#how am i supposed to normalize using they them pronouns when i need to cosplay straight girly to get a job so i can
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bruqh · 10 months ago
loosing it
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sat-soft · 5 years ago
Headcanons for MC Asking the Boys to Wear Dresses During Sex(Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo)
Big NSFW Warning
MC is GN as usual, they/them pronouns, no specified genitals.
I wrote this like weeks ago but never finished cause it was supposed to be all characters but I got stuck at Beel and dropped it. Since I'm kinda leaving the fandom I figured I'd just go ahead and post what I have.
Note- Asmo's and Levi's both feature them being penetrated analy, skip them if you don't like that. Additionally, Levi's also has mentions of degradation.
He takes so much coaxing to come around to the idea, for him to show vulnerability during sex needs a lot of trust. That increases tenfold for him to do something so embarrassing as wear a dress for his partner.
MC has to be very patient because Lucifer has to put down all of his pride to do this for them.
When he does come around, his dress of choice is simple and modest, black with white pinstripes and long-sleeves.
If MC wants to run their hands up his body in the dress, he'll get overwhelmed and command them to stop, pushing his boundaries means he'll never show a sign of submission again.
He starts to enjoy the night when MC has him leaning on the wall, sucking him off under the dress, he feels some amount of his normal control in the bedroom returned to him.
"The things I do for you, human..."
His initial reaction is confusion. Mammon isn't opposed to doing embarrassing things in bed if only MC will know about it but he doesn't see the appeal.
After they promise to ride him though, Mammon is completely onboard with anything MC wants to try.
He picks a shimmery, golden skater dress and actually likes how he looks in it with his normal jacket on top.
The dress is so easy to get out of the way of his dick when MC is ready to climb onto him and he sees the appeal now.
Congratulations, he has a new kink now.
"I really do look good like this, ya' had a good idea!"
He's way too into this, he'd already been exploring different forms of degradation and had wanted to try crossdressing but was too shy to ask.
Levi already has his outfit prepared, it's a cosplay of some magical girl with a school uniform inspired top and skirt with stockings and a garter belt.
Since he went all out, MC returns the favor and gets a dildo resembling a magic wand.
MC is the villain and Levi is a magical hero trying to stop them, at least that's the fantasy they play out. MC captures Levi and has him tied up, stealing his wand to dirty it.
"No! You'll- ah-- never get away with this! With my magic I'll hah... d-defeat you!"
Satan takes his perception quite seriously and doesn't want MC to treat him as gentle or weak for wearing a dress in bed. He's unsure of it even though he wants to please MC.
He makes a compromise, he doesn't them touching and feeling him up when he's dressed up but he'll wear a dress for their enjoyment while pleasuring them.
His dress is a mid-thigh length, mint green Summer dress with ruffles on the thin sleeve straps and at the bottom.
Though touching him is off limits this time, Satan kisses MC deeply, enjoying their connection then lays them on the bed and gets on his knees on the ground to pamper their sex with all of his attention.
His mouth on their sex and a hand squeezing each of their thighs, MC has to hold themself back from petting his soft, blond hair while he tastes them.
"Next time, I want to pick what you wear and get you on your knees for me."
He'll more than wear a dress, he'll become the whole princess. Asmo loves wearing stereotypically girly things and that includes frilly, pink princess dresses. Even adding a hair bow and white gloves for character.
Of course, him becoming MC's princess for the night goes far beyond his outfit, he expects to be spoiled rotten with their touch.
He sits on the side of the bed and calls MC to be beneath him.
Kisses and bites and hickeys up his thighs all the way to his erection where he'll guide MC's head on his cock with a gloved hand. Their own hands being used to stretch his ass.
Prepared and needy, Asmodeus begs to pegged/fucked by MC and cums all over his dress only minutes later.
"MC~ tell me how cute I am-- and how much you want to fuck me~!"
