#how am i supposed to listen when his lower lip is right there
freebooter4ever · 1 day
if i say no its a lie 🤣🤣🤣
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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bbf!jj was at your beck and call. reluctantly.
you were lucky he didn’t have any plans on this particular saturday night — infact for once he wasn’t even with your brother when he got the call, lounging on his own couch with a bag of chips and a controller on his lap when he presses the phone to his ear to see what you wanted.
“yeeeeello?” he greets, picking out residue chip from his teeth.
“jj! yay you picked up— okay so, this guy was supposed to drive me home from this party but he ended up getting wasted and now i’ve got no ride home… please come n’get me? please please — n’don’t tell my brother he gets all annoying and judgy—”
the mention of another guy pricked jj’s attention, his brow raising.
“uhhhhh, kinda like… preoccupied right now…” he makes no effort to move, staring ahead at the pause screen on his game before pressing his lips together, the image of you stood alone outside a party all lost and frightened filling his mind like a cloud of poor judgment before he sighs. “yeah i’ll come getcha. text me the addy, okay?”
jj rolls up twenty five minutes later, looking absolutely delectable to your slightly wine-tipsy self and you can’t help the big grin that spreads across your face when he hops out his side of the car to open your door.
“a gentleman.” you tease with a giggle and he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck before stumbling back over to his own side.
“yeah, sum’n like that.”
the streets are oddly empty for a saturday night as jj cruises along, glancing at you as you stare happily at his profile. “you uh, good over there, trouble?”
“mhm… thanks for coming to get me jj…” he feels almost preyed on, seeing you bat your lashes through his peripherals. this only ever ended one way with you, and it filled him with guilt for his closest confidant. god, he was really gonna bone his best friends little sister again— wasn’t he?
“‘mean i always do. s’like our thing at this point… y’know when you hit my phone i know it’s gonna be one of two things. you need’a ride, or… you need’a ride… y’know like, on me.”
“sometimes both…” you are unmoved by his slight accusatory tone, perhaps you don’t even notice it due to your own lust and slight intoxication.
“w—yup. sometimes both.” he glances at you. “is that… what’s goin’ on tonight? or…”
that’s how you end up cramped in the backseat with your knees practically pinned at your tits and jj’s head between your thighs, ravenously devouring you off some empty side street. he was a little pissed. how he’d ended up like this, not even getting anything for himself was beyond him. his love for eating pussy betrayed him, but he couldn’t really complain listening to your pretty moans as he suckles on your clit and curls his fingers up inside— hurrying you towards a thunderous orgasm.
actually — he could complain.
right as you’re about to cum, jj lifts his head suddenly from beneath your dress — slick coating his lower face and a slight irritation to his brow.
“so what am i like just — like, a taxi or somethin’? who is this other guy anyway— the dude that was supposed t’drive you home? sounds like a douche—”
“jj!” you mewl, practically sounding like you were on the verge of tears. “was about t’cum!”
“my bad but real quick if you could just answer the— nope, okay—” he flinches as you weakly throw your fists at wherever you could reach, shoving him back down between your legs. “yes ma’am.” he mutters, before getting back to work.
when the two of you arrive back to your house in silence after the ordeal, hair and clothes a little mussed and disheveled from the backseat shenanigans — the curse of terrible timing strikes, and your older brother opens the front door before you get the chance, stepping out for a smoke.
“the fuck?” he doesn’t seem too alarmed, perhaps in the dark not noticing the clear post sex image projected onto the two of you.
“hey! big bro!” you squeak, overcompensating.
“howdy dude uh — your lil sis here she uh—” jj claps a hand down platonically on your shoulder as you go to speak over him with an explanation.
“he was just passing through and—”
“i saw her leavin’ some place alone n’couldn’t let that happen. drove her right on home. you better get straight to bed, missy.” jj scolds lightheartedly and now you’re avoiding everyone’s eyes, nodding as you squeeze through the two guys.
“mhm. goodnight!”
your brother watches you leave as he digs in his sweatpant pocket for his lighter, before turning his gaze back onto jj — who stands with wide eyes and pursed lips, still as a statue.
“whatever.” he shrugs tiredly, before moving past the blonde to walk down the drive to his usual smoking spot.
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amiableness · 2 months
Dad!James Potter x Bsf!Reader (mentioned) ☼ 734 words
“I can’t do this, James.” The mother of his child sighs, her arms crossed defensively over her chest as she leans back against the kitchen counter. Her eyes are filled with frustration and weariness. 
James looks up from where he’s scrubbing baby bottles at the sink, concern etched across his face. He rinses out the last bottle and places it on the drying rack before turning to face her fully.
“I know. I’m feeling tired too, love.” He says, trying to offer a reassuring smile.
“No.” She huffs, her irritation cutting through the air as she sends him a scathing look. “I can’t do this.” She gestures to the baby items strewn across their flat, her frustration evident. James follows her gaze, taking in the sight of baby toys scattered everywhere. The living room is a chaotic mess, with bottles, blankets, and tiny clothes strewn about. The once tidy space now looks like a whirlwind passed through, and the weight of their new reality settles heavily on his shoulders.
Her words hang heavily between them, the weight of her admission sinking in as James feels his heart drop. It’s silent as she stares at him, waiting for his response. 
“Listen, I know it’s been rough with a newborn but-” He starts out, scrambling to think of the right thing to say.
“Rough? That’s what you think it’s been?” James nearly flinches at the sharpness in her voice. “This is not what I wanted my life to be! I had dreams, James. And being a mum was never part of them.”
He considers asking her to lower her voice, worried about waking Henry, but he knows that would only escalate the situation.
"Becoming a father at 20 wasn't part of my plan either, but I'm making the best of it. I think that if we—"
She cuts him off, "James, stop."
“I don’t want to hear how you never planned on becoming a father but now love it, or how Henry is the light of your life and should be mine too. I don’t want to hear any of it.”
“But I don’t understand what’s happening.”
She straightens, her tone final. "I’m leaving. He’s your responsibility now. I don’t want to be a mum."
His voice trembles with uncertainty, and his eyes blink slowly as he tries to absorb her words, "My responsibility?"
“I’m giving up my rights as his mother.” She replies firmly.
James stares at her, his stomach sinking as her words register. Her expression was resolute, leaving no room for doubt. He wasn't truly upset about his girlfriend leaving; their relationship had been strained for a while. His real concern was the daunting prospect of being a father on his own. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on him, and he wondered how he would manage sleepless nights, endless feedings, and the overwhelming task of raising a child without support.
"I can’t—fuck, I can’t do this alone,” James collapses into a nearby chair, his hands running through his hair and disheveling his curls in frustration. “What is it they say? That it takes a whole damn town? How am I supposed to do this alone?" His voice cracks with desperation, and he can’t help but feel that she’s likely seeing him as weak and pathetic. She never liked when he cried.
She huffs, “That’s what you’re worried about? Not the fact your girlfriend is leaving you? Honestly James, you should’ve seen this coming sooner.”
James glances up as he hears the sound of her footsteps retreating. He watches in disbelief as she retrieves her luggage from the hall closet, a suitcase and a duffel bag emerging from behind the coat hangers.
"When did you—"
"I’ve been packing slowly for weeks." She interrupts, her voice steady as she continues to methodically zip up the bags. The realization hits him with a pang; this wasn’t a sudden decision but a carefully planned departure.
He really was going to be doing this alone.
“Oh.” The word feels clumsy and inadequate as it escapes his lips. He doesn’t even bother to stand, just staring at her with a sense of helplessness as she stands by the door, sending him a blank look.
“Call Y/N and tell her you need her. You’ve never had a problem doing that before.” With that, she grabs her bag and slams the door behind her.
Henry starts crying immediately.
please reblog or comment with your thoughts! they are very appreciated and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🤍
Dad!James and Bsf!Reader Masterlist
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suiana · 6 months
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(yandere! sweetheart x gn! reader)
You've seen him around. Seen how he talks, how he acts. And you're certain of one thing.
He's not what he looks to be.
Others might say you're paranoid or something, say you're just jealous of him and how everyone seems to adore him. But you really aren't. You just... You're just scared of him.
You're sure of it. It's his whole vibe and aura. It fucking creeps you out and you just can't understand why no one else can feel that. But you suppose it's because he looks like just another guy who's awfully sweet.
His eyes, lips, they all tell a different story as compared to the eerie vibe he gives off. Normally the eyes would be able to tell if he was just acting but... Even his eyes show that he's just a sweetheart.
You've rethought your opinions on him several times. Maybe you're just mistaken. Perhaps you're thinking too much about it.
But no matter how hard you've tried to see him in a positive light, your stomach churns with an indescribable fear. And your gut has never once lied to you.
Which is why you're currently trying to leave this scary situation which your best friend has put you in. She had brought you out to eat for a hangout and out of nowhere, this guy popped out and your friend invited him to join you two without caring about your opinion. You really wanted to punt her after she did that.
Anyways, she's in the toilet right now which means that you're left alone with him.
You didn't know what to say. You honestly just wanted to avoid him if you could. But he seemed to have other ideas.
"So! What have you been up to? I've been volunteering and helping around town, planting flowers and accompanying old granny-"
You tune out his words, staring at him with a slightly unnerved expression. Shit, he really does look like your average cute guy who's just a sweetheart. You can't help but feel bad about ignoring him but... even now, you're on edge. How could this be? You don't even sense any malicious intent but you're worried?
"Hey! Are you not listening?"
You snap out of your daze, blinking several times as you gulp nervously.
"Ah... apologies. I was just... tired, yeah."
He hums, still smiling at you as he props his hands on the table and rests his chin on them. You figut the urge to look away from him as he stares holes into your skull. Shit, when is your friend going to return? You can't handle this anymore...
"Say, darling, do I scare you that much?"
He suddenly mumbles, catching you off guard by the petname and his words. What? He knew that he scared you?
"I knew that you were different. That you could see something others couldn't. Which is why I was interested in the first place. But it really hurts me to see you blatantly ignoring me more and more each day."
He complains, pouting at you as he continues to stare straight into your soul. You feel a shiver run down your spine as your mouth runs dry. Wait what? What is going on? Why did he say that? He knew? Darling? Did he like you?! What the hell?
"You're really special to me. I really don't want you to be scared of me."
He reaches one of his hands out and places it above your trembling ones. He smiles warmly, though you can't help but feel chilled by the action. Damn boy! Stop! You don't like this!
"W-what are you-"
"I am completely in love with you. And I apologize about my... condition that has scared you."
He admits, cheeks flushed as he continues to stare at you, eyes unblinking. You have no response to him. Who knew that the town sweetheart that scared the shit out of you had fallen for you? And condition? Oh shit, was he like, a devil or something?
You gulp nervously, lower lip trembling as you freeze in your seat. Cold sweat decorates your forehead as you pray for your friend to hurry her ass up.
"Ah... I had planned to just take you, you know? But I don't want you to be too frightened of me... It hurts. Truly."
He sighs before removing his hand away from yours, looking at the direction in which your friend was walking from. Thank god! What was she even doing for so long?! She was gone for five full minutes, damn!
"Your friend is back, let's cheer up a bit, hm?"
He chuckles lightly, stirring his coffee as he finally breaks the prolonged eye contact which made you feel naked. Whew, finally that was over. You felt molested by him even though all he did was say some creepy shit.
But... condition. Hm... You'd need to do more research about him. Maybe then you could finally understand why you felt so unnderved by this guy.
And perhaps even try to get rid of the constant stress in your mind. Which would be him, obviously.
He seemed to know so much about you yet you know almost nothing about him. This was really not an optimal position for you.
"Haha! Did you see a ghost or something? You look scared as shit!"
Your friend jokes, taking her seat beside you as she goes back to eating her cake.
Yeah, she was right. You did just see a ghost. And this ghost was sitting right at the table together with you two.
Damn it, this was really the worst.
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mysicklove · 11 months
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With: Izuku Midoriya
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: subish! Izuku, fem/afab reader, izuku masturbates to your voicemail and pretends to fuck you, reader calls him baby, and he calls u hun, needy izuku
A/N: masturbation fics are so fun to write for no reason. anyways, my last kinktober fic. crazy. it doesnt feel this way cause i wrote it halfway through lol.
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Izuku was left alone for too long. On the verge of three weeks to be exact.
He wasn't left completely alone, of course. He was just overseas, on an important mission. He was separated from you, but that to his love-sick brain, meant he was left alone. His sleep schedule is all messed up from the times he stayed up late at night to wish you goodmorning, or the times where he woke up super early to catch you before you ate dinner. 
He missed you, an ungodly amount. When he comes home to his luxury hotel, and flops onto the bed, the only thing he can think about is you. What it would feel like to wraps his arms around you, and melt in your warmth. The way your fingers would run through his hair, and comfort him from all he did that day.
Of course he had those innocent, romantic thoughts most of the time, but somehow one way or another those fantasies began to change. The touches reach lower, your words begin to drip with honey, and your lips seem to be more passionate, desperate even. Until five out of the seven days, he daydreams about fucking you. 
He lays against the bed frame, shirtless, and dick pulled out of his boxers. The trip back to the hotel was long, and he's been thinking about doing this for the past hour now. He prepared everything ahead of time, because if he was doing something as pathetic as this, at least do it right.
The lights were dimmed, and his eyelids are drooping, exhausted from the day. He slowly reaches toward the nightstand and grabs a couple of tissues, setting them down next to him. Then with a sigh, he puts his phone up to his ear, and brings his hand to his cock. 
He gulps when he hears your voice, wishing desperately that you weren't asleep. Its got to be around 5 am by that time, and of course he wished he was patient enough to wait a couple hours for you to talk to him. But, he was desperate, and the voicemail you left him a couple hours earlier did the job.
“Hey baby,” Your voice broadcast, and immediately he seems to melt. His eyes fall shut and his hands begins to move up and down his half hard cock. He hums in reply, not caring if you cant hear him. “I miss you. Saw a kid walk by me with your merch on, made me smile,” You say, your voice slightly muffled from a task you must be doing. 
He huffs a laugh, head falling to the side. “Yeah?” He breathes, thumb rubbing at the tip, and then falling back down to his shaft in a repetitive motion. You continue on about your day, mentioning nothing too important, just how you went grocery shopping and a nice walk after work. “You shouldnt be working. Can take care of you,” Izuku mumbles, eyes peering open just slightly to watch his movements.
