#hot coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 . 0 0 | ooc
lampllghter · 2 months
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fenrirswood-hq · 3 months
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THE STRAWBERRY MOON pride edition:
IC DATE: 21th of June till 23rd of June OOC DATE: 9th of June till 30th of June PARTICIPATION: non-mandatory THREADS OUTSIDE OF EVENT: allowed! TAG TO USE: #fenrirpride2024 .
It's Pride!
And in Fenrir's Wood too it's celebrated with great enthusiasm. Several businesses around the city are participating in pride themed events throughout June, but especially in the weekend of the 21st of June till the 23rd, when the Pride Parade is scheduled.
The Council is not too happy with the first day of the event being on the June Full Moon, but they've managed to up security on the Friday. Do not be surprised however if you see some rather tired looking individuals dragging themselves out into the streets despite not having slept a wink.
ooc; our third full moon event is live! Unlike the past two, this one will last a full three weeks and will include an Ask Meme-A-Weekend, and a Task. Below are some businesses participating, but feel free to make up your own things as well!
CHILDREN'S DUCK POND LIBRARY is organising a book club featuring LGBTQ+ friendly books for children ages 0 to 10. Kids are welcome on the 22nd from 8 am till 3 pm to listen to various books being read out loud, recommendation presentations, and to eat food provided by local Vegan joint: Moonshine.
COFFEEKANTEEN is serving coffee and other hot beverages in flag-themed cups. Every cup costs 0.15 cents extra, and all money made through the sales will go to support local LGBTQ+ initiatives.
Pete Corbyn at DIRTY PETE is celebrating his marriage to his husband with a special menu option called Husband Pete: a burger and fries menu with a special pink sauce ( most say it's whiskey cocktail ) and a little rainbow flag sticking out of the burger. Halal, vegetarian, and vegan options also available.
DULANT COLLEGE is organising an artistic evening, LGBTQ+ students are displaying their talents and inviting everyone to the school's courtyard for drinks, food, and music.
GRANT PARK is of course once again organising a festival, forty different musical acts will preform on three different stages over the course of a three-day period. Entry is free, but no outside food or drink is allowed on the premises.
GOOD DUCK ART GALLERY is marking the weekend of the 22nd of June to change its collection; art by prominent local artists and LGBTQ+ artists from over the world are being displayed. As well as a small exhibition made by kids from four local schools about what acceptance means to them.
JOLLYBOLLY has cleared out the back and doubles as a cinema this weekend, showing six UK movies: On Friday the 21st: PRIDE (2014) and BEAUTIFUL THING (1996) On Saturday the 22nd: WEEKEND (2011) and CAROL (2015) On Sunday the 23rd: EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT JAMIE (2021), THE FAVOURITE (2018)
MOONSHINE is always in tip-top shape for Pride, with a whole menu filled with delicious homemade (and Vegan of course) items to be sold all throughout the month of June.
STARSTRUCK cannot be missing from the line-up, it's drag show are even more flashy and creative during Pride Month, and during this weekend, if you want to see a part of the show, you best come early!
VELVET and INTO THE WOODS are both hosting their own version of PRIDE NIGHT with a lot of cocktails and mocktails on the menu, and plenty of LGBTQ+ artists on the playlist. VELVET has a foam machine installed, while INTO THE WOODS is going for a glow-in-the-dark theme.
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soothinglee · 3 years
the little things you do. (with little to no explanation)
irl!dream team x reader (individual)
a/n: it might be a little ooc. I just wrote what came to mind for them.
(it is 12 o'clock in the morning...I have school in the morning...oh well)
(this has also been sitting in my drafts for about a month)
how when you laugh you dont try to restrain yourself from expressing it.
dream loves the fact that you dont try to hide your laugh like some of the people he knows/seen.
He loves the fact that your not embarrassed to through your head back to let your mouth hang wide open as you let out the joyfullest laugh.
He loves that you give no cares in the world and thats one of the things he wish he saw in other people but, he's glad he saw it in you first.
He won't hesitate to compliment you on that.
how you would stop everything to give a helping hand.
One late Saturday afternoon you and George sat in a modern styled cafe on the corner of Bloomings dale at promptly 2 o'clock. Sitting just infront of the window, per Georges request, sipping dark coffee you turn your head to see a little old lady in her late 80s' struggle to get across the road. George hadn't seen her seeing as his head was to deep into the 3rd Harry Potter novel, a series he had read for the umpteenth time.
You gasp lightly as the little white figure on the crosswalk flickers before counting down from 30.
"George! Hold my things real quick! I need to help that lady before she gets crushed!" You exclaim as you gently try to put your coffee down without spilling it on your beige cardigan.
George looks up quickly, losing his page in the book "Wh-what?" He watches as rush out the door. A gush of wind followed behind your figure. He looks on as you gently tap the lady on the shoulder, careful not to scare her, and take her arm in yours to help her across the bustling street. Just in the knick of time, just as the timer hit 0 and all the cars went rushing at once.
He'd look on as the old women gives a tearful smile and a pat on the arm. 'Thank yous' are exchange as the women hands you a 20 dollar bill in exchange for 'saving her life and helping out a poor old women'. You try (and fail) to deny the wonderful offer but instead the women insist and continues on her way.
You let out a breath of disbelief and turn back to the cafe. George lets out a giggle and shake his head. With his hands he signs;
'You are ridiculous,' He watches as you wait until the crosswalk beeps and you begin to walk towards him.
'I'm not ridiculous George. The lady needed help and I didn't want her to get hurt.-' You open the heavy glass door with a huff,
"Plus she gave me 20 bucks, cool right?"
yeah y/n, cool. :']
how you'll learn anything if it means to give information.
Sapnap had been trying to figure out how to make it so the shock collar would work without being defective. There had been countless codes and inputs, different re-wiring and testing out when he decided to give up.
Walking into his room with a plate of eggs and bacon you see his figure slumped over onto the brown desk.
"Sapnap?" You call gently putting the plate onto the table with a 'clink!'. You only get a giant sounding snore back. You laugh lightly and pick up his plate from the nightbefore to return it to its place at the kitchen. Right when you were walking out something made you turn back to face the shock collar that fell out of the sleeping mans hands.
The next morning sapnap wakes up to the smell of cold bacon and rubber feeling eggs to a note and the newly coded shock collar. Sapnap grunts out a confused breath and wipes the drool from his chin.
