#hot salty fish stew
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eintausendschoen · 2 months ago
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Eikon for @rin-solo
"touch me like a lover would"
Have Poseidon being totally levelheaded about his little unrequited crush on Odysseus. Nah, don't mention it, really, he totally isn't obsessing about this mere mortal every second of the day and doing completely irrational things about it, nah... he's just a chill god chilling with his waves, wouldn't be him, right? Riiiiight...
*cackles in Linear B and chisels a relief of it into Mount Helicon that will last for the next five millenia*
(alternate versions below⏬)
Anyway, I've been stewing alongside our favourite Lord of the Depths in the god-level angst that gracious @rin-solo cooked up in 'Theohimerotic' over on AO3. Yes, of course I'm normal about it, thx for asking.
This is a sort-of chapter-header, and it's based off the line above for chapter III. There's this concept of the Eikon in the chapter, which I just found a very cool narrative device. This is the result of me thinking about it, and fair warning: This is Poseidon's hc inspired by that chapter, so don't go looking for this scene specifically, but do go read. Also, mark the emboldened words above (maaaybe also the fic tags, if you aren't me), that's important, but it doesn't take away anything from the massive and enjoyably written heartache.
Now head over there, enjoy for yourself and leave the author a nice big comment, plz. ✨
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Artwise: I'm trying to challenge myself with lighting, a little more complicated poses of characters interacting, and finding back into a more efficient sketching/painting process, so there's anatomical "glitches" ... hehe... priorities were set.
Merry solstice, fellow pagans.
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15-lizards · 7 months ago
I really like your posts about the culture of ASOIAF and I was wondering if you could go into detail about the foods the different eras in Westeros eats?? Thank you!
* Chanting* food culture food culture food culture
So obviously Im familiar with the medieval cuisine Wikipedia page like any normal person is and I agree on a lot of that for Westeros. However I do believe in small differences based on culture ofc
The crownlands, westerlands, and riverands are like prime medieval England to me, with heavy focus on cereal grains and wild game as meat. You get the gist. Classic roast pheasant or duck or whatever Tyrion describes in too much detail. Also the riverlands have a lot of root vegetables To Me.
The reach is also similar to that, but there are also way more fruits and vegetables available due to its fertility. So more deserts and wine to be made. I know their fiber intake is high and bowel movements regular.
Dorne has mostly crops and animals that can survive in dry, hot climates, like olive trees and chickpeas and goats/lambs. There is also an abundance of seafood on the costal cities, and spices both native to the deserts and from trade with essos. Very much similar to the cuisine of the Levant
The north’s food probably sucks if I’m being honest. Peak miserable medievalism. The meat is plain and gamey, but filling I guess. Lots of soups and stews and what have you. Not much variety in vegetables and essentially no fruits. Decent amount of dairy tho.
Stormlands is pretty much like the crownlands and, but probably a little bit plainer, as less trade and willingness to branch out. Meat pies, roast duck, lots of bread etc etc. Filling tho. You’ll never leave your Baratheon grandmas house hungry.
Vale has a good variety, though the soil isn’t as good in some places, so most of the focus is on meat. But they sure do try to grow things and have moderate successes. So their sheep dishes always have little sides of (kind of sad) vegetables
Iron Islands somehow worse than the north. What few livestock animals they have are malnourished from lack of grass or feed, and there’s honest to god not a single piece of fruit on those rocks, just pathetic root vegetables maybe cabbage if they’re lucky. Everyone’s sick of salty fish.
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sleazyjester · 6 months ago
We already know about Sunny's, but what are other characters' favourite things to eat? What do they like to drink?
Basil: espresso/americano/capuccino to drink, and for food something comforting and warm, like beef stew or something. he tried going vegan like a hundred times but he's not ready for the commitment. i think he would go for angel cake as a dessert, or just granola bars.
Aubrey: alcohol probably, coke on casual days and as a favourite dish i think she would really enjoy sushi or ratatouille. her favourite dessert would probably be donuts, m&ms, or peeps.
Kel: orange joe for a drink, obvi, and i feel like he would enjoy crazy american combos like bacon and waffles, deep fried anything, probably raising canes, oh and empanadas. for dessert he would probably go for... the entire breakfast menu? i'm sure he's a big waffle/pancake/torrijas fan, and also sour gummies.
Hero: probably plain ol black coffee, blueberry lemonade or sparkling water (he's one of those..), milkshakes too. For food I think he likes trying out new things from time to time so his favourites change pretty often. his go to sweets would be... fruit tarts, tiramisu or chocolate chip cookies.
Jamie: Jamie loves decaf lattes, and sodas, and for food probably some classic chicken nuggets with fries, and birthday cake flavoured sweets. they've got a huge sweet tooth, so anything would do, except hard candy.
Brent: he loves coffee and hot cocoa, especially accompanied by a treat. for food, i would say he likes jollof rice, salads with all kinds of dressings, anything beef and a lot of salty snacks. he would always snack on some chips. for sweets, i'm inclined to say lava cake with ice cream on the side. he likes chocolate bars too, like snickers and bounty. he's got a full drawer of snacks in his room because his mom wouldn't let him eat too many while growing up.
Ash: he loves coffee to the point that it's a personality trait, and he usually gets a flavoured latte. avocado toast and sunny side up eggs for breakfast, alfredo pasta and salad for lunch, and fish with vegetables for dinner, specifically salmon. for dessert, he would go for a cinnamon roll or rugelach.
think that's it. for me i love lattes and dr pepper, and for food probably something really lame like a mcchicken or chilly cheese fries or pasta. for sweets.. i don't know. everything at once. i love chocolate and anything with a soft chewy texture.
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littlefaefeather · 11 months ago
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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zaidshair · 7 months ago
location: ze hub @lindiwe-in-camelot
Zaid followed his nose...and the obvious announcement on the loudspeaker. A buffet. On that docklike structure overlooking the coastline (Zaid had to admit, an ideal location for a trendy, touristy bar & grill). Zaid wasn't just confused by the cheery announcement of food, and alluring scents wafting from this 'Hub'. He was also doubtful of the buffet's culinary merit. A buffet seemed ambitious, and Zaid was expecting something akin to stale bread and even staler water.
So for a myriad of reasons - hunger included, that blasted announcement was right. After expending all that adrenalin, Zaid needed energy - he made his way over to the Hub. He didn't like that he was so easily persuaded to go there. Like a lamb to the slaughter? Fattening them up first into full-bellied complacency? How paranoid was too paranoid on a place like this? But it was either check out this buffet and judge it, or return to the Odyssey to find a can opener for all the mystery tins he'd pilfered from the cruise ship's pantry.
He wasn't alone at least, or the first to approach the Hub. No one was eating yet, the atmosphere hushed. And Zaid understood why, as he got closer. The food was...beautiful. Hot dishes steaming as if freshly cooked. Deep fried fish and tempura that still sizzled. Vibrant charcuterie neatly arranged. Bowls of stews, curries, soups. Even the loaves of bread and dhalpuri and pita looked freshly out of the oven.
"Bloody hell..." Was it even real? Zaid compulsively swept his fingers across a tower of fruit skewers, and they all toppled under his sweep. "Oh fuck - sorry -" Zaid looked up at the beautiful woman on the opposite side of the table, who seemed to magically appear just in time to catch his faux pas. He scrambled to collect the skewers. "I was just testing them to, erm..." A stupid explanation that didn't need to go further.
Zaid tried again, after clearing his salty, watery throat. "Wonder where this all come from?" And the more damning observation: "No one's eating, yet."
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princessmacedon · 1 year ago
Maria von Medon, a noble specializing in Faith magic and a student of the Blue Lions. This unit values connecting with others. Try recruiting her again when you've formed more bonds? (RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: have at least three B supports.)
GENDER. female AGE. 15 -> 17 HEIGHT. 5'2" BIRTHDATE. April 5th CREST / HOLY BLOOD. n/a CLASS. Blue Lions student AFFILIATION. Macedon, and later the United Kingdom of Archanea BIOGRAPHY. The youngest princess of the former Kingdom of Macedon, now part of the Archanean Alliance. She holds great curiosity toward the world and all its sights, but most importantly, she loves to meet and befriend others. Came to Fódlan to improve her preexisting skills, learn new ones, and become overall more capable; secretly, she hoped to find her brother again as well.
Year 594 - Princess Maria of Macedon is born, the youngest of three.
Year 598 - King Osmond of Macedon is assassinated, and Michalis succeeds the throne.
Year 600 - Michalis asks Maria to become a hostage to Dohlr; Maria, wanting to protect the people of Macedon and make her brother happy, complies.
Year 604 - Maria is freed from Castle Deil by Prince Marth of Altea and his army, thereafter joining him alongside Minerva in the War of Shadows. Following Michalis' defeat, she watches over him in Macedon's aery until he recovers.
Year 607 - Maria is kidnapped by Gharnef while studying magic in Khadein. Later the following year, Prince Marth and his army defeat Medeus and free the captured clerics, Maria among them. She and Minerva stay with Lena at her convent, caring for orphans.
Year 609 - Maria resumes her studies and departs for Fódlan.
INTERESTS. learning new things, exploring, spending time with others LIKES. spending time with loved ones & making friends; making things (like sweet little treats!) (...AKA baking, sewing, embroidering, etc); wyverns, pegasi, and the sky; reading stories and poetry; flowers. DISLIKES. being helpless or a burden on others; eating alone; pitch darkness; so-called 'humor' that relies on tearing people down; arguments, especially those of her siblings. CLOSE ALLIES. Michalis, Minerva, Marth, Tiki ; Soren, Yuri, Chad, Roy (dropped but not forgotten) STATUS. the last princess of Macedon, but one of its first daughters to see a united Archanea
LIKES. ( saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, garreg mach meat pie, pheasant roast with berry sauce, peach sorbet, vegetable stir-fry, derdriu-style fried pheasant ) -- the simple act of sharing a meal with Maria is guaranteed to raise your friendship with her, but these dishes give the biggest boosts
DISLIKES. ( cabbage and herring stew ) -- there's no penalty for making her eat this (and other markedly bitter foods), but the friendship gain is comically low
"Oh! This one's really yummy, hee hee. Want to try a bite?"
