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meadowlarkx · 2 years ago
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"The Thimble's Bucket List," Little Housewolf by Medrie Purdham
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years ago
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Many thanks to both @frozen-fountain and @justanotherpersonwhowrites for tagging me in this earlier this week. Finally getting around to it sorry jfkghdkj
I haven't been checking tumblr a lot recently so I have no idea who has and hasn't done this, so if you see this, feel free to play!
1. Are you named after anyone? I am, but I don't go by that name if I can get away with it.If I could snap my fingers and change my name, I would.
2. When was the last time you cried? last week from sheer exhaustion lol
3. Do you have kids? The four-legged kind? Yes. Otherwise no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? About as often as I breathe.
5. What sports do you play/have played? I played basketball at one point. Now I'm not flexible or coordinated enough to even think about sports without straining something.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Probably their eyes. Maybe a cool shirt or other piece of clothing. Does that sound weird?
7. What's your eye color? Blue-ish green
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Ehh. Depends on the day.
9. Any special talents? Does sleeping through obnoxiously loud inclement weather count? Otherwise I'm at a loss.
10. Where were you born? Regrettably, out in the boonies.
11. What are your hobbies? Writing, napping, thinking about writing, bird watching, playing RPGs, and (lovingly) pestering my dog
12. Do you have pets? One majestic housewolf and a perpetually angry-looking lizard
13. How tall are you? 5"7' I think?
14. Favorite subject in school? Really liked biology, sad it was just a road bump in my highschool career.
15. Dream job? Shockingly, this is not something I've put much thought into. I at one point did schooling to be a physical therapist, and maybe I could still pursue that. I've also toyed with getting into forensic science or the veterinary field, but I'm not sure I have the fortitude for either.
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ambapastorgarafiano · 5 years ago
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Amba no puede entender por qué ya no hacemos caminatas largas. Yo no puedo entender por qué hay gente que sale de la casa sin una razón importante🙄 . . #covid #corona #garafiano #pastorgarafiano #garafianshepherd #shepherd #schäferhund #amba #einheimischehunderasse #razadeperroautóctono #nativedogbreed #autochtone #indigène #rassehund #housewolfe #lobodecasa #hauswolf #tijarafe #elpueblo #lapalma #sanmigueldelapalma #isla #island #insel #canaryisland #kanareninsel #islacanarias #macaronesia (hier: Tijarafe, Canarias, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FKMesqkvj/?igshid=1uk2sejbqrk23
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Three of my cats are so weirdly beholden with my dog Valkyrie, it’s insane.
I mean, they’ve all still got the typically weariness that comes with being a cat around a massive dog but they are so pleased when she gives them affection?
Thing is, all three of them have known her since they were babies, and Valkyrie mother-henned them like they were her puppies.
So at any point in the day, I will just see one of them begrudgingly holding still while she licks them, and I can tell they are secretly pleased at getting groomed from their big fluffy friend.
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rollerman1 · 5 years ago
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katbalogger · 4 years ago
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How do dogs sleep like this? . . . . #housewolf #gsd #germanshepherd #sleepydog #koda https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKCD8YjiuH/?igshid=1idz4ac5s0bx7
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 6 years ago
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bio-child · 6 years ago
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sadieesuicide · 6 years ago
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#chevy #chevChelios #handsome #goodboy #bestdog #petPhotography #blacklab #staffy #elderdogs #immakissallthedoggies #babyblankies #housewolf #chuchu #mrmagoo #chushiFish #moocow https://www.instagram.com/p/ByawpxhASnE/?igshid=e98rkbb4royi
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years ago
As per your request: Hi, I'm Dances! Let me introduce you to my majestic housewolf while I describe everything surrounding me in rich imagery with an emphasis on romantic dark reds and shadows. Now who wants lesbians? Dragon Age forever!
*spits out tea* Pffffffff-
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the laugh i made reading this was like an eldritch being crawling out of my lungs; horrifying, and a little embarrassing. (I've noticed that I really like describing light and shadows, when did that happen???)
Jolly good impersonation, 11/10.
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ambapastorgarafiano · 5 years ago
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home training . . #garafiano #pastorgarafiano #garafianshepherd #shepherd #schäferhund #amba #einheimischehunderasse #razadeperroautóctono #nativedogbreed #autochtone #indigène #rassehund #housewolfe #lobodecasa #hauswolf #lovelydog #lieblingshund #perrodeamor #hundeliebe #doglove #lebenmithund #livingwithdog #vivirconperro https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EsLs1q7cT/?igshid=unwazzep9zo6
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Just a dog and her puppy.
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brotherblaise · 6 years ago
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If you’re a fan of these two, Snowflake has her on page over at @snowflake_the_husky_shep It’s mostly her, but Fritz occasionally interjects😺 #snowflake #fritzthecat #housewolf #housetiger #pets #dogsofinstagram #catsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BoSJAHTnlYj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2zqt0tjgbo0n
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katbalogger · 4 years ago
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German Shepards may look fierce but they really just sleep a lot and try to squeeze into places they don’t actually fit. Like your lap. My #housewolf is very cuddly. . . . . . #gsd #germanshepherd #sleepingdog #koda #dogsofinstagram #kidsanddogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5en1GDwBb/?igshid=x3xvek5ka1cw
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 6 years ago
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
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"When will my husband (momma) return from the war (her office)" – the struggles of the suburban housewolf 😔
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