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muselixer · 5 years ago
ask meme - things my friends said ! ( volume three )
from July 2019 - September 2019 warnings: language, ns/fw themes, alcohol mentions, drug mentions change pronouns as needed! under the cut for your dashboard convenience
“Put that on reddit and I’ll grind you like cheese.” “THIS ISN’T THE M25.” “Safety first? Can’t relate.” “I am a mer-BITCH.” “Wonderful, my drunk ramblings are being used for education again. Where's my wallet?" “PUT THE HUNDREDTH PRESIDENT ON THE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL, ASSHOLE!” “Instead of carrying mase, I just carry a hairbrush.” “We're just really high on blanket smell.” “Only crackheads can hear normal voices.” “I WALKED INTO BOTH OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.” “LOOK AT US. PLEASE, LOOK AT US. WE'RE YOUR PACK MULES.” “If you have a neck, you’re a hellspawn.” “I should probably do the dishes before my mother astral projects back home to yell me into the dirt.” “This is not HENTAI, I am NOT attracted to a snake.” “Don't mind me, I'm just having a gay stroke.” “I WILL NEVER STOP SAYING BITCH, FUCK YOU.” “Limes taste like an old, stale skittle.” “WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? THE GOLDEN CORRAL OF BITCHES?” “I DON'T CARE. I DON'T ASK PEOPLE FOR NUDES.” “WE CAN RE-EDUCATE THE CHILDREN.” “God, I can already feel myself drifting off. How does a horizontal position change the game so much?” “We HYDRATE in this bitch.” “I'm a drunk man with a phone.” “I'm your man for getting into small holes.” “Tony Hawk is just THAT powerful.” “I wanna be the fastest boy in the village.” “Well, I thought, if I think faster, I’ll go faster.” “Imagine nutting, and suddenly you’re a flame thrower.” “I feel like a Vienna sausage.” “I diagnose myself with bitch.” “God damn, I miss being twelve and not depressed.” “I don’t need drinks to be drunk.” “I fully gave birth out there.” “As long as I’m not detrimental to anyone, I WILL be an inconvenience.” “Hey guys, I’m back. And I’m ready to BITCH.” “I love being a weak bitch!” “Sorry, my brain is on fucking cucaracha.” “Fapping is just sex in single player mode.” “Is it possible to un-dab?” “Google how many nipples snakes have.” “Snakes don’t have nipples.” “Lil Punk is my new rap name.” “It’s legal for babies to pout.” “We’re the--” *gasp* “WE’RE THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE.” “I don’t wanna live in a world where a beat-up station wagon is an ‘epic’ moment.” “I am a shredded potato in this current moment.” “I might have a death wish but I would do literally anything else before I let some little bitch parasite threaten my life.” “Who hasn’t gotten a little tongue with their dog?” “LET’S CURBSTOMP THE GOVERNMENT!” “The smell of Axe body spray triggers my fight or flight response.” “Are you telling me I DON’T have a disease called homosexuality?” “My consciousness is but a parasite.” “It’s an egg that puts the fear of God in me, I’ll tell ya what.” “It’s a parking garage for prisoners!” “You don’t need contacts to see their boobs!” “Niccolo Machiavelli looks like a little bastard.” “Yeah, he seems like the kind of person to be like, ‘I’ll live another ten years,’ and then he didn’t.” “Nothing new happened, but the anxiety metaphorically bodyslammed me into a folding table.” “I’ve yelled at you way too many times for you to cry about it.” “Can you imagine two e-girls fighting?” “Hecko, I am a loser-o.” “I feel like Vincent van Gogh. I’ll be unappreciated until my death, and only then will I be loved and adored by millions.” “The good Lord has smote me with that sweet, sweet anxiety.” “You look like a fucking limo driver.” “Did you know I kin the lesbian pride flag?” “I’m gonna commit stage four cancer treatment.” “I didn’t know early 2000′s Alan Cumming was making a comeback.” “Swear, I’ll clap your asscheeks.” “I might be able to serve you in a rap battle, but I don’t know how to serve a table.” “My entire lower half is weeping.” “I guess when you turn 16 you gain a neck.” “Oh, you want a bigger dick? Have fun NEVER USING IT, EVER.” “You wouldn’t go out adventuring if you were a shithead.” “Be prepared to be spooked and clench your asshole.” “My mouth is good for French.” “I don’t even have a brain cell today.” “I’m gonna give you five seconds to say something else.” “I have had one ugly moment and I’m still in it.” “This rhombus has jaundice. The jaundice rhombus.” “There’s two places pineapple doesn’t belong! One: on a pizza! Two: in my ass!” “Yup, I’m a god amongst men.” “I’m a fucking shit.” “You want me to pour an egg straight into your mouth, you kinky fuck?” “How long ago was 2003?” “Being gay and homophobic is pretty woke.” “He doesn’t deserve cheesecake. I