#hosie fanfiction
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unsiredtribrid · 3 months ago
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bloodline fated.
A slowburn, hosie-centered Legacies rewrite where the Salvatore School is instead the Mikaelson Memorial Boarding School, set in the backdrop of New Orleans. Discarding the monster of the week format, the story follows threads left in The Originals and The Vampire Diaries to tell the over-arching story of the tribrid and the Gemini twins.
Hope Mikaelson is the soon to be alpha of the Crescent wolves, while Josie Parker is navigating the looming threat of the Merge and what it means for herself and her twin. The Gemini Coven, still alive, threatens to retaliate at any attempts at circumventing the curse. Meanwhile, new threats in the city begin to unravel the peace of the factions and call for Hope’s help in uniting them. Who better to help her than a Gemini witch with a penchant for dark magic?
(read on ao3)
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amybeegood · 2 months ago
On Plagiarism
Just to make it abundantly clear: If you steal someone's fic and are happy to take the love and praise you didn't earn, then you certainly should have to bear the correspondingly inevitable reaction of the writer whose work you stole and their angry fans.
There is no "both sides" to an argument like this. If you steal, you should not expect to be coddled once you realize how badly you effed up, especially when the theft is brazen, unapologetic, and continuous.
Thieves and plagiarizers are NOT the victims, ever, period. If you pooh-pooh a writer's thievery and try to claim it was innocent or that the resultant reaction of the writer and/or fans is unfair, then you, too, should do some serious soul-searching.
So, if you don't want a pissed-off mob pointing out how you should delete the stolen work, then maybe consider not stealing in the first place. Because you will be caught out, and then any praise you received (which should already feel pretty hollow if you have any kind of conscience whatsoever) will turn to dust in your hands.
No, I'm not condoning violence or doxxing of any kind; yes, I am expecting accountability, which may, to the entitled fic-stealer, FEEL unfair and extremely uncomfy, too, I hope. And if the person who steals can't face up to what they've done, then I fully expect the staff at ao3 to deal with the TOS violation appropriately.
(And YES, I will blast you for your crappy grammar, too! That's a free feature of the Accountability Package from Yours Truly.)
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uncleasad · 9 months ago
top ten favorite hosie fics of all time, go
What a fun Ask! 🙏 Also, are you trying to kill me?! 😂
A few weeks ago, TheDarkestHour13 introduced the concept of Hope and Rafael keeping a list of “Landon’s Top 10 deaths” in Such Is Our Fate. I commented that that particular chapter (for reasons other than the deaths list) was a Top 10 chapter of the fic, though I also noted I didn’t have an actual list of my Top 10 chapters—there were approximately 120 chapters at that point. I also thought, in a related manner, that I didn’t have a “Top 10” list of Hosie fics…and perhaps that should have been my cue to start thinking about such a thing 😂
As of late June 2024 CE, there are nearly 2600 fics in the AO3 Hosie tag and I’ve been reading since the latter part of 2019…so I’ve probably read ½ to ⅔ of them…
I came up with 7 fics right away, but as I started to make links and such, I realized that 5 of those were incomplete (ongoing, but mostly either rarely updated or, practically speaking, abandoned); I don’t know what it says about me that my “top ten favorite hosie fics of all time” is full of fics that may never be finished.
But in terms of recommendations for reading, I know lots of folks will not want to start reading a work that hasn’t been updated in years and has a high likelihood of never being finished, no matter how amazing it is (or how much someone else liked it). And even for ones that are currently ongoing, it’s possible (though unlikely) that the author could do something crazy to make me hate the fic later on. So I thought I’d spin off all those works that were incomplete into a separate list and come up with 10 favorite finished fics…I could mamage that, right? As I started trying to do that…nope, that’s not done, either; that’s been abandoned 😳 oh, what about that fic? wow, how did I forget that one?! (Like I said, are you trying to kill me?! 😂)
So…to save my life (and to stop spending hours upon hours on this), the end result is about 30 fics all-told, completed and incomplete. (I further subdivided the incomplete fics into those that are updated at least once every few months and those that…aren’t 😢) They’re ordered roughly by time, with the earlier/older fics towards the tops of the lists and the more recent ones (mostly) towards the ends of the lists. Two of the fics on the “Completed” list had promised an epilogue that has never appeared, but you can read the entire story arc, so I think it’s fair to label them as complete.
