#how can i tell that this number i'm calling is even in-service anymore. or if this number is even the office's number at all?
clowningaroundmars · 3 months
bruuhhhhh, looking for mental health counseling is EXHAUSTING wtf
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all-for-geek · 9 months
The Story Max Jagerman Never Got to Tell (Silly Goofy things I think about if Max didn't die and had gotten a redemption arc)
So I like to think that he is very slow going at the whole being nice to people thing. Like outside of the main 5 he is still very much the Literal Monster, and even within the main friend group still verbally bullies them he just isn't physically hurting them anymore. As he learns and grows with them, he gets better. First learning to treat his friends on the football team better, and eventually tolerating the other nerds. He still slips up occasionally and says things in the moment that he regrets later, but he's learning to apologize when that happens.
I think once he finds out that the prank was Grace's idea, he is convinced that it was Grace secretly letting him know that she liked him back. He proceeds to start full on courting her: he walks to all her classes, he buys her flowers on special occasions, she even has special privileges to go to the football games (still early on in character development). One day when she goes, he introduces himself to her parents, and the Chastitys make it clear that no one outside of the church can date their daughter. So Max converts. Or at least tries to. He can never grasp his head around all the rules, and by the end of the week, he has decided that it's better if he and Grace are just friends.
At first, he mostly uses Pete as a free tutoring service. He's upset that Pete won't just let him cheat off of him like he did with Steph, but it doesn't even take Max that long to figure out why Steph is different. He makes Pete a deal that he will let him date Steph if Pete cheats for him. Pete talks him down to tutoring with the promise that if it doesn't work, then he will help Max cheat. It turns out that Pete is actually a really good teacher. Max also has certain learning disabilities (I'm gonna go with dyscalculia since we know he's in remedial algebra) that never went addressed since his dad refused to get him tested. Pete is able to show Max techniques that help, and once Max's head no longer hurts from looking at numbers too long, he begrudgingly admits that it's not so bad. Pete also notices that the halls are little quieter before and after Max's math class now.
He never really hung out with Steph that much before. They knew each other and flew in the same circles, but they never really talked before. Max definitely learns how not-okay his dad is by seeing how Steph's dad treats her. As they get closer, he starts getting madder and madder about how the Mayor talks about her. It takes a long time for him to reflect on what he's saying and realizes that his advice works on him too. Him and Steph start bonding over their horrible dads and help each other out when home gets to be a lot.
Ruth is the one that it is the hardest for him to vibe with. While the others he either finds something kinda cool about or can use, Ruth is...Ruth. He doesn't actively bully her anymore, but he doesn't go out of his way to be around her either. He does inadvertently teach her how to be cool though. It's not intentional, but he is less willing to put up with Ruth's whining about how unlovable she is than the others. One day, he starts yelling back to her that maybe if she wasn't constantly complaining about never having anyone around her, then maybe more people would want to be around her. The others call him out for being out of line, but it starts a path for Ruth about learning to be more confident in herself.
I think Richie is the first one to be onboard with the whole 'Max is suddenly chill with us' thing. He's seen enough anime to know a redemption arc when he sees one. He also has a more intense look on Max's growth being around him so much as the mascot. He's the first one to reach out to Max about coming over and watching some anime with him. Max is unsure at first, but Richie convinces him that Attack on Titan actual is really cool and has a lot of blood and guts and fighting in it, so Max agrees as long as Richie doesn't tell anyone what they're doing. Max actually does get really into it, but Richie notices that he seems pay more attention to the "found family" aspects and the character interactions than the fight scenes. He gives Max DVDs that he can watch on his own if he wants: a combination of shows and movies about sports, fighting, and some introspective character pieces as well.
Max also spends the most time at Richie's house than the others. Not necessarily because he prefers Richie, but because Richie has the most chill homelife (the Chastity's still bug him about coming back to church, Steph's dad reminds him to much of home, and Ruth's parents are convinced that he and Ruth are dating. Pete is a close second, but his weird older brother is over a lot, and Max just gets a bad vibe from him). He will just casually pop into Richie's window some nights and say that they are going to watch anime. Richie agrees obviously, but he also wonders what else is going on. It's only after a really personal episode of My Hero Academia that Max lets slip about his dad.
In short, Max Jagerman has so much potential, and it is a shame that he has been doomed by the narrative to never show it.
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liamthemailman · 8 months
im writing this because i realized i havent done any acesoap in a hot minute since i was so busy with House of Cards
me being an oc creator is so fun and its even more fun with canon x oc because i can just go
Johnny woke up with an uneasy feeling. He shifts under the covers but can't find the urge to sleep despite being exhausted the whole day. The room felt unnaturally cold. Johnny turns in bed to find Ace, thinking his boyfriend would give him solace from his discomfort.
Johnny would find that the side that Ace usually took up was empty. There was the distinct smell of the guy lingering in the sheets, but Ace seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Johnny sits up in bed.
Johnny strained his ears. Perhaps Ace just was on a late night bathroom visit. Johnny sat and listened. The air in Johnny's apartment was undisturbed. No movement shook the silent atmosphere, save for some crickets outside. The closing of the bathroom door and the creaking of the floorboards never came. Ace wasn't in the house anymore.
Now, Johnny was really freaking out. He jumps up from the bed and winces slightly when he meets the cold floor. Johnny carefully searches his whole house, more desperate when each room is empty.
All of Ace's stuff seemed to have gone too. Despite it being Johnny's place, Ace would have a toothbrush in the toilet, a sweater or two lying around and a mug for his tea in the cabinet. None of these things were in their places.
Johnny recalls the days leading up to now. Ace hadn't shown any signs of wanting to split up, and he was not one to pull such cruel pranks. Hell, Ace cuddled Johnny as they fell asleep last night as usual, always in each other's arms.
Tears pricked at Johnny's eyes, worry weighing his mind as to why Ace seemed to have just up and left in the middle of the night. Johnny reached for his phone to contact Ace. Johnny's fingers had never dialed Ace's number so fast. He put the phone to his ear, and was sent immediately told that the number was not in service.
What the, Johnny thought. That wasn't possible, since they had called and texted just last afternoon when Johnny called Ace over.
Johnny felt ashamed to call anyone else's help for his issue, unsure how to explain just how he lost his boyfriend. However, he was growing desperate. He dialed Gaz's number despite it being the ungodly hour of 3:28AM on a Saturday.
"This better be important.." Gaz's voice grumbled through the phone. Johnny couldn't be happier to hear his best mate's voice. He immediately spoke.
"Gaz, I dunnae where Ace is! I just woke up not too long ago and he's just gaen! A' his hings tae! Gaz, I-"
"Mate, slow down.. I can barely understand you.." Gaz groaned, interrupting Johnny's babbling. "Who's Ace?"
