#how did kalego have a brother like this
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yayakoishii · 5 months ago
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HE'S SO FUCKING SEXY?#??? him accepting the mephisto-approved cutesy sign and then going "get out" PLEASE I WAS SHAKING IN HAPPINESS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M SO HAPPY I LIKED HIM FROM THE START AND he really showed that he's worth those feelings 🥹
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this is unnecessarily even more sexy, I love him so much uuuuuughhh
the power he has 😩 I'm down bad bad
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authoratmidnight · 10 days ago
So Nishi did a Kalego themed Q&A on the 14th since it was Kalego's birthday (and she apparently didn't have time to draw up something). And answered 6 questions. translations provided by @blue-spider-lily
Links after each question/answer so we have sources (b/c they will get lost on twitter at some point)
Q1 Did Misfits celebrate his birthday? A: Yep. They did. He kept receiving so many messages and pics through DeviLINE that his notifications wouldn't stop so he switched it off for a day. Then he marked them all as read. [X]
Q2 We know he hates sweets but is there any food he likes? A: He likes chewy food. He also eats meat AND the bones He doesn't enjoy soft food [X]
Q3: How does Kalego shop for stuff? Does he go to the Magical Street? Shop online? Or just call the merchants to his house like the nobility do? A: He shops nobility style. Naberius Clan has their own exclusive merchant. [X]
Q4: Tell us about some happy or fun memory with his brother from when they were children. A: Kalego: We played with… frisbee. [X]
Q5: What does he think about Momonoki? A: Kalego: …? She's an excellent coworker. Though she still didn't shake off her nervousness. She should calm down a little. [X]
Q6: He rarely participates in the drinking parties but is there someone he drinks with occasionally? Like Balam or Dali? A: He drinks with Balam. Sometimes Yamanda joins them. Dali often invites him for a drink but Kalego always refuses so Dali ends up drinking with Otonja. [X]
(Yamanda is the Sabnok Security devil and a classmate of theirs from their school days)
BONUS An user tweeted: This is a question from my 5yo daughter "What is Eggy-chan's favorite lunch option at school?" A: If you tear off a bit of bread and feed it to Eggy-chan, he'll eat it! [X]
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svefs · 2 years ago
Definitely the better Suzuki ever 👍
TW!: Cursing and mentions of alcoholism, NOT incest FFS, we love Iruma, IruAzz shipper reader frfr, I support other ships (not the bad bad ones y'all calm down)too don't attack me, im high and it's 3am, Fem!reader, hey bbg you look kinda cute
Summary: You're Iruma Suzuki's younger sister cause yes. Not really known by most of his friends since you're like 10 years younger than him (basically a kid that still can't attend school). That is untill you followed your older brother to Babyls secretly (how? Idk why are you asking me im defo not the author 🤷‍♀️)
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"Shichiro" said Kalego surrounded by an ominous aura while the misfits are sweating buckets in the background.
Balam Shichiro was only trying to help a toddler. Getting a lecture by co-worker was definitely not in list.
"BAT!" you screamed on the top of your lungs as if you were a drunkard
Uh oh
Few hours earlier
"Pera! upsies,"you babbled wanting to be carried.
"Y/N-sama, please forgive me but I am a bit busy here," Opera said while carrying the dirty laundry.
You huffed and walked away pouting at the fact that Opera was busy. It's childish but your still a kid so do whatever you want.
Unfortunately, a bright idea sparked into your mind. Your adoptive grandpa is the principal of Babyls, the school your big brother goes too. So if we're to go on a little adventure you'll be able to get your older brother and maybe your grandpa to play with you. It's basically child's play (how ironic), but you're a human child so it's fine.
So the journey begins, with you leaving Opera in a state of panic while you're following your carefree brother and his two friends while they walk to school. Of course it is harder for you to catch up to them since you can barely walk but you can crawl your way through hell if you wanted to.
Once you reached the school entrance it was basically empty, meaning you weren't fast enough to play with your brother before his class starts. As you were about to enter through the door, a deep voice startled you.
"A child?"
You look behind to see a tall man with chicken feet and short white hair. Iruma has told you about a white haired tall teacher with chicken feet named Balam Shichiro that is intimidating but kind nonetheless. So what do you do? The only logical thing duh.
you shouted rendering him speechless.
"You know me?"
he asked while picking you up while you answered by nodding.
Few minutes after (he finally got the memo)
"So.... you want me to bring you to Iruma?"you nodded in response as he started walking somewhere. You were completely relaxed in Balam's hold which made him question your identity even more since he was used to people being scared of his appearance.Getting to Iruma was not really that hard. You can tell where he is all the time especially with the people he hangs out with. Poor Iruma, can't even live his school life quietly without drawing attention. But since class already started, he's definitely in the Royal one. He wouldn't be the type to skip class at all.
Back to the present
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA BIG BAD BAT!!!" you started shrieking definitely startling half the class from your sudden outburst.
"Y/N! Calm down," your brother takes you away from Balam's hold inorder to try and calm you down. Did it work?
Lol no.
Cause seeing a certain pink haired male, made you think of all the times your brother would come back home just to rant to you about him. Oh the burning pain, hearing your brother talk about his oh-so obvious crush that he has yet to realise. Almost felt bad for this Azz guy if it weren't for the fact this Azz guy has also yet to realise his feelings. This is too much bs for you to handle. Definitely too much.
Meanwhile Opera was still panicking at the mansion lmfao
You have no idea how bored I am
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months ago
kalego + 💓
Of course, my lovely anon! This was a tough, but really fun, ask to answer. While I definitely had ideas, it was really sorting them out and figuring out which ones really did feel authentic to our beloved Eggy-sensei. I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons and that, in the end, they feel true to the character 😊
What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
Kalego is someone who is quite hard to read at times, so I do think the signs that he’s fallen for someone aren’t going to be super-obvious. This is not going to be a case where everyone around them knows that Kalego has developed a thing for someone. In fact, other than Kalego, the only people who might be able to guess that Kalego has a special someone is either those who are super-observant or those who know him really well, like Balam, Opera and his brother. For the most part, it’s just Kalego himself who figures it out from all the small things he’s noticing that are relatively new to him. Whether he acts on it after he figures it out, and how long it would take him to do so…that very much depends. He’s not someone to rush into things though, that’s for sure.
I think a major sign for Kalego that he’s developed at least a strong interest in someone is that he finds himself wanting to be around them. He’s an introvert by nature, someone who needs and wants a lot of alone time. He’s very picky about the company he keeps and finds that his social battery drains quickly. But he also finds himself actively wanting to spend time with this person. He doesn’t count the minutes until he can get away, which he sometimes finds himself doing with other people. He doesn’t find their presence draining at all and conversations with them feel natural and easy.
He starts to feel like he can just exist in their presence. He feels relaxed in their presence and able to be himself, for all the good and bad in him. While he does, of course, want them to enjoy his company as well, he wants them to enjoy him for who he is.
He finds himself sharing more details about himself and his life with them. For someone as reserved and private as Kalego is, this is a pretty big deal for him. He tends to present a quite proper and professional demeanor to those around him and he doesn’t like that demeanor to be breached. Except when it’s them, he finds himself starting to slowly start letting them in on both the little and big things about himself – stories from his childhood or school years, thoughts he has on major topics, little grievances or annoyances, his hobbies, the little things about the school day that either satisfied him or made him upset. He surprises himself when he starts doing this and though he tries to curb it, stuff will just unexpectedly slip out around them.
The biggest one though? He starts to not only respect them, but to trust them explicitly. That’s an honour granted to very, very few people. The amount of people that Kalego explicitly trusts, not just in a professional setting, but trusts personally, is so small that it could be counted on one hand. For them to have gained that kind of place in his life, he knows it’s getting serious.
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meabh-mcinness · 2 years ago
Hello there! I just wanted to say that ive been a fan of yours for a bit and I really really love your work. I hope you keep up the amazing feels and are doing good in general!
I would like to ask for iruma with mom!reader.
WITH RECENT EVENTS! in the manga our boy needs some proper comfort.
I want the reader to hold iruma and tell him that everyone started caring about him because of him, I wanna see along the lies of the reader telling him " they will see the human in you and they will love you for it just like you love them as the demons they are"
( i also want mama reader just going full on quiet rage on kalegos brother to the point her aura consumes the ball room and he feels like his chest to going to cave in)
But thank you for taking the time to reade this i hope that this isn't too hard for you to do and please keep being awesome!
Thank you very much! I've been doing good, though I'm tired what with starting a new job and all, and I hope you are as well!
Sorry this took so long to get out, but it's finally here! Hopefully you're OK with it, since I did take a little bit of liberties with it.
Main Masterlist
Boss B*tch
When Narnia tries to put Iruma in his place, it ends up being him who is shot down instead. By you, Iruma's parent, who is none too pleased that an overconfident mutt hurt their baby's feelings. Luckily, if there is one thing humans are good at, it's mimicking that they are much more fearsome predators than they actually are.
TW! The only thing I can think of is the reader does draw a bit of blood and grabs Narnia's hair and threatens him. I don't think there's anything else?
One minute.
You had looked away for one minute, distracted by Alice and Razzbery fighting over Amaryllis, and when you looked back your son was no longer by your side. A frown flitted over your face as you swept your eyes over the ballroom. With so many colourful outfits, it was rather easy to find the blue-haired boy in his near black suit. He was still back where you had been originally, standing by Fenrir, or Fen-chan as he insisted on being called.
Iruma appeared to be sparkling as he chattered on about something. A fond smile appeared on your face as you excused yourself from the group to wander back over to him. Logically, you knew that you had to let him go off on his own, and yet you were incredibly anxious to leave him be when surrounded by so many high-ranking demons. And evidently, as you watched Iruma's face scrunch into confusion before falling into fear as Fenrir said something in return, you had been right to feel so.
Your eyes narrowed, your smile falling as Fenrir started to crowd in Iruma's space. You were close enough now that you could hear what it was that Fenrir was saying. He seemed to be going on a rant about the possibility of humans invading the Netherworld and, from the way he phrased it, made it obvious to you that he was more than aware of their existence and seemed to have a personal vendetta against them.  And more than likely he knew about you and Iruma being humans. As much as you had liked his quips, it was obvious.
Fenrir was a danger.
And you wouldn't allow danger near your son. Not after coming so close to losing him in the heartbreaker exam. Your nerves, which had been slowly loosening since then, tightened once more and your teeth were bared before you had even thought about it. Eyes narrowed, you watched as Amaryllis pounced on Iruma from behind out of nowhere, and vaguely wondered how she had got there first, before pushing the thought away. It was obvious from the way her body was tensed, one hand raised, that she was about to attack Fenrir too, but you had got there first.
Before she could strike out, you were there, palm hitting his face, nails digging into his skin as your hand flew out. You watched as he fell to the ground, his eyes widened in shock at the force and his blood splattering out against the ground next to him. You were suddenly very happy that you had grown your nails out to try and blend in with the demons here, as he tentatively raised one of his hands to the shallow claw marks on his cheek, blood still rising to the surface.
It was rather obvious from his dropped mouth and empty eyes that he was in a state of shock, as if he really couldn't comprehend that someone, much less you, had actually struck him. From the corner of your eyes, you could also see everyone else staring at the two of you as well. Amaryllis seemed to be stuck somewhere between surprise and pride, and Iruma had forgone all composure as he stared with eyes wide and mouth open, and all the varying demons around seemed to be imitating him.
To be fair, you could kind of understand why. This was a ball where they were supposed to be celebrating the future, and now there appeared to be two individuals fighting.  One of which was a self-proclaimed third most important member of the Border Patrol, a force that most did their best not to make an enemy of. And you had sent one sprawling to the floor with one hit.
There would most likely be consequences, you knew, as more of your anger seeped out of you. Amaryllis could have got away with it easily, being a member of the 13 Crowns. But you? You were just an unknown, unranked, being. Even if you are a child of one of the three greats, you, yourself, held no real power. And you had picked a fight with a demon who was leaps and bounds more powerful than you.
A fight you were determined to win through sheer willpower alone if necessary. Losing was not an option when Iruma was involved as collateral.
"You talk of beings that don't belong so well, and yet don't seem to recognize that the only one here who is out of place is you. You are nothing more than an overconfident mutt at my feet who needs to be retaught manners," He stared up at you, eyes wide at the seeping aura of anger and danger that poured out of your every cell.
Suddenly a giant black wolf materialized above him, with three eyes, and multiple tails raised in anger. All snarling fangs and posture, and while you felt fear tear through your body, you stared up at it as if you were unimpressed, before pulling your lips back and giving a loud snarl of your own at it. You watched it pause for a second, ears flickering in its hesitancy at this tiny being in front of it, before the canine abruptly vanished again. Leaving behind Fenrir, still at your feet.
He appeared to be out of his shock and was kneeling now, likely trying to stand up while you were distracted. Well, you couldn't have that just yet. You quickly grabbed a fistful of his hair and leaned down while dragging him up so your faces were inches apart. A hiss left his mouth at the abrupt action, but he quickly shuts his mouth again at the look on your face.
His mind was racing as he tried to comprehend what exactly was happening. He knew you were a human, and humans were supposed to be weak little creatures. Easy prey that even an infant could catch, so logically you were supposed to be as well. And yet here you stood with all power reeking off of you like you were the Demon King himself. In the face of your fury, he felt a lot like some pup before the raging alpha of an enemy pack.
