#household: gunnar
nitrozem · 5 days
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If it was one thing they agreed on it was exercise. Tina being in the athlete career and Ludo being a doctor/health freak heh
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f1shart · 1 year
a dozen more shitposts (pt 1)
you know i used to think that a dozen was the same as a thousand. the words are similar ok can you blame me?? now if this was a thousand more shitposts that would be a different story....
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
Shifting Paradymes household
The Shifting Paradymes have bonded over their love of music and moved into their own place to focus on their art. Will living outside the dorms inspire them enough to create the masterpiece they desire?
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Gunnar is a so-so musician, but he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Perhaps he'll eventually understand why his female bandmates aren't exactly at each others' throats for his attentions.
Gunnar Rogue: Age: 20 LTW: Become Hall of Famer Aspiration: Romance/Fortune Personality: 2/7/8/5/3 (Gemini) OTH: Fitness (with focus on Cardio) Traits: Athletic, Natural Cook, Great Kisser, Gatherer, Diva
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Jasmine wanted to live out her dream of being a professional musician, so she founded the Shifting Paradymes. But now it seems she spends all her time trying to keep the band together.
Jasmine Rai: Age: 18 LTW: Have 20 simultaneous best Friends Aspiration: Popularity/Family Personality: 6/2/6/5/6 (Cancer) OTH: Tinkering (with focus on woodworking) Traits: Handy, Schmoozer, Insane, Brooding, Unstable
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Zoe joined the band to get out of the dorms and make some new friends, but her real focus is on her studies. As much as she likes music, Zoe wants to graduate and get a job.
Zoe Zimmerman: Age: 18 LTW: Become Hall of Famer Aspiration: Popularity/Family Personality: 5/2/6/5/7 (Cancer) OTH: Tinkering (with focus on Restoring) Traits: Vehicle Enthusiast, Excitable, Charismatic, Lucky, Rebellious
What happened this round:
All three snatched a place on Dean's List
the three got great friends and also befriended DJ Verse deeper
the band played together several times
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My dad thinks trans people are a cult.
please help me change his mind.
I’m a 16 year old kid. I believe I am non-binary, and masc leaning.
He’s almost sure that I’ve been indoctrinated, or that I’ve been convinced of something I’m not, but he’s trying to understand and I think that there’s still hope for me to show him what this means to me. He said himself that he might be wrong.
Please, if you have any links to any videos, articles, or anything at all from trusted sources that could show things like:
The benefits of affirming in the house
The ACTUAL detransition rate
Why kids might be trans and what studies have been conducted to understand them
Cases of trans kids in accepting households
An explanation of what gender is, at least as much as we CAN define it
Reblog or comment with them. I want so badly to be myself around my own parents. I’m not giving up on them yet. Thank you.
~ Gunnar Rose Pace
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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-Welcome to my ancestral Greek House, darling! -Oh baby it's so beautiful, huhu!🌞
I don't wanna know where the fuck you lived before, Meadow, but yes, we have arrived, part 1 here. And now it's time to christen our new household:
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Perfect! Cheerleader Kea why are you here?
-Are those Sophito's kids?
They sure are.
-Wow, really dodged a bullet there.
You sure did.
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Wtf do you want me to do about it?
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I can't say no to my sims, it's an actual problem. HELLO GUNNAR, I HATE YOU
-Don't talk to him that way!!! -Nah it's fine, no worries, bro. Wanna get down?
GROSS. Barth seriously, please, WE CAN DO BETTER
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-Can you? They seem perfectly matched to me!
Felina will you please fuck off?
-Can't, Meadow got me super into bird watching.
At night in the rain??
-Ok busted, I just wanna watch Barfolomew flop yet again!
-Wanna bet?
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S T O P . I T .
-What you doing, bro?! -You said you wanted to get down! -I meant drugs! -What! That's not what that means, you stupid turtle-faced moron! -WHAT DID YOU CALL ME
Bartholomew if you end up getting beaten up by fucking Gunnar Roque I will legit die.
