#househusband nanami au
senjutobi · 2 years
fic: Like Father, Like Son
Paring: Nanami/Gojo
Word Count: 3,078
Rating: T
Tags: domestic, mild sexual contnet, fluff, parent AU, baby!yuuji
"Once in Gojo's arms, Yuuji's lips set into a firm line, his brows scrunch, and he lets out a sound of indignation. Gojo lets out an amused laugh, gazing down at his son. The baby gives him a pouty stare.
Completely undeterred by the rejection, Gojo takes his place at the breakfast nook and settles Yuuji into a sitting position against the crook of his arm. So–just like his Nanami–Yuuji hates being woken up in his sleep. Gojo can't help but smile as he notices the similarities of Yuuji's face of discontent and that of his dear husband."
AO3 | Nanami Househusband AU
It’s five o’clock in the morning when Gojo wakes up. He shuts off his alarm before it rouses Nanami from his precious sleep. Gojo leans his head down, where Nanami is nestled into his side, and buries his face in soft, unruly blonde hair, inhaling the unique smell of his husband mixed with the lingering floral and minty scents of his hair products. Nanami lets out a sleepy, hearty sigh and cuddles further into Gojo. And really, with a sweet husband like that, how is Gojo expected to get up any time soon? Answer: he isn’t. Thus is why his five o’clock alarm is really his alarm to have morning cuddle time with Nanami, and his five-thirty alarm is his actual alarm to get up.
It’s a blissful several minutes of Gojo basking in the morning quietness and sleepy warmth of his husband beside him. Until Gojo decides to roll over onto his side to easily hug Nanami against him. The movement causes Nanami to wake and he lets out a disgruntled noise as he crinkles his nose in dissatisfaction. And Gojo should feel more bad for waking Nanami up but he just loves that little crinkle of the nose Nanami does when he’s upset.
He leans in and kisses said crinkly nose, smiling endearingly at Nanami’s grumpy and drowsy features. “Sorry dear, go back to sleep.”
Nanami lets out a discontent huff and buries his face back into Gojo’s chest, he places a soft kiss there and mumbles, “Why are you even up at the asscrack of dawn?” Gojo doesn’t even have to work for another three hours. 
Gojo chuckles at the contradictory display of displeasure, placing kisses on Nanami’s temple and cheek to placate the younger man before resting his cheek on top of Nanami’s head. “So I can cuddle you, of course. When else am I supposed to?”
Nanami moves his head from Gojo’s chest to stare at his husband, who returns the sleepy gaze with a charismatic smile. “...Do you seriously wake up even earlier than you already have to, to…cuddle me?”
The older man grins even wider in answer, tightening his arms around Nanami and bringing their bodies even closer. He brings a hand up to caress Nanami’s cheek, admiring those high cheekbones and lethargic eyes before sweeping a thumb across soft pink lips. He leans down and kisses his husband. Nanami melts into it immediately, dragging and pressing their lips together in a series of drowsy, sweet kisses. Gojo rolls them over so Nanami is on his back, pressing harder into the man beneath him as he wraps his arms around Nanami again and cradles Nanami’s head in his hands. Holding him as if he were the most precious thing to him–and he is, he and Yuuji both. Nanami is relaxed in Gojo’s arms, leisurely bringing up his own arms to wrap securely around Gojo’s shoulders as they continue to softly and sleepily kiss. 
When Gojo goes to deepen the kiss, gently swiping his tongue across Nanami’s bottom lip, Nanami gives a little displeased groan and pulls away, “Morning breath.”
Gojo chuckles. “So mean,” He pouts momentarily but remains undeterred, leaning down to kiss at Nanami’s exposed neck, ears greedily picking up on the sound of Nanami’s satisfied sigh. “In sickness and in health, to have and to hold, remember, my love?”
Nanami brings a hand up to scratch at Gojo’s scalp, letting out a pleased sigh when Gojo begins dragging his lips across Nanami’s collarbones, making his way down the younger man’s chest. “I highly doubt morning breath is a sickness.” Nanami mutters, his breath hitching when he feels Gojo gently bite down on his collarbone while simultaneously moving his hands down to suggestively squeeze at Nanami’s ass. “And I believe we’re doing quite well at having and holding one another.” Nanami gives another appreciative sigh when those large, wandering hands travel beneath the waistband of his boxers to better squeeze his ass.
At his response, Nanami feels the breath of Gojo’s snicker between his neck and shoulder, shivering in delight. He’s almost about to bring Gojo back up and revoke his no deep kissing rule in order to kiss his man to abandon when they're interrupted by the blaring sound of Gojo’s second alarm.
The features of Nanami's face instantly contort into a look of deep and utter irritation. Gojo himself lets out a whiny groan, burying his face in Nanami's shoulder for momentary refuge before he blindly reaches for his phone and shuts off the alarm. He stays in his little refuge for a few moments longer, breathing in Nanami's scent as he kisses the junction of Nanami's shoulder and neck before raising his head back up. Nanami still looks disgruntled, but more so at the lack of attention than the alarm. His nose is doing that little crinkling motion, his lips just shy of pouting, and Gojo can't help but smile.
Nanami can tell that his husband is smiling at his expense and he's about to give Gojo a piece of his mind when their baby monitor tablet springs to life–the notification sound going off as it detects a sound in Yuuji's crib. Both men look over and Nanami reaches out to unlock the screen. At first nothing is amiss, their eight-month old is blissfully snoozing away in his crib. That is, until they hear the sound that must have originally set off their monitor.
Sadly, there was no mistaking those sounds. Nanami mentally groans at the same time his husband verbally groans in despair.
"That's gonna be one nasty diaper." Gojo mourns. Immediately after Gojo's statement, as if to taunt his parents, their little bundle of joy lets loose another series of…gaseous sounds. Causing a feeling of trepidation to rise in Gojo and Nanami.
"Not it." Nanami says, grabbing their sheets and burying himself beneath them to protect himself from his husbands upcoming protests.
"What?! Nu-uh, no fair!"
"You're already up." Nanami settles further into the bed, unbothered by the deadly fate he just placed upon his husband. "And-" he adds on, staring right at Gojo as if daring him to counter his next words, "I've changed every single diaper in the past two days. I believe your turn is long overdue, my dear."
Gojo lets out a defeated whine. Damn his beautiful husband and his logic. He was right. Gojo had been busier with work this week, so he'd been lagging behind his portion of household chores and child rearing responsibilities. And dammit if he wasn't going to be a good husband and father. 
He gives Nanami a petulant pout, then leans down and puckers his lips. A silent demand for one more kiss before he's sent out to meet his demise. 
Nanami sighs in amusement, raising a hand from his cocoon of blankets to caress Gojo's face and bring him down into a kiss. Gojo sighs into it, dragging their lips together for several moments before he feels Nanami pull away. The younger man looks at Gojo, features sleepy and mirthful as he gives Gojo's butt two pats. "I would hurry, if I were you. Before you have to change his sheets too."
"Ugh, you're right." Gojo mourns, giving Nanami one last, quick peck on the cheek and finally forcing himself out of bed.
The nursery is too calm and unassuming for the devastating fate that lies ahead for Gojo. When he looks down at the crib–at his sweet, adorable, little Yuuji slumbering away–Gojo can almost trick himself into thinking perhaps the sounds were worse than the actual shit that needed changing.
That is, until the stench of it smacks him in the face with a force so powerful Gojo was sure it was the same force that knocked out all the dinosaurs. And after that there's no denying the code red, catastrophic level of a diaper that awaits him.
Gojo puts on a brave face and works on autopilot as he gets the changing table setup–he grabs a clean diaper, opens up the wipes, and checks to make sure the trash bin isn't full before reaching down to lift Yuuji from the crib and lay him onto the changing table.
Yuuji grouses in his sleep a little but otherwise remains unbothered while Gojo slowly and gently undresses him to get to the baby's diaper. Which really only further extends the father's torment. Gojo wonders how something so monstrous could emerge from his angelic son.
Upon reaching the source of his anguish, Gojo holds back the reflex to gag as the smell penetrates his nostrils. He swears his eyes begin to lose vision but perhaps that could be the water swelling up in them from his attempts at holding back his coughs. He couldn't risk waking Yuuji.
But shortly after is when he makes his mistake. He begins to wipe the mess away when the coldness of the wipes rouses Yuuji from his sleep. His brows furrowed and his cute little nose crinkled in discontent–and even as Gojo gingerly attempts to rush through the rest of the cleaning, he can't help but smile at the similarities between Yuuji's little nose crinkle and that of his husbands. Gojo reaches down and uses his thumb to massage away the wrinkles in Yuuji's brows, "Shh, shh, go back to sleep Yuuji."
Gojo continues to delicately shush and coo Yuuji through the baby's whimpers as he finishes cleaning up–throwing away the dirty diaper and going to put on a fresh, clean one. The movements, however, cause Yuuji to start fussing again. And before long the baby wakes and begins to cry. Gojo quickly finishes putting on the new diaper, foregoing putting Yuuji's pajama bottoms back on to cradle his son against his chest and attempt to rock him back to sleep.
But it doesn't work. Yuuji cries even louder, pushing against Gojo's chest in protest. Gojo continues to try and calm the baby down but Yuuji was not having it. Several minutes go by with zero success and Gojo still had to shower, cook breakfast and get ready for work. He makes one last attempt at putting Yuuji back to sleep. Gojo turns on the white noise machine they use to help Yuuji go to bed and sits in the rocking chair. Yuuji's cries calm down slightly but he's still whining and pushing at Gojo's chest.
The door to the nursery opens and Gojo turns his head up to see Nanami peeking in. Before Nanami even has a chance to speak, Yuuji's cries pick up in volume again and he reaches out pleadingly towards Nanami.
Nanami quickly walks over and Gojo gratefully hands over the baby. Their son wraps his chubby little arms around Nanami's neck and buries his face in his shoulder in search of comfort. Nanami rubs soothing circles on his back and gives Gojo a concerned look. "What happened?"
Gojo sighs and runs a hand down his face, "He woke up while I was changing his diaper and I haven't been able to put him back to sleep." 
Yuuji's cries have died down to pitiful whimpers when Nanami asks, "Did you warm up the wipes?"
The older man stops for a moment before letting out a defeated groan. "No, I forgot." He reaches out a hand to Yuuji's foot that's within reach and rubs the sole of it apologetically. "I'm sorry Yuuji, Daddy didn't mean to wake you. Do you forgive me?"
Yuuji snatches his foot away with a defiant little humph.
The corners of Nanami's lips just barely lifted up into a smile at the shocked look of his husband. 