"Quit pumpin' aroond, Gaz! The man's gone and I need to know where he went-"
"Johnny, calm down. I can't help you if you're all freaked out.. Who's Ace?" Gaz asked, genuine confusion in his voice.
Johnny went quiet. Was Gaz serious? He stared at his phone in disbelief for a moment before putting it to his ear again. Maybe it was because Gaz just woke up.
"Ace? Mah boyfriend. He has a scar going around his neck! Our bleedin' CO!"
Johnny was met with silence from Gaz.
"Ace. Ace Doe! Our lieutenant? Kinda short, angry face, always has his shades on, and wears a hoodie everywhere? Gaz!" Johnny's voice cracked with desperation and panic.
"Johnny. As far as I'm concerned, Ghost's our only lieutenant."
"What?! No, Gaz, I'm serious here-"
"So am I!" Gaz hissed through the phone, quickly silencing Johnny. "..Sorry, lost my temper."
Gaz, on the other end of the line, could clearly tell Johnny was seriously distressed. Whoever this Ace is, was really important to Johnny, and also their lieutenant, apparently.
"Just calm down.. and we can talk to Price in the morning." Gaz says. Johnny, satisfied, thanked Gaz and put down the phone.
Johnny thought about calling Price directly, since he was the first to meet Ace anyway. He couldn't wait another few hours pondering the whereabouts of his love. Johnny dialed the captain's number.
"..ello?" Came the sleepy gruff of Price on the other end.
"Ace is missing." Johnny said in a shaky voice.
"..Who's Ace? Is Ace a dog?"
Johnny takes in another shaky breath, his lips trembling slightly.
"Nevermind.." Johnny strained.
"Well.. I hope you find him soon.." Price says, now confused, and ends the call.
Who is Ace?
This question would echo in Johnny's mind as he slinks back to bed. Exhaustion was catching up to him. He seemed more lonely than alone. It didn't exactly help when his friends didn't even know who he was talking about.
Johnny pulled back the sheets and slipped under the covers. The bed seemed colder than it ever has been with the absence of someone else. The bed smelled different, like someone else laid in it before Johnny did. He shifts a little, the indent in the bed seemingly not fitting him, but someone else instead. Someone else.
Someone else? Johnny pondered.
And it scares Johnny even more, knowing that he was supposed to know. He was supposed to know when remnants of this someone else was in his bed.
Hours passed and Johnny couldn't get a wink of sleep, but he didn't move when the sun shined in through the curtains. Instead, he found himself thinking.
Who is Ace?
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 21 days
"Jo, how're you doing?"
I'm glad you asked, person I made up to use as an excuse to rant!
Remember when I asked if anyone knew where I could still find some 3DS covers? I ordered one! One I really liked even! Shipping and import are fine, and soon I get the tracking number. Everything's fine.
Few days later tracking says my package has arrived at the inward office, is in customs, and soon off to continue its delivery journey. Everything's fine.
Two days later tracking says it's back in customs at the same inward office, and for several days nothing changes. I get nervous.
I decide to call the office via the number they show on their website. An automated response greets me: "This line is unmanned, please call [Other Number]."
I call Other Number. Another automated line greets me. "Are you calling for tracking?" Yes. "Are you the sender?" No. "Please speak the tracking number." [Tracking Number]. "Please speak the zipcode of the recipient." [Zipcode]. "We cannot give you tracking information at this time. Please call back during office hours."
It's fine, this is fine. I get an idea and check the tracking number via the national tracking service instead of the one I got linked with my order. "Expected arrival September 4th."
Okay. I will give it until then and if it doesn't arrive on that day, I will call every number I can find until I get someone who can actually tell me ANYTHING about my package's status.
It does arrive on September 4th! I still need to pay customs (16,44€) to receive it but that's fine, I expected that. At least it's here. The stress from not knowing is over.
I get my 3DS and my screwdriver, and unpack the cover.
I unscrew my 3DS' back cover and one of its screws snaps off. That's fine, the cover has its own. I put the new cover onto the handheld and get ready to screw it on.
It sure is a cover for the New 3DS. But I have a New 3DS XL. I silently turn to my brother and hand him the cover instead. I can't use it but he does have a base New 3DS. I didn't check when I ordered the cover, this is on me. My mood drops but what happened has happened, nothing I can do about it anymore.
I go to screw the old cover back on, one screw is better than none. I notice the other screw is now also gone. With a heavy sigh I click the cover in place and hope it will hold.
Hoping to distract myself with absolutely anything I decide to read the receipt I received for the payment of customs. It says 10,44€.
The whole order, including customs, cost me 70+€. And 6€ of those the postman took for themselves. And I can't even use the cover. I spent 70+€ for effectively nothing.
So that's how my day is going! Hope you guys are doing better!
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chiarrara · 7 months
I don't know I just feel like....
We just watched a man self-immolate in his military uniform. And I don't want to sound like an idiot, because it's much more than this but, couldn't you say that was a very extreme form of conscientious objection?
He could not be complicit anymore, but there is literally no way out of being complicit in this genocide if you live in America. For him especially, being trapped in military service. But for all of us. All of us are trapped in complicity in some way, and we can try to counteract that sin with as much meaningful direct action as we can possibly do, but all of that action comes with some proportional level of risk.
So, a man burned himself alive in an extreme form of conscientious objection (the only form available to him - one of great violence)
And people are still on here telling people to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I just... maybe I'm really stupid and I just can't see the logic y'all are putting forward. Because the way you lay it out it all seems to make so much sense to you. I understand we're trapped in a two party system. I understand the Republicans don't have the same consciences we do and are gonna vote en masse for Trump. I understand Trump is a danger globally and domestically. I understand all that, and I don't want his second term to come to pass. I'm not ignorant of how dangerous he is.
But a man self-immolated to object to the system of complicity he's trapped in, and the most logical response y'all have to a bunch of people wanting to opt out of complicity in this election, and the next four years of horrors that will be done in their name is to tell them, you just have to suck it up and be complicit. Your only tool is to make a phone call. You can try to protest, but there's a non-zero chance you'll be beaten and arrested and have your life ruined, by the way. You can donate to try and put a bandaid on the horrors you're seeing through your phone screen everyday (and you should, but God it's sure not stopping anything). But you're not allowed to object to being complicit in the selection of the Genocider-In-Chief.
It's not going to stop the genocide. We know this. It's not going to stop the election. We know this. It's not going to change anything directly, and Trump is going to get elected (which he will either way. most people who would vote against him are doing it anyway, y'all are fighting a very very small online minority).