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-That's so hot, bro, call me more names!
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-Oh Gunnar, in my family we value the exquisite Komei jaw, there's something so rebellious in your lack of chin! -Ya, call me a turtle again!
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OK THEN, we are officially turtle lovers. Bartholomew let me tell you, I caved this time because of your pathetic aspiration but this is NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. I've worked hard to make you people attractive and I'm not about to throw it all away on Gunnar Roque's spawn!!!
-Maybe we'll be childfree!
I'll do you one better, how about Gunnarfree! Now Gunnar fuck off back to the gutter you crawled from. -Sure thing, bro, later. -You can't keep us apart!
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Jojo's wolf mania has clearly inflicted some generational trauma on his family as Barth rolls this fear of Gunnar becoming a werewolf, which would clearly be an improvement on his looks.
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-STOP TALKING ABOUT GUNNAR LIKE THAT. Now back to my song.. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My Gunnar, my Gunnar, my Gunnar, talkin about my Gunnar..🎵
Literally kill me.
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-You know what my favorite thing is about our relationship, darling? -What, huhu?🌞 -The way we both have appropriately sized chins!
Fel seriously why are you like this, what did I ever do to you??
Remember WHAT
Are you serious, you're still not over that bs??
Well screw you, I won't let that happen! I'll find someone else for Barth!! Someone who has a chin!!!
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-Zat's ein wunderbar eyepatch, Barthölömew, ja? -I HATE YOUR GLASSES. SLEEP WITH ME
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-So the funniest thing happened at class today- -YOUR PORES ARE HUGE, YOU NEED MAKE UP. SLEEP WITH ME
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-Oh, I knew your parents back in the day! -TERRIBLE HAIRCUT. SLEEP WITH ME
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Oh my God you are USELESS
-My negging tactics will work, you'll see!
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-Soon I'll be the one making out in our front yard!
Ya idk Barth, this is the most pathetic picture of all time. I'm seriously considering cheating and changing your aspiration, like it's unreal how bad you are at it.
-I'm not bad at it, moron, I'm being strategic! Now it's time to invite them over and see my work bear fruit!
God you are so gross, maybe you do belong with Gunnar.
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I can't believe this is happening and neither can anyone else by the looks of it-
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-YET HERE WE ARE. 2/20 I guess??
-I told you! Stick with me and we'll neg every dormie on this campus!
That's not a goal I want to achieve, Barth!
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-See you later, Barth, I'm very satisfied, I'll leave you a 5 star review!
Now that I'm thinking about it, between Gunther, Cyn, Sophito and Barth we've really been operating a Greek House/Brothel for 4 gens, go us!
I'm still having a hard time believing Barth is actually good at being a romance sim, especially because Sarah has been completely desperate ever since Cyn stole evil wizard Matthew Hart from her, so I immediately invite over Sam Thomas-
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-AND IT WORKS AGAIN THO GLITCHED. WTF. Ok Barth so I guess you actually ARE competent?? Who knew.
-I knew! I always believed in Barth!
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And now, time for a tragedy in 3 parts:
So next day I'm feeling confident enough that we invite over Klara, my top pick for Barth spouse and she is INTO him, let's do this, Barth!!!
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-Heeeeeeeeey Barth, what's up?🥰 -Ich habe urgent hömewörk das dö.
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-Congrats on your great first semester grades, Sunset! -Wanna congratulate me on my first kiss, too? -What?
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OK THEN FML I GUESS. I mean I knew this would happen the day he brought her home from school and they were dancing for like 4h but still it's very upsetting.
Let's figure out the degree of relation here so we know how grossed out we should be, so they are connected through Daniel-Jojo. So her grandfather and his great-grandfather were brothers, which makes them 2nd cousins once removed. It honestly doesn't sound THAT bad, but I think the word 'removed' is really doing the heavy lifting here.
Anyway, we took a small break to kiss our cousin, now let's go back to our date with our future wife!
