#hot take I’m gonna throw into the wind here
turtleblogatlast · 1 year
Leo: *keeps sacrificing himself and getting hurt*
His family: YOU'RE HURT!!!!!
Leo, seeing they're safe: Tis but a scratch! :)
(I cannot stop thinking of Leo brushing off his injuries like the black knight from Monty Python and the holy grail. He'd do anything for them and anything to assure them that all is fine even though that is not the case. He'll keep doing it, though. Mikey may be many doctors, but Leo is Dr. Hope.)
[ cw: injury mention / self sacrifice mention / ]
I keep missing asks I am so sorry 😭😭
YEAH I imagine Leo as like
The type who is super dramatic over the smallest of injuries, but if he’s actually hurt, it’s all “well what can you do lol” especially after the invasion because he’s already known much worse and barely even made a sound during that.
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stunie · 20 days
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SCARY BOYFRIEND EX PRIVILEGES! ❤︎ — Endo Yamato x f!reader ノ Sfw ノ Cw harassment (not from Endo) ノ My response to:
ANON’S ASK — Random thought but what the wind breaker boys protect you in spite of being your ex. Whether it was a mutual, [etc], uncertain, or bittersweet break up is up to you.
Other warnings: one mention of reader typically wearing makeup
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As weird as it sounds, you’re not entirely sure if you and Endo have ever officially broken up. Dating through high school was one thing, but keeping the relationship strong after attending different universities was another.
At the very least, you’re 90% sure the relationship died, although you don’t remember exactly when the two of you stopped talking. After you switched your phone number following your first semester at university, you hadn’t even bothered to tell him. You don’t remember why you didn’t bother to either.
Everything is weird now.
Life has been entirely different without him. There’s one less free pocket in your bag now that you’ve started carrying pepper spray with you. You wear your headphones in one ear at a time, and your volume isn’t on full blast anymore.
You actually look where you’re going, and you pay attention to the time— take a mental note that it starts getting dark earlier at this point in the year.
Even with the precautions you’ve learned during your time at university, this type of thing would always be out of your control. How in the world did you get singled out wearing your pajamas and no makeup?
Life wasn’t being fair to you.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?”
“Midterms.” You narrow your eyes to the best of your ability, balling your hands into little fists to mask how they’ve started to tremble. “I’m meeting up with some friends now.”
You used to be able to just say “I have a boyfriend.”
You also used to be walked home, so this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. You’re sure that if Endo saw the way you are now, he’d be making a comment by now. Something along the lines of “gonna hurt your hands if you throw a punch with your fists like that, sweet thing.”
Nothing is fair. Why is it now that you start missing him for the first time in years? The feeling comes a little too easily for a relationship that faded into nothing, but you’re too scared to kick yourself in the shin right now.
“That so?” The man in front of you laughs when your fight or flight finally starts to kick in. You take a couple of steps backward, and your frame is suddenly a lot smaller compared to his. How easy. “Where are these friends of yours? Can’t believe you’re out here all by yourself..”
“T-they have my location, y’know.”
There’s the stutter that always gives you away.
He laughs at this, and you can feel yourself breaking into a cold sweat. Keep your words steady. Ignore the way your heart rate is spiking. Do absolutely anything to avoid letting him know that you’re scared out of your mind.
It doesn’t work at all. “They won’t know if you don’t have your phone on you, will they?”
All the words you know seem to slip out of your brain, and your face feels painfully hot. “U-um…”
“You’re exactly my type. It’s a compliment… I’m being nice, so just come with me. You won’t regret it— I’ll make it worth your time.”
It doesn’t like sound an offer, and it doesn’t sound like a suggestion either. Your body freezes against your will, and he catches onto this pretty fast. The pepper spray in your bag seems too far away for you to even consider, and you’ve never felt so helpless in your life.
“Yeah? That sound good?” He moves to close the distance between the two of you with a grin, reaching out to grab your wrist. Your eyes slam shut, lips trembling even when you try to say something to protest. “Damn… you’re so docile for such a pretty girl. Usually, they’d be a bitch, but you—”
“How mean.” Your eyes shoot open when you’re suddenly tugged backward, gasping when your back roughly collides with someone’s chest. “I was waiting all alone. What’s my girl doing over here with you?”
The tattooed arms that drape themselves over your shoulders don’t look familiar at first glance, but the muscles and his scent are. Painfully familiar, as a matter of fact. They’re the same arms you used to cling onto- and you always used to wrap your fingers around his bicep and rest your head on his shoulder.
He loved that.
It all registers in your head as soon as he puts his weight on you, head right beside yours and you feel his hair tickle your neck. He gives the man in front of you an unamused look before turning to you.
“M-me?” You want to dig a hole and stay there for eternity after hearing just how shaky your voice comes out. Endo’s so close that you could simply turn your head to the side and you’d be kissing him.
He laughs, and you feel your face heat up again. Only this time, there’s a gentle fluttering of your heart that comes with it instead. “Yeah, you. What? Did you think I was talking to the loser? I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The way you move to latch onto his arm in an instant is all he needs to confirm that your feelings haven’t changed. The man in front of you doesn’t speak— he can’t seem to move either. Your boyfriend has made quite the name for himself, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?
To you, he’s your bodyguard— and more, of course, but maybe you’d be honest and tell him about that another time. But to that guy, he’s pure danger. The way Endo looks over his shoulder to give him one last glance is already enough to have his knees buckling.
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0and0its0doctor0 · 1 year
Heat stroke
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Spencer Reid X Fem! Reader
Summary: You are self-conscious about the scars on your arms so you wear long sleeves. And wind up getting heat stroke. Spencer takes care of you.
Warnings: Mentions of Self-Harm/Scars
Word Count: 1,010
“Oh god it’s like standing in front of a blow dryer!” You exclaimed as you stepped off the plane in Phoenix Arizona. It was July and the temperature on your phone read 113 degrees. And you were wearing long sleeves. “Why are you wearing long sleeves?” Derek questioned as he stepped off the plane behind you causing you to shrug.”I’m used to it. Besides, I didn’t know we were coming to Phoenix till I got on the plane..” The lie rolled off your tongue easy enough. “Didn’t you used to live out here? Shouldn’t you know better?” Derek asked and Spencer smacked his arm. “Leave her alone.” He muttered. Thankfully everyone got busy grabbing their bags and making their way to the hotel. Once inside the hotel room you pulled off your long sleeve shirt and your eyes drifted down to your arms. They were covered in cuts in varying degrees of healing. Some dated all the way back to high school and some were as fresh as a couple days ago. It was your secret, the way you dealt with your failures and the harsh reality of the job. It helped ground you. Part of you felt like you deserved it. That had been ingrained into your head from such a young age. That you deserved pain. You didn’t deserve to feel good. At least that was what your parents told you. 
The following day you were in long sleeves again and you could feel sweat dripping down the contours of your back, a bead of it trickled down the side of your face. It was hot. You could feel the heat radiating off the sidewalk as you and Spencer questioned a witness. Your face must have been red because Spencer placed his hand carefully on your lower back and pulled a bottle of water from his pocket so he could hand it to you. “Drink.” He commanded lightly and you felt your heart skip a beat. “Yes sir.” You took the bottle and chugged half of it. “Small sips. You chug it, you are just going to throw it back up.” He brushed a curl off your cheek and tucked it behind your ear, the gesture made you smile and you leaned in to the touch on your cheek. You and Spencer weren’t officially dating yet or anything, just a lot of heavy flirting. You finished the water slowly and the two of you went back to talking to witnesses. 
When you watch TV the bullet proof vests look easy and light, like a second shirt. No one told you how ridiculously heavy they were. And uncomfortable. You tugged at your sleeves as you stood behind Hotch with your gun drawn and pointed at the unsub. You guys had him cornered. Why was your vision getting blurry? You blinked several times and wiped the sweat off your forehead with your sleeves not caring if you smeared your makeup. Spencer’s eyes were on you and not the unsub. “She’s gonna drop.” He called out and as soon as he did your knees buckled and you hit the ground. Spencer wanted to run to you but he couldn’t. They had to leave you on the ground for a few minutes as everyone subdued the unsub. Once Spencer was free he had Derek help him drag you into the shade. He carefully took off your vest and tried to cool you off by fanning you with his hand. 
Emily tossed Spencer a bottle of water and he apologized before pouring it on your face. The shock of the cold water had you sitting up quickly which just made your head spin. “Easy now.” Spencer guided you to lay back down with your head in his lap. “We need to take off your shirt. You are overheated.” He informed you and you shook your head. “I can’t.” You mumbled and he looked down at you concerned. “Look whatever you are hiding we can work with okay? We can’t work with you if you are dead. Either I get you cooled down or you go to the hospital and they cool you down.” Spencer brushed some of the hair that was sticking to your forehead back and you sighed heavily. “Fine.” 
You pulled off your shirt which left you in a sports bra and Spencer’s eyes immediately went to your arms causing you to feel extremely self-conscious. He bit his lip and helped you sit up a little so you could take small sips of water. After your 4th sip you leaned over and threw up, Spencer held your hair back. His hand rubbing circles lightly on your back helped calm you down a bit. You looked up as Hotch walked over and looked down at you. “Is she going to be okay?” He asked, looking at Spencer. “Yeah I think she will be okay. It can take just 45 minutes to rehydrate. A study by The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that after mildly dehydrated men consumed just 2 bottles of water, it took under one hour for their bodies to function in a perfectly healthy and hydrated state.” Spencer rattled off the facts easily, his hand continuing to brush your hair back as he spoke making you smile a little. “Alright well she’s your responsibility now.” Hotch nodded and Spencer grinned. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.” He said happily. 
You sat there with Spencer talking about nothing important while he nursed you back to health. When you got back to the hotel he insisted on staying with you to make sure you didn’t have any lasting problems from passing out. That was how you wound up curled up in bed with your head resting on Spencer’s chest, his fingers running through your hair and you listening to his steady heart beat had you quickly falling asleep. He kissed the top of your head and managed to fall asleep himself. Maybe things would be okay. Maybe you did deserve love. Spencer was going to make sure you felt that love.
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lets-get-saucy · 6 months
Collecting Strays - Kelley O’Hara X Reader (platonic)
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Summary: Miss Kelley is known for making friends with younger players and taking them under her wing. When she notices you, a rookie at Gotham, are having a bad day, she does what she can to make you feel better, adding you to her collection of younger players she looks out for.
Warnings: slight angst  
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It had been less than a month since you signed with Gotham. Just a few short weeks ago your mom had helped you move in to your new apartment and get set up in this new city. At first everything was fine. You seemed to fit in well with the team making a few friends with your fellow teammates.
One in particular was Kelley O’Hara. One your very first day with Gotham, Kelley took you under her wing, showing you around, giving you tips during training, and just being a supportive teammate.
Normally, you were excited for practice but today you just couldn’t muster up the energy to even try to seem excited to be there. First, your coffee had spilt in your car leaving you un-caffeinated. Then, you couldn’t stop shivering as you walked outside to the training pitch. The wind was blowing in your face making you even colder despite the training jacket you had on. The sky seemed to get greyer and greyer as training went on. You also weren’t playing as well as you could.
At the end of practice you took a deep breath, not wanting your teammates to see you cry. Showering as quickly as possible and throwing on clothes, you quickly made your way out of the changing room trying to avoid conversation.
Today was just a hard day, your teammates didn’t need to know that.
You were halfway out the building when a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Hey kid,” Kelley said turning you to face her, “what’s up? You’ve been off all day.”
You try to shrug off Kelley’s hand, not bothering to take your eyes off the floor.
“Nothing’s up, I’m just having an off day,” you lie.
“That’s not going to work with me kid,” Kelley crossed her arms in front of her.
Still not looking up you just shrug in response.
“Come on, your gonna come over to my place,” Kelley demanded pushing you towards the door.
“Kelley, really I’m fine I just want to go back to my apartment,” you try and pull away from her.
“Spending an hour at my apartment wont kill you,” Kelley said practically dragging you to her car.
That’s how you ended up on Kelley’s couch, hot chocolate in hand watching some random show.
“So, you want to talk about it yet?” Kelley ask, once you finish your drink setting down.
“No, not really,” you say, turning your attention back to the tv.
Kelley lets out an exaggerated sigh, causing you to roll your eyes.
“I told you early, I’m fine.” Looking over Kelly arches an eyebrow, causing you to sigh this time. “Okay, it’s my mom’s birthday and I miss home and I miss my dog and I really wish I could be there celebrating with everyone and I love it here but…”
Kelley cuts you off “woah, take a deep breath,” pulling you into a hug you burry your face in her neck wrapping your arms around the older woman.
You hadn’t realized you were crying but now it felt like you couldn’t stop.
“I miss home,” you whimper in Kelley’s embrace.
“Shh, I know,” she says rubbing your back. “I know.”
You don’t know how long you to stay like that. With you practically in Kelley’s lap letting it all out as she runs her fingers through your hair and rubs your back, holding you until you calm down.
Once she notices your sobs had stopped Kelley pulls back slightly, wiping your tears away.
“I know its hard,” she says her thumb stroking your cheek. “I wont lie to you and tell you it gets easier. In this profession, you’re always going to miss something. Birthdays, holidays, weddings, but you get so much more and make so many amazing memories and travel to new places, it’ll make it worth it. I’m sorry you miss home but just know this team is here for you. I’m here for you.”
Fresh tears make its way down your cheeks and you whip at them with your shirt sleeve. “Thank you Kelley. Not just for today but for being there for me even when I first joined the team.”
“Of course” Kelley smiled pulling you in for a hug. “Now how about we get some ice cream, ice creams guaranteed to make anyone happy.”
You laugh for probably the first time today, “okay.”
It had been a few hours since your breakdown to Kelley but you were still in her apartment. A knock at the door startled you both. Kelley rolled her eyes when a familiar voice called out. You could tell that a few people were outside, namely Rose and Sonnett, but you couldn’t tell who else.
At first you had thought Kelley had invited them over but when someone knocked Kelley rolled her eyes mumbling how some people just wouldn’t leave her alone as she went to open the door. You knew her annoyance was fake though when Jenna walked through the door Jenna launched herself at Kelley. Kelley picked her up spinning the younger girl around. Rose and Sonnett followed behind walking into Kelley's apartment. You smiled in greeting to your teammates.
Sonnett and Rose made their way into the living room, saying quick hellos as Kelley sat Jenna back down on her feet.
“You guys ate ice cream without us,” Sonnett frowned when she noticed the two empty bowls on the coffee table.
“Ice creams for invited guest only,” Kelley said following Jenna and Rose into the living room.
“I’m hurt Miss Kelley,” Sonnett placed a hand over her heart pretending to be offended.
“What are you guys watching,” Rose said sitting down between you and Sonnett.
“Just some trash reality tv show,” You said causing Kelley to scoff.
“First, they barge in then you insult the tv shows I watch.”
“We should watch a movie,” Jenna interrupts as she squeezes herself in between Sonnett and Rose.
“I agree,” Sonnett picks up the remote, looking for a movie to watch.
“You guys know this is my apartment, right?” Kelley is still standing, her hands on her hips looking at all of you.
“Please Miss Kelley? That show was boring,” you stick out your bottom lip, giving Kelley the best puppy-dog eyes you can.
“Sonnett, look what you’ve taught her,” Kelley gasp causing the room to laugh. “My sweet innocent baby calling me Miss Kelley.”
Kelley pinches your cheeks, swatting at her hands trying to get her to stop as the others laugh at you two. “I’m not a baby,” you pout.
“You’re one of the youngest on the team, of course you’re a baby,” Kelley says finally sitting down next to you pulling you into her side.
You cross your arms sinking back into the couch.
“Does that mean I’ve been upgraded Miss Kelley?” Jenna ask leaning forward to look at Kelley.
“Ugh not you too,” Kelley groans covering her face with her hands.
“Shh guys, Sonnett picked a movie,” Rose said kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
The movie started and everyone was quite watching as the opening credits came on the screen.
“Wait!” Jenna stood up from the couch, walking to the kitchen. “We need popcorn.”
After the movie, Sonnett, Rose, and Jenna started getting their things together.
“Thanks Miss Kelley for letting us crash your place,” Jenna said pressing a kiss to Kelley’s cheeks.
“Yeah yeah,” Kelley said taking empty bowls to the kitchen.
A chorus of byes followed as the other women made their way out of Kelley’s apartment, leaving just you and her. You grabbed the remaining bowls from the coffee table, taking them to the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Kelley said taking them from your hands.
“It’s okay, it’s the least I can do since you let me stay here all day,” you shrugged.
“If I remember correctly, I had to drag you to my car earlier,” you roll your eyes at Kelley’s response.
You lean against the counter as Kelley loads her dishwasher, “about that, how am I getting to my apartment?”
“Why don’t you just stay her tonight and I’ll drive us to training in the morning?”
You try to come up with an excuse but you don’t have one and you don’t really want to be alone right now any ways.
Nodding, your wrap your arms around yourself, “okay, thanks.”
“Yeah its no problem,” Kelley says giving you a soft smile.
Now that a few hours had gone by you realized you weren’t sad anymore, or as sad. Kelley had succeeded in taking your mind off things. You didn’t realize how desperately you had needed the company. If you hadn’t come over to Kelley’s you would have probably gone back to your apartment after practice and spent all day crying in your bed.