His cock was on full display now, the tip a pretty shade of pink, and beginning to leak. You always called it pretty. A strange thing to say about a penis, but he soaked up the praise, taking pride in his cock now. 
The thought made his mind wander. Would you praise him for what he was doing now? He wasnt supposed to touch himself without you, but its been three weeks, you have got to understand. Were you touching yourself thinking about him? The thought sends a thrilling shiver down his spine.
Your voice was now a background noise, just listening to the tone, the sound of it, but nothing of what you were saying. Maybe you were cooing at him. Telling him how good he is doing. Or maybe you were calling him a pervert for doing something so gross without you knowing. He lets out a shaky moan, mewling out and picking up the pace of his hand. 
“I miss you,” He warbles into the phone, on top of your speech. What were you talking about now? A dog you saw? Nothing important. Why weren't you touching yourself to his voice? He would die for an audio of that. Or even an audio of where you give him directions of how to do touch himself correctly.
No Izuku, slow down. Don't hurt yourself, baby. Your voice clouds his mind, and he nods, peering back to his cock and slowing his hand down. Thats it. Tighten your hand, and focus on the tip. He obeys, moving his hand up to the head, and making small pumps there. “S-Sensitive there,” He groans to the empty hotelroom, shaking his head from side to side when his heartbeat begins to pick up.
“Went into Victoria's Secret today,” You hum, and his eyes widen, attention snapping back to your voicemail. He quickly turns up the volume and pressing the phone closer to his ear. “Bought something you’ll love. Red is your favorite, yeah?”
Lewd images flash through his head of dark red lingerie sets and he nods. “Fuck. Please,” He moans, wishing he was there to pick it out with you. His dick twitches, and a glob of precum leaks out. Green eyes flicker to it, and he uses his thumb to swirl it around the head, flinger glazing over the slit. “Wanna see,” Izuku pants, growing hot.
You seem to have heard his reply and it makes him whine. “You don't get to see till you get home. A nice reward for doing so good all this time you are away,” You purr, making a short kissing noise into the mic and laughing.
His eyebrows furrow at the possibilities and his mind drifts off from your voice again. Suddenly he is there with you, his rough hands trailing up and down your body. The dark lingerie looks perfect against your skin tone, and his mouth waters at the sight. Well, look how needy you are Deku. Do you want to fuck me that bad?
He nods his head frantically, hand unconsciously picking up the pace. “Please. Please, beggin’ you,” he chants under his breath, his back slightly arching off the frame. He dully notices that the voicemail has ended, but doesnt pay attention to it, too immersed in the movie playing in his head.
His mind cuts the scene forward, growing too impatient and desperate as his orgasm begins to approach. You are under him, sending scratch marks down his back while moaning out. His thrusts are frantic, and he tries to pretend that his hand is you. Its not the same, but it will do. 
“Am I doing good?” He mumbles, dropping his phone onto the bed and resting the other hand on his thigh. You nod at him, kissing his cheek with redden cheeks, and lazy grin. A view he has seen so many times that he has a perfect mental image of it. 
So good, Izuku. You wanna cum inside?
He moans, louder than he should, considering the thin walls, but he doesnt care at the moment. He never gets to cum inside – this was something he was waiting to hear. “Fuck. Pleaseeee,” He whimpers, eyebrows furrowing and hand frantically moving up and down. His cock is lubed up with pre, and its easier for his hand to move now. 
He climbs closer and closer to his high and now hes hunched slightly over on himself. Suddenly, he hears his phone ringing, cutting him out of his perfect daydream. Just a couple of seconds, he just needs a couple seconds more of fucking you, and then he can take this call. He whines slightly, and peers over at it, not stopping his movements.
When he sees your name his eyes light up, and he grabs the phone and brings it to his ear immediately. His hands makes a lewd squelching noise, but he too fucked out to care if you hear.
A couple of seconds go by, and he breathes into the mic, waiting. And then he hears a groggy, “Hey baby,” and he cums on the spot. Groaning into the phone without a care as cum spills out on his hands and his whole body shakes. 
Another second goes by, as you wait silently on your side, confused on what was happening, but too sleepy to put two and two together. Izuku's chest rises and falls with every breath, and he stares at his cum covered hand, trying not to let out a sound of complaint when he realized he forgot to cum into the tissue.
He blinks a couple times, exhausted but glowing. “Hey hun. Was just thinkin’ bout you,” He hums, grinning at his sticky hand and closing his eyes when he hears your girlish giggle.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Bleeding From The Storm
Chapter One - Death
After the death of his son, the head of the Dupont family wants his daughter protected. He moved her to Monaco, the safe zone, and has her protected by Charles Leclerc. Max Verstappen was never supposed to meet her. He didn't even know who she was. But he knew she was beautiful, and he knew he wanted to know more, much to the horror of Charles Leclerc.
Series Masterlist
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10 Years Ago:
When you're a part of a crime family, death is all one usually thinks about. Every time they're sent out on a job, the members of these crime families think about the ways in which the job could kill them. Even when they're not working, they're thinking about all the ways they might die and what their family would be left with.
They expect to be kidnapped and killed, beaten to death, shot and stabbed by a member of a rival family.
Never murdered on neutral grounds.
He was in the safe zone. You're not supposed to die in the safe zone. He wasn't even doing any work, living on his father's yacht in a spell of twenty-four year old rebellion.
His sister had been in contact with him will be at been on the yacht in Monaco. When she one day stopped getting messages back from him, she knew that something was wrong.
His dead body was only discovered because of her. Because she ran to Charles, who wasn't that much older than her, and begged him to help her search through the yacht.
Charles had been the one to find the body. He'd held her back, stopping her from running in and seeing the bloodied mess on the bed. He was barely recognisable, the only indicator of who he was being the Dupont family ring on his finger.
They couldn't call the police, not or something like this. Charles had her return home to France while he and his brother recovered the body. That was the harsh reality of their lives.
The funeral was held at the Dupont family manor. The heads of family gathered around as the casket was lowered.
It was a rare moment of peace between then. The silence as his casket was covered with dirt. From the edge of the property, she was there, crying and screaming until her lungs ached.
They weren't meant to be there. The funeral was for the heads of families and a few right hand men. But Charles and Lorenzo, his older brother, stood with her as she sobbed. If the heads of families head, they didn't give any indication.
When the heads of families went into the house to conduct their meeting, the three of them crept closer. Her cried had quietened as they pressed themselves against the bricks, ducking beneath the window of the meeting room.
"This is no coincidence!" Bellowed Dupont as he looked at the rest of the heads. His right hand man, Leclerc, stood beside him, noting all of the reactions around the room.
"How dare you throw these accusations at us!" Webber shouted back. "How dare you insinuate that one of us violated the rules of the safe zone to murder your son!"
"The suggestion that my son was murdered by somebody who doesn't want to send a message to me and my family is preposterous!"
And suddenly they were all shouting over each other, making it impossible for the three below the windows to listen in. Lorenzo pressed his fingers to his lips as he stoop up slightly and peered into the window.
The calmest one was Hamilton. He was the youngest, didn't yet have any people behind him. But he was growing, and at a rapid rate. He stood and placed his hand flat on the table, silencing everybody around the room. "Dupont, what happened to your son is a tragedy, one that will not soon be forgotten. It was a crime committed by a sick individual. But it wasn't a member of any family. The way they killed him, that isn't how we do things. Our men are taught to kill quietly, efficiently. To leave no mess."
There was nothing but mess in the way that he was killed.
He was right. Every head of family knew he was right. Even if it was a tough pill for Dupont to swallow.
"But," Hamilton continued, "I am open for my operations to be investigated. As is everyone in this room." He looked from side to side. "Unless there is something anybody wants to share."
Silence fell across the room.
Suddenly, Dupont's right hand man stepped forward. "The proposal from here is to review the laws we have around the safe zone. It has always been free of weapons, but we will tighten security, have multiple check points set up."
Dupont looked towards Leclerc and then addressed the rest of the room. "Leclerc grew up in Monaco. It is where he is raising his family. To me, it makes the most sense that he heads up this operation."
The rest of the heads of family agreed. The conversation continued calmly, with the rest of the meeting headed up by Hamilton. From his place between Rosberg and Webber, Verstappen stayed quiet. But that wasn't unusual for a man this cold and calculating.
Just two days after the funeral, Dupont moved his wife and daughter to Monaco. The Dupont Manor was emptied, used only for business. Nobody knew that Dupont had moved his family, nobody but the Leclercs.
As soon as he turned eighteen, Charles Leclerc was welcomed into the Dupont family. He was insanely proud to be working alongside his father and brother, even if his job was a little different.
Where Hervé was Dupont's right hand man, effectively running the family with him, and Lorenzo did 'enforcement' for the family, Charles had a different job. Charles was assigned to guard her. She was fifteen, turning sixteen, and full of teenaged... feelings. She wasn't rebellious, not after what happened to her brother.
But she wanted to go out, wanted to make friends and have fun. Charles could let her do that. He couldn't let her put herself in danger like that.
When Charles was nineteen, about to turn twenty, he lost his father. He had been at her place, listening to her ramble about getting a job. Because, maybe if she she had a dog, Charles would let her go and have fun.
She told Charles what dog she wanted. A sweet doberman or a scary rottweiler with a silly name. One she could walk with a spiked collar and a black leather leash.
"That way, you don't have to keep being my guard dog," she had said as she sat on the sofa, her feet on his lap.
Charles had rolled his eyes at her. "You say that like I don't like guarding you, Lapinette."
He'd gotten the call after that, interrupting their conversation. The phone had fallen out of Charles's hands, but he didn’t react much beyond that.
He'd been prepared for this, just like every child who grew up in a family (well, everyone but her, but Bunny). But it was still a shock, still stung.
"Cha," she said as she sat up. "What's the matter?"
He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Nothing, Bunny." His eyes stung but he held back the tears. "Uh, I'm gonna send Arthur to come here. Lock the door after me and don't let anybody in until he knocks."
Fear suddenly filled her. But Charles brushed her hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead. "I promise, everything is fine."
She always did what Charles said. They had pretty much become roommates, him living in her apartment, the one her dad bought for her the moment she turned eighteen.
But being eighteen brought out her first moment of rebellion.
The first time she snuck out, Charles caught her. The second time she snuck out, Charles caught her.
But, with each time that he caught her, she got better. She got better and better. She got so good that Charles had to chase her down the street when he found the apartment empty.
She got good enough to not get caught. She learnt Charles's patterns well enough to sneak out like an expect. Well, if you could be an expert at something like that.
At twenty-four, she decided that her favourite place to go when she snuck out. The café that served all the different teas and the fruity smoothies. They had the seats outside with the plush seat cushions and wide umbrellas that protected her from the sun.
That was where Max first saw her. It was rare that he got to use the Verstappen apartment inside of the safe zone. But, the last job his father had sent him on had turned into a bloodbath.
His week long visit was to try and cool him off. Verstappen wasn't one to care about death, but if Max continued the way he was going, it was going to destroy Verstappens operation.
He thought he had seen an angel.
There she sat, wearing that white sundress with the little blue flowers. She sipped her fruity drink as she looked across the street. Not at him, not where he sat in his car. No, she looked to the right of him, at the view of the tree in front of the harbour. He could see her as her pencil moved against her notebook, no doubt drawing the scene.
Max watched her until the person driving behind him beeped their horn. He quickly drove away, but he wouldn't be forgetting the angel any time soon.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @hiireadstuff @urfa-qurrota-ainy @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethyskill-blog @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @not-nyasa
Series taglist (OPEN): @doofensmirtzevil-inc
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justaaveragereader · 1 year
Perform For Them
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Genre: Smut, Mean Dom! Yunho
Warning⛔️: Unprotected Sex (Don’t Do That), Rough Sex, Oral (Giving), Choking With A Belt, Mean Dom! Yunho, Spanking, Cum Eating, Recording The Deed, Cream Pie, Slight Possessive Yunho, Naming Calling (Slut, Whore, Dumb), If I Missed Anything, Let Me Know 👀👀!
NSFW & Warnings Under Cut - Minors DNI!!!🔞
“I was just talking with him!” You slightly raise your voice at Yunho. Hands thrown in the air, clearly tired of having this recurring conversation.
“Lower your tone, I’m not raising my voice at you, am I? No. Secondly, talking? Is that what you call drooling over Wooyoung?”
“I was not drooling!” You yell, voice now bouncing off of the bedroom walls. What was supposed to be a nice dinner between you and all the members ended up being a complete shit show. Yunhos eyes lifted to you, his eyebrows raised as if he was surprised at your tone after he asked you politely to lower it.
“Wooyoung loves attention, you know how he is! You are in the same group with him!” You yell again, hands trying their best to unstrap your heels. Eyes too busy with the buckle on your shoes you miss the way his eyebrows raise, you also miss the way his jaw tightens in annoyance.
“Y/n I’m only going to ask you this last time to not raise your voice. We are trying to have a civilized conversation.” He speaks, air as soft as a pillow, eyes as dark as the midnight sky.
“Now you want to have a civilized conversation?! What was that at the dinner table then? Wasn’t shit civilized about tha-.” Yunho swiftly gets off the edge of the bed, wrapping his hand around your throat and shoving you against the wall. His body crushing you against the plaster. His face directly over yours.
“I asked you to lower your voice while talking to me. I’m not yelling at you so why are you yelling at me?” He grits out through tight lips, clearly pissed off at you. You roll your eyes, putting your hands on Yunhos chest, trying to shove him off of you. His body doesn’t even move a muscle, almost like he’s cemented to the ground.
“Yunho seriously get off of me.” You roll your eyes once again, you don’t want to put up with his jealous ways right now. Any other night you’d shower him in the reassurance of how he’s the only man for you but tonight you don’t want to even scratch that surface. Trying to push him off you once again, his hand tightens on your throat taking you by surprise.
“I’ll move when I’m ready. Now, if you want to talk about this like adults, let's do it. Otherwise keep your smart mouth shut. Or I’m going to do it for you.”
“Oh yea? You feeling big and bad, Jeong Yunho?” You say poking his chest, your face growing a smirk clearly finding this situation now funny. Which he didn’t take all too well.
“You? You are going to shut it for me? Yea ok.” You say through a laugh, finally getting Yunho to move back slightly, moving off of the wall making your way to the bathroom. Before you can even make it two steps his hand reaches out wrapping around your neck pulling you back to his chest.
