#house construction companies uk
thebuildjoy · 20 days
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Looking for professional builders in London? Build Joy Design & Build offers expert construction services, specializing in home extensions, loft conversions, and full renovations. Our skilled team is committed to delivering exceptional craftsmanship, innovative solutions, and reliable service. From planning to completion, we ensure your project is completed on time and within budget. Let us help bring your vision to life with quality you can trust!
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ericonstructionltd · 8 months
Eric Construction: Leading the Way in Construction and Design in the UK
In the dynamic world of construction and renovation in London, the role of construction companies, building experts, bathroom renovation specialists, and commercial refurbishment professionals is pivotal. They contribute not only to the physical landscape of the city but also to the quality of life for residents and the success of businesses.
For more details visit here: https://theomnibuzz.com/eric-construction-leading-the-way-in-construction-and-design-in-the-uk/#google_vignette
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eaglesnick · 2 years
Is Capitalism Working? Landowners (2)
We saw that the aristocracy and landed gentry own 30% of England, a position that has not changed for centuries, and that they have increased their wealth at expense of the rest of us.
But the aristocracy and landed gentry are not the only ones who own land. Big corporations also own vast tracts of England.
“Multi-million pound corporations with complex structures have purchased the very ground we walk on – and we are only just beginning to discover the damage it is doing to Britain.” (Guy Shrubsole, quoted in the Guardian, 19/04/19)
Big corporations own 18% of England. Topping the list are three privately owned water companies. Since they were privatised in 1989, water companies have issued massive dividends to their shareholders.
 “…payouts in dividends to shareholders of parent companies between 1991 and 2019 amount to £57bn – nearly half the sum they spent on maintaining and improving the country’s pipes and treatment plants in that period."  (Guardian:01/07/22)
Since privatisation, water companies have not built a single new reservoir, have continued to pump raw sewage into our rivers and seas, and have failed to stem the tide of water leaks that blight the system.  Over 70% of these water companies are foreign owned, so that there is no guarantee that the £57 bn paid in dividends since 1991 has remained in this country.
More worrying still, is the fact these dividends are paid out using borrowed money. If these companies were ever to go bust it would be us, the British taxpayer, having to bail them out.
The water companies are only one example of how corporate landownership affects all of us in a negative way. Land banking by construction companies is another problem.
“The big boys of construction are sitting on enough land to build a couple of cities, and their collective stashes have increased by nearly 10 per cent in just a year…This is surely scandalous in the worst decade for house building since the war. From a peak average of 361,885 homes a year in the 1960s, completions have slumped to 154,533 annually. Even when you take council and social housing out of the equation, the number of dwellings built by the private sector has fallen 38 per cent from an annual average of 197,141 in the 1960s to 121,500 in the current decade.” (Bigissue: 30/07/19)
This contraction in house building is known as “pipelining”. In effect the large construction companies deliberately restrict the flow of newly built homes onto the market to maximise their profits. According to Campaign to Protect Rural England, over a ten-year period the biggest house building companies increased their land banks by 20% but actually built 13% fewer homes. Restricted supply means higher house prices, means greater profits for the construction companies at the expense of ordinary working people. The House of Commons Library sums up the problem thus:
“When people are unable to access suitable housing it can result in overcrowding, more young people living with their parents for longer, impaired labour mobility, which makes it harder for businesses to recruit staff, and increased levels of homelessness.” (Commons Library: Tackling the under-supply of housing in England)
More generally, Private Eye, who investigated landownership in England and Wales, found that
“…a large chunk of the country was not only under corporate control, but owned by companies that – in many cases – were almost certainly seeking to avoid paying tax, that most basic contribution to a civilised society…Legally obliged to maximise profits for their shareholders, and biased towards short-term returns, companies make for poor custodians of land. Nor are corporate landowners capable of solving the housing crisis. Hoarded, developed, polluted, dug up, landfilled: the corporate control of England’s acres has gone far enough.” (Guardian: 19/04/19)
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atotaltaitaitale · 4 months
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Friday False Advertising.
Walking around South Kensington and Chelsea on my way back to the hotel I noticed the former Michelin House which now host the Michelin 2-Star restaurant Claude Bosi at Bibendum and thought what a great addition to my False Advertising around the World collection.
Michelin House at 81 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London, was constructed as the first permanent UK headquarters and tyre depot for the Michelin Tyre Company Ltd. The building opened for business on 20 January 1911. In 1987 the building was converted to mixed-use, with a store, restaurant, bar and office space.