“No Kelley, I mean thank you, for today,” you admit. “I really needed this.”
“I know kid,” Kelley says pulling you in for a hug.
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beweepbomp · 14 days
A lil background. I knew my sexuality as like early as 12. I had two gfs but never anything physical. Now as adult trying to venture out to physical things with another woman. This person we will refer to as Lizzy, from the convos we had never was with a woman in any manner ever but interested to try with me. Okay now this is the insane shit i went thru. enjoy.
Lizzy matched on tinder with me and she asked after some great chit chatting to exchange #'s. Sounds great what could go wrong. After several back n forth spicy texts of what we want to do finally we say hey we should definitely meet up. A few days pass by to finally our meet up date. Science. Ghosted. Okay no biggie. 19 DAYS LATER “Hi i got busy how are you?” I brush it off things do happen and I’m trying to be reasonable. I reply with a hello. No reply again. 40 DAYS LATER “How are you?” At this point I roll my eyes. This is not worth the energy but wow she’s actually replying back idk maybe just shit happens. She tells me it’s been a busy summer travel & work. Okay fair. She shows me cute magnets she made and tells me she’s house sitting.
After a few text exchanges she’s asking me to come over. I get hesitant but she insists. WHAT COULD GO WRONG I SAY? I text her I’ll get ready and take an Uber over. Let me tell you i was giving femme hotness. My skirt was so hiked up. My cute shirt low v cut. Had a jean jacket since it was late into the night. I’m jittery with excitement. I call my best friend she gets the address and says to text me after etc. I order the Uber which was $30+ DOLLARS but i was too excited to care. In the middle of my Uber drive she texts she’s having a panic attack and throwing up. I feel awful. Did i freak her out? But i kept reassuring that we don’t need to do anything physical even when i arrive. No pressure. Assuring to have full consent before engaging in anything. But she insists she’s stuck in the bathroom throwing up and to turn around. Now I’m over 20 minutes away from my apartment around 11:30pm in the middle of the damn suburbs. I arrive and ask by text if i can just sit in the living room until the next Uber comes she says no. I’m outside alone in a foreign place terrified. I video chat with my best friend explaining the situation and she’s in shock as well. Putting me in danger in the middle of nowhere , just alone. Just perfect. My gay ass in the wind trying to remain calm since the streets are barely lit and i have no immediate way home. The connection to data is shitty but im able to order another Uber. Another $30+ out of to go back. But it’s fine no one’s fault right.
She insistently asks texting when my Uber will ber here. My connection isn’t great but it shows 9 minutes. It’s been at least 8 minutes now but the Uber isn’t properly showing the accurate time. My best friend what a god send kept me sane as i waited but a car pulls up and it definitely isn’t my Uber. “Oh i thought you were the girl im meeting with.” OH MY GOD i laugh almost loosing my mind. I point to her house, “oh no no she’s in there.’ Thankfully my Uber arrives as the guy calls out you’re beautiful. Oh thanks bud. Lizzy texts me to say that’s my friend helping me with my panic attack. of course i say seriously you have to be fucking joking. I freak out on her thru text and she insists she’d never intentionally try to put anyone in danger and every other excuse in the book and STILL try’s to see if we will meet up again. Of course i tell her she is fucking nuts and maybe next time be a hospitable hoe if you’re gonna be a hoe at all. I’m not against it but also don’t make a crazy lie and embarrass me. I have no idea im like crushed to seek out afraid to have the same experience of wacky shit. What do i do???? Help pls
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Conrad fisher for the ‘’We should go swimming.’’ prompt with skinny dipping? Smut if you it
Warnings: nudity
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’We should go swimming,’’ Conrad suggested, laying down on the patio couch with his legs over your lap and a blunt between his lips.
You hummed in agreement, taking the blunt from him and taking a puff. There was nothing better than a night swim after being hot all day.
You exhaled slowly, blowing a cloud of smoke up the air so the skunk smell would not get inside the house. ‘’That sounds really nice, but I don’t have my bathing suit on.’’
Conrad shrugged, not seeing a problem. ‘’You don’t have to. Let’s go skinny dipping,’’ he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You laughed, shaking your head, assuming he was kidding.
He sat up and took back the blunt from you. ‘’I’m serious.’’ He brushed a piece of your hair, his hand going down your neck and the decolletage of your dress.
‘’You’re insane,’’ you said back, swatting his hand away before he could reach the front tie. ‘’I’m not getting naked in your family pool again. We almost got caught the last time—’’
Conrad shook his head, flicking the ash off the end. ‘’Not in the pool, the ocean.’’
Swimming naked in a private pool was one thing, but in the ocean? What if some pervert in a nearby house sees you? What if you get stung by a sea urchin? What if your clothes get blown away by the wind and you have to get home naked?
‘’I’m gonna pass.’’ You took the blunt from Conrad, but he held it away from your reach. ‘’Give it to me, Con,’’ you sighed, pouting your lips at him.
‘’No swimming, no weed.’’ A playful smile curled on his mouth. ‘’Come on. The sun is down, there’s no one at this hour. I’ll be just you and me.’’
Your heart was pounding as you and Conrad made your way down the beach, pushing away thoughts of who might be watching from the neighboring beach houses. He held your hand, leading you to a part of the beach that was darker so you would feel safer.
Once he deemed the spot secluded enough, he peeled his shirt off over his head and chucked it in the sandy ground before doing the same with his shorts, not very body shy.
You reached for the tie of your dress and pulled at the knot, the front coming loose and revealing your bra and panties. They didn’t match, but neither did Conrad’s socks.
The rest of your clothes came off in the soft moonlight, your bodies bared to the warm summer breeze. It felt strange to be naked on the beach, but Conrad was there to make you more comfortable, reassuring you with a gentle kiss and sweet nothings.
‘’Holy fuck, this is cold,’’ you hissed, feeling your nipples get hard as your feet touched the water.
Conrad rolled his eyes, water already to his knees. ‘’It’s not that bad.’’
You shifted uncomfortably, not so sure about this midnight bath anymore. ‘’I think I’m gonna back out on this…’’ You made a move to step back, but Conrad grabbed your middle and lifted you off your feet, dragged you farther in the water despite your protests. ‘’Conrad, no! Let go of me! Put me down! Conrad—’’ you pleaded, but it was too late.
A sudden wave crashed from behind, sending both of you tumbling into the cool water.
You both bursted into laughter as you emerged.
‘’That was not planned,’’ Conrad said, shaking his head and wiping his face to get the salt water out of his eyes.
You wanted to be mad at him for throwing you in the water, but the unexpected turn of events was just too funny. For someone who spends his whole summer surfing, how did he not remember to never turn your back to the ocean?
‘’Shouldn’t you know to never turn your back to the ocean?’’ you teased, looking at him across the distance the waves took you. He was so pretty in the moonlight that you couldn’t seem to stop looking. His wet hair and defined chest, the smile across his lips.
He snapped you from your staring by swimming toward you in a moment and pulling you against him, wrapping you in his arms. You relaxed against him, leaning your head back on his shoulder, enjoying the moment in Conrad's embrace.
‘’It’s nice, isn’t it?’’ he said softly, his lips right by your ear.
It was indeed very nice.
You turned in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. He tasted of salt water and the weed you shared before coming down to the beach. You hummed into his mouth, dragging your hands through his wet hair, an invisible bubble forming around you.
Conrad deepened the kiss as you pressed yourself closer to him. He felt your pebbled nipples brush against his chest and pulled away. ‘’If you play that game, I don't think I can make it back to the house in time.’’
Instead of breaking from him, you kissed him again, this time more passionately, and wrapped your legs around his waist. The feeling of your whole body against him went straight down.
For someone who didn’t want to go skinny dipping, you were very into it now.
An owl’s hoot echoed through the night, mixing with your soft breathy sounds as Conrad started trailing kisses down your jaw and neck, nipping at the delicate skin occasionally between his sweet pecks. His hands slid up your sides while yours dug into his shoulder’s tanned skin.
‘’Are you sure about this?’’ he whispered in your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. You gasped and he groaned, your midnight bath taking a more PG-16 turn.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight
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rosemaeridream · 9 months
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...should’ve known better… || aespa uar
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uchinaga aeri x reader (M)
warnings: basically PWP, fingering, switch!reader, switch!aeri, more toxic than last time (?), semi-public sex, desperateness from both parties, they get caught
A/N: oops this was extremely self indulgent and extremely late. it was gonna be longer but i just need to post something lol - read part one HERE
Synopsis: 'She looks between the two of you, making clear note of Aeri’s bitten red lips and tousled hair and the faint teeth marks on your neck. “I’m sorry, I’m going to have to ask your fiancé to wait outside the dressing room.”’
word count: 2k
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"Please," She croons against your lips, pushing her body needfully into your own. "I want you. Now."
You know it's an act. It's always an act when she behaves like this. Aeri's temperament can't possibly conceptualise giving up a sliver of control to someone else. Not when you leave your own apartment covered in purpling marks, some hidden — some unable to hide — just to pick her up an iced coffee. Not when she leaves you at the door, making you feel like a puppy with attachment issues; dependent on when she walks back through the doorway again. 
Especially not when she has you pushed up against a wall in a changing room, white dress with floral lacing cupped against her bodice tickling your arms.
God knows why you accepted to accompany her to shop for wedding dresses.
Perhaps you were more masochistic than you initially believed.
Your fingers wind into the dress, the fabric flowing over her hips and down to the floor. It’s a gorgeous dress; layers of tulle and lace and it leaves so much of her chest is exposed. It makes you understand why consummation exists. 
There’s too much to lift so you can duck under, like you most desire. So you don’t. Instead you flip positions, flattening her back to the wall and slotting a leg between hers. 
Aeri lets out a pleased huff, resting her forearms on your shoulders, wrists loosely crossed. It’s very… high school sweetheart. 
Maybe in another world you’ve just picked her up from after work, taking her on a date. Kissing her in an alleyway on the way home. Not to keep it secret from a damned fiancé. Just for the plain old reason of public indecency.
But this isn’t that world and Aeri’s getting impatient, her eyes dimming — filling with ice. If it was any other moment you know she would have stomped on your foot.
“Brat.” You murmur like you have any control over the situation.
“Idiot.” She throws back at you. Her blinks are slow; she has all the time in the world while you’re in the palm of her hand. Nothing in her voice says that she’s planning on being nice. 
At least you like it that way.
“Are you gonna fuck me in here? You’re soooo, ah- brainless.” Aeri laughs. Right at you. She’s right though. She’s always right. You know she’s just saying the things you want to hear. Every time she pleads for you she’s really just giving you the dregs at the bottom of the bowl, letting you lick the plate clean, all so she can have her cake and eat it too. 
“I need you.” She giggles again, this time letting her breathless moan turn fake, too much like a cam girl. “Please, I need someone–you to take care of me.”
Even though the brainless fog you know she’s mocking you. Her lips twitch and there’s murky insincerity in her eyes. She’s having fun.
Then she moans his name into your ear. It should have been your reason to stop, your reason to push her off you, tell her that she’s fucked in the head and you’re not going to be dragged down into moral sacrilege once more.
A white hot fire sears at your muscles, to the point where you think that you’re about to descend into hysteria until a sea of calm hits.
“That’s not my name.” You growl, pushing her further into the wall.
“Then give me a reason to use it.” Her insufferable attitude only gives you more reason to be rougher, practically slamming your knee in between her legs.
It only makes her release a small whine and a scathing smile. “You can do better than that.”
You’re pushed by her again, right to the boundary that she loves to smear. And it makes you crazy. 
And, the fog in your brain clears.
You start to lift the layers and layers of tulle, it’s heavy but you don’t care. She’s made your arms ache before and you’re not against making them ache for weeks to do this. Aeri makes no move to stop you.
In the back of your head you know that you’re playing back into her hands again, raking your nails up her thighs and kissing the line of her collarbone. Aeri gasps and you take it as a victory, nipping her skin lightly.
Slowly, your fingers find their place, gliding against her dampening panties. She’s just as desperate as you are. Her dripping cunt can’t deny that.
You take your time, exploring the dip of her neck, letting yourself revel in the ragged breaths Aeri’s trying to keep dampened. Her head rolls back, a faint thud against the wood panelling.
Aeri pushes her hips against your hand, wanting something more than half-brushes through cotton. 
“Stop being a tease.” She grits out.
“Stop being a brat then.” You press harder against her clit but make no move to push aside the fabric. 
“Shit, you’re wet.” Peppering a couple kisses along her jaw, you finally kiss her. The intensity of the kiss makes you shiver and allows your brain to fall down another rabbit hole of depravity. 
Slowly, you give in, pushing her underwear to the side. Aeri moans, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip to quieten herself. “I should’ve known you get off on this. Anyone could walk by any second to check in on us, and here you are, whining like a whore.” 
If she weren’t so desperate, Aeri would have made a snide comment or slapped you in the face. You’re sure of it. But all she does is buck her hips, wanting your fingers to sink deeper into her cunt instead of the shallow teasing and circling. For some reason, she’s not being completely brash today.
“Hu-hurry up.” Aeri mewls, her hands scrabbling to clutch something against the wall. You take a small step back to get a good look at her.
Aeri’s eyes are glazed over, half-lidded and her bottom lip is caught under her teeth, trying in vain to stay semi-quiet. Your fingers dip a little further into her cunt, drawing out a gasp, her thighs twitching. She rolls her hips as always whenever she wants something. 
You push her hips to the wall, forcing her to stop. For once you felt completely in control and it felt good.
The word half-brings Aeri from her haze, her eyes still lidded and lips still bitten. “Just… haah~ fuck me already.”
A frown pulls at your lips and you start to slide your hands out of her underwear. Her hand darts down to stop you, fingers tight around your wrist. Her nails begin to dig into your skin. A bear trap away from pleasure.
“Wait- wait.” She swallows, forcing your hand back to her cunt. “Please. Pl-please, fuck me. I need your fingers.”
It tickles your mind. Hearing her want you makes you pulse with need. 
Pleased at her compliance, you shove your fingers in the whole way without any care. Aeri’s wet enough anyway, her slick beginning to drip down your palm.
As you fuck her, you move your lips back to her chest. You’d give anything in that moment to pinch and suck at her nipples but you know better than to ruin a wedding dress. Especially one that hasn’t been bought yet. Instead you help yourself to the rest of the exposed skin of her chest. 
Aeri’s a mess. Her hair has become wild as she rests her head against the wall, muffling her moans with one hand as the other grips your wrist. It isn’t helping you with anything, just there superficially. The thought that she might have been drooling if you weren’t in a changing room sends pleasure to your groin.
“Isn’t this nice? Being a brat just makes it harder for the both of us.” You husk into her ear. Her throat bobs as she chokes back another whine. 
You’re about to remove her hand so you can kiss her again, but there’s the sound of heels clicking. Then there’s a voice from beyond the changing room. The assistant. Aeri’s muffled moans silence. She’s not completely shameless today. 
One of her hands fumble to your shoulders, pushing you far enough back that you can’t seal her lips with yours. 
“Are you alright in there? You’ve been awhile.” 
You can feel Aeri’s irritation from the clenching of her thighs, or maybe that’s because your fingers never stopped moving. And you don’t stop moving them, even going a step further to curl them into the rough spot on her walls. 
Apparently, the sound of someone else’s voice has shook her from her stupor and she sends you a glare – which isn’t that intimidating since directly after she clamps her mouth closed to conceal another moan – telling you to stop so she can respond to the assistant.
“We’re, ngh- fine! Just swapping out dresses.”
You give her cunt a rather forceful pump, brushing your thumb against her clit on the way up and she digs her nails into your shoulders. Then Aeri’s whole head is buried in your neck muffling a pathetic whine. By the pattern of her walls squeezing your fingers, she’s just hit an orgasm. Her teeth sink into your neck as you let her ride out her high, slowly rubbing circles into her clit.
“Are you sure?” The voice comes from outside again, slightly more concerned.
As Aeri is currently indisposed, you speak up, keeping your tone light. “Yeah, we’re just having a little trouble with the zipper, it’s no problem.”
“Do you mind if I come in? I can take a look at that for you.” 
You’re already moving, quickly dislodging your fingers from their damp position – to the dismay of Aeri who clenches once more, her cunt desperately trying to keep them inside. Rather than putting your fingers into her mouth or even your own, you wipe them on your pants, all the while running your other hand through her hair, trying to make it look less like you’ve just been fucking in the changing room.
“Yeah, that might be helpful!” You call out after a moment, turning Aeri with your hands so that she has her back to you and unzipping her dress just a little. All for show.
The assistant’s head pops in a moment later, moving to your side and looking at the zip. Then she undoes it with ease. You almost laugh at how smoothly it descends down her back. Aeri holds up the bodice, as not to be completely naked.
With the zipper undone, the assistant steps back, holding her hands together and smiles, looking like she’s about to recite a script. Then she pauses, finally noticing the disarray you’re in.
She looks between the two of you, making clear note of Aeri’s bitten red lips and tousled hair and the faint teeth marks on your neck. Her eyes seem to get stuck on the shiny trail of saliva that you had left on Aeri’s chest. Put together with the effortless unzipping of the wedding dress, and the intelligence of anyone over the age of 16, she clues in. 