deserve the cheesecake.” “The pencils smell like pencils.” “I loosen the pants. Is that a charisma check or a strength check?” “Who is this Hawaiian mother fucker?” “Walking is hard.” “We at an anime convention, Jesus can’t help you!” “And you’re a sparky sparky boom boom boy, you deal with that.” “His butt would his the foot rest.” “I CAN’T BE AWAY FROM YOU CRACKHEADS FOR FIVE MINUTES.” “I forget you have family.” “It’s the brain cell of the week.” “Men must have created speed bumps.” “Ew, ew, my clothing.” “Oh, I’m already getting a game over? That’s fucking hot.” “At this point it’s not even about straying further from God.” “How am I supposed to go to a job interview after this? All I can think about is sexy Colonel Sanders.” “That’s some long meat.” “Zeus was horny on main.” “Don’t be horny on main. Be horny on sideblog. Have you SEEN Hades elsewhere? MY GOD.” “There’s men with computers in their heads and we don’t know if they’re going to try and steal our condensed milk.” “If you’re gonna be a slut, you should at least be proud of it.” “I will dress nice for you, but I will NOT cosplay in a cheesecake factory.” “When your child overthrows you, they take the skeleton with them.” “HE’S A FUCKING CHICKEN WIZARD. DILF CHICKEN WIZARD.” “What would I know? I’m not a capitalist.” “I MIGHT KEYSMASH A WHOLE LOT, BUT I CAN DRIVE, WHICH MEANS I’M NOT A BOTTOM.” “We salted our cardboard pizza slices like cavemen.”
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killjoytoxicberry · 8 years ago
In yet another tag, this time by your friendly internet avian @dead-nightingale I answer a hella ton of questions that I’m not going to tag a whole 25 people in because I don’t know that many people, the people I would normally tag have been tagged already, and I think alot of people don’t like these! Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: apple juice
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my friend Ian
4. Song you listened to: Castle On The Hill (I could have sworn the lyrics where ‘cars along the hill’ not ‘castle on the hill’)
5. Time you cried: I teared up in the car earlier does that count
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: thankfully no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: never been kissed
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: I mean, I’ve never been medically diagnosed but sometimes I really wonder but if you mean have I ever felt then yeah I would say so
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no and I hope I will never
12. Blue(s)
13. Green(s)
14. Black and White
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: probably not? I mean I’ve talked to people and been friendly but I don't know if it would classify as friendship?
16. Fallen out of love:  probably, with fictional characters/shows.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah definitely, it’s the best feeling late at night on the internet when you should be asleep but you get a feeling of summer freedom where you can do whatever you want and god its such a nice feeling.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so, its definitely happened but I haven’t found out about it.
19. Met someone who changed you: We haven’t met within a year but we’re gotten to know each other better and then yeah.
20. Found out who your true friends are: No, I don’t think that’ll ever be clear
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I do not do the facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see 21.
23. Do you have any pets: my mom’s fish just dies, so no.
24. Do you want to change your name: Sometimes, but I think I’ll be fine as long as nicknames exist.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Not sure, I think my parents just forced me out of the house and took me to my favorite sushi place and then the mall (didn’t get anything though, just went into shops) and then I helped make my birthday dinner which we ate along with my cake that I made the night before (I’ve made it a tradition to make myself a cheesecake for my cake since middle school I think)
26. What time did you wake up: surprisingly early today, 8 AM. I was on a couch mattress at my nana’s and it wasn’t that comfortable.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing mysme and reading http://archiveofourown.org/works/592629/chapters/1066944
28. Name something you cannot wait for: the moment in life when I feel actual motivation to do something
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: half an hour ago when I was being scolded about math grades that just came in
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my personality? I feel like another person would deal with life in a better way than I’ve been probably.