But Nanami's barely-there smile gives way to send Gojo a sympathetic look. He reaches a hand down–the one previously preoccupied rubbing circles on Yuuji's back–to rake through Gojo's hair, gently scratching at his scalp just the way he knows Gojo likes.
"Why don't you shower and get ready for work?" Nanami kindly suggested as he brought his hand down to caress Gojo's face. "I'll take care of breakfast."
Gojo takes hold of Nanami's hand and brings it to his lips to kiss before standing up. His eyes catch the beloved sweet blush he loves so much adorning Nanami's cheeks. He grins, leaning in to place a kiss on one pink-tinted cheek. "Thank you darling, I owe you one." 
Gojo expects the younger man to roll his eyes in response, or give an unimpressed glare, but Nanami returns his kiss with one just as affectionate before promptly pivoting around on his feet and exiting the nursery. 
Of course, because the man Gojo married has to constantly keep the older man on his toes, Nanami throws a nonchalant–"Natto sounds good today," over his shoulder, smirking down the hallway as he hears Gojo's whines of protest.
An hour later, a freshly showered and mostly dressed Gojo enters the kitchen. To his relief Nanami was bluffing about natto for breakfast. Rice, miso soup, and tamagoyaki lay spread out across their countertop.
Nanami has Yuuji strapped against his chest in the baby carrier, offering Yuuji little spoonfuls of what looks to be mashed sweet potato and veggies as he finishes wiping down the counter.
Gojo is typically the one to feed Yuuji his breakfast—or rather he begins feeding Yuuji breakfast. Then he passes the task onto Nanami when, inevitably, Yuuji is too active and mobile to finish eating before Gojo has to get dressed for work.
So, Gojo places a gentle hand on Nanami's lower back to grab his husband's attention. "Here–" Gojo holds his arms out, "Lemme have the baby so you can sit down and eat."
Nanami nods, humming in agreement, and begins to unstrap Yuuji from the baby carrier. But when he attempts to place Yuuji in Gojo's arms, Yuuji makes a noise of disapproval–shaking his head no and wrapping his arms around Nanami's neck.
Nanami's looks confusedly down at his son. "Yuuji?"
He attempts another time to kindly hand over Yuuji to Gojo but again, Yuuji shakes his head in refusal and tightens his arms around Nanami's neck.
Nanami looks up at Gojo and can't help the snort that leaves his lips at the offended look he sees. Gojo turns his offended gaze at Nanami. "Don't mock me!" He whines, "Our son is rebelling against me and it's funny to you?"
"Oh, absolutely." Nanami's gaze reeks of merriment.
Gojo sends him a half-hearted glare before perking right back up and trying his best to coax Yuuji into his arms.
Nanami at least does try to help. He turns his body so that Yuuji can see Gojo. "Come on, Yuuji," He encourages, "Go with Daddy."
Yuuji turns his head away from Gojo, a small grunt uttered from his lips.
Nanami holds back his snort this time, with great difficulty.
After enough trial and tribulations–namely a game of cat and mouse between Gojo's coaxing arms and Yuuji's fervent refusal–Yuuji is finally ushered into Gojo's embrace.
Once in Gojo's arms, Yuuji's lips set into a firm line, his brows scrunch, and he lets out a sound of indignation. Gojo lets out an amused laugh, gazing down at his son. The baby gives him a pouty stare.
Completely undeterred by the rejection, Gojo takes his place at the breakfast nook and settles Yuuji into a sitting position against the crook of his arm. So–just like his Nanami–Yuuji hates being woken up in his sleep. Gojo can't help but smile as he notices the similarities of Yuuji's face of discontent and that of his dear husband.
The crinkle of the nose. The scrunched up brows. The firm pout. Exact replicas of one another.
His first few attempts at feeding Yuuji go unsuccessful. Yuuji makes sounds of protest and turns his head away at every spoonful. He makes grabby hands towards Nanami who clearly looks entertained at the interaction.
Nanami walks over and sets their coffee mugs down on the table before coming around to wrap his arms loosely around the taller man's shoulders, overlooking Gojo's attempts at feeding Yuuji.
"Looks like he's holding a grudge against you for waking him up." He chuckles quietly, reaching out a hand to hold onto one of Yuuji's when the baby reaches for him again. He rubs a soothing thumb behind the back of Yuuji's hand to placate him.
"He's just like his Papa." Gojo replies good-naturedly.
Nanami smiles, "I'd be upset too, if I woke up to a cold wipe against my bum."
"Oh, I've learned my lesson, alright." Gojo says distractedly as he returns the spoon away to its bowl and decides to trail little tickles up Yuuji's tummy and beneath his chin. Grinning in success when Yuuji lets out little chuffs of resistant laughter.
Gojo continues with his antics, playing with Yuuji as he lifts the baby above his head and gasps out dramatically, "I've lost my happy little Yuuji! Where is he?" Gojo lifts the baby higher, looking around him as if truly searching for something before bringing him back down onto his lap and lifting beneath Yuuji's shirt to continue on the fake search. "Oh no! He's not here either!” He gives Yuuji's exposed tummy more little tickles, gloating in triumph when Yuuji releases a louder bout of laughter.
Gojo lifts each of Yuuji's arms, giving them each a tickle as he exclaims, "My happy little boy isn't here either!” 
He lifts a leg, eliciting sweet giggles from Yuuji. "Oh! I think I'm getting closer." Gojo grins, lifting another leg to search beneath and then tickling the bottom of a little foot. Yuuji's giggles erupt into squeals of laughter.
"There he is!” Gojo rejoices, bringing Yuuji up to blow raspberries against his chubby neck and attack him with kisses–relishing the sounds of Yuuji's joyous laughter.
Nanami smiles at the interaction. Letting go of Gojo momentarily to grab their plates and set them on the table. As he sets down Gojo's plate in front of him he presses a kiss onto the older man's temple. The action distracts Gojo from playing with Yuuji, directing his attention up to his husband. He's greeted by the sight of Nanami's warm smile, his hazel eyes looking at Gojo tenderly.
Gojo returns the smile with an affectionate one of his own, kissing Nanami on the cheek.
"I love you two." Nanami says, barely a breath against Gojo's temple.
Gojo's smile widens, "We love you too, darling."
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yuwuta · 3 months
gojo would kill your work husband. but if he were the work husband, that's a different story
REAL!! he’s such a hypocrite because if someone mentioned you had a work husband, his entire world would stop and he wold devise the absolute worst plans to make sure that your co-worker, everyone at your job, and everyone in the next building over knew that he was happily committed to you 
but if he is the work husband, he’s very........ dutiful in his role. there’s a loose office/lawyer au in my head where satoru is your secretary, and for all intents and purposes, your personal assistant, and he’s good at his job, but mostly because he considers his job to be pleasing you. he has coffee for you when you arrive, he moves your schedule around without you asking, he has answers to questions before you can even ask them, he has fresh flowers on your desk weekly, pokes into your meetings to pretend to hand you a file that’s really just maybe a single document in a manilla folder with candy on top of it—he’s made himself your business, your partner; he’s made himself irreplaceable, and he loves to remind everybody of that fact. 
he’s also extremely loyal. sure, he could day a week’s worth of work done in about a day, but that doesn’t mean he’ll just use his talents for anybody. he’s your secretary, so he’s at your beck and call, and everyone knows it. they know he’s the best, but also that he’s off limits—not because you won’t share him, but because satoru won’t let himself be shared. 
he also extends his duties beyond work, of course. when he hands you a print out of your schedule for the day and you’re confused by the three-hour block of time you have in the middle of the day, satoru just helps you shrug your coat of your shoulders and smiles, “that’s for the lunch date you have with me, of course!” hanging up your coat in your closet for you, “i’m paying, see you soon, sweets.” and because you’re great at your job, and satoru helps you be great, nobody really questions when the two of you have time for a 13-course tasting menu at 1pm on a tuesday afternoon. and if they did, all satoru would say that you two had a lovely date 
#anonymous#he's like donna from suits but worse because he's like if harvey were donna LOL#i have soooooo much to say about him#he doesn't really Have to work he's a nepotism baby supreme#but he met you maybe in undergrad? and he's been obsessed w you since#he knows youre a workaholic so he's dutifully sat by your side all these years through college through grad/professional school#and when you told him you got to hire your own assistant he was the very first applicant#because getting paid to spend his days with you and take care of you? he was already doing that for free might as well make it official#everyone in the office knows satoru loves you except you honestly#he probably has his own masters/JD but elects to be your assistant anyway bc that's so much more fun#what he Really wants to be a househusband but first he's gotta ask you out and propose and all that good stuff (cue him rolling his eyes#and going on about formalities and boring systems and blah blah blah)#also in the office au in my head: nanami (also senior partner) higuruma ofc <3 beloved (managing partner) and TOJI!#WALK WITH ME!#its honestly probably satoru's influence that gets toji into law... as someone who so feverently broke it in the past#idk maybe there's a megumi situation that makes gojo be like yk if ur this good at skirting/breaking the law youd probably be half decent#at enforcing it... or at least helping other people get around it too#and so lawyer toji is born#does he screw around w the rich people who r stupid w their money? absolutely#but you nanami and higuruma just let it be bc he brings in those settlements better than anybody else....#hmmm... i kinda wanna make megumi somebody's associate but also..... yuuta.....#i think i just like sticking yuuta in a tie if im being real#but anyway... satoru is your Work Husband and everyone knows he wants to be your real husband#but they just let it slide bc rumour has it even tho hes just a secretary hes got equity in the firm?? and besides that his heart eyes give#away his hopeless devotion from a mile away#the day you actually start seeing somebody outside of work... oh theyre in for Trouble#satoru x reader#him dragging you out of ur office late at night and u protesting so he just. puts u over his shoulder#and ur telling him to let u down but he's insisting u go home and then nanami pops out of his office#and ur like wait nanami this isnt what it looks like but he's so dead in the eyes when he just sighs
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sujiri · 2 months
⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ random days with papamin
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: nanami kento x fem!reader, papamin!au, househusband!nanami, married life, fluff
a/n: I love papamin!au sm. I'm loving the headcanon that he's a girl dad.
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𐙚 candies
another day with nanami kento and his daughter left home as soon you went to work this morning. particularly, it's not boring that they are home. he makes sure that she's entertained since she's very in need of attention from her parents. a little while later, kento checks their food and supplies and thought to go out. he then dresses his daughter so they can go to the grocery store.