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-Are you enjoying this magical slow dancing in the kitchen, babe? It's a move my dad taught me. -Ja, ich was here to see your höe vater.
Oh right didn't Klara turn down Sophito LOL. But his even more degenerate son she couldn't resist, Klara wtf!
-Just give me 1 second babe, I'll be right with you-
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-Sorry, Klar, this is lasting longer than expected, why don't you put a movie on and hang out? -Ja, ök.
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-All done babe, come here! -Ohöhö! -Blood is thicker than water, Klara!
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Klara I can't believe this title goes to you of all people but you are without a doubt the biggest cuck we've ever encountered, I am legit shocked by this sequence of events.
Great! Barth is at 5/20 woohoos and I'm at 2/2 for supervillain origin stories this gen, it's all working out!
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guarmommy · 2 months
Characters & Family Dynamics
I've been thinking about my Skyrim characters lately and want to explore their backstories more. Their families and their dynamics are an interesting start so I made these portraits.
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Agnetha Goldenbraid (She/Her) was a happy child with a mother, father, and baby brother. She was born in Cyrodiil and raised on a small farm in Bruma, living the traditional Nord lifestyle.
Her father, Erland Goldenbraid, was a proud Nord who lived by the sword and valued family above everything else. He married his childhood sweetheart, a half-Imperial, half-Nord woman named Cassia Spada, and soon conceived their first child. Erland and Cassia were considerably easy-going with Agne but imbued Nordic customs and homesteading chores on her as soon as she began to walk. Her chores included helping her mother with domestic tasks, tending to animals, feeding chickens, and sometimes having run-ins with Folki, the grumpy goat that terrorized the townsfolk. Like any typical child, Agne played with other children and got in trouble when the adults weren't around.
When her mother got pregnant, Agne was exhilarated. Having a little sibling to play with tickled her little heart. After her brother Gunnar was born, Agne adored him and proudly accepted her new role as the protective big sister.
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As the Great House Dres dictates, family, honor, and tradition weighed heavily on every household member's shoulders. Lorthyn and Favani imposed merciless cruelty on their rivals and slaves. None of their three children were spared from the whips and chains, both figuratively and literally.
To say Zalyn Dres (He/Him) grew up in a strict household would be an understatement. At a young age, Zalyn was forced to undergo grueling tasks. His father Lorthyn would drag him on slave raids in the dangerous swampland to mold him into a warrior like his older brother Thalyn, as per Dres tradition. Zalyn was no stranger to being the brunt of his father's wrath. In response, he became more rebellious as he got older.
Zalyn's relationship with his mother Favani was cold and distant. He barely received motherly love from her. In fact, anytime Zalyn came to her for anything, she would either ignore him or harshly shoo him away, paying him no attention. She enabled her husband's ways of disciplining the children, especially on Zalyn, and took her cruelty out on servants and Dresla, her youngest daughter.
Despite the venomous relationship with his parents, Zalyn enjoyed all the riches and privileges that came with being a Great House-born dunmer. He got along with Dresla and was protective of her, shielding her from their mother's whip on several occasions. As for his relationship with Thalyn, Zalyn revered him and sometimes felt envious of him since he was the oldest and favorite child.
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Marlyn Rulvani (She/Her) was born a clone. Her "mother" Hekatah created her by accident via meddling in Daedric magic, giving her the mockery of a "failed clone". As powerful as she's beautiful, madness inevitably consumed her amid the experiments. Rumors say her mind was corrupted by the Daedric Prince of Madness himself.
Hekatah despised Marlyn, often berating and punishing her for every minor thing, whether it's wearing the wrong dress or growing her hair too long. She did everything she could to ensure that her clone daughter looked nothing like her.
There were softer moments, however. Marlyn was naturally a curious child so Hekatah facilitated this by allowing her free-reign to the library (mostly because Hekatah wanted nothing to do with her and wanted an excuse to whisk her away somewhere where she was out of sight and mind). Marlyn had the best tutors a young Telvanni apprentice could ever want and spent hours burying her nose in dusty tomes and books.
