#how do we relationship spoilers
the-descolada · 5 months
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what if I exploded and died
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pastelsailorr · 5 months
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saintofawe-ful · 2 months
hdwr spoilers!!
finally caught up with hdwr after letting it marinate for a WHILE i think the last chapter i read before taking a break was around ch 80??? but i just finished reading ch 113 (and saw some spoilers from ch 117-118) AND MAN DO I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS!!
when i first started seeing miwa and sae get into their new relationships, i was so happy for them because it was nice to see them heal and grow into better people and though i suspected that tamiful might bring miwasae back together, i was so against it. to me, it felt like they were better off as friends and i was scared that mistakes MIGHT be made (as in cheating which was unlikely but you never know so i was still worried nonetheless) but now that i finished catching up with it, i am 100% in support of miwasae endgame.
miwa/tamaki and saeko/yuria were so good and you can tell that they truly did love each other but even though miwa and sae have become more emotionally mature and learned to communicate (something that they learned from their past relationship with each other), sometimes there are differences in relationships that you can't reconcile no matter how much you compromise and that's just how it is.
back when miwa and sae first got together, they had a shit ton of baggage to deal with (miwa hung up on her first love, sae being afraid to open, and just a general lack of communication). they just weren't good for each other at the time so it was unhealthy for them to stay together. breaking up was the right move because it helped them heal and focus on themselves and meet other people.
AND NOW they're back to being single. they were girlfriends and then they were exes and now they're bestfriends. their relationship as friends has really grew into a beautiful bond and i would have been satisfied with that EXCEPT there's still something there. they both learned a lot from their previous experiences and now they're in a better place mentally and emotionally. and they're both single!
ch 117-118 is so cute (only saw some panels) and i'm absolutely sure we're gonna get that emotionally mature miwasae endgame (I'M EXCITED) but i trust that tamiful isn't gonna rush their comeback since they're both fresh from their respective breakups (idk the passage of time in the manga tbh)
it's actually kinda funny how i was against at a potential comeback at first because the truth is, i'm a sucker for exes to lovers romance when it's done right and tamiful is doing a really great job at it. hwdr is just a great manga in general tbh. i've lost my train of thought while yapping so much in this post BUT ANYWAYS i'm looking forward to see miwa and saeko do it right this time around with all the wisdom they've gained throughout their past experiences <333333
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bigshoeswamp · 3 months
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Cutieesss ❤️
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macatomatico · 5 months
I hate her and I hate myself
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myrkulitescourge · 7 months
the way that one line from the new epilogue in an astarion romance is going to HAUNT me
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just. what a profoundly intense thing to confess to someone.
like, just these six months of newfound happiness with you exerts a force on his heart equal and in direct opposition to two centuries of endless torment, the gnawing hunger and exploitation. this flashbulb-bright fraction of his long life holds the same gravity to him as years upon years of darkness and suffering.
in all likelihood, he hasn’t even known his lover for as long as his worst memory lasted, that year sealed away to go mad from starvation and sensory deprivation, yet he still tells them this brief time has been so fundamentally and powerfully important that the weight of even that unimaginable hell is vanishingly small compared to this present he has now and the future ahead of them both.
how am i supposed to act normal about this.
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
It's interesting how Buck's love interests are all written in a way that ends because of the reason they meet/happen in the first place and then of course, we have Eddie.
Abby, who changes Buck's view of a healthy relationship but then turns around and ghosts him, making him wait for months on end and letting him realize she's not coming back on his own.
Ali, who meets Buck during a dangerous situation in his line of work and then leaves him for how dangerous his work is.
Taylor, who lashes out at Buck for using her as a fake date and saying she thought she could trust Buck to be a friend who then ends up using him for her career and chose to put his friends in danger.
Natalia, who's there to help him embrace and deal with his temporary death but it leads to their break up because of the constant talk surrounding death when Buck's not comfortable with it.
We can't confirm for Tommy till it ends but it's important to note how he offers to get Buck into his interests like flying and muay thai yet doesn't show effort with Buck's interests like dressing up according to the bachelor party theme despite Buck being stressed about it. And we also have the fact that the entire reason they got together was due to Buck's jealousy for Eddie which he then claims to be was for Tommy. Makes me think they are either going to end because of differing interests OR because of the jealousy issue popping up again.
Funnily enough, every scene above has an Eddie parallel:
Eddie co-parents with Buck and not only does this not stop after a dangerous event but Eddie also has Buck down as a legal guardian (healthy relationship - Abby).
Eddie is in the same dangerous line of work and they have each other's backs. This happens right off the bat too.(dangerous job - Ali).
The Lawsuit era and The Dispatch era - both where they "betray" each other but manage to work through it (betrayal/lie - Taylor).
Eddie doesn't pressure Buck to talk about his temporary death until Buck's ready and is more focused about him living than in his death (death doula - Natalia).
Eddie who has different interests than Buck (poker, basketball and UFC/MMA) but also manages to show interest and actively takes part in whatever Buck comes up with; he suggests their outfit for the themed party AND ends up staying there for Buck even when others leave (different hobbies & showing interest/taking part - Tommy).
Absolutely fascinating when you start noticing that Buck's relationships keep failing for one reason or another and then we have him and Eddie who face the same sort of situations but they still come out of it stronger together.
