#how did you get to where you were at the beginning kang
sserajeans · 8 months
bff premium?
kang haerin x fem! reader
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synopsis: after distancing yourself from a friend you've unfortunately fallen for, the rest of the group catches onto her sour mood, and all fingers point to you
genre + others: fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers, non-idol au, high school setting, friend group is rly just nwjns + yn
notes: i swear yail update will come i just had this in my drafts and felt bad for not posting for a while!!, requested, IM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG I REALLY WANTED TO BE IN TBE MOOD WHEN I WROTE THIS 😭😭😭😭 luckily haerin posted some pics that ive gotten completely insane over.. so!
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you and haerin always had something special between the both of you.
you two met in middle school, when your homeroom teacher was assigning seats. she was a quiet kid, and so were you, but one of you had to get over it. so when the class was given a paired activity to "get-to-know each other", you were forced to come out of your shell, and haerin welcomed you (surprisingly) warmly.
it started off as a strictly-seatmate type of friendship, where you two would only interact whenever it was needed. but as you spent more and more time working on assigned activities together, you were beginning to realize that maybe you enjoyed her company more than you thought, and so did she.
eventually, you two began spending time together outside of class; during recess, lunchtime, sometimes after class in the library. it didn't take long until the both of you became really close, a known tandem. you were her closest friend, she was yours, and everyone knew that.
over time, your friends became hers as well, and so whenever everyone was free, your little friend group composed of minji, hanni, danielle, haerin, hyein, and you, would hang out together. at a clubroom, the courtyard, the gymnasium, a cafe, the cafeteria, anywhere.
but no matter how many close friends surrounded you two, it seemed clear to anyone that you were closer to each other than anyone else. the same way hanni was to hyein, and minji was to danielle.
now your feelings for haerin grew a couple years later, and you only admitted them to yourself in your sophomore year of high school. that's about four years or so since you two met, and about a year ago from today.
from the beginning, you had always found haerin pretty. it wasn't hard to admit. she was nice to look at, and the way her cat-like eyes turned into crescent moons whenever she smiled ear to ear... yeah, you knew you were enjoying it a little too much.
and it only worsened the more you got to know each other, because you found out there were so many things to adore.
the way she wouldn't stop talking about frogs, her love for tomatoes, her eyes and the way she blinks slowly when she looks at something she loves (a cat-like habit you picked up when she was watching a recipe video for an avocado dish).
the list could go on and on if no one stopped you, and after talking about it to your mom (who was very supportive of everything, by the way), you came to the conclusion that you liked haerin, in a "more-than-a-friend way".
but you had no idea, not a single clue, on what to do with that realization. what would happen if you told her? if you didn't? would she feel the same? would she be disgusted if she didn't?
crushes and romance was one of the most untouched conversation topics between the two of you, so you had no idea if she was even open to such ideas.
but the one thing you knew for sure, was that she was your best friend, and you were hers. you loved your best friend, and so did she. in a different way, or not, you felt like she still deserved to know. you hated hiding things from her, and history proves it only made things worse whenever you did.
so you decided to confess. great!
and suddenly you see her acting all lovey dovey with danielle.
well, in retrospect, they weren’t exactly being lovey dovey, and you kind of knew that.
danielle was just big on affection, as she was to everyone, and is one of the few people whose pda was complied with (or tolerated) by haerin.
and despite not being much of a pda fan, in that moment, you badly wanted to be in danielle’s place, comfortably smothering your best friend with all the love in the world.
oh, and it didn’t help that people started a couple rumors about them being a couple.
sure, everyone knew you were each other’s number one, each other’s best of best friend, but the way you two showed affection with each other was very different from the way danielle does, to again, everyone, but you didn’t care about that.
the bitter sting in your stomach seeing the two of them made you realize that it was probably a much better idea to just get rid of your feelings (you’re an idiot, you’ve had them for years. they won’t just go away). after all you didn’t want to ruin what you had with two of your closest friends.
and with that goal in mind, so began your plan to avoid kang haerin at all costs!
you’re really stupid.
in the process of avoiding haerin, you indirectly were avoiding the rest of the girls too. you mostly hung out with your other classmates from different subjects like woonhak and eunchae. and whenever you were asked about it by hanni (mostly), you shrugged it off and said it was just “school things you needed help with”.
it was a dumb excuse. everyone knew you were at least top 5 of the class. and what kind of help were you getting if you were going out to places like arcades and karaoke spots anyways?
the girls were bothered, but not as much as haerin was. she was often visibly in a sour mood, ate half of her usual cafeteria servings, and would talk a lot less than she already did.
they were worried for the both of you simultaneously, but hyein and minji put two and two together, which only doubled their worry.
initially, it was just you and haerin's separate well-being they were concerned about, but now that they realized the time frame in which you began distancing yourself matched up with when haerin's mood went down, they were now also worried about what could've happened between you two.
so they took it amongst themselves to at least know what was going on.
"kang haerin!"
haerin looked up from her untouched tray of food, her chopsticks poking around slices of beef in sauce.
minji sat across her as the first two to arrive in their usual lunch table.
"i was asking if anything happened between you and y/n or something..."
haerin looked back down and continued playing around with her food before sighing and looking back up, muttering a couple words.
"wish i knew."
"y/n-unnie! is something up between you and haerin-unnie?"
"huh? what?" you were sat in the sound proofed booth of the music room, guitar plugged in an amplifier. you squinted at hyein's figure from outside the room, putting your guitar on its stand and motioning her to come inside.
"can you repeat that? i can't really hear anything from in there..." scratching the back of your neck, you gave hyein a seat from behind the booth's drum sets.
"i was asking!" hyein took a deep breath, you raised your eyebrows signaling her to continue. "if you and haerin-unnie have something going on."
"h-huh? what? what something?"
"no not like that! i meant you know, did you fight or... 'cause she's been so sour lately! she wouldn't even give me her leftover tomatoes... she wasn't even gonna eat them! like at all!"
the expression on your face shifted to what most would identify as worry and concern.
"...she hasn't been eating the tomatoes? she loves those..."
"yeah! and so much more! anyways, minji-unnie and i deduced it was about you, so here i am." hyein gleamed with pride while you chuckled in amusement.
you leaned over to mess with the top of her head and sighed, "i'll talk to her. you don't worry about a thing, okay?"
and you kept your word to the younger girl. how could you not?
you spotted haerin alone in one of the clubrooms, cleaning up some of the materials they used for the day. knocking on the room's door startled her a bit, given by the minor flinch, but she relaxed seeing it was you.
still, you could tell her facial expression was slightly guarded, and it hurt you, but you definitely deserved it.
she turned back around to continue organizing the materials into three separate boxes, not saying a word.
"hyein said you haven't been eating the tomatoes in your lunch." you slowly took your steps towards her and stopped when you were a couole steps away on the other side of the desk she used to arrange the items. "or your lunch at all..."
she paused to look up at you and give you a short glare, before walking to move a box to the teacher's desk in the room. you followed a few steps behind her, arms behind your back as your fingers fiddled with each other.
"you shouldn't... skip your meals, you know..." you muttered, clearly intimidated by haerin’s cold facade. "health... you need to eat..."
seeing as how you still had no reply, you decided it was probably best to just go straight to the point.
"hey... i'm sorry..."
you were used to haerin not saying that much, especially when you got to know her more and she explained that it was simply just too tiring. but you were also always the exception to that.
whenever it was just the two of you, one would be surprised to see haerin as the louder one. talkative, always rambling about something, while you smiled, nodded, and gave comments whenever necessary.
"yangi, please say something"
haerin loved that nickname more than anything. it was pretty foul to pull that card, actually. you came up with it when you two were having a friendly debate over what animal she resembled.
"i don't know where you're getting cat, y/n."
"are you crazy? how are you getting frog!"
"literally everything!"
"no. you're simply incorrect. you're literally a cat in human form!"
"absolutely not!"
"whatever you say, goyangi."
"what did you just call me?"
"go-yang-i. goyangi. go. yangi."
"you're so... annoying."
"okay, yangi."
she let out a frustrated sigh, looking up at you with what felt like her eyes piercing through your soul.
"so you get to disappear on me without a word, but i have to reply when you speak to me for the first time in 8 days?"
yes, she's been counting the days.
but wouldn't you be too if she did the same?
well, you probably would've confronted her a little sooner. but it's not that haerin didn't care enough to do something about it, she just genuinely didn't want to overstep space you might've been needing.
"thats what i thought." she let go of the box, turned her back, and walked back to the desks to grab the 2nd box.
"look... i'm sorry, i really am." you immediately caught up to her with a few steps, eyes pleading with nothing but guilt.
"if you are then can you at least tell me why you were avoiding me?"
she stared at you, observing how your thumbs rubbed over your fingers, or how your breathing got a little heavy, both nervous habits she picked up.
noting how you probably weren't going to say much anytime soon, she let go of the 2nd box to face you.
"you're my best friend, y/n"
that hurt didn't it?
a reminder that that was probably all you were going to be to her.
"do you know how..." haerin took a deep inhale, it was beginning to get shaky. her mind was a mess, thinking of the best words to express the hurt you made her feel over the past few days. but she couldn't.
knowing the way haerin acted added on to your internal conflict. haerin usually wasn't afraid to speak her mind when it was just the two of you, but now she is. she couldn't. and you knew it was your fault.
but were you really ready to tell her you liked her? now? you wanted to show her you were sorry, but it really wasn't that easy.
if things go wrong, she could continue the game and avoid you forever. and just like that you'd lose your best friend, ruining the group's dynamics as well.
but you figured your brain was just making up excuses for you to not tell her out of fear. what mattered the most now was letting her know you were sorry, and that hurting her was never part of the plan.
"look, i'll tell you, because i really truly am sorry for hurting you," you start off, hands in the air motioning whatever. "but i-... i need you to promise me..."
"what?" her voice was much softer now. still cold, but not sharp enough to make it feel like you were stabbed every time she spoke.
"that you won't be... weirded out, or disgusted, or leave the room. you'll talk about it with me."
"you're the one whos been avoiding the talking y/n, i hope you know that."
you often forget how quick she was with her words. it was like a whip. painful, fast, happens before you even noticed it did. you were just so used to her nicer side. she's never been frustrated with you.
you took a deep breath, mentally composing a script of how you felt and how you were going to say it. just like the million times you've practiced to the mirror at home.
"i've been avoiding you 'cause i think i like you. or, well, i know i like you. in a more than a friend way. and i have been for a while, and i was going to tell you because i didn't like hiding things from you, but i saw you with dani one day and i just- i don't know. okay? it's stupid. i know she's like that with everyone, but i didn't like it when she was with you, so i decided that i'd rather just get rid of how i felt to make it easier and to not ruin any of our friendships. so i figured the only way to do that was if i didn't talk to you. clearly that affected us both in a way i didn't want or intend. i'm sorry i ignored you. it was selfish of me to not think about how you could've felt throughout everything."
haerin took a minute just standing there, trying to process the hell of a bomb of information you just dropped on her. her cheeks were gradually growing red the more she realized what you were trying to tell her.
"hey... hello... did you hear what i was saying... or do i have to repeat it... because i'd really rather not..." you waved your palm in front of the girl who seemed to be frozen in place. "but if that's what it takes then i guess tha—"
you stopped talking as haerin slowly approached you, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her face on your shoulder. she was careful to do so slowly, giving you a chance to move away if you needed to. she knows you're not into physical touch, and it just wasn't exactly the norm for the two of you.
"i was worried."
"hey, i've been eating fine. it's you tha-"
"no, not that. i was worried you might've overheard dani and i talk about you when i told her i like you, and that you were disgusted by it and didn't want to be... associated with me because of it. and maybe you just didn't know how to tell me so you went with the silent treatment.... i was going nuts, y/n. that's why hyein was talking about skipping lunch and whatever. all i could think about was why."
you could feel the guilt eating you up bit by bit on the inside. it quite literally broke your heart to hear haerin, the girl with not a lot of words, express the effect of what you did. it was like acid, burning up your stomach, your chest, your head. except that acid was guilt.
"oh god... i'm so sorry, yangi... the whole thing was a really selfish move and— and i should've thought about you first. i really am so so sorry..."
you held her closer and softly shifted your body weight from one foot to the other, swaying the two of you softly, somewhat like a cradle calming a baby down to sleep.
"hey... it's okay... i know you didn't mean it. i'm just glad we're fine now."
you two stay in that position for a couple of minutes, feeling each other relax over time as a result of finally resolving the conflict you had caused.
that was until haerin broke the silence.
"so... hate to be the person to ask but..."
"what are we?"
the two of you laughed for a while at how the question was so cliche and cringe yet necessary.
"bff premium?"
"i'm kidding! i'm kidding! but... i say we take things slow? get a little used to this, whatever it is, whatever it could be?"
"yeah, i like that."
the two of you smiled at each other with nothing but warmth and care, before ultimately pulling in for another hug.
"minji-unnie you owe me 2,000 won."
"hyein you're being too loud."
"huh do you hea-?..." haerin pulled away with a surprised face, interrupted by y/n quickly stomping towards the door, slamming it open to reveal minji and hyein falling forward to the floor. a result of relying on the door for support.
"seriously? i expected hyein, but minji-unnie?" you sighed in disappointment, haerin walking over to see what the fuss was all about.
"listen, it's for hanni she placed bets too."
"...lame excuse."
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
So like,,,,,
Imagine if Bi-han and readsr went on a mission, oh yeah things r going very well, but then they stumble on a place that has like woah magic potion, the reader just "hey wld it b funny if I dr-" "no", but then Bi-han wasnt looking and somehow they end up with a reader thats just, the size of his palm
The rest is up to u!
Love ur writings!!!
Prior notes: This would be something that would happen to me cause I keep trying to eat inedible things. I've been told to stop trying to eat my DND dice.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings: Hehe you're so small
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“Don’t touch anything.”
Bi-Han tells you that every time you go on a mission together. If he can’t have his brothers by his side then he usually picks you to come with him on a mission. Though you have a problem with being serious. You have a habit of making things comedic during serious moments like missions and briefings. You also have a weird habit of touching things that aren’t yours and putting them near your mouth. No one knows why you do it, neither do you. You must be lacking vitamins or something.
Whatever it is, it’s a hazard when you’re on missions. That’s why Bi-Han is always warning you about doing something stupid. It’s for your own good. You don’t know what could happen to you if you touched the wrong item or ingested something you shouldn’t have. The world you live in is a strange one, you never know.
So far, you’re acting right. Liu Kang sent you and Bi-Han out on a mission to investigate a possible rat in Earthrealm, aka a sorcerer. He warned you both to be careful which Bi-Han emphasized that point. He was right to do so.
When you both arrived at the suspected location there were walls filled with strange ingredients and hanging animal carcasses. Creepy. There were rows upon rows of colorful looking potions in wacky bottles. There was one potion in particular that caught your eye. It rested on a wooden desk with different ingredients surrounding it. It looked like whoever was brewing it was making more of a cocktail instead of a magical potion. Citrus peels, brown sugar, and finger lime caviar. It confused you so much that you didn’t take notice of the other potions that were being mixed into the strange concoction. You grabbed the potion that caught your eye, sniffing it and getting hit with that strong citrus smell. Its aroma was tempting you.
“Hey Bi-Han, wouldn’t it be funny if I dr-”
“No!” Bi-Han glared at you.
He motioned for you to put it back where you found it. You did as he said until he turned his back towards you. He started going off about how he wanted this mission to be over and he can’t risk any delays. You weren’t paying attention since your attention was on the potion. It just looked so pretty and smells as sweet as lemonade. It couldn’t hurt to take at least a lick of it. You placed your mouth near the bottle before leaning it up, the liquid flowed slowly to your tongue. You licked it up quickly. Hmm, it does taste like lemona-
Bi-Han heard a poof behind him. He swiftly turned around and saw a cloud of smoke that matched the color of the potion. Once the smoke cleared he tried his best to look for you. But when he looked down all he saw was you with the bottle trapping you inside. Ah geez, you’re small.
He stared in disbelief. It was clear what just happened. You didn’t obey your grandmaster.
“What did I tell you!” He yelled which sounded much louder to you since you were so tiny now.
You looked very guilty. Your head was lowered in shame. You looked up at Bi-Han with pleading eyes, begging him to get you out of the bottle. He has no choice, he has to. He picks up the bottle and begins to dump you out onto the palm of his hand.
You’re putting him in a difficult position right now. One wrong move and he could accidentally crush you. Or worse, even freeze you. You didn’t like this outcome. You look like you were on the verge of tears even though you were warned. He groaned as he contemplated what to do now. Should he abandon the mission and bring you back safely? Or should he march forward and try his best to keep you safe? He didn’t realize it but he was so lost in thought he didn’t hear you yelling at him.
“Please, have mercy!”
When he looked down he saw he was gripping you tightly. His thumb was rubbing the top of your head which messed with your hair. He opened his hands, allowing you to breathe. This situation was already sucking. This can’t go on; he has to bring you back. Maybe Lord Liu Kang can reverse this mess.
Bi-Han didn’t want to keep you in his hands just in case he needed to fight. The problem is he has nowhere else to put you. Each possible area he could put you in would possibly squeeze you. The only spot he could think of was…sigh. He raised you up before placing you at the top of his head.
“Just hold on tightly please.”
You listened this time. Too well actually. Your impulsive thoughts won and you ended up yanking a strand of his hair on the left side of his hair. You had your Ratatouille moment. He actually raised his arm just like the movie taught you! But he might have been doing it just to smack you for yanking.
Getting a hold of Liu Kang was difficult. No one knew where he was or what he was doing. Not a good time for him to be MIA.
Believe it or not, Bi-Han was getting very worried about this situation. Having you as small as a rat made him worried about losing you. He was keeping you close to him at all times, not even allowing Tomas or Kuai Liang to poke you. In his eyes, you were as fragile as a glass animal now.
He kept you with him until someone could get a hold of Liu Kang. He kept you on his desk to keep a close eye on you. It felt like you were being treated like a child. Every time you moved close to the edge; Bi-Han would tense up before blocking you with his hands. He would drag you back by pinching the back of your uniform.
“Stay still. Are you trying to get yourself killed?” He asked.
Then he tried keeping you in a birdcage he so conveniently had. You wouldn’t stop moving! You were put in little creature jail for little creature crimes. Yup, you still wouldn’t listen. You would try climbing the sides before trying to squeeze yourself through. You thought you succeeded until your hips hit the bars. Bi-Han was about to lose it on you but if he yelled he might burst your eardrums. He tried pushing you back in but every time he would poke your face you would bite him because it was uncomfortable. He did not want to try your backside. He eventually had to break the cage a little to allow you to crawl out.
That didn’t work out in his favor, what else he got?
He placed you right in front of him with his arms surrounding you. It allowed him to continue doing his paperwork while keeping you in one place. If you tried to run past his hands he would smack you back. Try climbing up his arms and he would twitch his muscles to make you fall. Like a horse trying to get a fly off. Front is no good, sides are no good, you went with the back. You started climbing up his clothes. This was the last straw for Bi-Han. You were like a devious rat that couldn’t listen to its master.
He snatched you up before shoving you into his top. The multiple layers of his uniform were usually tight against his body but there was enough space to shove you into it. Your back was pressed up against his chest area which felt like a brick wall. You tried to scramble out of there but the clothes were pressing you tight like a weighted blanket. You were tucked in nicely against your will. You struggled and struggled until you tired yourself out. You don’t have much fight left in you which was fine by Bi-Han. It was a long day already and that little fight you put up drained you out. You started to succumb to the comfort that enveloped you. It was no use, you were falling asleep.
After a while, Bi-Han noticed you weren’t saying a peep. When he looked down he saw you were knocked out. It was night and still no Liu Kang. Hopefully he will have better luck tomorrow. He should find a better place for you to sleep where you will be safe. He took you out and placed you on your stomach in the palm of his hand. He petted your back with one finger to prevent you from waking up. He kind of likes you this way. So punny and pathetic, it’s so adorable. You would have no choice but to depend on him for everything. Ah, he shouldn’t be thinking that way. He should focus on you getting back to normal. Still can’t help that he finds this situation a bit entertaining. Maybe he’ll drag this out a little longer just to see what else he could do with you.
After notes: All I could think of was Marc Anthony and Pussyfoot when writing this. That was the energy I was getting. I just saw a drawing that was like this idea which included Bi-Han. Strange. Adiós!
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theemissuniverse · 9 months
Can I request a smut prompt where Liu Kang almost loses you to Shang Tsung, but after he retrieves you back, he’s furious and upset with himself, but you knew just how to calm him down?
Also congrats on 200 followers!!! You definitely deserve it, your writing is amazing 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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A/N : Thank you! Hope you like it!
WARNINGS : MINORS DONT INTERACT. praise kink, p in v, m receiving, f receiving, fingering, temperature play, some stuff I probably forgot
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Shang Tsung almost took your soul. Lucky for you, Liu Kang, your husband, was there to put a stop to it. Even though it was already over, Liu Kang was beating himself up about it.
He should’ve stopped it sooner. He should have never put you in harms way to begin with. In his mind- this was all his fault.
Liu Kang was getting ready for bed. He had his boxers on and was completely shirtless. He was cleaning off his wedding ring as it was bloody from the damage he had done to Shang Tsung’s face.
You walked in the bedroom. You had your red set of underwear on with your red rope tied around you tightly. You watched as Liu Kang cleaned his ring. “Come on, baby. I made dinner. It’s your favorite.”
“I am not hungry, love.”
You tilted your head at him. You hated when he got like this. Guilt-ridden and self loathing. “You can’t starve yourself because you feel guilty. I’m fine.”
Liu Kang finished cleaning the ring. He placed it back on his finger. He did not dare to look at you. “You almost died.”
“Sorry to tell you, honey but that’s the price of being part of Earthrealm’s warriors. Stuff like that can happen.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to be part of Earthrealm’s warriors anymore.”
Your eyes had widen. You were shocked. You were one of, if not, the best Earthrealm warrior. You walked further in the room. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” Liu Kang finally turned to you. “(Y/N), I am immortal. You are not. I cannot have you forever. I do not want you to…to fall so soon.”
“I understand but there could be other factors. Like illness or even just everyday accidents. Am I suppose to live my life afraid?”
“Are you suppose to speed up the process of your  demise?”
The room fell silent. Liu Kang sighed at his harsh tone. He sat on the bed and rubbed his forehead to get rid of some tension. “I cannot lose you.”
You sat down next to him. You rubbed on his shoulder to comfort him. “I can’t lose you either. But if we think about all the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘what might’ then we’re gonna drive ourselves crazy. You told me yourself that we needed to focus on actions and not the outcome. It’s all that we can control.”
Liu Kang looked back at you lovingly. It was hard to tell if Liu Kang was crying because of his glowing orbs but you saw tears slipped past his cheeks. “Oh, Liu…” You kissed some of the tears away.
“I love you more than anything. More than myself. More than life itself.” He told you.
You always knew of the strong emotional hold you had on Liu Kang. Liu Kang had revealed to you that in the previous timeline, he was in love with you then and he ended up falling in love with you all over again.
That’s why he was so attached to you. He did not want to lose you again.
“I love you too, Liu.” You gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Liu Kang immediately kissed you back, cupping your face.
The kiss meant something. The two of you had a hold on each other and you never wanted to leave.
You pulled away from him. You gave him small kisses on his neck. Liu Kang closed his eyes, loving the feeling of your lips on his body.
Liu Kang was already sitting on the edge of the bed. You got off the bed and sat on your knees on the ground. You then started to take his boxers off.
“Love-“ He started to say.
You shushed him, knowing what he was going to say. Although, Liu Kang always appreciated when you went down on him, he’d much rather just go down on you.
You kissed all over him. Liu Kang always got hard very quick when you touched him softly.
You wrapped your lips around him and started to suck on his dick lightly. Liu Kang moaned some. You continued to do this before taking all of him in your mouth and starting to go up and down on him.
Liu Kang, despite being a God, was always sensitive to touch. “(Y/N).” He moaned. When you sucked on his tip sweetly, he flung his body back on the bed in pure bliss.
More moans escaped his mouth. You knew that Liu Kang was more so the slow paced type so you always went slow with him. You rubbed on his thigh as you sucked on him.
The noises of slob each time you sucked him off turned him on even more. “You taste so good.” You said with all of him in your mouth.
Liu Kang felt himself twitch when you said that. He sat himself up on his elbows and watched you as you took care of him. “You look so beautiful.”
You moaned around him at the compliment and it made him twitch even more. It was true. You were amazing to look at.
Liu Kang bit his lip as he watched you undo your robe. The robe fell to the ground and he saw his wife in the red underwear set he had got for her.
You sucked his tip again and he rolled his eyes back in pleasure. “My love…”
You removed yourself from his dick and looked up at him. “You ready for me to ride you baby?” Liu Kang nodded eagerly and you stood up. You took your underwear off. Liu Kang scooted more to the center of the bed.
When you got on top of him, Liu Kang licked his fingers and stuck them in your pussy to see if you were wet enough from pleasing him. You weren’t.
He pumped them in and out of you slowly. You threw your head back in pleasure. Liu Kang watched you as you started to ride his fingers. He loved when you did that.
“Oh baby.” You moaned.
Liu Kang kissed your lips softly. His fingers found your clit and he rubbed it in circles, making you moan in his mouth.
Your hands tugged on his hair and he grunted in your mouth. “Please. I’m ready.”
Liu Kang made sure to feel all of you before deciding you were ready to ride him. He licked his fingers to get the juices off and leaned back.
You got into position. Liu Kang’s hands were on your hips. You slid down on him gently and you both let out a moan.
Your hands lay on his chest and you started to ride him slowly. “Oh yes. You feel so good.”
Liu Kang’s hands started to wander your body. His hands lit up with fire but he was careful not to burn you. He made sure rub all the parts you loved when he did temperature play with you.
“Oh my gods. Liu, you know that turns me on.”
Liu Kang just smiled at you. He helped you ride him up and down while his hands still produced light heat. You were starting to go at a much faster pace. Liu Kang panted slightly. “You know just how to ride me, love.”
You felt the heat die from Liu Kang’s hands which meant it was getting hard for him to concentrate. You continued moving at your fast pace while you undid your bra and threw it down on the ground.
Liu Kang watched your breasts bounce with each time you bounced. He groaned at the sight. “You look so beautiful.” He was close to his release but was holding it for you. “You’re so good to me. I don’t deserve you.”
At that, you leaned down to kiss his lips. “You deserve everything, baby.”
He moaned at your words and gripped on your hips tighter. He panted even more. The feeling of your pussy clenching on him was all too much for him. “You were made for me.
Something about Liu Kang always complimenting you turned you out. You felt love overwhelm your heart. “I love you.”
Liu Kang was always an emotional man during sex so having you tell him you loved him as you rode him turned him on. A lot.
He gently grabbed you before flipping you over so he was on top of you. Liu Kang kept the same fast but sensual pace. He gave you passionate kisses on your lips. “I love you more.”
Liu Kang’s right hand interlocked with yours as he fucked you. He gave you beautiful kisses on your neck and sucked on your sweet spots.
You should’ve been used to how loving Liu Kang was but you still weren’t. Tears welled up in your eyes as he made love to you. When Liu saw this he kissed the tears away.
You felt yourself start to become close. Your hand raked along his back. “I’m so close, Liu.”
Liu Kang kissed your lips once more before speaking. “Cum on me, love. I need you.”
With his words, you instantly came on Liu Kang. When he saw you came on him, he allowed himself to release inside of you.
When the two of you were done, he pulled out. Liu Kang saw the cum slipping out of you and he made it go back inside of you with his fingers. “I cannot lose you.” He repeated but this time with full love.
You pulled him down to your level and kissed him. “I can’t lose you, either.”
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atlasofthestaars · 9 months
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .004
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Note: I often try to plan out plot points while I’m at work, and I was like wow! I get why Kronika went insane because trying to keep all these plot points (especially the parts where I plan on diverging from canon) logical is wild.
This is the first chapter that doesn’t follow any of the main campaign events at all, so it was a bit more of a struggle to write for, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! There will be more chapters of this, building up the much needed foundation for the champions squad. Don’t worry Lin Kuei fans, there will be a few more Lin Kuei moments too during these times, allowing us to see them again before they disappear for a while during the tournament arc!
Shang Tsung deliberation is up until a week from when chapter 3 was released/aka when the tumblr poll ends. 
Otherwise, I will accept any wants for any other love interests until we get closer towards the Outworld arc since I’m pretty sure all Earthrealm men are already confirmed.
For example, someone asked for Reiko, so here’s a poll for him to gauge interest, AO3 fans, please comment on your thoughts for him!
Turns out, thinking about the things that worried you leads to overthinking.
Pacing back and forth in your room, you felt the cool wood under your feet. With how much you paced around the room, you were surprised the wood had not been ruined at this point. You paused in your pacing and you looked outside the window to look at the moon. 
You were never a good sleeper, finding it hard to sleep at night. But oddly enough you always found yourself awake for the sunrise due to routine. You often found naps were a good supplement for your tiredness, but some days you would suffer being awake without much rest.
Your memories buzzed around your head too much to rest easy. You paced back and forth once more for a few more minutes until you stopped at the door of your room, briefly considering going and seeing whether Liu Kang could help ease your troubled mind.
Your hand laid upon the handle, the metal knob cool to the touch. Goosebumps trailed up your arm as you stared at the doorknob. You tried to will yourself to move. To finally speak with Liu Kang about the memories that weighed upon you, to free yourself of this silly burn that you brought about upon yourself.
Unfortunately, you could not bring yourself to step outside your door.
You were too racked with guilt to do that.
You were afraid of the idea that you would slip up and mention the many other memories you had recovered, the timeline you were beginning to piece together, and Liu Kang would begin to realize this. You were afraid of upsetting the man who most generously took you in and allowed you to stay by his side despite your odd past.
You did not want to ruin the good thing you had going for yourself.
Your hand dropped from the doorknob. Sighing, you walked over to a particular floorboard and carefully lifted it up. You reached inside and pulled out the leather bound diary that you had found on yourself when you first awoke in this world. Along with it was a pen that somehow, despite the years, had not run out of its smooth ink.
This was your only confidant in the memories you had. Moving towards your desk, you adjusted the lantern in your room to hang over the desk, giving you more light to work with. You stared at your words, trying to look at what you recalled.
Your memories seemed to be linked with those you interacted with, so the Lin Kuei and Liu Kang and the memories surrounding them were the strongest. Even still, you had holes in what should be completed memories. Meeting the new people seemed to patch some of them up, though.
You sighed as you skimmed the pages. They were mostly short phrases describing what you remembered from these brief memories. It was hard to keep them in order since they were random and never in order whenever you got them.
You picked up the pen, spinning it with a flourish before you began to write.
Kung Lao, a cocky monk of the Shaolin with a razor hat. Once was friends with Liu Kang. Seems now he is a farmer and friends with Raiden.
Raiden, Thunder god. Seems to have once been what Liu Kang is now. Mortal now, and a farmer of Fengjian with Kung Lao.
Johnny Cage, actor. Was with Sonya Blade and had a kid. Still an actor, has a different wife, and no kid. 
Kenshi Takahashi, once a blind swordsman with telekinesis and telepathy with a magic sword. Had a kid. Now seems that he has his vision, uncertain of abilities.
You sighed as you put down your pen, staring at the words in front of you. You tried to will yourself to conjure any memories you had of these men previously from just their name. Unfortunately, this just gave you a headache…and not the kind that gave you any helpful memories.
“Damn.” You muttered leaning back in your chair. You had never had control of your memories, even after all these years. They were rather inconvenient and useless, since they rarely gave you any insight on the ones you meet. They’re all so different.
The only constant was their names.
You closed your eyes as you thought of the four men you had written down. Who were they? What was their connection to you? You sighed as you rubbed your forehead, trying to ease the headache you had accidentally given yourself.
Ah shit, you were in charge of training them, weren’t you? Or at least, somewhat.
They were going to be a headache in more ways than one, it seemed.
“So, how, exactly, am I to train the four?” You inquire as you glance over to Liu Kang, briefly noting the way the sunlight landed on his features. It was another morning of watching the sunrise with the fire god. You had gotten a few hours of sleep, at least, before rising to meet up with Liu Kang as usual. A few hours was better than nothing.
You had started off quiet, before natural conversation hit the both of you. You discussed many things, mostly the events of the past few days, before the conversation naturally landed on the new recruits. You found out that they were going to be arriving at the Wu Shi academy in a few days time, giving them enough time to get their life sorted out before they drastically change theirs.
The god looked over to you. It seemed like he had been expecting this question, and you wondered just how easily he could read you. 
“You are to simply oversee their training and test their skill. I know you are not all too familiar with the teaching of the monks, so they shall handle the bulk of it.” He explained, and you found yourself sighing with relief. “Not to mention, I shall also assist when I am able.” You were not ready to have to handle training four grown men, so hearing that you were mostly there to test them was great.
You were good at fighting, at least. It was a skill that people often commended you for. 
Madam Bo often praised you as one of the best she had sparred with. The old Lin Kuei’s grandmaster often found value in the practice you gave his sons. You would never admit it, but you prided yourself on these compliments. 
“That’s good.” You remarked, feeling your shoulders relax. You returned your gaze to the rising sun and the pretty colors that were painted in the sky. You paused, deliberating over the next words that were to leave your mouth. “Why me?” You asked, your voice almost shy. That question had been haunting you ever since you found out about this arrangement back in Fengjian.
“Because I can trust you.” Liu Kang began, his voice filled with certainty. You felt a pang of guilt, your gaze dropping to your hands. Your mind screamed with how you were unworthy of his trust with the memories you found yourself unable to confide in him with. “And I know you will provide a healthy challenge to them.” You chuckled at his words, pushing out the voice that whispered in your head.
“Why are we recruiting these people so late?” You inquired, asking another question that had been bugging you for a while now. You were glad that Liu Kang was a benevolent god, and never seemed to mind your questions. “Would it not be more wise to recruit them earlier since the tournament is mere months away?” 
“Had we sought them before, none of them would be ready.” Liu Kang answered wisely, and you hummed. You knew better than to ask how he knew this, despite the years together there were some things you knew he kept secret, and his innate knowledge was one of those things. You supposed it was just a godly thing.. “It is only until now that an opportunity presented itself.”
“And so you decided that I was one of the best options to train them within a few months?”
“You have a lot of confidence in me, Liu Kang.” 
“Should I not?” The god questioned. The tone in his voice surprised you, and you looked over to him instinctively. You were surprised to see such a strong look of confidence on his face. Gently, he put a hand on your shoulder. His thumb rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. Through your clothes and his hand wraps, you felt the comfort of his warmth.
“No, you should.” You said, your voice filled with a bit more confidence. You looked at his face, feeling oddly proud of yourself to have earned the god’s confidence. He nodded, seeming content with the shift in your attitude. “I shall do my best.” You said, bowing for the man.
“I know you will.”
“How are you boys doing?” 
Striding into the courtyard of the Wu Shi academy, you looked at the four recruits. You noted how each of them wore the uniform, and how it all seemed to fit them, more or less. You walked with confidence in front of them, imbued with the words you had been given before from Liu Kang. 
All of them were various degrees of exhaustion. Not surprisingly, the actor seemed to be having it the roughest. He was still fine, but it was easy to tell he was the most winded out of the four. You assumed his luxurious lifestyle had something to do with it.
You sucked in a breath as you fought the massive headache these four were giving you. Being stuck with overseeing their training, you assumed you’d be having this feeling a lot. It was no matter, you’d simply sleep it off right now.
Strangely enough, despite the intensity of the headache, you were unable to glean any memories easily. Probably something to do with so many people trying to resurface at once.
“Training has been rigorous, but enlightening.” Raiden replied, his face flush from exertion, and you noted how out of the four he was one of the ones faring a bit better. You assumed it was because he wasn’t underestimating the monks’ intense lessons. You smiled at him, nodding.
“Good, as it should be.” You said, humming as you clasped your hands behind your back, observing them all. Despite their tired state, you could tell they were at least eager. “As Lord Liu Kang has said, I will be partially in charge of your training.” You grinned at them, seeing them perk up at your words. “Today will be a…benchmark to see where your skills lie.”
“Who exactly are you again?” Johnny asked, still hunched over slightly, hands on his knees as he looked up at you. You saw the slight glares from the others, probably because they saw his words rude. He put up his hands defensively. “Hey, I didn’t get a proper introduction like you guys did.” He defended himself.
“Don’t worry, I don’t take offense.” You chuckled, shaking your head. You said your name, clearly and loudly so the others made sure what it was. “I’m a companion of Lord Liu Kang, and he has entrusted me with overseeing your training.” You explained before clearing your throat. “I’m not one for lectures, so I’ll get right to it, who wishes to go first?” 
The four looked amongst themselves, seeming to deliberate amongst themselves silently on who would face this challenger they’ve never seen fight. You let out a silent chuckle, wondering how they sized you up. Eventually, you watched as Kung Lao strode up to take the challenge. 
“Let me show the others how it’s done.” He declared, seeming confident. You saw the small smirk on his lips, and in return you smiled graciously at him. You gestured for the others to step to the side, and you watched as a few of the monks gathered around to watch. The monks were no stranger to your fighting prowess.
“Bold.” You commended, nodding as you walked into place with Kung Lao, settling into the all too familiar fighting pose that you were familiar with. You watched as he mimicked your actions, settling into his as well. “Now, allow me to show you why I was entrusted with this task.”
You watched as Kung Lao approached, confidence in his strides. Almost too confident. You held a defensive position. The point of this test was to gauge their abilities, so acting on the defensive first would allow you to see what their confidence and skills on the offense were like. 
As he swung the first punch, you blocked it with ease. You supposed it was a bit unfair, having already known what Kung Lao’s fighting style was like after watching him in the teahouse along with the bits of memories you had of him. You allowed him to attempt to break your defense more, noting how he had a strong emphasis on his punches with their quick nature.
You had to commend him on his confidence, he knew he was a strong fighter. The farmer had a lot of potential.