"...Huh? Oh, no, don't worry! This time I'll beat the bitterness for sure, hee hee."
"Ooh-- wah-- hot, hot, hot! Hee hee... I'm-- still not so good with-- ooh, with spicy food. But it's so good...!"
"Isn't it yummy, Brother? If you like it, I'll try to learn how to make it. Let's have a picnic later!"
"What do you think, Sister? Yummy, right? Hee hee! Maybe we should take the recipe back to Miss Lena one day!"
"Well, I-- hee hee-- I mean-- heeheehee-- I think it was a perfectly tasty pizza!"
"Do you have any room for dessert, Ser? I made some thumbprint cookies yesterday! With elderberry jam, heeheehee."
FAVORITE TEAS. sweet-apple tea, albinean berry blend, crescent-moon tea, chamomile
CONVERSATION TOPICS. a dinner invitation. a place you'd like to visit. a word of advice. books you've read recently. cats. children at the market. cooking mishaps. exploring the monastery. favorite sweets. first crushes. gardening mishaps. gifts you'd like to receive. heart-racing memories. likable allies. monastery mysteries. our first meeting. overcoming weaknesses. shareable snacks. someone you look up to. tell me about yourself. thanks for everything. the view from the bridge. things that bother you. working together. how you're doing lately.
"I'm here! And I brought some desserts with me, too!"
"Hee hee, thank you for the invitation. I'm so happy to spend time with you like this!"
"Oh! I guess we both got here early, huh? Hee hee! I was just so excited!"
"Mmm... This is one of my favorites! I'm so glad you like it too!"
"Oh! This tea... hee hee, thank you. I'll make sure to enjoy it with all my heart!"
"Oh! What? What is it?"
"[gasp] Do I have crumbs on my face?"
"Is there something on your mind? You can tell me, if you want."
"Hee hee!"
"A pretty blue sky..."
"Mm! Tasty!"
"I wonder if (he/she/they)'d like this flavor, too..."
"♫Hm hm hm!♫"
"Oh! And then? What happened next!"
"It's warm..."
"Hee hee, I had lots of fun today! Let's do this again sometime -- I'll make your favorites! That's a promise!"
(1) "What are your favorite teas? Your favorite snacks? ...Am I going to bring you some? Hee hee! That's a secret!" ANSWER: Chat, Laugh
(2) "When I was reeeaally little, I used to ask my brother and sister to play with me. I'd make them tea, and... heeheehee! Well, I've gotten a lot better at it since then!" ANSWER: Laugh, Sip Tea
(3) "My brother and sister are my favorite people in the whole wide world, but they can be so silly sometimes! But you know what? I'm going to be even more stubborn than both of them, hee hee." ANSWER: Commend, Sip Tea
(4) "I haven't seen a whole lot of the world so far, but I think it must be very pretty." ANSWER: Nod, Disagree, Chat
(5) "There's something really happy about sharing food together, don't you think?" ANSWER: Nod, Sip Tea
(6) "I've always believed that there are lots of different ways to be strong, and to protect someone. Still... Sometimes it would be nice to be strong like my siblings are." ANSWER: Sigh, Nod, Chat
LIKED GIFT: Floral Adornment, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Armored Bear Stuffy, Watering Can, Tea Leaves, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Ancient Coin, any flowers DISLIKED GIFT: Training Weight, Hunting Dagger, Ceremonial Sword
"Hmm... Hee hee! Thank you for thinking of me."
"Hee hee, thank you! I'm really happy!"
"Wow...! Is this for me? Really? Oh, I love it! Thank you so much!"
TIMEWORN JOURNAL: A well-kept if obviously aged journal, its entries date back many years and are addressed not to itself, but to a person. There are many crude but lovingly rendered drawings within. It probably belongs to someone who's been looking for someone for a very long time. LOCATION: Courtyard
UNFINISHED HANDKERCHIEF: A lovely square of fabric decorated with what seems to be the beginnings of an embroidery project. Looks like... (apple trees/wisteria/sunflowers)? It probably belongs to someone who likes making gifts for others. LOCATION: Blue Lions Classroom
FOREIGN PENDANT: A subtle-yet-elegant pendant of foreign make. Its quality suggests a high degree of nobility; there is a small emblem of a wyvern on the back of it. It probably belongs to someone sentimental. LOCATION: Cathedral
"Oh! This is mine -- I've been looking for it everywhere! Thank you so much!"
"Hmm... This isn't mine, but maybe... have you asked (name)?" *has an increased chance of suggesting the right person the higher her support rank with the item's owner.
"The songs of Fódlan are so different from Archanea. It's really neat!"
"Hm hm hm...♫ Hee hee! Isn't singing fun?"
"It looks so yummy! Do you want to share this together when we're done?"
"Are you nervous? Hee hee, don't worry! I used to help out a lot with cooking at the convent -- I'll help you out!"
"Aah, wait, wait! Not the-- ...hee hee... hahaha! Well, that's okay, too! We'll figure something out."
"...Mmm... How do I..."
CRITIQUE: "I see... I should look at it like that, and... Oh! I think I'm starting to get it!" CONSOLE: "Hee hee... thank you. I'll try even harder next time!"
"I always do my best!"
"I'm getting better, step by step!"
"I did it! Do you think my siblings would be proud of me?" PRAISE: "...! Hee hee... Thank you. That means so much to me."
"Horses have such cute, soft noses! Maybe I should ask if I can feed Helena an apple later..."
"There's a right place for everything -- we just have to find it!"
"Now it's my turn to touch the sky... Hee hee, come on! It's such a pretty day -- let's go!"
"Hmm... alright! I'll study more, and try even harder next time!
"Yay! I did it! Just one more step toward being strong like my siblings!"
"I have to try even harder..."
"I'll get there eventually!"
"I'm just following the example they set!"
"Hee hee... Maybe one day, I'll catch up to them! Do you think they'll be surprised?"
"Next time, I'll protect them, too."
"Did you know? In Archanea, you have to use staves and tomes to use magic, but in Fódlan you don't need any of that! I don't know if I can bring that kind of magic back home, but if I can help even without a staff, then it's worth a try, isn't it? Trying to keep up with both of them gets a little tough sometimes, though!"
"My home, Macedon, was known for its wyvern knights -- and my brother and sister were the strongest of all of them! I chose to be a cleric to protect them like they protect me, but... hee hee! Thanks to them, I love the sky."
"Axes are so different from magic. Their strengths and weaknesses, their range, the types of foes they're better against... I won't ever be as good with axes as my big brother and sister, but that's okay, isn't it? I'm not them -- I'm their little sister! And I'll always be there to support them!"
"Woah... This is new... and exciting! Heeheehee."
"I learned a new trick! Do you want to see?"
(1) "There's still so much I can learn!"
(2) "I'll do my best!"
(3) "I've never considered this before... but I guess I'll start now!"
"Ow! I should take care of myself... I can still learn from watching everyone else."
(Edelgard specific) "Ouch...! I already knew you were strong, but you really showed me again! Hee hee... take care of yourself, okay?"
"...O goddess of this land, please welcome them..."
(After Sabbam Vitatham, super real & canon event) "... ... ... O Naga... I..."
"I'm here with you!"
"I'm okay!"
"I've got to be careful..."
"I still have lots of catching up to do!"
"One, two, three!"
"It's my turn to protect them!"
"I won't lose!"
"Here I come!"
"Everyone -- together!"
"Let's put an end to this!"
"O goddess..."
"I'm a princess of Macedon, too!"
"...I hope that you're at peace."
"Just one more step..."
"I'm so happy you're alright!"
"Wow...! You were amazing!"
(Michalis/Minerva exclusive) "Hee hee... You're just as cool as I remember, (Brother/Sister)!"
"Thank you! I'm feeling better already!"
"I won't let you down!"
"Since you believe in me, I'll work even harder!"
"Ow! No, I can't...! I won't make them cry again...!"
"Michalis... Minerva... I... Just one more time... Togeth...er..."
I'm really cheerful when I'm with people, but sometimes I worry that makes other people not hear me out at all. Sometimes my siblings just brush me off!
>Start acting differently and maybe they'll change their mind. >Show them through your actions. They'll realize eventually. (correct?) >Stop being small
SOURCE: shadoll -- super fun meme! thank you!! <3
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aglaean · 2 years ago
template taken from @shadoll
GENDER. Female (she/her)
AGE. 20
HEIGHT. 5'10"
CREST/HOLY BLOOD. None [unless you count the holy blood of the heroes of Rausten, which well, she definitely does].
CLASS. Blue Lions Student!
AFFILIATION. The Theocracy of Rausten
785 ~ Born in Rausten.
790 - Lost both her parents after they attempted to fend off an attack from Darkling Wood.
803 ~ Joins Eirika in the fight against the Demon King.
805 ~ Is welcomed to Garreg Mach with great pomp and splendour, as befitting her station! Obviously.
INTERESTS. Religion, Chivalry and Heroism, Fame, Her Allies. LIKES. Formal dance, her carefully maintained hair, flashy faith magic, novelty, Dozla's hand-knitted jumper, tea parties, riding, divine providence, being quite literally holier-than-thou, attention, general too-much-ness / pomp and circumstance. DISLIKES. Being dismissed, ignored, or unrecognised, monsters, villains and general evil-doers, isolation, loneliness, loss, mundanity, 'weakness'. Rainy days. STATUS. Inheritor to the Pontifex of Rausten, and a prodigous Blue Lions Student!   CLOSE ALLIES: Eirika and Ephraim.
LIKES. grilled herring, saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, small fish skewers, spicy fish and turnip stew, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, fruit and herring tart, fisherman's bounty, pheasant roast with berry sauce, country style red turnip plate, peach sorbet, pickled seafood and vegetables, two-fish sauté, sautéed pheasant and eggs, cabbage and herring stew, vegetable stir-fry, bourgeois pike. DISLIKES. beast meat teppanyaki, sautéed jerky, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, fish sandwich, pickled rabbit skewers, super-spicy fish dango, daphnel stew, gronder meat skewers, gautier cheese gratin, fried crayfish, derdriu-style fried pheasant.