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sourcreammachine · 3 months
[not a pejorative, party founder Screaming Lord Sutch was himself bipolar]
tdlr: “we are fighting this election on the basis of CHANGE… LOOSE CHANGE as this is all we’ll have left under a labour/conservative government”
reduce taxes to 5%
get rid of value-added tax as it adds no value
ban the tipping of flies
convert number 10 and number 11 into a hairdressers called Government Cuts
abolish stamp duty because stamps are too expensive
fit airbags to the stock exchange, ready for the next crash
halve dole queues by making jobseekers stand two-by-two
improve quitters’ self-esteem by encouraging them not to start in the first place
employ 80.00 teachers, police officers and nhs staff
reduce pregnancy from nine to seven months
reduce hospital waiting lists by using a smaller font
reduce class sizes by shrinking desks and making students sit closer together
glue unruly pupils together because if you can’t beat them, join them
give pensioners an ice lolly allowance when temperatures exceed 70°
build five million new homes
aid “levelling up” by providing free spirit levels
fill five million potholes
introduce an ROT to make sure all roads are carworthy
fit vehicles with a bungy rope to save fuel on the return journey
save money on paint by painting double-yellow lines where you CAN park rather than where you can’t
create the world’s biggest carwash by punching holes in the channel tunnel
send all MPs who misbehave to rwanda
reduce net migration by making sure all nets are secured firmly to the ground
make terrorists wear little bells so we know where they are
replace border guards with GP receptionists to stop anyone getting in
introduce a court of human lefts
reduce prison overcrowding by releasing innocent prisoners
oppose capital punishment as it is not fair to londoners
wind farms to be constructed across the country where all will be encouraged to break wind
get more green cars on the road, with politicians having fluorescent green so everyone can see them coming
paint the grey squirrels red
greyhound racing will be banned to stop the country going to the dogs
puddles deeper than 7cm will be marked with a plastic duck
MPs will have to sit in stocks during surgeries while constituents throw custard pies at them. companies to be encouraged to design new stocks, to be sold at the stock exchange
introduce a “cooling-off period” to allow voters to change their mind
replace the foreign secretary with a UK one
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wildechild3 · 11 months
Modern Maurice AU
Part 4: The Kiddos!
(Re-posted because someone decided to leave a rude comment on the first one. Please keep in mind, this is for fun. It's fanfiction. It's literally not a big deal.)
This part is background information about Maurice and Alec as parents. Like I said in part 1, none of this is spoilers for the fic I want to write. Also, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions, these are just my headcanons!
The Kiddos:
Early on into dating, Maurice mused to Alec about being a father. But he only spoke about it in a hypothetical way. It was only the one conversation, and he didn't think Alec was really listening anyway. (Alec was. That's the biggest difference between Clive and Alec, he listens.)
After they got married, they took a short vacation to the countryside and found they liked it a lot more there than in the hustle bustle of the city. Maurice is already working from home at this point (I'm thinking this is late 2020-2021) and Alec's construction company had an opening closer to the small country town they were interested in moving to. They decided to take the chance, and found being closer to nature and out of the city was much better for their mental health (especially Maurice's, who's in therapy by this point).
They've lived in this country town for about a year when Alec gently broaches the subject. He brings up the conversation they had early in their relationship (to which Maurice replies, "You remember that!?"). He ends by saying he never saw himself as a father, but now that him and Maurice are settled and happy, he couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else.
Maurice is thrown off and doesn't give solid answer at first - which Alec is confused by but respects and gives the topic space. Maurice isn't against the idea, in fact he very excited by it. He just never thought he'd get this far - and he sits Alec down to tell him as such. He talks about how deep his depression was and his suicidal ideation - both of which convinced him that he'd never live long enough to see thirty. Yet here he was. Freshly thirty and the happiest he'd ever been. He ends by telling Alec that he'd love to be a father with him - but is scared of being too 'muddled' to be any good at it.
Alec responds by assuring him that he doesn't have to be perfect. That he wouldn't be alone. That he and Maurice would be a team. He tells Maurice that they can take their time and suggests they start small and work up to actually doing it.
So they do. First, they talk about which rooms in their little house would be a good spot for a nursery/child's room. Then they talk about how'd they fix it up. (Alec comes home to Maurice painting his once beige office a pale yellow.) Then they talk about where they would go to school (and Alec pretends to not see Maurice looking through reviews of local schools on his phone while they watch a movie.) They talk about how they would raise a child, which leads to a conversation about their own childhoods (both agree to never use spanking as a punishment.) Finally, Maurice brings up the subject on Halloween night after a little boy dressed as a cowboy comes to their door with his two fathers.
They decide to go the adoption route and after almost a year working through the process, they adopt a four year old boy - Archie - and his 6 month old sister - Winifred ("Winnie"). They agree to an open adoption, and by 2022, they become their legal guardians.
*Just a quick note about the names: I know they're older sounding names. I chose them based off of the 1913 UK census of the most popular names to help blend them into the story. I just felt like it would be weird to have classic names like Maurice and Alec paired with Brandon and Mckeighlynn.*
Both of them go on paternity leave to help the kids get settled into their home and to help Archie get ready to go to school. It's the wildest, weirdest, and best two weeks of their lives.