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Nalin (They/Them) was born as Nauriel Silarume by an Alinor-born artisan and noblewoman. Anthea, whom Nalin thought was the most beautiful mer, was the daughter of a wealthy family that arranged a marriage for her with a captain of the Altmeri Dominion Navy. Much to her family's dismay, she ran off with the young, charismatic Corelas instead. Their marriage was progressive, even by Altmeri standards, and driven by genuine love, not wealth or elven purity.
Being only one child, Nalin grew up carefree and explored many hobbies and opportunities their heart desired, viewing the world as their oyster. Anthea and Corelas welcomed their child's adventurous spirit, encouraging them to pursue their passions to the ultimate extent of their capabilities. When Nalin proclaimed they wanted to be a performer, they fully supported that endeavor.
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juniper-simblr · 10 months
My Uberhood dormies
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Castor Nova, Allegra Gorey & Stella Terrano Castor and Allegra are originally students from Sim State University, while Stella is from La Fiesta Tech. Now they're in the townies/dormies bin.
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Joshua Ruben & Martin Ruben Originally from Sim State University and living in two different households, the siblings Joshua and Martin are also in my townies/dormies bin.
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Gunnar Roque, Jasmine Rai & Zoe Zimmerman A premade household in La Fiesta Tech. Gunnar, Jasmine and Zoe are in a band called Shifting Paradymes.
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Robin King & Laura GilsCarbo Robin is a premade from La Fiesta Tech. In my game she's the little sister of Gordon King. Laura is also a premade townie from La Fiesta Tech. She's the little sister of Goopy GilsCarbo.
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Phineaus Furley, Marla Biggs & Tom Freshe All three are originally premade students from Académie Le Tour. Now they're in the townies/dormies bin.
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creatureshrieks · 8 months
wanted to say this with Bubba because I continuously see people say this but....... don't refer to Bubba as a 'child trapped in an adult's body'. Bubba is a full grown adult with mental/learning disabilities, he's not a child. He is a full grown adult with disabilities that did not grow up in a household that bothered to assist him or help him, hence why he can not talk and struggles with emotional fluctuations (extreme emotions are overwhelming and he will end up hitting himself or exploding in some capacity) but he's not a child. He's an adult that literally tends to his house. He cooks, he cleans, and he exists perfectly fine. Bubba can use a stove, he makes home-made food a lot. He knows how to use power tools without hurting himself/people he's not trying to! He tends to the chickens and what ever animals the family may have! Plus, technically, in the first movie Nubbins mentions that Bubba even once had a job at the nearby slaughterhouse because at that point in time Bubba was his only brother. Sure he could've been lying and now it's retconned to probably have been Drayton, but when that line was written and if it's taken literal, Bubba did have a job at some point. Bubba has emotion dysregulation, intense fear, and is slower to understand concepts but he's not a child. And mind you, Gunnar Hanson fully did speak/observe adult people with mental/learning disabilities to help make Leatherface and was told that despite the context, he didn't do a terrible job translating it. Bubba has disabilities, that doesn't make him a child. Thank u
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drizzzzxo-blog · 1 year
the Franklin household
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meet baby Franklin—Gunnar F.