“What did you say?” He practically growls out.
“Yunho.. Listen it wasn’t ev-.”
His hand tightens on your throat, his other grips your waist bringing you closer to him, his nose brushes over the crown of your head, your skin litters with goosebumps.
“No no, continue with what you were going to say.”
You swallow hard, the grip on your throat tightening ever so slightly. He gives the small of your back a push towards the bed walking with you to the end of the bed. His hand that was gripping your waist now running lightly over your back, coming up to undo the zipper on your dress.
“You are going to do what I say, when I say it. Do you understand?” He whispers into your ear, kissing from your neck down to your jaw. A smile gracing his face the whole time. Closing your eyes you let your head fall against his shoulder, caught up in all the pleasure you hadn’t even realized he was speaking to you.
His hand coming down and cracking against your clothed ass cheek. The weight of his hand was sure to leave a bruise, but that was a matter you would deal with in the morning. Giving you one more harsh slap, he grabs your ass cheeks spreading them slightly, groaning at the squelching noises he hears as he spreads you open.
“Don’t make me ask again, pretty girl.” He growls out, hands still toying with your ass cheeks. You nod your head, pushing your ass back against him trying to hurry this process up. Letting out a small chuckle he pushes the dress down from your shoulders, letting it drop and pool at your feet.
“On your knees. Now.” He whispers roughly into your ear, nipping at the side of your neck before standing back slightly, hands coming to undo his belt. Dropping swiftly to your knees, dress still pooling around you. His gaze on you was so heavy, any loving, caring thoughts he had about you earlier were now clearly gone. Nothing but lust and dark thoughts behind those pretty eyes of his. Sliding the belt out of the loops he hooks his belt, placing it around your neck and tightening it just enough to where it’s slightly pinching your skin but you can still breathe.
“You still think I’m feeling ‘big and bad’ darling? Still think I won’t shut this pretty mouth of yours?”
You knew he was asking you rhetorical questions, you knew this was a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. You could answer his question but deciding to play it safe you keep your mouth shut, eyes staring up at him with the belt around your neck. Giving it a swift tug upwards cutting your air supply off slightly.
“Answer me, pretty girl. Do you still think I’m feeling ‘big and bad’? I think I’ve been too lenient with you. First flirting with Wooyou-.”
“I wasn’t flirti-“ you are cut off by him pulling on the belt a choked moan leaves your mouth, your hands gripping your bare knees. You can feel the wetness seeping out your panties onto your inner thighs. As much as you hated the first part of jealous Yunho, the arguing, the fighting. You always loved how it ended, you bare bodied, crying tears of pleasure into the sheets.
“Did I ask you to speak yet?” He grits out pulling harder on the belt before letting go. Shuffling closer to you so the back of your head was touching the mattress.
“You are going to pull out my cock and suck it. I don’t want to hear another word leaving your filthy mouth. Do you understand?”
Deciding it was best not to answer, you immediately move to finish undoing his pants. Clearly pleased at your movements he lets out a hum of approval, tugging his pants down to his knees, his cock springs out, slapping against his stomach before bobbing and standing hard in front of your face. Tip swollen and red, precum dripping from his slit all the way down his shaft. You can tell he wanted this, needed this as badly as you did.
You run your tongue across his slit taking in the slight bitterness of his precum in your mouth, running your tongue all over him, getting him all prepped for your mouth, gripping what you know you won’t be able to fit in your mouth you give him a couple pumps before taking majority of him in. His head rolling back instantly, clearly sensitive, his thighs twitch at the feeling of your warm mouth on his hard cock. You start off with a slow rhythm, tongue dragging on the underside of his cock, tracing over that thick vein that runs along under it making his jaw slack open.
He lets small groans leave his mouth, slurping noises filling the air between you both. Hand jerking off what’s left of him, cock slickening up with your spit, drool dropping onto the top of your boobs, falling between the crevices of them. Your other hand collects the drool pooling out of your mouth, coming up to toy with his heavy balls, causing Yunhos hips to jerk forward sending more of his cock down your throat. You let out a choking noise, trying your best to breath through your nose, you go back to bobbing your head, tongue flickering and dipping between his slit with every pull back.
He’s losing every collective thought he’s ever had in his head, your wet, soft lips on his hardened length in enough to send anyone over the edge. Yet he can’t scratch the feeling of your arm on Wooyoungs, you laughing at Wooyoungs jokes, anger now seeping at his core behind his orgasm he grips your scalp, tugging on the belt you halt your movements. Mouth full of his cock, eyes filled to the brim with tears and your panties filled with your dripping arousal you let out a soft hum.
“That mouth, that fucking mouth is always getting you into trouble baby. Isn’t it?” He breathes out through heavy pants, you can tell he was clearly on the brink of his peak. Sticking your tongue flat out, signaling to him to fuck your throat. He clicks his tongue, eyes clearly enamored in the way you easily submit yourself to him, his woman, his favorite lady, his everything, on her knees with her hands against his thighs looking up at him like he was God. Wooyoung could never.
Slapping his heavy cock down on your tongue, drool spilling out from your mouth, eyes watering. He grips himself slowly inching his way down your throat, one hand still tight on the belt around your neck. You breathe slowly through your nose, trying your best not to choke. His hips start to pick up rhythm, more drool is spilling down your neck, onto your chest. Your eyes flutter at the weight in your mouth, you loved it when he used you like this.
He locks his eyes on your face, hand still gripping your scalp, he wants to cum so bad, he can feel the rush of his orgasm creeping up. Tugging on the belt around your neck, your eyes flutter back open, eyes locking with his. A devilish grin is painted on him, he looks like a demon which means you are in for a long night.
“Look at you, covered in your own spit, mouth and throat full of cock, my cock. I know that pussy is wet, touch it.” He says through a grin, he was mocking you.
Your fingers dance along your clothed core, pushing your panties up against your clit, the squelching noise easily being heard. You were gushing, your panties now stuck around your clit, the rough material of them making your body shutter.
“Such a whore, you that wet from sucking my cock? Imagine if Wooyoung saw you like this.” He spits out at the end of his sentence, you let out a small whine, your skin heating up at the thought of Wooyoung seeing you in such a disarray.
A grin breaks out onto Yunhos face, clearly seeing he has struck a nerve. A horny nerve.
“Maybe I should send it to all of my members huh? Have them see you slutted out for me. I’m sure they will jerk off to it later.” He gets closer to you, cock sliding farther down your throat causing you to slightly choke, your head now full on hitting the mattress. Pulling out slightly, strings of spit connecting as he pulls back, letting out a hiss.
“Stay right there baby.” He reaches over your head, wet cock smearing across your face, you stay still hands gripping his thighs for dear life trying to squeeze your thighs together to cause any friction to your cunt so you can feel a sliver of relief.
He leans back, phone in hand, flash on, causing you to wince slightly at the sudden bright light.
“Stick out your tongue for me.” He says in a low tone, holding the phone up tilting it towards your face, getting the perfect shot, your face smeared with spit, bra and spit covered tits on display, makeup smudged, good god he was going to fuck you stupid later.
Sticking your tongue out, you look up at the camera, making direct eye contact with it, causing Yunho to let out a small chuckle.
“Well well well..don’t we have a performer here.” Slapping his heavy cock again on your tongue he slides in your mouth slowly, making sure to capture the way your mouth wraps around him along with the way your throat slightly stretches to accommodate his size. Your nose brushes slightly over his pelvic area, inhaling his scent.
His hand tugs on the belt around your neck, using it as something to stabilize him, hips quickly moving back and forth, the sudden speed, and weight of the belt choking you was making you dizzy, thighs still crushing together. Gurgling noises and groans were all that was being heard throughout the room.
Tugging on the belt again his head cocks back, getting lost in the pleasure yet never letting his grip on the phone lighten up. He was going to make sure the boys, Wooyoung specifically, made sure that they remembered just who you belonged to.
“Yes baby, just like that, keep sucking my cock like that.” His cock slamming in and out of your mouth, throat burning with pleasure, his words going straight to your core you let out a small whine.
He brings his head down, now staring at your messy state through the phone screen. Making his toes curl, you looked so fucked out and all you had done was suck his cock so far, he hadnt even touched your pussy yet. Biting his lip to bite back his moans, he picks up speed hips driving full on into your mouth.
“Shit, shit! Tongue out baby.” He says through a feverish groan. Sticking your tongue out he pulls back, cum shooting all over tongue, some over shooting, landing on your upper lip, and nose. You help stroke him making sure to get every drop. You lock eyes with the camera, bringing your mouth to his tip, giving it a small suck before flicking your tongue over his slit once more. Making sure to milk him of every last drop.
You bring your fingers up to wipe the cum off of your nose, putting it on your tongue, sticking it out for the camera to see before closing your mouth and swallowing him down with a groan of satisfaction, running your tongue across your top lip, making a show out of swallowing his cum down. He tosses the phone on the bed, continuing to record. If you wanted to put on a show, he was going to give them a whole damn movie.
Pulling on the belt, making you stand up, his face hovering over yours, one hand shaking down to your heated core, playing with the fabric that was now soaking and wedged between your pussy lips.
“You look like such a slut right now, spit on your tits, lips puffy and swollen. You look like my slut. You are always so filthy.” He rubs over your swollen clit lightly, barely just grazing it, yet the feeling of him touching you after not having touched you at all has your knees buckling.
Turning you around he shoves you face first down into the bed, your ass sticking up for him. You groan as the cool air hits your core. Yunhos fingers run along the inner part of your panties, pulling them back and letting them snap against your clothes core making sure the fabric snapped right against your clit making you cry out. Hands gripping the sheets.
“Please, please, please touch me daddy.” You cry out. There it was the “D” word, you knew how much Yunho loved to be called it during sex. He felt his ego inflate along with his cock, now standing hard and long again. Letting out a small chuckle he grabs your ass cheek, jiggling it in his hand, while snapping your panties against your core, repeatedly over and over again. Tears spill from your eyes. You feel a wave of heat crash over your body, your orgasm right on the brink. Your body shivers with pleasure.
“You really are a whore, are you really going to cum from me snapping your panties against your pussy?”
He mocks with a grin on his face, one hand reaching for the phone. Holding it up to record, your wet pussy dripping down behind your knees. Your body jumps with each snap. Placing the phone right under you so it was recording your pussy and the juices dripping down it.
You let out a high pitched whine, he starts snapping your panties harder against you, letting his fingers brush over your swollen clit from time to time.
“Beg, beg and I might touch yo-.”
“Please! Please Daddy, please touch me, fuck me, do something!” You sob out. A grin fills his face, one hand coming down and cracking hard against your ass cheek causing your body to jolt forward. Tugging your panties down to behind your knees making sure that it didn’t obstruct the cameras view.
Giving his cock a couple pumps he pushes into you slowly, causing you to cry out at the relief and pleasure. You felt like you were going to cum any minute. Pushing into you till his hips connect with your ass, your eyes fill with tears.
“I’m not going to last long Yunho.” You whimper out through a choked out sob. Leaning forward he grips the belt bringing you to lean back against his chest. Picking up the phone he holds it in front of you, tears dripping down your face, hips moving starting at a snail pace.
“Look at her crying, like the dumb slut she is. Looking so fucked out and I’m just now in her pussy, what a whore.” He says through a laugh, his dirty talking causing your pussy to clench on him. Tugging the belt back farther causing your back to arch farther. You let out a loud whimper.
“You wanted to put on a show earlier for my members, what happened? Go on slut, perform.” He speaks sarcastically. Tongue darting out, licking your lower lip with a smile gracing his face.
“Daddy please.” You whine out.
“What do you want slut?” Your pussy clenches on him again, you loved when he got like this.
“Please fuck me daddy, please stuff me full.” You whine out, body still arched against his chest. Letting out a low groan he bucks his hips against yours, driving his cock deeper into your warm, wet walls.
“Who do you want to fuck you?”
“You, only you.”
Bringing up the phone to get a better shot of your crying face.
“Who do you want to fuck you baby? Tell them, tell them who you want in this pussy.”
“You, daddy, I want you. I want you and only you in this pussy.” You whine out.
Yunho looks smug into the camera, before tossing it next to him, letting his hand bend you down once again. Undoing the belt from your neck, letting it fall to the side.
Drawing his hips back he slams into your dripping cunt. Causing your body to jerk forward on the need, the sudden movement causing you to cry out. Not giving you time to settle he starts pistoning his hips in and out of you. Pussy clamping down on him with each thrust. Tears are pouring down your face, drool leaking out your mouth. Yunho knows you won’t hold on for much longer, putting his foot up on the bed to get a better angle, he wants to make sure his cock is permanently engraved into your guts.
“Daddy oh daddy!” You scream out gripping the sheets for dear life. His head cocked back, eyes shut tightly, with his mouth slightly hung open. His hands were gripping your hips tightly. The feeling of the vice grip your sopping cunt had on him had his mind fizzing out.
“Fuuuuckkkkk…just like that baby, just like that.” He groaned out, head rolling forward. Cracking one hand down on your ass watching it jiggle.
“Oh my god! Oh my fucking god!” You scream out, tears of pleasure filling your eyes. Hand shooting out behind you to slow down his hips, your high approaching way too fast for your likings. Grabbing your wrist and pinning it to your back, hips still going at a hammering pace.
“Shut up and take it.” He spits out through gritted teeth. Hand cracking down on your ass watching it jiggle. Your face smushed into the mattress letting out choked moans. Wrapping one hand around the front of your neck, bringing your back to his chest. Licking his lips he kisses the side of your neck, hips still hammering away into your sopping wet cunt.
“Yea, that’s it, take it. Take it, slut.” He whispers into your ear while kissing your ear lobe.
Your toes clench, your eyes start to flutter back, you can taste your orgasm that’s how fast it’s beginning to crash into you.
“Talked all that shit earlier, now you can’t take it.” He says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Go on, let them know whose fucking you this good.” His hips drilling harder into you, hand smacking your ass once again, the squeaking of the mattress and the smacking of the headboard cracking into the wall is radiating in the room.
“You are! You..oh my god.. You are!” You sob out, toes curling, pussy clenching harder on his cock.
His hand tightens on your throat, hips now driving deeper and harder into you.
“I’m making you feel this good slut? You think anyone besides me can make you feel this good?” He grits out, biting his lip to hold back his own orgasm.