"what?..." He picks up the note and moves the shock collar out of the way softly. The note reads;
'Hey SapNap! I saw that you were having trouble coding the shock collar and I wanted to help! When I came into the room late night you were passed out and I knew it was because of the countless hours coding! I'm not a coder but I did watch a couple of videos on YouTube and I learned quite alot! Anywho- you can try out the collar to see if it worked! If not I'm sorry, I tried my best and thats all that counts! I didn't erase all the coding just added some stuff in!
P.S: your food is probably cold so you can through it away!
-xoxo y/n'
sapnap shakes his head and hooks it up around his arm. Its worth to give it a try atleast. He loads up Minecraft and plugs the code into the game and hits enter.
"here we go" he sighs.
setting his game mode to survival the only thing in his hot bar is a single creeper spawn egg. He places it down and immediately backs up. Sapnap waits until the creeper notices him and begins to move a little closer. With a sizzle the black and green creature explodes knocking Sapnap 5 hearts down. The feeling of electricaty flows throughout his body like a pinch. This makes him let out a high pitched blood curling scream.
Panting He quickly unties the shock collar from around his arm to throw it on-top of the desk next to the note.
"yeah it works, thanks y/n"
(thanks for reading <3 have a good day!)
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kaislittleheadliner · 3 years
Dark Roast (Colin Zabel x Fem!Reader) - Part Three
Read Part One here. Read Part Two here. This is part three of the drabble that kinda took over my brain and became something else entirely. If you want me to tag you in this or future fics about Evan’s characters, let me know and I will be happy to add you to my taglist! I have maybe 2-3 chapters more planned, so stay tuned!
[A/N: I’m sorry if any characters are OOC. I have seen exactly 0% of   “Mare of Easttown.” I just think Colin is a sweet detective boy and   wanted to write about him. Also he’s not gonna die, because fuck that.]
Word Count: 1874
Warnings: Crime scene stuff - nothing too detailed or gory, but a body is mentioned because detectives investigating a crime. Swears like the “fuck” word. Use of coffee as a coping mechanism. Colin being an adorable puppy detective.
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Colin and I arrived on the scene just in time to see Mare go up to the beat cop who’d answered the call of a reported gunshot. We listened as Mare got his story, and I glanced over his shoulder at the crime scene.
“And nothing has been touched, right?” Colin asked, and the constable answered that all he’d done was check the victim’s pulse to determine his status. “Good work. That’ll be all. Go make an official statement at the station, and we’ll take over from here.”
With that, the constable ambled away, leaving the three of us and the crime scene photographers to examine the room before forensics came in to do their work. We all donned rubber gloves and went about our tasks. Mare went to look at the body, calling out points of interest, Colin checked the locks on the windows, and I located the bullet and bagged it as evidence. As I knelt by the baseboard beside the door, I noticed something odd: there were two holes parallel to each other on either side of the door frame as if something had been screwed in and then removed. I gestured to the photographer to come over and make sure he got a shot of it. It may have been insignificant, but there was no harm in being thorough.
“Right, let’s start questioning the neighbors,” Mare said as she finished making a few notes. “Zabel, you and the junior detective start next door, and I’ll start across the street.”
I saw Colin’s jaw clench, but he nodded his head in acknowledgement before turning to me. I snapped a quick photo of the holes on my phone as well since the official crime scene photos still needed to be printed. Standing and giving Colin a soft smile, we made our way out and to the house next door.
- - - -
The first house was inhabited by a frazzled single mom with two young children. She hadn’t heard anything at the time of the murder, but had heard an argument earlier in the day. The house on the other side of the victim’s had stood empty for several years, so no luck on that front. Several houses later and without many more details to note, we finally found a neighbor who had been out running at the time. He’d heard what sounded like the pop of a champagne bottle, so he assumed there’d been a celebration.
When I asked him about the holes in the baseboard and shown him the photographs, he clammed up. None of the others we’d questioned even reacted to them beyond a confused denial of knowledge. When Colin and I thanked the man for his time and stepped outside, we gave each other a look. Clearly he knew more than he was letting on. The question was, what?
Mare met us near the squad cars and said she was going back to the station to go over preliminary forensics. We agreed we’d meet her there in a bit after wrapping things up at the crime scene. After taking statements and going over the room again, we made our way back to Colin’s car with more questions than we’d begun the day with.
“Colin?” He gave a hum in response, and I carried on. “Is the last scene still roped off?”
He looked up at me curiously.
“Yeah, why? You got a theory?” At his question I nodded my head quietly, and he smiled. “Well hot damn. Alright then, let’s go.”
As we got in his car, I noticed our travel mugs sitting side by side in the cup-holders and a pang of - longing, or maybe familiarity or comfort - washed over me at the casual domesticity of it all. For a split second, I couldn’t help but imagine our coffee cups side by side like this on the way to work every morning. Was it normal to get sentimental over coffee mugs of all things?
Probably not, which is why I said I was fine when Colin asked instead of telling him how I’d just imagined the impossible. We were silent for a couple of minutes as he started to drive, and I found myself fidgeting with my nails quietly.
“I’m sorry.” The small, quiet words startled me out of my anxious thoughts, and I looked up at Colin confused.
“What? What are you sorry for? You’ve been so kind to me, I mean, you’re even indulging this silly theory of mine.”
“I’m sorry you always get stuck with me. I know I’m not the one you’re trying to impress - not that you need anyone to impress, because you’re already amazing. I-I just meant, I know you’d rather show Mare what you can do since she’s been underestimating you,” he spoke quickly as though he was scared to say what was on his mind. “Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you and I love seeing the way your mind works. I just...I’m sorry you’re stuck with me all the time.”
I could do no more than blink a few times in absolutely stunned silence. Of all the things I thought he might try to say, that...that was definitely nowhere on the list. This sweet, self-conscious man...
“Colin...” I breathed his name as we reached a stop light at an empty intersection, and his eyes met mine. He seemed scared of what I was going to say, so I reached over and took one of his hands off the steering wheel, holding it gently but firmly in my grasp. “Don’t you ever apologize for me getting to work with you. I’m so much more comfortable and happy around you than I am around Mare or any of the other detectives, for that matter. Being stuck with someone means you want to get away, and...honestly, I don’t want to stop working with you. Obviously, if you get tired of working with me, then I’ll ask for a department transfer, but until then I’d like to stick with you, if I may.”
