#how do you translate 'yabai' lol
mofffun · 1 year
anyway with these tweets i am starting the countdown to another rita-centric episode/fight scene in 4 to 6 weeks.
I went to a training by myself today. Can't move my body anymore. I think I will take a good long bath so I can work hard tomorrow too. Good night, everyone ~smiles. Let's work hard tomorrow* ✌🏻
If it is because of that, I agree it's veryx5 hard, but I look forward to it veryx8 much so please!!!!! If it's not then just forget it!!!!!
Takamina-sensei! Yes, it's that! It's a bit wild but I will figure it out!!!!! I will work hard on it!!!!!
"tomorrow" (27/9) morning is King-chan #8 recording, drawing-guessing game.
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2n2n · 1 year
ch 103
WOO!! I was actually able to acquire the official release on my husband's phone this time, and I hope we can continue to do that... buuut given those files don't seem to be (???) high quality or easy to cap+transfer, I'll just use DBS's nice HQ stuff for posties :3
uuuu its all so exciting...
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oh Nene-chan... what could you possibly feel....
there is something so funny about both Mitsuba and Nene-chan overlapping on "uuhhhh I ... don't want to talk to The Boys about this..." for multiple reasons lol. You both have difficult guys don't you.......... these DV boyfriends...
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everyone's perception of Amane as being like scared of Tsukasa is so funny grrgljh.... but also....He is wimpy. Just in a way you can't imagine ...
its funny that Kou and Mitsuba both think of Tsukasa as 'the scary/stronger one' ... I don't think you idiots are right at all, lol....
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so real for this Mitsuba. Look, you don't know Tsukasa or Amane well, but you have Kou pegged. But to be fair he isn't complicated at all, is he.....
it is so funny to hear Nene-chan just say this so bluntly
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like.. yes ... lol ... Hanako and Kou together... isn't it always because Hanako is being suspicious, and Kou needs to profile him about it... lol.
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guy can't run around with a big sack or look at a clock without a cop asking him what he's up to >>:/
the patented Hanako-kun big pause before a lie followed by a big extremely fake smile
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don't you ever trust this expression, okay?
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Kou and Hanako are so . dl;fjs. why do anything together. I love them both being jealous freaks (their only overlap) and not really able to pretend to also hang out organically, LOL ...
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Mitsuba really and truly called Hanako and Kou insane and then intentionally bear baited them ... he really is a masochist, isn't he...
ok, real thoughts and favorite panels...
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appreciating how shrimpy and threadbare Aida's depiction of this boy is...;; I'm excited to see more new-age art of this boy... she's honed her shotas over the years very well... the YenPress translation had made me laugh though, it was worded more like "Hanako-kun was always crying and hurt" it just accidentally was a little inelegant... like damn, drag him .... made me imagine Hanako would be defensive if he heard her thoughts, like "hey, you only saw me for a second, wait..."
it's such an interesting view of Amane, seeing him as a tragic and miserable boy for all of his past...
ah. diseased... seeing him so charming and handsome. oh no--one of those panels, that makes me, pity Nene-chan, you love him too much... you're too weak to all of this, aren't you?? yabai....
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but. I'm really excited for Nene-chan to get to directly see their past...
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I think it was so far from 'nothing but sorrows'. Wouldn't it be more shocking, actually, to see him in moments of joy and revelry, at 12? How would you marry that kind of Amane, with the one you saw at 13? How can any of that make sense? It would be easier to grasp if he was always enduring torture. We saw so many little blips of the boys as children... so happy together! Amane's problem couldn't have been that his life was so terrible, exactly. Amane's problems could always be instead that something is very special to him, and he wants it to stay that way....
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but ah, what's so interesting about this to me, is Nene-chan reaching the same conclusion Amane is often reaching-- his rationale behind keeping her in the dark, hiding secrets from her...
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... wishing you could preserve someone's innocence, or cluelessness, their happiness... it's really all Amane's wanted to do for Nene, and what she's continuously fought against.
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I think Nene-chan is really growing haha, after the 'Far Shore', 'Red House', she's grasping the kind of intensity she was being protected from... what it feels like to want to protect someone's peace and happiness.... to wish they didn't have to see ugliness, didn't need to be dragged into it all...
ah, and she's the one who is always so upset....
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always feeling coddled and kept from things
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it's always Hanako's desire! To keep her from things that will upset her....
its funny that it's something she's subjecting Hanako to, now... but Nene-chan has long been making the decision to keep experiences and information she acquires a secret from Hanako. It's a little funny to feel she wants to coddle Hanako ...
but it's also of course like, not 'accurate' to assume he doesn't remember a lot... obviously he's referenced his thoughts and feelings and experiences from the past, many times, but it's fair for Nene-chan to not quite understand the extent of his memory issues, given how many of those experiences/moments he references things happen without her there, at all...
anyway, love this....
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it makes me pleased to directly see Minamoto methods unable to effect the crane as much as they can't effect tsueshiro'd Hanako... between being a yorishiro, and the tsueshiro, there's a sense that the Minamoto could not do very much to/about Tsukasa when it comes down to it .... ? The yorishiro are an aspect of a God... it takes a kannagi to do anything towards them. I'm glad the beads did absolutely nothing to hold or bind it. and I'm glad Teru can detect what it is via how it was able to damage him and unable to be restrained..... nice and useless~
The Minamoto really are suspiciously aligned, since the beads /can/ bind Kou....
sometimes i worry about the way iro-sensei writes simps....
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kowai.... but my husband is like this, so....
natsuhiko i cannot believe you've already been recording her for 8 minutes....
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she looks beautiful though! And I'm happy she's getting to play...~ and its cute Natsuhiko is so excited to watch her participate in things~~ he really is uh... more noble than Hanako, isn't he, LOL?
now for the biggest twist of my life....
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HOT GUY JUICE STAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY GETS
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CONTEXT????????????????? somehow REFERENCED AS A CONCEPT??????
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I have spent SO LONG, as my husband can attest, questioning these utterly inscrutable images from VOLUME 16 TIMES (?????) of seemingly an AU where there is a. hot boy pop-up juice stand. I've looked at the images like-- "what on earth is the context where it's like a temporary pop-up in a ?? park ??? but we're wearing ??? suits ???? ? ? ? ????"
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here's the matching Nene-chan to the juice boys (dressed in the same outfit as she is in the juice stand image)
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there are too many illustrations of this thing, and never has there been any context. It like happens with AUs, but I feel like I could make sense of them occasionally.....
even if this is ? a concept ? for school festivals ? in any sense, I'm relieved Sakura herself also has no idea what the hell this is ... I have always looked at these images like... "...this isn't some kind of period AU because Nene-chan is in normal modern clothes...." but what is with these tweed colorful suits ... it looks so busted. NOt what I find sexy at all. They look , so bad. And I'm like "who wants to see a SHOTA like this..."
anyway if Natsuhiko proceeds to look like this later I'll finally, lay my soul to rest, I guess. Hot Boy Juice Stand.... Aida, Iro, which of you do I blame this on.... I wonder if iro was working on the manuscript for this chapter back when vol16 was being published or something, so Aida just wanted to get to draw the concept more whimsically for fun... musta been on the brain.....
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whenever we share complete sentences and exchanges with the joudai........................................... what on earth are these things lol.... we're gonna wind up learning they are like special fragments of the Yugi's souls or something.......... but like, really 0 theories 0 thoughts, I have no idea why these can have sweat drops and get nervous or excited or have a unique response ... they are . a peoples
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does it mean anything that they are both talking to the one with an O shaped hole not filled in ..... what on earth does it sound like when it talks back....
I'm really excited for everyone's position here, though....
Hanako is already trying to figure out the clock, seemingly. Or he has something he's not telling anyone, about it....
Natsuhiko and Sakura are gunning for the Clockkeeper's yorishiro...
but Tsukasa of the past seems to be guiding Nene-chan into acquiring time's power.
I'm thrilled with whoever gets whatever, but I hope Nene-chan can surprise everyone, somehow~~ I'm never quite sure how 'on the same page' the Broadcast Club truly is... or if Tsukasa has his own ultimate agenda... as we get into the last couple of mysteries, it'll have to interfere at last....
sigh.... I wonder if the key she took from Amane will finally come back into play... if only it was a key pertaining to that secretive place, to repair the clock. Or something....
ah, I'm excited to see us using Shijima-san's power~...
its all toooo exciting, so much going on ^^!!!!!! I feel like everything I have 0 idea about is coming up all at the same time, all at once, which is a good thing, lol.....! I would love to understand anything ♥
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fwacchi · 2 years
My heart is still not over Axia but HAHA HEY NEW EN WAVE AMIRITE
XSOLEIL is so cute but kinda wish Hex didnt strain his voice 🥹 He's doing what Fulgur used to do, straining a deep voice. You can hear it pretty obviously in his teaser line & in his singing, the difference plus the strain.
I really hope he let's up on that after debut and gives his voice some good TLC 😭
In other news, when I see XSOLEIL, all I see is Hypmic (design) and Paradox Live (vibes/aesthetics)
Hex = Rosho
Doppio = Doppo
Meloco = Otome
LOL but their MV dropped + song is out on spotify. A whole bop. I was surprised they didn't incorporate any japanese considering the only other song that was full English was DCL
(I can't attach pictures but I can ctrl c ctrl v his tweet and do a rough translation of the tweet. My nihongo is yabai desu HAHAHA)
"Good evening everyone
I, Kagami Hayato, am happy to have a little brother (Congratulations on your debut)
I apologise for the inconvenience but there won't be a stream today. Stream will be resumed tomorrow so I hope you look forward to it!"
Ah in other news, I hope the other anon (was it dango anon?) dont mind me replying but I think a new wave actually makes it harder to choose a favourite?