“Only you can make me feel this good daddy!” You scream out, nails clawing at whatever piece of skin you can grab on him.
“Who. Is. Fucking. You. This. Good. Slut?!” He growls out, hips slamming deeper into you at each punctuation.
“You! Fucking Jeong Yunho! You daddy! Only fucking you!” You scream out, voice now hoarse from all the yelling, the dams of your orgasm breaking, your body shuttering in his hold. Juices running down your legs, down his cock, down to his balls.
Gripping your neck tighter, he slams his hips into you faster, tossing his head back, orgasm now pushing past his point. Tears streaming down your face from how intense your orgasm was, while Yunho is trying to find his own high he’s still helping you ride out your very own.
Shit…that’s it baby, take it, take it like the good slut you are.” He spits through gritted teeth, hand tightening on your throat, hips slapping harshly against your ass. Cumming undone with one harsh final thrust. His legs shake uncontrollably, letting your throat go, you flop forward onto the mattress.
Trying to stabilize himself, one hand on the mattress holding himself up, while the other grabs the phone. Pulling himself out of you slowly, watching his cum instantly start spilling out.
You let out a small groan at your now empty cunt, bringing a hand down to smack your sore ass causing you to let out a small squeak. He spreads your thighs apart, recording his cum spill out of your wet hole. Letting a finger run through your wet lips, giving your clit a small pinch, your hole clenches causing more cum to spill out.
He collects some of the cum that has spilled out, pushing it back into you, causing you to let out another small whimper before messily smearing it all over your pussy. Ending the video he sends it to each of the members, tossing his phone by your head. Crawling up behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you towards him.
“Who do you think is going to watch it first?” You groan out, throat sore from all the yelling.
“Wooyoungs hornball self, Hongjoong a close second though.” He says while his fingers slowly start to massage your lower back. Just then Yunhos phone starts ringing “Wooyoung” flashes across the screen, a smirk covering his face.
“I told you.” He says into your neck nipping at the skin, the thought of all the members watching Yunho fuck you has your skin growing hot. Rolling over he slots himself between your legs, picking up the phone he answers the call. Thumb rubbing over your clit.
“Hello..? Yea.. she’s under me right now. You want to see?” He looks at you with lust filled eyes. This was going to be a fun night.
A/N: I’m so down bad for Dom Yunho, idc what anyone says I’m the number one supporter of the Big Daddy Dom Yunho agenda and no one can change my mind! Everything about this man screams “I’m going to fuck you into next week.” And id HAPPILY let him😀🫣. Leave me walking on crutches sir I’d happily thank ya! He seems like the type that will tap dance on your uterus🤪. Sigh…all my morals get tossed aside for this man😔. Also this photo shoot of Yunho?! Y’all I was howling at the moon like GAWWTTT DDAAAMMMNN this man is so fine😭. Like the look in his eyes just oooo, makes me want to confess my love in the rain for him. Anywayyyysssss I hope you guys enjoy! After this I will be working on some of the requests I’ve gotten so keep your eyes peeled for those!
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dark-mnjiro · 7 months
make me :: adam x afab!reader
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Author’s Note: welcome to my hell. This shit eating grin sexist garbage man is now my entire world. Happy fucking Valentine’s Day. I’m in hell.
Content Warnings: angel!adam x afab!reader, explicit sexual content, explicit language, teasing, choking, missionary, mating press, dirty talk, unsafe sex, breeding kink, dacryphilia (if you squint), quite frankly adam is a content warning himself…
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He had been ranting nonstop for nearly ten minutes.
Adam’s hands were locked firmly on your hips, keeping you locked and straddling his waist while he relaxed against the couch. You couldn’t recall exactly when you stopped listening to his nonstop rant, but so far he hadn’t seemed to notice.
“And Miss Sunshine and Rainbows think she can rehabilitate sinners-” he merely stopped to cackle. “And thinks they can just come up here and fuck up the good shit we have here-HA.”
You felt his gaze on you before you quickly flashed a smile and a quick to acknowledge you were “paying attention”.
His grip on your hips tightened before he began talking again. “Getting rid of the extermination?” He continued. “Can you fucking believe that shit, babe? Who the fuck would allow that?!”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes in an attempt to keep your expression invested in his words. Being Adam’s third wife had its perks, but his mouth was unfortunately one of the cons. You had tuned out of the conversation a long time ago, but your eyes watched his lips moving as he ranted.
How you wished you could shut him up.
“What a fucking bitch am I right?”
You blinked at Adam. “I suppose.”
“You suppose? Babe, were you listening to anything I was saying?”
Furrowing your brows, an annoyed sigh fell from your lips. “Adam—”
He let out a painful groan. “My wife doesn’t want to listen to me!”
Not again.
“I can’t believe you weren’t listening to me!” he wailed.
Your expression went flat as you took your fingers, rubbing your temple from the impending headache that was to come. “Adam. I swear-”
He didn’t hear you. “My WIFE.”
He was silent for a moment before his golden eyes narrowed at you. “Fucking make me.”
The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine before his grip on your hips tightened.
His lips curled into a smirk. “Hm?”
“That fucking hurts!”
“Please,” he practically snorted. “You won’t do shit.”
“Fuck you, Adam.”
His tongue slid along his lower lip.
“Let me go,” you snapped before trying to push yourself away from him. His grip only tightened on your thighs. “You’re such an asshole!”
In one, swift movement, you found Adam on top of you with your arms pinned over your head. He used his body weight against you, forcing you down against the couch. The smirk on his lips only grew before he ground his hips against your own. The friction made you gasp before struggling against him again.
“What a little brat you are,” he taunted. “Maybe I can fuck this attitude right out of you.”
Heat rose the back of your neck before he leaned in and pressed his lips against your own. His tongue probed at your lip, pushing into your mouth.
His hands moved down your arms and found their way to your chest. You moaned into the kiss as Adam gave your breasts a firm squeeze through your top. His hands moved lower, gripping the edge of your top before quickly discarding the article of clothing.
Adam pulled away from your mouth before taking in your flustered expression as you tried to catch your breath. His tongue moved along his lips again before the corner of his mouth tugged back into his signature smirk.
Your eyes narrowed. “Come on Adam.”
He was taunting you now.
“What does my pretty baby want?”
Scowling, you looked away. “You know what.”
Adam tilted his head to the side, feigning innocence. “I do?”
“Don’t act stupid!”
“I want to hear you say it.”
Heat burned at your cheeks. “Adam, please.”
“Tell me what you want.” He continued as his hands went to your pants. “Or I walk away.”
He merely tilted his head to the opposite side.
His fingers brushed against the exposed flesh of your tummy before tugging lightly on your pants again. Heat pooled between your legs before you managed to mumble a small “fuck me” to him.
He leaned in. “What was that babe?”
You scowled. “Fuck me already!”
The golden hues in his eyes flashed playfully before he quickly made work of the rest of your clothing, tossing it haphazardly to the floor. He sat back, removing his robes. He so ready your legs before you felt the tip of his cock pressing against you.
Glaring, you tried to scoot your hips down. “Adam…”
He scoffed before finally pushing into you. His golden eyes rolled back as he groaned, feeling your cunt squeeze him tightly. While he wasn’t the longest cock you had ever experienced (to be honest he was pretty average at best) - his thickness alone was enough to send you reeling. Tears beaded at the corner of your eyes as you tried to adjust to the stretch.
“I never get tired of feeling this tight pussy,” he moaned, offering you a shallow thrust.
Your eyes slipped shut as his name tumbled off your lips in whimpers. Adam adjusted his position, taking your legs and guiding your ankles to rest on his shoulder. The position forced him to take a deeper angle as his pace increased.
“Fuck,” he growled. “That’s fucking it, baby…”
He pushed your thighs back, pressing your legs against your chest. His favorite position - the mating press. You gasped as you felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix.
Smirking, Adam leaned over as his free hand came to your throat. Your hand encircled around his wrist as he squeezed your throat lightly.
“Adam…” you whined.
“Stay right there,” he growled before thrusting into you harder. You could tell you wouldn’t hold out much longer… Adam knew it too. He leaned down to your ear. “Clenching I see,” he groaned. “Gonna cum on this cock? What a filthy angel you are for me…”
Even balls deep… he couldn’t resist running his mouth.
“You love this cock don’t you?” He teased as your eyes squeezed shut again. “Can barely take it, huh baby?”
“That’s it,” he groaned.
Pleasure washed over your body before your body shuddered with orgasm. Adam’s hips stuttered as his thrusts became sloppy. He wouldn’t last much longer. He grunted again before releasing inside of you.
“Fuck,” he hissed before collapsing on top of you.
Your hands came up and raked through his dark hair as you tried to catch your labored breaths. His nose brushed against the nape of your neck.
“You okay?”
You couldn’t help but smile. “I’m fine Adam,” you assured him. “More than fine.” Despite his typical attitude, he always wanted to check up on you. Even after sex.
He chuckled. “Wanna go again?”
“Dickmaster to you!”
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etfrin · 8 months
❝ꜱᴏᴜʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ❞ — chapter fifteen | coriolanus snow
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「ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:」 NSFW | male masterbation, Coriolanus Snow, Dr. Gaul, canon typical violence, mentions of death | lmk if I forgot anything
「ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:」 young! Coriolanus Snow x fem! Reader
「ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:」 you punish Coryo in your own way and Coriolanus figures out a solution for the snake problem :D
「ᴀ/ɴ:」 hope you guys like this!! <333 please remember to give your feedback, this was supposed to be longer but i decided that what i have planned will be better for the next chapter!
Beta read by the stunning ✨ @nowitsmissing ✨
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The rest of the gala went incredibly well. Being introduced as your partner made the others look at him with newfound respect. He truly had underestimated your value and felt guilty for it. He spent the rest of the night being paraded but it all ended well since even the men who weren't as interested in him before seemed intrigued.
All is well when the end is well.
The night ends with a kiss in front of the cameras. That had sealed the deal. You had truly forgiven him for his mishap now, or so he thought. In the car ride back home you hadn't looked at him. Even if he tried to make conversation with you; you replied with one-word answers.
Coriolanus looks away from you, giving his attention to the Capitol streets instead. It was very boring. He hated it. So he begins to ramble, not caring a bit that you weren't giving him attention. You were forced to listen. He begins from the top, talking about Clemmie and Festus and how they helped him. Coryo adds about Dr. Gaul. Her interactions with him.
He smirks when he sees the angry twitch of your fingers. He begins to talk about some other elite. Some opinions of awe and a few judgemental (even though he had no right to judge).
“God, you can't shut up, can you?” You groan, turning to him. Your hands pull at his suit, bringing him closer to you. You kissed him, but it was more like a sudden clash of teeth. Coriolanus didn't mind, he moaned into the kiss. His hands fisted so they didn't venture on places it shouldn't. He didn't want to make you more mad.
You suck his lower lip. The kiss was messy and sloppy. But it felt so good that Coriolanus refused to separate. He loves how good posca tasted on your tongue. He whined at the taste, feeling drunk by it. “You're mine,” he murmured against your lips.
He doesn't see you rolling your eyes. You replied, “Shut up.” And pulled him into another bruising kiss. Your hand was in his curls, and he groaned into your mouth as you pulled the blonde strands hard. “Dove-” he whines.
It didn't matter to you he felt overwhelmed.
You continued pressing him kisses until he was breathing hard and unable to kiss back properly. His brain was mush, his cock hard and because of the darkness of his pants, the pre-cum stain wasn't visible. You finally lean back satisfied when all he can do is whine pitifully. His lips were swollen, and sensitive. His eyes were closed and he couldn't speak. He wanted to beg for another kiss.
He didn't because he relaxed in his seat, unable to make eye contact with you because of the mess you made of him. You weren't going to play with him any further and he knew that. This was a punishment. His hard cock straining against his pants, wanting to cum was proof of it.
This was his own doing.
“I am sorry,” he whines, his hand pressing on his bulge.
“You're forgiven,” you sweetly lie as if you wouldn't repeat this punishment if he messed up again.
“Here ya go, safe and sound. Good night, Coryo. Sweet dreams,” your eyes drop to his bulge and you smile, “hopefully of me, pretty boy.”
He gets out of the car. Coriolanus stomps the ground, childish he knows but what else could he do? He even lets out a few curses, trying to ignore the ache of his cock. He barely talks to Tigris when he enters home. He tells her thank you for the clothes before he locks himself shut in his room.
He muffled his groan with his free hand, the other hand freeing his cock from the confines of his pants. He begins to stroke his length, dry and fast. Not caring that it's a bit painful. He needed to cum. He whimpers and whines, his eyes watering. Fuck, it burned. He spits in his hand, using it as lube. He lets out a satisfying moan before biting his lower lip. He tasted blood but didn't care.
Realizing nobody had listened to the noise, he kept going until finally, his dick shoots out ropes of white cum. He sighs, wiping his lip clean of the blood. Blinking away tears of relief. You turned him into such a mess. Only you could do that. He now realized he could never make the same mistake he did today.
He was yours.
And now everyone in the Capitol with a TV knows it. He takes off the suit and showers. He changed into his pajamas and led himself to bed.
When he dreams, it's of course about you.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
Snow's in the auditorium, the morning starting slow. Something had happened, and he received multiple condolences. Felix Ravinstill was dead, it was a public announcement that happened earlier when he still hadn't come to the auditorium. The reaper kid had torn off the flag and used it to cover dead bodies. A gesture with a great impact. The impact was ruined because of what the rebels had previously done and Dr. Gaul took advantage of it.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes as he sees the highlight footage of it. He has to admire the way Dr. Gaul used his classmate's death in this manner. She made it seem like it had much more importance than the death of the tributes. When it was all just the same. Coryo lets this thought wander in his mind.
His attention to the screens snaps back when he sees Coral’s pack gathering all of the remaining water bottles in a circle. Snow realized if anything was distracting the pack, it would be a perfect opportunity for Lucy Gray to secretly poison the water. He hoped Lucy Gray was smart enough to realize this too.
He encourages (tricks) several of his classmates to send food, telling them their tributes are smart enough not to get hurt. When brought up about Jessup, he refuted that the boy was sick anyway. A few mentors who felt pity for their tributes didn't need much convincing. They send several drones of water and food distracting the tributes away from the vent Lucy Gray was hiding in.