“O-Of course! I don’t ever want to stop working with you. Working out puzzles with you just feels...natural. And talking to you...I’ve never been so comfortable around anyone before. I absolutely love working with you,” he said giving one of my hands a squeeze and bringing it to his lips. I felt my cheeks heat up and my lips stretch into a smile at the small, intimate gesture. “Besides, you’re my coffee buddy. O-Or you can be, i-if you want to.”
“I would love to be your coffee buddy, Colin,” I said with a wide smile. The two of us grinned like idiots until a car behind us blew its horn, forcing us to let go of each other and move through the now green light.
- - - -
After finding similar holes in the baseboards of the previous crime scene, Colin and I took photos and puzzled over what it could mean. Nothing like a tripwire had been found, but that lack of evidence was consistent with the rest of the case as a whole. Every bit of evidence we did find was wrong somehow. This was more orchestrated and planned than any of these single deaths seemed on their own.
As we were walking out of the room, I looked to the side and something gleamed from under the side of the couch. I knelt down with my gloves on and picked up what looked like a hook - the kind normally used to hand bird feeders on porches. One end was a nearly complete loop, and the other had the metal threads of a screw.
Bingo. I bagged it with a small triumphant sound and turned to see Colin raise his eyebrows. I smiled happily and tossed the closed bag to him. He put two and two together and the smirk that crossed his lips was way sexier than it should have been. We raced back to the station to get our find down to the lab for fingerprinting.
“We’ve got ‘em now, I feel it in my bones,” Colin said as we strode down the hall to the office to tell Mare what we’d found. “I think we have all the pieces, we just have to figure out how they all fit together.”
“I’ve got an idea about that. Well, two actually, but only one can be true. It depends on the information forensics gets from today’s scene, though,” I said turning the problem over again in my mind for good measure. Before we reached the office, a warm hand sliding into mine stopped me in my tracks.
“No matter what happens with this case, I-I just want you to know that I’m really proud of you. You’ve only been here with us a few weeks, but you’re...fuck, you’re exceptional.” Colin’s words were warm, quiet, and they made me blush.
“No, Colin, I-” Before I could finish my thought, the door opened revealing an irritated Mare.
“And where the fuck have two been? You said you’d be right behind me. It’s been over an hour.” She stepped aside just far enough to let us in, and we both went toward Colin’s desk.
“Well, Junior had a theory,” he said tossing a wink in my direction. “We went to the scene of the last death and found exactly what she thought would be there.”
“It’s a hook of some kind. We took it to the lab,” I said pulling out my phone and showing her the holes I’d found. For once, her expression shifted from one of annoyance to something a little closer to being analytical.
“Huh...it’s small, but you never know. It could be important. Good work,” she said reluctantly, but reluctance or not she’d praised me. I kept my expression neutral as I took a seat and pulled out my notepad. “Right. Time to beat our heads against a concrete wall again. Let’s talk theories.”
- - - -
By the time we left the office that night, I was still ecstatic that I’d finally managed to do something right in Mare’s eyes. Colin seemed to share my joy, because he didn’t stop smiling all day. He’d offered to give me a ride home again, and this time as we walked out together toward his car, he flung his arm around my shoulders.
“I can see the headline now: Junior Detective Rises to Chief Inspector in Record Time!” I giggled a bit, but when I didn’t say much, he looked at me. “What is it?”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. We have to solve this case before anything else. Besides, I wouldn’t want the credit anyway. I’d much rather the headline read: Hero Detective Solves Impossible Case and Awes Easttown!” I gave him a wink, and he blushed a bit. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Detective Zabel, so I’ll just have to do it for you.”
The drive home that night was warmer, somehow. Maybe it was Colin’s hand holding mine the whole way there. This time we were so deep in conversation that he walked me to my door, and I couldn’t help but wish he’d kissed me before I went inside. 
Taglist: @anonymushhy​
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nirvanarossi · 4 years
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[ NIRVANA NOELLE ROSSI. 24. FEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ TWENTY ONE YEARS ] and are originally from [ MONACO ]. They are a [ INTERIOR DESIGNER ] and in their downtime love [ PLAYING THE PIANO ] and [ YOGA ]. They look a lot like [ ELIZABETH LAIL ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. (ooc: eri, 25, she/her, gmt)
Born in Monaco to french-american parents, Nirvana Noelle Rossi and her twin brother joined the family in 1996.
With a father known as one of the most famous architects of the 21st century and a chef d’orchestre (conductor)  for a mother, the Rossie family was well off.
When she was two years old, the family moved to Los Angeles right after the youngest child was born.
Growing up Nirvana was a happy child, and her childhood memories are the best. Despite their hectic work schedule, her parents made sure they all bonded while having family time together, helping their children form strong values and ideas.  
Even though they had the best education to the finest schools and hang out with the elite, the Rossi children can’t be described as snobbish.
At the age of sixteen, Nirvana and her twin went on a camping trip with their school. The third day in, the teenager went to grab something from her tent, only to be bitten by a rattlesnake. Everyone panicked and they made it to the hospital just on time.
This is one of her worst memories, not only because of the pain but due to the fact she lost too much blood. So.. you guessed it, she hates snakes.
At eighteen, she went on a family cruise with her family. It was where she met someone who she thought was the love of her life. That was until two weeks after, Nirvana caught the guy making out with someone else. So much for love at first sight.
Returning back home, she gave up at the idea of love and went on to study architecture and design. As soon as Nirvana graduated, she began working in the family business called Rossi Deco.
She has been happily volunteering in different organizations ever since while living her best life.
She can actually play the guitar, piano, and violin.
Speaks English, French, Spanish and Italian.
She has a passion for swimming.
Animals, Nirvana loves animals. This is why she’s fostering until they can find their forever homes.
Has trust issues and doesn’t think guys are genuinely interested in dating her. (you can blame her ex for that)
Will do anything for her family. Literally, anything.
Has a coffee addiction. Iced, hot, with sugar or black, she’ll drink it all.