The assistant dons a forced smile. “I’m sorry, I’m going to have to ask your fiancé to wait outside the dressing room.”
You open your mouth to correct her, show her the lack of ring on your finger or say something about the groom traditionally not seeing the bride in her wedding dress before they’re on the aisle together but you hesitate. Saying that would make all this worse.
Returning her smile, you nod at the assistant, kiss Aeri on the cheek like a good fiancé would and leave the dressing room.
Fucking hell.
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AN: lmk if u want more cause i don't think i'm done with this aeri
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the-californicationist · 10 months
Guile & Guilt (Ch. 04)
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Pidge offered to let you shower and change in her room so that you could be warm again and in clean clothes. You took her up on it, eager to feel the hot water and steam heat your skin.
Roger was already snoring, dead asleep on the sofa in the living room, and Johnny - or Soap, as Bekah had named him - disappeared into his room for a bit, looking for his own shower. He was absent while you and Pidge tried the cake samples from the Stiff Peaks bakery. She gushed about the flavors and the use of spices in the cake and its icing. You even got a few moans of culinary approval from Hamish whose high standards were impossible to reach. All in all, it felt like a success.
So why did you feel so empty? It was more than just the text from Bekah. There was some piece missing, something you got wrong and needed to fix. But, what could it be?
Johnny had confessed his feelings to you, and his kiss had felt… well, it had felt like a kiss should feel. It was the kiss that every young person imagined they might experience one day when the softness of someone else’s mouth finally found their own, their tongue icing the flesh of the other’s like a knife through a creamy, sugary glaze. The heat of their wet lips burning their edges, locked into a primal embrace of ownership and consumption, eating without feeling full. Devouring and yet becoming hungrier, increasing your appetite, gorging on the sweetness, until finally…
Johnny’s door popped open and he came to join you in the kitchen. His eyes went to you before eventually settling on Brigette,
“So? What’s the verdict, then? Dinnae meet the mark?”
“Sure,” Pidge smiled at him, “Right on target, you wee nugget. Good thing I sent you then.”
Johnny nodded to you, sitting in the bar stool next to yours at the kitchen counter. He gestured to you,
“She kept me in line, so she did. Would’ve gone for the chocolate myself.”
Pidge nudged you,
“Aye, what’d I tell you.”
You offered the other half of the cake to him, passing him your fork. He took it, cocking his smile into a mischievous grin,
“You’d have been proud of your wee hen here, Pidge. She made a pretty convincing bride. Might have to recruit her for our next mission. Be needin’ some espionage.”
Pidge laughed without even glancing up at him, her voice full of bitterness,
“So, havin’ you and da’ throw away your life on spyin’ wasnae enough. Should be my best friend, too?”
The whole room went cold. Johnny was mid-chew when he heard his sister’s comment, and he spat out the cake into a napkin in disgust. Pidge cut him off before he could say anything,
“Don’t forget to give little miss James Bond here a ride to her fitting tomorrow. I’m off for my shower,” she squeezed her brother’s forearm, seeming to understand that she had hit a nerve. He did not respond to her words nor her touch.
Johnny turned inward, closing off from conversation. You tried to coax him back out,
“Hey, here’s your phone. I think you missed a call.”
Without saying anything, he took the phone from you. He flipped through the message, and his expression remained unchanged.
“Gonna steal some of tha’ stew Hamish has been hidin’. You want in, thief?” He asked you, reaching for the pots and spoons before cracking open the freezer.
“Aren’t you gonna go to the pub?” You asked, trying to be as unbothered as possible.
He froze in place, holding the pot by its handle, locking eyes with you,
“No, not unless you wanted to do dinner with me, lass. Cravin’ samosas?”
It was a test. You had promised yourself you wouldn’t, but here you were, playing games. Could the party boy resist a party? You were about to find out.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Maybe a little. We could get take away.”
“Brilliant,” he grabbed his keys and followed you to the door.
Now that night had settled in, it was too cold in the Jeep. You held your arms right to your body and tried to shield yourself from the wind. Johnny dug around in the back and dragged out a camo jacket with his name tacked onto the chest.
You put it on and it swallowed you, warming you up from the inside out. The fold of the collar flapped just under your nose, letting you smell his orange, woody scent. There was something else, too. Gunpowder. You smelled like fireworks and winter citrus.
“Thanks,” you said, wrapping it tighter around you.
“You make it look good,” his smile was bright and full of innocent praise, “Warm enough?”
You nodded, suddenly shy. You regretted your decision to drag him out of the house again. You should’ve kept him all to yourself, covetous and selfish like a hoarder, locking him in like a shorn Repunzel, playing like Circe with her pigs. But, you didn’t want to be Circe. You wanted to be Penelope. Permanent, as impossible though it may have been.
Was he Odysseus? Or Narcissus?
The car park was packed. He dropped you off at the door and you waited for him to find a spot in the back. He pulled the keys out of the Jeep and did a bit of a jog to catch up to you.
He commented on the crowd,
“Match is on. Rangers and Aberdeen. Whole town should be out tonight.”
You made a quiet noise in assent, not knowing enough about football to comment.
He held the gate open for you, and you walked through the smoky, crowded courtyard. Ettrick’s had tons of outdoor space, and the tall heat lamps made it cozy despite the nip in the air.
Inside, the noise hit you like a punch. It was a small space and the din was overwhelming. Warmth and bodies and smells tumbled over you like a wave. Johnny pulled a menu from the host stand, positioning himself as a barrier between you and the chaos.
He had to lean in close to you for you to hear him,
“Samosas, yeah? And we gotta do the chicken khorma. It’s top notch here, lass. Trust me.”
“Sure. Sounds good,” you smiled and watched him look around for the host.
Just as he rounded the corner, you heard a loud shout,
“MacTavish! You made it,” Lachlan’s voice carried through the crowded bar and you watched Johnny’s face light up in recognition.
He shook Lachlan’s hand and Bekah came up behind him, wrapping her arms in a tight hug, which he returned, just as tightly. They chatted together for a moment until you saw Lachlan look over Johnny’s big shoulder right into your eyes. He waved you over, and you tried to control your face. So much regret. But, you made your bed and now you had to lie in it.
“Hey, babes,” Lachlan and Bekah hugged you as well. The tall, handsome man made a point to leave his arm around your shoulder when you pulled away, “You can’t miss the game. We told Johnny you’re eating in, no complaints!”
“Yeah,” Bekah clung to Johnny’s heavy arm, “We’ve got plenty of room. Come have a seat.”
“Well…” Johnny started to make an excuse, giving you an out, but the look on his face was so earnestly disappointed that you interrupted him,
“Okay, thanks.”
You followed her to the table, and Johnny fell in behind. The waitress took your order. You watched the game, and you fell into a quiet lull. The room was bursting with energy, and you watched as Johnny slipped into the excitement. He fed off of the highs and the lows of the match. He barely touched his food, and you ate alone. He was right about the khorma. It was delicious. You wrapped up your leftover samosa and put it near his plate. He’d find it eventually.
You pushed your chair out and stood to leave. He turned to you and caught your hand. You stared at his hand and he stared down at it too, dropping it after a breath, forgetting himself for a moment,
“Where you off to, bonnie?”
“Ladies’ room. See you in a bit,” you ducked out of the crowd and into the bathroom for a moment, trying to get your thoughts together in the silence.
You washed your hands and avoided the mirror until you had to look. Then, there it was, the embroidered “MacTavish” across your chest, a little too ironic.
You took a deep breath and went back out into the fray. The Rangers scored, and Ettrick’s went wild. Bekah and Johnny held each other by the arms and screamed with joy into each other’s faces, nearly leaping over the table in celebration.
Johnny’s focus on her was so intense, the look in his eyes so full of fiery admiration, you could barely look at them. He could have Bekah. There were no rules against her like there were for you. You shouldn’t have had the nerve to even consider that he might choose you. How could he go against the wishes of his own sister? How could you?
You were right next to the back door, so you made your exit. It was a long walk back to his room, and you were nearly frozen by the time you got there. Rodger was still snoring away, and Pidge’s door was closed. So, you stripped down to just your shorts and a tank, and you crawled into bed, defeated.
“There you are, mhèirleach! You had me worried sick,” the deep rumble of Johnny’s voice and his heavy weight shifting onto the mattress pulled you from your sleep.
You groaned, trying to deter his attention. He smelled like the bar, and himself, but mostly the bar. All you felt was guilt and shame and you wanted it to stop.
“Are you alright, lass? Why’d you go? I would’ve taken you back.”
“It’s fine,” you mumbled.
He didn’t reply. You fell back to sleep, starving for something you couldn’t eat.
You awoke to a strong nose and jaw nuzzling your hair and neck, taking long deep inhales of your scent and breathing heavy. Johnny had his arm snaked up through the bottom of your shirt, his huge hand sticking out of the crew collar, holding you firmly against the base of your clavicle. His thumb was feeling the crescent curve where your throat met your body, over and over like he needed to memorize it. Like he wanted to find it again in the dark and know it was one and the same.
Was he awake? You couldn’t tell. You could tell, however, that his cock was pressing hard between your thighs, the fabric of your shorts shoved out of place by the fabric of his boxer briefs, straining against the thin cloth.
“A bheil thu milis, a mhèirleach?” Are you sweet, thief?
You decided that no, he wasn’t awake. He knew you didn’t speak Gaelic, and you had no idea what he was asking. Yet, your body seemed to. It recognized his aching timbre, its dark dulcet layers folding over your senses like silky caramel.
His hand retraced its path, sliding back through the valley of your breasts, exploring southward, finding the gaping waistband of your shorts and your lack of knickers under them. Upon discovery, his big body rocked into you, his thick rod riding into your thigh, begging for relief. A ragged, shuddering sigh left his lips and you felt it race across your skin.
“Feumaidh fios a bhith agam.” I need to know.
His words all slurred together. You were too busy melting under his hand to care for a translation. His wrist finally dipped low enough for him to slip one thick finger into your wet heat, soaking itself there like a wick in wax, coated and milky.
Your breath stalled. You couldn’t breathe in, nor out, and you felt your pussy clench around his knuckles, kissing his fingertip as he slipped it back out. Then, you watched as he slowly brought it to his lips, right next to your face, and you saw him feed himself with your slick, sucking it off of his skin, licking the knuckles of his fingers, eager for any missed drops.
Wild, crazed pleasure mixed with cold guilt in your chest. So, you called for help,
“Johnny?” Your voice was just above a whisper.
He breathed into your neck again, and then his tone changed. His language changed. He changed.
“Mm,” he whispered, “Sorry, thief. You stole my covers.”
With that excuse, he took some of the blanket from you and turned back over, breathing deeply again, leaving you there in a million little pieces.
Chapter 05
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64yrsold · 11 months
“Wake up,” I swatted his shoulder in the dark, gasping, “Wake up, wake up!”
“Wh—“ he groaned, the outline of him turning towards me.
“I’m gonna puke, I’m—“ I clasped a hand over my mouth, my stomach turning to stone. He shot out of bed, furiously rustling through the bathroom. He returned with the garbage bin, thrusting it into my hands. I clutched it, hands trembling, mouth watering, eyes squeezed shut. But nothing.
“I’m alright,” I groaned, throwing the bin aside and laying back down in bed. He sighed, sitting beside me and flicking on the lamp.
“Fuck!” We both screeched, assaulting the lamp as we tried to turn it off. He managed to find the switch, both of us sighing in relief.
“Do you feel…” I started.
“Like Death himself?” He nodded, clearing his throat. The bed seemed to be throwing my body in circles, my mind stuck in the spin cycle of this hangover. He scrubbed the back of his hand against his eye, yawning.
“I only had,” I paused, counting drinks on my fingers. I gasped quietly when I ran out of fingers.
“You were obliterated,” he laughed, closing his hands around mine.
“So were you!” I muttered defensively, letting him kiss my forehead as he crawled into bed beside me.
“Yeah,” he stroked my cheek sweetly, “but I didn’t try to take my clothes off in the taxi home.”
I looked at him, jaw open, “No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did,” he giggled, writhing and pulling at the hem of his t-shirt. Mocking me.
I squinted, “You’re still wearing your dress pants!”
“Oh, shit,” he said between laughs, unbuckling his belt.
“Jesus Christ,” I groaned, “Did I embarrass myself?”
“You, darling?” He threw his pants across the room, “You could never make a fool of yourself.”
“Oh, you liar,” I hit his shoulder, “What did I do?”
“I’m serious! You were a perfect lady last night.”
“Fuck off,” I whined, grabbing his shirt in my fist, “Tell me what I did!”
He licked his lips, his face becoming clearer as the sun gently rose behind him. I hoped the morning light would cure the nausea.
“Should we re-enact it?”
“God,” I squeezed my eyes shut, cheeks already bright red.
“Oh, baby,” he squeaked, imitating my voice, “Take me home, baby.”
“Ew, ew!” I giggled as he moved to straddle my waist, putting his hands on my collarbones, “I didn’t say that.”
He kissed my cheek, “Oh, you look so handsome, let’s fuck right here in front of everyone, let’s fuck in the alley, let’s fuck in the car—“
“I didn’t say that!”
He smirked, “God, I need you so bad!” He riddled my neck with kisses, his stubble stinging my skin.
“What happened when we got out of the car?”
“Maybe I shouldn’t kiss and tell,” he shrugged, biting at my earlobe. His breath was hot at my jaw, stuttering my heart.
“You can tell if I was the one you kissed!” I laughed, exasperated.
He grinned down at me, pulling his shirt off slowly.
“Oh, baby,” he mocked me again, “I’m gonna fuck you all night.” He tossed his shirt at my face, and I flung it across the room with a laugh.
He brought his lips on mine— likely more carefully than I had been last night— gently pressing into me until my head was syrupy and sluggish. I felt my heart slow into a heavy, pretty rhythm, matching with his as he licked at my bottom lip.
He shifted, letting me wrap my legs around his hips. I swallowed the quiet moans from his mouth, feeling the sun pry at our twisted skin. I held his jaw, feeling it move and flex; taut, muscle and bone. I could feel the words at the tip of my tongue, I need you so bad. I let my hands slip over his chest, thumbs skimming his waistband, sucking his bottom lip harshly.
His mouth went limp.
I blinked.
A tiny snore fell from his lips, still pressed to mine. I smiled against him, stifling a giggle.
“That’s what happened?” I pushed him back, his smile wider than mine.
He nodded, curls bouncing on his forehead, “Fell asleep right on top of me.”
“God,” I laughed, winding my fingers in his hair, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Don’t apologize,” he popped a kiss on my cheek, laying down beside me, “Best sleep I’ve ever had.”
“Shut up,” I kissed him, then tucked my head under his chin. He wrapped his arms over my shoulders, pulling me tight to his chest. We slept, the sun streaming in around us.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hey there! I was wondering if you could do a part 2 of Beach Defender where Poseidon and reader were married and had their child together. Can make it NSFW if you want and thinking of giving their child a younger sibling.
Love your work!
-“Mama! Look at what I found!!” you turned, having just finished throwing away all the trash of the small picnic you had prepared for you and your son, who looked exactly like your husband, Poseidon, only he smiled way more often.
-You smiled, seeing the shell in his hand, “Ooh it’s so pretty!” he beamed at your praise as you offered him a hand, taking your baseball bat in your other and started down the beach together, waiting for Poseidon to arrive.
-Your son looked at your baseball bat, a little confused, “Mama why do you carry that bat when we come to the beach? Are you going to play baseball?”
-You laughed softly, thinking he was adorable, but you told him the truth, “I carry it just in case if I need to discipline idiots who don’t respect the beach.” He looked up at you, “Like those who don’t throw their trash away?” you nodded, “Right- the beach needs our help to make sure that people are respecting it, because if the trash gets into the water, an animal could get hurt or try to eat it and get sick.”
-He gasped, looking mad, as you knew he was very soft on the animals, “I’m gonna do my best to keep the ocean clean!” a deep chuckle filled your ears, “That’s good to hear.”
-You both turned, and your son ran to his father, “Dad! Look what I found! I wanted to show you!” showing off his shell to Poseidon who smiled, ruffling his son’s hair, “It’s a good find.”
-Poseidon pecked your cheek in greeting as your son took off down the beach, running and having fun, making you smile softly, leaning into your husband, “He’s getting so big so fast.” Poseidon chuckled, nodding in agreement, “He is, but I have to wonder if he’s lonely.”
-You looked up at him, a little confused, “Lonely?” you then squeaked as you caught the look in his eye, knowing that look very well, “Perhaps it’s time to give him a little brother or sister, or maybe both.”
-You turned, looking out at the water, your face burning bright red which made him grin, seeing you looking so shy, you were so cute, but you never said no~
-That evening, after your son was fast asleep, burned out from playing so hard, you had been pinned to the bed almost instantly, Poseidon forcing your legs apart as he licked his lips.
-You arched your back, “How are you so fired up already?” he smirked down at you, quickly removing your clothes, “I’ve been thinking about pumping you full since I saw you early, walking down the beach. I wanted to see you dripping with my- ah!” his sharp cry made your blood ignite as you had bucked up against him, his lewd words quickly making you hot.
