yami clash...
    And Charlotte jumps back, preparing to use a magic attack that will destroy a chunk of the town. Yami isn't fond of that scenario, so he uses his own attack to block it. 
    We don't get to see what happens yet, though, as we're taken back to the Midnight Sun headquarters where Noelle recognizes that the light magic emanating from Luck and the rest is awfully similar to something she's seen from the Midnight Sun's Vetto. But we'll have to wait to hear more about that because it's time for the end of the episode, Black Clover's awesome ED music, and Petit Clover, which is a montage of Noelle antics.
    So, what does this all mean? Well, I've had people tell me that Black Clover doesn't slow down at all after Julius' death and they weren't lying. I expected some quiet moments of people at least looking a little depressed and a kingdom reeling from the loss. Maybe even a slow instrumental version of the original opening theme playing softly in the background. Instead, all we got is a few minutes of Sad Yami (who, by nature, doesn't stay sad for long about anything anyway), before being thrown into an inferno of action, horror and backstory. 
  Secondly, when we saw Yuno's elf-ification, I was kinda thinking that it would be limited to him. I didn't know that Black Clover would take a cue from Invasion of the Body Snatchers and split the possessed from the un-possessed straight down the middle. On one hand, there would be a lot of dramatic weight from it just being a few important people that are now playing for Team Patry. But on the other, the odds are now stacked waaaay higher against the good guys.
  It would suck if you were at Buffalo Wild Wings or something and your best friend was suddenly like "I'm gonna eradicate mankind." But I feel like I could fight off Derek if I had to. However, if half of the patrons there went a little elvish, I'd have a real problem.
  Lastly, considering that Asta has spent the last few episodes in a constant state of "WHAT IS GOING ON?", it's nice to get a feel for more of the side characters. Black Clover has a super rich cast of characters, and I never knew that I'd be saying something like "Oh no. Marx has been possessed. This emotionally affects me." Anyway, BC's cast is super underrated is all I'm saying.
  But enough blabbering from me! Let's see what Y'ALL thought:
  am i ready? no am i ever ready? no
— erin ♡ (@daydreamwariors) August 13, 2019
  This is the second week in a row that I've shared a tweet from this account, but they just get my feelings on this show so well.
— WoopSNighT (@woops_n) August 13, 2019
  Watched it, now i cant wait for the next episode????????
— Okaerinasai μ's♪♪ (@Yfu4Laifu) August 13, 2019
  It still gave me feels about luck turning and what will happen to him
— Ashley (@smash_1209) August 13, 2019
   I'd keep a talley of how many feels Black Clover gives me, but I'd run out of paper too quick. 
  Everyone turning into Elves OMGAAA????
— Xijin.exe (@XijinFN) August 13, 2019
  I'm so excited for what'll happen next, but I'm still sad over the Wizard Kings Death ????
— Cassie-Chan ㋐???????? & ???????? ㋐ (@KisaChan94) August 13, 2019
   This has been a mood for the past few weeks. 
  Today was good
— ????????Pedro PG7 (°ロ°)☝ (@PedroGu94240161) August 13, 2019
    What did you think of this episode of Black Clover? How would you react to most of your team turning into evil elves? Let us know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You should follow him on Twitter!
        By: [email protected]
0 notes
bright-eyes-hope · 7 years
Get to Know Me!
I was tagged by @fuwaprince ! *.*
Rules: Answer these 92 statements (what, how I answer a statement?) and tag 20 people
Last: 1. Drink: Water. I love water. ^u^ 2. Phone call: My granny saying good night. <3 3. Text message: My best Bro comforting me after I had a nightmare. :u: <3 4. Song you listened to: Not entirely sure … maybe Houkago Tea Time's U & I. 5. Time you cried: When I re-read Around the corner. :-: </3
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: sure 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Well … sorta. 8. Been cheated on: yeah 9. Lost someone special: Sadly yes. Diabetes can be such a bitch. </3 10. Been depressed: I … am not sure … probably reactive depression … and borderline … 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No! Since my biggest demon is Emetophobia, I managed not to throw up from alcohol. ('^')
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: orange, light blue, turquoise, (pastel) lilac
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, a bunch actually. <3 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Probably. I've spent some time with my Bro, so chances are pretty high. ^.^* 18. Found out someone was talking about you: No. 19. Met someone who changed you: Difficult … probably … in one way or another. '~' 20. Found out who your friends are: Well … I knew that before … 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes. ^-^' Don't people usually add their partners on Facebook? ^.^'''