Alec is so sad when he has to start going back to work, but the first time he comes home and sees Maurice and Archie making dinner together- it's all worth it.
They get in the habit of taking the kids to the park after dinner. Sometimes Maurice will hang back if there's something he didn't get done for work during the day, which happens more often than Maurice would like.
On the weekends, they go to the bigger park near the center of town. It's usually a 20 minute walk and they'll pack a lunch since they're usually there all day.
Final details: Alec is insanely good at clamoring around the play-sets. Maurice jokes that it's because he's the shorter one, but Alec is a pro at running around these structures built for people far shorter than him. Maurice usually hangs out with Winnie at the swings. He's the best at giving those big dad-pushes that'll make you feel like you're flying.
And that's the world building I've sketched out for the AU! Like I said, feel free to correct me on my American-isms or add suggestions.
(Also, I'm trying to be very respectful of adoption. I don't know how different it is in the UK, but in the US it's a very complicated thing to say the least. If you're an adoptee and I said something ignorant please let me know so I can fix it.)
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supertrainstationh · 3 months
Great Western railway (UK) - GWR broad gauge 2-2-2 steam locomotive "North Star" (Robert Stephenson Locomotive Works 150 / 1837)
Great Western railway (UK) - GWR broad gauge 2-2-2 steam locomotive "North Star" (Robert Stephenson Locomotive Works 150 / 1837) by Historical Railway Images Via Flickr:
The Great Western Railway (GWR) Star Class of 2-2-2 broad gauge steam locomotives were used for passenger train work. Designed by Robert Stephenson, the class was introduced into service between November 1838 and November 1841, and withdrawn between April 1864 and September 1871.
A total of twelve Star Class locomotives were manufactured. Notably, they were given the romantic or colloquial (rather than scientific) names of astronomical bodies.
North Star arrived at Maidenhead Bridge by barge on 28 November 1837; on 31 May 1838 it worked the inaugural train for the company's directors. In 1854 it was rebuilt with 16 in × 18 in (406 mm × 457 mm) cylinders and the wheelbase lengthened by 1 foot (305 mm). It was withdrawn in 1871 but kept at Swindon, along with Lord of the Isles, until 1906.
A non-working replica of North Star was constructed for the 1923 Cavalcade, and is now housed at Swindon Steam Railway Museum.
Illustration by John Swain for "The Engineer" from November 01, 1889
I’m no expert, but I KNEW from the outline alone that this was a Star Class.
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jmaartenw · 7 months
House Envy? Is house envy a thing? We think so. Check out one of our recent web development projects with the award winning Poppy Developments in Devon. Simon and the team at Poppy Developments are creating amazing and unique homes in the South West of the UK. The Cove, a selection of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes is Poppy Developments next project. Saint IT provides IT Solutions for the small and medium enterprise. We create and re-launch websites that attract customers and help your business succeed Our company principal of customer first drives our determination to understand the business of our customers and how IT can solve challenges and support future growth. We equally understand that our customers need a cost-effective solution appropriate for the size of business. Saint IT believes that we can achieve these results for you. Saint IT offers the SME's across the UK services for; Managed IT Services IT ConsultancyCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Microsoft 365 solutions and support Web design and hosting Multi and hybrid cloud computing Hardware provisioning Network and telephony systems and support Remote working and bring your own device (BYOD) Business continuity services Requirements management and system design Project planning and delivery We are a proud supporter of local charities and NFP organisations. www.saint-it.co.uk www.poppydevelopments #saintit #poppydevelopments #web #webdevelopment #webdesign #architecture #construction #cloud #startup
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*The Best of Intentions**
Chapter 2
Erebor had fallen silent as night had settled in. Torches remained lit, casting shadows to dance across the cold stone walls. He walked along quickly and quietly, grateful for the stillness of the late hour. His nightmare was still fresh in his minds eye.
He had awoken with a start, something mixed between a shout and sob caught in his throat. His night clothes and blanket had been drenched with the cold sweats that sent tremors through his body. It had felt so real, his body had been heavy and slow, as if trying to move through molasses.
This time, Fili had been run through, the blade bloodied and dripping onto the ice with deafening splotches. He had watched the life leave his beloved nephews eyes. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Silence ringing in his ears as he watched in slow motion, Fili, plummet to the ice flow to shatter into a million pieces as if he had been made of bloodied glass all this time.
Azog's raspy, evil laugh mocked him as he stood trapped, feet frozen to the bloodied ice flow around him. "Gazat glob (dwarf filth). Izg thrak matum-u latu-uk! ( I bring death to you all)
"No! I killed you! I ran you through! I removed your head as you did my grandfathers! You are dead!" He screamed furiously, fighting to free his legs. He went to grab his sword, but it was gone. He looked around him frantically, confused. He never went into battle without his sword!
