#how does he even begin to explain any of that to his mom
purplecatghostposts · 2 months
Rewatching Risk and thinking about how genuinely freaked out Félix gets when he sees Emilie in the basement. That’s not just his aunt but someone who looks exactly like his mom. He bolts the second he sees her and it honestly looks like he’s going to make a run for it out of the house before Nathalie and Gabriel find him. You can see him floundering a bit to act like Adrien again before he regains his composure. I just. AAA. I love this episode. It’s the definition of ‘Fucked around and found out’. Félix was prepared for a lot but NOT finding the basement.
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luveline · 1 year
could i request teacher!reader with hotch? like maybe she’s jacks teacher
thank you for your request! fem!reader, 1.2k
You're a teacher: you're always tired. Overworked, underpaid, everybody knows how it goes. And maybe you've let yourself go because you don't have any real material hopes for the future beyond getting Macy Danish to read at a first grade level, but how were you supposed to know that Jack Hotchner's father would be so overwhelmingly attractive? It's not fair. 
He's handsome though older than you'd been expecting, but that isn't the cut and dry of it. When he comes in, it's alone, in a well-fitted suit. He's tall and remarkably dark-eyed, shaking your hand without trying to impose any authority, as some of the fathers tend to do, and when you call him Mr. Hotchner, he says, "Aaron, please," but continues to call you Ms. L/N.
"Aaron," you say, pulling your skirt under your thighs as you sit down. You're dressed in nice clothes for the parent-teacher conferences, but you could've covered your sleeplessness better. "Jack is the nicest boy in class. He's actually my loveliest kid. Um…" You search through your notes for the preliminary assessment of Jack. "Sorry, two seconds." 
"Take your time. I know what it's like to dig through a mountain of paperwork every day." 
"Jack mentioned you work in the government, he calls you a special agent," you say, smiling. "You get the bad guys." 
"I am a special agent. Supervisory." Aaron is conscientious enough to pretend he doesn't notice your surprise. "I'm chief of the behavioural analysis unit." 
You can't even begin to guess what that entails. "Oh," you say breathlessly. 
"I understand that it sounds fantastical." 
"It sounds impressive," you say, floundering to correct yourself. Behavioural analysis? It must be obvious to him how nervous he's making you, then, and when you realise that, you get worse. "I'm so sorry about this. I should be more organised. I usually am." 
"That's alright. Take your time." 
Does he always speak that way? His voice is like fucking silk? Is he messing with you?
You yank the notes you made for Jack from the pile and flatten them across the desk. "Okay, sorry. Like I was saying, Jack is really the nicest kid, him and his friend Molly. They're both lovely, and teachers shouldn't have favourites, please don't tell the other parents, but they're my favourites." You smile at him quickly and return your eyes to the paper. The words swim in front of your eyes. "Jack can read better than you could ever hope for a first grader, he's immensely intelligent for his age group. He's patient. He'll explain anything to anyone if they ask him too, and he does it well." 
"I'm glad to hear that," he says, again so softly. 
You pick up one of your skinny biros to have something to fidget with. He's a very good looking man, but you're a good teacher. You can focus on what to say. Some parents need good things only. Some need reassurement that they're doing a good job. Aaron is harder to read, but you know what he needs, too. 
"He can be lonely," you say, looking him in the eye. "I don't think that that's down to any fault. I'm sure you know better than I do why he might feel that way." You know about his mom's passing over a year ago. You've seen grief in children too many times. "He… I understand if this isn't okay with you, but he eats lunch with me sometimes. I encourage him to sit with his peers, of course, but I think he runs out of energy pretty quickly." 
Aaron nods thoughtfully. His brows quirk into a furrow that you're afraid is directed at you. 
"I don't think he necessarily has trouble connecting with his friends." 
"What do you think?" 
"I think something awful happened to your family, and Jack will feel it for the rest of his life, but that it won't stop him from being great. It already isn't. And… he clearly has a father who loves him and who he admires. You're his second favourite topic." 
"What's his first?" he asks. 
"He's really into Fruity Fridays," you say with a laugh. "I bring in fruits you don't get often in America. Someone would've had to sign a form." 
"No, I remember signing it. He likes that?" His smile is golden. "I can't get him to try new things." 
"He had all the leftover gold kiwi last week." You rub your lips together. Time is ticking. You have nearly thirty parents to see tonight, but talking to Mr. Hotchner has been so normal. He's a regular person in a sea of inattentive helicopter narcissists. It's a relief and a half to meet him and know a kid as gentle as Jack is in good hands. "Mr. Hotchner, I have to tell you, I'm really relieved to meet you." 
"Aaron," he corrects.
Your tone drops too low. "Aaron." 
"I'm more than relieved," he says. "I knew that this year would be harder for him. I didn't know… I'm grateful to you, for being so kind with him." 
You look down at your notes, flushed from head to toe despite your airy skirt. Crossing your legs, you shake your head. "It's my job." 
"To let him take up the only break you get all day?" he asks. 
"It's not like that. Jack doesn't bother me." You fold your notes in half. "I can see his role model measures up." 
"I could say the same thing." 
The next time you see Jack, bright and early Monday mooring shepherded by his aunt Jessica, he's very happy to see you. You offer him a hug and pat his back when he wraps his arms around your hips. "Hello, Jack. Was your dad pleased with your drawings?"
Jack smiles at you. "I have a note for you." 
"You do? Can I see? Where is it, honey?" 
Jack takes off his backpack and pulls out the note and a tupperware container. "Oh, wow, did you make treats for the class? Jack, that's so nice!" 
"No. Dad said those are for you. He said you should have nice for nice, or something," Jack informs you. 
"You'll share with me, though? I can't eat them all by myself," you whisper. 
He nods with enthusiasm and runs off to put his backpack in his cubby and his coat on the hook. You look down at the cookies and note, which is actually an envelope. 
You open it with your thumbnail. The writing is Aaron's usual tight cursive.
Dear Miss L/N, 
I hoped to thank you again in person, but work makes that hard. I appreciate everything you do for Jack. There are teachers who work, and there are teachers who go above and beyond. I can feel confident anywhere in the country knowing Jack is being taught by the latter. 
Gratefully yours, 
Aaron Hotchner. 
P.S. Please don't feed Jack too many cookies. They're not for him. 
You keep the letter even if it's lame to do so. When is the next parent teacher conference, anyways?
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httpknjoon · 4 months
the truth, the lie, and the surprise | jjk
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plot | After Wooshik receives the surprise meant for your boyfriend, Jungkook is put in an interrogation situation to talk about his undisclosed relationship with a certain 'Princess'.
words | 1.6k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | this one's long overdue! the end is coming for this series. enjoy reading.
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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“I really feel like I’m not your friend anymore.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his friend’s dramatics. His eyes have traveled everywhere in the diner except to Wooshik, who’s sitting in front of him. Jungkook looks down at his chocolate milkshake, playing with the straw while listening to his friend. 
This all began with the surprise flower arrangement you sent for him– which he loved by the way. It was special for him, especially since you included tiger lilies, his favorite flower, in the center of the arrangement. It was his first time receiving one and he would have loved indulging in the fleeting feeling of having flowers sent to him. But, just less than an hour ago, Wooshik received the said delivery sent by you meant for him. At that point, Jungkook knew he had to reveal his relationship status because how else would you explain someone sending his flowers a day before Valentine’s? 
At first, his stomach dropped when Wooshik asked him who Princess was. But now, sitting here in the diner near the bowling alley they initially talked about going to, he just keeps on biting his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling or even chuckling at how dramatic Wooshik is.
Wooshik continued after taking a sip from his ice-cold soda, “You know? I feel like you’re keeping secrets from me. I’m your best friend, Kook. Why are you hiding stuff from me? I never hide anything from you.”
That’s when Jungkook had to interfere, “Freshman year, 2015. You didn’t tell me you got to go out with Grace Lee for not just one– or two– or three dates with her. You two went out for like a month. You knew that–”
“Okay. maybe that. But that was one time and she came on to me in Bryan’s house party.” Wooshik defended himself, maintaining the same narrative he told him years ago when Jungkook found out about him and the girl he had his eyes on in the first couple of months of their freshman year.
“Okay. Then, this is my one time too,” Jungkook replied, leaning back to the vibrant red faux leather of the diner booth.
“Yeah, but this one’s pretty serious. I mean, she sent you flowers! And everything is starting to make sense now.” 
Wooshik recalled how his best friend gradually stayed lowkey every time they would go out. He was beginning to wonder why Jungkook stopped entertaining women who would come up to him at bars or any other place they went to. Plus, in Wooshik’s knowledge before this, Jungkook has been single for too long. It is unusual not just to him, but to everyone in your friend group. Jungkook used to be the subject of teasing by everyone because of how he struggled to commit to a relationship.
“Did you not tell about this because we bet on your relationships a long time ago?” he asked, recollecting when he, Jenny, Blaire, and occasionally Dara would take bets on how long his relationship would last. You always just laugh at them doing that but never join.
“Maybe,” Jungkook answered shortly. It is one of the factors you and him decided to stay private about your growing relationship.
“Why keep her a secret? Does she know you’re keeping her a secret?” Wooshik began throwing rapid-fire questions.
Jungkook remained calm, “Yes, she knows. It’s a decision we made. We’re not totally a secret, we’re just private.”
“What?” his best friend mumbled, confusion written all over his face. “What’s the difference— Has she met your mom?!”
“Yes, a thousand times.” 
“And she never told me about it?!” he exclaimed.
Being friends for almost half of their lives now, Wooshik is basically Jungkook’s adoptive brother. He is close to his parents, especially to his mom, who treats him as her own. They would call each other at times like a real mother and son. But knowing these two people in his life, Jungkook knows that there was probably a time when his mom probably slipped on telling Wooshik about you. But he probably missed it.
“Okay, just ask anything right now. I’ll answer anything I can.” 
“Is Princess her name? Or it’s just some kind of nickname?” Wooshik asked.
“A nickname.”
“How long have you been together?”
There was this weird tension in the air when Wooshik asked him these questions. Jungkook finds it funny that he feels like a criminal being interrogated by an officer, who is just his friend being naive and curious at the same time.
“More than two years,” Jungkook replied, looking straight into his friend’s eyes. That’s when he sees Wooshik’s eyes get bigger as more realizations set in his head.
“Two years?! Have I met her before?” he asked so loudly that the couple from the table next to them looked in their direction.
His tone was almost accusatory. Out of context, if you’re a stranger listening to these two men, you would assume that they are a couple and that Jungkook cheated on Wooshik. Jungkook turned his head to the couple and slightly bowed his head to offer a silent apology for the bother. Then, he looked back at his friend.
“Yes, you already did.” 
Wooshik’s jaw dropped to the diner’s checkered floor. He was left with no words while trying to recall every woman he met around Jungkook. He tried to trace back every woman he met because of him. But with him having a brain like a sieve, it’s hopeless. And as if Wooshik’s jaw can get lower, Jungkook continued.
“A lot of times already actually.”
Is it rude that Jungkook is enjoying this? At this point, he is just teasing his best friend for his reactions. Feeling his mouth run dry, Wooshik closed his mouth.
“Am I… the only one who didn’t know about this?” he asked slowly, admittedly feeling a little dumb with not realizing this secret Jungkook had been keeping.
“Will it make you less offended about this whole thing if I tell you you're the first to know in our friend group?”
Wooshik nods his head slowly, “Maybe.”
“Okay.” Jungkook nods. “You are the only one who knows.”
He smiled even wider, knowing full damn well that he is lying.
An hour after they arrived there, the two ended up walking back home after finishing their drinks at the diner. The plans of going to the bowling alley next door were all gone when Wooshik remembered that he had lesson plans and school activities needed to prepare for the upcoming week.
“So, Princess. Two years. I met her before. I’m the first one to know.” Wooshik recited every vital information he learned today.
“Yup.” Jungkook nods.
As soon as they got back in his house, Jungkook was asked of another question.
“Will you ever introduce her to me and everyone?” 
And without even pausing for a second, he replied, “Of course. We already talked about that.”
Because you two did. A few times before and after you drunkenly revealed your relationship to Blaire. But there is still no crystal clear plan for it. Just discussions that sometime this year, you will tell your friends about everything.
“When? When are we gonna meet her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll just surprise you.” Jungkook laughed.
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Later that day, Jungkook went to your place. You just got home from your Galentine’s Day celebration with your friends. You gave him a small box of vanilla cupcakes you baked on your own during the baking class you, Jennie, Blaire, and Dara took that day. Your boyfriend also took notice of your newly dyed hair, complimenting you on the color you chose. He then thanked you for the flowers and what escalated after receiving them. You two exchange stories about your equally eventful day while Bam sleeps on his soft bed in the corner of your living room. 
“And what did he say when he learned about how long we’ve been together?” you excitedly asked with a grin already forming on your face.
Instead of answering your question, Jungkook acted out Wooshik’s reaction. It was exactly like what was in your head. You laughed, softly slapping his arm. He smiled before turning his head again back again to his sketch pad, that you bought some time ago at a dollar store. He has been sketching since you handed him that pad minutes ago.
“He didn’t overreact, did he?” you asked, a little worry can be heard in your tone.
Jungkook looks up, sensing the tone. He smiled while reaching for your hand, “It’s Wooshik. Of course, he overreacts.”
Unexpecting that, the tightness in your chest cleared off and was instantly forgotten as you laughed. Jungkook chuckled too.
“Anyway, what do you think about this? Do you think this is something you would love to have on your skin forever?” He then turned his sketch pad to you, showing you what he’s been working on.
You gasped, “Babe, I love it!” 
You reached for the pad and looked at the different pieces he drew. Since you brought up the idea of getting matching tattoos during your recent picnic date, you also asked him to draw the tattoo you two would get to make it more special. You would draw it yourself but you knew Jungkook is much better of an artist than you.
You snapped a picture of the drawing, “I’ll send these to the artist and maybe we can get it tattooed tomorrow.”
“Are you getting them all?!” he asked as he drew three separate objects that symbolize something from each other.
“Yeah, I know I cannot just choose one from any of them.”
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy16 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @petalsofink @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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lemonlover1110 · 6 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 23] Apologies
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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“What do you need, Satoru?” You’re more than annoyed when you’re called into his office. You cross your arms, raising your brow as you look at him. The man looks a little too comfortable in his chair, and you’ve seem to stop caring about how he behaves. If you looked closer, you’d see him fidgeting with his fingers, something he rarely does.
“I was wondering…” He begins, and you feel yourself get more and more irritated by the second. He’s wasting your time. “Do you have any plans on Friday?”
“Work, and maybe take Ren to the movie theater to watch a new kids’ movie.” You answer, and at first you don’t understand why he asks. But then it clicks, and you find yourself even more irritated than before… He’s not planning on asking you out, is he? He’s not crazy enough to do that, at least you hope he isn’t. Satoru has changed a lot, you never know just how crazy he’s gotten.
“Can we go out?” He blurts out, tripping over his words and it almost makes you laugh because he’s so nervous. But then you realize that he’s actually asking you out, and you furrow your brows. 
“Ren is coming along, right?” You question before deciding to berate him. Maybe you’re reading things wrong, and you don’t want to argue with him for no reason, so you allow him to make himself clear. But he shakes his head, and you try to take a deep breath to gather your thoughts, “What do you want, Satoru?”
