#the day you actually start seeing somebody outside of work... oh theyre in for Trouble
yuwuta · 4 days
gojo would kill your work husband. but if he were the work husband, that's a different story
REAL!! he’s such a hypocrite because if someone mentioned you had a work husband, his entire world would stop and he wold devise the absolute worst plans to make sure that your co-worker, everyone at your job, and everyone in the next building over knew that he was happily committed to you 
but if he is the work husband, he’s very........ dutiful in his role. there’s a loose office/lawyer au in my head where satoru is your secretary, and for all intents and purposes, your personal assistant, and he’s good at his job, but mostly because he considers his job to be pleasing you. he has coffee for you when you arrive, he moves your schedule around without you asking, he has answers to questions before you can even ask them, he has fresh flowers on your desk weekly, pokes into your meetings to pretend to hand you a file that’s really just maybe a single document in a manilla folder with candy on top of it—he’s made himself your business, your partner; he’s made himself irreplaceable, and he loves to remind everybody of that fact. 
he’s also extremely loyal. sure, he could day a week’s worth of work done in about a day, but that doesn’t mean he’ll just use his talents for anybody. he’s your secretary, so he’s at your beck and call, and everyone knows it. they know he’s the best, but also that he’s off limits—not because you won’t share him, but because satoru won’t let himself be shared. 
he also extends his duties beyond work, of course. when he hands you a print out of your schedule for the day and you’re confused by the three-hour block of time you have in the middle of the day, satoru just helps you shrug your coat of your shoulders and smiles, “that’s for the lunch date you have with me, of course!” hanging up your coat in your closet for you, “i’m paying, see you soon, sweets.” and because you’re great at your job, and satoru helps you be great, nobody really questions when the two of you have time for a 13-course tasting menu at 1pm on a tuesday afternoon. and if they did, all satoru would say that you two had a lovely date 
#anonymous#he's like donna from suits but worse because he's like if harvey were donna LOL#i have soooooo much to say about him#he doesn't really Have to work he's a nepotism baby supreme#but he met you maybe in undergrad? and he's been obsessed w you since#he knows youre a workaholic so he's dutifully sat by your side all these years through college through grad/professional school#and when you told him you got to hire your own assistant he was the very first applicant#because getting paid to spend his days with you and take care of you? he was already doing that for free might as well make it official#everyone in the office knows satoru loves you except you honestly#he probably has his own masters/JD but elects to be your assistant anyway bc that's so much more fun#what he Really wants to be a househusband but first he's gotta ask you out and propose and all that good stuff (cue him rolling his eyes#and going on about formalities and boring systems and blah blah blah)#also in the office au in my head: nanami (also senior partner) higuruma ofc <3 beloved (managing partner) and TOJI!#WALK WITH ME!#its honestly probably satoru's influence that gets toji into law... as someone who so feverently broke it in the past#idk maybe there's a megumi situation that makes gojo be like yk if ur this good at skirting/breaking the law youd probably be half decent#at enforcing it... or at least helping other people get around it too#and so lawyer toji is born#does he screw around w the rich people who r stupid w their money? absolutely#but you nanami and higuruma just let it be bc he brings in those settlements better than anybody else....#hmmm... i kinda wanna make megumi somebody's associate but also..... yuuta.....#i think i just like sticking yuuta in a tie if im being real#but anyway... satoru is your Work Husband and everyone knows he wants to be your real husband#but they just let it slide bc rumour has it even tho hes just a secretary hes got equity in the firm?? and besides that his heart eyes give#away his hopeless devotion from a mile away#the day you actually start seeing somebody outside of work... oh theyre in for Trouble#satoru x reader#him dragging you out of ur office late at night and u protesting so he just. puts u over his shoulder#and ur telling him to let u down but he's insisting u go home and then nanami pops out of his office#and ur like wait nanami this isnt what it looks like but he's so dead in the eyes when he just sighs
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motorcitizens · 4 years
ive never seen anywhere to watch motorcity with subs? so i went looking and found transcripts of most of the early mc episodes (available in a reply so tumblr doesnt kill the post) but theyre missing a few towards the end. i decided on my fourth rewatch that id transcribe episode 9! whether youre a hard of hearing fan or just want the reference, here you go! let me know if the initials are annoying, ill edit them out.