- **born on flower bunny day**🐇🩵
- labor: 1 sim day
- mia started her labor at home she refused to go until the contractions became unbearable
- when they arrived mia was already 5 cm but she was able to get an epidural
- when active labor started it only took 2 pushes & baby boy was born
- Gunnar is so fascinated w/his mom
- I rolled the cautious trait; he hates being held by anyone other than his parents
Poses: infant fluff @marshmallow-sims
Outfit: Bunny Onesie @madlensims
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I’ve been looking at fanart of Johnny topside before he became delta to see what people think he looked like and I wanted to share my idea of what he looked like
He would be a white male as the first black scuba diver was in the 1990’s while bioshock takes place in 1968 and 1958 in the opening cutscene he would have been decently muscular as deep scuba divers suits aren’t the lightest things.edit: thanks @theluckoftheclaws for informing me that his eyes are canonically green! I appreciate it so much.his hair would be a shade of brown or black as those two were common with men in 1950s and 60s. Estimating the time he was subject delta before the events of bioshock 2 I would put his arrival around 1956. The estimated timeline being He stayed in rapture for a year before being turned into delta and then being with little sister Eleanor for a year before the opening cutscene of bioshock 2 in 1958.the hair style is a bit more of a open answer but I will add a photo of what I believe to be a Hollywood styling chart for men from around 1950 and so his hair would be one of those styles but I’m not sure as no research would tell me if Greenland/Iceland had a different fashion then the U.S in the 50s. We know Rapture is somewhere between Greenland and Iceland making it likely he is from one of those two areas.and my research says the base pay of deep sea scuba divers is 50-60k a year and 50k in 1950 is $617,657.68 today so he was doing pretty well off. He would probably be in his 30-40s as the average age of scuba divers in general is 40. Most likely married as the common age for marriage in the 1950’s was 20 for women and 23 for men. Most likely had a child as the common household in 1950 was a husband wife and one child sometimes more. The Child was most likely a boy as 51% of babies are boys.The most common male Icelandic names are Jón, Sigurður, Guðmundur, Gunnar, and Ólafur and the most common male Greenlandic names are Pavia, Jûna, Jôrse, Túpe and Sâmua making All of those names likely first names for delta.he would be from the coast of Greenland or Iceland as being a diver requires you to be near water.he might’ve been a veteran from ww2 as that started in the 1930s and he would’ve most likely been drafted into the navy explaining the deep sea diver license. He would have a few scars and discoloration as deep sea diving isn’t a safe job not then not now. This whole thing was just me hyper fixating on one thing as I wrote this in one long sitting I did all of the research and writing today BECAUSE I DIDN’T WANT TO PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING THAT’S WHY I WROTE THIS.MY ADHD MADE ME SIT DOWN AND WRITE THIS FOR ALMOST THREE HOURS BECAUSE I WAS BORED OF ANIMAL CROSSING
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This is a photo of a deep sea scuba suit
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A 1950’s hair chart for men from Hollywood
If you read all of this thanks for listening to my adhd caused hyperfixation and have a merry Christmas 🎅🏻
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nitrozem · 5 days
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Truth be told, it took a bit to get them to like each other because Tina is a professional troll and kept pranking and annoying Ludo lmao
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dwellordream · 6 months
“During the 1960s, events sometimes happened so quickly that they almost seemed to outpace the speed of sound. In the fall of 1961 coeducational colleges still had what were called parietal rules regulating the few short periods of the week when men could be in women's dorms and vice versa. Boys wore ties and button-down shirts and spotted “whiffle” haircuts (so short that if you rubbed your hand over the bristles you could generate static electricity); girls wore skirts, starched blouses, knee socks, and ponytails. No one would think of calling a university president a derogatory name or breaking into official files.
By 1969, in contrast, rules had become synonymous with fascism. Male and female students lived with each other in the same dormitory room; a new sexual revolution had swept the country, accompanied by widespread experimentation with drugs. At the legendary rock festival at Woodstock in 1969, thousands of people gathered in open fields to hear their favorite musicians, celebrating not only a triumphant counterculture but brazenly flaunting conventional, middle-class behavior. Boys and girls wore jeans patched with fragments of the American flag, smoking marijuana was commonplace, and hair reached the lower backs of men and women alike. Policemen were routinely called “pigs” by some of the best and brightest college students, and one university president, whose office was occupied by demonstrators, received a manifesto telling him: “up against the wall, mother-fucker.” It was quite a decade.
…As early as the 1940s, when the Carnegie Foundation issued its clarion call, authored by the Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal, to end racial discrimination, sociologists and lawyers had commented that women were examples of an “American Dilemma.” Like black people, they were members of a society committed to liberty and personal freedom, yet treated as separate and different because of a shared physical characteristic. The contradiction was profound, striking at the heart of the integrity of the American Creed. Only when all citizens were freed from such categorical discrimination could the American dream be considered workable.