It wasn’t until his major slip up with throwing a rather risky punch that you decided that it was time to go on the offensive. Ducking under the move, you went for a sweep, knocking the man off his feet. You waited until he got back up before you grabbed him. Taking him off his guard, you brought him close as you winded your leg back.
As you sent the kick flying into his stomach, you transformed your leg into that of a secretary bird’s, allowing you to put even more power than you would have normally.
“Holy shit!”
You disregarded the actor’s exclaim as you watched Kung Lao fly back, tumbling from the strike. As he stumbled up, he seemed surprised before hesitantly approaching once more. This time, he utilized more caution as he swung at you, trying to even employ the technique of grabbing you like you had. Easily you shoved him back, retaliating by whirling around and transforming yourself to have a kangaroo’s tail which you swung at him with.
This back and forth went on for a bit, with Kung Lao being easily fended off by you before he eventually conceded, calling for surrender.
“You fight well.” You commend, bowing towards Kung Lao. He did the same as he panted, nodding as he caught his breath. You stood up to look at him as he gestured towards you, a look of awe on his face.
“I am amazed at your transformation skills.” The farmer admitted, looking at you up and down with amazement as he continued to catch his breath. “Is it possible to learn that?” He asked, almost too eagerly as he walked over to the side to rest up.
“It is a skill I was born with, so unfortunately I cannot teach you.” You told him, grinning as you held out your arm to transform it into a bear’s with its claws out. “I have the ability to transform any part of my body, and all of me, into an animal.” You explained as you transformed your arm back as easily as you had changed it.
“Now, who is next?” 
You causally stood there, only having barely broken a sweat as they stood to the side, catching their breath. A pleased look appeared on your face as you crossed your arms, noting how they each fought. Today you had gone easy on them, being more defensive than your usual aggressive fighting style. You surmised they’d only have a few bruises each because of this. You tried to stay away from anything that would rip and tear.
Honestly, your memories had been helpful for once. They helped clue you in on the fighting style of each man, the odd exception being Raiden who felt pretty different than the man you remembered. It was nice to know what to expect, unlike the first time you had fought the Lin Kuei in training…
Kung Lao had been interesting, being the most confident in his strikes and fighting style. That matched with his speed allowed you to see where he truly shone in his fighting. Taking defense against him was a challenge due to how swiftly he struck, but being able to defend well proved useful as you could counter him when he was left vulnerable after a failed attempt at breaking your defense.
You hummed, recalling how this version of the man lacked the iconic razor hat you remembered. You wondered briefly if you should suggest it to him, or if it’d be odd. You also noticed how despite his confidence in this life, he was at least a bit more humble than when you remembered him last.
Johnny Cage had been unique, his fighting style more flashy and all in than what you were used to. It felt like it should be impractical from just watching it, but the man made it work somehow. He also had interesting evasion, which almost took you off guard. You think you could definitely work with it, especially teaching him how to better evade the opponent since he seemed to grasp that concept well already.
Your eyes looked over to Kenshi. Kenshi had been odd to train with since he wielded a sword, and it felt like he had the most experience in fighting. Your eyes trailed down to his hands, noting the tattoos that littered his hands. You remembered how Liu Kang had briefed you in on his past. A yakuza…that explains the calculated way he fought. 
You wondered if you’d ever have to deal with the telekinesis you remembered he had in his past life.
Raiden had been the most different from his past life. In both his fighting since he lacked the lightning powers you remembered so strongly, and how he carried himself. He was not as confident as you hoped, despite the obvious skill he had.
You’d have to work on that with him.
“Excellent work for day one with me.” You congratulated, causing the four men to look at you with varying degrees of confusion. You guessed they thought they had done not so well due to how you had battled them off easily. “As I said, this is a benchmark, so I know now how to best advise where to take your training, especially since the tournament is mere months away.” 
“That was a benchmark?” Johnny Cage asked, sending you a disbelieving look. He had been one of the ones you had ended up fighting the most before he conceded. He had been stubborn against you, and you don’t know whether that was foolish or something to be commended for. Maybe it was both. “You kicked our asses.” You chuckled as you grinned at him.
“Did you expect anything less from someone who is allowed to stand by the Fire God’s side?” You asked, a hint of playfulness in your tone before you observed them once again. “We’ll meet again tomorrow after your training with the monks. For now, you are all dismissed.” You said, bowing towards them, your hands forming a fist into your palm similarly to how Liu Kang does. 
You turned around, intending to go back to the Fire Temple for a well deserved nap, especially since the headache was getting nearly unbearable at this rate. Then, you heard your name being called. Turning around with a raised eyebrow, you watched as Johnny jogged to catch up with you.
Your head pounded as he neared, but you at least felt some relief as you felt a few more memories resurface.
You recalled how he had been very, very arrogant as a younger man. He had brazenly had his name tattooed across his chest, and for a moment you allowed your head to dip to his chest, curious if he still had it in this life. Somewhere, after what you could only remember a big event as a tragedy, you remembered he mellowed out. 
You wondered how this one’s attitude laid on those scales.
“You know, you’d be a hit in Hollywood.” He told you, his breath still heavy with exertion. You raised an eyebrow, surprised at his words. You weren’t all too familiar with what he was talking about, but you assumed it had to do with his acting background which you vaguely remembered.
“Really?” You asked, holding back a chuckle as you looked at him with amusement. Even across the world, he was still thinking about his acting career. “What makes you say that?” You inquire, deciding to entertain his thoughts. 
“People dig animals,” The actor started off, gesturing to you, “and not to mention how much you’d be valued there for being able to act as any animal?” He continued, acting as if he were trying to sell you on the offer. “Directors would be hitting you up left and right.” You felt yourself grin a bit more at his praise, but reminded yourself not to get caught up in his flattery.
“Are you implying I’d only be adored for my animal side? And not my own charisma?” You asked with faux offense, deciding to try and tease Johnny. You were surprised how he didn’t even flinch at your words and smoothly replied.
“Nah, you got that and more.” The actor admitted, shrugging as he pointed at you. “but it’s not often people meet an animal shapeshifter.” He pointed out with a nod, making you nod. “So if anything is your claim to fame, it’s that.”
“You’re interesting, Cage.”
“So I’ve been told.” The man replied wittily as he grinned at you, eagerness shining in his eyes. “So, you interested in becoming a star after all this blows over?” It was an innocent seeming question, but you narrowed your eyes, not certain on the intention of the question.
“Why are you so interested in my career path?” You inquired, your tone a touch more serious. You glanced over to see where the others had gone. All gone. No one to save you from this man’s questions. You crossed your arms as you gazed at him with skepticism.
You were hit with a wave of nostalgia as your mind reminded you all of a sudden how he had offered a similar gig in your past life.
Some things never change.
“Listen, I talked with Liu Kang, this shit has movie written all over it.” Johnny Cage decided to be a bit more transparent with you. You raised an eyebrow, and gestured for him to go on. “I think if what he says is true, I can make a box office hit!” He gestured towards you eagerly. “And I think you have what would make this movie superb, my friend.”
“Interesting…I’ll have to pass though.” You said, shutting him down. You watched as his glee dropped a bit, and you started to walk off. You were surprised as he still walked over to try and cut you off.
“Come on, hear me out-”
“Not right now, Cage.” You replied, putting a hand up to silence him. He huffed and you could tell he held back rolling his eyes. You sent him an unamused look. “Perhaps focus on your training first, then we can discuss it.” He perked up, and you decided it was best to start to walk off before he can try and talk to you about his movie shenanigans again.
It was another sleepless night.
Sighing, you swung your legs over the side of the mattress as you sat up. Perhaps you should stop trying to take naps and fight through the sleepiness so you can actually sleep at night for once. You sigh as you slump over, rubbing your eyes.
You should go outside, maybe do something productive. It’s been a few days in a row of this, you had to try something.
Not knowing exactly what to do, you followed your sense of wanderlust. You left your room, down the halls and out the building. From there, you left and found yourself standing at the entrance of the Fire Temple. You hesitated as you stepped out onto the dirt path, hearing the rocks crunch beneath your feet.
You’ve never left in the middle of the night.
It’s not like you had a curfew, or that you had any promise to stay inside the Fire Temple at night. Far from it, you remembered how Liu Kang told you that you were allowed to come and go as you pleased. That was long ago. You never thought much of his words, thinking you would never stray far.
You wouldn’t, but you figured there was no harm in going and walking off your restless energy instead of staying cooped up within the Fire Temple.
With a burst of anxiety and what you could barely consider courage, you walked on. You followed what felt like an invisible trail, until you found yourself standing in front of the Wu Shi academy.
Strange, but you supposed maybe you could train. Walking carefully into the academy, you made sure to be quiet, as to not disturb the monks with any noise near their sleeping quarters. You found yourself making your way towards the training grounds where you were surprised to hear the faint noise of training.
Transforming your ears into bat ears, you tried to hone in on the sounds. You furrowed your eyebrows as you stood still, trying to make sure the person was not a threat, and if you could recognize them. You blinked as you suddenly came to a realization.
You walked quietly, making sure to follow the lessons Madam Bo and Bi-Han had pushed onto you to remain quiet and stealthy. Be stealthful as the night, and as deadly as the dawn. You peered from around a pillar, and spotted the person standing there alone, and you confirmed your suspicions.
It was Raiden.
You watched for a few minutes, changing your eyes to those of owl eyes to see better in the dark, to better observe. He was going over the basics, ever diligently. You pursed your lips, raising an eyebrow. You had thought he had been more…feeble, being more reserved than Kung Lao. And yet, he was here, training in the dead of night.
What a peculiar man.
After a few more minutes, you watched as he made a critical error in his form. He didn’t seem to notice, and you sighed. He kept on training, repeating the error. You cringed. That was going to form a nasty habit, and if you were to be the mentor Liu Kang trusted you to be, you couldn’t let that happen.
Moving out of position, you slinked closer towards him, stopping to lean against a pillar that was only a few feet away from him. You changed your eyes back, letting your eyesight return back to normal. You felt the all too familiar feeling of the headache return, and you grimaced.
Your memories for Raiden were confusing. He was like a completely different man in almost every way. If your memories didn’t trigger in such specific ways, you wouldn’t believe the man that appeared in your head was the same one that was training in front of you.
Maybe because he wasn’t the same man.
“You’re doing it wrong.” You spoke, your voice ringing clear in the quiet courtyard. You watched as Raiden jolted from surprise, stumbling as he whirled around in a fighting stance to face you. You smiled at him as you held your hands up. “Relax, Raiden.” You said softly, to try and calm him down from the sudden shock.
“Why are you…?” Raiden began, eyes wide in confusion as he stared at you, not processing the situation quickly. He swallowed as he tilted his head, mouth open as he tried to muster up the words to speak. You brushed off his confusion, gesturing to his stance. 
“Your form was off.” You comment, gesturing to his body and pointing towards where he exactly had been incorrect. “You were practicing with it being wrong. That’ll be bad practice for you.” You point out. You watched as he tried to correct his form, and you hummed, gesturing to instruct him on how to fix it. As he finally shifted back into a proper stance, you nodded. “Better.”
“Um…thank you.” The farmer boy said, his awkward feeling at the situation obvious. Not only did it show on his body language, but it was shown plainly on his face. You had a feeling this man couldn’t obscure his feelings for the life of him. 
It was good to be honest, but you were worried it might work against him.
“I have trouble sleeping at night.” You explained, crossing your arms as you sighed. Your eyes looked down at the ground as you noted how the moonlight fell and illuminated the area around you two. “I decided to go on a walk and wound up here. I thought it might be nice to try and train, then I saw you out here.” You looked up, and gestured to him.
“Oh.” Raiden said after a few moments of silence. His face flushed as he put two and two together that you were asking for him to explain why he was there too. “I…uh, couldn’t sleep.” He admitted, looking down to the ground in defeat. “It’s different here than in Fengjian.” 
Ah. Homesickness.
“I see, so you decided to try and train and work off your restlessness?” You inquired, tilting your head as you tried to gauge his reaction. He paused, considering your words for a moment, before nodding hesitantly.
“A bit.” He said, nodding his head. “But I was also thinking about our sparring today.” The farmer admitted. You blinked in surprise, and nodded, wanting him to go on. “I just wanted to go over what the monks taught us today, so next time I would fare better against you.” 
How humble and sweet.
“While I admire your determination, there’s two problems.” You said as you kicked off the pillar you had been leaning against. You strode over to stand closer to Raiden, gesturing to him. “One, you must be diligent in your forms. Practice without purpose only builds bad habits.” He nodded eagerly, seeming to take your words seriously. “Second, there is a thing such as over practicing.” 
“I see.” Raiden said, letting your words sink in as he nodded. He stared at you with a mixture of admiration and attentiveness, and you smiled. Quickly, he bowed in appreciation. “I’ll keep this in mind, thank you.”
“No problem, what kind of mentor would I be if I let you practice such horrible habits?” You inquired, crossing your arms. You observed the man a few moments more, and you sensed that neither one of you were quite tired enough to go to bed. “I have a feeling neither one of us is ready to sleep, would you like me to run you through the forms again?”
“Yes please!”
Maybe you were cut out for this after all.
part five
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behindthesoul · 6 months
Getting back into MK I was wondering how would Kenshi, Johnny and Raiden react if they were told that S/O had gone missing on Mission possible dead, and after a few days their s/o shows up bruised and snapped up but live?
Missing Mission
Warnings: bad injuries, hospitalization, alcohol mentions, not proofread, not my highest quality work
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Silent and brooding.
One could practically feel the anger that seeped out his bones. If looks could kill, everyone in Kenshi’s vicinity would be dead; not many would risk their lives by making direct eye contact with him, even though they’re covered in red cloth.
Saying he was pissed off would be a complete understatement. The two of you had been together for about three years now. Kenshi thought of your future together daily - what do you mean it’s being taken away?
In quiet moments alone, Kenshi thinks about where you could be. You must be so scared, so alone, so injured…that is, if you were even alive. He chokes back tears at the pain of not having the closure of knowing what happened to you.
Weeks later, Kenshi’s semi-adjusted to his normal routine. He grieves you daily, but it’s mostly kept inside. He arrives home one day to feel that something’s off; something isn’t right. Sento in hand, he walks through his house, trying to figure out what was happening.
He eventually makes his way to the kitchen where you sat. You nurse a glass of whiskey and smirk.
“Took you long enough to get here. I’ve been waiting all day.”
Kenshi freezes, he doesn’t know if it’s truly you or if this is just some sick joke. You get off the chair you’re in, grunting in pain as your feet hit the ground, and walk over to him. Kenshi knows everything is real when your hand reaches over to caress his face.
He frowns as he feels a bandage wrapped around your hand. His frown morphs into a scowl after he leans over to plant a kiss on your lips, noting how you slightly wince from a small bruise that was planted in the area.
He pulls back and doesn’t know what to say. His breath is a bit shaky and his mind is racing. Words couldn’t explain the anguish of your disappearance, and the joy of your return. Kenshi wishes he could see you again, to be able to get a proper look at your injuries.
Your pain is temporarily ignored when you kiss him again.
Uncharacteristically silent. Panic sets in almost immediately. I feel like Johnny would blame himself just a little bit. He already fucked up one relationship, why did he let another slip out his hand? What’s wrong with him?
Days turned into weeks, and Johnny spent each moment wallowing in pity. The pity soon becomes bitterness; no one could recognize who he was becoming.
It’s not long before Johnny forces himself to at least try to return to his normal self. He goes back to being the life of the party, cracking jokes left and right. Though, many notice that his jokes become more dry and lifeless.
He spends a lot of time outside. Home just isn’t the same anymore; it’s devoid of any love and laughter. Johnny only arrives home to sleep, only to feel his heart break once again as he crawls into an empty bed.
A month or two passes before Johnny gets a sudden call. It’s from the hospital, telling him that you’ve been found and-
Nothing else was heard. Johnny immediately raced to the hospital, possibly breaking several traffic laws in the process. Whoops.
He rushes into the hospital and finds your room in record time. Johnny feels his body getting heavier at the sight of you laying in the hospital bed, beaten and bruised. He couldn’t even begin counting the amount of injuries you had. Walking over to your bed and taking your hand in his, Johnny allows a few tears to fall.
You’re home, but you’re not okay.
Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had escaped from their prison cells in Sun Do. Liu Kang sent you to Outworld to track them both down. You went alone, as Liu Kang had full faith and your abilities. He also wanted this mission to be completed as quietly as possible; the sorcerers would no doubt flee if they heard many Earthrealm champions were after them.
Your boyfriend didn’t hear about your mission until you already left. Raiden, just coming back from a mission of his own, was a bit upset that he didn’t get the chance to at least say goodbye.
He kept himself busy while waiting for your arrival. He hung out with Kung Lao, ate at Madam Bo’s, and spent time at the Wu Shi Academy. One week, you’d be back in one week. He could handle that.
But a week quickly became a month. Raiden definitely panicked but did his best to ease his own nerves. Lots of deep breathing and redirecting any negative thoughts that try to plague his mind.
Jumps into hero mode when Liu Kang confirms that you’ve truly gone missing. Helps plan an entire rescue mission and plans to find you alone. Liu Kang has to reel Raiden back to make sure he isn’t getting himself into trouble.
Along with a few other allies, Raiden travels to Outworld. He is met by Mileena and Kitana who assist with the search. Millions of thoughts of you being dead run through his mind and he, once again, forces those thoughts away.
The search only lasts for a few days before you’re found near a swamp behind Shang Tsung’s old laboratory. You set up a temporary shelter there so you could nurse your injuries; broken ribs, deep bruises and gashes, and a sprained ankle.
Raiden lets out a huge sigh of relief and rushes over to you. He hugs you as firmly as he can without hurting you more. Raiden looks into your eyes and shows a small smile.
“Just when I thought you were lost forever.”
Mileena and Kitana have you escorted to the palace infirmary where you stay until you’re fully healed. Raiden stays with you the entire time, making sure you never lift a finger.
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pinievsev · 6 months
hii can you write a seokchan (sweet home) fanfic where reader/oc is being harmed by other survivors in the stadium and seokchan happened to be there so he teaches them a lesson. kinda touch her or I'll kill you vibe, knowing seokchan is a gentleman and doesn't resort to violence i think it'd be hot to see him being protective of his girl
mine to protect
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Pairing: Kang seokchan x reader (can be viewed as any gender)
Warnings: blood and violence, not proofread (in desperate need of a proofreader)
Genre: angst + fluff
Story under the cut
© The lemon bot on Tumblr
It's been happening for a few weeks now, you thought you had it under control, you thought you could deal with it, but it's been getting bad lately.
You see, near the begining of the apocalypse you'd gotten with your boyfriend, kang seokchan, who just so happens to be a member of the platoon.
You'd kept it a secret for a while, no one had a clue, yet somehow another survivor in the "base" had saw you two together and word spread quickly.
People accused you of being with him so you could get extra food or things after the platoon's expeditions, or have extra protection and be a priority.
Of course it wasn't true, you genuinely love seokchan with all your heart, he was there for you and you were there for him since the start. Since the world started going to shit he's all you've had and you're all he's had.
You rested your head on the wall you were sitting against, not bothering to stop your nose from bleeding any further. You licked your lips, a strong metallic taste left on your tongue due to the red liquid that stained your face.
A few minutes ago, you were simply minding your business, making your way back to your makeshift bed after helping an elderly lady get back to hers, when a group of about 5 other survivors attacked you, screaming profanities your way and landing hit after hit on you with all the strength they had left in them.
You tried to fight back, but 5 against 1 wasn't exactly a fair fight. So you let them. 'it'll be over soon' you told yourself.
What you had failed to notice was a young kid hiding behind a corner, watching the brutal scene unfold Infront of him. What you also failed to notice was the way he scrambled to his feet, sprinting towards the room the platoon members usually gathered in, dodging people on his way and even bumping on to a few, focus on his goal. Finding your boyfriend.
Your eyes snapped open at the familiar voice booming down the hall, getting closer and closer accompanied by the sound of quick heavy steps.
You looked over, turning your head causing pain to shoot up the back of your neck. Seokchan messily halted to a stop Infront of you, kneeling down to your level, worry and concern visible on the man's features.
"What happened?!" He questioned as he helped you sit up properly and checked your injuries. You hissed in pain but kept your lips sealed. He already had alot to worry about, you didn't want him to worry about you either.
His eyes found yours and he placed a hand on the back of your head gently. "Tell me. Please." You shook your head the action barely visible as moving at all made the pain was unbearable.
He sigh at your stubbornness and shook his head. Just as he was about to speak again a quiet voice interrupted him "they were attacked sir." The same boy that had barged inside the room cutting off the Sargent's speech said.
Seokchan looked at the boy, urging him to explain further. You also averted your gaze to him, pleading for him not to say anymore, but to your dismay he did. He explained everything, from how people have been treating you to what they thought of you and what they say about you.
Seokchan's breath hitched, getting cough in his throat he simply nodded towards the kid who took that as a sign to leave.
Once his small frame disappeared out of sight he turned back to you. "How long?" You sighed and closed your eyes before speaking "a couple weeks".
You heard him groan and mumble something "come on" he helped you to your feet and slung your arm over his shoulder, supporting you as you walked back to his room where he had you sit down as he patched you up wordlessly.
You watched him as he worked, the way his brows furrowed in concentration and the way he licked his lips every few seconds.
"Are you mad at me?" You asked suddenly catching the man of guard. He didn't respond until he finished his work.
"Why would I be mad at you?" He asked placing everything back in place. "For, you know, not telling you." He shook his head and looked at your, smoothing out the plaster on your right cheek
"I'm not. I would never be mad at you honey. Maybe, I am a little sad but not mad, never mad" you breathed out in relief, a breath you were unaware you'd been holding.
"I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want you to worry, you already have so much on your plate and you risk your life every day-"
"Don't worry about that. No matter what you'll always be my top priority, like you've always been my love." He assured you.
Moving to sit by you on his bed he snakes his arms around your waist, bringing you close to him and laying back with you in his arms.
"For now, you just get some rest and when you wake up, I'll need names." You chuckled at the man's words "seokchan-"
"I'm serious." You shook your head but agreed nonetheless. You closed your eyes, quickly drifting off. From now on, you won't care what anyone thinks of you, you'll Stan up for yourself and won't depend on anyone to fight on your behalf. Not as long as you had Kang seokchan by your side.
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thewonandonly · 7 months
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PLAYLIST : spotify
PAIRING : thief!kang yeosang x news reporter!fem!reader
GENRE : thriller? fluff, smut, angst
WC : 14,374 words :3
WARNINGS : strong language, agro-hwa, aggression, graphic description of hostage situations/kidnapping, mention of bank heists/artifact theft, mention of firearms, absolute chaos from ateez as a heist group, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal penitration, vouyerism/exhabitionism, praise, pet names, cunnilingus, no happy ending, its giving mama im in love with a criminal tbh
AUTHOR'S NOTE : it's finally done! i've been writing this fic for OVER a year, ever since guerilla came out 😰 i hope you all enjoy and jsyk, this fic is heavily, heavily, inspired by "love letter from thief x".  
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Becoming a news reporter wasn't your first option. You originally wanted to write news articles for your local paper, something close to home, but it turned out that your local paper hired another much more qualified person. So, you used your degree in journalism for field reporting. 
Your first story was about a cold case being reopened, and you would've loved to do your own research on the topic, however, the teleprompter read everything for you, telling you what to say, what to do and how to do what they tell you to do. You seriously did not have any freedom. You were about ready to go on sabbatical and open a gossip blog like Perez Hilton. Then, maybe you'll finally be able to get the freedom you'd like to report how you'd like. Or, maybe you'd even put the degree you got for investigative journalism, something you think would be extremely enjoyable to you and your wallet.
But, you didn't start hating your job at the beginning. No, because it was helpful to have a teleprompter in front of you, telling you what to say while the ring light blinded you. No, it wasn't because of that. It was because you were currently trapped in a hostage situation, the news broadcast now hijacked by the criminals in this entire scheme. 
It was a classic museum robbery, and you wouldn't say you were excited to cover it, but it was different from what stories you would normally cover. It had the potential danger in it all.
But the second your cameraman and producer cut the cameras to take a break, you were left alone to your own devices until you were going to be called in again by your co-workers in the studio. 
You pulled out your phone, scrolling through social media timelines, reading the other news sources that popped up about the situation. 
The microphone you held, that did little to nothing when you spoke into it on camera, was suddenly dropped as you were pulled from where you were standing, a hand over your mouth and another arm around your waist, lugging you away like a piece of cargo. 
How was no one noticing this, you questioned. The cameras were rolling for different news broadcasts, and yet no one gave any mind to the sound of your heels scraping against the gravel road, leaving white marks from the top piece on the bottom of your heel. 
You practically screamed from behind the hand against your mouth, but the sound of all the chaos from newscasters, sirens that echoed against the buildings silenced your screams.
All the self-defense you've learned for this moment, that you pleaded never happened, seemed to disappear from your head. And you were nearly incapacitated, anyhow. The last you saw of the outside was where your team sat, and the microphone discarded on the ground, your phone right next to it with a shattered screen.
The captor pulled you around the back of the building, another holding the door open for them.
They all wore masks, some you've seen at Halloween stores. Some of them you haven't seen available anywhere. You could only assume that this has been planned years before it happened. 
Shutting the door at the back of the building, the man released you before another took over and tied your arms behind your back, and sat you down to bind your legs.
"I'm sorry." The person tying you whispered, "For what it's worth."
"It isn't worth jack shit." You grumbled, moving around in the restraints, trying to get him to mess up even a little bit. 
The other cleared his throat, "Come in, Base, it's me." He mumbled through the mask. 
You immediately assumed that this was a much more complex plan, looking as he communicated to "Base".
"You read me?" He paused, "Newscaster is secured. Video's free to run."
"Y/N, uh... Come in." Your coworker spoke through the in-ear you had, and you nearly shook. There was no way you could respond unless you were left by yourself. "Y/N, come in." Their voice got a bit more stern, a bit more deeper.
There was a loud ringing playing over the in-ear and you jumped.
A voice full of static echoed, sounding distant but close at the same exact time, "This is an official notice. We, the group known by Kyomi, require the government release the Dream Texts to us, immediately." The video that played was a deep, almost god-like voice, similar to the voice configuration that Anonymous had used many, many times in the past, "The National Treasure Museum does not have rights to own the Dream Texts, nor does the government. They are to return them to their rightful owners. You have 24 hours."
Ringing played in your ear and you began to rub the in-ear across your shoulder trying to get it out from your ear, before it fell against the floor, the ringing echoing across the walls.
"Son of a..." The one tying you up glanced at the in-ear, looking at you before kicking it away, "What do you think you're doing?"
You struggled in the restrains, the rope digging into your skin.
"Wasp, we got a breach." He called to the other across from him, swinging the bolt rifle back to his hands, "She had an in-ear. They heard us."
The other turned to you, glaring at you through the mask, which made it 20 times more horrific, "Well, what are you waiting for? Break it." The one called Wasp spoke, squatting beside you, "Killer," He called over his own in-ear, "Shut it down." 
You glared back at him, not at all deferred from your fear coursing through your veins. 
There were so many other people that you weren't aware were in the next room, dealing with 4 others. Museum staff and guests visiting the 24/7 museum alike, all being threatened in front of the barrel of a gun. 
And as soon as "Wasp" called to shut it down, it was all over in a second. 
"Meet at the van. 10 minutes tops. Grab your shit, we're leaving." 
Your brain immediately connected the dots that maybe this "Wasp" was the leader of the others, and you didn't think even a little bit that you would be going along with them until the one who tied you up in the rope swooped you over his shoulder, your legs kicking at his back.
"What about the newscaster, Wasp?"
"Bring her along, Hornet. Base is gonna need all the info we can get." He nodded to the entryway, and opened the door to the reception desk. "Sharp, let's go. We're out of time."
"Sharp" immediately stood up from his crouching position with his gun still aimed at any who threatened through the glass windows, "You go ahead. Killer and Spiral are in the next room with the hostages."
"Copy." Hornet responded, carrying you through the door, "Killer, Spiral, get anything gathered about the Dream Texts and head out."
The two across the room gathered backpacks and threw them over their shoulders, their rifles resting in their hands.
The other hostages huddled together, shaking in fear. And in contrast, you rested on Hornet's shoulder, watching them from the corner of your eye. 
Wasp and Sharp entered through the door, a whistle escaping Wasp's lips, "Let's load up, Web is waiting for us." He lead the group to the van, "Hornet, drop the newscaster inside. You know the drill. Sharp, check for trackers. Spiral, swap out the plates." 
Hornet nodded his head to the door as Killer opened it, plopping you inside, "Alright, miss, no need to worry."
You trembled like a leaf. You never, ever thought this would happen to you. You, who took kickboxing as an extracurricular in high school and actually passed the class as top student. You, who checked every glass window you passed by in your hometown. You, who was so kind but also knew how to set your boundaries. This couldn't be happening to you. There was no way. The one second you were distracted by your cellphone and it wasn't while you were working; much rather it was while you were on break. 
The rope binding your arms behind your back was suddenly met with another rope through that one, and you had to convince yourself that this wasn't some messed up shibari sex cult. Inappropriate thoughts aside, Hornet tied a blindfold around your eyes, covering any light that might've flooded in from the dingy alleyway that the Kyomi group stood in, watching as Hornet finished restraining you and depriving you of your senses.
There was a faint beeping that echoed in and out your ear. "Can's clear, Wasp." Sharp called. 
"Good. Let's head out." He climbed into the van, hitting the door to the others, "Up and at 'em, boys."
"Jesus Christ, this mask is fucking annoying." A voice called and you heard the horrendous sound of latex rubbing against one another.
Another shouted, "Dude, you're all good to take the mask off!"
"I already did, asshole!"
You wiggled around, trying to grab even the slightest bit of attention, but they all seemed too busy talking to one another to notice you using your shoulder to move the bandana up just a little to see out of the bottom.
A voice sighed, "Come on, you two. Relax. We're not out of the woods just yet."
The other voice laughed, almost high pitched, "He's just so fucking ugly. I can't help it."
There was the brief sound of pushing and shoving, before a deep and stern, "Hey!" echoed through the car, "If Web gets into a crash and we get caught because of you two, it's over."
A tongue clicked, "Yeah, listen to Wasp. He can't afford to go back to jail, guys."
"You're one to talk, Yunho!"
"All of you just shut the fuck up." The voice boomed, and you almost flinched back into the car, feeling like you yourself was the one getting scolded, even though you were the most quiet out of the others, aside from Web.
You took this moment to actually lean your head back, and angle your eyes downward, catching the briefest glance among the group.
Three sat across from you, their masks still covering their face as they leaned against the empty van, guns resting at their side. The other two sat with their backs against the driver and passenger seats, next to the other group. Aside from the one directly in front of you, you were by yourself.
One of them cleared their throat, breaking the silence, "So, what's with the newscaster? Why'd we take her?"
"Information." That was the voice. The voice you could recognize as Wasp.
The other sighed, "Where are we gonna keep her?"
"Base can take care of her." It was short, simple, but definitely not sweet. He was the leader, he was the one that told the other's where to go.
The brief sounds of sirens were what pulled your attention from leaning your head back. And the sound only made you more agitated. I'm in here, you wanted to call. And how you pleaded you have superhuman strength to break out from your ties, break the door and crawl into the street.
The car ride was long. Extremely long and painful. You could feel your bottom going numb, and the rope digging into your arms. You were sure that you had a rope burn from it. The blindfold getting all the more irritating.  But, they didn't seem to notice that the bandana was even lifted a little bit, or how you would glance at them from underneath it. They were comfortable with each other, all joking around, almost as if they didn't hold an entire museum heist just a few hours ago. Their masks were off, the weapons and items they were able to grab from the museum in the middle of the van.
Wasp slumped forward, his arms folded across his stomach as he slept. 
And when the van stopped, you nearly shook. The rain pattered on the concrete.
"We're here." Web, the one driving called, putting the car in park.
The others sighed, standing up and stretching, climbing out the van, "Shit," one of them yawned. 
"Come on, Wasp. Let's get you inside." One of them shook him by his shoulders.
Wasp looked up and took a single glance outside and was already on his feet, "Alright, grab the things. Web has to get this back to the rental company. Base already changed the plates and VIN for it."
"Copy that." They all began to pick up an item; at least one gun as well, and opened the back door to the van. 
Wasp began to untie the rope through the one rubbing into your arms and lifted you over his shoulder. He kept a strong arm over your waist and walked around to the driver side. "Web, pass me the dash cam card." 
Web immediately reached toward the device and pulled out the card, "Got the replacement one?"
Wasp rummaged in his pocket, "Here. Base got still footage while we were setting up." Passing the card to Web, he nodded to him, "Get back safe."
"I always do." He shrugged before driving off.
Wasp sighed, looking up at the sky as the rain fell into his face, "God, I hate rain."
You wanted to make a stupid pun about wasps and their aggression, but your throat was so dry, you believed even speaking a little bit would cause your trachea to crack.
The mud gushed around his feet as he walked and opened the door to what you assumed was their base. 
"Welcome back, Seonghwa." A soft voice mumbled, "Who's this you have with you?"
"Newscaster." He dropped you down onto a couch and pulled the blindfold from your eyes.
It took a moment before your eyes could adjust to the dim lighting, and you felt 8 different pairs of eyes on you. The ones you saw in the museum had their masks either in their hand or on top of their heads. It was hard to believe that these people were so ready to show their faces to you.
And the two you haven't had the pleasure — you use that loosely — to meet yet, sat across from you, large computer monitors on top of two separate desks that looked just a little too large for the room, watching your every move.
Your breath began to quicken, your lungs beginning to constrict on every other breath. It didn't begin to hit you that you were obviously very much kidnapped, until you began to look around for any hint that maybe this was all big nightmare. 
Wasp, or now known as Seonghwa, bent at the waist and looked into your eyes, "Tell us what you know."
You've seen movies like this; the main character ends up kidnapped for knowing too much and when asked for the information they know, they always respond with the stupid words of "where am i?"
But honestly, you didn't really care where you were, you just wanted to get home. You wanted to lay in your bed and cuddle up in your covers. 
"Just about as much as everyone." You mumbled, shrinking under Seonghwa's stone cold glare, "I know that you want the Dream Texts, and I know that your groups name is Kyomi, and that there's 8 of you, only 6 of you going out on missions." You looked up at the man in front of you, shifting uncomfortably, "And I know that you don't kill."
The blonde male in the chair nodded, "She's good." He chuckled, pointing at you, "You actually know a lot more than others."
"I spend a lot of time reading about you guys." You mumbled. 
Seonghwa clicked his tongue, "All that information is on the internet?" He turned to the others, "Yeosang, do something about this."
The blonde male in the chair spun around and began to type quickly on the keyboard. 
You could only watch and listen, feeling uncomfortable as another member sat beside you and placed his arm around the top of the couch.
"Yeosang's our eyes." The other member whispered, "And the other one is Mingi, he does all background work for us."
Mingi waved sweetly, in contrast with the dim lighting of the room.
"Okay..." Yeosang mumbled, "Well, there are other news sources giving background to the group but it doesn't look like they know anything about us, personally." He rubbed his bottom lip, "There's not much to do aside from let the tabloids run their crazy little course and let them speculate."
Seonghwa clicked his tongue, "Son of a bitch," He pushed his hair back and sighed, "Yeosang, keep an eye on those articles and make sure that anything slightly close to our personal lives gets taken down."
"Aye, aye, sir." Yeosang nodded. 
You briefly made eye contact with Yeosang, before looking down at your lap, "Do you think I'll be able to go home soon?"
Seonghwa looked at you like you were crazy, "You think you'll be able to go home now? You've seen our faces, you know how we sound." 
The realization hit you all too late. There was no way you were going to be able to go home after everything you've been through. Like Seonghwa said, you've seen their faces. You've heard their voices. They had no collateral to the fact that you wouldn't say a word. And they definitely weren't going to risk some feisty newscaster giving away what they were doing anytime soon.
"You're right." You chuckled softly, "God, I'm such an idiot." You weren't generally speaking about your current situation, more rather this whole evening. You were distracted, you were caught unawares. And now, you were trapped in a situation that you didn't ask to be in. 
"Wooyoung, San, get her something more comfortable than those ropes." Yeosang called, and the member that sat next to you and the other across the room stood up and wandered off to the back of the shack... house, whatever it was.
Seonghwa looked around, "What are we gonna do with her?"
Yeosang shrugged, his demeanor almost changing in that instant, "I'm not the one who brought her here." 
You furrowed your brows, "You guys don't even know what to do with me and still brought me here?"
A brown haired member with a gentle smile and soft eyes chuckled, "Seonghwa didn't think it all the way through."
"Shut up, Yunho!" The latter scolded, "So, who's gonna give up their bed?"
"Definitely not me." A shorter male shook his head, "My back's still messed up from that heist in the city."
"That's always your excuse, Hongjoong." Yunho rolled his eyes, "I can't give up my bed because I made the perfect ass dent to fit me."
"That leaves Wooyoung, San, Jongho, Mingi,"
"Just let her sleep down here." Yeosang shrugged, "I'll be down here most of the time anyhow."
"Dude, you get zero sleep." Mingi chuckled, shutting off his computer, "Speaking of, I'm gonna head up now. Great job today, guys. G'night."
San and Wooyoung immediately came strolling down the stairs, a pair of silver cuffs in their hands, "Found something!"
"Give them here." Seonghwa called, holding his hand out, using his fingers to motion them towards him. And one of them placed the cuffs in his hand, "Keep her down."
The two hold your shoulders against the couch cushions as Seonghwa used a pocket knife he pulled from his pocket to cut through the rope, forcing your arms to the side and locked the cuff around your left wrist, and the other cuff around the arm of the couch. 
Sure, it felt better that you were out of that rope, but with the pinching cuff around your wrist, it made it almost worse.
You sighed, rolling your wrist around, as you finally had circulation returned to your wrist. 
Seonghwa sighed, "There." He grabbed the two spare keys and tossed them to the other at the end of the desk, "Keep an eye on her."