He could practically see it, instead of your human form, a large wolf with long flowing fur the colour of your hair, that would put his Cerberia to shame. Felt the large clawed paw on his chest with the way he struggled to breathe under the pressure, could hear the low furious growl that rumbled out of your chest, past the large fangs poised to rip him to shreds.
He felt more like he was looking at a deity of wrath than a human. He was as awed at your presence as he was fearful, as he stared up at you. 
"If I ever find you talking such drivel to my child again, I will skin you alive before ripping out your eyes, shoving them down your throat, so you can see my claws rip your carcass open while wearing your skin as a dress. Do you understand me?" you growled out at him. He nodded as best he could with your hand still clutching his hair. You leaned in more till you were right next to his ear, and whispered, "I know you know what I am, but you will cease and desist any attempts against me and mine before I show why our two worlds were really separated. After all, it was never for the benefit of human lives that demons vanished off to someplace new," before you abruptly let him go while standing up straight. He collapsed slightly, almost falling to the floor again before he caught himself with his knees. His head stayed bowed, showing his back, suitably cowed before you.
"Good boy, now go on, apologize."
Fenrir staggered to his feet before you, head still bowed. "Please forgive my rudeness, my lady. It will never happen again." He slowly turned towards where Iruma was standing, still flabbergasted at your display, before straightening up when he noticed the demon's gaze on him.  Fenrir bowed again at Iruma, "And to you too, milord. I got too carried away, and it was wrong of me. I am sorry for scaring you."
Iruma started to move his hands slightly, to wave away the apology, but one quick shake of your head had him lowering them again. "It's - It's alright..." Iruma said, still startled and somewhat lost at what was going on. 
Fenrir raised up from his bow to Iruma, and turned back towards you, lowering his head towards you once again, "If you'll excuse me, my lady, I think I'll go wash my face." He stayed still until you nodded your head, before he turned away and walked off, presumably towards where the washrooms were. Your eyes stayed narrowed on his form until he disappeared from your view by the surrounding crowd. And really, when had it gotten that big? 
Shaking your head mentally, you did your best to ignore the crowd as you turned your attention to Iruma. He still looked as shocked as before as you made your way over to him. He straightened once more, though he fidgeted a little bit under the intensity of your look. Likely misreading your determination as anger at him. 
Squishing his cheeks in between your hands as you finally made your way to him, you turned his head this way and that, before looking him up and down. Satisfied with your inspection but not still high on nerves, you asked him if he was OK. He gave the best nod he could with his head still stuck in your hands, and you quickly let him go. Seeing a look in his eyes though kept you from fully believing him. 
Had you scared him? You generally presented a very calm parental relationship with him. Trying your hardest to never give in to a temper and always think things through calmly when dealing with anything with or near him. You would hate to find out that the one time you let anger consume you had changed his perception of you. 
Hearing two shouts of Iruma’s name, you turned towards where two individuals were forcing their way through the dispersing crowd, dragging you out of your thoughts. Now that the show was clearly over, the other occupants were going back to their original groupings, still chattering about what had happened but no longer as interested in watching you. 
Focusing back in, you found the two individuals were Amerie and Alice. Both talked over the other as they tried to find out what happened and if everyone was OK. Waving off their concerns, you simply commented that a dog had to be retrained and that it had been handled before grinning at their flabbergasted looks. 
Glancing over towards Iruma you noticed he seemed to slowly withdraw into himself. His eyes clouded over as whatever he was thinking slowly consumed his mind. Thinking quickly, you gestured over to where a few tables were and suggested that you took a quick break after all the excitement. Amerie and Alice had clearly come to the same conclusion as you, as they quickly nodded and surrounded Iruma as if trying to hide him from view as you led the small group over. Amaryllis declined the offer, saying she still had some socializing of her own to do, before veering off away from. Judging from her determined walk, she was likely on her way to visit the misbehaving dog from earlier.
With Iruma and you settled at a table hidden to the sidelines, you couldn't help the fond smile that crosses your face as both Amerie and Alice fawned over Iruma. Both clearly expressed worry over how he felt about what had just happened, but were not certain about what to do to make it better. When Iruma shooed them away to have fun and that he simply wanted to have a moment alone, your smile dipped into a frown. Due to the way he was raised, Iruma always jumped at the chance to have others around him. Constantly craving their affection and company. To push others away after something like that clearly said something was wrong. And you had a good feeling what it was.
You were going to kill Fenrir the next chance you got.
You gave the two demons across from you a nod and put a hand on Iruma's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, I have him. Go have fun and make connections. We'll join in again later."
They both hesitated, clearly still uncertain about leaving him, before nodding in acquisition. With a few last words, they left to socialize with the others, and you watched them go before turning back to Iruma.
"How about we get out of here briefly," you suggested with a wink at him.
His eyes widened at your words, staring at you with a dropped jaw, "But we promised Opera-"
"We promised not to leave the Deviculum, and we're not." You nodded to the large curtains strewn along the walls. "I noticed them earlier, but didn't think we would need them. Every one of the curtains leads to a balcony. We'll be out of prying eyes, and you get a space to breathe, while still technically staying within bounds."
He blinked owlishly at you before tilting his head in thought. It was quite obvious there were two sides warring in him, but yours must have won out when he nodded and moved to get up. He followed obediently behind you as you led him to the closest window. Giving a quick look around to make sure no one was looking your way, you lifted the curtain a bit and gestured to him to go through. Technically speaking, you didn't actually know if you were allowed out here.
Iruma didn't need to know that. 
Moving to go behind the curtain yourself, you gave one more cursory glance before following him outside. The second you were outside, you couldn't help but take a deep breath of the cool air. You hadn't even realized how stuffy the room was until you made it out into an open area and were enjoying the light breeze blowing through. Opening the eyes you hadn't even realized you had closed, you made your way to where Iruma was leaning against the railing, still looking as downcast as before.
"Will you tell me what's on your mind?"
"I'm just thinking. About what Fenrir-san said. That humans didn't belong here. It made me wonder if I don't belong and-"
At Iruma's clearly lost face, as he suddenly stopped talking, you amended what you thought earlier. You weren't going to kill Fenrir. You were going to absolutely slaughter him.
"Iruma, honey, you, if anyone, belong here the most." He gave you a look, which you returned, before breaking into a small smile. "I'm being serious here. Yes, we're humans, but so what? We might be an invasive species by many people's standards, and it's true they can do a lot of harm."
You gave him an encouraging smile before continuing, "Sometimes those invasive species can do a lot of good too. You've already taken Babyls by storm. Done things that others thought were impossible, and they were good things. You brought together the misfit class, took back the Royal One classroom, and created things no one else has seen here. It was all you that did that." Seeing him open his mouth, likely in protest, you ploughed right on. "And before you argue, yes, I know you had help. But do you think Rome was built by a single person? Or that it was the Emperor alone who ruled Japan? They all had help, and they did great things with that help, as you will do too." You paused for a moment to take a breath before you went on a rant. "Look, what I'm getting at is that both here, and in the human world, there will always be people who hate you for things out of your control. You know what we do to those people, though?"
He shook his head, confusion clearly written on his face. You gave him a sharp tooth grin in response to his look, "We steam roll right over them and prove them wrong. Fenrir said humans don't belong. Prove him wrong by not just surviving, but thriving here. Keep working your way through those ranks until you feel good enough to look him in his face, smile and say 'You're wrong, I do belong here' before walking away from him. Some call it spite, I call it a purpose. Either way, it works." You carefully grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes through his mask, "I know it's harder to do than say, but always remember that I along with Sullivan, Opera and all the others will always be here for you. Whenever you stumble or fall, we will pick you back up till you can walk on your own again. OK?"
He gave you a bright but watery smile and nodded.
"OK. Now let's get back in there and show them just how much we belong here." Iruma nodded again before rushing to give you a tight hug, burrowing his face into your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly before letting him go and gently ushering him towards the door again.
"Alright, let's do this."
Unbeknown to you, there was a new faction formed that day. Demons naturally flocked to those that held power, and someone who could take down another demon so effortlessly and without magic meant they were extremely powerful.
‘If Sullivan was still insistent on not taking the throne, then perhaps his child could take it in his place,’ they thought.
You had quite a few words for them when you found out. Especially when you found out it was Fenrir who was spearheading it. 
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 2 years ago
Under foot
*Warning content mature for physical confrontation in story do not attempt in reality*
Someone should have warned him. Honestly? You thought someone had by now, and he was just ignoring the rumors. But really now, he was asking for it. If it didn't come from you, you were sure someone else would have done it.
Nobody scares your son and gets away with it. And how dare this mutt even think of telling your little Ray of Sunshine that he doesn't belong here when clearly he is thriving. How was this flea bag even related to a pedigree of Kalego-Sans caliber?
You stared down at the demon that you had just bitch-slapped to the ground. You won't apologize he was upsetting iruma and your poor baby looked close to a panic attack! You stood your ground and kept yourself in front of iruma just in case.
"It seems to me that you're the one who doesn't quite understand their place. You must have very low self-esteem if scaring a child makes you feel high and mighty." The cold tone, much like the echoed song of your slap, had the entire rooms attention.
"I don't want to hear that coming from an unrank-" another slap knocked him over before he could even try to climb back up on whatever high horse he rode in here with. You spotted a trickle of blood run down his cheek, and you buzzed with glee inside.
"Regardless of if I am or without a rank, do you honestly think that I would let you get away with threatening my child?" You examine your nails for a moment letting out a soft tsk when you spotted a chip in the perfect manicure Opera had given you for tonight.
"Frankly, I don't give a shit about who you are. I made a promise to my child from day one that I would protect them. You've made yourself a threat. It's sad to see that one who is a candidate for the 13 crowns is a mannerless dog."
You had been excited to meet the brother Kalego-San had spoken highly of, but meeting him like this, you knew Kalego-Sans opinion was unfortunately biased. He tried to push himself up, but you weren't done yet. Jamming your heeled shoe right into his calf, he grunted in pain. Mentally, you thanked Opera for convincing you to wear stilettos instead of the normal wedged shoes you would grab for height.
He snarled at you and tried to scare you with his magic. A large black wolf with 3 eyes and multiple tails. The beast imitated it's masters displeasure and growled deeply. It was scary you'd give it that 7/10 on the whole it'll eat me alive bit. But iruma being hurt or scared was far more terrifying to you.
Looking it up and down, you feigned disinterest. "Practically foaming at the mouth. A rabid beast with a moronic and tactless master." The dry monotone seemed to confuse all those watching. How could you be so calm?
Taking a small breath, you locked eyes with the animal. It was a battle of wills. And you were not willing to lose when you had iruma shaking behind you. Your baby came first, not you. So you weren't going to turn tail.
Twisting your foot deeper into your prey you grasped Fenrir's ear and also held it in a tight pinch he was not getting up or escaping anytime soon you noted from the painfull hiss you heard escape his lips. Oh, right, demons' ears were far more sensitive. You noted before brushing off the thought with a he'll live. 'For now.' A dark and twisted part of you agreed.
The wolf seemed conflicted as it watched you manhandled its owner. Though like a loyal dog, it did try baring its fangs at you. You bared your own teeth and let out a guttural snarl. You weren't certain if animal noises from Earth translated to those in Hell, but you hoped the message was still clear. 'Back off mutt.'
Its ears immediately flattened, and it let out a whine of sorts before disappearing. Glancing down, you saw Fenrir looking at you in what you could only describe as pure shock. Clearly, no one had been able to do that before. Good.
"See, even your little puppy knows when to submit to the alpha of the pack." You released his ear but did not ease your foot. Looming over him, you carefully stroaked the scratches you had landed on his face. He winced as you started applying pressure to the wound.
"You think you're superior? I literally have you under foot. I thought those of you on the border patrol were taught not to underestimate your enemy?" Tilting your head back, you glanced over at iruma just a quick check. He had stopped shaking and was looking at you in amazement.
You knew why. The entire course of your actions screamed that 'I belong here'. And if you who had less magic and no physical strength could walk amongst demons and go toe to toe with them, it was saying so could he and his ideals. You gave him a quick smile before returning your gaze to your current headache.
You had an entire room full of demons watching, and of course, you had a role to finish. Acting out the role of Irumas enraged parent was easy. Took absolutely no effort on your part cause you were actually that pissed. But being Sullivan's child, you had to show a bit of class.
You were among high society in the demon world, after all, for a party for the newest members of the 13 crowns. And you had one of the candidates under your heeled boots injured and awaiting your next move. The crowd mermered most in fascination of your control over not only the situation but the room itself.
It was as though you were holding trial over a convicted criminal. Or a ruler holding court and about to perform an execution. Finally removing your hand, you showed him your palm stained with his own blood. A vicious and cunning smile painted your face. Leaning closer, you allowed the weight of your body to press into his leg, allowing him to feel more pain from your actions.
And as he tried to hold back any sounds of discomfort and erase any traces of pain from his face, you started to whisper in his ears. "I know exactly who you are, Naberius Narnia, and I know you know what I am." His body stiffened immediately, seeming to realize how much trouble he was actually in with you.
"Don't you think it's funny? That demons needed to be the ones to leave instead of humans. I do." You purred into his ear, watching him twitch. "It's so cute how one thinks it was for the safety of humans that demon kind left!" Leaning back, you began to ease your foot off him.