Because you won't have much to base off on. And because EN is unhinged HAHAHAHA
In my own opinion at the very least, it's actually easier to pick someone randomly. What I did, was to choose a game/stream I liked (for e.g, how I knew Axia was because Pokemon, Vox because Fnaf. Things like that)
You can browse to see if they have something you like, watch a vod or two from there and then slowly branch out! Because at least for Wave 1 - 6 now, they have had a variety of content to choose to start from so it's much easier to pick out a 'favourite'. You don't even have to just choose one because god knows how chaotic EN is HAHAHA
Of course, this is only my opinion so feel free to take that with a grain of salt!
Okay it is 1am as of now I should really go sleep because I have work in a few hours HAHAHA IM SORRY IT'S ANOTHER LONG ONE TODAY EVE
- 🌸
(kinda unrelated to what i've been rambling but thinking about Axia and how he failed 5 times before joining Niji makes me more motivated to try joining. (I've applied like 3 times and failed but I'm not discouraged!!) It's a dream I'm willing to chase! I swear in the future if
Or i guess I should say when because i'm gonna make it happen, but when i get in, I hope you know I'm still going to be stalking your blog Eve because I am a fangirl and will still simp. Also because anonymity got me so I can simp in peace 🥲)
i was taken aback by Hex's voice too pslsjckslc
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omg am i talking to a future vtuber? now I'm nervous HAHAHA if u ever become a vtuber pls don't expose my blogs to the other vtubers 👩🏽‍🦯
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bleuskais · 3 years
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The Animation Special Event ~ JOESTAR The Inherited Soul ~
I can’t believe I paid so much money for machine translated English subs...
Praying hard that we’ll get better subs in the archived video but I doubt it since the archived video on the streaming site is only until 5 April
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No one’s in the audience so they’re just appearing in the aisles and made their way to the stage at the start of the event
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They opened the event with some stats... I forgot to take a screenshot of it all lol
The one that stuck with me was there were 313 seiyuu to date...
and someone actually took the time to go through every script from all 5 parts to count the number of sokuon or small tsu ッ
Jonathan Joestar aka Okitsu-san’s question to Giorno aka Ono Kensho: who do you think is your father, Dio or Jonathan?
Ono Kensho said they’re both his fathers. He then spent the rest of the event referring to Okitsu/Jonathan as his 半パパ han papa or half father lol
Sugita’s question: Is it true that Okitsu-san auditioned for Giorno Giovanna? Okitsu: How did you know?! S: that day I got a call from someone saying "yabai, Sugita. Okitsu-san is here for Giorno's audition too" Okitsu/everyone else: who? who? S: it was Part 5's Bruno... i mean, no one >_> Me: 🤣😂 will he ever not bring up his BFF apropos of nothing? please never stop doing that lol
the moment he started imitating that conversation, I knew™
loved Ono Daisuke referring to Okitsu as jii-chan no jii-chan aka Grandpa’s grandpa
and also Sugita doing his Unsho-san/old Joseph voice throughout the event lol
Ono Yuki is surprisingly chatty lol... He said that before Part 4 was announced, Sugita said he’d want Ono Yuki to play his son (Josuke) and he really did! He also said before they announced Part 5, he read the manga and heard Ono Kensho’s voice for Giorno.
JoJo Protagonists Best Scenes & Live Dubbing
They showed the best 3 scenes as voted by audiences and did a live dubbing of a famous scene from each part.
The scene they chose for Part 2 was Caesar’s death and I’m crying... It hits so differently when you’re watching the live dubbing... Such intensity! The entire atmosphere was solemn after Sugita basically bared his soul in that scream. I can’t tell but were there actual tears? I won’t be surprised if there were...
Voice actors are actors y’all
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(edit: getting goosebumps just thinking about it while writing now)
Ono Daisuke: and finally, I would like to pass on the Joestar Soul to ...
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Ono Daisuke: Nakamura also told me when we met the other time... [referring to Fairouz Ai] “Isn’t that Jolyne?”
He called her daughter and got everyone to say “welcome to the JoJo family” to her d’aww...
Okitsu-san welcoming her into the Joestar family, telling her everyone is here for her and they’re all her nakama in this JoJo journey omg i cry
oh no... she’s getting choked up too T_T Fai-chan said the pressure is great and she’s touched by everyone’s kindness and support and she’s gonna do her very best to continue the JoJo spirit
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They ended the event with a performance of the first JoJo opening song, JoJo ~Sono Chi no Sadame~ by Tominaga “TOMMY” Hiroaki. As they should.
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konpithepuppy · 4 years
[TRANSLATION: anan No. 2231; 12.2020]
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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7 MEN 侍
Dignified and Bold
7 MEN 侍's long-awaited first appearance on anan. Experiencing a turbulent 2020, these 6 people are pursuing a new entertainment. Challenging the stage play 「DREAM BOYS」, looked closer at their real selves.
Nakamura Reia
I like to make each of my choices the correct answer.
I was originally a kid who skateboards wearing a cap over a long hair and loose jeans. That's why I didn't have interest in being an idol, rather, I thought that having a neat appearance was lame. But, when I unwillingly went to the audition, I was selected to be a member of Snow Prince choir so I couldn't quit...My awareness changed when I started working as Sexy Boyz with Kishi (Yuta) and Jinguji (Yuta). It was different from my lenient and care-free self, I am positive and had the desire to improve myself with my works, I really got motivated. During the time when Sexy Zone who is close to me also debuted, I am the only one who didn't feel impatient or frustrated, rather, I felt "yabai". Since then, I started to think to do my best to be an idol seriously.
I am happy that Johnny-san chose me to be the center of 7 MEN 侍, but I am not the type who pulls everyone, the other 5 members have better skills than I am, they are also reliable, and on the contrary, I am being supported by them. It's just that, only my mental strength is strong. I totally don't care about things like criticisms from the society. Something like it is better to say bad things about me rather than attacking the other members. Because more than those criticisms, the fans are telling me that they like me. Or rather, this toughness might be my unique talent (LOL).
Since I came to like acting because of「Koi no Yamai to Yarougumi」, I want to try playing NG guy who has an older girl as the partner kind of role like「Himemon」or 「Kimi wa Petto」.
Is becoming an idol my fate...? But after all, everything is from the choices that I made by myself. I decided to go to the audition, I was taught by Johnny-san about how wonderful to be an idol, and I've continued being an idol up to now. From now on too, I would like to make each of my choices the correct answer.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Before the live, with the meaning of "please look over us", I talk to the photo of Johnny-san that is placed in the backstage room, I also put my hands together. I am the type who is moderately nervous but I don't hate that feeling of being encouraged.
Motodaka Katsuki
It seems that the feeling of home when the 6 of us gathers is very valuable.
I started singing, dancing, and playing on stage when I entered Johnny's. But, being completely absorbed in an instant than being skillful is my strength. But, with the keyboard I am in-charge of, my experience playing the piano since I was 3 years old was put into use. At that time, I really didn't like playing the piano. It was like that but I got the sense of perfect pitch. I am thankful to my parents to let me, who hates playing piano, attend the class.
I am attending college now but during my high school, I got a lot of advices from Snow Man's Abe (Ryohei)-kun. Since I have been chasing him on his back for a long time, I have been encouraged on how he flapped big his wings as Snow Man. Honestly, 3 months before the first concert as 7 MEN 侍, I wanted to see the world from the different point of view so I planned to study abroad in New York. At that time, I once again tried to think about this job. And then, I realized that I grew to love this job. The good sides and the bad sides, as a human being evaluated directly, there's a sense of accomplishment in here. That's why, studying abroad became not necessary for me until I take a break from the work that I love.
This year, I had a lot of chances to be in quiz shows alone, and I thought "Is being not with the members this disheartening?"...To that extent, I can feel that the feeling of home when going back to 7 MEN 侍 is very important. The members often tease me, but since I am not a talkative and interesting type of person, I become happy too when I made them laugh when they tease me. But behind the scenes, the members are relying on me and I often receive personal consultations too. 7 MEN 侍 who is in the process of exploring it's form, now and from now on too, I want to support everyone. And in the year 2021, even if we encounter struggles, this may be the year where we can have a firm grip to make great strides!
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
This is just my own value but I don't believe in luck. Everything is result of my own decision and it is my own responsibility. I don't want to blame "luck", and I also don't want to think that what happened is thanks to "luck". Suppose there is luck, pulling that luck towards yourself is a great deal of effort.
Sugeta Rinne
An idol is a wonderful job that has the charm to inspire people's hearts.
When I was an elementary student, I went to Hey!Say!JUMP-san's live and when I saw a girl who is in front of Yamada (Ryosuke)-kun cry and laugh, I thought that an idol is a wonderful job that has the charm to inspire people's hearts. Rinne also wants to be like that so Rinne uploaded everyday in ISLAND TV during stay home. I had worries like, "Won't they get tired of me?" but it turned to "I am sure the fans are happy with this, right?"
Rinne's special skills are acrobatics and sports, and I was able to appear in shows like 「Honoo-no Taiiku-kai TV」や「SASUKE」. For me, I think a person who is athletic is cool, and since you will want to support a person who is working hard, from now one too, I want to appeal as a Johnny's who can do sports. It would be nice if I can also appear in 「Run for Money」this 2021.
The senior that I admired is Ueda Tatsuya-kun. There was a time during a race in 「Honoo-no Taiiku-kai TV」, I showed off to hype up the audience and my time got slower. During that time, I really got scolded by Ueda-kun saying, "You can't win like that." Since that was the first time I got scolded throughout my Johnny's life, I think a senior who can properly scold his juniors is cool.