“papa, may we buy this?” she asks as she shows a bag of candy— those orange shaped gummies that's quite popular lately to kids to be exact, to her papa. kento was a bit busy reading the contents of the seasoning that his attention caught. he was planning to buy some ingredients for tonight's dinner. going back, his attention went to his daughter, who is still showing the candies to him. “sweety, you just placed a pack of gummy before that.” after being said, she looks down at the cart and noticed the pack of gummy bear candies she just placed before.
she looks at kento again and he looks back at her without any word. just staring at each other, as if they're reading each other's minds. ah.. there she goes, giving him the puppy eyes. she knows that she's a daddy's girl, therefore she's going to beg for another pack of candies without any use of verbal communication. not until she gives up
“more please?” she asked politely. kento stares at his child again, he wants to say no, but she might be upset to him if he does. while thinking of the right answer, he then remembers your last scolding to your daughter being stubborn after you said no on buying her a new toy, resulting kento thought to take it as an advantage.
“you want mama angry?”
“no, papa.” she quickly answered.
“good.” he simply answers, he even noticed a hint of pout that forms in his daughter's face. it makes him want to chuckle but he hold it back, she's cute after all. victory
𐙚 first day
“papa, we go home now?” his now 5 year old daughter asks as soon they arrived at her school. there's always things for first days and first times, she was all prepared for the special day, she's neatly wearing her ironed uniform and he even mastered to tie her hair into pigtails— all looking pretty. she was so excited these past days because she's going to school as a kindergarten, but right now it seems the bright and thrilled daughter you have turns out to be so nervous and scared. obviously, wants to go home as soon she saw she'll be alone inside a classroom filled with other kids she doesn't know. especially she even saw other kids crying while clinging to their parents begging and telling them to leave at once.
“no, sweety. we just got here and it's your first day.” kento kneels on her height level and patted her head. he notices the quite fear look painted in her face as he lightly pinch her cheek to catch her full attention. “hey sweety, it's gotta be alright, papa will be watching you from outside.” he assures and holds her small hands as she nods. thinking that there is nothing to worry about since she have her papa around.
“me do great, papa!”
“that's my princess, good job.” he smiles and walks to the entrance with her holding her papa's hand.
𐙚 princess
“papa! me going to be princess!” she excitingly says while jumping. kento hums as his lips curve into a smile, looking at her daughter while watching her favorite princess movie. cheering and singing here and there and showing you both how she twirls and dance, imagining like a ‘real’ princess while wearing her new dress you both gifted.
“you're already a princess, dear.” you said and your daughter clings to your lap. “papa will be my prince!” her eyes sparkles and you both look at kento who has a soft look to his world. he can't help but smile, kento stands up and holds both her hands since she was raising it. your husband and daughter dance in front of you, filling with laughter and giggles your home. “mama dance too!” she reaches her hand to you— you have no hesitation to join your dearests.
“anything you want as long its you, our princess.”
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chaepink · 1 year
Chaepink's Kinktober! 𓆩♡𓆪
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and that means monsters, witches, demons and of course, kinktober!
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you'll find some fics centered around halloween while others will be regular yet still spicy works
⸻ all of these will be [ sub!character x dom!reader ]
⸻ i may change some of these in the future + add more when i have more ideas!
⸻ all fics will be tags w/ "#chaepink.kinktober"
⸻ fandoms included: hq, csm, jjk, mha, kny
fics will be posted on each day at 12 PM EST
reblogs are appreciated!! | taglist
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DAY 1: BITE ME, BABY | midoriya izuku
‎♡ blood kink
DAY 5: HEAT IT UP! | gojo satoru
♡ temperature play
DAY 8: 7 MINUTES IN HELL | tanjiro kamado
♡ ruined orgasm & college au
DAY 12: OPEN YOUR MOUTH, PRETTY BOY | zenistsu agatsuma
♡ finger sucking & foot humping
DAY 16: CLOUDED WITH LUST | aki hayakawa
♡ sex pollen
DAY 19: SUCH A TEASE | kageyama tobio
♡ cockwarming
DAY 22: PUTTING ON A SHOW! | denki kaminari
♡ voyeurism, sugar baby x sugar mommy relationship
DAY 27: CHALLENGED ACCEPTED | itadori yuji
♡ semi-public sex & exhibitionism kink
DAY 30: A HOUSEHUSBAND'S DUTY | nanami kento
♡ rimming
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Total Word Count: 14.8k words
2023 © chaepink. do not repost my work on any platform.
masterlist | rules
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joy-laufeyson · 7 months
Nanami Kento fic recommendations
(Reader inserts) Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics/scenarios (I don’t own any)
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fluff / married couple
fluff / cupping your face
sfw / au the way of the househusband
fluff / "you're a wonderful person, never forget that"
sfw fluff / a little push
fluff nsfw / more than just friends
angst fluff / it'll be better in the morning
fluff / birthdays
fluff / utterly lovesick
angst / margaret
fluff angst / the way it is
fluff nsfw / through the night
fluff / dress
fluff / makes you nervous
fluff / every kiss begins with k
fluff / gentleman
Updated:12-March-2024 Other JJK fics ♡ Spotify playlist ♡
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mononijikayu · 16 days
now that i've published new fics (choice — erwin smith.), (immortal sukuna who — in your first life (3).) and (die with a smile — geto suguru.) and now im gearing up to do next!!!
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ghostie-in-wonderland · 2 months
Nanami x Reader Family Au Headcanons
This is going to be a series, but here's the headcanons. This is gn!reader.
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100% a girl dad 
Househusband Material
This man is such a family man you can’t convince me otherwise 
He’s the type that would prefer to be a stay-at-home dad, but if you’re someone who wants financial stability for your family he’d work until you both feel okay with one of you staying home (he wants to be the one to stay with the kids, but he'll work if you want to be the one to stay home)
100/10 cook 
Seems like the type that if your baby is crying, he will get up and let you sleep 
If your baby is hungry, he'd feed the baby and keep the baby as quiet as to not to disturb you
I think he’d be willing to have as many kids as you like for the sake of this AU (because I will definitely have more parts of this) at least four 
Mainly because I hate the idea of an odd number of kids, mostly because I grew up like that and it’s just awkward sometimes if you’re not as close as your other two siblings are
He wouldn’t name a number of children he’d want though because it’s your body (if you can get pregnant) and would go with however many you would want to have. He's just excited to have a family of his own.  
Yuji would be like a big brother to Nanami’s kids
(Name) acts like Yuji is their child, even though the adoption papers they definitely have in their desk aren’t signed yet
Nanami is clingy with (Name) in private, in public he’s a little more reserved with them, typically holding their hand or waist, a kiss here and there. In private he’s all over (Name), like if at least one part of his body is not in contact with (Name) he is grumpy. 
(Name) teases Nanami about his emo phase 
He would do anything and everything to make you and his children happy. In his eyes, you and your little family is his entire world and he'd do anything to protect and love it.
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minimomoe · 5 months
Love Bites pt. 10
No luck needed.
Baker Fem Reader x Toji Fushiguro (mafia au)
word ct: 15.1k, 11 Chapters
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
Preview: Toji ruffles Megumi's hair. His son gave him the confidence boost that he needs. “Tonight. I’m doing it tonight. Wish me luck?”
“She’s gonna say yes either way. Good luck,” he mumbles, the sleep pulling him back under. Toji leans down to kiss the top of his head and walks back to the living room where you were waiting for him... 
Chapter Ten: Yes
Toji watches in the corner as you talk to your brother the whole evening. You try to beckon him over, calling him to sit next to you but he told you that he’s fine where he’s at. Your eyes would dim, just for a second, but your brother and Megumi would pull you back into the conversation so you wouldn’t stay sad for long. The ring box felt like a brick in his pocket. He has no idea when would be the proper time to give it to you, and it didn’t help that his son glares at him whenever you aren’t looking. 
You are just so beautiful. He didn’t want to interrupt anything that you were doing, no matter how insignificant the task may seem… but that means he has been sitting on this ring for weeks now.
Toji first tried to subtly bring up the idea of marrying you to Sukuna first. First mistake was talking about it to Sukuna. The other man bore a shit eating grin that made Toji want to shove his face into the window while he was driving them back home from a mission.
“I knew it. I fucking knew it! This is good, man. You’re finally ready to settle down and be the perfect househusband I always knew you could be. Did you already get a ring? If so, Gojo owes me $200.”
“Why the fuck would Gojo owe you $200?”
“I said that you would buy a ring and propose by Christmas. Gojo said that you’re slow as hell and it would happen next year,” Sukuna boasted. 
“So y’all bet on me instead of doing your work?” Toji shot a glance at the other man but Sukuna just waved him off. 
“Oh come on. Your eyes grow huge around her and you follow her around like a goddamn puppy. Not that it’s a bad thing, but any idiot could tell that you were gonna marry her.”
Toji shook his head. “It hasn’t happened yet. She hasn’t said yes.”
“There’s no way she wouldn’t say yes. She’s just as in love as you are. And I better be your best man.” 
The same sentiments were shared by others in the group. Nanami wanted to be the one to help Toji with his suit and the others, and had a few bridal boutiques in mind for you. Gojo wanted to help choose the venue. Suguru and Choso gladly volunteered to help with any and all other wedding details. Nobody seemed surprised when Toji said that he had plans on making you his wife. In fact, in most cases, they were telling him to hurry up. They have already accepted you and the kids love you just as much. You are family in their eyes. 
So why couldn’t Toji just pop the question? Well he thought that maybe it was because he didn’t have any of your folks to ask. Toji figures that it was customary, even though he usually doesn’t give a shit about tradition. Even then, it was like the universe gave him a big flashing sign to get on with it because the third time he visited Ezra on his own he woke up and gave his blessing. It couldn’t have been more obvious. 
So Toji sits and waits. And waits, and waits, and waits as you reunite with your brother and play with Megumi until he falls asleep in a heap on the couch. He gathers Megumi up, the little kid flailing around like noodles in his arms while he takes him to bed. You try to take Megumi yourself but Toji tells you not to worry about it, instead telling you to get your shoes and jacket ready when he comes back. You give him a surprised look but agree, and on your behind you Ezra gives Toji an enthusiastic thumbs up. 
When Toji places Megumi in bed he feels an arm tugging him back before he leaves.
“Have you asked her yet?” The boy is hardly awake. His eyes aren’t open yet his eyebrows are scrunched together. Toji sighs and rubs his face down. 
“I’m working on it.”
“Stop being a scaredy-cat.“
“That’s real easy for you to say, kid,” Toji chuckles. 
“She likes you. A lot. And I like her too.” 
“I know.” 
“…I accidentally called her mom and she smiled,” Megumi confesses. “A few days ago. I think she liked it.” 
“You want her to be your mom?” Of course Megumi sees you like his mom. You’ve been there for him since you came into their lives, and you fret over Megumi even when he’s not around. Caring for Megumi came to you easily, from helping him with homework to packing his lunch, or taking him with you when you had errands to do. That tender love also extends to Yuji and Nobara, who flourish under your care. Everyone did. 