-Poseidon wasted no time, as soon as you were prepared enough, your wound your hands into the sheets, smiling up at Poseidon as he sunk deep into you, a moan leaving both of you as your legs quickly trapped him, winding around his waist.
-He sneered down at you as he started his pace, fast and hard, wanting to drive all thoughts from your head, “You’re not leaving this bed until you’re pregnant! I’m going to keep you here and make you take every-everything I have!”
-You surprised him by smirking up at him, as you knew how to handle him when he got like this, trying to give you demands like this, “You just gonna talk or are you gonna put a baby in me?”
-You saw the red glint in his eyes as he quickly had you rolled over, forcing your face down into the blankets while pulling your hips up as his pace became even more brutal, forcing the air from your lungs.
-Your tongue lolled out of your mouth, the feeling was so delicious as your back arched, whining out your husband’s name, begging him for more. He was silent, telling you that he was focused, but his actions said more than his words needed to as his hands slid around your waist, stroking you before one went up, cupping one of your breasts, pinching the nipple, “I can’t wait to drink out of these again. I can’t wait to see you swollen with my child again- I may have to make you pregnant all the time!”
-You bucked, making him hiss as you whined, you felt like melting, as his other hand went between your legs and you nearly shrieked, throwing your head back as he began to flick at your jewel, bringing you more and more pleasure.
-You lost count how many times you both came, everything hurt in the most delicious way and you felt so full, a soft whine leaving your lips as you cupped your belly as Poseidon spread your lips, watching his cum drip out of you, his hair down, sweat making it stick to his face as he smirked, “And if this doesn’t take, we’ll just do it again.”
-You wanted to retort back with something snarky to get him riled up again, but you couldn’t move, other than when he crawled up into your arms, resting his head on your chest, hugging you as you sighed deeply, a soft, content smile on both of your faces.
-Four weeks later Poseidon and your son were both celebrating while you were grinning, showing the ultrasound of your twins, surprising the both of them with the good news that would soon arrive.
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sageworld · 1 year
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the high of rafe camerons party was over and you knew you should’ve left along time ago. your body was hypnotized by the liquor, dojas wine pon you playing through the speaker & barry grinding behind you.
the two of yours body’s had been attached for the past hour. lips grazing over one another’s every once in a while, you bent over you wind your hips onto him. you felt good, really good.
“let’s go inside mama.” barry says. you adjust yourself and let him lead the way.
the two of you end up in some random bedroom in tannyhill. you feel barry behind you again but this time he’s pulling down the straps of your mini dress. you oblige and let him take it all the way off, leaving you in just your panties.
you turn to him, starting him in the eye. “what you wanna do mama?” he asks, grabbing a chunk of your ass in each of his large hands.
your lips graze over his, wanting to see how long it’ll take him to crack. it’s not too long before his lips are on yours, tongues in each others mouths.
he backs you into the bed, causing you to fall back into it. you’re disappointed as his lips disconnect from yours.
“get on all fours baby.” he commands & you do so. you feel him pull your panties down to your knees.
he spreads your ass and you feel his tongue hit your clit. the feeling of him eating you out from behind being so overwhelming. his tongue works miracles on you as it goes over your clit in circles.
you can’t help but feel yourself get wetter as barry growls loudly and shakes his head in your pussy. “oh fuck baby.” you squeak out as you feel yourself coming on his face.
barry gets up, spitting on your pussy while doing so. you hear him pulling him pants down and when you look he’s just dropped them enough for his length to come out. his blue jersey still on. you moan and that sight, his chain dangling from his neck. you shake your ass back a bit and feel his dick poke at you.
you moan as he slips it in. he grabs your hips and uses it as leverage as he pounds in and out of you, you feel yourself swallowing him. the sound of your moans, barry’s groans and slapping fill the room.
“i’m not gonna last too long, this good pussy right here.” he groans and throws his head back. “cum for me, please daddy.” you moan like something from a porno. “shit, don’t gotta tell me twice.”
you sequel as barry pounds you out, going hard and fast worried about nothing but his high. “who’s your daddy?” barry asks. “you’re my daddy barry, my good daddy.”
“i’m gonna cum.” barry announces just before pulling out. the second he’s out you feel his hot seed all over your ass. you laugh when you feel him collapse on the bed next to you, his dick still out and you still naked and barely laying on your belly.
“we should do that again sometime.” you smile and bite your lip as barry smiles back.
who missed me?
686 notes · View notes
sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : zoro being annoyed at his captain and [name] (16)
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one piece x male reader
maybe you're the same as me 
we see things they'll never see 
you and i,
we're gonna live forever 
『 prev 』
that night, no one really pressed [name] for answers of what ace and him talked about. they left him alone, except for luffy who had zero social cues. but it seemed like [name] didn’t mind his company.
he was grinning ear to ear as he talked with luffy about whatever luffy wanted to talk about. the crew was worried for [name] to an extent, but it was good to see their captain take some of that stress off of his shoulders. and just by being himself. luffy was attentive to [name], clinging onto him and pouting for attention every now and then. and since [name] was feeling rather sentimental, he gave every ounce of attention he could to luffy. 
[name] and luffy talked the whole rest of the night, falling asleep in each others’ arms. a whispered i love you was barely heard as it was carried away by the wind, but the tightening of luffy's arms around [name] let the man know he did hear it. to some extent, the setting reminded him of their treehouse. just using each other for body heat when the nights were cold. it made [name] only more grateful that he did end up finding luffy when he did.
but, despite how peaceful their night together was, the next day, [name] was filled with nothing but unbridled rage towards his captain. once more.
“you’re fucking with me,” [name] rasped, looking at their surroundings.
a couple hours prior — “alright, zoro, [name], it’s up to you then,” nami called out to the duo, making them immediately refuse the idea. seeing their reluctance, nami pulled her trump card, “do you want me to talk about your debt?”
luffy had gone and drank water from a suspicious cactus. it caused him to start hallucinating and essentially going feral. and no one else wanted to deal with him, zoro and [name] included. but when nami commanded them to, using their debt as a means of pushing them to act, they cursed under their breath. 
unfortunately, it worked and it got them stepping to work immediately.
“if you don’t end up in hell, i’ll kick you down there myself!”
“cursed navigator.”
“don’t talk so badly about me!” nami said in a sing song voice, “and zoro — i look forward to it!” she continued in the same tone, making zoro and [name] even more annoyed.
“b-but, nami, what if something bad happens?! we need [name] here to fight them!!”
“i’m stronger than both of those idiots combined, don’t panic, usopp,” sanji said in a relaxed tone, stuffing his hands into his robes pockets, “let’s just go on ahead, though, they’ll follow after us.
now, chopper was their only hope in getting luffy back to normal. but, of course, out of nowhere luffy began attacking zoro. [name] cursed in annoyance, allowing the first-mate to take care of this business. in the meantime, [name] was going to unbury chopper’s small body from the sand.
the two got right into throwing punches at each other and after a couple minutes in, chopper woke up.
“ah, thanks [name] for getting me out of the hot sand,”
“no problem, just do the same for me if i ever run into that problem,” [name] grinned, making chopper nod in compliance.
“oh, what are they doing though?”
“fighting it out, i think it’s the only way to get luffy out of that stupid state,” [name] sighed, leaning into the sand and watching the fight with not a single emotion on his face, “how stupid is luffy and why does he have to be the captain,” he rasped out.
chopper took his seat, waiting for something pivotal to happen so he could intervene. and when the two fighting finally struck each other in the face - properly - he ran down with his medicine bag to help.
he put some potion underneath zoro’s nose to wake him up and then soon, luffy followed after.
“where are the others?” zoro coughed.
“don’t know, was busy making sure you two didn’t actually kill each other,” [name] said with a shrug, “doesn’t matter, let’s just follow the footprints, can’t be too hard,”
“right, right,” zoro agreed, getting up from the sand and looking around.
at the same time chopper came to the same conclusion.
“right…the footprints,”
another breeze blew past them, sending their own previous footprints to be erased completely.
now — “don’t leave me behind!!” luffy shouted and [name] sighed, crouching down and offering his back.
“get on, before i change my mind,” [name] said. luffy took the chance with no hesitation, sighing in content at no longer walking in the hot sand.
“say, is it always like this?” chopper asked zoro and [name], seeing as luffy was quickly in a sleepy state the moment [name] started carrying him. “always climbing snowy mountains, crossing deserts…”
“ain’t that the truth? but, no, we’re a little out of the ordinary right now, then there’s our captain,” zoro sighed.
“i think i’ve gotten on board a not-so good pirate ship,” chopper groaned, feeling the heat attacking him once more.
“what a coincidence, i was just thinking the same thing to myself,” [name] grunted, adjusting the grip on luffy so that he wasn’t slipping off of his back, “why am i playing babysitter for this grown man?”
“ah, did you often have to watch out for luffy when you were younger, [name]?”
“yeah, plus the fact he’s younger than me too, doesn’t make the situation much better when he starts abusing his privilege,” [name] sighed, “he always knew i’d go in and save him, but i really hoped he’d grow out of that habit. especially now that he’s a real pirate!”
“so, it’s kind of like, you two are the most veteran people that have known luffy, right?” chopper asked, making zoro and [name] share a look with one another. “since zoro you’re the first mate and [name] you’ve known luffy since he was a kid…”
“no, you’re right,” [name] confirmed, nodding his head.
“but there’s not that much of a difference between us - all of us," zoro added.
“why did you join, zoro?”
“why do you ask?” zoro immediately countered, feeling an ulterior motive to the question.
“to me, since i just joined, it seems like everyone’s a maverick. especially you, zoro.”
“that’s true,” zoro said, a hint of a smile on his face, “in my case, things pretty much just turned out this way. i told [name] this story already, but me and luffy meeting just happened…not really something i sought after.
“but for everyone on board the ship, we’re just trying to get by. we differ in our goals with luffy, we’re trying to do what we want to do. on the outside, we have no teamwork at all. especially given our captain!”
“but…in the end, teamwork doesn’t matter at all,” [name] proudly grinned, “it’s just a mutual understanding and respect of each other,”
zoro glanced at [name] from his side view and subtly nodded his head, “it’s more so, giving something your all and turning to your crewmates and saying, “i did it! you’re up next! if you can’t do it, i’ll kill you!””
chopper and [name] sweat dropped at the explanation, but it seemed to make sense…at least a little bit, for both of them.
“but being by luffy’s side, it’s exhilirating, isn’t it?” [name] said, smiling so wide that his eyes were crinkling at the end, “for as troublesome, stupid, and reckless as he is, he makes things more interesting. and i’d rather live a stressful, adventure filled life than a boring, stale one!”
the reindeer blinked at [name]’s words, as did zoro, as the only word to describe what [name] said being: genuine. you could see it in the way he regarded luffy, the way he smiled whenever the captain was brought up, and just the way his demeanor turned generally more relaxed.
zoro grinned, familiar with that feeling and nodding in agreement.
“being by his side all the time’s given me another goal to strive for,” zoro said lightly.
“another goal?”
“sorry, dunno how to explain it,”
“and [name]? what’s your goal in being in luffy’s crew?”
[name] perked up at the question, opening his mouth to answer, if it weren’t for luffy’s head knocking into his own.
out of nowhere, luffy had woken up from his sleep and squinted off into the distance, “i see shade!!!”
he stayed attached to [name]’s back, thanks to his legs hugging [name]’s hips, and shot his arms forward. zoro and chopper paled, realizing what was about to happen.
the four of them crashed into the cave — well, technically three since chopper landed more on the outskirts of the cave and face down in the sand.
[name] groaned, rubbing his head and standing upright. unfortunately, the moment he stood up, he began to fall through the sand below his feet.
“you’re fucking with me, right?” he rasped out, feeling the ground beneath him beginning to disappear. “luffy, i’ll kill you!!”
he fell through and was met with stone cold ground beneath him after his fall. he landed on his ass, cursing at the pain, before standing up.
“luffy! zoro! chopper!!” he shouted out, listening to the way his voice echoed off of the walls, “bastards!!”
and just like that, someone else came crashing down into the ruins.
“oh, i really did summon them,” [name] said in glee, running over and kicking the fallen figure, “zoro, get off your ass, come on!”
“don’t kick me!!” zoro said, swinging his sword every which way to try and cut up [name]. “of course your dumbass would be down here,”
“yeah and your idiotic self followed after me,” [name] exaggeratedly batted his eyelashes at zoro, making the swordsman move away, “say, are you that interested in me like that you’d really follow me to the ends of the earth, zoro?”
“shut the fuck up! what the fuck conclusion was that?!”
“wah, it’s so cold down here,” came luffy’s childish voice and it was only a second before they realized that he had followed them down into the hidden room.
“idiot! what are you doing here?! if you’re down here, then there’s a good chance we might lose chopper!” zoro shouted in frustration, his face glowing red from anger at his captain.
“well, we’re alright though because i saw him falling down here as well,” luffy easily explained, pointing at the direction of sand now falling into the space from a different entrance point, “see, he’s right there!”
“that’s a relief he’s fine,” [name] said, walking over and helping the reindeer up. with a quick tug, [name] got him standing on his two feet.  
“now, where exactly are we?” zoro said, scratching his eyes to get them to adjust to the darkness faster, “is it a dome?”
“seems like it,” [name] said, walking around and grunting when he stubbed his toe against some rock, “cunt!!” he shouted in pain, holding onto his foot.
he looked up and immediately punched the first thing he saw to let off some of the steam. his fist was stopped immediately by the rock, zero cracking forming on the surface.
and now he was just hopping around on one foot while his hand was caressing his knuckles.
“fucker!!” he said, helplessly hopping around in pain.
“idiot,” chopper and zoro said in a monotone voice.
“well, whatever, doesn’t matter where we are, let’s just stay here for a little longer,” luffy said, taking in the cold atmosphere with open arms.
“hold on, i recognize these picture letters,” chopper said, walking over to the stone that [name] had just stubbed his toe on and punched, “this is an ancient language,”
“i fucking hate history then,” [name] said, still blowing onto his knuckles to ease the pain.
“you can’t seriously be in that much pain from one punch!” zoro accused in a shout.
“no, zoro, you don’t understand, i’m nothing but a sensitive man,” [name] said in an exaggerated innocent tone, holding on his hand as he willed fake tears to spring to his eyes, “a man like me shouldn’t be so roughly handled!”
“wow, he’s a good actor,” chopper said, impressed with the show [name] was putting on.
“cheesy motherfucker,” zoro groaned, looking at [name] pathetically weep about his “injured” hand. “weren’t you the one to do that to yourself anyway?”
“details, details, details,” [name] said, shrugging, “won’t you kiss my pain away, zoro?”
“fuck off, for fucks’ sake!! get serious!!” zoro said, punching [name] down on the head, and then internally wondering what was he did in the past life to deserve a punishment as terrible as this.
“luffy, come on, get us out of here, the others are waiting for us, probably,” chopper said, deciding to be the one to collect their captain.
“what?! no, i don’t wanna leave, we just got here, i don’t wanna leave!” luffy whined, rolling back and forth on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum.
after zoro and [name] physically knocked some sense into luffy, he was then determined to get them out of the weird dome. he missed the opening of the hole zoro had fallen from, though, and instead sent a portion of the ceiling crashing down on himself.
“what the hell was that…” [name] said as he gazed at his hopeless captain.
“i missed because it was too small, it’s alright, this time i’ll get it,” luffy said in determination. and he did seem to get it for a second, but then the ceiling came crashing down once more and burying him in rubble.
“what [name] said - what the hell was that?!” zoro shouted in annoyance, “just grab onto the boulder above the cave and shoot us up from there!!”
it seemed luffy refused to listen to reason, though, instead destroying the hole even larger. the ceiling came crashing down tenfold and [name] shielded his head in preparation for something to crush them all to their deaths.
surprisingly, nothing had immediately injured them. and luffy was left walking over to some pillar and wrapping his stretchy arm around it, at least two dozen times.
“chopper turn little,” luffy commanded, “and everyone grab on!!”
[name] sighed, walking over and taking his place as luffy’s backpack. zoro’s arm came around his back, to support him and made sure he wouldn’t fall, whilst also grabbing onto luffy’s robe. [name] had a tight grip around luffy’s neck and on chopper’s clothes too.
and then they were spinning around the pillar, over and over and over again until they were shot up into the air. it felt as if they were flying. with how fast they were soaring through the sky and the wind beating against their faces, it definitely felt like they were flying.
but unlike most things that could fly, they had no way of landing. chopper cried out for what they were going to do, but luffy just shouted how he had no idea either.
[name] winced, holding onto luffy and chopper tight as they braced for impact. he felt zoro’s arm flex behind him to make sure he was really secure. and then they all bounced against the sandy ground a couple of times.
[name] spat out sand from his mouth, kicking himself up out of the sand and tried very hard to not murder luffy in cold blood. he walked over to chopper, easily pulling his smaller form out from the sand with one hand and placing him on his head.
then he made his way over to zoro and tugged him onto his feet, earning a grunt of thanks from the swordsman. chopper still seemed out of it so he made sure to keep him steady on his head to make sure he wouldn’t fall.
“i think i really did get on the wrong ship,” chopper rasped, still catching his breath.
“we’re on the same wavelength today because i was thinking the exact same thing,” zoro echoed, breathing heavily as he shook sand out from his hair.
