#how did they get the tony for best choreography
cevans-is-classic · 11 months
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18+ only, please. Language, sexual themes, beefy Bucky
Sebastian Stan
@sergeantbarnessdoll (sorry it's short, dear, but I hope you enjoy it!)
He texted hours ago hoping you’d be home when he got in. All he could think about was curling up on your couch, cuddling down with some movies and some snacks before taking a very extended nap. Maybe some other fun stuff, too. 
Nap first though, he needed some sleep, possibly food before that happened. 
He smiles when your car comes into view, his driver dropping him off beside it. Every step closer makes his stomach warm with being home, being with you. 
“Hey baby,” He calls out when he swings the door open, “I’m putting my stuff in the bedroom real quick.” The TV is on, the mumble of voices growing faint as he drops his suitcase off. He hears you laugh, a sharp bark, and he grins before slipping into a pair of sweats and making his way toward the living room. 
He hears the music first and pauses in the doorway — it takes a moment to recognize what you’re watching. When the scene shifts and he sees RDJ he laughs — startling you. 
“Dude,” You look back at him, “Oh, Hello.” 
Seb wiggles his fingers. “Hello to you as well.” 
You flush, fidgeting, “Welcome home.” 
He moves through the living room, sitting on the couch behind you. You shimmy until you’re between his legs and he can drop a kiss on your head, “Mind if I ask why you’re watching Civil War?” 
“Yara and I played a drinking game last night for how many times Steve and Tony say each other’s names. We started with Avengers Assemble but made our way to the movies. I got kind of hooked again and had to keep watching them.” Your eyes never stray from the movie, even as your hand reaches back to grab his.
“Right here.” You point at the screen, “They forgot to put your arm on, or CGI it, whatever, but you can see your real arm and lemme tell you -” You lean forward, “Beefy Bucky is the best.” 
“Beefy Bucky?” He squeezes your hand. 
Sebastian watches the screen, eyes following Iron Man as he fights against the Winter Soldier. He remembers the choreography of this scene, how many takes it took, and when he’d switched out with his stunt double. 
He follows Chris chasing after him and watches Bucky try to fly the helicopter away.
“Yeah, I got beefy for this movie,” He pauses. “I felt like I had to size up to the others, which thinking about it now, makes no sense. The only one who I was up against, in my mind, was Chris.” 
“Cap is an asshole.” He knows you have a little frown. “Poor Bucky, though.” 
He laughs, “Yeah poor Bucky.” Both of you keep watching the movie playing on and he has to admit it’s been a while since he’s seen it. Everyone did an amazing job and watching Chadwick- it squeezes his heart. 
“Oh! Oh!” You jump forward, “You missed it, ugh. The fucking motorcycle scene. Baby, babe, he literally throws someone off the bike, but my god it’s gorgeous. Bucky is gorgeous.” 
“First off,” He pokes your shoulder, “That’s my stunt double you’re calling gorgeous. Second, you know I play Bucky, right? Me? The man who is currently sitting behind you?” 
“Yes,” You look back at him, “and you’re hot while doing it.” 
He grins at you, raising a brow when you turn around to face him, “You know, when I first saw this movie I was super drunk and told my partner at the time I was going to suck your soul through your dick.” 
Seb jerks a moment, his stomach tightening. “Yeah?”
“Never fucking thought I’d get the chance though, one in a million shot, right?” He didn’t notice you pausing the movie until the music stopped. 
Your hands trail up his legs as you rise to your feet. “You said you read some comics, right?” 
He grabs your hips, sliding his hands up your back as you settle in his lap, “Some. Why?”  
Your fingers trace the collar of his shirt. “You’re too tall.” 
Seb blinks, “What?” 
“Bucky is only five foot nine in the comics, I think? I’ll have to check.” Seb shakes his head, your fingers touching the edge of his jaw. “I think you make a great Bucky, though. Really brings him to life.” 
He squeezes your waist, digging his fingers in until you squirm in his lap. “You’re welcome.” 
That earns him a wicked smile, your tongue coming out to wet your lips. He follows the path, thinking about the feels of your lips against his and how warm your mouth would be around him. He leans forward to kiss your chin, then your cheek, over to your lips.  
You pause for a breath, “On a scale of one to ten how cool are you with me shouting Bucky while you fuck me?” 
Seb hums, brushing his lips over yours. “Let’s find out.”
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
RE: intimacy & the intimate scenes
Quotes from interviews on #RWRBMovie about the intimate scenes and the intimacy between Alex and Henry
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Last updated: August 9
From Glamour
Red, White & Royal Blue, the book, is—I'm not sure how to put this any other way—famously horny. For the movie adaptation, intimacy coordinator Robbie Taylor Hunt was enlisted to ensure that physical intimacy between Henry and Alex was told in the best and safest way possible. “He was incredible,” Zakhar Perez says of working with Taylor Hunt. “In London there are these brand of mints called Smints, and we called him the Smint Lord because we would always come up to him and ask for a mint or Listerine strip. I didn't want my breath to be offensive to Nick as soon as we get on set and have to be intimate with each other…” He continues, "A great thing about having rehearsals is that we'd have an hour a day set aside to be with Robbie. It was just like a dance. I grew up in theatre, and Nick's done musicals. We're both very musical people. So Robbie found it easiest to talk to us in musical terms—there's a musicality to intimacy. There'd be lots of counting. Like, ‘1, 2, 3, 4, grab. 2, 3, 4, squeeze.’ That's what was going through my mind as we did it, to get it in your body. Once your body remembers it, you can let it go. The muscle memory is so strong. Then it's just about getting your mind in the game.” Adds Galitzine, “It's a very vulnerable and trusting space. Taylor and I had to rely on each other because we really wanted to tell that story honestly and feel that we weren't hindered by any of our own boundaries that we were setting up. It becomes a sort of wonderful choreography that all serves to facilitate these two young men who fell in love with each other. Robbie was really helpful in educating me in the physical language of the character.”
From GQ
As our tea gets cold and our time draws to a close, we quickly touch on what it was like to film Red, White & Royal Blue’s more intimate scenes. To fight the awkwardness of being surrounded by the film crew, Zakhar Perez and Galitzine would whisper jokes and try to make the other one crack up. “There’s a playful teasing that never veered into anything nasty, which was a lovely dynamic to be a part of,” says Robbie Taylor Hunt, the film’s intimacy coordinator. “But also they just treated each other like colleagues and co-creatives in a really nice, collaborative way.” “There’s so much choreography to sex…ual scenes,” Zakhar Perez says, laughing, recounting the sheer amount of time and energy (and the occasional blow-up mattress) that went into rehearsals. “It’s a crazy thing to be intimate in that way with your friend,” says Galitzine. “And we want people to fall in love with these characters, because their love has to be real.” “Our guards were down during the rehearsals,” Zakhar Perez adds. But as soon as someone would yell “Cut”? “One of us would say something stupid, like, Get off me!” 
From People
When Red, White & Royal Blue got labeled with an R rating from the Motion Picture Association, López admits he was surprised by the stamp. The MPA cited "some sexual content, partial nudity and language" in its rating. "I think I was a little surprised at the R rating just because, while I never was encouraged to limit what we were showing or limit what I was depicting, the scene is what I intended to show. It plays exactly how I wanted it to play," López says of a sex scene between the two leads. The Tony winner explains that he had free rein to include whatever he felt necessary onscreen while depicting the love story: "It's the movie I set out to make." He adds, "I essentially decided to hedge my bets, in that I wouldn't step a toe over the line of PG-13 into R when it came to language, when it came to— there's no violence in the story, of course. But I would just do what I felt was right for the story when it came to the sexuality of the film and let the chips fall where they may."
From Out Smart Magazine
The director explains that giving the film’s sex scenes the royal treatment was an important factor for him. “One of the things in the novel that I knew needed to be in the film was the fundamental truth that these two people have really good sex with each other, they are very attracted to each other, and they find ways of expressing it physically. I inherently knew that there were a multitude of ways that we were going to express intimacy in this movie and that we were tracking the progression of their closeness. They sort of meet-cute and not only go from being enemies to lovers, but one of them is not fully aware of the extent to which he’s into guys before they meet. I thought a lot about the intimacy themes in the movie as a way of bringing them incrementally closer and closer together. “By the time we got to the real lovemaking scene in the movie, I knew that I wanted to create something that was beautiful, loving, and tender. It’s not about maximizing an opportunity to get as much sex in the movie as possible. It’s about maximizing what I’ve got in order to tell the story effectively and honestly, in a way that the people for whom the movie is being made understand that it is being made for them.”