“Yeah. I think she'd be a pretty cool mom to have.”
Toji ruffles Megumi's hair. His son gave him the confidence boost that he needs. “Tonight. I’m doing it tonight. Wish me luck?”
“She’s gonna say yes either way. Good luck,” he mumbles, the sleep pulling him back under. Toji leans down to kiss the top of his head and walks back to the living room where you were waiting for him. 
“Ezra, do you think you can watch Megumi for a little while? I still have a present to give her,” Toji asks Ezra and he nods vigorously.
“Go ahead. I’ll be fine here.”
“Really? Are you sure?” You ask. You are all bundled up with the same scarf and gloves Toji gifted you on your birthday all those months ago and fixing the laces on your boots.
“I’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll be back soon,” Ezra grins. 
“Okay. Thanks,” you say, grabbing Toji's outstretched hand and walking back outside. You had no idea what your gift could be, or why it had to be outside. You hadn’t even noticed that you technically weren’t given a gift by him yet merely for the fact that you felt like you have been given so many by everyone else. Spending this holiday with so many people is a million times better than last year. Ezra wasn’t in a coma yet, but he wasn’t around either. He had his own busy life on the other side of the world and coming back home after your parents’ untimely death was too much to bear. You didn’t blame him, but you couldn’t deny the fact that it was very lonely. Now you had a belly filled with a loving meal, belting out to Christmas carols with the radio while Toji drove you to wherever he was driving, even getting him to sing along with you. 
You notice that the road he took is the same road that your bakery stays. You haven’t been there the whole week, one part because it’s Christmas, other parts because Toji asked you to take the entire week off. Usually you only did three, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day right after, but he wanted more time with you and you couldn’t say no. Not when he was looking up at you from laying on your chest and his eyebrows tilted up like he was pouting. You were sure that your customers would understand. 
“Watch your step,” Toji says, holding open your door and taking your hand again. He did take you to the bakery, and it only added to your confusion. He ushers you inside to get out of the freezing cold before you could say anything and you stand in the dark of one of your favorite places in the world, second to only wherever Toji was. 
When Toji turns on the light it becomes apparent why he brought you to your store. The place was completely renovated to the layout of your dreams. You always complained how tight the space felt despite having the space to be better, it’s just that you didn’t have the money to fix it. You look back at Toji who nods at you to keep exploring. 
It wasn’t the type of modernization that sucks the life out of the space it’s in with a grey and white color palette. Your store still has character, accents of red and black dancing on the walls and tiles on the floor, now wavy counters, a deep walnut with their rough edges smoothed out but still bumpy to the touch, giving it a unique texture. The two tables you had in the front near the windows were the same. You didn’t notice when you first walked in but even the wording on the windows had changed. It matched the curled logo you have printed out on your boxes finally on the windows. 
You turn to Toji with tears in your eyes and your hands over your mouth. Emotions swirl in your chest. You didn’t know if you wanted to jump into his arms or break down crying. 
“Wh-when did you… how did you—“
“You’ve talked about all the changes you wanted to make since I met you. All I had to do was listen,” he says, gently holding your shoulder to pull you closer. 
“This is insane, Toji. I mean it was only a week.”
“We’re lucky that Christmas lands on a Saturday this year,” he shrugs. You look up at him in awe and let out a breathy laugh. 
“I still can’t believe it.” 
“You wanted this, right? There’s still some things they said need to be cleaned up but it’s safe for you to be here. Do you want to change anything?”
“No! No, this is perfect. I mean, I can’t believe that you did all this for me. I was fully expecting to hold out for a couple more years to save up or try to find a new store. This is… Thank you, Toji.”
You stand on your tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes flutter close and his arm tightens around your body. You pull away and his eyes are still closed, his lashes fan over his cheeks and you hold his face in your hands. “I love you. This is the best Christmas I have ever had. Not just because of the bakery but because I have you and Megumi and everybody else to share it with.” Tears prick your eyes again and Toji finally opens his eyes again. 
“Can I make it better?” He asks in a low voice, cautiously. A bewildered expression sweeps over your face. How could he possibly top a renovated shop? You give a slow nod since he looks nervous and he kisses the round of your nose, laces his fingers in your hand, then kisses the pads of your fingertips. You giggle in response, still unsure on what “better” could be until he puts his other hand in his pocket and slips out a golden ring. Your eyes bounce back and forth from the ring to Toji’s face, blood rushing in your ears and your heart pounding. 
“I would do anything for you,” he starts, holding the ring up between the both of you. “I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that.” 
You begin to cry. It was long overdue. You’ve  been holding your tears back since you walked in but they could no longer be kept at bay. Toji gathers a heavy drop on your lash line and cups your face. “You don’t have to prove anything,” you choke out. “I want you with me. Forever.”
“Forever?” He smiles. You nod vigorously, whispering yes a thousand times over, and he slips the ring on your finger. The blood red jewel glistens in the new bright lights and more sobs escape your mouth. You smash your lips on his again, throwing yourself on his body and he welcomed it. He grins into your kiss and returns your enthusiasm, lifting you off of the floor as you get lost in each other’s affection. 
“I’ve been wanting to marry you for a while now,” Toji says when he finally puts you back on the ground. Your head spins with giddiness. He kisses you again, and again, and one more time for good luck only for you to drag him back down to deepen it. 
“I would’ve said yes,” you laugh. “Definitely would’ve said yes.”
“Megumi was right,” Toji shakes his head. 
“I can’t believe we’re going to get married. I’m going to be your wife !” You squeal and shake your hand in the air.
Toji couldn’t believe there was ever a doubt in his mind that you would say no. You have always been open and honest with him, and accepted him and everything that he was. It was hard to believe that you came to love him and Megumi as easily as you did. There were only a few vibrant moments before he met you, and there is a clear difference in his time line where you existed versus when you didn’t. He wanted to hold onto that vibrance, that warmth that you brought with you everywhere you went and never let go. He kissed you again, slowly and deep, relishing the feeling of your lips, your body touching his and then rested his forehead on yours. 
“I love you.”
“I’m going to cry again.” 
“My little crybaby.”
“Is my husband making fun of me?” You gasp dramatically, but your arms wrap around the back of his neck and you giggle into his neck. 
“Your husband still has to finish the tour. The kitchen is updated too. No more dented ovens.” 
You grasp Toji’s hand with your newly decorated hand into the back of the bakery laughing. 
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
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celeztias · 2 years
part 2 : astrids library
Tumblr media
Luffy : monkey d. luffy + biting | in love with luffy | luffy discovering oral sex | possesive | ditch your bitch | a little jealousy | luffy+riding | luffy+mating press | pussydrunk | camboy | captain’s favorite | somno
Zoro : video vixen | he makes you hold his sword while.... | 25 days | receiving | 25 days (pt2) | commitment issues | tease
Robin: publix sex with robin | sex toys | x reader | her gardener
Nami: mommy's income | sex toys
Sanji: V. Sanji + French Dirty Talk | why him? | kitchen activities | tiptoe
Multiple : Telling Them: “I Touch Myself When I Think About You” | what they like | one piece modern au nsfw headcanons | when you gonna give it to me | Edging Monster Trio + Kidd | a dumb slut | sound on | multiple one piece men | monster trio+foursome | got that magic touch | pasties | faked it
Ace: rockstar
Law: sports au
Shanks: s/o hcs |
Tumblr media
yae miko: mommy kink
kaeya: obedience test | oh sweet captain
childe: obedience test
xiao: im trying! | christmas gift | good kitty
scaramouche: not done yet
thoma: househusband
ayato: fake dating
the genshin characters headcanons: sound on | roomies
Tumblr media
jake sully: seek and destroy | wanna fuck your brains out | tell me what you want | stop running away | like real people do | nsfw visuals | sub hcs | manhandling | hair pulling | xbimbo
poly with jake and neytiri: headcanons
tonowari: sex pollen
ronal: corruption
Tumblr media
multiple: roomies | ride with me
gojo: just apologize | pay for my love | sugar stream | on the ground + nanami
nanami: recovery | tell me about it | on the ground + gojo
toji: fresh out the shower | mafia | fill me up | nelson | toji hcs | sugar daddy
Tumblr media
kakashi: exclusive
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multiple: car sex with the blue lock characters | sound on
nagi: needy nagi | truth or dare
reo: bully to lover
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jealousy | sub simon | too quick | pegged | hallowed by your hands | sweet soldier | piercing
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vacantgodling · 2 years
2022 Year in Review Tag!
thanks so much @magic-is-something-we-create i feel like this year has been a huge jumble ngl but let’s be positive about it lol :’)
also this is just a general list not top 5 cuz i didn’t do much this year
5 movies i watched
in terms of new movies:
american psycho — i actually enjoyed this movie a lot but it’s genuinely bc this movie is much funnier than i thought it would be. all deeper meanings and commentary aside patrick bateman is a fucking specimen
kwaidan — obsessed with this movie ngl. the first three segments are top tier (kurokami, yukionna & HOICHI THE EARLESS ESPECIALLY IF YOU WATCH NO OTHER PART PLEASE WATCH THIS ONE I CANNOT PRAISE IT ENOUGH). however the last one was super lackluster in comparison to the other three. tbh i feel like if the last one was the first one it would be a really good progression from okay to the best bc you really can’t follow hoichi the earless with anything imo.
tales from crypt (1972) — watched a lot of old horror this year (bc my partner is a horror movie buff and has been getting me into them for awhile now lolol) but this movie was a lot of fun! i want more ridiculous anthologies and movies tbh. make movies fun again tm.
jeepers creepers — never seen it before and MY GOD was screaming the whole time i was watching bc no?? we do not need to investigate you KNOW it’s a creature. all of this might’ve been avoided if y’all just minded your damn business 😔
then off the top of my head i rewatched my comfort movie sherlock holmes bc fuck iron man, rdj’s sherlock is his best role to me. i definitely wanna watch more movies next year.