“Heavens! This meal.. it's a close match to my darling Rausten's cuisine!.”
“Surely, this is some jest. You forget who you dine with!”
FAVORITE TEA. Rose petal blend. CONVERSATION TOPICS. Your ambitions, Evaluating allies, Mighty weapons, The melody of words, Fashion, I'm counting on you, Favourite sweets, Tell me about yourself, You're doing great work, I heard some gossip, Overcoming weaknesses, Gifts you'd like to recieve, Heart-racing memories, Cooking mishaps, The opera, Cute accessories, Thanks for everything, Cats, The existence of crests, Shareable snacks, Stargazing, Dreams of a throne, Someone you look up to.
(1) “Well, I see you finally worked up the courage to request my shining presence here. I commend you! The divine will continues to flourish.” (2) “Do you suppose that all these sweet little dainties are for us? Come, try this one!.” (3) “You ought to know, I only partake in tea time with people dear to me.” (4) "Please, remain seated! There is no need to rise or bow in my presence. Though if the mood does take you.."
“Why, I would be happy if this was the last thing I ever tasted! I wonder if Eirika would enjoy it...”
“Uncle and I used to sample brews like this all the time in Rausten! But, please, I am merely mortal, just a divinely sactioned peerless princess! There is no need to make such indulgent gestures. Seconds? Oh, yes please.”
(1) “I understand. It is hard to take in someone as blinding as I all at once.” (2) “You would tell me if I had something in my teeth, right?” (3) “Such is the problem of the renowned, we are always subject to examination! The spotlight isn't for everyone...”
“Ouch! Too hot! Too hot!” “Hmm, it smells delicious.” “How pleasant!” “I must say, you blow on your tea with remarkable poise!” “Would you like to hear a fanfare Dozla and I devised?” “Haha!” “I see!” “Lala laaa~” “How fare you?” “Leisure time is essential!’ “How ridiculous!” “A jest?”
“Do not hesitate to call on me again if you find yourself in need of scintillating conversation! You have given me plenty of ideas for my next tea time.”
(1) Hold! The most egregious error has come to me! I do believe you have yet to be regailed with my many daring exploits! This might be righted immediately, please, allow me to begin with the time I fought off legions of monsters alongside Dozla... ANSWER. Laugh, Sigh. (2) Whilst Garreg Mach is pleasant, you simply must be recieved for tea at Rausten! I promise you, all else will dull in comparison henceforth! ANSWER. Nod, Blush. (3) Rennac used to say that I was 'noisy' and 'a nuisance'. Poor thing, he did tend to have a habit of wittering in situations of stress. ANSWER. Laugh, Admonish. (4) Do you suppose my parents would be proud of the progress I've made? ANSWER. Nod, Commend. (5) My uncle doesn't permit gambling halls in Rausten... Even though I'm really good at... oh what was that silly card game called? I wonder if the Archbishop would be more receptive...? ANSWER. Admonish, Disagree. (6) Being a favourite of the Gods is tiring work sometimes - the weight of beautitude is not for all to bear! ANSWER. Sigh, Sip tea. (7) Learning to wield a lance is difficult... I wish I could just use my staff to bludgeon foes instead! Answer: Admonish, Disagree. (8) Suppose you were granted eternal fame, at the cost of your life. What would you do? I think it's utter twaddle. If death could be traded for fame, my parent's names would... Death is not the price of renown, I will make sure of it. ANSWER. Nod, Sip tea. (9) Don't tell him, lest he drown you in tears, but I miss Dozla more and more everyday. He was such a good retainer. It's so hard to find someone willing to risk life and limb for you nowadays. Hmm? My eyes? If my eyes are gleaming it's my inner radiance shining through. Nothing more. ANSWER. Sigh, Commend.
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Dapper Handkerchief, Gemstone Beads, Ceremonial Sword, Rose. DISLIKED GIFTS. Training Weight, Whetstone, Blue Cheese, Smoked Meat, Arithmetic Textbook.
“As a gracious lady, and ambassador of Rausten, I shall accept. But know you have gone down in my estimation.”
“This is quite lovely! Do tell me where you found it? I wish to purchase more for my darling retainers.”
“Ah, the first of many tributes made in recognition of my splendour! You have secured my everlasting favour.”
Hand-Knitted Jumper. A garishly green jumper that's slightly lumpy, with various straggling threads. The label inside declares it's a gift, signed off by a single 'D'. This probably belongs to someone who enjoys loud clothing. Location found: Dining Hall Diary. It appears to be a diary, but the title, dubs it 'The Chronicles of the Beautiful Princess of Peerless Beauty' in an incredibly flowery hand. The entries stop adbruptly about a week in. This probably belongs to someone who seeks fame, and not consistency. Location found: Second Floor Hallway Hairbrush. A hairbrush that feels expensive to even handle. There are strands of green hair around the bristles, which are slightly worn down with use. This probably belongs to someone who tends to their hair religiously. Location found: Blue Lions Classroom
"I had no fear that it was lost for good! Divine providence ensured it was only a matter of time. But I appreciate your acting as an agent of the Gods.”
“Do you honestly suppose I would have use for such a thing?”
“This is but a footnote in my legend!” [Byleth specific] “Professor, do not fear for me! This will not be my end, let it not rest on your conscience. I shall arise anew!”
“So, such is the cost of everlasting renown.”
(1) “You've chosen well! I have a voice that can reach the heavens itself! ” (2) “What, leave? I suppose it wouldn't do to drown everyone else's voices in my own lyrical splendour... But, are you really certain?”
(1) “Come, come! We musn't dally, there are grateful mouths to supply with our beneficiance!” (2) “But of course it's supposed to turn that colour! That means it's... hm... well-done.” (3) “Behold, hungering souls! Feast upon this veritable cornucopia of cuisine!”
BAD.  ✧
“Mm. Apologies, did you say something?.” Critique: Well, there is really no need to take such a tone with your favoured student. The gall! Console: Allow me to try again, this time you will witness my grace!
“Ah, merely the expected outcome.” “Did you see that?.”
“Take my hand, we shall hail in a new of era of light in tandem!” PRAISE. “I appreciate your cultivating my inherent refulgence.”
“Augh! Be so kind as to release my sleeve this instant, please. Divine clothing is not for unrefined palates.”
“Perish under the governing hand of your scourge, weeds!”
“From here, we see as the Gods do!”
“This is of no concern - divine providence will direct me.”
“Hah! Haha! To possess such devastating beauty AND intelligence in a human form, is it even possible?”
“There's something so... intoxicating about magic, wouldn't you say? When I use it, I can feel the God's favour flowing through my blood, through my bones. Besides, it is of utmost priority that my attacks reflect the radiance that dwells within. I already have many ideas of how to use these spells to spread my fame...”
“I know, someone as dainty and gentile as myself with such an ungainly weapon? It seems improper. And yet, I must confess that the allure of bludgeoning my foes is growing harder to deny. Why the lance? Well, I suppose you could say I was inspired.”
“Are you injured? Oh poor soul! Please, flee to my gentle embrace! Follow the saintly glow of my eyes, and I shall utilise the best of my abilities to nurse you. It is essential to be well-versed in the art of healing. You never know when you'll be encountered with dire straits. With something that seems beyond all hope. ”
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
“Ah, the Gods joy in trials.”
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
“Please, refrain from excessive applause!”
5 STATS UP .  ✧
“My heroic apotheosis approaches ever closer!”
6 STATS UP .  ✧
“I should not be surprised. The Gods inhabit my every step.”
“Now, onto even greater heights!”
“Trying something new sounds fun. Naturally, I will excel.”
“Ooh! I shall incorporate this into my daring exploits post-haste.”
(1) “Let's try this for today!” (2) “Hee hee- Now, how best to display this new-found splendour?” (3) “The Gods will I change, and so I do.”
“I will not falter!”
LOW HP .  ✧
“Haah, this is no concern to one as grand as I.”
“Whoops! My gleaming eyes must've blinded you!”
“Were I not a holy woman...” “[Imitating Dozla] GWHAHAH!” “Die, and be ennobled by my hands!” “The Beautiful Princess of Peerless Beauty is here!” “Sing my praises!”
“I am not alone!”
“My darling forces, we shall prevail with appropriate spectacle!”
“You shall be remembered as the vanquished foe of L'Arachel!” “Latona forgive you.” “Don't return.”
“Woohoo! Again, again!” “Are you challenged by my eminence?” “You need not risk yourself needlessly.”
“Well, how unusal!” “A thousand thanks!” “You shall be remembered.” “Come to me if you are harmed, yes?” “To think I would need healing!” “No hero walks alone.” “The Gods restore me!”
“This is not how my story ends.”
“Dozla... Rennac... do not forget me.” “Ahhhh, Mother and Father, forgive me for this failing. I shall see you soon.“
“Greetings! I have no need of "advice", if I may speak with complete honesty, but such a gimmick intrigued me. Do you suppose I would be permitted to assist? As a princess of the people, I should aid those in need! ” >Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.... > Perhaps aiding people face-to-face is the place to start. (Correct answer) >I doubt anyone would take advice from you, L'Arachel.
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bihansthot · 2 years ago
Okay so I'm a suckered for self torment regarding food flavors that are spicy (due to some slight traditions i've picked up in recent years), so this got me thinking.
Is Bi Han tolerant to such flavors? Are his brothers? (Kuai Liang, Hallvard and Tomas), your kiddos and other Lin Kuei? I understand the Lin Kuei would be the type to have a strict diet to follow, but on that off chance they got to eat food outside this restriction, who's likely to have the better tolerance?
