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By Stephen Millies
People in Kingston, New York, have had enough with rents going through the roof. So last November, the city’s Common Council voted to roll back rents on 1,200 apartments by 15%.
This is the first time any city has tried to enact a rent rollback. It followed Kingston becoming the first community in the Empire State outside New York City to establish rent control. Judge David Gandin threw out the rent rollback on Feb. 10, but his decision will be appealed.
#rollbackprices#rent#housing#Kingston#rent control#courts#capitalism#landlords#housing4all#New York State#poverty#racism#workers#class struggle#Struggle La Lucha
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petition signing in salt lake!
we have our first housing action ready, if you live in the salt lake city area we're going to be gathering petition signatures for housing at jordan park https://actionnetwork.org/events/gathering-signatures-for-the-slc-social-housing-petition/
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My Problem with Incrementalism
My problem with Incrementalism isn't that it takes time to get the materials to build a bridge across the river and me going, "Why aren't we on the other side already?" Because I want to change society. And I know that it takes a long time to change people's hearts and minds. So many people are resistant to the ideas of Anarchism, Socialism, and Communism because of years of propaganda and Red Scare from the CIA. But if a lot of Americans don't like the ideas of Bernie Sanders, THAT IS A LOT OF AMERICANS I NEED TO TALK TO TO GET THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS CHANGED! My problem with Incrementalism when the Politicians we put in power, the ones that we are supposed to put in power, or else it is entirely our fault for letting the other side win this election, don't have the political will to actually make deep systematic change to improve society. The Corporate Wall Street Establishment Capitalist, many being Conservative, Democrats don't want to remove or lessen their Class power. Democrats will fight against Socialism much harder than they would to fight against the Republicans. We saw that this past year when all of the other moderate candidates drop out of the race and endorsed Biden. Which Barak "don't say Defund the Police" Obama worked behind the scenes to help facilitate that. The Corporate Wall Street Establishment Capitalist Democrats didn't want Bernie Sanders at all to be the nominee. Granted, Bernie did terrible in his campaign and Biden got more votes. But the deck was stacked against Bernie in this past election. The Democrats will only give "Affordable Housing" which isn't Housing-4-All or Guarantee Housing. Housing is a Human Right. But many of the Democrats are Landlords and would love to continue to be Landlords and make money just for owning something. Affordable Housing is better than nothing but not good enough. We must have Single-Payer Healthcare. Nationalist Medicine. Medicare-4-All is the comprised because that is just Nationalist Health Insurance. But there will still be For-Profits Hospitals when we get Medicare-4-All. Medicare-4-All can be and is a step towards Nationalist Medicine. But the Dems don't even have the political for that policy despite its National popularity. This is why I say fuck Representative Democracy. Representatives make rules, laws, and decisions. Not the People. It isn't a Democracy. It is a Democracy with the Representatives. While it is a popularity contest for the rest of us. A Reality TV Game Show Host figure that out to win the White House by getting a shit ton of attention and gaming the current political social Media landscape. As well as stoke up a lot of Racism, Sexism, Bigotry, Ableism, and Anti-Queerness that has always been there. A lot of Conservatives fear the demise of the White Christian Male Power structure in this country. Hence why they love the "American First" policies that they hope that Biden continues.