5 shows i watched
ah i mostly just watched anime this year
chainsaw man — stressed. everyone is sketchy and i’m stressed
rewatch of demon slayer with my friend bc demon slayer is the only thing that matters :) finally have hulu so i can fucking watch season 2 i just haven’t gotten around to it yet 😭
way of the househusband — finally got around to watching the anime this year and just as the manga, it’s perfect
jujutsu kaisen — i love it but at what cost. also i’m a simp for nanami oof
death parade / nana — i’ve only watched the first episodes of each but nana stresses me out (lovingly) and i think death parade is fascinating i just need to make more time to watch shit lol
5 songs of 2022 (*separate from spotify wrapped*)
odo — ado -> got introduced to this song recently and just absolutely obsessed with it. it’s the song that may be sparking a change in one of my wips that i mentioned lol
devil — max changmin -> came out in january and this song owns the whole fucking year idc idc idc
go back — se so neon -> UGH THIS BAND their songs slap so hard but go back is genuinely just so good
濁 (daku) — the gazette -> this whole album. but i want this song directly injected into my veins.
better — boa -> CRACK. THERES CRACK IN THIS SONG. but boa >>>>>>
5 albums or artists of 2022
i don’t have 5 but these three specifically:
devil (the 2nd mini album) — max changmin -> this album owns my ass. cannot believe he started the year like this. how fucking dare lol.
the gazette, always my beloveds
lowlife princess: noir — bibi -> she snapped with this one. every song and mv snapped. bibi vengence & animal farm especially
5 books i read
definitely didn’t read 5 books lol didn’t have time or space mentally. however i will say i started to read bram stoker’s dracula this year, got stuck on the part about paprika, thought it was hilarious and never finished chapter 1. it’s super good from the bit i read so far, i’m just easily amused and don’t have patience 😔
5 characters from media
nanami (jjk) — feral about a man a single man
like everyone in demon slayer but tanjiro komado my fucking BELOVED 😭
hanzo (ovw) — 6 years strong obsessing over this man pff
link — i am once again pointing at my botw self insert au side blog lmaoooo
gojo / rengoku share a spot only bc i love them but ow pain :)
sorry i don’t listen to podcasts lol
and finally
5 positive things that happened in 2022 no matter how small:
got conveyor belt sushi for the first time! i wish it was closer by but maybe it’s better i’d be there every day
created a new writeblr so i could start getting more confident talking about my stories. i think it’s marginally worked! i’m working on myself still but i feel like i’ve been more open and indulgent this year
5 years with my partner!
had a pretty good birthday for the first time in years
despite the struggles working from home has done a lot for my mental health and i want to try and secure another wfh job in the future.
this is an open tag! i hope everyone had a decent year to some extent 💛
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senjutobi · 2 years
fic: incoming video call: missing you
Paring: Nanami/Gojo
Word Count: 1,779
Rating: General
Tags: domestic, fluff, parent AU, baby!yuuji
Gojo is able to bear witness to the beautiful scene of his son huddling up to his husband in all their soft, sleepy warmth. He misses them so much. He's struck with the intense urge to take the first flight back home–join them in bed and cash-in on those morning snuggles.
Gojo is softly smiling at them when Nanami greets him in all his morning voice glory, "Hi, darling. How was your flight?"
Yuuji pipes in and echoes, "Ya, Dada! How fwight?"
Gojo's grin is charming and delicate, it gives Nanami a warm sensation in his chest and only makes the small ache in him missing Gojo just that tad bit bigger. "Good morning, beautiful." Okay, maybe more than a tad bit. Not that Nanami would ever admit that.
AO3 link || Author's Notes: the brainrot continues with this next installment of househusband nanami au
7:52AM, Japan Time
Video Calling Kento Baby ❤️…
Video Calling Kento Baby ❤️…
Gojo waits patiently for Nanami to answer, knowing with the time difference Nanami would most likely still be sleeping. But Nanami made him promise to call as soon as Gojo arrived at his hotel, even if the younger man would still be sleeping.
The phone screen changes when Nanami finally answers, but it's not his husband Gojo sees.
A tuft of pink hair appears on the bottom half of his screen, and beyond that Gojo can only configure the plain white ceiling of what looks to be his and Nanami's bedroom. Yuuji's bedroom has glow-up stars on its ceiling, which Nanami thoroughly did not allow Gojo to do the same in their bedroom.
"Dada! Hi Dada!"
Yuuji's camera angle is shaky and constantly changing–Gojo sees more of his ceiling and dark gray bed sheets than he does of Yuuji's face. He can't help his laughter from spilling out. Ahh, yes, the impeccable hand-eye coordination of one and a half year olds.
Gojo's grin is wide and emphasizes his crow lines. He was expecting Nanami but his absolutely adorable toddler is just as welcome of a sight.
"Hi baby!" He greets back, "Did you sleep well?"
Yuuji nods, and babbles about…something Gojo can't quite decipher. It's cute though, his son's baby talk is always delightful to listen to. Yuuji was just so cute and irresistible, Gojo wishes he was there to just pinch those chubby cheeks.
Gojo responds here and there when he can figure out the few words that Yuuji says. When Yuuji makes a crashing and explosion motion with his free hand Gojo exclaims, "Oh my! How scary Yuuji!"
Yuuji nods frantically, "Ya! Ya! Scawy!"
Gojo sees movement from behind Yuuji, eyes ever so familiar with the torso of his gorgeous husband. Nanami's movements are languid with sleep as he rearranges himself onto his side and gently coddles Yuuji against him. He tucks his toddlers head beneath his chin and Gojo sees his arm move towards the phone. The camera angle changes and the older man can clearly see them both onscreen.
Gojo is able to bear witness to the beautiful scene of his son huddling up to his husband in all their soft, sleepy warmth. He misses them so much. He's struck with the intense urge to take the first flight back home–join them in bed and cash-in on those morning snuggles.
Gojo is softly smiling at them when Nanami greets him in all his morning voice glory, "Hi, darling. How was your flight?"
Yuuji pipes in and echoes, "Ya, Dada! How fwight?"
Gojo's grin is charming and delicate, it gives Nanami a warm sensation in his chest and only makes the small ache in him missing Gojo just that tad bit bigger. "Good morning, beautiful." Okay, maybe more than a tad bit. Not that Nanami would ever admit that.
Then Gojo pouts. "My flight was absolutely, terrifyingly lonely. I was missing a certain hot blonde and our adorable toddler. The man right next to me snored the entire way and there were two screaming children having a screech off. I think I have to make an appointment to get my hearing checked at this point."
Nanami lets out a gentle, sweet huff of laughter–he's always more delicate and cozy after just waking. And Gojo has only been gone not even a full day but he's experiencing a terrible case of FOMO, almost a life-threatening level of it if you ask him.
"When you come home, I'll bake you that strawberry shortcake you've been craving. To thank you for your sacrifices." Nanami's smile is lethargic and just a touch mirthful. Gojo wishes he was there to kiss him.
At the mention of cake Yuuji squirms excitedly around in the bed, "Dada, Papa? Cake?”
Gojo beams, "Yeah baby, when I get home Papa's gonna bake us a yummy, yummy cake!" Gojo claps his hands in unison with Yuuji, encouraging his son's delighted chants of cake. Much to the exasperation of his husband, Gojo loves it.
Nanami regathers Yuuji into his arms, tucking the toddler back into the safety of his embrace and places a soothing kiss on his temple. Yuuji cuddles into him and babbles on about cake and yummy foods. Nanami hums and placates him with two more tender kisses on the cheek before returning his attention to Gojo. Gojo is always in awe of Nanami's ability to calm their son down–whereas Gojo himself seems to excel at exciting Yuuji and cheering him up. They make a great team.
"I miss you two. I can't wait to come back home."
"I miss you too, darling." Nanami sighs as he brings a hand up to caress Yuuji's mess of hair. Their son is softly cooing away, grabbing Nanami's hand to play with his fingers. "The house is too quiet and empty without you."
"Probably as quiet and empty as my hotel room, huh?" Gojo replies gloomily, "When I come home I'm gonna smother you both in souvenirs and kisses." Gojo continues, to lighten the mood before it becomes too despondent. "After my cake, of course. Let's not forget about the most important thing here. And I'll make sure to bring back as many sweets as I can. For Yuuji, obviously."
Nanami rolls his eyes. "You better watch that sugar intake of yours, Satoru. Doctor's orders."
Gojo winks, "I guess it's a good thing I like my men sour."
Nanami gives a defeated sigh and tries to hide his slight blush but Gojo's eyes catch everything, those pink-tinted ears tell all and Gojo is a master at reading Nanami's body language.
But he knows not to push his husband too far, and gracefully changes the subject to the documentary he watched during his flight. That definitely gets Nanami in a conversational mood–he had been recommending the movie to Gojo for weeks so that they could watch the docuseries sequel together.
Midway through Gojo's embarrassing retelling of how he recently accidently sent a business email from his personal email account–which he created in middle school and bore the name CoochieGobbler0690–Gojo gets a text notification that his business partner will be heading out soon to their agreed upon dinner location. Meaning, Gojo has to get ready to head out soon.
"I have to go soon, love. I have to meet Mei Mei for dinner to go over our plans for this week's meetings. Are you two going back to sleep?"
But, by the looks of it, Nanami is very much awake at this point–still recovering from his amusement at Gojo's email mishap–so Gojo isn't surprised when the younger responds, "No, I'll get started on breakfast and get this one-" he shifts and gives Yuuji a kiss atop his head-"ready for his play date with Nobara-chan."
Yuuji looks up to Nanami, vibrating with happiness, "Nobaba-cha?"
Nanami nods down at him, "Yes, sweetie. But first we have to say bye to Daddy, and wish him a good trip."
Yuuji pouts, not unlike Gojo, towards the phone and Gojo almost empathically pouts back. 
"Noooo." Yuuji whines, "Dada, no bye." He shakes his head fervently, and Gojo sees Nanami sit up and gather Yuuji into his lap to better hug and comfort their toddler.
"I'll be home soon Yuuji, and then we can have cake together, okay?"
It takes some convincing but eventually Yuuji is placated, and he gives Gojo a mournful and pouty, "Bye-bye, Dada."
Gojo doesn't think he's ever seen a sadder wave goodbye in his life and he almost thinks this business dinner can wait so he can stay on the call longer. But Mei Mei sends another text that she's in her taxi, on her way to the dinner location, and Gojo sighs. He types a quick reply, reaffirming he'll be heading out soon and is running a few minutes behind.
He turns his full attention back down to the rest of his phone screen, trying to etch into his memory the heart-warming picture Nanami and Yuuji make as they sit cuddled together in bed.
Nanami gives Gojo a soft, knowing look. "I'll let you get to work. Give Mei Mei my greetings, and I'll keep you posted on us."
"Yeah, I'll let her know." Gojo sighs, dejected. But he perks up when he remembers, "You should dress Yuuji in that new tiger overalls and hat set I got him, they should be outside on the clothing line I put out to dry before I left. He'll look so cute, babe, pretty please?"
The corners of Nanami's lips turn up into a faint hint of a smile as he nods, "If Yuuji is fine with it then yes, I'll put that on for him today."
Gojo grins, "Send me pictures! Lots of pictures!” And Gojo knows he doesn't have to specify that he means not just photos of Yuuji in his new outfit, but photos every day that he's gone. It might make his severe case of FOMO even worse, but he doesn't want to go a single day without seeing his family.