"The reality of the matter is demons like you got scared of ones like me. Ones who just charge in blindly uncaring of the odds against them. Humans can be more frightening than demons when they want something." Your voice still low and hushed almost seductive.
"I don't care what you're planning. You could flip Hell upside-down for all I care. But if you try to drag my son into whatever game you are playing, just know this. You will meet your end by my hand. You will watch as I rip your wings off so you can't fly away. You will see me slowly skin you inch by inch. Your eyes will be my new earrings watching each bit of horror I wreak on you."
Standing at full height, you smirked down at him, confidence oozing out of you as you looked at the once proud alpha reduced to a quivering omega. Once more, you showed him your blood-stained palm. The madness seeping through your eyes, and you voice loud enough for the room to hear now.
"I do believe we've made quite the scene. It would be a shame for this party to be ruined by some... disagreement of opinions. I'm certain you've learned to be more mindful of your words, especially around children. They are impressionable."
The unspoken warning rang throughout the ballroom. Bowing his head lowly at you. "Thank you for imparting your wisdom on me. It was... enlightening." He remained on the floor, not daring to move. "And?"
Licking his lips, he lowered himself further down. "I apologize to both you and your son for my brazen behavior. You are correct, I acted out of line. And for that I am sorry." You tilted your head and hummed as if debating on if the apology had been to your liking.
"Thank you, we accept your apology." Iruma nervously spoke from behind you. You clapped your hands together cheerfully. "I'm so glad that's settled! Now run along doggy and go wash up." Waving the vile demon away from you, you watched as he quickly slipped out of the room. Only when he had disappeared behind the doors did you turn to face your son.
"Thank you for keeping our promise." Iruma said, smiling peacefully now that everything was over. "I intend to keep it with my dying breath." You told him before ruffling his hair. "Ugh, I'm hungry. Let's eat!" You quickly guided him to one of the nearby tables to stack countless items on your plates.
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cookiesandbiscuits · 2 years ago
Hello.If it's don't bothering you may i ask headcanons Kalego x Fem! Human! Assassin! Reader as Yor Forger from Spy x family.If you don't watch this one, then how you imagine yourselves relationship Kalego and Fem! Human! Assasin! Reader. I think it's kinda cute he is guardian dog and she is the soldier-protector of her country
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Hi!!! Thank you for asking! It's not a bother at all, really ^^
I enjoy writing stuff for other people to enjoy, hence why I created this blog aside for my hyperfixation ramblings.
I did watch the show until the 9th episode and read the manga until the 58th chapter (I got busy with school so I can't finish it yet :'D). Honestly, I understand how Yor got her fame in the fandom (I love seeing a badass female character that's also pretty soft on the inside)
It's been a while since I wrote a headcanon tho... Anyways, hope you enjoy this!
Happy reading!
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Soft but Deadly: A Dating Headcanon
Pairing: Kalego Naberius x Fem! Human Assassin! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: might be a bit OOC and out of order (I blanked out in some parts, oops 😬 damn my sleep-deprived brain); Narnia Naberius is such a jerk here (I'm still salty about what he did to Iruma in that chapter) not proofread
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Dating Kalego is a very interesting experience. Expect to have numerous discussions about your shared interests.
He is a very romantic person on the inside (lemme have my romantic Kalego okay?)
He'll be taking you out on a date whenever your schedules align. And he'll be gentlemanly about it. Dinner dates, a trip to an opera house, and the like are the typical setting for the dates that he planned. However, that doesn't mean that it's boring. He makes sure that you'll enjoy the dates to the fullest because you only deserve the best of the best.
In short, dates planned by him can get a bit fancy for your taste. That's why you make sure that he also get to experience new things in life.
Dates planned by you are simple yet enjoyable enough for the two of you. Picnics, travel dates, movie dates, and the like are the things on your list.
He enjoys the massages you offer to him when you know he's tired from work. You just know what points to focus on to make him loosen up (due to the nature of your job)
He does not bat an eye on your job as an assassin. But that doesn't stop him from worrying about your safety. He'll be the one who'll take care of the wounds you got from your latest mission. He'll be scolding you while dressing them though.
When you told him about the nature of your job, he first thought that you were pulling his leg. You were so gentle with others, how can you have such a profession as your job?
But after seeing the serious look on your face, he knew you weren't joking around. Well, it's okay. He can live with the fact that the love of his life lives a double life as an assassin.
Before the start of your relationship, Kalego used to be so cold, bordering on mean to you. But that didn't stop you from admiring the demon, even though it was evident that he did not return the same sentiments.
So you were surprised when he asked you out on a date one day. He had liked you for a while now, but he doesn't know how to tell you.
The only reason that he asked you out was that Balam was pressuring talked him out to confess to you.
And apparently, he got fed up with his friend's nagging that it gave him the courage to ask you out.
He can be subtly protective of you in public. But this becomes more prominent after you reveal to him that you were human.
He knows that you are capable of defending yourself from physical harm, but you can't use magic, so you won't be able to save yourself when your opponent used their magic on you.
He wonders how you got into the Netherworld in the first place, but he doesn't ask you about it. He knows that you'll tell him once you're ready.
But like all relationships, the two of you also experienced a lot of setbacks, mainly from his brother Narnia.
I saw it, you saw it. We all know how Narnia feels about humans from that chapter. So naturally, he's against his brother's relationship with you.
For some reason, Kalego's older brother discovered your secret and was very obvious about his prejudices. But your boyfriend defended you from him, claiming that it doesn't matter to him whatever your race is.
Kalego doesn't play around when he decided to enter into a relationship with you. He does not date around just for fun, no. He is serious about you and considers asking for your hand in marriage in the future.
Once he made it clear to his brother, Narnia decided to back off. He still does not like you but he also doesn't want his brother to resent him.
While Kalego was thankful when his brother got the message, you also knew his plans for the future now. Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'd refuse him when he finally asks the question, no?
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t0kidal · 2 years ago
What if? Part 2.
Now that yes, you and your son are safe, you’ve lost your wings, all that was left to do was adjust.
More or less...
After all, one of a demon’s most distinct traits were their wings... without them... 
Needless to say, learning to cope without them would be a bit hard.
But it wasn’t like anyone else had to know.
Yes, ‘No one else has to know’, is what you were thinking until (after a little cry session with your son) the doors leading to outside opened...
And in walked Sullivan, one of the three greats. 
His cat demon butler.
A Naberius.
And their really big masked friend. 
You shouldn’t be this calm... but what could you do? You were still weary and weak from whatever ordeal you and Iruma -- who was still clinging to you as if you might vanish before his eyes -- went through.
So you go on the initiative.
You sit up and cover your horns then your fangs as you spoke, “Good afternoon. Thank you for taking care of me and my son. Is... there anything you needed from us?”
Swallow your nerves and steel your resolve.
Meet their eyes straight on.
That quickly crumbled as you subconsciously squeeze your son a little tighter when the biggest one comes walking over. But... he does so slowly...  making sure you see each step he takes as he pulls up a chair and sits at your bedside opposite of Iruma.
“Hello, Ms...?”
“Y/n, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Balam Shichiro, you can call me Balam.”
He seems a little hesitant to continue... but as you look at him expectantly, and relax your hold on Iruma (who takes to standing by you, his hand in yours) He continues.
“First, I’d like to ask how much do you remember.”
And so the questions continue, slowly, gently, you managed to ask him a couple in return and learn that he’s a scientist, he tutors some magic history but his main course was on...
Imaginary creatures...
Seeing your eyes widen when you learn this and how you squeeze Iruma’s hand, he’s quick to cut to the chase, a little panicked himself
“We know your son’s human. But! It’s ok, truly, he’s not in any danger, or trouble.”
“But the same can’t be said for you.”
You’re pale, almost faint as the Naberius growls that out. His unhurried steps full of poise and grace only told you how dead you were.
Instinctively you bare your fangs.
He only scoffs at that.
“You’ve violated Netherworld law-”
“Kalego-kun!” Interrupted his friend, but he keeps going.
“As you know the Naberius clan works as the best guardians in the Netherworld. With my position as Babyl’s guard dog, my older brother stands as a vital part... Of Border Patrol.”
You don’t say anything, you can’t say anything, what to do, what do you do?
“I should re-” A hard chop to the head by the cat demon startles you. ‘Kalego-kun’s’ head is snapped forward as he trembles in barely contained rage.
“Bad dog.”
“OpEra... SenPai.”
“Now now, settle down you three~”
Ah... if you didn’t know you were screwed, you’re screwed. It only takes two steps for him to usher ‘Opera’ and ‘Kalego’ out the room.
Leaving you with himself and the scientist.
“You’re not having Iruma.” You rush out. “You’re not going to lay a hand on him, so help me Delkira-”
“Now now~ I understand you two have had a long and stressful week~ But let’s settle down and discuss the most important details.”
You fall silent, still extremely unsure, but then...
A gentle squeeze, a gentle voice...
“It’ll be alright mom, I think we can trust them... they watched out for me while you were sleeping. And were so kind...”
You sigh, “Alright... if you say so, Iruma.”
As Sullivan explains, you were asleep for a week, Iruma had woken up four days before you did, they’re not taking him away, no one’s going to eat him, unstable magic released from the border caused the extreme pain but... that’s not all that’s happened.
“Iruma-kun... Why don’t you show your mother what we’ve been practicing~”
At that, Iruma take a second to concentrate... and suddenly, a pair of wings spread from his back. 
Feathered, a dark almost black indigo...
They looked just like yours.
Iruma could only smile sheepishly at your expression, surprise, mixed with amazement, and disbelief. Was this possible? was this real? would your boy finally fly as he wished? 
“Oh my gosh this is... Amazing Iruma! You... you have wings! Wings of your very own!”
All of their smiles fall... and the atmosphere thickens... at that last phrase.
“Hmm?” You look around, a little confused...
“Mom... These wings... aren’t mine...”
“They’re yours, Y/n-san.” Balam continues, “As a human... he can’t grow a pair of wings... such is simply... outside of his biological capabilities. But... as he shares... some kind of connection with you... it seems like... somehow.. wing roots were transferred to him.”
“From... me...”
You pause... letting it all soak in... before tentatively reaching behind you... touching your back, trying to touch where your wing roots used to be... trying to call out your wings...
Your wings...
And you slowly give up... and let go... 
“Oh... I... I see...”
You don’t look at them as you think for a second... they’re saying something to you but you don’t really hear them...
But you quickly snap out of it when you hear sniffles and see... your little boy, crying.
“I’m sorry mom... I shouldn’t have asked what it was like to fly, I should’ve-”
“Iruma.” You calmly interrupt him, “What did I say about ‘Should’ve’ or ‘Shouldn’t’ve’ or ‘what if’s ?”
“They don’t help anyone... most of all yourself?”
“Exactly. Iruma, I’m not mad, I’m not sad. You don’t have to worry about me. I understand that you do because you’re my son and you love me just like how I love you. But none of this was your fault and it never will be.”
You take a brief moment to pause, wiping away his tears, casting a look to the other two still in the room.
They take the hint and leave... once they do, you scoot over and let Iruma lean into your side. He almost never does this, always being so self sufficient even without your teachings and you were so proud of him for his resilience.
“Iruma, to tell you the truth... last night... I made a wish. Deep in my heart I knew how frustrating it must’ve been to be so different from the other children, and wanting what they had... I knew that, this spiel of ours... you, a human disguised as a demon in the Netherworld, might end one day. Lucky for us it doesn’t look like that’ll be today... but that’s besides the point.”
You take to stroking his hair, the little cowlick on the top of his head relaxing as he did.
“I have wanted nothing more than for you to be happy here... safe from the cruel humans who left you here... free to pursue your ambitions. Now that you have wings... and look more like a demon... I think it’ll be a bit easier for you... I love you, Iruma.”
This prompts him to cry a little more, and you let him... after all, he needed these moments... moments to decompress and be allowed to grieve, as he was already so strong. 
You hope that your son, never falls to despair. 
Little did either of you know the serious faces on three out of the four outside as they listened to your spiel.
“Thank you for your Hospitality” You can’t help but bow, “Are you sure we haven’t overstayed our welcome?”
Naberius and Balam had left a few hours earlier after a checkup and a firm talking to. As Balam ran some check ups (big warm handed himbo alert) you had a bit of a... dilemma killing the blush that threatened to tint your cheeks.
Whereas Kalego made it very clear that, should you cause any more trouble he’ll be forced to take action... but nothing about his brother so you assumed that he’s saying he’ll help if anything else happens.
“Nonsense~! It’s always nice to have guests around~. It’s been much too quiet~!” Sullivan, as you came to learn, was a wild card and liked variety in his life.
“Sullivan-sama, shall I prepare dinner for all of us?”
“Why yes~! You’re staying for dinner aren’t you~? It’ll be quite darks soon~!”
Well... that was true... you guessed it couldn’t hurt... After all you were still a little weak, and should anything happen you might not be able to protect both yourself and Iruma.
“Thank you again for helping us.”
“It was my pleasure!”
But that was Friday. Saturday, and Sunday, you tried to return home only for Sullivan and Opera to give more excuses. You were grateful but unsure of why exactly they wanted you and Iruma around so bad.
On the Monday after, you decide to walk with Iruma to school. 
