#how it feels to be a witch investing in cr
objectstore · 11 months
Saw a post about the shintoism subreddit and it reminded me of candle ii. ok ii is a hazy fog in my mind but I think my first impression of her was that I thought she was, like, a commentary of those like white women into wicca/witchcraft stuff who appropriate aspects of non-western religions for the aesthetic of it. but later i realized ohhh the writers are being 100% genuine with it aren't they.
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theworldbrewery · 4 years
how to use legendary items
Hey y’all, AJ here with my first big post in what feels like a million years. Let’s talk legendary.
So, legendary items are typically super old, super valuable, and super rare. These three traits are technically all you need for a legendary item, but in all honesty, the way these objects work, you almost always want to have some Lore to go along with them--any cleric worth their salt will use Legend Lore to learn about priceless and ancient artifacts (you know, once they’re of a high enough level), and lore is an excellent way to introduce the concept of an item before players can get their hands on it.
First off: a good legendary item has 3 functions: it should have its “mundane” use, its passive abilities, and its active-use options.
A “mundane” use is basically the ‘default magical item of this type’ feature--a bonus to attacks or damage with a weapon, or an increased spell save DC from a wizard’s staff, etc. You don’t have to beef this up, if the other abilities are strong enough, though. The passive abilities should be in addition to the basic use--the Ironbrand Staff, for instance, might grant fire resistance or increase Armor Class in addition to being a spellcasting focus. Your active-use options are a shortlist of things the legendary item can do, but you have to spend a part of your turn or concentrate in order to use the ability. In the Ironbrand Staff example, it might have an effect that binds an eligible monster of a certain CR to its service for a short duration, sort of like the Dominate Monster or Planar Binding spells.
In my own homebrew, I like to include all three of these types of abilities and tend to offer at least a couple active-use options that the user can choose from (that cannot be used simultaneously--if you bind a monster with the Ironbrand Staff, you can’t expend a use to heal with your reaction unless you drop the binding). The active-use options have a limited number of charges and usually recharge daily, but those rules are at your discretion depending on how powerful the abilities are. If you include rules like this, feel free to add some flavor--armor blessed by the god of the sun might recharge at noon every day, for example.
As for lore, the lore should have a few factors: where did it/its powers come from, who wielded it, and what is its most legendary story?
Some items might have been crafted by talented mortals; others are artifacts from long-dead civilizations; still others were forged by the gods themselves, or by the fey, or pulled out of a dream already made.
These items were used by somebody; they didn’t just sit on the mantelpiece looking pretty. That person might have been a famous paladin, a shadowy assassin, or a lich, but settling on who that person is and what they were known for will be a big help for establishing the lore of the item.
And these items are legendary for a reason. What happened? Was this blade used to kill an emperor, or was the Covetous Hat used to sow discord among the mortals who wanted its power?
One last thing. I believe that the best practice is to envision how each of your legendary items might appeal to a particular PC. Obviously if you have a single caster, they’ll get the magic wand. But tailoring the abilities and lore of an item to the interests of an individual party member helps to give them a personal investment in acquiring them: they’ll feel like the item is meant for them, because in some ways, it is. But if you want to scatter items with no intended recipient, that’s also fine--and keep in mind that even if you know who you want to receive the item, the players might not agree with you.
My players are still low-level, but they want more thrilling items. What can I do?
You can take this a couple directions. First, you can give out minor legendary items--items that are less powerful, but still have some legendary component: a local knight slew a lindworm living in the town well with this blade; the witch of these woods bespelled this cloak with an enchantment to give her greater stealth.
My personal preference is to simply “de-power” an item of legendary significance. I like this because it takes the situation from “we got a nuke, now let’s cause problems” to “we have to figure out how to make this nuke functional again.” Perhaps the Helm of the Flies is shattered and the party must find all the pieces and repair it. The Ironbrand Staff is sentient and lost its swagger, so the party has to figure out how to build up its self-esteem so the magic works again.
How do I know how powerful this item is?
