#how do i tag for sorting without taggin to be in their tag lets find out shall we
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falsemneme · 3 months ago
Feyre rubbed her face again. "I don't know what to do. How to help her." "Three days in and I'm already at my wit's end," he said. (ACOSF, Ch. 11)
"Change comes slowly for us. What humans accomplish in decades takes us centuries." (ACOSF, Ch. 11)
Elain stood by the rail, the breeze caressing her hair. "She's not getting any better. She's not even trying." She wrapped her arms around herself and stared toward the distant sea. (ACOSF, Ch. 17)
"Some of [the priestesses] have been here for hundreds of years and still haven't been able to come back from what they endured. So what hope do I have?" He rubbed at his shoulder, as if it were sore. "We've been working for barely two weeks, Nesta. Physically, you might be seeing changes, but what's happening in your mind, your heart, will take far longer than that. [...]" (ACOSF, Ch. 18)
He said with soft fury, "It took me ten years before I was able to face it. What I'd done to those people, and what I'd lost. Ten years. [...] You want to take twenty years, go ahead." (ACOSF, Ch. 18)
This book makes my head spin. It seems like the timeline for everyone else to heal and process trauma is... decades, at minimum. Centuries, possibly. So if Cassian knows this—(because he IS the man who said he was at his wits end only 3 days in just to turn around a week and a half later and tell Nesta she can take 20 years if she wants)—then I do NOT understand Rhysand's original plan. How long did the IC expect Nesta to be institutionalised in the Sentient Psychiatric Hospital & Gulag exactly? 4 weeks? 30 years?? 250??? With Cassian there the entire time????
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thedumbasscourier · 5 years ago
Fallout companion meme! recently got tagged by @goblin-deity​ ! taggin @wanshotta​ @egopoiesis​ and @daggertongue​ and anyone else really who’d like to do it! 
putting this under a read more cause this is way longer than I thought it be oops
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name: Zac Dick
location: During the day he can be found outside of the Novac Motel with his dog Cooper. At night he can be found in his motel room.
hire: “It’s been a few since I last traveled with someone. It’ll be nice to get around again.” / (bad karma/Legion run) “Sorry, but I don’t run with the likes of you.”
use melee: “I’m a bit better with my rifle, but I’ll be sure to hold up.”
use ranged: “I’ll show ‘em just what it means to be a ranger.”
open inventory: “Just don’t start using me like a pack brahmin, okay?” / overburnded: “You started using me like a pack brahmin...”
stay close: “I’ve got your back as long as you have my blind side.”
keep distance: “They won’t even know there’s two of us.”
be passive: “I’ll wait on your cue.”
be aggressive: “No one will be left standing.”
use stimpack: “Thanks.. Really needed that.”
wait here: “I won’t be going far.”
follow me: “We’ve got a lot of klicks to cover, so let’s get to.”
combat starts: “Hope you’re ready cause this rodeo has started!”
send to lucky 38: “Ah, the Strip. Where many get drunk and gamble, and I’m stuck in a room.”
send home: “Well, you’ll know where to find me. I’ll be back in Novac.”
aggression: not aggressive / aggressive / very aggressive / frenzied
confidence: cowardly / cautious / average / brave / foolhardy
assistance: helps no one / helps allies / helps allies and friends
karma: very good
companion quest: Gunslingers Glory: With enough affinity Zac will express a desire to head to Boulder City. If the player takes him up on it, they can ask about why he wanted to go there. He’ll explain his role in the first battle of Hoover Dam and will express some doubts about himself, specifically about him and his relationship to the NCR. The player can either try and ease some doubts or belittle him for it. 
The next part for Zac’s quest involves Forlorn Hope, in which he’ll make comments after objectives are done, and the players choices help count which choice he’ll make at the end of his quest. Though repeatedly failing these quests will make him mad. 