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I think all of them … since Pet Society has been taken down, I lost my online friends over the years … ._. 23. Do you have any pets: Yass! Track my Instagram for loads of cat pics of my beauties Aphrael and Dracul! <3 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah ... 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Went for lunch with my mom and granny and got some nice Pjs and socks with Pusheen and Grumpy Cat on them. <3 26. What time did you wake up: Today? At 6:30 'cause I had a doctor's appointment. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Coming home after watching GoT with the squad and forcing myself to go to sleep. XD 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The arrival of my dearest Mimic tomorrow afternoon! *o*/ 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I'm seeing her right now when I look up. XD 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hm … maybe I should have taken that Judo class in middle school ... 31. Listening right now: Watching Hannibal again. It's the scene with the pigs … I'll spare you the exact ambient noise. :P 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: You bet! XD There is my Bro's brother, then an old friend from school, a fellow YouTuber, a guy we play boardgames and do LARP with, and of course my boyfriend. XD Oh and an actor. I've got plenty of Toms in my life. <3 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Right now my ears are closed completely … like I can't hear … it's been the left one for hours and it just switched to the right one … at least it's not both at the same time. -.- 34. Most visited website: YouTube I guess. Or Tumblr? 35. Mole/s: Lots of them. Mostly on my arms and shoulders. 36. Mark/s: Plenty of scars, most of them on the left arm and hand, two on my chin and one on the right knee. Probably a few stretch marks on the boobies. 37. Childhood dream: Hm … I always wanted to live in a house full of cats … now I live with two and the house is pretty full of them. =^.^= 38. Hair color: Crimson Red! <3 39. Long or short hair: Hard to say … it's not really short but also not really long anymore. I totally love my current hairstyle tho, it's super practical and looks really good on me. ^-^ 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes. ^///^ 41. What do you like about yourself: I'm kinda comfortable with my body in general. I also like that I managed to keep some personality traits no matter what others thought about it. :P 42. Piercings: Nope. 43. Blood type: 0+ 44. Nickname: My nick, gamertag etc. is Brighteyes, Bright Eyes, Brighteyes Hope and so on. 45. Relationship status: Very much in love. :P 46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Not this again. XD OK, My Little Pony(,)Friendship is Magic, Steven Universe, Himouto Umaru Chan, K-On!, Madoka Magica, Princess Tutu, Sakura Trick, Selector Infected Wixoss, The IT Crowd, Star Trek, I probably forgot something. ._. 49. Tattoos: Maybe … someday … soon. ^x^ 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Two times. A tonsillectomy at 17(?) and a conisation at 26. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Different shades of red, I also had black lowlights once. 53. Sport: I wish … ^-^' I really wanna get stuff done! 55. Dream Vacation: Tokyo! All the shopping! *o*/ 56. Pair of trainers: Uhm … colorful no name ones? ^.^'
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Chocolate. Other sweet stuff. Chips. And occasionally a salad. 58. Drinking: Mostly water. I also like cool tea and juice. Like lemonade. 59. I’m about to: Go to bed and watch more YT there. XD 61. Waiting for: My ear to open up again. -.- Gotta see the doctor tomorrow if that will not happen soon ... 62. Want: The job I'm looking forward to in autumn. The courage to tell people how I feel about them. To learn more skills to get the best possible version of myself. ^u^ 63. Get married: Probably not. Most likely not. XD 64. Career: As said before, I'm kinda becoming a graphic designer or something. I hope one gets plenty of muneyz for doing tha graphicz.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: … they usually go together, no? o.O 66. Lips or eyes: Uhm … depends on if you wanna taste or see stuff ... 67. Shorter or taller: Don't care. 68. Older or younger: Don't care. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hm … I've never given arms much thought … I might as well go for belly. .3. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive! Over sensitive to loud shit actually. 72. Hook up or relationship: Oh, there it is. OK. *deep breath* Why not both? *outs herself as poly* (。>//u//<。) 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I'm gonna go for hesitant … safety first, kids.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Don't think so ... 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes, a bit ^.^ 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date: I … honestly can't remember … °.° 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe. :_: I'm so sorry. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. Learning from mistakes and stuff. 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Happens. ^///^
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes! 85. Miracles: Hm … in a way. 86. Love at first sight: What exactly does that mean? Really seeing a person for the first time? As in not knowing anything about them except their looks? In that case of course not. o.ô That's attraction or whatever but the term „love“ means something entirely different. 87. Santa Claus: Never, I grew up as a protestant child. XD Got unsure of my belief in the last few years ... 88. Kiss on the first date: Yes … I think so … '~'
OTHER: 90. Current best friends names: Ugh, where to draw the line? Let's only do the ones who are like Family this time: Of course my brother from another mother: Oli And my dear Mimic who is always welcome at my home if she comes back to this country. <3 91. Eye color: Blue 92. Favorite movie: (」゜ロ゜)」 OK. Let's say Studio Ghibli. Big Hero 6. Land before Time, Toy Story, Room 1408, Black Swan, Zoomania, Kamikaze Girls and everything with Jodie Foster.
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