It felt a little more like he was walking you though. No doubt with the loss of your wings you felt... more fragile... brittle... like a youthful old woman if that made sense... And you supposed Iruma could sense that too despite your reassurances that you were still fully capable of self defense. 
Granted, the option to run away is severely limited now but it wasn’t anything to cry over...
To your surprise, you were personally greeted by Iruma’s teacher. You had called ahead to sign him up for flying supplementary courses... oh...
There was Naberius Kalego standing behind them.
Rest in peace.
“Y/n-san! It’s so good to have you!” They were almost crying... what is going on?
After seeing the mirth and the question on your face, “He was here to do an evaluation...”
You pat their shoulder, “Rest in peace.”
They sob, ‘thank you’ s faint as you turn your head in question to Naberius.
“Tch, that damn Chair demon sent me here, I’ve already finished my investigation of the environment, and will be leaving soon.”
You only nod. 
Iruma and his teacher went inside not soon after, and you too this opportunity to start walking to your shift. 
And you hear another set of footsteps walk with you.
... ‘Lo and behold, it’s Naberius.
Some time during your walk, your work place was neither close nor far from Iruma’s school, Naberius Kalego decides to break the ice.
“I wanted to apologize for the other day. Springing on you like a wild dog was unbecoming of me, and put unnecessary stress on you after such a horrifying experience.”
“... It was... really painful...”
“I can only imagine, and I’d like to say... I’m sorry. Though I know that can’t make up for much of my rudeness.”
“.. Thank you... I really appreciate that... But you’re right.”
You’re still a demon after all, though you do appreciate the apology.
“How do you plan on compensating me for this?” You pause and whip your gaze over to the demon.
“Tch, What? I suppose you’ll be asking for a favor? Whatever it is I’m not do-”
“It’s for Iruma. Since he’s still new to flying... I’d like it if you could watch out for him... I’ll probably ask Balam-san if he knows any other avian demons to teach him how to fly... er...”
Aaaand there goes your bravado.
But to your surprise, he’s actually considering it.
“He’s going to be a first year in the high school division after this summer right? Your request, makes sense... after all, it’d put Babyls to shame if I didn’t do my job properly... Granted, he might not be in my class.”
True... but.. you do a slight bow, “Thank you anyway... I really appreciate it.”
He looks so shocked, and perplexed, but says nothing and leaves with a coffee after you clock in for work.
He wasn’t your only visitor for the day. Soon after, Balam came along. You were about to just, sit around for lunch, but apparently, he had something to talk to you about.
So, once you two were seated, in the back, he started to discuss (VERY quietly) possible connections, other than emotional ones, that would allow your wings to go from you to Iruma.
“Do you recall.. if anything happened?.. Like... maybe some kind of transference of blood?”
You had to snort at that, and you do, but you almost choke on your food. 
But he takes this as wrathful disbelief, “Not to say that you intentionally drank any or anything of the sort bu-”
“No no.. you’re fine... I wasn’t quite sure just what he was when I found him. He was just a little kid right? But he smelled unusual... which attracted a lot of monsters near my house.. I had to fight them off... but... I got hurt pretty bad at some point.”
He listens intently, curious, you suppose that that’s normal for a scientist...
“And then..” you smile, “even as a little kid... no older than four maybe five... he tried to protect me. And it was so strange and heart warming that someone so small trusted me already... But of course, this didn’t suddenly make him an expert at combat no... then, when he was struck, a little drop of blood, by some miracle or force of luck, landed in my wound and I was healed.
That’s the only occurrence that comes to mind...”
Balam was satisfied with this, and frantically jotted down some notes, he stays and you chat for a little, before he ultimately has to leave.
Feeling eyes on your back, you turn your head and see your juniors looking at you with starry eyes. 
“Y/n-san, was that your partner?”
“No! How could he be! She walked over here with that devi-handsome guy! The one with the sharper face!”
“But then who just left? who stayed to talk to her?!”
You gotta nip this in the bud, “Alright! Alright! Let’s leave it be alright? I understand that this is a rare occurrence but they were just checking on me after that emergency last Friday, remember? And I don’t recall ‘updates on personal lives’ to be a part of our contracts.”
They immediately droop, which makes you feel a little bad but it’s for the better.
“C’mon, don’t you two have any tea from your lives to spill?”
You could only laugh as they both turn red and protest.
Opera had come by later that afternoon to pick up another order for Sullivan.
The ensuing conversation led to a lot of questions after though...
“Y/n-san, we were wondering if you’d be interested in moving a little closer to town.”
That made you pause, before continuing to double check the order information.
“Opera-san, I understand that what happened was... startling, but as you and I both know, I’m perfectly happy where I am. It’s a place where I can live through my own volition as well as provide Iruma with all that I can. I would hate to impose on you and... (here, you drop your voice) Sullivan-sama.”
His ears twitch a little, and you can clearly see that he doesn’t plan on giving up.
He also drops to a whisper, “In actuality, Sullivan-sama and I have grown fond of you and Iruma. (noticing your immediate distrust) And no, it’s not because of you know what.”
You sigh and get back to work, “I said no, Opera...” it could be an opportunity for Iruma... “It’s too sudden for my tastes.”
“Understood, I’ll try again later. Take care then.”
“Wait no- that’s not what I-” Aaand... he’s gone.
Iruma’s day was... enough to say, chaotic as all hell. 
Which is technically where he lives but still.
His classmates, though many did not like him for his gentle nature, were more or less unsurprised by his wings. It was a bit of a fuss when they were first having flight classes and he had to sit out so often in the past, seeing how perfectly healthy they are now changes some things...
But it was ok, really, he was going to be graduating and going to high school soon.
The day he got these things though... his classmates call it a freak growths spurt...
‘A wiggling under his skin, and then a sharp pain that traveled everywhere, up and down, settling behind his eyes and in his toes...’
He shakes it off, opting to not think about it.
What he can’t stop thinking about, however, is how important these wings are...
His mom, the woman who raised him, who kept him alive for so long despite her own struggles and provided him with every necessity he could ever need... not to mention that unconditional love critical for any child’s growth... 
What was she supposed to do now?
He knows how important wings are in demon society... it can determine your love life, your profession, the difference between life or death...
Even though she reassured him, he still worried... but for now... he’s got no other choice than to trust her.
And to get stronger so that he could stay with her. Yes, as a human... he’s got no choice. 
He wants this, he needs this, because this is where fate brought him... and this is where he chooses to be.
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thiccweebtrash · 2 years ago
Gift for Kalego
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She peeked at Naberius Kalego who sat at his desk, seething in rage. His malicious and intense presence was much stronger today. His mood much more grumpy. It was one of two things that caused it, the chairman (her now grandfather), Sullivan, or he was summoned by Iruma (her little brother) in a form he called "degrading and embarrassing" to his clan name, but (y/n) thought he looked quite adorable.
She looked back down where she sat, in her hands was a small blue cactus with a red flower starting to bloom. After over hearing Iruma and Jazz talking about how it was his favorite plant, she decided to get him one for his desk in hope to make her demon crush a little happier. But now she was scared. He looked so upset she was afraid he would snap at her, or just ignore her. However, she swallowed hard and slowly stood up, her heart was about to jump from her chest as she slowly began to treck toward Naberius's desk, the small cactus hidden in her hands behind her back. She internally cheered herself on, igniting a faint and frail flame of confidence.
As she got closer she felt herself begin to shake a bit. It was idiotic, at least she thought, for a human to feel such emotions toward a demon, but yet here she was. She found his constant dead pan face quite handsome. And when he actually smiled she would swear her heart could stop. His appearance was always so clean and he carried himself with pride and confidence, (y/n) found herself admiring him so much. And even if he hid it behind insults, administering extremely hard work and setting high almost unachievable goals, she found it adorable and sweet how he truly cared for his students, even if he rarely let them see it. She heard it in his voice when he'd speak about them to other teachers, a hint of pride at how amazing his class truly is.
"What do you want!" His growl pulled you back to reality and you realized you were standing next to his desk. "Don't hover, I hate it. It's annoying." She gulped, her confidence slowly burning away to ash. "I... I'm sorry." She shuffled, a hurt looked forming on her face as she struggled for words. A long and slightly irritated sigh left his lips. "I don't have all day, of you want to say something say it. If its any request from the chairman he can... nevermind."
She gulped, willing her heart to settle and the red dusting her face to go away. "Are you okay?" He asked, eyeing your cheeks. She nodded her head, anxiety causing her to shuffle her feet. With one last little spark from her dying confidence, she spoke up, "I... wanted to give this... to you." She brought the small cactus forward and held it out to him. "I heard you like them... and so I wanted to get you one for your desk."
His dark eyes looked from (y/n) to the small succulent in her hands, both eyes and his face unreadable. She felt relief to see him relax a bit, his anger looked to slowly fade away, his usual scowl replaced with... her body froze and her (e/c) orbs opened a bit wider. He was smiling? And not his evil, crooked smirk, but a geniun, almost happy smile.
"Yes, thank you." He said. As he reached for it, he placed his hand under the two of yours that held out his present. "Small, and cute, like someone else I know." He flicked her a look, and (y/n) swears she could had died then and there. Did he mean her? It had to be right? Why else would he look at her after speaking. She over flowed with happiness, a sweet smile formed on her lips and her cheeks dusted pink. "I... I'm glad you like it." Her voice was soft. He slowly moved his hand and took the small plant from her hands a placed it on an open spot on his desk.
She turned to head back to her desk, content with her completed mission, a dreamy smile on her face, until she felt a hand on her wrist. She was spun around and was face to chest with the tall demon. His cool lips placed on her forehead, his hands gently cupping her cheeks. Her hands instinctively going to his. "I would appreciate it if you'd help me take care of our little cactus." He muttered agaisnt your forehead, peeking up, you swear you saw him blushing as hard as you were. "Y... yes. But I don't know how." (Y/n) squeaked. He pulled away, his hands leaving her cheeks. She wanted so desperately to reach for them and put them back. Before she could speak, more teachers walked in, Kalego's face went right back to its usual annoyed scowl at the presence of others ruining their moment.
Turning to his desk he quickly jotted something down on a piece of paper and folded it, handing it to her. "Here, this is what Sullivan asked for." He quickly pushed the paper into your hands, "you can go now." He spun you around and gave a gentle push toward your desk. Confused and slightly sad you went back and sat down, looking around to make sure no one was near she hid the paper under her desk and slowly opened it;
I can teach you, meet me at the entrance after school is out.
Your smile was giddy and quickly she looked up in time to see the handsome teacher turning away, his face still a slight red. She watched as he looked at his new plant, his finger lightly tracing shapes into the small pot with an ever so slight smile.
(A/n: I love these two, they make a great team! I also love this anime and manag! I'm trying my first NSFW with them so idk how that'll work but hey! I'll give it a shot!)
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truly-yours-hvens · 2 years ago
do you have any ideas/headcanons about the wicked phase of the teachers ?
During the Balam introduction chapter, we read that Dantalion has had one
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but we don't heard anything else about teachers having their wicked phase.
We have seen both Azz and Sabro in their own and they act very differently especially Azz who lose all his composure and who is totally feral (until Sabro use the "safeword")
We see a student trying to eat another during his wicked phase.
For Iruma it was not really a wicked phase, more a more assertive and cocky of him. He was more edgy too but stayed the same kind boy deep in heart.
Atori and Kirio clearly returned to origins so they are not good exemple neither.
But for the teachers?
Kalego who must focuse on discipline to be sure that Cerberion doesn't go feral.
Ifrit who can call a beast of fire. who can create so much fire too.
Balam who is terribly strong.
Orias who can make sure that he's TOTALLY lucky.
Suzy who can create any plants.
Also we don't see Dantalion fights, since what he did against Azz was barely a fight but he must be very strong too.
the teachers who have their wicked phase take days off to not be in contact with students. So they take precaution to not hurt anyone, they must keep some control on themself. For the students who start one and who are dangerous for the other students, they are isolated immediatly by the students council.
But the teachers? I'm both curious and afraid to imagine their wicked phase.