You could feel your hand go numb as the blood began to rush back to your fingers, "This is not ideal, but it's better than how it was." You mumbled to yourself, using your thumb to crack your stiff fingers.
Yeosang sighed, spinning around in the chair to continue using his computer, "So..." He whispered. "I know they said you're a news caster, but what station do you work for?" He asked softly, clicking on different links on his screen.
You cleared your throat, "I, uh, I work for STVU. I do field... field reporting." You swallowed roughly, feeling your throating drying up more as you spoke, “They decided it was easier-“
Yeosang chuckled, “All I needed to know was the station.” He pulled up the news website, playing back the live feed. “These your coworkers?” Yeosang motioned to the screen.
Nodding your head, you looked as they stood in silence and you could already imagine the teleprompter moving before their eyes, the producer nodding them to continue. You could imagine the shock from them calling on you, and finding your producer picking up your now shattered cell phone on the ground as the hostages continue to file out of the museum. 
Yeosang tapped a pen on the desk, “Looks like the missed out on the money shot ‘cause you weren’t there.” He chuckled, exiting the full screen, “They really depend on people of your career.”
You coughed lightly, “So, what’s the point of keeping me here? If they depend on me so much, what’s the point?” Yeosang turned around in his seat, using his legs to roll over to you on the couch, “Because it gives us an upperhand.” He smiled, almost sinisterly, grabbing your free hand, “It gives us a huge hand. Return the Dream Texts to the most loyal group, Kyomi, or we kill off the newscaster.” He chuckled, looking up at you sitting on the couch, fear brushing your brows and forehead in the form of sweat, “But, you already know we don’t kill people.” He laughed, pushing across the floor back to his desk, “Or, do we?” He began to type on his computer, “I mean, if we did, it’s not like anyone would find out. We have this disposable land, buried under these old junker cars. If we did kill anyone, we’d bury them under those junkers and call it a day. And, the dead can’t speak.”
The way he spoke about it made you wonder, have they really never killed anyone? Have they really, honestly, never did what he spoke about?
Laying down on the couch to calm your anxiety never really helped; In your everyday life and in this situation now. Normally, you’d come home from work and eat, drink, and then lay down on the couch until you passed out from exhaustion, but here — here was so much different. You didn’t feel overworked, you didn’t feel tired even in the slightest, you weren’t hungry, you weren’t thirsty. You were just horrified. And uncomfortable. Your hand would normally meet your hair halfway through the night but with your hand chained up to couch arm, you couldn’t get comfortable. And the only way to get comfortable was to have your bone pressing against the bottom of the arm of the couch.
You just decided that staying awake for the rest of the night would be fine. After all, you did have a later broadcast time rather than waking up at the crack of dawn. So, staying up wasn’t immediately out of the question; in fact, it would’ve been the perfect option.
It was damn near the crack of dawn, and Mingi was right, Yeosang didn’t get any type of sleep. Not even a second of resting his eyes. He just sat in front of his computer screen, typing on his keyboard with a click from his mouse here and there. You wondered how he could do that, especially when you, personally, couldn’t sit at a desk for longer than 10 minutes before getting up and finding anything else in the world to do. You honestly didn’t know if he even got up and used the restroom, if he got something to snack on or to drink. He seemed completely entranced by his computer screen.
You assumed if you loved what you did that doing that type of work wasn’t as grueling.
With creaky steps, down came a lethargic and gloomy looking member of Kyomi, his blonde hair sticking up in every direction. He rubbed his chest from under his shirt, his sweats hanging around his waist, “Sang,” He called to the one sitting at the desk.
Yeosang only responded with an uninterested sound, typing something else into his computer, and a click from his mouse echoing around the two.
“Did you even get her anything to eat?” The other man asked, turning his eyes from you to the other in the chair.
“Jesus Christ, San, she’s not a fucking dog.” Yeosang scrolling down the page, “If she needed something to eat, she’d let me know. We’re like best friends, now, right, Newscaster?”
San looked back to you, rolling his eyes, “Are you hungry?” The fear overpowered San’s kindness, and you felt scared to even speak your mind. You were starving. You didn’t anything since before you went live on screen, and you had your entire menu for the week planned out. But, if he was offering to get you something to eat, you wouldn’t turn down the offer even if it killed you. So, ignoring every thought bubbling in your head like soda pop, you nodded.
San looked back to the one slumped over in his chair, scribbling down something on a notepad, “See? She was hungry.”
“Not my problem.” Yeosang shrugged, “Even if she was, it’s not like I had the key to unlock her.”
“Oh, shit.” San wandered back up the stairs, poking his head down momentarily, “Hold on, Newscaster, I’ll be right back!”
You sighed to yourself, sitting up in the couch, skillfully moving your arm around the arm of the chair to have it rest there comfortably. Sitting on the couch, confined to one spot brought back memories of your high school years, awkwardly sitting on your friends couch as they went to retrieve something from their bedroom, leaving you there to do nothing but play on the cheap cellphone your mother purchased for you. It felt exactly like that moment, with your “friend” across from you as they were comfortable in their room while you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb.
San quickly hurried down the stairs, a key around his finger as he walked over to you, to unlock the cuff around your wrist.
This could’ve been your moment to pack up and run. This could’ve been your out. And you would’ve done it, if not for San locking the other open cuff around his wrist, smiling as he looked at you, “Now, you can get those legs moving.”
He locked the cuff around your wrist just as quickly as he unlocked it, making it known that he’s used them for something of this exact situation before. San helped you up off the couch and steadied your wobbly legs as you stood.
“Sang, I’m going to make breakfast, if you want any.”
Yeosang yawned as you walked past, the computer screen lighting up his features and the blonde hair covered up by a black beanie, “It’s fine. It’s about time I head to sleep anyhow.”
San scoffed, “I get that you’re our eyes through out the night, but you seriously need to fix that schedule of yours. You spend the whole night keeping tabs on tabloids and news broadcasts, but they never post during the middle of the night.” He scolded, with you standing there like a clueless bystander, which you were, but you had a bit of a better idea on what exactly Yeosang was keeping an eye out for.
“Heard it all before. You say that until STVU posts all of this Newscaster’s notes on us and suddenly we’re compromised.” Yeosang stood up, stretching his arms above his head, “With that being said, I’m heading up now.” He shut off his computer and wandered over to the stairs leading up to the mysterious upper floor, “G’night, San. See you later, Newscaster.”
You lifted your free hand in a silent attempt to bid him a goodnight, or good morning in this case, and looked at San.
“He’s a trip.” San sighed, leading your cuffed hand behind his into the rickety old kitchen, “What are you hungry for?” “Um,” You shrugged, “Anything, really. I could eat anything.”
San lead you over to the foldable kitchen table that was enough to fit two, and unlocked your cuff, almost forcing your hand against the brace of the table as he locked you in, “Sorry, safety measures. You understand, right?” He smiled at you as he kneeled down to unlock his cuff, shaking his hand, “I’ve only had mine on for a couple minutes. How did you wear that for so long?”
You shrugged, looking around the kitchen for any type of impossible escape. It was in this moment you realized just how tired, panicked, and anxious you were. The late night shift was hitting you a bit too hard now, the drowsiness infecting your eyes like a sickness. You were worried for the next person to walk down the stairs, what they'd say or do. And you were anxious for your day's beginning behind these walls. Should you be worried about what they'd do to you, or should you just stick out the days and hope with enough time, you'd be let back into the world and live your days like they were your last? 
Everything in the kitchen of this shack they inhabited was rundown. There was a vent with no cover, the floorboards squeaked with every step San took across the room, and if you moved your own feet enough, you could feel the splinters covering the floor. The appliances and cupboards looked like ones they found in the junkyard just outside their front door, although you had to admit, the repair on the appliances were like no other, giving a clean finish with a bit of damage here and there. Whereas, you could not say the same for the cupboards which looked like they were living on their last leg of life; cracked wood, rusted hinges, and some even missing half, or a whole door. 
San pulled open the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk, then opened the cupboard and pulled out a sack of flour, and a pan, “Do you like pancakes?” He asked, sickly sweet that made your tummy hurt.
You turned your eyes to him, nodding.
San smiled, grabbing the pancake mix from the cupboard as well, making his way to the stove to turn it on, “So,” He started, “I know you’re a newscaster, but other than that, I know nothing about you.” He looked back to you, “Tell me about yourself.”
You shrugged, “Um, well, My name’s Y/N, I’m in my 20’s.” You shrugged again, realizing now that sharing your life story to an unknown stranger who also happened to kidnap you and used you as an advantage hostage for the government to give them what they want. “What is it exactly you guys want?” You asked hesitantly, scared to have touched a nerve.
“The Dream Texts.”
‘Which are?” You made a face, and turned your palms upwards, shrugging.
“Which are-“
“Which are none of your business.” Another voice echoed, and you turned around to find a groggy Seonghwa, glaring at you from across the table, “That information is classified for Kyomi, only.” He leaned against the table, “If your view on us changes, maybe you’ll find out.”
“Hwa,” San started, flipping a pancake onto the pan, “Come on.”
“What?” Hwa immediately began to push away from the table, and sized up the other male across from him, although they were practically the same height.
San gripped the pan’s handle, “Think about it. If she’s gonna be here for as long as we’re hoping, she should get to know us. Us, personally, and us as an organization.”
Seonghwa stepped closer, glaring at him, “And why would you do that? You’re willing to lay everything on the line for a snake to share it with everyone she’s knows, if she ever does get out.” Seonghwa had San practically up against the wall of their kitchen in the shack, and San’s knuckles went white as his grip tightened on the handle.
“You really don’t want to me to hurt you.”
“Like you’d ever hurt me.” Seonghwa chuckled, his tongue poking his cheek, “If you even move so much as an inch-“
The chair to the table across from you was pulled out, and you pulled your eyes from the fight, to find Yeosang sitting there, yawning, “They’re fighting again.” He sighed, leaning on his hand.
“Do…” You paused, “Do they always fight like this?”
Yeosang moved his hand side to side, “Sometimes. It’s always something stupid.” He complained.
You looked at Yeosang just for a moment, the side of his face all too familiar for only being in this place for a few hours, his birthmark decorating the side of his face. His hair was mussed in all different directions, and there were purple bags under his eyes, possibly from his insane sleep schedule. 
You looked back to the two across the room, Seonghwa holding San by his shirt against the wall as the latter tried his best to swing the hot pan across Seonghwa's head, the perfectly cooked pancake laying on the floor, now broken into pieces.
"Oh, my pancake." You whispered under your breath, sighing, placing your hand against your belly as it grumbled.
Yeosang sighed, standing up from the table, "Alright, you two." He wandered between the two, opening the fridge, "What happened?" He pulled out a wrapped bowl of what looked like macaroni and cheese, using a spoon discarded in the strainer and then ate the food cold, not bothering to step out of the duo's way. 
The two immediately began to go on a ramble, San pointing the end of the frying pan at Seonghwa's face, and Seonghwa keeping San pinned against the wall. Yeosang looked between the two, absorbing all the information as if he was in a comedy show, shoveling another spoonful of macaroni and cheese into his mouth. 
And as the two men threatening to bite each other's heads off settled down, Yeosang turned to set the bowl beside him, "Now, doesn't this all seem silly?" He asked sarcastically, a smile crossing his lips.
San and Seonghwa continued to glare at each other, releasing each other from their grasp, just as the other members joined to watch the drama unfold in the doorway of the kitchen. Hongjoong sat at the chair across from you, and the others peeking in. 
Yeosang patted both their backs, "Okay, good. Let's continue planning our next move." He nodded, picking up the bowl and wandered out to the living room, the sound of a gentle clatter from his spoon hitting the bowl as he set it down to get into his chair comfortably. "Mingi, pull up the National Bank."
Mingi yawned, "It's too early for this." He rubbed his eyes, but nevertheless, sat down at his computer and typed in the National Bank of South Korea, "There."
From being attached to the collapsable table, and with the room being empty, you listened as closely as you could to what exactly they were planning. You heard a voice here and there asking questions before Yeosang took over, "The National Bank has a piece of the Dream Texts, and I know where it's hiding." He chuckled darkly. 
You already saw the perfect opportunity to get your ass away from here; in front of you, sat a shoddy door, with a lace curtain that must've been pinned up in an attempt to make it look not so bad. It was only a mile from you, at least it felt like it, when it was only a couple steps ahead. And you would've taken it, if it wasn't for the giant, grey collapsable table you were currently handcuffed to. You would've ran out the door, screaming your head off about the horrendous situation you found yourself trapped in to anyone who would listen. You had an idea to even carry the table on your back almost like you were Sisyphean rolling the boulder up the hill, for all eternity. 
San's voice cut through the air, "Y/N?" He called, peeking into the kitchen, his voice recognizable enough to cut your thousand-yard-stare in half, "You okay?" He asked gently, looking at your eye's connecting to the door.
You turned to look at him, your eyes delayed like your mouse as work with the horrendous input delay, "I'm okay." You nodded to him, even willing him to accept it with a gentle smile. 
"Well, alright." San nodded back, "If you need anything, we'll be in here." He smiled, dragging his feet across the floor and sitting on the couch as Yeosang continued.
In a perfect world, they would've recruited you into their ranks, having you join in on the meeting about what came next, allowing you to go to and from as you please, make your own food. And overall, have you free of the pinching cuffs and let you exist as yourself.
"Seonghwa, Wooyoung, and Yunho, you two will enter from the top window, using the special forces gear we got from Jongho's truck run." Yeosang held the pen cap in his lips, as he pulled out the printed blueprint from his printer next to his desk, "That way we can get an upper hand for the Dream Texts. You three will check the top floor while the rest of you, hold the bottom floor."
"It'll just be me and Joong." San pointed his finger at them both, "We can't possibly hold an entire floor by ourselves. I mean, it took Wooyoung, Yunho, Joong and I to just barely keep the floor of the museum clear."
Yeosang smiled a bit more sinisterly, "You're all forgetting one valuable hand in all of this." He cackles.
"I hate when he does this." 
How, was all you could ask yourself. How is it possible to be in this situation again? The cramped van, the uncomfortable ropes and the barrel of the pistol pressed against your temple. And it happened to be the only nice member holding it there. You were blindfolded, and you wouldn't be surprised if you were dead already. This all had to be some type of nightmare.
Despite being the very valuable part of this plan to get into the bank, you were the one that was once again at the end of the barrel. When you learned that you'd once again be placed in that terrifying position of playing a hostage, Yeosang spoke with almost a chuckle, almost like he liked seeing someone under duress. As well as the others. 
All this for some stupid writing? All this for Dream Texts. It was hard to believe you'd be forced to stay with them. 
Jongho, who you learned was Web, after connecting the dots, was driving around the city in a car that was a little too small for the group. You were aware of all the codenames at this point. Wasp was Seonghwa, Hornet was San, Killer was Hongjoong, Sharp, Wooyoung. Spiral, Yunho. And Base was Yeosang and Mingi. 
You knew their plan, and their means of getting to the oh-so desired Dream Texts, which you still had no idea what it was about or why it was so important to them. The only thing you could think of was National Treasure, the Nicholas Cage movie, which was, in it's entirety, about a treasure map on the back of an official government document. Maybe that's why they want it so bad, you thought, for money and fame.
Jongho stopped, dropping off the five in front of the National Bank, one you attended since you began your adult life. It had a bittersweet nostalgia, the building. It was where your family was charged foreclosure. It was where you cashed your first check after a successful month of your career. It was where you paid the down payment for your family's new house, after living with family for years. 
Some would say you had a humble upbringing; learning the importance of money and paying dues where it's needed. You would say you had a difficult life. Getting a job as soon as you could, paying for your own high school expenses, and funding your own college education and tuition. You were constantly stressed out, and even now, with a steady job, you were considered a workaholic, but who could blame you? Cause and effect is what you normally pushed it off with. 
Seonghwa, Yunho and Wooyoung split off from San, who gripped your arm tightly, and Hongjoong. They all had their weapons around their shoulders and masks that covered their faces, that you weren't even aware they had put on. The masks were different from what you had first seen, this time, they all donned balaclavas, unlike the clown masks you've seen them in previously. 
You were still blindfolded, a sound of a shattering glass echoing through the sky, San tugging you along into the building.
You were aware that you, in this situation, were a hostage again. You weren't sure if this is where you died, or if they'd take you with them again. So, you tried to settle the pit that lingered in your stomach as San shoved you onto the floor, a ray of bullets echoing through the air and a loud yell of "get down!" interrupting the fire. 
You felt that anxiety and impending doom creep into your chest again, your brain shifting gears back into fight or flight. After all, you were nothing but an accessory for them to use. Your life, to them, had no meaning. They could preach that they don't kill all they would like, but they would actually have to take responsibility for their actions of causing psychological damage to others.
Hongjoong cleared his throat, raising his voice, "We are Kyomi! We require the Dream Texts. Who here is the bank manager?"
A woman shakily raised her hand, and looked around anxiously. 
Hongjoong motioned for her to approach, and when she was close enough, Hongjoong gripped her arm and looked her in the face, "Open the safe, and don't try anything funny." He whispered. 
You used the linoleum floor to push the blindfold from your face, catching sight of Seonghwa and Yunho standing on the second floor, their guns positioned at the back of the victims. It almost looked like they were ready to shoot. 
Hongjoong lead the bank manager around to the safe at the back of the building, where she opened it with shaky hands. Then a shot was rung out.
The desk someone sat at was completely destroyed, the sight of Seonghwa glaring through his balaclava. 
"Every one of you to the center floor now!" Seonghwa shouted, and people began to shuffle towards yourself and San. From the position Seonghwa was in, it was obvious he could see the entire floor. 
Hongjoong returned with the bank manager, a plastic wrap tucked into the vest he wore. "That wasn't so hard, was it? And no one got injured." He chuckled, returning the bank manager to the group that sat on the ground floor.
Hongjoong spoke clearly, "Secured. Web, whenever you're ready." His hands rested on the gun, and looked into the faces of the victims; some were teary eyed, some were angry and some were avoiding their eyes. 
You looked into the eyes of one, sympathizing as their eyes watered in terror.
This. This was your out. 
You opened your mouth as San began speaking, and didn't mutter a word; just mouthed it. Using your eyes to motion them to look at Hongjoong, you mouthed the instructions. And they only furrowed their brows, shaking their head, scared of even the possibility of getting injured. 
If anyone was going to be able to end this, it had to be someone who could fight back. And there was more than enough to take the fight between the four invaders. If they had the possibility of saving everyone, even yourself, they should take it. They would be reveled as heroes; people who saved the hostages of the National Bank. But, no one would take the risk. They all had families, friends. People they loved. Creatures they loved. They wouldn't risk it. 
If you were to be the one to sacrifice, they would do it. Because the blood staining their hands wasn't as bad as leaving the ones they loved. 
You assumed Jongho must've responded to Hongjoong's call. San was quick to pick you up off the floor by your restrained arms and drag you out of the building. You looked around for any type of exit to get away from them. Standing around was just as bad as doing what they were. But, once again, like every chance before, they had nearly every corner blocked off. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yunho were walking from the back of the building around the corner and Hongjoong opened the door for us all, before you got thrown in the back just like before. 
You anxiously watched the hostage all relax, and you begged, pleaded for a way to feel that comfort, of being able to relax. Not constantly feeling like you were under watch by these monsters. Jongho drove off as everyone sat in their seats, taking the initiative to drive away from the building, and as you drove off, you saw the police round the corner, and everyone filed out, some falling to their knees from fear. 
You wished to feel their fear. And the rush of being alive after a five minute standoff with five villains. You were oddly surprised that you could feel fear this intensely through your bones, despite being with them for a day.
"Now, you're one of us." Wooyoung chuckled.
You looked at him, your brows furrowed, "What?"
Seonghwa turned from the front seat, looking at you, "You've committed as much a crime as we had."
"Again, what?" Your teeth grit, "I was kidnapped. I was held hostage." You pointed out the obvious, looking between the men in the car, "I was an unfortunate victim in this whole situation!"
San chuckled softly, "Aiding a criminal in a crime is just as bad as doing the crime." You could already hear the condescending high pitched voice he spoke with before the words even left his lips. "You're just as guilty as we are."
"I. Was. Kidnapped." You emphasized, "By you! Those people you all just traumatized, are not the only victims." 
Seonghwa waved his hand, turning back to the front, "Someone blindfold her again. And gag her. She's getting annoying."
"You're no better." Jongho mumbled, his hand tightening on the steering wheel, "We still have a few miles to go."
Jongho easily turned into another lane, leaning on his hand as he drove.
Seonghwa looked back at the others, "Well? Are any of you gonna do it?" 
San sighed, "Yeosang said not too!"
You completely forgot that they had in-ears wrapped around the shell of their ears, all communicating between one another. You felt out of the loop; what exactly did Yeosang say not to do? What were they communicating between each other?
Seonghwa sighed deeply, obviously annoyed as he pulled out a single of his own in-ear, and motioned to you.
Seonghwa wrapped it around your ear for you, slowly pushing it into your ear.
"Go, for Base." Seonghwa called.
Yeosang cleared his throat, "Y/N? Are you there?"
You nodded, before realizing that he couldn't hear you, which you choked out a "yes" in a small, shy voice.
"If you look out onto the road, you'll see the route back to the dump." He spoke simply, "Because of this, we have no other reason than to recruit you." His voice was filled by the keys of his keyboard, "You'll either have to pledge loyalty, or we have no other option then to keep you hostage. And, possibly kill you."
"You don't kill people." You shot back, looking at the road in front of you.
Yeosang chuckled. The clicking of the keyboard stopped, a gentle creak from his chair echoing, "We unfortunately have to finish off the ones we try to recruit that don't agree. Just a little Kyomi group secret."
The list of charges they could catch just add up; armed robbery, kidnapping, assault and battery, and murder. You had the benefit of doubt that they didn't kill, and Yeosang obviously had a heavy heart telling you what exactly they did. 
"So," Yeosang chuckled, "What'll it be? Be part of Kyomi, or meet the sweet embrace of your own inevitable destiny?"
You sighed; It was a lose-lose situation. Either commit crimes and the possibility of life in prison, or die? If you had another option, you'd take that in a heartbeat. Being a housekeeper, being an informant for the group, or just going home, would have sufficed. 
But, obviously, they cared too much about their pride to let you off the hook so easily. They cared too much about those Dream Texts that you still have no clue what they were about. They cared too much about their own safety to risk sending you off in the world.
You clenched your fist, "How do you know that I'm not in connection with the police? What if I let you all take me hostage?"
"Because you aren't that smart." Yeosang whispered, his voice tickling the inside of your ear, "L/N Y/N, graduated from SKU with a degree in journalism, which is surprising, since you only had a 2.8 GPA throughout your school career." His voice twinged with amusement. "You spend majority of your money at the convenience store and on bills. You live in an apartment complex, although I won't share the address, I know where it's located. Your social security number is—"
"Okay, okay." You stopped him, "Okay, fine. I get it." Your lips trembled as you spoke, "I'll... I'll join Kyomi."
Yeosang chuckled, "I knew you'd choose the right choice." You could hear the smile in his voice. "But, for the time being, you'll have to keep being restrained, for the safety of my comrades."
You wanted to curse at him, and let all of your aggression out on him. If they really thought they were gonna get away with this, they were sorely mistaken. 
You would find a way to report them, and you would finally be free of the wack jobs that thought it would be a good idea to kidnap you.
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It's been two months since Yeosang thought it was a good idea to have you join Kyomi. And it absolutely was not. Your plan to get out of there as quick as you could wasn't working as well as you hoped, but, everyday, you spent your hours looking for a way to leave, to report what exactly happened to you.
Your face would briefly show up on the news every now and again, with your family begging for you to find your way home, as if the police force haven't already ruled you out as presumed dead. 
The last everyone saw of you was at the National Bank, where you were pulled away by the rope tied behind your back. You still feel the rope around your wrists every now and again, waking up from nightmares, hoping it was all a joke that you were put in this position. 
Nevertheless, you pretended to be on their side. Seonghwa has lightened up to you, and will even indulge about San and Wooyoung's ridiculous behavior. Mingi was back in the game, having you taking over his spot as resident hacker of the group. Those coding classes would've done you well, if you had any idea this is what you'd be doing. Yet, it seems like every time you touched a keyboard, your mind blanks on why exactly you agreed to do this.
Yeosang has everything blocked on your computer, which you believed he put on as soon as Mingi said he'd want to join the guys on their heists. 
You've been given a new identity, essentially. They didn't call you "newscaster", they called you "Centipede," which you wholeheartedly believed was Yeosang's idea, after he shared his disgust to centipedes after. You and the arthropods. 
You wore an in-ear, just like Yeosang did, and talked with the guys while they were out, and it still hits the ear wrong when they call you the name. Like they were taunting you.
Aside from the new, definitely underpaying job and the new name, you could not even begin to describe the bedding situation. You shared a bed with 7 others; all guys. You were, rightfully so, tense every time you walked in after a shower to grab a fresh pair of clothes. The beds were lumpy and you slept on the bottom bunk, shared with Seonghwa at the top, who slept like a rock, but was surprisingly easy to wake up when it was needed. A slight tap on the shoulder and he was awake. You didn't understand that when you were first nabbed by them, when he was sleeping in the van. Not to mention, he slept max four hours. Wooyoung and Yunho had a bad snoring problem, so you could rarely get any sleep through the two months, but now, unfortunately, you were growing accustomed to it. It was like white noise. And you didn't even want to start with the splinters you received on the first night; bad mistake not thinking to borrow someone's slippers.
Hongjoong, Mingi and San were light sleepers. You'd shift in your bed across the room, and the three of them were already staring at you, like you were in the wrong. San slept with stuffed animals, which was entirely uncharacteristic of the Hornet you met the first time you were brought there. 
Everyone of them were uncharacteristically what you thought; Seonghwa was actually a sweetheart when he wasn't under pressure; he enjoyed building legos, and had the ones he built sitting in the shared window the two of you had. San was an animal lover, and you had to turn away multiple strays he brought back to the shack. Mingi was quiet. He had a bunch of interests that you really couldn't keep track of. Yunho was like a giant puppy. A single bit of praise and his invisible tail was wagging like he had happy tail. Hongjoong was much more serious than the others, despite his first introduction. Wooyoung was more or less the same, but when he wanted to be, he was much too serious than what you were used to. You were used to his boisterous laugh that echoed through the house, yet he gets pulled out into the field and he changes demeanor completely. Jongho wasn't fond of praise and gratitude, in fact, he spent most of his time waiting for the guys to finish up the heists by driving around, listening to girl groups. 
The only one you could never really understand was Yeosang. He seemed much like the same as when you first met and saw him. Bags under his eyes from staring at a screen all night and all day, disheveled hair and kept to himself. You both never slept at the same time. He was the eye in the sky, and the security. He slept around the time all of you woke up, yet, he was up and at 'em not even an hour or two after he slept. Now that you think about it, there was only eight beds available in the barracks, as you like to call them, and you were the eighth. It made you think about where exactly Yeosang would sleep, and you began to wonder if he took your place on the couch to rest or if he stole someone else's bed to sleep in.
This morning started like any other; restless, tired and exhausted, and you were aware that all the words you were repeating to yourself had the same meaning, but that only emphasized your point that you were so exhausted, you couldn't think of anything else. 
Yunho and Wooyoung were snoring so much that night, you thought they might've caught a cold from the way they sounded. Maybe that's why Wooyoung was so goofy with you, the lack of oxygen to his brain during sleep.
Hongjoong woke up and wandered over to you, nudging you slightly, and you turned to look at him. "Holy shit," he began, "I think you're beginning to spend a bit too much time with Yeosang." His finger went under his eye and began to swipe there back and forth. 
You sighed, sitting up, "It's not that. They never shut up." You whispered to him, pointing at the two chronic sleep apnea patients, "I'm so tired." The exhaustion was beginning to catch up to you, and you rubbed your eyes. 
Hongjoong smiled softly, "Well, today's a rest day while Jongho tries to find a new car for us to use the plates you found yesterday. Take the day to yourself."
You sighed, nodding lightly. 
Normally, taking a rest day back in your normal life, you would have went out shopping and went to visit friends and family. Now, all you had to yourself was a walk around the junkyard, occasionally ending it earlier than you would have liked to due to a pest running rampant through the disgusting, rusted cars and whatever trash was left in there. 
And that was definitely not going to cut it. 
"I'll make some breakfast. Eat, then come back up to rest." Hongjoong basically planned your entire day for you. All you wanted to do was sleep the day away, which is something you've done a lot on rest days. 
Hongjoong wandered around the corner to get downstairs and you laid back on the lumpy bed, your head meeting the pillow in a short second. The snoring seemed like it was getting louder by the second, and you were too exhausted to even move to cover your ears.
You shifted positions to face towards the empty bunk Hongjoong left, wrapping the weighted blanket around your body, and burrowing your nose into the soft fabric, sighing as you felt your tension melt away. 
If you were home in your apartment, you wouldn't have had this issue. You wouldn't have to try almost anything to fall asleep. Hell, you wouldn't have even woken up. Tale has it, you were a heavy sleeper before you were brought here. 
Shutting your eyes and hoping for the embrace of sleep to take you over, you sighed just as the steps creaked. Opening your eyes was already too much of a labor, so you just covered yourself more with the blanket.
A sigh exited from someone's lips, the floorboards creaking as they walked over towards the bottom bunk bed and laid back. Wooyoung was directly above them, as they laid in Hongjoong's empty bunk.
"Shut up." A kick was met to Wooyoung's stomach from underneath, right underneath the bed slats. "Get a mask." They scolded.
Opening your eyes, the exhaustion was already setting again, squinting as you looked across the short distance.
Yeosang laid on the bed, the shadow under his eyes already looking worse for wear. His shirt was discarded on the floor, and his sweatpants were below his hips. He covered his face with his forearm, sighing as his body relaxed. 
Okay, so Yeosang was attractive. That much was obvious. And, what's the worse that could happen? He breaks your heart because he's too focused on Kyomi? Or, he doesn't see you the same way because he works too close to you?
You blinked as you watched his body relax, his free hand resting on his belly, his fingers brushing the waistband of the grey sweatpants.
The last two months were long. Tiring, even. But, just like you would do in high school, you'd take extra care into your appearance, even if it meant you got a second longer of a look from someone.
"Stop staring at me." 
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the harsh call, feeling your ears bleed red. 
Yeosang moved the arm over his eyes and faced you, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
"Sorry." You mumbled, "I was spacing out."
Yeosang chuckled, "You're an idiot."
The jab was meant to be cruel, but you could see the sparkle in his eyes, and the smile that crossed his lips, and oh, my god, did you hear that laugh? The way he spoke, even if it was meant to be cruel was so soft, and you know it's just how he is; his care and warmth are there, despite the harsh words that bite at you.
You rolled your eyes, curling your legs under the blanket, "Are you going to sleep now?"
Yeosang shook his head, "I never really sleep much when I get up here." He mumbled, studying the slats as if there was something there, "Wooyoung and Yunho snore too loud."
You laughed softly, "Tell me about it."
Yeosang smiled softly, closing his eyes briefly, "I wonder if it's even worth sleeping in here."
Shaking your head, you smiled gently, "It's not." It was simple, shortcut. "I haven't gotten a good night's rest since I've been given this bunk."
Yeosang's face relaxed, turning his head back to you, "Can I ask you a question?" His voice was like shoes dragging through gravel, and his eyes stared at you intently. You couldn't help but nod. "Why did you agree to stay? And why haven't you even tried to leave yet?"
"Oh, my god, you mean I could've went home?" You asked sarcastically, your eyes playfully widened. But, you saw the look in his eyes and decided that maybe it was time you opened up to him. It was your turn to sigh, turning to look up at the slats that held Seonghwa's bed, "My life was going nowhere in the job I was in." You spoke simply, "I didn't even want to work for a big news station like that. I would've rather have worked back in my hometown, but, someone got the job I wanted."
Yeosang looked at your profile, his eyes scanning the way your nose was, the curve of your lips and the long eyelashes you had. He's worked beside you for two months, and he never noticed just how enticing you were. Your eyes turned to his, his heart nearly beating out of his chest.
"Besides," you started, "My family never really checked up on me." Shrugging, you got all the more comfortable, "Everything we see on the news feels a bit fake anyhow."
Yeosang couldn't really recall his family life before Kyomi and the Dream Texts.
"We've given you so many opportunities." Yeosang whispers. 
You chuckled, "Did you really though?" You asked softly, "The last two months, I'm scared to even try to sleep." 
Yeosang shook his head, "You didn't have to be scared." He mumbled, "We've always given you an option."
His eyes were shining, the sun hitting his brow bone to give you a better look at the honey eyes he had. 
"Well, I'm here now." You responded, his eyes completely captivating his beauty.
Yeosang and you held the eye contact, not saying another word to one another. Wooyoung and Yunho's snoring filled the air between you two.
Tension, heat and pressure surrounded you both, before Yeosang scooted himself off the bed and wandered over to you, climbing on top of you over the blanket and leaned his face close to yours.
"Do you feel it too?" He whispered, his lips only inches apart from yours.
A breath was caught in your throat, and you swallowed roughly. You assumed he was talking about the sudden tension that covered you both, and you agreed. You did feel it. It loomed over your head, every so often. Now, during missions, after missions.
"You do feel it." Yeosang smirked, leaning forward to encapsulating your lips with his own. 
The dream you've had every night about him was coming true. Yeosang had a sweet tooth, the citric acid from Sour Punch Straws he frequently ate echoed against your lips. His long hair practically covered his eyes as the strands brushed your cheeks. His hands were hot against yours as he intertwined your fingers with his own. His weight was distributed evenly on top of you, basically pinning you down to the bed.
Yeosang pulled his lips away from yours, his face still centimeters from yours, "I've been wanting to do that since you took over Mingi's desk."
You blushed, feeling the blood rush through your neck up to your ears.
Yeosang's hand gently cupped your cheek, rubbing your skin with his calloused thumb, "Tell me if you want me to stop."
His lips met your neck, his tongue gently running along the skin, his hand hot against your cheek. His lips left wet kisses against you, and when a gasp escaped on a certain spot, they turned up into a smile, gently biting the skin with his teeth. 
His lips, his lips, his lips, it was all you could think about as they moved from your neck, down your chest, stopping just at your belly button, placing gentle kisses on the skin and rubs your thighs with his hands.
You were so nervous, you honestly couldn't remember the last time you got laid, let alone by someone you work with. If you remembered correctly, it was a year or so-
Yeosang had pulled your shorts off, along with your panties, smiling softly, "Look at you, kitten. Aren't you so pretty?"
God, you thought, When he calls me that, it makes me want to scream. 
His smirk only grew wider, "Do you want to continue?"
You nodded your head vigorously, already sure that you would have given yourself whiplash, "Please."
Yeosang settled in between your legs on his stomach, throwing your legs over his shoulders and held your thighs in place with his hands.
His hands were strong, and veiny. They were warm around your thighs, compared to the cold chill in the air. His callused hands were rough against your soft skin, his tongue a nice heat against your mound.
Your hand shot to grab at his hair as he sucked on your clit, a soft moan escaping your lips.
"Shh, baby, you don't wanna wake up the others, right?"
It was impossibly hard to think of keeping your moans back, since Yeosang was making you feel so good.
Yeosang continued his pace, his tongue dipping down in between your folds, working his fingers against your clit.
The thought of waking up the others from their slumber excited you, and almost made you infinitely more comfortable with the idea.
Yeosang kept his eyes trained on you as your chest rises and falls, watching how each movement of his tongue affected you. And when you began to groan, your legs shaking, Yeosang knew just how well of a job he was doing.
"Sang..." You whimpered, thighs threatening to squeeze against his head. 
Yeosang chuckled, using his thumb to pull the hood of your clit back to teasingly bite at it, lifting his head as you let out a loud yelp. He glanced around the room, hearing an interruption of Yunho's snore before he began once again, "Come on, kitty cat, can't you try to keep quiet?" He sat up, positioning himself between your legs, his buldge pressing against your heat, the sweats he wore staining with the wetness from your cunt.
"Sang..." Your voice was strained, looking up at him with begging eyes, "Fuck..."
"Can't get the words out?" Yeosang smiled, leaning forward as he laid on his arms on either side of your head, "Come here, baby." He whispered, pressing a deep kiss against your lips, one of his hands running through your hair just as the other tugged his sweats down, the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance, "Is this okay?" He gasped softly.
You nodded, "Yes, yes... More than okay."
Yeosang smiled softly, capturing your lips once more as he slowly pressed into you, the heat from the stretch as you grew accustomed to the size of his cock was painful, yet pleasurable. "Fuck, you're so tight, baby." He bottomed out, holding you close to him as he slowly moved his hips against your own. He chuckled as a loud moan escaped your lips, using the hand that tangled in your hair to cover your mouth, "Shh, shh, angel." He cooed softly as his thrusts grew faster, looking between the two of you where you were both connected.
Yeosang's cock twitched against your walls, listening to your groans and smiling as he felt you clench around him.
"Y/N!" a voice called up the stairs, and Yeosang and you both shared a look. "Hey, Y/N, are you still awake?" 
Yeosang adjusted your position so you both laid on your side, pulling the blanket over his head, looking up at you, "Pretend to be asleep." He whispered, his cock continuing to press into you. "And keep quiet."
You furrowed your brows, looking down at him before Hongjoong stepped up the stairs. Yeosang's hips continued to roll against yours, and you felt a soft whine about to escape your lips. 
"Hey, Y/N." Hongjoong approached the bed and despite your best efforts, you screwed your eyes shut, and buried your face in the pillow. Yeosang moved slow, pressing soft and silent kisses against your sternum. "Y/N, food's ready."
Your ears were bright red, the soft sounds of your wet cunt echoed against the walls. Or were you just toning out Yunho and Wooyoung's snoring? 
Hongjoong called your name one last time before he found his way back down the stairs. As if on cue, Yeosang peeked his head out from under the blanket, chuckling softly, "Good girl." He whispered, grasping your hips tightly in his hands, "You're just a good girl." Yeosang thrusted deep into you, "Gonna cum for me?" His thumb rubbed at your clit, his voice gruff and strained as he laughed at your convulsing.