-I got you with the slash!
-You first.
-Why me?
-Cuz you're dead anyway.
-There's nothing down here!
-Philip? S- stop fooling around, man. I- I can hear you down there.
-The last time I bought anything from you, it took me a week to fumigate the kitchen!
-Okay, the reshcaps were a mistake, you're right about that. But today, I have something extra special...
D- ...then she says, 'that's why I can't eat the sandwich!'
[all laugh]
C- Wait, wait, I got one. Where does a snowman keep his money? In a snow bank! Eh? Get it? Come on, it's funny!
Th- We're searching for the Vanquisher, king of the realm?
T- Oh. I think they're talking about me.
M- Yeah, I have no idea who you're-
Th- There he is!
Burners- Chuck?!
T- [laughter]
R- Hey! You dare insult Lord Vanquisher? I should take your tongue and feed it to the birds.
T- Uh, you can't do that. I need my tongue.
C- Release him, Darkslayer.
R- ... Fortune smiles upon you today.
M- So, Chuck, you wanna introduce us to your... friends?
C- Guys, allow me to present: Thurman the Magnificent, and Ruby the Darkslayer!
Th: We are knights of the kingdom of Raymanthia.
C- It's called LARPing! [...] Live action role-playing? [...] Okay, I have a life outside of the Burners, you know!
D- Sure doesn't look like it.
T- Oh! I get it! Ahahaha!
Th- My Lord, a situation has arisen. The oracle awaits.
O- As you requested, Sam and Phillip were dispatched on a scouting mission early this morning. But we have not heard from them for many hours.
M- What do you mean you haven't heard from them?
O- I fear, Lord Vanquisher, they have gotten lost on the outskirts of the realm.
T- Texas is confused. Okay, now is this part of your little game or is this real?
D- We're standing behind some dude's van who calls himself the oracle. What do you think?
O- I demand silence!
J- I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Texas on this one.
O- Chuck! Make em stop.
C- Wait. Is this part of the game?
Th- No. Sam and Philip are really missing.
M- So, this is for real?
O- We need your help.
C- I vow to find our wayward kinsmen.
C- Guys, this is LARPing!
T- Woah. That's it?
C- Each weekend, teams battle for control of the realm. The rules are simple: First, once you step onto the field of battle, you must remain in character. Second, if you must be vanquished: do so with honor. It's neat, ain't it?!
J- The game's already started?
R- If by 'game' you mean a ferocious battle to the death for the crown of Raymanthia, then yes.
O- But we can't win unless we find our friends.
[at the same time]
C- I say we split up.
M- Let's split up.
M- No disrespect! Chuck- uh, I mean, Lord Chuck. What do you think we should do?
C- Ahem! If we split up, we'll cover more ground!
O/Th/R- As you say, Lord Vanquisher.
C- Okay guys. We'll check the warehouse near the old Renaissance center, you guys check the battlefield.
Th- I dunno where that is. Can somebody else drive?
M- So, King Chuck. How'd you win your crown?
O- It happened many weekends ago... Chuck stood as freedom's last hope against Mad Dog the Conqueror. If he were to fall, darkness would reign for yet another long weekend. Mad Dog summoned his dragon to finish off the Vanquisher once and for all, but fate had different plans. It was totally awesome!
C- Naw, it wasn't... that awesome.
D- Little dudes!
J- Sam! Phillip?
D- Where are you?
Guy- Huzzah!
R- Leave this to me!
Guy- The bards shall sing of this day... the day the Darkslayer fell!