Personally, I think the safest route is to compare it to similar items. If you don’t have the DMG handy for item homebrewing, look up a few legendary items online and see how they function. Find a good template to work off, and you’ll be fine.
If you are using the DMG, keep in mind that like CR calculations for homebrew monsters, the DMG’s info is going to be approximate. In a campaign full of undead, the zombie-slayer sword is going to be more effective than in a campaign full of fiends. Context matters.
Wait wait wait, how do I work these into my campaign?
It’s up to you! I enjoy leaving them as complicated plot hooks, like I mentioned above, but in one case, I let my players take a legendary trident off an elemental myrmidon completely unaware of its power--only for a plot twist to make them lose it again (ideally they’ll get it back someday). They might be wielded by an important enemy, hidden in a pile of loose coin and gems in a dungeon, guarded as a priceless relic, or simply rumored about. You could even claim the old item was long ago destroyed, but the blueprints remain--giving the party a chance to craft a legend of their own.
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suhmayzooka · 5 years
cursed child broadway, December 28, 2019
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my sister (S) and i were fortunate enough to get tickets for the third row, right by the aisle, making us right in the center.  I was a bit worried about the seats being so close to the stage, but it was absolutely amazing to be so close to the action. it was immersive, and i felt like i was part of the action.
S is my polar opposite.  she’s not a potterhead, for starters, and likes to call me (and everyone else in the theater, especially those in cosplay) a loser.  she’s heavily involved with her school’s theater -- acting and stage crew -- and i call her a theater nerd.  she’s an aspiring actress, and almost gave my mom a heart attack when she announced her plan to study acting in college (they compromised, and now S intends to major in psychology in addition to acting).  i didn’t know she was interested in cursed child since she eschews all ‘nerdy’ things, but she said that she ‘wanted to see how bad it was.’
she’s been the only extrovert in our family since she was born. she’s a hatstall between gryffindor and slytherin (although she identifies with the lion).  if you’re reading this, i’m assuming you like cursed child and perhaps are involved with the fandom.  ever read the tea time series on ao3? S is lily luna.  she’s the embodiment of how everyone writes lily luna.  she cursed out our dad a few days ago.  she made me spend the equivalent of two hours of work on fucking soda and popcorn because she didn’t listen to me when i told her to pack a clif bar.  this is what i put up with.
she actually enjoyed the show!  i was shocked.  she loved the effects.
after part one, she turned to me and went, “please just tell me one thing: do albus or scorpius die?”
i was surprised by her question.
she explained: “because at this point all i care about is their romance, and if they don’t get together or if they die i’m leaving the theater.”
this is coming from someone who ranted to me about how she doesn’t understand why people ship non-canon pairings since ‘not every friendship has to be romance.’ and here she was genuinely invested in scorbus? my heart…
i’m a good big sister, so i told her really vague statements like “our heroes will find themselves in danger several times during this act...” “one person’s pain is used to inflict pain on the other” and similar things.  eventually, she became convinced that scorpius would be revealed to be voldemort’s son and harry would accidentally kill him. not sure how she came up with that.
i guess everyone caught the plague? the coughing would Not stop.  S started making fun of them. and it’s like...everyone was a-okay during wand dance.  there were no coughs in the opening choreography for part two.  no, everyone had to succumb to coughing fits during the quiet, emotional moments.
“i always wanted a best mate to get up to mayhem with--”
“--you’re my best friend--”
for every. emotional. scene. maybe they were choked up on their tears.
at the last minute we decided to do stage door.  as in, we had already left the theater, saw the line outside, and were like, “sure.” unfortunately we had left our playbills in the theater since my hands were occupied holding her soda and popcorn since apparently she’s incapable of doing so…
i’m using google and my shitty facial recognition to remember who was who.  we (she) spoke to zell steele morrow (young harry), karen janes woditsch (mcgonagall), nadia brown (rose), james snyder (harry), and nicholas podany (albus).  unfortunately, we had to catch our train and left just as jonno roberts (draco) came out :( i think he was S’s favorite.
anyway here are my (our) thoughts:
1. Characters
~nicholas podany is a really good albus! he’s very mischievous, and you can see the wheels in his head turning as he comes up with his (increasingly more ridiculous) plans.  whenever he comes up with an idea he looks at scorpius like :O and it gets funnier as the play goes on.