"Mmhmm." You whined out, gasping as his thumb continued his assault.
"Cum for me, kitty." He whispered, moaning out as he felt his own climax quickly approaching, "Fuck, you feel so good."
As your cum dripped from your cunt, Yeosang was quick enough to pull out from your entrance, his cum coating your lower half, his gasps turning into panting as his cock twitched in his hand.
Yeosang chuckled breathlessly, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead, "Fuck, baby." He smiled, holding your ankles gently to move your legs from around his hips, "I knew you'd feel good."
The action you both committed finally began to register in your brain. With 4 of the other members of the Kyomi group in the room. You quickly reached your hands up to hide your face, chuckling softly, "I can't believe we just did that." You whispered out.
"I can't believe we did that with the guys in here." He smiled, pecking your cheek before he pulled up his sweats and stood from the bed, rising his arms to hold the side of the top bunk, looking down at you, "Wait here." Yeosang turned to the restroom, grabbing a wash cloth and sitting beside you on the bed, "It's gonna be cold." He warned, chuckling softly as he pressed the cloth against your mound.
You blushed softly as his gentle hands cleaned your skin of his climax, "Did you mean what you said?"
Yeosang looked up to look at you, "You know me better than that." He mumbled, "You know I'm not one to say anything if I don't mean it."
"So, you've really been thinking about this since I took over Mingi's desk?"
Yeosang smiled, "Actually, I've been thinking about it since you got your callsign." He folded up the cloth, setting it down on the window sill, "I didn't make it up for no reason."
You pulled your bottoms up your legs, laying on your side to look at him, his arm around your hip as he leaned on his hand, smiling at you, "I thought you hated centipedes?"
"Sure. But, it's just a callsign." He shrugged, "It doesn't mean anything." He used his other hand to cup your cheek.
"Okay, sure." You rolled your eyes, smiling at him, "You must've had a lot of fun when taunting me."
"Sure did. Why? You liked it?" He chuckled, pinching your cheek between his fingers.
"Maybe I did."
"Bet you did."
"Yeosang!" A voice shouted up the stairs, and Yeosang was quick to move from where he sat, rushing down the stairs.
You could feel your heart racing in your throat at the urgent call and was about to follow until Seonghwa quickly dropped down from his bunk, "Stay here, Centi." He patted your shoulder as he moved around the room, waking up the remaining members, who also were quick to stand up.
Wooyoung and Yunho, who were formally snoring, furrowed their brows as they stood up. San shot up at the sound of urgency in Seonghwa's voice. 
"What's happening?" Your voice trembled, watching as the three men walked by, "Seonghwa, what's happening?"
Seonghwa almost made it past, before he sighed, "You wouldn't understand." He grumbled, "Just stay put." He continued down the stairs, skipping each step as he moved, "What's happening?"
The voices all blurred together, your feet slowly moving down the steps before you sat down just out of view.
"The cops are on their way." That was Hongjoong, "Mingi just confirmed with the scanner." You could hear the shaking of his voice.
"Jongho isn't back yet." Seonghwa glanced amongst them all, his arms crossed, "Meaning our means of leaving are pretty low."
"We could hide in the junkyard, couldn't we?" San whispered. 
Seonghwa rubbed his temples, "That's fucking stupid, San."
"We have 30 minutes to either pack up and get out of here, or 30 minutes to find a way to stand our ground." Yeosang grumbled, the echo of the mouse clicking between them all. 
Wooyoung stomped towards the steps, "Well what are we waiting for?"
Seonghwa sighed, "We'll never get anywhere in 30 minutes." He crossed his arms, "Packing up everything we need is too much of a hassle. Centi will never get far enough."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Yeosang interjected.
"She's not exactly the most active person, Sang. Why do you think I stuck her with you?" Seonghwa bit back, "We'll have to find a way to get out of this."
"Oh, dude, I can't go to prison again." Yunho groaned, tangling his hands in his hair.
"Yeosang, Mingi, wipe everything from the PC's. Hongjoong, San, you two find somewhere to get rid of our weapons. Yunho, try to get an update on Jongho." Seonghwa's brows were pinched together, crossing his arms over his chest once more, "We're gonna have to find a way to make us seem like normal people."
Everyone was quick to do their assigned tasks while you sat there on the stairs, your eyes glancing at them all from the railing of the stairs. Seonghwa turned back to the stairs, looking at you with sharp eyes.
You've remembered that look. The same look he gave you when he first saw you at the museum, and you felt just as small now as you did back then.
Seonghwa gripped your hair, looking at you, "Let me figure out you had something to do with this, and I won't stop hunting you down for the rest of your life."
"Ow, Seonghwa..." You grumbled, trying to pull your hair from his hand, and sighed as soon as he let go, "I promise, I didn't have anything to do with this."
Seonghwa continued to walk up the stairs, his eyes stuck on you until he turned the corner into the room. 
You glanced back over the railing, your eyes meeting Yeosang's. As if under a spell, you slowly began to move down the stairs to stand beside Yeosang, whose hand squeezed yours.
"I hope everything's okay." You whispered.
Yeosang smiled softly, "We'll be fine." His eyes focused on the screen, watching the recovery drive get moved to the USB plugged into the computer, "Not the first time this has happened."
Nodding your head, you moved to sit on the arm of his desk chair, his arm wrapping around his waist as he finished clicking his mouse.
Everyone was off doing what Seonghwa assigned them to do. San and Hongjoong returned from the junkyard covered in dirt, sweat rolling down their foreheads. Mingi and Yeosang both ran recovery drives through the computer before they both ripped apart the components and tossed them on their desks.
Seonghwa was stowed away upstairs and Yunho paced the front porch of the shack, the rain pattering atop the roof, a loud twang! echoing the room as the droplets rhythmically dripped into a steel bucket placed against the wall by the stairs.
"17 minutes out." Seonghwa called, tossing a backpack onto the couch; your couch that you were handcuffed to months ago.
You've grown to love the rundown shack; the leaky roof, the splintered floor, the creaky stairs. You thought you'd grow to hate the building, but... it grew on you like a rash. 
Yeosang glanced up at you as you sat on the arm of his chair, "You should go change." He whispered to you softly.
You nodded your head, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll go change." You stood up and made your way up the stairs as if someone else was controlling you. Your shoulders slumped, your head hanging down between them. You pulled on the pants one leg at a time, your shirt over your head, a coat, thick socks and shoes. 
"We can't bring her with us." You heard the voice, immediately recognizing it was Seonghwa.
Yeosang piped up, "And why not?"
"At the moment, she's one of the largest missing person's case in the country. If someone sees her with us," Seonghwa trailed off.
"We can't just leave her." Mingi mumbled, cursing to himself as a clatter dropped to the floor, "We're safer if we take her with us."
Seonghwa voice strained, "She won't say anything." He scoffed, "She's too afraid."
"She's coming with us." Your heart twanged as Yeosang's voice dropped, "End of discussion."
"Since when have you been one to make decisions?" The sound of Seonghwa's heavy boots bounced off the walls.
"Since you've grown more incompetent." Yeosang responded back, "She's coming with us."
You adjusted the jacket over your shoulders, staring at the backboard of the old closet, trying to make it seem like you weren't evasdropping at a time like this just as Yeosang reached over your shoulder to grab his own pair of clothes.
"You shouldn't be listening to that stuff." Yeosang leaned against the wall as he pulled on his clothing, moving some of his hair from his eyes, "You know Seonghwa's just being dramatic." 
"I can't help it." You shrug, turning to look at him as he laced up the boots, "Yeosang."
"What's supposed to happen?"
Yeosang paused from tying his shoe before he started once more, "Same thing that happens everytime we get caught up like this; run until we find somewhere to set base again." He mumbled, "Y/N, you know, if you do this..." He stood up, grabbing your hand in his own, squeezing it, "If you do this, you'll be just like us." 
You furrow your brows, "Have I not always been like you guys?"
"Of course you have, but... this'll seal the deal. Before, you were just collateral, a hostage. But now, if you follow us down this path, you'll be a fugitive. You won't be able to go back."
You shrugged, "Well, I don't wanna go back."
"No," Yeosang chuckled bitterly, "No, you don't understand." He shook his head, "Think about it. Use the last..." He glanced at his bare wrist as if there was a watch there, but you knew he was counting down the seconds in his head, "15, 14 minutes of this time to really think."
He walked off, despite one of his boots not being tied through, not giving you a second glance. 
You stood in the middle of the room, as everyone moved in and out, grabbing their items, their clothes, their prized possessions. Hongjoong was kind enough to pack up Jongho's belongings for him.
You spent that time really thinking like Yeosang said to. You thought about your life before these two months; it was bitter, it was bland and it was unexciting. But, here... with the boys, with Yeosang, it was everything you wished for. You didn't have to dress a certain way to work. You didn't have to pretend to like the people you worked with. You didn't have to pretend like everything was okay. 
You moved your feet down the steps, seeing the 7 men who you have grown so accustomed to standing in a circle, glancing you up and down as you tightened the straps of the bag over your shoulders. 
"What are you guys waiting for?" You mumbled, looking at them all as you approached the door. 
And despite your excitement to pull open the door to the downpour, seeing eight to nine police cars skidding along the road with their lights flashing and sirens chirping was enough to have you withdraw your hand from the handle.
"Shit, they're here!" San shouted, looking out the windows to the front of the shack, "If we go out there..."
"Stop making a bad situation worse." Seonghwa bit, "They aren't gonna shoot on sight. They have too damn much to ask."
"What are we gonna do, Hwa?" Yunho asked.
Seonghwa pushed his way to the front, gently moving you aside as he slowly opened the door, his hands raised, "Don't shoot." He grumbled, lacing his fingers behind his head as he stepped down the shack's rickety steps.
The rain water pattered on his head, moving close enough to look down at the police.
"My name is Park Seonghwa." He shouted, "I'm 25 years old. I was born in Jinju. I have an older brother. My blood type is..." He was listing out random facts about himself, until an officer approached him and was quick to cuff him.
"They've got Wasp." Hongjoong dropped his items and went out into the rain, steam practically escaping his ears as he tried to intervene, only to be met with the butt of a gun and fall into the mud.
"Show yourselves." You recognized the man on the intercom. God, how could you forget? You've spoken to him so many times. The police chief of the National Police Force.
San was the first to lead the way out the door with his hands up, Mingi, then Yunho, then you, then Yeosang. Police officers began to surround the area, Seonghwa now being moved into the back of a police car, Hongjoong's unconscious body being placed in the back of the same one. One by one, they got handcuffed.
"Yeosang!" You shouted, ready to run to him before the police chief placed a heavy hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N..." Yeosang barely whispered over the rain, before he was shoved into the back of a police car, sat beside Yunho was looked like he was about ready to start kicking at the officers.
You gave one final panicked look at the Kyomi members in the back of the police cars; a calm and collected Seonghwa, an unconscious Hongjoong, a panicked San and Mingi, an angry Yunho. Yet, you couldn't read Yeosang. You never could. 
You couldn't tell what he was thinking.
The police questioned you for hours about the last two months you spent with Kyomi, and you spent a lot of time with a hired therapist they said that brought in to help hostage victims. Your family were ecstatic to see you, nearly moved to tears at the sight of you wearing the black clothes, your shoes covered in mud and your hair stringy from the rain.
Despite answering their questions to the best of your ability without incriminating anybody, the entire time all you could think about was "Where's Yeosang? Is he in the station too?"
You were granted release from the station not long after being taken in, the blanket wrapped over your shoulders and holding the cup of coffee they offered you as they kicked you out like a newborn calf. You sniffled softly from the chill of the rain lingering in the air.
You glanced upwards, and your bottom lip trembled as you saw Jongho sitting there in a car, climbing inside beside him.
Neither of you shared words; Jongho wasn't one for that, but he did gently pat you on the head as soon as he turned the car on and began to drive off, the sound of 2NE1 filling the quiet space.
You never knew what happened to the boys. Jongho and you both tried to figure out what exactly happened but... there was never much about it on the news or anywhere else. Yeosang, the boys and that rundown old shack in the middle of an old junkyard were an exciting new beginning to a life you only got a taste of. But now, you'd have to live with the bitter, bland and boring life that you had previously. 
Becoming a news reporter wasn't your first option...
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
291 notes · View notes
usedpidemo · 1 year
Anywhere but home (Red Velvet Seulgi)
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“So can you tell me why you decided to stop by here, out of all places?” you ask, intently gazing at your uninvited guest. 
The thing is, you’re also an uninvited guest. 
You’re inside a hotel room, not your home.
The woman leans back on her chair, smiling radiantly, mirroring that same deep stare back. She takes a moment to ponder through her answer, let her eyes linger on you a little longer. 
“I missed you.”
“Do your members even know of your wheareabouts?” you say, worried. She should be anywhere else but here.
She strongly shakes her head, waves it off as a non-concern. “No, but you shouldn’t worry about them at all.”
“So they—”
“They’re too busy having fun by themselves.” Kang Seulgi has this dour expression on her lips, as if you’re asking beyond what you’re supposed to. “Again, you shouldn’t worry about any of them.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t caught on about our secret—yet.”
Seulgi chuckles, running through fond memories in her head. “I keep my promises, remember? And you haven’t.”
It’s not easy to defend your case to Seulgi, even if the reasons are justified. Back then, you were both young and reckless, and based on how she acts and sounds now, she still is. Of course you still remember the promise you made, much clearer now that she’s suddenly back in your life again than when you first spoke about them years ago. Life really finds a way to make sure you hold up your end of the bargain, pursuing you even as far as the ends of the earth.
“You know very well I couldn’t stay longer than a year,” you say, sitting on a dinner chair across from her.
“Then why did you promise me that you would come back then?” 
She rolls her eyes.
“Look—” you pause and catch a breath. Note the sudden lump suddenly stuck in your throat—a byproduct from years of pent-up feelings from a lack of closure. “Life happened. Shit happens. I didn’t willingly forget, I just didn’t get any opportunity to see you again.”
“Sure, sure. Willingly forget, right.” Seulgi scoffs at your answer, as if you weren’t going through difficult circumstances like she had, as if you had no battles to fight. “I bet you were doing better once you left me to go home, like they always do.”
“Did you not hear anything I just said?” you reply, raising your voice. “I told you life happened!”
“Okay, let’s remove the part where none of us could fly for a year, maybe two. How about the rest?” Seulgi retaliates with another question, and it leaves you in utter disbelief at how stubborn she is. Perhaps that’s the one thing that brings you two together: just how headstrong you both are. “Did you even try to reach out at all?”
Your eyes immediately stray away from hers, much to her audible disdain. No words required to imply anything else. 
“Okay, I guess I did forget about you,” you say, and it’s a half-truth, primarily because you want to avoid any more of this unnecessary drama resurfacing, especially when you’re on vacation out of all times. A nice five-star hotel in Los Angeles, a place you don’t have eager thoughts to travel to, apart from the occasional leave and maybe the multiple team playoff games in the spring. “What do you think happened when I tried to get another visa?”
“Should have asked me for help. I could have vouched for you,” she replies, as if that’s going to improve your chances whatsoever. It doesn’t help in the slightest now. “But what’s the point in talking about that now? I’m here now, so we can catch up on what we missed out on.”
You let your annoyance be known in the form of an indignant sigh. After a brief pause, you quietly retort, “You should have led with that to begin with.”
“Well sorry I’m not the same girl I was four years ago,” she says, tone miffed. “I mean, just look at yourself.”
You fall back on the chair, covering your mouth, preventing more damage. Point heard and taken. Your appalled reaction elicits a quiet giggle out of her.
“So unserious. You’ve always been like that,” she adds, clenching her hand into a fist, observing as you crumble and fall apart before her. “We’re both stuck in the past, but at least I grew; became a better person out of it. And you?”
“Seul,” you say, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she stops this personally charged attack on your character, but she doesn’t stop; she lets her mouth run every thought, every unspoken word built up from four years of waiting. It’s almost comical how she talks about you, like she has an audience listening to her, you included, and you can imagine all the laughs and jeers as she talks. She knows how to charm anyone with the right words and a dash of charisma added in between. Most of it, both insults and playful jokes alike, obscured behind those cute eyes and puffy cheeks that capture your attention whenever she smiles, having lost her anger somewhere in that impromptu rant. 
And it ends like it always has. A show of affection, a little kiss, then you’re both back in each other’s arms, as if the passage of time was a mere afterthought. It’s the oldest trick in the book that you know. 
And it works as it always has. To a fault.
“Gotta say, I hate it when you do that. It’s like cheating and I really fucking hate it,” says Seulgi, between impassioned kisses, tasting each other’s lips like water in a desert. “That’s the one thing I don’t miss about you.”
“Yet you’re still kissing me,” you reply, pecking her lips rapidly, like you have a point to prove. You caress her bare shoulders, while your fingers play with the spaghetti straps holding her shirt together. She mirrors you with your own shirt, tugging at its fabric, itching to undress you as much as you.
Kang Seulgi can complain all she wants, but she falls for it every single time.
“Shut up.” Seulgi rests her warm palms against your cheeks. With a tight press, you’re puffed up, blushed as bright as the sun.
You make out with each other hungrily, urgently reaching for the bedroom, where you end up pushing her onto the mattress. It’s only then you remember just how hot Seulgi looks when she’s at her simplest: in a pink camisole and really short jean shorts. She really had this all planned out, knowing she’d be traveling the States all summer long, and California isn’t the most inviting place to wear her typical clothes.
Or maybe she learned a thing or two from Joy about wearing skimpier clothing in public.
“You’re staring,” she comments, snapping you out of your lust-filled daze. Seeing this, she spreads her toned, slender legs apart, as if inviting you inside them—an offer you absolutely won’t refuse. “I don’t have all night to wait, baby.”
“Hm, how long are you here then?” you ask as you undress right in front of her. 
She doesn’t give an immediate answer; her eyes linger on the growing tent on your bulge, before she scans up to your face as you hover above her on the bed. “Gonna have to be more specific. We’ll be here for a month before heading home.”
“Here. Los Angeles, I mean,” you quickly comment as you lift her slinky arms over her head and kiss down from her temple to her neck.
“Mmm—” Enraptured by your soft lips, her words crumble into nothing but a whine against your ear. “Five days. Practice tomorrow and on Thursday, then two shows the days after.”
“And do you have any free time in between schedules?” You whisper against her neck, slowly lifting her shirt over her head, leaving only a simple pink bra to cover her. You sneak a finger between her shorts, dig between the fabric to brush her folds, wincing at a newly wet sensation. 
"Oh." Seulgi says, voice deep and breathy, shuddering as you press into her slick. Her thoughts go haywire, your long-forgotten touch so fresh and foreign to her, even though you’ve had her in this position countless times. 
"Between practices maybe?" 
"God." Seulgi sucks in a gasp of air, chews on her lip, and says what you're both thinking: "I need you to fuck me so fucking bad." 
“Answer the question first, Seul,” you tease, stroking her sensitive clit with your digit, then placing a second one to overwhelm her. “I really want to know so we don’t waste whatever time we have left.”
Much to her chagrin, the moans and quivers she releases do just that. It’s not primarily her fault when you’re the one instigating. Still, she can’t help but become helpless beneath you.
“Mm—mm—please—just—fuck—” she cries out, tilting her chin as her words are reduced to nothing but helpless mewls and moans. It’s almost cruel to watch, but you’re enjoying every moment of this, relishing the sight of a pleasure-laden Seulgi squirming as you finger her. Part of it might have something to do with the brief argument you had earlier, but as she said, you never really became a better person out of your brief little fling.
And perhaps for your sex life, it was all the more better for it.
She really had no time to waste, hectic schedule and all, but you had all the power and freedom to pin her down like this as long as you wanted. You hated Southern California as much as the day job that allowed you to vacation here in the first place, but you’d happily request a transfer here if it meant you could fuck Seulgi like this as often as you could. You certainly know that this isn’t the reality, but at least for one night, and God willing, the next few days, it is.
“Answer the question, Seul,” you repeat in her ear, every word laced with venom, as your fingers increase in pace stroking her slick cunt. Even with the obstructive layers of fabric around her groin, it only serves as a minor distraction as you pump your digits inside her, never letting up even in rapidly growing heat. As for Seulgi, it only makes her needier, whine louder and her figure squirm more violently, keeping your fingers in a harsh lock. Unable to keep herself together, her fingers squirm at air, then at the sheets as her climax quickly approaches.
“Mm—oh—oh—gonna cum oh my—” 
It takes only a few more pumps before she lets up, giving in to her first of hopefully many orgasms tonight. Slack jawed, neck exposed, she utters a deep, echoed moan as her juices coat your buried fingers between her folds, staining her underwear and shorts in the process. You keep your digits tucked in her heat, slowing your pace to a stop as she rides down her climax, heaving and gasping for air.
“Didn’t expect you to cum so fast, Seul,” you say, withdrawing your newly drenched fingers from between her legs before putting them in your mouth, tasting her delicious slick. “You still taste so good after so long.” 
While she recovers from her orgasm, you pick away at the remainder of her clothes. Shorts and underwear go flying off your hand, and her nakedness reveals the true aftermath: an endless flow of juices dripping from her cunt down to the sheets. As you undress her, you notice the sticky puddle built up on her panties too.
It isn’t your problem.
You hover up to a limp Seulgi, who’s still reeling from her orgasm. An ear to ear grin forms on your lips as you repeat the process. Kiss down her neck, to her collarbones, until you lay your face against her cleavage, playfully teasing her breasts with a hint of tongue, if not for the bra you’ve purposefully left in place. She’s too weak to resist or respond, having turned into a shell of herself, an outlet to satisfy your personal desires. Hungry for more, you sneak those same fingers back into her folds, forcing weak, shrilly whines out of her mouth. 
“Mm—baby, we don’t have enough time—” she blurts, desperate, before drowning in her own moans as you slowly finger her again. You know she’s wrong, you know you have all the time in the world, and you certainly won’t rush, not when tomorrow is uncertain.
You struggle to unclasp the hook on her bra, having buried your face deep into her skin. It’s only after Seulgi regains a little control of herself that she assists you, intertwining your hand with hers before you work together to finally undo the obstructive piece of clothing. She slips the straps off her shoulders, tossing them aside before you dive head first into her now bare chest again, kissing and fondling her breasts.
With every deep kiss, she reciprocates with a whine, and every mewl dripping from her lips comes out a note higher than the last. She clings to your shoulders while you make out with her, like you’re the only reason why she would want to be here. You feel the same way, too. Her eyes flutter open and close like window curtains, mouth pouting and puckering with hunger yet to be fully satisfied, as curved and cute as that smile is. 
She eventually stops you dead, cups a warm palm on your cheek, redirecting your eyes and meeting hers. 
“I didn’t come to make love tonight,” she says, panting between words. “I came here to get fucked. Hard.”
The way she articulates such filthy thoughts leaves you breathless. Sure, she’s said it countless times when you were still together, but you’ve never seen her sound this passionate, this desperate, this needy, that it’s almost uncanny. Up until this point, you thought she was here to reignite a flame, but it seems as though time has burned those fond memories away.
Suddenly, you find yourself lying flat on the bed. It happened so fast; you were caught unawares and in awe of Seulgi’s newfound strength. She flipped you over then proceeded to straddle herself on your lap, resting her lanky arms on your bare chest. There’s nowhere to look except for those glazed eyes, staring you down hungrily. Even as she slowly slips off your underwear and your cock springs free, tapping the edges of her folds, your gazes remain locked toward each other.
And God, Seulgi’s figure is so fucking perfect.
You wonder just how much better her body could look when it was already flawless. The way she used every curve, every muscle, and every subtle movement to hypnotize you couldn’t be any more convincing. Now you wanted to fuck her as hard as she wanted, maybe rougher, and give her a good reason to stay a little longer. 
She catches you staring doe-eyed, smiles with an audible giggle. “God, is this the first time you’ve seen me naked like this? Be real. This is nothing new to you.”
It sounds insulting, and it probably is, but even her voice sounds sexier now to your ears, and that overlooks the intentioned insult. 
“Oh, I get it. None of these girls fucked you as well as I did, huh?” she continues, leaning her face—and the rest of that fucking body, its immaculate figure—ever close to you, pinning you deeper into the mattress. Her lips inches away from yours; you want to kiss them again so bad. “Gonna make sure you won’t ever consider anyone else except me.”
Right before you make a move, she asserts herself over you, drawing back her figure, lifting herself before slowly descending on your raging erection. It’s a difficult, agonizing watch, like watching a car crash in slow motion, only this is something you want to happen immediately. You want her tightness to suffocate and consume you. You want to fill her up with every bit of load you missed out on.
As you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable, you gasp. Your tip brushes between her folds heavily, sucks every bit of air out of your lungs. If she buries herself down to your hilt, you might as well die. A much better fate than slowly being grinded down to the dirt for the bare minimum by work. 
Seulgi’s eyes slam shut, and through gritted teeth she whines, feeling your cock for the first time in years—might as well be forever. The hands that were glued to your chest make their way to your shoulders, pressing on them tightly, as if the idea of letting go would kill her. Slowly but surely, she penetrates herself, inch by inch, until her whole cunt is consumed whole by your cock, burning your loins with her heat.
You both release a harmonious moan as you let the wondrous feeling settle—the feeling of being one again. She draws a hand back to brush off a wave of dark hair covering her face, then she gingerly leans down to kiss you passionately. Even after all these years, she’s still incredibly tight, incredibly hot, that it brings you back to the first time you took her.
It wouldn’t surprise you if you ended up like this for the rest of the night. The best case scenario, just the two of you tangled up in bed. Of course, her body has other things in mind.
“You have no idea how much I missed this,” says Seulgi, breathing heavily as she continuously brushes those annoying strands of hair covering her beautiful face. “You have no idea how many dildos and people I’ve fucked because of you.”
Your eyes widen. Forget the dildos, that’s a long-running secret between you two. People?
You immediately echo your thoughts into words. “People?” 
“When we got here the other day, I was so desperate. I tried so hard. Club after club. Then I saw you roaming around the poolside and I just knew I had to have you.” Her hips begin to move, to buckle around your cock. After a prolonged whine, she adds, “God, I don’t know if I can leave you after I make you cum in me again. I just—”
The motion around her hips accelerates, and Seulgi loses herself in growing pleasure, letting her body do the rest of the talking. The way she lifts and sinks herself down, using your cock to stretch her out clears out every question or thought you have. She feels so fucking good, and you’re more than satisfied watching her make you hers. 
Hands on her waist, you watch as she relishes in you, groaning as she rides you in rhythmic motions, bouncing up and down your cock. You don’t even have to do anything; your hips move on their own, thrusting up and meeting her halfway. 
“God, you feel so fucking good, so fucking big.” Seulgi slowly leans her body back as she fucks herself on you, enabling you to ogle your now wet cock disappear and reappear between her slick folds. 
With each plunge, you find your collective moans join the wet flaps of your flesh slapping flesh, and it leaves you even more breathless. Swallow your throat. You don’t know how much more you can take. The erotic sight and sound is quickly becoming too much to bear. You want the moment to last a little longer.
Not that it’d ever, ever be up for you to decide.
At least Seulgi is gracious enough to recognize this. She continues to impale herself on you, experiment with angles on your cock between thrusts to maximize her already surging pleasure. She isn’t fast nor slow, but perfectly paced to make sure both of you feel good. One hand remains firmly planted on your chest, again, while the other pinches her breast to keep you on your toes. A sight that drives you crazy, now you’re the one breaking rhythm with your now wild strokes.
“I’m gonna lose it, Seul, I swear—” you mutter, aroused by her teasing. She giggles. It’s as she intended. 
“Yeah, maybe that’s the point—” she says in a singsong tone, “Maybe I want you to fuck me like this. Maybe I want you to use me like a fleshlight. Maybe I want you to fuck me like a whore.”
At this point, the only feasible thing that could happen is the first one. You’re giving her hard, deep strokes, aroused by the sight over you. Seulgi has you completely under her spell. It doesn’t help that you’re so close, hanging on by a thread, using every bit of your willpower not to burst right before she says so, even though nothing is at stake here.
“I’m so close, Seul,” you say between gasps, caught in the heat of the moment, and it might have been the worst thing you could have possibly said. “I am so close.”
You swear her ears perk up as you spit those words out, as if they were the extra fuel she needed to recharge her. A hand runs across and down your neck, pinches a nerve or two, strains a few breaths in the process. She rides you vigorously, slamming herself against you like she has some kind of resentment against your cock, but it’s out of lust, not hate. At this point, you’re both crashing your bodies into each other, racing to see who gets to cum first, to find out who wants each other more. 
“Yes, please cum, I want you to cum—” Seulgi rests both hands bare on your chest, angles her face where your lips can function as a safe cushion for hers when it happens. She smells of everything sweat, sex, and alcohol, her hot breath tainted with the shot or two before making her way to your room. “Please fucking cum for me—”
The remainder of her words gets lost at the tip of her tongue as she fucks herself on you, losing herself in the ecstasy of sex for the final time, every nerve and muscle in her body quivering as her heat suffocates you beyond any point of escape. 
Seulgi goes limp, rigid at a point where your cock pokes directly at her womb, and she orgasms. Her mouth slowly dips, producing a whiny, elongated moan while a fresh torrent of her slick creams your shaft and leaves you completely breathless. You grip your hands on your svelte waist, still thrusting through the fading embers of her climax, preparing yourself to follow shortly after hers dies down. 
She regains a little composure, and then she proceeds to pull the plug on you.
Seulgi lifts her hips up, right at the moment you expected to reciprocate your cum to fill hers as she did to you, and pulls herself from the depths of your cock as you orgasm. It feels like a knife was stabbed, twisted, then pulled from your gut, and the sight is almost unbearable to watch. Your aching cock gushes. Bursts of your seed geyser around your shaft, violently throbbing as you cry out in agony, agitated and deprived from what you really want. 
Her eyes glaze down, as if she’s seeing blood on her hands. After the joy comes the immediate regret. She’s trembling, and you don’t know whether it’s from the aftershock of her orgasm, or from guilt. 
“Oh my god. Fuck. I-I’m so sorry—”
“Why the fuck would you do that?” You shout, rolling your eyes as far as the back of your skull and gasping as your orgasm meets an unfortunate end, your cock gradually shrinking as it throbs until nothing spews from your tip. 
“I—I didn’t know what came into me,” she says, tone remorseful, as she gently scoots next to you. She’s on all fours, unwilling to rest beside your tired, splayed out figure—unwilling to bring you more misery and pain than what you’re experiencing now. “I guess I just wanted a little payback for ghosting me like that.”
The freezing glare you give her is half-annoyed, half-furious. You had little to no strength to do anything about it, unfortunately, and this is the best you can do. 
“Well what can I do about it, jerk,” you blurt, turning your glance the other way, wishing you’d never let her in—both inside this room and back into your life.
The bed lightly quakes, and you feel the warmth of an arm outstretched over your figure. “You can take my ass instead. There’s lube in my bag, go get it if you want.”
You refuse to budge an inch, leave her dry for a few minutes, completely unresponsive toward her. She tries to draw you back in, cuddling and kissing your ear softly, playing with your hair, nuzzling her face against your cheek. As much as you want to push her away, you can’t—both from a lack of strength and a lack of willingness to turn her away again, at least completely.
Seulgi redirects your face to the ceiling and the corners of her face. Caressing your shoulder, she whispers, “I really didn’t mean to. My emotions got the best of me. I never wanted to hurt you like this. Please.”
You briefly glance in her direction, catch her eyes twinkling, nearly at the point of tears. You still don’t entertain her.
“C’mon. I will let you punish me. Use me. Let me make it up for you.”
Still, you don’t bother. Seeing how none of efforts have been working, she slowly hops off the couch and limps out of the room. You’re annoyed that she didn’t close the door on the way out, and a little more after she returns and rejoins you after a moment with a bottle in her hand. 
Smiling, she presents the bottle directly in your gaze, confirming it is, in fact, lube. “See? You can fuck my ass. Isn’t this what you always wanted to do with me? Let me warm it up for you.”
You utter an involuntary gasp when Seulgi straddles herself atop you again, her toned, slender legs spread out wide, giving you full view to her cunt and her ass. She strews liquid from the bottle into her hand and coats her holes with the lube, giving you an alluring stare, grinning ear to ear, as if it’ll convince you.
As soon as she finishes glazing her tight holes with lube, you lift yourself from the bed, cupping her face and meeting her lips for a passionate kiss.
“You better not.”
“I wouldn’t think of it.”
Seulgi can’t keep her mouth off you, your chin, your jaw, affection overflowing until she sees your glow underneath the bright lights. Now, she’s flat on the bed as you keep passionately making out, her hand snaking down to your cock and stroking it back to full mast, eliciting a string of moans from your mouth into hers. Pumping your length and finding it hard, she breaks off the kiss and pushes you away.
Turning her body face down, Seulgi clambers atop the bed on all fours, arching her slim back and sticking her wet, curved ass directly in front of you. She’s clearly mastered the art of using her flexible body to seduce and hypnotize. She’s practiced the motion that it’s routine, like it’s a regular music show performance to her. 
It’s moments like this when you wish there was a mirror available.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Seulgi looks over her shoulder, brushes off stray locks of hair aside, giving you that ‘fuck me’ stare that overpowers you every time. She says she’s down whenever you are, but you know she has anything but time available. 
Still, you were going to indulge in her and make the most of fucking her ass until the sun rises.
You grab a handful of her flesh, stroke your cock with the other hand. Brushing your tip against the entrance of her folds, it’s enough to make her fold, make her crumble. Low whimpers exhale from her mouth, impatiently waiting for you to enter her, to ruin her tighter hole.
“Mm, God, please, put in me already—” she whines, her head spinning—both literally and figuratively. “I don’t know how long I can take it without you inside me.” “I thought you said whenever I was ready?” you jest, poking fun at what she said moments ago. Hearing the neediness in her voice compels you to tease her. Just your cock against her wet folds has her cries reaching higher. Up, down, and her tone pitches.
“Stop that! Just because I said what I said doesn’t mean I want it as much as you do.”
“I wasn’t complaining this much when you forcefully rode me,” you reply, spanking her ass with a quick palm, forcing a yelp from her. The more she goads, the brighter her cheeks smolder.
“Please just put it in already, oh my God.” Seulgi turns to you, gritting her teeth, so desperate for her cock to be filled. Another slap, another cry of pain and pleasure. 
“Keep complaining. I like it when you complain like that.”
“Mm, fuck!” With every word she tries to utter from her lips, your hand meets her flesh with a powerful smack, disrupting her train of thought. You could write poems, lyrics, sonnets, with the syllables she's stuttering out, until even the slightest of noise is enough to warrant another slap of her ripe ass. Soon enough, her cheeks are burning the brightest of red.
And you still haven’t put your dick anywhere inside her.
“Enough teasing! Fuck me already—mmmph!”
You take her by surprise, nudging your cock against the tightness of her smaller hole, and making her moan the loudest she’s ever moaned so far tonight. Her body tries to resist, to push you off before you can fully sink yourself deep in her ass, but the wetness of her entrance is enough to help you nudge yourself inside. Seulgi’s groan drags out as long as the time it takes for you to penetrate her backside, slowly but surely burying yourself to the hilt. 
When you finally reach the depths of her ass, you groan in agony as you drown in the sensation of her tight walls stretching against your cock. Hands firmly gripped on her ass, you swear you can feel your shaft breaking in half as you struggle to move inside her, but after a moment to acclimate yourself, the torturous feeling of her tightness mellows out, and the pleasure kicks in. 
“Oh God, Seulgi. This ass feels so fucking good, oh my God,” you rasp, leaning forward to whisper and grunt in her ear. “You’re so fucking wet and tight, you’re going to break me.”
She angles her head, unable to face you, but her side profile says everything you need to know. Her body trembles wildly as her very foundations crumble with your presence inside her, yet she’s still able to maintain some semblance of composure to say something back. “And that’s what I want. I want to break you. I want you to ruin me, too. Use me. Fuck me.”
As if you needed any more convincing, she wiggles her ass against your buried cock, making you squirm.
Drawing yourself back into position, she moans as you pull your cock away, the tightness of her ass making it difficult, and her wetness making it easy to plunge back in. It also helps that Seulgi herself leans back against yours whenever you take her, urging you to slide deeper and deeper inside her.
So with a steady rhythm, you fuck her, reveling in the sight of Seulgi’s perfectly arched back and toned body rocking with yours. You had no intention to break her as she wanted, you wanted to let the feeling of her tighter hole linger longer than her pussy as compensation. The sensation of her asshole is so otherworldly, so different from fucking her cunt, that they’re almost completely separate entities. It’s neither better nor worse, it’s in its own league.
But maintaining this level of poise proves to be almost difficult, if not impossible. She urges you on—with loud moans, with enticing jiggles of her ass as you fuck her, with occasional demands from her needy lips—compelling you to take her harder than what your limits are. She pushes all the buttons in your brain that it drives you crazy, and you can’t help but give in, even when she’s the one allowing you to take her like this.
It’s sinful. Out of control. Your pace becomes disrupted, frenzied, and completely erratic. You’ve got both hands gripped to her waist, hammering away at her tight hole as lube and slick coat her outer layers, and the room is filled with the sounds of her lewd noises echoing all over the place backed up by the wet smacks of your flesh slamming against her skin. Forget that the whole establishment can hear you fuck, they have no idea who you’re even entangled with. Seulgi can scream and cry all she wants; they can do nothing to make both of you stop.
“Yes, fucking ruin me, fucking use me, keep fucking me like this—” 
Resting your head over her shoulder, inhaling the scent of sweat, sex, and alcohol from her, you rasp in her ear, “I’m so close to cumming again.” 
To make sure she doesn’t try anything funny, you fuck her as hard as your body allows, force her deep onto the sheets. You lay flat on top of her, hammering her with hard, mind-numbing thrusts while you cling to her shoulders, grab a fistful of her dark locks, kiss and nibble her ear—find anything to distract you from the inevitable. She’s screaming and mewling, forcing your attention to her, screaming about how she wants you to empty your seed inside of her, which you intend to do. 