[WARNING] very long rant and theorizing, obvious favoritism between the teachers, I’m bad at punctuation
For their wicked phase I don’t believe that they are truly “wicked” rather I think a demons wicked phase simply enhances the emotions that are already there and make them go haywire or twists them in a way
I’ll use Sabnock’s wicked phase for reference, we see that WP! Sabnock fights rather aggressively, and is easily taken by the tides of battle, However he never loses sight of what is needed to be done. We see that despite being at odds with a dangerous teacher he is still concerned for his Kohai’s safety rather than concentrating of the battle at hand
We see him do this a few other times but as normal Sabro
During the Walter park arc, while fighting the carmine dragon (I believe that’s the name of the beast) although fighting and defeating the dragon would be cool Sabro decided on a tactical retreat knowing him and Azz couldn’t have defeated the dragon no matter how hard they tried. Even knocking sense into Azz when he still attempted to fight the dragon
Even earlier in the heartbreaker arc while on the SOS mission rather than fighting Momonoki-sensei head on he stops Buer-sensei from approaching the First years showing he isn’t as gutsy and muscle brained as he was believed to be
Even Iruma’s (although technically not a “normal” evil phase) and Azz’s WP is a somewhat twisted mirror of what they usually act like
Azz tends to be destructive and quick to attack someone if they even look at Iruma weird, Similar to his WP he attacks anything that is within his grasp without a second thought (Including the fact that the reason he unleashed his evil phase is due to the Dorodoro brother Indirectly insulting Iruma)
Iruma on the other hand is still insistent on helping others even in his WP albeit more cocky and confident on what he wants but still the same caring boy underneath still helping when asked to
With this logic and extremely long rant out of the way I do have a few ideas/theories
Tbh, this guy always acts like he’s on his WP, but I think his WP is slightly more uptight and angry. with the duty to keep Cerberus in check, dealing with the Misfit’s shenanigans and opera my idea of a wicked phase is more on the “Pissy maxed to 101%” type of stuff
With Ifrit I think
Now contrary to Atori’s beliefs I think rather than getting angry and having a temperament, I think his skinship get’s maxed out
During Balam’s introduction chapter we see that although his habit of petting anything breathing within his area is there it is kept under control, during his evil cycle his skin ship get’s out of control and he straight up picks anyone who he finds interesting and keeps them at his nest in addition his Intimidation goes up by a 100%
I feel like his this could go 2 ways
1. Tired version of orias (the one we see when iruma is touring the teachers dorm) will take over so the whole time so he’s either trapped in his room and in a bad mood
and 2nd is He turns slimy, basically dollar store sergeant furfur actively playing tricks on staff members, cheating using hi bloodline magic that king of stuff I prefer the 2nd version to be honest
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure with Suzy-sensei, I guess I can see her acting creepy possibly her plants accidentally go on a rampage here and here but that’s all
Now normal Dali-sensei is the type to start shit for his own entertainment a prime example of this is during the harvest festival arc when he loudly announces that lead had the pot of ending
I think Dali-sensei’s WP turns him a sadistic causing problems both big and small for his own entertainment, It would make sense that he and the other staff members wouldn’t want him around students
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xatsperesso · 2 years ago
Kalego must be the most angry, post Heartbreaker arc. His brother let two suspicious people enter Babyls under recommendation.
Kalego didn't really have any way to think that they would be dangerous for the kids, even Balam didn't see anything really wrong, even if he must have knew that something was wrong, and he must have shared his thoughts with his best friend.
But Kalego trusted his brother's words, why shouldn't he did it? It's his brother and they seems to have a good relationship (unlike his relaiton with his uncle). Family seems to be important for demons after all.
and then, not only one of the teachers RECOMMANDED by his big brother tried to kill EIGHT students (Sabro, more or less + thetwo first years with him + Allocer + the four first years with him) but he also tried to kidnap Iruma. It's only by chance that all of them are still safe.
because right now, Kalego has two face two possibilities.
1) his brother didn't knew. and it's a big error of judgement who could have had big consequences. And so Kalego will have one or two words to say about it. Even if Narnia didn't know, Kalego's trust into him must have been damaged. Because next time, who know what could happen? Kalego will NEVER forget or forgive that.
2) Narnia KNEW. Let one (two?) suspicious and dangerous "teachers" enter to Babyls and then he's a accomplice. And so he's potentially a traitor and Kalego must comfort him to have few words with him and have a explanation.
Nothing matters more for Kalego than his students safety. And here 8 students could have been killed (or seven + a return to origin) and Iruma could have been kidnapped. Three of his students suffered, and are likely more or less traumatised (ok 5 students with Jazz because of Mabras Sensei, and Gaomon being depressed because his true face has been seen).
Because he trusted his brother, and he trusted his brother's recommandation for Atori and Shiida without too much doubts. Balam told him that they didn't lie but that they should keep a eye on them.
He must feel betrayed. He must be angry. Because either his brother has been terribly negligent and didn't honor his position, either he's a traitor who work for the same person than Atori, the person who has attacked the school under Kalego's protection and who has hurt students.
Opera can be mad at him, but it's probably nothing compared to how much mad at himself Kalego must be to have trusted his brother without doubts and to have let that happen. and he must be so much mad at his brother, considering that he's visibly ready to BITE and has a "smile" when he says "yeah yeah i promise that i will not provoke troubles"
The watchdog became a angry papa!Wolf
Beware Narnia! Your brother is very very displeased with you!
After rereading multiple times I've come to the conclusion that kalego's relationship with his brother is vague
Very vague, that i cant comment about how it could affect kalego's feelings towards what atori did. Like their are instances that lead me to believe their relationship isn't that great, but at the same time he's talking very neutrally about him
Kalego went to his uncles help before going to his brother, and the face kalego did when he heard his brother could become one of the 13 crowns
Tumblr media
These are signs that could have perfectly good explanation other than kalego having problems with his brother, but since there are no concrete evidence of what their relationship is like, I'll just skip kalego's brother for now until more is revealed
About the clusterfuck that could also be called the heartbreaker event.
This event wasn't made to help the students. It was made to destroy the misfits. Some teachers took that job too literally (looking at you, robin and Mabras) they themselves admitted that they were doing this event to crush their pride. teaching them a lesson was considered a bonus, but was not the main objective.
So after they've stated that, they decided that it'd be a good idea to let the newbies participate
I dont care what excuse they have. That was a recipe for disaster from the start
Oh! They were recommended by the patrol, specifically kalego's brother? How cute. I didn't know that one of the patrol's job was to train teacher and send them to babyl's school.
Can the patrol ensure that these people know the basics of teaching? That they know that these students have limits? Do these new teachers know when pushing students beyond their limits suddenly become putting students in unnecessary danger?
I think not
And on top of that, did any of the teachers even tried to see what the newbies are like in a fight? Ya know, to make sure that these teachers know what's ok and what's not?
Do you even know what those newbies abilities are? Other than shiida can kick people? Not knowing their abilities is very bad, because being surprised by their abilities in the middle of the exam sounds like a very bad idea. Their ability could be making people explode for all they know!
Oh, but of course no teacher in their right mind would use such a dangerous ability around their students
These are not teachers. These are people who are still learning to become teachers, and they're against students who are actively attacking them. They were bound to use their abilities at one point, especially since they're against the misfits
And lets say that shiida's ability is brute force. They don't know whether shiida is aware that she can't use a lot of force with everyone in the misfits. There are only 5 out of 13 students who know how to fight(excluding first years because these are first years. They shouldn't be dragged into this shit in their first month)
So, their abilities is one unknown variable, their fighting skills is another unknown variable, their moral standards is questioned by balam, and they have zero teaching experience. Pairing them, unsupervised, to the misfits, a class that is as predictable as the weather (not predictable at all) is just asking for a disaster to happen. You can't make a physical exam for students without ensuring that everything will go as planned. Not knowing anything, no matter how small could cost a students life.
And it almost did
It was very careless of them to believe that no matter what they'll be nearby and able to help. And the evidence to that are the students who almost died. The students that had to stay in the infirmary.
Kalego is mad at himself? Good. They all should be. So next time they won't make the same mistake. So next time they know not to trust the judgement of someone who's not a teacher. So next time no student's life is on the line.
Because next time they may have to deal with a student's death
I will have no sympathy towards them regarding this event until one of them at least one teacher acknowledges that what has happened was due to their own shortcomings. But until now, only opera has said that, and it wasn't his job at the time to look over the school.
And now that my feelings over the heartbreaker has been refreshed, I can confidently say: Narnia, you're on thin fucking ice
If it was revealed you're not with the six fingers, I'm roasting your ass next
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 3 years ago
*slides in*
Pls pls can we have more detection?? I can’t find many good writers like you for the Guard dog of the school. I send payments in cookies or sweets
*slides away*
*Getting out of the bushes*
–I usually accept money and men, but sweets will do too!
*Take the food and hide back*
Previous part (03)
Next part (05)
Warnings: author
If you think it's easy to breathe, then it's time to disappoint you. Breathing can be incredibly difficult. At least under such a look. Narnia smiles gently, but you can feel his dark eyes practically burning through your head. You nervously twist the ring on your finger, desperate to grab Kalego's hand and squeeze his palm. However, the demon only looks at his brother, and you would start to worry even more.
–So you are the (Y/N) (Y/S)-san I've heard about?
You turn your head to Kalego, then look at the older demon again and slowly nod.
–Y-yes, it's me, – why do I want to fall under the floor so much? – Are you Narnia-san? Kalego-kun mentioned you several times when talking about his family.
–Really? It's quite nice, – the demon chuckled. – Although it's a pity that Kalego himself didn't say anything about you.
Your head quickly turns to the younger Naberius, and you raise an eyebrow questioningly. The demon is not looking at you, he is studying his brother's face. Narnia looks friendly, but you can sense the danger that lurks behind his soft kind eyes.
Why didn't he tell you about me? Is he shy or something? Although... I'm a human being. If someone with a status like Narnia-san finds out about me, my life could be over faster than I have time to blink.
–We recently had a family meeting. Why didn't you tell me you had someone?
–I always thought that important matters for the clan should be discussed at family meetings, not my personal life.
–But if you marry (Y/N)-san, she will also become part of the clan, won't she?
Oh, how good it is that you have not touched the cup of tea that Narnia poured for you earlier! Otherwise, you would have spat out all the contents on the table! Why do they all talk about the wedding so often?!. How do weddings go in Hell in general?..
And while you're thinking about it, the two brothers continue to communicate. You only take a second to look at Narnia, but he instantly turns all his attention to you.
–Our parents are not at home and will not be for a while, so I will conduct an "interview" for you, (Y/N)-san.
– An... an interview?
–Yes. It's okay, (Y/N)-san. I'm just wondering what kind of demon my brother fell in love with. Perhaps we will soon become a family, and I would not like every meeting to end in conflict.
You nod, glancing at Kalego. He looks calm, but you notice that his cheeks have turned a little pink some time ago. You swallow and look at the older Naberius again.
–So, where did you meet? – Narnia asks too affectionately, taking the mug and bringing it to her mouth. He takes a small sip.
–At school. I came to take care of my distant relative. He is studying at Babyls, so I started working there as an additional lecture teacher.
–I heard you are a professional in people. Knowledge about them is quite difficult to obtain, given that their existence is considered just a legend.
–In my school years, I had a lot of books and materials telling about people. Therefore, my knowledge is quite extensive.
Narnia nods, and the next second you almost fall back screaming, but Kalego holds your chair. You are looking at a knife frozen in the air, obeying the magic of the younger Naberius. I... I didn't even notice how he pulled out a knife! And the speed with which he threw the weapon… He's definitely a demon in every sense of the word!..
You look in horror at Kalego, but he only takes a knife and throws it back at his brother. Narnia deftly catches a sharp object with two fingers and puts it next to her, as if it has always been there.
–Sorry to scare you, (Y/N)-san. It was a test.
–I didn't pass it? – more asserting than asking you, still a little confused.
–Why do you think so? Of course, I made sure that you are not a high-ranking demon, since in this case you would be able to catch the knife. But you also didn't come here to offend my brother.
–I don't think there is a creature that can offend Kalego-kun at all, – you involuntarily clear your throat.
–What about my uncle? – Narnia asks with a chuckle.
–I'm not even going to invite him to a family dinner, – your colleague says gloomily.
–Like you don't know he's coming.
Narnia hums to herself and then smiles at you. His smile now seems more sincere than all his previous ones.
–Kalego wouldn't protect you if he didn't take care of you. So the rumors about you are not lying. You really are a good enough demon to make my brother fall in love with you.
Your cheeks turn red, you look away from Naberius, awkwardly clutching your own pants. Kalego looks at his brother with a serious look, but you can feel a slight heat coming from his figure. It seems that he, too, is beginning to be confused by what is happening.
Narnia asks you with a soft smile about your life, about your childhood and how you spend your free time. You have to lie so that Naberius does not understand that you are a person, but otherwise you answer quite sincerely. With every word you say, the elder demon relaxes more and more. The atmosphere ceases to be so tense.
It was funny for you to watch the relationship between two brothers. They communicated with each other quite respectfully, but you could almost feel Kalego's annoyance when Narnia teased him a little. You weren't sure exactly how the conversation would end: a fight between two high-ranking demons or the surrender of a red and confused Kalego.
–Oh, it's getting late, – Narnia remarked, pointing towards the window. – And it started raining again. You will have to stay at the clan manor.
Naberius smiles too strangely. Kalego squints at his brother. And who else is going to say that I'm a pervert? You nod quickly, not wanting to fly late on a cold night. In addition, the clan's estate is quite large, and you have a chance to study the demonic aristocratic culture.
–Your room is rather dirty and small, so the guest bedroom will suit you best.
–Oh? Are we g-going to sleep together? – you turn your head to Kalego. The demon shrugs and says calmly,
–We've already slept together. Are you confused by something?
You look at Narnia, who is trying to hold back laughter. You can feel the leg of a serious demon twitching under the table, for sure he is trying to hit his brother. Lying in bed with Kalego-kun is not awkward. It's awkward to lie in bed with him when his brother knows about it.
You don't answer the demon by hiding your face in the cup. Narnia grunts and then stands up, his long hair bouncing up.
–I'll cook dinner. Kalego, show (Y/N)-san the room, please. Will you have breakfast tomorrow?
–We will need to get back to Babyls early to prepare for my class performance. 
–You do love children, don't you, Kalego? – the demon can't hide his smile.
–They have to be mine for me to love them, – is that a hint?!. – Let's go, (Y/N).
You are taken by the hand and dragged away. You wave to Naberius and hurry down the corridor after your colleague.