Possible Connections:
Older Sister
Twin Brother
Little sister ( she has to be around 20-23)
Cousins (0/3)
High School Sweetheart
Close friends (0/4)
Best friends (0/2)
Childhood friends (0/4)
Unrequited Crush
One night stand (0/2)
Friend with Benefits
Workout/Gym Buddy
Pen Pal (0/2)
Neighbors (0/3)
Personal Trainer
Clients (0/4)
Drinking/party buddy
Good Influence
Bad Influence
If you have any other ideas, just hit me up!!
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c9sneaksen-blog · 7 years
As Love is My Witness *slightly NSFW*
Author’s Note: This fanfiction is heavily based on As Love is My Witness, a song from Westlife. I’m not a fluent English speaker, nor this is my primary language, so I tried my best when it comes to grammatical rules, even if I used a spell-check software. I think there aren’t loads of OOCness and if so, I apologize in advance. It is also slightly NSFW due to the few swearwords and some explicit terms. Enjoy!
Once in a lifetime
You look in someone’s eyes
And it feels like the world stop turning at once
            Zach remembers perfectly when he met him for the first time. Hai had decided few weeks earlier to step down from the Cloud9 roster because of his wrist issues. Several people had come to try out; including Alex Ich, Yusui and, last but not least, Incarnati0n. While the latter was introducing himself, his icy blue eyes fell upon the AD Carry’s hazelnut ones.
He never believed in long-lasting relationships; although he had dated a girl named Jennabella and had a somehow friends with benefits relationship with Meteos, the jungler, in their beginnings as a team. It was everything but serious.
“Hello, my name is Nicolaj Jensen, but you can call me Jensen. I’m from Denmark,” the skinny player nicknamed Incarnati0n had said.
That’s what it felt like for me
I knew right away this day would be
Standing together, believing forever
Is there in our reach
            Zachary had tried to push his feelings away, to deny them. But, day by day, he fell more and more in love with the Dane. But the 2015 Summer Split did not happen as well as the Cloud9 community had hoped. It was very shaky and inconsistent: Jensen always apologized when they went through losses, even if it was not necessarily his own fault. And even if they won games, he felt bad for his poor laning phase or even his creep score deficit.
‘Cause love is my witness
I swear
I’ll be with you till the end
            During those times, the whole squad, as well as Charlie and Jack, was doing its best to comfort their new midlaner when he fell in those moments of self-hatred. It was unfair for their newcomer to keep blaming himself. He did not deserve that. It was unhealthy. Towards the middle of the split, Meteos announced to Jack his need to step down from the team. Sneaky was, to say the least, surprised to hear this: he was fully aware that Nicolaj and William did not get along well. Because of issues related to the Danish player or not, the jungler quit the team.
Nothing in tear this love apart
I’ll put my head upon my heart
This is the promise I’ll make to you
Whatever comes we’ll see it through
            Hai came out of retirement and replaced Meteos during the last few weeks of the split. They were on the verge to be relegated, something which would have been unthinkable for some. However, their win over Team 8 in a tiebreaker had prevented such a thing. Thanks to their Championship points from Spring, Cloud9 was able to attend the regional qualifiers for Worlds. They successfully won their series against Gravity Gaming, Team Impulse and, lastly, Team Liquid.
“We are going to Worlds!”, Jack excitedly told his team members at the end of the third day, feeling relieved.
Nothing can break it
This feeling’s too strong
‘Cause love is my witness
            Later that day, they flew to South Korea, in order to go to their bootcamp. The members streamed regularly, especially Sneaky and Jensen, who duo-queued lot together. Jack had noticed drastic changes in the Dane’s personality: throughout the split, he became more and more confident with his aggressive playstyle, and he meshed well with his teammates.
“Someone told me my girlfriend is so hot. Is that you?”, the European player asked, a grin on his face.
“There’s no other lesbian ADC in the NALCS. So yeah, same”, his teammate replied, chuckling.
However, this year, no NA team had made it past the groups stage, due to the week 2 curse. But going to Worlds was already an achievement for Cloud9. They were the team from North America that was at the seventh place in the regular season and, yet, they had the most wins than any other team from their region. Jensen’s father had even attended a couple of his son’s games during those two weeks: a huge feeling of pride was surrounding him.
We’ve both known sorrow
We have known heartache
When our dreams for tomorrow
Seem so far away
            Even if Zachary was still in touch with Will, it still hurt him to not see him around anymore. They had played within the same team during more than two years together, you can’t forget a relationship like that one. It hurt him to let his fans down. But he couldn’t really tell them “Yeah, Meteos and I fucked around for months. How are we doing now? Well, I’m in love with someone else” either.
But that brought us closer – yeah
It brought us together
So that we’d know the real thing
That’s why I can yeah – ye-eh-yeah
‘Cause love is my witness
I swear
I’ll be with you till the end
            Jensen and him were close but he couldn’t quite figure out whether the glances they exchanged were ‘no homo’ or not. Off-season always hit the player from Florida the worst: he could hardly deal with distance without feeling broken inside. Of course, they called each other every few days or so but, to Sneaky, it wasn’t enough.
He was addicted to his European teammate, who was always bringing candies from Denmark when he was back in NA. Candies that Sneaky loved, even if they were for all the team.
Nothing in tear this love apart
I’ll put my hand upon my heart
This is the promise I’ll make to you
Whatever comes we’ll see it through
Nothing can break it
This feeling’s too strong
‘Cause love is my witness
            Before the following split, LemonNation had quit his position as a support in order to become a coach for the team. Hai was known as a versatile player, so he filled in his role, and Rush from Team Impulse, was brought in as a jungler. The Korean player had a great synergy with his midlaner, but it didn’t have a negative impact on the others. Indeed, the newcomer from the team often played SoloQueue with Sneaky and Jensen during some evenings. One night, when Sneaky was streaming, he and Jensen were playing in the botlane. The former was playing Vayne and the latter Orianna… but as a support.
“I swear it works, I tried it out few days ago!”, the Dane had tried to justify, unsuccessfully.
“Be careful what you wish for, Yensen” the ADC added, mockingly. “If we lose, we’re gonna go to Starbucks for a date!”
“So… we mustn’t lose. Hopefully your laning phase can be decent this time, Senpai!”