“i think i might really kill him this time around,” [name] said under his breath, trying to quell his anger and not let it get the best of him.
“hey!!! guys, what are you doing all the way back there!!! we need to catch up with vivi,” luffy shouted, jumping up and down and waving his arms for them to hurry up.
“idiot,” [name] murmured softly, taking ahold of zoro’s wrist and leading them to luffy. “let’s just go, so he can shut up,”
the four walked together for a long time before chopper finally caught a whiff of nami’s perfume.
“it’s the way of the sunset, come on, luffy!” [name] said, unknowingly sending his captain into an excited running frenzy.
“hey!! guys, we’re coming!!” luffy cheered as if the rest of the crew could hear him.
they came up over a tall sand hill and on the other side of it, nami, sanji, usopp, and vivi were walking in a straight line. luffy was jumping up and down in excitement of finding the rest of the crew while chopper, zoro, and [name] were breathing heavily in exhaustion.
now that the crew was all back together, they were able to continue on their trek to yuba without worries. [name] adjusted the headpiece around him to cover his mouth and nose seeing as the wind was starting to pick the sand up even more.
on his back, usopp was resting and sleep talking about defeating crocodile. [name] smiled at the murmurs and kept his head up to see ahead.
“did we make it to yuba? i can’t really see with all this sand,” luffy said, making everyone squint at the small glimmer of light that in front of them.
“the city doesn’t look right…” vivi said, blinking a couple of times before stiffening and jumping off of lashes the camel. “it’s a sandstorm!! yuba is being hit by a sandstorm!”
just as they were about to arrive, a terrible sandstorm had to hit their destination. with a new urgency, the crew began rushing forward to see the affects of the sandstorm.
[name] cursed under his breath, adjusting his hold on usopp when he was finished running, and looked at the city. it was almost completely buried in sand, it looked just like the city they had come across at first.
“wasn’t this supposed to be an oasis city, vivi-chan?” sanji asked, making [name] step forward and look at the terrain.
he squinted very hard, focussing in on any sign of an oasis being present. vivi spoke with a strained voice. “the sand has raised the ground, meaning the oasis has been swallowed up,”
“there’s…very little of it left,” [name] said under his breath. “it could be saved…but it’d be hard,”
just as he said that, there was a sound of someone digging with a metal shovel. the crew looked over a couple of feet and saw an old man, trying his best too dig a trench, it looked like.
“you travelers must have had a hard journey in the desert. although our oasis has completely dried out, we still have some of the best inns ever! they’re the pride of our town, you see,” he croaked, looking completely exhausted in digging as he spoke. [name] furrowed his eyebrows in concern for the old man.
“we’re here to see the rebel army, are they not located in this town?” [name] asked, although seeing from how desolate the town was, the answer was a given.
what they didn’t expect was for the old man to go on a miniature rampage on them. he began throwing things at him, which [name] slapped away if they got too close to him or vivi.
“those rebel scum!! they abandoned this town long ago,” he informed them after his throwing was finished. vivi looked shocked at the news and a sense of dread was filling the crew’s minds, “they relocated to katorea,”
“huh? katorea? vivi, is that close by?” luffy asked innocently, making [name] smack him on the head. when his captain turned to him in annoyance, [name] only put his finger to his lips and pointed at vivi, his eyes screaming, “you just exposed the princess, dumbass!”
but vivi didn’t even seem to notice the slip up, only answering, “katorea, is a town that was near nanohana…”
“you’re fucking with me, right?” [name] asked, blinking as he processed the information. if they were in nanohana when they first set anchor down in alabsta, that means the rebel army was only a town away from the beginning.
“nanohana? then we wasted our time coming all the way out here,” zoro said gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“oh! i met lashes in katorea,” chopper said in surprise. lashes began to “speak” and chopper translated it. the camel offhandedly said, “i was transporting goods for the rebel army and they were stationed in katorea,”
[name] threateningly began to unsheathe his sword, “you asshole, you didn’t say anything and we were wasting time this entire journey?! i’ll cut you up!! sanji, are you ready to cook camel meat?!”
“more than ready! i’m itching to kill this bastard too!!” sanji shouted, kicking into the camel’s side.
“why didn’t you say anything earlier!?” luffy screamed in frustration.
“whatever,” chopper said, translating for the rest of the crew what exactly the camel said, which only sent them into a bigger fury.
“wait, did you say, vivi? are you princess vivi?” the old man spoke up, walking up the sand trench he was building and reaching for the princess. [name] stepped forward, in between the old man and vivi, not about to take chances with the guy’s intentions.
“slow down there, gramps,” he sad in a warning tone, “so what if she is?”
the sword that was resting on [name]’s hips was very slightly shining in the moonlight, making the old man gulp to ease his nerves.
”vivi-sama, do you remember me?” he asked quickly, seeing how eager [name] was to spill some blood, “i don’t blame you if you don’t, after all, i lost a lot of weight,”
[name] looked at the man, not taking his eyes off of him. suddenly, from behind his protective position, vivi shot out and brought the old man into her arms, “toto-ojisan?!”
“you do remember!”
“huh? who’s that?” luffy and [name] asked in unison.
“long story,” nami said simply, a haze in her eyes as she realized who the man was. her and vivi were exchanging stories while they were riding on the back of lashes and the man in front of them was a pretty pivotal person in vivi's stories.
“vivi-sama, please stop those fools!!” the old man screamed, tears rushing out of his eyes. [name] averted his eyes, feeling ever so slightly bad for intimidating him earlier.
“toto-ojisan, don’t worry. we will stop the rebellion,” vivi assured him, handing him her handkerchief to dry his tears.
the crew decided to take shelter at yuba for the rest of the night. [name] was thankful because it meant they could be shielded from the cold air outside. and just as he was about to get comfortable, he noticed that their captain was missing again.
“huh? [name]? you’re not going to bed?” vivi asked, already comfortable under her blankets near nami.
”i will, i’m just gonna check in with luffy,” [name] said, waving his hand, “he might be caused the old man out there some unneccesary trouble,”
“beat him up if he is,” nami called out over her shoulder casually.
“yes, yes,” [name] said softly, waving his hand. when he made it to the outside trench, he saw the old man throwing sand over his shoulder and working tireslessly.
“aren’t your bones aching, gramps?” [name] asked, announcing his presence to the man.
“not at all, this is normal work for me!” toto said stubbornly.
“where’d the idiot go?”
“oh…he was digging right behind me…”
[name] jumped down into the sand pit and hummed in thought when he saw luffy was sleeping in the hole he had dug. he murmured the word “idiot” under his breath before wordlessly lifting him up out of the hole.
toto watched in confusion as a simple wave of [name]’s hand had the boy’s body lifting off of the ground. in a couple of seconds, luffy was then resting on the sand next to [name]’s feet.
“how did you do that?” toto asked cautiously, looking at the stoic look on [name]’s face.
“i have magical powers,” [name] said childishly, wiggling his fingers around as if he were to cast a spell.
“not funny, young man,” toto said, unimpressed with the behavior coming from [name].
“hm, i’ll get him inside and then i’ll come out and help you look for water,” [name] said, picking luffy up with ease and holding him bridal style, “i think if you moved a little bit more to the left, though, you’ll be able to hit water sooner than you think,”
and with that being his last bit of advice to the old man, he walked back into the inn where everyone else was sleeping. dropping luffy onto a straw bed and covering him with a blanket was easy. he gently took of luffy’s hat, to not ruin it, and placed it close by for him to find in the morning.
when he came back out of the inn, he saw the old man did take his advice and was digging from the surface again.
“you don’t have to help me,” toto said, about to refuse the help, but [name] shook his head. the pirate held his hand out to the old man, urging toto to hand him the shovel.
“let me dig, i can do it better than you anyway,” he joked, enjoying the pissed off look on toto’s face. wordlessly, the old man handed him the shovel and took a seat on the side.
quickly, [name] got to work in finding water. it was deep, very, very, deep, but it was there. and he would hit it before the sun came up if he worked hard and with no breaks.
"has vivi always been so reckless?" [name] curiously asked, looking over his shoulder for a moment.
his company grinned at the question, "yes! she never cared about her status as princess as child and insisted to be friends with even the common folk. she would always get herself into trouble," there was a pause and then the man spoke again in a shaky tone, "but now that she's grown into a young woman - i can't help but worry for her and her safety!"
"well, there's no need to worry anymore ojisan!" [name] grinned, wiping away his sweat, "with the strawhats here vivi won't ever get hurt again. we're gonna help her save this country!"
the man looked at him with furrowed brows, "what makes you so confident? you travellers have just arrived in this country - we have been struggling for years."
"it's cause you guys didn't have us," [name] easily and cockily replied. this made the old man laugh to his heart's content - whether it be from amusement at his confidence or in mockery, [name] didn't know. nor did he need to. he'd keep his end of his promise and protect vivi as she saved this desert country.
toto wanted to stay up and keep [name] some sort of company, but eventually his eyes were beginning to droop in exhaustion. [name] laughed at the sleepy look on toto’s face.
with the motivation of making the man’s day when he woke up, [name] began working even harder.
sweat was dripping from every crevice of his body, his muscles were begging him to stop from how they ached, but he kept his main goal in mind. and when he finally hit some sort of watery sand, he felt himself almost begin to laugh.
he wiped his face, grimacing at the gritty feel of sand on his skin, and pushed his hair aside. his hair, which was usually tied in a neat, small ponytail, was completely unfurled and shadowing his face.
he sighed, continuing to dig to get deeper into the water supply. he pulled out a small cannister that was resting on his hip, collecting water for himself first, and then deciding to go back up for more cannisters to hold the water.
when he finally drained as much water as possible, he left the cannisters to rest near toto. he smiled as the man’s expressions were moving in time with whatever dreams he was having. [name] carried him inside the inn with ease before collapsing onto his own bed, which was near chopper.
he grabbed ahold of the reindeer and kept him close, holding him tight for some sense of warmth. chopper didn’t seem to mind, cuddling closer into [name]’s skin in his sleep.
and despite [name] only catching less than a handful hours of sleep, it was still pleasant.
[ .ᐟ ] DID U GUYS SEE THAT ZORO AND [name] MOMENT??? (zoro flexing his arm around [name] to make sure he was secure, so romantic right guys?!) WOOWWW I THINK THEYRE SO IN LOVE RIGHT NOW WOOWWWWW EVERYONE CHEER (its going to take so long for these two to even remotely progress im fucking DEAD) 
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@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s
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tw1l1te · 7 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 3
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, soft and domestic, suggestive themes
You walk out of the bathroom, clad in Sky’ old Skyloft tunic and trousers, dirty clothes in your arms. You walk back into your room and stuff the clothes in your pack, noting to wash them the next time you get the chance.
You hear a soft knock at the door, noticing that Legend was leaning up against it.
“Old Man just wanted me to let you know that we’re leaving at dawn, towards Castle Town. Apparently we have some business to discuss with the resistance.”
Legend takes a moment to take in your form. The tunic Sky gave you was practically falling off of you.
“Oh for the love of- You need a belt… at least till we find you clothes that actually fit you.”
Legend leaves your room and comes back a second later with a leather belt. He walks right up to you and wraps it around your waist, tightening it enough to hold the tunic in place, but not tight to the point you couldn’t breathe. Adjusting the fabric, you hum at how much more comfortable the tunic feels on you.
“Better?” you nod “Good.” you expect him to leave, but he doesn’t. He takes your hands in his and looks at them. His hands are soft yet battered with scars and nicks, and callosed from holding swords for years.
He looks back up at you, searching for something in your eyes, but you can’t tell what.
“Leg? You ok?” you ask, starting to get worried about the lack of words from him.
You don’t expect him to kiss your hand, eye contact not straying from yours. You felt your entire body get hot, this moment feeling so intimate and yet, so natural. It was hard to pinpoint.
“Whatever happens, whatever you decide to do, I’m gonna do my absolute best to protect you. I won’t let anything happen to you Y/n, you hear? I promise you.” he whispered. 
You bring up one of your hands to brush through his blonde-pink bangs, and place a soft kiss on his forehead, staying there for a few seconds longer.
“I know, bunny. I know.”
That night was sleepless for you. You were up before anyone else, fastening supplies onto your pack and taking note of what you needed to get on your next supply run.
One by one, the heroes woke up and made their way downstairs, surprised at how early you woke up, as you typically were one of the last ones to be awake.
By about 6 in the morning, you were well on your way out of Ordon Village. You were walking alongside Wars and Four, both of whom were a bit too tired to hold a conversation, but you were more than ok with that. You needed some space to think.
What was up with Sky? Especially in the bathroom? You know things have been tense with the Shadow and constantly adventuring, but it seemed like Sky had something on his mind. You needed to find out some time soon, it kept gnawing at you.
And in terms of the other elephant in the room… you were still so lost. What were you supposed to do? You couldn’t just leave the chain, as if the past year and a half was a fun adventure or game. This… this was your life now… but you didn’t belong here. You saw how townsfolk looked at you, even sneering at you for managing to catch the heroes’ eyes. As much as everyone reminded you that you were one of them… you knew you weren’t. You weren’t involved in an ancient prophecy, wielded the triforce, or even came from any of their eras. You were nobody.
“But anyways, this bigass fish just came outta NOWHERE and I started slashing at it and using my hook to swing on top of it-” “Wind, stop overwhelming Y/n, I can tell she already got lost at the part with the redeads.” Twilight chuckled, throwing a smile your way “Plus we arrived at Castle Town.”
Castle Town was BUSY. Everyone was bustling about, trying to hit their sale markers for the day, advertising their goods and services. You saw an ancient wares and magical items shop, but Twilight quickly ushered you deeper into the town. You’d have to check it out later.
Entering a quieter alleyway, you make your way down a set of stairs leading to a bar in a corner, no doubt being where this “resistance” acclimated. You remembered playing the game and having a hard time finding it, but you liked the little quest. Despite being in Twilight’s Hyrule twice since you first met the chain, you’ve never actually went into Telma’s Bar. 
“Link? Is that really you?” Telma exclaimed, eyes wide open with disbelief. “Didn’t think I’d see you so soon!! I see you brought some friends along?” She said, looking at the boys and then at you “And a partner?” she asked in a teasing tone.
Twilight waved his hands “Ah, no! We’re not like that. These are all my traveling companions. We just came by to see if Shad and Ashei were around.”
Telma’s eyes flashed in recognition. She knew why we were here.
“They’re in the back, they’ve been here since last night. They’ve been expecting you, actually.” She said, towel drying a glass. You all thank her, walking to the end of the hallway.
Opening the door, you see Ashei and Shad hunched over a map, notebooks and books scattered across the table.
“Ashei!” you exclaim, you haven’t seen her in ages, especially since portal-hopping so often.
She gives you a tight hug, smiling at you “How have you been Y/n? Hope Link hasn’t been too rough with ya.” you giggle at her remark, waving her off.
“Nah he’s all good, just a bit stinky per usual,” you chuckle, throwing a wink back at Twilight.
“Y’all are actin’ as if i'm not ‘ere.” he laughed in disbelief, playing along with your joke.
Ashei rolls her eyes, pulling you along to look over the table.
“Alright, anyways, why you’re all here. So, we’ve been lookin’ at the map for a bit and compared our notes with the research team. They said there was a strong pull coming from the Arbiter’s Grounds, located in the desert. Link, I know you were last there with the Twilight Mirror, did you see any other mirror-like objects?” Ashei asks, deep in concentration.
“No. Last time I was there, the Twilight Mirror was destroyed as soon as-” he takes a breath. “As soon as I finished the job.” He says, a far off look in his eyes.
As soon as Midna left him, he meant.
“Right. Ok. Well, Shad did a little more digging and got permission to access Hyrule’s archives, even the forbidden section. Apparently, something deeper is goin’ on.” Ashei gestured at Shad, urging him to continue.
“Ahem, right. I looked through the historical texts in order to see the background and history of the desert, specifically the Arbiter’s Grounds. I looked for hours on anything unusual or anything I didn’t know before, but there was nothing. However, when I got access to the forbidden archives, there were tons of unpublished and banned texts, almost as if…” he trailed off.
“Nobody wanted the public to know.” Time finished, starting to piece things together. 
“Correct. So, after reading a bit, turns out there was, or possibly IS another mirror. However, not to the Twilight Realm or a time travel mirror. This one, apparently, to whole other dimension.”
You breathed out, not sure the last time you took a breath. This was a lot, but you had to hear the rest of it.
“The trip itself can take a few weeks, especially since warp locations have disappeared years ago. You’ll need to head to the Arbiter’s Grounds and find a way deeper underground. The map in the book says there’s a whole other tunnel system underneath what has been uncovered during the Twilight Siege.”
“The mirror itself was built by some cult. No one knows the name of it or if its still active, as the mirror was said to be built thousands of years ago, possibly even before the Twilight Mirror itself. The pages on the cult itself have been long ripped out, so as of right now its impossible to know how the mirror itself was made, their motives, and history of the cult.”
The room stayed silent, everyone taking information in as it was thrown at them. Legend was deep in thought, fiddling with his rings, a nervous habit you’ve noticed.
Time and Wars were looking at each other, almost communicating silently. 
Twilight had has hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you or him, it was unclear.