Either way, you don’t have a lot of time left.
You rest your head beside her ear, peck her sensitive skin. You’re fucking her ass so hard it’s almost cruel. Each stroke twists that expanding knot further and further until it’s beyond your control. “Gonna fucking cum again, Seul.”
She nods, bites her lip, eager and ready to receive you. “Inside,” she says once, and it only takes a handful more of pumps into her tight hole before you’re hilted deep inside her. The sound from your throat is primal, borderline animalistic. Your bodies tremble violently as you fuck your cum with each withering thrust, making sure not a single drop goes to waste, until you find yourselves frozen in a state you wish would last forever.
When your orgasm finally dies down, so does the rest of your body. Going numb, you press yourself against her lithe figure, lock her in a tight embrace, finding solace beside her head. A calm, peaceful quiet follows, with your collective deep breaths the only stir for minutes, maybe hours. 
“I guess we can call it even.” Seulgi breaks the silence,  turning her head to meet yours.
“Still didn’t cum in your pussy though,” is your immediate response, still unsatisfied, despite filling her ass with a hot load. “So no. We’re not even.”
“Relax. I’m here for five days. You know this place very well, right?” Seulgi pushes you off her and you settle on opposite ends of the bed, meeting each other’s gazes, her eyes twinkling with a rekindled fire and renewed lust. “We’ve got plenty of opportunities to fuck till then.”
Her cute face glows from the brightness of the sun beginning to rise over the city. That can only mean one thing: a new day has arrived.
“Or we can start right now.”
“Even better.” 
(A/N: The irony of naming this fic Anywhere but home when the actual inspiration is one of Seulgi's other songs from the 28 Reasons album. Specifically, Los Angeles. It's also the best song on there as well. I've been itching to write a fic with those pics she took when she was on vacation, but realized most of them didn't really fit the city setting of the story XD Thank you for reading!)
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xerotiny99 · 2 months
The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day // Our precious #6
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The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day. (Our precious #6)
M.list | Previous | Next
Pairing: main - Park Seonghwa x Reader. Side - Reader x Jeong Yunho, Reader x Kang Yeosang
Warning (for all parts): smut, hardcore smut, soft dom!seonghwa, dom!yunho, dom master!yeosang, sub!reader/slave!reader, breast stimulation, teasing, biting and marking, DD/LG, seonghwa has a feeding kink (does not overlap with fat fetish), praise kink, food play, unprotected sex, fingering, cock warming, thigh riding, nipple play, bits of master-slave dynamic, rough sex, manhandling, cum play/cum shot, dirty talk/degradation (just know yunho has a filthy mouth), size training (vaginal), etc.
Note: do not proceed if you're uncomfortable or triggered by any aforementioned tags. Feeding kink/feedism can be triggering for some people, if that's the case, please do not engage or skip over the beginning parts. I apologise, I had no ill intentions with this. To avoid boredom, this time i decided to divide this chapter into four parts, each part with each pair. Not proofread.
Gist: it's the weekend and you finally get the time to spend it with your so called "boyfriends".
Total Word Count: n/a
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Part One [6.1]: Feed Me Please, Daddy - Park Seonghwa x Reader.
Word Count: 13,354
Song Rec: In The Trees by Stalgia
Taglist: @t3kandson @therealcuppicake @sebastianswhore13
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 Reliving some moments can be detrimental, some can be joyous, while some can be a mix of both. You weren't sure where exactly you were leaning to in this particular moment. Or maybe, your approach was more of a two-fold interpretation than concluding all at once. Staring into the deep brown eyes of the person you were least likely to be interested in, was a moment of deja vu you resented living in, despising every passing second of it. In the much steeper part of your stomach, you were starting to sense the underlying distraught creeping up your gut. As one might wonder why you'd be so invested in this particular case, but to your own acknowledgment, you knew you were being stubborn.
There was no way you were backing down from this; you couldn't look away either, not when he's been waiting on the chance to watch you lose. In sullen silence which pertains the more you hold onto your stupidity, you have yourself comfortably perched on the kitchen counter while the subtle sounds coming from the balcony fill up any unnecessary noise between you two. Mingi was at it again, not once wavering in his motive to make you feel small with his broad shoulders or his bulging bare arms as he held them across his chest. A deleterious glint sits in his eyes. He stood at a distance from you, studying the curves of your body and how it was capable of fitting in the space on the kitchen counter next to the stove. You, on the other hand, are trying to condole with your hammering heart; it was no surprise, even to yourself, to know you were attracted to Mingi. If you got the chance, you'd pounce upon him and act out all the fantasies you deliberately hide from everyone. If only Mingi was allied to you the way others were. Sadly, that's not how it worked, did it?
A few hours after the break of dawn, and you're forced to have a ruthless encounter with him. Mingi had just woken up, judging from his bed hair and the way it was tousled, besides he was still dressed in his night clothes. The white tank top which hugged his body like a second skin had an assortment of stains on them. Some prominent, some faded; they were probably stains from food. Though, you were deeply infatuated with Mingi's personality, you equally reviled it too. If not, your somber morning would've never been blighted by his rueful gaze or his inanely gracious satire. You'd be a fool to think you'd have a normal morning for once; waking up to Seonghwa's voice was the ultimate rapture of your significant morning, and then he had asked to you meet him in the kitchen so he could prepare breakfast for you before everyone's awake. And to your satisfaction, everyone slept-in on a Saturday. Obviously.
Really, you'd be a fool to pass on that opportunity. Groggy with sleep, you somehow managed to drag yourself out of the nimble futon you slept on, brushed your teeth and carried yourself to the kitchen. The nifty oversized shirt on your body, the one which you had borrowed from Jongho last night, clung too close to you to expose your curves and godly figure; seamlessly you had booty shorts under your shirt, which had no point in wearing because the shirt covered most of your skin till your mid thighs. When you were ushered into the kitchen by the heavenly scent of coffee and your own enthusiasm, Seonghwa had been sipping on his morning coffee, his favourite mug in his hand and a doleful haze of sunshine in his eyes; everything was wonderful when alongside Seonghwa, you had your morning coffee too and engaged yourself in a fatuous conversation with him. Until Mingi walked in, half-asleep and Seonghwa excused himself to the balcony to get himself some freshly harvested coriander for the breakfast he had planned ahead. You had just gotten comfortable on the counter, as on Seonghwa's suggestion who thought it'd be a great idea for you to watch him cook.
So, now you're here. Waiting on Mingi's derisive comment to wrung you out like one would do to their wet towel. All this could've been avoided if Mingi hadn't woken up to get himself a bottle of water, or if you had just let it go after your eyes met with him.
"I don't remember the last time I had walked into the kitchen, and you weren't there," Mingi spits, spitefully enough to let his tone prick you like a thorn. "But you know, what? It'd be more surprising if you were actually useful in here."
"Man, you're really obsessed with me, aren't you?" you scoff, swinging your legs off the counter and landing on your feet. "I must be taking up every fraction of your mind, for you to come up with useless remakes and snarks."
"Aww, don't flatter yourself." Mingi smirks, "it's sad you think of me as one of your playthings to be infatuated with you and whatever that is you offer. Quit dreaming, princess. I will never bend to your words or whatever tricks you have up your sleeve."
"You seem very confident about—"
"You two are at it again?" Seonghwa groans, walking in the kitchen with his hands occupied, "how many times have I told you to not bother yourself with him, Angel? Some people aren't worth our attention." He sets the pair of scissors and a bunch of coriander, which he had freshly cut from his thriving garden in the balcony, on the counter and glances at Mingi, "and you, can't you let your differences go? You don't like her, we get it. But that does not validate your curt attitude towards her."
Heaving a sigh, he turns around and faces you, a smile already lilting on his lips, "look, I just want to have my breakfast in peace. You want to argue, bite each other's necks off, or borderline kill each other, do it in your own leisure time. My only request is, please let me eat in concord of my mind."
Mingi couldn't help but scoff, "you know, this would've never happened if you all hadn't allowed her to live with us."
You take offence in what he has to say, but don't voice it out as you usually would; Mingi and you had a bone to pick, you two could never get along no matter what. Though, listening to Mingi sometimes would leave your heart broken. In much simpler way of eluding, Mingi's resentment towards you was a blow to this ornate mirror you would view yourself in, and his words were the scattered pieces of glass ready to plunge deep in your heart. Whiling in the same momentary haze, you're dwelling unreasonably over his injudicious words again. It wouldn't come off as a surprise to anyone but being pampered and taken care of by the seven men in the house, Mingi's hostility always marred your pleasant disposition.
"Mingi," Seonghwa mutters, his tone threatening, "you're crossing the line here."
"Am I? Am I really crossing the line here, Seonghwa?" Mingi mumbles, posing it as a question onto Seonghwa. "I never had a say in this arrangement, yet I respected your decisions and went along with it. Maybe, I shouldn't detest her for what you've done. I should resent you all."
As his words falter to a mere whisper, Mingi shakes his head and turns around; but before he could leave either of you stranded, he glances over his shoulder and adds, "I'll go live with Lani for a couple of weeks. You guys can get comfortable, you know, I won't be around to make you guys awkward..."
With that, he leaves. His silhouette dithers to the morning sun flooding in through the balcony doors. Mingi had gone and you were seemingly, more heartbroken than ever. Your stomach lurches into your chest, your heart slowly regressing in its palpitations; Seonghwa clicks his tongue and places one of his hands on your thigh. Comforting warmth engulfs your disturbed mind and you're pulled out of your despondency. When you turn your head, you find Seonghwa's smile growing further into his cheeks and his eyes disappearing in crinkles.
"Don't you worry about him," he says, "he'll get around. I'll have Yunho talk to him. Unless they're both on bad terms with each other."
"What?" you mutter under your breath, tracing your hand along his to intertwine your fingers together. "I don't let his words bother me, seriously. You shouldn't trouble yourself with this. Or, even Yunho."
Seonghwa chuckles, "compared to me, Yunho would've taken a much violent approach if he had heard what and how Mingi spoke to you. I'm just saying, he wouldn't have been as tolerant as me." He clears his throat and lets his smile fall to line, "and whether you are bothered by him or not, it's no way for a man to treat you like that. Mingi is one of us, and we wouldn't be setting much of an impression on you if we let him get away with these things. Like I said, don't let his words get to you, he's a better man under all the facade of arrogance and revulsion."
Giving your hand a gentle squeeze, Seonghwa steps and untangles your hands; he stands in front of the stove and smiles at you. "Let's forget about him, alright. I know you're feeling down, so, what do you want to eat?"
"I thought you were making me fried rice from yesterday's leftovers," you wiggle your legs dangling off the counter and let your lips curl, "I'm not a picky eater. You can cook whatever you want."
"There's no harm in asking my lady, is there?" he muses, offering you wink before grabbing the bunch of coriander he had brought from the balcony.
"Who would've thought you tended a garden in the balcony."
He chortles, "not many know of it, sure. However, it doesn't take a genius to plant some coriander."
"Hey, it still keeps you in touch with your nurturing psyche," you pout, swinging your legs at a steady pace, "after all you're the guy who takes care of six kids in this household."
Seonghwa bites back on a laugh and lets his lips curve instead; he shakes his head, studying your clement eyes with his before he brushes it off. The avid affection in his eyes could've misread yours. He doesn't want to believe what he interpreted, but he knows you were being grateful to him. As the conspicuous moments cling to either of your speechlessness, Seonghwa clears his throat, and steps away from the counter.
"Seven kids, sweetheart. What, did you forget to count yourself?" he whispers lowly, "but you're not wrong, gardening has helped me get over many slumps in my life. And to be fair, any guy, stuck in my situation, would've done what I'm doing. Let's not romanticise what I do."
You are weirdly confounded by his modesty; allured in some delightful sense, you can't seem to get your eyes off of him. Seonghwa had his back faced to you while he rummaged through the refrigerator. Dainty crinkles of polythene bags and containers reverberate till they're softened by your own, an airy voice calling out to him.
"Are you sure?" you muse, "because I've seen you take on countless responsibilities. You somehow manage to balance your work life and still have time for the things you love doing vis-a-vis your gardening hobby. So, yeah. You're pretty much like a superhero."
"Anyone could do that, Angel. Come on." His humility is endearing, but you couldn't understand why he was dodging your compliments. With his head still buried in refrigerator, he continues, "if we're talking about parenthood, then I believe Hongjoong deserves some credit for keeping us all together."
You let out a soft giggle before leaning back on the counter, propping your hands on either side of you and gently oscillating yourself back and forth.
"You two have your roles predestined for this household, don't you? You're doing a great job, seriously. Just take the compliments and don't backhand them," you lick your lower lip, adoring the view in front of you. Seonghwa hums as a response because he knew there was no winning against you, while you suck on your teeth, "this is totally off topic, but damn, I might have one of the bestest views in front of me right now."
There was no lie in your testimony; you were indeed revelling in the perfect view of Seonghwa's rear raised in the air as he leaned over to rummage through the refrigerator. Sweatpants hang loose on his waist, accentuating more of his curves and his ass. It'd be a lot shameful to admit you were ogling at him, then ever denying you felt yourself losing to your demarcated eroticism.
"Oh really, my little girl likes what's in front of her? Adorable," he remarks, pulling himself out of the open doors of the refrigerator, "sad, all you can do is watch and drool. We both know who's incharge here, right?"
You watch him holding a few bags of veggies; though it wasn't feasible for your mind to come up with something this early in the morning, you still manage to go along the inner voices. A spark of tease takes over your mind when the oxytocin in your body passes its threshold.
"You are," you bring your voice down a few baritones and lace it with seduction, "daddy."
As a blur of sinful hope crosses his eyes, Seonghwa's face shrouds with utmost impropriety when he prances across the very little distance between you and the refrigerator. Carelessly, he lets go the bags in his hands and they land on the counter with a placid crinkle, soon submerging into your gasp; Seonghwa forces you to spread your thighs apart while you sat still on the counter. His hands sear their touch on your skin, pushing your legs further apart for him to slot his body perfectly against yours. The tender caresses of his fingers, running in circles on your skin, under your shirt, start trickling your spine with shivers. On your amiable instinct, you're quick to wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders, supporting your body as he pulls you into his body. He kept you upright while you were almost suspended off the edge of the counter.
"Be careful with that word, sweetheart." Seonghwa warns, tracing his lips in almost like a trail of wispy kisses to your ear; he licks up the shell of your ear before biting down on the earlobe. "You throw it around too much, and I might not be able to tame myself."
Your throat runs dry, once having discerned the softer but grimy undertones of carnality in his voice. In the wrinkle of a second, you wind your legs around his waist and push your hips into his lower abdomen. His flimsy shirt rides up with your movement to have you peek on his toned abdomen, and a cute little belly button. Seonghwa's dainty fingers crawl down to the hem of your shirt, pushing it over to expose your bare chest.
"I wouldn't mind you losing yourself to me, daddy." You slur your words, tilting your head to a side when you find him staring at you.
"You're playing with fire, sweetheart," smirking, he whispers and lets his hands drag up your sides, till they're cupping your tits, "aren't you scared you might burn yourself?"
A breath hitches in your throat, mind fogging with absolute darkness when his warmth is groping your tits like that; you let out a soft whimper, your eyes fluttering close and your lips parting in a mere attempt to get your words out. Nothing came out of your mouth, not even an utter; you were too engrossed in his touches and warmth, the one which slipped away from you after teasing and tugging at your taut nipples. You were sensitive to touch, and it had only been brought to your attention during your make out session with Jongho last night.
"Hmm, you're...responsive," Seonghwa mumbles and pulls back, letting your shirt drape your body fully before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "We'll continue this after breakfast, hmm? I am really hungry right now. Hungry for food."
Tangled limbs become free as he pushes himself away from you; you weren't fond of the coldness which slipped in between too immediately after, but you couldn't complain either way. Seonghwa ties his apron around his waist and bends over to grab a chopping board from the cabinets below the stove.
He sets it on the counter before smiling at you, "I could use your help. Why don't you wash the vegetables and I'll chop them?"
It came off as a suggestion than request, the one you couldn't quite resist. You hop off the counter, gently tugging on your shirt before standing next to him; Seonghwa unwraps his selection of veggies from their respective polythene bags and places them on the counter. You share a glance with him, and a smile curls your lips. Soon, you two are drowning out every superficial thought in your head, lost in a void of affection while your eyes never once wavered from each other. He almost leant in, lips puckered and eyes half-lidded, you were prepared for whatever that was going to happen, anticipation breaking at the seams. Warmth of his breath fans your cheeks and then your lips, before it melts into your skin; his lips are delicate with yours, brushing softly till it turns to a passionate kiss. Seonghwa winces softly when he forces himself away from you, breaking the kiss in that moment.
"If we carry on like this, there's no way I'd finish preparing breakfast for nine people."
"Then maybe you should learn how to control yourself," you joke, bumping your hips into his, as playfully as you could, "come on, we've got a lot of time after breakfast to do whatever your heart desires to do now."
"Duly noted, ma'am."
Cooking with Seonghwa was fun, endearing even. You two spent the time laughing and talking around, making harmless jokes about the others who were somehow still not awoken to your chaos. There wasn't a lot to talk about any way, so you settled on asking him questions about Mingi and his relationship. At first Seonghwa hesitated in his head to answer your doubts, but soon enough he was opening up and spilling everything. Mingi and Lani, his girlfriend, have been on and off from the freshman year; the two met in their department and have known each other since then. Lani is a ballet major and according to Seonghwa's first impression of her, she's a pretty woman with an ugly heart and soul. She had been stringing Mingi along to her tricks, taking advantage of his good persona and also his wealth. Yep, if you hadn't known it before, Mingi, similar to Jongho, belonged to a well-heeled family.
"Mingi's too much of a kind heart to see through her lies and chicaneries," Seonghwa scoffs, continuing to sauté the vegetables, he glances at you and shrugs his shoulders lightly, "we've all tried our hardest to get him out of the illusions she's weaved around him; so far, we've only offended him with our stupid trials."
"You told me not to be bothered by him, on the contrary you yourself are troubled—"
"—there's always some sort of hypocrisy hidden in my words, sweetheart," his laugh interrupts you, "time heals, doesn't it?" As he sighs, he fixates himself on the pan of sizzling of vegetables, "I'm just hoping he realises his worth and knows what he deserves."
"He will, I'm a firm believer of that."
You hum and lean back into the counter, stretching out your upper body and legs to destress yourself; the sublime morning dawned over, spilling with golden cast and untimely bloom of chirping birds. It had been approximately fifteen minutes since Seonghwa and you had taken on the venture of cooking egg fried rice for everyone, almost done with finishing with the task at hand. Amid the silence of all, where only the occasional sears of vegetables and oil resounds, your stomach growls and all hell breaks loose.
Seonghwa bites back on a laugh and looks at you, "if you're that eager, there's an assortment of cut fruit in the fridge. Help yourself to it." He redirects your attention by pointing the spatula in his hand towards the refrigerator, "I'll be done in ten more minutes. You can have a light snack till then. And do you want me to brew you some green tea with the rice?"
You're already a few steps ahead, already by the refrigerator, "I'm fine. I'll just have some orange juice instead."
Opening the door of the refrigerator, you shuffle around with the various takeout containers and a box leftover pizza from last night. Along some saran-wrapped plates of Wooyoung's experimented recipes, you find the colourful bowl of cut fruits, which also happened to be covered by a large sheet of saran-wrap. The gelid ceramic bowl fits snug in the palm of your hands when you bring it out to the dining table; sitting down on your designated chair, you put the bowl on the table and flick the wrap from it. Your place at the dining table had been preordained by the others, you were given the seat between Yunho and San, while the others sat in their usual chairs. There was one chair, centrally placed along the width of the table, claimed by Hongjoong. And the others would then sit around him; it started with Hongjoong, and clockwise to him, it went, Seonghwa, Jongho, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, San, you and Yunho.
As it was only the two of you this morning, you decided to settle down on the first chair you see; which happened to be where Seonghwa sat. Aimlessly, you let your hand dive in the bowl to pinch out a piece of peach, the first bite is juicy, tangy and sweet, forcing you to reminisce on your bittersweet encounter with Mingi. You're in a dour state of your mind again, forced to have mindless notions, if there could ever be a time where you and Mingi would get along just fine. Lost in your heady wonders, you blindly pick out another piece, a piece of melon and put in your mouth; juices trickle, splashing on your chin and rolling further down your neck. Chewing through it, you're still immersed in the intangible truth of your downtrodden relationship with Mingi. You munch and chew, without having the knowledge that you had nearly finished all the fruit in bowl, and how sticky your chin was from all the fruit juices.
Louder your thoughts are, the more unaware you become of footsteps ascending out of the kitchen. You're snapped into reality by a certain weight lingering on your shoulder. When you raise your head up, you're stricken with Seonghwa's beaming smile and his amused eyes.
"Angel to earth," he muses, "what are you thinking of?"
You shake your head, lips quivering, "nothing really."
Seonghwa doesn't believe you, yet he nods his head and places the plates on the table which had been carrying in his other hand. Slipping his hand from your shoulder and sliding it across the back of your chair, he leans over and traces his other hand along your chin; fingers collect the remnant of fruit juices from your chin before his thumb swipes just under your lower lip. You watch him, flustered and confused, mouth agape, seemingly out of the daze, as he brings his fingers to his mouth and lets his tongue dart out. He licks up the length of his forefinger, fluttering his eyes close before humming in satisfaction. When his eyes open to your soft whimper, he continues to lap his tongue around his thumb; sucking on it, he brings it out with a pop and smirks lightly at you.
"Sweet," he whispers, leaning further to reduce whatever distance that was between you two. His lips hover on yours, ghosting their soft brushes till he mumbles, "you're not a good liar, sweetheart."
"I-I really wasn't—I wasn't thinking of anything," you stutter, jerking up your shoulders and taking a deep breath to keep yourself composed.
On the brink of letting your lips touch, you're at loss for words and thoughts; the close proximity muddles with your brain in ways you couldn't quite comprehend. Not when Seonghwa's hand had slithered its way on the nape of your neck from the chair. His delicate grasp pulls you in, your lips touching in some sort of fervent delight, till you're lurching and leaping, tilting your head to augment the desires palpating in both of your hearts. He cups your face instead, using the warmth of both of his palms. One of his thumbs presses against your cheekbone and you wince, fumbling with your own hands to wrap them around his shoulders.
This kiss drags on for long as it could, minutes murmuring to nothing more. Seonghwa's mind is left craving for more when he tastes the sweetness of fruit on your tongue and lips, when his own had been exploring the hot crooks of your mouth. You let him do as he pleased to, eager for his tongue to explore and taunt your own, to let both of them rub and wrestle together. Until, you're past the threshold of your contentment. A concept frozen in time, bounded by nothing till you're both breathless, chasing for the breath of air you needed to appease the burn in your chest. Seonghwa breaks the kiss, rupturing the rhythm of your lips; he rests his forehead against yours, his warm and ragged breath thrashing against your cheeks.
"Something has to be wrong with me today," he frets his words with the air he inhales, "I can't seem to let go of you, neither can I rid my heart of this devout yearning to taste you on my tongue. What have you done to me, my darling?" He chuckles in the raspy and breathless state of his, "do you not want me to stay sane?"
"I'm—I'm doing nothing," you respond, words hitching in your throat and heart pounding on the walls of your chest, "you were the one who kissed me."
"I am aware," he adds, whirling his tone with a deep laugh, "couldn't help myself when I saw you sitting here, lips and face glistening with the juices. You wouldn't know how tempting you were, how fucking beautiful it was for a man like me, to find you—" he chuckles in your face, "—every bit of you is so fucking precious, sweetheart. No doubt I lack self-restraint when I'm with you."
One of his hands on your cheeks, falls to grab your chin in his fingers' subtle grip, he pushes his thumb under your lower lip and forces you to open your mouth.
"This mouth had done some wonders back then," he mutters, "do you remember that night, Angel? When I had fucked this pretty little mouth of yours..."
You nod.
"Such a good little girl," he rasps, drunkenly, "such a good girl to remember the time I had wrecked her throat. Hmm, fucking perfect."
And you're rendered speechless; it's very unlikely for you to be so horny in the morning, let alone, your day had just started, and you were already dripping through your shorts. Swallowing thickly, your throat wobbles with you having no words to voice them out; instead, Seonghwa steps back, begrudging to himself as he straightens up and stares down at you.
"I know what you're thinking of," he muses, "and I've got something for you regarding it. Don't worry, sweetheart, all your desires will be quenched; let's just eat first, okay?"
Again, you're only sane enough to nod your head vigorously. Biting on your lower lip, your mind goes astray, the reminisces of the said night flooding your conscience with zeal and ecstasy; only recalling the vague memoirs that night left you with, had tipped you past your edge, urging your arousal to soak your shorts and causing more to seep out. Seonghwa's muted whistle howls in your ears when he's placing the pot of cooked rice on the table. While you're still disoriented from the remembrances of your game night with him and Yunho, Seonghwa makes himself comfortable on one of the chairs and pats his lap, hoping you'd take on the little hint. You obviously did not need to be told twice. Scampering off your feet, you're quick to fit yourself in his lap. You prop your legs across his, leaning your body onto his chest while resting your head on his shoulder. Mumbling out an incoherent sound, Seonghwa wraps his arms around your waist and presses a soft kiss against your forehead.
"How are we supposed to eat if you're going to..." he says, suggestive enough for you to sit a bit straighter, "you know, you can get needy at times. A lot."
Plucked by a sense of curiosity, you compose your posture and wrap your arms around his neck. Seonghwa's lips curl with the utmost bewilderment, while your brows squeeze together in the centre of your forehead; he shakes his head, fathoming your deliberate gestures. He pinches your chin, thumb pressing into your bone for your lower lip to tug out.
"I'm not complaining, it's adorable." He adds in a wispy voice, "really fucking adorable when daddy's little girl gets to bat her lashes at him and he falls head first into her trap."
You smirk, squirming on his lap before leaning over to whisper in his ear, "isn't daddy all talk and no show?"
"Daddy doesn't want to hurt his baby," he mutters, tracing one of his hands along your back to your neck. Though, losing his grasp on his own tongue, he lets out a chuckle and looks away from you, "bless my soul, I thought I'd be able to keep a straight face through this vulgar oration, but turns out I can't really utter anything without absolutely cringing my spine."
"Why not?" you laugh along him, as his eyes are back on you, twinkling with unsaid words, "I believe, you said it was a part of your "kinks" and preferences."
He shrugs, slightly shifting you on his lap, "it is; however I don't want our fellow readers to crawl out of their skin listening to me exaggerate..."
You peck his lips and shut him up, "I bet the readers like it. So, don't you worry about it."
"The main concern should be, do you like it?" he rasps, his voice husky, "it's important to know if you're comfortable or not."
You brush your lips against his, "it might take me some time to get used to it. Not a lot of guys I had been with, dabbled in this kink, you know."
"Lot of guys?" he instigates, his lips curling into his cheek, revealing his canines, "how many guys have you been with before us?"
"I never asked you how many women you've been with before me," you drawl, jutting your lower lip out, "why do you care, anyway?"
Sliding his hand further up your neck, he entangles his fingers in your hair and pulls you with it; you arch your head back, succumbing to his strength and chuckling softly before he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He traces pleasant kisses on your skin, eventually letting his tongue dart over to lick and suck, eliciting pretty sounds from your mouth.
He murmurs his words, letting them collide with your skin, "fine. I'll tell you everything. Would you like that?"
His hand which had stayed around your waist, tightens and using your body to have some leverage, he bucks his hips into yours. The thin material of his sweatpants wasn't enough to let the impression of his erection go unnoticed by you; seemingly immersed in the sensation his lips offered and the way his hardening cock rubbed against your inner thigh, you let out a mangled gasp, smiling to yourself.
"Sure—ah fuck—sure, tell me everything about your past." In your line of sight, you could only catch the minute glimpse of his tousled hair tickling your throat.
Seonghwa hauls a soft chortle against your collarbone; not knowing when he had drifted off from kissing your throat, to your collarbones, you whimper ever so slightly, lurching over to hug his shoulders tighter in your grasp. Your body somehow manages to stay on his lap, somehow rattling to his the movements of his hips and the sensitive teasing of his lips on your collarbones; if you were to squirm or shift even to the slightest to your side, you would be slipping out of his lap and landing ass-first on the floor.
"What, do you need a number or names?" he jokes, "I'm bad with both. Could never keep a count, or remember their names."
"That's just sad," you enunciate, shuddering to his teeth sinking right above one of your collarbones, "very much like you, I don't recall a lot of things from my past endeavours either."
Seonghwa hums along, "you certainly know how to play a risky game, don't you?" teasing you with his teeth, he proffers a few more nibbles to your flesh before pulling back. His hand drops from your hair and lets you move your head freely; though, he brings the same hand down to cup a side of your face, "don't bite more than you can chew."
"Oh, you're one to talk," you retort, rolling your eyes at him, "aren't you redirecting my attention to something else." He understands your intentions when you subtly glance down, and scoff, "I thought we were going to eat. You just seem to have all different kinds of ideas, anything but eating breakfast, apparently."
"And who's responsible for putting these ideas in my head?" he taunts you, patting your cheek before backing himself away and wrapping both his arms around your waist.
A dark sheet of serenity falls over the two of you, simmering your thoughts till he's making an effort to create a sound. Seonghwa's grip tightens around your figure, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder as he mumbles, "I've slept with many women in my past, maybe a few men here and there; but I could never connect with them on a spiritual level. Could never engage each other in meaningful conversations. Our emotional compatibility was almost close to negligible, so we kept it limited to our bodily passions and intimacies. All of my past experiences, they're more jarring than you could ever imagine them to be."
You listen to him draw in a sharp breath, his chest heaving into yours when he does. For the fractioned beat of a second, he grows quiet and then sighs, breaking his silence, "in the end, I came to terms with it; I had no problems living that lifestyle, even though it was, in practicality, destroying me." He adds, "so, due to my internalised needs and desires, I stopped meddling with the dating culture altogether. Now, I wander around, meeting new faces every night and indulging in most of my darkest desires."
"Does that sate your curiosities, sweetheart?" he wrings out a jagged laugh, shaking his head, "I truly hope so."
You nod, "yeah."
There's an underlying forethought concealed in Seonghwa's eyes; it glimmers softly while you're still figuring your way through the labyrinth of his words. Seonghwa may not be as forthcoming as you might have predicted him to be, though you couldn't really judge after only living with him for a month or so. It took time for him to peel his shell off, engage with you in much profound and deeper conversations about literally anything and those tête à têtes were your habitual secrets to seeking an ardent relationship with him.
"Good," he smiles, "let's eat then. I can feel my stomach growling for some food, while I'm starting to see stars behind my eyelids."
"Oh, you're so dramatic," you playfully scoff, before propping the lid off the pot, "and so hungry today. Are you sure it's food that you're craving and not something else?"
"What else would I crave on a Saturday morning?" he deadpans, licking his lips.
"I don't know, I was thinking about..." you trail off and let out a simple laugh, "me, aren't you craving me to fill your mouth with my sweetness..."
Seonghwa groans, keeping a mellowed out smile on his lips, "daddy's little girl really wants to test his patience, doesn't she? Well, daddy is going to make sure his little girl knows not to tease him."
Your spine crumbles to his husky voice, his arms tracing up your sides; fingers clasping onto the hem of your shirt, he lifts it over your head and discards it down on the floor. A soft crinkle resounds, but you aren't too bothered by it, because you were too fazed by his warm breath prickling your skin, fanning with an intensity. Bare chest, see-through demeanour, you fix your hungry eyes on his and wait for them to shift a shade, wait for them to lose all the light before he becomes feral in a way only you could understand. Wetting your lips, you slide your hands into his hair, picking at the soft tuft of ebony strands, and tangling yourself in the much needed strength. And there it goes without saying, ambient dark shrouds his eyes and a smirk fleets on his lips.
Till the time a breathless gasp leaves your mouth, his face is buried in between your tits. His tongue slithers out, rubbing up stripes, licking your skin; a moan gets trapped in your chest when you find the same warmth graze along your sternum. His lips hover over one of your tits, you're anticipating when he opens his mouth and engulfs you with a want you had been sitting on. However, he doesn't give it much thought before wrapping his soft lips around your flesh and guiding his mouth down. All in his mouth, you bite your lip and throw your head back, eyes screwing shut with the absolute pleasure you were bubbling with.
Your arousal seeps through your shorts when his teeth sink in lightly at first, and then he bites down, hard enough for his teeth to mark your skin. Strapping his hands to your waist and pulling himself away from your chest, he somehow manages to shuffle you on his lap. A second sounds in your head and his mouth is back on your chest; immersed in the holy delight of his lips and mouth sucking your tit, you voice a strangled whimper and fist your hands in his hair. Seonghwa winces at the way you were tugging on his hair, but doesn't make a sound and continues to do what he had taken up on.
Somber serenity in the surrounding is filled with fervent echoes of moans, groans and whimpers, all shuddering from your mouth; your lips remain parted, your eyes now half-lidded to gaze down at Seonghwa, and your cunt leaking with excitement. Whiling himself in his own carnality, he slides one of his hands up from your waist and gropes your other tit. The softness of his hand caresses your skin before the raggedness of his fingers envelops it whole. Pinching your taut nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, he lets it roll before pulling on it.
"Ah, fuck—Seonghwa," you voicelessly mutter out, bucking your hips into his to let your clothed cunt grind against his thigh, "you—you fucking switched up—you just—keep doing that, please."
Your desperation amuses him, but he doesn't let go. Seonghwa's tongue keeps lapping and tickling your taut nipple by rubbing its tip too harshly over it. At this point, you're gasping for air and your lungs could collapse any moment due to the suffocation your mind brought upon them. Moving your hips vigorously to a steady pace, you try to get as much friction against his thigh as you could. Internally, you writhe with a bolt of desperation striking down every rational thought in your body. While his other hand stays around your waist, he supports your back and lets you ride his thigh.
The slick of your arousal is starting to seep through your shorts and soaking into his sweatpants; if you could translate your and his neediness, you both wanted the same things. To rid yourself of your clothes. You were piqued beyond your desires, wanting to rub your drenched pussy against his bare thigh, and Seonghwa had his heart in his mouth, picturing how pretty you'd look cumming on his thigh. With his hand slipping against the small of your back, he gives you subtle hint and you take it; propping yourself on your feet, you stand while Seonghwa pulls away from your chest and suppresses a groggy grunt in his stomach.
"I better have you moaning my name when you're riding my thigh."
As he voices the steepest craving of his heart, he pinches your nipple harder and twists it in between his forefinger and thumb; you gasp, your lungs burning to the sting of your chest while you're starting to pool in your shorts.
"Do you understand that little girl?" he emphasises and tugs harshly on your nipple, red blotches starting to fade in across your skin.
"Yes—yes," you mutter, catching a breath, but aren't really given much time when Seonghwa's hand cups your tit before the palm lands flat and harsh against it.
"What do we say, Angel?" he slurs your name, and it rolls off his tongue coated with honey.
"Yes, daddy." he nods, willingly palming your tit before slapping it again, "that's what I like to hear, hmm..."
The meagre vibrations of his voice are just resonating in your ears when his delicate touches ghost your waist. Your bare skin gets trickled with goosebumps the moment he engulfs you in his warmth. Effortlessly, as you meet his eyes, pleading him to rid you from your shorts, he hooks his fingers under the waistband and tugs them down. Not a second is wasted in kicking the shorts off your body; they lay strewn on the floor, sprawled by the legs of Seonghwa's chair.
You're about to lower yourself back into his lap when he makes you cease your actions with a simple nudge of his head. Seonghwa, unfazed by your glistening cunt, quickly pulls his sweatpants down and lets them bunch at his ankles. Trapping a mewl in your chest, you then straddle a side of him, situating yourself and your aroused cunt on one of his thighs.
"Hmm, fuck me, Angel," Seonghwa moans, throwing his head back when he feels your slick caress his skin, "you're fucking leaking down here. Such a—such a wet cunt rubbing up and down my thigh," he takes a deep breath and squints his eyes close, "you seriously want me to lose it, don't you?"
You bite down on your lower lip and nod your head, pressing your back into his thigh and letting your cunt drag over; the very first brush of your folds against his skin was ecstatic, beaming a haze of sheer raw carnality through your body. Seonghwa catches his breath and straightens his head to have his gaze fixed on you. The specs of brown are mild and pale in his eyes, mostly because they were concealed behind a thick curtain of lust. The look in his eye is quite similar to the one you had caught up on that night, the night where you were sandwiched in between Yunho and him.
"I just—I just want to cum," you cry in absolute agony, the dragging minutes turning your arousal painful and harrowing. "I can't—Hwa, I can't take this much long—longer."
"Darling, no one's stopping you," he growls, "go ahead, make a mess on my thigh," he clicks his tongue and shakes his head, a sly smile curving his lips, "or does daddy's little girl need his cock to set her straight?"
When he rasps his words, you let a part of your sanity slip away into the dark of your lust; craving most of him, you rock your hips against his thigh, your wet folds fretting with a want so inhumanly strong to break you apart in meagre seconds. Needless to say, you were long gone, led astray in the land of darkness and pure lechery. How could you take things slow when you were beyond any hope, beyond the particulars of your aroused body forcing you to fold and rile up in all the worst ways possible. Your body jolts to the upheaving urge of suffering; cinched by your mind, you tense up the moment a tight knot fickle with your gut.
Winding your arms around his shoulders, you procure a much needed leverage for your hips to rub on his thigh. The sensation kept dragging out your high, kept you in the steady motion while you were whimpering in utmost pleasure. And the man under you was completely unfazed, however bewildered and amused to watch you use him to help you come undone. This was his first time watching you so desperate for him, his first time touching your cunt; it blew up a fuse in his head, mouth drooling at the sight of you and your tits bouncing, the sinful sounds your mouth parted with, and how lusciously loud you were starting to get. Combusting with the remaining desire, you steady the rhythm of your hips and tighten your arms around his shoulders. Your cunt kept clenching around nothing, your clit in a sensory overdose from grinding for long and your needy self still ached to be filled by him. Moans grew louder, your eyes welled with tears and blurred your vision.