From Hindustan Times
Red White And Royal Blue also features a sex scene that was so empowering in terms of how it chooses to focus not on the body but on the gradual understanding between what two people in love want from each other. Did you always have a specific direction in how you wanted the scene to be shot? My answer to your question is your question! That is precisely how I wanted to shoot it. It is undeniable that these are two beautiful men but what was more important to me was this be a scene of true intimacy between these two characters. I always knew I wanted to shoot those scenes primarily on their faces. I knew that what we would read in their eyes and their faces was much more powerful a storytelling tool than what I could have shown in a wider shot using their bodies, and it allowed them to thoroughly act that scene rather than simply perform that scene. I love that question because the way you phrased that question is exactly the way we talked about the scene- as we planned it with my intimacy coordinator, and as Taylor, Nick and I rehearsed it. Yeah, so you could just your question and turn it into my answer, because that's precisely it.
From TV & Satellite Week
The two leads were equally keen to make their characters’ relationship evolve believably. ‘Nick and I felt a responsibility to bring to life these sexual moments that are in the book in a real, grounded way,’ says Zakhar Perez. ‘The intimate scenes were choreographed and specific when it came to whether it was a moment of passion, or a tender experience. In a relationship you go through different stages, and we got to explore those throughout the film.’
From PinkNews
“I don’t think you can tell the story of Alex and Henry without talking about their very enjoyable sex life,” he says. However, the sex isn't just thrown in for the sake of it, each has a purpose and nuance. López likes to think of the scenes as songs in a musical. "It needs to progress the story, it needs to progress your understanding of the character. If it doesn't, then it doesn't belong," he explains. The two lead stars worked with an intimacy co-ordinator to ensure the scenes were done carefully and safely, but were also realistic. “We need to actually believe that Alex and Henry have really great, connected sex,” López says. “That, as a queer man, was really important to me to convey.”
From Observer
Hollywood has a tendency to shy away from gay sex onscreen. But this movie goes all in. Did you get any pushback about that?  ML: When I was pitching myself for the job, this was part of my pitch. Basically, “If you hire me, you’re getting this.” I let it be known from the get-go that this was going to be in the film. And, of course, there were negotiations throughout the process of what exactly it would be. But I was adamant from the start that this film honor what’s in the book, which is that these two characters have a very healthy sex life. They are very, very into each other, they have great sex, and a lot of it. So that was important to me.  It was really important to me as well in a mainstream love story. We talked about this as a rom-com and there other times we talked about it as a love story. As a love story, it was really important to me that the audience understand that these two young men are deeply connected—emotionally, intellectually and physically. Their physical connection is a huge part of what binds them. It would have been absolutely the decision I would make if it was a man and a woman. So I was going apply the same storytelling and requirements on my queer film that I think anybody would on a on a heterosexual film. I will say Amazon didn’t give me a hard time on these scenes. I got support. I got notes, of course. But that’s what happens when you don’t have final cut. There was a lot of support for this story being told as we all knew it needed to be told.
From MetroSource
Our sex is beautiful. The way we have sex is beautiful. Our intimacy is beautiful. Consensual sex between two humans is a beautiful thing, and it’s one of the wonderful things about being alive. The book is very steamy, very sexual, and I really love that about the book. I knew that I’d be committing heresy if I didn’t bring that into the film. A sex scene in a movie is like a song in a musical. It really does need to either charm you or teach you something about the characters and move the plot along. The other thing, too, is that you’re asking two performers to do something that is really vulnerable, and you don’t ever want to ask too much of them, and you don’t ever want to make anybody feel uncomfortable or forced into doing something. We were conscientious about how we approached each one of these scenes. I spent a lot of time with my intimacy coordinator mapping them out. We really paid particular attention to what story are we telling with each and every one of these intimacy scenes so that we could turn around and speak to Taylor and Nick and explain to them exactly why we were asking them to do what we were asking them to do. Beyond just sort of the mechanics of the filmmaking, to tell the story of Alex and Henry and not include the fact that they are very passionately, physically attracted to one another, is to not tell the full story of Alex and Henry.
From Windy City Times
Robbie Taylor Hunt was the intimacy coordinator on the film. How important was that for this film? ML: It was essential. I think that if someone doesn't like working with intimacy coordinators, then they are missing the point. Robbie was an important partner in creating this. In essence, it was a way of protecting the actors and making them not just feel, but be, safe. It is no different than working with my director of photography or my costume designer. We use stunt coordinators with stunts, so in the same way, I wanted to use an intimacy coordinator. Robbie helped me articulate what I wanted to show and execute it. He was invaluable to me.
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totallysora · 7 months
West Side Story (2021)
I HAVE SM TO SAY ABT THIS MOVIE IT’S UNREAL 😭 Ok so I finally decided to watch it for the first time in like,,early January and it has actually changed me 😭 IT WAS SO GOOD?? LIKE THE CASTING WAS JUST MWAH I LOVED IT SM 😕 Anyways here are some of the things (from what I can remember, I haven’t actually had time to rewatch it since 😔) that I loved about it!
The jets were amazing, fight me
Ik that’s kinda controversial cuz they’re horrible people, and yes I absolutely get that, and do not support their actions at all (If ur a jets apologist pls leave 🥰) but GOD THE CASTING?? UGH IT WAS JUST SO PERFECT 😭 All of their songs were literally so good?? The Jet song is unfairly catchy, and Gee, Officer Krupke?? It was actually magical (THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES PEOPLE 😻‼️)
That scene with Anita?? It honestly made my blood boil, which is actually like,,the best thing ever?? Ik that sounds horrible but I mean it in a way that if a scene is meant to make you feel disgusted, or completely angry, and it succeeds?? That’s how u know it was good acting
I struggle to differentiate between actors and characters, so the whole rumble scene was a lil bit of a mess for me at first cuz I adore Mike sm, however when I thought abt it more, and how Riff acted, I was able to think of him as Riff, not Mike, and realised holy shit yea he actually kinda deserved what happened to him yk
THE RUMBLE OML 😭 THE ACTING WAS JUST SO UGH I LOVED IT SM - Unliked in the 1961 version (which I haven’t actually watched but have seen clips of!) you could actually tell it was like,,serious yk?? And when Riff got stabbed?? Holy fuck the emotion in that scene was unreal
Also the way David and Ansel acted straight after it happened?? I kinda got a ‘I didn’t actually want to kill him’ kinda feel from Bernardo, and honestly I kinda felt for him man 😭
I love the way that this rlly showed why Tony was the leader of the Jets, the way he beats Bernardos ass?? You can see why he led such a strong gang
Completely unrelated but the fact that this whole thing was basically a newsies reunion 💀
like Mike, Kyle, Jess, BEN? GARRETT?? THE TWINS???
I will forever adore the casting tho like honestly it was so good
Also the Sharks were robbed of screen time Icl 😭 They deffo should’ve been on screen more man
RACHEL MF ZEGLER 😻‼️ The fact that this was her debut will literally never not shock me
Like this girl was 17 and could sing like that?? No wonder ppl love her sm like damn 😭
People can actually fight me on this but Ansel was such good casting for Tony
I’ve seen people bash him for it but he was literally so good?? Like sorry but I refuse to accept anyone else (obviously excluding bway lmao)
On the topic of Tony the ending actually made me cry?? Like I was fine untik they picked him up and started carrying him after he got shot 😭
Icl halfway through the movie I googled if anyone died so I was prepared for it to happen but doesn’t mesn I didn’t still cry 😕
RITA MONERO 🥰 She was in the og movie and I am so glad they got her back cuz she was a m a z i n g
Also the fact that she sung her song live?? Cmon man she’s so good
Ok so Josh Rivera 😻 Although I didn’t rlly like Chino at first he definitely grew on me the more I thought about it - Ik killing Tony could be considered extreme, but realistically?? I totally get where he came from, it was an incredibly difficult situation, and I can understand why he did what he did
Ok but the singing in general?? Like Ik they wouldn’t cast bad singers but be fr literally all of the songs slap
Ik I’ve said it before but I will say it as many times as I need to THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY (OR THEATRE) ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES 👏👏
The soundtrack is actually so good tho like I pretty much wouldn’t skip any of it
Ok completely random but I couldn’t understand half of the movie 💀 cuz they spoke spanish and although I had subtitles on it just gave me the spanish in spanish subtitles, so half of the time I was guessing or just hoping I’ll get what’s going on 😭
If u couldn’t tell I cannot speak spanish (and tbh I’m not doing that well in it at school so 😔)
There is so so so much more I can say about this movie, and once I’ve posted this I will definitely plan a part 2 specifically focusing on the songs, and a part 3 on characters (possibly in the opposite order tho) because this movie was a m a z i n g and I could actually talk about it for h o u r s
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overlookmax · 1 year
i know no one will see this but here are my thoughts about sweeney todd on broadway
(side note: this was my first time seeing the show fully. i knew the story and characters but i had never seen it all the way through)
1. the stage, i was seated on the right orchestra and i could see perfectly. in photos it doesn’t look that way but the stage is really close to the audience. i would recommend sitting in orchestra. the front mezzanine also looked like a good view, i wouldn’t be able to say if it was though.