But a man self-immolated in his military uniform. He didn't think that act was going to directly stop aid from going to Israel, or stop the genocide, or destroy the US military industrial complex. He didn't think his one small (but extremely brave and impactful) act was going to solve everything. Everything that was going to happen is still going to happen just with one less man in uniform.
But it wasn't nothing. It didn't do nothing. It's not his fault that the military will keep on chugging. It's not his fault that things are getting worse in Gaza every day. But he's not complicit anymore and he sent a message. And he had to die to achieve that.
And y'all are telling us we can't even do the very small act of not being complicit in the presidency. It's a less effective act of protest, but I also don't have to die for it.
It's not a boycott (I've seen this strawman, i don't know why you think we think that). It's not going to "send a message to the government" (obviously, we're not ignorant). It's to the Party that runs these candidates, and makes money off of "pick us because we're not the other guy" then commits crimes against humanity. I don't want to roll over and be fucking complicit in that.
Parties and candidates look at those numbers. they see how many people voted for them last time and how many people this time.
They don't care about our voices, and our protests, and our emails. They care about donations, and they care about votes. That's it. That's all they look at. If the emails and the phone calls and the protests don't result in a drop in one of those two things, they don't fucking care.
I don't know. This is a long ass ramble, but I'm trying to work out my feelings about this. Because we can't opt out of paying taxes, we can't really opt out of the benefits of living and being born in the Global North, we can't opt out of work, we can't opt out of the military, we can't opt out of following the law without extreme violence being brought against us. We can't do a whole fucking lot besides call, email, donate, and protest in a way that doesn't get us beaten and arrested, and if you do get beaten and arrested, you'll be dealing with the legal consequences for years or potentially the rest of your life.
And a man burned himself to death to object but I can't withhold my vote???
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tehri · 3 months
Meanwhile in Sweden - Banking-Edition, or Why Do I Still Have This Account, or We Have Customer Service (Allegedly)
I really have to wonder if the bank I have an account with in Sweden even wants customers to be able to contact them. Or if they just want anyone who is not already a customer to be unable to contact them.
Context: This bank relies heavily on a digital identification method (as does a lot of shit in Sweden, but that's a whole separate rant). They rely on it to the point that if you, as a customer, try to call them for help with something, you have to identify yourself with that. There used to be a number you could call if you didn't want to use that; this was just for general questions and wasn't really for customers to use. I say that there used to be a number like that, because I tried calling it today, and it demands that particular identification method now. Fun.
Extra context: My old phone is a 2012-model that doesn't support the OS demanded for the new update for the app running this digital identification method. Since March, I haven't had access to any online services for my account, which is An Issue. I recently got a new phone as a graduation gift. A gift that I did not really want and very specifically only got because I am pretty much softlocked out of everything in Sweden if I do not have this particular identification method. Tax-office shit, banks, fucking anything, you NEED this thing (again, separate rant). I still have a fucking student loan to pay off in Sweden, so I've kept the account with this bank for the purpose of Minimal Fuckery (which has turned into Maximum Fuckery).
The problem?
I cannot activate this digital identification method on the new phone. It won't let me. You can normally do this in three differnet ways - using your old phone's one (obviously not possible, it won't even let me use the app now), a security calculator thing (think two-step authentication device; I Had one, but it's dead, and you can't switch batteries in them and the bank doesn't send them to addresses not in Sweden, so this is out too), and a passport or ID. I tried using my passport. Works fine - up until I agree to the final terms and conditions, upon which it suddenly gives me the message that it doesn't work and that it's to do with the bank's terms and conditions, but it doesn't tell me what part of those terms and conditions are broken, so Idk what's up.
The additional problem?
I can't contact the bank for help with this. Can't call - all the numbers are softlocked behind this goddamn identification wall. Can't use a chat-service on their site - it's a virtual assistant, which has always been absolutely useless and pointless and stupid. Can't email - they don't accept queries like these via email or even their own internal messaging system anymore. Can't visit an office - the only branch office in Finland doesn't deal with private customers, only businesses.
I resorted to their Facebook page. Got the answer of A - check the page for how to activate this identification method on a new phone (already checked that multiple times, nothing pertainin to my situation there), B - call [insert number here] and use a code with 5 numbers that you picked yourself at some point as identification method instead (I already called that number, did not receive alternate identification methods as an option, and do not recall at any point ever picking a code for anything, so ?????), or C - visit an office in Sweden to get help (which I do not even know when that could possibly happen, if it's next year or the year after).
Gold star, guys. Such great possibilities to contact you. And no, I'm not mad at the customer service person who sent the answer, I'm just mad at the system they've set up where they are literally impossible to contact for anything if you do not have access to these specific things.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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I don't know when this started happening, but it seems like I increasingly cannot get certain medications by just going to my pharmacy anymore. There's a whole bunch of stuff that my doctors now have to (for some reason) route through a "specialty phramacy", which is actually a startup-y online business with a cute little app I have to use, and they take care of both delivery (meaning every time I need my meds I have to add $5 to the price tag in order to tip the delivery guy, since I can't just go to a place and I refuse to not tip) and also they seem to have a lock on insurance pre-approvals, like if my insurance company needs an OK they can't or won't get it straight from my doctor anymore. In June, I didn't deal with any of these companies, just my regular old pharmacy. As of a month later, I have to deal with THREE of these "specialty pharmacies" if I want all my meds, so I have to keep track of different apps and logins for individual scripts basically. And I mean, TWO of these companies are connected to ONE of my doctors, so that's how well this whole thing is going. Here's today's adventure with the latest one of these things:
I get a text message from the actual physical pharmacy (also new to me) compounding my new medication, and the message includes a link to log into the specialty pharmacy so I can pay for the medication and schedule delivery. The specialty pharm is called Nimble. I open the link in a browser and get all the way to the part where I give them my email address "so we can send you your receipt", and I can't go any further because apparently my email address is already attached to an existing account. It wasn't clear to me that I was setting up a new account, I thought I was just completing a transaction...and also I don't remember Nimble, but I guess I must have used them a long time ago, so ok fine, I'll start over and try to log in first. Now the text message link just opens an error page. So I go to Nimble's home page and try to log in from there, and it asks for my email address so it can send me a "magic link". Every single magic link it sends me is preemptively "expired", and it also appears that I'm not actually getting a new one when I request it, it kinda looks like they're just forwarding the first email over and over again? 15 minutes later I receive a text telling me to download the Nimble app, which I REALLY don't want to do just on principle--plus apparently the app shows fucking ads, so they're getting paid to force me to do this--but like, maybe this is the only way to get my medicine? I won't even describe all the complications I had just downloading the app, we can just skip to the part where the inside of the app is exactly the same as the browser version and it is magically sending me the same expired "magic link". So I click into the help chat thing in the app, and I learn that:
Whenever the fuck I used Nimble before, it was under my maiden name. My email address is locked to my maiden name. My current script is under my married name. I am still using the same email address, but there is no technical way to merge the accounts and apparently there is no way for a customer to simply update the spelling of their own name that they use in real life, even though this might have to happen at any time for many reasons including typos. I could have given them my private email address instead of the old one that I give to scammy businesses when I'm forced to, but since WHY THE FUCK would I do that, the solution was for customer service to go into the back end and put a fake email address in my old account, and add my real email address to the new account. No online account I've ever had has been set up like this, where you can't put in your email address or phone number and update something like a password. There was also no way for me to independently enter my name first, even though that is the key unchanging piece of information the way phone/email is normally, and ultimately, there was no way for me to find out what the problem even was without like penetrating to the center of the labyrinth to have it explained to me why I wasn't allowed to get my meds.