It's clear that there's a reason Buck is able to overcome anything when it comes to Eddie (that conversation with Maddie about being there for each other even at their worst 👀) and we've already established that everything Eddie looks for in a partner is already something he has found in Buck. So really, all that's left is for them to realize that hey, the one I'm looking for is right in front of me! 🤷🏽
And yes, it's been said to death (hah) but you don't find it son you make it. And Buck and Eddie have already made it.
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starkcontrasts · 2 years
something abt jace's whispered little "excuse me" into baela's ear before asking helaena to dance.
like, he's absolutely extending his hand to his cousin bc helaena very publicly admitted to being neglected by her husband and jace probably remembers how sweet she's always been. yeah, of course he can do this for helaena, she deserves to feel paid attention to and she deserves to smile and laugh. and absolutely yes, jace having the compassion to do that and the awareness that both sides of the family are watching/attempting to mend their broken bonds!! jace having the mind to capitalize on that fact and cement the fostering of those good relations!! these are the merits of a good future king, very possibly a great one
but also jace having the care and courtesy to tell baela first, even tho he didn't have to, and jace bearing aegon's insults to him but breaking when aegon disrespects baela by propositioning her and jace's "mind your tongue before my betrothed" and his nod at baela during the throne room scene after their engagement was announced and baela's proud answering smile. the trust she has in him!! the confidence he inspires from her!! these are the merits of a good husband :')
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thatorangedrank · 1 year
Little is Alyx 👎🏻
Little is Penny 👎🏻
Little is a reflection of Ruby in Vol.1 and is a physical representation of “healing your inner child” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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fumifooms · 2 months
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Dad always said I was like him
Meijack and Chilchuck Tims Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ 1: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 2: Bug like an angel, Mitski / 3: Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle / 4: The Third Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart / 5 & 6: FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK,", Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 7: Batman: Year Three (1989) / 8 & 9 : FROM THE MAKERS OF […], Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 10: Wilt, CJ the X / 11: How Do We Forgive Our Fathers, Dick Lourie / 12: Milk and honey, Rupi Kaur / 13: / 14: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 15: Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong / 16: untitled, joan tierney v 17: Drunk, The Living Tombstone / 18: unknown
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it, and still you stand next to your mother just as silent and just as stoic as her during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight, out of mind. And he’s never really been there, even when he was there, after all.
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ghostlyheart · 10 months
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What We Do in the Shadows - 3.04 vs. 5.09
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the-descolada · 5 months
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roominthecastle · 6 months
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witchspeka · 1 year
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I love my girl Miwa but as soon as I read that this image immediately popped up in my head:
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thewhizzyhead · 9 months
oki but like merging "Cool As I Think I Am" and "If I Loved You" in the reprise is like fucking genius tbh like I am genuinely impressed by how both of the arcs explored in both songs were summed up neatly in the reprise in a sense that Pete finds his solid sense of identity and a big reason for that is Steph loving him despite not readily admitting it LIKE "If I really really did love you, you'd have to say-" "I know." ESPECIALLY WITH THE MAIN MESSAGE OF "IF I LOVED YOU" BEING THAT OF THE TWO DENYING THEIR FEELINGS FOR ONE ANOTHER BECAUSE THEY'D MAKE IT SUPER DAMN CLEAR TO THE OTHER IF THEY DID HAVE THEM SO WITH PETE SAYING THAT HE KNOWS AND WITH HIM LETTING STEPH KNOW HE DOES LOVE HER BACK BY BEING WILLING TO TAKE THE BULLET FOR HER LIKE FJSJDJAFJSJD
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biblicalhorror · 4 months
Aroace Riz real but also Fabian is SO clearly in love with him and Riz has no idea
#honestly fabian might not even fully know yet#a core part of fabians character is that he is so deeply afraid of rejection that he is never going to pursue the people he actually wants#i do think he likes Maezy a lot but i think he only knows how to pursue hot toxic women that will discard him at a moments notice#which in a way protects him from ever actually dealing with heartbreak#is he a gay man dealing with comphet? ehh maybe#i could see that#but I think the vibe i get is more about how he has these platonic friends he completely adores and is fully devoted to#and then in another category he has the people that he does not have any actual attachment to that he will allow himself to pursue#and crossing the boundaries in between those two categories or allowing himself to pursue someone he really cares for#would require a level of vulnerability he is in no way prepared for#in his home life he has an emotionally detached mother who is well liked but kind of floats through interactions on a surface level#and a father who is extremely concerned with fame and glory and attention but doesnt seem to have ever stopped moving in his life#genuinely fabian does not know what a safe loving partnership would look like#and we see him constantly oscillating between emulating his mother and his father in relationships#but just beneath the surface is a little boy who wants so badly to cling to his loved ones so tight and be squeezed right back#with no way of knowing how to even ask for that if he wanted#and riz is his best friend in the world and he knows on some level that riz is simply not interested in having that kind of relationship#not on the level fabian needs#but that also makes riz a safe target for these feelings of devotion#theyre just friends! just besties! fabian never has to reckon with his own loneliness or harmful patterns#if he channels all of his yearning for closeness onto his best friend#anyway! this boy needs therapy#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fabriz
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