I know whatever comes to be
Together we’ll face the mystery
Here in my heart, deep in my soul
Somehow I know, I know
‘Cause love is my witness
I swear
I’ll be with you till the end
            They had indeed lost that game. So here they were, having a hot date in Starbucks. When it came to the hot drink called coffee, they were polar opposites. As a matter of fact, Sneaky loved coffee with vanilla and plenty of cream whereas Jensen preferred black, plain, coffee.
“How can you drink that piece of shit? It’s undrinkable as fuck!”, the blond-haired male whined.
Jensen did not answer; he only shrugged with a wide smile on his lips.
            Prior the Summer Split, Rush left NA in order to come back to his home country. One of his prior teammates from Team Impulse whose name was Impact, the 2013 Worlds champion, replaced Balls in the toplane. Due to this change, the jungler slot was once again empty: Meteos went back in the team, even if he was rather reluctant with the idea.
Jack had even managed to convince Edward Gaming’s coach, Reapered, to train the team during their mid-season Korean bootcamp. The latter enjoyed the team so much that he ended up dropping his contract with EDG and decided to coach the North American team instead. BunnyFuFuu and Smoothie were both supports, exchanging whenever it was needed. Another gauntlet, another trip to Worlds. This time, they had managed to qualify for quarterfinals but lost against Samsung Galaxy from South Korea in a swift 0-3 trend.
Nothing in tear this love apart
I’ll put my hand upon my heart
This is the promise I’ll make to you
(This is the promise I’ll make to you)
Whatever comes we’ll see it through
Nothing can break it
This feeling’s too strong
‘Cause love is my witness
            A new season happened. Ray, from APEX Gaming, became Impact’s substitute and, a seventeen-year-old player, Contractz, was playing in the jungle. Thus, Meteos was out of the main roster, again, as well as Bunny.
            Cloud9 went through ordeals this year: starting with Jensen’s mispositioning during a crucial teamfight in the last game of Spring Split Finals, being one of the main reasons they lost, followed by a tough 0-2 weekend during the first week of Summer, Ray being hit with depression shortly after Rift Rivals and, last but not least, their elimination from playoffs in quarters against Team Dignitas after six straight wins. Yet, Japanese people often say, “fall seven times and stand up eight”. They had three weeks to prepare for the Gauntlet and, maybe, have a shot at attending Worlds. This year, however, they were the final boss. One series and they were in. Or out. After a 3-1 win over Counter Logic Gaming, they played some Korean SoloQueue before actually going to China. Sneaky and Jensen had even found Rush at some point.
            Thanks to SKT, they were once again in quarterfinals, nicknamed as NA’s latest hope before getting out of groups. In spite of their bitterness for losing 2-3 against Team WE, they were glad of making it that far. Once back in NA, Sneaky waited a couple of days before resuming his stream: only Contractz and him were left in the gaming house. But it was only a matter of time before they both left in their respective families as well.
Nothing can break it
This feeling’s too strong
‘Cause love is my witness
            It was during the middle of the month of December when the players were back in Santa Monica: they had to release a video about their 2018 roster a couple of days later. Sneaky was playing Super Mario Odyssey on his computer when someone knocked onto the wall. Much too focused on his screen, he did not hear the door opening, mostly due to his lack of answer.
“Okay, I’m back from a fifteen-hour-long flight so I could see my Snacky and all I see is that he’s more interested in video games than his aesthetic best friend. BibleThump”, the voice said in a sad tone.
“Yensen?” the marksman asked, raising his eyebrows and turning his back from the computer.
“Yeah, it’s me, dumbass. I got some candies from Copenhagen, by ze way!”
���Candies?” Zach frenziedly repeated. “Count me in! That’s so SneakyGasm by ze way.”
            The AD Carry took his headset off and hugged deeply his friend. Jensen was wearing his Veigar hat, one of his birthday presents from last year: he was still as skinny as Fiddlesticks and his light blue eyes were glimmering.
“Wow, who would’ve thought I had such an effect on you?”, the Slavic male teased.
“About that… I – I think there’s something we need to talk about”, the latter answered in a serious tone. “Like I – I am fucking in love with you. It – it’s not even some ‘no homo’ stuff or whatever. I’m dead serious, Nicolaj. Say something, please, even if it’s not mutual: your silence is killing me.”
“I – jeg elsker dig, Zach. I want you. I love you and your lesbian hair”, the midlaner ended up replying.
“Wow. Never thought it would take us so much time. Anyway, wanna take a welcome back pic? And with a caption like ‘my Danish lover is finally back from home’ or something like that?”, Zach asked, brushing his hand through his hair, his face slightly blushing.
“Sounds FeelsGoodMan to me. Damn, I missed you so badly,” his boyfriend agreed. “You should travel to Copenhagen with me someday.”
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madeyemads · 5 years
Name: Madeleine/Mads/Maddie/???/
Height: 5′0 (I grew an inch!)
Nationality: American scum
Favourite fruit(s): Tbh??? all of them, I love fruit
Favourite season(s): All of them but I love autumn for halloween... spring for gardens.... winter for christmas, summer for Anime Expo
Favourite scent(s): Tea, coffee, lavender, my perfumes, rose, tobacco, rubbing alcohol, a really clean house, eucalyptus (like vicks?), etc.
Favourite animal(s): all of them? Cats, spiders, bats, OWLS, bunnies, frogs, etc.
Tea / coffee / hot cocoa: All 3 but I OD’ed on caffeine twice so... coffee and tea?
Average hours of sleep: 4-6 hours
When my blog was created: Joined tumblr in late 2011, but this blog’s from like, January 1st, 2019
Random fact: Sometimes, I eat pure chili oil like the animal I am and no one can stop me, not even you.
Favourite food(s): authentic ramen, soups as long as they’re made from scratch, rare/medium rare steak with mushrooms and wine sauce, cucumbers and chili, authentic chinese, mexican, japanese, or indian food, curry, those cakes you get from asian bakeries that aren’t too sweet but not unsweetened either?
Favourite meme: mmm I like a variety but Disney YTPs are a great one... so is Expand Dong.
Pronouns: she/they/whatever idc
Favourite book series: Harry Potter, LOTR, Mangas of animes I like like Naruto or Sailor moon or Black Butler.
Favourite video game(s): Okami, pokemon, Mario kart, SSB.
Favourite subject: tbh i loved them all but math was awful
Guys / girls: Yes. I mainly find myself attracted to twinks tho.... idk why...
Last time I cried: I dont remember.