I'm on Tumblr like 24/7 and it's obvious that I'm no luddite, but I'm really angry that the whole world has bought into the idea that as long as some system is based on new technology, then it is automatically more efficient and superior to whatever we used to do. This entire experience is NOT superior to me physically walking to my pharmacy and getting all my meds, and it is STILL NOT superior to me calling the physical pharmacy to pay over the phone and book a courier. We need to stop pretending that shit like this is making our lives better just because it feels shiny and new; now it's just like, if I wanna do something totally normal that I'm dependent on doing--like getting drugs that I might need to live as far as all these assholes know--I have to appease some 3rd party alien entity that does not contribute in any way to the success of the process or the quality of the outcome, it's just this random extra burden that takes so long to get through that they should honestly pay me to do it. Because right now I'm fucking sitting here doing this shit like it's my job, and it absolutely is not.
In this case customer service was actually helpful when I finally got to them, but basically they shouldn't have been necessary at all. Everything else about the situation was so fucked up that it reminded me of the single worst customer service experience I've ever had: I used to have a REALLY shitty Lenovo laptop (I didn't realize that "basic" and "simple" now just means "doesn't work"), and one day the Start menu got stuck open. It was fully expanded across my entire desktop, so I couldn't get to any of my shit. I had to spend about an hour talking to a service person who, it turned out, had NO IDEA what I meant by "desktop". I could not get the idea into her mind. I did a screenshare with her and she was like "Yeah I see all your applications, everything is there, what's the problem?" I could not get her to understand that it was INCORRECT for the menu to be permanently open and I couldn't get her to understand what it was blocking. I found myself typing crazy shit like "So the Desktop is like, ya know, it usually has a picture you picked out as the background, and there's little icons for programs you use or stuff you downloaded, there's always the little trashcan thing there..." and she just would not admit that she knew what I meant. It was as if she had never used a computer before. And like I don't even remember how I fixed the problem, I stopped using that machine obviously--but to this very day, there's a part of my brain exclusively devoted to running an endless background process that asks, "What's the best way to describe a computer desktop display to someone who has never seen or heard of one before?"
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2. "I walked the land telling whores and liars of the End to come. There are 9,855 days remaining."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Cool. I'm glad you joined us. Not a lot of money in doomcrying... Let's move on, shall we?"
This next row -- the one that wraps all the way around -- is your number of closed cases. *Closed* is good. It means finished. You've got, let's see…"
"Wow, more than 200!"
"Is that a lot?"
"I would have thought there'd be more."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's *quite* a lot, even for someone who's been on the force for nearly two decades. Usually clearing more than 10 cases a year puts you in the 90th percentile of *all* RCM officers..."
"See, Kim? I *told* you I was a superstar cop!"
"I used to be good. That's some solace I guess. What's the last number?"
"I don't think I can ever *re-become* this person... What's the last number?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Call it what you want. You were a valuable member of your precinct. Now, let's look at the last row..."
"Right. Those are your confirmed kills. You've got precisely *three* perforations there."
"So I'm a killer..."
"I was expecting a higher number, honestly."
"That's not... too many."
KIM KITSURAGI - "For an RCM officer -- especially Precinct 41, which is in the Jamrock Quarter -- it's rather... tame. I mean that in a good way."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Challenging: Success] - "What's it feel like to kill a man, Mr. McCoy?" a young woman asks the man across the desk from her...
Honestly, babe," says John McCoy, crossing his ankles over said desk, "I don't feel anything anymore. It's just like brushing my teeth -- I do it once or twice a week and don't really think about it." There's no trace of guilt in his voice.
KIM KITSURAGI - "There are certain officers who treat their kills like some kind of ghoulish game. If they do happen to *solve* a case it's usually by accident." It's obvious the lieutenant doesn't think very highly of these officers...
"But it seems as though you are, or at least *were*, one of the good ones. So we have that to be thankful for."
"Have you ever killed anyone, Kim?"
"How do you handle the strain?"
"Thanks for this." (Conclude.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes," he says, declining to elaborate.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - It's not a problem for him to state it, however.
2. "How do you handle the strain?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Everyone has their own method of coping, some more effective, or self-destructive, than others..." He gives you a meaningful look.
"Personally, I find it helps to keep up a few hobbies."
"Like what?"
"Maybe I should find a hobby?"
"Hobbies are lame."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Oh, this and that. Let's not get into it now."
"Maybe I should find a hobby?"
KIM KITSURAGI - Why not gardening? You've already got the gloves..." He points to your yellow gardening gloves.
Oh yeah, we're still wearing those.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - It's meant in earnest. Please don't mistake it for a jab.
3. "Thanks for this." (Conclude.)
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant nods.
3. "Okay, let's go." [Put the ledger away.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Right. I'll go turn off the lights..." He presses a remote control on the key.
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Task complete: Read the watermarks
+10 XP
TUTORIAL AGENT - You can now see your statistics on your JOURNAL page -- to the right of the task description.
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Here are our statistics:
Superstar Cop - 4 Apocalypse Cop - 1 Sorry Cop - 6 Boring Cop - 0
Communism - 13 Fascist - 2 Ultraliberal - 0 Moralist - 1
Good cop/Bad cop - 6 Honour - 1
People killed - 3 Cases solved - 216 Years in Service - 18
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venomous-ragno · 2 years
you’re a combat medic! i’m deciding on whether i want to enlist and join as a medic since i used to be a nurse! i’m not from germany but how was the process and training for you as a medic in germany?
Would I recommend anyone enlisting?
No. No, I wouldn't.
I can already hear you, "but venomous! You're a soldier too!" Yes, I am, and that's the exact reason why I can say this.
I've yet to meet even one soldier who wasn't looking forward to their contract ending. Not a single one. And I get it. Attending one funeral too many is a burden like no other. The physical strain this career imposes on you is like no other.
But I'm not here to talk saint. Instead I'd like to offer some tips and viewpoints that should help you make a decision not based on a want, but on information and careful consideration.