In 2020, I got 1 million yen when I guested in 「Quiz! Only 1」, I think Rinne is a guy who can grab luck. Before, when the my previous unit was gone, it felt like I have lost my chance...Given that I thought of quitting Johnny's if I am not going to be put in a group until 2020, I am so glad that I went to talk directly to Johnny-san. Since I now have a group original song and individual job, I think this is really the time to give my all.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have a ritual that only you doTo have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Before the actual show, I watch videos of my senior's lives starting with Hey!Say!JUMP-san's. Since I think having a proper image of "idol" as " a work to make people happy", I can do a better performance.
Sasaki Taiko
The 6 of us, even though we are late bloomers, I believe that we can definitely bloom.
The one who opened my path to Johnny's is Takahashi Kaito-kun. I also sent my resume when I heard that Kaito-kun who I thought cool when I saw him in a dance contest. With that, now that I am working as the same Johnny's, this is an amazing fate! I talk about music with Sato Shori-kun who likes the same band as mine, and I also receive dishes that he makes. Kishi (Yuta)-kun who Shori-kun is good friend with, took me to a his favorite soba stall saying, "It's a delicious shop." Since then, I've been addicted to that shop too.
I have been practicing dancing and playing drums when I was a kid, but Johnny-san chose my drumming skills more. At first, even though I am very thankful to be able to show it, I have become greedier and greedier, and I honestly thought that "I can also dance"...But 3 months before Johnny-san passed away, I heard from Oriyama (Nao) of Shounen Ninja that Johnny-san said, "Sasaki is good at dancing too." From here, I want to say with confidence that I am also good at dancing that Johnny-san had recognized. After all, dancing is a must in Johnny's! In addition, while polishing thoroughly my singing and acting too, I want to reach for something extraordinary.
With 7 MEN 侍 changing the members twice, a self-conscious was born each time and I have come do develop mutual trust with them. Even if these 6 people bump into a big wall, if these 6 people are together, they will be able to cross over it, they are probably late bloomers but I believe they can be successful and well known. (T/N: lit. 花を咲かせられる (flower can bloom; it is like an "idiomatic expression" for becoming successful and well known) In 2021, if possible, I want to do a live where 100% of the audience can go. It is going to be a live where they can think "I am glad I am supporting 7 MEN 侍." I'll cry if that happens (LOL).
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
I do things as I please like how I kissed Hamada Masatoshi-san of Downtown in a variety show, but I am really very nervous...Before the show, I am the type who right the character "人" 3 times on my palm, I do it seriously (LOL).
Konno Taiki
I think I could grab the chance because I was able to meet Johnny-san.
I like Kimura Takuya-san since I was 3 years old, and thinking that I want to be like him, I sent my resume to the agency. In year 2020, when I was able to go and see Kimura-san's tour, I told him those feelings, he said, "Let's take a photo together." I thought that a star is different after all.
From the start, even before joining Johnny's, with singing as my strong point, I love singing in front of people. I often sing Misora Hibari-san's 「Kawa No Nagare No Youni」. But when I hit the puberty, I came to hate my own voice. I stopped singing for a while but during my 4th year in Johnny's, when I casually hummed to Kinki Kids'san's 「Anniversary」near Johnny-san, he praised me saying, "You're good in singing!" More than anything else, I am glad that Johnny-san who loved me like a parent recognized my singing which is something that I am trying to make as my strong point. From that moment, I worked hard because I wanted to be praised by Johnny-san, but when he passed away, it felt like I have lost my aim. But for Johnny-san, he hates negative remarks the most. That's why it is not the time to feel down, aiming seriously for this group to debut, I feel like that timing completely changed my awareness towards work. I think I could grab the chance because I was able to meet Johnny-san after all. If that didn't happen, no doubt I am not here now.
2020 is the year where I got to experience a lot of things for the first time. Especially with the stage play 「The Happy Prince」, I was able to feel the enjoyment of plays. I think it would be nice if I can challenge campus love story in a drama or movie this 2021.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
When I want to calm down, I use a perfume that has a sweet vanilla scent. Since「The Happy Prince」is my first stage play, I was very nervous. When I used this perfume during that time too, it was able to relieve my nervousness.
Yabana Rei
A performance that will also remain to the memories of those who are not knowledgeable about music.
I took the audition 4 times. For the details, you can try watching the episode where I talked about it in YouTube channel (LOL). Even if I passed the document screening but I couldn't go to the practice, I will repeat the cycle of going through audition again. If ever I continued [being a Jr.] during my first audition, I might be dancing and I might not had been able to make an appeal with musical instruments as my special skill during the band boom of Johnny-san. I am being told, "You're not Johnny's-like" because I say that I am better in playing instruments than dancing. It's just that, if I didn't enter Johnny's, I won't be playing instruments until now. So I can say that it feels like a wonderful destiny to be playing instruments as 7 MEN 侍.
Other than the bass that I am in-charged of playing, I also play guitar and harmonica. The first instrument I started with was drums and I got very hooked with 「Taiko no Tatsujin」(LOL). If you play different things, you will pick up the characteristics of each sound and you will be able to make songs too. I also want learn about the theories so I am attending college of music. I am a complete geek as regards to music (LOL). Me going on a rampage on stage is the result of me thinking on how I can show 7 MEN 侍's style. In the letters from the fans, letters with "you are cool playing the guitar" is not few even though I am playing the bass. Since there was a time when I also don't know clearly the difference between the guitar and the bass, so I can understand that feeling. That's why I want to do a performance that will remain to the memories of anyone.
With the aim "to be not less than what I am now" for next year, I want to be able to do more work than I did for this year. ...by the way, this is not a prank, right? I am very overwhelmed lately and I still can't believe that I am having an interview for anan (LOL).
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Going to this certain shrine. Since I visited there alone during New Year, we had talk about changing the instruments we play and I have luck on my side. I like that it is quiet there even though it is located within the city, when I found that shrine, I prayed to the god of works.
To Nakamura
To stand as the face of the group, you stand as the center of the group. His personality is my pace and gentle-mannered. Since you are not the "follow me!" type, that's why I think the members with strong personalities are also kept in place. Because I get stiff in front of seniors, Reia's sense of "being loved by everyone" is really nice. Even though you have the longest history in agency in the group, you are not prideful at all, Reia who can understand the things he can't do and who can rely to others is amazing. (Motodaka)
To Motodaka
Our overwhelmingly highly educated member. And yet, you are not annoying because you are a cute guy who is an overeater and carelessly says foolish things like "therefore!?" (LOL) Before the group was formed, you are a companion who I find easy to talk with, but you see me as a senior, right? The way you call me too was "Reia-kun". But I am happy that you interact with me on equal terms lately. (Nakamura)
To Yabana
Banasan is seen as someone reliable, and among the fans, I think they see him as peculiar, funny, and has a lively image. But unexpectedly, he has a delicate side too, and he is fairly a considerate person.He is really a very nice person that sometimes he looks pitiful. Well, I also usually tease Yabana (LOL). That's why, everyone too, please take good care of Yabana more! (Konno)
To Konno
He doesn't seem elusive at first glance, but I think he is stubborn. Konpi definitely won't cross the line he can't compromise with. And, he hates lounging around doing nothing. When work is done, he will be the first person who will say "I'm going home." At the start of 2020, when we changed the atmosphere of our band, I was struggling with the hook part's harmony, but Konpi can properly play the sound. I am super jealous of his talent! (Yabana)
To Sasaki
Among the members, he has the biggest gap. Despite being called as "mad dog", he still makes weird faces and also jokes around doing things that are not Johnny's-like. Since he is a youngest child, he might also have an impression of being a brat and naughty. But in lives, he shows a sparking cool dance, and he has a excellent style too. Since his range is really amazing, I hope you can enjoy his both sides! (Sugeta)
To Sugeta
You have the cuteness like an idol. Especially you like Yamada-kun, you have Hey!Say!JUMP's DVD and there was a time when we enjoyed watching it together. Also, your muscle is amazing, you are really healthy (LOL). But in reality, you are the type who will be silent when you get mad so I will ask Reia, "Why is he mad? Did I do something?" (LOL) Thinking of the members, I think the member who likes 7 MEN 侍 the most is Rinne! Since you always listens to our original songs. (Sasaki)
Cross Talk
Motodaka: anan is the magazine that my mother often buys. Thus, I am happy to be able to appear in anan! At home, I am always being asked, "Are you going to work today?", but this morning I said, "No, it's not for work" (lit. it's different). I want to make it a surprise [for my mom] once this issue is released.
Yabana: It would be funny if she didn't notice it even if it is already released~!
Nakamura: Even when they have the magazine at home LOL.
What is the history of your group name?
Sugeta: At the time we got the group name, I was doing activities with another 7 people. Rinne and Reia went to Johhny-san asking "we want a group name." And then, Johnny-san told us "I understand, I will think about it."
Nakamura: And then we thought that day was already over.
Sugeta: 5 minutes later, we got called "Samura~i!"
Nakamura: I thought, "Who is he calling Samurai!?" but when I looked around, it is only us who were there.
Sugeta: When the 2 of us went to Johnny-san, he asked us, "Do you know Kurosawa Akira's 「Shichinin no Samurai」?" Then, when we answered, "We know that film," he told us, "Then, how about being called 7 MEN 侍 from now on?" Each of the samurai who appeared in the movie are properly...like this...
Konno: Having strong personalities and skills.
Sugeta: Yeah
Konno: I am grateful that 7 people like that (having strong personalities and skills) were gathered.
Have you seen the movie?
All: ...(Only Nakamura-san raised his hand)
Nakamura: Wait a minute!
Sasaki: Everyone has not seen the movie except for Reia LOL.
Nakamura: It is the origin of our group name so let's watch it~!!