What I should be doing: Something productive. 
tagged by @aloeverabastard
tagging: Whoever wants to diminish their anonymity like this.
0 notes
evakteket · 7 years
Watchlist update!
Hello lovely evak shippers ♥  
It’s more or less a week since the last WIP watchlist update, so here we go again.
When it’s been more than three weeks since a fic was updated we consider it as on hiatus and remove it from the watchlist. This is the first watchlist update where we’ve had to take some off :(
However, we don’t cancel our subscriptions on AO3, so there will be cheering and re-listing when (hopefully not if) removed fics are updated again. We really like every fic we put on the watchlist and would love to see the hiatus fics continued and completed.
Update summary: Completed: 0 Added: 5 Removed: 3
Are You Lost? by @nnooorraa
This Amsterdam AU is clearly written by someone who knows and loves their city, and we are so hooked on touristy Isak and urbane Even in this, as they manage to miss each other and lose each other and find each other. Of course Isak isn’t on his own here: the entire Boy Squad is on holiday together, and you can probably imagine how that rowdy group comports themselves in Amsterdam. - kit and immy
Scene Three, Take Two by @folerdetdufoler
This is a future-ish fic that deals with Even and Isak meeting and discovering their feelings again when they’re a bit older, post-breakup and Isak is a vet student. There’s a slight non-Norwegian issue here, and I’m not quite sure I buy Isak’s reasoning for their breakup, but this fic is very promising nonetheless–and all the more exciting for being the writer’s first in the fandom. Go show them some love! - kit
A Transference of Feeling by @rumpelsnorcack
This is a very well-written what if AU, with the premise that Isak transferred to Bakka instead of Even going to Nissen. Even is repeating his third year and Isak’s a transfer who knows nobody there. This fic has a few issues in terms of getting Norway right, but makes up for those problems with very intriguing relationship-building between Isak and Even. Switching up the setting really highlights how much the two of them actually needed to find each other. We’re definitely liking it so far. - kit and immy
The Weight of Us by verlore_poplap (@mimi-fics)
This is a very interesting fic, in part because it’s so different to a lot of the stuff in the fandom so far. Isak and Even meet when they’re older, and in serious relationships with Emma and Sonja–in case alarm bells are ringing, yes, Isak and Emma are together, but the author uses the context of their relationship to explore what would have happened if he’d repressed his sexuality, which I think is very cool. The author also treats Emma very fairly. The fic has a few minor niggles–Isak, for example, at one point performs a super rare kind of heart surgery–but overall this fic has me really intrigued, and I can’t wait to read the rest. - kit
hot like fire, take you higher by birthmarks (@fyfaenjonas)
Rating: mature. This is kink exploration. The author takes it slowly and gently up from Isak finding out what a kink is, through Isak and Even finding out what their kinks are, and well. Hot. There��s also well-written dialogue, there’s the boy squad and fluff and stressing the importance of communication with your partner, so it’s not just a PWP (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Get your cold flannel and go read. - immy
Still on the watchlist from last update:
Life Is Now. (and now, and now) by @flybynightgirl
This is an incredibly intense fic, written by an author who is intimately familiar with bipolar disorder. It’s hands down one of the best portrayals of an episode and its buildup/aftermath in the fandom so far. It’s post season 3, and has timestamps just like the show does – basically it’s a continuation of the season, and the conflict is far from over. Although there are a couple of moments when supporting characters make choices that seem ooc, the massive emotional pull of this fic is not to be underestimated. Not to mention that this fic also has humour and very lovely portrayal of friendships in abundance. - kit and immy
Falling (The World is Yours) by chips2
This is basically “what if Even was the main character of season 3?” It’s first person, present tense, so beware if that’s not your thing, but I love how it fleshes out Even’s backstory and thoughts and imagines a world for him beyond his relationship with Isak. An obligatory warning for people with experience of BPD–this fic does portray therapy sessions, and ymmv on how realistic they are. - kit
A Collection of Even & Isak’s First Kiss AU Shorts by @fandomlimb
Just what it says on the tin: first kisses, a different AU in each chapter. Adorable and fluffy so far. - immy
How In My Silence I Adored You by @dahlstrom
This lovely slow burn started as a oneshot but is now chaptered. It’s canon divergent, basically ‘the kosegruppe meeting takes off in a different direction,’ and it’s both well written and realistic. Very funny and sweet - and sometimes not so sweet or funny, as things aren’t easy for Isak. The interaction between the characters is wonderful in this, and the dialogue is great. - kit and immy
Spacewalker by evenvaltersen
How the hell you can make a Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo AU work with SKAM characters is beyond me, but evenvaltersen manages just that, in my opinion. This may be my obsession with Christiane F talking, but give it a go. Be warned: it’s every bit as gritty and sad as you can expect something based on a mostly true story about teen drug addicts in Berlin in the 70s to be, no fluff here. - immy
Lost Boys (Not Ready To Be Found) by kittpurrson (@towonderland72)
Yes, this is by one of the librarians of this blog. She’ll just have to deal with it being on the WIP watchlist, although she’d rather not have it mentioned, because the other librarian adores it. It’s a university AU from Even’s POV and every bit of this feels real. The characters do all those sort of awkward little things we all do, which really adds to a fic for me. Great interaction, and a great take on what life might be like for the characters if they hadn’t met in Nissen. - immy
making new clichés by strangetowns (@douchenuts)
This is in its early days, but oh-so promising! It’s another Evak as best friends AU, but it’s incredibly well-written thus far and it has a very realistic, nuanced portrayal of their relationship, which is already just close enough that it has us absolutely stoked for the moment it tips over into feelings too big to ignore. - kit and immy
Those, who could not hear the music by UniversalParadox_13
This is also pretty new, but again shows a lot of potential to be one of the fandom’s most interesting AUs–this one has Even and Isak as ballet dancers. Although it can go a little overboard with the italics, this fic is already super interesting, has a well-done portrayal of the ballet world, and promises to eventually venture into *drumroll* smut territory. Yep. That got your attention, didn’t it? - kit
it comes in waves by @moonlitbird 
Also known as the mermaid AU. Yes, you read that right: MERMAID AU. This mermaid tale (!) is beautifully written, and is probably the best fantasy AU this fandom has, with a perfect twist on Even’s disorder and how it wreaks havoc on the relationship. The entire premise is fascinating, and flawlessly executed, and Kit is basically obsessed with this right now, so you should check it out and head on over to fangirl it with her literally ASAP. OMG. - kit
with love, from anonymous by cosetties (@adamparishe) and iriswests (@westiris) 
Fuck yeah well-written slow burn coffee shop AU! It’s also a secret admirer fic, and to be honest that sets off my skepticism, but this is such great fun and the fuckups and misunderstandings and coffee spills abound. It’s not entirely light-hearted; it comes with a dose of angst and frustration and the problems you can expect from life as well. - immy
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lumaxmayclair · 8 years
tagged by @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name​ rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi: tbh I realy don’t know the difference lmao
2. disney or dreamworks: Disney songs are really really enjoyable, but for the movies Pixar is more.. creative.