I like to think Bi-Han handles spicy very well, but that’s just a personal headcanon? There are a lot of spicy cuisines in China so I don’t think the brothers are strangers to spice. I tend to think Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are part Teochew, a Chinese minority; based on one of Noob’s shadow gears in MK11 so a lot of the food they ate growing up was Teochew Cuisine. It’s known mainly for their braised dishes but there are also spicy noodle dishes, so Bi-Han and Kuai Liang would be used to the spice from an early age on. The Lin Kuei diet I imagine is primarily protein heavy and vegetable heavy for nutrients and probably isn’t Teochew since the Lin Kuei is most likely in Heilongjiang and is mostly known for stews and spicy, rich, salty dishes, so there’s still the element of spice in the local cuisine, but please take what I say with a grain of salt. I’m going off of food blogs about Heilongjiang province and Teochew cuisines, I’m not very familiar with them myself, but we do have Sweet and Sour Pork here which is a very famous Heilongjiang speciality! I love asks like this by the way, it makes me research and look up fun and interesting new facts and I get to learn new things!
Tomas and Hallvard eat what the others eat, but Hallvard is kind of a wuss when it comes to spice, us Norwegians are not exactly known for spicy food, we just have shitty fermented shark that smells and tastes like piss. I personally haven’t eaten it since it’s against my morales to eat shark, but it’s common amongst my peoples and since Hallvard is like a boy me, he’d be familiar with it, especially since he was raised in a fishing village. Tomas is a little better with spicy, but nothing like the Sub-Zero brothers are who handle it without problem. Tomas and Hallvard always complain when the four of them go out for hot pot and Bi-Han and Kuai Liang want to get the mala base and Hallvard and Tomas want the chicken base, thankfully most hot pots allow for two different flavors and all the boys are happy. Out of the four it probably goes Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Tomas and Hallvard, due to his pyromancy Kuai Liang tolerates all things hot a little bit better than his brother does, including spice, but they are fairly evenly matched. They’re both excellent at eating hot temperature foods, Bi-Han’s breath cools it off and the burning food just doesn’t bother Kuai Liang in the slightest because he often runs warmer than the food he’s eating.
When it comes to my kiddos, they have a good tolerance for spice thanks to their father introducing them to his native cuisine from what he remembers from his Mother’s cooking and dishes he had in the Lin Kuei, but they have a far more Cantonese style diet since a lot of the foods I love are traditionally Cantonese. They also get some Scandinavian fare from me, like my excellent Swedish Meatballs, but those aren’t spicy in the slightest. I would say the boys have a better spice tolerance than I do, but Bingbing doesn’t really at spicy yet as she’s not even three yet.
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princepsumbra · 2 years ago
Leo: A Fódlan Biography
AGE. 21
HEIGHT. 5′8″
CREST/HOLY BLOOD. Technically yes; he does possess unspecified blood of a First Dragon. It is the author’s personal hc Leo has Ground Dragon blood. 
CLASS. Unaffiliated Assistant Professor of Dark/Reason Magic
AFFILIATION. Kingdom of Nohr
BIOGRAPHY. Born the second son--a proverbial spare--Leo survived two wars and watched his brother ascend their kingdom’s throne. With a strong desire to make a name for himself beyond that shadow, he eventually found his way to the Officer’s Academy. He is both an accomplished mage and equestrian and holds a decent talent for swordcraft. As befitting a prince, he prides himself on impeccable manners and holding his emotions close to his chest. This Academy will give him a chance to learn new ways of magic while also realizing his own potential. 
Year ??? ~ Born to King Garon and an unnamed concubine 
Year ??? ~ Survives the Concubine Wars 
Year ??? ~ Sides with Corrin in her war for peace; upon its end, works tirelessly for the betterment of Nohr
Imperial Year 1180 ~ Enrolls at the Officer's Academy at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS. Reading, Strategy, Spellcraft, 
LIKES. Horses, stars, tomatoes, horticulture, chess                                                  DISLIKES. Wasting time, bad manners, abuse of power, selfishness, his parents, excessive sunlight                                                                                                                  STATUS. Prince of Nohr 
CLOSE ALLIES: Corrin, Xander, Camilla, Elise, Niles, Odin, Pelleas 
LIKES. saghert and cream, pheasant roast with berry sauce, beat meat teppanyaki, pickled rabbit skewers, daphnel stew, gronder meat skewers, derdriu-style fried pheasant, vegetable pasta salad, vegetable stir-fry, grilled herring, fish and bean soup, two fish saute, bourgeoise pike, sauteed jerky, sauteed pheasant and egg, garreg mach meat pie, pickled seafood and vegetables
DISLIKES. sweet bun trio, peach sorbet, onion gratin soup, country-style red turnip plate, fruit and herring tart, fisherman’s bounty, fish sandwich, spicy fish and turnip stew, sweet and salty whitefish saute, super spicy fish dango, cheesy verona stew, gautier cheese gratin, cabbage and herring stew, small fish skewers, fried crayfish
"My gods, this tastes amazing! Oops, did I say that out loud?"
"Was this marinated in poison?"
“Our time together is precious. I enjoy every moment with you.”
FAVORITE TEA. Dagda Fruit Blend,  Almyran pine needles
CONVERSATION TOPICS. A new gambit. A strong battalion. Close calls.  Equipment upkeep. Evaluating allies. Exploring the Monastery. Mighty weapons. Monastery rules. Monastery security. Overcoming weaknesses. Potential training partners. Reliable allies. Someone you look up to. Tell me about yourself. The ideal professor. The last battle. The library’s collection. Your ambitions. Capable comrades. Garden mishaps. Classes you might enjoy. Plans for the future. Books you’ve reach recently. Things you find romantic. 
(1) "Thank you for the invitation. I have a little spare time.” 
(2) “Hm? I was reading this fascinating book...” 
(3) “What is it?” 
“A lucky guess, perhaps? Nothing refreshes the mind quite like a strong cup of tea.” 
“Such extravagance should not be wasted. Thank you for sharing.” 
(1) "Is my collar inside out?”
(2) “Tell me, have you read any interesting books lately? I finished one last night...” 
(3) “You have quite the astute stare.” 
"I’m used to more overcast climates.”  “Hmm...”  “I hope my siblings are faring well.”  “Ah, it’s still quite hot.”  “Please, enjoy your cup.”  “(Sighs) “What hobbies do you enjoy?” “How embarrassing...”
"Spending time with allies is always enjoyable. Thank you.” 
(1) “Teaching has proved quite the challenge.”  ANSWER. Nod, Sip tea     (2) “What are your thoughts on attempting new strategies? One can’t learn without trying things out first...” ANSWER. Commend, Chat (3) "I wield the divine tome Brynhildr. Its power is formidable. If you have questions about it, please ask.” ANSWER. Nod, Sip tea (4) “Admittedly, there are some things I do not fully understand, such as the intricacies of morality.” ANSWER. Nod, Admonish (5) “I quite enjoy going out for a daily ride on my horse.”  ANSWER. Laugh, Praise (6) “My biggest desire is to see my country prosper.” ANSWER. Nod, Sip tea   (7) "My siblings oft drove me up a wall growing up, yet I can’t imagine life without them. Such is the way of families.”  Answer: Nod, Laugh (8) "Battles are like games of chess. Though the stakes are considerably higher...” ANSWER. Nod, Chat, Sigh     (9) “Over my lifetime, I’ve observed that many people tend to hide their true selves behind a mask. Do you find that to be true?”  ANSWER. Chat, Admonish
FAVORITE GIFTS. Arithmetic Textbook, Book of Crest Designs, History of Fodlan, Riding Boots DISLIKED GIFTS. Stylish Hair Clip, Training Weight, Armored Bear Stuffy 
"Seriously? I can only guess you were trying to do something nice.” 
"For me? I appreciate the gesture.” 
"How did you know this was my favorite? Thank you.” 
NOTEBOOK OF SPELLS. A small book that’s heavily annotated. The cramped yet elegant handwriting crowds into the margins. It probably belongs to someone who enjoys studying. Location found: Dining Hall
METAL HEADBAND. A simple, curved hair adornment. It probably belongs to someone who is fastidious about their appearance.  Location found: Stables
CHESS PIECE. A well made, hand carved piece of dark wood that’s clearly part of a set. It probably belongs to someone fond of strategy.  Location found: Library
"I’ve been looking for this! ...Ahem. Thank you for returning it.” 
"This belongs to someone else. Cleaning up after others is quite the thankless task.”
“To think I’ve been bested here...”   ( *Byleth specific  ) "Professor, it appears I have much to glean from your methods.” 
"No mercy for those who stand in the way of justice.” 
(1) “My talents lie in other practices than singing.” 
(2) "....I hope no one can hear me.” 
(1) "While I’ve improved a bit, I’m still no great chef.” 
(2) "I’ve prepared this myself--rest assured, it shall be delicious!” 
(3) "A prince I may be, but I cannot always rely on others to provide meals when necessary.” 
BAD.  𓆱
"A disgraceful showing.” 
Critique: I suggest explaining this in a manner best suited for beginners. Console: I have faith I can learn this material. 
"This was an inevitable result.” “Learning something new is one of life’s pleasures.”
"I knew I could reach greater heights.”  PRAISE. "Together, we can achieve great things.”
“Taking care of the horses is no small thing. A knight relies on the health and well-being of their steed.”
"...Must we do this in the middle of the day?” 
“I prefer the ground, but I appreciate the view from so high a vantage point.”
  FAILED.  𓆱
"I cannot gain perfection with such an abysmal performance.” 
"This confirms what I already knew.” 
“Professor, while I possess great skill in the art, there is always more to discover. I have dedicated my life to the study of magic; allow me to continue my research under your guidance.”
Riding  𓆱  
“Horsemanship is a skill I’ve been pursuing since childhood. I find it freeing when riding my horse across an open field, and the strategical advantage the added height gives me is invaluable. I would prefer to continue exercising my mastery in this area.” 
Authority 𓆱  
“My brother once told me I needed to be more confident. Despite our differences, I still wish to emulate him as a perfect example of princely conduct. I am not against seeking counsel when needed. This is a challenge I am determined to overcome.” 
0 TO 2 STATS UP  𓆱  
“(Sigh) I need to study harder.” 
3 TO 4 STATS UP  𓆱   
“Growth in any form is better than none.” 
5 STATS UP  𓆱  
“Polishing my talents, as expected.” 
6 STATS UP  𓆱  
“Yes...these are the limits of my true potential.” 
“Am I finally worthy of my place in this world?” 