Wind and Hyrule looked worried, unsure of the implications of the cult.
Four’s eyes kept flickering back and forth, as if he was conversing with the colors in his head.
Sky was biting his fingernails, another habit that you noticed from him.
Wild just seemed dazed, looking through you as if he was remembering something.
You just stared at the map, needing a few seconds to process. Holy shit. You might actually be going home.
“You alright, Y/n?” Time asked, placing a hand on your other shoulder. You nodded, not looking away from the map.
Before you could say anything, Twilight stated “Thanks Ashei, Shad. We’re gonna need to discuss a bit before we can go ahead. I assume y’all will still be here for a lil’?” he asked, waiting for confirmation from the two. They both nodded, leaving Twilight to usher you out back towards Telma’s Bar, the others following behind you two.
You all sit down at the bar, Wars ordering a few drinks for all of you, and sliding a pouch of rupees towards Telma as payment.
“Before you start getting guilty about changing our course, don’t. We want to help you, Y/n.” Time stated, not looking away from you.
He knew exactly what you were thinking, it seems.
“But its not your responsibility for you guys to take me home, or lead me there. It’s my responsibility.” you said, voice cracking. “Hell, I wasn’t even supposed to be here, I fell through the portal on accident, and I don’t know how the hell it even landed in my reality to begin with. You guys are supposed to focus on getting to the Shadow, not help me get home because I’m homesick.”
Wars sighed “Y/n, if it were anyone else in the group, we’d help them get home, no matter what. We’re a team. You’re one of us, so we’re going to do this for you. We don’t have to, but we WANT to. We want to help you get home.” He said, giving you a small smile in attempt to console you. 
You nodded, “Fair enough, I suppose. I’m not in charge of what y’all wanna do, but don’t do it because you feel like you owe me something.” you said, taking a swig of the alcohol. You needed to loosen up.
No one mentioned it out loud, but they knew what they were all thinking. After all, they are reincarnations of each other in some ways.
They’d do anything for you, you didn’t have to lift a finger and they’d do it. No questions asked.
You didn’t know that though. You just saw them as being too trusting and good for their sakes.
“Fuck my ears feel heavy!” you giggled, your face was all pink and you knew you were tipsy.
“I think I'm shrinking Y/n,” Four panicked, gripping his locks in his hands. 
“You’re Minish, Four. You’re naturally shrunken.” Legend mumbled, staring off into the half empty glass.
“Fuck, you’re so right.” Four groaned.
You leaned against Time, looking up through your lashes. 
“I think you’re realllll handsome, blondie.”
“Is that so?”
“Mhmmm!! It’s not fair. I want them golden locks of yours.”
“Other’s in the group have blonde hair as well?”
“They do??”
You take a look at the others, realizing your mistake “Oh.”
You turn back at him and sigh dreamily “But you’re just so…. Ugh!!! Like a…. Um…. hell I don’t know. I’m not good at metaphors and stuff. You’re just hot. Yeah. Real hot,” you say, swirling your drink for the millionth time that night.
Time just stayed silent, but could feel the blush creeping up his neck. You were drunk, it didn’t mean anything…. But it did. It always did when it came from you, drunk or not.
“Alright, off to bed, you. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” he said, collective groans coming from around the bar.
He made eye contact with Telma and slid over an extra 20 rupees for dealing with everyone’s shenanigans, mouthing a silent “thank you” at her. 
Without another word, he slung you over his shoulder and carried you upstairs, where Telma added some renovated rooms in the past few years, proving to be very helpful with the current situation, as he didn’t want to carry you outside for a few blocks to the nearest inn. 
He was gentle with you when he laid you in bed, but your arms were still around his shoulders, refusing to loosen up.
“You gotta sleep, sunshine. We gotta leave early again tomorrow.”
“Mmhh… stay with me?” you asked, slightly sleepy from the alcohol in your system.
Time considered for a moment. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
“Of course, scootch over.”
Time slipped his boots off and took off the breastplate and shoulder pieces of armor off, setting it against the dresser to put back on in the morning. You didn’t once look away. You couldn’t.
Your feelings have been so complicated with the chain the past few months. The past few weeks especially. You keep having… moments with them. Not tense, no, more… romantic or intimate. That wasn’t even how you wanted to describe it, but you couldn’t come up with anything else. You weren’t sure if you were reading into it too much, or hoping your 12-year old self was living her fantasy of being with her favorite character, but…. part of you hoped it was true. So when Time turned around, you were standing chest-to-chest with him, or rather chest-to-face as you were at least a foot shorter than him. Curse your genetics and lack of tallness.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry Y/n, I didn’t see you-” “Time, what’s been going on with you?” 
When you were drunk, you didn’t like to beat around the bush. But even with several drinks in your system, you’ve never felt more sober.
“I don’t follow.”
“Oh, I think you do. You’ve been acting off around me. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something?-”
“No, nothing like that-”
“Did I make you uncomfortable? Did I do or say something to make you upset with me?-”
“Y/n, no I-”
“If I did please just be honest with me because I might leave-”
He kisses you, deeply. You can feel your tears spilling from your waterline, fat pearls pouring over. You close your eyes, relishing this moment, praying to Hylia this wasn’t a dream or some mind game. You needed him. You needed them. 
You whimper into the kiss, throwing your arms around his neck, him groaning softly in response. His hands are gripping your waist, pulling you closer to him, as if he’s stopping you from running away. Leaving him.
You both hesitantly pull away, a string of saliva connecting you. You flutter your eyes open, looking at Time’s blown out eyes, him slightly panting. 
“I like you.” you blurt out, not wanting to waste another moment.
He chuckles at that, “You don’t say.”
You giggle, smacking his shoulder and muttering “asshole”.
With that, you both strip your outer layers and leave on your under tunics and pants, Time turning off the light while you get under the blankets.
You start undoing the small ponytail you made in the morning to keep your hair out of your face, but Time instead starts undoing it, leaving you to put your hands in your lap, waiting for him to finish. He places the ribbon on the nightstand and kisses your shoulder. 
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
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spark-my-nature · 6 months
Watered Down - JTK
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WC: 7.6K | Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content! (Vaginal fingering, handjobs, penetrative sex, dirty talk, lmk if I missed anything!)
Your friend is wasting all your hot water, but if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
What is taking him so long in there?
You shifted again on the edge of your bed while the steady rainfall from the shower across the hall droned on. After the soft click of the door closing, water had begun running almost the second you’d woken up, inhibiting you from your morning duties, and the little culprit had yet to emerge. 
After the usual depraved nonsense that you got up to with Jake on a Friday evening, he’d looked at you, upside-down and disoriented from the indented couch cushion, with his sleepy puppy dog eyes, asking if he could just stay the night. 
“Don’ wanna drive,” he’d mumbled into the throw pillow, already tugging your throw blanket off the back of the cushions. As if his driving was even on the table in his current state. 
As if you could deny him, so adorably snuggled up to your wrinkled, inside-out, oversized hoodie, balled up like a makeshift teddy bear under his chin. Besides, your sleepy, intoxicated partner in crime had already fluttered his obnoxiously long eyelashes closed, soft snores rumbling out of his button nose occasionally. You’d sat there, back against the footrest of the lazy boy with your knees supporting your chin, just watching him for longer than you can remember or care to think about. 
But as you wiggled again, the pressure of your bladder screaming at you for relief, you cursed at the bastard currently occupying your only bathroom. 
Seriously, who showered for… you checked your phone for the time. 
34 minutes? 
He may be diligent about hygiene, but he was still just a man, after all. There’s only so much grooming he could do, especially in YOUR shower. 
Whimpering with discomfort, and a little irritability, you shoved off the bed, shuffling to the bathroom door. 
“Jacob! Y’almost done?” you called, listening for a second. 
You huffed, bringing your knuckles to the door, rapping at the wood quickly. 
“Jake, c’mon, I gotta pee,” you tried again, shifting your weight. 
Still, you heard nothing but the white noise of the overhead fan and the shower. You shoved down a brief flutter of worry when a faint mumbled curse echoed off the tub walls. 
He hadn’t drowned, then. 
Well, you had tried to get his attention, to warn him. And the shower curtain was opaque, it’s not like you’d see anything. You reasoned he had made his own bed by being a little shower hog. 
You twisted the knob, cracking the door open, immediately affronted with steam. Knocking the door frame again for good measure, you called again, “Jake?”
This time, Jake gasped, startled behind the curtain, making you giggle an apology after his shout of surprise, pushing the door open. 
“What- Hey! I’m- …showering in here,” he cried, the shower curtain rings clanging as he stretched it to each end, sealing the corners to your eyes. 
“Yeah, no shit, for the last four hours. I’m dying here, Jacob, do you remember how much we drank last night?” Flipping up the toilet lid, you unbuttoned your pants. “Don’t look,” you ordered. 
Jake scoffed, sounding a little winded, strained. “Not a problem,” he retorted. 
Shoving your sleep pants down, you quickly relieved yourself, trying not to think too hard about your naked, totally platonic, definitely no tension between you at all, best friend behind the thin curtain. 
Under normal circumstances, you would’ve avoided an interaction this weirdly intimate by all costs, but Jake was your best friend at the end of the day. He’d held your hair as you’d thrown up, he’d nursed you through a nasty bout of flu with his homemade soup and medicine, he’d been the one to rip the wax strip off your leg when you got too scared of the pain. 
You guys were unshakeable, you knew he wasn’t gonna wig out from you relieving yourself. 
That said, you could tell he was just standing there, rigid behind the curtain as you speedily made yourself decent and closed the lid. “You know, you didn’t have to stop just because I had to pee,” you chuckled. 
“I can’t- will you get out of here so I can just get out?” He sighed. 
Something in his tone sounded defeated, frustrated. You furrowed your brow, eyeing the curtain. “Wait, what’s the matter?” 
Barking a humorless laugh, Jake fired back, “That’s a joke, right?” 
“Hey, don’t be mean, I’m sorry I interrupted your precious shower time, Princess,” you bit back. “It’s not my fault there’s only one bathroom.”
Jake was quiet for a second, and you were seconds away from apologizing again before he replied incredulously, “I’m not- no, not because you had to pee, you goose.” 
Chuckling, you crossed your arms. “Okay, well! What then?” 
Jake’s shadow shuffled awkwardly behind the curtain, scoffing again awkwardly. 
“Sweetheart. C’mon. Put two and two together, please.” He snapped his fingers impatiently. 
Your eyes suddenly widened, and you blushed furiously, your grip tightening around your own arm as you rubbed awkwardly up and down your sleeve. “oh-“ you coughed, “you- …oh.” 
Jake snorted. “Finally she clues in.” 
“Well how was I supposed to know?!” You started giggling, a quick peek in the fogged up mirror confirming the pink flush adorning your cheeks. 
Jake laughed, slapping a hand to his forehead. “How could you not know?” 
“Well why are you- why in the shower?” 
“I didn’t think you’d appreciate seeing that on your couch!” 
You giggled again, rubbing at your cheek shyly, biting your lip. Definitely not thinking about it, absolutely not thinking about…
Jake continued, “I mean, I didn’t think you’d appreciate seeing it at all, but you are still fucking standing there-“ 
“Did you finish?” 
“…No, I didn’t fucking finish,” he hissed teasingly, “and if you’re not gonna join me in here, then kindly get out.” You could hear the mirthful smile in his voice, and knowing your best friend like you did, you knew he was fully expecting you to take his joke at face value and to leave him alone with a final comeback. 
That nagging best-friend-intuition was also sounding alarm bells though. Because as he joked, long-suffering ire in his voice, you also detected a rough edge beneath the surface. 
With the completely and utter faith that nothing would be catastrophic enough to scare Jake off at this point, you threw caution to the wind. 
“What if… what if I do join you?” 
Jake hesitated, before chuckling shyly. “…oh, shut up,” he disbelievingly teased. 
You blushed, “No, Jake, I-…” you giggled nervously, shyly finishing, “I’m serious. Y’know, if- if you are.” 
Another pause, and you couldn’t remember ever being so nervous in your life until-
“Uhh… y-yeah. Yeah, okay,” his breathy voice gaining confidence, “get in here, then.” 
Heart pounding, you grinned, “yeah?” 
He chuckled, his shape behind the curtain moving, presumably rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, c’mon in, darling, the water’s fine,” he flirted nervously.
You breathed in deep, mindfully relaxing your tense shoulders, and tugged your shirt over your head. You kept your eyes poised on the curtain, pushing your sleep shorts and your panties down your legs. You kicked them into a small pile, hidden off to the side, feeling shy about that for some reason.
Quietly, you approached and curled your hand around the edge of the curtain and grinned shyly, “Kay, close your eyes.” 
He laughed on the other side of the vinyl sheet, “What? Why?” 
“Cause I’m shy!” you defended, “just do it.”
Jake snickered, “…they’re closed, I promise.” 
You pulled the curtain back, keeping your eyes firmly at eye level as you stepped in, sliding it shut behind you. Your eyes settled on his dripping chestnut hair, curling up in the humidity as it hung in dark tendrils down Jake’s tanned shoulders, his back muscles flexing as he held his hand over his eyes. 
He turned his head carefully with his eyelids squeezed shut, blindly looking over his shoulder, his lips were curled up in a boyish smirk, his cheeks warm from the shower, and maybe (hopefully) from your presence. 
You stood before him, careful not to let yourself accidentally brush against him, biting your lip as you struggled not to let your eyes dip below his chest. He turned his body fully, facing you and grinning wider, which made your breath catch in your throat as nothing stopped you now from looking down if you wanted.
“Can I open my eyes now?” His voice had taken on a flirty, raspy quality, one you hadn’t personally been privy to before. It made your cheeks hot. 
You took a slow breath, nodding. “Yeah, you can- you can look.” 
He parted his ring and middle finger, peeking between his fingers to scan your face. “Yeah?” he confirmed softly, grinning. 
You giggled softly, nodding at his sweet demeanour. “Yeah,” you whispered.
His hand lowered to his side, and you watched his throat as he swallowed, then you blushed harder as his eyes slowly descended from the rigid eye contact. 
You felt his heated gaze searing into your skin, and you stood there, allowing yourself to be engulfed in his fiery, admiring gaze. It travelled down your neck, past your collarbones, his eyes lingered around your chest for a moment. He subtly licked his lips, quickly glancing down the rest of your body before glancing back up to your blushing, patiently waiting face. 
“You’re more beautiful than I imagined,” he softly confessed, boyish, sweet and shy.
The soft burst of laughter that arose from you was born purely of the nervous energy flipping in your tummy. He cracked a grin at the sound, and your voice was surprisingly steady when you teased, “You’ve imagined?”
His head turned to the side, eyes casted down as his grin widened and he shrugged one shoulder. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You gave him a crooked smile, “Mhmm… I’ve always figured you’d be gorgeous too.”
His cheeks flushed pink and his eyes couldn’t quite seem to hold your gaze, flickering down to your lips repeatedly, making you feel even more of that restless, butterfly inducing energy.
Curiosity finally winning over, you did some visual exploration of your own, biting your lip as you stood with him beneath the fall of water. You traced your eyes down his chest, the plush abdomen decorated with that enticing wispy trail of hair. 
You swallowed down your nerves as you felt Jake’s hands tentatively come to rest on your hips, and then you looked down at his very-much-still-aroused dick, water droplets running down the length of his thick shaft, falling from the tip of his swollen head that was the prettiest shade of pink. 
You took a shaky breath, Jake’s fingers squeezing reflexively at your sides at the sound. Your face shot back up to his, the heated tension skyrocketing. 
Jake lifted his brows with a questioning, almost challenging look. You shakily exhaled, answering that challenge by bring your hand up to rest over his chest. It was hot to the touch, his soft skin wet and sweet smelling, and beneath it, his heartbeat was racing just as fast as yours. His dark eyelashes fluttered at your touch but stayed open, watching your face in lustful curiosity, seeming to search for your approval, for a positive response. 
You offered a shy smirk, flickering your eyes between his. “So…”
He grinned shyly, “So…”
You giggled quietly, and his smile widened, his thumbs swiping gently over your hips where he gripped you. 
“… I don’t wanna like, say the wrong thing here,” he chuckled. “Not really sure what this… is.” 
You tucked your chin down, giggling shyly. “I don’t know either, really. I guess it’s whatever you want it to be,” you looked up at him through your lashes. 
He analysed your face for a moment, licking his lip again. God, could he knock that off before you fainted? 
“Whatever I want it to be?” He quietly repeated. 
Your hand moved, slipping your hand up over his shoulder, wrapping around the back of his neck, and it seemed to convey the hint to him clearly enough to give him the courage to ask,
“In that case…” he swallowed, meeting your eyes, “can I kiss you?” 
Your stomach flipped, your face burned hot, and you pushed through the jackhammering of your heart to give him a shy but eager little nod, ever so slightly urging him with the hand on the back of his neck. 
His breath stuttered, and he leaned in, carefully gaging your face until the last moment, your eyes fluttering shut in sync and his lips pressing warm and wet to yours. 
Your free hand settled on his soft side, and that was what seemed to click this whole thing for the both of you. Jake’s heart raced anew beneath your other hand, and he parted his lips, returning to the kiss with a deeper slide, your faces angling into place. 