“I feel like we have to properly talk about everything, and sadly, we can’t do that when Ren is around.” Satoru says, and he isn’t wrong, but you don’t really want to fix anything if it means that you have to be alone with him for an extended period of time. You’re not sure what you’d do if you were alone with him, the moment you get your hands on him you might strangle him. 
“I don’t feel like it’s time yet, Satoru.” You tell him, and he bites his tongue. He thinks of how to argue with you, make a point that going with him is a smart decision. It’ll improve your relationship so you can be better parents to Ren.
“Ren notices there’s something wrong with us and he wonders why.” Satoru points out which isn’t a lie. When Ren was staying over he asked why you were so mean to him or something like that, and Satoru didn’t know how to explain himself. But he knows well that it isn’t the reason why he’s asking you to dinner. 
“Why don’t you tell him that it’s because his dad is a little–” You begin but you cut yourself off. You’re mad at him, you can’t deny that, but it seems that he just wants to make sure your relationship is better so you can parent Ren cordially. You have been rather mean with him lately, so you’ll control your tongue. “I just don’t see the point of going out alone, our relationship can get better with Ren there..”
“Don’t you want to talk about heavier topics? You’ll have to tell me what’s on your mind, and you know that having Ren there isn’t the best idea.” Satoru argues, and you hate the fact that he’s actually making a good point. “It’s a nice place.”
“Fine, just text me the address and the dress code. Don’t take me anywhere too fancy, I usually don’t like the food there.” You answer, and Satoru nods in response. He has very different plans. Ones that probably aren’t crossing your mind. 
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Ren is fairly surprised when you tell him that you’re going out with his daddy– And you aren’t taking him along. He’s unsure what you could possibly do, but when he hears that he’s staying with your mom, he stops caring quickly. Ren loves spending time with his grandmother, so he doesn’t have an issue being with her all night. 
“Where are we going?” You ask Satoru when you get into his car, and he tells you that it’s a surprise. You’re not exactly excited nor do you wonder what the surprise is. The car ride is quiet, Satoru tries to make conversation that you don’t care to engage in even though you know you should. This is to talk about the issues that you have, but you don’t really want to talk.
He turns right, and you’re met with a gate which makes you furrow your brows. Where the hell did he take you? The gate opens and he drives into the place. The house is beautiful, you can’t deny it, but you have no idea why you’re here. 
“Why are we here?” You ask him when he parks the car. Are you here for business? The lights are on so you assume someone lives in the place. He’s fighting back a smile, getting out of his car and running to your side to open the door for you.
“We’re meeting someone here.” He tells you, and you almost roll your eyes. You should’ve known dinner couldn’t have gone so smoothly. “I promise it’ll be fun, nothing weird.”
“I have no option to trust you, do I?” You respond, following behind him after getting out of the car. You look at the house, one that you could only afford in your dreams. Well actually, it isn’t impossible now. Regardless, it’d take so many years of your own effort to buy it. 
You get confused when he opens the door with his own key, and you sigh, knowing that he’s just going to show off his new place. You step inside, and the place is bare, which is to be expected since it seems new. You clear your throat before speaking up, “Who exactly are we meeting?”
He grabs your hand, and you roll your eyes again but you don’t yank your hand out of his grasp. He takes you to the huge kitchen, and he points to the person you’re meeting. Satoru says, “This is our chef for the night. He’ll make whatever you want to eat.”
“Oh.” You’re fairly shocked, but you aren’t too mad. “Okay…”
“I hope it’s better than a restaurant.” Satoru laughs, trying to play it off as a thoughtful act. It is creative, and you can’t exactly complain. But you know that part of the reason he does this is because he doesn’t really remember what you like. “C’mon let’s take a seat. I’ll tell him what we want when you decide.”
“Well… What can I order?” You ask curiously, wondering what the chef has on hand. Sometimes you forget that Satoru is filthy rich and can buy out an entire grocery store without an issue. 
“He’ll make anything you want.” Satoru answers with a smile as he leads you to the dining room. It has a huge table, one that reminds you of his mother’s house. It’s huge, it can fit many people, but most of the time it’ll be empty. He waits for you to take a seat, knowing that if he takes a seat first, you’ll go as far away as possible. “When you decide I’ll tell him.”
“I really don’t know. You can pick.” You respond, pulling a chair and taking a seat. He takes a seat right beside you, and you tense up. You can’t help but point out, “You have so many other chairs.”
“We’re here to talk, are we not?” He tells you, and you roll your eyes. He isn’t wrong, but he doesn’t have to sit so close when there are so many other chairs. You don’t want him so close. He clears his throat before saying, “Dinner is for you, you can pick.”
“I guess…” You try to come up with something but you don’t. Satoru taps his finger on the table, growing impatient. “Can’t you just pick? I’ve already been forced to be here tonight.”
“Fine.” Satoru ends up sighing. He stands up and walks to the kitchen to put in his request, leaving you alone to stare at your surroundings. It’s a beautiful home, but you would change the little decorations that you’ve seen. It’s not up to you anyway.
You hear your phone ring, grabbing it from your purse. You notice that Suguru calls, and you debate on rejecting the phone call– You’ve been ignoring him for so long, but it’s about time you answer his call. Satoru is in another room so you can make it quickly. You end up picking up the phone, bringing it to your ear, “Hi Suguru.”
“Hi…” He answers, sounding shocked that you actually picked up the phone. “Can we talk?”
“Um…” You don’t know how to answer. You just know you have to do it before Satoru gets back because you’re not sure that Suguru hearing Satoru’s voice is a good idea. You don’t know your way around the house, but you stand up from your chair and walk out of the living room, just in case Satoru gets back and makes himself known. “Actually, I’m out to dinner with someone so I can’t right now… Do you want to meet up soon?”
“Yeah, we can do that.” He agrees. “So, what do you want to do?”
“How about we meet at a café?” You ask, and you hear Satoru call out your name, telling you that you have to hang up the phone. “I’ll text you the details, I have to go now. Bye.”
You hang up the phone, and turn around to find Satoru, who finally spots you. He raises his brows, asking, “Who were you talking to?”
“Does it concern you?” You reply which makes Satoru chuckle. He guesses it doesn’t. You two walk back to the dining room, sitting back in the same spots. You start off with a simple appetizer, and some drinks, food that you know Satoru loves. You eat in silence, and you’re forced to speak up, “You insisted that we have to talk, so talk, Satoru.”
“I want to… Apologize.” He begins and when he doesn’t get any more specific, you reply with,
“For…” It’s hard to get the words out even though he knows exactly what he should apologize for. He bites down his lip as he gathers his words. How can he say it without sounding like a total jerk. He blurts out, and you barely understand what he says, “For leaving you when you needed me without an explanation.”
“And?” You respond because he’s still missing a bit. You feel yourself getting more annoyed by his silence, and you have to take a deep breath to compose yourself. “I mean, you left me for money, is that the best you can do?”
“I just don’t know how to properly apologize, you should know I’m not used to apologies.” He claims, and you roll your eyes. Of course he says that instead of thinking of a way to apologize better. He watches you cross your arms, a look of clear anger on your face. “I shouldn’t have done that, I know.”
“You know? But you changed your number and completely cut me out of your life– And not for love, because as much as it hurts, I would’ve preferred you leaving me because you fell in love with someone else… Maybe I would’ve understood it better.” You begin, and you feel your heart break again. You thought you had gotten used to the fact that Satoru left you for his own financial benefit. “I don’t even get why you cut me off completely… Maybe if you had explained everything to me then maybe I could have stuck around but you decided that you wanted me out of your life completely.”
“I just thought you deserved to move on and forget about me.” Satoru argues, and your hands ball up into fists. He’s trying to save his own ass, and it bugs you. The benevolent Satoru. “I just didn’t know you were pregnant with Ren.”
“You know, Satoru, it hurts to know that you were fine with leaving me like nothing– And honestly I’m glad that you cut me off when I was about to tell you that I thought I was pregnant.” You feel tears well up in your eyes but you hold them back. It’s fine, you’re fine. You’re over it. You are. “Have I never been worth anything to you?”
“Of course you do, you are–” You cut him off before he can finish his sentence.
“Not just as Ren’s mother, because before that I was your friend and your girlfriend for so many years.” You try not to let it show that you’re deeply hurt, but it shows. It’s hard not to because the man that you swore you would spend the rest of your life with quickly disregarded your relationship… And the only reason he seems to regret everything is because of his son. “Was your love just a lie?”
“It’s not like that. You know that I love you so much.” He says and his words sting. How dare he say that he loves you? How does he have the audacity to say that? “I just…”
“Just what?” You don’t even give him a chance to finish his sentence. “Don’t you ever say that you love me again, Satoru.”
“You know my mom would’ve made your life miserable if I hadn’t gone with Sayo, in the end, I did what was best for the two of us.” Satoru argues, and you stand up from your chair. You can’t stand to be in the same place as him anymore. He watches you begin to walk away and he has to stand up as well, “Wait, let’s finish this, please. For Ren.”
“No, I have to go. I can’t stand to be in this place with you any longer. You’re so… Why can’t you just admit that you’re fucking selfish? Not only that, just admit that you haven’t cared about me, Satoru. I have always come second to you, and suddenly you’re acting like you aren’t at fault for this, that your mother forced you to make the choice when we both know that you made that choice all on your own.” It genuinely hurts you that Satoru ended up being a completely different person– Or maybe Satoru was this same person all along, you just hadn’t noticed it before.
“You’re right. I did. I made the decision all on my own and I can’t blame anyone else.” He finally admits, which should give you some satisfaction but it doesn’t. You’re taking deep breaths to stop yourself from crying but the tears are coming down your face. Satoru’s heart breaks as he finally watches you break down, and he steps toward you to comfort you. He pulls you into a hug, “I’m so sorry, please don’t cry.”
It’s so tempting to hug him back, but you can’t. You push him away, you don’t want to be met by his warm embrace; you don’t need his comfort. You wipe away your tears, “I’ll forgive you for Ren, but don’t you ever try anything with me.”
“Okay…” He responds, but knowing Satoru, the last part went in one ear and out the other. “C’mon, let’s sit down, our main course is almost ready.”
“I want to go back home to my baby boy.” You tell him, and Satoru sighs. He can’t argue and say anything that’ll make you want to stay a little longer, so he won’t keep you here.
“I also had a surprise for you.” Satoru mentions, but you aren’t really interested. “I’ll tell you when it’s more ready though, and when you’re less mad at me.”
“Let’s just go.” You respond, really not caring to ask. He doesn’t spark curiosity in you. Just as you begin to walk out of the dining room, your chef comes out with the main course. He sets it down on the table, and your eyes spark. You look back at Satoru a little shocked but you proceed to tell him, “I changed my mind.”
“Really?” He has to fight a smirk off his face. You really thought you had him read like a book, but perhaps you are wrong in some aspects. He jokingly asks, “Why is that?”
It’s your favorite meal.
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crljhnn · 2 years
Math tutor
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!Reader
Summary: Rodrick is continuously unsuccessful in asking you out, so when he finds out that you are now tutoring his younger brother he decides to use this to his advantage. The only problem, Greg doesn't play along.
No physical description of the reader; No use of y/n
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: None
>Posted on AO3 as well<
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“So that means x equals 9.” The answer comes out more like a question.
You've been tutoring Greg for about three weeks now and he finally, for the first time since starting this school year, seems to understand what is going on during math class.
“Yes, that’s right!”
While Greg wasn’t the first Heffley you ever tutored, he was the first to actually listen to what you said and process your explanations.
A few years ago you were taking the same math class as his older brother Rodrick who, back then, quite literally begged you to give him some tutoring lessons. While you didn’t like the idea of spending extra time at school to teach someone math, him apparently being so desperate for help, tugged at your heartstrings, making you give in.
On top of that, him being kind of cute and your teeny-tiny crush on him helped convince you as well. However, this adoration you harbored for about three months at that point, died about 5 minutes into your session.
He was barely paying attention to what you were saying, focusing more on drumming his pencils on the edge of the desk while humming along, using every breath you took to change the subject, mostly telling you about this little band of his. The straw that broke the camels back was when he dared to ask why you wanted to end the session only 15 minutes in, following it up with a „That was fun, let’s study together again soon!“.
Since you felt rather disrespected by that, you haven’t really spoken to him since. The highest form of communication was a forced smile when he would greet you in the hallway. You don’t have any common classes anymore.
However, your fiasco concerning Rodricks tutoring lessons didn’t stop his mom from asking you to tutor her younger son who, unsurprisingly, was falling behind in math as well. The significant difference this time was, that you were being paid. So even if Greg turned out to be just as uninterested in what you were saying as his older brother, it wouldn’t be a complete waste of time, at least for you.
That’s how you ended up in the local library every Monday and Wednesday for the last few weeks, explaining math to the younger brother of your former crush.
Today was different though. Since the library had to close down for a week, because of renovations, you decided to meet at the Heffleys house instead.
The last thing Rodrick expected, when he went downstairs to raid the fridge for snacks, was finding his crush of 3 years sitting in his living room.
Having his eyes fixed on you, he misses the last step, causing him to stumble, managing in the last second to grasp the railing to stop himself from face-planting. The result was him reaching the end of the stairs with a loud crash.
“You surely know how to make a remarkable entrance.”
“Haha yeah, hi.” He nervously scratches the back of his head “What are you… hah… what are you doing here?” ‘Stay cool Rodrick, you got this!’
“What does it look like? She’s tutoring me dumbass” The oldest Heffley son honestly didn’t even realize his younger brothers presence until he spoke up.
“Ah cool, so uhm good luck?” With another awkward laugh, he turns around and runs back upstairs.
Back in his room, he begins to panic, if he would have known that you were here he would have prepared better. But he’s sure he can still wing it.
First of all, he’s calling the band over for practice, I mean, he has his own band, chicks dig that.
He has it all planned out in his head, he will put on nice clothes, a nice perfume, and maybe even a bit of eyeliner as well, surely you’re into that. Then he’s gonna go downstairs, let his band in, and have a little jamming session with the boys.
Then there are two possible ways how the plan could continue to play out.
Possibility one, you hear his band playing from the living room and are so impressed that you just have to go and get a closer look. After that, he is going to invite you to sit in on practice for a bit longer. At the end of the session mesmerized will be an understatement to describe your state of mind and you won’t even have to think about it twice when he finally asks you out on a date.
The second possible outcome of you hearing him play is that you, while amazed, are still too shy to come up to him, so he will take a little break to get himself something to drink. Like one of those movie cliches, he’s gonna come in all sweaty, taking a sip of water and then emptying the rest of the bottle over his face and body to ‚cool himself down. Women find that hot, right? You definitely won’t be able to take your eyes off of him then.
While he is daydreaming about you drooling over him, he simultaneously digs through his closet, trying to find this one specific band shirt, that he bought after overhearing you gushing about their newest album. At the same time as he finds it, he hears his friends pull up, making him change in record speed while leaving his room to go back downstairs.
“Oh my god thank you for finally changing your shirt, the last one was smelling disgusting after you’ve been wearing it for like two weeks straight.” Greg had picked up on Rodricks crush on his tutor instantly, quickly deciding that using this new information to mess with him is the best form of revenge for the years of torture his brother put him through.