3. coffee or tea: Tea ftw
4. books or movies: Do I really have to choose, i think I’m not gonna choose for this one
5. windows or mac: Windows ftw
6. dc or marvel: DC Comics but Marvel movies (and even then DC movies is gaining so..)
7. x-box or playstation: I’ve only tried Playstation and even then only on one game so PS lol
8. dragon age or mass effect: They’re games aren’t they? No idea
9. night owl or early riser: Oh how I wish I’m an early riser
10. cards or chess: I mean, you can have at least half a dozen games with the same pack of cards, and even then it’s just the ones I know.
11. chocolate or vanilla: This may come as extremely surprising but I don’t like chocolate
12. vans or converse: neither
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: What’re thooose
14. fluff or angst: depends on the fic; really as long as the grammar is readable and the characters aren’t too OOC I’m good
15. beach or forest: Beach
16. dogs or cats: Cats. Definitely cats.
17. clear skies or rain: Depends on if I need to do something. idk why but everytime it’s raining I just lost motivation to do anything?? Like it’s just so relaxing I want to do nothing really.
18. cooking or eating out: Eating out unfortunately. I really need to cook more
19. spicy food or mild food: I wanted to say spicy but actually.. just food is good
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas: ummmm I grew up in an asian country and I’m a muslim so neither? If it helps tho I definitely enjoy Lebaran/Eid
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold but I really really wish it’s not the case.
22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Telepathy. I mean I’m generally anxious as to what other people are thinking about me so that definitely will help. Also have you ever found any story with telepathic character in it in which said character is not important in one way or another? Telepaths are cool man
23. animation or live action: Don’t really care actually, as long as it’s good
24. paragon or renegade: ??
25. baths or showers: idk why but I feel showers are cleaner
26. team cap or team ironman: So between someone who appreciate democracy the wish of almost two hundred countries and someone whio arrogantly thinks He Knows Best? I think you know where I stand.
27: fantasy or sci-fi: Sci-fi as long as it’s really well-thought. Oh who am i kidding. Both as long as he worldbuilding is good
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: (keep in mind that this is the current one; it may change later) I’m willing to wait for it.
29. netflix or youtube: Youtube. Why pay when you have free entertainment?
30. harry potter or percy jackson:  Both started out good but both has sequels who aren’t as good. So.. both.
31. when you feel accomplished: When I finally accomplish something.
32. star wars or star trek: ummm don’t get mad but I have seen neither
33. paperback or hardback: Doesn’t matter. Don’t you know that you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover??
34. horror or rom-com: Romcom why not. Real world’s scary enough
35: tv shows or movies: Both
36. spotify or pandora: Youtube. Or better yet dowloaded music.
37. zootopia or inside out: ..this is Disney vs Pixar again isn’t it? Well Inside Out is good but I had a headache thinking how the emotions work so.. Zootopia I guess.
38. favourite book: Whichever book I’m reading
39. favourite flower: The one for cakes. Wait, that’s flour not flower
40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): Physics but I really wanna write
41. favourite subject: The ones I’m currently studying? Math I guess. Or english.
42. gale or peeta: For some reason I always favor canon ships so.. Peeta
43. favourite disney princess: Rapunzel, Merida, Moana
44: wholesome or offensive memes? No clue
45: favorite season and why? Pepper. Oh wait that’s seasoning. Hmm either spring or autumn
46: What’s the first like book/movie/show/whatever that you remember getting obsessed with? I guess Detective Conan? I remember reading the comics when I was early in elementary school
47: What’s the last three songs you listened to?
Now for tags.. I don’t even know ten people let alone 40 more. I’ll just tag five random accs. I hope you’re not bothered :):) @redrobin-detective @cloeggo @mother-of-the-fandom @supernaturally-percyjackson @iwriteshakespeareanninsults
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evakteket · 7 years
Watchlist update!
Halla, lovely evak shippers ♥  We hope you’re all enjoying season 4 so far, and are being kind to yourselves and each other. Alt er love.
It’s about a week since the last WIP watchlist update, so here we go again!
We’re always on the lookout for new fics, so let us know in our ask box if you have any suggestions--there’s a lot out there to get through and we don’t want to miss the best of it!
Update summary:
Completed: 2 Added: 5 Removed: 0
i guess that’s destiny doing it right by allyasavedtheday (@littlespooneven) NEW
Rating: mature. In this AU Even and Isak didn’t get together while they’re in school, but they meet in Barcelona the summer before Isak goes to uni. It’s a sweet and gorgeously detailed and extremely satisfying reunion fic so far, with the guys’ interaction being every bit as lovely and natural as in canon. We love the more confident Isak in this, and the Spanish summertime vibe. Don’t forget to get your Ed Sheeran on while reading. - kit and immy
Vi trenger ikke verden by Kudzibisa (Norwegian) NEW
Wrong number AU, coffee shop AU, Norwegian fic that flows like the show itself with beautiful interaction, hilarious turns of phrases and the clipped slang-y language of SKAM; this is a fic that hits pretty much all my buttons. If you can read Norwegian, don’t miss out on this. - immy
Straight Up (series) by @nofeartina NEW
From the second work in the series, this is rated explicit… and rightfully so, omg. It’s nearly impossible to say anything useful about this because we’re (hopefully temporarily) not very capable of expressing ourselves beyond vague rambling about “fluffy smut” and “hot” and “holy shit this is hot” and “have we mentioned yet that this is hot”.  We’ll let you know when we pick our jaws up off the floor.- kit and immy
Checking from Behind by DickAnderton (@wecanjustbreathe) NEW
A slight disclaimer is probably in order here, because I (Kit) am betaing this fic, but I’m too obsessed with it not to rec it. This is a hate-to-love AU, set in my absolute favourite of AU universes–college ice hockey! You don’t need to know anything about the sport to be intrigued by this fic, which definitely isn’t your standard Evak storyline. Warning: Isak and Even both explore relationships with women in this one, so see the author’s notes. -kit
Head Over Heels by LostInAdmiration (@call-this-a-mask) NEW
I’ll confess I have a soft spot for skateboarding AU. In this Jonas is the skateboarder, Isak is his friend filming and taking pictures. Of course, there’s also the handsome rival skateboarder… There’s attention to details and the guys feel real, it’s charming and angsty and well worth subscribing to. - immy
How In My Silence I Adored You by @dahlstrom COMPLETE
Completed, rec here.