Yabana: Gerin-san (Sugeta) lying to Johnny-san saying "I know the film" is the worst LOL.
Nakamura: It is a wonderful film and you will learn something from it so please watch it!
What is 7 MEN 侍's strength?
Motodaka: Our difference from the other groups is that [playing a] "band" is our strength. As idols, we don't only play as a band but we can also show our dance.
Sasaki: Yeah, having both band and dance as "weapons" is huge, isn't it?
Motodaka: Yeah, since our first original song 「samudama」 is a band song, and our second original song 「Siren」 is a dance song.
Konno: When our next song was thought to be a band song too, our next song came out as a cool dance song.
Nakamura: With this, our third song became something incalculable. From now on too, I want for the fans to look forward to what our new song is each time we announce our new song.
Within the group, who is the member who has the element of "samurai" the most?
Konno: It's either me or Yabana, right?
Sugeta: Is it about the appearance?
Konno: In the sense of sticking with the will.
Yabana: Don't say that yourself!
In Yabana-san's solo interview, he described Konno-san exactly the same way you with what you (Konno) have said...
Konnp: Is that so? Then I shouldn't have said it. Please tell me properly about it. This is embarrassing!
Motodaka: Konpi dragged Yabana with guarantee LOL. For Yabana, getting dragged is just a trouble.
Yabana: Don't drag me into it~!
Nakamura: LOL. I love kanji, I wonder if that is samurai-like. I also play Sengoku. But, if we talk about the body, then isn't Rinne the one who is samurai-like?
Sugeta: Rinne thinks that more than being a samurai, I am more like a ninja.
Yabana: What is that? A self-awareness of a secret mystery from your heart LOL.
Nakamura: Of course we are idols, but I think it is also good to show the manly side of us exclusively during our band performances.
Yabana: We will go on a rampage like Sakamoto Ryouma who tried to change Japan!
Sasaki: For me, changing...or rather it's more like I want to create a new path.
Konno: Defying the public belief.
Yabana: The awareness that we don't want to go with the typical type is something we all have in common, right?
Motodaka: All 6 of us have different personalities but we that the same awareness.
Konno: We don't want to pretend to be someone else.
Sasaki: It's a subjective image but I think protecting a girl is an element of a samurai. It is gonna be a cheesy talk but I want to be an idol who can protect the fans.
Motodaka: You just said something really good! But, what would be the good thing to do to protect the fans?
Sasaki: I think making them happy.
Sugeta: By making our fans happy, as a result, we are able to protect them!
Motodaka: We are saying good things today, aren't we?
Nakamura: With what said earlier , it doesn't feel like you worked LOL.
Currently, you are in the middle of practice for the stage play 「DREAM BOYS」.
Konno: I watched the DREAM BOYS 2019 where Reia and Taiko appeared, and since I thought I wanted to appear on it again, I am so happy to be able to appear on DREAM BOYS again.
Sugeta: Since there is already a vision in Domoto Koichi-san who is directing the play, I am looking forward to recieving direction and guidance even before the practice.
Sasaki: Reia will stand in front of the audience after a while, right?
Nakamura: Yeah. I currently have a feeling like I am seeing the person I love after a while that my heart is throbbing.
ALL: OH~!!
Sasaki: Rinne made a face that he doesn't want to lose [to Reia] after hearing Reia's comment LOL.
Nakamura: Probably, this comment will be used by Rinne on a different interview, right? LOL.
What is the charm of 「DREAM BOYS」?
Sugeta: The burning passion of two men towards boxing is its charm after all, right?
Nakamura: Yeah. The feelings are delivered in a straight manner.
Motodaka: It is a story that firmly depicts humans and their relationships with each other.
Sasaki: Youth! It has the entertainment that is unique to Johnny's so you won't get tired of watching it. Oh, which minds me, as soon as the practice started, Kishi (Yuta)-kun asked, "Is Yabana not around today?"
Yabana: He told me "teach me how to play the guitar please." It is an honor to be needed by a senior.
Sasaki: But (Iwasaki) Taisho is a strong opponent. It looks difficult to keep up with him LOL.
Yabana: Taisho mistook me for a nourishment or something and my energy gets absorbed.
Konno: It looks like Yabana has no time to rest LOL.
By the way, 7 MEN 侍 still does not have a leader, right?
Sugeta: *raised actively his hand alone*
ALL: *roar of laughter*
Sasaki: If our leader is like Rinne, 7 MEN 侍 is seriously over LOL. This is different from asking in in the werewolf game on who is the fortune teller and you will say, "I am."
Yabana: I think it is his win because he said it first LOL.
Konno: Announcing it during the anan round-table discussion which is a big occasion LOL.
Yabana: Doesn't it feel like the same thing for the MC part in YouTube channel...?
Nakamura: When Rinne realized that being the MC is not that great...
Sugeta: Well, whatever!
Sasaki: Since he stopped doing the MC, he wanted to have punishment games so that he would be shown in the camera even just for a little LOL.
Sugeta: In the filming recently, Rinne is always beside Yabana, right?
Motodaka: Don't tell me that's because if you are standing next to the MC, you will be in the camera too...?
Sugeta: Yup. I revealed this for the first time now.
Konno: In a sense, you are a genius LOL.
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years
[Rough translation] DGS #683 - Title: "HiroC, let drink (sake) online together!"
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1. FutsuSuto's corner: Hiroshi and Daisuke have a challenge: One of them covers their eyes by an eyemask and guess where is the source of the noise that the rest person makes.
Hiroshi: Covering eyes by an eyemask seems like imprisonment. Yabai!
Daisuke: EI EI EI EI EI!!
Hiroshi: Ono-kun won't get it!! (小野くんだったら分かんねえ!)
2. ROUND 1: Hiroshi makes the noise, Daisuke's eyes will be covered.
Hiroshi: *make the noise by rubbing something*
Daisuke: What's it? Eh?!
Daisuke: He is rubbing somewhere that can cause noise?
Hiroshi: If I give you a hint you will guess it, baka!
Daisuke: A a I know it!!
Hiroshi: So where? Where? Where?
Daisuke: I can't say it!!
Hiroshi: It is not "I can't say it" place, answer properly!!
Daisuke: That place...I can't say it at the radio you know!
Hiroshi: Baka, the answer is "head"!
(What did you thought Ono-san? Lol)
3. (Still) ROUND 1:
Hiroshi: The next question is coming~ I really don't like it though~
Daisuke: What will it be~
*The noise: quishy sound*
Daisuke: WHAT IS IT?!!
Daisuke: Is it lube? (Pepe lotion) It is lube, it is lube!
The correct answer is lube (lol)
Hiroshi: That water sound makes me feel gross! (気持ちわりい)
Daisuke: Oi oi.
(But why Ono-san could know it was lube AT THE FIRST TIME HE LISTENED IT??)
4. ROUND 2: Vice versa - Hiroshi will guess and Daisuke will make the noise.
(The first game of this round was nothing special; therefore I translated the second game ỌvO)
Daisuke: *make the noise*
Hiroshi: Oh come on the lube again wwwww? So my answer is lube.
Daisuke: COMPLETLY CORRECT! *stir the combine of lube faster* How do you feel?
Hiroshi: This programme (uses) so much lube wwwww!!
Daisuke: *still stiring the lube passionately, even more evenly*
Hiroshi: Aaa...Pleasant...I feel good...Aaaa...(いい感じ)
(Look at Kamiya-san, who said that squishy sound was terrible for him at the first sentence lol)
5. Ending part
Daisuke: Absolutely I won't do this (play with the lube) at home.
Hiroshi: Me too, I don't like it don't like it don't like itttt!!
Daisuke: So how we should use this? Can I take it?
Hiroshi: It's okay. I'm sure Ono-kun will use it on that thing anyways.
Daisuke: "That thing" is what?
Hiroshi: "That thing" is "that thing"~
Daisuke: Areeeeee~
(Let your imagination flies high with me wwww)
Moreover, a weibo account finally found the lube (ぺぺローション/Pepe lotion) that DGS used:
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(The purple word 「アナル」 means "anal" *cough*)
And now I have to have some fluff and sweet OnoKami to get over from those hardcore and dirty mind ojisan-tachi.
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koizumicchi · 5 years
New Album Tokuten English Translation Nonfantasy Trio Album: Sukisugite Yabai ~Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai Character Song Collection~
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T/N: As usual, there may be mistakes. This is only a rough translation + I only translated the parts I understand. So you may notice there are gaps. Anyway, I put the duration so it's easy to pinpoint the parts.
Hiyori: Hello, everyone! I’m Suzumi Hiyori, a first year of Sakuragaoka High. I will do a report about the high school idol unit LIPxLIP’s Someya Yuujirou’s and Shibasaki Aizou’s school life!
I’ll do my best so I can show you their ordinary days much different than their idol persona!
Hiyori: *nervous laughter* Will I be okay? I was asked to do this… but if I’m found I will be teased again. Ah! There they are! I found them. I wonder what they’re talking about? I can’t hear it well. I’m approaching danger but I think I have to get closer… to hear them. Ah, I’m scared!!! Quietly, so I won’t be noticed…
Aizou: About the shooting of our mv for our new song, have you heard something about it?
Yuujirou: Just a bit.
A: I wonder how would it go. I’m curious.
H: They are talking about the mv of their new song! This is information obtained immediately from hearing (?). I wonder what will it be.  I’m also looking forward to it!
Y: But the shoot will be in a jungle.
Y: Just now, a voice…
A: Jungle!? Where!?
Y: I don’t know. But wherever that jungle is, you’ll only be the one in there.
A: Just me!? Why!? Where will you be, then!?
Y: Not a clue, I won’t be on standby. (???? or is he talking about not having idol work that time??)