"Of course. I love you, Satoru. Have a good trip." Nanami's smiles at him, it's warm and sweet and tender and Gojo misses him so much already. He sees Nanami pan the camera to Yuuji so their son can see good bye one more time before it pans back up to Nanami taking most of the frame.
"I love you too, Kento. I miss you both, I'll be home soon."
Gojo sees both husband and son waving goodbye and he smiles and waves back, before ending the call.
The sudden quietness of his hotel room is deafening as he looks down at his phone screen.
He looks at the time and then realizes he's more than just a few minutes late to his dinner meeting. He rushes to call a taxi and get dressed in record time.
Thirty minutes later, as his taxi driver informs him they'll be arriving at the restaurant soon, Gojo checks his phone and sees a text notification from Nanami.
He opens it and sees Yuuji dressed in a white shirt, orange overalls with black stripes, and a matching hat with tiger ears. He's smiling excitedly at the camera, the kind of smile that reaches ear-to-ear and smooshes his face so adorably.
Another photo comes in. This time it's a selfie of Nanami holding Yuuji against his hip, their son is still beaming at the camera while Nanami's face is sweet and subdued.
The caption reads: Miss you. Come home to us soon ❤️
Gojo physically clenches his chest at their cuteness. He can't wait to come home to them.
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yuwuta · 3 months
PLS PLS PLSSSSS keep talking about kids with olympic athletes! gojo and nanami pls pls pls i have to Know. everything u wrote about yuuta was already so so cute
(prev olympics au here)
the gojo twins are hilarious because your baby boy looks exactly like satoru, but has very little of his personality—it seems like the only things he inherited was satoru’s love for sweets and love for you. still, even though he’s a strong swimmer, he much prefers to relax in his floaties alongside you if you’re also in the pool, or chill by your side on a lounge chair, glasses too big for his face keeping the sun out of his eyes as he shares his smoothie with you, and asks to borrow your phone to take pictures of his sister and daddy in the pool. 
your baby girl on the other hand… she might have your face but she’s got satoru’s everything else—his competitive streak, his confidence, and definitely his mischievous nature. she’s the one who tiptoes into your bedroom at five in the morning, tapping at her daddy’s shoulders, and putting her little finger over his lip to shush him before he can wake you up; she’s always the one to convince satoru to take her swimming the backyard at the crack of dawn, and why by the time you and your baby boy wake up, she and satoru are already past warm up laps and swimming lessons and onto who can make the splashiest canonball competitions (she always wins because while her tiny body can endure a belly flop, satoru’s years of training physically doesn’t allow him to do it… and maybe because he’s not so competitive when it comes to his baby girl, he’ll always let her win). 
kento’s professional judo career honestly doesn’t last very long. after his first olympic games, you two start dating and he proposes just after he wins gold the second time he’s in the olympics; he does maybe two more years of national competitions while you’re pregnant, and decides that the intense training for the next two years in preparation of a third olympic competition isn’t worth missing time he could spend with you or your baby girl—plus, with all the money he’s made from competitions, winning gold medals, brand ambassadorships, commercials, and collaborations, he had enough money to provide for all of your for the rest of your lives. so, that’s what he does (his dream has always been to be a househusband, anyway...) his previous salaryman career comes in handy when deciding how to invest his money, how to buy a house, how to take care of his friends, how to set up a fund for your daughter, and an extra account or two… just incase more babies come along… 
by the time your baby girl is four, she’s already kento’s biggest fan. she loudly and proudly proclaims to everybody that her daddy was basically superman and won all the shiny trophies and medals in the house from when he was being a superhero. if anyone recognizes kento when they’re out together, she always confirms their suspicions, proudly boasting, “yeah kento is my daddy! he’s a winner!” it always makes kento’s heart swell to hear her praise. he doesn’t compete professionally anymore, but he does train from time to time, and has taken on a few mentees, and your daughter LOVES to watch him coach/train. she’s got her own uniform that she always puts on whenever they go to the gym together, and gets so excited when kento or ino or yuuji pretend to spar with her. 
she’s honestly kento’s mini figure. she’s respectful and reserved, but strong and knows when to fight and how to use her voice. there’s a time when he gets a call from her school saying that she got in a fight, the principal frames it as your daughter needlessly pushing around an older kid, but your daughter is certain in her words when she tells her dad that it was because the kid was being mean to the younger kids, and to her. kento doesn’t say a word to the teachers—doesn’t even fight them sending her home early for the day, because he’s happy to scoop her up and take her out for ice cream and tell her that he’s proud of her.
#anonymous#gojo twins r so real to me... one looks like him but does Not act like him and the other one does not look like him but might as well Be Hi#and he loves n smothers them both so much....#kento goes from salaryman to professional athlete to househusband he really does live the dream life LOLLL#see also: kento's baby girl 🤝 satoru's baby girl = best friends LOLL#in my head kento and satoru are olympians at the same time/know each other#but yuuji isn't he has his own story/trajectory#which is why he is nanami's mentee in This Universe#actually i think yuuji's kinda exists on his own#and all his friends/his circle are real proud of him when it's all said n done yk#nobara teases him about finally putting his strength to good use megumi is proud in his own way#his grandpa and nanami are obviously proud of him and he comes home w a gold medal#and is basically a hero in his tiny home town#(also time for me to introduce my favorite hc: yuuta and yuuji childhood friends bc they're from the same city)#the narutoism of it all... he comes home w gold and everyone basically tosses him up and down... angel boy :(#megumi kinda exists in the kento/satoru world too i think... nd before him there was toji#wait maybe yuuta and yuuji can exist in the same timeline nd everyones like what r the odds those two kids from sendai are olympians#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojo satoru x reader#satoru x reader#nanami kento x reader#kento x reader#think tho in the yuuta/yuuji olympics verse yuuji competes 2 or maybe 3 times (so total of 12 years) nd then quits#not because he's gotten weaker but just because he really did it for the money yk but he's set for life now#honestly he was set after the first time but he just wanted to be sure/you and his grandpa encouraged him to at least do it to have Fun#this time around so he does#but for yuuta this is his Career yk like he loves tennis#he's not in it for the olympics he just likes it and happens to be real good at it#two of them talking about each other in press conferences so cute
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sujiri · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸his life lately
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: nanami kento x fem!reader, papamin!au, househusband!nanami, short mention of gojo satoru, fluff
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being a househusband was not kento's expectations in his married life with you, but here he is now.
waking up early in the morning is always his thing already, it's sticks to his routine every since then. to tell you, this man doesn't really struggles getting up early in the morning, he would go straight to the bathroom to start his routine. then going to your daughter's crib to check if she's awake, she is already. that made him smile first. she resembles you, but you always say that she looks way more like him, either way your friends and neighbors would say your daughter looks resembles her father a lot. (there's a thing that if your first born child is a girl, she likely would look more like her father.)
prepping her milk then carrying her as he goes downstairs to place her in her high chair. just close enough to check up on her while he cooks breakfast. another thing is, kento can't cook more like you, he knows limited dishes, that's why you always catch him watching those mom cooking tutorial videos online and he even thought of buying cookbooks to make a change of food and cuisine. he wants to learn, but mostly wants to impress you, it's the little things, yet it never fails you to adore him.
“thank you for the lunch, honey. I'll see you later. Love you both!” you rushed after you kiss your husband and daughter before leaving off to work. it was a bit silent right after. he glances at his child when he hears her babbling noises, making him smile and carry her. “already stuffed?” he asks, as if his daughter will really talk by words.
it's almost night, you're almost home by anytime now as he's taking everything slow. kento can't seem to know what to do next, he finished cooking dinner, he already brought groceries, cleaned around the house, done the laundry, changed his daughter's diapers, feed her, and even read her a story. thinking about it, in this time of the day, he would be busy working in the office back then or doing a mission as a sorcerer. he's having a good life.. a really good life.
“b-bah-bah! ooh!” he snaps and looks at his daughter again and saw her crawling towards him while holding a stuffed toy. kento chuckles and help her by carrying her to sit on his lap, “you like frogs, sweetie?” he asks while showing the frog stuffed toy in front of his child, it's a toy that gojo gifted to his daughter when she turned 1 month old. she babbles with joy, although she haven't said her first words, he feels like he understands everything she says. “what about this teddy?” he grabs another stuffed animal and puts the frog away beside him, his daughter quickly grabs it with her chubby small hands and gives good look of it before she throws it away so suddenly, making kento surprised. “papa bought that for you yesterday,” he says sounding sad and feeling offended when she didn't like the toy he gifted her. her daughter just holds the frog toy again when kento gave it to her, while clueless to her dad's reaction. she giggles while playing the toy, that made him smile again on the other hand, maybe she'll enjoy the teddy he bought after a while. his daughter is too precious. he could always live like this, with you and your daughter in one sweet home.
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sukunasun · 2 years
omg i can't believe you lost all your works? that's devastating! i'm so so sorry that happened. how many months or years' worth of work was it, or do you have a ballpark figure of what's missing? i mourn the drafts we won't get to see because you're an insanely talented writer, but im utterly grateful you still choose to continue. you're such an inspiration.
i basically reenacted the burning of the library of alexandria. there were about 190+ pieces of writing (inclusive of hcs, fics, and asks,etc...) all gone so quickly i barely had time to process it.
before i went finding links and copies from reblogs, i was contemplating whether it'd be worth it since there was a lot to find and it'll take up so much time just searching for them but thankfully most of it is on my masterlist now! there were a few that i just couldn't find reblogs of / cached copies so i suppose they're orphaned work now :( hopefully i'll stumble upon them some day and will be able to link them again.
but i've come to accept it so there are no hard feelings, the grief isn't going to linger and i think the situation helped to bring some focus back to my writing and how it has changed overtime. i get to see the ways which ive improved or lacked. plus, it brought me back to the purpose behind wanting to share my writing in the first place? pre-deletion i got really nervous and felt pressured when it came to posting stuff because i didn't know what reactions i would get, there was this 'underrated writer' stigma looming around me and i was concerned about 'getting my stuff out there'—which isn't how i want to feel when it comes to doing this, i like the interaction and i like when i see my work inspiring people and garnering such positivity but at the same time posting these works was always just about wanting to share thoughts and to write the kind of stuff i want to read about.
and i think im less hard on myself, it sucks being a tortured artist...there are works i keep to myself that i'm not ready to share because im so infuriated with my own inabilities and lacklustre ways, i read them and i think to myself what the hell am i doing? do i really think to call myself a writer? thus the works posted here will render some 'detachment' from me because i know they aren't mine anymore. they become someone else's piece of favourite writing or they're most hated, once i know its out there...it'll be seen and known, it'll exist as something tangible. which is why i feel less upset about 'losing' them after they got deleted, in a way, i was already prepared to let them go. this isn't to say that i don't cherish them but that i've learned that i'll write more stuff anyway and i'll write til i can do it no longer.
when i think about my favourite writers, i'm glad i've gotten to see some of their unfinished works and drafts, their letters and their poems too, all the stuff they probably never wanted the world to see but without them i wouldn't have seen a person who struggles the same way i do.
thank you for mourning them, they were pieces that have brought me a lot of joy and i hope my future work continues to mean something to you 💛
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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househusband!nanami kento x gn!reader
ingredients? he said he didn't want one, but here he is wrapped around its finger.
what's it? slice of life!! fluff
allergen warning/s? modern!au
sugar level? 3.7k
regulars? @hanayanetwork​​ @tahonet​​ @tokyometronetwork​​ @kagejima​
parlor's note? based off of this fanart! this was so fun to write. i’d probably write about the concept of nanami being a househusband and giving characters pets a bit more now lol.
bon appetit!