“Ugh shut up.” He turns to you “He’s lying you know. I change my clothes an appropriate amount of times. I actually just got ready for band practice. You remember me telling you about my band right? The boys are gonna be here any minute now.” He tries to be casual by leaning against the railing of the stairs but ends up stumbling instead.
“Yeah, I remember,” You don’t seem too happy about it though “But why do you have your shirt on backwards?”
Rodricks head snaps down. Fuck. Greg giggles. An awkward silence follows.
He's saved by the doorbell ringing, followed by the other Löded Diaper members walking in.
“Hi bro!”
“Yo Rodrick!”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Why do you have your shirt on backwards?”
This time it’s you who giggles.
Sensing how embarrassed their band founder is, the boys take pity on him and rush him away.
After Rodrick explained his plan to his friends, resulting in him getting hyped up by them, they played for a while. After about 30 minutes he concludes that you won’t make the first move, which brings him to execute plan B of his strategy: to take matters into his own hands.
“You got this man!” He jogs back towards the living room, expecting to find you and his younger brother still studying but instead, he is greeted with Greg sitting in front of the tv playing video games.
“Oh is your tutoring session over already?” He tries to sound unbordered but fails horribly.
“Yeah you know I found it really hard to concentrate with this loud music, so we cut today short.” Greg grins up at the oldest Heffley child.
“Listen up you little shit-” he doesn’t finish his sentence. Maybe he could use Gregs help for his own benefit since you always seem to flee when he tries to make a move. It was the same a few years ago.
He had it all planned out back then as well. First, he was gonna ask you out for a study date, well that didn’t quite work out and it ended up more like a tutoring session. However, the result was that you two were spending some alone time together, so you could say that he roughly reached his initial goal. At least he counted it as a success.
Then Rodrick was going to make you fall for him. And how was he gonna do that? By impressing you of course. And what is the best way to impress a girl? Being in a band! Easy.
Well, that didn’t work out, driving you away even further. So maybe he could use his younger brother to get some inside info on what you like in men and what makes you fall for them.
Rodrick is fast to lay out his new plan to Greg.
“And why would I assist you with that? What is in it for me?” As expected, he is not exactly keen on helping his older brother out. So threatening it is.
“Cause if you don’t, you will regret it.” Greg is about to refuse again when he gets an idea. This would be the perfect way to get revenge on Rodrick. He is just gonna spin around everything you say and make his older brother ruin every chance he's ever had with you.
“Alright fine, I’ll do it.”
“Okay spit it out!” You and Greg are seated at your usual table at the library “You haven’t been able to sit still since you got here, what’s wrong?”
“I have a question.” He is not looking at you.
“Okay shoot!”
Greg has been thinking about how to interrogate you about your type without raising suspicions since the day he agreed to help Rodrick. “So there is this girl I kind of like and I wanted to ask you for advice. If a guy would want to go out with you, what would he need to do to stir your interest?”
“Well, every girl is different so-”
“Yeah but what about you?”
That confuses you a bit, but Greg asking you for girl advice was cute enough for you to not overanalyze it further.
“Well me personally, I like sweet and considerate guys,…”
“So what did she say?!” Rodrick was waiting for his younger brother at the front door, attacking him with questions as soon as he was close enough to hear.
“Calm down! So first of all she said, that she likes assholes you know, just your typical badboy!”
“…you know, the kind of guy who listens to what you have to say and really values your opinion. I want someone who actually hears what I say and shows that he is interested in me as a person...”
“She wants someone who is just a natural leader, an alpha, someone who makes decisions for her and shows dominance by interrupting her frequently. Also don’t seem too eager, she said she finds that overwhelming and just too much. Play it cool, act like you don’t care.”
“… so that means I also prefer deeper compliments, not just about my looks. Of course, it's nice to be called pretty every once in a while, but there is nothing worse than a guy repeatedly telling you how attractive you are, without ever appreciating anything else about you! Like is that the only thing about me that you like, my looks?…”
“She also likes to be complimented about her looks a lot, the more the better. Don’t even bother with any other kinds of compliments. ”
“… And lastly, never compliment a woman by putting other women down. The whole ‘Oh you're just not like other girls’ thing is deeply rooted in misogyny. It’s never a flattering compliment when it's only working because you are putting someone else down.”
“And lastly, she wants to feel special, you know, the best compliments include a comparison, for example, tell her how she is prettier than other women!”
Rodrick was hastily writing everything down.
“Thank you so much, I owe you!”
“No problem”
While you forgot about Gregs weird behavior as soon as you go back to explaining math, you are reminded of it again later, when he asks you to have your next session at his house, without giving an actual reason.
The weirdness reached its peak when he, shortly after you arrived at his house the next week, excused himself to quote ‘Look for, uh… you know,… a thing? That’s in my room’, then went to the bathroom instead, and ‘coincidentally’ as soon as he left his older brother showed up.
“Heyyy what’s up?” Rodrick mentally revises the list he learned by heart last night.
‘Be an asshole’ he kicks your water bottle that was standing next to you, “Oops…”
“Rodrick what the fu-”
‘Show dominance’
“Pick it up!”
“Excuse me? What is wrong wit-”,
‘Act like you don’t care’
“Quit talking like I care about what you have to say, what was your name again?”
“Wh- We both know that you know my name, what the fu-”,
‘Compliment her looks’
“You’re hot!”
And lastly, ‘Make her feel special by comparing her to other women’
“Especially compared to the other girls at school”.
A perfect delivery. He did everything that Greg told him to do. But why did you seem so angry? You looked like you were ready to swing at him.
That’s when he saw it. His shitty little brother was watching the interaction through the slightly opened bathroom door, holding a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. When he catches Rodricks eye he slams the door shut.
“I’m gonna kill you!” He is sprinting towards the room his brother is hiding in, banging his fists against the door.
“What the fuck is going on?” You haven’t been so confused in a long time. That’s when it clicked for you too. That’s why Greg was acting so weird, that’s why he asked about YOUR dating preferences specifically. He asked for advice for Rodrick but must have messed with his brother, based on the older ones reaction.
“Rodrick, were you trying to hit on me?” Your voice is heavily laced with disbelief.
The boy stopped his obnoxious assault on the door.
“Did it work?”
You barely hold in your laugh. “Sure.”
“Wait really?”
Your smile is kinder now, finding this side of Rodrick, where he is eager to appeal to you, really endearing. Shit, are your feelings for him coming back? You definitely were completely over your crush before, so how did he so easily wrap you around his finger again?
“I would have never guessed that you out of all people were into me, you know, after the little stunt you pulled a while ago.”
“What do you mean?” Rodrick is confused, when did he do something that made you believe that he wasn’t interested in you?
“Our tutoring session? When you completely disrespected me by not even listening to me after you were the one to ask for help.”
“I was listening to you! It's just hard to concentrate when you are so… you! And your voice is so…” Wow he just has this way with words “And I didn't intend for it to be actually studying when I ask you. I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you, maybe impress you a bit, my band being the impressive part by the way, and then later ask you out on a date.” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
“And this little scene that played out just now, I guess that was Gregs doing?”
“Yes, since it didn’t work out the last two times I tried to get you to go out with me, I thought this was the best way to do it.”
Oh, your crush was definitely back, and bigger than ever at that.
“Well you never actually asked me out, maybe that would have been enough.”
“I don’t know, guess you have to ask to find out.”
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Hello, I hope your having a nice day, can I request Yandere 1st Years + Grim (Platonic) with a Komi Reader? (From Komi can’t Communicate)
Reader’s known for being incredibly beautiful, intelligent, athletic and elegant in everything she does, however she has crippling Social Anxiety and ends up scaring everyone away with her ‘mean/scary’ look so everyone tends to avoid her (When it’s actually herself that’s nervous since she doesn’t know what to say)
Except for Ace, Deuce and Grim after they spent time with Reader in the mine, they discovered her anxiety she wrote it out so now they’re mostly the ones who do the talking for her and try to help her reach her goal of making 100 Friends in NRC, even though they both think that’s a ‘weird/bad goal’ because this IS NRC
Reader loves cats, so she spoils Grim and Lucius (The latter likes laying in her lap and even follows her around) with pets, treats and affection and helping her friends with studying since she gets perfect marks
How would they react to hearing Reader’s voice for the first time? Not to mention have Reader tell write out that she made a friend all by herself who visits her dorm at night and does nightly walks (You know who it is)
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Komi-San Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re quiet and intimidating but not because others find you scary. The exact opposite, they’re obsessed. You’re athletic, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re kind, and the list goes on. Without so much as opening your mouth, the school is at its hands and knees all for you. Little do they know about your silent struggle, not like your dearest first-year friends. More than anyone they know how hard you work and if their hearts could overfill with love for you it already has.  So imagine your stalkers' friends; reaction to you’re never heard before voice:
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Ace Trappola
“Aw man, (Y/n) I can’t begin to explain how much of a pain he is! With his moodiness, we’re not going to win the game.”
“Don’t say that, I am great but not that great.”
“...Y-you c-can d-do it!” 
He plays 10x better 
All while running on his excitement and embarrassment
“Whoa, Ace! W-were you holding out on us!”
Everyone is floored that he’s suddenly just doing so well
He’s keeping your quiet cheers to himself 
Replaying it in his head
He will teasingly ask you for a recording even when you cutely shake your head
“Oi oi don’t get all shy now, you were doing so well!”
He does circle back having already written down the names of those who turned their heads
If they’re so inclined to hear your voice in a roaring crowd 
Then they should be alright with their ears no longer working 
He’s being merciful when he does just this
And if you mention any mysterious friends, he’d no doubt try to follow up on that same treatment
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Deuce Spade
“M-maybe being an honor student was too high of a goal.”
You shake your head
“Ahh I appreciate it, (Y/n) but if I’m going to flunk again I’ll be in trouble. Both with Riddle and my mom, I just can’t measure up. ”
“You…are a good student.”
He blushes 
“G-g-g-g-good j-job (Y/n)!”
He knows how much this is taking for you to try 
But he just can’t keep it together 
He’s among the first to hear your precious voice
He has to be the only one
He doesn’t know what this feeling is but he doesn’t want to share
It especially rubs him the wrong way when you mention a mysterious friend 
He decides to wait it out
See who this new friend he’s going to gut he has to meet
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Epel Felmier
“Grrrr I can’t stand it! Why can’t I be taken seriously? I just hate my face!”
“Don’t hafta lie ta me, (Y/n)! I know I’m not handsome.”
“I think you’re handsome.”
“Aw shucks, (Y/n)!”
He definitely wasn’t was expecting that
You’re just the sweetest as he predicted
He already keeps the notebook you’ve lost+ gone through with your written words
And the apple cores he lovingly retrieves from Ramshackle’s trash no doubt cultivating whatever ends up growing from them
He avoids the impulse to tear his book open at the mention of a new friend 
Well I hope they like a poison-apple
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Jack Howl 
“I have a magift practice later on…are you still going to come?”
You nod your head
“T-thank you, I’d appreciate your support from the stands.”
When he says that he doesn’t expect you to actually whisper anything out
“G-go Jack!”
His keen ears pick it up and suddenly he’s breezing through obstacles like never before
And of course, he did his mate practically cheered him on
It makes it much earlier to replay that encouragement when he’s fighting for your honor his ownership of you
No doubt Savvannclaw is filled with your admirers
But some are a little too bold
So leave it to your mate to take action first
And while he’s at it he might as well guard your home more intensely
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Sebek Zigvolt
“C-can you please be quiet?”
“...?....!..Y-you think y-you, a mere human, can tell me what to do?!” 
Yes you can, having the loud half-fae go down two whole octaves was a feat
And he keeps replaying the moment in his head specifically the way your lips moved
Burning hot all over he’s not really listening to anyone for the next week month
But once he’s broken out of it he’s determined to repeat the miracle
And it seems it works best if your alone?
Then he’ll be sure to chase off the gaggle of scum+ admirers who you claim to be friends with
And he thinks nothing of a midnight friend…that is if you’re alone with them than that’s completely unacceptable
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“Henchhuman! Everyone is soooo mean! Why doesn’t anyone like me? I know I’m so cool and maybe that’s why–”
“I like you.”
“Well of course you w–W-wait did you speak? T-t to me! Whoopee, I’m going to tell everyone the great Grim is who you spoke to first!” 
He runs off to do just that 
Bragging to anyone who would listen
He has to dodge a lot of assassination hits that day
But it gives him the content whenever that icky feeling comes up sometimes
And as for your ‘Hornton’ friend he’s seen him and next time he comes around he’ll boast all about his greatness and how you spoke to him
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ashwhowrites · 3 months
Hi my love!! Hope you’re well 😊 I’ve never sent a request before so I hope this is intelligible.
So Older!Eddie and reader have a relationship she’s hiding from her strict religious parents because Eddie is of course a Metalhead and his appearance and such, whereas she’s younger (about 21) and has always been brought up surrounded by bible verses, hymns and the belief that anything impure will send her to Hell. However, when she begins her relationship with Eddie, she begins to break away from her parents beliefs and has all her firsts with Eddie.
They have this beautiful relationship where he’s completely enamoured and soft with her, all patient and understanding because he knows she’s new to it all. And one day, her mother sees her car parked outside of Eddie’s trailer (I imagine him to live in his own, still in the trailer park) when driving past and confronts reader when she’s home. It’s all angsty, telling her she’ll never get to have kids with him, he’ll never stick around and she won’t want to spend the rest of her life trailing along behind him as he grows old, not living her life or making anything of herself because of it. Her parents do nothing but ignore her presence around the house, even going as far to take down the pictures of her from the walls
Her mom’s words stay on her mind and she pulls away from Eddie, leaving him terrified of what’s happened and if she’s leaving him. She goes there a couple days after, repeating it all to Eddie and trying to convince herself that her mother was right in the process. She doesn’t budge when Eddie tries convincing her whilst crying from her harsh words to him. So it’s a big emotional argument with Eddie grasping her arm as she tries to leave, crying as he kisses her skin all over, murmuring about how much he loves her.
As she goes to leave his trailer for the last time once he’s stopped begging her not to, they stare at each other tearfully before she begins sobbing, running into his arms and she explains everything and ends up leaving her parents and moving in with Eddie. Happy Ending???
Sorry this was so long 😅
Fair warning- I did not grow up religious, and it was never taught to me, so my description of it might be totally off. And I hope that does not offend anyone
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
To believe in him
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Y/N lived in a structured home, with structured parents. She was taught to pray before she rests her head, pray before every meal, and be a girl God would have been proud of. She lived in a cloud, her eyes and ears shut off how the world truly was. Her parents had her in a bubble where perfection was the standard and she better not be a dash less.
She didn't know any better, raised in her parents' ways that she never knew there was so much more to the world. Then she met Eddie, tall dark, and handsome. He was mysterious, alternative, had long hair, and listened to the devil's music. He used absurd language and had the mind of a sinner. But Y/N swore whenever she saw him, she saw what a true angel looked like.
His smile beamed and he had this glow. Warm brown eyes that made her feel lost, and arms that grounded her. She didn't know what love would feel like, but she knew that this was it.
He was older, had seen the world, and made it back. He was a survivor who got his hands dirty in the soil. He lived alone and made his own money to feed and shelter himself. Everything a man was supposed to be in the books she grew up reading. But she knew he could never go home to her parents. One look at him and they'd shun him down to hell. That was the sad part about her parent's religion, it masked their eyes to people who weren't afraid to live freely in the world.