As soon as the big doors close, Kalego looks at you with concern. He bends down to your neck and you feel his hot breath on your skin. The demon sniffs the air a couple of times with his nostrils, and then whispers:
–Your smell has changed.
–This is... fear… 
–That's not what I meant, – Naberius rolls his eyes at your phrase. – You're starting to smell like... – he doesn't finish the sentence, but your eyes still widen from understanding the situation.
–M-my perfume! – you speak anxiously, involuntarily covering your neck with your palms.
–How long will your scent be hidden? – Kalego asks, hurriedly leading you further down the corridor. He throws his cloak over you, and you feel the strong smell of cold stone that the clothes acquired while you were in the forgotten hall.
–I... I don't know. But he definitely won't last until tomorrow.
–Is there any other way we can disguise it?
–Y-yes. Sullivan-sama said that simple perfumes would also work if they could hide my smell. It's just that the ones I use... – you almost say "and Iruma-kun", – do not fade so quickly and are able to withstand more weather conditions than a regular perfume. 
Kalego nods, his steps get so big that you start running after him.
You are pushed into a large room with a double bed, some small door in front, cabinets near the walls and a table near the window. Naberius orders you not to take a step out of the bedroom, closing the door himself and hurrying somewhere. 
You hear his loud footsteps and blink in surprise, quickly sticking your head out of the room. No one has seen Kalego-kun running. Usually all events reach him by themselves, he does not even need to move for this…
You sigh and close the door behind you, sitting down on a chair and starting to look at the table. There is nothing interesting around. There is a small bathroom behind the door. You can try to drown yourself, but you didn't do it as soon as you arrived in the demon world, so you're not going to now.
You are sitting and looking into space, when suddenly you hear footsteps. Jumping up, you think that it is Kalego who has reached the beginning of the corridor, but then the door opens abruptly, revealing Narnia!
–N-Narnia-san! – you are taking a strange pose in an attempt to protect yourself from... something. Naberius suppresses a chuckle and shakes his head.
–You don't need to react to me like that, (Y/N)-san. I just came to check on you. We haven't had guests for a long time, so I have to make sure you're comfortable.
–This is a beautiful room, Narnia-san! Besides, Kalego-kun, I'm sure, will sort out all the problems. It is much more important to make sure that dinner…
–Our food won't burn, don't worry. I'm more interested now... in you.
You involuntarily jump up and take a step back. Narnia is as tall as Kalego, scares just like the younger Naberius when you met him on your first day at work. But now there is no Balam next to you who will protect you. Given the speed at which Narnia threw a knife at you, you won't even have time to blink before you're killed.
The demon is watching your movements carefully, like a predator. You freeze in the middle of the room, feeling a little dizzy. Magic? No, it's just my primal fear. His eyes... I have to look somewhere else to recover…
But you can't. You stay standing still, allowing Naberius to get close enough. The demon stops in front of you and raises his hand, slowly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes look into yours without stopping, Narnia bends slightly lower, to your neck, twitching his nose a couple of times.
If he has the same good sense of smell as Kalego-kun... then he can understand that I am human.
You try not to move, waiting for your verdict. Naberius moves away from you slightly jerkily. His hand remained near your sharp ear.
–Your smell has changed during the time that we talked. Are you... all right?
Yes, I'm all right! I'm just a human! I'm a human you might want to devour!
–Y-yes... just... sweating, I guess. Ha... ha…
Narnia frowns, leaning closer to you again. He opens his mouth as if he wants to taste your scent in any way possible…
The door opens, judging by the sound from the foot. 
–Narnia, get away from her!
Naberius grabs his brother by the collar of his clothes and pushes him sharply away from you. The elder demon laughs, raising his hands as if surrendering.
–I just wanted to make sure that (Y/N)-san didn't get sick from stress. You know that sick demons smell different. 
–Why would she get sick?
–She turned pale and then blushed when we talked.
–You're becoming like our uncle.
–That's the worst compliment I've ever been paid.
Kalego turns his brother around a hundred and eighty degrees and pushes him out of the room. Naberius closes the door, telling him not to "smell it," and then hands you bottles of perfume.
Kalego stares at the door and growls. You put glass vessels on the table, slapping your neck, because the skin is especially exposed there. You want to turn to the demon and ask how you smell, but you don't have time, because you are suddenly hugged from behind.
Naberius squeezes your waist tightly, his nose is buried in your neck. You giggle, because his aggressive method of sniffing your neck is quite ticklish. 
–K-Kalego-kun, this is... ticklish! – you don't pay attention to the evil aura around him, just keep giggling.
–He dared... to smell you!
–Kalego-kun, – you exhale and slap his hands a couple of times, – it's not too pleasant for me either, but don't be so angry. If Narnia-san was really interested in my health, then it's even cute. 
–Should I give you a three-hour lecture about demons being possessive?
–N... don't.
Naberius continues to sniff your neck, gradually calming down. You raise your hand and stroke his dark hair. The demon sighs, bends down and sticks out his tongue. You bulge your eyes when your cheek is quickly licked.
Kalego abruptly moves away from you, his cheeks almost completely red. You put your hand on your skin and start tentatively wiping his saliva. The demon looks away from you and slowly bends down, apologizing.
–What was that? 
–This is... a manifestation of affection in the Naberius clan.
–Do you lick your brother too?
–It was... a romantic attachment.
You feel your cheek heating up, and then you reach out to stroke the demon's head. He sighs.
–I won't do it anymore if you don't like it. 
–No, it's... fine. Just... warn me next time, okay?
Kalego raises his head and presses his cheek against your palm. He exhales softly, his face relaxing. Now he looks more like a devoted dog than a strictly demon, from which you ran in fear some time ago. 
You spend your time sitting on the floor next to Kalego and listening to his stories about the Naberius clan. His cheek took a place on the top of your head, and you put your head on his shoulder. 
When Narnia calls you to eat, you jump up so fast that you almost hit your demon's cheek.
You don't listen to what the brothers are saying. You sit and eat with a huge smile, enjoying a truly royal meal. Out of the corner of your ear, you hear the elder Naberius apologizing for messing up with dinner, and you hide behind a glass with some kind of drink more. I would like to "spoil" food like you do, Narnia-san.
As soon as the meal is over, Kalego will escort you back to the room. You look at the dirty plates, but the elder demon uses magic to transfer all the dishes to the sink. The younger Naberius reminds you that there is magic in this world, and you nod uncertainly, shouting goodnight wishes to Narnia.
Kalego locks the door while you're awkwardly marking time. Using magic, you change your clothes to more comfortable for sleeping, gather your hair into a night hairstyle, leave the ring on the table and jump on the bed, hiding under a warm blanket. Sticking out one hand, you hit her on the mattress, asking the demon to join as soon as possible.
Naberius quickly appears next to you, you immediately snuggle up to him. Kalego purrs softly and contentedly, hugging you with one hand. He closes his eyes, and now there is only you, him and silence around. 
But you can't just fall asleep. Not in a place like this. You stretch out your hand, placing it on the demon's cheek, and he immediately opens one eye.
–Should I sing you a lullaby? – he asks with a chuckle.
–Can you? – I've never heard him sing.
–I don't think you'll be able to sleep after that. I play musical instruments well, but I don't sing.
You move even closer to it and pull yourself up. The demon freezes, and then closes his eyes and lets you kiss his eyelids. You slowly move from his eyes to the eternally tense forehead, which relaxes instantly, then kiss his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Kalego's eyelashes flutter as he waits with a sinking heart for you to kiss him on the lips.
You giggle at his impatience, which the demon easily hides. Cupping his cheeks with your palms, you bend over and imprint a long kiss on his lips. You feel a slight taste of wine, but you move away before you have time to taste the alcohol.
Kalego hums softly, not wanting to break the silence around. He reaches out to press your palm closer to his cheek. Naberius is now completely relaxed, he closes his eyes again, snuggling up to you and nuzzling your neck. He inhales the bright scent of perfume for a few seconds, and then begins to lay a path of small kisses to your cheek until he touches your lips. When he pulls away, a small smile adorns his face.
–I like your real smell much more.
–Your relaxed face calms my nerves.
–It's not my fault that the demons around me are stupid.
–But I hope you like people in any form.
–Your stupidity amuses me more than it annoys me.
You flick his forehead. Then you quickly kiss the "wound" and whisper that you love him. Kalego smiles at you in a way he has never smiled before and whispers a confession in return.
You say you didn't hear what he said. The demon only presses closer to you and kisses your lips again. 
Your heart feels as if it is lying on something soft, warm and fluffy. You are warm, you are calm, but at the same time your heart is ready to jump out of your chest. You look at Kalego with a loving look, and then hug his head, pulling his legs closer to his chest. And now you are squeezing his head in your arms.
Naberius wraps his arms around your back, his wings immediately appear to additionally cover you. You stroke his dark hair and then put your hand on his back.
Kalego tenses up for a second, but the demon doesn't feel danger from you for long. You gently stroke his wings through the soft fabric, and then awkwardly pull the end of his clothes up. Naberius opens his mouth to make a joke, but the demon shuts up as soon as you touch the base of his wings.
The demon finally quiets down. You press his head even closer to your chest and start drawing circles around the base of the wings with your thumb. Then you begin to slowly and carefully feel the soft black skin, gently swipe over the scars left after his training with Cerberion.
You bend over and kiss his temple. Leaving your hand on Kalego's cold back, you close your eyes. Naberius soon follows you, also falling asleep.
When you wake up, you are no longer lying so high. The demon is still hugging you, but now his nose is sticking into the top of your head. When you try to move away, Kalego only squeezes you harder with his hands, he buries himself more into your crown, whining like a lost puppy. You stroke his back and his wing twitches slightly before the demon calms down again.
You close your eyes and continue to sleep.
Something... strange is happening. You feel something warm and a little wet sticking into your neck. You open your eyes and at first see only the tail, which slowly moves from side to side.
–K... Kalego-kun? – you mumble sleepily, stretching out your arms to hug the demon around the neck.
–You really smell better when you don't use perfume.
You can only squeak when Naberius gently kisses the non-pointed tip of your ear.  
Kalego sniffs your neck for a few more seconds like a happy puppy, and then kisses you again, only now just below the ear. The demon rises on outstretched arms and goes towards the table to throw you a ring.
He gives you time to change, asks you to come down as soon as you finish packing. 
–Where are you going? 
–I need to leave a letter for Narnia so that he knows that we are gone.
You nod and quickly drench yourself in perfume.
When you find yourself near the entrance after a few minutes of wandering, you shudder when a hand is placed on your shoulder. You turn your head and look at Narnia, who is smiling.
–Good morning, (Y/N)-san.
–G-good morning, Narnia-san. You're... early.
–This is my fate as a member of the Naberius clan. Work is not waiting.
Despite his words, the demon freezes in place. He reaches out his hand and quickly touches your shoulder.
–(Y/N)-san, have you ever seen Kalego smile?
–A? Y-yes, there were several times…
Narnia looks really happy with this information. 
–I don't remember the last time I saw his smile… It looks like you're exactly the demon he needs.
Naberius gently pats you on the head, like a younger sister, and says:
–If you ever hear him laugh or even make him laugh, then know that you are definitely his soulmate. He was particularly strict about the fact that "watchdogs" should not show their happiness and kindness, because they are a weakness. Therefore, if you hear his laughter, you can assume that you are already married to him!
–Y-yes, but why again about the wedding?!.
–I just like to tease Kalego, – the demon says with a laugh, and then opens its wings and flies away.
You watch as his tall figure quickly moves away.
When Kalego is near you, he asks if you have seen his brother. You nod, and Naberius sighs. "At least you didn't meet my uncle..."
–Hey, Kalego-cha-an!..
you can't hide your giggles when hearing this prefix. Naberius quickly picks you up and frantically flaps his wings. You don't even have time to look at his uncle.
You can hear Ix singing the beginning of the story in an almost operatic voice. You stop, draw a dagger and pretend to pierce the chest of Kalego. A fog appears around you, and the demon grabs you like a box and drags you behind the stage. You notice that you weren't breathing only when your feet touch the wooden floor.
–We... we did it, – you whisper to yourself with relief, using Naberius as an object for which you can hold on so as not to fall.
–Tc, still, these clothes are really bad for dancing, – the demon mutters, unbuttoning a few buttons to give himself more chances to breathe deeply. He looks at you and abruptly grabs your wrist. 
–What happened?
–Come on, you need to get some fresh air. You're all flushed with excitement.
–I-it's okay! Now we are behind the scene, and we have to support our students…
You turn your head with Kalego and watch as the young demons dance with might and main to loud music. Naberius grunts and pulls you towards him.
–They'll manage on their own. And the best view will still give you a TV with a recording of the concert. Besides, – he swallows, – I have to get away from Opera-senpai before they can get me.
You give up and let yourself be taken outside. Kalego unbuttons the last button on his uniform and pulls the pieces of clothing aside to take them off and give them to you, but you jump on him before. Taking advantage of the lack of dense material hiding the upper part of the demon from your view, you immediately hug him, burying your nose in the buttons of his shirt.
Kalego sighs as if annoyed, and then hugs you back, warming you in his arms.
–You really aren't a demon. Demons can't be that affectionate, – he whispers into your hair. His fingers pull out a few invisible hairpins from your hairstyle, and you exhale with relief.
You just smile at his words and burrow deeper into his clothes.