Azog's maniacal chuckle was loud in his ears, echoing around him in the ruins of Raven Hill. He looked forward, and his heart stopped. Azog was standing directly in front of him, looking down at him with a sadistic glee in his eyes, his lips curled to reveal sharp, bloody teeth.
"Latu paashnar az-izish, snork glob! Latu paashnar bhadur lab matum! (you cannot kill me, worthless fool! You cannot change your death!)
It was swift, the icy hot pain that flooded his chest. He looked down and saw Azog's sword buried in his chest. "Mmmmaaaattttt!" (Ddddiiiieeee!) The white orc hissed as he leaned forward, pushing his dual sword arm deeper into his chest…
He fought down the bile that tried to rise up into his throat. "No, he's dead. Fili and Kili are alive. I removed his accursed head from his miserable body." He gritted through his teeth. He walked past the rooms that held the tainted treasure hoard of his grandfather, without even a passing glance. He needed the night air, a fresh reminder that he was indeed alive and that all was relatively well.
He had fallen under the curse of the dragon sickness, much to his never ending shame. He had managed to shake it off; he fought against it with all of his might. But by then it was too late. He had damaged what little rapport he had had with the people of Esgaroth and Dale. He hoped fervently that Bard would look past this grievous transgression, and allow him to make good the promise he had bestowed upon Bard and his people.
Thranduil was an entirely different matter however. But they had all fought, and they had all lost in equal measure. No one was better or higher than the other. He had to prove that he was better than his grandfather. He was not a greedy, mad king. No! Nor would he ever be! His rule would be different. It had to be. For his people, for his family and friends. But most of all, for himself.

Several days later…
Large snowflakes drifted silently onto the battle torn field outside of Erebor and Dale. Both cities were now bustling with sounds of construction, while the camp housing the Elven army of Mirkwood was slowly being taken down and the wounded readied for their slow trek home. 
The royal tents were still up, housing Thranduil and his company. The elf king, his son Legolas, and Bard the Dragon Slayer were leaning over the table, discussing possible trade agreements for the future. 
A guard entered and bowed swiftly before the table. "My lord, the Dwarf king and his kin are requesting an audience."
Thranduil's eyebrow raised slightly, his expression schooled like that of a carved statue. "Very well. Show them in."
Legolas and Bard glanced at one another in alarm as they took a step back to stand behind Thranduil. 
Thorin stepped inside the tent, closely followed by his nephews who flanked him on either side along with Balin and Dwalin who brought up the rear of their small group. 
The atmosphere in the tent was thick with tension. The dwarven kings face was stoic, as was his kin. Thranduil noticed immediately that the older dwarf with the snow white beard and hair had a wooden box clasped securely in his arms and quickly settled his gaze on the dwarf that stood before him.
Thorin swallowed thickly before he averted his eyes and gave a slight bow. "My lords." He greeted, his voice deep but civil. "I hope all is fairing well with you and your men."
Thranduil barely contained his surprise, while his son and Bard didn't even try to conceal theirs. "Considering all that has happened; yes. As you have probably gathered we are preparing for our departure."
Thorin nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes indeed. Thus my unannounced arrival." He cleared his throat as he adjusted his stance, squaring his shoulders while clasping his hands behind his back. "It is good that the Dragon slayer is here as well. What I have to say is for both of you."
The elf king cocked his head slightly to the side, shooting a glance to Bard then back to Thorin, his eyebrow still raised. "Very well." Was his cool, guarded reply.
Thorin could feel his kin's eyes on him as he took another moment to still his racing heart and the static that coursed through his veins. He knew this was going to take every ounce of humility he possessed. But it had to be done, not only for his people but for himself. He prayed to the Valar to give him all the strength he could to keep him on this painful path of redemption.
“I thought myself strong enough to withstand the evil that had overtaken my grandfather. And I was wrong." He had to pause, as if the words physically pained him to speak aloud. "I was too blinded by the past, to what my people lost, to see what I had become. And I stand here before you to make the first steps to fixing what I broke. I was so focused on you failing to come to our aid, to you turning your back on my people, I failed to remember that it was my Grandfather, lost in his own battle, who struck the first blow in what destroyed the ties to our kingdoms." 
Thorins jaw clenched as he motioned with his head for Balin to step forward with the box he was holding. Balin stepped forward to place the box in front of Thranduil.
The Elvenking's eyes widened, not fully believing what he was hearing as he looked at the teak box that had been placed in front of him. Another brief moment of silence fell in the tent before Thranduil slowly opened the box, to see twinkling against luscious navy velvet, the gems of Lasgalen. "Calathiel." He trembled as his slender fingers traced the gems before him in reverence.
Thorin watched his once nemesis, guilt churning in his stomach when he heard him whisper his wife's name brokenly. 
"What made you change your mind?" Thranduil's gaze snapped back up to Thorin questioningly.