So without further ado…
it's a date (the only problem is it's fake) by avengerskye / @avengerskye
Coffee on Monday, Flowers on Friday by Redezzy
The Missing Piece by intribridsname 
slept next to her but I dreamt of you all summer long by hackingxbiochemist
what you got (cause I want it all) by ToriWritesStories / @toriwritesstories
summer lovin' had me a blast (wait, no, that's just the leaf-blower) by AdeleDazeem
Our Last Life by taengoo1 / @taengooxlove
I'll Never Give Up Hope by O_M_Jee
HM+JS by tellingtouch
Invisible String by luthorbae
Then why's it feel so good? by callipoicepole (Killing Eve AU)
This Is Your Home by Shadowmama55 / @shadowhuntermama
Shivers (A Lifetime of crimes, but the worst was loving you.) by ch8rlie
The Stages of Grief by endgamesonly
'tis the damn season. by wandererghost (complete, though promised epilogue still outstanding)
Lizzie Saltzman, Matchmaker by TheNutcase (complete, though promised epilogue still outstanding)
In-Progress – still updating regularly or at least every few months:
Such Is Our Fate by TheDarkestHour13 / @persevereforahappyending (updated every Friday)
The Power Field by Joho_meh
4 Years, 6 Months, 8 Days by Limon_Skittles
To Know My Heart The Best (You’d Have To Cut It Out My Chest) by mambaregz
Incomplete – rarely updated, on hiatus, or orphaned:
Dive bar on the east side by Bluejay720 (7 chapters to go)
summer rush by sabrinasfadingmoon / @sabrinasfadingmoon (incomplete)
im not gonna let you go so easily by allweseeislight (1 chapter to go 🤞)
'tis the damn season by blckmaqic, LizMikaelson (1 chapter to go 🤞)
Redemption by MysticSlurp (Red Dead Redemption AU, incomplete)
Sad Bedroom Eyes by EvilPenguinRika / @evilpenguinrika (on hiatus)
Hell Hath No Fury by ElegiesEulogizeMe (Ringer AU, 6 chapters to go)
the stages of waking by dandelionlighters / @dandelionlighters (incomplete)
let’s watch it all burn down together by iris_on_the_moon (zombie apocalypse; orphaned)
A number of the authors are no longer active in writing Hosie fics (not surprising in 2024, considering), but many of them (including the authors of the incomplete works I like) have substantial catalogs, so if you read and enjoy one of these, be sure check that author’s list of other works (and of course leave kudos and comments! 🙏)
If anyone would like to see other fics I’ve enjoyed, there’s the fic recommendation tag here on my tumblr that captures a few from the last couple of years, and I also have a few AO3 collections of specific themes/subjects:
Hosie Zombie Apocalypse (HosieZombieApocalypse)
Hosie Summertime Vibes (SummeryHosie)
Hosie Season 2 “What If?” (Hosie_Season_2_What_If)
Hosie Post-Season 4 (Hosie_Post_Season_4)
Sorry I couldn’t get it down to 10, @tribridsireline 😂 But I hope everyone reading finds something new and exciting to read!
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the0fi · 3 months ago
henlo i got a new hosie one-shot coming your way tonight (because i’ve been writing instead of studying for next week’s exams)
about 18k words, mostly josie pov but some hope pov too, angsty, filled with some heavy topics (it’s post merge, so i think you can imagine)
technically canon divergent because of some minor changes, but it can perfectly fit within the canon if you don’t care enough about about the details lol
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evilpenguinrika · 1 year ago
Rika's Hosie Fics Priority Update List
I'm purely writing this post out so I don't have to keep repeating myself in the author's notes or replies to comments about why certain fics haven't been updated or when they'll be updated again.
I'm also not writing this post because I'm not grateful for all the support and love from Hosies on my fics--I'm incredibly grateful and appreciative to the Hosies out there who read and love my silly little stories, but it's just that...
I'm tired. I'm not a ""content creator"" or a robot. I'm just a dork writing fanfic for fun because it's been a hobby of mine since I was thirteen. And sometimes things happen that make me not want to update a fic anymore, and I just can't do anything about that sadly. And I'm truly sorry that some of my fics have not been updated in a while as well, there's nothing more I'd love to do than to update some of them because of the initial passion and excitement for them, but I can't bring myself to do that, not now anyway, so I hope this clears up a few things, no matter how vague.