A: Why is it only me in the jungle!? Why is it only you in standby!? Together we are LIPxLIP, aren’t we!? If I’m going in the jungle, then you are going as well!!
Y: Eh? But I don’t want to.
A: I don’t want to either.
Hiyori: I wonder what the MV will be like?
Hiyori: It seems like a jungle adventure. Then, I think that would be interesting!
Aizou: Wait, where did you get that information?
Yuujirou: From HoneyWorks-san. They said “Next time let’s do it in a jungle, with a Koi wo Shiyou vibe.”
Aizou: Eh? Love in the jungle? With what? With a gorilla?
Yuujirou: With only Aizou, you know.
Aizou: That’s too sudden. Although I’d gladly be in NG, why is it only me? I really don’t understand this!
Yuujirou: If you feel lonely on your own, should we let our manager come with you?
Hiyori: Eh!? Me!?
Aizou: Suzumi? If I take her with me, she’s the type who would get lost.
Hiyori: Those two! What do they think of me? Just like this, those two seem like princes in their idol persona, but ordinarily they’re like this, making fun of me. They’re the worst!
Aizou: But wait, what you’ve said are lies right? There is no shooting in the jungle and all that.
Yuujirou: Of course. Did you believe them?
Aizou: Eh?
Hiyori: Eh?!
Aizou: Ah, no. I didn’t believe you. I didn’t believe you in the first place. I know you are that kind of guy.
Yuujirou: *smirks* You believed me.
Hiyori:  That assures me. I really thought what would I do if I were brought in the jungle. I don’t have a passport and I haven’t even been in a plane. Sadly, the new MV won’t be in a jungle. For a bit, I wanted to see it. However, being in a jungle with Shibasaki-kun is something I slightly dislike. (she dislikes the thought of it because he’d probably sacrifice her if it all comes to worst lol).
Aizou:  She’s continuing more than expected, huh.
Yuujirou: I really thought she’d give up much earlier.
Hiyori: Eh? Are those two… slightly complimenting me?? Even though they don’t say that to me directly. I wonder why. I will go closer so we can hear them a little more. Quietly…
Aizou was saying about the first time they met Hiyori. When she met Yuujirou, in a loud voice…  (in the police station)
*he got cut off by Yuujirou*
*Yuujirou steps on his foot*
Aizou: That hurts! Why did you step on my foot!?
Yuujirou: I stopped you (sorry, i can’t really understand much, im assuming yuujirou stopped him so no one would overhear them)
Hiyori: That day, a lot happened. Those two glared at me with super scary faces.
Hiyori, imitating Aizou: Don’t you dare drag me down with you.
Hiyori, imitating Yuujirou: If you tell other people what happened yesterday, you know what will happen next.
Hiyori: They told me right off the bat.
Yuujirou: The day when you called her a bumpkin girl? I’ve been thinking about it before but why did you call her that?
Aizou: Well… it’s my first impression? She has that aura that screams “potato”.
Hiyori: I do not have that kind of aura!!
Aizou: But you know, Suzumi works hard.
*Aizou starts talking about how clumsy Hiyori is. When she tripped on her feet during that one MV shooting and Yuujirou is saying somehow water was involved and Hiyori looked like a kappa emerging wet.
Aizou: Well, she is a weird girl. But not yet to your level though.
Yuujirou:  Yeah, right. And not yet to your level as well.
Hiyori: As compared to you two, I’m not the weird one here!!!
 And then Aizou and Yuujirou was talking about the Heroine Development Plan.
Aizou: …So I thought it would be bad if it stayed like this
Aizou: Oh that’s right, why did you lend her a hand?
Yuujirou: If Suzumi fell in love for real with someone, I want to cheer her on.
Aizou: Yuujirou… You…
Aizou: Just now, you meant she’s unrealiable.
Yuujirou: What are you saying? I said what I felt from the bottom of my heart.
Aizou: Well anyway… it’s been difficult huh. “Producing” her.
Yuujirou: The Heroine Development Plan.
Hiyori: …But that time they were “producing me” had been fun. I felt I’d been closer to being a heroine. They thought it was just interesting but those two have good parts in them huh.
Aizou: So we are going to continue this “Heroine Development Plan”?
Yuujirou: She’s still far from being a heroine.
Yuujirou: A heroine doesn’t sleep with a snore and doesn’t carry with her an extra large onigiri in the mornings.
Hiyori: Eh!? W-Why? That was--! I woke up a bit late and I don’t have time to eat breakfast so I ran while eating the onigiri! And the size wasn’t extra large! It’s the normal one! Oh and by the way, what I had was the niboshi onigiri!
Yuujirou: And by the way, a proper heroine doesn’t hide over there and acting all sneaky like that.
Aizou: Eh? AH! SUZUMI!
Hiyori: I’ve been found out!
Hiyori: I need to retreat to a safe place! *runs*
Hiyori: HELP!!!
Aizou: Oi! Don’t run away!
Hiyori: Since when did you notice me behind you?
Yuujirou: I can see you acting all sneaky. I already knew from the beginning.
Aizou: Eh?
Yuujirou: Don’t tell me you didn’t notice, Aizou?
Aizou: No… I umm noticed. Of course I did.
Yuujirou: I’m right! You didn’t! When you said “eh?” you were surprised.
Aizou: Okay, fine!
Aizou, to Hiyori: What are you hiding for?
Hiyori: Eh? I’m not doing anything.
Yuujirou: She was probably asked by our manager to do it.
Hiyori: That… I can’t say.
Aizou: Just say it. What did they ask you to do?
Hiyori: Everyone, I’ve fallen into a pinch but I want to continue this report.
Aizou: Who are you talking to?
Yuujirou: While she was hiding she was talking like that.
Aizou: Eh?
Aizou: That’s too suspicious. Are you alright?
Hiyori: Wow I should be asking that question! You were talking about me earlier! I heard everything! *enumerates*
Yuujirou: All you’ve said all leads to Aizou.
Aizou: But Yuujirou also talked about you being in the jungle and all!
Hiyori: Then I’ll do more interview with them about lots of things!
Aizou: I don’t know what you’re even saying over there.
Hiyori: It’s nothing! Nothing! It’s only the usual me.
Hiyori: Umm, what do you ordinarily do in school?
Yuujirou: Classes, obviously. What are you asking.
Aizou: What’s this all of a sudden. Anyway, Yuujirou was sleeping. After class.
Yuujirou: That reminds me, Aizou was thinking of some lyrics after class.
Aizou: Well… that’s for studying… wait why do you know that!?
Yuujirou: Before, his math notebook was open. So I thought I wanted to take a peek!
Hiyori: Eh!? Lyrics by Shibasaki-kun? I also want to see it!
Aizou: Ha!? Absolutely not! Also it’s not like I want anyone to see it! I forgot about it!
Hiyori: I wonder what those lyrics are like? Are they the type that would make your heart go “kyun~” - A love song!
Yuujirou: They’re different. The lyrics go “My cat is cute~”
Aizou: Don’t tell her!
Hiyori: Which club are you in?
Yuujirou: What is this, an inquiry corner?
Hiyori: Eh? I-I just thought I would ask about it.
Aizou: There’s no way we have free time to be in a club.
Hiyori: Yes, but… For instance. If you’ll join a club, which one?
Aizou: If I’ll join… then it’s the athletic club. Like soccer or the basketball club.
Hiyori: Shibasaki-kun is good in sports. And how about you, Someya-kun?
Yuujirou: Hmmm… (sorry I can’t understand it!)
Aizou: There’s no club like that in any school. It’s about learning but what you’d do in it is just sleep, right?
And then Hiyori was talking about a club that Setoguchi-senpai invited her in. I think it’s the gardening club? Since I heard Hiyori saying something about potatoes.
Aizou: See, she’s a bumpkin girl.
Hiyori: Did you say something, Shibasaki-kun?!
Aizou: Oh not really. I just thought the potatoes sounded delicious.
Hiyori: Ever since I was in elementary, I’d already ran. I love running that’s why I was in the club in middle school and I want to continue to be in high school. And then I came here in Sakuragaoka High.
Hiyori: Oh! You two also run (in the mornings)? I’m looking for fellow runners like me!
Aizou: How many kilometres had you run?
Hiyori: Ordinarily it’s 7 km but during our free days with good weather, about 15 km.
Aizou: Ah…no. I can’t go during mornings. And I have my cat to tend to.
Yuujirou: That’s because you are bad at waking up in the mornings, right Aizou.
Aizou: Suzumi, if you want you can take Yuujirou with you. He said he wanted to run.
Yuujirou: Huh? No way. I’m also not available. I have to walk my dog.
In the end, Yuujirou said yes because Aizou kept egged him on. Aizou said something about Yuujirou building his stamina since they have an upcoming live and Yuujirou is easily worn out. Yuujirou retaliated by saying he’s gonna kick Aizou backstage if Aizou got the choreography wrong.
Aizou: What did you say!?
Hiyori: You two, s-stop fighting!!
Aizou: Huh? Suzumi, you dropped something.
Hiyori: Eh? Ah!!!
Yuujirou: What’s that?
Yuujirou: Suzumi Hiyori’s Collected DataReport Memo
Hiyori: T-That’s--! That’s my memo! Give it back!
Aizou: *reads it* Someya-kun sleeping after class. Shibasaki-kun writing lyrics after class - his cat is cute. What are these?
Hiyori explained it’s because of their manager. The manager said she wanted to know more about Aizou and Yuujirou.
Yuujirou: What the manager asked of you is this?
Yuujirou was asking what kind of info the manager wanted to find out. Aizou speculated it’s probably to find out the secrets they’re hiding.
Hiyori: I was only asked to do it!
And then Hiyori spilled it’s for the tokuten of the new album to be released.