Lucy Gray takes the hint! She slips out of her vent, she's careful as she drugs the water and the surrounding food. It was barely seen by the camera. If viewed by the naked eye, it would look like she was eating the food. Coriolanus smirks, though the feeling of triumph is short-lived.
He soon thought of a line that Dr. Gaul had said during the broadcast. The enemies will be seeing a rainbow of destruction. The snakes! Dr. Gaul will be releasing the snakes into the arena. Fuck! He has to do something soon! He knew that the snakes don't react to familiar scents and he had a handkerchief stained with Lucy Gray's tears.
It has to work.
Coriolanus thought of an insane plan but there's no other way. He needs to do it if he wants Lucy Gray to win. He goes on his way to meet Dr. Gaul. The stitches in his back weren't healed yet, and Coryo pulled at them. He can feel the wound bleeding again and winces in pain.
Snow enters the lab. The snake cage in sight made him swallow in nervousness. “Mr. Snow,” Dr. Gaul acknowledged. “Came to beg for her life?” It took him a moment of panic to realize that Gaul meant the poor songbird and not you.
“The stitches pulled, I didn't go to the hospital because I didn't want them to ask questions,” Coriolanus said, praying that the excuse made sense.
“You did the right thing,” Dr. Gaul approved.
Coriolanus sat down, taking off his uniform to reveal his bleeding wounds. He could see birds in a cage and wondered in awe (and horror) about what experiment they went through. With a closer look, he noticed what they were.
Dr. Gaul confirms his suspicions.
“Made for the war to pick up rebel conversations and squawk it back to us word by word,” she adds, her hand picking up a remote. “Failed experiment but an instructive one.”
Dr. Gaul describes her plan for them. “I am rounding them up district by district now to see what better purposes they might serve.” Coryo paid mild attention as he saw people preparing to carry out the snake cage outside. Dr. Gaul clicks the button of the remote and the jabberjays repeat everything word by word. Perfectly. Coriolanus was a bit impressed.
“They're all done,” Dr. Gaul said. His stitches were stitched back together. He grunts softly in pain. He eyes the cage that the staff takes away. He takes his time wearing his shirt, he doesn't want to seem eager to get away. He couldn't afford suspicion.
“Thank you, Dr. Gaul.”
He walks out of the lab with shaky legs before breaking into a sprint trying to locate the cage. Thankfully he finds the cage, ready to be taken to the arena. He didn't see anyone in sight. He took the handkerchief and found a gap to push it inside. The scent of Lucy Gray will not be unfamiliar to the snakes.
Therefore if she dies, it won't be by them.
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alexa-fika · 4 months
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Last request before I sleep
Here me out shanks with a 13 year old daughter (who has his iconic red hair) reader who absolutely despised him because he's the reason why her town got attack (Shanks keeps flirting with her mother unknowingly he accidentally made her into an outcast)
Reader who's snarky, a bit rude but polite and well mannered (unlike shanks)
Reader who's always reading and very elegant royalty like but not spoiled and very serious all the time (unlike shanks)
Reader who's secretly insecure and scared that she's always gonna be in her father shadow
Reader who is always in the whitebeard pirates (THOUGHT THIS WASN'T A WHITEBEARD REQUEST BUT I MADE IT ANYWAYS?)
Reader who always dye their hair into black
Reader who bonds with ace because of their daddy issues 🥰
That's it. That's the tweet
Roots ( Ace x f!teen!reader)
A/N here we go, I dont feel with this one, I feel like I missed the whole vibe you were trying to get when you submitted the regret, I spend a week just staring at the screen trying to think of how to approach it and I can’t say I choose the right one
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Dokucha frowns as the book on her hands is ripped away from her hands, only to let a small smile as she recognizes the candy cane-patterned bracelet
"Ace, you're back," she stated, looking up at the grinning man squatting on the railing
"I'm back," he responds, jumping down from the railing and bringing the girl into a side hug
"What have you been up to today?"
"I am actually taking a small breather before I continue training; I believe it's Haruta's turn for a session," she stated gingerly, clenching her hands in a lower position
"Turn?"He furrowed his brows at her words and the implications behind them
"Dokucha, how many sessions have you done?"
She bites at her lip, shifting her gaze away from his
"This would be the seventh," she muttered
"I told you to stop pushing it, you're only thirteen dokucha, it's okay to train, but this is too much," he scolded
"Is this about Shanks?" he muttered, kneeling down to her level
"I don't want to fall behind."
" I know you don't, but are you just going to waste your life trying to catch him?
Isn't that what you don't want to do? To live your whole life trying to surpass your old man?"
"I can see it in their eyes, Ace, every time we go on a mission; all they can see is him, they don't think of me as Dokucha, they just see his daughter," she murmured, teary eyes flickering back to the man
"Then let them. They have no place in your life, so why would you care what a bunch of strangers think?" he asked
He frowns at the small unconvinced hum that leaves the teen at his words only to bounce back as an idea comes to mind
“ Hey, I found a cool place on my way back; it’s only a few minutes on the Striker; wanna check it out?”
“But Haruta is expecting me…”
“Don’t worry about that; you said you still have some time, right?”
“I suppose so, b-
“Great, you head to the Striker; I will catch back up in a second; need to get something before we head out,” he said, running off
“W- Ace! I din- and he’s gone” she mutters at the retreating form of the commander, taking a glance down at the striker that had been tied to the Moby Dick
“I guess no harm in a small ride.”
“How did you find this place?” she muttered
The two found themselves sitting on the Striker, their leaves soaking in crystal clear water as they watched all the fish swim around them, curious about the two visitors
“I visited this island before on one of my missions.”
"Listen, Dokucha, I have told you about my father, yeah?”
“Yes, you did.”
“The reason why I'm so pushy on stopping what you’re doing is because I made the same mistake, and it cost me over 15 years of my life” he started, noticing how his words had finally gotten the girl’s attention
“ I spent all that time trying to follow my father’s legacy, to surpass him. To become the pirate king, to Defeat whitebeard. All the while, it just ate me inside; I was blindsided and led by my anger toward him for all those years. I missed many opportunities to enjoy, to have a carefree childhood just to accomplish that goal”
“How did you…why…”
“Why I stopped?”
“I found pops.”
“ I thought your goal was to take him down to prove yourself?” She asked now facing his way as her legs Straddled the Striker giving him her full attention, loookimg up at him in confusion
“It was; I spent the next few days going after him even after he took me into the moby; every day, I would try.”
“I refuse to believe that” she scoffed with an amused laugh
“I'm serious!
Tried over a hundred times, and every time, I would end up with either a bloody nose or thrown into the sea.”
She covers her mouth as she lets out a muffled laugh at the thought of a grumpy, drenched Ace
“A-Anyway, after that, Marco and later Pops talked with me; it made me realize how useless it was to try to take Pops down and follow after someone else’s dream.”
“Din’t you feel disappointed?”
“Quite the opposite, I felt free for the first time, felt free to make choices based on what I wanted and not to surpass my father; it’s led me to where I am now, and it was the best realization I made in my life.”
“Keep it in mind, okay? Let’s head back for now,” he said, pushing himself up, extending a hand to the girl as he prepped the Striker
“How do you think I should start?”
“Start what?” He questions, manauvering the Striker through the waves, slowing down as he puts his attention on her
“Letting go”
“Maybe you should start with this,” he said, flicking their head
“Jerk, what was the reason for that?”
“Stop trying to change yourself; your roots are coming out; why don’t you let them grow?”
“Ah!” She exclaims covering her head at his comment, missing the way he sighed and shook his head only to come back to her senses as a weight was placed on her head
“You should be proud of yourself, the way you look, the way you are; at the end of the day, it’s yours, not his; now might be the best time
She looks up at the ravenette questioningly, his iconic hat now missing from his head and gingerly placed on hers
“What do you mean?”
He simply gestures to the new vessel now anchored next to the Moby Dick
“What is he doing here.”
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puck-luck · 2 months
the adventurous one | dawson mercer
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warnings: outdoor/public sex, unprotected sex, references to oral (f!receiving) at a later date, dirty talk, praise pairing: dawson mercer x fem!reader request: "Okay hear me out but Dawson seems like such a nature lover and hiking guy. So could I request something where he and reader go on a hike by a river or something because Dawson wanted to show her but she doesn’t want to hike anymore (lazy girls unite) so she stops him for a “water break” and slowly she manages to get him to have sex right there. Completely public but also private? Please?" ABSOLUTELY! wc: 2000
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“Daws, slow down,” you call, watching the distance between your boyfriend and yourself increase with each step. 
Dawson had invited you to go on a hike with him this afternoon in place of his normal workout. You had said yes because you love your boyfriend, but you were both all too well aware that he was a little more physically fit than you, being, oh, an athlete and all.
You had held out as long as you could before asking for a break, but you’re nearing a creek and it’s a pretty sight, so maybe Dawson will let it slide.
You sit down on a stone and dig through your backpack for your water bottle, gulping down the still icy-water. Dawson has turned around and is making his way back to you now, plopping down on another rock near you and stretching his legs out. 
“Tired already, baby?” Dawson asks, rubbing his shins and grinning at you.
You glare at him, bothered by his teasing. You take another gulp of your water, then shove the bottle back into your bag. “Not tired, just hot.”
“You always are,” Dawson says with a nod. He stands, then grabs your hands and pulls you to your feet. “Ready to move along?”
You groan, pursing your lips and looking up at him with a furrowed brow. Dawson mistakes your displeasure for a similar pose that you do when you’re asking for a kiss, so he leans down to peck your lips. He takes your hand and goes to pull you along, but you stay in place.
“What if I proposed an alternate workout?” You ask. “Instead of finishing this hike.”
Dawson chuckles a little, coming to stand in front of you. He ducks his head a bit and raises his eyebrow comically, like he’s listening intently to the idea that hasn’t even fully formed in your head yet.
You walk your fingers over his chest, teasing him. 
“It involves cardio,” you say, trailing off. You let your hand slide up his neck and into his hair sensually, then you smile at him. “Your favorite kind of cardio.”
Dawson laughs, twisting the end of your ponytail with his index finger. “How about we finish this hike and then, when we get home, I’ll treat you to some of that cardio?”
“Or,” you drawl, “You could fuck me right here and then we could go home?”
Dawson looks around. “Right here?” He asks. “In– on the trail?”
You shrug, batting your eyelashes coyly at the boy. “Why not?” You ask. “Aren’t you supposed to be the adventurer here? Why am I the one suggesting this?”
He’s got a silly look on his face, seeming suspended in time as he processes what you’re saying, and you want to poke his cheek to wipe the expression off his face. Instead, you push his hair back and scrunch your nose while he thinks, peppering a series of kisses over his cheeks and the corner of his lip.
“You’re dangerous, huh?” Dawson finally says. “And you hate hiking that bad?”
“Well, I only really said yes because I wanted to spend time with my cute boyfriend,” you say. “And since I’ve thought of a better idea than hiking, I want to spend time with my cute boyfriend that way.”
Dawson sucks his teeth, then his tongue pokes through the hole in his mouth. You can tell he’s relenting, even a little excited by the idea. He pushes you backwards, walking you off the side of the trail just far enough that you can still see the pathway, but no one can see you in the trees unless they’re looking.
“Right here?” Dawson asks, biting his lower lip and sliding his hands over your waist, underneath your shirt. “Right now?” He untucks his lip and kisses you, then lathers his lips down your neck. 
“Yes, please,” you reply, pulling off his shirt and getting your hands on his sweaty chest. 
Dawson tucks the shirt into his backpack before returning to you, then pulls your shorts down your legs and tucks them away. 
You’re half naked against a tree, feeling much more vulnerable than you ever have been, and you feel very glad that Dawson isn’t moving to take your shirt off. Yes, you suggested this, but it was really a ploy to get out of hiking. You’re not normally this adventurous, true to your word that Dawson is supposed to be the adventurous one, but the thought of being in public does send a little thrill up your spine… in addition to the thrill from the litany of kisses that Dawson continues to leave along your exposed neck, shoulders, and chest. 
“Give it to me, Daws,” you whisper, pulling him up to your lips. He uses one hand to push his shorts down just enough that he can draw his cock out and wrap his fist around it. 
He pets his cock through your folds as he strokes himself to full hardness, letting the tip of his dick poke at your clit and stimulate you to the point that you’re dripping for him. The spongy head of his member leaks against you and helps spread your slick. He pitches his hips forward once he’s satisfied that you’re both completely ready.
“Have you been keeping secrets from me?” Dawson teases quietly. “I didn’t realize you love me so much that you would let me take care of you in front of everyone.”
“There’s no one here,” you reply, just as his tip breaches your hole and you let out a sigh. 
“But you would, wouldn’t you?” Dawson says. “If I wanted to fuck you somewhere way more public, you’d let me, yeah?”
He continues to push inside you with little strokes, teasing you as he draws in and out. He’s filling you, but he keeps sliding out with slow pumps. He’s waiting for you to answer, but he’s not stopping his movements. It feels far too good for you to do anything but moan, so Dawson continues to talk. 
“Maybe for another time,” Dawson muses. “For now, how about I make you come and then we can head home and I’ll give you another one?”
“Yeah,” you agree, clutching at Dawson’s muscles.
He hikes your leg over his hip and drills forward, covering you with his own body. His thrusts are short and pointed, hitting your back wall and causing your mouth to drop open in pleasure. He presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, focusing on the feeling of your tight walls around him.
You squeeze him as you near your peak, only intensified by the breeze rustling through the trees that reminds you that you’re in public and anyone could walk by. You wrap your arms around him, forearms sticking to his skin. One of your hands grip the waves of his hair tightly, tugging slightly with each thrust. 
“C’mon, babe,” Dawson murmurs. “Come on my cock and I’ll clean you up when we get home.”
He speeds up his thrusts, reaching his hand up your loose shirt to squeeze one of your tits. He pinches your nipple and tugs a bit, leaving you whimpering beneath him.
“I can feel you getting closer,” Dawson continues in a whisper, his voice filling your ear like a physical caress. “I want to feel you fall apart.” He sucks your neck, nipping at your earlobe. 
You arch up into him, his cock shifting inside you to hit your g-spot. You reach down and rub circles over your clit with your middle finger, your head tipping back and getting caught on the bark of the tree. 
“That’s it,” he encourages, sucking at the edge of your jaw. “Atta girl.”