"Daddy..." a whimper shudders in your most devastating voice ever, "I want you—I want your cock, please. I need you—I need you so bad, daddy."
Seonghwa's unholy chuckle resounds only a little when he immerses himself in the play of his cravings and dives in to lick your already shimmering tits. His spit layers on your skin, his cock springing and straining in his briefs at the way your delicate cunt kept stroking his thigh. This could be the ultimate end of your struggle, you were so sure the tension in your stomach would ease out if you continued for even a minute more. But to your disappointment, one of Seonghwa's hands comes down to caress your mound; he offers you a little slap before using his other hand to stop you. A bashing strike of his hand against your stomach is enough to bring you out of the daze, to have your hips rolling back while your body manages to comprehend the situation.
"Hmm," Seonghwa clicks his tongue, "my little girl needs daddy's cock to fuck her good, hmm..?" continuing to muse, he mumbles against your chest, "such a needy little girl."
"Please daddy," you whisper, tilting your head down to meet his eye.
"Get on your feet," he commands and you oblige, standing up with your legs on either side of his.
Seonghwa lets a teasing curve slide on his lips before he starts pulling his briefs down; he manages to slip them off his legs, shoving them to a side while he glances at you and how your eyes were tracing every inch of his cock. Indeed, you were staring down at him, salivating with the anticipation of when you'd be stuffed by him. Biting back on a groan, you could barely keep yourself up, merely have strength to keep yourself on your feet. When your knees buckle with an absolute want and feeble enthusiasm, you land straight in his lap. Seonghwa clicks his tongue, in an attempt to distract you from the embarrassment you thought you were delving in; he pulls your further down by your waist and lets the tip of cock nudge a side of your inner thigh.
In the heat of the moment, you mewl from the pit of your stomach and lurch into his chest. Simmering kisses along his clothed chest and collarbones, you graze your lips painfully slow to meet his; a fracture in time melts all boundaries for your rationality, and the next thing you know, you're licking his lips and shoving your tongue into his mouth. You pry his mouth further open, letting it fall wide while your tongue slithers past his and plunges to the base of his throat.
Seonghwa hums, letting you do as you please; he was more concentrated on bucking his hips into yours, to let you feel his hard cock, let it dent in your lower belly. You're far too gone, though a few minutes prior to this you were on the edge cumming, and now you're riling yourself up again. Pressing your tongue against the roof of Seonghwa's mouth, you shift in his lap and situate yourself in a desperate position. Your cunt stroked up his cock, the tip almost slipping inside but you veer slightly to let it slide out and up your mound. Musty stench of sweat and sex had already dissipated in the morning air, how the sunshine basked in glory of shining across your bodies and entrapping them in warmth of refined pleasure.
Breathless, Seonghwa pulls you by your waist and angles his head back; he takes a lug of air through his mouth and lets his lips mould into a smirk.
"What was that?" he questions, his husky voice dwindling to a mere whisper, "my little girl knows how to play, doesn't she...?"
You nod, succumbing to such neediness that you have to stable yourself by holding onto his shoulders. "Yes daddy..."
Seonghwa has had a good grasp on his untamed mind for quite long. Though he knows he's going to lose it soon, and the more you heed him by the word he so often goes crazy listening to, he might not really not go too easy on you. His hands glide down the small of your back and cup your ass. While his eyes are too busy fixated on you, he leans in to catch your lower lip in between his teeth. You give into him because you were wasted, intoxicated by carnality to have any logical notions to think straight. The raggedness of his calloused hands rubs against your ass. Taking the hint, you lift yourself only a bit for him to guide you down onto his cock. And he might have struggled a little to slip inside you, because he was distracted by your desperate eyes and the way he had trapped your lower lip in his mouth.
You whine, managing to get your words out, "fuck—daddy, I need you—fucking please."
"You're doing great so far, love," he praises you, freeing your lip from his clasp and continues, "come on, you can get it in by yourself, can't you?"
On the verge of crying out, you quickly nod your head and bring one of your hands down from his shoulder to wrap it around his cock. You give him a few strokes along the shaft and then proceed to pump his tip; bracing yourself, you use the same hand to align him against you, your attention solely fixed on Seonghwa's as he watches you with so much admiration. The moment the tip of his cock prods with your folds, his brows scrunch to the centre and his eyes flutter close. He voices a guttural moan, clasping down hard on his lower lip while you swallow the length of his cock. It slips right in because of your abundant arousal leaking out; he grows harder inside of you, twitching slightly you completely sink down and wrap your velvet walls around him.
"Ah, fuck. Angel..." he mutters under his breath, peeling his eyes open to find you were equally stuck in the trance of pleasure with him, "is daddy's cock perfect for you?"
You nod, "yes, daddy's cock—daddy's cock fits so well in my cunt."
And there goes your ability to structure cogent responses and voice them at the same time. You were bound to get drunk on all the dopamine and serotonin dispersed in your bloodstream; Seonghwa's body was just another excuse for your brain's haphazard behaviour. His cock nestles deep in your cunt, slightly straining again as you try to adjust to the stretch and his length. Seonghwa may not be as girthy or thick as Yunho, or Jongho for that matter, regardless, he had a good length to reach places which were probably not easily accessible to anyone. It wasn't a good time to recall, but the night you deep throated this man, you were practically left sore in your throat and Yunho's suggestion of drinking hot tea was a failed attempt.
"Such a good girl," Seonghwa mumbles, slotting one of his hands in the small of your back and tracing up the other one to your neck, "such a good fucking whore to take my—take my cock in. Feels good, hmm? Daddy's cock feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes," you whimper, wincing softly before leaning over to envelope his shoulders with your arms. "Daddy's cock—daddy's cock feels really good. So fucking good."
Your voice starts breaking towards the end; throat drying to the possible thought of rolling his hips against his, for his cock to plunge even deeper than this. The moment you try to move your hips even an inch, Seonghwa slaps a hand across your tits to get you out of the daze. Bothered and immensely frustrated, you let out a saccade series of jumbled up whines and gasp.
"Fuck—what was—what was that for?" you stutter, watching the man with tears in the corners of your eyes.
"Don't move." He smirks, "not yet."
"Why not?"
Seonghwa's smirk grows deep into his cheek, "because I'm hungry. And I need to eat."
"Fucking really?" you heave out a low-pitched laugh, sliding your arms down to the hem of his shirt, "daddy really is un-fucking-predictable."
"And daddy's little girl shouldn't have such a foul mouth on her," he teases, bringing his hand again to strike it against your chest; to you surprise he doesn't, rather he slaps your already puffed cunt, "hope she's aware daddy knows a way to cleanse it. Does she want—ah fuck, love, you're clenching around me."
He leans over to grunt in your ear, "be a good little girl while I have my breakfast, darling. And I'll give you what you deserve, hmm?"
"Okay," you murmur, but bite your tongue, adding, "daddy..."
Seonghwa scoffs playfully and props your body against his chest; he makes sure you're resting on him while he reaches out to the cutlery holder on the table to grab himself a spoon. The plates were ready in front of him beforehand, from back then. He helps him to a small serve of the rice you two had cooked together. As the rice spills over the plate, his spoon clatters delicately; he collects a spoonful and brings it close to your mouth. In all honesty, you were indeed hungry, but didn't want to admit it to him. Not when you were frisky and needy in the beginning.
"Here," he rests the spoon by your lower lip, "open wide."
Rolling your eyes at his trivial attempt at mockery, you open your mouth and let him put the spoonful of rice in. The spicy and tangy undertones hit your taste buds, quickly followed by the crunch of veggies. You were baffled, struck by a dilemma; there was a party of flavours in your mouth and in the merry land of downtown, your cunt was stuffed with his cock. Which plight was more engaging and pleasurable? Obviously, eating.
You hum in a strangled manner, gazing at Seonghwa who himself had a spoonful of rice in his mouth. A blotch of sauce stains under his lip, just below on his chin and your mind goes off with an idea. Leaning in, your breath fans along his nose and lips, eventually turning intense on his chin. Your tongue darts out in the latter second and laps up the stain. You've licked it clean, and while you were immersed in doting on Seonghwa's lowly groans, you could feel him twitch in your cunt. It turned him on. Victory for you.
"What?" you act coy, rolling your hips into his to let the tip of his cock thrust into you slightly. "You've got weird kinks, I did what I thought you'd like..." you drag it to a mumble, "daddy."
He shakes his head, a smile splaying on his lips; he gets another spoonful of rice and feeds it to you. Again, you relish on the savoury taste and moan softly. Again, Seonghwa's cock pulsates in your cunt.
"I do." He answers to your priorly posed question, "in fact, feeding you is weirdly turning me on."
"Touché," you roll your eyes.
"Do you want to cum or not?" he mocks, sliding his other hand up your bare stomach to grope one of your tits.
"You're a fucking tease."
You shouldn't have said that.
'Cause the moment those words left your lips, Seonghwa's eyes lost their light, and his lips pursed together in a straight line. He lets the spoon drop against the plate, clattering louder at the impact and the echoes kept resonating around. You swallow thickly, your mind fogged with deliberate thoughts of him and anticipation. It takes a fraction of a second for Seonghwa to thrust his hips into yours, ramming his cock further up your cunt. You press on a moan, fumbling with your arms to allot them a place to rest; finding his shoulders perfect for your body to support itself you tangle them around him and hope for the best.
"Fine," he mutters, growling through his words halfway, "I'll get straight to the point then. Get on your feet."
His voice is as dark as his eyes, stern clear and firm; you swallow down on a lump in your throat again, and get on your feet. When you do, though, his cock slips out of your cunt and you wince at the emptiness; your much elated indulgence comes to a sudden halt but it doesn't leave you quite yet. As you're steadying your quavery feet on the floor, Seonghwa stands up from his chair and steps out of his sweatpants pooling around his ankles. Your eyes meet with his, losing yourself to the push and pull of your horniness; he takes a step towards you, while your back is pressed up against the table. The edge of the table dents into your flesh, but it's nothing compared to the steely despair in your stomach which bubbles through your body. He lurches over and rests his arms on either side of you, putting his hands on the table to trap you in between his body.
"Ass out, little girl," he rasps, "daddy is going to remind you how to behave around him."
With little to no resistance in your mind, you flip your body over and stick your ass out; he, on the other hand, does not hesitate in grabbing your waist or pulling your ass back into his crotch. He grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up to clutch it in between his teeth; the shirt rides up and exposes his toned abdomen, and chest. You glance over your shoulder to bask in the sight, the delicious sight of him biting down on the hem of his shirt and sporting a smirk on his lips. There's no denying, he was a piece of art and even more so, he appeared so fucking hot while pushing himself into you. His cock nudges against your asscheek as he rolls his hips into your rear; he continues to do so until his cock slips perfectly in between, under your cunt. The tip prods with your slit, tracing back and forth till he makes an attempt to sink into your warmth.
Seonghwa's grunt is partially coarse when he plunges the tip of his cock into you. The way he slips in so effortlessly into your cunt, reminds you how wet and aroused you were. Though, you wouldn't have minded if he had rubbed his cock along your slit for few more minutes; it was driving you insane how he drags his ministrations and tipping you off the edge. Your patience were disintegrating and it was hard to keep up with your body.
"Fuck, Angel," he slurs his words, "you're swallowing me in, fuck—so fucking eager."
He winds an arm around your waist, resting it right over your stomach to steady you before pushing himself further into your hips. Inch by inch, the entirety of his cock is buried in your cunt, the fullness causes you to tremble and shudder, forcing you to take a deep breath which apparently only stings your lungs. Seonghwa uses his other hand to slot it in the curve of your back, pushing you over the table and bending you into him. It was all about the convenience, finding the perfect angle for his cock to thrust and ram into all the good places inside you.
"Seonghwa..." you whimper, resting your hands in front of you, holding onto the table as you're pushed into it with his force. "Fuck—daddy, you're—a little faster, please."
Stringing out a few words to create something coherent, at least you thought you were. Seonghwa's thrusts pick up their pace, only by a tempo while he still teases you: he pushes in till the base of his cock, and pulls out fully to leave you whining on the empty feeling. He does that quite a lot, frequently slipping out of you and sliding back in with much fervent enthusiasm than before. The teasing was only so much you could handle at the given moment of time, because you were already in the hopeless state of mind, wanting to be railed by him without any restrictions or distractions.
It had certainly left your mind that you stayed here with seven others men; one of which who resents you but the other six are patient, awaiting on their chance with you. If any one of them were to walk in on the two of you, it'd be a mess. Not that you did not anticipate it. You would be propelled into a new world of kinks and chaos if someone were to watch you get dicked down by Seonghwa. Just picturing it makes you clench around Seonghwa's cock, groaning at the slow-paced thrusts and pokes he eventually made at your clit with the tip of it. You were beyond helpless and had a vague outline of future possibilities streaming in your mind. That is, if someone were to really walk in on the two of you, you really hoped it to be Yunho.
Fuck. That doesn't seem like a good idea, considering Yunho had conveyed a part of his jealousy when you were sucking Seonghwa's face off that one night. If he were to see you get railed by his friend, it'd make him vicious enough to pull Seonghwa off of you and complete the task himself.
Probably, you'd want San to walk in on you two; there's no logic to this, but to your better judgement, it seems right for him to. You and San hadn't had much of an interaction, though you're a hundred percent assured he'd revel in the sight of your ass sticking out and into Seonghwa's crotch. San was definitely an ass guy.
"What are you thinking about?" Seonghwa asks, losing his grasp on his shirt; it falls down over your back, tickling your skin softly.
"Nothing—nothing really."
"Liar. Tell me," he chuckles, dark and loud. "I know you're—fuck—thinking about something."
Seonghwa's grunt settles heavy against your shoulder when he pushes his cock back into and proceeds to fuck you with the tip; he leans in to rest his chin on your shoulder, his ragged breathing harsh against your skin, tickling a side of your face and your ear. The material of shirt chafes your skin to the slightest degree, but should you really be worried about that? Your mind had been numb to his cock prodding and thrusting harshly into you, the rhythm of his hips not once faltering; he's certainly going at it, but somehow drawling out your orgasm and his too. He brings both of his hands on either side of your waist, clutching and denting your flesh with his fingers.
"I know what you're thinking about," he groans, "fuck—what if someone were to—what if someone walks in on us, hmm?"
You moan, "daddy..."
"Little girl wants someone to watch her while she gets—fuck—while she gets railed by her daddy, hmm?"
"Yeah, thinking bout someone—someone watching me."
"Ah, daddy's little girl is really filthy," he plunges deep into you, the tip of his cock settling in your warmth, "wants someone to watch her—wants others to see how good—fuck—how fucking good her daddy fucks her."
"Please," you mewl, nails scratching against the wood of the table, varnish slipping under them. "Please daddy—wanna—wanna be a good girl for you."
"Hmm," he hums close to your ear, licking up a stripe to bite down on the shell of it, "you are. Such a good girl—such a good fucking girl—fuck, taking daddy's cock so fucking well."
His hips rattle your body, the pace building up to a heavy speed, and continuing to follow so; pushing at your back, he bends you further onto the table, almost pushing your chest flat against it. In your haphazard world, you are cautious not to fall on the half eaten plate of food and the little sauce pan of rice which remained covered. You turn your head to the side, cheek pressed up against the wooden top and catch in the glimpse of Seonghwa's sweaty face. A few drops cascade down his forehead, while a few strands of his stuck too close to his skin. He has a very fucked look in his eyes, losing himself to the insatiable temptation of hitting you from the back.
You stretch your hands in front of you, pressing the palms flat and supporting your body to the wild impacts of his hips. As the benign force of his thrusts causes you to oscillate back and forth against the table, you're somehow lost in the trance while staring at him. Seonghwa throws his head back, his throat arching so perfectly, so expressive of him; his adam's quivers under his skin, and he screws his eyes shut. You're on the verge of letting your tears slide down your face, stricken with immense pleasure and delight in the way his cock was ploughing through your puffy walls.
"Good girl for..." you muffle your words on your spit, the drool starting to accumulate and trickle past your mouth. "Good girl for daddy."
"Yes, sweetheart . Such a sweet girl." Seonghwa replies incoherently and continues, "such a sweet little cunt, swallowing my cock in—so fucking well."
He had lost it too; he rambled useless words in the daze of your walls cleaning around him. It was the sweet disposition which got him to thrust himself even deeper. Too deep. Too many long and hard thrusts. His crotch and lower abdomen stays flushed with your ass, his thighs boring into your hips with every thrust of his. The tip of his cock plunges in the steeper end of you, pushing through your walls and jolting your body close to your orgasm. One of Seonghwa's hands comes to rest on the nape of your neck, wrapping delicately before pushing your head further into the table. His other hand lays flat against the small of your back, somehow forcing you to arch your ass into his cock. It worked.
"Daddy..." you moan, eyes half-lidded and lips slick with your drool; not just your lips, your chin had a sheeny coat of your spit.
"A little more, darling," Seonghwa groans.
When you whimpered his name, it was the point of no return for him; he diverts his mind towards your cunt, and how your warmth had engulfed his cock in sheer pleasure. Your walls tauten around him, and devour his cock further into your heat. You weren't fond of the table, your body felt sore and aching against it; and his thrusts weren't easing out any of the pain, not when he had picked them up. The inhumane lunges of his hips, shoved his cock deep. Stroking his thumb on the back of your neck, he leans over to rest his forehead on your shoulder blade. His hot breath fans your skin, edging you close to your orgasm.
A unlikely and familiar heaviness knots in your gut, twisting them ferociously as your stomach growls with a need. Seonghwa's cock keeps hitting you in all the right places, in all the right ways; you were minutes away from crumpling down and easing out your orgasm. Sensing your walls clench around his pulsating cock, Seonghwa peppers your shoulder with gentle and light kisses. The fluttering sensation crawls down to your stomach and causes it to twist; you're so close, almost on the verge of letting it go. The hand resting against your back, traces up the length of your arm and pulls it down; he bends it over and slots it in the curve of your back. Doing the same with your other arm, he has both of them together against your back, while he traps your wrists in his death grip. You're far too fucked out of your mind to resist against anything.
"Go on, sweetheart," he whispers, "you deserve it—fuck—go on, make a fucking mess on daddy's cock."
"Holy fuck—I'm—I'm fucking—I'm..." your voice gets lost in the sound of your skin slapping with his.
That was it. The last bits of his words make you go crazy, snapping every string of self-restraint and control, cutting off every thought to your brain and body. He drills his cock into you, keeping it concise and easy, and you're unravelling all over him. The knot in your gut nicks at your stomach, tightening it up further in your chest, and when the lightness washes you down, you relax your muscles and hear your juices splash. The cold drops trickle down your inner thighs, coating every inch of his cock as he continues to thrust through it.
"Such a good girl," Seonghwa growls, stuttering in his words, "daddy's gonna fill you up, sweetheart—daddy's gonna fill this sweet little cunt up."
Your lungs burn, your throat feels a little sore and your body feels lethargic; you're almost certain you'd pass out if he were to continue like this. Seonghwa heaves out a groan, which comes out hard from his chest as he fixes his drunken gaze on your face. His continues to caress his thumb against the back of your neck, which you had forgotten about a few minutes ago, and rolls his thighs into yours; his hips stay flushed against yours for a meagre second until he's pulling back. Keeping up with this, he thrusts in deep for the last time before his cock twitches with the urge; drenching your walls in his warmth, he spurts his load into you and rides it out with a few more thrusts.
The warmth of his cum dribbles on your skin, trailing further down to your knees when he pulls out. Emptiness scorns your body, pulling it out of the trance and your mind clears up with the post-orgasm clarity. His heat dissipates to cold air when he pulls himself away from you; stepping back, he heaves out a heavy sigh and runs a hand through his sticky and sweaty hair. You take a moment, a short second to compose your breathing before pushing yourself from the table. Your body feels lightweight and relaxed, but at the same time, you're drained. Even standing on your feet seemed like a task you'd fail at miserably. You plop down on the chair instead, hugging its backrest close to your chest and resting your head down against its edge.
"Now, that was something," a deep voice rumbles; the man clicks his tongue and pulls your attention on him. You raise your head up, almost too quickly and it gives you a good whiplash.
"How long have you been standing there for?" Seonghwa questions, pulling his briefs and sweatpants over his waist. He sounds a little breathless as well. Obviously.
"Fuck," you whisper under your breath, your naked form in all its glory in front of the man you hadn't spoken to a lot before.
He stood aimlessly by the kitchen's entrance, giving him the flawless view of you and Seonghwa doing it on the dining table. You were trembling with so much excitement after knowing there indeed was someone watching you while you got dicked down. But you did not expect it to be him. Not at all. The man has a flustered face, cheeks, the tip of his nose and ears, tainted with the subtle shade of red. He wore a black tank top and grey jogger shorts, his long ebony shaded hair sat disheveled yet neatly framed his face; half of it was tied back in a small and messy ponytail, while most of his hair stayed loose and tickled the sides of his face.
"Since she brought up someone walking in on your two," he simply shrugs and steers his gaze away from Seonghwa and onto you, "don't worry, Angel. You were fucking hot, writhing under his body. Look—" he glances down, and you do too, finding a tent in his shorts, "—my cock was so excited to see you like that."
"Well, we're actually done," Seonghwa wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans down to kiss your temple, "she's all yours if you want her."
The man standing by the kitchen, with a chilled water bottle in his hand, muses and contemplates for a good minute before his sleazy smile turns into a mischievous smirk. He unscrews the cap of his water bottle and chugs a good amount of water before sighing out in satisfaction and putting the cap back on. You could roughly translate what his eyes spoke to you at that moment, there's no way you wouldn't understand the hunger and wildness in them. And if you were honest, he was the last person you wanted to spend your time with.
"Sounds good," he mumbles, "we actually have a bone to pick, don't we Angel?"
Seonghwa gawks, "oh really?"
"Yeah," the latter continues, "we better get it done, right Angel." his voice drops down a baritone and his eyes lose their jubilant temperament, "you've already pissed me off too much, Angel. I better not find you stalling today as well."
Dread crawls your stomach and your mind goes blank, if it isn't the consequences of your actions. You're biting on your tongue, wondering how you'd get out of this. If you recall anything from the past, you might remember you were handed a contract and asked to read through it. You stalled, procrastinated and did everything else but pay any attention to that contract over the past week. Of course, now the devil haunts you, just as he had been haunting you in the past week. To your defence, the contact withheld a lot of information and most of the times, you'd fall asleep reading it. So, you put that task off till you were in a good mood and free from your university assignments. That day never came actually.
Yeosang's smirk grows in his cheek, his eyes devouring your naked stature as whole before he heaves out a breath and tugs at the straps of his tank top. You had no idea what he was thinking about. There was no way to know since you weren't a mind reader. But if you could vaguely rely on your imagination, you could tell he was thinking of ways to punish you. And that somehow, turned you on like a bitch. You were yet to venture into his kink, know his preferences and the anonymity itself made you wet, wetter than before when you were with Seonghwa.
"She's all yours, Sangie." Seonghwa kisses your cheek this time, "just give her some time to clean herself. I came in too hard."
"Of course, but yeah," you chime in, an awkward chuckle leaving your lips, "why don't I take a shower and meet you in your room once I'm done?"
He listens to your suggestion intently, ponders over it and breaks his silence to give out his testimony. "It's just cum, I'm fine with it."
As the serenity falls over the three of you, Yeosang clears his throat, "come on now."
You tense up, your shoulders going stiff and your body convulsing; you were caught up in your mind, reeling back to your moment with Seonghwa. Regardless, you were attentive enough to listen Seonghwa's clueless chatter further on.
"What is this about, Sangie?"
Yeosang shrugs, leaning back against the wall and folding his arms over his chest; the way his muscles bulge and flex, cause you to lose a part of your sanity. "Do you want to join us for a round two?"
Seonghwa shakes his head, while you're comprehending what Yeosang had just uttered and why was it so filthily hot coming from his mouth. "I wish," the older sighs, "gotta clean up the mess here and then wake the others up. I've got a few tasks lined up for the day, too. I'm taking a rain check, regardless of how fun it sounds."
His warmth clashes against your forehead when he turns and leans down to kiss it, "Angel helped me with my lethargy in the morning. I'm as refreshed as a daisy blooming on a Sunday morning."
Yeosang hums and Seonghwa adds in a mere whisper directed to you, "I have something planned for you tonight, though. Meet me in my room after dinner, hmm?"
You nod, eyes shuffling across the span of the space to meet Yeosang's; he has something lurking in his, something cruel, a few dwelling strokes of sinister intentions and a bit of malice to have your heart palpitating for no reason whatsoever. Shifting your legs on the chair you sat on, you sense something trickle down from between your thighs; the jolt of realisation strikes you hard and you quickly get on your feet before you stain the chair.
Seonghwa casts you a bemused glance, and upon understanding your actions, he lets out a soft chuckle. "It's fine, Angel. You don't have to worry about it."
You pout, "I wouldn't want to add in to your troubles, you've got a lot of them already."
"I can manage, Angel."
Seonghwa shakes his head and picks up your shorts; he hands them to you and you're quick to slip into them, preventing any flow out that might cause with your curt movements. Running his eyes on your bare chest, and the emerging purple blotches around your neck and tits, he grabs your shirt as well, and tugs it over your head. Exalted by his mannerisms, your heart does a little leap and drops down to your stomach.
"Well, thanks..."
"Are you two done?" Yeosang questions, voicing out his ire and annoyance.
"Yes," Seonghwa laughs, "go easy on her, Sangie. She's new to your kink."
"I'll think about it." The latter smirks and straightens himself off the wall, "any day now, Angel. I hate it when people keep me waiting."
"And it irks me even more when they aren't obedient."
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jaegermonstrous · 1 month
So I've got Thoughts on Worf. Disclaimer, these are all heavily informed by own experiences and background, ymmv. Also disclaimer, I haven't gotten around to watching PIC yet. It's on my list, but I'm not there yet. But anyway.
So, Worf in TNG is pretty much our biggest exposure to the Klingon culture so far, and he's pretty consistent with the other Klingons we see. He's a big and tough warrior guy with the Stoic Warrior Thing going on. He's constantly getting his ass handed to him to show the audience the bad guys of the week are Serious Business. He's a pretty awful father, but we have no reason to believe other Klingons are much better. He's apparently got enough of a soft/personable side that he dates Deanna Troi for a bit [no shade to the actors here, but the logic behind that pairing has never worked for me, or at least the writers never did enough legwork to make it believable to my ace and autistic self]. But mostly, he's a Big Stoic Warrior Man from a culture of Big Stoic Warrior Men.
But Worf in DS9 is much less isolated from other Klingons, and it's here where - to me - he becomes incredibly interesting as an example of someone trying to reconnect with their heritage as an adult, especially someone who's either felt pressured to perform their culture "correctly" to an outsider [Federation] standard, or who's never had significant contact with the huge diversity of their culture and kind of internalized the idea that "this is how you perform my culture correctly" from a very limited amount of sources, and therefore become kind of an asshole about it when people [other Klingons] don't do or be as you expect them to.
From the doylist perspective we can just say "well, the DS9 writers really diversified the Klingons," but I find the watsonian perspective far more interesting; here you have Worf, the first and [so far] only Klingon serving in Starfleet, who was removed from his culture as a young child and raised by Humans [no shade to the Rozhenkos here, I think they did their best to raise Worf with an awareness of his origins]. He's been aware most of his life of being the only Klingon in a room full of Humans and other Federation species, most of whom have Expectations of what Meeting A Real Klingon would be like. So Worf, with his mostly second-hand knowledge of Klingon culture and a huge wall of Expectations surrounding him at every turn, becomes what he thinks of as The Ideal Klingon. He's stoic, he's gruff, he barely ever cracks a smile, and when you put him in the room with a bunch of diverse DS9 Klingons, he comes across as a caricature.
Let's look at some of the DS9 Klingons, and I think you'll see what I mean.
First up - Kaga, the Klingon chef. I personally love Kaga, and I wish we had gotten to see more of him. He's our first real indicator that Klingons in DS9 are Built Different. He's cheerful, he doesn't dress in a warrior's armor, he plays that Klingon accordion thing and sings to his patrons. He's a glimpse of what Klingons outside the military are probably like. I love that the DS9 writers did this, showcasing that Klingons [like so many of the non-Humans we get in DS9] are just people.
Next, we have Kor, the Dahar Master. Again, I adore Kor. In some ways he's a throwback to TOS Klingons, who were conniving, and mocking, and just generally Untrustworthy and would 100% stab you in the back if they thought it would get them what they wanted. But he's also a fantastic example of a DS9 Klingon. Kor is old, and tired, and kind of a drunk, and beginning to lose touch with his abilities and reality. But he's also clever, and cunning, and you can really see the intelligence and the ferocity that made him so formidable to Kirk and the TOS crew back in the day. And he's also charming and kind of a sweetheart, and he genuinely loves Dax like family. He's well-rounded in a way we don't get to see Worf be for a while. And even when we contrast Kor with Kang and Koloth, two other Klingons from the same era who align more with the TNG Stoic Warrior Man stereotype, you can see where their characters are much fuller. They have a history and a familiarity with each other and with Dax that really shines through. I mean, they swore blood oaths with a Trill. Yeah, Dax had to work really hard to be accepted by the Klingons, but once Curzon crossed that line, Kang, Koloth, and Kor were ride or die for Dax.
Third - General Martok. Martok is IMO the best foil to Worf, and sort of an example of who Worf might be someday [again, I haven't seen Worf in PIC yet]. And I really love Martok as someone who's very like Worf in a lot of ways, but also highlights how Worf has really made himself into a caricature of what Being A Klingon is all about. Yeah, Martok is big and tough and stoic, but you also see in the prison camp and later how that's not all of what Martok is. He has faith in and respect for his fellow prisoners in the camp, even the Romulans [who you'd think would be the last people a Klingon would ever trust or respect]. He's a Wife Guy, which I just adore. He's got a sharp sense of humor, he's got trauma from being held as a prisoner of the Dominion for so long, he's friends with Local Twink Julian Bashir.
Martok is also the one who talks Worf down from being such a hardline asshole. When Alexander comes aboard the Rotarran, it's Martok who helps them start to build a better relationship. When it looks like the Worf-Dax wedding is off, it's Martok who encourages Worf to soften his stance [yes, it's also implied Dax is pressured into apologizing to Sirella, but that's another post for another day]. Martok is the example of being a Stoic Warrior Man while also being a rounded person.
This isn't to say Worf doesn't grow on his own, but a lot of his growth happens in DS9 in ways that [to me] read as someone who's really only engaged in their culture in a vacuum or in an abstract way, and now he's hanging out with other Klingons, he's Making Friends with other Klingons, and he has the space [and is actively encouraged by other Klingon characters] to soften his stance and be a little more rounded.
I could also talk about Dax here, and her interactions with Klingon culture and how those affect Worf, but I think I'm done for now.
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johnkahner · 7 months
A Stray Cat in a Strange Place [Part 3]
AN: Here's part 3. I'm not sure how many parts will be in this series. I had fun writing this part. I might try my hand at writing some intros with some of the characters talking about the cat. If anyone would be interested in that, please let me know! Enjoy this part, and this was not proof read.
Notes: Platonic Relationships, Gender-Neutral! Cat! Reader, Fluff
Part 2
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The room was tense. You were sure what to do now. Both Fujin and Raiden were keeping their eyes on you like you would cause any trouble if they were to look away for even a second. It seems that their trust in you is gone, and it makes you feel bad. However, you didn’t know that was not the case actually the two just wanted you to be safe. They have many enemies in and out of Earthrealm. Liu Kang was sitting there trying to figure out what exactly you did to get the two brothers to act in this manner. He was about to ask them about how they met you. 
Fujin placed a bowl of fresh food for you to eat, and you were a little nervous to eat. It wasn’t that the food smelled bad, you were just anxious of anything bad happening due to your actions. Attempting to slowly pick at your food, you hear the door open. Everyone turns to see who was there, and it was none other than Kung Lao, and he still has on that hat that scares you. You begin to back away from your food as he enters the room. Fujin watches you with concern written all over his face. 
“Oh! Hey, you found that cat!” Kung Lao turns to look at Liu Kang, “Where did you find them?”
Instead of Liu Kang speaking up it’s Raiden. While this is happening you are now hiding behind Fujin, and he moves the food bowl to shield your view of Kung Lao in hopes you would be able to eat your food. 
“I found Haruka wandering. They seemed skittish about something. Would you happen to know anything, Kung Lao?”
He looks baffled at Raiden’s words. How would he know what frightened you? He looks over in your direction, but he can’t exactly see you. Due to Fujin blocking his line of sight, Fujin makes eye contact with him, and sends him a glare. 
Kung Lao just got here, and he feels like the whole room has anger towards him. This man is so confused. He wants to know what on earth he did wrong. He looks at Liu Kang for some help about his current situation. Liu Kang sees the worry on his friend’s face, and decides to help out. He clears his throat to get the attention of everyone else in the room. 
“I believe that Haruka is afraid of your hat, Kung Lao.”
“Wait, really? Just my hat? Ha! That’s so silly!”
Fujin does not find this to be funny, and he lets this be known. 
“I do not think this is a laughing matter, Kung Lao. You fail to realize how others may perceive your hat. It is a weapon, and people see it as a weapon. Haruka is an intelligent cat, so they may have come to that conclusion of it being dangerous.”
Kung Lao is shocked by this. He’s silent at those words. He didn’t think about that. 
“I’ll be back later, Lord Raiden. Lord Fujin.”
He bows and leaves the room. He wants to earn your trust, but he tries to think about what may interest you. He heads to his room first, so that he may securely put away his hat. He feels weird leaving without it, but maybe one day you could get used to it. However, that day is not today. Pacing through his room brainstorming something to give you to attempt to get you to trust him. An idea strikes him as if Lord Raiden had struck him with lightning. He begins to set his newly formed plan into action.
While Kung Lao is off to quickly get what he needs, the rest of you are still in Fujin’s room. You finished your meal not too long ago, and now you were laying down in Fujin’s lap. His lap was so comfortable. So comfortable that you were slowly starting to doze off to sleep. The three men let you doze off, not speaking too loud or petting you in case it would disturb you. 
“What do you two think Kung Lao is going to do now?”
“Knowing him, no telling what may happen.”
“I guess we should be cautious if he does anything strange…”
“I’ll keep an eye on him, Lord Fujin.”
The three of them nod in agreement. Hopefully there will be no problems caused by hat wearing monk. Liu Kang gets up to leave the room. He wishes to pet you, but decides not to. He wants to get as much rest as you can. The others haven’t really said anything about it, but you look small for a cat. He doesn’t know how old you are, but you appear to be about 4 months old. He wanders about how you used to live. Maybe at a more convenient time, Lord Fujin would tell him and possibly Kung Lao the story of how you were adopted by him. 
He wanders around the temple to see if Kung Lao is anywhere to be found, and fortunately for him it doesn’t take long to find his friend. He seems to have a bunch of materials around him. Kung Lao is too focused to notice Liu Kang watching him with curiosity. He even noticed that his friend removed his signature hat. 
‘What are you doing?” 
“I’m currently in the middle of making some things.”
“I want to gain Haruka’s trust, so I will be resorting to bribes.”
Liu smiles at how his friend is going to bribe a cat with toys. It’s not too bad. He’ll inform the two Godly brothers about his discovery when he sees them next. He chuckles to himself thinking about how most of the people he knows are going soft over a kitten. 
“I’ll let you continue this then. Have fun.”
Kung Lao only grunts as his friend leaves almost as fast as he arrived. Liu Kang returns to find only Fujin and you in the room. Raiden most likely left to continue his duties as guardian of Earthrealm. 
Fujin was watching you run around the room full of energy now. He looked up to see Liu Kang return. He notices how he’s smiling about something. About what exactly he wasn’t sure. 
“Lord Fujin,” Liu Kang bowed to greet him and then continued to speak, “Kung Lao seems to want to be on Haruka’s good side, and seems he will even resort to bribing them.”
“Oh? What makes you say that?”
“I saw him making something, and when I asked him he told me he was making cat toys for the little one. And that is not all, but I will allow that to be a decent surprise. Do not fret, it is nothing bad.”
Fujin thinks for a moment. It’s good that he wants to be in your good graces, but what was Liu Kang talking about “a surprise”. 
“If you say so, I trust your judgment.”
While the two are talking, you weren’t really paying attention to what they were saying. You just wanted to have Fujin’s attention. You start to think of how you could do this, and a little scheme forms in your little mind. Embracing being a little chaotic you sneak over to where Fujin is, but you want to remain hidden. 
Your plan was simple really. You wanted to play with his hair, and well you thought it would be fun to play with the braided part of his hair that was closest to you. As you were sneaking closer to him, you were getting ready to pounce. 
Fujin felt something begin to mess with his braid. It makes him laugh, and Liu Kang watches the interaction in front of him. 
“I guess those cat toys that Kung Lao’s making may be useful to you.”
“It would appear so. Let’s hope they like the toys.”
Liu Kang then remembers what he wanted to ask the wind god. 
“Lord Fujin, if you do not mind me asking, but how did you meet Haruka?”
Fujin smiles when he recalls meeting you. The dirty, hungry kitten he found on the streets. He tells Liu Kang the story. It’s a simple tale really, Fujin looks fondly at you after he is finished telling it. You are now sitting in his lap, you’re purring and kneading his leg. 
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It had been a few days since that interaction. Kung Lao is walking with a box of newly made cat toys, and he even went and bought treats for you. He made sure to leave his hat in his room. As he is walking to your last known location. He hopes that you enjoy the toys he crafted. There are a couple of balls he made with a little bells inside them, a fishing pole toy, and some that look like little mice. Of course they don’t look exactly perfect, but he tried his best. It’s the thought that counts, right?