“Every day I discover new things about myself.”
“With this, I can employ a variety of new techniques!” 
(1) “New experiences are a fact of life.” (2) “Untapped power at my fingertips...” (3) “Is my uniform on inside out?” 
“Prepare to drown in the dark!”
MEDIUM HP  𓆱    
“I will not fail.”
LOW HP  𓆱   
“Are you sure this is the best approach?”
“It’s too late for surrender!”  “Nothing but cinders.”  “I warned you I’d show no mercy.” “You can’t hide from me.” “With the divine power of Brynhildr!”
“Risks are the reward of the confident.” 
“There is no escaping.”
“Pathetic.” “I cannot fail.”  “Is that all you have to offer?”
“You have my thanks.” “Excellent! We showed those fools.” “Not a move wasted.”
“I’m impressed.” “Thank you.” “We will stay sharp!” “I can continue to fight.” “Shall we show them our might?” “Unparalleled excellence.”  “I’ll do what no one else can.”
CASUAL  𓆱    
“I’ll fall back.”
"Fiends! That I...should pay with my life...for never being strong enough...”
"I’ve a brilliant mind for all things academic, yet when it comes to fashion and other abstract ideals, I’m a bit absentminded. What can I do to overcome this flaw?”
>Who cares about fashion! >Try writing a daily checklist (Correct answer) >Do nothing. It’s funny.
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swiftscion · 2 years ago
✢⁎. larcei in garreg mach
source !
GENDER. Female
AGE. 20
HEIGHT. 160 cm / 5'3
BIRTHDATE. December 28th, Gran 759 
CREST/HOLY BLOOD. Minor Od (though subject to change depending on her father)
CLASS. Blue Lions student
AFFILIATION. Kingdom of Isaach
BIOGRAPHY. Daughter of the legendary swordmaster Ayra. Arrived at the Officers Academy in search of her mother, whom she believes is still alive. Her skills with her blade are matched only by her red-hot temper, and her devoted spirit is both her biggest strength and greatest weakness. While technically royalty, her simple and blunt mannerisms are fitting of one raised alongside other orphans. She wishes to become the strongest version of herself that she can, echoing her mother's legacy so they can one day reunite.
Grann Year 759 ~ Born during the Holy Wars alongside her twin brother, Scathach
Grann Year 761 ~ Separated from her parents following the Battle of Belhalla, and placed in Tirnanog to be raised as an orphan
Grann Year 777 ~ Lends her sword to the Liberation Army and helps restore Isaach after its occupation
Imperial Year 1180 ~ Enrolls at the Officer's Academy at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS. Swordplay, Competition, Traveling LIKES. Light clothing, physical activity, festivals, stars, sweets DISLIKES. Injustice, feeling like a child, dishonorable combat, flowery language, laziness STATUS. Princess of Isaach, cousin of King Shannan of Isaach CLOSE ALLIES: Scathach, Lucina, Edward
LIKES. country style red turnip plate, saghert and cream, sweet bun trio, peach sorbet, pheasant roast with berry sauce, garreg mach meat pie, deirdriu-styled fried pheasant, sauteed jerky, sauteed pheasant and eggs, beast meat teppanyaki, gronder meat skewers, pickled rabbit skewers
DISLIKES. sweet and salty whitefish, small fish skewers, grilled herring, fish and bean soup, fruit and herring tart, fisherman’s bounty, fish sandwich, two-fish saute, cabbage and herring stew, bourgeois pike, super spicy-fish dango, spicy fish and turnip stew, pickled seafood and vegetables, scrambled eggs with vegetables, fried crayfish, daphnel stew, cheesy verona stew, gautier cheese gratin, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, vegetable stir-fry
"As a kid, I would've hit my brother over the head for somethin' like this!"
"You loaded up our plates with extras, yeah? Eating is just as important as training."
"Are you sick in the head?! A-Actually, I think I'm about to be...!"
"Remember when Edain used to make all our meals for us? I bet I can still eat these ones faster than you!"
"This might sound silly, but... I've always wanted to do this with you... Mother...."
FAVORITE TEA. Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Tea of the Saints
CONVERSATION TOPICS. evaluating allies. reliable allies. tell me about yourself. working hours for guards. exploring the monastery. cats. past laughs. school uniforms. heroes’ relics. children at the market. hopes for the future. thanks for everything. shareable snacks. getting out of homework. creative pranks. making friends. close calls. a place you'd like to visit. sturdy weapons. potential training partners. the last battle. your ambitions. overcoming weaknesses. mighty weapons. i'm counting on you. someone you look up to. a new sword technique. equipment upkeep. the thrill of sweets. you seem different. favorite sweets. a new gambit.
(1) "I prefer staying on the move, but I'll make time for you."
(2) “Thanks for reminding me that I need to take a load off every now and then.”
(3) “I won't forget this, you know. Next time, it'll be my treat!”
“Huh? Hey--Who told you I like this stuff?!”
“Woah... Isn't this a bit much? Hmph, if you're trying to impress me, save it. Last thing I need is another flower shoved in my face!”
(1) "Don't tell me you brought me here just to gawk at me! I'll pull you into a stump if you don't buzz off!" (2) “Bored already? Me too. Let's get in a round of fighting after we're done.” (3) “Geez... I don't think I could ever get used to this kind of attention...”
"Ah--That's hot!" "Just gotta stop drinking so fast...!" "Eheheh..." "Not bad!" "How are things with you?" "Reminds me of her..." "Yeah?" "It'll go straight to my legs." "What's up?" "I wonder what goes good with this..." "Hey!" "Hmm..."
"Heh, looks like I finished before you. Blink, and you'll miss me!"
(1) What did you think of my last battle? I've gotten a lot stronger since the time Lord Shannan had to save me! ANSWER. Commend, Chat (2) I've seen the way you guys do Astra. The form's all wrong! I'd teach it to you myself, but without the Holy Blood of Isaach, I doubt you'd get very far. ANSWER. Laugh, Sigh (3) This sword was an heirloom from my mother... If I lost it, I don't know what I'd do with myself... ANSWER. Nod, Sip Tea (4) Sometimes it feels like you're looking right through me. I wonder if I've grown predictable as an opponent...  ANSWER. Laugh, Sip Tea (5) l like my clothes light and easy to move around in, but there are places where it's always snowing! ANSWER. Laugh, Chat (6) Ever meet someone you want to believe in, but makes it so damn difficult? Sometimes I wonder if a hilt to the jaw would fix 'em.  ANSWER. Disagree, Admonish (7) Back in Isaach, we believe that every debt should be repaid--both the good and the bad. I'll never forget you doin' nice things like this, but cross me and I'll make you regret it. ANSWER. Nod, Sip Tea (8) Growing up, I used to watch kids get snatched up by imperial dogs. It was awful, and the things they would do to the girls... I used to feel so weak, being unable to protect them. ANSWER. Nod, Commend (9) One day, I'm gonna find her... And then I'll prove everyone wrong! They'll all see that everything has been worth it! ANSWER. Commend
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Smoked Meat, Hunting Dagger, Whetstone, Ancient Coin, Owl Feather, Training Weights, Ceremonial Sword, Exotic Spices
"Get this outta my face!"
"Thanks! I'll make sure it's put to good use."
"Looks like I'm in your debt again. Don't worry, I'm already thinkin' up a great way to repay you!"
STAR-SHAPED AMULET. A simple wooden amulet, evidently worn. It probably belongs to someone who finds the stars sentimental. Location found: Blue Lions classroom
TASSELED TROWEL. Someone's personal farming equipment. It probably belongs to someone with humble origins. Location found: Greenhouse
CURVED SWORD. A uniquely shaped saber, meant to overwhelm an opponent with a rush of killing strikes. It probably belongs to a foreign and skilled swordmaster. Location found: Training Grounds
"Shoot--can't believe I actually lost that! Thanks for the help."
"Only a child would lose something like that."
“You're lucky we weren't fighting for real...” ( *Byleth specific  ) "Professor...? Hmph! This isn't over! Next time, I'll take you down for sure!"
"The power of Crusader Od demands I cut you down!"
(1) "H-Hey, isn't this a little embarrassing? I've never really sung before..."
(2) "Alright, but if I catch anyone givin' me funny looks...!"
(1) "Oh, this? It's actually pretty easy. If it was for survival, I could help cook back at home."
(2) "Make sure you pile on lots of meat! If a meal won't make me any stronger, it's not worth having."
(3) "Let's make more than enough for everyone. If there are any siblings eating tonight, they'll fight each other for who gets to have seconds."
BAD.  ✧
"So that's wrong... Damn! L-Let me have another go at it!."
Critique: I need real-world application if I want stuff to stick. Console: Quit treating me like a child!
"I've gotta keep goin' if I want to be like mother." “That's a good point. Okay! I'll include it in my technique.”
"My technique is the pride of Isaach! Nothing stands in my way!"
PRAISE. "Heh, watch your tone. I'm on track to outdoing you."
“It's pretty hard keepin' up with 'em during battle, but horses back in the stable are easy to maintain.”
"We used to ball these up and throw them at each other when we were kids... Wanna go?"
“Just don't look down, and you've got nothin' to be afraid of!”
"What the--That was hardly fair! Give me a weapon and I'll show you I can do it!"
"One step closer..."
AXES.  ✧
“Professor, I'm getting good at using my legs, but I feel like my arms could use some work. Let me pick up an axe! If you give me enough time, I'll be swinging it faster than the eye can see.”
“Man, mages and archers piss me off... Look at them, always sitting behind enemy lines and attacking from afar! I say we walk right up to 'em and knock 'em down where they stand! Professor, if you teach me how to use a mount, I can rush in and take them out before they get a chance to act.”
“I grew up having to fight for survival. If I can punch through that, I can punch through anyone. Put me on the front lines, and see how my lightning-fast fists make short work of our enemies.”
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
“Just need to try a bit harder...”
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
“Riposte, and engage. That's the form I've drilled into my body!”
5 STATS UP .  ✧
“The skills of my homeland live on through me.”
6 STATS UP .  ✧
“My sword is shining! Our enemies will fall to my Astra!”