31. What are you listening to right now: On The Spot #100 again because Jon Risinger.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Riddle, yes, but it was very one sided. (actually we went to get subs yesterday and there was a lovely old man named Tom who was chatting my brother up while my mom was looking for chips. We wanted to get chicken tender subs but they were out so we god cold cut and he rang it up as the sandwich that was on sale at the time because we waited to see if they other employee was going to get the chicken but she just slowly continued working on whole fired chicken)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that no employer will hire me
34. Most visited website: Youtube or AO3
35. Elementary: My dear Watson? Idk I moved halfway through second grade and spent half a year at one school before switching to a better one only a few minuted farther away.
36. High School: currently in, starting senior year in the fall. I go to a different one than my siblings because mine has a culinary academy.
37. College/university: No idea what to do with this, will burn that bridge when we come to it.
38. Hair colour: brown
39. Long or short hair: medium atm but am planning to get it cut soon hopefully.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: fictional, yeah.
41. What do you like about yourself: hair, physically, and my cosplay ability I like to take pride in.
42. Piercings: one in each ear, but they’re rarely used anymore
43. Blood type: Idk but I want to find out
44. Nickname: Several but I haven't been around any of my friends who use them in a while so I cant think of any
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac sign: Leo
47. Pronouns: she/her, cis
48. Favourite TV show: atla, they still show it, so it counts.
49. Tattoos: none, but plan to, if i can ever decide on anything
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: none that I know of
52. Piercing: ears when I was so young
54. Sport: basketball, but only because my mom wanted me to be active.
55. Vacation: too young idk, but I remember visiting family in Maryland in the winter and there was snow any I tried to eat ice with dirt on it but my dad told me not to but I licked it when he wasn’t looking.
56. Pair of trainers: no idea
57. Eating: how are we supposed to remember any of this?
58. Drinking: My mom’s Mike’s Hard Lemonade, but only a tiny sip and I don’t remember what it tastes like.
59. I’m about to: go to bed probably
60. Listening to: OTS ended so now, ‘Lost in Thoughts All Alone’ Amalee English ver. on loop.
61. Waiting for: a will to live  motivation
62. Want: love, platonic or romantic idc just somthing special and comforting with another human being. I f not that then at least a cat that loves me.
63. Get married: maybe, it seems like a bit of a hassle? But I heard there are benefits, so if we need those, or if my partner wants to.
64. Career: none currently, and too indecisive to have a clear idea of what I want.
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: I feel like I’d be too nervous to try kisses until I’m really comfortable, but I absolutely love hugs ok like a lot
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller, I like being a bit shorter
68. Older or younger: I used to only think same age was an option but I don’t have a preference.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach, I feel like I’d like to lay down together and use it as a pillow
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: I would be ok with a hook up, but I want a relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I feel like I’m too hesitant. I need someone to be able to drag me out to do things without making me hate them.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: does the lemonade sip count
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: I have neither but my brothers have
77. Turned someone down: I kind of didn't give an actual answer until I felt bad enough to say yes but I ended it soon after.
78. Sex on first date: nonononono I don’t think anything I have will turn out like that anyway thankfully but no
79. Broken someone’s heart: I broke up with someone, but I’m almost certain he only asked me out because he wanted to annoy my brother and he just wanted a girlfriend and he was too chill about it so no.
80. Had your heart broken: I have never approached someone are you kidding me, conceal don’t feel don’t let it show
81. Been arrested: yeah no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: I keep wondering if I have but then I think “why do you always do this you are friends and reading too much into this”
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: people actually do that?
85. Miracles: I use the phrase but I don’t believe in anything “divine’ so no
86. Love at first sight: I don’t think you can truly fall in love with someone if you don’t know them...
87. Santa Claus: yes
88. Kiss on the first date: on the cheek for goodbye
89. Angels: not in reality, but I love reading about them
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: Aly
91. Eye colour: brown
92. Favourite movie: 2003 live action Peter Pan
I lied I’m gonna tag three people ok fight me
@neofox0 @paytonbriauna @littlebitofanutcase
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