He approaches the door, and knocks on it. There was no answer from the other side. Maybe he should go see where you and Lord Fujin are at. Kung Lao begins to search for the cat and the God. As he looks around he spots Liu Kang talking with Lord Raiden. They see him holding a box of cat toys. Kung Lao approaches them to ask if they have seen you or Lord Fujin. 
“Have either of you seen Haruka, or even Lord Fujin?”
“Lord Fujin took them on a walk.”
“Could I see what you made for Haruka?”
Liu Kang and Kung Lao look at Raiden, curious as to why he wants to see cat toys. Kung Lao nods, letting the God look at the toys. Raiden is observing the craftsmanship of the toys. He is impressed at the results. Liu Kang is just as impressed as well. They wonder how you’re going to react to Kung Lao now. After some time of looking at the crafted toys, footsteps are approaching them. 
“There appears to be a meeting in front of my room.”
Fujin says trying to get the attention of the three, and then he notices what they are looking at. You noticed the box as well, being held right now by Fujin, and looked up to see the monk you were afraid of. However, it seems he is not wearing the hat that terrifies you and you are grateful for that. You jump out his arms over to Kung Lao, and you meow at him trying to show your interest in the box. Kung Lao chuckles at your reaction. He sets down the box and pulls out a cat treat for you. You ate it, and it tasted alright. It wasn’t as good as the food prepared by Fujin. 
Looking in the box, you clawed at one of the mouse toys. After you got it out of the box you were too focused on the toy to pay any attention to the others around you. They laughed at you enjoying yourself with the little toy. 
“Well, it seems that at least one of the toys is Haruka approved.”
“I’m glad they like it. I spent so much time making all this stuff.”
“I notice that you’re not wearing your hat.”
“I didn’t want to potentially scare them, so it was just a precaution.”
They continue to talk with each other while watching you play. Fujin opens the door to his room to guide you gently with some wind inside. The other three follow you two in, and Kung Lao carries the box inside too. 
After some time you begin to tire down from playing. Fujin expects you to walk over to him, but to everyone’s surprise you chose to walk to Kung Lao to express your gratitude. You allow him to pick you up. Purring and nuzzling into his hand. Fujin is of course glad that you are trusting Kung Lao, but he won’t lie that he is a little jealous of the monk receiving your affection.
“Well, it seems that your plan was a success.”
“Of course it was, Liu Kang. Why would it not work?”
“I meant nothing bad by that. I was merely making a statement.”
In the end of the day it seems that Kung Lao’s plan was indeed a success, and the two of you seem to be on good terms as of now. Your new life here seems to be going well. While you do miss your old life, as you live in this place longer, the more you grow more accustomed to your life being a cat. Fujin is a big help as well. Closing your eyes you decide to take a nap, and when you’re dozing off you don't notice that a pair of hands pick you up. The others in the room seemed confused by Raiden’s actions. He was holding you close to his chest. You were sleeping so peacefully in his arms.
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xuchiya · 2 months
princess charm school [k.yeosang]
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mentions of: murdered, killed, semi-corruption(?),
i know some of you are like, "Oh its must be similar to barbie?" yes, it is but i'm adding a little reality to it.
barbie m.list || k.hongjoong || p.seonghwa || j.yunho || k.yeosang || c.san || s.mingi || j.wooyoung || c.jongho
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Kang Yeosang, he doesn’t know where or what happened, but to him— if fate does it then it might be for him. Yeosang always had a strong belief in fate. He had thought that maybe moments weren’t for him or maybe it is for him but not today, tomorrow or whatever day it would be as long as it sits on the perfect time.
That is until he found himself questioning fate—”Me?”
Why would he find, in a position he would not think of– not even close to being part of some family drama? He stood in the middle of a feud that has nothing to do with him yet it all seems like he is the centre of the problem. Yeosang mentions living in an apartment with his two other friends from his old school– Wooyoung and San– who were studying the art of dancing which to his relief, he was also accepted in the said school until he was invited to a prestigious school— The Starlight Academy.
His aunt who raised him in the academy, eventually pulled him out after an incident and raised him in the urban areas of Aurora— no one knows why but he grew up to be a nice kid and well mannered one too. It was around the age of 14 when he was invited to the academy. He walks in not knowing anything about royalties or tea parties— he knows how to pour himself 4 cups of coffee in a day or swear every time he plays Valorant with Yunho or eats with a simple tableware not with multiple ones.
That is until his Aunt, who has worked in the academy since the beginning, spoke to him about his invitation and his purpose.
“I’m the King’s—?”
“..–princess?” The grand gates of Starlight Academy loomed ahead, a majestic symphony of marble and swirling vines. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Unlike the other students, all exuding an air of practiced poise, I felt like a fish thrust onto land. Coming from a normal family in the city of Aurora, I find my situation quite interesting and downright unbelievable. 
If this moment were to be witnessed by my sister, she would be laughing at how ridiculous this is and how a person like me— a baker in a small city of Aurora— trade my ripped jeans and dirty apron and worn-out sneakers for a sparkling tiara and a frilly dress. 
The letter. This started with a letter, a mysterious yet embossed with a silver star as seal for the letter. Apparently, my “hidden potential” was shined in the lights of Aurora and it is worthy of attending the Starlight Academy, the most prestigious finishing school for princesses of different parts of the country. Intrigued with the future held in my days of becoming a “princess” and slightly terrified of having zero experience and knowledge— aside from curt bows if that would be acceptable— I packed a meager bag and boarded the silver royal Mercedes that whisked me towards the palace of Aurora. 
I looked down on the invitation letter, “How did I manage to get myself an invitation–” It was like nature heard when a text from my sister came in.
    “You’re still young pabo so I put you into this school to learn not only to be a princess but to learn how to sit like a gad damn woman!
Anyways, mom says goodluck and she loves you.” 
I shake my head, a smile on my face.
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Now, here I stood, feeling like a misplaced comma in a perfectly punctuated sentence. The other girls—royalties apparently— all with their perfectly coiffed hair and confident smiles, seemed to belong here in this enormous palace. They glided through the academy with practised ease in their steps, mannered laughs tinkling like windchimes. 
In other words, I felt like a total stranger, desperately trying to fit in this circle. I shake my head, come to my senses and push the thought that not many lucky students like me got to be invited to become a student in this prestigious academy for royalties. I sigh, “I can do this.” As I breathe in and out sharply, taking my first step when I was tackled down by a big fur.
“Ack!” Wet glands were smeared all over my face, the sensation was ticklish as I chuckled softly and pushed the big fur away, “Hey hey stop pabo stop!” 
“Oh dear, Charlie stop boy!” As the voice commands the dog, they listen and barks at the owner of the voice. I wiped the remaining saliva off with the back of my hand but a white handkerchief was replaced instead, my heart jumped as a male figure was in my view and wiping off Charlie's saliva. 
“I’m sorry about his behaviour. It is rare for him to act this way. My deepest apologies, my lady.” My eyes gaze at his soft golden hair. As if it came out in the movies, his aura was reflected by the golden sun creating a soft radiant halo behind him as his porcelain skin shines on the bright sun of Saturday. His soft skin is so tender and smooth and the way he handles the situation has my heart in his hands already.
    “Here let me help you up.” His veiny and big hands wrapped on my small ones and pulled me ever so softly— yet it caused me to stumble on my feet and had me crashing on his chest. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and at the same time, I couldn't help but feel like I’m in cloud nine to feel close contact aside from my sister. And maybe I have developed a tiniest crush on this man.
“My lady?” My heart pounded from his voice, going back to my thoughts, I did not come here to flirt and if this is a test then I have absolutely failed so abruptly, I pulled away, laughing awkwardly, “Sorry about .. that. I should get going. Bye!” With an awkward and stiff curt bow, I scurried towards the entrance of the academy leaving the man alone with Charlie, who is looking at his owner with his tongue out.
“I know Charlie, she seems … familiar.” The man, Prince Sebastian, sighs, looking across the academy where the Starlight Palace is seen at the back, “I hope she is who we think she is.”
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After days, weeks and months of being a student of Starlight Academy, I must say this is amazing. Being able to come out of my shell within weeks, the head minister— Madame Kim was a strict and graceful adviser yet at the same time, an easy going person. She has been giving me advice and lessons to improve. Sebastian has been a great mentor and friend at the same time as I continue practicing my walks, etiquettes and much more. His patients never wavers from the long hours of learning the history of each royalty and whatabouts of their hierarchy and laws.
Sebastian's presence had become an anchor in this whirlwind of transformation. He wasn't just a mentor, patiently drilling me on royal walks and etiquette. He was a friend, a confidante, who shared knowing smiles when I mastered a particularly tricky curtsy and offered gentle encouragement when frustration threatened to bubble over.
His dedication went beyond social graces. We spent countless hours delving into the kingdom's history. He unravelled the intricate tapestry of past rulers, their triumphs and failures, their impact on the ever-evolving hierarchy and labyrinthine laws. His lessons weren't dry recitations of dates and names.
Until Madame Kim encouraged another student that she proudly spoke to, to tutor me since Sebastian and I’s schedule were different so and here I thought we would get along but spoke too soon when he suddenly blurted out.
“You’re not a princess, so stop acting like one.” Kang Yeosang spoke nonchalantly. My mouth drops when I straighten my back after doing a curtsy before dancing, I watch him walk away— leaving me alone in the ballroom. My face was a shade of red hue from the embarrassment and shame.
   And ever since then, I had hated his guts for technically criticizing everything I do, even by just closing a book, “A princess needs to close the book silently. You close it like it's an encyclopedia.”
“... and then he proceeds just criticizing my every move. Madame Kim told me that I’m improving and you’re telling me that I’m improving. So I don’t know what his problem is.” I rant to Sebastian as we strolled down the hallway. He chuckles, hands behind his back as we make our way towards the library, “Don’t take it down to heart dear, he is just like that. You’ll get used to it.”
I scoff, rolling my eyes, “His panties get twisted all the time.”
Sebastian has been accompanying me since the very beginning of my princess life—after he apologies about George’s sudden attack but even so, Sebsatian had made my adjustment to my new life better and I have been thankful for this beautiful angel saving me from what could lead me to my last string of sanity.
From speaking fluently in the accent of Aurora’s language, he praised me for immediately picking up the language as if it had been programmed in me to speak that language. Then to let me read at least (a size of my hand) books each week and summarize them towards dancing waltz for 2 hours. 
“A princess never rolls her eyes and tame that tongue of yours.” I yelp, jumping to the side as Yeosang’s deep voice echoes the library. Sebastian chuckling, patting my hand that was gripping his biceps, I apologized to Sebastian before moving away. I look at Yeosang, scoffing, “A prince should know speaking nonchalantly makes him less handsome.”
Yeosang glanced by the corner of his eyes, “I am speaking in a truthful manner.”
  He had a book in one hand while the other tucked in his pockets, uniform neat and well-ironed and his blonde hair pushed softly in his reading glasses, giving an accessible view of his forehead. His aura gives off a simple yet elegant look that makes my heart leap at how perfect he looks. My eyes widen slightly before moving past him, looking for the book of Aurora. “I can talk as I can and I will roll my eyes as much as I want even if I become a queen.”
Yeosang said, “I hope this queen you highly speak for yourself can see a brain up there.” which I yelp, embarrassed, “Shut up!” 
Sebastian watches the scene unfold and laughs silently, “I must remind both of you that you have Etiquette later at 3 pm sharp.”
Yeosang closed the book with one hand, looking at Sebastian, “Thank you but no need to remind me, I’m on my way actually.” With that he walks off, bumping his shoulder to Sebastian. I felt that bump a little too personal, looking at Sebastian, “You okay?”
Sebastian stood firmly after the bump–being a little personal— before sighing gently, “Yeah.”
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I stood at Etiquette class with a nervous vibe radiating off my body as I heard Madame Kim would not be able to attend and sent off a different adviser, Lady Choi. She is the sister of the late Queen Choi of Aurora, who apparently died in an accident along with her husband and their first born baby.
Lady Choi is the definition of perfection and that made me more nervous. Unfortunately, Sebastian is not in this class and he will be taking this one tomorrow and another unfortunate thing is I shared this class with Yeosang.
Then, a hand landed on my shoulder, startling me. It was Yeosang, his usual stoicism replaced by a hint of concern. "Feeling overwhelmed?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
"A little," I admitted sheepishly, my heart not being able to register the fact that he is in fact not nonchalant, for once. "Everyone else seems to know exactly what to do."
Yeosang offered a rare smile. "They've probably been prepping for this their entire lives. We'll learn the ropes together." His words held a reassuring weight, and I straightened my spine, a spark of determination replacing the nervous flutter.
Her voice could curdle milk, and her icy gaze made even the most confident students squirm. Lady Choi launched into a lecture on proper posture, teacup holding, and the art of polite conversation. It was all incredibly intricate, the rules seemingly endless.
During a tea demonstration, I fumbled the delicate porcelain cup, sending it clattering to the ground. A wave of mortification washed over me, my cheeks burning. But before Lady Choi could unleash her icy stare, Yeosang stepped forward.
"Excuse me, Madame," he said, his voice calm and polite. "May I demonstrate the proper way to retrieve a fallen cup?"
Lady Choi raised an eyebrow, but acquiesced with a curt nod. Yeosang knelt gracefully, retrieved the broken shards with a practiced ease, and even managed to offer a rueful smile.
"Accidents happen," he said, his gaze meeting mine briefly. "The key is to recover with composure."  He returned to his seat, leaving a stunned silence in his wake. A flicker of a smile played on Lady Choi's lips, something that could have been mistaken for… approval?
The rest of the class passed in a blur of curtsies, napkin folds, and cutlery etiquette. Yeosang, surprisingly, proved to be a natural. He moved with a quiet grace, memorizing the lessons quickly. It’s as if he had grown up here in the academy to be a prince or was he really born to be a prince or is he …
During a break, I found myself next to him in the rose garden. Sebastian texted me that he will be off his study in the next hour. "Thank you," I said, unable to contain my admiration.
He shrugs. "You must act calmly in any situation."
"How long have you been here?" Suddenly my words came out before I could even think about it. I was about to apologize but Yeosang had already said, “Been here since I was a kid but I was pulled out and came back again at age of 14. ”
I nodded, my feet swinging slightly, “That explains why you know so much about being a .. royalty.”
“Because I am.”I look at him. Hearing my silence, he looked over at me with an unreadable face. The sudden turn of the topic was giving me slight curiosity as to what kind of Royalty drama this is. “So you’re a prince..?”
“I am a prince based on what my aunt told me— I came from the line of Kang’s but an accident happened the same as the late royalties .. “ He pauses then looks around before turning to you, “But from what I heard the daughter is alive.”  The word hung in the air, and Yeosang's expression turned serious. My eyes widened, so the rumors or the article that I read a few days ago about the history of the Choi family tree were true. 
The late King and Queen died in an accident after the coronation of the King’s brother— which a month later the King was also found dead and the Queen was accused of murder. It was concluded an accident even though there were multiple signs that it was planned but it was debunked by Lady Choi saying that there was a spy during the night of the coronation party of the King’s brother. 
  The Queen was in a hospital or facility after going berserk finding out of her husband’s death. And adding more to the overlapping accusation towards her and what snapped from her last string of sanity is her baby missing or from what she heard—was also killed.
   It was gruesome and heartbreaking. The Kingdom of Mist— the King’s brother’s kingdom was left in the dust and not so many citizens stayed before fleeing to different parts of the kingdom. 
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Kang Yeosang, he doesn’t know where or what happened, but to him— if fate does it then it might be for him. Yeosang always had a strong belief in fate. He had thought that maybe moments weren’t for him or maybe it is for him but not today, tomorrow or whatever day it would be as long as it sits on the perfect time.
That is until he found himself questioning fate—”Me?”
Why would he find, in a position he would not think of– not even close to being part of some family drama? He stood in the middle of a feud that has nothing to do with him. Yeosang mentions living in an apartment with his two other friends from his old school– Wooyoung and San– who were studying the art of dancing which to his relief, he was also accepted in the said school until he was invited to a prestigious school— The Starlight Academy.
His aunt who raised him in the academy, eventually pulled him out after an incident and raised him in the urban areas of Aurora. It was around the age of his early 20’s when he was invited to the academy.
“I’m the King’s descendant?!” Yeosang exclaimed.
“Huh?!” Sebastian looked at me with a ‘wtf’ look. I shrug.
After staring at the photograph of Queen Amelia and King Raphael with their first born baby girl— Anastasia and their royal dog, “George!” Sebastian and I pointed at the same time at the similar golden retriever dog that never left my side when I first stepped inside the palace. Yeosang glance at the picture to the side, the King and his father stood side by side. His fingers grazed gently on his father’s face then towards the names,
King Choi Raphael & King Kang Yeo-saHis eyebrows frowned, his mind was slightly jumbled on the names. Choi and Kang? Weren’t brothers supposed to share the same last name? And it is a tradition for the female spouse to take the last name of the husband. So why were their last names different? 
   “We have to stop Lady Choi …” Suddenly a dawn of realization washed over me. I look over my shoulders, “Lady Choi might have been behind this fiasco that happened 21 years ago. If I am the princess of Aurora then I am the rightful heir of that throne. I cannot let my parents be thrown off that throne just like that.”
Yeosang, for once, saw a different side when he glanced at you. He saw the fiery determination to bring justice to your parents. 
"The crown," Sebastian explained, his gaze fixed on me. "It's shrouded in legend. Some say it could bring ruin upon the kingdom, a fate worse than anything we've known. But there's a chance. If the rightful heir is revealed and claims their birthright as Queen, Aurora might be spared."
Yeosang took my wrist, “Let’s go.” I nodded. The royalty of Aurora and my parents who were the city’s late King and Queen made me the princess of Aurora. The day that I was found in the urban areas of Aurora was the day my mother tried to save the Queen— my real mother—from losing too much blood but in the end…
“Anastasia must be kept safe until she becomes the rightful Queen.” Taking her last breath after giving me to mom.
 As we reached the coronation room, Yeosang and Sebastian opened the oak double doors, “Stop!” The silence was deafening, the mic of the higher head gave terrible feedback before it dissipated. I walk in— a sudden boost of confidence runs down my veins— after all this has become a rightful path for Aurora and my parents.
“What is this nonsense?! Madame Kim, discipline your students!” Madame Kim looks between me and Lady Choi with a confused look before signaling me to stop yet I carried on.
The booming voice echoed throughout the room, momentarily silencing the stunned crowd. A bead of sweat trickled down my temple, but the knowledge that coursed through me like a newly awakened river pushed back the tide of fear. I straightened my spine, “I, Anastasia Amelia Renaldi, Princess of Aurora, ordered you and the rightful heir of this throne to step down and discontinue this coronation!”
   The crowd grew with murmurs and the media were strained by the drama unfolding. I walk, step by step, forward towards the platform, “You, Lady Penelope Hudgens Choi, are arrested for the murder of my parents— the late King Raphael and Queen Amelia and also the death of King Kang Yeo-sa and Queen Joan.”
Lady Choi scoffed, grabbing a handful of her gown and marched towards me with a furious look, “Stop this nonsense child! Just because you were chosen to be a student here in Starlight Academy doesn’t mean you have to delusion yourself to be the “missing” princess. And what do you mean by the death of Kang Yeo-sa, he is alive and well!”
Yeosang steps in, showing a vial of powdered potion, “This cost not only the life of my parents but the entire kingdom of Mist.” 
Sebastian soon steps in throwing a bunch of photographs, “The bougainvillea— it may seem unharmful but this one has very ornamental vines and thorns used to create numbing pain but with unmount usage of this can cause heart attacks of clog of esophagus due to the thickness and irritation of the powder by inhaling.”
  I stop walking, a victory smile on my lips, arching an eyebrow, “We have more than what you are seeing right now.”
Her face fell, face drained from the realization. I step forward again, “You have been manipulating and giving false information on the media for the past 21 years. You have murdered not mine but Yeosang as well—- the Prince of Mist Kingdom.”
As the truth slowly unfolds in the media, Yeosang and I were able to handle them. From the afternoon sun towards the moonlight of my 22nd birthday, the words keep going around– the crown is still not yet to be given until the investigation is finalized and I am indeed the lost princess of the late King and Queen. That is until the ministry and the courtiers were able to drop down every process and the investigation was concluded after 3 months and the coronation was tonight.
 I looked at the big wall mirror of my new room as I spun to look at the coronation dress given to me by Madame Kim. Everything was overwhelming and I have much been drained this past weeks from the constant meetings and law cases against Lady Choi. 
Until the big day arrived, and Yeosang visited me. 
 “The Kings are not brothers?” He nodded. Yeosang sigh, “They were not related to one another. Many people thought they were one because of how it naturally comes out of them to treat like brothers. I met the late king’s mother; they were never blood related.”
I nodded, “So you’re still a prince?” He chuckles, pushing me slightly making me laugh at him, “Of course your majesty.” Mockingly bowed down. I took a handful of my dress and kicked him on his claves playfully. He laughs gently, making my heart fly with his cuteness. It was just last week we were against each other's throats and now, it's as if fate made a different path for us.
The grand hall of Aurora Palace shimmered in the soft glow of countless candles, casting an ethereal ambiance over the scene. Golden banners bearing the emblem of the kingdom fluttered gently in the breeze, while the air buzzed with anticipation. It was the day of my coronation, a momentous occasion that was supposed to mark the beginning of a new era of prosperity and peace for the kingdom of Aurora.
As I, dressed in resplendent robes befitting my station, made my way to the dais where the crown awaited me, a hush fell over the assembled nobles and courtiers. The weight of responsibility lay heavy upon my shoulders, but I stood tall and proud, chin up, ready to accept my new destiny.
However, just as the whole coronation soon to end where I am about to claim the crown, a commotion erupted at the back of the hall. Gasps and whispers spread like wildfire as Lady Choi, a formidable figure known for her insatiable thirst for power, strode forward with a determined gleam in her eyes. My eyes widened in shock, her figure hunching and dirty— probably escaping the prison and finding multiple ways to get here.
"Stop!" Lady Choi's voice cut through the silence like a knife. "I will not stand by and watch as this kingdom falls into the hands of an inexperienced child." Yeosang, who has been on the side, immediately came to me with a protective arm out.
My heart hammered inside my chest as I watched in disbelief. She was able to escape prison with limited resources yet those were able to let her break free and be here to take the throne, she still has the power and that scared me.
“Tough up princess.” Yeosang whispered. I look at him, gulping down the nervousness down my throat, “I’m trying.”
   With a swift motion, Lady Choi ran towards the stand to snatch the crown from its velvet cushion but Yeosang was faster. He grabbed her arms, Lady Choi grunting trying to pull away from Yeosang’s grip  whilst I stood, hands shaking, “Guards!” I spoke. They immediately took her but— of course she wouldn’t come without backup. 
Multiple men came in and surrounded the securities around the throne room and took Yeosang in their hold. Leaving me defenseless, Lady Choi chuckles darkly, looking at me with her evil eyes, “I will lead Aurora in its finest and majestic era so step down child!”
I shake my head, even with my heart pounding so loudly in my chest and up to my ears, I stood tall, “No.”
  Her lips curled in a nasty smirk, “Such a stubborn child … just like her father.” In impulsive thoughts, she pulled the sword that was attached to Yeosang’s hip and swung it at me. My eyes widen, feet glued to the ground as the silver weapon nears me, “NO! DO NOT TOUCH HER—” Yeosang screamed.
  Lady Choi’s eyes were maniac, “Goodbye princess.”
  “Not on my watch.” A sound of metals clashing and a presence on the left side. I turn to see a female dressed in a musketeer's uniform, the emblem of Diamond Kingdom on her right arm sleeve, “Stand down Lady Choi. You are not to interfere with the coronation of Princess of Aurora, your men are arrested for the crime of trespassing.”
The musketeer kicked Lady Choi on her stomach before standing in front of me, Lady Choi huffs looking up at the musketeer with a sinister smile, “Idiots, protected the wrong treasure!” 
One of her men managed to grab the crown while we were distracted by her and tossed it to her. Catching with one hand, Lady Choi rose up on her feet. My breath hitches as the thought of Aurora’s doomed in just a minute, how I already failed as the new leader of the Kingdom, “No don’t do this please!” The musketeer held me back as we watched Lady Choi raise it high above her head, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the crown would indeed settle upon her brow, sealing her claim to power.
But then, something extraordinary happened. As if guided by an unseen force, the crown veered off course, bypassing Lady Choi altogether and descending gracefully towards me. Time seemed to stand still as the crown hovered inches above my head, its golden light bathing her in a radiant glow.
“The crown doesn’t need to be protected, it protects it’s rightful heir.” Said the musketeer as she moves to the side. Lady Choi looking in disbelief, her head shaking uncontrollably as she stumbles towards me, “No no no— After I work hard to claim the thrown, I am not letting a child ruin me!”
  In a blur, Yeosang broke free from the men, taking his rightful sword and stood with the tip of the sword deathly on her throat, his eyes were slit with anger, “You have killed so many people, the people of my kingdom and my parents. I am not letting you do the same thing again.”
   Back in the moment, I felt a surge of power unlike anything I had ever known. It was as if the very essence of Aurora itself had chosen me as its champion, affirming my rightful place as its princess. With a steady hand, I reached up and gently took hold of the crown, allowing it to settle upon my head with a soft click. Instantly, a wave of energy washed over me, filling me with a sense of purpose and resolve.
  Lady Choi's face contorted with rage and frustration, but she could do nothing as I ascended towards the throne, every step imbued with grace and dignity. 
“Grace on to the Princess of Aurora!” The musketeer cheered, bowing down on one knee. Soon whoever, along with the men, inside the room all did the same. Yeosang smirks, bowing down too.
“On her grace!”
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“Well … that took a huge turn.” I look beside me to see Yeosang, smiling. “I mean we both deserve justice.” I chuckle, looking over the horizon. The beach of Aurora was beautiful with the sun kissing the glimmering water and the salty smell of it sends shivers down my spine. I look down to see a few people surfing and cheering, celebrating their annual competition.
“You know in a few years time, you’ll be crowned as queen right?” I nodded, “I’m still preparing myself Yeo, this whole princess-coronation thing is already overwhelming and all the drama is happening.” Yeosang understood that if I took more of the responsibility, I would have wished I never intervened with all the clues of the missing princess and Lady Choi’s plans.
  Yeosang looked over, taking my hands in his big ones, “And that is why I’m here. I’ll be crowned as Prince in a few months and maybe, together we can make this kingdom a better place for our people.” 
I smile, squeezing his hand and at the same time bumping my hips to his, “Such charming prince.”
As I stood before my people, I knew that my journey was just beginning. With the crown upon my head and the support of my kingdom behind me, friends to push me to keep fighting and Yeosang to stand by me, I am ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that I was destined to rule as the true princess of Aurora.
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4m1rz · 1 year
Reminiscing tutor
StayC Isa X Male Reader
Tags: old friend Isa, daddy kink, blowjob, creampie
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"Don't forget to use protection." Your housemate, Dohyeok teases.
"Yah, it's just a tutor session, not a date you moron." You argue. You prepared all of the stuff that you need for the tutoring session.
You, Yang Kibum, are in your last year at your university, High Up University. You are also the top student in academics and sports in the university. Everyone in the university, including students and lecturers, respects you because of your diligence and kindness and most students make you their role model.
It was last Wednesday that Dr. Kang, your Maths lecturer, told you that there's a student in the third year who is failing badly in that course. In order to overcome that, he puts the person in a tutor session for that course with you.
You, without a doubt, agree to do that tutor session. But when you ask him who'll you be tutoring, things start to go awkward for you.
Cause it's your old best friend's slash crush, Lee Chaeyoung or mostly known as Isa.
You and Isa have been the closest of friends since you were eight and she was six. Even though you two have a two years difference, it didn't stop both of you from doing things together back then. You even called her 'Chaey' back then which she finds cute and suitable for her.
As time goes by, you grow up into a fine man while she grows up into a gorgeous woman, almost angellike. At this point, you have developed a crush on her and hope that you two become a couple. However, you noticed that she's attracted to lots of handsome boys at the university. This makes you believe that she deserves someone better than you, which causes you to avoid her, and things get distant between the two of you.
Somehow, this tutoring session reunites both of you. You wonder how she'll react when you'll be her tutor. Also, you do feel odd about why she wants a tutor on the course that she always aced. Anyhow, you prepared yourself for your upcoming tutor session with Isa.
Fast forward to today, you are going to her place for the tutoring session. Apparently, she lives in an apartment near the university all by herself. Well, you don't care too much and go to the address that you got from Dr. Kang last week. 
As you reached the front of her apartment unit, you rang the doorbell and waited for her to come open the door. You feel nervous all of a sudden since this is the first time you two meet after all of your attempts to avoid her.
Seconds later, the door opens and it reveals the person who's in your mind at the moment. She's wearing a white crop tank with white pants with butterfly-like holes at the front. This makes her look ethereal and sexy at the same time.
"Oh oppa, you've arrived. Come inside." She says. With that, you enter her apartment and sit on the sofa in her living room.
 "Wow, you sure did have a nice and comfy apartment here, Isa." You try to make a conversation with her. "Yes indeed, oppa." She replied.
"So, can we start the tutoring session? Where do you want to do it and which topic do you want me to teach you?" You ask. "Yes, in my bedroom, oppa. Could you teach me trigonometry, oppa?" She replied. It's quite reasonable that she didn't quite get the topic because it's the hardest topic in the course for her semester. You also had problems with the topic back then.
Then, both of you go to her bedroom and she sits in front of her studying table while you sit next to her. And with that, you two begin the tutoring session by you helping her to understand trigonometry.
After twenty-five minutes, you tell her to rest for a while before you resume it later. She then goes out and when she re-enters, she brings some snacks for you. She invites you to eat in which you accept.
"So oppa, we hadn't hung out like when we were kids. How's your life so far, oppa?" She asks. "Yeah, I guess so. My life is just like my normal routine. I guess you know my routine, right Chaey-." You mentally slapped yourself when you called her the old nickname that you used to call back then.
 "Oppa, you haven't forgotten the nickname you used to call me back then. It's okay oppa, please use it, I like it." She tries to assure you that it's fine calling her by her old nickname. You mumbled quietly to yourself. 'Well, if that's what she says, you might just go with it then.'
She then asks you the things that bring back a lot of memories between the two of you, in which you tried to reply to every single one of them. However, things started to go a bit awkward when she started to ask the reason why you were so distant from her in the first place.
"Oppa, could you please tell me the truth about why you have been ignoring me since back then?" She tries to get the answers from you, while you are being shy to tell her. You tried so hard not to tell her about it until she showed you her pleading look, eyes wide open like you would see Puss in Boots did in the movie 'Shrek' as well as her lips pouting. You know that this is her secret weapon when she wants something, especially from you.
At this rate, you couldn't resist her looks as you began to tell her. "A-Alright, I will tell you the reason for that. Gosh, you really have to do that, don't you Chaey." She then giggles and waits for you to tell her about it. "Hehe, works like a charm. I knew you wouldn't resist my pleading look. So, can you tell me why you are distant from me, oppa?"
To be honest, you still feel hesitant to tell her about it but you try to push the hesitation aside and try to tell her anyway. "W-Well, we were very close back then. We would do things together, I'm sure you know what we did when we were younger. I would consider you my best friend and my little sister. B-But when we grow up, I could feel my adoration towards you is more than just a friend or a sister, in fact, I have developed a crush on you. Yeah, that's right, I'm in love with you Chaey. But, I guess you deserve someone better than me, that's why I try to distance myself from you."
After you tell the reason, she just sits quietly which makes the situation become awkward between the two of you. "Chaey, you okay? If you have nothing to say, I guess I'll-." Suddenly, she pulls you into a hug and you notice she's crying because you feel something wet on your right shoulder. "Oh oppa, y-you are such a pabo. I-I also like you too oppa. I-I thought I'm the one that has a feeling towards you, but instead you also have feelings towards me. Don't you ever keep something like this from me from now on, okay oppa?"
You pulled yourself from the hug to face her and nodded. "Don't worry Chaey, I won't keep any secrets from you from now on." You look at her while she looks at you, both with full adoration. Suddenly, she leans towards you and pecks your lips. Before she could back her head from you, you grip her nape and pull her towards your lips for another kiss.
 Kisses by kisses, it then turned into a make-out session. Both of your hands are roaming all around her body as well as hers all around your body. Without detaching lips from each other, you two get up from the studying table and get towards the bed.
Once you both reach the corner of the bed, you both dive into the mattress with you on top of her. You both continue kissing each other until you both retract your lips and end the make-out session when you both feel the loss of air. "Are you sure you want to continue this, Chaey?" You asked and then she replied. "Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry, I've prepared for this, daddy~."
 You almost choked when you heard that word coming out of her mouth. However, your mind commands you to just follow the flow. "It looks like my little Chaey has a daddy kink, huh? Such a naughty girl for daddy, aren't you?" She just rolled her eyes teasingly and pulled you for a couple more kisses before starting to strip your clothes off of you.
She first started to pull off your shirt from your body, which you helped her with as well. Once the shirt is off, she gives you pecks, licks, and lovebites all around your torso. After that, she tries to unbuckle the belt which takes her a couple of seconds. Then, she lowers your pants and your underwear together which then shows your raging hard dick for her.
"Wow, daddy. You have a huge dick. Is it because of me, daddy?" She asks you with excitement in her tone when she sees your dick. You then nodded. "Yes, Chaey. This dick got hard because of you. Please, do what you want with it."
 After getting your consent, she then holds your dick and starts to stroke it up and down. You moan softly when you feel the sensation that you got from your dick. "Ooh, your hand feels soft and smooth around my dick."
 "I'm glad you like it, daddy. Now for the next part…" She then removes her hand from your dick which makes you feel a bit disappointed. Suddenly, she bends down to your dick and starts giving licks at the tip of your dick. Then, she starts pushing her mouth to your dick until your dick reaches the back of her throat. Once she's ready, she starts to give you a blowjob.
You moan soundly when she starts bobbing up and down onto your dick. The sensation from the warmth of her inner mouth, her tongue twirling around your dick is too phenomenal.
 She also moans because of the sensation from your dick as well as the taste of your precum. You also wonder how she could bob the whole length of your dick without gagging.
"C-Chaey, you're doing so good. H-Have you been practicing it before?" 
"Yes, I have been practicing it, daddy. But with my toys only. I'm keeping my pussy just for someone special."
You wonder who's the special person that she's talking about. "Is the special person me, Chaey?" She nods and continues bobbing her head on your dick at a faster rate.
"Mmm. Oh god! Y-You're doing so well, Chaey." You moan a bit louder than before while looking toward her. She also looks at you with an alluring gaze and a smirk to show that she's happy to know that you're pleased by her blowjob.
"O-Oh, I-I think I'm gonna cum." Isa then releases your dick from her mouth. "It's ok, daddy. Just cum in my mouth." She then re-enters your dick into her mouth and starts bobbing maniacally fast.
 At this rate, you couldn't hold it any longer and started pushing the back of her head towards your crotch and started cumming inside her mouth. She tries to take all of your cum into her mouth, however, some of it drools out of her mouth and onto your dick. Once she removes her mouth from your dick, she then shows you her tongue full of your cum and then swallows it.
"You're such a naughty girl, aren't you Chaey?" She then just giggles and playfully hits you. "I'm so glad you like it, daddy. Did I do it well, daddy?" "Of course, Chaey. By the way, isn't it fair that I'm naked while you're fully clothed?"
"Hehe, my bad daddy. I want daddy to take my clothes off me. Pleasure me in any way throughout my body, ok daddy?" You just nodded, then laid her on her back. You start to give some lovebites all around her neck and she moans from it.
Once you reach her clothed tits, you cup both of them and you then realize that she didn't wear a bra at all. "Well, I guess you've really prepared for this, huh? You naughty Chaey~" She then blushes and tries to defend herself. "N-No daddy. I really didn't expect this to happen. I didn't wear it at home because it's more comfortable."
You then try to pull her crop top off of her body. Once her crop top is taken off her body, she then tries to cover her tits with her arms. "I-I'm sorry daddy. My tits are not as big as you hope. I don't want to disappoint you, daddy."
You remove her arms from her tits but she's still resisting moving them. "It's ok Chaey. Your tits are just big enough for me." After hearing that, she then just let you remove her arms.
 Long and behold, her tits dangling in front of you, just big enough for your liking. After admiring her tits for a while, you then lean down towards her tits and latch your mouth to one of the mounds while you grope the other mound with your right hand.
She moans very loudly when you start sucking and groping her tits. "Mmm, d-daddy… Keep playing with my tits, daddy." With that, you take turns sucking her tits and cupping her tits. Meanwhile, your other hand slithers down towards her crotch, going through her pants and panties to reach her wet pussy.
You rub your hand on her pussy several times before plunging two fingers into her pussy. This causes her to moan intensely and forces you to stop whatever you're doing to her. "D-Daddy, I'm ready. Please insert your giant dick inside my pussy, daddy. I can't handle it anymore."
You then hold the hem of her pants and pull down her pants and panties off of her at once. You give your dick a couple more strokes before lining your dick towards the entrance of her pussy. "Are you sure you're ready for this Chaey?" You asked her, to which she nodded.
After having her consent, you enter your dick into her pussy slowly. You grunt a bit because of the tightness of her pussy while Isa moans in pain because she couldn't adapt to your size. "D-Daddy, it hurts." 
"It's ok Chaey. Daddy will move slowly."
You then thrust your dick in and out slowly first to give her some time to adapt to your size. "I-I think I'm ready. Thrust your dick a bit faster daddy." She assures you that she can handle the size of your dick. Thus, you then thrust faster which makes both of you moan intensely.
"G-Gosh, your pussy is very tight and warm, Chaey. I love it around my dick so much." To be honest, you almost cum on the spot when you first insert your dick into her pussy. "Mmm, your dick so good inside of me. It's so big. I can feel it touching my core."
Suddenly, she moans loudly when your dick touches somewhere in her pussy. "Mmmh… Keep hitting that part, daddy. It feels so good!" That's when you realize that you hit her g-spot. With that, you thrust your dick hitting her g-spot multiple times which makes her moan uncontrollably.