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1. Us soldiers over here call the military the "best and worst employer in the entire country". Why do we call it that? Cause contrary to other countries, Germany's got a fuckton of laws protecting you as the employee. You won't be abandoned when you become unfit for service and you'll be taken care of even after you leave the military. Does your country offer that, op? Before you enlist you should check on what the military will do for you should you no longer be able to work. Pay attention to how your country treats veterans.
2. Be prepared to give up a lot. I'm not talking nail polish and lipstick, but hobbies and future dreams. Ever wanted a pet? No time to take care of one if you'll be spending six months in Irak. Wanna have a fullfilling relationship? People rarely want to date a soldier, and even if they do, the relationship often breaks apart. Your job will always be your number one priority and nothing can change that.
3. Your loved ones will hurt. They'll be confronted with the possibility of you dying. It's a tough pill to swallow, and some might not accept it at all. They may try to talk you out of it, guilt trip you, say and do anything they hope will get you to change your mind. Seen it happen too many times. Enlisting in the military is a choice that affects them too.
4. The mental and physical toll the military takes on you. There's a reason most soldiers leave due to severe PTSD - it comes with the job. Mental health problems run rampant within the military. Training to become a combat medic especially is one of the hardest careers you can pick. If you're a woman you'll have to meet the same standards your male comrades do. Can't keep up? Well that's too damn bad. Your expertise as a nurse will certainly help you here and there, but field medicine ain't to be taken lightly. There's a lot more involved than one might think; I had to study and memorise different chemical, atomic and biological components, in what dosage they negatively affect the human body, which plants are poisonous and which safe to eat? You won't only be studying medicine, but war related stuff as well. It's a lot and it's tough.
5. Do research on what former soldiers have to say about being in the military. Recruiters will tell you what you want to hear, but not what you need to hear. Pay close attention as to why they left the military.
6. The most important one in my opinion: Do not enlist if your country is at war. You'll be nothing but a pawn whose life will be wasted away in some operation that was only given the green light because emotions are running high. Same goes for terrorist attacks and similar. Enlist in times of peace if you must.
7. Make peace with the fact that if when you do enlist, you may not be allowed to do what you dream of doing. Standards for combat medics are high - medical personnell is rare, partly also bc it makes you the prime target for enemies to shoot at. (Guess why medics aren't allowed to wear the red cross anymore--) If you've got any physical weaknesses you might be unfit to become a medic.
8. If you do end up enlisting, do not fuck around with comrades. Trust me when I tell you that any flings and one night stands will be public knowledge. Worse even, you might gain the reputation of being a "mattress" aka someonw who sleeps around. Serious relationships are less problematic, but personally, I'd avoid those too. Break ups can be nasty.
9. Think about your career goals and what you expect of yourself. You can be totally fine with having a lower rank and not wanting to advance at all, but... People tend to equate rank with worth. In other words: If you're low in rank, expect to be treated like shit because of it. Not saying it's an every day thing, but... It happens often. Talking back will get you nowhere. If anything, people will get the impression you're cheeky. And word carries.
10. Be aware that once you're in, you're in. You need to be someone with a strong moral compass and sense of duty to make it. You need to be competitive but capable of teamwork, you need to be reliable, trustworthy, and so so much more that, should you realise this isn't for you after all, there's no going back.
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adleryoung · 2 years
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"Don't you like wearing black?" the vixen asked incredulously.
"I like black just fine," the duck protested. "But not every day. It's sometimes nice to wear other colors, like pink with glitter. And maybe sequins if it doesn't look too tacky. I just want to know, is there a rule that states witches have to wear all black all the time?"
"Dude," the mouse (bear?) exclaimed as she turned away in disgust. "I feel like I don't know you anymore. Who even are you?"
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"All right, all right," I interrupted before the negative energy could get out of hand. "Let's get back on track here. I have no intention of enforcing a dress code. As far as I'm concerned, you can dress however you like. I would suggest, however, that you break up the pink with an accent of another color. All pink on pink wouldn't look good. Anyway, to get back to your previously stated concern, there will indeed be thrills aplenty. As one of my acolytes, you will be able to travel extensively. As I said earlier, there will be mischief. Rebecca is learning the ways of pranks and japes, a number of which are magical in nature, and I'll expect all of you to do the same. Crude villagers are less likely to chase you out of town if they're laughing. No, in fact they are more likely to buy you drinks and listen to what you say. You will be powerful but not intimidating. The secret to respect and popularity is what I can offer you, and in return all you have to do is go out and spread tales of my deeds. You'll set an example of what the White Elf's followers are like, as well as giving potential recruits an idea of what kind of prizes they might expect in my service. You'll keep the mischief at 'lovable rogue' levels and refrain from causing any serious harm. What say you?"
The witches muttered among themselves and looked uncertain.
"Come on, you guys!" Rebecca wheedled. "Just try it out. I guarantee you'll like it. Plus we've been trying to summon a demon for months with no results, so this is probably the best offer we're going to get."
"All right, all right," the vixen shrugged. "I'll give it a try."
"I'm in," the duck declared.
"I guess so," the bear (mouse?) sulked. "But if I get bored, I'm gone."
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"Well," Mother Didelphis snapped. "That may be fine and dandy for the youngsters, but what about me? Traveling, telling stories, and setting an example? I'm not as spry as I used to be. My bones are half dust already; how exactly am I supposed to do all that? And how am I going to enjoy any long term benefit?"
"It is within my power to restore your youth," I explained.
"Young again?" the old opossum snorted. "At the mercy of unsavory urges? Wearing foundation garments? Having mels treat me like some sort of toy all the time? No thanks, sonny. They call me 'MOTHER' Didelphis out of respect for my years, a respect I've earned! A respect I demand! I'm creaky and craggy and saggy, but I'm venerable dammit! My advice is listened to, and my displeasure is feared - none of which would be true if I was some giggly pretty little slip of a thing."
