#hot to go is also a vocal stim for me tbh
birdinabowl · 3 months
h o t t o g o
hot to go!!
(this song is a new vocal stim)
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lowcallyfruity · 9 months
Hello again! You're gonna get tired of me real quickly lmao
Do you see any of the TWST characters as disabled/chronically ill? I know that's a really weird question, but I just like the idea of making people more human in a way (and also I can project my own ailments on my favorite guys). This can also include standard disorders, such as cluster b personality disorders, schizophrenia, arfid, disordered eating, etc. Anything that would impact someone's day to day life really!
^_^ hiii!!!!! :33 I promise I won’t get tired of you I loveee answering questions :333
:33 as always, they are under the cut <3
I headcanon most of the characters as neurodivergent!!!! Most of them are autistic to me 😋
I hc that Cater has depression, anxiety and I also hc that he used to have an eating disorder…
I hc that Idia has severe depression and multiple anxiety disorders,,
I hc that Azul, Leona and Idia have tics!
Azul mostly has motor tics. They’re not super intrusive most of the time though. And most of his tics tend to be ‘simple’
Leona and Idia have Tourette syndrome so they have both vocal and motor tics! They both have them frequently and a lot of the times they are very intrusive. They have both simple and complex tics.
Sebek also tics! But they are commonly triggered by cold weather and occasionally hot weather :]
His tics sometimes become stims for him
And also after he tics he tends to stim.
I also think Azul uses his cane often,, mostly to help with balance,, I also hc him is disabled :}
Tbh I focus a lot on my autism hcs and the characters autistic traits so I don’t really have other hcs 😭😭😭
I believe that there is something going on inside the little heads of those characters 🤨🤨🤨 I just do not know what yet.
Tbh I need to do like a twst character deep dive or something soon 😭😭 maybe later I’ll have more hcs for them that isn’t just autism 🙏🙏🙏 and then maybe my hcs will be more developed 😭😭😭
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apush-relevancy · 4 months
BBAJ, your thoughts?
Ben walker is so hot I love men
In all seriousness, I love the satirical retelling of Jackson's life. It's not completely accurate, but no musical truly is.
Starting strong with Populism, Yea Yea, it's a banger opening number and I love studying Manifest Destiny so yeah it's great. Populism technically wasn't counted til I think the later 1800s but Jackson would've been a populist if not a Jacksonian Democrat.
I'm Not That Guy--- 10/10 Vocal Stim, just singing "Immm not thattt guyyyyy" over and over because I can
Illness as a Metaphor confused me at first, but you really have to watch it to get the full effect. (I was not expecting the blood, I thought it was just gonna be metaphorical).
I'm So That Guy; I have an intense love for songs which overlap motifs from previous songs. And the beginning to this is actually amazing, especially with the repetition of "kill everyone"
Ten Little Indians, again it doesn't make sense unless you watch it. Some of the rhymes feel forced but it's pretty catchy despite depicting the Trail of Tears.
The Corrupt Bargain is my FAVORITE song from BBAJ!!! I go insane I will listen to this on loop all day every day. All the "do do do do do" and like the quick switches between Quincy Adams, Clay, and Calhoun. Fuck yeah
Rock Star. It's catchy, but the fact that the chorus doesn't rhyme makes me so pissed every time I listen to it. I love the song but I hate it so much yk?
The Great Compromise, I didn't like it much originally but it's definitely grown on me (along with the entire Rachel storyline). Very good if I do say so myself.
Public Life KILLED ME. Literally crying so much. And even before the song, when she's dead and the announcer is just like "haha Jackson won" but she's just dead. Completely took me out.
Crisis Averted is super catchy, idk why, and the storylines that take place between the verses are just hilarious tbh. Would recommend for anyone looking for the funniest song.
The Saddest Song, it isn't the saddest song imo, but it's catchy as fuck and another one I'll put on repeat constantly. Not a fan of the rhymes at the beginning but eh what can you do about it, it was 2010.
Second Nature. That's a song, I guess.
Hunters of Kentucky--- literally a remix of Jackson's campaign song and it's fire. Didn't expect it to have the same melody and verses and everything. And in the live musical, all the funny things that happen during the credits >>>
Also just love how they made Washington gay and Van Buren gayer.
Banger of a musical, Ben Walker is still hot, would recommend 10/10. Helped me in my APUSH class too.
On my phone so I don't have my format to follow but uh 7/10 US History Relevancy, highly unlikely that this ask will be used in a US history class.