Lost Boys (Not Ready To Be Found) by kittpurrson (@towonderland72) COMPLETE
Completed, rec here.
Still on the watchlist from last update:
Life Is Now. (and now, and now) by @flybynightgirl
This is an incredibly intense fic, written by an author who is intimately familiar with bipolar disorder. It’s hands down one of the best portrayals of an episode and its buildup/aftermath in the fandom so far. It’s post season 3, and has timestamps just like the show does – basically it’s a continuation of the season, and the conflict is far from over. Although there are a couple of moments when supporting characters make choices that seem ooc, the massive emotional pull of this fic is not to be underestimated. Not to mention that this fic also has humour and very lovely portrayal of friendships in abundance. - kit and immy
Falling (The World is Yours) by chips2
This is basically “what if Even was the main character of season 3?” It’s first person, present tense, so beware if that’s not your thing, but I love how it fleshes out Even’s backstory and thoughts and imagines a world for him beyond his relationship with Isak. An obligatory warning for people with experience of BPD–this fic does portray therapy sessions, and ymmv on how realistic they are. - kit
A Collection of Even & Isak’s First Kiss AU Shorts by @fandomlimb
Just what it says on the tin: first kisses, a different AU in each chapter. Adorable and fluffy so far. - immy
Spacewalker by evenvaltersen
How the hell you can make a Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo AU work with SKAM characters is beyond me, but evenvaltersen manages just that, in my opinion. This may be my obsession with Christiane F talking, but give it a go. Be warned: it’s every bit as gritty and sad as you can expect something based on a mostly true story about teen drug addicts in Berlin in the 70s to be, no fluff here. - immy
making new clichés by strangetowns (@douchenuts)
This is in its early days, but oh-so promising! It’s another Evak as best friends AU, but it’s incredibly well-written thus far and it has a very realistic, nuanced portrayal of their relationship, which is already just close enough that it has us absolutely stoked for the moment it tips over into feelings too big to ignore. - kit and immy
Those, who could not hear the music by UniversalParadox_13
This is also pretty new, but again shows a lot of potential to be one of the fandom’s most interesting AUs–this one has Even and Isak as ballet dancers. Although it can go a little overboard with the italics, this fic is already super interesting, has a well-done portrayal of the ballet world, and promises to eventually venture into *drumroll* smut territory. Yep. That got your attention, didn’t it? - kit
it comes in waves by @moonlitbird
Also known as the mermaid AU. Yes, you read that right: MERMAID AU. This mermaid tale (!) is beautifully written, and is probably the best fantasy AU this fandom has, with a perfect twist on Even’s disorder and how it wreaks havoc on the relationship. The entire premise is fascinating, and flawlessly executed, and Kit is basically obsessed with this right now, so you should check it out and head on over to fangirl it with her literally ASAP. OMG. - kit
with love, from anonymous by cosetties (@adamparishe) and iriswests (@westiris)
Fuck yeah well-written slow burn coffee shop AU! It’s also a secret admirer fic, and to be honest that sets off my skepticism, but this is such great fun and the fuckups and misunderstandings and coffee spills abound. It’s not entirely light-hearted; it comes with a dose of angst and frustration and the problems you can expect from life as well. - immy
Are You Lost? by @noorasevas
This Amsterdam AU is clearly written by someone who knows and loves their city, and we are so hooked on touristy Isak and urbane Even in this, as they manage to miss each other and lose each other and find each other. Of course Isak isn’t on his own here: the entire Boy Squad is on holiday together, and you can probably imagine how that rowdy group comports themselves in Amsterdam.
Scene Three, Take Two by @folerdetdufoler
This is a future-ish fic that deals with Even and Isak meeting and discovering their feelings again when they’re a bit older, post-breakup and Isak is a vet student. There’s a slight non-Norwegian issue here, and I’m not quite sure I buy Isak’s reasoning for their breakup, but this fic is very promising nonetheless–and all the more exciting for being the writer’s first in the fandom. Go show them some love.- kit
A Transference of Feeling by @rumpelsnorcack
This is a very well-written what if AU, with the premise that Isak transferred to Bakka instead of Even going to Nissen. Even is repeating his third year and Isak’s a transfer who knows nobody there. This fic has a few issues in terms of getting Norway right, but makes up for those problems with very intriguing relationship-building between Isak and Even. Switching up the setting really highlights how much the two of them actually needed to find each other. We’re definitely liking it so far. - kit and immy
The Weight of Us by verlore_poplap (@mimi-fics)
This is a very interesting fic, in part because it’s so different to a lot of the stuff in the fandom so far. Isak and Even meet when they’re older, and in serious relationships with Emma and Sonja–in case alarm bells are ringing, yes, Isak and Emma are together, but the author uses the context of their relationship to explore what would have happened if he’d repressed his sexuality, which I think is very cool. The author also treats Emma very fairly. The fic has a few minor niggles–Isak, for example, at one point performs a super rare kind of heart surgery–but overall this fic has me really intrigued, and I can’t wait to read the rest. - kit
hot like fire, take you higher by birthmarks (@fyfaenjonas)
Rating: mature. This is kink exploration. The author takes it slowly and gently up from Isak finding out what a kink is, through Isak and Even finding out what their kinks are, and well. Hot. There’s also well-written dialogue, there’s the boy squad and fluff and stressing the importance of communication with your partner, so it’s not just a PWP (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Get your cold flannel and go read. - immy
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