The hand stroking your hair suddenly moves to cup your cheek. You look questioningly at Kalego, who grins so that you want to run away before he starts talking.
–Do you know who we look like now? – he asks with a chuckle.
–D-don't even think about it!..
You don't have time to ask him not to joke about the wedding, because Naberius bends down to imprint a kiss on your lips. His second palm, lying on your waist, moves and captures its rightful place on your second cheek. You continue to embrace his tall figure.
When you open your eyes to look at the demon, his eyes are filled with red. You shudder and involuntarily take a step back, only to see a half-red moon in the sky.
–This is…
–Blood moon. In honor of it, this festival is organized. Hey, (Y/N), – his voice suddenly becomes a little lower and more dangerous, – do you know what awaits the demons who kissed under the blood moon?
–Wedding? – you make an assumption without much hope.
–Almost. They say that lovers who have kissed under the light of a full blood moon will never part, – Kalego takes a step towards you, pressing you against the fence. Now that he's so close, the big porch doesn't look so small. – I don't want to leave you, – he confesses shyly, allowing himself a moment of weakness.
You are looking at the moon, which has almost completely turned red. Reaching out, you take the pendant from under his shirt, squeezing it with your fingers. 
 The demon hooks your black thread, and the stones glow wonderfully in the bloody light. You put your hands on his shoulders and pull him closer to you, soon starting to hug his neck. Kalego makes a sound of contentment and then hugs you around the waist, finally kissing you.
The red color touches everything around you, and you grab Naberius harder, trying to leave him next to you.
When you move away from him, you turn your back to him to get a better look at the moon. Kalego pulls you closer to him, placing his chin on the top of your head. Even from here you can hear the song that his clan chose to perform.
Exactly at the moment when the audience explodes with applause, Kalego bends down, closing his eyes, and kisses you on the lips. You reach out your palm to stroke his cheek. Two frozen figures have all night to enjoy each other and not be caught by Opera.
The door swings open abruptly, and the boy is almost thrown onto the sofa. You shudder and cover the book, looking first at Kalego, and then at Iruma.
–Are you all right? – you ask the grandson of the director, and he shyly nods. You smile at him and then turn your head to the demon. – What happened, Kalego-kun?
–There are only three hours left before the contract will be reset.
–What kind of contract?
–C-contract for the familiar call, – the little man says with a slight panic in his head. 
–Three more hours, and I'll finally be free, – Naberius says, starting to use spells to set "traps" around.
–Are you being followed? – you ask, not believing that Kalego will run away from someone, and not destroy the problem with one move. (Opera doesn't count).
–Unfortunately, yes. And it would be better if they were teachers, because at least I can attack them in response.
–Hey, hey, Iruma-kun, – you call the boy softly, slapping your knee to attract his attention, – you don't need to worry about anything! I will make sure that these three hours pass in peace and tranquility. I can make you some tea…
–How about do the paperwork first? –  Naberius asks menacingly, looming over you.
–Uh... the mental health of the child is more important! – with these words, you jump up from your seat and go to make tea.
For the next three hours, Kalego sits next to you, forcing you to work, while Iruma nervously drinks a cup of tea already…
–So, – you say, moving the documents to Naberius. The demon, of course, moves them back, – have you had a familiar in the form of Kalego-kun all this year?
–Y-yes, (Y/N)-san, – Iruma seems afraid to even raise this topic, because his teacher's gaze practically burns a hole in him. – And what is your familiar, (Y/N)-san? – the boy immediately translates the topic, slightly easing the pressure exerted on the mug and looking straight into your eyes.
–Familiar? Oh, I don't have any, – you awkwardly rub the back of your head. 
–Wasn't Opera-senpai or the director supposed to perform a ceremony for you as soon as you started working for them? – Kalego frowns, hinting at your human nature.
–They wanted to, but then a lot of things happened, and we all forgot about it. And when we remembered again, we decided that I didn't need a familiar.
–What idiots, – Kalego pinched the bridge of his nose. – You're weak compared to even some of the students, you need a familiar to protect you. We will have to summon one to you as soon as I stop serving Iruma.
Thank you for such a high opinion of my fighting abilities. And although you were a little offended by the words of the demon, they were and still are true. You know a certain number of attacking and fighting spells, but you have used them too rarely, so you are unlikely to be able to defend yourself effectively. Of course, you have rarely attended anything other than school to be in danger, but you never know!..
–I'll be glad if you help me, – you finally say, giving up. Naberius nods and glares at Iruma. The boy immediately hides behind the cup.
Three hours pass under the sounds of your suffering. Kalego forces you to do all the documents that you "abandoned" before. As a result, your hands hurt, but the demon is happy. Once the job is done, you take the time to have tea with Iruma, discuss the world of demons and some kind of trip that Sullivan planned for his grandson a few weeks ago.
But now time is running out, and Kalego hands the boy over to Robin, himself walking briskly towards the familiars summoning room. He's going to do everything in a few minutes, and you have to run after the tall demon all the way. But here you are, Naberius instructs you, and then hands you a piece of paper. You clearly perform each step and set fire to the piece of paper at the end.
A fog appears, and you turn to the demon with shining eyes.
–Kalego-kun, I did it!.. Eh? Kalego-kun?..
You hear such a heavy sigh that your body moves a little closer to the floor. Turning your head, you look with a mixture of horror and delight at a flying furry creature that looks at you with unreadable eyes.
–Silence! – a small paw rises, and you are painlessly slapped on the shoulder. It's more like a friendly touch than a punch. – How... how did this happen?! – the demon is looking at his little paws, and you are trying not to fall to the floor from the realization of how cute his soft form is. (You've seen it like this a couple of times before, but then you were still afraid of Naberius, so you couldn't see it as well as Opera did).
Kalego stares at his furry limbs for a while longer, and then turns his head towards you at the speed of light. You jump up, frightened by his menacing gaze.
–Uh, Kalego-kun? Is something wrong? I mean apart from this whole situation!
–You're human, – he says glumly, and you nod uncertainly.
–Yes... we found out a few months ago, isn't that right?
–And you called me as your familiar…
–And she did it exactly the same way as the director's little grandson did it…
It only takes you a second to jump on the demon and, grabbing his small and fluffy body, hug him tightly to his chest.
–D-don't even think about it! I won't let you kill him! 
–Kill him? – Kalego raises his furry head to look at you. – Do you think I'm completely out of my mind?!
–Y-you flew so decisively, so I can't be sure that you're not going to kill Iruma-kun!
Naberius sighs and squeezes your fingers with his little claws.
–Even if I want to kill Iruma or at least hand him over to the police, I won't stay alive after that. I am well aware of the difference in strength between me and the director. And I'm certainly not going to die from his old, crazy hand!  
You exhale with relief, lift the demon a little higher to press your face against its soft fur. He clearly won't allow himself to be summoned in this form again, so you should enjoy his cute form as much as possible!
Kalego seems to understand your plan, because he points forward with his claw and tells you to carry him to Iruma.
When you find the boy, Naberius already regrets his permission. Your fingers gently stroked his fur in almost all places, strange but happy sounds come out of your throat. Iruma freezes in shock, looking at what is happening, and then Kalego in an icy voice urges him to follow him.
You are already familiar with the demon's dwelling, so you go there without navigation. You are too distracted by the cute Naberius to pay attention to the actively sweating boy walking behind you.
And here's another sofa, another tea, but Kalego's look only gets worse. 
–So you're both human? – this is more of a statement than a question.
Iruma immediately turns pale, his gaze shifts to you. You sigh, taking off the ring and putting it on the bedside table. The boy squeezes the fabric of his pants tightly, looking at your completely human form. 
–Kalego-kun already knows that I am human. I reacted too sharply, so he knew for sure that you are the same as me.
–Ar-re you... going to eat me? 
–(Y/N), don't teach children bad things.
–What's it got to do with me?!.
The demon settles more comfortably on your lap, as on a throne, and looks attentively at Iruma.
–Despite the fact that you are noisy, annoying, cause trouble and annoy me, – the boy involuntarily lowers his head down, – I can't help but say that to some extent I am proud of you. You've been here for more than a year, and no one has ever realized that you're human.
You laugh nervously, immediately looking away when Kalego looks up at you.
–Do you know something?
–No. Absolutely nothing, Kalego-kun.
–Besides, you're not dead, even though your body isn't adapted to the local conditions. This is commendable.
Iruma smiles, wants to thank his teacher, but he hits the claw and the claw, forcing the boy to involuntarily silence.
–But that doesn't mean you won't die in the next few years. Every year your training will become more and more difficult, with so many demons who admire you, you have a great chance of being caught.
–But you will protect him, won't you, Kalego-kun? – you ask, taking his paw and lifting it, as if you are playing with a doll. 
–Of course, I'm a teacher, – you want to smile, but your face freezes as soon as the demon angrily grunts and folds his paws on his chest. – But it also means that I have to make sure that my students are competent enough to survive in the real world.
–Eh?.. – something like this expression appeared on people's faces. Naberius laughed sadistically.
–And since you are just a person who did not grow up in our cruel environment, then your training should be more difficult, their number will also increase for a long time. So now every weekend you will do physical training, magic training and mental training with me. There are many things in Hell that can drive an unprepared demon crazy... and even more so a human.
Iruma turned pale and swallowed.
–I'm sure even the director won't mind, because it's my duty as a teacher, and he can't go against it.
–Well, it's not that bad, Iruma-kun! – with a nervous laugh, you make the boy laugh. – I will be there to support you and make sure that Kalego-kun doesn't kill you! And I'll make you tea with food! Everything will be fine!
–Thank you... (Y/N)-san, – the boy says almost with tears in his eyes.
–M? When will you be able to do all this if you train with us?
–A-ah?! In what sense?!
–You are also a human being, and it will be worse for me if you die.
–B-but you are my familiar now, you will definitely protect me!..
–But it would still be better if you could do it yourself, wouldn't it?
Sadistic laughter fills the room with two morally murdered people. You start to play sadly with the demon's front paws. Kalego-kun is still an evil demon… I won't kiss him anymore... A few minutes later, you bury your face in the soft belly of the demon and cry over your now unfree weekends.
Bonus (?)
–I am very sorry, I am very sorry, I am very sorry!..
You have been sitting on your knees for some time and bowing to the furry creature, feeling his heavy gaze on you.
–Opera-san is several times stronger than me, I couldn't refuse them! – you mumble to the floor, hitting the hard surface with your forehead.
Kalego sighs, shaking his head.
–I'll have to move you into my house so that Opera–senpai will never call me again.
–R-relocate? – you look up at him and frown.
–Yes. Teachers can live on the territory of the hostel together with their families. You don't take care of Iruma all the time anyway, but only at school, so nothing will happen if you live with me.
–I-isn't it too early for me to move? It's so... fast.
Kalego looks at his little paws and nods decisively.
–I would marry you if that was the solution… Hey, don't hit the floor so hard, I won't forgive you for concussion!
W... wedding.
Naberius sighs and sinks down next to you on the floor.
–Well, since my suffering is over, so you can call me back…
–W-wait, Kalego-kun! – you hurriedly wave your hands and grab a black ribbon from the bed. – Can I?..
–Ple-ease, Kalego-kun!
–Don't even think about it!
You make puppy eyes, and Naberius, like a dog at heart, can't help himself. He sighs and slowly walks towards you on his little paws, and then allows himself to make a bow around his neck. You take photos and try not to drool with happiness.
–If these photos get to Opera-senpai, I will hide you so deep underground that no one will ever find you again.
Is it a threat to him as a demon or as a hidden yandere?.. You shake your head quickly and then nod.
–I'll put these photos in my wallet and always remember how cute you really are.
–Yes, yes... and now let me go, I want to sleep.
You squirm in place for a few seconds, and then hold out your hands. Naberius jumps into your arms, and you remove the ribbon from his neck.
–Maybe... will you sleep with me tonight? You're so soft and pleasant to the touch that I want to hold you all night.
–Are you no longer satisfied with my usual form?
–No, but it's so nice to feel you like this, – confirming your words, you stroke his sides.
As a result, the demon gives up. He allows you to put yourself in bed next to you. You turn off the light, get under the blanket and hug Kalego, pulling him closer to your chest. After kissing his soft cheeks, you close your eyes, exhale with relief and begin to fall asleep…
Naberius cannot say that he likes this situation so much. But something about the way you gently embrace his whole body at a time makes his heart of stone melt a little more than usual. Perhaps he will allow you to sometimes call him out of business…
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months ago
Purson Soi Headcanons
Soi had a lot of imaginary friends when he was a child, mostly so that he could feel like he had friends and people he could talk to. He’d yap away with them, tell his mother all about the grand adventures they got into that day, and would even have fights with them. His mother encouraged this behaviour instead of shutting it down, though it was a fighting point (though Soi did not know this) between his parents.
He thinks he has cute wings and considers it, and his ears, his charm point.
His mother cuts his hair. Even as an adult, he’ll prefer to have his hair cut by her than to go to an actual hairdresser.
Making eye contact makes him anxious. It’s something he struggles with and even though he tries to take the advice of looking at someone’s forehead instead, it’s still uncomfortable for him.
He doesn’t really have much of a relationship with his brother and likes to think that they wouldn’t get along. In truth though, he kind of finds himself wishing they could have a closer relationship.
He has a list of all his favourite things about his classmates.