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halloweenhamburger · 1 year
Night Shift on Route 90 fiction
After getting my first job at a gas station in the middle of nowhere on a mountain. I was eager to finally be able to make my own money, and the job wasn't even that hard. all I had to do was ring up some stuff and that's all, I was working the night shift, so I was not expecting many customers. after being the only car parked outside the gas station, I thought "this looks so creepy" it really was, the light was white and dim and I kind of got the chills, but I decided to brush it off and start doing the job, I needed the money. I'm the only cashier in the store and the first thing i saw was a note that had 2 rules on it " keep the doors closed, and always check the cameras" I thought it was weird. but once again, i decided to do what it says and not think about it that much. i check the cameras and nothing was there. so i did some chores. i took out the trash and threw it in the garbage bin behind the store. at one point, i feel a presence behind me, it felt so real that i thought i even heard breathing, i tightened my breath trying to make any subtle noises behind me, there were non. after maybe 5 minutes i bulit the courage to look, no one was there. i exhaled deeply and scoffed at myself "it was probably just a racoon".
after I take out the trash i go back and check the cameras just in case. I thought it was stupid that i was so scared at that moment, but I checked the cameras, and nothing was behind me. I decide to facetime my girlfriend and tell her about the job so far. she was proud of me, and she was waiting at home with my 2-year-old son. after maybe an hour or two, a man, looking to be in his mid 40's entered the store. he looked drunk because he was starting at nothing for couple seconds and he couldn't walk straight. I told myself to stay calm and it will be over soon. he picks up some candy and a beer, comes over to the cashier and starts mumbling random words. I ignored him and rang up the items, he payed and left. something about that man seemed off..., but once again, I ignore it because he was gone. couple minutes later, the same man was back but this time he has sunglasses and a girl with him, he told me straight up " u call the police, I kill her" he points a gun at her head while stacking up all the beers he can get and ran from the store. i was stunned, I couldn't let out a word. I call my girlfriend and tell her what happened, she told me to call my boss and tell him that I'm leaving early. I agreed, and that what I did. I call my boss and told him everything. he told me that the same exact same man comes in every week and threatens to kill someone, steals beer, and leaves. I asked him why he doesn't call the police and he responded, "this gas station is unreachable." he hung up right after he said that. I was getting scared and didn't know what to do, so I packed my stuff and I left. as I'm trying to leave, the door doesn't open. I checked to see it it was locked but the lock was outside of the store. "What the actual hell" I whispered under my breath. I panicked an at that point I couldn't take this job anymore. i call the police but before i could type in the number, i get no service. then suddenly, that creepy man is in the store, he entered from the back. i couldn't scream from how terrified I was, he had a knife with blood in his hand. he stares straight into my Soul without moving muscle then suddenly pounces at me. i grab a glass bottle and smash it on his head. until i hear sirens and cop cars pulling into the parking lot in front of the gas station. I scream for help and.. my girlfriend and my boss was with the police. my girlfriend was screaming "save him!' at that moment, I felt safer than ever. they arrest the man and shove him in the police car. turns out that mat was a serial killer who would kill his victims, rip of their skin, and feed it to his dog which is now dead.... this serial killer has been missing for 8 years and he killed around 80 people. i am safe now but I'm never working in an unknown area ever again...
This is one of many fictional stories that I am going to write here on Tumblr!
make sure to follow me!
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w4yf1nder · 2 years
Icy cold take here (actually I dunno) but a lot of Indian movies are q bad cause they are either “oo look at this couple and how they fall in love” or “oo look at MC, isn’t he the coolest?” And honestly I like movies that aren’t necessarily focused on the romance at all, but aren’t just “the trials and tribulations of this one guy”
call me picky but IDK
~ chalky the chalk anon
chalk anon, CHALK ANON *SHAKES YOU* i wrote an entire essay about this because I was so frustrated about bollywood movies LMAO but yes i didn't mean for it to get this long 💔 more utc 😔💔💔
no because you're so right 😔💔 i get that too! i wish there were more movies about female characters that weren't ott-exclusive/direct to streaming services yk? and even the mainstream female-oriented movies that we already have are marketed as such (which causes the general public to lose interest in it because "it's about women and feminism is cancer *goes to the movies to watch the most generic action-thriller starring salman khan and an actress 20 years his junior for the third time this week*)
but that isn't even my only grudge actually?? bollywood movies are primarily romance movies but even then— EVEN THEN!! i don't think I can name a single movie that made me swoon or made me feel giggly and happy on the inside 💔 i have never "shipped" an on-screen couple in a bollywood movie etc. because the movies just?? aren't good. i don't like the way it portrays romance as physical attraction (especially on the male characters part) and shows him needlessly objectifying women. it's sad, it's tired, it's exploitative, it's male-gazey, it's everything that is wrong with this world 💞 /gen now i'm not gonna sit here and tell you what a good romance movie makes (because I... Have never made one lmao) but on behalf of the girls and the gays, i would like to outline some obvious pet peeves that i have from MOST movies (I swear you'll find these tropes in like every movie you don't even have to try) let's go.
item numbers. we don't need them. take them out. please 💞
actors not knowing how to act??? i think this is just an industry problem tbh
not knowing how to write women
not knowing how to choreograph good fight sequences
filler songs for radio promotion
not knowing how to write romance
thinking every movie NEEDS romance in the first place
and that last point is so important to me btw. i just wish we had more movies trying to tell STORIES rather than LOVE stories, like yeah an occasional rom-com is fun and i'm not saying we should give it up completely but it gets tiring when literally every movie is a rom-com. action-rom-com? drama-rom-com????? yes we've got it 😔💔 it's v funny becajse most of my (and most people ik!!!!) favorite movies weren't romance at all 😧 spirited away is the best movie ever made (#hakukisser4lyf) because it had a compelling story set in a beautiful world with fun characters.
it's honestly just pretty clear to me atp is that bollywood just doesn't care about giving us good stories. your best bet is south indian movies and indie stuff.
so yeah anyways i don't watch Bollywood anymore.
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archonedd · 2 years
A journey through Sega's marketing machine with the power of the cassette
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I know, I know, a bit of a wild stretch to start this blog off without some proper introduction. Hi. I'm archonedd / Nobusuke, and I'm an avid (at the time of publication) 23 year old Sega (and Sonic) nut.
After mercilessly mocking cassettes as some old fad throughout the elementary and high school years as the world started gravitating more and more towards online streaming, I picked up a cassette player in early 2017 no doubt due to the hype surrounding a cassette that Star-Lord was seen playing on repeat on one of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Along with said cassette player, came a Type 1 cassette tape to play. It changed my music experience in ways I'd never imagined, and I even tried substituting my CD-based boombox with one of these and needless to say the equipment left a lot to be desired.
It turns out that modern cassette players just don't have the quality mechanisms that legacy cassette decks used to have, and the number of new cassette-enabled devices seem to be dwindling globally as time goes on. Not to mention, most people's recollections of cassettes seems to border towards "listening to a crappy stream from the car's radio" to "only listening to a film's vision of what cassettes or any other vintage audio format used to sound like".
It sure took a YouTube channel like Techmoan and Retro Core AV as well as several others where my outlook on cassettes (and several vintage audio formats) began to change a little as I learned more about the different types of cassettes, and how cassettes can sound a lot like or even close to a properly mastered CD if given the right budget and expectations. So imagine my surprise when I heard almost 5 years later that Sega even started using distributing cassettes dubbed "Sega Forever Volume 1". My initial reaction was - "Wait a minute. What??"