Your moans grow high pitched and Dawson covers your lips with his own to make sure no one can hear you, even though you haven’t heard anyone else walk along the path since before you thought to entice him.
You come over his cock, clenching down on him as your body is riddled with shocks and waves of bliss. 
Dawson slows as you come, watching your expression change with the feelings that overcome you. 
When you recover, he’s back to sliding in and out of you, stimulating his cock just enough to stay hard but not enough to threaten his own orgasm if you want to stop. 
“What are you doing?” You groan, frowning and tugging his hair. “Go, Dawsy.”
“Go?” He questions. “Y’sure?”
“Want you to come too,” you reassure him, locking your leg around his waist and lifting the other to join it. Now, he’s pressing you against the tree to keep you in place and he’s reaching a deeper spot inside of you. You’re wrapped around him like an octopus and you’re grinning at each other.
“Okay, baby,” he agrees, starting to move again.
“Don’t hold back,” you instruct, and he laughs.
“Okay, no holding back,” Dawson says, then shushes you with a little peck. “You asked for it.”
He lunges into action, thrusting forward with a determination that leaves you reeling, especially after you just experienced such a strong orgasm. 
He’s quick and hard. He pushes you against the tree and it hurts a little bit, but not enough to make you ask him to stop. You want him to come, come inside you, give you something to clean up later when you get home and he puts his head between your legs. 
The thought of that draws you away from the bark that’s rubbing against your bare backside, turning the discomfort into intense pleasure as you resume your soft circles over your clit. 
Dawson is grunting in your ear, kissing you, holding you tightly and praising you as much as he can before going breathless. His hips are stuttering, bucking against you in an uncoordinated way that signals his impending orgasm. 
“Fill me up, Dawson,” you goad, scratching over his back with your nails, marking him up. You’ll look down at those marks when he eats you out at home and moan louder, making the same kind of noises that Dawson is making now as he crests over.
“Baby,” he moans as his seed starts to spill inside of you, filling you and warming you. He pumps his hips, letting his orgasm run its course. Little noises and pants leave his mouth, lips brushing against your own. “Yeah,” he murmurs, repeating the word as he comes back to himself and the pleasure dissolves. “Yeah.”
“Yeah,” you agree, rolling your hips a few times, then tapping his shoulder. “Okay. Get out. Time to go home.”
“But I like it so much in here,” Dawson teases, sounding faux-pained just to get on your nerves. He always does this, especially when you guys risk a quickie before you need to be somewhere or meet someone. 
“Mmm, well, maybe you can come back later,” you assure him as he slides out of you and tucks himself away. 
He uses his shirt to wipe between your legs before pulling your shorts up your legs, redressing you and kissing your stomach before coming back up to your lips. “Love you.”
“Love you,” you reply.
He takes your hand and starts to lead you back to the trail, walking down the part of the path you’ve already taken back to the car. “You really didn’t like hiking with me?” He asks. “So much that you’d risk getting a tick– which I’m going to check you for later, by the way– just to convince me to go home?”
“I wanted to work out with my cute boyfriend,” you remind him, swinging your hands between you. “This type of work out is much more fun than walking up a big ol’ hill.”
“I’ll convince you one day,” Dawson teases good-naturedly. “But you know, I won’t complain if you want to do this again.” He flashes you a wink and a big smile, a little skip to his walk that you match all the way to the car.
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note: i'm still at work! this is andy from the past! i hope you guys enjoyed this fic and i can't wait to come back and be more active in a couple of weeks <3
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multi-fandoms-posts · 16 days
Distractions and Dynamics
X Men Masterlist
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It's another morning at the X-Men headquarters, and the sun is shining through the large windows of the meeting room where Charles, Erik, and Y/N are preparing for today’s mission. They sit together, the tension before the upcoming operation palpable, but in their love triangle, there is always room for lightness even in serious moments.
Charles is reading the mission data from a tablet while Erik leans against the table with his arms crossed, listening intently. Y/N, on the other hand, is more relaxed, her eyes fixed on Erik and Charles, grinning as she absorbs the atmosphere.
“We need to focus,” Charles finally says, casting a warning glance at Y/N as he notices her thoughts drifting elsewhere.
“I’m right here with you, Professor,” Y/N replies, deliberately letting her gaze travel down Charles' face. Her eyes sparkle mischievously. “Right here.”
Charles raises his eyebrows slightly, but a small smile tugs at his lips. He’s used to Y/N breaking the tension with her words. Erik, however, remains serious, looking at the mission map in front of them.
“We can’t afford to take any risks this time. They’re dangerous,” Erik murmurs, but Y/N just grins wider.
“Dangerous? Oh, Erik,” she says, her voice a little lower, “I love it when you’re so serious and focused. It’s kind of… hot.”
Erik, who rarely reacts to provocations, raises an eyebrow slightly, but Y/N can see she’s struck a chord. Charles shakes his head with a smile. “Y/N, this isn’t a game.”
“It’s not a game, but a little fun never hurt anyone, right?” Y/N leans closer to Erik, her voice softer. “I mean, how am I supposed to focus on the mission when you’re sitting here looking so dangerously good?”
Erik tries not to react, but she notices the slight twitch at the corners of his mouth. “You know I’m serious, Y/N,” he says dryly.
“Oh, I know,” she replies with a sly grin. “But I also feel like I could make you smile anytime.”
Charles gently interjects, “We really should focus on the mission.” However, his blue eyes twinkle slightly as he looks at Y/N. “I know you can do it, even if Erik here is stealing your full attention.”
Y/N sighs dramatically. “You two are just too perfect. How am I supposed to concentrate?” She glances between them, her eyes full of playfulness. “I mean, one man is already a distraction. But two?”
Erik furrows his brow, but Y/N can see he’s trying not to smile. Charles gives Erik a knowing look as if to say: *Let her be.*
“It would be better if you don’t forget that we’re soon entering enemy territory,” Erik says in a quiet voice, though it still carries a certain edge. “There will be no time for jokes.”
“No jokes, but maybe a few suggestive comments?” Y/N winks at him, then straightens up, ready to go. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But only because I love you both. And because I’d like to see you both in action. Somehow… erotic.”
Erik rolls his eyes, but Charles laughs softly. “You’re impossible.”
The mission takes the trio to an old factory on the edge of town, taken over by hostile mutants. The plan is simple: Charles will mentally distract the guards while Erik manipulates metal supports to clear the way. Y/N stays in the middle, ready to react if anything goes wrong.
As they silently move through the corridors, Y/N keeps glancing from Erik to Charles and can’t help but whisper to Charles. “You know, once we’re done here, you really should consider taking off that shirt. It’s distracting.”
Charles stops and gives her an amused look. “This isn’t exactly the right time, Y/N.”
“Oh, I know,” she whispers back. “But now that I think about it… maybe Erik should also take off his shirt. You know, for… freedom of movement.”
Erik, having heard the whisper, also stops, his jaw clenched. “Y/N, focus,” he hisses, but she can see the slight sparkle in his eyes as if he’s slowly giving in to her playfulness.
“I’m focused,” she retorts. “But perhaps focused on the wrong thing.” She briefly closes her eyes and imagines the two men actually taking off their shirts. “Ah, what a pleasant thought.”
Charles can’t help but laugh quietly. “Erik, I think she’s figured us out. She knows how to drive us both crazy.”
“She does,” Erik murmurs, his voice rough, but he remains seriously focused on the task.
When they finally encounter the enemy group, the fight quickly spirals out of control. Guards rush at them, and Erik unleashes his powers, sending metal flying through the air. Charles focuses on influencing the opponents' thoughts, while Y/N uses her own powers to push their enemies back.
Despite the intense confrontation, Y/N can’t help but throw a comment into the quiet of the battle. “You know, Erik, the way you’re manipulating the metal…” She breathes heavily as she ducks to avoid an attack. “It’s really… sexy.”
Erik, just finishing off an opponent, glances at her quickly. “Focus on the fight, Y/N,” he calls out in a rough voice, but she can see he’s internally smiling.
Charles, also busy, can’t help but smile. “We should talk about your timing after this.”
Y/N dodges another attack before shooting back and throwing her enemy to the ground. “I think my timing is perfect. Didn’t you know adrenaline can increase desire?”
Erik groans softly as he hears this, while Charles just shakes his head, a laugh in his voice. “I wonder how you manage to confuse us both so much while we’re fighting.”
“Talent,” Y/N replies before she diving back into the fray.
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yunietunie · 1 year
Coming Home. [nsfw]
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Months without Johnny while he was in deployment led to lonely nights, lonely thoughts, and even more lonely needs. Caught in a rut when he returns home and decides he needs to have some "dessert".
F!Reader, smut, MDNI, established relationship, boyfriend!Soap, pnv, unprotected!sex
Months. It had been months since you last saw him. Off to some bloody deployment where he risks his life all for the sake of his job. You had to be no-contact to ensure Johnny’s safety, and perhaps even yours. Sure it irritated you because the distance made you fear he’d never love you again when he came back, but what could you do?
Finding yourself in your lonely house, it was quiet. The same routine for the repeating months. Wake up, eat, work, come home, eat again, sleep. It was boring, but it’s all you could do while you slept in your empty bed. Sometimes muttering to yourself about something that irritated you. 
Thoughts constantly run through your mind rent free, churning your stomach, preparing for the worst. But then the thoughts soon turned into something else. Instead of churning, a low pressure built in your lower stomach as you sat on the vacant couch by yourself. He should be back soon right? You didn’t know how much longer you could just deal with your slim fingers instead of him.
You needed him. To fill your needy cunt. To tear you in half. His scent. His accent. His rough hair and stubble. Anything regarding him. You didn’t know how much longer you could do without it. As you kept thinking, your hand began to glide under your pants. The heat off your pussy was radiating. You were practically pulsating in how bad you needed it.
“Dinner first.” You remind yourself before taking your hand away and out of your pants. Walking towards the kitchen, you turned on some music to listen to as you made dinner for yourself. Slightly humming to yourself, taking out a pot and filling it with hot water then putting some food to boil into it. Probably some soup would taste great right now.
Your hips swaying as you began cooking, the smell of the soup filling your nose, made your mouth water. That was until you felt a large pair of hands on your waist. It made you jolt and immediately whip over to who the intruder was. It was Johnny. You were too focused on making soup that you didn't even hear him come in. He had a small smile on his face as he  embraced you tightly in a loving way.
“I missed you so, so much.” Johnny said, his nose falling to the nape of your neck, tickling the flesh from his breath.  His grip on your body tightening. Attempting to ignore the knot in your stomach, you hug him equally as hard, pulling slightly apart to place a small peck on his lips. A smile tugs to his lips.
“Whatcha’ makin’?” The scotsman asked you, peeking over your shoulder at the steaming pot.
“It's just some soup.” You replied with a small giggle.
“Would you like some?” You asked while looking up at him, his hands resting on your hips were driving you up a fucking wall. It was so good to see him, it really was. But man. The thoughts would not goddamn stop. 
“Of course, bonnie.” Johnny said with a grin as he sat down at the bar stool across from where you were cooking. After a few minutes you pour both of yourselves a hot bowl of soup, serving it to him first.
“So…. How was your deployment?” You asked quietly before sipping on your meal. A grunt escaped his throat as he put down his spoon, a small sigh after.
“Well, I am scurnned. Ol’ man wouldn’t get off my arse about anything.” Johnny would complain before divining back into the soup bowl once more. It made you wonder. You wish that bowl was you at that moment. Clenching your thighs together under the table, you try to simmer yourself down.
“Did you–at least get what you were supposed to get?” You asked, attempting to push the image out of your mind before you too went in for another bite.
“Aye. We did, me and Ghost.” He replied with a small smirk.
“Not to brag, but yer boyfriend is a wee bit braver than others, bonnie.” His accent rolled off his tongue with a stoic and cocky expression before he finished devouring his bowl. He sits patiently waiting for you to finish yours as well. Johnny’s eyes were wandering you and you knew it too. That surely didn’t help how you were feeling and the pressure began to throb sensely. You shook it off, the man JUST got home, you thought you had to give sometime before indulging.
After finishing your own bowl, you get up, the wooden chair scraping against the tile flooring. Taking both of your bowls, you walk over to the sink and place them in there, rinsing them off. You couldn’t help but feel his eyes bore into your back as you washed the dishes. Then you were on your way to walk out of the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Johnny’s voice asked you from behind. You swivel your body to his tone.
“Oh, uh well I was just gonna sit in the living room.” You replied with a raised eyebrow.
“I haven’t had any dessert yet?” Johnny asked in a kind of curious tone, after getting up from the chair, he was now walking towards you.
“I think we have some chocolates in the pantry if–” Cut off by a pair of warm lips against yours. A hand on your waist as he began to deepen the kiss, which only made you whine in his mouth and your eyes widen.
Leading you by your waist back to the kitchen counter top where he then lifted you onto to sit upon, not letting his lips tear apart from yours. He placed a free hand in your hair then parted away from your supple lips. 
“Johnny?” You asked in question as to what he was doing, the knot returning to you. Your heart was racing a little bit more now as you looked to his eye level now. He seems to examine the kitchen counter top before returning his gaze back to yours with a smirk.
“I’ve spent months with outcha’, bonnie. I want yer lips on mine. I want to taste you in more ways than just yer tongue.” Johnny admitted as a hand slipped under your loose t-shirt, reaching just under your tit. An index finger just barely grazing the top of your already stiffened nipple, which instantly made your body pop with goose bumps. 
The dampness between your already messy pussy was hiding in your soaked panties. He leaned you back onto the cold laminate of the kitchen counter top, looking down at you with satisfaction.
“Can I have my dessert now?” He pleaded while he looked at your face. It already grew hot the moment he placed his lips on yours, but now, you swear your face could be used as a hot iron. You nod in response, giving him simple permission. That was enough for both of his hands to slide your sweats down, then throw them on the floor.
His eyes were met with a scene. It made him rock hard instantly seeing the wet spot between your thighs and in your panties with him barely doing anything. Slithering one of his fingers at the hem of them, pushing them off smoothly, disregarding them on the floor. Johnny licked his rough fingers until there was a sleek shine on them before sliding them in with ease. It had been so long since you had some type of girth within you, forcing a yelp from your throat.