Yuujirou: Album tokuten? What is it?
Hiyori: I’m not supposed to tell you this!
Aizou: Oh, so that’s what this poorly-done interview is for. For us.
Hiyori’s already saying goodbye to the audience.
Hiyori: Unti we meet again, everyone!
Aizou: Who exactly are you talking to?!
Yuujirou: Start over.
Hiyori: Eh!? But I did my best for this!
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graphicabyss · 6 years
The “We Are Coming” Incident
It has been several days and I feel like this is too important to wait until the end of the tour and it’s not like this is spoiling anything, really. Using all the factual evidence, I’ll try to reconstruct what took place in Hiroshima, 4/29. Please note that I did my best but it’s still somewhat tentative
At one point, they began to talk about each other’s Neverland solos.
T: I had a lot of rehearsals with Shige so I saw Shige’s “Ayame” and he saw me using the bed...
S/K: Using the bed??
Then they were joking around and it was suggested that Tegoshi should do his solo.
K/M: Do it now!
T: Huh? What should I do?
S: You should do it properly.
T: Should I do 2 ballads?
S: Let’s all do “I’m Coming”.
T: Huh? Can all 4 of us fool around in a single bed? (lol)
M: Let’s try it.
T: How?
S: Let’s lie down here.
T: A single bed? Let's make it King-sized at least. [s]
Koyama and Massu, and Shige all lie down.
S: Here, Tegoshi, you too!
Tegoshi obliges.
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T:  When I sing “Come!” I’ll then have to straddle you. [s]
Tegoshi then just goes for it. He sings the chorus while crawling over the members and touching them briefly, like a spider about to devour its prey.
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T: Come!~
S: Do not come!
K: Do not come!
(In Japanese “Ike!” means “Go!” but it’s even funnier in translation)
It only lasts about 10 seconds but the audience goes wild.
T: Damn! The angle from below is really something! (yabai)
K: The angle is amazing! It’s scary!
M: I felt nothing but discomfort. [s]
T: 4nin Coming was dismissed. [s]
K: This might become a gag.
T: Right. That’s totally Boys’ Love.
M: We Are Coming.
T: Right, right.
K: We’re coming all together!
T: Coming out!
K: Not coming out! That’s totally different meaning!
Are you sure though? I mean...
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aja154ever · 7 years
High☆Speed Free! Starting Days Event – 03/19/2017 Evening
Again, as in my previous event reports, I am posting this for the record, and for my feelings. ^_^ I’ve been busy these past few days so this came in late. Again this is based on my limited Japanese skills and memories. (Also thanks to other reports I used as reference @aitaikimochi @what-isti )
FREE! is a very precious anime to me. I have soooooo much love for this anime. The story is really beautiful, so I hate it when people judge the anime by its appearance (it’s not all fan service; you know it’s a swimming anime so being half-naked is common sense). I just want people to see that it offers something more than the characters’ bodies. You also do not have to be a fujoshi to appreciate it (I don’t mind the ships; as for me I can still watch Free! objectively and see that the characters’ relationships are platonically normal for guys)
I actually had no plans of going to this event because I am way too attached on the Free! anime series. High Speed is a bit different; sure Haru and Makoto are still there but it just pains me that the others (both characters and seiyuu) aren’t. I did not even buy the High Speed DVD where the lottery ticket for the event was enclosed. But it was Haru and Shimazaki Nobunaga’s fault! Lol To keep the explanation short, Haru is who you would call my ultimate husbando in the anime world lolol. I just thought that this could be the last chance for me to hear his voice live because I no longer expect Free! to have more events like this in the future. I mean I can still meet Zakki in his other events because I really do want to meet this seiyuu too, but as Haru, there might be no next time. In the end, I couldn’t resist not going to this precious event so when I found out that the general ticket sale was still ongoing, I bought one immediately. It was pretty much late (it was March 6 already OMG) so the seat I got was not really good. It was in the far, far end of Ryogoku stadium and worse, I had their backs facing me. But because the stage/pool is at the center of the stadium, the seiyuus do not necessarily always face just one side of the audience.
Okay, that’s too long for an introduction! Sorry, I got carried away lol. Report under the cut!
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ハイ☆スピード!-Free! Starting Days-』岩鳶中学水泳部 記録会お疲れ様パーティー
The format was basically the same as the 2015 event. The event began with the seiyuus going up the stage one by one in the ff. order, greeting the audience with their respective characters’ middle school voices.
Shimazaki Nobunaga (Zakki) – Nanase Haruka
Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Tatsun) – Tachibana Makoto
Toyonaga Toshiyuki (Toshi) – Shiina Asahi
Uchiyama Kouki – Kirishima Ikuya
Nojima Kenji  – Kirishima Natsuya
Hino Satoshi – Serizawa Nao
Zakki opens the event as Haru declares, “Take your mark. Ready, go!” They then proceeded to their seats around the pool. There are only six of them so they took their own benches. They first talked about how the fans who came to the day event were all posting “Yabai!” on social media after the event. It was a hint about new projects for Free! but the fans cannot spill the news yet because it still needs to be a surprise for the evening event.
 Scenes, personally chosen by each character/seiyuu, were then played on the screen/pool followed by comments from the cast.
*Final relay scene - Toshi’s chosen scene (which turns out to be Tatsun’s choice, too)
We’re just getting started but this is the first scene that plays (omg my feelings) Toshi highlights Asahi’s part where he thanked Haru and Makoto. Tatsun comments that there is no other scene to be chosen but this. You know, it’s the relay that the four finally makes – the pinnacle of everything, the climax. Zakki counters that there are other good scenes, too. Tatsun laughs, “Oy, you’re setting the bar high for yourself!” as everyone would have expectations for Zakki’s chosen scene.
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*Haru and Natsuya scene, where Natsuya helps Haru carry stuff and chats a little bit esp about Ikuya – Nojima-san’s chosen scene
They joked about how Natsuya is concerned about Ikuya but does not talk to Ikuya directly. They compared it to a typical father who shyly, reluctantly, asks stuff about his son through his mother rather than talking to his son properly. Meanwhile, the scene also shows how Natsuya and Haru’s relationship is basically in good terms.
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*Natsuya and Nao scene, where they talk about the four – Hino-san’s chosen scene
They likened it to two drunk men talking about other people while drinking. lol. They also liked how Natsuya thinks highly of his brother as when he said, “Sugoi darou, ore no otouto (Isn’t he amazing, my little brother).”
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*Makoto and Haru swimming and talk scene – Tatsun’s chosen scene (apparently he has chosen another one too)
“Ore, kawaii! (I’m cute!)” – that’s the first thing Tatsun blurts out as soon as the video ended. Lol. They then corrected that it was Makoto who was cute. 
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Tatsun shares that there is a moment when he himself is surprised that such a kind of voice comes out of him. It was like the Makoto in him that spoke for a moment and not Suzuki Tatsuhisa the seiyuu. (Awww Tatsun you really love Makoto huhu)
Zakki and Tatsun lay down on the pool/floor and imitated the scene where Haru and Makoto lay down next to each other. The seiyuus also envied how good it feels to just dive into the water and swim freely with all your clothes on as is.
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*Sleepover at Haru’s house scene, where Ikuya’s ears redden as he shyly admits how he feels for the team – Kouki’s chosen scene
Kouki also comments how cute he, Ikuya rather, is on that scene. They also comment on Asahi’s straightforwardness.
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*Ikuya scene where everyone runs after him – Zakki’s chosen scene
I was really anticipating Zakki’s chosen scene because of Tatsun’s taunt earlier. And so I really liked it that he chose this scene. It was really more of an Ikuya scene, but Zakki shares that this was also a turning point for Haru as he reflects on his own feelings and comes to a realization. Toshi comments how amazed he was with the words that Haru said at that moment. “Ore ya Natsuya-senpai no ushiro janakute, minna no yoko ni narabe (Don’t stand behind me or Natsuya-senpai. Stand in line beside everyone).” Was this something a middle school kid says? That is why Ikuya cries loudly soon after with Toshi acting the “Uwaaaaaa” part. (Awww that was really touching huhuhu) It was all in all an important scene for the team.
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Iwatobi Chuugakkou Suieibu Training
The cast plays a board game. The pool flashes the letters I-W-A-T-O-B-I.  They roll a huge dice as they step on the letters and stop in accordance with the number on the dice. Each letter corresponds to an action. Zakki pairs up with Tatsun, Kouki with Toshi, and Nojima-san and Hino-san. Kouki and Toshi got to play first as they landed at “O” which stands for “Oyasumi (Break time).” They comment that the game was just getting started but then they’re having a break already lol. The pool shows a video comment from Suzuki Chihiro, Kisumi’s seiyuu. He also gets to make the audience chant “Ki-su-mi” then he sends a flying kiss. (You know the inside joke that Kisumi’s name can be translated as “Kiss me” :* )
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Meanwhile Zakki and Tatsun end up in a game where they had to have matching answers. The first question was what is something that they would have in their bento boxes. Zakki comments that this is the only possible answer. They then show up their whiteboards which as expected have “Saba” as their answer. The next question asks what’s the first thing they do after getting out of the pool. Unfortunately, they had different answers. Zakki answers the gesture that Haru does with his hair after rising from the water. Tatsun clears it out that it has to be the thing that they do after getting out of the pool. So his answer was removing water from his ear. Oh well. The last question was, “Who from the characters would they want to have as their little brother?” Kouki reacts violently that this question isn’t good. In the end, Zakki and Tatsun both answers “Ikuya.” So they had 2/3 matching answers which was good enough. The prize was a customized Iwatobi milk pack which they made Kouki drink (because Ikuya isn’t fond of milk).