#politics#politcal#Biden#Joe Biden#bigotry#sexism#racism#liberalism#representative democracy#Housing is a Human Right#Housing For All#Housing4All#medicare4all#affordable housing#bernie sanders#bernie#wall street#occupy Wall Street#trump#Donald Trump#donald trump racist#defund the police#barack obama#incrementalism#anarchism#anarchist#socialism#socialist#communism#communist
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while, I'm hoping to mainly post artwork here, I think i'm going to be open about my politics here as well. I am a communist and I'm in full suport of getting rid of the landlords
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Mayor Savage passes the 'glass house' to Ottawa's Deputy Mayor. #housing4all (at Pier 21 / Quai 21)
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प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने आज लाईट हाउस प्रोजेक्ट (एलएचपी) का शिलान्यास किया।
नई दिल्ली: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने आज लाईट हाउस प्रोजेक्ट (एलएचपी) का शिलान्यास किया। देश में छह राज्यों में ग्लोबल हाउसिंग टेक्नोलॉजी चैलेंज इंडिया (जीएचटीसी इण्डिया) की नींव और प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना (शहरी) के वितरण कार्यक्रम में पीएम मोदी ने वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के जरिए भाग लिया। इस अवसर पर पीएम मोदी ने कहा, ‘एक समय में आवास योजनाएं केंद्र सरकारों की प्राथमिकता में उतनी नहीं थीं जितनी होनी चाहिए। सरकार घर निर्माण की बारीकियों और गुणवत्ता पर नहीं जाती थी। आज देश ने एक अलग अप्रोच चुनी है। ये 6 प्रोजेक्ट वाकई लाइट हाउस यानी प्रकाश स्तंभ की तरह हैं। ये 6 प्रोजेक्ट देश में हाउसिंग कंस्ट्रक्शन को नई दिशा दिखाएंगे। देश के हर क्षेत्र से राज्यों का इस अभियान में जुड़ना कॉपरेटिव फेडरलिज्म की हमारी भावना को और मजबूत कर रहा है।’
एक साल में हजार घर
प्रधानमंत्री ने आगे कहा, ‘हर जगह एक साल में 1,000 घर बनाए जाएंगे, इसका मतलब प्रतिदिन 2.5-3 घर बनाने का औसत आएगा। अगली 26 जनवरी से पहले इस काम में सफलता पाने का इरादा है। देश में ही आधुनिक हाउसिंग तकनीक से जुड़ी रिसर्च और स्टार्टअप्स को प्रमोट करने के लिए आशा इंडिया प्रोग्राम चलाया जा रहा है। इसके माध्यम से भारत में ही 21वीं सदी के घरों के निर्माण की नई और सस्ती तकनीक विकसित की जाएगी। घर बनाने ��े जुड़े लोगों को नई तकनीक से जुड़ी स्किल अपग्रेड करने के लिए सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स भी शुरू किया जा रहा है ताकि देशवासियों को घर निर्माण में दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी तकनीक और मटेरियल मिल सके।’
पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि लोगों के पास अब RERA जैसे कानून की शक्ति है। RERA ने लोगों में ये भरोसा लौटाया है कि जिस प्रोजेक्ट में वो पैसा लगा रहे हैं, वो पूरा होगा, उनका घर अब फंसेगा नहीं। उन्होंने कहा कि देश का रियल एस्टेट सेक्टर निरंतर मजबूत हो इसके लिए सरकार की कोशिश लगातार जारी है। मुझे विश्वास है कि #Housing4All का सपना जरूर पूरा होगा।
क्या है लाइटहाउस प्रोजेक्ट्स
लाइट हाउस प्रोजेक्ट्स (एलएचपी) देश में पहली बार निर्माण क्षेत्र में इतने बड़े पैमाने पर नए जमाने की वैकल्पिक वैश्विक प्रौद्योगिकी, सामग्रियों और प्रक्रियाओं का बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करती हैं। इनका निर्माण जीएचटीसी- इंडिया के तहत किया जा रहा है जो आवास निर्माण के क्षेत्र में नवीन तकनीकों को अपनाने के लिए एक समग्र परिवेश तैयार करने की परिकल्पना करता है।
ये शहर हैं शामिल
इन एलएचपी का निर्माण इंदौर (मध्य प्रदेश), राजकोट (गुजरात), चेन्नई (तमिलनाडु), रांची (झारखंड), अगरतला (त्रिपुरा) और लखनऊ (उत्तर प्रदेश) में किया जा रहा है। इसमें प्रत्येक स्थान पर संबद्ध बुनियादी ढांचा सुविधाओं के साथ लगभग 1,000 मकानों को शामिल किया गया है। ये परियोजनाएं पारंपरिक तौर पर ईंट एवं कंक्रीट वाले निर्माण के मुकाबले कहीं अधिक तेजी से यानी महज बारह महीने के भीतर रहने के लिए तैयार मकानों को प्रदर्शित और वितरित करेंगी। इसके अलावा ये मकान उच्च गुणवत्ता के साथ किफायती और टिकाऊ भी होंगे।
हल्के मकानों की परियोजनाएं संबंधित जगहों पर प्रौद्योगिकी के हस्तांतरण एवं उसके अनुकरण की सुविधा के लिए एक लाइव प्रयोगशाला के रूप में काम करेंगी। इसमें योजना, डिजाइन, उपकरणों का उत्पादन, निर्माण प्रथाओं और परीक्षण के लिए आईआईटी, एनआईटी, अन्य इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों और प्लानिंग एंड आर्किटेक्चर कॉलेजों के संकाय एवं छात्रों के अलावा बिल्डर, निजी एवं सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रों के पेशेवर एवं अन्य हितधारक शामिल हैं।
https://kisansatta.com/prime-minister-narendra-modi-today-laid-the-foundation-stone-of-the-light-house-project-lhp/ #PrimeMinisterNarendraModiTodayLaidTheFoundationStoneOfTheLightHouseProjectLHP Prime Minister Narendra Modi today laid the foundation stone of the Light House Project (LHP). National, State #National, #State KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
#Prime Minister Narendra Modi today laid the foundation stone of the Light House Project (LHP).#National#State
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Angry liberal mobs now stalking Trump supporters
Photo: Resist Trump Tuesdays Chicago/Facebook
Anthony J. Saliba is no shrinking violet. As a prominent Chicago financier as well as a trustee of the nation’s leading conservative think tank, he has seen his share of rough-and-tumble battles.