R- Someone shall fall on this day... but it shall not be me.
[fighting noises]
Guy- Aha! Tsk, tsk. You've lost your sword!
T- hyah!
R- What are you doing! I had him right where I wanted him!
Guy- You're not playing by the rules.
T- These are Texas rules! [karate noises] Now. We need you to answer some questions.
D- We're looking for two missing kids, Sam and Phillip. Have you seen them?
Guy- I'd rather die a thousand deaths than help the likes of you.
J- Ahem! Forgive us, my liege, but we are but humble squires in search of our kinsmen. Can you help us?
Guy- I've never been one to refuse a lady, certainly not one as ravishing as you. Saw your kinsmen five hours ago, approaching the Dungeon of Anguish.
D- Neat trick.
Th- We're never gonna find them in time. Then the stupid Bardonians are gonna win, think they're all cool with their fancy mustaches.
C- Hey. Buck up there, camper! People said we'd never win the Battle Royale last Fall, but we did. Our friends are out there, and we'll find em! We just gotta keep-
M- Uh, sorry. Dutch just called. Your friends were seen someplace called the Dungeon Anguish?
Th- It's actually the Dungeon of Anguish.
C- It's, uh. Well, it's actually just in the basement right here.
C- Wah, ah! Get it off me, get it off me!
Th- This isn't part of the game!
M- Yeah, well, neither is this!
R- That was. Incredible!
D- What were those things?
M- Don't know. But I'm betting they have something to do with our missing friends. We have to move. [LARPers kneel] Uh, come on. Get up, guys, we don't have time for this.
O- From this day forth, you shall be known as "Mike, the Smiling Dragon."
Th- You just got a great name. Jealous!
C- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you a debt of life.
M- That's... really not necessary.
O- Actually, it's totally necessary. The king of the realm cannot rule while carrying a debt of life.
C- As such, I give the crown to the Smiling Dragon!
M- No. No, Please, look, I can't, I just- I was-
C- Mikey, you gotta!
J- Hey guys, check this out! I've never seen that symbol before.
D- That's really old.
M- Way before my time. Maybe Jacob can help.
Th- What if those... things have Sam and Phillip?
R- Never fear. We have the Smiling Dragon. As long as he's our king, we can't lose. Did you see his moves? They were just so- so-!
M- You okay, buddy? Look, if it's about what happened back there, I'm sorry man. I was just trying to help.
C- It's not that. It's just-
M- Just what?
C- Look, I tripped, okay?
M- Um... If that's some kind of LARPer slang, I have no idea what it means.
C- The story you heard. About how I earned my crown? That's not how it really... went down. It was my first real battle. I'd never held a real lance before. I was still getting my balance when Lord Mad Dog summoned his dragon... I ran forward but... I tripped. The lance fell and hit him by accident! I won my crown with a lie. Hey... it's better that you're king now. I was never fit for the post. I've been king for 48 consecutive weekends, and-
M- 48? Woah, you do play this game a lot.
C- Yeah, but... it took less than an hour of LARPing with you for the others to see me for what I truly am... a follower.
M- Hey, a follower couldn't have led his team to 48 consecutive victories. You can't fake that!
C- Mikey... Look, I appreciate your support but we both know I'm no leader. Not when I'm a Burner and not even when I'm here, playing make believe.
M- Here. Take the pin back.
C- You can't just give it to me! The only way I can get it back is to earn it by saving your life. And let's be honest. That ain't gonna happen.
Th- Never seen that tunnel before. You aren't planning on taking us down there, are you?
R- Well I'm going in!
Th- Do you know how much trouble I'll get in if my mom finds out I went down some crazy dark tunnel looking for killer robots?!
O- He's not joking. His mom is terrifying.
M- They're right. This isn't a game anymore. Texas will stay up here and keep you safe while we go get your friends.
T- What! Wait, why me?
M- Because you're the bravest warrior we've got.