Anyway, my fic priority update list will have 3 categories, High Priority, Mid Priority, and Low Priority. High being I have a consistent update for it, and low being a mystery because I honestly can't look at those fics without wanting to throw a pillow at the wall. Mid is just very sporadic updates whenever I see fit or whatever.
Edit 3/24/2024: I updated my priority list to include my Hosie FFXIV series in Mid Priority.
Edit 5/8/2024: I updated my priority list to include my Hosie Candela Obscura AU in Mid Priority
Edit 9/9/2024: Hosie FFXV AU fic has been moved from Low Priority to Mid Priority
High Priority Update
We're Reckless and in Danger
Mid Priority Update
Hosie: Warriors of Light Series
The Circle of The Golden Key
Won't You Stand By Me
Low Priority Update
Sad Bedroom Eyes
photo gallery meme
Challenger Would Like To Battle
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antlerhosie · 3 months ago
new hosie fic… happy dec 16 (sorry)
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clexylexymain · 5 months ago
dear josie saltzman
Landon pays Hope to help him write love letters to Josie Saltzman. It starts out harmless, but very quickly begins to go south as Hope finds herself connecting with Josie on levels she never thought possible. When Hope finds herself caught up in the lies that she and Landon have created, she struggles to unwind them and maintain both her budding relationships.
(Based on the film 'The Half of It.')
The bleachers are cold and the client is late.
It’s a combination that only leaves Hope seething and even more annoyed than she was initially. She sighs, flipping the page of the book she’s reading and doing her best to ignore the cheerleading and football practices going on in the field below.
She glances up, and the first thing she notices is moppy black curls and an apologetic, dopey smile. It only makes her frown deepen, “You’re late.”
“I’m sorry. Very sorry,” He adds when he notes her glare, stepping over a few rows to take a seat beside her. He holds a hand out, “Landon Kirby.”
She doesn’t take it, setting her book aside and pulling out the ledger she keeps, writing in his name, “Alright, so… what subject, and when’s it due?”
“Uh…” He uses the ignored hand to scratch the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. “I’m actually looking for something a little more… personal? It’s not for class.” Hope raises an eyebrow to deepen her unimpressed look, silently urging him to continue. His smile drops and he clears his throat, fishing around in his bag and pulling out a crumpled sheet of paper. He holds it out to her, “Look, uh… I know you’re super smart and stuff. And I guess I was just hoping that you could make me sound smarter. For this.”
Hope stares at him for a solid three seconds, hoping he can feel every last inch of her irritation, before she swipes the paper from his hand and begins reading it.
Dear Josie Saltzman,
I think you’re really beautiful–
“What the fuck is this?” Hope says before she makes it a full sentence in.
“I know, it’s outside of your whole… gig,” He says dumbly. “But I really need help to sound smarter for Josie Saltzman. Maya told you I’d pay double, right? I’ll… I’ll pay triple, even. Please?”
Hope sighs, but doesn’t answer. Instead, she looks back down at the paper and makes another attempt to read it.
Dear Josie Saltzman,
I think you’re really beautiful, I’ve thought so since we were freshmen and you and your sister moved here. But the truth is, even if you weren’t beautiful it wouldn’t matter, and I’d still want to be around you because I think you’re smart and funny, too. 
My name is Landon Kirby. A little bit about me: I play video games and I work part-time in my mom’s antique shop. I also love dipping my fries into my milkshakes at the Grill. Some people think that’s weird, but it’s actually pretty tasty. Would you like to try that with me sometime? Let me know.
Landon Kirby
It’s terrible. It’s awful. Hope feels the secondhand embarrassment even though he clearly hasn’t yet sent this to Josie Saltzman. She subconsciously glances over to where the cheerleaders are practicing, knowing that Josie is among them but that she’s too far away to be picked out. The secondhand embarrassment pulls at her heart, which slowly starts to fill with pity.
She could ask for triple. Landon has just admitted that he’s willing to pay. But she’s not that cruel. She curses under her breath and tucks his note into her pocket, offering her hand over without looking at him, “Double.”