2. the set was very simplistic which i think fully works for this production. this show focuses a lot on lighting which was so mesmerizing. (theres a reason they won that tony) i’m not an expert on broadway sets and such so i don’t have a lot to say but every set piece is very expertly made and executed.
3. every actor and actress fully embraced their role and did the absolute most with it in the best way possible. the cast really seems like they have fun with their roles. when i was there their was an understudy for the begger woman, mia pinero, and she was absolutely fantastic.
4. the music is incredible. i don’t think i have to convince anyone that anything that stephen sondheim has composed is amazing. most of the songs don’t have big choreography or sets or props or whatever because the actors and actresses are so captivating on their own. it takes so much talent to be able to entertain an audience just on your own and this company just absolutely blows it out of the park. every song was perfectly executed and played out. i’ll talk about my favorite performances by josh groban, annaleigh ashford, gaten matarazzo, daniel yearwood, and more in their own paragraphs.
5.josh groban as sweeney todd- i’ve seen many people say that josh isn’t a good actor/ he doesn’t much emotion when he sings and fully completely 100% DISAGREE. josh is incredible and soo captivating. he’s was a little more animated at times then i was expecting but that doesn’t bother me at all. i truly believe that he was born to play this role. he’s very intimidating as the character (best way i can describe it) in a way i’ve never seen. i always get worried i won’t like the singing in live musicals cause it won’t sound like the soundtrack but josh’s voice is incredible. i love his baritone it’s so unsettling yet soothing which i have no idea is possible. his voice is just so nice to listen to. the way they staged the song epiphany was not how i was expecting but i still absolutely loved it. it didn’t big bold action or lighting or whatever cause josh groban is enough to make the scene just so incredible. i loved his chemistry with annaleigh ashford, they were (despite the murder and cannibalism) so adorable together.
6. annaleigh ashford as mrs. lovett- was her accent cockney? no. was she hard to understand at times? yes. did i mind? absolutely not. they were literal 30 second laugh breaks and chears whenever she was on stage. i honestly can’t even describe how amazing and funny she was. she IS the sondheim it girl. i think she was also born to play this role. she is so ridiculously funny. easily the best performance of the show. with the song by the sea it was literally just them sitting on chairs on stage and yet it was probably one of the best performances. again, the chemistry they have. it takes a lot of talent to make two murderers cute and somehow they do it effortlessly. again again again, annaleigh ashford is incredible.
7. gaten matarazzo as tobias ragg- i get that this so very much stunt casting but gaten is truly great. he’s an incredible actor and singer and you can tell he really loves performing on stage. the relationship between lovatt and toby is so adorable and annaleigh and gaten really make it. gaten really embraces this role and again does the most with it. the ending i was not expecting and gaten really makes it so unsettling and sad.
8. daniel yearwood as anthony- as you know jordan fisher did leave the production sadly but daniel is amazing. i know i’m just repeating the same thing for each person but truly he is great. he’s an amazing singer and really captures the emotion in each scene.
9. maria bilbao as johanna- again just incredible. her singing was mesmerizing and beautiful. i though she was great. i wouldn’t say that she does anything mind blowing but that’s not a bad thing! i loved her i’m just trying not to repeat the same mantra for each character/ actor
10. mia pinero as begger woman- like i said she was an understudy. i think this was her first time performing this role but she was great. she was also very very sweet! i saw her at stagedoor and she talked to a lot of people but she was just so nice and i loved her so much.
11. i’ll condense this and just say that all the actors/actresses were incredible. i wouldn’t say that any person in the company wasn’t good or wasn’t as good as everyone else. the ensemble was just as captivating and mesmerizing as the main characters. at no point in the show was i ever bored.
12. stage door- i was standing directly in front of the stage door behind a few people. only three people came out- josh groban, mia pinero, and jamie jackson (judge turpin) all were very nice and i got all their signatures! for josh and jamie a very nice woman held up my playbill for them to sign and i was able to give mia the playbill myself and told her how incredible she was! i was next to three girls, two were in their twenties and one i assumed was in her thirties since she mentioned having a son. they were all very nice and i talked with them throughout the stagedoor. however behind was a young boy who would not shut up about gaten lol. i’m not trying to complain about him since he obviously didn’t know stage door etiquette but he kept holding his phone above my head and he got really mad at my sister for trying to stand next to me. he was really annoying and everyone around seemed to agree. besides that all the people at the stage door were very very nice and i’m very grateful cause this was also my first stage door
Overall! this show was incredible and i wish i could just sit and watch it over and over again. i’m very glad and lucky i was able to go. i would absolutely recommend any go if they can. being in times square is kinda annoying but the experience is worth it. that’s all! thanks to anyone who read this lol.
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You seem to know so much about phantom and its history in general and this is probably such a stupid question I’m sorry but why the fuck have they closed it on Broadway and the west end? No matter how much I think about it it makes no sense to me that it’s not bringing in enough money bc if people aren’t seeing what are they seeing????? Just close all of NY and London down at this point like ? And now I’m feeling like I should have seen it at least one more time since the news came out but the first time was so perfect I didn’t want to ruin it. But I’ve just been feeling like it’s a publicity ploy? They’re gonna say they’re taking it off then bring it back in 5 years shinier… but no one else seems to think so. Now I’m feeling like an idiot for not seeing it 5 times in a row even though it’s in my back yard.
Anyway. I’m sorry just had to get that out somewhere I’m sorry it was to you
Okay, so, right off the bat - the West End production is technically still running. It's not exactly like the original, but it's still there (and it has a VERY solid cast as of now so I would still absolutely recommend to go and see it if you ever have the opportunity. If you're scared of getting the restaged tour, it's really not that). There are a few differences with staging, the wigs are different from what they used to be, the orchestra has been reduced, some of the choreography is a bit different - but it's largely the same show.
What *did* happen in the West End was that like all productions, it closed during COVID, the cast and crew waited to be able to go back, and Cameron Mackintosh (aka the producer, aka Satan) invited all of them to a Zoom call, where they learned that they were all fired and that they'd be replaced by a new cast and crew. That included people who worked in the orchestra for nearly 30 years, Philip Griffiths who played Reyer since, like... forever, and I'm skipping a bunch. The reason why CamMack did that was to reopen with a smaller orchestra, a few reductions here and there, and obviously, with a younger cast and crew working around, salaries will be lesser on the basis of experience. And understandably, a lot of people didn't want to come back and go through the whole hiring/auditioning process all over again. Philip Griffiths for instance basically went: "Fuck it, I played the role for 30 years and I shouldn't have to audition for it" (and he's correct).
Obviously, COVID has been tough on the arts industry in general, and there are several shows on Broadway who closed as a result of it (the whole deal with The Music Man revival with Hugh Jackman was to make as much money as possible to recoup for losts, because anything that has Hugh Jackman in it or The Music Man itself has always sold very well on Broadway). Phantom was not one of those shows that was struggling, because it's kind of like Wicked, Chicago, Hamilton, or any Disney show in the sense that it will reliably make money no matter what. It's expensive to set up and stage as opposed to, say, Six, but it still very much made a profit.