Once their relationship took off, she came clean about everything. About the religion, her parents, and that she was new to everything. Eddie was slow, and patient, and held her hand through everything. He showed her the ropes of being in a relationship. Teaching her that she didn't have to be sorry for not doing everything perfectly on the first try. He allowed her to fail, to try again, and to feel pride in herself.
He showed her the world. She listened to music her parents would hate. She watched inappropriate movies. She wore new clothes and pieces that made her feel sexy. She kissed and kissed. She went further, having sex with a man without a ring on her finger.
"Are you sure?" Eddie whispered, his naked body on top of hers as his long hair dangled around her face. His eyes stayed on hers, his left hand on her hip, and right on her face.
She whined in pain as he slowly slid in, pressing kisses all over her face as he rubbed her hip with his thumb. Sweet words fell from his lips as her body welcomed him in.
He talked her through the pain, the anxiety washing away as she looked into the eyes of the only man she had ever loved. The pain turned to bliss as he moved inside of her. His lips and hands were on her skin, and the warm feeling of him was inside of her. She cried out as she felt things she had never felt before, clawing at Eddie's skin.
And she didn't regret any of it.
Eddie loved her more than anything in the world. He understood her fear of the world around her and breaking away from everything she had learned. He didn't ruin her or make her damaged goods. He didn't believe in the same beliefs as her, but he would always respect it.
After a year of being together, he was amazed at her growth. He knew she couldn't bring him home and he was okay with that. He had a trailer all to himself and he loved adding her in. He loved her things in his shower and room. Her favorite snacks are in his pantry and drinks are in his fridge.
He wanted the next step. He wanted her home to be his home.
"Smells amazing in here," Y/N said softly, wrapping her arms around Eddie's waist as he stood by the stove. The smell of chicken filled his small home, and she could feel her stomach growling.
"I think," he started, turning around so he could face her. He pushed her hair away from her neck, leaning down as his nose tickled her skin. "You smell amazing."
She shivered as his lips kissed her neck, and his strong hands held her hips. He pulled back and captured her lips in a kiss. His warm lips pressed against hers as she felt her body float. Every kiss made her head spin in the clouds.
She pulled away with a blush and a smile
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you too"
They had a romantic dinner and then she was heading home. A smile on her face as she walked through the front door. Her body buzzed as she felt the ghost of his hands on her.
She smiled at her mother, preparing to walk past her but her mother stopped her.
"I prayed you would be smart enough to not disappoint God, but I seem to be wrong."
Y/N gulped as she looked into her mother's angry eyes. Her stomach turned in miserable ways.
"What do you mean?" She asked nervously
"You cannot be with that...that devil of a man!" Her mother seethed, standing up as her chair scraped against the floor.
"He's not the devil, Mom." She said quietly, "he's a good guy"
"Oh my, he has already brainwashed you!" Her mother argued
"Brainwashed me? How?" Y/N asked, feeling anger rushing through her bones
"He has taken advantage of your young age! He is a grown man and doing what knows what with a naive and stupid young girl. That man is heading to hell and I will not let you go there with him. You hear me, young lady?" Her mother got closer as her words got louder
Y/N felt backed against a wall, tears in her eyes
"I'm not stupid! I love him and he loves me. There is nothing wrong with that. He did not take advantage of me and I have a full say in our relationship. I do the things I want to do and he never forces anything. I'm not shunned to hell simply because I am in love." Y/N argued, standing up for herself and Eddie. Something she would have never done if Eddie didn't teach her.
"A relationship? Do you think your little fun is a relationship? You are far more stupid than I thought. You cannot marry a man who is over ten years older than you. You cannot stop living your life, in your prime years, simply because he is growing old. Do you realize that? Do you want kids? Not going to happen when the father is in his forties. He isn't going to be tied down to that. Your life will be put on hold, and you will never make something of yourself." Her mother spoke the words right in her face.
And Y/N hated the way the words affected her body
"You will not be my daughter for as long as you walk hand in hand with the devil."
The last words her mother ever said to her.
Y/N truly believed it would get better as each day passed, but it didn't. Her parents ignored her around the house. Never turning their eyes her way, never speaking towards her. They never talked about her and went as far as to take her pictures off the walls. It was like she was a ghost and watching her family live without her.
She tried to ignore it. Live her life like nothing changed. She didn't say anything to Eddie because she believed she could handle it. But she couldn't. Whenever she saw him, her mother's words haunted her brain.
So she began to pull away, staying locked in her room as she felt unworthy of being anywhere else. Was she a bad person? Would God shame her for the decisions she made? Would she ever be forgiven? Did she want to be forgiven?
A week passed after she pulled away from Eddie and he panicked. He had no idea what happened and what changed. All he knew was that he hated it more than anything. He wanted her back and to love each other as easily as it always was.
Y/N felt like Eddie deserved a goodbye, and she could at least give him that.
She left her house, without a word. Her heart was heavy as she knocked on his door.
She tucked herself in her arms when he opened the door. She held back the gasp when she took in his state. His hair was wild and messy, eyes so red and puffy. His cheeks were raw and his lips bruised, probably from biting them so hard.
"Baby" he breathed out in relief, his arms went to wrap around her but she stepped back.
Eddie bit his lip as he also stepped back. A new rush of tears was already falling down his face. She looked tired and sad, and he hated it.
"What happened?" He asked, letting her walk inside as he closed the door.
"I think we need to break up, Eddie." She said. Eddie felt his heart stop as the words left her lips.
"What? Why?"
"It's just...in the long run, this relationship isn't going to work. I want a marriage and I want kids. We can't have that. You are only getting older and I'm still so young. There's so much of the world I need to see."
"Who says we can't do that all together? I'll marry you, I'll have all the kids you want. I'll fly you anywhere you want to go. Age has never been an issue, and it doesn't have to be. We can stay together and I'll give you everything you want." Eddie fought, his hands reaching out to clench over hers.
She hiccupped as she tried to keep her sobs hidden. But he stood with his tears flying freely and his heart on his sleeve.
"You don't want that Eddie! You've left this town and always came right back. You aren't going to leave for some random girl" she snapped
Eddie wasn't sure what happened but he knew it was something he needed to fix. He hated that she seemed so mad and already made up her mind.
"You aren't a random girl! I'm in love with you. Maybe I always came back to this town because you were here." He cried, moving his hands up to her shoulders as he gripped onto her for life.
"That's bullshit, Eddie. This wasn't an act of faith from the universe. You wanted fun with someone young, and naive enough to believe it could have been love." Her eyes were hard as she glared at him. Almost like she blamed him for the relationship ever starting.
"Stop it! This is love! It's always been love. You can't say this shit and act like it's common knowledge. I'd do anything for you. Just please, let us fix this." He begged. No shame as he showed just how vulnerable he was.
"EDDIE STOP! THIS ISN'T LOVE," she screamed as she pushed him away.
"YES IT IS!" he screamed back but allowed her to push him away.
"IT'S NOT! WE CAN'T HAVE KIDS! I NEED TO MAKE SOMETHING OF MYSELF BEFORE I START A FAMILY. We can't wait for that, Eddie. We can't have kids when you are fifty, I'll be stuck raising them alone I don't wanna just be someone's wife! I offer more to the world" she argued
"What can I say to change your mind?" He whispered, "What can I say to make you believe me? I don't care what age I am when we have kids. And you'd never be alone!" His hands held her face as she sniffled. "I've been here and I always will be. Right next to you through everything. You are more than just a wife, and I will watch you conquer the world but please let me be there with you."
"I'm sorry, but you can't" she sobbed, softly taking his hands off her face. "This is the end, Eddie." She ran past him, throwing open the door as she ran out. Running from him and running from all the pain she caused.
But Eddie wasn't one to give up. He ran after her. He grabbed her arm and twisted her right into his body. The impact of her body smashing into his caused the breath to leave her lungs.
"I love you. I love everything about you" he cried. His lips were wet from tears as he pressed kisses to her skin. He kissed up her arms, neck, and face. Kissing everything as he mumbled all the love he had for her. "No one will ever love you the way I do. Believe me. Trust me and stay with me."
She sobbed as his words hit her skin. She bit her lip as she tried to pull away. Crying harder as his grip got tighter.
"Eddie, let me go"
"No" he cried
"Eddie, you need to let me go"
"Baby, I can't do that"
"EDDIE, LET ME GO!" she sobbed
"You really want to end this?" He asked
She didn't say a word but nodded. She felt a whimper leave her throat when he let her go. Distance between them and it killed her to know there would be so much more once she got in her car and drove away.
"I won't stop you. But, what's your plan? Leave me and move on? Find someone your age to fall in love with? Like everything we've done together is gonna just be a memory? Am I just going to be a memory?" His voice cracked as more tears fell. But he stood still, allowing her to leave.
"I...I don't know"
"You are okay with ending this for an I don't know? I know that I will never move on and I will never fall in love with anyone else. Can you?" He asked, holding his breath as he waited for her to answer.
"No," she said without a beat. She knew once she left, all she would do was think about him. Wish that every man she'd ever meet was him.
They stared at each other in silence. Tears down their faces as they soaked in each other for one last time.
He refused to move first, he refused to walk away. But she felt frozen in the dirt. Visions of her future life and she saw him in every part. If she left, all it would do would please her parents. It would leave her heartbroken and filled with regret. It was clear this man loved her. The way he was fighting for her was a sign that she was right where she was supposed to be.
Neither were sure of how long they stood there. Seconds, minutes, or even hours. Time didn't seem to exist.
Y/N felt a huge sob coming up her throat, the sob was loud as she choked on her own tears. And she ran again, but this time straight into his arms. He sobbed into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm so sorry. My mom got in my head but I love you so much. I can't leave you. I want you. I want us." She sobbed, her words coming out broken but Eddie understood. He held her tighter as he cradled her head into his chest. "They hate me. I don't even have a home anymore. But I'll never be happy if I leave you."
"Home is right here. Right here with me." He said into her hair, kissing her head as he embraced the feeling of her in his arms.
He was right. Home was never that house. Home was everything she felt while being in his arms.
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insidejiaqi · 2 months
Sex for grades (kind of)
was not particularly the smartest girl in school in university. so i had to do what it takes to graduate
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i studied computer science in university. looking back, probably not the best choice for a dumb bitch like me. chose it cuz my friends chose it too. and the bunch of nerds around me were just not it. creeps everywhere.
in my first sem, there was this particular project based mod and i could not understand anything the prof was saying. whats worse was my coding skills were close to non existent and my group mates were all experienced code monkeys.
i could tell my project mates were slowly getting fed up with me. they would assign me tasks that i would take so long to complete they end up just doing it for me. but i do try okayyyyy.
one night i was determined to contribute something. so i stayed late in school to work on one of the tasks assigned to me. i convinced one of my project mates to stay with me. he was the kind of an awkward looking nerd that wears specs. the only woman he ever talked to was probably his mom.
while i was trying to do my task, i would consistently rant out loud about how hard it is and why i keep getting errors. he heard me and came to sit beside me to explain the problems i had.
i leaned in to point at my laptop screen, acting like i was listening and got my boobs caressing his arm intentionally. i know he felt it as he suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. i could see his bulge starting to form. he carried on explaining the issues with my code but i wasnt even listening.
tbh, the plan was never for me to actually finish it. i just dont want to get complained for not contributing :)
"how about i do this and you do this for me?" i stretched out my arm to grab the big bulge in his pants.
he gave me the blank stare.
"come on, you do what youre good at, and i do what im good at. no one suffers"
i got on my knees under the table and started undoing his pants. it was just us there. i pulled out his dick and to my surprise, it was about 5 inches. for a nerd like him, his dick size was surprising.
"stop looking and keep typing"
he immediately looked up and continued working on my task.
I slowly pulled back his forskin to expose the dickhead and my warm saliva drip down on his sensitive virgin dick. he involuntarily moaned and squirmed as i started stroking, coating his dick with my saliva.
"fuck jiaqi, your hands feel amazing!"
"shhhh. less talking, more typing"
I leaned in to lick the head as i continued stoking. he kept moaning and the typing did not stop. without warning, his hands came under the table and forced my mouth into his dick.
"ohh fuck yesss jiaqii. i always imagined you as a naughty dumb slut. jerking off to your pictures when we were first grouped together. never thought it could be real. and now fucking your mouth feels 1000 times better. fuckkkk"
he held my head down for a good 10 seconds while he exposes dirtiest fantasies to me.
"now get up and let me fuck you over the table" he pulled me up by my hair and bent me over bent me over the table. he lifted my skirt and saw that i was not wearing any panties.
"wow seems like this was you end goal since the beginning huh. wanting that pussy filled quickly so you didnt wear panties?"
"nuuu..." he jabbed his dick into me before i could reply and started thrusting in and out.
"fuck you little dumb slut. its okay. i will do your homework for you if you continue being a good little cock sleeve. now call me daddy"
"yes daddyy... fuckkkkkk ughhh"
the thrusting continued as he added a few loud spanks on my ass as if it was not a public place. he was still an inexperienced nerd and just 2mins later he pulled out and shot his ropes on my ass and sat back down on the chair panting.
"heheh how does it feel to lose your virginity?"
"tiring... how was it for you?"
"heheh here is lesson 2. dont ask a girl that."
he was still trying to catch his breath while i started packing my bag.
"now get that task done for me alright? its due tomorrow", i whispered in his ear before leaving.
"yea sure dont worry about it."
I went home and when i arrived home, i got a text containing all the files required to complete the task.
from then on, he helped me do my work for the rest of the sem and i got an A. heheh
Appreciate yall for reading my sexual recounts. Writing it gets me turned on as well. If you liked it, do give it a like and reblog!
Follow me on twitter at @jiaqi2602 for short snippets and uncensored content.
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Till next time!
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
Mutual Devotion (Sneak Peek)
“You know,” Lydia said casually. “I appreciate that you got over your crush on me, Stiles. This would have been… so much harder if you kept making heart-eyes at me. Jackson’s been the jealous type even before he became a werewolf, but now he is…”
“Territorial,” Stiles offered with a chuckle. “Yeah, I feel like him turning into a werewolf did a lot in the me getting over you. I know my crush couldn’t compare to a mate-bond.”
Derek was glad that none of the wolves were in the room to hear the surprised jump of his heart. How did Stiles know about mate-bonds? He lifted his gaze carefully off the selection, watching Stiles, even as Stiles kept his focus on Lydia. Derek also noted that Stiles wasn’t lying, he was over his feelings for Lydia. Derek tried not to think about the way that made him feel.
“Mates?” Lydia echoed, raising her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on,” Stiles groaned and tilted his head back, before staring dead ahead at Derek. “Don’t tell me you still haven’t had the bees and birds talk with the puppies!”
Knowing the answer and not even waiting for Derek to say anything, Stiles simply barreled on. “Mates, you know, like… like soulmates. But… not in the cheesy trope-y way of names written on your skin or whatever. Just… a perfect match, I guess? I think that wolves actually feel it though. Scott and Allison are mates. That’s how I got onto that track to begin with, like, there was just no other way to explain them, and everything they did for each other. You can only excuse so much with rampant teen hormones. And yeah, Allison is Scott’s anchor, which I guess is like another word for mates when it refers to a person instead of a thing or emotion. She grounds him, his love for her allows him to focus on his wolf. The same way that you allowed Jackson to regain control, back then. Because you’re his anchor. You’re his mate.”