~bubba weiler is a lot of fun. he’s very physical actor, and he really hams it up.  his scorpius is meant to be seen rather than read.  most of the comic relief is written for scorpius, and there seemed to be roars of laughter after every other line.  he shook his hips at “MALFOOYYYY THE UNAANXIOUSSS” and (exaggeratedly) pretended to march in place for “MY GEEKNESS IS A-QUIVERING!!” he purred at rose.  he flailed his entire body around when he was crucio-d :( one thing i noticed was how he carried himself.  scorpius spent a lot of time sitting hunched over, rocking slightly back and forth (most noticeable when he was introduced, but he hunched over and rocked on the staircase several times as well). when he stands he’s rubbing his thumbs or the hems of his robes.  his leg was bouncing nonstop in the library scene.  anyway what i’m trying to say is scorpius malfoy is neurodivergent. ableists don’t interact.
~for some reason S says that both scorpius and albus are unlikeable, but they’re cute together.  she was very proud when scorpius yelled at albus for being “the most terrible friend.”
~the chemistry between scorbus is There. it’s clear podany and weiler are close friends irl; they’re extremely comfortable together and play off each other really well.  
~matt mueller is great as ron. he works well with what he’s been given...not his fault thorne/tiffany decided to make ron a caricature with very little resemblance to canon ron...but that’s a rant for another day :] he’s delightful on stage.  he’s funny and charming.
~i’ll admit i wasn’t really feeling jenny jules as hermione, at least in part one.  she’s really playful, especially in the scene in her office where she offers harry a “to~fee~!” she was really great in the dark timeline, however.
~my romione heart
~the man himself, james snyder as harry potter!  was um, very shouty? very angry all the time.  he’s under a lot of stress.  his son disappeared in time.  i’ll let it slide.
~jonno roberts was literally draco malfoy.  his sneer, his swagger, everything was absolutely as i imagined draco 20 years in the future would be.  he’s so protective of scorpius...when the adults travel back to 1981 to find their sons, he picks scorpius up as they hug? and then instead of breaking apart, he sort of...put one arm around scorpius’s neck? like a backwards neck travel pillow thing. scorpius held his arm as draco looked around behind him for any danger.  it was really cute.
~diane davis was a really protective ginny.  all the fiery ginny from the books that was absent from the films made its way into her.  
2. Scenes
~one criticism i have is the fact that everyone speaks really quickly.  it’s a five hour play and i get that they’re trying to contain all the dialogue within that time but like...it’s a dialogue-heavy show.  i knew what was going on since i’m familiar with the script and the story, but there were parts when S and other members of the audience were confused. this was especially noticeable during the trolley witch scene.  literally nothing could be heard over the music and the sound effects, and several people around us were audibly confused and asking each other what was happening.  i mean, it doesn’t make a lot more sense with the dialogue, but at least let us hear what the characters are saying!
~podany, snyder, and (at times) weiler were the worst offenders.  weiler’s good at physical comedy, punctuating his iconic lines with clownlike movements for laughs since no one would know what he’s saying otherwise.  e.g. “we stand over the baby and scream” was almost inaudible, so we just heard “HEEELLLPPP HEEEEELLLP!” it was effective since the whole theater laughed, i guess. take this with a grain of salt; we were only a few feet away from the stage, so maybe our audio wasn’t the best.  
~roberts was crystal clear at all times
~S fell in love with scorbus during the staircase ballet.  if you’ve seen that one clip from this cast you know why.  the YEARNING.
~the LIBRARY scene! i reblogged audio of this a few months ago. oh my god, it’s perfect.  it hits the emotional highs and lows.  when albus said, “i wasn’t a loser before i met you,” there was a collective gasp and we all “OOOOOOOOOOH”-ed.  everyone was invested in this. weiler’s performance is really emotional, he’s holding back tears, i’m holding back tears. podany’s gets so soft when he talks about how kind he is.  i actually clenched my heart. “friends?” “always.” audience: “OOOOOOOOOH!”