Cameron Mackintosh didn't really give a reason as to why he was closing it (at least none that I'm aware of, or if there is, it's probably PR fluff), but if I had to make a guess, it's probably going to reopen in a few years, just like the West End production did, but with the reductions I've mentioned above, with a cheaper orcheatra, cheaper crew, etc. and you get a nice little opportunity to have it get nominated at the Tony Awards for Best Revival.
So yeah anyway eat the rich
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trashyspaceprxnce · 1 year
Tony Award Thoughts
Brandon Uranowitz coming out of the gate swinging and making me cry with the first speech
& Juliet performance was not giving. i actually like the show but that's my least favourite song it in and i thought it was a weird choice
(The most iconic song they could have done would have been I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman and make the Tony's feel bad for not nominating Justin David Sullivan)
Michael Arden best speech hands down. Obsessed with him what a well deserved win (after being robbed for best direction for spring awakening AND once on this island)
(ok tbh I thought he won for once on this island until i googled it rn??? I guess i got it confused with it winning best revival)
Sweeney, Some Like it Hot and Shucked had the best performances tbh, good vibes and actually showed what the show was about
was SO stressed about best leading actor and was hoping Josh Groban could get his revenge but J. Harrison Ghee rightfully won it!
(people who are still mad about the 2017 Tony's I am here for you)
Also Alex Newell deserved it after being robbed for once on this island as well
Obsessed that we had two non-binary performers win but maybe can we talk about how we should fix the gendered categories??? Especially w/ Justin not being nominated
Also can we talk about best score and choreography not being shown??? what's up with that
"it's good for Lea Michelle that she's presented a Tony that year where there's no script" - what I sent to my friend during the show
tbh i have barely heard of Kimberly Akimbo but maybe I'll check it out? The song they did seems fun
I cannot explain the amount of rage that filled my body when Funny Girl did their performance.... Lea Michelle I am out to get you. Beanie Feldstein if you need someone to fight for you, you can count on me
anyways time to go into hibernation for another year (jk im seeing the Hadestown tour in like two months)
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broadwaybohemians · 1 year
I wasn't gonna do any live blogging for the Tony Awards but here we go anyway.
Act 1 thoughts while I watch:
Yay Kimberly Akimbo for wining best scocre!
Leopoldstadt beat out Life of Pi for best costume!?!!! What?!?!! With those puppets in Life of Pi how did they lose?! Jeez
Some Like it Hot beat Camelot, &Juliet and KPOP for best costumes!? Really?!
My feed keeps skipping and it's annoying.
It's so weird to watch an awards show with no skits or stupid monologues or gimmicks. I kinda like that it's just handing out the awards and some clips? Still weird.
New York New York winning best set design! Awesome!!
Okay Life of Pi may have lost out on costumes but at least it won set design! Yeah!!
Lin Manuel Miranda!!! Hello sir!! Handing the Lifetime Achievement Award to John Kander. Interesting choice to do this award in the pre show though. I would have thought this deserves to be in the big event.
Some Like It Hot wins best choreography. As I haven't seen this show and have no idea what the choreography is like I have no opinion really. I was kinda hoping to see Sweeney or KPOP win best choreography thought. Bummer.
Sweeney Todd won best lighting!! WOOO!! SWEENEY WON SOMETHING! I'm so glad!!!
Julianne Hough has no idea what to do without a script and it's kinda funny
The Isabelle Stevenson Award going to Jerry Mitchell for Broadway Bares is making me cry. SO DESERVED!!!!!
Jerry Mitchell's speech. Yup definitely crying now.
Sweeney for best sound design! WOO! I'd have been happy with any of them winning
Joel Grey getting the Lifetime Achievement Award is so wonderful! I love him! And he started his speech with Wilkomen, Bienvienu, Welcome!!
HELL YEAH APPLAUD FOR HIS MENTION OF CLEVELAND PLAYHOUSE!! WOOOOO!! I certainly clapped!!! That's my hometown!!! Playhouse is the best!!!
And that's it for Act 1!
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4rainynite · 1 year
Sweeney Todd on Broadway
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During my birthday trip to New York, I was lucky to see not one, but two Broadway shows! My second one was Sweeney Todd! 
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Words could not describe how excited I was to see this show. When I first found out it was coming back to Broadway and watching it on 2023 Tony Awards I was like: I have to see this show!
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The opening was hauntingly beautiful! The choreography during ' The Ballad Of Sweeney Todd' was a mixture of the cast scurrying and cowering like rats trying to flee from an unknown evil and rocking back and forth like on a boat. Their voices giving hints of something wicked was upon the play of the Demon of Fleet Stret. And when Josh appeared on stage the audience (including myself) cheered so loudly we didn't even hear him sing his part, so we all shut up so we could hear his beautiful voice.
We all died laughing during 'The Worst Pies in London', ' A Little Priest' & 'By the Sea'. Annaleigh was a delight from her pie making (which would cause a health inspector to burn the pie shop down) Homer Simpson run, and seagull sounds she gave Mrs. Lovett the perfect blend of humor and humor and Lady Macbeth. Josh as Sweeney Todd was just so -AAAHHH! He played his role aa dark and troubled character so well. Sweeney was an innocent man who lost everything only to return and it's all destroyed because of someone else's envy for his lifestyle. Now, he's back and he wants revenge and dragging everyone to heck with him! Gaten, who is famous for his role in Stranger Things played on Tobias's loyalty to Mrs. Lovett's very well. I almost cried during 'Not While I'm Around' that's how good he was! Jeanna was an impressive Begger Woman, who knew Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett were up to some mischief. Daniel and Maria portrayal as the lovebirds Anthony and Johanna in a cruel world was both sweet and yet you feared for their safety. Jamie and John as Judge Turpin and Beadle Bamford did a good job of making the audience love to hate them, I couldn't wait for Sweeney to slash them and for Mrs. Lovett to turn them into pies only to be feed to rats for starting the whole chain of events.
One of the best scenes in the musical is when Sweeney slashes his victims with the fake blood coming out and then slide down into the basement - it looked like fun (the slide part, not the slash throat part) and the effect used when Mrs. Lovett opening the oven and how it looked like she was opening the gates of heck - props to whoever came up with that idea and special effects.
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I really enjoyed the show from beginning to end. I really hope the next time I go to New York I'll get to see it again!
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After, the show I waited by the stage door, hoping to get Josh, Annaleigh, Gaten, Daniel, Maria, and etc. autographs. As soon as Josh & Annaleigh came out the floodgates opened! Fans screamed, shouted, and cried for the two leads. I was so close to them yet so far away. Sadly, I didn't get to them in time. And strangely I was okay with it; I was spending my birthday month in New York the place I always wanted to go, saw two Broadway shows in one day, and my fam came with me. I had a good time!
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Until, my godmother came up and told me she got their autographs for me (best auntie ever)!
Like I said before: I was spending my birthday month in New York the place I always wanted to go, saw two Broadway shows in one day, and my fam came with me. I had a good time!
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horsechestnut · 1 year
Ranking the 2023 Tony Awards Preformances
1- Sweeney Todd: Holy shit. Just wow. The fog, the atmosphere, the choice to do a group number, the incredible jerky choreography, Josh Groban’s entrance. 100 out of 10, no notes.
2- Shucked: Not my favorite musical, but I’ll give it to them, this was a good group number and a clever medley. Alex Newell’s part felt a little out of place, but I’ll forgive it because god can they sing. 
3- Parade: A duet done right! The staging and acting were both engaging enough to keep my attention, and the singing was incredible. Actually made me interested enough to go listen to the rest of the musical, which should always be the goal of a Tony performance.
4- Kimberly Akimbo: Very cute! I do wish they’d done a group number, but I also love “Anagram” so I wasn’t to upset. Also shout out to the ensemble members who got to sit on stage and play Uno for the whole performance.
5- Some Like it Hot: High energy and lots of fun. Gave all the main characters at least a few lines to sing, and I’m never going to say no to watching a fun tap number. 
6- Camelot: A good attempt, but they couldn’t quite nail it. I get it, none of Camelot’s iconic songs are group numbers, but I think they would have been better served by trying to do a group number anyway and maybe shifting into Camelot right at the end. Still, I liked all the parts individually, they just didn’t flow together well.
7- &Juliet: This was fine. There was some really cool dancing, and it was fun, but ultimately it felt more like I was watching a concert than the Tonys, and honestly “Eye of the Tiger” is not a song I ever need to hear again...