But Tony Saliba hadn’t ever seen a crude effigy of himself paraded around, one that represented him a puppeteer manipulating the president of the United States. Until recently at a landmark of Chicago’s financial district, anyway.
That’s when 100 to 200 protesters, depending on who is counting, descended on the Bank of America Building on South LaSalle Street, in effect looking for Saliba. His business offices are on an upper floor of the 45-floor structure.
“I was, like, wow,” Saliba says in a phone interview with The Daily Signal.
The demonstrators marched and chanted, blocked the street and main entrance, and carried signs with messages directed at President Donald Trump, Saliba himself, and The Heritage Foundation, the Washington-based think tank where the entrepreneur has served on the Board of Trustees since 2012.
One sign read: “Tony Saliba: Put people over profit.”
“They filled the revolving doors so nobody could come or go,” Saliba says, who learned about the protest afterward.
Chicago police said they arrested eight men and women, ages 26 to 78, and charged them with criminal trespass for blocking the doors to the building.
Since Trump’s inauguration, the Windy City has been the stage for some sizable protests, including a series of “Resist Trump Tuesdays” during the new administration’s first 100 days.
The reason for the self-described resistance March 21: Trump’s proposed budget cuts across most of the government, many of them recommended by Heritage policy experts as part of the think tank’s “Blueprint for Balance.”
In particular, the protesters said they were angry about recommended cuts in spending at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some of their signs and slogans singled out HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Heritage analysts, among others, have identified specific HUD programs as ineffective and wasteful.
Don @SeniorCaucus explains how Tony Saliba @ajsmarketwizard & rest of @Heritage Board push privatization & cuts to HUD. #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/5A2NrAGkYz
— The People’s Lobby (@peopleslobbyusa) March 21, 2017
As it turned out, Saliba didn’t go to his office that day. He was at home, fighting a cold, and only learned about the disruption a day later when family members, co-workers, and friends began emailing him with links to photos and stories posted online.
“They used my name and address and Heritage board affiliation,” he says of the protesters in the interview with The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.
Trading Pioneer and Leader
Saliba, 61, admits to being amused at first—until he showed the photos and stories several days later to his wife, Moira, and she “freaked out.”
“She didn’t care how long ago it was, she cared for her babies,” he says. “She said it’s no laughing matter, someone marching along with your name and picture, bigger than life.”
The Salibas have two teenage children.
“She is still a little rattled,” Saliba says of his wife. “She wasn’t too thrilled about me talking to you.”
Saliba didn’t dwell on the incident, telling Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint about it only in response to a March 28 email from DeMint to Heritage board members about the collapse of House Republican leadership’s Obamacare replacement bill.
It was a bit intimidating, he admits in retrospect, seeing a blown-up photo of his smiling face mounted atop an effigy that cradled a hand puppet with Trump’s face on it.
“It was just scary that my picture was bigger than life on a big doll they were carrying around,” Saliba says of the effigy. “I was holding a puppet of Trump’s head on a stick, like I was a puppet master.”
The protesters also pasted fake U.S. currency to the images of Saliba and Trump.
Saliba, considered a pioneer and leader in the Chicago derivatives market, was the only options trader to be profiled in the best-selling 1989 book “Market Wizards.” He is now an author himself.
He is founder and chief executive officer of Saliba Venture Management LLC, SalibaCo LLC, and Fortify Technologies. He also is founder and an owner of the education entities Peak Edge and International Trading Institute, and founder and partner of Saliba Portfolio Management and Efficient Capital Management.