Behind your eyelids, there wasn’t the fireworks or explosions of energy you’d read about. There was only Jake, coursing through your adrenaline jacked veins. Jake’s skin beneath your hands, Jake’s hair barely tickling your cheek as he leaned farther above you in his growing boldness, Jake’s hand squeezing your hip tightly as he let his other hand wander up your back. 
He sighed through his nose with the softest little “Mm” of satisfaction, your throat responding with a quiet whine of your own instinctively. His hands kneaded the flesh at your waist, and his hot breath and his satin lips owning yours overwhelmed you in the best way.
All was Jake, but as you poured your relief and want into this hot, wet kiss, you kept coming back for more - you wanted all of him, pressing you against the shower wall, taking over every one of your senses. 
But he was still holding on to that tiny bit of distance between his front and yours, and in your kiss-muddled brain, you couldn’t quite grasp why, which was why you used your leverage with your arm around his shoulder to press your chest against his without really thinking. 
It was then that you felt the most pressing evidence of just how much this was affecting him, poking hard and hot just under your navel. 
The combined sensation of your chest squishing against his and his tip skimming the skin of your abdomen drew out the most knee-buckling whimper of surprise out of Jake. You barely had time to drink in the sound of it before he was sweetly but firmly pushing you back. Your eyes opened to the sight of his lip tucked tightly beneath his teeth and his brows furrowed with tortured desire. 
Your jaw fell open for a stunned moment, suddenly realizing what just happened, and you blushed hotter, mumbling, “I-I’m sorry, Jake-“
“No!” he cut you off, quickly shaking his head and cupping your cheek, his own face flushed bright with embarrassment. “Don’t- no apologizing. This is… it’s good, I just,” he floundered for words, eyes darting between yours as his cheeks blushed pinker still. 
Not confident in your own voice – still dizzy with want from the brush of his cock, if you were honest - you simply blinked up at him, patiently but nervously waiting, and his demeanour seemed to soften as he looked down at you. You noticed how he was shifting his weight as his eyes unfocused for a moment, the restlessness of his hips making you crack a smirk.
He mirrored it, and you quirked an eyebrow at him playfully, “Worked up, huh?” 
You had no idea where this boldness came from, but Jake’s pupils dilated in response to your challenging quip, and he huffed a shy laugh, leaning a tiny bit closer. “Maybe a little.”
You innocently shifted your own hips forward, just enough to cause his tip to graze your middle once again, and you bit your lip as his jaw popped open, his eyes darting down at the contact.
“Nothing about that is little,” you breathed. 
Jake’s eyes flew up to yours, wide and shocked for a moment until his expression slowly morphed into a hesitant but dirty smirk. 
That is, until your shower decided it wasn’t going to waste hot water any longer while you two finally worked out the tension between you. Jake, whose body had been mostly shielding you from the spray of water, jolted suddenly with a yelp, scrambling away from the showerhead, rushing to turn around and shut off the faucet. 
“Jesus fuck,” he hissed, shuddering from the temperature shock as the water stopped. 
You burst into giggles, and Jake awkwardly laughed as he straightened up. The bubble had burst, but you were honestly a little relieved to have dorky Jake back, as you watched him open the shower curtain and lean out to grab a towel for you both. 
His smile was crooked as he faced you again, stepping close and wrapping the towel behind you, draping it over your shoulders. He hesitated when your eyes met, almost as if he wasn’t sure if you still wanted to keep going now that the moment had been so jarringly disrupted. 
No way you were letting this go, though. You raised your eyebrows expectantly, and as matter of factly as you could, you told him, “See, now would be when you should kiss me again.”
His face drooped into an adorably goofy smile, and he teased softly as he leaned in, “Is that right?”
“Mhm,” you giggled, lifting your chin invitingly as he obliged you with a gentle kiss. 
When he pulled back, you met his eyes, and he smiled wide, casting his eyes down shyly.
“I gotta say, I did not think today was gonna go like this,” he admitted with a chuckle, drying off his chest. 
You smirked, toweling off your hair and trying not to be too shy about it when you re-wrapped your towel around your body and stepped out. “How d’you mean?” you sarcastically replied. 
He laughed, stepping out after you onto the bathmat, the two of you crowded together, swaddled in your respective towels as you dripped onto the fuzzy rug. “Oh you know,” he wrinkled his nose playfully, “just, going from, pathetically jerking off in your shower to the thought of you, to kissing you naked? That little thing?”
Your jaw dropped, and you giggled in shock, blinking up at him as you blushed hot for the hundredth time. “…the thought of me?” you squeaked.
Jake’s brows furrowed above his disbelieving eyes, smirking at you, “…you knew that…”
You shook your head, biting your lip as your stomach flipped. 
Jake’s face fell a little bit, his own blush returning. “What?”
You squirmed under his gaze, chuckling shyly, “…What?”
He huffed an almost teasing laugh, “Darling, you have  to have known I like you,” he insisted, smiling in disbelief.
Your whole abdomen erupted with butterflies, and you giggled nervously, “No! How could I have known that!”
He reached up to cup your face as he laughed gently, “You got in the shower with me! Why would you have done that if you didn’t know?”
You flushed hot at the reminder, and let your forehead fall into his shoulder, his arms looping around you fondly in reassurance as you chuckled into his skin. “Cause I- I like you, and I wanted…you,” you finished lamely. 
His voice was cheeky and smug above you, “You like me?”
You smirked, sighing and mumbling, “Yes, Jacob,” against his shoulder. 
He lowered his face beside your ear, practically purring, “…and you want me?”
You sucked on your bottom lip, nodding into the cavern of his neck, and he took your chin, lifting you out of your little hollow to look at you. 
“What exactly do you want?” he pried, still smiling but the tone of his voice growing more serious. He held your shy gaze, and you squirmed nervously, “a lot of things.”
He leaned forward, hovering over your face and stealing your breath away. “Like what?”
You hesitated, and he closed the gap between you to kiss your lips sweetly. Your eyes closed, and as he slowly pulled away, he whispered, “You can have it, whatever you want. Just tell me.”
You snaked your arms around his neck and shoulders, holding him in close to ease your nerves as you gave him your answer against his lips, “I want to touch you… want you to touch me.”
He swallowed, and blew out a shaky breath, nodding subtly as he seemed to gather his remaining composure. “Do you wanna do that, in your room maybe?” 
You blushed, nodding up at him as he pulled away gently, and he gave you an excited but reassuring smile. “Okay then. Let’s fool around,” he joked, making you giggle with bubbling excitement. 
“Are we teenagers?” you teased, following him across the hall into your room, watching him pause by the bed. 
He rubbed the back of his neck, and your eyes were drawn to the flex of his arm muscles, leading down his front to where the towel he’d wrapped around his waist hung threateningly loose. 
You looked back up and realized he was eyeing you the same way, making you bite back a wanton sigh. 
Jake glanced at the bed and back to you questioningly, his hands toying with the towel. Adorably nervous, he chuckled, “Um… should I- should I leave this on, or…?”
You giggled, flustered, “You can if you want to.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “I’m asking if you want me naked on your bed.” 
You brought your hand to your mouth, biting at your thumb to channel the rush of lust coursing through your body. “Yeah,” you confirmed, and he nodded quickly, careful in his movements as he unwrapped his hips, laying down on your bed as he dropped the towel to the floor. You stared as he settled in your mess of sheets, hair splayed out on your pillow, as he wrapped his hand over his erect cock. 
He bit his lip and looked over at you, raising his eyebrows, and you followed his lead, walking over and loosening the tuck of your towel until it dropped around your feet. Jakes eyes raked over your body, and you swallowed a groan as he shifted his palm over his cock, eyeing you up. “You gonna join me?” he asked, voice husky. 
You glanced at the limited space on your bed, softly asking, “Where should I…”
He let go of his erection, smoothing his hands over his thighs invitingly. “Wanna get on top of me?”
The rush of wet heat between your legs made your knees feel wobbly, and you couldn’t suppress a quiet whimper this time. Jake sighed, “yeah?” he licked his lips, “C’mere honey.”
You carefully brought a knee up beside him, crawling over him as you swung a leg over his hips, your chest close to his face. His cheeks were pink, lips shining with spit from licking them, and you hovered over him, not resting your hips just yet, unsure. 
His eyes bore into yours intensely, and he grasped your waist, hands roaming up and down your sides soothingly, sweet and chaste. “This okay?” he murmured. 
You nodded, adjusting the way you held yourself up so that your chest leaned down flush with his. Jake bit his lip hard, his eyes unfocusing for a second. Carefully, his hands came to grip your hips, fingertips digging into your ass. He ever so gently gave a little tug - not moving you, merely inviting you to - sweetly asking, “You wanna sit?” 
Your eyes fluttered shut for a second, sighing quietly, and you mumbled, “Yeah, can I?”
Jake nodded up at you, smiling, easing your nerves. You lowered your hips, and felt him, hot and thick and hard, nestling into the wet heat of your folds. 
Jake’s eyes fluttered, almost rolling back at the sensation, his hands flexing at your sides. “Oh sweet Jesus-“
You let out a flustered little giggle, feeling deliriously turned on at the feeling, rolling your hips over him slightly. Jake’s brows knit tightly, and he gave an absentminded little smirk as he subtly arched against you, helping in the wave like motion of your grinding. 
“Fuck… Jake,” you shut your eyes, blushing as you teased him, “You’re so hard.”
He whined, and you opened your eyes, nearly blacking out with lust at the look on his face, so helplessly needy below you. His lips were parted, and his eyes trained on the gentle sway of your chest as you rocked against him. You bit your lip, glancing down and grabbing his hand from your side, and guiding it up to your chest. 
Jake bucked into you, cupping and squeezing your boob, and it sent his head gliding over your clit just right. You moaned, and Jake’s jaw dropped open, catching on a rough sigh. 
You were soaking him, and his cock started making obscene wet sounds as it drove through your folds. He kneaded your chest, bringing his other hand up to join, and you planted your hands on his chest as you sped up your hips. 
“Baby-“ he cried out, wincing in pleasure, gritting his teeth as you came to a reluctant stop. 
He panted, fluttering his eyes open to look at you, groaning softly the second they focused on the sight of you on top of him. “Fuck,” he breathed. 
You reached up, smiling shyly as you brushed his hair back. “Did you… wanna stop?”
He shook his head, grinning up at you, eyes glazed over, “Fuck no.”
You giggled, teasingly wiggling your hips over him, and his hands shot to your waist, furiously trying to hold you still as he gasped. 
Bashfully, he smiled, not quite meeting your eyes. “Don’t want this to be over yet,” he admitted.
“Oh,” you nodded, pleased with how much you affected him. “What should we do now, then?” 
He took a breath, and then sighed out, “I really want to touch you… can I?”
Jakes face… he watched for your response with such an intense expression. Like if he looked away from you he’d die. And when you took a shaky breath and muttered, “Yeah, Jakey,”.
Jake let out another sigh, seemingly winded by the desire both in your voice and brewing inside him, and he held you firm as he rolled you both over to your sides, trapping you between the wall and him on your bed. You giggled softly from the tumble, shifting to get comfortable alongside his smiling face. 
He glanced down once you’d settled, gently cupping the underside of your thigh and guiding your leg up to hitch around his waist. You felt deliriously exposed, your centre parted and spread open, centimetres from his cock. 
He let his hand smooth up, around the curve of your ass, where his hand lingered and squeezed gently as he lifted his gaze to you through his damp lashes. “This okay?” He murmured sweetly.
The grip this boy had on your heart… you felt bulldozed by his beauty. The tip of his nose, the shape of his cheekbones, the lines of past joy faint in the corner of his eyes. How anybody can look so entirely perfect, you’d never know, but the living proof stood leaning over you, examining you with just as much loving wonder as you felt. 
Drinking in every corner of your face as you gave him a little nod, his muscles shifted beneath your hand as he moved his arm between your bodies. His fingertips, tough and rugged, brushed featherlight at your inner thigh, his knuckles grazing the other leg. Your skin tingled, and your clit gave an aching twitch as the air between your mouths grew humid and shaky with both yours and Jakes nervous breaths. 
Then, his middle finger pad made slick contact with your clit. His lips parted in shock, surprised perhaps that he’d really gotten this far, or surprised by the nearly embarrassing layer of wetness coating your cunt. 
“Baby,” Jake choked out, his fingertip circling your hardened clit once, twice, hand shaking slightly. You stared up at him, brows knit and tilted up in the middle, your lips parted in a silent moan. His eyes darted back and forth between yours, “you’re so… wet…” 
The first shaky sound whimpered past your lips, drawn out by his callused digits, and you wrapped your fingers around his wrist.
“Fuck,” Jake croaked, hungry. Growing confidence, his fingers flattened and pressed side by side and began slipping in loose circles. 
You whined through your nose, sucking on your bottom lip through the electric sparks of pleasure and adrenaline. “Jake…” you mumbled, rolling slightly into his touch. 
Jake nodded slowly, hypnotized, his eyes never leaving yours, “Gorgeous,” he whispered, breathless. 
It clearly never occurred to either of you that you were equally as worked up as he was, and you felt yourself already tightening up as an orgasm simmered on the horizon. But you held off, feeling Jake’s fingers move lower, and he murmured a quick, “Can I?” waiting for your nod before sinking two callused fingers slow and deep inside. 
“Uh- fuck,” you scratched at his arm, clenching around his fingers as they gently withdrew, curling against the perfect spot as they pulled out, pushing back inside slickly. 
Jake swallowed hard, eyes locked on your face, tracing each twitch of your expression as his erection throbbed between your bodies. “You’re so fuckin tight, babe,” his voice broke weakly, and you whined at him, “Faster?”
His fingers started pumping steadily, and the heel of his hand caught your clit just right with each thrust. You groaned, arching against his hand. You held his wrist to your clit, practically humping his hand as his fingers sunk into you perfectly.
Gritting your teeth, you groaned, “Please keep going-!”
He nodded, eagerly watching you and not changing a thing, unravelling you embarrassingly quickly. 
“You cumming?” he breathed, sounding wonderstruck, breathless and so enthusiastic, seamlessly picking up to the pace that you guided him to. With a long, broken whine of yes’s, you stuttered on his hand, inwardly singing his praises that he doubled down and kept fucking those perfect long fingers into you even when your body convulsed. He gradually slowed his hand as you came down, relaxing and twitching around his digits, panting and half-heartedly rolling into him, riding out the last little waves. 
He never withdrew his fingers, even when you finally fluttered your eyes open at him, smiling wide and breathless. He swallowed hard, keeping his fingers buried in your heat, just barely curling them as he leaned forward to kiss you. After your orgasm, it felt even naughtier, just letting him soak his fingers in you as he kissed you with desperation. 
You clenched around him, and he whimpered softly into your mouth, sinking his fingers impossibly deeper, making a wet suction noise when he pulled them out slowly. 
Your whine made him suck a breath in against your lips, and your eyes fluttered open as he pulled away slightly, his fingers flying to his mouth in his desperation. His eyes burned into yours, lips enveloping his fingers and sucking your wetness from his skin, and his eyes ever so slightly rolled back under his drooped eyelids. 
You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath until your lungs burned suddenly, forcing you to exhale heavily. As Jake’s eyes refocused on yours, you grabbed his wrist, shoving it down to his side and cupping his face with both hands, pulling him into a desperate kiss. 
He moaned, low and long into your mouth, and you could feel the confidence boost your orgasm had given him, his kisses bolder and hungrier, along with the languid sweep of his tongue over your bottom lip. 
His hand slipped up your side, smoothing over your curves and coming to rest just under the swell of your breast before he cupped it and kneaded gently at the flesh. He let out another sweet moan from the back of his throat, thumb swiping over your nipple, and your body jerked slightly at the jolt of pleasure. Jake’s lips stretched into a smile, his forehead leaning against yours as you panted against each other’s grins. 
Eyes casted down shyly, you murmured his name. 
“Yeah, baby?” he matched your soft tone, the pet name making you blush and grin girlishly. 
“Um,” you bit your lip happily, running your hand down his neck and chest, “my turn now?”
Under your palm, his heart rate picked up, and he licked his lips, his breath shaky as he inhaled and gave you a little nod, “If- yeah, if you want to-“
You brushed your lips against his, your hand slipping lower between your bodies. “I want to if you want me to.”
He huffed a flustered little chuckle, rosy cheeked and gentle as he adorably rubbed the tip of his nose against yours. “I want anything you feel like doing to me.”
You answered with a wide crooked grin, leaning your forehead further against his and angling your chin down, wanting to see the mouth-watering thickness between his legs when you touched it. It lay against his thigh, full and flushed, the very tip of his head glistening with a bead of his own arousal. Jake looked down to watch as well, foreheads pressed tight together, maintaining the connection of your flushed faces as you brushed the back of your fingers down his soft tummy.
You shyly extended a single finger, tracing the pad of it down the length of him, heart pounding, hearing Jake suck in a sharp breath, squirming his hips a little at the teasing touch. His cock twitched, making you bite your lip, and you carefully picked him up, wrapping your fingers around his thick, warm shaft. He let out a shuddery sigh as you stroked him up and down once, twice, letting your wrist twist a little on the third pull. He bit his lip hard, failing to muffle a low moan, and his eyelashes fluttered in your peripheral vision. 