What is this tape about?
Basically the idea of this was to serve as a promotional item sent out to various YouTubers and Sega-centric content creators prior to the launch of the "SEGA Forever" service on mobile devices. The tracks on these are basically taken from popular arcade and Mega Drive/Genesis titles, some of which are still remembered to this day.
The most remembered ones include the arcade BGM to Space Harrier and Outrun, as well as those from Mega Drive standout classics like Phantasy Star 2, Shining Force 2, and even Vectorman (a Blue Sky Software effort) gets a special shoutout though only Terraport from that game gets represented. Overall, there are 12 songs spread into two sides of six.
The strange thing is some of the Sega arcade titles even got console ports on non-Sega systems usually through third parties like Sunsoft and NEC Avenue.
Here is the complete tracklist in case you may not remember.
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For the lucky 512 or so content creators lucky enough to receive this retro blast, the package even included a biro pen just in case your cassette player somehow "ate the tape" and you're on the task to spool the tape back in. You, know, like the old days where cassette enjoyers did it. I personally do not have such a strong nostalgic connection, but I just found it interesting to mention.
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What are the technical specifications?
There are four types of cassettes sold throughout the market during the continuing lifespan of these audio wonders.
Type 1 refers to a general cassette you are most likely to buy today. This is known as a "Ferric" tape.
Type 2 known as "Chrome" is a step up from Type 1. While it is a general step up from Type 1 tapes, in the end, quality Type I cassettes have higher midrange MOL than most Type II tapes, slow and gentle MOL roll-off at low frequencies, but less treble headroom than Type II.
Type 3 "Ferrichrome" doesn't really exist anymore as far as I can tell.
Type 4 is the supreme stuff. These are called "Metal" tapes. To play such a high-class tape, your deck or player would have to be rated for metal tape playback. Something that today's modern tapes aren't quite capable of playing now, or at least I don't think so.
It seems more likely that Sega Forever Volume 1 cassette is a Type 1 metal tape with no noise reduction to speak of. These days, Dolby noise reduction may be no more, but substitutes such as DDi Codec will be able to alleviate that.
Sega Forever....
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Let's talk about Sega Forever. Sega Forever was a then-new initiative to get its best retro games available for a mobile audience that's still going today. Very similar to what they are already doing with Sega Mega Drive Classics on multiplatform experiences via PC, PS4 and XBOX. This cassette was to coincide with the launch of the Sega Forever platform on smartphone on 21 June 2017, with the initial lineup being Altered Beast/Jyuohki, Comix Zone, Chameleon Kid, Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and Phantasy Star II.
Unfortunately it had a somewhat rocky launch. With the exception of the rebooted Sega Forever Sonic the Hedgehog mobile conversion handled by Stealth (the same guy that demoed what Sonic could look like on the GBA compared to the half-baked effort Sega of America pumped out in 2006), almost the entirety of the selection ran poorly despite modern hardware enhancements. It seemed to be a middleware problem as Sega reportedly failed to reach an agreement with the people behind the Retroarch project, instead settling for a Unity-based emulation solution.
Since then, Sega have upped the quality of the emulation for the smartphones of our time.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
this might be too dark for your ask box, but how do you leave someone whos abusive, and controlling?
hey, i'm so sorry that you have to ask this. it's difficult because obviously every situation is different, and i'm sure your circumstances are more painful and complex than i could ever imagine as an outsider looking in, and i am by no means a professional or a voice of authority on this matter. i also don't want to sound like i'm implying any of this is easy or straightforward with my suggestions, because getting out of something like this is obviously always much easier said than done. so i'll just speak very generally, but also sincerely, and with your well-being as my main concern.
i think knowing you have to leave and making the quiet decision just within your own mind, and accepting it as your next step, is a really strong and brave place to start. followed up by coming up with a solid leaving plan - again, preferably just in your own head to avoid being delayed in any way by your partner. a good leaving plan means you are ready to go at a moments notice, silently, with a small unassuming emergency bag of all necessities packed, hiding a spare key somewhere so you can leave on your own terms, making sure to take all important documents and cash with you as well. practice how and when you are going to go, and what you are going to tell your partner in the event that you have to let them know you are leaving the house, even if you just tell them you are going to the shop or something. and finally and perhaps most importantly, making and memorizing a list of emergency contacts so you have somewhere to head to once you're out. i understand that a common trait of abusers is to cut off the victim's friends and family, and that it can feel completely terrifying to have to seek out safety from those you may have been distant or estranged from, but i am absolutely sure there are still a number of people who care about you out there. and it is okay to message them, to explain, to ask for help, once you are away from the house and in a place of safety. i'm sure they'll be glad to hear from you. if this is not an option for you, look for the closest domestic violence/abuse/homeless shelter, or call the authorities for help and see if they can refer you to any local communal services or safe spaces while you get back on your feet. turn off the location on your phone, block your partners number, don't engage with them further or give them any sort of lead in regards to your whereabouts. i know that may be extremely emotionally draining and beyond scary to have to go through with, but it really is for your own safety considering you mentioned how controlling this person is. you don't have to answer to them anymore, and they've got nothing to offer you anyway. i understand that these are all massive, daunting steps to have to take, and it's alright if gathering up the courage is a process. i just want you to know that you have options, even if this person has isolated you emotionally and financially, and that you are not stuck the way your partner and your brain wants you to feel like you are. if you are able to get out of there with a bag packed and the ability to stay at a friend's place/family member's place/local shelter, then half the battle is already well and truly won. i believe in you, and i hope you can consider putting yourself first from here on out. i also want to recommend deleting your search history if you have fears about your partner going through your phone or computer, as i think this sort of thing works best if you move as quietly as possible before you leave to avoid a confrontation. change your phone password, delete your call and text history if you do reach out for help, or use a friend/neighbours phone if at all possible to cover your tracks. there are probably going to be a lot of confusing and painful emotions that crop up during this difficult and intense period of time, and it's important to be prepared to grieve, to feel the loss and know it doesn't mean you have to go back to your partner. you can be sad and hurt about leaving, and also logically know it is not good for you to stay at all, which is what we really need to be focusing on here. if you can commit to that knowledge, there is nothing stopping you from getting yourself and your security back from this awful thing that you have been through. i am sending you so much love and strength, and wishing you nothing but the best for the future. you deserve to be safe, and treated with respect, and you don't owe your partner anything anymore. hugs. x
as a quick sidebar - if you don’t live with this person, in theory leaving them should be substantially easier in terms of physical safety, but obviously the emotional toll of it is just as hard. i want you to know that all of the practical advice about leaning on friends and family or talking to an abuse shelter/charity still applies if that is your situation. rather than leaving the home, blocking them on all platforms and staying with a friend or a family member for safety if you are worried that your partner will seek you out (or for emotional support as you adjust) is definitely recommended. or staying at an abuse shelter if that is not possible. if they show up at your place and refuse to leave, call the police as soon you can and don’t be afraid to take legal action against them. i know it is exceedingly difficult to go from loving or feeling attached to someone in some capacity to being so dead-set on getting away from them, whether literally or emotionally, but a relentless attitude is really the only way to get out and make sure it sticks. hugs. x
if you ever, even for a moment, feel like you are in immediate danger, get out and call the police. even run over to a neighbours place for help until they get there.