“Mother... Are you watching?”
“It's new, but I like it! Let's keep training until it's as good as my swordplay.”
“Power comes pretty naturally to me. I'll show you what I can do!”
(1) “Harder, better, it's all just training to me. ” (2) “Doesn't matter how--I move forward.” (3) “A new angle might help me find what I'm lookin' for.”
“Eyes on the enemy.”
“Not gonna fail!”
LOW HP .  ✧
“Don't worry... About me...”
“I'm faster!”
“No running now!” “Die, tyrant!” “Heart and sword as one!” “Now we're fighting for real!” “This is the end for you!”
“My sword is too kind for the likes of you.”
“Leave it all to us!”
“Tch. That's all?” “Victory or death--it's just how I fight.” “Easy pickings.”
“We're rivals now!” “Keep going! Leave none standing!” “Heh, you're pretty good at this.”
“Caught me slacking, huh?” “Wow, I really owe you one...” “I'll put this to use.” “Hits the spot after a long battle!” “Messed up, didn't I?” “Now watch me soar!” “My sword's all yours.”
“N-No... I've still got stuff to do.”
"Shannan... Mother... I've... Failed..." “Guess they... Finally got me...“
"I got real mad at someone I care about, but now I'm beginning to have regrets. I'm afraid they might not want to talk to me. What do you think I should do?"
>It's okay, they'll probably forget about it if you wait enough >If they're family or a close friend, they'll forgive you once you break the silence (Correct answer) >Start another fight to prove how you were right in the first one
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carmennivis · 1 year ago
Nils in Fodlan!
Personal Info:
Name: Nils Gender: Male (transmasc) Birthday: 7th Day of the Guardian Moon (January 7th) Age: 1200+ Apparent Age: 16 Height: 152 cm (5’0”) Weight: 44 KG (97 lbs) Crest/Holy Blood: He’s an ice dragon, so maybe he could have a crest of his own..? Class: Golden Deer Affiliation: Lyndis Legion, Traveling Performers
Personal History:
(Note:B.W. Refers to before the ending winter. Most years are rough estimates.)
Elibe 300 B.W. - Nils was born to Ice Dragon Aenir and her human husband Nergal.
Elibe 100 B.W. - The Scouring Begins. The family is forced into hiding.
Elibe 0 - The Ending Winter happens. With the air changing, Aenir, Ninian and Nils are forced into human forms.
Elibe 20 - Aenir is captured by humans and presumably killed. Nergal goes after her, and tells his children to enter the Dragon’s gate. They do, losing a large part of their memories.
Elibe 978 - Hearing a voice call out to them, Nils and Ninian pass through the dragon’s gate once more. They lost most of their power when in Elibe and lose their dragon stones, but manage to avoid capture and start a life as traveling performers.
Elibe 979 - The duo was rescued by Lyn and joined her for a time to take back Caelin.
Elibe 980 - The battle against Nergal and the Black Fang happens, where Nils joins Eliwood and Hector after they rescue him and Ninian from the dread isle.
Elibe 981 - With the battle over, Nils enters the Dragon Gate to seal it back up from the other side. An unknown time later, he is whisked away by the gate to Fodlan.
Interests: Performing, Diving, Nature Likes: Music, Dancing, Cold days, Frigid waters, bloody meats, nature walks, a nice breeze, the moon and stars, sweets Dislikes: Selfish Humans, Loneliness, hot days, spicy food, wyvern riders, hot soups and stews Status: Scion of the Elibean Ice Dragon tribe and a traveling bard Close Allies: Ninian, Lyn, Mark
Dining Hall Preferences
Likes: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Gronder Meat Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Grilled Herring, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich, Two-fish Saute, Bourgeois Pike Dislikes:  Sauteed Jerky, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Saute, Super-Spicy Fish Dango, Sauteed Pheasant with Eggs, Daphnel Stew, Onion Gratin Soup, Cheesy Verona Stew
Dining Hall Quotes
Favorite Dish
“Wow, this is so delicious..! If only I could share some with Ninian…”
Least favorite dish
“Ack, this is- well, um.. Quite a unique flavor… do humans really like this…?”
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Mint Leaves
Favored Topics
A place you’d like to visit / Books you’ve read recently / Children at the market / Monastery security / I’m counting on you / Our first meeting / Past Laughs / Reliable allies / Someone you look up to / Thanks for everything / The library’s collection / The view from the bridge / Working together / You seem well / You’re doing great work / Favorite sweets / Shareable snacks / Books you’ve reach recently / Heart-racing memories / Hopes for your future 
Tea Time Quotes
“Thank you for inviting me..! Would you perhaps like a tune to accompany the tea?”
Favorite Tea
“Oh, this is..! My sister and I enjoy drinking this together often..!”
5 star tea
“Are you really brewing such an expensive tea for just a humble bard? You truly are too kind..!”
Being Observed
“I’m.. Not used to being looked at so tenderly, haha.” “I-I have unusual eyes..?! No, they’re as normal as can be!” “Do I seem cold? Don’t worry, I actually quite enjoy the breeze!” “Is it normal for people to get this close..?”
Introducing Own Topic
“I’m waiting for my tea to cool off.. I can’t really handle hot drinks, you see.” “The air here is so nice.. It’s like a gentle embrace, don’t you think?” “I can perform just fine, but being close to so many people daily? It's a lot, sometimes.” “Have you ever been to my performance? I’ll make sure to rouse your spirits!” “You’re a bit of an odd one.. But I can tell you’re a kind person.” “It’s been so nice to settle down here.. I wonder if I should stay here longer..” “No matter how far apart we may be.. My bond with Ninian is unbreakable.” “I’m looking forward to winter..! The blanket of snow will be so beautiful..!” “I always take good care of my flute, it’s my greatest tool, after all..!”
“Hm?” “Oh!” “I see..”
“I had fun..! Thank you very much for inviting me!”
Misc. Dialogue
Gift Guide
Favorite Gifts: Any flower, Smoked Meat, Book of Sheet Music Disliked Gifts: Exotic Spices, Coffee Beans, Blue Cheese
Gift Quotes
Disliked gift
“Um.. Thank you? …Are you sure you intended to give this to me?“
Liked gift
“Thank you so much…!”
Favorite gift
“Wow, I love this..! I’ll make sure to cherish it!”
Lost Items
Flute Cleaning Kit - Various tools meant to be used to clean a wind instrument and for its general upkeep. It likely belongs to someone who plays the flute and values it deeply. Location Found: Dormitories Piece of Arctic Coral - A piece of blue coral that only grows in the depths of frigid waters. It likely belongs to someone who can handle such temperatures and enjoys diving. Location Found: Classrooms Bag of Peppermint Candies - A small bag of minty fresh sweet treats that are a bit of an acquired taste. It likely belongs to someone who enjoys sweets with a cool taste. Location Found: Dining Hall
Lost Item Quotes
“Yes, this belongs to me! Thank you so much for finding it..!”
Not owner
“I can’t say this looks familiar.. I hope you can find the owner soon!”
Battle Quotes
Mock Battle Retreat
“Ah..! I knew it, I was never cut out for battle…”
First Kill
“If.. If it means I can protect her, then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Monastery Lines
Choir Practice
“I prefer instruments over singing, but this is still quite fun! Hmmhmmhmm~”
“I can handle chopping the ingredients! I’ll just.. Leave the fire to you, then.”
“Maybe there’s something in the air..?” Console: “That’s alright. Sometimes you have to fail in order to grow!” Critique: “You’re right.. But I have to keep going!”
“Maybe I do have what it takes!”
“With this new strength, I’ll keep us safe!”
Praise: “Please, teach me more..! I have to grow stronger!”
Stable Duty
“Hmm, You’re quite the sweetheart, aren’t you? Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Weeding / Clearing Rubble
“These hands are so small.. But I’ll keep trying!”
Sky Watch
“Ah… The air is even fresher up here, how lovely!”
Certification Exams
“I’m sorry, It seems like I haven't tried hard enough...”
“I passed? Wonderful! No doubt thanks to your help!”
Lecture Questions
“Excuse me, Professor?”
“I get so scared at the thought of going to the front lines.. But I have to get stronger to keep those I love safe. How do you cope with it? To put yourself in danger like that?” OK: “Try not to think too much about it. Focus on nothing but the battle.” Bad: “If that’s how you feel, you should stay in the back.” Good: “Keep in mind what you want to protect. Let it be your strength.”
Bad Answer
“Sorry, that’s.. Not what I meant.”
Good Answer
“Yes, I see it now. Thank you!”
Update Goals
“For some reason, the idea of bards using bows has become quite famous as of late.. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to try, would it? Attacking from a distance might be better for me, too.. So please help me train in bows!”
“I know as a foreigner, my faith should be different. Yet, something about the teachings of Seiros feel so.. Comforting to me. Please, allow me to train in Faith, so I can explore this power further.”
“Being a bard means being able to charm people. Naturally, someone like that should be able to lead and inspire others too. Please let me study in Authority for this reason!”
Level Up
0 to 2 stats up
“This body of mine is too weak to protect anyone…”
3 to 4 stats up
“Whew! What a refreshing development!”
5 stats up
“With this new power, I’ll put on a performance of a lifetime!”
6 stats up
“I’ll keep everyone safe and energized, I promise this to you!”
Upon reaching level 99
“It’s almost as if I have my original strength back, despite this weaker body…
Budding Talent
“I didn’t realize I had this in me..! Thank you for inspiring me!”
New Skill
“I’ll use this for a new performance!
“What an interesting costume! It’ll liven up my performances, too!”
Battle Quotes
When selected
Full/High HP
“Rouse your spirits!”
Medium HP
“My song hasn’t ended yet!”
Low HP
“I can.. Keep going..”
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
“Is that it?” “So close!”
Critical Attack
“I won’t run away anymore!” “Graaaargh!” “Let’s change the course of fate!” “This is your swan song!” “Freeze to the core!”
“Follow my lead, everyone!”
Gambit Boost
“I’ve got your back!”
Defeated Enemy
“Anything to keep us safe.” “I had no choice, forgive me.” “I took no pleasure in this.” “This was your finale.”