“Better than yours, bonnie?” He would ask in a rusky tone before leaning down and placing his lips around your pulsating clit. While pumping you full with just two fingers, he sucked and nibbled on your desperate clit. It was like you were ready to cum right on the spot. You look down at him who was enjoying the pretty sounds you made while he ate and fingered you. Without a warning, he put another finger in. 3 in total.
Your moans turned into whines and whimpers while you writhed on top of the counter top under him. He made sure to make a mental note of your sweet spots and your singing voice. He always loved how loud you’d get with him, he loved knowing that only he could make you sound like this.
“Please– Just, right there, right there,” You begged as he finally hit your spot. It almost felt like you were going to die by overstimulation even though it wasn’t his dick just yet. He continued moving at his own pace, making sure to give your clit attention as well as your hands tugged and pulled at his mohawk.
It had only just started and you already came around his fingers and tongue embarrassingly quick. Having a few heavy and fast breaths leave your chest, he lifted his head and looked at you between your thighs.
“You taste so good. I fucking missed my girl.” Johnny would purr, his hot breath against your pussy, licking his chaps like some wolf in heat. He wasn’t done, not even close.
“Let me have you.” He said more than asked for your permission. You give another small nod in response. Then your world flipped upside down when he turned you onto your stomach, your legs dangling off the counter top. How he missed the sight of your perfect ass in front of him. 
He’d slap you hard once, watching your ass move to his touch, making him groan at the sight. It made you jolt to say the least.
“Such a pretty ass.” He’d whisper before placing both his hands on top of your butt, rubbing the skin slightly, just feeling you. Before you knew it, you could feel his twitching cock against your hot pussy. He’d rub against your slit, to prepare you before splitting you open. His tip would pop in soon after, making your body jerk at the feeling. It had been so long since you were dicked down.
He placed a hand on your hip for grip. A free hand grabbing a handful of your hair, making your back arch. Johnny stayed still with his tip resting into you, making sure you’d get adjusted to his cock once more since it had been a while. 
Not for long though. Sliding inch by inch, he was finally balls deep. His tip was buried into your pussy, pushing into your cervix which earned you a grunt from him. How he loved stuffing his cock so deep into you, making your walls a mold for him and him only. He would pull your head back by the roots of your hair, so he could reach even deeper into you.
“Jesus–” Johnny would mutter as he almost felt his own eyes betray him by fluttering slightly, engulfed by your warmth around his sensitive cock. That’s when his breathing started to get heavier, more shallow, more ragged. His thrusts began soft and gentle, making sure to hear your singing voice again.
Your eyes widened at the feeling of you being stretched apart again, now by his cock. You loved being his pretty cock-hungry girl. He started with deep thrusts, pulling almost all the way out and sliding back in slowly, just savoring the moment. You whined and whimpered. You were almost ashamed by how close you were close to cumming again.
“Im goin’ to fuck the shit out of my girl.” He said, pulling your hair again to bring your ear closer to his lips to make sure you heard him. You’d mewl as he continued to move at a steady pace, making sure to observe your shivering and trembling body underneath him.
Soft grumbles and groans escaped him as he fucked you nice and slow, plunging his cock so deep inside you, you weren’t sure if it’d come out. That’s when it happened, no warning, no words, no nothing before his hips began to slam into you. His hand moved from your hair to your throat just under your chin, his thumb resting on the inside of your mouth.
You’d wail and writhe under him as he pounded into you, bruising your cervix with his tip. His grip on your hip tightening, making sure to leave his hand print on you as a mark. Your slick pussy gives him access to sink into you. Your walls gripped onto his twitching cock.
“Yer such a good girl for me. Can you tell how much I missed you?” Johnny’s hot breath meeting with your ears as he whispered to you. 
“Taking me so well, naughty girl.” He’d whisper as he fucked you stupid on your kitchen counter top. Liquid would seep down between your thighs and dribble down to your ankles. Your legs quivered as you felt him destroying you from the inside. Your eyes began to threaten to throw tears out of them, even as your eyes began to roll to the back of your head. Your tits bouncing up and down with each one of his thrusts.
You were melting under him and he made sure to make you hear how good you made him feel. Nibbling your ear, grunting into it somewhat loudly, some were more airy. He was definitely in a rut, especially from not fucking your tight cunt for so, so long. This was his first thought when he saw you cooking in the kitchen.
“Let me make you cum, bonnie.” He pleaded as his movements amped up more, faster and deeper within you. You didn't think it was possible, but here he was, pounding you so hard you were sure you’d have to call off of work for tomorrow. His thrusts were vigorous, making some of the plates and silverware on the countertop rattle under it. Your moans were becoming louder with each one as you were coming close to finishing.
Your walls clenched down on him harder as you came all around him, some ending up running down your thighs. He’d let you ride out your orgasm as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
“I'm going to breed you, naughty girl. Let me fill you.” He said with a gravely and hoarse voice as he was getting closer to painting your walls white. Your cervix was pierced from his dick, it was burning you from the inside. But what's fun without some pain? With one quick movement, he wrapped his toned arms around your ribcage, just under your tits. Then he gave a last forcible thrust and ended up cumming into you, filling you with his hot seed.
He’d stay with his cock buried deep inside you, making sure to get every last drop out before letting go of your ribcage with his arms. Some of his cum would leak down your thighs when it began escaping out, even with him inside. Johnny would slide himself out after a bit and you laid yourself on the countertop, panting.
He’d move over and lean over you, giving you soft reassuring kisses on your lips. Your body shivered and twitched even after his cum would spill out of you some more. You were a complete mess.
“I missed my girl so much.”
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keij0h · 3 months
⌗ BAD IDEA, RIGHT? ┆ the8
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After finding out about your cheating boyfriend, your pettiness leads you to ask another one of your exes for a favor. The ex in question: Minghao.
CAUTION : profanities. college au. ex!minghao. afab reader. a bit suggestive. cheating. (Minghao’s not involved with it.)
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tap to listen !
No way. No fucking way.
Phone in hand, you stared intently at the pile of screenshots you just opened, trying your hardest to not pop a vessel and break every single thing near you as you stormed down the dorm halls.
It was a known rule to not leave your dorms once 10 pm strikes, yet that wasn’t refraining you from banging on a certain door, evidence right in your hand that apparently, your boyfriend has been sleeping around, and was stupid enough to post pictures of him doing it. So you figured that was worth being caught and suspended for, if it meant you could strangle him.
“it’s not as bad as you think, if you could just—“
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it.” you snarled, pushing past him as you stormed inside his dorm, barging his closet open, gathering a few of your clothes that you left in his dorm.
“Should’ve left you when that goddamn counselor told me to.” you muttered, shoving the pieces of clothing into a pile, simultaneously knocking a few of his things as you could hear his retorts from behind.
It wasn’t all the time that you felt rage like this. It just so happens that you managed to get so unlucky that your fate lands on a total douche, and you just refuse to muster up the fact that you endured a whole year with someone like him.
So when you finally slam his door closed, you’ve solemnly swear to not look back. But of course, you also weren’t leaving without a proper comeback.
And what better way to do that than to ask another person you’ve dated for assistance.
You had no idea what came to you that night, but you just found yourself back in the men’s dormitory, face to face with the “easiest” person you can reach out of everyone you’ve ever dated. Xu Minghao. At least, that’s what you thought.
“So, what do you say?” you hummed, still catching your breath with the amount of explaining you just said.
But even after all that, you were still met with that all too familiar, bitter: “No.”
The remaining hope you had on your face suddenly faltered, now replaced with a stoic glare. “I thought you said you’d be there for me even if we’re through? Huh? What happened to that?”
Minghao huffed, letting his shoulders slightly slump down as you recalled the same exact words he said two years ago when you broke up.
It was rather a weird way to remember, especially now that you’ve presented him your plan. The plan being simple: the same thing your (now ex) boyfriend did, make out, take pictures of it happening, and spread it around campus, then boom. Done.
“This is quite far from what I meant.” he pointed out, never breaking eye contact with your dejected state.
You could only click your tongue at this, not having a clue that this would be harder than you pictured it to be. “How the hell am I supposed to know what you meant? It’s not like you specified anything..”
For the record, he never did mentioned anything against something like this when he made the vow. But shit, it wasn’t like Minghao expected you to remember his words so easily, let alone recite it right in his face.
“Don’t even start acting like you don’t want this—“
“I really don’t.” he interferes, watching as the frown on your lips suddenly turns upwards as you tilt your head to the side.
“Oh, really?” you spurred, folding your arms to your chest. “Well, rumor has it..” you trail off, lowering your voice as you slightly lean towards him, enough to hear you mumble. “..you haven’t moved on from me.”
Truth be told, you weren’t so certain that it is a rumor, as you’ve only heard it from one of Minghao’s friends: who all still tend to tease him about you despite already calling it quits. Though he never seemed to have much of a response to it, which sucked to you.
He scoffs, rubbing a hand on his temple. “Did Jun tell you that?”
“Would it bother you if I said yes?”
“Then he’s full of shit.” he nods, smirking as he sees your expression shift back to a frown.
“Look, if you came here to just pester me and use my own words against me, then you’re free to go.” he shifts, pushing the door to close it on you, but failed as you slipped a foot right in the crack of it.
“Hate to say it, but this would’ve been so much easier if you would just agree.” you coo sarcastically, clasping both of your hands together. “You wouldn't even realize this ever happened, I swear.”
Minghao looks at you as you said that, this time, actually considering. It’s not like you want to make out with him, it’s just a petty little move to get back on your ex. Right? Whatever it was, it suddenly made him shiver.
With one final sigh, he spoke. “Three minutes. And that’s it. Clear?”
“Crystal.” you furiously nodded, letting yourself in before he could even do that himself.
Oh, boy.
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“What are you even..” you sigh out loud. Not even a minute in, you were already having complications on making it seem.. real.
You were now situated on his lap, while he sat up with his back on the headboard. You tried your best to ignore the awkward tension, knowingly convinced yourself that it’ll all be worth it. It just had to be
As for Hao.. he just didn’t know where to put his hands.
“Can’t you make it more natural?” you scolded, grabbing a hold of both of his arms.
“Don’t expect me to be good at this, it’s been a while since I’ve touched you like this for fucks sake..” he argued, mumbling the last part as he looked down to his arms. All the while, your stomach churned at what he said, blinking away to stop yourself from thinking further.
“Just- just do it the way you normally did..” you sigh, now feeling his arms wrap around your figure, simultaneously feeling the tips of your ears heat up.
“This alright?” he muttered huskily, looking up at you. You heaved a breath, briefly staring right into him before nodding. “Mhm. It’s fine.”
The way his dorm room smelt, how warm he felt, it was all familiar, and you’d be caught dead if you said it didn’t calm you down. You struggled to reach for your phone beside you as you attempted to angle it down to a natural level. It was mostly focused on Minghao, while your face was a bit hidden, but enough to recognize who it was.
You cleared your throat, signaling that you should, well, start. You took a moment to observe him more, eyes gazing from his cheeks to his lips, until he pulled you out of your trance.
“Hey,” he called out. “Time’s ticking.”
Shit, right.
Your free hand found its way to the back of his neck, finally pressing your lips against his. You felt that certain shockwave as soon as you felt him kissing back, hand trailing through your cheek as you blindly snapped the pictures in your shaking hands.
“Hao, wait–”
You gasped into his mouth, Minghao purposely swatting your phone away, letting it fall somewhere on the bed.
You could feel your throat beating as he pulled you further to deepen the kiss, his plump lips moving so rhythmically with yours. You’ve missed this, more than you’ll ever admit. He’s always been such a skilled kisser, and you never understood that. All you knew was it felt too good, the sensation alone enough to drive you crazy.
A shiver ran up your spine as you felt his hand slip under your cotton shirt, gently caressing the soft skin of your back, accidentally letting out a hitched moan through the kiss, lighting a surge of pride on Minghao as his lips twitched into a smirk.
The three minutes you both agreed on was already over, yet he kept his grip firm, refusing to let go just yet.
Just as his hands reached the hem of your shirt, the loud tone of your phone going off filled your senses, making you abruptly pull away from Minghao, breathless as you got off his lap, hastily fumbling through his sheets in search of your phone.
A hint of panic suddenly washed over you, the contact name of your roommate right on the screen. You looked over your shoulder, catching a glance of Minghao’s slight weary state, not missing the subtle kiss marks you left all over his face as his lips parted, his eyes motioning you to go ahead.
Shaken a bit, you swiped the answer button, placing it right in your ear.
“Where are you?? You never told me you were going out..” the alarmed tone on your roommate’s voice loomed over you, making you silently hiss.
“I, uh, I fell asleep..” you looked at the Minghao as you said that, causing another smirk from him, mocking your stupid excuse as you glared at him before turning away. “..in the library.”
“Oh, do you need me to get you there, or–
“No!” you exclaimed, sheepishly clearing your throat as you realized how forward it sounded. “Sorry, it's just that.. I'm already on my way back.”
Liar. Minghao thought, softly shaking his head in disbelief, biting back an amused smile.
A breath of relief left your lips as you ended the call, shoving your phone back in the pockets of your sweatpants.
“That wasn't three minutes, by the way.” you remarked plainly, standing up to pat down on your shirt, getting ready to leave.
“You didn't pull away either.” Minghao added in a matter-of-fact tone. All the while you rolled your eyes at him. God, him and his sly remarks, you kinda hoped that he got rid of that trait by now.
“Hey,” he suddenly called out before you could reach the door, cautiously making you look back. “Yeah?”
You watched as he faltered, somehow hesitant to just say it as you waited. With a sigh, he spoke up.
“Would it bother you if I said that Jun was telling the truth?” A slight reference to what you said earlier. The scary part was that he seemed a bit too serious, but anyway, you saw it coming from miles away.
You snorted, shaking your head simultaneously. “I never believed you anyway.”
Honestly, Minghao agrees that your presence can be infuriating at times. Though he can never say that he didn't miss it, and was willing to see more of it. That is, if you'd let him.
Considering that all of this was for some idiotic, and needless to say, petty comeback, you couldn't lie, you'd do it again.
“Goodnight, Hao. I'll see you.”
He chuckles. “Oh, you will.”
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a/n : this took so long for what smh. also I'm obsessed with the Guts album rn, so hereee!
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izvmimi · 6 months
cw: fluff. pop star!bakugou. prior breakup mention. based on the story behind the eyes, nose, lips mv, iykyk.