Saliba, who got his start at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, previously was chief executive officer of LiquidPoint, a Chicago-based options technology company he started in 1999.
He also became an executive managing director at ConvergEx Group, which provides technologies for asset managers and financial intermediaries, after it bought LiquidPoint in 2007. To this day, LiquidPoint employs close to 100 people in Chicago, most of whom Saliba hired himself.
Bringing Jobs to Chicago
The March 21 demonstration targeting him was organized by Fair Economy Illinois, an affiliate of the Chicago-based community-organizing group National People’s Action, and the Jane Addams Senior Caucus, which dedicates itself to what it calls economic, racial, and social justice for older Americans.
“Anthony Saliba, as a board member of The Heritage Foundation, we are calling on you to stop advancing these destructive proposals, which will increase homelessness across our city, state, and country,” said rally speaker Kevin McLemore, pastor of Epiphany United Church of Christ in Chicago, according to the socialist magazine In These Times.
“We are here because we know that Trump is a puppet of The Heritage Foundation’s corporate agenda,” caucus member Don Bell told In These Times.
Brace soul Lori arrested we got your back #housing4all #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/iBHUu7J8IF
— Resist Trump Chicago (@ResistTrumpTues) March 21, 2017
Saliba credits police for handling the situation calmly, and for preventing protesters from reaching the elevators in the Bank of America Building.
What seems to bug Saliba is the personal attack by Trump opponents who probably have no idea that his own dozen or so business ventures have provided jobs for about 500 residents of Chicago since 1981.
“They don’t even get the good things I do,” he says. “That’s the narrow-mindedness, and they look at business only as profit.”
His largest employee head count at one time was 90, Saliba says, and for about 10 years he employed 85 people.
As Bloomberg Businessweek recently reported, Saliba is a main player in another potential job creator: the proposed sale of the cash-strapped Chicago Stock Exchange to investors led by a Chinese conglomerate.
“If the $27 million deal wins approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,” Bloomberg wrote, “one of America’s oldest trading venues will have a new focus: courting listings from small companies, particularly those based in China.”
Although Saliba doesn’t volunteer it in this interview, he and his wife are financial supporters of Catholic Charities and other causes, including the local Lincoln Park Community Shelter, a facility for the homeless; the Evans Scholars Foundation, which enables poor children to attend college; and the Gary Sinise Foundation, which assists men and women of the armed forces wounded in defense of the nation.
DeMint: ‘Shameless Intimidation’
“They’re really proud of themselves, you know,” Saliba says of the protesters, citing their Facebook page with its photos and videos of this and past demonstrations.
One blurb on the Facebook page reads: “Heritage is a right-wing think tank … and their members profit from the slashing of federal programs that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. They are behind Trump’s budget cuts and we will continue blocking their agenda until HUD and other essential government agencies are fully funded.”
Reflecting on the highly charged anti-Trump rhetoric and disruptions continuing across the nation, Saliba says he tends to agree with an assessment shared with him by Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, the think tank’s lobbying affiliate.
“Settle in and consider this disruptive protesting is going to be the baseline for the bulk of the next year or so,” Saliba says. “They may try to keep these things going until the midterms.”
“They’re trying to disrupt [the Trump administration] and continue to energize their base. You gotta give them credit, they seem to be pretty organized.”
Trump is a corporate puppet of the @heritage foundation! We need a #FullyFundedHUDBUDGET Seniors deserve dignity #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/gpf5iOZ2Bo
— ONE Northside (@ONENorthside) March 21, 2017
DeMint, who attracted heat on the national stage as a conservative congressman and senator from South Carolina, says he has seen this sort of thing many times before.
“When liberals lose political arguments, they resort to shameless intimidation tactics,” DeMint told The Daily Signal in an email, adding:
Tony is a patriot and successful businessman, and he shouldn’t have to go through this. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one and this isn’t a recent phenomenon, because for years liberals have been tormenting anyone, including businesses and private citizens, who dares disagree with the liberal, progressive line. The good news is that more Americans are refusing to back down, because they are tired of being silenced by liberal ideas of political correctness.
The Facebook page of the group Resist Trump Tuesdays Chicago posted photos of the protest, including images of Saliba in effigy and signs addressing him or Heritage.
‘It’s About Our Freedoms’
Saliba quips that he is thinking of shaving off his trademark mustache and goatee so he won’t be recognizable.