Pauli Murray, a black lawyer who had pioneered the effort to get blacks admitted to Southern law schools in the 1930s, zeroed in on the connection between race and sex in her work for the Kennedy Commission on the Status of Women. Like black civil rights activists, she declared, women should prosecute their case for freedom by going to court and demanding that they be given equal protection under the laws, a right conferred by the 14th Amendment when in 1867 it sought to ensure the legal standing of the newly freed slaves by defining their citizenship rights. At the time Congress had inserted the word “male” in front of “citizen,” temporarily caving in to those who still wanted to exclude women from fundamental rights, such as voting. But the 19th Amendment had altered that pattern when it recognized women’s right to vote, and now, Murray argued, women should insist on carrying their case forward on the basis of the civil rights they enjoyed with all citizens under the clause of the 14th Amendment that declared, “No State shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
…With the formation of the National Organization for Women in the fall of 1966, America’s women’s rights activists had an organization comparable to the NAACP, ready to fight through the media, the courts, and the Congress for the same rights for women that the NAACP sought for blacks. NOW focused on an “equal partnership of the sexes” in job opportunities, education, household responsibilities, and government. Betty Friedan and her allies pressured President Johnson to include women in his affirmative action policies, which were designed to hasten recruitment of minorities to decent jobs, and to appoint feminists to administrative and judicial officers. NOW endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment and made reform of abortion laws a national priority.
Equally important was the connection made by some young women between the treatment they received within the civil rights movement itself and the treatment blacks received from the larger society. Most of the young people in the early civil rights movement were black, but a significant minority were white, many of them women, including Sondra Cason (later Casey Hayden) from the Faith and Life community in Austin, Texas, and Mary King, daughter of a Protestant minister. Many of the younger activists joined the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which created an atmosphere in which independent thinking and social criticism could flourish.
….At a time when a new sexual revolution was just getting underway, the old rules and regulations about whom you slept with and after how long no longer seemed so clear. This was compounded by the realization that the biggest social taboo of all--interracial sex--was one of the most suspect and oppressive of all those rules and regulations. If the goal of the movement was a truly beloved community, why not extend that to sexual interaction? And how better to show that you meant what you said about integration than to sleep with someone of the other race? Especially in the heat of what seemed like combat conditions, reaching out for love, or even just release, appeared to be a logical and perhaps politically inspired thing to do.
In reality, however, too many women (and some men) became sexual objects. Having intercourse could become a rite of passage imposed against one’s will as well as a natural expression of bonding and affection. White and black women in particular became suspicious of each other, black women sometimes torn between anger at “their” men for falling victim to the stereotype of preferring white women as sexual partners, and anger at white women for seducing and taking away black men. The formula could be reversed, depending on which sex and which race you talked about. But the overall result was a new level of awareness that gender, as well as race, was an issue in this movement, and that until the question of treating women of equals became an explicit commitment of the movement, at least some of its ideals would always fall short of realization.
…The final ingredient for the rebirth of feminism took place within the rapidly expanding student movement in America. It would be historically inaccurate to speak of that movement as a unified crusade with a changing shape and definition. It took as many forms as there were issues, its ideological variants sufficient in number to fill a textbook. There were some who believed that a new culture, a “counterculture,” offered the only way to change America, and others who embraced political revolution, even if it had to include violence. Some wore overalls, T-shirts, and love beads and sought to transform the materialism of the middle class by creating a totally alternative life-style; others opted for factory jobs, short hair, and rimless glasses, committed to subverting the system from within.