She can feel his wide, boyish grin burning into the side of her face as he takes her hand, shaking it quickly, “Thank you, Hope. Thank you. ”
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unsiredtribrid · 4 months ago
hosie and 38
"Josie," Hope says, tapping her foot impatiently against the siphon's leg. She's unconscious, so it's not like it'll do anything, but Hope is easily annoyed in this state and wants her to wake up already.
She heard from Kol once that having your humanity off was a blast to some vampires, but for her it felt like she was always irritable. But maybe if people made any semblance of an effort to be less disappointing, she wouldn’t have to be so irritated so often.
Josie had said she would let Hope feed on her as long as she didn't kill any more of the locals, but now she's already passed out after hardly even a sip from the tribrid.
Her body is heavy and warm in Hope's arms and the tribrid’s heightened senses tell her the girl’s heart is still beating and her blood still flowing. She hadn’t drained her completely, she’d just gotten a little carried away because, well… Josie tastes good.
Way better than anyone she had fed on in the past week in her travels. It’s another reason why she wants Josie to wake up– it’s not like she cares about her, or anything.
“Jo,” she says again, giving her an insistent shake. “I’m still hungry. If you don’t wake up in five, someone’s getting turned into my personal juice box.” Even despite her ravenous hunger, the words come out sounding bored, as if she barely even cares about that.
It’s snarky, but she doesn’t expect it to actually work. Josie stirs in her arms, her bleary brown eyes cracking open. “W-What happened?” she mumbles, looking disoriented. It would almost be cute, if Hope still had the humanity to think so. Besides, it’s just an objective fact that Josie is cute. It’s not like it means anything if Hope notices. “Wait…”
Her voice sounds almost sleepy, despite the fact she’d been passed out and not from a nap. But Hope can feel the vampiric veins blossoming beneath her eyes, glancing down at the blood still smeared on Josie’s neck from where she was feeding earlier. She wants more. 
“Did I faint?” Josie asks groggily, struggling against Hope’s body as she rights herself, standing on her own two feet. Hope doesn’t let go of her, arms still wrapped around her shoulders and middle to support her as she tries to gain her balance. Her fangs are sharpening in her mouth as she stares at the small trickle of blood on Josie’s neck.
“You fainted,” Hope agrees, deadpan. “Pretty melodramatic, if you ask me. You could’ve just tried flirting, if you wanted me to hold you.” The words are teasing and bold and the part of her that’s locked away, deep beneath it all, wonders faintly if she ever would’ve had the courage to say this to Josie with her humanity. Maybe she would have, in a different life.
But her words have a surprising effect on the siphon, who blushes profusely as her hand comes up to press against her bloody neck. Deep brown eyes meet Hope’s sharp blue ones, looking uncertain and shining with emotion that the tribrid can’t even begin to pinpoint. “You know it wouldn’t be right if I did that…” she says uneasily, glancing away. Hope can tell she’s recalling their past together; their shared history. Hope knows intimately what it was like for Josie to lose control to the darkness. The problem is that all of the emotion she felt about that situation– and about Josie, too– is locked away behind impenetrable glass in her mind. All she feels now is numbness. Anger. Hunger.
“We had a deal,” Hope reminds her callously, stepping towards her, arms encircling her waist possessively, almost to encourage Josie to lean into her.
She doesn’t fight it. Josie, cheeks burning, leans her head to the side to reveal her neck once more. “Just go easy this time… I accidentally siphoned you while you were drinking too fast and it went to my head.”
Hope is sure that she would feel flattered by how far Josie is going for her right now, if she could feel. The ghost of emotion passes by, not stirring anything meaningful in her. She brushes Josie’s hair out of the way with slender fingers, leaning down to sink her fangs into the siphon’s soft flesh.
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amybeegood · 2 months ago
If you think I'm not petty enough to sign up for Tumblr just to broadcast my thoughts on plagiarism, think again. Limon_Skittles, I just wanna talk...
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uncleasad · 1 month ago
Holy cow, Bluejay720 just posted a new chapter of You’ve got every right to leave (but stay with me), their 1x10 First Wish AU…
Apparently a new chapter of Dive bar on the east side (my fave!) is coming soon! 🥳
Maybe we really are back? In fits and spurts, but…?