~i can confirm that myrtle’s “girls...AND BOYS” is directed straight at albus.  his eyes widen, and he sheepishly shrugs his shoulders and is very excited to change the topic.
~scorpius’s imaginary friend was named hector.  idk if he improvises it every time, or if he decided to change it to hector from flurry, but his delivery was great.  sweetly: “oh, i had one of those too!” scathing hiss: “HECTOR.”
~the biggest jumpscare of the play was when scorpius emerged from the lake at the end of part one.  it was all dark, and then he shoots out of the water, gasping. i jumped.
~voldemort walked down the aisle right next to us.  S was terrified that he’s jump or touch her, so she curled up next to me.
~i was interested in how the penultimate scene would play out, since i heard that weiler and podany really play up their relationship, but scorpius had spent every scene with rose purring at her.  she came and imitated a scorpion when she said “scorpion king,” curving her hand and making a hissing noise, which elicited a few “oohs” from the audience.  then the Hug...the “new version of us” line is said as they hug, and they just. stood there for a few moments, hugging.  when albus goes “you better ask rose” scorpius looks up at him and blinks, goes, “.........uh oh yeah, rose….” and goes off stage.  right before he exits he looks at albus, and albus keeps watching him after he leaves. uhh anyway scorbus is canon and so is pollyrose
~“dad...i don’t want to be a wizard anymore.” (dead silence) “i want to go into pigeon racing” *breaks into the biggest shit-eating grin and cracks up*.  the last shot is harry holding albus as he silently weeps.  Ookay.
~due to several instances of childhood trauma, my sister’s biggest fear is birds (especially chickens, ostriches, and...pigeons).  she didn’t know why people laughed at harry’s confession that he was afraid of pigeons, because to her that’s a valid fear.  we saw a pigeon in the train station and she almost cried.
3. Stage door
~S did most of the talking.  she told everyone “so sorry we don’t have our playbill! you did such a great job!” and then struck up mini conversations.  i stood nodding like “good job!” looking like this :]
~first up was (i believe) zell steele morrow! he’s so cute and was really upbeat.  S finally found someone shorter than her…
~karen janes woditsch asked what houses we’re in.  S was like “gryffindor!” and she smiled, i told her “ravenclaw” and she was like, “well...i love all my students equally….”
~i didn’t recognize james snyder since he was dressed like he was in the arctic.  neither did S.
~nadia brown was so sweet!  you could tell she really loved seeing fans.  there was a group behind us in line who apparently were here for their third viewing, and they conversed like they were old friends.
~nicholas podany came out wearing a t shirt. in december.  i was cold because i forgot to wear gloves and he came out in a t shirt.  the group behind us asked if he was cold and he said that he was hot from running around the stage.  S told him that he did great, she asked how long he was performing (ten months since february) and her response was “oh, that makes sense, you were good!” he went on about how he loves performing, how each night is different based on the crowd and how we were such a great crowd, and i could feel S like. sinking into the sidewalk. i just nodded at him and went “good job.”
~he’s my height, maybe slightly shorter (i’m 5’6/167 cm) and very pale.  i think S has a crush on him since she wants to go back to “apologize for being so awkward.” growing up she had a crush on daniel radcliffe, too, so i guess she has a thing for potters.
~the group behind us went on about how much they loved harry potter, had been fans their whole lives, etc. podany’s apparently a huge potterhead, but not the biggest in the cast: they all came together to see who was the biggest potterhead, and the answer is the actor who plays cedric (forgot his name and the internet isn’t helping, sorry!) -- his tv (?) remote is in the shape of a wand! the rest of them are nerdy enough to fact-check the director lmao
~we didn’t get to actually speak with jonno roberts, but we saw him interacting with other fans.  he seems like a cool guy.