8- New York, New York: Started strong, loved the energy, but was starting to drag by the end. Also I don’t know what was up, but the first guy’s accent was... off. I only realized it was supposed to be Irish about ten seconds before he stopped singing and it was really distracting.
9- Into the Woods: Just... why did you pick this song? If Parade was how to do a duet well, this is how not to. It was basically just two actors singing at each other and occasionally walking around for three minutes. Made even worse by the fact that Into the Woods has good group numbers! Shout out to the Milky White puppeteer though, best part of the performance. 
10- Funny Girl: Even ignoring the drama with this show, this was such a dumb choice. Anyone who was going to go see Funny Girl for Lea Michelle was already going to go and we’ve seen her sing this song so many times before. This is your chance to advertise, show us something we haven’t seen before! Also it just feels rude to the ensemble to not let them do anything when most of them have probably been with the show longer than Lea Michelle has.
11- A Beautiful Noise: This was just a guy singing a song. This barely even counts. Even the audience seemed bored.
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usagoodnews · 1 year
The Expendables 4: The Movie Is Coming With Brave Heroes
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If you are fond of action films then get ready, we are going to tell you about a movie which is full of action. The name of the fourth sequel of the Expendables franchise is Expendables 4. You must have seen all its sequels till now. Let’s talk about this movie, and how the team of action heroes once again come together to save the world from bad guys.
Expendables 4 trailer
Expendables 4 cast
People who are dangerous to the world are part of this group. Every member in this group has his own distinct identity and danger. Let us talk about the brave and fearless people of this group who risk their lives to save people and these people are called when this work is not available to anyone else who has experience in this work.
Sylvester Stallone
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Sylvester Stallone, born in 1946, is an iconic actor, writer, and director. Rising from humble beginnings, he wrote and starred in “Rocky” (1976), launching his career to superstardom. Stallone’s portrayal of characters like Rocky Balboa and John Rambo made him a symbol of determination and resilience in Hollywood. Beyond acting, he directed and continued to inspire generations with his unwavering commitment to his craft.
Jason Statham
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Jason Statham, whose name is Lee Christmas in this movie, is a knife expert and no one can escape his attack. Jason Statham, born in 1967, is a renowned English actor and former competitive diver. He’s best known for his roles in action-packed films like “Transporter” and “Crank” series, where his martial arts skills and charismatic presence shine. Statham’s tough-guy image and remarkable stunt work have made him a beloved figure in action cinema.
He has gushed about how much he loves The Expendables. “Working with Sylvester Stallone is beyond a pinch yourself moment,” he added of his co-star. I grew up watching his movies, and any man who enjoys action movies would never turn down the opportunity to be directed by him, to appear in one of his films, and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Sly. It’s fantastic. I’ll perform as many as he requests.
Read Also:- What position did Meg 2 Trench movie rank?
Megan Fox
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Megan Fox, whose name is Gina in the film, is a CIA agent and also plays Lee Christmas’s girlfriend.
Megan Fox, born in 1986, is an American actress and model. She gained fame with her role in the “Transformers” franchise, known for her striking beauty and charisma. Beyond her blockbuster appearances, Fox has showcased her acting prowess in films like “Jennifer’s Body.” With a career spanning both mainstream and independent cinema, she’s celebrated for her sultry appeal and acting versatility.
Dolph Lundgren
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Dolph Lundgren, whose name is Gunner Jensen in the film.
Dolph Lundgren, born in 1957, is a Swedish actor, director, and martial artist. He’s famous for his imposing presence and roles in action films like “Rocky IV” as Ivan Drago and “Universal Soldier” as Andrew Scott. Lundgren’s academic background in engineering adds an intellectual dimension to his tough-guy image. His enduring career, physical prowess, and on-screen intensity have made him an enduring figure in action cinema.
Tony Jaa
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Tony Jaa whose name is Decha in the film.
Tony Jaa, born in 1976, is a Thai martial artist and actor renowned for his exceptional skills in Muay Thai and martial arts. He gained international recognition for his roles in films like “Ong-Bak” and “The Protector,” where he performed breathtaking stunts and intricate fight choreography. Jaa’s dedication to traditional martial arts and his ability to execute complex action sequences have made him a prominent figure in the world of action cinema, inspiring martial arts enthusiasts worldwide.
Expendables 4 release date
This movie has been premiered in China on 15th September and its release date is different in every country. It will be released in the USA on 22nd September.
(***) The release dates of the movie in some countries are as follows:
ChinaSeptember 15, 2023
Philippines September- 20, 2023
United Arab Emirates- September 21, 2023
Brazil -September 21, 2023
Germany- September 21, 2023
Hong Kong- September 21, 2023
Israel- September 21, 2023
Italy- September 21, 2023
Kuwait- September 21, 2023
Portugal- September 21, 2023
Russia- September 21, 2023
Canada- September 22, 2023
Turkey- September 22, 2023
United States- September 22, 2023
Spain- September 29, 2023
Australia- October 5, 2023
France- October 11, 2023
Japan- January 12, 2024
Questions & Answers Related to The Expendables 4 Movie
Q.1- Who is the villain of The Expendables 4 movie?
Ans:- The villain of this film is Iko Uwais who is a martial artist.
Q.2- where to watch the Expendables 4?
Ans:- You can watch it in theaters as per the release date of your country.
Q.3- when is Expendables 4 going to be released?
Ans:- This movie has been premiered in China on 15th September and its release date is different in every country. It will be released in the USA on 22nd September.
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dwtsfun · 4 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 5 Week 7: Rewatch
So after an extended break, I'm back! And we haven't got a moment to spare, so let's get this started. Everyone is doing two individual dances this week, so this is when things start to get real.
Ballroom Round
Helio and Julianne- Tango (Judges' Score=25, My Score=8)- I have to say that I thought this dance was very awkward. Helio's hold was a bit strange and his head position was a little weird. His feet weren't good and it wasn't as sharp as it could have been. It wasn't bad, but there were many technical issues.
Marie and Jonathan- Quickstep (Judges' Score=28, My Score=9)- So I saw some mistakes, but this was Marie's dance, okay! Jonathan choreographed a number that showed Marie off in the best light possible. I would've liked for her to tuck her butt under, but to me, this was her best dance by far.
Mel and Maks- Foxtrot (Judges' Score=24, My Score=9)- A lot of the mistakes that we are seeing this week is due to there being two dances for the couples to learn. It was a good dance. The feet weren't up to par and there were some bobbles throughout (probably a result of them not being completely in sync like CAI said).
Jane and Tony- Quickstep (Judges' Score=24, My Score=7)- Well. Um. It wasn't bad. But it was just super lackluster for me. Her posture was good. But there was no body contact and like everyone else, there were mistakes. I actually agree with CAI about there not being a lot of technical issues with Jane though. She just wasn't exciting at all, and that's what's needed at this point.
Jennie and Derek- Viennese Waltz (Judges' Score=25, My Score=9)- Before I say anything about this dance, I wanna draw attention to how close this cast was with one another. The cheetah (fake) tattoos that they all got for Sabrina was cute and showed so much of what the show is missing right about now. I said it in the last post, but the camaraderie was such a major part of this show. As for the dance, I think it was one of the best dances so far. I didn't feel like the two dances affected Jennie as much as it did everyone else. Her carriage wasn't as strong as it needed to be, especially in hold. But her arms were gorgeous and it was an extremely fluid dance. I just need her to get that strength through her core and everything will be top notch.
Cameron and Edyta- Quickstep (Judges' Score=24, My Score=8)- Oh no. I could tell that this was going to be a really great. Cameron came out with amazing energy. I do think that he lost a little control and he also forgot a good bit of the choreo. It sucks because it had the potential to be the best of round 1. I do agree with Len about some of the choreography choices, especially that last random and unnecessary backbend.
Latin Round
Helio and Julianne- Samba (Judges' Score=27, My Score=9)- This was much better than round 1. Helio was definitely more at ease. There were still a few moments of hesitancy and a couple of mistakes. But, it was a great dance and so much fun to watch.
Marie and Jonathan- Cha-cha (Judges' Score=24, My Score=8)- I think Marie handled this night better than every other celeb. She didn't let the amount of dancing throw her off. She went out there and performed! I would've liked her legs to be crisper and there did need to be more content. But, Marie had a really really good night. And in my second watch of this season, I'm really growing to love this couple so much more. They are FUN!