T- Yeah, that's true, but come on! Don't leave me with the nerds!
D- What is this place?
O- Booyah! Mutant wolverine. I win!
Th- I could show you how to use that.
T- Save it. Not interested.
O- Why not? You're really good.
T- You really think so?
Th- Here, watch.
T- Hyah! Huh?
T- Mike, Julie! Incoming! We got trouble!
Th- Come on, I just got this!
O- Your mom is gonna be so mad.
J- This isn't working!
M- I'm open to suggestions!
R- A wizard!
Ja- Applesauce!
J- Jacob?
R- Aww!
Bot- The creator has returned!
M- Uh, Jacob? Care to fill us in?
Ja- It started back when Kane and I were partners- before there even was a Deluxe! I was designing our first ever Utility Bot. Its purpose was to make life in Detroit easier and safer. I equipped it with a new AI that would allow the bot to anticipate human commands, but I was the only one the bot seemed to listen to. But if it were ever to escape the lab, there's no telling the danger it could pose. I begged Kane to shut the program down! I always thought he did.
Bot: It began soon after you left us. Kane retrained us! We were instructed to capture enemies of the public and bring them back to Kane's new creation, an Interrogator. But the humans could not control it. Kane sealed the lab. Our new master told us every human was out to destroy us. As such, every human became our enemy. Disloyalty was severely punished. So we waited, until this door finally opened.
M- Our friends went missing this morning. Have you seen them?
Bot- Of course. We took them per our master's instructions.
J- We need to get them back!
Bot- Our master has awoken. If he discovers you here with us, he will destroy us.
M- Get the LARPers out of here!
C- I'm not leaving you guys!
R- Our place is here, with our King!
M- This isn't a game! Get your friends to safety.
C- Let's move!
D- Come on!
J- Look out!
[rubble collapses the door]
T- Mike!
D- Julie!
Both- Jacob!
D- We'll never move this stuff by ourselves!
T- Says who?
Th- What do we do?
C- I know a way to get through there! But I will require your van.
Ja- There used to be another exit!
J- Hey, look at this!
M- The kids have to be in one of those rooms. If we can find a way past that thing we can rescue them and get the heck out of here! Think you can buy us some time?
J- Do you even have to ask? Hey, ugly! Over here!
M- Sam! Phillip! Climb up here!
S- You're the new king of the realm?
M- You bet your butt I am. Lord Smiling Dragon, at your service. Now get up that rope, squire!
T- Okay, I admit. It's pretty cool.
C- But is it possible?
D- Sure. But there's no way the three of us can build it fast enough.
C- What if they helped?
D- I know you don't mean the little lunatics that just tried to kill us!
Bot- We cannot get involved. If our master were to find out-
C- He's not your master! You are in Raymanthia. And in Raymanthia, every man- or... freaky little Utiliton- is free! Free to stand up for yourselves. Free to fight back! And free to live! Our friends are down there, and I swear to you on the steel of my blade that even if I have to slay the beast itself, we! will! bring them back!
[utilitons cheering]
T- hwah! Nah, see, this ain't nerdy. This is a level 25 battle ax, okay? Twenty five. Think about it.
Ja- Maybe there wasn't another exit?
M- Stay here!
M- Way to go, Chuck!
S&P- The Vanquisher!
T- Make way for Texas!
C- The beast is absorbing the blasts!
[mike gets got]
C- Mike!
C- Drive! and when I say stop, stop fast! ...STOP!
M- Ha, oh yeah!
M- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you my life. My steel is yours to command, since a king cannot carry... I forget how the rest of it goes, here! All hail King Chuck, the Vanquisher!
R- This was the coolest game ever!
M- ... the game. Your win streak. You guys have to go defend your crown!
Th- We'll never be able to muster an attack in time.
T- What if we help.
M- We're yours to command, Lord Vanquisher.
C- For the glory of the realm!
[all yell]
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