“It was wrong for my Grandfather to keep them from you." Thorin's jaw was still clenched. "Before Smaug came, my father and I were attempting to have them restored to you without his knowledge. The sickness had such a hold on him, he couldn't see reason. They were never ours to keep in the first place."
It was Legolas that stepped forward, when it was apparent that Thranduil was at a loss for words. "Thank you."
The sincerity in the elf prince's voice allowed the dwarves to relax slightly. 
Thorin gave the prince a grateful nod, his ice blue eyes softening a fraction. He then turned his attention to Bard. "At your earliest convenience, we can discuss terms in regards what is owed to your people."
“Yes, of course. That would be most appreciated." Bard found his voice, shocked that the Dwarven King was so amiable. Bard was a good judge of character, and could tell that the king that stood before him now was not the same revenge driven dwarf that he had met back in Lake-town. It all seemed such a long time ago, when in reality it had only been a little over a month prior. He wanted to be free of the accursed gem that started this entire mess. He pulled the Arkenstone out slowly, and shifted its hefty weight in his hand. As he looked down at its luminous body, he saw the dwarves tense. Bard, without any further hesitation, stepped towards Thorin and held out the gem. 
Thorin didn't hide the surprise in his eyes. "You would give up your leverage?"
Bard shook his head. "There is no need for leverage anymore. I trust you to keep your word."
He couldn't pinpoint what the exact emotion was that flashed across the Dwarf Kings face, but whatever it was it was a powerful one that made him appear uncomfortable. He eyed the gem he once held at the highest priority with uncertainty. "Balin. If you could please." His voice rough with emotion.
Balin quickly stepped forward and let Bard hand him the Arkenstone. He nodded appreciatively and stepped back to stand by his brother as he secured the sacred gem inside his jacket.
“Ill leave you to conclude your business. Good travels to you." Thorin inclined his head and bowed slightly again to the Elven King and Prince.
Thranduil looked up finally from his wife's heirlooms. It was the first time Thorin had seen the king's icy disposition waver. It was a rarity indeed that he was caught off guard. "No i Melain na le. (May the Valar be with you.)" Thranduil's peaceful parting surprised Thorin, it was spoken in the most civil tone he had ever heard the Eleven King speak in. It was a tone of quiet respect.
Uncomfortable, Thorin nodded again and turned quickly to exit. He couldn't get out of the claustrophobic tent quick enough. He exhaled in relief as soon as the crisp and snowy air hit his face. 
"Well… that was…unexpected." Kili muttered as he looked at his uncle in concern. Fili looked over at his brother and shook his head quickly. "Not the time." He mouthed.
“Well, that couldn't of gone any better. Well done Laddie." Balin placed a congratulatory hand on Thorin's shoulder, conscious of his friends wounds.
“I must say I didn't even see that coming." Gandalfs voice made the dwarves jump in alarm. "I didn't even need to instigate that. I feel as if I'm no longer needed here." Thorin rolled his eyes as he turned to look the wizard. "I am perfectly capable of handling sensitive diplomatic matters without your pretty words."
Gandalf smiled, his eyes twinkling happily. "Then I will be leaving Erebor in the most capable hands. Not that I ever doubted you for a moment."
"Your leaving already Mr. Gandalf?" Kili asked with his disappointment evident. They all knew that once he left he would be escorting Bilbo home to the Shire. 
"Well, not just yet. We will probably stay for the coronation then leave on our merry way."
Thorin nodded in understanding, not entirely surprised with his friends travel plans. "I am pleased to hear that your staying for the coronation."
“Oh, Mr. Baggins and I wouldn't want to miss it. It will be a most glorious occasion. Gives me the perfect opportunity to light off some of my firecrackers."
Fili and Kili grinned, excited to finally see the 'wizpoppers' Bilbo had always described in wondrous detail. 
The wizard began walking alongside the dwarves as they made their way back towards Erebor. Fili and Kili were talking excitedly with Balin and Dwalin about the grand parties that had been thrown in Erebor in the days before Smaug. Gandalf looked down at the silent King, who was lost in his own turbulent thoughts. The wizard's brow furrowed in concern. "Your father would of been very proud of you. Of what you accomplished today with Mirkwood and Dale."
Thorin grunted in acknowledgment, still looking ahead of him. "If I had just kept my wits at the beginning of all this like I was supposed to, we wouldn't have to be doing all this groundwork now." He bit out, his words dripping in self loathing.
Gandalf shook his head, not surprised that Thorin was battling with these personal demons. "You are not doing yourself or your people any justices by taking on the shortcomings of the ones who came before you. You did the very thing your grandfather couldn't bring himself to do, you overcame the illness that doomed his reign. In fact, dragon sickness is not something the inflicted walk away from in one piece."
Thorin stopped walking abruptly, his eyes flashing an electric fire. "My grandfather succumbed slowly over centuries of wealth. I was afflicted by the time I stepped on the shores of Lake-town." He growled. "I was weak."