Nevertheless, some generalizations are valid. Virtually all the participants in the student movement were white. Most came from middle or upper-class backgrounds. Children of privilege, they shared something in common with the critical and reflective posture of the Fetter Family, the group of Protestant students in Boston seeking reform of the church. But they had gone far beyond the moderate optimism of that group, and even the more pointed skepticism of the Students for a Democratic Society’s (SDS) 1962 Point Huron statement, with its desire to humanize capitalism and technocracy. By the mid-1960s, when the student movement started to grow with explosive force, more and more young people began to question the very basis for their society. The Vietnam War radicalized youthful protestors, male and female alike, seeming to symbolize--with its use of napalm to burn down forests and search and destroy missions to annihilate the enemy--the dehumanizing aspects of capitalism and Western-style democracy.
…At one SDS convention, and observer noted, “Women made peanut butter, waited on table, cleaned up, [and] got laid. That was their role.” Todd Gitlin, president of SDS in the mid-1960s, noted that the whole movement was characterized by “arrogance, elitism, competitiveness,... ruthlessness, guilt--replication of patterns of domination… [that] we have been taught since the cradle.” Women might staff inner-city welfare projects and immerse themselves, far more than men, in the life of the particular community being organized, but when it came to respect and recognition, they ceased being visible. Women occupied only 6 percent of SDS’s executive committee seats in 1964.
Nor was SDS alone in its attitudes. Throughout the entire anti-war movement, a similar condescension and disregard prevailed, symbolized by the antiwar slogan, “Girls say yes to guys [not boys] who say no.” Always happy to accept the part of the sexual revolution that allegedly made women more ready to share their affection, male radicals displayed no comparable willingness to share their own authority as part of a larger revolution. Women’s equality was not part of the new politics any more than it had been of the old.”
- William Chafe, “The Rebirth of Feminism.” in The Road to Equality: American Women Since 1962
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the-laridian · 1 year
Would love to know anything more about Stolen Heir!! :)
Stolen Heir: Caesar Germanicus (evil!Gunnar) has a couple of very young kids, redheaded twins, Antonia (Toni) Ferox and Rufus Caesarion. (One guess who these two are in other universes) Semi-enslaved in Caesar's immediate household, Arcade makes a run for it, and takes Rufus with him - he can take only one kid to save them from being brought up in this bloodthirsty land, and has to make a snap decision which one.
Toni is devastated by this and never, ever forgets that Gannon stole her brother. Undoubtedly Rufus is the same way, she reasons, and if she ever finds him again, they'll be rejoined and he'll be so happy to see her again, and everything will be wonderful. Oh, and she'll kill Gannon.
Rufus, meanwhile, has completely forgotten his early life and anything about his old family. He's now Roger, Arcade's his dad and they're practicing what medicine they can in a neighboring land (modern day Mexico). Roger intends to be a doctor like his father (Arcade) when he comes of age.
By the time they're teenagers, Toni is well on her way to becoming an elite warrior, though of course she's still just a teenager and has to finish growing, and needs experience and so on. On her first mission outside Imperial borders (with Vulpes as her chaperone/guardian), she learns of a young man who could only be Rufus, and so she, Vulpes and the rest of the team proceed to hunt him and the traitor/abductor Gannon down.
@the-lastcall has done some great Toni art, now I guess I need to get on the ball and figure out something for Roger/Rufus :)
Thanks for the ask!
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wickedjr89gaming · 10 months
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The Rai household!
Jasmine Rai, Gunnar Roque, Mickey Dosser and Zoe Zimmerman. Also known as Shifting Paradymes...plus Mickey. Jasmine and Zoe are an item and Gunnar and Mickey are an item. Jasmine and Zoe are engaged. They are all fresh from Uni.
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dirtywratsimz · 2 years
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I also added the Fiesta Tech households to my rotational gameplay for Strangetown, which I never really used to do, but it adds a lot of variety to the neighborhoods, and Strangetown was in some desperate need of variety in its families.
Gunnar Roque was the first sim to graduate, so I moved him in Downtown (currently using Copperhead City as my Strangetown downtown). He adopted this elderly stray named Noodle and they live together in his small apartment that costs way more than it's worth. Upon graduation, he rolled a want to join the military, so that's what we did.
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Here's the two of them watching TV.
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