It turned out to be a really fun game as the cast kept on landing on the letter “B” that made them go back three steps, which is “A.” They joked that they were there just to do a “sanpo (walk).” Meanwhile Kouki and Toshi advanced more than anyone else and even landed on the letter that gave them the power to make a team go back a few steps. They chose Zakki and Tatsun’s team. Eventually, Kouki and Toshi won the game.
A drama CD played as an introduction to the live drama acting which came in next. It was about the岩鳶中学水泳部 記録会お疲れ様パーティー (rough translation: Iwatobi Middle School Swimming Club Track Meet Thank you Party) Everyone goes to Ikuya and Natsuya-senpai’s house for the celebration. Ikuya was complaining how his brother did not do anything to help in the preparation. It was their mom who did the cooking, which everyone liked.
They played games after eating as they teamed up in unexpected pairs: Asahi and Makoto, Ikuya and Nao-senpai, and Haru and Natsuya-senpai. Makoto and Asahi were tasked to speak in Kansai accent. Asahi did a ridiculous tongue twister to which Toshi really did a great job eliciting applause and cheers from the audience. He was then teased into singing a random chant he made up on the spot. (It was really cute because he was singing in his middle school voice!!) Toshi takes a chance to get revenge as he was able to tease Tatsun into singing on the spot. Tatsun was complaining how this was not supposed to happen and that no one took notice of how Makoto did his best to speak in Kansai. Tatsun didn’t really want to sing but everyone, the audience and the cast, kept on bugging him. He tried to change the topic saying that Makoto can do other things as well, like reading Haru’s mind. They then stared at each other and Tatsun finally gives in as Haru’s mind says that he wants Makoto to sing. And OMG OMG TATSUN DID IT. He sang High Speed’s theme song, Aching Horns, in his middle school Makoto voice. It was sooooooo damn cuuuuuuute T.T Such an angelic moment Tatsun, thank you!
Meanwhile, for Haru and Natsuya-senpai’s turn, they made Haru dip underwater. Zakki just sat there covering his face with his knees. Haru was taking a loooong time under which made everyone worried that something bad may have happened to him. When Haru rose, he said he was completely fine and apparently was just savoring the moment. (Ofc you guys should’ve known this because he’s Haru and the safest place he can be is in the water right ^_^)
A video comment from Miyano Mamoru, Matsuoka Rin’s seiyuu came in next. (I almost jumped from my seat out of delight as I was not expecting any more video comments at this time and if ever, not from Rin because he barely appeared in the movie lol) And being Mamo, it ended up being a long message. He said himself that he only participated little in the movie as Rin’s letter. But he pointed out how Rin is a really special character to him and wants to keep acting as Rin and grow with Rin. He was happy to be able to experience “seishun (youth)” again because of Free. Whoa, I can really, really feel Mamo’s passion for Free! and his love for Rin. *sniffs* Mamo then led everyone to the next video which contains the special announcements.
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The special announcements – This is what I’ve been looking forward to, since the day the event was announced. Based on the anime’s ending, season 3 isn’t expected anymore. So at least OVAs or novel and manga adaptations were to suffice. I was really surprised and delighted with High Speed even if it featured their middle school days. But after that, what’s to come for Free!? Their grade school days? Well that’s when everything began as that’s when they met Rin, but if they were to adapt this, it might be hard to keep the seiyuus.
Anyway, as soon as the VTR played showing the first frame, my tears uncontrollably began to fall. Huhuhu
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My goodness, my feelings, I can no longer take this. Especially when the new Style Five song began to play, then they showed the high school Asahi and Ikuya, and then the date 4.22 ROADSHOW. 7.1 ROADSHOW. OMG There’ll be two??!! OMG What did I do to deserve this? Plus I only need to wait for a month for the first one. Then the advance ticket selling begins immediately on the Saturday of that week, 3.25. Free! What are you doing to me??!! 
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Then finally, the new movie, Take Your Marks! NEW STORY and it will be shown this year also. Okay. This has been the happiest moment of my 2017. Words can no longer express how much I was feeling. I did no longer control or bother to hide it as I heard everyone beside me was also sniffing and sniffing.
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The seiyuus were amazed by the audience’s reaction. They thanked the audience because it was all thanks to us that the Free! series continues. But no, I am badly thanking you also, everyone, not only the cast, but the staff. T.T I truly believe in Haru’s words “Owari nante nai! (There’s no such thing as ending!)” Toshi and Kouki were also happy that they get to act as Asahi and Ikuya once again, this time as high school students.
It was finally time to say goodbye so the seiyuus all gave their farewell and thank you messages. The cast was actually thankful to Zakki and Tatsun as everyone besides these two was relatively new to Free!. Hino-san says that they were actually saved by these two. From the start of High Speed’s recording, they felt how the atmosphere of these two was different as they already have deep connections to the series and the characters. This aided them (the supposed newcomers) to realize how precious this series is and so encouraged them do their best. Toshi bows down to the two in gratitude.
Tatsun gave the most touching message as usual, and I can really feel how deeply he loves Free! He remembers what he said in the last event in 2015, that he will play any Tachibana Makoto no matter what. He is really happy that the Free! series continues. He also shared how he even argued with the higher-ups about the casting of Nagisa and Rei in High Speed because he really wanted Wingu (Yonaga Tsubasa) and HiraDai (Hirakawa Daisuke) to be there.
The seiyuus finally made rounds to thank everyone, bowing and waving their goodbyes to all sides of the stadium. When the cast left, “See you next movie!” flashed on the screens, and I think a tear dropped again from my eye. T.T
Photos and screenshots from Official Twitter accounts:
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Anyway, the DVD/Blu-ray for this event has been decided! It’ll be on sale on August 18. Yey! And ofc I’ll buy this as my souvenir/memento.
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I only have one regret in this event – it’s that I did not buy the DVD so I could have joined the lottery before and so could have gotten a closer seat. Anyway, it was a fun event, though the previous one was more fun (though I haven’t gone there live) because everyone was there. I just hope that we can have an event in the future featuring the Iwatobi and Samezuka team, plus Ikuya and Asahi. Just wow. Though this is just the second seiyuu event that I’ve attended live (the first one being Bungou Stray Dogs), I just realized that you can enjoy seiyuu events best when you love the seiyuus in it and the series itself. I look forward to more events in the near future!!
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yotsutama · 8 years
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Hello Sendai!
This is the translation of Visual Board Tour Event Story (not voiced). Special thanks to Edmund (@iamtheoceansgaywaves) for proofreading♡
Visual Board Tour Event: Sendai | Sapporo
Mitsuki: Today, we’re starting IDOLISH7’s new web program, named…
All: Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to~! (1)
Riku: This web program is presented by the popular idol group, IDOLISH7!
Yamato: “Popular idol group” but you said it by yourself?
Riku: It-It’s written on there! Yamato-san, you can see it there, right?
Yamato: Well~ Onii-san has bad eyes, you know… Even now, I can’t see Riku’s face clearly… (2)
Riku: You can’t even see my face!?
Mitsuki: No no! What’s the point of wearing glasses, then!? Riku, don’t let him fool you!
Tamaki: Rikkun, Yama-san often tell lies so be careful. Even this morning…
Iori: Yotsuba-san, we don’t have much time, so save unimportant topics like Nikaido-san’s lies for later. First is the explanation of today’s project.
Tamaki: Ooh~ Iorin is serious.
Yamato: Isn’t “unimportant” a bit cruel..?
Tamaki: This is what they call ‘karma’, Yama-san.
Mitsuki: Stop making that smug face, Tamaki! Let’s get to the point, the explanation of today’s project! Umm…Nagi, I leave it to you!
Nagi: OK, leave it to me! This program, “Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to!” is a talk show that is airing at same time as our new project, “VISUAL BOARD TOUR 2017”. VISUAL BOARD TOUR is a project where we, IDOLISH7, will tour and put our photos on billboards across the country!
Tamaki: Vijaru…?
Mitsuki: Nagi’s English is just too good! Tamaki couldn’t even keep up!
Sougo: It’s Visual Board Tour, Tamaki-kun.
Tamaki: I know already!
Riku: Tamaki, your English is great when you sing, though~!
Iori: So good that it can cause a misunderstanding.
Tamaki: Am I being praised?
Nagi: It’s true that Tamaki’s singing technique is magnificent.
Mitsuki: You teens over there! That’s cute but stop! You’re going off topic. Let’s move on to the next corner! “Confess Your Love In Dialect!” (3)
All: Ooh~!
Mitsuki: Sougo, explain the rules, please!
Sougo: Yes. Just as the title says, one member must do a confession using the dialect of the city we’re currently visiting. The confessions are our staffs’ acquaintances’s choices, so if the confessions are not actually used that often there, we’d be grateful if you could forgive us.
Mitsuki: Thanks, Sougo!
Riku: Iori is in charge of the Sendai area, right?
Iori: Please leave it to me.
Mitsuki: Okay, let’s have Iori’s confession challenge soon.
Iori: Yes.
Tamaki: Ah, there’s a new note from the staff.
Nagi: “Don’t just read it! Please say it to your fellow members so we can get the full emotions and atmosphere.”
Iori: Huh?
Yamato: Seriously? Ichi, try saying it to Onii-san here.
Nagi: I agree. Say it to Yamato, please.
Iori: Can you please stop continuing this without my consent!?
Mitsuki: Calm down! Looks like deciding who will receive Iori’s confession will take some time…
Sougo: Ah, another note  arrived. “There’s no time so please do it to your unit partner.”
Mitsuki: Staff-san, you’re just having fun, aren’t you!?
Tamaki: Iorin’s unit partner is Rikkun, right?
Riku: Me!? I’m going to receive Iori’s confession!?
Iori: I won’t do it!