For the first time since Derek knew her, Lydia actually looked surprised and like she had encountered something that she had not expected. Derek’s attention shifted to Stiles though.
“It’s not another word for mate,” Derek whispered. “Anchor. Your anchor doesn’t have to be your mate, you don’t need a mate to have an anchor. Parents, siblings, friends, they can be anchors too.”
“Oh,” Stiles blinked, like he hadn’t expected for Derek to give any input at all, before he cracked a big smile. “But the rest is right? Did I do the right research?”
Slowly, Derek nodded. “Perfect match is… right, in a sense. We don’t… know the moment we meet someone that they’re ‘the one’, if that’s what you mean. A perfect match is something forged. You can have multiple mates throughout our life, my aunt, she lost her first mate years before the fire, but she fell in love again and forged a new mate-bond.”
“Okay,” Stiles furrowed his brows curiously. “Then what makes a perfect match?”
“Mutual devotion,” Derek could hear the words spoken by his mom, when she had explained this to him as a young boy. “A mate isn’t just someone perfect for you, it’s about… what you are willing to do for each other, support each other, help each other, make each other better. This mutual devotion to one another is what forges a mate-bond.”
“Mh,” Lydia blinked, repeatedly. “I suppose… that does apply to us. We are devoted to each other. Even through the worst of it, even when he was awful to me, even when I was awful to him.”
“You are,” Derek offered in a soft voice. “Mates, I mean. Wolves can smell it on each other and on claimed mates. And Stiles is also right about Scott and Allison. Which… is why I cut him as much slack as I did. I knew why he was so obsessed with the youngest member of the Argent family.”
Stiles hummed in understanding, looking at Derek. Mates. Derek swallowed hard as puzzle pieces started to fall into place in a way he had so far tried to ignore. But having this conversation, and looking at Stiles during it, it became impossible to deny. Over the past year, they had helped each other, saved each other’s lives, fought side by side. And now, for the past month, Stiles had helped Derek truly build his pack, strengthen his pack. Bringing Erica and Boyd back to him, forcing Derek to confront Jackson, whom he had avoided out of guilt because if Derek hadn’t bitten him to begin with, Jackson would have never turned into the kanima and had to go through all that trauma, he had genuinely thought that Jackson wouldn’t want to be a part of this pack. But it seemed that Jackson had needed as much of a push as Derek. And that was one thing Stiles excelled in; pushing. With Jackson came Lydia, of course. Mates. And now, suddenly, Derek’s small pack of three betas who kept snarling at him had turned into a much happier pack of five betas and one Stiles.
Which, perhaps, was another reason why Derek had kept putting this realization off. Stiles was undeniably pack, he had been here every single day to rebuild the pack house, to bond with Derek and the betas, yet Derek could never bring himself to think of Stiles as a beta. At first, he pretended that this was because Stiles wasn’t a wolf, was a human. But he didn’t have the same qualms with Lydia, he considered Jackson’s mate one of his betas. It was the way Stiles went about things that made him different from everyone else. Providing food and moral support for the betas, keeping them together, mediating between them, and between them and their Alpha, taking charge, at Derek’s side by making Derek find a place to live, start renovating the house, change his training methods with the betas. That wasn’t the kind of behavior a beta would be allowed to get away with. That was the behavior of an Alpha mate, the co-leader of the pack, the heart of the pack.
Stiles Stilinski was the Alpha mate of the Hale Pack. And Derek had no idea what to do with that.
(This is an excerpt. There is currently 7k more of this story and I have yet to reach the end. Stay tuned for June 22nd, which is the estimated posting date for this fic, like, I should be done with it by then!)
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Superpham AU (part 6)
Lois prides herself at being good at rolling with the unexpected. Unfortunately, all of her experience with aliens and supervillains and magic has not prepared her for Danny.
Danny has a disconcerting habit of dropping disturbing or traumatizing information in an off-hand way, seeming to not even realize the implications of his own words. It started with what he said about the dimension he'd grown up in discriminating against people with powers, then with what he'd said about the red son and the lack of superheroes, but it just keeps happening.
Lois tries not to call attention to it, because she prefers it to the alternative, which is Danny shutting himself up in his room and refusing to talk to any of them.
Lex Luthor is on the nightly news-- as he so often is-- and Lois has to explain the man's many crimes to Danny. (No, Jon, it is not a rant.)
"Oh," Danny says. "He sounds like Vlad."
"Vlad?" Lois asks.
"Yeah, Vlad Masters. He's my godfather. He's a total fruitloop who wanted to marry my mom and make me his son."
Lois carefully does not react. She wants Danny to tell her things. She wants to know what his life was like when she wasn't in it. "That sounds..."
"Yeah, he tried to clone me. Well, I guess he succeeded, but none of them were stable except for Ellie, and she wasn't really that stable to begin with."
"Yeah, short for Danielle. She went by Dani-with-an-I for a while, but she decided she wanted her own name."
That is not the part Lois was looking for clarification on. She goes with it anyway. "Tell me about her," Lois says, and tries not to be concerned about Danny’s descriptions of a teenage girl who apparently lives and travels on her own because she doesn't like to be stuck in one place. Ellie doesn't even get the full benefit of being quarter Kryptonian, living in a world with a red sun.
The four of them are sitting down to dinner-- pizza again; one of them should probably cook sometime this week, but Lois and Clark are both on deadlines-- when Clark asks Danny more about his adoptive family, the ones he grew up with.
He looks sad, the way he always does whenever his adoptive parents come up.   Lois can hardly blame him, when he lost them in such a sudden and traumatic way.  
"They're scientists," Danny says.  "Or they were.  They studied, um, the Ghost Zone and the things that live there.  They didn't really understand it at first-- they thought all the-- um, everything from there was evil and needed to be killed, but they learned they were wrong eventually."
Lois meets Clark's eyes and knows he is as concerned about what happened before that 'eventually' as she is.  Still, neither of them comment, not wanting Danny to clam up again..
Jon, however, has no such reservations.  "That's really messed up."
Danny shrugs.  "Yeah, kind of.  They came around, though.  And I think they blamed themselves for how bad the GIW got because they were the ones who designed the weapons."
"The GIW?" Lois asks, instead of what she really wants to know, which is: Your adoptive parents designed weapons to be used against beings from another dimension??? Did they know what you were? 
"Guys in White," Danny says.  "I don't think that was their real name, but they were from the government."
"Your parents built weapons for them?" Clark asks, his tone deceptively light.  "I thought they were scientists."
"They dabbled in a lot of things.  But they were fantastic engineers."  Danny segues into a story about some of the modifications his adoptive parents made to their car, which is a topic only slightly better for Lois's heart.
Later that night, Lois is sitting in bed, checking her emails on her phone, when Clark sits down next to her and turns on the white noise machine they keep on the nightstand.  (It's the only way to have private conversations when your child-- children-- have super-hearing.)
"I'm concerned about Danny," he says.
"No shit."  The more Danny tells them about the dimension he grew up in, the more Lois hates it.  "But there's nothing we can do now except be there for him."
"I know people who have traveled across dimensions, you know," Clark says.  "I could always ask for a favor."
"You won't," Lois says.  "Because if you do, I'm going to end up committing felonies in another dimension."  
Clark smiles humorlessly. "What makes you think I wouldn't be there with you?"
"Because you're a better person than I am."  Clark never believes her when she says that, but it's true.  Clark is a fundamentally good person.  Lois tries to be a good person, but there's a reason she's not a superhero.  
Kon intended to stop by Metropolis several days ago.  Or at least call Clark back.  But he’d gotten sidetracked by an earthquake in Southeast Asia, and then by Dr Light causing problems in California.  
He gets a few hours of sleep back in Smallville, then remembers that he’d planned on dropping by Metropolis and meeting Danny days before.  He walks the last few blocks to Lois and Clark’s house— flying would be way too noticeable in their neighborhood— and lets himself in.  He walks up to the living room and spots Lois there, furiously typing on her laptop.  
Kon is man enough to admit, at least within his own head, that Lois kind of intimidates him. Sure, Clark is physically stronger, but there’s an intensity to Lois that Clark lacks.  She glances up at Kon, and even though she’s smiling, he still feels pinned under her gaze.  
Kon shifts uncomfortably, reminds himself that unless he turns into a corrupt businessman or something, he’s not actually in danger from Lois Lane.  
“You here to see Danny?” she asks.
“Yeah.”  Kon shoves his hands in his jacket pockets.  “I figured I should probably meet him.”
“He’s in his room,” Lois says.  “He’s not… It’s not a good day, but maybe he’ll talk to you.  He hasn’t exactly gotten the chance to be around anyone his own age since he showed up.”
Kon knocks on the door to Danny’s room.  
“Come in,” a voice calls from inside.
Kon’s first thought is that he looks more like Clark than Danny does.  Stupid; of course he does.  He’s Clark’s clone.  But then, Jon resembles Clark almost as strongly as Kon does, so maybe it wasn’t a completely stupid thought.
Danny is sprawled on his stomach across his bed, phone in his hand.  There’s a video playing on it— someone talking about the history of the Justice League— but he’s ignoring it, watching Kon with a wary expression.  The room is still as bland as it ever was; other than the clothes tossed haphazardly on the floor, there’s no sign a teenage boy lives here.
“I’m guessing you’re Kon?” 
“That’s me.”  They stare at each other awkwardly for a moment.  
“Have you actually seen any of Metropolis, or have you just been hanging out in here?” Kon asks.
“Lois took me shopping for some stuff,” Danny says.
“Okay, no,” Kon says.  “You have got to get out of this house.”  
“You don’t even live in Metropolis,” Danny says.  
Kon shrugs. “Doesn’t matter; I’ve spent more time here than you.” There’s an old-school arcade he’s been to a handful of times, and a couple of places to eat.  Anything has got to be better than Danny hanging out and brooding in this sad bedroom by himself.
It's a warm day outside.  The sun shines down on the two of them as they walk in near-silence toward downtown.  The awkward silence doesn't quite break until they're at the arcade, competing on an old racing game.  
"I don't think we have this one in my dimension.  The other dimension.  Whatever."  Danny says.
"Yeah?"  Kon speeds ahead of Danny in the game, just in time to cross the finish line.  Danny groans.
"Yeah, but this world doesn't seem to have Doomed, either," Danny says as they start another race.  "There's a lot of little differences like that."
"That's gotta be weird," Kon says.  
"Yeah, Clark kind of freaked out when I told him the sun there was red."
Yeah, Kon can see why.  They talk more as they play more video games, and Danny tells Kon about his friends and what they'd do when they were hanging out in his hometown of Amity Park.  The main people he talks about are his best friends, Sam and Tucker, and his older sister, Jazz, but he mentions a few others.  
"Wait, who is Ellie again?" Kon asks, after Danny shares a story about a prank she pulled on another kid at Danny's school.  They've left the arcade, and are hanging out at the diner a few blocks away.  It's not the coolest place-- in fact, it looks like a grandmother decorated it-- but Clark introduced Kon to it, and it has great food.
"Oh, I didn't tell you?" Danny asks.  "She's my clone."
Kon chokes a little on his soda.  "You have a clone?"
Danny is probably being paranoid.
Scratch that, he's definitely being paranoid. Lois and Clark have been nothing but nice, and they're clearly used to weird things happening. Like, even aside from the whole alien superhero thing, Lois just saw a kid fall out of a portal and decided to help?  Plus, Clark is an actual superhero.  
Even his— the Fentons came around on the whole “ghost powers” thing.  Eventually.  But he’s gotten used to hiding, to trying to blend in.  
(And what had them accepting him done for them in the end?  They’re dead, the GIW killed them.)
He’d rather hide than suddenly discover that Lois and Clark aren’t cool with their long-lost son being half dead.
Some of his powers he can pass off as Kryptonian— super strength, flight, enhanced senses.  He knows Lois saw his ghost form, and though she hasn’t asked about it, he’s pretty sure it’s just a matter of time.  
These thoughts circle through his mind over and over, only leaving him temporarily when he’s hanging out with the Lane-Kents.  
His bio family.  
That’s not much better, though; there’s a sadness in Lois and Clark’s eyes whenever they look at him, although they try to hide it.  Jon just a kid, and clearly doesn’t know what to make of the whole situation.  Lois keeps saying they are going to introduce him to more people, especially people his own age, but Danny shies away from that.  He doesn’t want to meet more people.  He doesn’t want to get comfortable here.
Still, he’s glad he came out with Kon.  An afternoon of videogames and greasy food hasn’t solved any of his problems, but it’s a nice break, and Kon has already promised to introduce Danny to his friends— a whole team of teenage superheroes.
“I can’t get over how many heroes there are here,” Danny says.  “Like, why do you even need that many?”  Sure, it would have been nice to have some more backup when he was Phantom, but in this world there seems to be at least one superhero for every major city, plus some extra.
Kon shrugs. “Natural disasters, alien invasions, supervillains, street crime… No one can handle all of it.”
Out of all the things he’s encountered so far in this dimension, this might be Danny’s favorite.  Even more than the proven existence of aliens.  Back home, Amity Park needed Phantom, even if they hated him.  But the world here doesn’t need Phantom.  
It’s kind of freeing, and Danny hates it.  He doesn’t want to like anything about this dimension more than his own.  
Would it really be that bad?  You might be stuck here forever, a little voice inside his head whispers.  
He ignores it.
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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often-daydreaming · 4 months
Keep Running
In between one moment and the next reality quakes and for the briefest of moments Jason finds himself standing in the remnants of a destroyed Star City. He knows it's not real, that it's just some magical mumbo jumbo overlaying memory magic nonsense bleeding into their timeline but he can smell the smoke in the air from the fires and hear her tired laughter as the static filled image of a red haired woman sits down beside him. He knows her or at least this version of him does as they talk about the little suicide run they were planning in order to hopefully end things for good and Jason can feel how tired his alternate self is as he takes a seat on the ground beside her. It's all a rush of emotions and faint memories that were getting harder and harder to ignore before he's suddenly back on the Watchtower with every other available hero the League could call in stuck arguing about these stupid visions affecting heroes and villains all over the globe if some of Ra's latest movements were any indication. His men were searching everywhere for answers while others like Luthor were making more subtle inquiries. The only upside to all of this was the reactions coming out of Arkham but that didn't mean he wanted to be up here with the League nearly at each other's throats.
With everything he's managing to piece together through a couple of brief check-ins with Dickie and the girls he could see why B wanted answers.
As morbid as it sounded Dick and the others were a few of the lucky ones who were able to be pulled out of their memories faster since they were at ground zero when the Watchtower was pulled out of orbit. The quicker you died the quicker it was over but neither of them were as lucky.
In those jumbled memories him and Bruce were the only two left after Gotham went up in flames since Phantom went after them first and there were still a few lingering effects clinging to that since he could still remember what the older version of himself felt. It was somewhat muted now but some of it was still there and if he focused hard enough Jason could still see the makeshift doctor's office in his mind. He could feel the phantom pain and see her flowing red hair. She seemed so relieved to find him alive and he wanted his own answers but Impulse was in the wind.
The little speedster was gone before anyone could really recover from the sudden onslaught of memories and while Bruce was doing everything he could to figure out a plan of sorts the others weren't as lucky with Superman stuck bouncing between the moments of his own brutal death and worrying about his family's safety. Whoever or whatever Phantom was, he knew exactly where to hurt them with Jon nearly losing it in public after being forced to live through the memories of his mom dying and the man of steel's own death at the hands of some magical Martian whatever.