Missing his beautiful, reactive face, you brushed a sweet kiss against his parted lips and pulled away just far enough to focus your eyes on his expression of tortured need.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, blinking at you sluggishly with the faintest little smirk tugging at his lips. “Feels good,” he rasped. 
You raised your brows at him, a wordless yeah? He grinned lazily, brows furrowing suddenly when you swiped your thumb over his tip. “O-oh,” he stuttered, eyes closing as his lips parted, thrusting into your grip a little. 
You watched in lustful awe as you both found a rhythm, his breaths coming heavier from his chest, desperately committing the glide of his skin over his solid shaft to memory. His pink head slipping through the opening of your fist, the ridge of his head against your palm, his thighs clenching beneath your hand with each pump. 
Before you realized it, you breathed, “You’re so fuckin’ hot, Jake.”
He hissed through his teeth, bucking into your hand, his eyes fluttering open only halfway to peer at you through those long dark lashes. He shot you a shaky smirk. “You like this?” His flirty voice rumbled. 
Sucking in your bottom lip, you nodded, twisting your fist over him. He groaned softly, reaching down to wrap his hand around your fist, taking control for a moment as he tightened your grip and sped up your hand. He stared into your eyes, his brows tipping up in the middle as his jaw fell open and a sinful moan poured out of his mouth. Gaze flicking between your eyes, he panted, “You’re hot, babe.” He groaned softly. “Fuck, your hand is so soft,” he chuckled breathlessly. 
You smiled, and he subconsciously mirrored it, his pupils dilated wide and dark. 
You couldn’t help your wandering mind, watching him squirm and pant under your touch, wanting to watch it from above him. You pondered for a moment, savoring the feeling of him in your fist before quietly prodding him. 
He took a shaky breath, “What honey?” he searched your face as your hand slowed, his abdomen tensing in anxious anticipation, “Do you wanna stop? It’s okay-“
You shook your head, “No, I don’t wanna stop, I just… I wanna…”
He relaxed (well, as much as he could given your hand was still lazily jerking him), and he raised his brows at you patiently. 
You blushed, tearing your eyes away from his inquisitive ones, “Do you wanna like…” you smirked shyly, your tone emphasizing the meaning behind your words, “keep going?”
His stunned face seemed to lag for a moment, but his cock gave an eager, strong twitch in your hand, giving him away. You squeezed it back, almost in response, and he jerked slightly, blinking quickly, quietly rasping, “What- uh, how do you mean?” 
He knew, and you knew he knew, but you elaborated anyway just to watch his face. 
“D’you wanna fuck me?”
Jake’s cock twitched again, more insistently, and it made you smile crookedly at him as he swallowed hard, carding his shaky fingers through your hair. “God, yes, honey, I do,” he breathed on a broken sigh. “How, uhh…” he trailed off, eyes nervously but eagerly searching the space around you, and you knew he trying to ask how you wanted him. 
“Do you think, maybe…” you paused, eyes dipping down his body and trailing back up, “…I could ride you?”
It was worth it to bear the mild embarrassment of saying the words when his chest nearly heaved with the groan he let out, hips bucking helplessly into your loosened grip. 
He nodded quickly, trying to gather his composure, “I-yeah, yes, I’d- I’d like that. If you want,” he rushed out. 
You nodded, gently petting his cock once more then pulling your fingers away as you rose up on your elbow, gently rolling him onto his back. 
He let out a low sigh of wonderment as you swung your leg over his hips, settling yourself quickly back into your previous position, and his jaw clenched when you wet him again through your opening. 
You held him up against your clit with your hand, creating a tighter slip through your lips, and his neck arched, an almost pained sounding whimper choking out of him. 
“You want it?” you murmured, mesmorized with his beauty beneath you. He stole your breath away as those deep, sparkling eyes focused on your own, muttering under his breath, “Please?”
Nodding swiftly, you lifted up on your knees a bit, holding eye contact as you centered his head at your entrance and slowly lowered down over his cock. 
As he sank into you, his eyes rolled back into his head, eyelids fluttering closed and lips parting in a sinful whine. His hands gripped your hips tight, instinctively lifting his hips, rolling himself into you and meeting you halfway. 
Fully sheathed inside, your hips wouldn’t cooperate and stay still like you intended. You immediately started a slow roll against him, using his smooth, soft chest to balance as the stretch of him inside gave way to the delicious pressure.
With both of you as wound up as you were, he certainly wasn’t complaining when your pace sped up into a steady bounce on top of him. 
Blinking up at you through his pleasure-wracked expression, he bit his lip hard, watching you move for a moment before groaning softly, “Fuck, baby… y’know what?”
“Mm?” was all you could manage to squeak out, your nails digging into his chest. 
Jake swallowed hard, moaning softly before finishing, “You look so fucking good sitting on my cock.” 
You felt your body heat up from your cheeks to your core, responding to him with a tight clench of your walls around his shaft. He hissed, desperately sinking his fingers into the flesh of your hips. “Ah, fuck-“ 
“You look good underneath me,” you panted, smirking down at his tensed up face. 
He gave you a weak smirk, sweaty brow furrowed in pleasure. “You feel so fucking good, I can’t-“ His jaw fell open with a sharp whine as you clenched tight around him again.
Leaning down over him, you rode him a little slower and deeper, making both of you groan softly. 
“Can’t what, Jakey?” you murmured. 
Bringing a hand up and threading it through your hair, he locked eyes with you. “Can’t believe we didn’t do this before.”
You blushed a little, smiling as you casted your eyes down, flustered even as you felt him plunging deep between your legs. “Probably cause you’re my best friend?” 
He made you smile wider with his breathless, sexy little giggle, “You’re my best friend too… doesn’t mean I don’t think about it.”
“Dirty boy,” you playfully murmured, slowing down to an almost standstill over him. He took the opportunity to smack your ass, grinning up at you when you gasped. “You don’t know the half of it, baby. Keep fucking me, c’mon.” 
With a playful but flustered giggle, you goaded him, “Say please.”
Shooting you the filthiest, fucked out smirk, he gave your ass another smack and positively moaned out, “Please, please fuck me, baby?”
Your brows knit tight, and you started circling your hips over him, sending him dragging over your sweet spot, drawing a cry from your chest. 
He whimpered beneath you, watching your face contort with each thrust. His eyes trailed down your body to where you kept him buried inside you, the sight making his breath catch and his heart pound even faster. His cock glistened each time you lifted your hips, drenched with your wetness. He’d done that, he thought, you were that wet for him. Your whimpers and moans, combined with the visual, all on top of his feelings for you rising to the surface, he felt that familiar aching heat growing quickly.
“Getting close, babe,” he all but whimpered, jaw clenching as his hands shook around your hips.
Grinding your clit into his pubic bone with each bounce, you nodded fast and delirious, desperately whining as your pace faltered in your blind need. “Fuck yes, please, I wanna watch you cum Jakey… I wanna make your eyes roll back, I wanna feel how hot and wet it feels inside me, Jakey, please baby-“
With a deafening groan, his hands on your hips squeezed hard, slamming you down onto his cock harder and faster, his knees bending to plant his feet and fuck himself back into you. You cried out, face falling into the crook of his neck, sobbing out your pleasure into his shoulder and biting at it as your high built up closer and closer. 
Jake whined and huffed by your ear, thighs shaking uncontrollably as he arched his neck, head pressing into the pillow. You squeezed and clenched around him, pleading pathetically, “I’m cumming, oh-! I’m cumming, don’t fucking stop, please please-“ 
He nodded his head rapidly, hips never ceasing as he brought one sweaty hand to your hair, tugging your head back and bringing your lips to his, kissing you fiercely as you panted and cried into his mouth. “All over my cock, c’mon baby.” His jaw clenched, and his hand migrated to your jaw, gripping it and gritting harshly against your lips, “Fucking cum for me!” 
Lips melted and locked with yours in a searing kiss, you came, tight and quaking around his thick pumping cock, your contracting walls squeezing and milking Jake over the edge of his own orgasm. He groaned, broken and animalistic, furiously bucking into your sopping wet heat, slapping against your thighs as he fucked you both through the waves of pleasure. 
You finally started to unclench and relax, Jake’s hips slowing into intermittent jerks as he twitched inside you. His chest heaved beneath you, matching yours, your whole body melting into his. 
“Holy… fuck…” he panted under his breath, and you could hear his tired smile in his voice. 
“Mmm,” you hummed your resounding agreement. You tucked your face into his neck and snaked your fingers up into his sweaty hair. His arms wrapped around you, one snuggling you into him from around your back, the other tightly wrapped around your waist, and carefully, he limply rolled you both onto your sides, where he lazily grasped and brought the blankets you’d shoved down back up over your waists. 
He wordlessly drew you into his chest, nuzzling his cheek into yours, nose buried in your hair as you both slowly caught your breath. As you came back to earth, you felt safer than you’d ever felt, clutched so tight to his body. 
Other than your slowing heartbeats and breaths, it was comfortably silent for quite some time. You were dreamily enjoying being held in Jake’s arms for the moment, focusing on the rhythmic breeze of his breaths tickling your hair and his fingers occasionally kneading and rubbing at your skin, almost as if in reminder of what had just happened.
And sure, there were things that should probably be said, but you were at peace with the unspoken feelings in the air for now. 
Unspoken, that is, until Jake shyly, sleepily, and whisper-quietly, mumbled into your neck.
“Mm?” you hummed in response.
“I fucking love you.”
You smiled, bright and giddy and completely and utterly in love with him. “I love you, too,” you breathed back, quiet and tender, feeling the movement of his cheek muscles as he beamed into your hair, nuzzling you sweetly.
-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Bite Me
Lorcan x f!Reader
A/n: here’s that Lorcan smut I was talkin about, enjoy! Also my requests are still open
Warnings: smut and biting
You cling to Lorcan as he pounds into your cunt. You absolutely loved being under him like this. Completely at the mercy of his strong, large figure.
“Gods Lorcan,” you moan, throwing your head back, arching your back, “you feel so good, so so fucking good!” Lorcan growls, picking up the speed of his pace. You grip at his biceps digging your nails into his tan skin. Your favorite thing to do during sex is leave your mark on him.
Knowing that you left him with bright red scratches down his back and arms under his shirt made you even more feral for him the day after. But this tonight leaving your claw marks isn’t enough for you. No, you want to sink your teeth into him. Leave hickeys along his neck while he’s still above you and his strong thighs while you’re on your knees for him.
Lorcan can sense your mind has wandered elsewhere. His length stretches you painfully as he slows down. He leans his forehead down to yours, caging your head with his forearms. “What is it baby? Tell me what you need.”
You whimper at the softness in his voice. “I want to try something new.” He nods encouraging you to continue. “Do you trust me baby?” “Of course, doll. Take what you need, you know I’ll always give it to you.” You nod and he goes back to thrusting into you like a mad man.
You move your head down to his neck kissing and licking down to his collarbones. Lorcan lets out a strained moan and you can feel yourself getting wetter. You want to hear him moan again but louder and unrestrained. As you move back up the column of his throat your arms snake around his shoulders and down his back.
Reaching down his long torso as far as you can, you sink your nails into his skin and drag them upwards at a sensual pace. Pulling him closer to you as your hands move higher.
“Fuck, y/n,” He moans louder this time. He starts thrusting into you deeper as you move your mouth down to the spot between his shoulder and neck. You suck harshly at the spot and Lorcans breathing becomes labored.
Finally, you open your mouth and bite down roughly on his soft skin. The moan Lorcan lets out is animalistic and it spurs you on. You bite him again hard enough to leave teeth marks, licking over the marks to soothe them.
“Fuck doll, that felt good. Your mouth is so perfect.” You smirk against his skin. He seats himself fully inside you, you moan as you bite down on him again. As that coil winds in your stomach you break his skin and he groans, “Fuck!”
You let go of Lorcan throwing your head back, “Lorcan,” you whine out, “I’m gonna cum!” He growls again and slips his large hand under your head lifting you back to his neck. “I’m close too doll. Come on, baby bite me again.”
You kiss his neck before biting down again. As your teeth sink into Lorcan he pushes you over the edge of release. As Lorcan fucks you through your high he lets out a moan that you’ve never heard from him before. It’s exactly what you wanted from him. Still holding him between your teeth you smile against his neck. You feel his hot seed fill you up and let go of Lorcan, going limp in his arms.
He pulls out of you and sets you back down on the bed gently, so contrasting to how he was just handling you. He rests his head on your chest to catch his breath. Bringing your hand up, you run your fingers through his long, dark hair.
After a few minutes Lorcan picks his head up, staring at your happy, fucked out expression. He brushes away some stray hair sticking to your face, caressing your cheek and neck.
“So,” he drawls, “biting, huh?” A harsh blush appears on your cheeks as you try to look away from him. “Hey,” he grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “I liked it to doll.” You chuckle, “Yeah I picked up on that.”He laughs, pulling you into him and rolling onto his back. “I love you doll.”
tags: @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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breadbrioche · 1 year
acts of service
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so mun x reader
➳summary: one of the many ways mun shows his love
➳warnings: -
➳word count: 925
➳a/n: the first part of a series of short mun fics I hopefully am able to write :) maybe if there’s enough interest?? also a reminder that requests are open!!
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You hated this.
The room which was usually your sanctuary, where you could wind down after a long day, had become your own personal jail cell that you wanted nothing more than to just escape. You could theoretically; no one had forbidden you from leaving but just hours before, (maybe it was less than that, you felt way too delirious to think straight so you’re perception of time was completely broken) the one and only So Mun swaddled you in blankets like a baby so you couldn’t even move if you wanted to - if your room was a prison, then these blankets were a straight jacket.
“So you can sweat it out.” You remember him saying before leaving for the nearest convenience store to get you some supplies. So now here you were incapacitated, feverish yet shivering and limbs feeling like they were made of stone.
You blamed So Mun for this.
Looking back, there was no real reason to (especially how he was the one taking care of you) but him leaving you in that state was enough for you to want to plot your revenge. Was this some kind of sick, twisted joke to him? Did Mun think you didn’t love him enough so he left you to die?
After what seemed like an eternity, your door finally slammed open to reveal Mun who was carrying a plastic bag on his wrist.
“Took you long enough.” you rasped out, shooting him a glare as he approached you. He laughed at your quip while placing his palm on your forehead to check your temperature. Instinctively you leaned into his touch, cooling your hot skin.
“How are you feeling?”
“Oh I’m just peachy” you exclaimed sarcastically as you sat up, though that proved a bad decision as you were hit with a wave of nausea as soon as you lifted your head off your pillow. Mun was quick to support you by putting his hand on your back.
“Here, have these.” he said, offering some pills and a bottle of water. Taking the medicine from him, you gulped it down quickly (you didn’t realise how thirsty you were until you’d already chugged more than half the bottle) then flopped back down with a sigh.
“I hate this.” You vocalised to Mun. “I wanna move and eat without feeling like I’m gonna throw up everywhere.”
“You will be able to once you get better. But that can’t happen unless you stay still and rest.” Mun nagged which made you groan frustratedly.
“I’m so over it though!” You complained. “I feel useless just laying here while you do everything for me. Like- you’re my boyfriend, not my mother!”
At that, Mun laughed while squatting down next to your bed so his face is eye level to yours. He tangled his hand in your hair, playing with it gently.
“Have you considered that maybe I like doing this for you?” You gave him an unimpressed stare.
“It’s true! Is it that hard to believe I want to take care of you?”
“But don’t I annoy you when you have to do all these things for me?”
Mun shook his head, smiling at you brightly. “You’ll never be annoying to me. And it feels nice to have you rely on me for once.”
“I still feel bad though…” you mumbled into your covers. He pried away the blankets from your grip, uncovering your face to peck your cheek quickly. You made a confused, unintelligible noise and looked at Mun, who was smirking slightly.
“You can just pay me back when you're recovered.” He suggested it in a way that made you roll your eyes. And here you thought he was doing this out of the kindness of his own heart.
“What if we have a picnic in the park? Then we can eat after we have a walk, like what you wanted.” He continued to muse. You groaned and turned on your side so your back faced him. You thought he was stupid. Stupid So Mun who never had a selfish thought in his brain.
“But you’re still just doing whatever I want!” You whined, cheeks getting hotter than they already were. You couldn’t see him but you already knew Mun was probably laughing at you - he always seemed to find joy in your suffering.
“What I want is to see you have fun and be happy.” Mun explained as he grabbed your shoulder and rolled you onto your back to face him. “And you’ll be happy if you do the things you want to. It's a win-win situation!”
“You’re so cheesy.”
You scrunched your face into an irritated look at his words, baffled at his perfect answer. He just smoothed out the creases between your eyebrows with his thumb but you swat him away.
“We can discuss the details later, just focus on getting better. Are you hungry?”
You shook your head definitely but your stomach gurgles violently, defying you. Mun laughs at you before getting up (presumably to get you food).
Before he could leave, you grabbed his hand stopping him in his tracks. You sat up, ignoring the way your muscles ached in the process.
“Let me come with; I’m sick of being in this room.” Your legs wobbled as you tried to stand, weak after not being in much use, but Mun acted fast and swept you off your feet, taking you by surprised
“Didn’t I say I’d do everything for you?” He teased you as he carried you in his arms to the kitchen.
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