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monkey-network · 6 years
Good Stuff’s Best of 2018
WARNING: I just want to say cheers to you for making it through another year. I send you best wishes for next year to be fruitful. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
Dedicated to Stan Lee, Stefán Karl and Stephen Hillenburg, the number ones of children entertainment
Bow Whacka Wow, playas and players. 2018 gave us quite a lot to consume while society continues to fumble like a Tumblr update. While hopefully the chaos has died down for the final weeks of the year, I’m counting down the best cartoons/animations I’ve seen and loved this year in no particular order. Only two rules, no sneak previews of future projects (sorry 101 Dalmatian Street and MP100) and no potential entries from last year’s list (sorry True). With that said, roll it....
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I love the Lego Movie. I’ll potentially like the sequel. I like Unikitty. She got a show, and it was a great show to start off the year. Upbeat, colorful, off the walls sometimes, perfectly capturing the spirit of the eponymous character. I’m glad the other characters are just as enjoyable, I never get tired of the theme song, every episode had me smilin’ one way or another, it’s just a quality bottle of positivity juice. Don’t know how else to explain it, Unikitty, the show and character, just makes and continues to make me smile.
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This anime ain’t nothing but unfunny randomness and skits with a forgetful arc in the first and final episode. I don’t get it, never gonna get it, so I don’t want to get it! MORE LIKE POOP TEAM EPIC, ‘nuff said. Which is why the actual number nine is....
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Honestly, there is something endearing about the way Bob Epic Team presents itself. The simplicity and variety of its animation is remarkably good and makes it feel timeless sometimes. The comedy works in a way that gives you a clear grasp on the two characters while letting them do whatever they want. The surrealism of this is fun to think about, showcasing a hedonistic philosophy that rivals that of Epicurus. The duo’s chemistry is what especially got me, as they felt like the best of friends, potentially love birds *wink wink*. This anime was just creative in every sense of the word and, like Unikitty, it was a great anime to start of the year.
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The ska is RAH. I honestly find this to be the loose spiritual successor to Hey Arnold and Recess. Like the playground, the creek is a well fleshed out setting with the many characters that hang there, from the TAZ trio to the loving witches of the creek. Though I will say the best episodes are when we get insight on the main three’s personal lives with their families and when the characters themselves go through a personal trial to understand themselves a little better. The shows thrives in the theme that the creek is a place where you can enjoy getting your hands dirty and work towards something you want, even if it doesn’t add to any concrete long term benefit beyond learning a thing or two about yourself and others. And I say for somebody that relates to Craig as a character, that’s a welcoming thought that the show has yet to perish. And the ska is a welcome choice of music, IMO.
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It’s funny in how a little over a year of getting a movie, Captain Underpants gets an animated series with not only original stories in lieu of just animating the already printed stories, but puts it all in a format similar to reading a book with a sardonic narrator and separating the plot of the episode into chapters with subtitle cards; one of the first I’ve seen do this. But really, a “Captain Underpants cartoon” is something I can’t say would turn out bad, and I’m right as this is a show that revels in what made CU great in the first place. George, Harold, Melvin, and Mr. Krupp/Captain Underpants are all great characters with the additional supporting cast providing welcome life to the world. Every Incredible Violence Chapter is brilliant in their own right, and while I wasn’t a fan of the ending they had for the season, it’s great that almost every episode is self-contained, boosting its replay value. Honestly, any compliment I have for this was already said in my review of this and the movie, so I’ll just say this too was faithful to its source material and benefited heavily for it.
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Rick and Morty done better. BOOM, send tweet! It is safe to say that this was quite the sleeper hit and I can’t help but say it’s lowkey one of the best adult cartoons this year next to Ballmastrz and Final Space. And while I certainly appreciate the other two *hint hint* this one got a step above on the grounds that it works as a comedy and a solemn tale of a chosen hero that stumbles through years in the office life. It’s improv humor feels natural and it can be as melancholic as Bojack Horseman without making it all too deep like so; has a great balance of both. Main man Gary, unlike Rick for the most part, is a guy that’s both reasonably reprehensible yet pretty relatable. Not to mention, while it was bittersweet, it had a very satisfying finale to where I feel like this was a complete series all together. With a rough art style that compliments it’s tone, this was a series that surprised me in its sharp quality.