The finally part of Zac’s quest happens after the player leaves the building after dealing with chief Hanlon. He’ll express his doubts again and his doubts on the upcoming battle. He’ll ask the player what they think; should he reenlist, or forget about it all together? The player can tell him to reenlist, to stay as he is, or that the choice is up to him (he’ll decide to stay as is). The player can also get mad at him for bringing it up again, in which he will just leave and not be recruit-able again. 
additionally: If Zac reenlists he’ll gain an upgraded version of his current armor, granting him a boost to his DT. If he doesn’t his armor will be changed to just the duster without the armor, granting him a boost to his melee weapon skill.
companion perk: Ranger Trained: While Zac is the active companion the player receives a buff towards both their guns skill and melee weapons skill. (+10 points towards both skills)
Under the cut here is extra stuff that I do have down for Zac’s actual companion mod, it’s not part of the meme! (if can be if you want tho). It’s some of his idle chatter and his specific location chatter.
Idle chat: “You'd think by now we would ride the brahmin, or even the big horners. Hell, the radscorpions are big enough to ride.” 
“It's a shame the geckos around here are aggressive. I quite like them.“
“There never seems to be a boring day out on the Mojave.“
“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you.. Ha! I kid, I kid.”
“You ever wonder how it would be like to live a pre-war life? Without everything being a wasteland?“
Specific location chat: “Ah Novac... Home sweet motel.” (Novac ofc)
“While we’re here I hope you don’t mind if I do some catching up here and there.” (at Camp MacCarren)
“It’s quite the quaint little place here. It’s nice.” (at Goodsprings)
“Ah... I’d rather not spend too much time here, if you don’t mind. Bad memories.” (at Camp Forlorn Hope)
“Vice, vice, and more vice. Hope you got some sort of virtue to get you through here.” (at The Strip)
“What kinda suit is that?” (at Benny, The Tops)
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skygatecreations · 8 years ago
what up i was tagged by @kaitenkenburokuren
RULES: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
not tagging that many ppl either.
not taggin no one because I pmuch know all of em pretty well and they all busy being awesome at life. but thank for the tag, these fun despite how smartass I sound.
under cut lmao <- same bro
1. Coke or pepsi? coke <-same
2. Disney or dreamworks? Disney has a higher hit vs. miss ratio with me, but Dworks got some good ones.
3. Coffee or tea? Coffee bro.
4. Books or movies? prolly movies. usually animated sh** that I use as ‘inspiring background noise’ and don’t actually watch a lot of the time.
5. Windows or mac? Windows cause it’s what I know best. Also I don’t tend to  like Apple’s monopoly-ish-ness.
6. DC or marvel? Marvel pm strictly because I like the movies. No clue on comics...Also ol X-men cartoon Storm was my homegirl as a youngling. I honestly think she might have subliminally created the thing I have for white hair lol
7. Xbox or playstation? Playstation cause that’s what fell into my lap.
8. Dragon age or mass effect? no.
9. Night owl or early riser? night owl <- same
10. Cards or chess? cards...but preferably neither because I’m uncannily terrible at non-video games...k actually pretty bad at vid games too but the nons...Jesus Christ 8/
11. Chocolate or vanilla? Are we talking ice cream because that kinda important op. like get yer sh** together...anyway if yes, then Chocolate.
12. Vans or converse? probably neither. not usually my look...also I’m picky as Hell.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? ...what you just call me bro?
14. Fluff or angst? angst in certain doses. Also I’m picky even with that.
15. Beach or forest? both.
16. Dogs or cats? both
17. Clear skies or rain? both kinda - no like...that patchy sort of cloud+sun after it rains that makes the light look all awesome and sh**
18. Cooking or eating out? eating out, but if I learn to cook more it’ll probably be a harder call.
19. Spicy food or mild food? mostly mild. There if like, 1 at times very spicy food that hurts me but tastes freaking amazing lol but been trying some slightly spicer that my normal jam foods lately.
20. Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? can’t decide. strangely apathetic at this...slightly concerned about myself now. thanks for the existential crisis, man. 
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? maybe a lil too hot tbh. just increase water intake and *thumbs up*. cause a lil too cold makes the migraines worse. like ‘difference between vom-ing or not’ worse.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flight bro.
23. Animation or live action? Animation. like good 2D Disney-ish stuff, not this eyesore bullsh** on CN these days.
24. Paragon or renegade? Apache attack Helicopter. idk.
25. Baths or showers? shower <- same...I like baths but I don’t have a plug for the tub so they don’t happen much...
26. Team cap or team ironman? shut up I haven’t seen that movie yet.
27. Fantasy or sci-fi? depends on the mood.
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so, what are they?