Mel and Maks- Paso Doble (Judges' Score=30, My Score=10)- Yep. Perfection. I can't say anything else. This is still one of my absolute favorite dances of all time.
Jane and Tony- Cha-cha (Judges' Score=26, My Score=9)- I liked this dance much better. Technically speaking, it was very good. I do think she gave a more lively performance, but she needs to push it further and WOW everyone. So far, everything has been too safe. I do wonder if she had that in her, but I wish we had gotten a chance to see if she did have that final gear in her.
Jennie and Derek- Rumba (Judges' Score=28, My Score=9)- Jennie had a few moments where she hesitated right at the beginning, but this was a divine rumba. Her lines were beautiful and her core was so strong. And she performed it SO well. She was amazing. It was definitely her best dance to date.
Cameron and Edyta- Jive (Judges' Score=27, My Score=8)- Cameron came back and did much better in this round. What I'm most impressed with is his control of his legs during the kicks. Not only is Cameron tall, but like me, he has long legs. They were high and 100% under his control. That is HARD! Some of the transitions between moves could've been smoothed out. But this was a good dance.
My Rankings and Scores Out of 60:
1 Mel and Maks- 55 (25 for foxtrot, 30 for paso) 2 Jennie and Derek- 54 (26 for Viennese waltz, 28 for rumba) 3 Marie and Jonathan- 52 (28 for quickstep, 24 for cha-cha) 4 Helio and Julianne- 51 (24 for tango, 27 for samba) 5 Cameron and Edyta- 50 (24 for quickstep, 26 for jive) 6 Jane and Tony- 49 (23 for quickstep, 26 for cha-cha)
Before I get to the elimination (I don't believe there was a bottom 2 that was revealed this week), I want to say that everyone was much better in the second round (minus Marie but she was good in both rounds). To me, that speaks to the entire cast's talent as it seemed to be mostly nerves that got in their way. With that said, Jane was eliminated. I'm not shocked and it was the right decision. I still wish she got a chance to really go for it as it takes a little bit of pushing from the judges for Tony to push his partner past his own comfort level. That's it though. From this point on, two dances will definitely be more polished and I'm excited to see those. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon! And by soon, I mean this week. I gotta catch back up with these posts lol.
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Monster Mash
Geoff Castellucci's cover of Monster Mash was uploaded on the 9th of October, 2021, being of course his Halloween upload for the year.
Honestly I don't really have any thoughts or background info to say at the start here (well I do have stuff to say, but stuff to include as part of my actual video notes/commentary), so without further ado, let's go!
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Cool set design! (Shoutout to Layne, Tony, and the rest of PattyCake productions!)
Who's that I spy in the left-hand corner of the screen? 😉
I've watched like 4 or 5 different reaction videos for this video, and of those, only one reactor actually spotted Kathy right at the start of the video (though to be fair, he had the advantage of having the video paused right at the start during his intro, so he had a chance to have a full look at the scene/image). And I'm not calling anyone out here - I also had no clue Kathy was there on my first watch until the end 😂😅
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Here's what Geoff said in the description of the video: "I also want to send out a huge thanks to Rick Underwood. This video had to be re-filmed due to several issues with the original footage. Rick did some incredible makeup for the first shoot, but sadly our schedules did not align for the reshoot and we weren’t able to feature his amazing work. Kathy stepped in and tried her very best to make me look like the living dead. I was already exhausted so it didn’t take much." [pfft]
Kathy is also credited with costuming for this video, and did an amazing job! (I will say more about the Backup Geoffs myself, but let's get some more screencaps first!)
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Geoff is not just fantastic at doing outrageous/silly/absurd comedic stuff (albeit on the uncommon occasion), he's also great at the more subtle stuff, dry humour, etc, such as his Narrator character (Lead Geoff) in this video!
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I really love how the movements progress during each chorus - starting out as four fixed poses in the first chorus, then adding a little bit of movement in the second, then really becoming more like "proper" choreography in the third. Also, the four poses represent different creatures/characters! This one is a zombie...
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...then a werewolf/wolfman (like the second Geoff from the right)...
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...then a vampire/Dracula (like the second Geoff from the left)...
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...and this one I'm not quite sure. Maybe a mummy?
Also not entirely certain who/what Furthest-Right Geoff is meant to be, but I'm guessing Frankenstein's Monster (who, fun fact: Geoff played on and off for 10 years in a show at Universal Studios! (he last performed in the show in 2013))
And yes, we're back at it again with the contact lenses! Dracula/Vampire Geoff has completely clouded eyes, with no iris/pupil visible (how hard is it to see in those I wonder), Wolfman Geoff has the most normal eyes of the three backups/dancers, but he might still have a different eye colour? And Frankenstein's Monster Geoff (or FrankenGeoff, for short) has clouded eyes as well, but I think the actual eyeballs might be a little bit more visible there
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Screencaps really don't do this justice. A particular highlight is Werewolf Geoff learning he has hips, and that he can use them! 😝😂
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I have not a single damn clue what that tool thing actually is, but it looks cool, and so is the electricity effect here!
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"The zombies were having... fun."
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"The guests included Wolfman..." (followed immediately by Wolfman Geoff scratching at his ear 😁)
(Also is it just the lighting/angle or does Wolfman Geoff have painted/darkened nails?)
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Not to spam you with screenshots (me? never 🤣) but somehow I never fully paid attention to what Wolfman Geoff and FrankenGeoff were doing when Narrator Geoff mentions Dracula 😆
Pay attention to Kathy in the background when the shot cuts back to Narrator Geoff when he hits a subharmonic on "[Dracula and his] son". She twitches! (Totally fair, I'd be doing a lot more than twitching if I was that close to him while he sung in subharmonics! (no not like that, brain out of the gutter please!))
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"One two three four five" *CRACK*
Most reactors while watching this: eugh that was creepy!/I didn't like that! 😬😅
Me watching this, even on my first watch: yeah okay sure
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Dance solo! But try paying attention to Narrator Geoff during this bit...
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He's not only conducting the song, he also seems to be controlling at least some of the Backup Geoffs' movements!
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If I recall correctly the comments I read about it, apparently Geoff did the choreography (assisted by Matthew Buckner, aka "Bucky") to a slowed-down version of his cover, so that when the moves were sped back up to normal speed in post-production, it gave it the sort of "not-quite-natural", almost "jumpy" look that you see from the movements in the video (and to think that he would've had to be lip-syncing to the slowed down cover version as well! How weird!)
(Also I'd just like you to know that while writing that previous sentence, I literally started typing "they", in regards to the "Backup Geoffs", as if they were in fact individual people... 😅😂)
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"Vhatever happened to my Transylvania Tvist?"
(Also contact lens closeup! Not as cloudy as I thought, but still pretty light in colour)
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"When you get to my door, tell them-" *BLOODCURDLING SCREAM*
(Hi Kathy! :D (she's wearing contact lenses as well!))
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"Let's dance my darling. Shall we?" (*swoon*)
(Also shoutout to Kathy on the acting job of "extremely dazed and confused", absolutely nailed it!)
(And yes, FrankenGeoff was flossing! 😂)
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Even though this had to re-filmed a few times, this still looked like Geoff had a lot of fun with it, and I often can't help but dance along with the Backup Geoffs!
Monster Mash is a pretty damn iconic Halloween song, but Geoff took it and made it distinctly his own, and it WORKED (like always, when it comes to Geoff! 😁). He always makes amazing arrangements, and for Halloween especially he really seems to go above and beyond, for both song and video!
Got a good handful of Geoff covers left for analysis posts, so stay tuned!
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tenaciouspostfun · 6 months
Storiestheater review
Awaiting Review
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In what is one of the best shows I have seen this season, "A Sign of The Times" at The New World Stages is a rapid fire, feel great musical! Set in Centerville, Ohio, the year is 1965 and on this New Years Eve Matt has asked Cindy to marry him. She questions her life, her parents life and where marriage will take her.
The premise here is that change and courage invites Cindy (Chilina Kennedy) to New York City to pursue her career. She ends up living with a budding singer named Tanya, (Crystal Lucas-Perry) on 149th street. It is rough going for the first three months until she is serendipitous in landing a job at Paulson & Co, an advertising company in which she aspires to be a photographer.