He describes himself as both optimistic in the short term that Trump’s free-market policies will give the economy a shot in the arm and not certain that in the long term the nation will hold fast to the principles that Heritage celebrates: free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
But he thinks Trump will lean on conservative ideas, Saliba says, and he’s proud to be part of advancing conservative policies through Heritage and the think tank’s recommendations to a receptive Republican president and Congress.
“It is about our freedoms, and Heritage does that work,” he says, adding:
It makes me very happy, very proud, and there’s quite a few people in Chicago that I’m their touchpoint. They ask, ‘What’s Heritage doing about this,’ ‘What’s Heritage saying about that?’
I’m happy that I’m a lightning rod, in that regard, with the Heritage brand on it because of what we stand for and all the good we do. It’s an island in the sea of seemingly meaningless change, a port in the storm.
Or, as Saliba emailed DeMint in thanking him for expressing concern: “I guess I’m always up for a fight for our principles.”
Resist Trump Tuesday Chicago returns 4/4 at Federal Plaza #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/Ja5V6FXV2P
— Resist Trump Chicago (@ResistTrumpTues) March 21, 2017
Originally published by Ken McIntyre at The Daily Signal
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Angry liberal mobs now stalking Trump supporters
Photo: Resist Trump Tuesdays Chicago/Facebook
Anthony J. Saliba is no shrinking violet. As a prominent Chicago financier as well as a trustee of the nation’s leading conservative think tank, he has seen his share of rough-and-tumble battles.
But Tony Saliba hadn’t ever seen a crude effigy of himself paraded around, one that represented him a puppeteer manipulating the president of the United States. Until recently at a landmark of Chicago’s financial district, anyway.
That’s when 100 to 200 protesters, depending on who is counting, descended on the Bank of America Building on South LaSalle Street, in effect looking for Saliba. His business offices are on an upper floor of the 45-floor structure.
“I was, like, wow,” Saliba says in a phone interview with The Daily Signal.
The demonstrators marched and chanted, blocked the street and main entrance, and carried signs with messages directed at President Donald Trump, Saliba himself, and The Heritage Foundation, the Washington-based think tank where the entrepreneur has served on the Board of Trustees since 2012.
One sign read: “Tony Saliba: Put people over profit.”
“They filled the revolving doors so nobody could come or go,” Saliba says, who learned about the protest afterward.
Chicago police said they arrested eight men and women, ages 26 to 78, and charged them with criminal trespass for blocking the doors to the building.
Since Trump’s inauguration, the Windy City has been the stage for some sizable protests, including a series of “Resist Trump Tuesdays” during the new administration’s first 100 days.
The reason for the self-described resistance March 21: Trump’s proposed budget cuts across most of the government, many of them recommended by Heritage policy experts as part of the think tank’s “Blueprint for Balance.”
In particular, the protesters said they were angry about recommended cuts in spending at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some of their signs and slogans singled out HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Heritage analysts, among others, have identified specific HUD programs as ineffective and wasteful.
Don @SeniorCaucus explains how Tony Saliba @ajsmarketwizard & rest of @Heritage Board push privatization & cuts to HUD. #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/5A2NrAGkYz
— The People’s Lobby (@peopleslobbyusa) March 21, 2017
As it turned out, Saliba didn’t go to his office that day. He was at home, fighting a cold, and only learned about the disruption a day later when family members, co-workers, and friends began emailing him with links to photos and stories posted online.
“They used my name and address and Heritage board affiliation,” he says of the protesters in the interview with The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.
Trading Pioneer and Leader
Saliba, 61, admits to being amused at first—until he showed the photos and stories several days later to his wife, Moira, and she “freaked out.”
“She didn’t care how long ago it was, she cared for her babies,” he says. “She said it’s no laughing matter, someone marching along with your name and picture, bigger than life.”
The Salibas have two teenage children.
“She is still a little rattled,” Saliba says of his wife. “She wasn’t too thrilled about me talking to you.”
Saliba didn’t dwell on the incident, telling Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint about it only in response to a March 28 email from DeMint to Heritage board members about the collapse of House Republican leadership’s Obamacare replacement bill.
It was a bit intimidating, he admits in retrospect, seeing a blown-up photo of his smiling face mounted atop an effigy that cradled a hand puppet with Trump’s face on it.
“It was just scary that my picture was bigger than life on a big doll they were carrying around,” Saliba says of the effigy. “I was holding a puppet of Trump’s head on a stick, like I was a puppet master.”