Wonder Woman seemed the most put together out of everyone but even she was kind of twitchy, her had never leaving the pummel of her sword as Zatara went over what he could piece together on his own since the bulk of JLD was still out of commission.
His own daughter was comatose from the magical backlash of whatever this was while Constantine was just missing, his home a mess of overturned books and hurried scribbles which left them on the back foot for now since the only solid lead anyone had was Impulse and Young Justice was closing ranks around their missing speedster.
With JLD in shambles and Ra's on the move Replacement was running his own investigation into whatever was going on and shutting everyone else out of his systems after the first attempt at locating Impulse through his tracker backfired horribly.
I blame my cough medicine and a love for Fallout for whatever this is turning into but I felt like adding onto Run a little. I wouldn't even begin to know how to explain it but I just have this image in my head of Bart and Danny in a Fallout like world but the whole memory thing could be anything really. I just like the idea of reality shifting to the left just enough that Bart suddenly remembers details about his past he'd forgotten thanks to time travel/reality resetting and he suddenly remembers Danny while the rest of his team remember bits and pieces of their missing teammate Phantom. Everyone else just gets doomsday memories cause I really don't care and mostly think it's funny so I'm either blaming this on the gauntlet from the movie or Clockwork but anyone could add something else if they want.
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The Farmer's Daughter 11
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall
Summary: You notice a peculiar change in a family friend. (short!reader, sorry size kink is out)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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“So… what happens if Walter buys us out?” Timothy asks, a confused squiggle in his brow that hasn’t lessened for the entirety of the conversation.
“Well, we won’t be out on the street,” your mother says, “and your father will be taken care of. We can send him to The Gardens. He’ll be comfortable there… we can visit.”
You bite on your knuckle, gnawing anxiously. Timothy frowns and rubs his chin, a sparseness of new stubble there. He sniffs as he tries to unravel the riddle.
“Does that mean he’s my boss?”
“Well, more of a landlord,” your mom explains, “he’ll help with the farming and take his cut. If he does this, he’ll have to cut back at the mill. It’s a big sacrifice. For everyone.”
Timothy nods and drops his hand to twiddle against the table, “it sounds like a good idea.”
“Yeah… it’s our only idea,” your mom murmurs.
“What are the terms?” You ask suddenly, hiding the ridged marks in your finger left by your teeth. “He’s going to let us pay rent? On a whole farm?”
“If the bank gives him good news,” she rubs her palms together, “I don’t know. We need more information but we can hope.” Her voice quavers as she brings the tissue back to her nose, “I only ever want to do what’s best for you two.”
“Ma,” you reach out to touch her elbow, “we can help. We’ll pull together. All of us, with or without Walter.”
“I hope we can,” she snivels and begins to weep again.
You look at Timothy. He looks gaunt. He’s absolutely terrified. No matter how hard you try, you can’t see him doing it himself. He isn’t ready to take over for your dad. You don’t know if he ever will be.
You turn back to your mom as her shoulders shake. She looks little better than Timothy and you bet, if you glanced in a mirror, you would be much the same. This can’t all fall on her. She’s had to deal with so much so far.
“Tim, what’s wrong with the truck?” You ask suddenly, your mother and brother flinching at the same time.
“What?” He stammers.
“What’s wrong with it? Is it running?”
“Yeah, kinda, it stalls out but you just gotta give it a few.”
“Ma, how long?”
“What?” She rasps.
“How long do we have? Without Walter, just us. How long do we have to figure this out?”
She lowers her head and takes a deep breath. Her voice cracks, “six months.”
You cringe and try to show the impact as her answer threatens to knock you over. You lay your hands gently on the table and stand. You leave them and go into the living room where your father sits, staring and still. You pull up the short footstool from in front of the couch and sit by him.
You’re silent as you watch him. His eyes are glazed, his features are slack and emotionless, he doesn’t even know you’re there. He is a ghost. You put your hand on his, begging him to smile, begging him to crack a joke. Your heart swells then shrinks down so small it hurts.
“Dad,” you whisper and squeeze his hand, “I love you.”
You stand and kiss his cheek. He doesn’t react. You see your mother in the doorway. She watches with arms folded but doesn’t say a word as you cross the room. Neither do you.
You pass into the hallway and march down to the front door. You slip your feet into your shoes and snatch the keys off the hook. Your mom always said you were a daddy’s girl and your dad always told you that no matter how shitty it is, you do what needs to be done for the family. At the end of the day, it’s the only thing you can count on.
You leave without looking back. A tremor rolls through you as you open up the garage. You just need the truck to make it there, that’s it. You climb in the front seat and twist the ignition, chanting desperate pleas until it catches. The engine rumbles and you hit the gas, surging out before you can think better of this.
Your mother watches through the window as you steer away from the house. You lean over the wheel as the headlights shine over the dark country landscape. You’ve never been up that way but you know where you’re going.
Tap, tap, tap. At first you panic, thinking the engine’s sputtering out. Then the droplets turn to rivulets and the rain pours down, streaming over the windshield as you flip on the wipers. You’re at the edge of the seat, clutching the wheel tight as the belt strains across your chest.
The tires suck in the mud as the countryside turns boggish. You rock with the truck as it chuffs over the slickening earth, slowing with the incline of the next hill. Not much further. Almost there.
There’s a sudden pop and a chortle that rattles the truck. You yipe as the engine putters out and the headlights dim. You feel the world rolling backwards. You yank on the emergency brake, the old Ford lurching to a halt. You slam your hands on the thin steering wheel and lean your head against the cool leather.
Just a little further.
You raise your head, looking forward at the black road then at the rearview at the void. You’ve come this far. You take the keys and pull on the handle, letting yourself out in the whipping rains. The cold shower soaks through you in an instant as you slip through the mud, arms pumping as you take the last of the hill in a half-sprint.
You’re gulping and gasping as you come in sight of a single light. A rectangle of yellow, the only beacon amid the storm. Your teeth chatter as you will yourself onward. Your feet splash and you tumble over the bumpy ground, staggering and stumbling towards the dark house.
You fall against the stairs and heave, shaking as you fight for air. You put your feet under you and push yourself up. You stamp onto the first step, then the next, and the next. You catch the door frame and heave as you hear noise from within.
You grip the handle of the screen door but before you can pull it back, the door within opens and amber light spills into the blackness. You stare through the mesh as Walter’s broad silhouette towers over you. You gasp up at him and touch the screen.
“I’m sorry,” you eke out through a shiver.
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 6 months
Could you maybe do a child reader x Ozzie and fizzy? The details are up to you, I just want them to be my dads! Thanks❤️
AWE OMG ☹️☹️☹️☹️ MY FIRST OZZIE AND FIZZ ASK BLOWS UP (i love them a normal amount) YES!!! This will be more in a headcanon bc I have so many thoughts and if this was a fic i think i would spend a year on it LMFAOO- Reader will be around 11-13! Slightly older kid but still a kid at the end of the day!! Also because my tiktok feed is filled with lamb girl reader will also be a lambkin!! A good portion of the beginning is me explaining the lamb demon premise lol
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To be love is to be changed | Fizzmodeus x Child! GN! Reader
Relationship: Familial Warnings: None!! Pretty fluffy!!
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You weren’t the typical demon, looking more like the sheep in the overworld than any demon in hell. 
Soft fluffy wool covered your body, save for your face. Your rounded snout and big eyes with semi-long lashes differed from the other hellborn children. Black hooved for feet and hands, making it slightly inconvenient to do day-to-day tasks, however, your kin adapted. Visibly the image or purity in a place of debauchery. Seemingly the only speck of light in a place that was consumed with darkness.
Fizz was the one who found you in the greed ring, taking you in after seeing you steal from a Shark Demon. He liked the balls you had to do that (and was insanely worried that something would happen to you if you got caught.)
Since Fizz welcomed you with open arms, and you weren’t that much of a threat (you are literally a child lol), Asmodeus opened you with even wider arms.
Ozze is the mom while Fizz is the dad. Nothing you can say will change my mind on that.
While Fizz does fret over you, it is nothing compared to Ozzie. If Ozzie is at work and gets pulled aside to be told that you hurt yourself or are sick, he will cancel his show and head home immediately.
While Ozzie is a worryrat, he isn’t a helicopter parent. He actually believes that you need your independence, especially since you aren’t that young. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the hell version of Life 360. He tracks your ass so much that if he gets the low battery notif, he is calling you to tell you to charge your phone. 
Fizz on the other hand is more of the chaotic parent. As in you both are banned from the kitchen, both separately and alone. To make a long story short, it started with the fork on fire and escalated to the hallway mat being singed. If you look under the replacement mat, you can still see the scorched marks of soot that were just too hard to get out. But that doesn’t mean Fizz can’t be stern with you. If anything, you prefer it when Ozzie is stern, since it is a little eerie to you when his smile isn’t there. 
Do not be fooled, while they will give you some of the things you want. you will not be spoiled insanely. You still have to pick up around your room (they told the staff not to clean your room), and in turn, you get an allowance so you can buy the things you want. 
If you try to hustle them and tell them that the other hasn’t paid you to get double the amount, literally do not get caught. They won’t pay you for your next allowance LMFAO.
In the beginning, you only called them Fizz and Ozzie, which they respected. It made sense in their heads since they weren’t really your dads, and they kinda just picked you off the streets. However when you got comfortable enough to refer to them as your dads? They were over the moon and cried to each other. 
How you approached the topic with them was by having them sit down in the living room with you.
Ozzie and Fizz were sitting down on the couch as you paced the floor. You had invited them to the living room stating that you needed to talk and asked them to sit. Albeit they were very confused as to what you needed to talk about, and seeing the worry on your face, didn’t really help with the nerves. They were holding one another’s hand as a comfort. There was a brief moment where you stopped and looked at them, before turning and beginning to pace again. Fizz and Ozzie looked at one another, asking if the other knew what was going on and denying it.
“Uhh…Kid?” Fizz starts after a bit, looking back at Ozzie for a moment before he looks back at your pacing figure. “Is everything alright?”
Instead of answering, you stopped and looked at the two of them. You left the room, furthering their confusion. It didn’t take long for you to come back with a laptop, the same one they had gifted you after a month of your stay. You connected it to the TV and put on display a PowerPoint.
You had made a PowerPoint to talk to them and ask them if it was okay if you could call them dad
In said PowerPoint, you gave all the reasons (most of which said that you were awesome) and benefits of adopting you (benefits were that they get a cool kid in turn). You also went over the possible dad name variations for them and the reasons behind them. You even gave the origins of the names which amused Fizz to no end.
To make a long teary heartfelt story short, they adopted you. 
However, they had to do so in a way that didn’t get the media’s attention. Just because they were celebrities and figureheads, doesn’t mean they want you in the spotlight. Rather they agreed to wait until you were either close to being or were an adult to even announce that you were their kid (if you wanted to).
This also means that if you wanted to go out, you couldn’t go out with either of them, since the media knows that they were together, it wasn’t too far out of the picture for them to have a kid. This also extends to you not going to hospitals, rather they get a physician to come to their place and check on your health. It is this whole thing where they have a security check the doctor for any decisions or any stuff that could record your existence. (Said physician is threatened that if anything about you was leaked, they would hunt him down personally.) So sadly not a lot of days out together, however, they make up for it with at-home movie nights, game nights, and even sleepovers.
Very keen on your privacy, both in the public and at home. They always knock and make sure to not do anything to cross any of your boundaries. 
Ozzie has to be careful not to talk about too much of his work around you. You may not be a little kid, but you are still a kid and he believes that no kid should be exposed to his field so early in their life. Fizz is also careful not to talk about Ozzie’s work and doesn’t go too in-depth about Mammon’s treatment around you. 
If you are prone to nightmares, they will both personally comfort you. Even if you feel silly about it, since in your tween mind, you are too old to have your dads wait for you to fall asleep because you were too scared, they don’t mind. They will drop whatever they are holding if it means making you comfortable. 
Overall very lovely parents, and they love you dearly. With you in their lives, they feel that they have changed for the better and they cannot imagine their lives without you. Seeing you as their shining light, as they continue to raise you, they hope that your bright light never diminishes.
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omg dude i rewrote this so mant times because the first attempts were kinda depressing bawling NAYWAYS IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS CAME OUT AND HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED HEHE
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi! Would it be possible to see the party or the older group see Steve’s father first hand? Like realizing that Steve’s been abused and learning how much shit he goes through on the daily with them and then his family?
This one was so difficult emotionally. I leaned real heavy into the emotional and verbal abuse (the use of a slur does happen), briefly mentioned some past physical abuse, but then the rest was just some supportive Eddie, supportive Robin, supportive kids, and I threw in some supportive Wayne because I can't resist. I hope the soft supportive stuff makes up for what I put Steve through at the beginning! - Mickala ❤️
It was supposed to be the first movie night with all of them together post-Vecna, post-Eddie and Max getting out of the hospital, post-almost losing everything.
It was supposed to be relaxing and fun.
It was not.
Just when they all settled with their snacks and drinks, the movie’s opening credits rolling, a car pulled into the driveway.
Steve did a quick headcount of everyone present, wondering if somehow someone was running late.
But everyone was here.
“Why is every light in the house on?” He heard his dad’s voice ask outside the front door.
Everyone looked at Steve, eyes wide, but frozen in place, no idea what to do.
Well, he didn’t know what to do either.
Last time he saw his dad was his high school graduation, and that hadn’t ended well. They’d only spoken on the phone twice since then: once when he told him about the mall fire and once about the pool cleaner going out of business.
Before he could think of what to do or say, his dad was walking into the living room.
That was the same scowl Steve got when he didn’t get into college.
Oh boy.
“Steven. Care to explain why I have a house full of children and teenagers?”
He didn’t know what came over him; Maybe it was just a false bravado put on because he knew his dad wouldn’t do anything to him in front of all these people or maybe he just had a thoughtless reaction.
“They’re all teenagers actually. We’re having movie night.”
His dad’s face went nearly purple with rage.
Not just anger. Pure, unfiltered, and completely undeserved rage.
Eddie spoke up first, thankfully distracting the kids from the explosion that was probably about to occur.
“It’s been so nice of Steve to open up his home to kids who needed a place to go to stay out of trouble. After the quake, it’s been difficult, you know?”
How he managed to say any of that with a straight face, Steve didn’t know.
But he was grateful.
His dad looked around at the mix of kids.
To an outsider, their group definitely didn’t make sense.
To his dad, he’d see a bunch of kids he didn’t know suddenly aware of where all of his valuables in his house were.
“And you are?”
Richard Harrington’s scowl had lessened slightly, but disgust started taking over as he looked at Eddie.
“Oh! I’m Eddie Munson. Yes, related to that Munson, but only by blood.”
Eddie was confident, calm, not backing down even a little as Richard’s eyes squinted at him, judgment clear as day on his face.
“Steven, I need to speak with you alone.”
His dad didn’t give him a chance to respond before he was walking out of the room towards the kitchen.
Everyone was looking at Steve, he could feel their looks burning the back of his and side of his face. Eddie and Robin were closest to him, so he could see out of the corner of his eyes their panic at the situation.