resource 1 / resource 2 / resource 3 / resource 4 / resource 5
international abuse hotlines
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stumblngrumbl · 1 year
Do you believe there's any ethical way to share anymore? I know even basic things like Gmail or (especially) Discord are terrible with privacy, and even independent websites ask for cookies and probs use ai.. Do you think we'll have to go back to mailing eachother letters? Or accept that theres always a risk when it comes to putting urself out there? Sorry if this is dumb, your ai post said a lot of things i didnt know how to put into words.
I think right now there's actually more than lip service being paid towards privacy by most of the big players (Google etc), at least insofar as actually keeping your actual thoughts private. Obviously they scan your gmail to see if there's something they can advertise to you, but they literally don't keep copies of our email for other nefarious purposes (unless there's a government warrant, of course).
I don't expect this to remain true for long though (and it's easier and easier for the gov't to grab your stuff, too). I've got a pretty bleak view of the future, and rather than get you and any of the other 11 (heh heh) readers of this down, I'm going to put further thoughts under the jump.
Don't read more of this, it's probably depressing.
I'm serious. You don't want to be this serious too.
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I already talked about what I expect from AI re: surveillance. The impact of AI really doesn't end there, though - we're able to do more and more with automation and mechanization, and while some people say "there's always going to need to be farmers" and what-all, but the question is how many workers will be actually need in the future?
In the Star Trek utopia - a post-scarcity utopia - there's more than enough for everyone, and society has room for everyone as a result.
Do we really think our society is moving in that direction?
I'll tell you where I think society will end up at the rate we're going: spoiler, it's not a utopia.
At some point mechanization will be so complete that everything that the very top class (the 0.0001%, billionaire class) needs can easily be provided by a small number of… we'll keep calling them workers, for now. The rulers will tire of the endless petty problems that all the rest of us have - it's too hot, there's not enough water or food, there's too much water, asylum seekers, diseases from deep in the forests are cropping up too much from too many people having to go into them, ancient plagues coming from the thawing permafrost, etc.
They'll realize that everything's getting to a boiling point, hole up somewhere behind their walls, and let the rest of the world crash down. They'll pull the plug. There'll be such privation - mass starvation, people dying of diseases, storm damage, wars between smaller states; mass migration will be attempted, but the rulers will just not care any more.
They won't need to. They can let it all fall down and there's nothing we'll be able to do with all their drones and automated war machines - it's not quite Skynet because there's still people running it, but the effect is the same. Keep the rulers' area secure at all costs, ride out the chaos.
In the meantime, they'll have all of their minions under lock & key (very literally; you don't want to know what's in the ankle bracelet, and it's probably not on the ankle any more) and they're under the same surveillance to keep track of what they're doing. AI will be able to read what they write, hear what they say.
You'd hope that their minions would see that their overlords are no better than the worst Bond villain, but seriously - what can they do? One person acting out alone is likely to be killed by other minions because they can't even begin to conspire. It's all or nothing, and things outside will be so bad that the minions will see their lives and what happens if we try to kill the bad guys and succeed, but then we have to deal with all the zombies rest of humanity? We've got it pretty dang good here.
They won't need us for long, the way things are going. Well, they'll need a few of us for entertainment and to do the few things that still need a bit of a flexible human brain, but it won't be that many. Meanwhile, we'll set things up so that they can go their own way.
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jenna1931 · 7 months
AITA for helping a stray cat?
I know this isn't Reddit, but I'm not on Reddit and I need to ask, so here I am.
Some months ago, there was a cat at my window, in the middle of the night, meowing. I never saw it, and all my cats were accounted for, so not mine. I went outside to look at it, and it came right to me. Remember that we don't know each other. I pet it a little, then returned inside.
A few minutes later, the cat was still there, insisting. I decided to give it a can of food and some water, and returned inside. A hour or so later, the cat was still there. The bowl of food was empty, and it was asking for more. I understood that there was something wrong, and it needed more than just food. A cat that ate and is satisfied won't stay around if they have a house to go to, or are able to hunt. It didn't have a collar, so I supposed it ran away to "hunt girls" since it was a natural male, and didn't remember where its home was. It let me hold it in my arms, it willingly followed me inside (I have some kind of annex to my house I use as a shed. It has a window, it's warm and spacious enough for a cat). It was early Friday morning.
During the day, I called my vet and brought it in for inspection. Young male, no microchip, no tattoo, no way to contact its family. I looked around on the web for lost pets, I looked around the neighbourhood for missing cat posters. I posted on the lost animals Facebook page of my city, I posted on my vet's Facebook page, I regularly looked at these posts to answer questions if needed.
I kept the cat for the weekend, spending time with it, playing with it. It poured ropes all weekend, and I couldn't imagine the cat outside, still looking for its home, while the sky was almost falling on us. It ate in my presence. Stressed cats don't eat in front of strangers.
On the next Monday, I've contacted Animal Services and they picked it up the same day. I've then spent some time posting about the fact that I didn't have the cat anymore, that the Animal Services had it, and the phone number to contact them. It was a friendly cat. If they didn't find its home, they would find it a new one easily. I even spent some time on the AS Facebook page to see if it was put in adoption or not. It never was, so I suppose they found its home.
After that, I've received a DM which made me doubt my good actions, hence this post.
They reproached me for feeding stay cats that, of course, would stay for more food. That it was a cat that was used to live outside, and was doing so since about a year. They knew the cat and it was in a loving family and didn't need my help and how dare I contacted AS on it, that it was probably already adopted and would never return home, etc. It didn't look beaten or in distress, so why couldn't I just mind my own business?
I blocked them, but their words stuck with me, even now, months later.
I wanted to tell them that a cat doesn't need to be skin and bones to be hungry, doesn't need to be at death's doorsteps to be in distress. If it was an outside cat, where was its microchip, or at least its collar? Why wasn't it neutered? I didn't give the cat to the Animal Services right away. I tried to find its home, but I also have 4 other cats to take care of, and even if the shed was ok for a few days, I didn't want this cat to spend that much time away from its family, but couldn't take it inside the house.
(Sorry for bad English, here's a potato 🥔 )
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