He actually likes Kalego and thinks the Misfit Class got a pretty cool teacher. Unlike a lot of the students, he also likes Balam. His favourite teacher though? It’s Raim.
Purson sometimes wishes he was born a girl, because he thinks it would be fun to play around with makeup. He knows his father wouldn’t approve of him trying out and experimenting with makeup. There’s a lot of creativity and artistry in it that Purson admires.
Purson, in a modern-day AU, would be a DJ.
Purson, in a modern-day AU, would have a podcast, under a pseudonym, that gets really popular for his spicy hot takes. Nobody knows who the podcaster actually is, but he gains both a loyal fan following for his outspoken and honest way of tackling some controversial topics but also a lot of detractors and haters.
Purson has a lot of luck in just finding cool things. He’s the type who would find a $20 bill just walking to school. He doesn’t lose his things often and he can almost always find someone’s lost item.
Purson likes how much he looks like his mother.
Purson does have a hidden romantic side and he really wants to get into a relationship at some point. He’d be a very loyal partner who would try really hard to fix their problems instead of breaking up with someone, sometimes to his detriment.
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ichika27 · 4 years ago
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep12
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We’re halfway through the second season, I suppose?
This episode gives us a little glimpse of the home life of the Abnormal Class students and also a bit of insight about Kalego-sensei himself.
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Grandpa Sullivan is excited for the coming vacation as it means he could spend time with his grandson. Opera then tells him he still has some work to do before then including a request from Opera themselves. As repayment for helping him look cool in front of Iruma and friends in the party episode, Grandpa Sullivan agrees to Opera's request and says he, too finds it interesting.
Okay, just a thought but I heard the episode with the party was a filler? Like, it wasn’t in the manga or something or did I get that wrong? Or did they decide to connect it to the story?
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At school, Kalego-sensei gets a special task from the school principal: to visit the homes of the Abnormal Class students before the vacation starts. He hates it but he has no choice. He decides to just go in, talk to the parents, go out and to end this as quickly as possible.
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First up is Asmodeus! Azz mother unfortunately isn't home though (Azz purposely not let his mom know about the meeting) so his butler is the adult there with him. Kalego-sensei then asks him if he's told his parents about school matters and Azz replies that he does... talk about Iruma and his achievements. Sensei gets annoyed as he was supposed to talk about himself but Azz said he excels at school all the time so there's no need to say anything about it.
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Two cute girls (who are relatives, calling Azz "brother") comes out and agrees that Azz is amazing although they hate it that he had been too preoccupied with Iruma recently that they don't hang out as much anymore. Azz apologizes to them... and says Iruma comes first. This led the two kids to get mad at Iruma and insult him. Azz runs after them trying to change their minds.
The butler then talks to Sensei a bit about Azz's past and says the boy has changed and had become happier after enrolling at Babyls and meeting Iruma. Kalego-sensei says he understands cause as demons, becoming the subordinate of someone who beat you is a normal thing. He does note though that if Asmodeus stops being too narrow-minded and only thinking about Iruma, he’d grow and become better and if that happens, he’d become a better subordinate to Iruma. He does tell the butler that he won’t be telling Azz this as the guy has to figure it out by himself.
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Next is Clara's family who even gives him a warm welcome. There's also a musical number much to his annoyance. He absolutely doesn't like it in there and wanted to leave lol. The anime really made musical numbers the Valac Family thing, huh?
Poor Sensei is at their mercy haha.
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Just when he couldn't take it anymore, Clara's older brother finally makes his appearance and apologizes to Sensei for the trouble. Urara, unlike everyone else in the family is polite and mature making Kalego-sensei question if the boy really is a part of the family or if he was kidnapped from somewhere else lol. Sensei was able to talk to them normally for a while before they start their antics again. Sensei was able to give advice about Clara though. He mentions how Clara is a bit insensitive (as she doesn’t consider how her actions affect others) and causes trouble but is good in a sense that she could make people follow her own pace.
Oh and Clara’s mom mentioned that someone like Urara does come into their family from time to time. Like, most of them will act like the typical Valac family member but once in a while, they’d produce someone like Urara whose different. I think this is interesting since they have been hinting about him from season 1 and now he’s here and there’s something about him that’s different.
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The other students homes aren't any better and Sensei had to deal with whatever trouble or craziness that'd be there waiting for him. By the end of it all, he was tired.
In a way, he should’ve expected this. I mean, this is the Abnormal Class we;re talking about. He got a lot of souvenirs from them all though and has a bad full of random stuff by the end (most came from Clara’s family).
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The final visit was to Iruma's house. Kalego-sensei just wanted things to be over with but his fears came go be realized when he meets the one person he didn't want to see: Opera who used to be his senpai.
Sensei seem to be scared or at least very wary of Opera that he uses Iruma as a shield lol.
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Grandpa shows up and shows what Kalego-sensei looked like when he was young. He then proceeds to drop some details about Kalego-sensei as a student (as Sensei complains about it).
It seems that back in his school days, Kalego-sensei gets challenged to fights often and rumors about him pop up as well which he finds to be a pain. The only person he could talk to was Baram-sensei who was also a student back then. The two talked about what's going on and realized Kalego-sensei must've been mistaken by others as someone else. There was no student council back then so things were also more chaotic (It seems Ameri’s influence made a big difference to how school operates now).
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He then later learns who everyone mistook him for. The person who the rumors talk about that could defeat many demons: Opera. Since then, Opera had been sort of bossing Kalego-sensei around and it seems sensei might be a bit traumatized as he uses Iruma as shield once again.
Nice. We get a little backstory not just about Kalego-sensei but also about Opera who was a delinquent. Opera seem to still enjoy making Kalego feel bad.
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They eventually proceed with the parent-teacher meeting although not without pestering Kalego-sensei for a moment. Sensei talked about the troubles Iruma got into but he also mentioned his accomplishments. Grandpa then takes the record book sensei is holding and reveals it's entirely about Iruma.
Iruma then realizes the hard work Kalego-sensei does as he probably wasn't the only one who sensei had looked into. Sensei takes his book back and gives Iruma proper advice. He says Iruma shouldn’t mix up responsibility with self-sacrifice and should be careful with the actions he takes.
When it was finally over and he could finally leave, Opera forces Kalego-sensei to stay and even had him turned into his familiar form.
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The next day, Sensei thanks everyone for letting him into their homes but informs them that he'd be increasing the number of their homework and everyone complains while Sensei is happy to see them struggling.
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Later, as vacation finally comes close, the class goes to Iruma’s house to invite him to Walter Park. Iruma agrees of course and the group excitedly talked about what they'd do next.
I really liked this episode. It’s nice to see more of Iruma’s classmates even if it’s just for a few seconds each. We also get more info on Clara and Asmodeus and about their family members who hadn’t appeared til now. Also backstory about Opera!
The thing I liked the most about this however, is seeing what kind of person Kalego-sensei is. He’s strict and gets easily angry and seems to not like his students. He would be what we’d describe as a “terror teacher” but surprisingly, he isn’t unfair. He wouldn’t randomly flunk a student because he doesn’t like them and does take his job seriously. He doesn’t disregard the good points of a troublesome student and also looks into how a student could better themselves. He likes seeing them struggle but would acknowledge their accomplishments (we also see this back at the end of the exams where he disappointingly announced that everyone passed). Grandpa Sullivan even mentioned how he’s glad Kalego-sensei is the teacher in-charge. No wonder everyone at school respects Kalego-sensei - it’s not just about his strength or how scary he is but it’s cause he truly is a responsible, reliable, and competent teacher.
I like how we’re learning a lot about other characters this season. It makes them more likable and makes it more fun to watch their interactions with one another.
I guess the Walter Park arc would be next? I hear it’s action-packed so I look forward to it.
Thank you for reading this far!
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blue-spider-lily · 5 years ago
Mairuma Q&A!
So today on official Autor-san’s twitter fans had a chance to get answers for most burning questions: Here are all the info we got from those answers:
(All of those comes from the author so 100% canon) 
I highlighted important ones.
no 1 - Kalego doesn't style his hair.  It's just Like That.
No 2 - Robin doesn't get drunk easly.
No 3 - Iruma has no idea his ahoge is so...  Expressive. It’s moving on its own but He Has No Idea.
No 3 - they have the concept of pets in the demon world.  Even in Sullivan's house there is this cat-like creature that kind of comes and goes.
No 4 - All demons from Jazz family have split tongue.
No 5 - Agares' clothes from Harvest festival was from Garp.
No 6 - We'll see Kalego's older brother in the future! Don't know when tho.
No 7 - Kirio's glasses are the same type as Kuromu's. He's eyes are fine.
No 8 - Yocchan ( the guy wasted by Clara's vending machine)  is from class 1-C
No 9 - Clara calls Opera "Pera-sama" FASJFLKAGKHAGJSFJLKDSLS<3
No 10 - Balam is good at sewing.  He made Azz and Sabro' s uniforms (combat clothes?)  for Harvest festival.
No 11 - lots of demons are left-handed.
No 12 - Looks like Clara can make things she only saw pictures of too. Those Akudol outfits she made was from some pamphlets.
No 13 - (obvious one but) At this point, Sullivan's house is like home for Opera.
No 14 - the food Iruma and Reed was eating during the harvest festival was edible only because Reed did most of the cooking.  Robin taught him some basic recipes
No 14 - Balam cooks for himself.  Also he is kind of a Tea Otaku.
No 15 - Kalego doesn't like sweets but he is not picky eater
No 16 - Orobas-kun (the trauma guy)  favorite food are root vegetables. I WONDER WHY xd
No 17 - There are no other servants  in Sullivan's house.  Opera does literally everything.
No 18 - Jazz usually sells things he stole but sometimes he will give them back or use for negotiations if it's more profitable for him.  Unless his brother steal it from him.
No 19 Atri (from six fingers)  likes fizzing candies.
No 20 - the reason why the forbidden chant from the Entrance Ceremony worked for Iruna is because the magic is in the words already so it doesn't require magic to use it. 
No 21 -  Those pointy "ears" on top of Amelie's head THOSE ARE NOT EARS They are more like horns and hair merged together.
So,  like,  they move,  like Iruma's ahoge BUT THEY ARE NOT EARS my world will never be the same
No 22 The president  of New Magic Developement Batra's name is Garuu
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No 23 - Agares has more than one eye mask.
No 24 - One of games Iruma squad is playing recently is “Grab and tell” game.  You put something in your partners hand and make them squeeze it. They have to guess what it is without looking and if they guess correctly, they can keep the item (mostly pretty rocks or pictures)
No 25 - Iruma’s favorite  four-character compound word is  満漢全席 -  Manchu-Han Imperial Feast XD
No 26 -  Reed-kun may have a bit of a complex about his height.
No 27&28 - Evil cycle is very individual thing and it varies from demon to demon. Also, demons who are Returning to Origins are kind of constantly in their Evil Cycle.
I think this is it for today’s Q&A So I went and checked the previous one:
No 29 - Demon girls have mostly heart shaped tail tips while boys have pointed, reversed heart shaped tips. 
No 30 - Basically all demons have wings. Their wings don’t require special treatment - just wash them once a month or so and you're a happy demon.
No 31 - Demons have usually horns similar to their parents’ because genetics, but sometimes youngest kids don’t inherit them. They can’t hide they horns like they do with their wings. In rare cases they can grow horns unexpectedly. (DOES THAT MEAN AZZ-KUN CAN GROW HORNS???? YES, YES IT DOES!)
No 32 - How to care for your Familliar-sensei:
a) He doesn’t like to be touched under his fluff so pick him up gently.
b) Don’t touch his paws or horns.
c) Actually, better not to touch him at all
d) If you are not his owner, wait until he get used to you enough to come to you.
e) His paws are short so if he wants something Get It For Him
f) His feet are tiny so he walks slowly - keep that in mind!
g) If he sits on your shoulder or head - deal with it. Even if he’s heavy. Just. Deal. With. It.
h) Just be quiet and listen to him and he won’t get angry
i) He will eventually return to his non-fluffy form so keep that in mind and be moderate with touching!
No 33 - The number each of Six Finger’s member have doesn’t indicate their rank in the group or strength. They are like siblings so the numbers tells who is “older”. 
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swan-diaries · 3 years ago
Though my mind is foggy, I'd like to say some things and they are,
1. Robin sensei shouldn't have cut off Iruma's pony tail. I loved his pony tail and adored it, I'm a real life Asmodeus Alice for Iruma. I know that it will grow back but I didn't think that he would do it, I mean Robin sensei. I never thought he would. His arrows never miss and he purposefully did it, which I found offending. Cutting off hair without permission that's offensive and my eyes turned moist. Maybe I'm overreacting but this is what I feel and I don't dislike Robin sensei for that. But compared to him Kalego sensei did nothing. Most people find that mean but imagine Robin sensei there and he cut off Elizabetta's hair saying she's too young to charm him. A complete offensive panel that would be. I love you Kalego sensei.
Again about Jazz. I want him to suffer a little so that his strength would come out and you know, I've been thinking about him all the time though he's not my crush or anything. When I think about Jazz I feel calm, he's a simple person and he has his little disappointments yet when he is with his friends he tends to be that older brother especially to Lied. This time I want March sensei to torture him and then Jazz will think of his brother, his family and how weak he is and then he'll forget all of the sad stuff and do something very brave. He's so sweet.
If I think of anything else I'll come back and add it. This post, I love it 🥰
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