Steve got up and walked to the kitchen, no one trying to stop him because no one knew what his father was capable of.
He never let them know what his father was capable of.
When he got to the kitchen, his father was sipping a glass of water, his stance more relaxed but still too stiff to be considered casual.
“Where’s mom?” Steve asked hesitantly, quietly, the way he’d been taught from a young age to approach his dad.
“She’s with friends in Jamaica. We’ll be meeting up in New York in two days. Care to explain what the hell is going on?”
Steve gulped.
He wasn’t yelling yet, but he wasn’t whispering either. He knew the group of kids in the other room would be listening to every single movement and breath in here, ready to burst in if needed.
“It’s like Eddie said, they just need somewhere to hang out and I have plenty of space-“
“You? You have plenty of space? Since when do you pay the bills here? Since when is the mortgage in your name?”
His dad was good at the false calm, the even tone, the emotionless face.
Until he wasn’t.
“Sorry. I’ll take them home.”
Steve bit his lip. It’s been a while since he had to deal with his father like this, and the tears he normally could hold back until he was in his room were threatening to fall already.
“You drive them around, too? Do you feed them? Take them to appointments? What don’t you do for them? And that Eddie guy, you know his dad’s been in prison for six years for drug trafficking and grand theft auto? You want someone like that in my house?” His dad set his water down on the counter next to him. “That girl. Is she your girlfriend? Who are her parents? I don’t think I’ve seen her before. You know what we’ve told you about setting the right future with the right woman. If we don’t know her parents, then she can’t be the right one.”
Steve could do this. He could just let his dad get it all out and then get everyone to leave and hide in his room.
Maybe it wouldn’t even be a problem tomorrow, forgotten like he always was.
“Are you going to answer me or am I supposed to read your mind?”
Steve cleared his throat, hoping his voice would come out strong and confident.
“I’m their babysitter, so I take care of them when they need it and sometimes that means driving them places. Robin isn’t my girlfriend, she’s just a friend.”
He couldn’t talk about Eddie, and he hoped his dad didn’t push it.
But his dad always pushed it.
“Eddie Munson is not to come into this house again. I’m calling to get the locks changed tomorrow and contacting the neighbors to tell them to call my secretary if they see his van.”
“Dad, wait-“
“Are you arguing with me?”
His face had gone red, and Steve knew he was only reigning it in because of the people in the living room.
He knew when they left, he’d wish he left too.
“No, sir. Sorry.”
“It doesn’t really sound like you mean it. You know, I was hoping that you would have reapplied to colleges for next year by now. I thought surely having a job and focusing on your future would set you on the right path. That maybe you and Nancy Wheeler would work it out by the time she graduated. Clearly, I should’ve been requiring updates more often. Adulthood isn’t about babysitting, Steven. And it’s certainly not about entertaining friends unless you plan on making a business deal.”
Steve was used to the spiel.
This job is temporary. You have to go to college. You will work for me. You will make our name proud. Blah, blah, blah.
But that’s never been what he wants. He knows his dad knows that, probably gave up hope when he was in high school anyway, but wouldn’t let it go. The opportunity to degrade him would always be the most important thing.
“It’s been a really busy month.”
“Oh has it? Please explain how you’ve had a busy month.”
He crossed his arms and waited for Steve to start talking.
Steve knew he’d already lost.
He’d never won before, so it shouldn’t be as disappointing as it is.
“Just with the quake and everything.”
“The house is fine. This whole neighborhood is fine. There’s plenty of places still open for work. I’m not sure why you think that’s an excuse.”
“I was dealing with some injuries and helping a few of the people out there with theirs.”
“So you got paid for being a nurse?”
“No. I didn’t get paid, I just helped.”
Steve was met with silence. Silence was almost worse than yelling.
“And you expect me to take you seriously as someone who is jobless, not going to college, and is helping people for free?”
Steve didn’t know what to say. If he said yes, his father would do that laugh that he did when he couldn’t believe how stupid Steve was and then yell and who knows what else. If he said no, he would go straight to yelling about how Steve can’t be taken seriously if he doesn’t even take himself seriously.
He heard some movement in the other room, whispering, then the front door opening.
Good. If they were gone, Steve wouldn’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed of what his dad would say or do.
The front door closed and Steve’s shoulders dropped. He wasn’t relaxed, but he was settling into what he knew was coming in, preparing for the verbal beatdown followed by whatever physical blow his father thought was appropriate for him.
“Don’t even want to explain yourself? Not even try?” Richard let out a small huff. “You know, I told your mom that you must be working so much, and that’s why you never answered the phone when we called. I stuck up for you, even though a small part of my brain kept saying that I shouldn’t. You’ve never impressed me before, why would you start now?”
Steve looked down at the floor, knowing he would only get away with it for a few more seconds at this rate.
“And then I even started mentioning to my buddies that you must be putting in so much effort with college applications, giving them an honest go so you could follow your girlfriend wherever she goes. But that just wouldn’t happen, would it? Nancy will go to an Ivy League school, make a name for herself, impress the world. And what will you do, Steven? You can’t even impress me.”
“You know, I’m used to shitty parenting. I had a mom who thought drugs were more important than me and a dad who spent more time in a jail cell than with me. But you’re real special, Richard.”
Eddie walked into the kitchen, face red with an anger that looked like it could match Steve’s dad.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, come on. You haven’t spent more than a few hours with your kid since he was probably in diapers, and even the time you do spend with him is probably just you letting him know how disappointed you are that he isn’t the smartest person alive.”
“You have no right-”
“Oh, I do, though. See, Steve is the reason I’m even alive. And while you may think that’s not a gift, maybe you even think the world would be better off without me, a whole lot of people are glad I’m still around, including Steve. In fact, pretty sure most of the kids you saw in that living room before wouldn’t be alive without him. Robin sure wouldn’t be. You only put value in what Steve can do to make you look better and how much earning potential he has, and forget that his value comes from the fact that he cares so deeply about all of us and does whatever it takes for us to be safe and happy.”
“I don’t see how that is a benefit to me or to him in the long run, and I’d appreciate if you watch your-”
“It is truly amazing how Steve turned out the way he did when you so clearly couldn’t be bothered being a parent.” Eddie shook his head. “Actually, I take that back. It’s clearly in large part because you didn’t bother trying that he managed to turn out okay.”
“Eds,” Steve started, holding a hand out to him to try to get him to stop.
Richard was starting to get the purple color to his face that meant he would be completely losing it soon.
“No, Steve. Let him take it out on me. If he wants to be mad, he can be mad at me. I don’t give a shit what he thinks about me. I don’t give a shit what he says to me. I don’t give a shit if he wants to hit me. Go ahead and do it, Richard. Take out your anger about being a shitty human and having a shitty marriage and shitty job on me instead of Steve for once.”
Eddie moved in front of Steve, head held high like he was proud to be there.
Like he would always stand in front of Steve if he let him.
Steve didn’t want to let him, though. Not after all he did to keep him safe and alive.
Steve’s first ever concussion didn’t come from an accident, or an alternate dimension creature. It came from his dad hitting just a bit too hard, aiming just right over his ear. His ear didn’t stop ringing for days, and he had his first real migraine for more than 24 hours.
No one knew that and he wanted to keep it that way, but he needed Eddie to understand he couldn’t put himself in the line of fire here.
“Eddie, please.”
Then Richard laughed.
Steve hated his laugh.
“I see now. I can’t believe you’ve found a new way to let me down, but you did it. I’m almost impressed, Steven.”
Steve glanced between Eddie’s face and his dad’s.
Something had shifted and Steve didn’t know what.
“You know I didn’t believe the rumors about you being a fag, just thought you were weird and a nobody and people were spewing extra bullshit because they didn’t like you. Now I see they were right,” Richard practically spit the last words.
Steve could see Eddie shaking in front of him, but he didn’t back down. He didn’t run.
“And you went and fell in love with my idiot son. Steve, did he turn you into one too?”
“Steve, you don’t have to answer anything,” Eddie said without turning to him.
Steve’s brain was going about 100 miles per hour.
He knew Eddie liked men. They’d talked about it when he accidentally came out when he was high on morphine in the hospital. He even offered to drive him and Robin to a place in Indy where they might actually meet someone.
He turned it down then and they barely spoke about it since.
He watched as Eddie’s entire body tensed, like he expected Steve to hit him.
Then the other part registered. The part where his dad said Eddie fell in love with Steve.
Steve laughed.
Eddie flinched.
Steve stopped laughing.
“This is gold. You didn’t even know, did you Steven?”
For the first time, Eddie was looking down at the floor, his hair falling in front of him to hide his face.
Steve wasn’t having it, not now, not from his dad, not because of something like this. Even if it was true…well, if it was true, then Eddie didn’t deserve it coming out like this.
“You know what? You’ve spent my entire life telling me who I should be. You worked so hard to mold me into a person as miserable as you. You almost succeeded. Luckily, I met people who made me want to be better, who made me better. Eddie is one of those people. He says I saved him, but he saved me first. He only needed saving because he wanted me to live. You didn’t even bother to come home to make sure I was okay after the quake.”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic. You’re a grown man. We would have been called if you were in the hospital.”
“No you wouldn’t. You haven’t been my emergency contact in three years.”
His dad went pale at that.
“What do you mean? Who else?”
“Joyce Byers was, and then since last summer, it’s been Robin. They actually would come if I needed them.”
Eddie seemed to regain some of his composure, looking up at Richard with disdain.
“Kind of crazy how your son has so many people who love him for who he is and you can’t even be bothered to show up when he almost dies.” Eddie turned to Steve with a small, sad smile. “C’mon. Robin took the kids home in my van and I need a ride.”
“Steven, if you walk out the door, you better understand you won’t be welcome back here. Not with the disrespect you’ve shown me.”
“And the disrespect you’ve shown me? Eddie? My friends? What about that?”
Richard was silent, his teeth gritting together as he seethed to himself instead of out loud for once.
“Stevie, go grab some stuff from your room just in case, okay? I’ll wait here,” Eddie whispered.
“Eds, it’s fine. I won’t leave you alone with him,” Steve whispered back.
“I’m fine, Stevie. You can stay with me and Wayne tonight.”
Steve decided now wasn’t the time to talk, not while his father could hear.
He pulled Eddie along with him up the stairs, not giving him or his dad a chance to say anything else.
He grabbed the bag he kept under his bed for this kind of situation, already full of his savings, two sets of clothes, and important papers his dad probably didn’t even know he kept copies of: his birth certificate and social security card, the registration for the car showing it was in Steve’s own name, and the official copies of his trust fund documents.
He didn’t even know if Eddie had tried speaking to him again since coming in the room, he was too focused on getting out of there.
He thought about what he would do if his dad changed the locks before he could come back to get the rest of his stuff, which was likely.
He could find new clothes, he could replace his shampoo, but he glanced at his desk, where he kept pictures on a corkboard.
“Can you grab that board?”
Eddie looked over where Steve was staring and quickly grabbed it off the hooks on the wall.
“Anything you need.”
Steve tried not to think about it. He really did.
So he rushed back out of his room, down the stairs, and to the front door, Eddie close on his heels.
He got in his car, didn’t even stop to think about this being the last time he may be here.
Once Eddie closed the passenger door, he was backing out of the driveway and continuing out of the neighborhood.
They rode in silence for a couple miles, until Steve’s hands started shaking and Eddie told him to pull over.
“I’m gonna drive, okay? Robin’s probably waiting at mine already.”
Steve couldn’t argue, he knew he was too emotional to be behind the wheel. He may have only had a few more miles to go, but anything could happen if he wasn’t focused.
He zoned out on the rest of the drive. Eddie could have been trying to talk, but he didn’t hear it. The radio may have been on, but he didn’t hear it.
He didn’t even notice when they arrived at Eddie’s trailer until his door was opening and Robin was there, hands on his arms and rambling nervously.
“Oh my God, did he hurt you? I will go back there right now if you have so much as a hair out of place. He is such an asshole. Seriously, who does he think he is talking to you like that? Does he always say that kinda stuff? You need to get out of there. You can sleep in my attic or something, we’ll figure it out. I-”
“Robin, give him some air,” Eddie said softly, pulling her away from him and leaning down so he was face to face with Steve. “Stevie, do you wanna go inside? I’ll take Robin home and you can get settled.”
“Wait. He’s staying here tonight? Is he gonna live here now?” Robin was asking, pacing behind Eddie.
“He’s staying here tonight and maybe longer. We’ll talk about it all tomorrow. For now, he just needs to get inside and rest, okay?”
“Did he hurt him?”
“No, Robbie. He didn’t put his hands on him.”
“But he hurt him.”
Eddie sighed and nodded.
Steve looked at him, then at her, giving them both a small smile.
“I’m okay guys. I can drive Robin home. Maybe get a motel for the week.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine.”
Eddie put his hand on his knee, squeezing gently.
“You’re not fine. You can stay with me tonight and we can figure it out more tomorrow, okay?”
Steve knew he wasn’t going to win. They’d take his keys and carry him into Eddie’s trailer. They would make all the kids come over to make sure he wouldn’t leave.
He loved them for it.
“Thank you,” Eddie said with relief. “Alright, Robbie. Get in the van, I’ve got a date with my couch tonight I just can’t miss.”
Robin rolled her eyes, but Steve was already zoning out again.
“Stevie? Wayne’s up, I see the light on. He can help you get settled.”
“He won’t be upset?”
Eddie’s face fell.
“No, swe-” Eddie cleared his throat. “He won’t be upset. He’ll be happy to have someone other than me to talk to.”
Steve nodded once, grabbed his bag from the floor by his feet, and got out of his car.
He could feel Robin and Eddie staring as he made his way into the trailer, heard their muttering, but not quite what they were muttering.
Being inside the trailer felt different, better. It felt like a home. Wayne had worked hard on making it cozy the moment the government had it brought here to replace their old one.
But Steve realized even without a lot of things, it still felt lived in.
He could feel how much love was in these walls, how safe he felt just standing in the living room.
“Eddie, that you?” Wayne called from the bathroom down the hall.
“No, sir, it’s Steve!”
“Steve!” Wayne came around the corner with a towel around his neck, shaving cream on his face. “Didn’t expect you. Thought it was movie night tonight.”
“Um. It was. I’m staying here tonight if that’s okay,” Steve said, looking down at the floor and kicking one foot against the carpet.
He could feel Wayne staring at him, but he didn’t think he had the strength to see him turn him away.
“Of course it’s okay. You’re welcome anytime, you know that.”
Steve nodded.
“You know where Eddie’s room is, go ahead and set your stuff in there. I’ll finish up and then grab you something to drink. Want a snack?”
“Oh. Um. No thank you. I’m pretty tired, so I think I might just go to bed.”
“You sure, kid?”
“Mhm. I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
Wayne was coming closer, he could see his feet shuffling against the carpet.
A hand was suddenly on Steve’s shoulder.
“Son, I don’t know what’s goin’ on, but I know I ain’t lettin’ you leave here tomorrow without talkin’ first. You ain’t botherin’ me if you need to stay here for a bit. We don’t have much, but we can figure it out.”
Steve sniffled. He wasn’t going to cry. He wasn’t.
“Steve. Can I…shit, hold on. I got stuff on my face. Don’t move!”