What makes this musical so great is the many reasons that make a wonderful musical. The first is the acting: Chilina Kennedy puts in a performance for the ages! Her facial features and the" business" that she gives us reminds me of Mary Tyler Moore, particularly on the Mary Tyler Moore show... corky and spunky, she suffers no fools and is mentally strong. She is also a talented singer and had full command of the audience whenever she belted out a song. Her grace and charm were matched by her dance prowess.
Lucas- Perry too was as brilliant in her acting as well as her singing; sometimes pop, sometimes soulful, her songs came from the heart and resonated throughout the theater. The two actors fed off of each other brilliantly all performance, we believed that they were great friends because their timing was flawless.
Under the glam lighting (Ken Billington), the warm set design (Evan Adamson), the brilliant projection (Brad Peterson) and the deft choreography (JoAnn M. Hunter), the musical moves in tandem, like silk and Gabriel Barre's direction has the show in top form. Under Joseph Church, the arrangements, the choice of each and every song , the placement of the songs hit the show perfectly.
In the turbulent times that faced America, the show touches on the vast protests that were hitting our country at the time: the Vietnam War, racial tension and equality for women, however, the show thankfully only scratches at it and never makes it the main focus. Richard J. Robin, Lindsey Hope Pearlman and music director Britt Bonney keep the show lite and pure making the two plus hours joyful. Even before the start of the show we are treated to old commercials from that era as well as some of the shows that were on television at that time.
"A Sign of The Times" was well thought out, well created. From the casting to the costumes (Joanna Pan), everything works beautifully. Pan takes us back in time from the chiffon dresses, to the short skirts and go-go boots we get a sense and a feel of 1965. In the book we see what the thinking of the people was back then, what was acceptable and what was not in both mores and attitude. Ryan Silverman as Brian had the opinion that it is a man's world, woman were in the background and never given the credit for anything in the work place. How he conducted himself is quite different way than what would be accepted today in the business world.
In the songs and dance we see the many popular dance styles of the mid 60's. In "These Boots Are Made For Walkin" we get a dance that "Austin Powers" made popular with the hips swinging and the arms flailing. In "Call Me" we get a Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds "Singing In The Rain" type dance movement.
"A Sign of The Times" should not be missed! I cannot say enough good things about this brilliant musical; the attention to every song choice will have you singing the songs leaving the theater as I did.
Broadway Bob, www.vocal.com, Medium, www.nimbusmagazine.org, www.broadwayworld.com, www.triviscompany.com, Tony Awards, Broadway, Obie Awards, A Sign of The Times, Rock and Roll Man, Aladdin, The Lion King, Harry Potter, Neil Diamond, Tommy.
Words: 683
0 notes
totallysora · 7 months
West Side Story (2021 - Songs)
Here’s what I think of (pretty much) all of the songs!
Ok Icl I’m gonna skip the first one by the Sharks cuz I have absolutely no idea what they’re saying 😭 I do plan on looking up a translation at some point however, so I’ll say what I think abt it when I have!
The Jet Song - This song is unfairly catchy 😭 It’s a great introduction to the Jets, and the actual shot in the movie is just amazing, this song absolutely slaps
Something’s Coming - Ok so I actually adore ansel’s voice 😭 I really like this song, and honestly the scene in the movie was actually kinda fun
Maria - Once again I absolutely adore his voice, is he the best ever?? Ofc not, however I definitely think he did this song justice, and overall this whole part of the movie was great
The Balcony Scene (Tonight) - I love this song so much it is actually unreal 😭 This whole scene was the best thing e v e r (although Icl I was absolutely yelling at maria to get back inside before she got caught throughout the whole thing 💀) Also, Ansel and Rachel’s voices blend so well together?? And Rachel’s is just like,,,so s m o o t h it’s perfect
America - This entire song was m a g i c a l, Ariana is such a good Anita, and personally this is my favourite version of the song, and is one of my favourites songs in the whole movie, just because the whole thing was choreographed so well, the dancing is so good I love the whole thing sm, and also I love how Bernardo and Anita have different views on everything! Overall this song is just so fun 😭
Gee, Officer Krupke - Oh my fucking god I love this song sm, not only is it unfairly catchy (as most of the Jets’ songs are) but the entire thing was choreographed and pulled off so well! Although compared to the dance heavy numbers there was obviously a lack of choreography, but in terms of how well the did everything?? (Especially with 2 benches like that’s actually crazy) It was one of my favourite scenes in the whole movie! And I know I have said it a million times but This is why we cast Broadway actors in musical movies 👏👏 they pulled it off perfectly and this whole part of the movie could not have been better
One Hand, One Heart - Once again their voices blend together so well, and I just absolutely adore the way they sound 😭 I can’t remember this scene that well but the song itself is, although relatively short, still really good!
Cool - I also absolutely love this song! The way they moved in the whole scene was awesome, and although a majority of it is just background music as they do their whole lil dance thing, it’s still pretty catchy in my opinion, and is one I find myself listening to often!
Tonight (Quintet) - Holy f u c k, this song is so good! All of the different povs?? Both the Jets and the Shark preparing for the rumble, Anita preparing for Bernardo (clearly not prepared for what was gonna happen), Tony singing about seeing Maria, and Maria singing about seeing Tony, all of the povs work so well together, and this whole entire scene and song is just so ugh 😫 When Maria’s part overlaps the Jets, then Anita joining in, and then hearing everyone all blend togther, it is literal perfection and is s o good it’s unreal, I adored this whole lead up to everything, and the song is amazing!
I Feel Pretty - This song is actually kinda fun 😭 The whole scene was such a 180 compared to seeing the rumble before, and honestly I love it sm! Rachel and everyone elses voice are also great, and it honestly is just such a catchy song
Somewhere - I believe this was originally Tony and Maria’s song (pls correct me if I’m wrong tho!) but having Rita sing this was a m a z i n g, her voice is just so,,raw Ig 😭 The emotion was incredible, and the fact that she recorded this live?? Like hello share some talent with me pls 🤲 But honestly Rita is awesome, and the fact they were able to get her in the movie, and gave her a song is the best thing ever!
A Boy Like That / I Have a Love - Both Ariana and Rachel were such good calls casting wise for Anita and Maria, their voices are literally so powerful they’re so good 😭 The way Anita’s voice is lower, and Maria’s voice is sm higher, yet they still blend together? But also how they blend together in such a chaotic way, which really conveys the emotions they were both feeling during the song - Anita is more,,angry and closer to yelling, yet Maria is so much softer, she’s clearly in love, and the way she sings conveys that so well (Also Rachel’s high notes at the end?? And the way their voices go together so smoothly at the end as well)
The score/soundtrack in general - It was so good, the entire score is iconic, there is not a bad song in this whole musical, and each backing track suits the tone of the scene perfectly, I honestly could not ask for a better score and soundtrack - you can clearly hear how much work, how much thought has gone into this whole sountrack and movie, and it is perfect
Completely random but I need to pay homage to the whole dance at the gym, the backing track for starters, but mainly the choreography, cuz it was done so well and I absolutely love that entire scene sm! I love this movie with my whole heart, and I am so glad it was made! I definitely want to do a part 3 of this at some point with what I thought about the characters (and possibly also the casting, but the casting was perfect anyways so I probably wouldn’t have much to say abt that 😭) Thanks for reading to anyone who made it to the end!
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nightcoremoon · 9 months
Wakanda Forever was not the greatest movie in the world. obviously. how could it be? their lead actor died before they could film enough to complete so they had to rewrite the whole thing. that always ends up in disaster. except here.