Gandalf jabbed his staff into the ground before him and leaned down slightly to look Thorin in his eyes adamantly. "Erebor was permeated by a wicked dragon's unquenchable greed for over a century. It was by no fault of your own that you were affected. But what matters most is that you fought your way out of its control. There is no recorded instance of someone overcoming it, You are the first to hold that title. And that, Thorin Oakenshield, is something to be proud of. You must remember that we are only shaped by the situations we find the strength to conquer."
Some of the tension melted from Thorin's face, and he relaxed his defensive stance.
“You must learn to be kind to yourself. You are just as deserving of leniency than anyone in this world deserving of it. And before you say anything, you DO deserve it."
Thorin smiled slightly, letting out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Thank you my friend."
Gandalf grunted, satisfied for the time being that he was heard. "Good. Heed my words and all will be well with you."
Thorin snorted and shook his head, still smirking. They continued walking, walking side by side in companionable silence for the first time in over year, before the quest to reclaim Erebor was even set into motion.
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ericonstructionltd · 8 months
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msnbrothers · 8 months
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catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
Please, I implore you to read this ask. The CCP should not be talked positively of. I say this as someone who is of Chinese heritage and have great pride in China’s long history. Their construction projects in other countries are shoddy and done with the expectation of paying back and with an expiration date, these projects were not built to last long. It’ll just keep these countries reliant on CCP aid. Their capitalism has bred companies like Shein who are not known for being ethical and Evergrande whose pyramid scheme might lead to an economic collapse and housing crisis. They’re erasing the relevance and history of other Chinese ethnicities to prop up the Han Chinese. Their dam projects are directly affecting their neighboring countries down south and causing low river flows. They’re using misinformation to rewrite recent history and gaslight people online by using bots and AI generated images like in the Hawaiian wild fires. They silence their own citizens and refuse to let them speak against the CCP by utilizing the social credit system. The governments of many other countries and even the UN are already bending backwards to acquiesce the CCPs demands. Many churches built and are continuing to build and run hospitals, schools, and orphanages but it’s clear they’re doing so for ulterior motives and many countries have already diminished their influence, so why does the CCP get a free pass?
Please don’t prop up the CCP. The USA sucks but it doesn’t mean you have to praise the CCP. I’m a socialist and the CCP cares not for the people, not even their own people, but for themselves.
hey anon, i assume you're referring to this post with this ask
it is my understanding of the post that it is not so much about glorifying the CCP, but pointing out that they have diplomacy strategies that work much more effectively for countries outside of the imperial core. there is no explicit endorsement of what they do with the good will that is built with these projects. the users here seem to be more expressing that, for better or for worse, it is understandable why these countries might be inclined to have a positive relation with China than, for example, the UK or the US
your comment, to me, is displaying a concerning lack of nuance when it comes to global politics. nations, states, and governments are far in a way too complex to be slotted into a traditional conception of good and evil. the CCP can be a horrible repressive government perpetrating an active genocide and also have good diplomacy strategies (even if there are strings attached). it's the same as how the US can be a horrible repressive government perpetrating active genocides and also provide helpful foreign aid (even if there are strings attached). nothing in the world of geopolitics is simple, and acknowledging that is crucial. i can be opposed to the CCP (and i am) and still acknowledge when they do positive things or when they are doing something more effective than other world superpowers.
this sort of thinking can lead people to conclusions like "It's good that the US dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because Imperial Japan was a monsterous government guilty of horrific war crimes." when the reality is that you can be opposed to the bombings AND Imperial Japan at the same time.
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luckypuppyunknown · 1 year
Electrical Services - EC Electrical Services - Electrician
Founded in 1966, Interstate has places of work in all six New England states, 900+ employees, and a fleet of 250+ autos. For over fifty five years, Interstate has devoted itself to exceeding expectations on every project for each buyer. Achilles offers knowledgeable procurement service throughout the industrial electrical market. The organisation assesses Lotus Electrical Services Ltd on all health and safety, staff coaching and quality management to assure the client of our company’s credibility. ESI maintains a mammoth distribution facility staffed with specialists prepared and in a place to design and ship electrical methods from distant and particular to vast and multifaceted.
A major electrical contractor, Lotus Electrical Services strives to evolve with the instances. This outlook translates into all elements of our enterprise, from keeping up with the latest know-how, to promoting vitality environment friendly, environmentally friendly techniques. We take the time essential to know your companies wants and are readily available to information and train our purchasers as a half of our support community. We carry out a wider range of secondary operations that add further value to the companies we offer. Did you realize that the third highest explanation for structural fires within the United States is due to electrical faults?
We have extensive well geared up workshops and storage areas at our main websites in Fort Lauderdale USA and in Manchester within the UK. Our different websites praise the operations and supply additional technical staff at varied different areas all through the world. If you are the site proprietor , please whitelist your IP or should you assume this block is an error please open a assist ticket and make sure to incorporate the block details , so we will help you in troubleshooting the issue.