Yamato: Seems like if you don’t do it now, we can’t move on. *smirk*
Iori: Nikaido-san, you can put that facial expression on now, but in Sapporo it will be your turn…
Yamato: I’m going to have some talk with the staffs before we arrive in Sapporo, so it’s alright.
Mitsuki: What the heck, Ossan! (4)
Iori: Uh, are we really doing this…?
Riku: I’m ready anytime!
Iori: Why are you having fun with this!?
Nagi: Iori, sometimes it’s better to just give up and do it.
Sougo: Iori-kun, do your best!
Tamaki: Iorin, fight~!
Iori: Uuh…
Mitsuki: Ok then, let’s get to the point, “Confess Your Love In Dialect! Iori version!” 3, 2, 1, action!
Iori: ……… I……
Riku: Iori, speak louder! Put the mic on!
Iori: ………….. I, I love you! (5)
All: Hyu~ hyuu~!
Mitsuki: Ioriii!! I love you tooo!!
Riku: Me tooo!!
Iori: Don’t tease me, please!
Tamaki: Iorin’s blushing (lol)
Nagi: Iori, if you blush when you say it, you won’t be able to stay cool! So be careful!
Iori: I already did it, so there’s nothing I can do anymore!
Mitsuki: Ahaha, Iori did wonderful as the first batter up! Let’s move to the next corner, “Talk About Your Memories in That City!” (3)
All: Ooh~!
Mitsuki: I leave it to you, Tamaki!
Tamaki: Ok. In this corner we, IDOLISH7, will talk about when we visited the city?
Mitsuki: Why did it turn into a question!? Don’t just say what’s written there! Yamato-san, do you have any?
Yamato: If we’re talkin about Sendai…it has to be THAT…right?
Mitsuki: That? What do you mean?
Yamato: “IDOLISH7 Rokuya Nagi’s one ho~t night in Sendai”
Tamaki & Riku: Ooh!
Tamaki: That was scandalous, huh? (6)
Riku: It really was!
Sougo: The two of you, don’t say such misleading things! Everyone, there’s a photo that caused some gossip about Nagi-kun spending the night with a girl. But the truth is…'the girl’ was actually Mitsuki-san! So don’t worry!
Mitsuki: Sougo, that “the girl was actually Mitsuki-san” sentence…don’t say it ever again.
Sougo: I-I am so sorry!
Yamato: Mitsu, don’t blame Sou~
Mitsuki: Damnit, don’t laugh at me! Ok moving on…Nagi, do you have any other topic?
Nagi: For me, it’s the one ho~t night I spent with Mitsuki…
All: Hyu~ hyuu~!
Mitsuki: Don’t “hyu~!” me! Leave that topic alone! We only went to a game center together, that’s all! Next, Riku!
Riku: The Nabe was delicious!
Tamaki: The Ikura was the best.
Iori: Sendai’s seafood isn’t really popular, so we didn’t know it was the new trend when we visited there.
Mitsuki: It was delicious~
Tamaki: I’m hungry now.
Mitsuki: Wait a moment! Oh…looks like it’s okay to read it now. Then Iori, I leave Sendai’s detailed announcements to you.
Iori: Yes. At the same time as this web program, IDOLISH7 will be touring seven cities for the “Visual Board Tour” which starts today, January 25th. There will be posters, CM, and merchandise will be available that is designed to be like Sendai’s image. Please looks forward to it.
Riku: Also, our photoshoots from Sendai will be uploaded on to Twitter, so look forward to that as well! Ah, right, Iori’s message will be on the billboard at Sendai Station, so don’t miss that either! Right, Iori?
Iori: Yes. They gave me a chance to write a message to the Sendai people, I’d be happy if you would look forward to it.
Mitsuki: Our picture’s theme on the billboard is Sendai’s famous Tanabata Festival. It would be great if Sendai’s people were pleased with it!
Sougo: I agree. With the Tanabata Festival as the theme, the picture looks nice and refreshing. I’m sure Sendai’s people will be happy with it. 
Riku: We made the ornaments together!
Tamaki: We did~
Nagi: For me, I’m thinking…”what if I accidentally steal all Sendai people’s hearts?”…that’s what I’m afraid of. *smirk*
Yamato: You won’t, so don’t worry.
Mitsuki: What a fast response (lol). Nagi, don’t be so sad! By the way, January 25th is Iori’s birthday, and 26th is MEZZO”’s new song release date, right? Lots of things to be celebrated~!
Riku: Right! Iori’s photobook is being released, too!
Yamato: Our collaboration with that famous department store also starts on 25th.
Sougo: That’s true. There really are a lot of nice things coming soon!
Mitsuki: I know, right? Sougo and Tamaki, this is a nice opportunity to do your new song’s announcement, too!
Sougo: Thank you very much. Then, Tamaki-kun…
Tamaki: Ok. MEZZO”’s new song “Tsukiakari Illuminate”, will be released on 1/25, so look forward to it.
Sougo: It’s a bittersweer love song that’s perfect for this season, we’d be happy if you would listen to it.
Nagi: As expected of two super good friends of MEZZO”. Their announcement was perfect.
Tamaki: Sou-chan asked me to practice together…
Mitsuki: The practice gave a nice result! Okay then everyone, lots of things have been announced! Please take care of us from now on! 3, 2, 1!
All: The next “Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to!” don’t miss it!!!!!
(1) “Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to!”… I leave it as it is.
(2) I know everyone already knew, Yamato calls himself ‘Onii-san’
(3) “Confess Your Love In Dialect!” and “Talk About Your Memories in That City!”. I know the titles sound like crap but the romaji Are like “Gotoji no hougen de Ai wo sakebanai to!” and “Gotoji de no Omoide wo Shaberanai to!”. They’re similar with “Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to!”
(4) Ossan means old man, yeah.
(5) Iori said “I love you” in Sendai dialect. The romaji is “Su, Suki daccha!” (so cute)
(6) Scandalous. The raw says “yabai” so I didn’t know how to translate it.. thx to Edmund!!
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konpithepuppy · 4 years
[TRANSLATION: TV Guide Plus Vol. 41]
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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Nakamura: Since Rinne is going to the gym lately, isn't he going to have a good body figure?
Sugeta: I want to aim to be featured in a weight training magazine.
Nakamura: Isn't that in TV Guide? LOL
Yabana: Rinne is gonna show his good figure in TV Guide LOL.
Nakamura: With the pages being sealed LOL.
Yabana: A gravure feature with sealed pages.
Motodaka: Isn't that going too far? LOL
Sugeta: I want to create a history.
Nakamura: Katsuki this 2021, ain't he gonna be a fish? LOL
Sugeta: I want for him to increase his work about fishes. Since he says, I like fishes" in quiz shows every time, but he doesn't get a job about fishes at all.
Yabana: That's a sharp one LOL.
Motodaka: What do you mean by work about fishes?
Yabana: Like 「Motodaka Katsuki's Fish Paradise」?
Konno: Isn't survival shows good for Katsuki? Since he knows whether the certain sea creature is edible or not, right?
Motodaka: But I want for all of us to appear in shows like that.
Sasaki: So you are going to be a fish this 2021, right?
Nakamura: From breathing through the nose, you'll be now breathing through the gills. (Lit. From pulmonary respiration to branchial respiration)
Yabana: We may meet you in Tokyo Bay LOL.
Nakamura: Bana-san is gradually becoming "yabai," right?
Konno: He became like a Great Burdock.
Motodaka: You [Yabana] want to gain more weight, aren't you?
Nakamura: Bana-san started going to the gym, right? Did you ask the people at the gym on how you can gain weight?
Yabana: I was told to eat eggs.
Konno: Yeah, they said that eating egg and natto with rice is great to gain weight.
Motodaka: What? You'll gain weight with natto too?
Konno: It seems so.
Motodaka: Oh no, this is bad, this is bad...
Nakamura: You've got another problem LOL.
Sasaki: And then, I think Yabana is probably going to have a shaved head this 2021.
Nakamura: But he will left unshaved the nape part I think.
Yabana: There are people like that, right? LOL. If everyone is okay with that, then I guess it's fine?
Sasaki: Well, around 1 member is okay with that. Konpi is currently aiming to be a prince.
Konno: Rather than aiming to be a prince, I am a prince right from the start (smug look).
Sasaki: Huh...
Motodaka: Finally, no one laughed anymore LOL.
Konno: Everyone doesn't think anything of me (sulking).
Sasaki: Suddenly, you are sulking LOL.
Yabana: In platforms like in YouTube, Konpi became a little funnier.
Nakamura: For real, when you compare it from the videos last 2019, I think he only talks for about 10 times.
Yabana: Well then, Konpi is going to be a talkative prince this 2021.
Konno: Okay, I got it.
Sugeta: Taiko is...
(Everyone went silent for a short while)
Motodaka: No, it feels like "what else is he going to be from now on?" LOL
Yabana: Since he already tried everything.
Sasaki: Later on, I will almost become a chimpanzee LOL.
Nakamura: The reverse of theory of evolution LOL.
Yabana: Please come back to the wild.
Nakamura: This year, we can meet if we go to the forest.
Sugeta: That fun thing is not only gonna be in YouTube, it must be broadcasted in a regular channel too.
Nakamura: To let the world know about it?
Konno: I think that's still too early LOL.
Motodaka: Reia is trying not to say things that he shouldn't say.
Nakamura: Lately, I have come to think that I have to tell a story that can be used [as a public content, ex. interviews].
Konno: Yeah, since you do an individual work, the opportunity [to spend time] with us has been lessened.
Nakamura: Since for the first time, I spend time with people who work, I have become an adult.
Motodaka: Something like, you grew up well and came back home.
Nakamura: I think it feels like a son who went to find himself has returned home LOL. I wonder if I will become a nice person this 2021.
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