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nanami wasn't too fond of pets. that was something he verbalized to you before when you asked him about the possibility of adopting one together. after all, if he didn't want to have children with you because of his awareness about how cruel and dangerous the world actually is, then the both of you could get the next best thing: a fur baby -- a cat, to be more specific. he didn't seem too fond of the idea though. too much responsibility, he said. and what will it give you in return?
you respected his decision, you really did, but when you came across a damp cardboard box with small meows that called out to your heart coming from it, you couldn't just leave the poor critter there. after all, it was raining hard and even though you were fully dry under your umbrella and enclosed beneath the thickest, fluffiest coat you owned, you were still shivering. your teeth were still chattering. you could only imagine what the creature was feeling. especially since from peeking inside of the brown box, drenched and soggy in rainwater, it contained a tiny kitten, probably the runt of the litter. it was a black cat as well, so you knew the possibility of it getting adopted by some stranger on the street was low due to the negative superstitions surrounding their species. it meowed at you from the box you were looking down on, seeming helpless and upset. you couldn't just walk away from it when it was in such a condition.
thankfully, the coat you were wearing had bigger pockets - you could fit your whole hand in it and more - and was lined with wool, meaning that the kitten not only fit inside, but was also going to be kept warm.
you walked down to the nearest pet store and bought cat food and a bed, the most you could afford since you didn't have a lot on you at the moment. after all, you just got back from work, not from a shopping spree. the only thing was, because you spent most of your money, you didn't have enough to hail a taxi, and home was too close for you to go catch the bullet train. with a text sent to your boyfriend, telling him that you might back to the house a few minutes later than you usual do, you decided a walk home it is.
once you've gotten there you put your umbrella by the side of the door inside its proper compartment, gently shrugging your coat off of your shoulders, hooking it up, and taking off your face mask and throwing it in the trash. you made sure to greet the blond man who was currently fixing up your dinner before continuing to go to your bedroom and stripping out of your work clothes to put something more comfortable on.
you hoped the kitten wasn't making too much noise so you could warn nanami before he discovered your latest impulse decision.
the moment you were in clean clothes, that was when you padded into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning in to press a kiss on his bare back. "'m home kento." you felt his low hum as a vibration on the skin the side of your face was pressed against. "glad you're back, honey. how was work?" he took a break from stirring the curry he was cooking to twist his body and press a kiss to the top of your head.
well, he doesn't seem angry. you took that as a sign that he doesn't know about the kitten yet.
the tune and scratch of the familiar 90s classics vinyl he loved so much was in the air, so you swayed from side-to-side to the melody with his large figure still in your arms. "'t was normal. nothing too bad, nothing that stood out either. there was something that happened after i clocked out though." you trailed off nervously, though inside, you were praising yourself for the smooth transition from the question he asked you everyday after you got home from work to your current concern. "and what's that?"
again, he twisted in your hold to put a spoon in front of your lips, a different spoon than what he used to stir tonight's dinner around. nanami's homemade curry sauce was on it, steaming, yet remained to be appetizing. you leaned forward to taste it, sighing in delight at the taste; he was always so good at cooking even without following a recipe – he always insisted to have one though. "tastes good, kento." you said, giving him a thumbs while you were at it.
with that, he turned off the stove and wiped his hands on the apron tied around his waist; a corny white apron you gifted him on his birthday that had kiss the cook written on it in big, bold, black letters, along with a hot pink colored kiss mark. he hung it up and proceeded to ask about what you had just said while he thoroughly washed his hands. "and what might that be, my love?"
you hopped up on the counter he was standing in front of, twiddling with the skin around your fingers. "well you see, i came across this poor little kitten on my way home-" you were interrupted, forced to stop because of the look he shot you as he rinsed his hands off of the foamy soap he used to clean them. "darling," he said sternly. "you know how i feel about pets." he sighed at you, face tense yet still unreadable, as if he was yet to process what he had just heard, or was thinking about how to properly, matured respond to an event he was not particularly fond of happening.
"but nanamiii," you pouted at him. "the poor thing was just left outside to die! the mom wasn't there and i think it’s the runt of the family too!" he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to avert his gaze from you, because the look on your face was his absolute weakness -- puppy dog eyes, lips jutted out, and your hands clasped together by your chin, pleading for whatever it is you wanted. you didn't use it on him very frequently, so whenever you did, he found it absolutely irresistible. "couldn't just let the poor guy die out there in the cold!"
"fine." he says. "but it's not to step foot in our bed."
as he walked away, you muttered a technically, it's paw behind him which he paid no mind to as he began to set the table.
you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek with a love you kento! as you excitedly bounded back to the rack your coat was hanging off of, the kitten still keeping warm in its pocket.
due to how dark and gloomy it was outside, you didn't get to observe how adorable the creature really was, but now under the bright light of your shared house with nanami, you could see the specks of dirt that's matted in its fur and around its eyes, as well as its cute pink paws, so tiny it made you want to squeal. it was about as big as your palm, and its eyes were a green color too, you noticed as it peeped at you with a meow.
thankfully, it was half dry now. its black fur still clung onto its body, but it's a much less concerning sight than what you saw when you first came across it. you cooed at it before resting your other hand on top of it, holding to warm it up some more with your body heat.
"kento! i'm gonna clean the kitty up a bit, okay? then i'll introduce you and you'll fall in love with it just like i did!" you called out even when you were already more than halfway through the hall that lead to your bathroom. you didn't hear his response, but perhaps that's simply because he didn't have one.
you'll get nanami to like your newfound pet, you knew it. especially since he's going to be left alone with it whenever you go to work.
you didn't want to get the critter more wet than it needed to be, you didn't want it to get colder than it already was, so you just got a damp rag you didn't use and rubbed it over the dirty spots on the animal, applying the smallest amount of pressure that you could to take the grime out. then, you grabbed another section of the cloth and ran it all over the kitty, making sure it was decently clean everywhere. after all, you were aware that cats are able to clean themselves as well, you didn't have to put too much effort and risk getting it sick, although you are already thinking of taking a trip to the veterinarian tomorrow since it was a stray. it having common parasites was likely and since it's not only a runt and presumably malnourished, but also because it’s a stray. you wanted to help it as much as you possibly could.
"we're here!" you chimed, taking small and fast steps as you walked to nanami who looked as if he was more than ready to eat and get this day over with. your palms were extended towards him, holding out the kitten who was laying down. "can it eat at the table with us?"
"absolutely not." his answer came fast, as if he knew that the question from you was coming. you puffed your cheeks up and looked away from him. "never guessed you were one of the mean girls in high school who didn't let other people sit with them."
"it's an animal." he explained as he pulled his chair out. you heard the screech of the wood that would always reverberate around the room when nanami didn't lift his chair to do so. he always commented that the sound irritated him, that he'd much rather pull your chair out for you so that way, he could do it in a way that it wouldn't make that sound. it seemed like that was the least of his concerns for today though.
your back was to him while you grabbed the canned cat food you got mere seconds ago, transferring its contents to a small tupperware that's safer to eat in before setting the kitten down on a soft rag, then putting the bowl in front of it.
guilt started to creep up on you as you washed your hands. maybe nanami actually didn't like animals and you were crossing his boundaries. that was the last thing you wanted as he never overstepped any of yours. you wanted to give the same amount of respect he treated you with so when you sat down across from him on the dining table, you questioned it about him while plating that night's dinner as well as the white rice he prepared. "kento, are you actually upset with the cat?"
your voice was serious which made him smile internally because of your concern for his comfort. you had a neutral expression on your face on top of that, not letting any emotions seep through. it's the kind of face that would normally be spotted on him. yet right now, it is on yours because in the situation where he actually doesn't want it, you didn't want to strike him with a sad look that'll make him feel unnecessarily guilty. you wanted his honesty.
it took a while for him to speak as he didn't want to say the wrong things. he wanted to convey his feelings on the matter clearly, the way he believes it should be. he simply looked down at his food, not eating it or playing around with it and you did the same. eating while having a series conversation didn't seem appropriate, and if you were being honest with yourself, you didn't have a big appetite right now. then, on the other hand, you didn't want to put too much pressure on him by staring through his relaxed figure.
the fact that he was relaxed with the kitten eating in the background was a good sign that he was comfortable with it, you thought.
"it's fine." he stated. "it might need some getting used to, but it's fine." if he was being truthful to himself, even if he actually did not want the kitten, he would have sucked it up and say yes regardless if that meant seeing your face light up instantly. if that meant you'd run over to his side and engulf him in a tight hug that leaves him off balance and almost makes the two of you tumble onto the floor. if that meant you'd kiss all over his face with mutters of thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! and a final kiss to his lips, i love you, kento. because even though he'd never verbalized it via his own accord, those romantic moments that constantly reminds him how lovesick he is are what he lives for.
you return back to your seat with what he thinks is the biggest smile he's ever had the pleasure of seeing you wear. it makes your cheeks rise and your eyes crinkle until they completely disappear. "this means so much to me, kento, you have no idea. i promise the kitty's gonna be the best kitty you've ever seen."
that night, like nanami said, the cat slept on its own bed which was right next to the one you and kento shared. thankfully, tomorrow was a sunday so you'd be able to take it to a veterinarian and get it everything it needs.
when you woke up, you noticed that your boyfriend's side of the mattress was cold, something that you didn't expect since it was the weekend and most of the time, you slept until noon. the scent of japanese pancakes and hot chocolate wafting in the air did give you a pretty good clue about his whereabouts though, as well as the soft padding you heard coming from a couple of rooms down.
you sighed, getting up, realizing that there really was no point in lazying around in bed since you had no one to cuddle and bother there. besides, the sooner you get up, the sooner you can play with your brand new pet.
you snuck a peek below you before setting your foot at floor, making sure you wouldn't accidentally step on the kitten, and it was then you realized it wasn't there anymore. you hurriedly fast walked to the kitchen, ready to ask nanami if it was with him, when the sight that greeted you made you suddenly halt and be quiet.
you were just around the corner, a blindspot from where your boyfriend was leaning on the island. the angle enabled you to see both his front and his back. the cat was in the room with him, rubbing its side onto the hem of his silk pajama pants. no matter what nanami thought of the creature, it very clearly liked him. to your surprise, he picked it up and held it high at eye level. "you are pretty adorable. i can see why they took such a liking to you." and if you listened close enough, you'd hear him follow the compliment up with "don't tell them i said that." as he held the cat to his chest, pet its head and put it back down on the floor.
you couldn't help but grin and wish you brought your phone with you so you'd be able to take a picture of the heartwarming interaction nanami was sure to frown about.
but then, it was time to make your presence known as he washed his hands.