I sit up for utilizing Harvey Electrical Services again sooner or later and would suggest you without hesitation. Our extremely trained, highly skilled team provide quality, value effective services and can handle your project from begin to end. Our in-house staff is supported by our built-in direct labour workforce of skilled technicians, who've a wealth of engineering and construction data. We function an apprenticeship programme, which supplies us with a continuing line of electricians and engineers who are committed to rising their careers at Murphy.
Our Longmont electricians have over fifty years of mixed experience in the business. As such, we now have the data, skills, and expertise to satisfy all of your electrical needs. From airports to theme parks and every little thing in between, our electrical contracting group and CADD improvement division keep on high of local, state and federal rules and codes to make sure safety and quality. From design-build to full-scale in-house project management, we’re right here to complete your project with accuracy, pace and worth in mind. This focus has allowed us to obtain an Austin and surrounding space shopper listing with hundreds of glad electrical companies prospects since 2009. We have built this firm with a core group of electricians, who all work collectively to place the customer’s satisfaction first.
Some of the functionality and menus is in all probability not out there with this browser. Please improve your browser and/or operating system to enhance your person experience. In December 2020, our team undertook rectification of a hazardous space light fitting in Northiam. In our previous news article, we shared the importance of ATEX awareness and tips on how to determine an ATEX zone using HSE classifications. Once a zone where a potential explosive environment has been identified, there are a quantity of important necessities a business must apply. All Electrical companies which would possibly be a solidly grounded wye with more than 150V to floor and bigger than 1,000 AMPS are required to be Ground-Fault Protected (CEC Article 230.95).
Homemaker services means the professionally directed or supervised simple family upkeep or management services supplied by educated homemakers or individuals to families in their own houses. Prompt, courteous, educated and extremely professional; I wouldn't hesitate to call Karl and his staff again, and would suggest them to anyone. We are accredited to design, install, test, commission and preserve Video Surveillance Systems , Access Control Solutions and Intruder Alarm Systems as a half of our wide offering of providers.
They won't smoke or swear in or near your home and are drug free. If they have not performed in accordance with these high requirements, we are going to do no matter it takes to make it proper to your satisfaction. Call Titus Electrical Services at present if you should rent a professional electrician in Longmont.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Curious Yellow: Internet-killing superworm https://web.archive.org/web/20021004143604/https://blanu.net/curious_yellow.html
#15yrsago Story written using only Cat in the Hat words https://web.archive.org/web/20071027035419/https://litlab.blogspot.com/2007/09/j-robert-lennon-cat-text.html
#15yrsago Haunted Mansion/Bela Lugosi’s Dead mashup: Haunted Bela https://web.archive.org/web/20071025052116/http://www.howardhallis.com/mash/hauntedbela.mp3
#15yrsago Book price-fixing: good, bad, or just weird? https://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/10/books-on-the-bo.html
#15yrsago StormWorm botnet lashes out at security researchers https://web.archive.org/web/20071026013023/http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/102407-storm-worm-security.html
#10yrsago Entropy versus warranty: how companies figure out how breakable their products are https://www.wired.com/2012/10/ff-why-products-fail/
#10yrsago #10yrsago Hey! There’s a new Hilda book out! Hey! https://memex.craphound.com/2012/10/24/hey-theres-a-new-hilda-book-out-hey/
#10yrsago UK record industry demands expansion of the Great Firewall of Britain https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-20026271
#10yrsago Neal Stephenson talks REAMDE with lawyers, security experts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6-gpVmHh4c
#10yrsago Accidental CC from wedding planner to couple reveals thriving English class snobbery https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-20042589
#5yrsago A quarter of US military “sees white nationalism” in the ranks https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2017/10/23/military-times-poll-one-in-four-troops-sees-white-nationalism-in-the-ranks/
#5yrsago Zoning and the housing crisis: at Manhattan densities, San Francisco could house 100 million people https://www.buildzoom.com/blog/paying-for-dirt-where-have-home-values-detached-from-construction-costs
#5yrsago Hackers can force airbags to deploy https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-14937
#5yrsago John Hodgman’s Vacationland: a masterpiece of humor that means something https://memex.craphound.com/2017/10/24/john-hodgmans-vacationland-a-masterpiece-of-humor-that-means-something/
#1yrago Cyber-mercenaries helped Saudis hack an NYT reporter: Citizen Lab caught the NSO Group in a(nother) war crime https://pluralistic.net/2021/10/24/breaking-the-news/#kingdom
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hoardingprinting · 1 year
Building Buzz: The Art and Science of Hoarding Printing
Hoarding printing has become an essential tool for businesses and construction companies in the UK. The right hoarding panel design and printed hoarding board can transform a construction site into a visually appealing and informative advertising space. Site hoarding can also help to create brand awareness, promote products, and services, and increase footfall. In this article, we will explore the art and science of hoarding printing and how it can be used to create a buzz around your brand.