‘Fall seven times, Stand up eight’, ‘Don’t be afraid of dying, be afraid of not living’, ‘Fly as far into the crash as you can’ (or ‘drive’ if we talkin cars) ‘You panic, you die.’ ...idk, a lot of stuff I heard from people that are generally a lot braver and cooler than I am lol.
29. Youtube or netflix? Youtube. Can’t afford netflix. check yo privilege damn.
30. Harry potter or percy jackson? HP. not even close.
31. When do you feel accomplished? *bitter, empty laughter*
32. Star wars or star trek? Not a space opera fan but if I have to choose, Star Wars all the way. because it’s a little LESS space opera.
33. Paperback or hardback books? hardback but can’t say no to all the free classic ebooks that I’ve been finding. Bro. Read the Jungle Book(s). the REAL ones. That mess is epic. All movies made of it so far are SH** and it will anger you once you learn how sh** they really are.
34. Horror or rom-com? Rom-com if must choose. because I have an overactive imagination and I will have f-ed up dreams. My sleep pattern is sh** enough as it is lol...and yet I listen to a lot of ‘true scary story’ narrations...
35. TV shows or movies? tv shows because easy background noise
36. Favourite animal? MANY. Dogs, cats, horses, sharks...
37. Favourite genre of music? MANY. like...only criteria is “do I like it?’. notables are classic rock, epic soundtrack-y sh**, and I’m super hooked on synthwave right now...which basically means I like 80′s synth music...
38. Least favourite book? idk, if I dislike something that much I stop reading/don’t read. I guess Hunger Games series qualifies tho compared to everything I’ve read. Not a bad story, but I really...don’t like first-person perspective...so cringe. sooo shamelessly made for self-insert fantasies.
39. Favourite season? fall I guess.
40. Song that’s currently stuck in your head? toss up between Neo-tokyo and Running in the Night (totally freaking different vibes? told you I like a lot of sh**)
41. What kind of pyjama’s do you wear? usually-loose camisoles and soft pants/shorts, preferably of Jersey material. I dislike fuzzy ‘warm’ sh**. let the blankets do their damn job lol
42. How many existential crises do you have on an average day? my whole life is one big existential crisis.<- SAME BRO
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? Bruh that dark.
44. Favourite theme song to a TV show? tbh AS a theme song? ...probably Yuichi ikusawa’s WARRIORS from one of the Yugioh openings. Pretty damn epic. only up to a certain point of the full song tho (opening cut is fine). eventually he starts doing this weird actually laughable thing with his voice and ruins it.
45. Harry potter movies or books? Books. movies are good for book movies though.
46. You can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? OTPs are great but I have friends on tumblr and some that I I’m having active interactions with and are expecting stuff from me. I sacrifice the OTP for my duties. *salutes*
47. Do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? *more bitter laughing*
48. What is the worst way to die? anything slow. Bonus bad points if you are alone and have time to think of your fam and friends and how your end will effect them...that got dark again. moving on :)
49. If you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? idk man, maybe just go around looking for wild animals to hang out with without their knowledge...or the risk of being mauled. Or go places I’d never go by myself because ghetto-as-hell and just chill.
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? The first hop of the Wright Flyer. Dawn of powered flight bitches. 
51. If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? ...bruh. No. like I know a lot of people would think that would be cool and sh** but if you think ‘people just don’t get you’ now, imagine if you really were incapable of communication. like...sh** would suck. And you’d have to be a hermit somewhere with no money cause no/extremely limited livelihood options...is my adult showing? I feel like my adult is showing.
52. What is your most favourite album currently? I don’t really do albums. I pick and choose what I like.
53. What is your favourite TV show character? lots of them. usually the dudes with complex/’juicy’ backstories...which is pretty boring because a lot of people would probably say that. because those tend to be the most interesting.
54. What is something you were obsessed with as a child? doggies idk
55. Do you have any tattoos/piercings and if not would you like any? just single earlobe piercings.
56. Biggest pet peeves? hard to call. a lot of things annoy me lol. maybe people not taking responsibility for their own actions/bullsh**.
57. A place you’ve always wanted to visit? Close between Germany or Japan, I got family both places. Japan narrowly wins.
58. cheesecake or carrot cake? carrot cake if it good...and doesn’t have deer turds- I mean raisins. ...I think I got all of them? idk you see one I missed lemme know.
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