Ally Defeats Enemy
“What a performance!” “Such strength!” “You make me feel safe..!”
Ally Heals/Rallies
“How inspiring!” “Dearly appreciated!” “Thank you for the boost!”
Death/Retreat Quote
“This is too much for me.. I have to survive, for Ninian.. Sorry, but I must retreat.”
“Ni..nian… Please be happy.. Get home safely, and.. Please forgive your.. Stupid bro..ther..”
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eintausendschoen · 2 months ago
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With my deepest apologies to @rin-solo; this isn't strictly fanart for fanfic, but this just asked for a sketch.
That is Poseidon's Ody-stan-shirt, front and back, with a hefty rec for the fic that inspired the dialogue that inspired this... whatever this is.
"It's not a passing fascination, it's obsession." — "Needin' is one thing, but gettin', gettin's another..."
With sincere apologies to everyone following me for not!PoseidonxOdysseus stuff - I'm going to keep quoting OK, GO! onto you until you accept my current state of lost at sea.
... and of course with a heartfelt recommendation:
Theohimerotic by AngstQueenRin
theohimeros (theo·him·er·os) /θiːəʊˈhɪmərɒs/, n.; adj. theohimerotic /θiːəʊhɪməˈrɒtɪk/ From Greek theos (θεός, god) + himeros (ἵμερος, desperate desire/yearning) “The distinct and often disorienting experience of divine romantic or erotic desire; specifically, the state of a deity confronting unprecedented sensations of yearning and vulnerability, knowing that such desire will remain eternally unrequited.”
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
I am a big fan of small, picky food. The sort of miniature items that have you going back to the buffet table time and again, saying “just one more,” and then another… and then you quietly slip another one in, hoping that no one noticed you are on your 38th miniature delight. 
After a long Yom Kippur fast, tables across the Indian-Iraqi community in London are filled with small, delicious pastries and sweet tea. Among them are date babas (pastries filled with dates cooked to a jam-like consistency), kakas (bagel-shaped mini cookies), dal (chickpea) or almond sambusak and, of course, the king of the pastry: cheese sambusak. Meat is far too heavy to break the fast on, and I never saw the appeal of cold fried fish, nor boiled gefilte fish, which has just never quite done it for me. Pastries are the perfect break fast food.
Cheese sambusak are a delicacy amongst the Indian-Iraqi community, and every family has at least one bag hiding in the freezer year-round so that they are accessible at a moment’s notice. But no one has quite rivaled Avraham’s sambusak. I have tried and tried to make them  — and I have annoyed nearly every one of my husband’s aunts by trying their recipes  — but am reminded that, although my efforts are appreciated, they just aren’t as good as Avraham. Avraham (no idea of his surname; like Madonna, he is simply Avraham the Cheese Sambusak Man) is an institution in our little Northwest London suburb and everyone knows that he is the master.
These flaky pastry morsels filled with pillowy cheesy deliciousness are the perfect item for breaking a long Yom Kippur fast on  — but they must first be dunked into sweet tea. Don’t get me wrong, the cheese sambusak are quite exquisite on their own, but the tea is a crucial element to the break-fast rituals: the sugar balances the sambusak’s salty filling, and the heat causes the cheese to slightly melt. The tea must be strong but not stewed, and have enough sugar that it is sweet but not sickly. It needs to be hot, but cool enough that you can dunk your pastry in and drink it without scorching your mouth. These are simply the rules, do not try to resist. 
The secret of the sambusak itself is the fluffy, cheesy filling, which puffs up and attaches to the pastry on top. They have enough chew whilst staying light, and are just heaven. 
When I asked Avraham about the recipe he told me that the main cheese is Gouda, mixed with other cheeses to create the exact balance of cheesiness and saltiness. I am sure that there is something very scientific about replacing the salts that we have lost during our fast with vast amounts of cheese, but all that aside, they just taste great. I have asked a million times how to get the right amount of puff, and the secret seems to be freezing the cheese blocks before drying them and rolling in the flour and then grating it together along with the exact number of eggs, which binds the mixture without making it runny. 
My husband and I plan the exact moment to make the tea and put the sambusak in the oven after Yom Kippur ends so that they are ready when he walks in from synagogue. Together, we devour what has been made before debating how many more we should heat up. 
If you’re not lucky enough to source your cheese sambusak directly from Avraham, you can whip up his recipe at home this Yom Kippur. After 25 hours of fasting, with a dry mouth and an empty belly, I promise that the winning combination of these beautiful little cheesy puffs, dipped into hot, sweet tea will bring you back to life in just one mouthful!
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nagargent · 2 years ago
julia's fodlan profile
template from @shadoll
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 168cm /5'6"
BIRTHDATE: 1st of August, Grann Year 761
CREST/HOLY BLOOD: Major Naga, Minor Fjalar
CLASS: Black Eagles Student
AFFILIATION: The Liberation Army, Grannvale
BIOGRAPHY: Born to Emperor Arvis and his wife Empress Deirdre in Grann Year 761. Aids the Liberation Army in the Final Holy War. Shortly after, she makes her way to Garreg Mach to further her studies in magic and better support King Seliph.
761: Born alongside her twin brother Julius to the Emperor and Empress of Grannvale
770: Her mother, Deirdre, dies protecting her. Julia is warped away with the last of Deirdre's strength. - Julia suffers traumatic amnesia after this event.
Before 777: Is found by Lewyn who cares for her
777: Lewyn and Julia meet Seliph and join the Liberation Army
778: End of the Final Holy War, Julia's older half-brother, Seliph, is crowned King of Grannvale
779 (Imperial Year 1180): Arrives at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS: reading, hiking, gardening, praying LIKES: nature, quiet places, animals, studying magic, hot cocoa, warm hugs, her beloved friends DISLIKES: warfare, cruelty, manipulation, heavy exercise, being cooped up indoors, forgetting things (especially related to people she loves) STATUS. Imperial princess of grannvale & black eagles student CLOSE ALLIES: Seliph, Sara & Scathach
LIKES: saghert and cream, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sautée. sweet bun trio, pheasant roast with berry sauce, country style red turnip plate, peach sorbet, gronder meat skewers, vegetable stir-fry, bourgeois pike, derdriu-style fried pheasant DISLIKES: beast meat teppanyaki, small fish skewers, sautéed jerky, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, pickled seafood and vegetables, daphnel stew, cabbage and herring stew
"This is delicious! Thank you for inviting me to share such a wonderful meal, it truly warms my heart."
"Oh dear. I don't wish to be fussy but... is this edible?"
"It's been a long time since we last enjoyed a meal together. My brightest days were always the ones I shared with you."
"I know it's a simple thing but I'm glad we're finally able to share a table together and break bread, the way family ought to. Thank you for indulging me, brother."
"I haven't touched my food yet? Oh, you're right! Forgive me, I just can't look away. To share this time together means the world to me."
FAVORITE TEA: Lavender Blend, Rose Petal Blend, Chamomile CONVERSATION TOPICS: Children at the market, A dinner invitiation, The library's collection, Books you've read recently, Cats, Forest birds, Likable allies, Favourite sweets, Gardening mishaps, Overcoming weakness, Exploring the monastery, Ghost stories, The ideal professor, I'm counting on you, Someone you look up to, Hopes for your future, Classes you might enjoy, Magical innovations
"Thank you dearly for inviting me. I hope I'm acceptable company." "Well met, professor. May I take this seat?" "A tea party! Oh, I haven't had one since I was a little girl. ...I have missed them dearly."
"Ah... I feel so relaxed. The tea is simply perfect, thank you!"
"This must have cost an arm and a leg! Are you sure there isn't someone else you'd rather share this blend with?"
"Is there a reason you're looking at me so intently? It leaves me feeling rather nervous..." "You have lovely eyes. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud" "I see you enjoy precious moments of calm as much as I do."
"Mmm, delightful!" "Ouch! Too hot..." "Do you hear the birds too?" "Heehee, there's a spot of cream on your--" "Thank you!" "I think that squirrel wants a snack." "Delicious!"
"I'm truly grateful to have been invited. That we could steal away a lovely little moment for ourselves... I promise to cherish this memory."
"Please forgive me. I often find myself lost for words." ANSWER: Chat, Praise "I know my father has done terrible things - has caused so much pain and suffering to people I hold dear. Yet I cannot change the fact that he is still my beloved father. ...perhaps I'm simply being selfish." ANSWER: Disagree, Admonish "I have been told countless times how similar I am to my mother but I am lacking in many ways. My mother is far more gregarious and ingenuous than I am." ANSWER: Chat, Nod, Disagree "It may be impossible but one day I would like to serve tea for my family. My parents, Lord Seliph, Lord Saias and Julius too." ANSWER: Nod, Sigh "Garreg Mach has brought me closer to dear friends, both old and new, than I would have ever imagined. I'm so delighted to be able to attend!" ANSWER: Commend, Agree, Praise "Whilst I've always had an innate talent for magic, I find myself giddy with excitement when I consider how much there is left to learn and understand. What possibilities await!" ANSWER: Nod, Praise "Losing my memory was almost as painful as facing the truth and plenty terrifying. I keep a notebook with me now, to record every detail I can. I refuse to forget." ANSWER: Sigh, Sip Tea "Heehee, I always feel most at peace outdoors. There is plenty to be learned from the forest, if one looks past the trees before them." ANSWER: Chat, Laugh, Sip Tea
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Floral Adornment, Watering Can, Armoured Bear Stuffy, Arithmetic Textbook, Monarch Studies Book, Landscape Painting, Baby's Breath, Lily, Lavender DISLIKED GIFTS. Training Weight, Whetstone, Smoked Meat, Hunting Dagger, Coffee Beans
"Oh... um... thank you very much. I'm touched by the sentiment."
"Thank you! I promise to take good care of this."
"Oh my, how did you know this is exactly what I want? I shall treasure this fondly, my friend. Thank you!"