"Mmmh, daddy. You make me feel so good~. Keep going daddy, make your Chaey feel relieved." Your thrust went faster and faster every minute after she said that. Thrust by thrust, you two moan intensely until you feel some knot forming at your crotch.
"C-Chaey, I don't think I can hold it much longer." You warn her that you will about to cum. "M-Me too, daddy. F-Fill me up with your cum, daddy. Don't you wanna fill your naughty Chaey with your cum, daddy?"
 You were shocked when she told you about that. "A-Are you sure Chaey? I-I don't want you to get pregnant." She then nodded and said that it was fine to do so. "I'm pretty, pretty sure about this. I'm safe right now. So please, FILL ME UP DADDY~"
Your cum spurts into her pussy like a jet while she squirts all over your crotch. "Mmmh, so warm…" She moans because your cum went inside her.
Once you feel that you're softened and not releasing cum anymore, you pull it out from her used to be a virgin hole and see your combined cums leaking out from it.
"Well, that was intense. By the way, are you really safe?" You asked her again for confirmation. "Yes, oppa. It's my safe week. In fact, I also took some birth control pills for a couple of weeks." She confirms it. You just sigh because of that.
"Hmm, I guess you did prepare for this. You naughty Chaey. So, I guess today's our first day as a couple then?" She just giggles and hugs you closer. "Hehe, I'm your naughty girlfriend Chaey then. So please take good care of me from now on. Don't you ever keep any secrets from me, ok oppa?"
After that, she yawns and starts to sleep in your embrace. You hug her tight in your embrace while watching her with full adoration and then kiss her forehead.
"Don't worry Chaey. I will always let you know that I'll be by your side every single time from now on. I love you, my Chaey." You mumbled to yourself before joining her in the sleep world.
P/s: This is my first time writing. Actually, I wanna post this earlier but since I’m new with this shit, it takes a longer period for me to post it. Hope the ones who read this would like it.
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kumabeom · 7 months
this love - kang taehyun
letter 1 ; in which you took my breath away , my future princess
synopsis: what happens when soccer player!kang taehyun, who isn’t focused on school but is smart enough to pass, sees yn walk in the hallways nearly everyday after homecoming. taehyun’s new hallway crush begins to grow into something bigger, but what happens when he has to make a choice between yn or continuing to fail school ? will taehyun be able to focus on sports, classes, and trying to win yn over ?
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taehyun carried his lunch tray, slightly icky looking food. but taehyun was quite hungry, he was sure he could devour the meal that sat on his plate even if it didn’t look or maybe even taste all that appetizing. he walked behind his friends, following yeonjun to their circular lunch table, chatter filling the large room.
you, on the other hand, were surrounded by your lovely friends. just getting in the lunch line, wide smiles written down on your face. excited to get closer and closer to the rather lovely smell of the food. while most seemed to either like or dislike the food, you had a somewhat biased opinion due to your hungry nature especially as you lacked any kind of food in the morning. you did eat breakfast… but it wasn’t the typical eggs and bacon with a side of stacked pancakes and fruits that your classmates seemed to consume nearly every morning. to be fair, you didn’t mind, as long as you had some kind of nutrition in your body for the morning.
you walked with your friends, waiting patiently and observing the way that sunghoon tried to sneak his way further into the line, until he noticed that you weren’t following behind him, returning back to you.
“oh yn ! how do you think you did on the econ test ?” ning ning sneakily questioned, trying to keep an ear out to hear if you’d give off any answers.
“ooh ! actually i was pretty nervous for it, but it was pretty good. she even gave my class an extra credit opportunity !” you grinned, talking to your friends about all the class work that you had achieved throughout the morning, claiming to have had a rather productive morning.
taehyun had a small smile on his face, taking a seat in between yeonjun and hueningkai, across from him sat soobin who stayed silent. it was a normal day for taehyun, feeling a bit more positive than other days as he felt quite excited for a game night that he had in a few days.
“oh! taehyun, coach said that he wanted to talk to you.” kai broke the silence, looking over at taehyun as he began to eat his food. “he didn’t say what for, but i think it was pretty important because he seemed kind of upset.”
“hmm..? that’s weird, i haven’t done anything wrong recently..” taehyun pondered, mindlessly going back to the food tray that was right in front of him.
taehyun continued to chat with his friends, ignoring the slight worry that rested on his mind. he might’ve seemed like he truly had no idea what was happening or what his coach wanted to talk to him about, but in reality, he had a slight knowing feeling in his gut…
the bell rang, notifying the students to return to their respective classrooms. a few more hours left before everyone would be graced with the news that they were allowed to go back home. taehyun kept a brave face on, making his way to the gym, catching the attention of his coach, who was supervising his own students.
“taehyun, huening kai told you to come ?” he asked, not making any sort of eye contact with him. keeping his eyes on the game of dodgeball that his students were keeping him entertained with, slight anger detected in each throw of a ball.
“yes, coach, you needed to see me ?” taehyun questioned, a bit of nervousness in his voice. looking over at where his coach looked off towards.
“y’know you’re failing all your classes ?”
“and you’re graduating this year, aren’t you ?”
“how are you going to graduate this year if you’re not trying at all in your classes taehyun ? i’m supposed to encourage you to study, and you should.. because taehyun, if you don’t get your grades up as soon as possible.. i won’t hesitate to put you on the bench for the rest of the season.”
“no buts, taehyun, get your grades improved, and if you need help then great because i have the person just for you.”
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this love taglist : @run2seob @soobadooba @soobnuuy @pockychuwu @crazynyctophilia @rencarnationofangel @esther-kpopstan @mrsyawnzzn @matcha-binz
an : heheh this love has officially started !! 🤭🤭
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atlasofthestaars · 9 months
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .006
first part | previous part | next part
NOTE: Not sure if the beginning needs any warnings and what to label it? But it is a little more dreary than the rest of the story has been previously, so take note of that.
Originally was going to be a bit of a faster paced chapter, but I started writing in like, the complete opposite way, and I kinda liked where it went so I just rolled with it. So it’s a little bit slower of a chapter this time, but I hope the fluff makes up for it since it has moments with the champion squad.
Hopefully, according to my plans, we should only have a few more chapters left in the pre-outworld arc? I think about chapter 11 is where we will hop back to it with the mini tournament for Earthrealm’s champion, but that estimate may change depending on the ideas I have. I just want to make sure we have plenty of time with all the Earthrealm men before we head back into more of the plot.
Looks like Shang Tsung is part of the official love interest line up! This actually quite heavily affects the story, so hopefully you all will be pleased by how it turns out when that part rolls around! Reiko did not make the cut, sorry to all those who wanted him! He will get screentime, but the reader will have a different type of dynamic with him due to this. 
Also double whammy poll! While we have a lot of lovely men to fall for, someone asked about Kitana and Mileena! So here’s your time to let me know your thoughts on them! (Especially Mileena, because it WILL change whether I portray Mileena x Tanya in this fic or if Mileena is not with her so she can be romanceable).
Turns out, you struggle with forcing yourself to relax.
It was odd, you had been content before with a life of a simple routine. All you had to do before was train yourself and be at Liu Kang’s side as your duties, you could do whatever else you wished for the rest of the day. Most times that meant going on long walks and trying to decipher your memories. 
It was a routine you settled on after many had decided you needed no further routine training, and after a certain incident. Of course, you pushed yourself to train with others occasionally nowadays, but you were a student no longer.
It was a routine most were happy you had, for before that simple routine, you had found yourself often run ragged. You often went from place to place, too ambitious to train, too ambitious to strive for more. In between those training sessions, you found yourself often running around doing too many tasks that others had given you upon your request. You sometimes skipped meals, and sometimes cut hours of sleep to try and cram everything into your schedule.
It wasn’t like no one noticed the way you were slowly ruining yourself, they did, you just ignored their concerns. You waved it off, saying you were fine. You found yourself saying that line to Liu Kang the most, who always seemed to want to stop you.
It got so bad even Bi-Han had to sit you down and scold you for how exhausted you had become.
“Fool, don’t you know you’re inconveniencing everyone else when you destroy yourself like this!?” He had told you, pinning you with a harsh glare. He had slammed his hands on the desk, ice spreading from his hands onto the desk from his frustration. 
You had, of course, defended yourself in every which way back then. Who cares if you were tired? You had to get things done so others could relax. Why did he insinuate that you were a burden when clearly everyone else was benefitting from this? Those points and many more were tossed between you two, and that had caused a large argument between you two for a long time.
That grudge between you two carried for a while. You had been too stubborn to admit Bi-Han was right. How could you? That’d be admitting defeat.
And you loathed defeat.
Furthermore, that meant that you had to stop doing stuff for people. Certainly you could not stop your training, that would lead to you weakening. You had to get stronger! People were counting on you, and you had a feeling that you just had to get stronger, even without thinking of others. The tiny voice in your head was screaming that you had to.
And if you didn’t cut down on training, you had to stop doing tasks. And how could you tell someone that you couldn’t do something for them? The idea of the look of disappointment followed by a pitiful “it’s alright” scared you. You already promised so many people many things, you couldn’t just go around and tell them that you couldn’t all of a sudden.
You’d be a disappointment.
So you deluded yourself that you were doing the right thing, letting yourself get carried away. It was a harsh, dark part of your life. It was a part of your life you were not proud of. You pushed many people away. Kuai Liang, Tomas, Madam Bo, Master Kai…so many people that kept on telling you to end this foolish pursuit.
You didn’t listen.
You carried on with your destructive lifestyle, aiming to try and do anything and everything all at once. If you could do it all, everyone else would be happy, and that’s all you wanted. You lied often, saying that you were okay, and tried to cover it up with a weary smile
It wasn’t until you had collapsed during training and gone unconscious for nearly a day that Liu Kang stepped in.
“I have been a fool.” Liu Kang had murmured when you had awoken that day, You felt faint, nauseous, and so many things all at once. He had reached a hand to touch your forehead, eyebrows furrowed with worry. “I should have realized earlier that you had been running yourself into the ground, I should have trusted my own instincts and never let you go this far.” 
“I’m fine.” You had insisted, trying to sit up. The god had to force you down, which was easy in your weakened state. He had instructed you to take a break until you were better. “How long?” You had asked, your voice hoarse as you asked desperately, feeling the grip of fear at the idea of becoming useless for the people that meant so much for you.
“As long as it takes.” Liu Kang replied, with a tone of finality. Back then, those words were like a death sentence. Nowadays, you realized it had been a blessing in disguise. You try not to think of how long those days felt, constantly being shadowed by one of the Lin Kuei brothers or even Madam Bo. It was painful to think of, some days. But then again, it wasn’t all bad.
After all, that’s the main reason you had gotten closer with all of them. 
Kuai Liang had been helpful, giving you advice and being there at your aid any time you needed. He had been a good person to confide in, for he never shamed you for the worries you carried. He was a gentle flame, providing the warmth you did not know you needed in your life.
Tomas had been a welcoming presence, giving you laughs and joy in a situation where you struggled. He was much more playful than his brothers, and the dreary days were always made a bit bright with him around. He had been encouraging too in his own ways, telling you that being vulnerable was okay. You were okay.
The other two were a bit more harsh. Madam Bo had given you harsh lectures, but in a loving way. You could tell you had terrified her with your decline in health. Those days she had given you so much food you felt often full. You were happy though, her cooking really was the best. Eventually you had learned some cooking from her to pass the time.
You still had to learn how to perfect her recipes.
Bi-Han’s shadowing at first was easily the worst. Days that felt like were filled with tension, some days you felt like you could not breathe. Then, some other days it felt like you would rather be asleep with the rants he had given you, telling you on how you should have listened to him. Eventually, the frost around the situation melted, and the days went from tense and dreadful with him, to more comforting.
Eventually he became a person you learned the world through, as begrudging as it was, he answered your many questions. And when your questions ceased, the two of you could turn to occasional conversation, ones where you both were a little more open with each other, a bit more honest. Even the silences began to feel comforting.
Occasionally, Liu Kang would take over shadowing you. It wasn’t as common as the other four, but it happened often enough. At first, you were filled with guilt whenever you were around him. You had failed the fire god, but he had told you that you did no such thing.
“I have failed you, instead.”
It mystified you, but you chose not to question it. You weren’t certain what you’d do with the answers to the questions you had about that statement. You ended up developing most of your healthy habits with Liu Kang, falling into a simple routine. You ended up developing the habit of watching the sunrise with him during these times.
Days had blended into weeks, and weeks into months, and you slowly were allowed your responsibilities again. You had been allowed to train much earlier than your responsibilities so your body would not weaken, but the responsibilities felt much more significant.
Slowly, you were given room to breathe and develop your own routine. One that was…less rigorous, one that everyone agreed that was healthy and safe for you.
You guessed your inability to relax was still a remnant of the insatiable workaholic from back then. Your mind was filled once again with responsibilities, plans, and schedules. Training the champions, the tournament…so many big things to worry about.
You worried that you didn’t have time to do everything if you relaxed, and you knew how important these tasks that were ahead of you were.
It was almost instinct to dive into everything, try to take the burden of everyone and force it upon yourself.
You were really trying though, to relax. You couldn’t bear to see the concerned looks on their faces again.
“You know, you’re doing an awful job at taking a break.” Johnny pointed out as he pulled up next to you, snapping you out of your reverie. You watched with curiosity as he pulled out his phone. You had vague memories of technology from what you presumed to be your past life, but you haven’t really used it in this life.
“I’m just watching, is that so wrong?” You inquired, trying and failing to fend off the defensive side that tried to come out. You sent him a raised eyebrow, looking at him. He sent you the sassiest look, peering at you. 
“No.” He said, shrugging as he returned his attention back to his phone. “But I can see that calculating look in your eye, teach.” Johnny said, tapping the side of his head with his two fingers. “You’re not just idly watching, you’re thinking. That’s the same look my directors get when they’re reviewing a scene, and trust me, that’s anything but relaxing.”
You huffed, crossing your arms. As much as others thought otherwise, Johnny Cage was smart and observant.
“Plus, when people usually say they’re taking a break they’re usually off doing their, like, hobbies or something.” Johnny continued, pausing for a moment before looking back at you. “You do have hobbies right?”
“I refuse to elaborate.” You said after a few moments of contemplation. You really couldn’t think of anything that was a hobby of yours. Sure, you liked to cook, but that wasn’t a hobby you found yourself doing all too often outside of meal times. 
The only other thing you could think of that you did often was try and make sense of your memories. And that was something you could do for hours on end. But it was all too confusing, and it gave you a major headache. Aside from the fact that you didn’t exactly want to think of those memories right now, you had a feeling that also didn’t count as relaxing.
So your next best bet at doing something to relax was watching the students of the Wu Shi academy train.
Were you really that boring?
“You…don’t have hobbies?” Johnny asked, pulling a face that made you frown. “No wonder you’re struggling to relax.” He said, scratching the back of his neck. You had an urge to defend yourself, but you averted your eyes instead, knowing that trying to defend yourself was fruitless. You really didn’t have anything to defend yourself with in the first place.
“Living a life like mine leaves little time for hobbies.” You said, which was partially a lie. You had time, and lots of it before you were entrusted with training the four of them. So you certainly could have picked up some hobbies. 
But you never knew what to do. There weren’t many people in the Fire Temple who had hobbies you could indulge in, and it wasn’t like you were too close with them either. And, oddly enough, you were a bit embarrassed to ask the Lin Kuei brothers for any ideas on hobbies.
Plus, it was annoying trekking through the snow just to ask for something small like that.
“Okay, so hobbies are out of the question, got it.” Johnny said, before humming and looking up, contemplating over things. “Don’t you have anything else to do, like reading, or watching movies?” He suggested.
“I’ve read all the books they have in the Fire Temple, they’re pretty boring and not worth a reread.” You said, sighing as you remembered the lack of interesting literature. You’ve thought about asking Liu Kang for the chance to get better reading material, but you didn’t want to sound…rude. “And I’ve never watched a movie.”
That wasn’t totally true, you’ve probably watched a movie in your past life, but you’ve never done that in this life.
“You’ve never…what?” Johnny Cage said, seeming to be caught off guard by the confession. You’ve never seen such a look on his face before, one that was both shocked and almost…offended? You supposed it only made sense that he out of everyone reacted this way. Acting was his lifeblood. “You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not.” You said, raising your hands up trying to show no offense. You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the look Johnny was sending you. He was so,,,expressive. It was really entertaining. Is that why people liked watching him so much?
“We’ve got to right that wrong immediately.” Johnny said, a determined look on his face. He shoved his phone into his pocket. “We’re going to have a movie marathon. You get to relax and see a bunch of great movies, win-win.” The actor declared.
“A bunch of great movies, huh?” Kenshi said, approaching the two of you as he sheathed his sword. He looked between the two of you, sending a pointed look towards Johnny Cage. “I’m guessing you’re going to try and show our instructor a bunch of your movies, Cage?”
“You know it, tattoo.” Johnny confirmed with a self confident smirk. You nodded towards Kenshi, who acknowledged it back with a nod of his own. “Don’t look so prissy, you and the farmer boys are invited too if you want.” You glanced towards Kenshi, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. 
“That doesn’t sound so bad.” Kenshi conceded, much to your surprise. “I get to help pick the movies, though. We’re not watching a marathon of the Ninja Priest movies, they’re all the same.” You watched as Johnny groaned, clearly disagreeing with the swordsman.
“Whatever, you just have bad taste.” The actor huffed, rolling his eyes. He took out a paper and pen from gods knew where, and tossed it towards Kenshi who sent him a puzzled look. “Go design whatever list you want, just know I’ll be blaming you if teach over here,” He gestured towards you, “thinks movies suck.” He stretched before pointing his thumb away from the courtyard. “Now I gotta bounce, gotta make arrangements to make this whole shebang work.” He turned towards you. “You go figure out how to relax, or whatever, meet here tomorrow night.”
And without much more explanation, the actor jogged off, leaving both you and Kenshi behind.
“What did I just get myself into?”
“I’m surprised you’ve never seen a movie.” Raiden commented after he and Kung Lao met you at the entrance of the Wu Shi academy. He and Kung Lao walked beside you as you traversed down the hall, dressed in more casual clothes as opposed to the uniforms they usually wore. With amusement, you noticed how they were not wearing the hats for once. The clothes they wore reminded you of the clothes they donned during the exams.
“In the Fire Temple, we don’t have much, if any, technology.” You explained, not elaborating much further. After all, it’d be hard to explain the whole ‘you might have watched one in a past life, but you barely remembered anything about it’ ordeal. “Johnny seemed very offended that I’ve never watched one, it was a sight to behold.”
“It makes sense, that is what he is known for.” Kung Lao pointed out, shrugging. 
“Have either of you seen Johnny Cage’s works?” You inquired, looking between the Fengjian men. You were a bit surprised that they knew about movies, knowing that they both hailed from a simple village. Then again, you supposed you were being hasty in assuming their area was as technology deprived as the Fire Temple was.
“A few.” Kung Lao answered, thinking a bit before grinning. “Their techniques were totally wrong, but they sure do know how to make something entertaining.” He admitted before cockily laughing and pressing a hand to his chest. “Of course, I think if I were there to help them, they would be much better.”
“I saw a few as well.” Raiden piped up, smiling towards you. “They were flashy, and like Kung Lao said, very inaccurate, but I actually enjoyed watching them.” He put on a thoughtful look. “I think you’ll like them too, as long as you look past the technicalities.”
“I hope so too.” You said, humming. “Otherwise this would be a rather bad introduction to movies.” You joked, knowing that you could probably look past the most egregious techniques. All you wanted was a chance to relax, and you hoped to the gods that this was going to work.
“Fret not, teach, I made sure to look through Ken-bro’s list.” Johnny said as he turned the corner, a grand grin on his face. “He chose a few decent ones, but I made sure to add the best of my works in there too.” In his arms he held a large of what you believed to be popcorn. You inhaled, and you felt a bit nostalgic for a reason you weren’t quite sure.
“I tried to keep the list decent, so don’t blame me if Cage ruined it.” Kenshi quipped as he also rounded the corner, holding another big bowl of popcorn. You looked between them, noting how this was the first time you’ve seen both Johnny and Kenshi were something more casual. It wasn’t too bad of a look.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” You said, grinning as you crossed your arms. The actor led all of you to a room you knew had not been previously used much. “You’ve all brought up my expectations, are films really that good?”
“Oh trust me, films can get good, especially action films I’ve been in.” Johnny cackled, and you stifled a laugh as you noticed how the group had all collectively rolled their eyes. He opened the door for you all. You marveled at the projector that had been set up, along with a basic couch that seemed big enough for you all to lounge on, more or less. “Hollywood magic will astound you, trust me.”
“I’m already astounded by all of this.” You admit, walking over to the projector. Seeing technology sent a wave of nostalgia through you, and you smiled. Something about this all brought a hazy vision of you and Johnny sitting in a room doing something similar to this, but there had been four other younger people with you instead.
How odd.
“Where did you get all of this?” Raiden asked, looking at the set up of the room. “I don’t think the monks normally have any of this stuff,” He observed as he made his way to the couch. “Well, maybe the couch makes sense.” He said, before sitting on it carefully.
“It’s a secret, my friend.” The actor replied, and you all sent him a look. He groaned and sighed. “You’re all no fun. I asked the big boss, Lord Liu Kang.” He said, shrugging as he also took his place on the couch, on the other end of the couch. “I explained how our instructor was struggling to relax and how I pitched a movie night to you. He seemed pleased by the idea, and was willing to give me all of this stuff.” 
You were surprised. Liu Kang was the one who helped Johnny out? The idea of it made you feel warm.
“Lord Liu Kang did all of this?” Kung Lao echoed your thoughts, nodding slowly as he looked around. He put on a face that told you he seemed to approve, and plopped down right next to Raiden. You found yourself not knowing where to sit, before Kenshi stepped beside you and tilted his head to indicate the spot where you should go.
Right between where he would go and Johnny Cage.
You supposed that wasn’t too bad. 
Taking the advice, you walked over to the spot he suggested and sat yourself carefully, making sure to leave room for Kenshi, while making sure you didn’t intrude on Johnny’s. 
“Popcorn?” Johnny offered, holding the bowl out to you. As he did so, you noticed as he turned on the movie, it starting the movie which seemed to be labeled “Ninja Mime”. Shrugging, you took a small handful, popping the food into your mouth.
This was going to be interesting, wasn’t it?
“Wow, that was…amazing.” 
“See! I told you, Hollywood magic.” Johnny Cage said, a satisfied smirk on his lips as he looked over to you. You rolled your eyes but nodded, conceding to the fact that you had honestly enjoyed seeing the film. It was goofy, wacky, and just the thing you needed.
“If you think that’s good, you should watch other types of movies.” Kung Lao piped up, before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. He had stolen the bowl from Kenshi shortly after the movie started, taking most of the buttery goodness for himself. You watched with silent amusement as Raiden sneakily stole a handful. “Comedies, romances, there’s more than just Johnny’s actions.”
“Why would anyone need to watch anything but my movies?” Johnny bragged, earning silence and stares from the group, mostly from Kenshi. He rolled his eyes. “Whatever, but other types of movies are for another night.” He said, waving off the silent complaints.
“We’ll have another night?” You inquired, peering at the actor with a curious look. He grinned and shrugged.
“As long as you let us, teach.” The American said, before gesturing to the projector. “First, we gotta go through the list we made first.” You watched as Johnny got up to set up the next movie. Kenshi leaned over, looking at you with a small smile.
“The next movie is going to be better, trust me.” The swordsman told you, a slight tone of playfulness in his voice. “I made sure to also introduce you to some of Cage’s better works.” You raised an eyebrow, surprised at the fact that the man was even a fan of Johnny’s works in the first place.
“I’ll be sure to hold my expectations high then.” You replied back. sending the man a small smile as you took yet another handful of popcorn. It was almost addicting to eat alongside the movie. “How many movies are we watching?” You asked, suddenly aware of the time that had passed as you spied the clock that hung on the wall.
An hour and a half passed? That movie felt like mere minutes!
“I believe we’re watching two more, including the next one.” Raiden informed you, leaning forward to look at you. “Johnny wanted to do a bigger marathon, but Kenshi and I advocated that we only do three since you haven’t watched many and we weren’t sure if you would like them all.”
“Next time, let Raiden and I pick some movies, too.” Kung Lao also mentioned, looking back to the actor who had just finished swapping the movies. 
“As long as your choices don’t suck.” Johnny said before plopping down next to you. He spread out, his thigh touching yours, but you didn’t quite mind. “Alright, buckle up, time to start the next one.” 
That night was the first time in a long time you remembered drifting off to sleep on accident. 
You felt something shift, and you were pulled out of the arms of sleep. Yawning, you covered your mouth as you looked around. The projector was running the last bits of a movie you had no recollection of. You blinked as you also registered how you were leaning on someone. 
Looking up, you were surprised to see Kenshi sleeping peacefully, allowing you to have rest on him. Or had he fallen asleep first? Your memory was hazy. Either way, you felt oddly embarrassed that you had fallen asleep during the event the men had created for you, but also grateful they had let you rest. You leaned forward, and you saw Kung Lao and Raiden who had also fallen asleep.
Oddly enough, Johnny was nowhere to be seen. 
Carefully moving so you did not disturb the sleeping men, you stood up, trying to catch your bearings. You looked up, noting the clock you had seen earlier. 
It was an hour before sunrise.
You stretched, letting out another yawn before you looked around once more. The popcorn bowls were gone, and the room seemed generally clean. You walked towards the door of the room, before it swung open to reveal Johnny Cage.
In his arms were blankets and some pillows. You blinked in surprise, and so did he before he let out a small chuckle.
“Finally woke up?” He asked, a slight teasing tone in his voice. “You know, you fell asleep during the best one.”
“Ah, I’m sorry.” You apologized, crossing your arms as you tried to cover up your embarrassment. It was odd, this type of thing never happened. It was weird to have slept so easily, and on accident. “I usually don’t fall asleep that easily, it’s odd.” 
“Nah, I’m just kidding. You actually stayed up to watch all of the movies we had planned, then you knocked out.” The actor informed you as he walked over to set down the blankets on the couch. “We just decided to make a bet of who could stay up the longest, and I won.” The man bragged smugly, “I was just getting some blankets and pillows for you, actually.” He explained, gesturing to the items he brought. “But judging how you’re awake now, you don’t need them.”
“I thank you for the pillows and blankets, but you’re right, I don’t need them now.” You said, chuckling. “I’ll be going back to the Fire Temple.” You informed him. You gestured to the others. “What about them?”
“Eh, I’ll just wake them up and send them back to their rooms.” Johnny said, shrugging. “So, what’d you think of movies? Still amazing, right?” He asked, confidence dripping from his tone. And while you were tempted to lie to knock down his ego, you knew better than that.
“They were all lovely.” You admitted, and paused for a few moments, staring at the projection as the credits scrolled by. “Thank you, Johnny. I really needed this.” You told him, a tone of sincerity in your voice. You were really grateful. “It was fun.”
“Anytime, wildstyle.” The actor brushed off your thanks with a wide grin. You raised an eyebrow at the new nickname, thinking it was probably linked to your shapeshifting powers. He had such an interesting imagination. “Just remember this when I talk to you next time about acting, yeah?” 
“I will.” You promised. You looked back at the sleeping men for another moment, taking note to thank them for also helping to make this wonderful night happen next time you saw them. “Goodnight, Johnny.” You said as you exited the room, and you heard with simple satisfaction as Johnny bid you goodnight too. 
Obnoxious as the actor could be sometimes, he had an honest heart.  You understood a bit more why Johnny was chosen to be a champion. You’d have to repay his kindness.
The air was crisp and cool, and as you made your way to the Fire Temple, you could not help but think back to the movies you had seen. What entertaining bits of work! You chuckled to yourself as you mentally commended Johnny on his acting too.
You’d never let him know that you actually thought he was an excellent actor, though.
As you crossed the bridge to the Fire Temple, you blinked in surprise as you saw Liu Kang idly waiting by, seeming to have expected you. You walked towards him, a bit uncertain whether he needed you urgently or not.
“How was your movie night?” The fire god asked, after greeting you with your name. You smiled. Ah, he was just curious about how it went. You went on to ramble about the movies you had seen, talking for a while about them and your newfound fascination with them. Liu Kang listened diligently, a warm smile on his face as he nodded and acknowledged your words. “I’m glad to hear it went well.”
Liu Kang was a good listener.
“Yeah, I think I really needed it.” You admitted, looking up to the sky which was losing its dark color, the beginnings of the sunrise appearing. You two stayed there in silence, basking in the comfortable atmosphere. “Thank you, by the way. I heard from Johnny that you helped get everything for him.” 
“It’s no issue.” The protector of Earthrealm told you warmly, looking at you with fondness. “I would do anything for you.”
The way Liu Kang said those words, there felt like there was a hint of something else within his words that made you feel warm, much like the fire he wielded.
“Thank you.” You said, not knowing how to follow up his heartfelt words. You looked up to the sky for a few more moments, before sighing. You felt oddly tired. “I’m going to go and sleep in today, I think.” You told the god, who simply nodded in return. He seemed to approve of your decision, if the smile on his face indicated anything. “Goodnight, Liu Kang.”
“Goodnight. Sleep well.”
part seven
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sumaneun-stars · 6 months
'Four Seven Two Eight'
Chapter 01 — 'What was I expecting'
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Pairing. Jay x reader
Genre. Fluff, a LOT (and I meant a LOTT) of angst
Warnings. None! (Smut in other chapters though)
Sypnosis. You didn't know why your heart shattered, when your one sided love, Park Jongseong, left you in the dark- because he was never yours to begin with.
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‘When you left I lost myself’
“Jay!” You ran over towards him, making him turn in your direction. “You're coming over, right?”
“Of course!” He replied, reflecting the same joy on your face. He groaned afterward, his expression changing. “But there's gonna be so many more people”
“That's why I need you! Once the socializing is done, we can sneak out to the rooftop” you said sneakily.
“And that's why we're friends,” he said with a proud smile.
Out of all the kids of your parents’ friends, Jay caught your eye first. He had been your friend ever since. Noticing that you never spoke to any other kids your age other than him, as well as for Jay, you two were put to the same schools by your parents.
Towards the start of high school, Jay couldn't deny that his heart longed for a relationship more than friends with you. You did too, except it was best to not ruin the friendship you had with him, which was worth more than gold for the both of you.
“Y/n!” You heard your mom call you from downstairs. 
“Yeah?” You screamed back.
“Jay's here!” With that, you ran down the stairs in excitement.
“Good, you're here. I need help with cleaning!” You said with a serious expression, making him roll his eyes playfully.
“Why'd I come early?” he mumbled as he was being pulled by you up the stairs, but it didn't miss your ear.
“You're free to go back,” you said with a frown.
“Okay okay”
“Here, help me move this sofa towards the wall, and then you have to raise the table so I can adjust the carpet,” you said.
You finished off quickly with his help, but, as the perfectionist you were, you couldn't help but point out some mistakes.
“Wait!” You stopped him as he opened the door to your room. He sighed, knowing what was about to happen.
“The table isn't aligned properly”
“Does it really matter?” he groaned
“Of course!”
“But then the carpet will get messy too”
“We can fix that as well”
“But we did it with the greatest diffic-”
“Hurry up, they'll be here any minute!” you cut him off, giggling at his annoyed expression.
You both sighed in unison, sinking into your bed. The room was silent for a while, before the sound of engines interrupted your peace. You both sat up, eyes widening. You didn't need to use words to know that the guests had come already. He ran towards the blinds of your room which overlooked the garden. He turned and nodded with a serious expression on his face.
“They're here” he said, almost panicking.
“Jongseongie, we can do this” you said, hand up as a fist to cheer you both. He reflected the action, before walking towards the door.
“Ah, y/n! Do you remember Aunt Kang?” You nodded, a smile on your face.
“How are you, darling?” She said as she pulled you into a hug.
“I'm okay,” you said softly.
“And Jay” she added, smiling at him before pulling him into a hug as well.
“Magnets since birth, these two” she joked with your mother. 
Two more conversations like that and your social battery already died down, and you could see that Jay's was also on battery saver mode. You both shared eye contact, before sneakily walking up the stairs to escape. 
“Wait!” You whispered, stopping him on the part of the staircase where a wall separated you two and the people. “Those brownies, we deserve some”
He nodded in response. “You go on, I'll be right back” he whispered back.
You admired the view of your small but homely neighborhood, before you heard Jay run up the stairs. He had a bright smile across his face, holding a saucer with 3 brownies on it.
“Oooh, thank you”
He gave you a smug smile before sitting on the freshly swept ground, next to you. He leaned his left shoulder on the railing, following where your eyes went. He scoffed.
“Zoning out again” he mumbled.
“It's peaceful at night,” you replied, smiling softly.
You two rarely ever had moments like this. Peaceful, meaningful talks. They were comforting, to both of you. It's mostly just comfortable silence, but you loved it.
Jay watched as you stared at the little cars running around, and the cats and dogs roaming the streets. Your eyes reflected the city lights, which made them sparkle like stars. He spotted a piece of hair which bothered you- or which made your face unclear to him- and gently tucked it behind your ear making you slightly flinch.
You turned towards him to his action, and noticed his softened eyes, and the unintentional smile on his face. It felt like hours, staring into those hypnotizing eyes. Your heartbeats were rapid in your chest, falling into his spell. You both flinched at the sudden start of a motorbike on the road, clearing your throat as you took the saucer in your hands.
“I- I think we have to go back” you stuttered.
Once you left with quick footsteps, Jay couldn't help but sigh. ‘Stupid, stupid you’ he told himself. He was so close, he should've just kissed you. No- that's wrong. He didn't have the heart to ruin the 11 years of friendship between you two. It was better watching you from a step away than feet. He knew you, you'd keep distance from anyone you felt uncomfortable with. He couldn't do this to you- nor himself.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
After that day, you couldn't ignore the thump in your heart whenever you saw your “best friend”. He somehow became 10x more attractive to you. And well, it would be a crime to lie to yourself that you didn't love him. Weeks and weeks passed, and it was clear to you that there was something more than friendship lingering in your conversations. 
You'd occasionally catch him staring, or notice his cheeks flushing red at times. You noticed the somewhat gentle look in his eyes and the more than usual physical touch, but you couldn't ignore the hints of sadness in his tones.
You entered your classroom with hopes of seeing him, but noticed his absence. It worried you, considering his perfect attendance ever since he joined highschool. Weird.
“Hey Jihoon, where's Jay?” You asked the boy. His expression changed immediately, into a shocked but pitiful face. 
“Didn't you hear? There's a rumor he's leaving school”
Later that day, you visited his house, notes in hand.
“Hi Mrs. Park” you greeted his mother with a smile and a hug. “Jay was absent today, so I brought my notes for him”
Her mouth opened and closed, calculating which words to speak out. You noticed her hesitation as she invited you to come inside. 
“Where is he?” You asked her, taking a seat on a sofa. 
“Y/n,” she sighed, placing her hand on yours. Your fingernails nervously picked on your skin, hoping the rumor stayed a rumor. “We've decided to send Jay to live with his aunt in Canada. He'll be doing his higher studies there as well”
“Huh?” You said, hopelessly.
“I don't know why he hasn't told you yet” she said, caressing your hair in a comforting manner.
“I- It's fine, I'll get going then” you said blankly, taking the notes in your hands and mindlessly walking towards the door.
“He'll be leaving on the 9th” she added, halting you mid way. “Take care, dear”
‘You too, Mrs. Park’ you tried but simply couldn't voice it.
You entered your house without a word, running straight to your room and sinking yourself into your bed, trying to mute the conclusions in your head. You couldn't help but burst into tears.
You thought he loved you. ‘Stupid, stupid you’ you told yourself. You got your hopes high for nothing, in the end, only you were left in the dark. Let alone love, was it even a genuine friendship? Overthinking clouded your brain, tears flowing like rivers down your cheeks.
You spent your days in despair, probably only 5 words coming out of your mouth a day. Your eyes were bloodshot and lips pale, and your heart shattered. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
You opened it, only to see the reason for your depression. He greeted you with a soft smile… probably the last, but his eyes flooded in guilt as he examined your worn out eyes and tired expression. You closed the door, blocking him just like he did, leaning on the door as he tried to open it.
“Y/n, let me explain, please” you heard from the other side, tears flowing down your cheeks once again. Your heart ached once the banging stopped and his footsteps faded. He gave up so soon. You sat yourself on the ground, bringing your knees up to your chest. ‘What was I expecting’.
Jay's balled up fists ached from banging at the door he knew you'd never open, but the thing in his chest ached more than he could've imagined was possible. Sighing in defeat, he leaned his forehead to the door he once treated his own. 
‘Y/n, I'm sorry’ he wished he whispered a little louder.
His lips quivered, resisting the tears as he heard your muffled sobs. He made you cry. Those tears; he was the cause. It was always Jay who dried your tears- how the tables have turned.
Jay stayed there, wondering how many years it would take for you to let him in. Every muscle in his body protested leaving you behind as he walked away from his heart's home. 
He sighed, crossing the 9th of his calendar, before stashing it into his luggage and carrying it down the stairs.
“Are you ready, honey?” He heard from across the room, and nodded in response.
“Isn't y/n gonna see you off, son?” his father spoke from the driver's seat.
“Uh- no dad. She's… busy” 
Jay's crouched figure sparked to life at the familiar, already vandalized, ‘stop’ sign in which you two took part in as well. He dared to hope see you look out of the balcony like you always did- with that bright expression on your face. But instead, your street passed like any other. He sighed. ‘What was I expecting’.
After days spent in the dark, you drew your curtains open, finally letting in the light. 
The 9th of February. He was leaving.
Gripping the railing, you faltered once you caught a glimpse of familiar numbers on a familiar car.
‘Four. Seven. Two. Eight’  
Your eyes widened. You scraped the black metal off the railing as you clenched your fists in frustration. 
‘I missed him. Again’
A/n: taglist is open! Hope you guys enjoy our new series<3
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