I’m not going to ignore the flaws. studio interference was blatantly obvious. it’s something I agree with them on but it’s still tiring to see every single movie exist as a ploy to sell action figures to little girls while sidelining the character the movie is named after. I can tell they reused shots from the first draft of filming and just mouse dropped them in. the CGI was awful as always post-endgame (and honestly? as post-infinity war) and they used way too much of it. martin freeman was only there because his contract required it and his character had no meaning other to be A White Guy Who Isn’t Evil. the plot was Everyone Is Stupid At Least Once and I hate idiot ball plots, and the character motivation for the protagonist was Why Would God Let Bad Things Happen To Good People and honestly that is such a stupid plot device that has never been done properly (the answer is Because God Gave You Free Will, Dumbass). Ironheart would have been a good inclusion in a movie that wasn’t (supposed to be) about Black Panther. I hate the movie’s title because it’s the most generic possible title that could have possibly been made, EXCEPT as a wink to the audience that just because Chadwick unfortunately passed far too soon doesn’t mean that Disney is going to completely forget about Wakanda (not because they actually care about black people but it’s because they care about black people’s money). and I hate that the way they implemented this is just to have T’challa Junior exist so that we can still have a boy black panther in a few years because god forbid we have a non-sexualised girl stay a main character for more than ten minutes on screen. they got their 4 seconds of begrudging diversity in if you squint and recognize that it’s intended to be romantic and not just gals being pals. and this is more of a gripe but didn’t Letitia Wright get #cancelled a few years back for making a bunch of homophobic remarks? if so then yeah there is no such thing as cancel culture. but that’s more of a gripe.
with that being said:
what a really fucking great movie. I’m genuinely pleasantly surprised that this turned out as good as it did compared to what I was worried it might end up being. the direction was fantastic, the fight choreography made sense, and the film was so pretty, especially in the underwater sections. all of the mayan architecture and culture looked fairly accurate as far as my knowledge of mayan civilization goes. The Protag’s character arc was hands down the best in the series second only to Tony Stark (whose arc took 10+ movies so there’s no competition). the black panther design is definitely the best designed female armor in the series. the fact that the villain being White Imperialism is boring means they succeeded at making it appear systemic as it is in real life, because it’s a very intelligent idea to literally say Hey, Spain was Evil, The US and France ARE evil, And The Victimized Demographics Uniting is the Only Way to ensure White Supremacy loses, but packaged in an easy to digest “revenge is bad” story. and of course having over half a dozen main characters be intelligent & capable black women with agency is such a breath of fresh air… that we’ll probably never breathe again considering how bad the marvels tanked. oh well. and it was very nice to see michael b jordan again.
overall I think I enjoyed it more in a vacuum than as part of the franchise.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
hey! so I had this dream and you're the only person I know who can turn this into a beautiful fic. An Indian style wedding with Loki. Maybe include the avengers as guest. Also him being confused with the traditions. And.... clad in an emerald green sherwani. The reader is in a green wedding dress too! ALSO I LOVE YOUR FICS! YOU ARE AN AMAZING! 😭💚
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First of all thank you so much dear for enjoying my writing and for the compliment 💚❤️I combined these two requests ❤️💚 I wasn't able to add everything because it would be 10k long fic if I tried to sum up an indian wedding 😂
Loki x Indian Reader wedding
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You were getting married to the love of your life. Your wedding with loki was all set to take place tomorrow, when you asked for a traditional Indian style wedding as that's what your parents wanted, and you couldn't deny them, they were already being so gracious as they 'permitted' you to marry a white alien man. Their words not yours and loki was so damn confused, he already dreaded meeting your strict stereotypical Indian parents but when he finally did, he charmed his way in pretty quickly.
Who wouldn't adore that sunshiny ray of light, your parents were no different. You couldn't wait to be his wifey and you couldn't wait to call him your husband.
"Omgg jeeju and his friends are here" you heard your cousin and you blushed, it was your haldi ceremony today and since loki didn't have any idea about any of the hindu traditions , you decided that it would be best if you both did all the rituals together. You were dressed up in a yellow saree with your flower jewellery, all ready to get glowed up "I can't believe you're marrying an avenger" your cousin neetu said excitedly "I can't believe she's marrying a prince" your best friend chimed in. They all giggled and blushed as loki entered the venue, he had Clint, tony, Bruce, steve and Bucky with him, his best friends and ofcourse his brother Thor they all dressed up in white kurta pyjamas
As he sat down next to you, you couldn't stop staring at how angelic he looked, those green eyes and raven curly hair contrasted perfectly with his white kurta "Hey beautiful" he whispered and before you could say anything he was hoarded by your friends and cousins as they clicked pictures and chatted his ear off with randomness. His friends were just so confused but amused, your aunties dragged them to the dance floor and made them move on bollywood songs. Tony stark can dance that's for sure.
"So I'm gonna get that all over me?" He giggled as he stared at the bowl of yellow turmeric paste "Yes it's supposed to make you all glowy and brings good luck" you pecked his cheeks quickly, and then looked around hoping nobody saw that, he blushed as you did. You looked so beautiful and he wanted to kiss you but he couldn't. Your parents would frown upon it.
"Then I should have you all over me because you make me all glowy my darling love" you blushed as you heard him and looked down "Love that look on your face princess, can't wait for our wedding night, I read it's a ritual in itself? What do you guys call it? 'Suhaag raat right?" You glared at him as he flirted shamelessly with you "shussshhh you'll be thrown out if they hear you" you warned him and he giggled in response. He's your everything.
By the end of the ceremony you both were covered in yellow all around, your cousins had so much fun getting their hands all over him, he looked so cute like that and you couldn't have been happier. In the evening when Sangeet ceremony started, your family had a whole choreography to perform which was expected from a typical Indian family but what you didn't expect was Loki to do a dance performance on "Saajan ji ghar aaye" with his friends, who suggested him that? You had no idea but he danced perfectly and somehow he was able to lip sync too, he dragged you into his performance and ofcourse being a Desi girl you didn't need a choreography to match steps with your soon to be husband.
Next day when your wedding finally arrived you felt so nervous, you wanted everything perfect, even though you always thought your wedding lehenga would be bright red you decided to choose green lehenga, since loki was wearing green sherwani you wanted to surprise him and match with him, once you got completely dolled up, you heard your cousin yelling that the groom was here and your heart raced in your chest, you're going to get married and you're going to become his forever.
When your cousins left to see the groom you heard a knock on the door and you thought must be someone from your family but it was loki. You can't see him, it's bad luck, it must be a superstition but you didn't want to jinx it, you walked towards the door and you stood right next to it, with your back on the door "baby I can't see you, it's bad luck" you told him and he chuckled "I know I read about that, just wanted to hear from you princess, you must be nervous" truth to be told, he was way out of his element and he was nervous too, all those people out there, not leaving him to breathe, grabbing him for pictures or making him do another one of the countless rituals, he was scared and lost without you, and he knew hearing from you would help him, he was doing this all for you. He would do anything for you
"I was baby, but I'm all better now, thank you for coming, are you okay sweet love? Just few more hours and we will be all done I promise" you whispered softly and he smiled, that's all he needed to hear "I know princess, I just needed to hear from you darling, I love you so much" he mumbled softly "I love you" you responded, you wanted to hug him but you couldn't, just few more hours, you consoled him and yourself most of all, then he was gone, groom can't go missing for long afterall.
He thought you were adorning red for the night but when he saw you in that green lehenga he couldn't stop himself from tearing up, as you entered the stage for jaimala he smiled as he looked at you, you're the prettiest woman he had ever laid his eyes on, not just your outer beauty but you had the prettiest heart too, you accepted him without judgement, you loved him unconditionally and he wanted to give you every little thing you'd ever want from him. You couldn't stop staring at him either, he was undoubtedly the most beautiful man to ever exist and he was about to be all yours forever.
When the wedding rituals finally started he was so lost, with every mantra and every chant he got more and more confused, but he did everything he was asked to do by the pandit (priest), he did enjoy the saat pheras though, giggled his way through it, his smile and laugh so infectious, everyone just adored him in the moment, he was so relieved when after 5 hours the wedding rituals finally got completed, then came the worst part 'the vidai' or the going away ceremony, now you have always lived away from your parents but there's something about getting married to someone that makes you feel like you're leaving your parent's house forever and the thought made you cry.
When he finally took you away and got a moment alone with you he hugged you so tightly and consoled you "I'm so in love with you princess, I'm always going to, I'd never allow you to feel sad or lonely ever again, even if you do I won't let it last for long" he whispered and you hugged him tightly "I love you too loki and this is the best day of my life, long and exhausting but definitely the best day, I promise to be yours and be by your side forever my sweet sweet boy" you giggled and he kissed you softly as he heard you.
"Wifey" he smiled as he picked you up
"Hubby" yeah you are the luckiest woman ever.
"Now time for that Suhaag raat"
He winked mischievously and you were in for a long night or a day.
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