"kento, why're you up so early?" you couldn't help but yawn and wipe at your eyes.
"good morning, darling." he murmurs against your lips when you reach him. his hands are firmly planted on your hips when you greet him with a good morning back. "i just woke up early. perhaps my body clock is used to it." he walks away from you to check on breakfast. apparently, it was now time to flip them.
you positioned yourself to the spot right next to him, knowing how he would part your legs and settle in the space between them once he was done, savoring the time you had with each other, especially when you've been so busy with work lately. you've gone into overtime so many days in the past few month, and it really was starting to get to you both. thankfully though, it seems to be calming down for the next week. that's what the two - and now three with the addition of the newest member of the family - hoped for.
"have you washed your face yet?" he asks softly when he rested his body against yours making you chuckle and your cheeks heat up. "oh, i forgot." you leaned away from him, pulling away from his embrace to go back to the restroom in your bedroom where all your skincare products are. "i got a little worried when i noticed the cat wasn't in our room and rushed over." you gave him a sheepish smile to which he clicked his tongue to, shaking his head. you noticed his eyes flick behind you towards where the feline sat, before quickly landing back on your face. "well the little thing is safe and sound, sweetheart. there's no need for you to fret." his large hands framed your face so he could press a kiss to the crown of your head.
he nuzzles your noses together, then let you set your feet back down on the ground with guiding hands on your waist and go back to the restroom to wash up before he served breakfast piping hot and served with butter, maple syrup, and a sprinkle of crushed seaweed -- an oddly delicious combination.
when ten am rolled around, the two of you found yourselves getting into a taxi that's set to take you to the veterinarian near you which had the highest ratings. much to your relief, there has anything wrong with the kitten. it must have not been abandoned by its mother long before you found it and gave it a home in yours. the animal doctor simply confirmed that the stray you adopted on a whim yesterday was highly likely to be the runt of the litter which meant it would need more attention and nutrition than your regular kitten, but other than that, everything you received was good news and scheduled appointments to make sure it stayed healthy.
it contentedly sat in nanami's lap the whole time while you were in the waiting room until you were to be called in. the aforementioned man didn't look to be bothered in the least as well making you smile. instead, he held a pocket book with a familiar sounding title in one hand, and the other was in the feline's fur, running through it. a few times, you heard it pur in nanami's calming presence and even more calming touch.
after that, you headed over to the pet store where your boyfriend proceeded to put everything the cat touched inside the cart. "'nami, maybe you should calm down a bit? i don't think the baby'll need three feather toys when it already has five other ones." you chuckled lightly making him tsk. "and what if those toys break? the most responsible thing is to make sure it has everything it'll possibly need." your smile widened at that, turning into a smirk as you headed over to the food aisle. all you bought yesterday was regular wet food, you still needed treats and who's more qualified to pick out the treats the kitten should get than the kitten? so long as it was appropriate for its young age, of course. "oh yeah? what happened to moderate effort is all that's needed?" you quoted the words he always uttered to you back when he still worked and whenever he noted that you were overworking yourself. it seemed to be his life motto at one point as well.
he pointedly looked at you with narrow, accusing eyes, and then at the bundle ball of fluff walking around in front of you. "it's a living being, darling. it would be highly irresponsible of us to not put all of our efforts into keeping it safe and happy." he looked at you one last time before overtaking you and getting a bag of the soft salmon cat treats that the kitten was currently pawing at.
it already had him wrapped around its finger - or paw, to be more specific - and the both of you knew it.
the next day, nanami was set to have a non-formal get together with some of his former co-workers, namely gojo satoru and geto suguru. you've heard quite a lot of stories about the two men from your boyfriend, namely his immature superior gojo who frequently got on his nerves.
yet even with that context, nothing would have prepared you for what would surprise you when you entered your house that day after work.
nanami, not even have changed out of his expensive suit, laid out in the loveseat, long limbs splayed out in various ways. his mouth was slightly agape, and soft snores were coming from it.
if that view wasn't enough to melt one's heart, then the cherry on top of the sundae would be the kitten - whose name was decided to be spot, and was tiny in comparison to her dad - laying on top of him sound asleep.
BASICALLY, nanami's the type of pet dad who's like ">:(( we're not getting a pet" at first, then mellows into "okay fine, but it's not gonna sleep in the bed", but turns out to be the one to spoil the ever living shit out of it, thank u.
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i get: reblog
you get: a cat
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cursingtoji · 3 years
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✩ = personal favorite
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Toji
✩ The Hitmen ➳ toji & geto; smut; yakuza au
✩ I don’t smoke unless i’m missing you ➳ angst
Baby One More Time ➳ pimp!toji; smut
What a shame ➳ smut
Morning Sex ➳ smut
Drunk Confession + Forbidden Love ➳ fluff
Predator ➳ smut
first time in your bedroom ➳ smut; drabble
✩ A Mature Relationship ➳ suggestive / fluff; drabbles [part 1] ✶ [part 2] ✶ [part 3] ✶ [part 4]
✩ The House and the Husband ➳ househusband!Toji; smut / fluff (inspired by the way of the househusband)
rockstar!Toji ➳ smut; drabble
✩ Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 1 ➳ Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna; fluff / suggestive
Brat Taming ➳ Toji, Gojo, Nanami; smut
Weakness ➳ Toji; angst; drabble
✩ Getting a Tattoo ➳ Toji; fluff; drabble
If you break my heart I go date your father ➳ Toji feat Megumi; suggestive; drabble
Favorite Kink? Biggest Taboo Fantasy What Type Of Lingerie does he Likes On his Partner
How Long Does He Last?
Pros And Cons Of Dating Him. Does He Say Sorry First? If He Could Be The Opposite Sex For One Day What Would He Do?
What’s Their Favorite Type of Gift? What does he do for his s/o birthday? How are his communication skills?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Nanami
✩ Formal Wear ➳ smut
Next-door guidance ➳ virgin!yuuji, virgin!nanami, not-exactly-a-virgin!gojo; smut; headcanons;
Comfort during sadness ➳ hurt/comfort; drabble
domestic night ➳ drabble; fluff
✩ Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 1 ➳ Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna; fluff / suggestive
Win Nanami Kento ➳ Tennis Player AU; smut
Brat Taming ➳ Toji, Gojo, Nanami; smut
JJK men having a wet dream about you ➳ Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna; smut
Unpredictable ➳ Nanami; smut; drabble
Wine ➳ Nanami; fluff; drabble
Imagine being loved by me ➳ fluff; drabble
Biggest Taboo Fantasy 
Would He Be Down For A Threesome? If So Who Would Be Invited? + Pros And Cons Of Dating Him
What’s His Opinion On PDA? How Does He Act When He’s Drunk? + Does He Want Kids? How Does He Flirt?
Spank or be spanked? Does he own any sex toys? Stuff he’s into but would rather die than admit it
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Gojo
✩ One Bed + Hate Sex ➳ ex!gojo; smut;
Fake Dating ➳ fluff
Nothing fucks with my baby ➳ ex to lovers; smut; drabble
✩ Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found ➳ reincarnated!au, hurt/comfort; drabble
Royals ➳ fluff/suggestive
Win Gojo Satoru ➳ Pro Swimmer AU; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 1 ➳ Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna; fluff / suggestive
Things that jjk men do in bed ➳ Heacanons; Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Naoya; smut
Brat Taming ➳ Toji, Gojo, Nanami; smut
JJK men having a wet dream about you ➳ Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna; smut
Grim Reaper!Gojo ➳ fluff
Next-door guidance ➳ virgin!yuuji, virgin!nanami, not-exactly-a-virgin!gojo; smut
Favorite Body Parts Of His Partner
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Geto
✩ Middle Ground ➳ cult leader!geto; smut
✩ Contradiction ➳ cult leader!geto; smut
Savior (part 2 of Contradiction) ➳ cult leader!geto; smut
✩ The Hitmen ➳ toji & geto; smut; yakuza au
Sensei Geto ➳ Heacanons; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 1 ➳ Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna; fluff / suggestive
JJK men having a wet dream about you ➳ Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna; smut
Now we're up against the wall ➳ Geto; angst; drabble
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Sukuna
✩ 1. Sweet Sacrifice 2. Consequences — Devil!Sukuna; chainsaw man au; series; smut
JJK men having a wet dream about you ➳ Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 1 ➳ Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna; fluff / suggestive
I hope your dad cuts you off from the family money ➳ Sukuna; royalty au; suggestive; drabble
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yuuji
Next-door guidance ➳ virgin!yuuji, virgin!nanami, not-exactly-a-virgin!gojo; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name —part 2 ➳ Yuuji, Megumi, Choso, Yuuta, Toge; fluff / suggestive
How Long Does He Take To Find The Clit? + His Limits Aka Big No No’s + How Long Does He Last?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Megumi
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name —part 2 ➳ Yuuji, Megumi, Choso, Yuuta, Toge; fluff / suggestive
MilfChaser!Megumi  ➳ smut; drabble
Biggest Taboo FantasyStuff He’s Into But Would Rather Die Than Admit It.What He Does For After Care?
✩ Has He Lost His Virginity And If So When And How? Did He Ever Got Caught Having Sex? How He Acts While Getting Condoms
How Hard Does He Party?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Toge
✩ Somnophilia ➳ toge; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name —part 2 ➳ Yuuji, Megumi, Choso, Yuuta, Toge; fluff / suggestive
Most embarrassing sex story Kink they tried once but ended up traumatized Would they be down for a threesome, if so who would be invited?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Choso
✩ Nipple play  ➳ choso; smut
tattoo artist!choso ➳ headcanons; smut
Where the JJK men would tattoo your name — part 2 ➳ Yuuji, Megumi, Choso, Yuuta, Toge; fluff / suggestive
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Naoya
How Long Does He Takes To Find The Clit? Did His Partner Ever Fake An Orgasm? What They Do For After Care?
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