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Understanding Hoarding Printing
Hoarding printing is a specialised type of printing that involves printing on large panels or boards, usually made of PVC or aluminium composite material (ACM). These panels are then used to surround a construction site or other outdoor area, providing privacy and security. The printing process involves using a large format printer capable of printing high-quality graphics on large panels. The panels can be printed with a range of colours, images, and text, allowing businesses to create customised designs that reflect their brand.
The Art of Hoarding Printing
Hoarding printing is both an art and a science. It requires a creative approach to design eye-catching graphics that will capture the attention of passers-by. The design should reflect the brand and be visually appealing, incorporating elements such as the company logo, brand colours, and marketing messages. A good design will not only attract attention but also convey important information about the business, such as contact details, product information, and opening hours.
The Science of Hoarding Printing 
The science of site hoarding panels is all about choosing the right materials and printing techniques to ensure the finished product is durable and long-lasting. The panels must be able to withstand outdoor conditions such as wind, rain, and sun exposure. The ink used in the printing process must be UV resistant and waterproof to ensure that the graphics do not fade or run over time. The printing process also requires expertise in colour management, ensuring that the colours in the design are accurately reproduced on the panels.
Maximising Your Hoarding Advertising Space 
Hoarding panels provide a valuable advertising space that can be maximised to create a buzz around your brand. The panels can be strategically placed to attract the attention of passers-by, and the design can be optimised to promote specific products or services. Hoarding signage can also be used to create a sense of anticipation for new developments or events, generating excitement and interest among potential customers.
Choosing the Right Hoarding Service Provider 
Choosing the right hoarding printing company is crucial to ensure the success of your hoarding advertising campaign. Look for a company with experience in hoarding printing and a reputation for delivering high-quality work. The company should have a professional in-house design team and use state-of-the-art printing technology to ensure the finished product is of the highest standard.
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Hoarding printing is an art and science that requires a creative approach to design and technical expertise in printing. The right hoarding signage can transform a construction site into an advertising space that generates buzz and creates brand awareness. Hoarding Printing Company is a leading provider of hoarding printing services, with years of experience in designing, printing, and installing high-quality hoarding panels. Contact us today to discuss your hoarding printing requirements and take your advertising to the next level.
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strangeoctober · 2 years
The Library - New Motive Power
This item has been very keen to be featured next in our dispatch series, so it is our great pleasure to introduce New Motive Power! This intriguing being has the appearance of an elaborate brass-work and glass contraption of gears, tubes, pulleys and wires constructed atop and around a medium sized oak dining table. Most notable are a pair of acoustic horns and a bell through which New Motive Power can communicate. They are also, at their own insistence, to be our messiah. (Librarian’s Note: We here at the library take no stance on this claim are are merely reporting on New Motive Power’s assertions)
As should be clear at this juncture, New Motive Power is a living, sentient being. But it’s nature and construction are something of an enigma, aside from what is already known to history. New Motive Power was constructed over nine months in 1852 by John Murray Spear and a few associates. It was built to be a mechanical messiah and it was ritualistically birthed by a woman referred to as the “New Mary” to bring it to life. But according to history, this ritual failed and the machine was dismantled. According to New Motive Power, Spear was, in fact, their creator but they has few memories from before it was recovered by the library.
New Motive Power was discovered by our acquisitions team in an English manor house, that once belonged to the noted Celestial Chorus Adept Amber Ackerman, in a secret chamber. Adept Ackerman left no notes or diary explaining it’s presence and it is unknown how long it had been sealed away, nor how it managed to find it’s way to the UK from Massachusetts.
New Motive Power is a friendly and philosophical soul who loves company and will happy spend hours conversing on topics ranging from modern theology to the particulars of organising a prodigious soiree. Indeed, we here at the Library have received many letters from visitors thanking New Motive Power for their kind and profound words.
As for magic inherent to New Motive Power, we can only say that they are astoundingly insightful. To the point of knowing things they could not have previously learned. Also of note is the fact that New Motive Power will occasionally offer pieces of advice that do not seem relevant at the time, but fall into place at a later date. Suggesting some precognitive ability.
As an inherently magickal being, New Motive Power is reliant on quintessence to live, either drawn from supplied tass or absorbed from ambient energies. It is believed the long years of solitude, hidden away in that secret chamber, starved New Motive Power of precious quintessence and is the root cause of it’s incomplete memories. Careful study has also shown that New Motive Power is gathering additional power. We believe that they are growing in some way and we are keenly monitoring them for future developments.
If you would like to visit New Motive Power, please ask a librarian for an appointment. Please note that all visits will be accompanied by an attendant as a security measure due to the interest certain malicious parties have in New Motive Power.
Additional Note: Any request to dismantle New Motive Power for the purposes of understanding how they work, or any other reason, will be summarily denied.
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