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the0fi · 7 months ago
the hosie brainrot is brainrotting so here’s the first chapter of my new fic ‘Destiny was made for you’
“I apologize for the wait,” she said. “I trust my people treated you well?”
Josie furrowed her brows. She was tied to a chair, probably dehydrated, with no idea where she was, and her clothes were stuck to her body with dry blood.
Oh God.
Her breath got caught in her throat.
She was covered in blood. It had been real. She had been in that alley.
She’d killed someone, hadn’t she? It was the only explanation. Why else would she be covered in blood? Why else would she have been in front of a dead body?
She was shaking. Or maybe the room was. Or maybe both.
Or, in a world where Jo survived Kai's attack and she and Alaric raised the twins away from the supernatural world, Josie's life life turns upside down during a trip to New Orleans with a certain auburnette by her side.
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evilpenguinrika · 8 months ago
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Preview for Chapter 27: wait I've seen you before what the hell
Hope takes in a steady breath, looks up into the clear morning sky and holds her gaze. “I miss you two so much… Please lend me your strength to bring my daughter back…” She whispers. The Tribrid immediately feels something warm embrace her, but when she looks around, there’s nobody there. Hope’s lips twitch into a pained smile as fresh tears cascade down her cheeks.
New chapter of We're Reckless And In Danger is out!
I'm glad I took a little bit more time with the background AND remembered to add some filter so it didn't look so bland. still don't know if I'll keep doing these screencap art pieces for each chapter preview
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kassxndre · 4 months ago
guys if y’all have 1$ or 1€ to spread, please participate in this 🙏
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starchaseriseverything · 1 year ago
I'm writing another fic with my oc, but TVD
Marcel: Guys, she's coming
Skylar: Ew
Marcel: *rolls his eyes* This I did not miss
Skylar: Love you too, Marcellus
Kolvina, Marbekah, Freelin, and Hosie
Skylar' pov
Freya' twin
Name: Skylar Esther Mikaelson
Siblings: Niklaus, Elijah, Finn, Henrik, Rebekah, Freya, and Kol
Face claim:
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I'll post it here when it's done.
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unsiredtribrid · 2 months ago
she's the headlights, i'm the deer (CH 1/?)
Josie can’t sleep.
In theory, it should be easier than usual now that she and Lizzie have separate rooms ever since they moved into Klaus’s mansion after he and their mother’s wedding.
But unfortunately for Josie, her step sister Hope’s boyfriend keeps coming over for sex and he’s almost comically loud. If Lizzie were here, she would probably make some remark about how this must be the first time he’s ever felt the touch of a woman. Imagining her twin’s snark is the only thing getting her through this.
Or a shameless PWP AU where Klaus and Caroline have just gotten married, making Hope and Josie step sisters. When Hope needs help with her sex life, Josie agrees to help in secret. Unfortunately, this only makes her feelings for Hope worsen.
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amybeegood · 30 days ago
If anyone has a way to reach furryewokazon, they should know that some a-hole plagiarist is posting one of their works on ao3 under a different fandom. This is not Watermelon_Sugar95's first offense, or even their second or third. Indeed, when posting under the name Limon_Skittles they very stupidly stole one of my fics and tried to pass it off as their own work. Fortunately, the thief is too ducking stupid to hide their tracks, and now we have yet another example of them feeling entitled to take a beloved story and (very poorly) try to adapt it for a different fandom and pretend as if they have any talent for writing.
Someone sent me some screenshots (now deleted from the fic, ofc) where we can see Watermelon/Limoney admitting what they're doing, then acting victimized when called out for it.
I'm just doing my part to make sure crappy little plagiarists don't have any fun ever again, so do feel free to reach out if you have more questions.
Oh, and be sure to read the ao3 TOS before you decide to steal another writer's hard work, Watermelon_Sugar95. If all you can (pathetically) do is snack on the crumbs of someone else's creativity, then maybe it is time to find a different hobby, m'kay?
Also, if you knowingly support this or any other plagiarism, then I think you're a scumbag and I hope your toilet overflows.
Kay, byyyyyeeee! Hope all the REAL writers out there are doing great! (Unless I hate you-you know who you are, muahahaha, then eat sh☆t!)
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