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I’ll admit. Initially wasn’t a fan of it as it felt like a knock-off to Regular Show (may it rest). Just had a duo of bros living together, doing mundane labor while coming up with impromptu tunes along the way. Then again, I was gladly proven wrong because the charm of it generally being a simple show, even with every person being food, somehow more regular than Regular Show. Every song they make is upbeat and catchy, all of the characters are endearing, and with only 10 episodes, each one was well paced and had quality writing to the point where I teared up a couple times. It stinks that this and Summer Camp Island have generally been receiving the shaft this year after their premieres, but I'm just glad that they haven’t been truly forgotten by CN and are getting more episodes next year. Plus, I love food and this show is about food. Debate over.
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I was familiar yet never saw The Three Caballeros, ironic since Donald is one of my favorite Disney characters. But then, out of the blue, I found this and I was stunned, amazed, confused, nonetheless invested. It has a bumpy start, but it’s a joyous adventure from that start to end. The look of it is something I’ve rarely seen in animation since... freakin’ Wakfu. I love Xandra and I was glad to see her be an active player on the team. The villains are such a hammy delight. And Jose and Panchito were very lively and entertaining foils to Donald’s cynic nature while all three work as well together like the 3 stooges. Donald himself gets a great arc of his own throughout the season. And the theme, HO MY GOD I LOVE THIS THEME! It’s a damn shame Disney hasn’t released this already (since it’s all online already) because this series is much better than it has any right to be.
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I say, the beauty of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is that regardless of what part you start from, you’re enthralled into its world and ya feel compelled to dig into it more. Parts 3 was what got me into Jojo, like most I bet, but it was part 5 that got me “Oh yeah, this series [just] works on more than level”. The characters are what keep me hooked, regardless of Crunchyroll refusing to give their stands proper English names [Zipper Man, CR?], Fighting Gold and Freak ‘n You will never get old, and David Productions putting great effort into the small details and giving life and style to the original manga. I’ll just say, as one who’s read and loved the manga, this anime has not ceased to keep me impressed and guessing for more.
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Funking superb, you afro having web-slinger. I hate to say it, but 2018 didn’t have the most impressive line-up of western animated features. Most were average, entertaining sure, but nothing felt like 110% was given. Until Spidah-Man came on the scene and I was like “WIG...
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The only major problem I have with this film, besides a bit of slow pacing, is more of a missed opportunity where the stakes of getting the Spidermen back to their dimensions before dying felt like an afterthought. Then again, that’s ALL I have for problems. It looks fantastic. The action is smooth, coherent, and satisfying to see. The tiny details and comic book aesthetic of it was a blessed touch. I loved almost every character here. Nick Cage and John Mulaney. The fact that it has so much yet was able to juggle it all blew my mind. Even the post credits scene made this such a love letter to the wall-crawler. This film was refreshing to say the least and the central theme behind the idea of Spider-Man made this as great of a superhero movie as Infinity War and Lego Batman. Just saying, this better make its budget back and THEN SOME. It deserves it.
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Netflix, we’re not on good terms mind you, but ya done did it again. This is honestly one of the few shows that I genuinely took my time with as opposed to binging it, because binge watching is a devil in itself. Like the Spider-verse movie, it got the style of its source material down to cozy colored T with its autumn color palette and etched lining in the characters. Like the Captain Underpants series, while having a grounded arc of Hilda journeying through the city life and her colliding wildlife, each episode can be generally be enjoyed on their own. Like Gary and His Demons, it felt like a complete season and the fact it’s getting a season two made things all the better. But above all, it was a generally peaceful yet captivating fantasy cartoon to watch with incredible animation, an endearing main character, amazing looking folk creatures of all sizes and powers, and a cuddly deerfox for a pet. I say this is to the fall what Harvey Beaks was to the spring, and if I can compare a show to Harvey Beaks you know you’ve achieved greatness. Like True and the Rainbow Kingdom, gives you a moment of honest bliss and happiness that can influence your outlook on looking forward to better things because like Hilda herself, you push forward and have some fun exploring.