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
I am living for your Isak w Aspergers head canons do you think you could do some more?
the first post
this headcanon means so much to me so of course I’ll be continuing it ♥ (this got fucking long oh my god)
one night during exam season they were going to bed and Even saw that Isak’s thigh was all mottled red and bruising and it took him a few days to realise that it was from Isak stimming and hitting his hand repeatedly against his leg while he worked
after that if he saw Isak stimming he’d weave his fingers through Isak’s and pull his hand up and gently dot kisses over Isak’s shaky fingers
when he was younger (read: when he was first coping with being labelled autistic) he tried going to a support group for people with autism because he was kinda struggling with it and while Jonas was so so good about it he didn’t really get it
Isak went to one meeting and never went back because it was too much it made it too real he didn’t want to need a support group like some drug addict just because his brain worked a little differently
(it didn’t help that he felt so different from everyone there, despite the fact they were all there for the same reason)
the first time Even’s parents cook for him they put raw tomato in the salad and Isak’s heart sinks because raw tomato is his ultimate Nope™ texture
he tried so so hard though because he didn’t want to mess up the first dinner with his boyfriend’s parents so he talked the talk and dazzled Even’s parents but when he tried to eat one of those tiny lil baby tomatoes he just couldn’t
when he bit into it his whole body shuddered and he was 90% sure he was going to vomit everywhere and he was spitting it back out before he could consciously think about it
he quickly excused himself to the bathroom and sat against the door and tried not to cry because he was sure he’d just ruined their impression of him and they were going to think he was so rude and everything was ruined and- 
and Even of course came in and wiped the few tears that had squeezed their way out from Isak’s cheeks and reassured Isak that his parents didn’t mind they just felt kinda bad that they didn’t know he hated tomatoes
all subsequent dinners together involved tomato-free salads
sometimes Isak gets bouts of hyposenstivity (nowhere near as often as he gets hypersensitive, but they happen) and his responses are about five seconds slower than usual
sometimes it’s funny, like when Magnus will try to throw shade at him and then a few seconds later Isak drags Magnus even though someone else is talking
sometimes it’s less funny, like the time he was washing his hands and the plumbing fucked up and hot water poured out and Isak didn’t even feel it and finished washing his hands. Even had to put burn cream on his hands and Isak had to talk him out of calling their landlord in a rage about the state of their plumbing
Isak almost never has meltdowns, but when he does they take it right out of him and they’re usually triggered by something that anyone else would deem menial
there was an unfortunate incident when Even was having a manic episode and he reorganised everything in their flat in a way that totally made sense to him at 2.30 in the morning. everything including Isak’s school notes which were meticulously ordered
there was shouting, a lot of struggling to breathe, and the crushing certainty that he was going to fuck up his classes because his notes were a mess
when the episode was over Even apologised for messing with Isak’s system and Isak apologised for losing his shit when he knew Even couldn’t always help it
when Isak was little he was always the child who watched other children rather than engage in the play himself
his parents were always trying to push him to play with the other kids, but Isak was much happier observing them
fun fact: Montessori (one of the most renowned people when it comes to theory about children’s play and learning) noted that some children preferred to observe first before they attempted things themselves, and that adults should not try to force those children to engage before they are ready because children know when they’re ready and will move forwards with their play/learning when they’re ready
Isak wishes more people knew about that because he always felt like grown ups were pushing him to do things before he was ready
Magnus once found out that there was a girl in their class who was also on the spectrum and told Isak and Isak was just like and????? because he wasn’t going to befriend someone just because they were autistic too it didn’t work like that there isn’t a secret handshake or something Mags just drop it
occasionally people will try to use his autism as a weapon. in his maths classes he used to sit in front of a kid who always sneered that Isak was like a shittier version of Rain Man (Mahdi may have sold that guy some high quality shit at a high quality price that was actually just oregano)
Isak hates hates hates when the school chooses an autism charity for events because yeah it’s a great cause but whenever he sees signs encouraging people to ‘raise money for autism’ he feels like such a fucking charity case some pathetic loser who should be pitied because his brain is different
he will also use those times to get the boys do things for him out of spite because he really hates those posters (”you can help people with autism right now by shutting up, Magnus” “you raised money for autism? cool, can I borrow a tenner for some dinner?”)
whenever he hears or sees the words “cure autism” a part of him dies because he hates how misinformed people are but there’s also a part of him that wishes so badly sometimes that he could cure it
most of the time he just doesn’t give a shit tbh it’s just part of his life it’s not like he’s at the other end of the spectrum and he’ll need a carer his whole life he considers himself pretty lucky honestly
he’s never really been good at relating to people emotionally. he doesn’t really get emotional like everyone else seems to so he has no idea how to process it when people start crying on his shoulder. with Even’s help he’s getting better at it though.
as time goes on, Isak gets more and more comfortable with his identity as an autistic gay teen and will be vocal about his limitations in both
”I’m gay, Mahdi, I don’t know if she’d like that position????????”
“I’m having a bad day, please don’t talk to me just let me sit here on the edge without talking or looking at anyone okay”
sometimes Even will draw a jigsaw puzzle piece on his own wrist and then draw the piece that would fit next to it on Isak’s same wrist because they’re both a little bit dysfunctional but together they always make it work (also because a puzzle piece is the logo for autism, as Isak points out, but mostly the cute romantic reason Even insists)
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