Even if you guys are closer than can be, your friends are typically more likely to text before they call, especially at this time of night, and less likely are they to accost you in a sudden video call the way they are now. You were asleep, just by stroke of luck waking up to the sound of your phone vibrating on your end table, too exhausted to put your phone on Do Not Disturb. It’s just a few minutes after midnight, 12:06 am to be exact, and when you pick up the phone, both of them appear frantic.
“Oh, thank God.”
“___, please tell me you’re away from a phone right now.”
“Dumbass, we’re literally calling her on the phone right now.”
“Don’t call me a dumbass.”
Still rubbing your eyes, you let out a sigh.
“Why did you two call me?” You’re still horizontal, trying to orient yourself while lowering your phone brightness. It’s entirely dark in your room, and you’ve been exhausted all day between errands and other activities, including a single 25 minute cry over your failed relationship.
It’s been 3 months since you and Katsuki split, and while you’ve overall been handling it quite well, intermittently the sadness overtakes you. After all, it was abrupt.
Dating a pop star was not all it’s cracked up to be, especially when it ends abruptly over a dinner you could never afford yourself with the words “take care of yourself, okay?” from a man you’d planned the rest of your life with. The last thing you’d asked him to do before that was to go public, and he’d been hesitant to, and you don’t know what happened between then and that night, because it all ended all too quickly, with you crying on the limo ride home. 
3 months later and you were almost over it until you chanced on a photo you’d forgotten to hide away in your digital memoirs and proceeded to sob.
“So uh… have you spoken to Katshole recently?”
You roll your eyes at the nickname your friend has given him, not bothering to tell her now to be nice. “No.”
It still annoys you. “Please stop calling him that.”
Your other friend sighs.
“So uh, anyway, he dropped a video.” You raise your eyebrow.
“I mean, sure. Is the girl in it hot?” you ask. You pretend you haven’t been looking at his social media intermittently, trying to see if there was someone new in his life, but either way Katsuki prided himself on keeping his private life hidden away, so you wouldn’t be able to tell unless it was someone equally famous or advantageous to his career.
Your two friends both grimace at the same time. One says, “I mean yes, but not in the way you think.”
You blink.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You’re up and seated now, bedsheets pulled to your lap. You’ve minimized the video and are now typing his name into Google, and can see, indisputably, that he’s posted a new music video.
“Why did you guys wake me up for this?”
“Babe, listen to me carefully. If you’re not ready to get back together, do not click this video.”
Your heart thumps, while both of your friends watch you with bated breath, as your face contorts, trying to figure out what that means.
“You’re in the video.”
You blink rapidly, your eyebrows still furrowed together, as your heart rate starts to pick up. Your mouth opens then closes.
You’re in the video.
“She’s done for,” one of your friends says, reading the look on your face, and sighs. “I’m gonna hang up, I’ll see you in the morning.”
All of you say your goodnights, and of course, you remain up, your face basking in the blue light of your cell phone, as you watch Katsuki’s urgent music video supposedly with you in it.
The video culminates in Katsuki, standing by a painted mural, and you recognize the photo, an image of your face from the first time he flew you out to paint in Italy, something that would have won any girl over just from the expense and planning, but won you over because he chose you as his model, because you can still remember how his lips parted as he mixed the right colors for your hair.
I’m sorry, please pick up my call, the video closes with the words written in his handwriting, and said with his voice, and you can feel the tears streaming down your face as you wordlessly cry.
And then your phone rings.
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whimsicalpolitical · 3 months
Phone call - Matty Healy
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18+ mdni matty is away and you thought you’d surprise him with a toy, which he gladly uses while being on the phone with you
contant warning: phone sex, male and female masturbation, sex toys, dirty talk
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You’re jolted awake by the insistent buzzing of your phone on the nightstand. Groggy and confused, you reach for it, squinting at the screen. It’s 3 a.m., and Matty’s name flashes, making your heart race.
“Hello?” you mumble, your voice thick with sleep.
“Hey, love,” Matty’s voice comes through, warm and teasing, his British accent a comforting lilt in the quiet of the night.
“Matty? It’s 3 a.m. What’s up?” you ask, trying to clear the fog from your mind.
“Well, I was going through my bag, and I found something interesting,” he says, and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
It takes you a moment, but then you remember. Your heart skips a beat as you sit up in bed. “Oh, you found the note?”
“Yeah,” he replies, chuckling. “It said ‘Call me before you open x’. So, here I am, calling you at this ungodly hour.”
You smile nervously. You actually bought him a sex toy, hoping for him to feel good when he’s gone for a long time. Hoping he’ll use it and call you every time he does. You feel giddy thinking about his reaction.
“Should I open it now?”
“Go ahead,” you say, feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment. “I’m dying to know what you think.”
You hear the crinkling of paper as he unwraps the package. The suspense is killing you, and you imagine him sitting there, a mischievous grin on his face as he uncovers your gift.
After seconds he didn’t say anything you think you fucked up. “Matty?”
“Blimey,” he says finally, his tone a mix of surprise and delight. “You really went for it, didn’t you?”
“Well, I didn’t want you to be too lonely on your trip,” you tease, a smile tugging at your lips.
He chuckles, “what the fuck, Bluetooth-controlled male masturbator,” he reads out, and you burst into giggles. “Haven’t used a fleshlight since I was 16 or some shit.”
“Fleshlight with vibrator,” you correct him.
There is lube in the box as well because you didn’t know if he had some with him, very unlikely actually.
“You’re a menace,” he says, opening the box to pull the toy out. “You actually bought me a sex toy.”
You picture him with it in his hand, imagining how badly he wants to fuck it, but he pulls himself together. He’s definitely half hard right now, sitting on his bed. You’re getting wetter with every second as well, squeezing your thighs together because this is supposed to be about him.
“I did, and I’ve set everything up so you just need to use lube and turn it on.” You hum, laying on your back with your legs bend. Only in some panties and a shirt of Matty.
“Oh, so you want me to use it now?” He teases, grinning into the phone.
You think about the question for a second. It’s his choice if he wants to have some fun but you do want to listen to him.
Matty groans, fiddling with his belt, squeezing his bulge over his pants. “You’ve got a toy as well, right?”
You nod even though he can’t see you, “yeah.”
“Go on and get it f’me.”
You turn to your bedside table, pulling out your purple vibrator. “Got it,” you say.
“Perfect,” he says. “Give me a minute, just sit there and be my patient girl.”
His praise goes straight to your core, a rather uncomfortable ache between your legs. You hear shuffling across the room.
Matty pulls his shirt over his head as he also gets rid of his jeans, leaving him in his impossibly tight boxers. “Tell me what you’re wearing.”
“Your shirt and panties.” You breath, lifting your shirt a little, so you can rest your hand on your bare skin.
“Bra?” He asks, plopping down onto the bed, his hand stroking him over his cock.
“No bra,” you answer, hand trailing up, your fingers ghosting over your hardened nipples. You hiss at the cold feeling.
Biting his lower lip to contain his moans, Matty jerks dick for a bit, before his hands go down to play with his balls. Small beads of pre-cum danced at the tip of his cock and he uses them to better and more smoothly stroke himself. “Wish I could see you right now.”
He closes his eyes, hissing through his teeth as he pictures you, naked with him, begging to be fucked.
“Touch yourself, love,” he says, picking up the fleshlight, “I’m gonna use your little gift now.”
He grabs the lube from his bag and lathers some onto his fingers. Parting the folds, he sticks his slick fingers into the hole and spreads the lube around, quite impressed at how lifelike and real it feels.
Having made it sufficiently slick, Matty doesn’t hesitate to place the toy right over his cock and slowly plunge into it. He throws his head back and moans at the feeling, the tightness of the wet walls around his cock excruciating.
“Oh, christ.” He pulls up the toy before plunging it back down, ready to fuck it mercilessly when his attention is suddenly diverted to your little moans.
You’re starting to rub your clit over your panties in a circular motion, Matty’s sounds compared to the sounds of the toys making you so horny.
“How does it feel?” You ask, “turn it on.”
Matty does as you say and he surprises himself with how loudly he moans. 
“Fuck,” he grits out, fucking his hips forward. “Oh, fuck.”
“How does it feel?” You ask again.
“Fuckin’ good,” is all he can say. Now that you’re talking, now that he can hear the breathiness of your voice and the buzz of your vibrator in the background he can barely keep himself from coming apart. “So fuckin’ good, baby. Want you so fuckin’ bad. Feels so good. Want to press this up against your pussy and show you what it feels like.” he growls.
“Yeah? God,” you moan, dipping your fingers down your panties to spread the wetness around your pussy. You pull your panties down your legs and throw them away. “You sound so hot doing that.”
Matty is leaning back against the headboard. Lube is all over the toy, leaking out onto the soft curls between his legs and balls. He glides the toy up and down his length at a steady pace trying not to cum so soon already. His mind races with vivid thoughts of you.
“What do you think about Matty?”
He pulls his cock almost all the way out of the toy only to slam it back down hard causing him to groan loud.
Biting his lip to stifle another moan.
“Thinkin' about you squeezing around me." He breathes heavily in your ear. "Wishing this was your pussy instead of some..F-fucking toy.
Sinking his cock back inside making a loud schlick noise you can faintly hear in the phone. Pumping his cock while his other hand runs along his abdomen. He's trying to balance the phone between his shoulder and cheek praying he doesnt drop it. His face and chest flushed a crimson red. He lets out a loud moan when he thrusts upward. "Good god.”
You bite down on your lip hard listening as he fucks himself while talking about you. You want to touch yourself so badly.
“Need a m-minute, jesus,” he pulls the toy off of his soaked, angry red cock. “Can’t focus on anything when I’m fucking this, need to focus on you, can’t neglect my girl.”
You whimper which makes him laugh.
"I want you grab that toy and put it to your clit. Can you do that f’me?" He gets his voice low again. You bring the vibrator to your sensitive bud and gasp when you feel the vibrations.
"Good girl, think of my lips wrapped around your clit sucking so so softly. Imagine my face buried between your legs.." He's breathing heavier into the mic, tempted to let the toy sink down again.
However you struggle with making yourself come and especially over phone, he knows it.
“I bet you’re so wet, fuckin’ dripping down your thighs.”
You sink further into your bed as the vibrator continues working on your clit. Your hips bucking up as you writhe on your blanks, taking in every word he spoke. The phone keeps falling from your ear the more relaxed you become. Your mind in a fog while you listen to him say the dirtiest things.
“C’mon, baby, use your fingers now like I do it.”
You keep the vibrator right where it is at while you gently bring two fingers to your entrance. You slide them between your wet folds, getting them covered in your juices. You bite your lower lip hard as you tease around your dripping pussy.
You hear him groan in the other end of the phone. You gently dip your two fingers inside you, getting them as deep as they possibly could go. "Matty, fuck.” You moan in his ear.
“That’s it, find your pace yeah?” You whine, saying his name again, “feel good?”
“So good,” you moan, your fingers hitting your spot over and over while your vibrator is stimulating your clit.
Matty takes the toy and sinks it down onto his cock, letting out a gravely moan. “Fuck, bless you for giving me this.”
His cock is steadily plunging in out of his toy in a brutal pace. He's getting closer to his release, his other hand moving to cup his balls mimicking how you massage them. His hips thrusting up and all you can hear is the squelching sound his cock is making in the toy.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby, c’mon fuck yourself faster.”
"Miss you so much," you slur, your movements stuttering as the device works your body in ways you didn't know is possible.
“Miss you too.”
You are completely dazed, his sentences barely making their way through the fog as you'd like them to. You are crying, you think, hot and relentless tears carving a path down your face as you fuck yourself harder.
“Good girl,” he groans, “M’so close, fuck- can’t last in this.”
He flips over on his knees and lets himself fuck into the toy, the vibrations sending him into a different plane as his cock throbs, sticky come pulsing into the wet clutch of what he wishes was you. You’re wailing his name on the other end, and he imagines you underneath him, warm and soft, as he shudders to a halt. 
“Fuck, fuck, are you close?” He asks and you moan in return.
“Please- Christ, want to cum with you.” He torturously slows down, moving his cock out of the toy before slowly thrusting in.
Your fingers are pumping harder as you curve them upwards to rub against that sweet spot on your walls. Your thighs shake as you arch your back off the bed. You feel a tightness in your core building up, and you know you're getting close.
"Close,” You whine.
"That's it be a good girl and cum." Cum all over your fingers." He groans
The vibrator on your clit helps to bring you closer to your release. You spread your legs even further apart. You're moaning louder into the phone. You can't even hear Matty’s voice anymore. Fucking yourself with your fingers is becoming difficult the closer you are to your release. Your walls clenching up tightly around them, and your pulse quickening.
Matty is speeding up again as well, fucking the toy relentlessly, closing his eyes imagining it is you he’s fucking into.
“The second I’m home, I’m going to fuck you in every room,” he promises, “fuck, want to cum inside of you, not in this-.”
His words bring you over the edge, your legs shutting involuntarily, and the vibrator falls from between your thighs. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your orgasm rips through your body with so much intensity. Your vision goes black, and you stop breathing for a second. The phone lays abandoned next to your head, having dropped it long ago.
“Gonna cum- fuck- love,”
He groans louder. With a few more strokes and he's spilling his cum inside the toy. Still pumping his length, milking himself of every drop. His cum spilling out and coating his balls. He lays there in bed, phone still on his shoulder. His head all foggy, and his vision is blury.
You’re both panting into your phones, smiling to yourselves.
“You feeling alright?” He asks, putting the toy on his nightstand, hissing when he cleans his cock with some wipes.
“Mhm,” you hum, putting the blanket over your body. “Miss you Matty.”
“I miss you too, love,” he says, “just have to hold on a few more days and then I’m all yours, you still have my hoodie right?”
Your head is currently wrapped up in it, that’s why you giggle. “Yeah, but it smells more like me now.”
“S’ a bummer for you, just go to my closet.”
“Can't move my legs," you mumble, the sound muffled by the way your cheek is squished into his hoodie. "Need you to come carry me."He chuckles which is replaced by a yawn. He tells you that you both should sleep but you groan and tell him you don’t want to say goodbye.
“Fuck,” he mumbles to himself quietly, “i know exactly why you’re my girl.”
You stay quiet, ignoring that the sun is slowly coming through your curtains, enjoying the heavy breathing of Matty.
Matty hears that your breathing is still, he smiles to himself. “Sleep well, my love.”
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