The protesters also pasted fake U.S. currency to the images of Saliba and Trump.
Saliba, considered a pioneer and leader in the Chicago derivatives market, was the only options trader to be profiled in the best-selling 1989 book “Market Wizards.” He is now an author himself.
He is founder and chief executive officer of Saliba Venture Management LLC, SalibaCo LLC, and Fortify Technologies. He also is founder and an owner of the education entities Peak Edge and International Trading Institute, and founder and partner of Saliba Portfolio Management and Efficient Capital Management.
Saliba, who got his start at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, previously was chief executive officer of LiquidPoint, a Chicago-based options technology company he started in 1999.
He also became an executive managing director at ConvergEx Group, which provides technologies for asset managers and financial intermediaries, after it bought LiquidPoint in 2007. To this day, LiquidPoint employs close to 100 people in Chicago, most of whom Saliba hired himself.
Bringing Jobs to Chicago
The March 21 demonstration targeting him was organized by Fair Economy Illinois, an affiliate of the Chicago-based community-organizing group National People’s Action, and the Jane Addams Senior Caucus, which dedicates itself to what it calls economic, racial, and social justice for older Americans.
“Anthony Saliba, as a board member of The Heritage Foundation, we are calling on you to stop advancing these destructive proposals, which will increase homelessness across our city, state, and country,” said rally speaker Kevin McLemore, pastor of Epiphany United Church of Christ in Chicago, according to the socialist magazine In These Times.
“We are here because we know that Trump is a puppet of The Heritage Foundation’s corporate agenda,” caucus member Don Bell told In These Times.
Brace soul Lori arrested we got your back #housing4all #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/iBHUu7J8IF
— Resist Trump Chicago (@ResistTrumpTues) March 21, 2017
Saliba credits police for handling the situation calmly, and for preventing protesters from reaching the elevators in the Bank of America Building.
What seems to bug Saliba is the personal attack by Trump opponents who probably have no idea that his own dozen or so business ventures have provided jobs for about 500 residents of Chicago since 1981.
“They don’t even get the good things I do,” he says. “That’s the narrow-mindedness, and they look at business only as profit.”
His largest employee head count at one time was 90, Saliba says, and for about 10 years he employed 85 people.
As Bloomberg Businessweek recently reported, Saliba is a main player in another potential job creator: the proposed sale of the cash-strapped Chicago Stock Exchange to investors led by a Chinese conglomerate.
“If the $27 million deal wins approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,” Bloomberg wrote, “one of America’s oldest trading venues will have a new focus: courting listings from small companies, particularly those based in China.”
Although Saliba doesn’t volunteer it in this interview, he and his wife are financial supporters of Catholic Charities and other causes, including the local Lincoln Park Community Shelter, a facility for the homeless; the Evans Scholars Foundation, which enables poor children to attend college; and the Gary Sinise Foundation, which assists men and women of the armed forces wounded in defense of the nation.
DeMint: ‘Shameless Intimidation’
“They’re really proud of themselves, you know,” Saliba says of the protesters, citing their Facebook page with its photos and videos of this and past demonstrations.
One blurb on the Facebook page reads: “Heritage is a right-wing think tank … and their members profit from the slashing of federal programs that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. They are behind Trump’s budget cuts and we will continue blocking their agenda until HUD and other essential government agencies are fully funded.”
Reflecting on the highly charged anti-Trump rhetoric and disruptions continuing across the nation, Saliba says he tends to agree with an assessment shared with him by Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, the think tank’s lobbying affiliate.
“Settle in and consider this disruptive protesting is going to be the baseline for the bulk of the next year or so,” Saliba says. “They may try to keep these things going until the midterms.”
“They’re trying to disrupt [the Trump administration] and continue to energize their base. You gotta give them credit, they seem to be pretty organized.”
Trump is a corporate puppet of the @heritage foundation! We need a #FullyFundedHUDBUDGET Seniors deserve dignity #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/gpf5iOZ2Bo
— ONE Northside (@ONENorthside) March 21, 2017
DeMint, who attracted heat on the national stage as a conservative congressman and senator from South Carolina, says he has seen this sort of thing many times before.
“When liberals lose political arguments, they resort to shameless intimidation tactics,” DeMint told The Daily Signal in an email, adding:
Tony is a patriot and successful businessman, and he shouldn’t have to go through this. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one and this isn’t a recent phenomenon, because for years liberals have been tormenting anyone, including businesses and private citizens, who dares disagree with the liberal, progressive line. The good news is that more Americans are refusing to back down, because they are tired of being silenced by liberal ideas of political correctness.