Just saying, I cannot stress this enough this is NOT my number one favorite show of the year, hell of all time. THAT goes to....
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ONCE AGAIN, Teen Titans GO reigns supre-- Huh, what’s that? Oh my god, you’re serious?! The Number One is
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Clash Royale Hack For Real
Being the game premium resource, gems are the ultimate weapon for gaining trophies and advancing further into higher arenas. They are needed for purchasing gold, so you can upgrade your cards. Or you can speed the chests unlocking process as well, speeding your game progress overall. Gems are mainly obtained through in-app purchases and cost really a lot. There are some strategies how to obtain free gems. Even the use of Clash Royale hack. Some of them highly more effective than others though.
Step 3: Here you will find a box to login with your Clash Royale game account. Enter those basic details. Note that, a trustworthy online hack tool never asks users for their game account password. Your safety is the major priority and to update game resources just game username is sufficient.
It's all about the server signals and connections. Our code that deals with the game servers is packed into a nice algorithm which gives signals and tricks the game servers every time a request is made from our users that a purchase has been completed and the server automatically transfers the resources to the user's account. When in fact there was no valid transaction made. In other words, you haven't spent a dime and yet you get a lot of Gold and Gems. Additionally, SLL and the private proxy support/ anti-ban system will make sure you pass undetected or under the radar of the game administrators, thus there is practically no chance for you to get caught or banned. 100% Compatible with iOS & Android
The other game resource is gold. It's really hard to obtain both resources through play. Plus, it gets tougher to upgrade your cards as you progress along. You really need to dedicate into the game so you won't feel its insufficiency. Or even better, you can cheat a little. Everyone needs a help from time to time, ain't that so?
Some decks has proven to be more effective than others in a particular Arena. It's understandable that a deck that works perfectly on Arena 4, will not work the same way in Arena 8. Remember, it's all about combinations. Don't just put all the high-cost cards in your deck. In matter of fact, one of the best decks is low-cost cards only.
Clash Royale Hack With Cydia 2017
The online hack tool can be used to generate unlimited numbers of elixirs that you can further use to buy new cards in your Clash Royale gaming platform. Generally, you will find limited sources of elixirs on clash royale platform so in order to get instant boost for all impressive powers it is good to access online hack tool.
All of you require gems for making your game platform more powerful against enemies. Gems provide help to update powers of characters at different levels and they also help to make your clan more secure against attacks. We know that you will find limited opportunities to collect gems within this game this advanced hack tool has been designed to allow easy gem generation. The best part is that it offers unlimited gems for free. Yeah! You need not to invest your hard earned money to get these gems for your game.
Clash Royale Hack To Get Unlimited Gems
Free Gold. The other Clash Royale resource within the game. You get gold with each battle you win and with each chest you open. Needed for upgrading units only. Gold can be obtained by purchasing it with gems too. Which makes gems even more desirable as well.
Many decks work differently on every player. People wonder, what will be the best deck for this game? The answer is-- there is none. Every deck you combine is good and efficient on its own way. It all depends on the level of the Arena you're in. However, there are some cards that have the tendency to be more effective than others.
If you initiate search for a hack tool over internet for Clash Royale platform then you will definitely find millions of tools. Most of these are paid and rest all are required to be installed on gaming consol or mobile device. This is really bad! We can not compromise our device memory for a hack tool and it is also not a good idea to pay hard earned money just to buy a hack tool. Don't worry! We are here to solve your trouble. Here we are talking about an online hack tool that works over cloud and the best thing to know is that you need not to pay for it's usage. Yeah! It's 100% free to use. No matter whether you are playing your game on Android device or on iOS platform; this cloud based online hack tool can be accessed on every system with ease.
Clash Royale Hack With Night Witch
The "How to Get 500 Gems Free" is one of the most shared tutorials that we provide. It really helps, boosting you with a nice start. And the best thing is, it works perfectly well with both Android and iOS. On top of all, you don't have to pay anything to obtain those gems.
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