Steve waited for Wayne to go back to the bathroom. He heard the sink turn on and Wayne grumbled something about how long it takes to get hot water in this dump. He let himself smile, mostly because Eddie had done the same thing when he was having to take careful showers while he was still healing. Wayne was walking back out of the bathroom, using the towel around his neck to pat his face dry.
“Can I hug you, kid?”
Steve just stared at him.
“Steve? You can say no. Just seemed like you might need one.”
He did need one.
Before he comprehended what he was doing, he fell into Wayne’s arms and let out a sob.
“It’s alright, son. It’s gonna be alright. We’ve got ya. Whatever it is, you’re safe here.”
His words just made Steve sob harder.
But Wayne gripped him harder, not even giving him the chance to think he was letting him go.
They stood like that for a while, probably too long, but Steve couldn’t pull away.
He heard the front door open and then Eddie asking something.
“Just needed to cry it out a little. You alright, Steve?”
Steve sniffed, pulling away so he could look at Eddie.
Eddie was watching him, concerned eyes watery with unshed tears.
“Stevie? Have you been crying the whole time?”
“No,” Steve said, his voice barely able to choke out a response.
“How about you boys head on to bed? I’m gonna be watchin’ my shows for a bit if you need me.”
“Alright, love you,” Eddie said, not taking his eyes off of Steve.
“Love ya both,” Wayne said.
Steve was at least able to hold himself together until he made it to Eddie’s room.
Then, he let go.
He let himself fall to his knees, let himself fall apart, for probably the first time ever.
He didn’t think about what Eddie would do or what Eddie would say or even what Eddie would think.
He just let himself feel the overwhelming sadness that comes from not being loved by a parent.
“Sweetheart, come here,” Eddie said into his ear as he pulled him to his chest. “It’s gonna be okay. Let it out. You’ve held it in too long.”
He had. God, he really had.
For years, he just pretended his dad was an asshole who didn’t come home often and had high expectations. He pretended his mom was just an important part of his business and that’s why she never bothered to stay home with him.
But for years, he knew that his parents just didn’t like him. They were disappointed in him as a son, and as a person.
He cried for the ten year old version of him who didn’t realize it would be his last birthday with his parents at home. He cried for the 12 year old version of him who had to forge a signature on his field trip form because his parents hadn’t been home in a month. He cried for the 16 year old version of him who was old enough not to need his parents most of the time but not old enough to be completely alone after his world turned upside down.
He cried for the version of him who couldn’t understand how so many people put their lives on the line for him, but his own parents couldn’t even call.
He cried because he knew that he would never be loved or accepted by his parents the way Wayne had just wholeheartedly accepted him, no questions asked.
“Stevie, you gotta take a few deep breaths, okay. In and out. Wanna try it with me?”
Steve felt the rumble of Eddie’s voice in his chest against his ear, felt him take a deep breath and tried to copy him, but his chest hurt and he couldn’t.
“Try again.”
So he did. And then again.
By the fourth time, it was easier. His lungs filled all the way, and he slowly let the air out. His face was wet, Eddie’s shirt was wet. He could feel snot dripping from his nose.
He knew Eddie didn’t sign up for this when he offered his place for the night.
He started to pull away, furiously wiping his eyes and face the best he could.
“Sorry. I’ll uh. I can go.”
“Steve,” Eddie wrapped his arms around him and pulled him back so his back was against Eddie’s chest. “I want you to stay, okay? I need you to stay. I’ll feel better if you stay.”
Steve relaxed against Eddie’s body, the comfort too nice to give up at the moment.
They stayed like that for a while, Eddie’s fingers tracing shapes against Steve’s arms.
“Was he right?”
“About what?”
“You being in love with me?”
Eddie’s fingers stopped tracing for a moment, but then started back up. He could hear Eddie’s heartbeat quicken behind him.
“Would it be bad if he was right?”
Eddie sounded like he was going to cry now.
“No. It wouldn’t be bad at all.”
Steve knew he was emotional, and maybe now wasn’t the time to have this talk. Maybe they wouldn’t even have the whole talk they should have. But he knew that he wanted to tell Eddie what he’d been thinking about for, truly, weeks now.
“You remember in the hospital when you were high on morphine and you kept touching my cheek and telling me that you wanted to kiss the freckle that was right where I should have a dimple?”
“I don’t and I wish you didn’t.”
Steve let out a snort.
“Well, I couldn’t forget about it. And not just because you also had just come out to me, or because you were alive. I just kept thinking about how much I wanted you to kiss that freckle.”
“I know you’re gonna tell me we shouldn’t do this tonight. You’re right, we shouldn’t. But I need you to know that it’s not a new thing for me, that I love you, too.”
He felt a kiss to the top of his head.
It felt like Eddie just kissed every worry, every stress, every bad part of the night away.
“You’re right about not doing anything tonight. You’ve had a lot of emotions and you need to sleep it off a bit. But I’ll be right next to you. I’m here, Stevie. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“You’ll stay here tonight?”
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
“Mhm. I do.”
“Let’s get comfy then.”
Steve pulled away to stand up, but Eddie held his hand so he wouldn’t stand yet.
“We’re not doing anything, but. I kinda need to kiss you. If you’re good with that,” Eddie said, eyes wide with hope.
“I’m good with that,” Steve smirked.
When Eddie leaned in to kiss him, he kept his eyes open. Only long enough to see Eddie’s close and a small smile appear on his face, but it was a moment he would never forget. The first of so many moments he would never forget.
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reallychaoticwoo · 8 days
Hi babe!! How do you think the different ateez members would be with a gf who is a single mom? Especially if a 1 y/o baby girl? I see all of them as girl dads, but truly you can choose any age or gender for the baby. Also, for obvious reasons, fem reader :). Love you 💕💕
Hello again doll 🖤🖤 Of course I am more than happy to do this as a momma myself 🖤 🎬Overview: Ateez members meeting you and your 4 year old daughter for the first time and what became of it.
‼️This is gonna have to be a two parter, so bare with me 😅😅 I may have gotten a bit carried away. I did get my sister's help with these so everyone say thank you lol 🖤🖤
❤️Pairing: individual ot8 x reader
⚠️Warnings: Probably some cussing, mentions of dead father, Wooyoung being a little shit. Let me know if I missed anything
✨️This is purely for entertainment purposes and does not represent the idols in any way
🖤As always I hope you enjoy!
🧸Ateez meeting Y/N, a single mom. Part 1🧸
Part two
Walking into the music store wasn't something you expected to be doing today, but your daughter would not let up about wanting to learn to play the guitar, and she just needed to go look at some right now. So you gave in, taking her inside and looking around. You'd gotten a little distracted looking at a violin, reminiscing over when you used to play, when your daughter slipped away. Of course, she headed straight for the guitars. They were only a few feet away, and she ran straight into a man with burnt orange hair stumbling back a bit before catching herself. "Oh, uh, what are you doing in her cutie? Where's your parents?" He asked her, looking around, trying to find anyone who seemed like they were missing a child. Just that second you rounded the corner, "Oh sweetie, there you are! I told you not to leave my side." You said, looking at her sternly, before turning to look at the man, "I am so sorry about that. I looked away for two seconds." He assured you it was fine, asking your daughter why she was running to the guitars in the first place. "Oh, she wants to learn to play and insisted I bring her to look at them. I figured looking wouldn't hurt. I'd get her one, but I know absolutely nothing about guitars or where to even begin trying to find a teacher." You started rambling. He was gorgeous, and you found yourself a little embarrassed and flustered as he listened to what you were saying. He chuckled, noticing how you seemed a little overwhelmed, "I could help you find one if you'd like. I play a little, so I definitely know the best ones for beginners and more advanced options."He offered. You smiled shyly, nodding at him in thanks. Your daughter, however, had other plans, "Mommyyy, he said he plays!! He could teach me! Can the pretty man teach me, Mommy? Plleaaasseeeee??" She begged looking at you with pleading eyes. You glanced at him, a look of shock and mild panic on his face, before looking back to your daughter. "Now sweetie, I'm sure he's very busy we can't just go demanding lessons from strangers." Your daughter turned to look at him, giving him her best puppy dog eyes and lip pout to this day, "Pleaaaaseeeee will you teach me to play the guitar pretty man? Pllleeeeeaaaaassseeeeee.." She begged. He chuckled at the nickname given to him by your four year old and kneeled down to be eye level with her. "I will teach you one thing if you promise to listen to your pretty mommy and be good for her." He said, patting her head. "Okay, I'll be good!" She exclaimed, looking up at you with the biggest cheesiest grin on her face. He sat down with her and explained one of the easiest chords he knew to her, smiling brightly when she picked it up rather quickly. Heading back to you, smiling brightly, "Mommy, the pretty man taught me to play guitar!" Your daughter beamed at you. "Honey, I'm sure the pretty man has a name." You said, smiling down at her enthusiasm. "I do, it's Hongjoong." He said, looking at you with a smile. "Well, Hongjoong, thank you for taking time to teach her something. I really appreciate it. I'd love to maybe take you out to dinner sometime? As a thank you." You said smiling warmly at him. "If teaching her one chord gets me a date with her pretty mom, then she may have just found herself a teacher. He replied, handing you his phone with a cheeky wink.
Your daughter was exploring the Lego store and came across a big Star Wars set, "Mommy! Mommy! Can I get that one?? Pweeaaaseeee!?!" She asked, giving you her best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. "Sweetheart, we can't afford that.. I'm sorry." You sighed, patting her head, "why don't we keep looking, I'm sure we'll find something." Seonghwa couldn't help but overhear and walked over. "I don't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but overhear this sweet baby asking for that big Star Wars set. I just bought this one and realized I already have one at home. If mom doesn't mind, I'd be more than happy to give it to her." He was smiling down at your daughter before looking up at you awaiting your reply. "Are you sure? It's okay really, we were going to keep looking. Plus its a bit too advanced for her age." You replied. "More than sure, and I'm happy to help her build it. As long as that's okay with you?" He shot you a warm smile. "PLEAASSEEE MOMMYYYY can we please go build legos??" Your daughter asked, practically jumping in excitement. You looked at her and back to the man in front of you, "Okay, let's go." You said looking at your daughter fondly. "Thank you, uh.. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" "Seonghwa, and no need to thank me. I couldn't bare to see a little Lego lover so sad." You sat down in a seating area near the store and the two of them got to work. You'd noticed Seonghwa checking the directions pretty frequently, making you question if he actually already had the set at home, but you decided to leave it be. You were just grateful for his kindness towards your daughter. He was being so patient with her, teaching her where all the little pieces went asking her about what other kinds of toys she liked. You'd overheard him asking about you and not long after your daughter skipped up to you, "Mommy, Hwa wants to know if you'll come build legos with us?" Her big doe eyes pleading with you. "Oh, he does?" You looked at the man with a playful quirk of the brow. He just smiled back shyly. After some conversation between the three of you, Seonghwa reluctantly said he had to leave as he had somewhere to be soon. "But - but mommy, I want to show Hwa when I'm done!" Your daughter said, tears starting to well in her eyes. Seonghwa looked down at her and then to you. "I could uh, give you my number so you can text me when she's finished." He offered. "YES!! Pleaseee mommy!!" She said tugging on the bottom of your shirt. "Yes, that'd be nice. Thank you for building with her, you made her whole day." You smiled at him handing him your phone. He put his number in, "Don't thank me I enjoyed every minute of her happiness. And it was nice getting to talk to her pretty mom too."
It was your first weekend in months you weren't swamped with work. Deciding to take full advantage of your free time, you took your daughter to the arcade. Walking in your daughter immediately squealed in excitement, grabbing your wrist and pulling you over to the dancing games first. After several rounds and some pouting due to unperfect scores, she decided she wanted to try racing games. "Mommy, I wanna drive!" She exclaimed, pointing to one of the race car simulating games. "Baby, you're too short. You can't reach the peddles." You said, looking at her sympathetically. "But mommyy, I want to drive! It looks fun. I wanna be a big girl like mommy and drive!" She stomped her little foot, pouting. Just then, a very tall man walked up to the two of you, "I couldn't help but overhear, I could help her drive if you're comfortable with that? I think I might be tall enough, right?" He offered, directing that last sentence to your daughter, causing you both to giggle at this ridiculously tall man. "I think that would be okay.." You said, turning to look at your daughter, "what do you think, sweetie? Think he can reach?" You asked with a chuckle. "Yes, pweaseee!! Thank you, Mr. Giraffe!" She exclaimed, looking up at him with a bright smile. "Giraffe? I'm a giraffe?" He questioned, laughing at how adorable the nickname was. "I kinda like it! But, you can call me Yunho, since that's my name." He bent down, ruffling her hair, while looking up at you. "Otays, Mr giraffe Yunho! Can we go play now?" She asked, pulling on his pant leg. About 10 minutes into watching them play, hearing laughs come from your daughter you haven't heard from her since before her dad passed, you looked down at your phone and noticed it was almost time for bed. "Sweetheart, I know you're having so much fun right now, but we need to head home and get you to bed." You said softly, walking up to the game to help her down. "Nooooo, I don't want to go home. I want to stay with Yuyu!" She cried, holding onto Yunho. He pulled her back and gave her a pat on the head before setting her on the floor, "I know, and I want to play too, but you need to listen to your mommy. You gotta get some sleep so you can grow big and tall. So next time you won't need my help and you can play by yourself." She pouted, rubbing her eyes. "I don't want to play by myself anymore, I want to play with you forever!" You smiled sadly at her, knowing exactly what your daughter meant by that. Turning to Yunho, you said, "Thank you again. It's been a long time since I've seen her smile and laugh this much. She hasn't been that happy since her dad passed last year. You helping her play that game made her night and means a lot to me." Picking your pouting, sleepy daughter up to head to leave, Yunho stopped you. "I'd be more than happy to continue hanging out with the both of you, if you'd like?" He said timidly. "I, we would really like that." You replied, a fond smile on your face.
You're sitting down at a restaurant with your daughter when two good-looking guys sit at the table next to you. "Look, Mommy! That guy looks like a prince!" your daughter says loudly, pointing at the blonde one. "Yes baby, he does, but you can't say that stuff so loud, and it's rude to point." You say a little embarrassed because they most definitely heard what she said given the fact the the one with black hair is giggling like a maniac "But mommy, that means he must have a castle and I wanna go!" She says, getting up and walking towards them."Excuse me Mr prince, can you take me to your castle? pwease I've always wanted to see one." She says, batting her eyelashes at the blodne haired man. You quickly follow after her. "I'm so sorry she's only 4, and she really loves fairy tales. Mostly the princes and castles." You say embarrassed. "Yeah, come on, Yeosang, show the little princess your castle," the black haired one says with a shit eating grin, causing Yeosang to look down, trying to hide his blush. "I'm not the princess," your daughter says to the black haired one. "My mommy is because princesses marry the princes, and I'm not old enough to marry anyone yet." She says matter of factly. With a little nod agreeing with her, Wooyoung replies, "You're so right, little one! So does that mean my friend, the prince here, should be courting your mommy? " He says, nudging Yeosang, who has yet to look up. Yeosang shyly looks to your daughter, "I would be horrored given that your mommy is a very beautiful princess, but I believe that princess should choose their prince." He said, sparing a shy smile towards you. "Well," you say, " I think I might be willing to give this one a chance." Both you and Yeosang are now smiling shyly at each other while Wooyoung and your daughter are sharing a victorious fist bump.
⛓️If you'd like to be tagged in part 2, please let me know!(:
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