The Facebook page of the group Resist Trump Tuesdays Chicago posted photos of the protest, including images of Saliba in effigy and signs addressing him or Heritage.
‘It’s About Our Freedoms’
Saliba quips that he is thinking of shaving off his trademark mustache and goatee so he won’t be recognizable.
He describes himself as both optimistic in the short term that Trump’s free-market policies will give the economy a shot in the arm and not certain that in the long term the nation will hold fast to the principles that Heritage celebrates: free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
But he thinks Trump will lean on conservative ideas, Saliba says, and he’s proud to be part of advancing conservative policies through Heritage and the think tank’s recommendations to a receptive Republican president and Congress.
“It is about our freedoms, and Heritage does that work,” he says, adding:
It makes me very happy, very proud, and there’s quite a few people in Chicago that I’m their touchpoint. They ask, ‘What’s Heritage doing about this,’ ‘What’s Heritage saying about that?’
I’m happy that I’m a lightning rod, in that regard, with the Heritage brand on it because of what we stand for and all the good we do. It’s an island in the sea of seemingly meaningless change, a port in the storm.
Or, as Saliba emailed DeMint in thanking him for expressing concern: “I guess I’m always up for a fight for our principles.”
Resist Trump Tuesday Chicago returns 4/4 at Federal Plaza #ResistTrumpTuesdays pic.twitter.com/Ja5V6FXV2P
— Resist Trump Chicago (@ResistTrumpTues) March 21, 2017
Originally published by Ken McIntyre at The Daily Signal
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By Struggle-La Lucha
Six judges on the U.S. Supreme Court have overturned the federal ban on evictions. The Aug. 26 ruling threatens to throw 11 million families — with 30 million people — into the street.
The Alabama Association of Realtors that petitioned the court to overturn the eviction ban represents the same bigots who fought fair housing laws in the 1960s.
A moratorium on evictions and foreclosures was enacted by Congress in 2020 during the worst capitalist economic crisis since the Great Depression. Over 30 million people were made jobless while the coronavirus was killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Millions are still jobless and can’t pay the rent or mortgage. Yet Congress let the absolutely necessary ban on evictions lapse.
It was only because of mass outrage — and a 5-day sit-in led by Representative Cori Bush — that forced the Biden Administration to act. The Centers for Disease Control issued a ban on evictions citing the new surge of COVID-19 cases and deaths.
#housing4all#Supreme Court#eviction moratorium#NoEvictions#homelessness#poverty#unemployment#pandemic#foreclosures#housing#class struggle#workers#Joe Biden#CDC#Struggle La Lucha
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VIDEO: Housing For All campaign illustrates Canada’s housing crisis
As the Oct. 19 federal election nears, are you confused about how social housing is funded in Canada, and what the feds can do to fix it?
Check out this two-minute “white-board” animated video from the Canadian Housing & Renewal Association’s “Housing For All” campaign, in their words “explaining the social housing crisis in Canada—an issue that is often hard to understand because of the many programs and levels of government involved in its funding and operations.”
Check out the Housing For All campaign website.
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Today feels no different than any other day but I awake knowing that now we are ALL protected here in Grand Forks. #equality #Housing4All
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Mayor @mikesavagehfx speaking at the closing of the CHRA 49th Congress on Housing and Homelessness #housing4all (at Pier 21 / Quai 21)
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By Stephen Millies
Chants of “Housing is a human right!” filled Manhattan’s Third Avenue as more than a hundred angry tenants came to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s local office on Aug. 4.
They demanded an end to evictions and foreclosures. They want Cuomo, whom the state attorney general’s report has shown to be a sexual predator, to resign.
#Housing4All#housingisahumanright#Andrew Cuomo#NYC#protest#eviction moratorium#NoEvictions#capitalism#landlords#Struggle La Lucha
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By Stephen Millies
Behind even the biggest landlords are the banks that own the mortgages. They would rather have millions on the street in cardboard boxes than lower rents.
It was because 26 million people took to the streets demanding justice for George Floyd that Congress did anything to stop evictions and foreclosures. They need to fear us again.
#eviction ban#unemployment#pandemic#workers#class struggle#housing#homelessness#housing4all#housingisahumanright#foreclosures#Democrats#Republicans#capitalism#landlords#tenants#banks#Struggle La Lucha
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