Worn-out Notebook: A lavender coloured notebook with dog-eared pages. It's contents contain a wide variety of anecdotes and details, with dates and names in the margins. It likely belongs to someone afraid to forget things. Location found: Black Eagles Classroom Silk Handkerchief: Delicately embroidered with purple flowers. The silk is of especially fine quality. It likely belongs to someone from high society who adores flowers. Location found: Cathedral Pressed Flower Bookmark: Carefully dried and pressed lily petals decorate this bookmark. The lilac paper has a fancy letter J on the back. Likely belongs to a booklover. Location found: Library
"Thank you for returning this to me. I shall take better care of it in future."
"This... isn't mine. You should probably return it to it's owner."
"You bested me. Well done, I'll retreat now, before I end up in the infirmary." [Byleth specific] "I can tell you have a lot to teach us, professor."
"This never gets any easier, no matter how many times necessity forces my hand."
"You... want me to sing? In front of people? I would much rather listen." "I suppose singing in harmony with everyone else isn't so bad. Actually, it's rather fun!"
"I have little experience cooking but I'll try my best." "What do you mean that's enough spice? I've barely started..." "Oh, can we bake sweets? I can't wait to see the glee on everyone's faces when we serve them!"
BAD.  ✧
"Oh no, I lost focus..." Critique: I'm sorry, I really ought to be more diligent. Console: Thank you, I promise to keep trying until I get it!
"Splendid! I'm pleased with the results.""I'll keep working hard."
"Oh my! I hope my parents would be proud of me!" Praise: Heehee, thank you. You're making me blush!
"It seems the horses have had a hard day. Let's be extra kind to them, okay?"
"It's a pity. Who gets to decide the line between weed and flower anyway?"
"The view is beautiful up here and the breeze? Delightful! If only we could stay here forever."
"I'm terribly sorry. It seems I need further study before I can reach such lofty heights."
"I'm rather pleased with myself, although I could not have done this alone."
"I believe the role of a healer to be of utmost importance. I'd like to support my allies to the best of my abilities and keep them safe from harm. My bloodline, that of Saint Heim calls me to light magic. Please, allow me to improve my abilities to heal and fight back against the darkness."
"I find reason magic ever so fascinating. I think my own proclivity for fire magic was inherited from my father. Oh dear, I am rambling! I would be very grateful if I could study the intricacies and theory behind offensive magic, professor. I hope to put what I learn to good use."
"My lord brother is an exceptional swordsman, as are my dear friends Scathach and Larcei. I don't expect to rival them, by any means, but it may benefit me to learn how to defend myself at close quarters. I will admit, I've been inspired by tales of Mortal Savants recently - master swordsmen who can command the arcane arts. It's rather exciting!"
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
"A bit disappointing but at least I'm a little stronger."
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
"A good effort. This will be a boon in the trials yet to come."
5 STATS UP .  ✧
"Hard work, well rewarded. I'm quite pleased."
6 STATS UP .  ✧
"Mother, Father - I hope I've made you proud."
"Incredible! With Naga's guidance I will command my own fate!"
"Oh, I do love having room to grow."
"More petals as I blossom."
"Something new? I'll give it a try." "I'll keep working hard." "Though my garb has changed, my soul is resolute."
"Let us go, together."
"Now is not the time for despair!"
LOW HP .  ✧
"I'm beginning to feel a little weary..."
"You underestimate me at your own peril."
“I call on the divine light!”"I will never run away." "Naga, grant me the strength I need!" "With divine protection!" "My faith will not yield!"
"I'll try this!"
"I am always by your side."
"May the gods have mercy." "I had to stop you." "My heart is set upon this path."
"You are a shining light amongst us." "We are ever closer to sweet victory." "Your strength is ever reassuring."
"Thank you..." "Bless you, may Naga guide you forward." "I feel safe and warm." "Ah, I needed that." "Together we will forge ahead." "By your side I will remain."
"I'm holding you all back... please, carry on without me."
"Forgive me, Lord Seliph..." "The light, it's so warm. I'll be with mother soon..."
"I wish to nurture my relationships with others, both with old friends and new alike! However, I often feel a great valley between myself and others. One I feel powerless to overcome. I fear I may be hurting those I love and making them feel unwanted. Whatever should I do?" > Give up. Who needs friends anyway? > Push yourself to be more sociable and you'll find it easier to let others in! > Take your time but try to be honest with your friends. They'll probably appreciate your honesty and be understanding enough to give you the time and space you need to grow truly closer. (Correct answer)
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sanctobin · 26 days ago
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The Korean salted and fermented pickle known as kimchi can actually be made with any kind of vegetable, though cabbage and daikon radishes are the most common. Salty, spicy, and wonderfully funky, a jar of kimchi can keep in your fridge for a long time, but if you've ever reached the point of looking at that jar sitting in the back of your fridge and wondering how to use it up before it does eventually spoil, here's some ideas for how to eat kimchi any time of day, every possible way:
Eat It As Is
You actually don't have to do anything to kimchi to enjoy it. It's great straight out of the jar for a little snack any time. It's fun to fish out a single piece with a fork whenever the craving hits, but you can also pull a whole bunch of it out of the liquid and arrange it in a bowl and serve it with toothpicks alongside. Want to get even more purist about kimchi? Make your own!
Add it To Rice
Steamed rice is instantly more delicious if you stir some finely chopped kimchi into it, giving it a nice little kick of tangy spice. Same goes for fried rice—just stir it in right at the last minute after everything is fried.
Top off a Grain Bowl
Traditional Korean bibimbap has much in common with the trendy grain bowl dinners we're all obsessed with today, not least of which being that they're both excellent topped with kimchi. You don't have to be assembling a Korean-style bowl to top it with kimchi, but you certainly can—this one with spicy marinated steak is a great place to start.
Make Fritters or Pancakes
Kimchi adds a nice bit of crunchy texture and spicy-tart flavor to any kind of fritter or savory pancake. Try it in sweet potato pancakes or pork and scallion fritters.
Flavor a Braise
Adding kimchi to a tomato base for a braise lends an unexpected twist to a classic preparation. It's especially good with chicken.
Make a Stew
Kimchi adds medicinal-level spice and funk to a traditional Korean tofu stew, a dish that'll help you battle any cold or flu that comes your way.
Eat it With Eggs
You already love scrambled eggs with cheese folded in—now it's time to start loving scrambled eggs with kimchi folded in. Slice it up a bit, then fold it in just before your scrambled eggs are set. This is especially delicious tucked into a tortilla with some avocado slices for a breakfast taco. An extra topping of kimchi in that taco doesn't hurt either.
Turn it Into Pasta Sauce
Forget tomatoes—your new favorite pasta sauce is made with butter and kimchi. Finely chop kimchi and caramelize it in butter with gochujang (Korean hot pepper paste) then pour in some of the spicy-tart juices from the kimchi jar, and you've got an umami-packed sauce you won't want to stop eating.
And When It's Gone, Use the Liquid
When you've eaten all the kimchi out of the jar, there's probably going to be some liquid left in there—please don't throw it away! That stuff is liquid gold, flavor-wise. Stir it into mayo or sour cream for a dip with a nice little kick of spice and funk. Or use it as the base of a salad dressing. Or simply use the liquid as part of the cooking liquid for your next batch of steamed rice—you really can't go wrong with it.
By epicurious
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potatoquest · 2 months ago
Pork, Beans, Potatoes
This isn't what I planned to make or eat for dinner, but I really wanted rice and beans after talking to my mom, hahahah.
I hit the gym today and it always makes me very hungry, and I can't really focus well when I'm hungry, so I'll try to break down how I made these beans as best as I can.
I'm going to consider this a stew.
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I never claimed to be a talented photographer, just a guy who likes potatoes.
No recipe from the web, this is a PQ original.
As such, it's probably gonna seem a little chaotic.
What you're about to see is my handy dandy Fucking Throw It All In A Fucking Pot, Baby, The Whole Spice Cabinet (except not the whole spice cabinet, the curry ingredients were mostly left alone, but I've been known to throw a garam masala or 5 chinese spice into this bad boy) method
Pork chops (I had 3 so I used 3)
Sweet Potato (I used one)
Green Bell Pepper
Whole tomato
Olive Oil
A handful of pearl onions
Red Kidney Beans
Spices: Garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt, black pepper, cilantro, chili powder, garlic powder and onion powder, bonito flakes, tomato paste, miso paste, powdered chicken bouillon, sazon con achiote y culantro
Vinegar of your choice. I poured some from a jar of pickled onions.
Broth & wine of choice. God only knows which one I used.
To save money & time I have a lot of frozen ginger, garlic, and cilantro. I hate chopping these items. So I always have a lot. A little bit of fish oil or bonito flakes + miso paste will bump up any kind of stew.
Cooking Instructions
I popped a cube of frozen ginger, garlic, and cilantro into a pressure cooker along with the roughly chopped bell pepper, tomato, and onions, and all the spices.
I sauteed them until the onions were a little glassy and there were bits sticking to the bottom. At that point I poured in a little broth and wine to unstick the yummy from the bottom of the pot. It was chicken broth and a yummy red wine, I know that much, but use whatever.
So, kill the heat there. We're gonna do the pork now.
You can just throw the porkchops into the pot whole. The instant pot will make it easy to shred later. This is the easy way. It's still pretty tasty.
What I did because I'm a tryhard is I put the pork chops in my cast iron skillet with salt, olive oil, more vinegar, and more wine. (I didn't add too much salt because the stew pot is already pretty salty). I blasted it at the highest setting and flipped so it was brown/black on both sides.
If it looks like it's threatening to get stuck or too hot or whatever, unstick with more broth or wine.
It doesn't need to be fully cooked, you're mainly after that little burnt /fried pork flavor. Throw those chops in the pot. Deglaze the skillet with more broth / throw in some butter if you want and pour that into the pot.
Wash peel and roughly chop a large sweet potato. Put that in the pot.
Open a can of red kidney beans. Put that in the pot.
Pressure cook for 20 minutes or until tatos tender.
Serve with a bowl of rice. Sometimes I also add lentils to the pot; I didn't this time.
Another fun thing to do is stir in a spoonful of plain full fat whole milk yogurt into your bowl after you've served yourself. I like Brown Cow. This is good for most savory dishes ime.
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