#hoseok x nana
insfiringyou · 1 year
BTS - The Night Before (Suga x Jeong-sun) & (J-Hope x Nana)
Contains: Fluff, some angst. Mentions of RM and V.
Set shortly after ‘The Final Shift’ and ‘Flower Arrangements’, Jeong-sun spends the night before her wedding at Hoseok and Nana’s apartment. 
You can find out more about our headcanon girlfriends here.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& our full masterlist of fics and original art can be found here
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Content below the cut
She almost didn’t spot him at first. The sky outside the sliding door was a murky blue, signalling the first sign of dusk, and his silhouette on the patio porch blended almost seamlessly with the treeline beyond the brick wall at the end of the tiny garden. Jeong-sun had checked the studio twice already, certain he would be there. But the piano lay still in the dark, no sheets of music or writing littering its surface. She hadn’t heard him play for a week at least, though she supposed she knew why. 
The door was slightly ajar and she pushed it gently; a soft trail of cigarette smoke danced through the gap as he exhaled silently. 
“Get lost?” She gently called, not wanting to startle him. 
He looked around, a smile playing on his lips, before turning back to face the small square of grass in the centre of the concrete. Jeong-sun had noted with some amusement, in the short time she had been living with him, that he kept the patch meticulously mowed come rain or shine. He wasn’t overtly prideful about it; after all, there were no flowerbeds to be seen along its edges, but maintaining it came as easily to him as brushing his teeth.
“I’m sorry, just thinking…” He said.
“Good things I hope.” Jeong-sun retorted, though a touch of uncertainty clouded the edges of her voice. She remained still for a moment, tongue subconsciously prodding the inside of her cheek as she clutched a mug of tea between her fingers, before quietly joining him on the step. He’d had his hair cut neatly the day before, cropping it shorter than she had seen it in a few months, and she brushed the ends lovingly as he took another pull on the cigarette, the red tip dancing briefly in the air, before dropping to his side.
“I haven’t seen you smoke in a while.” She commented, without judgment but unable to help the curiosity in her voice.
He looked at her, suddenly aware of his surroundings for the first time in twenty minutes, and smiled, a little aloofly. “Old habits.” He murmured, glancing down as though considering another drag, before deciding against it.
“It’s a nice night.” Her hand touched his covered arm, rubbing it gently. 
She realised at once there was something more on his mind…more than the deluge of thoughts and emotions that had been running through hers for the past twenty four hours, and she pushed at it lightly, voice soft.
“Have you heard from Namjoon?”
She expected a sigh, but there came none. “No…” He said quietly in a tone that was hard to read. “Maybe he can’t get to his phone.”
She nodded deftly. “I’m sure that’s it.” If there was doubt in her voice, she hid it well and he didn’t seem to notice.
“It was quite short notice.” He admitted, almost to himself. 
She rubbed his arm once, feeling the cotton sleeve beneath her palm. “I’m glad you changed your mind.” She paused. “At least…I think you’ll be glad later.”
“Tae hasn’t gotten back either.” 
The disappointment was now evident, though not enough to dour his mood. Still, she sensed the cigarettes hadn’t been an accident like he had claimed - there were at least four other butts visible on the patio below. 
“Is that why you’re stressed?” She asked; fingertips brushing along his sleeve comfortingly.
“I’m not stressed.” He turned to her. “Not really.”
She saw at once it was true and felt relieved. Eyes swimming with mirth, she reached for the almost-out cigarette, slipping it from between his fingers and taking her own tokenary drag, exhaling slowly into the still evening evening air, a soft smile playing on her lips. Yoongi took her other hand, fingers pressing against hers.
“What time’s Hoseok picking you up?” He asked.
She checked her watch, the pearlescent face shimmering in the soft glow of the living room behind them. “Half an hour.”
Yoongi laughed breathily. “He’ll be early.” He warned.
“What will you do?” Jeong-sun asked softly, both curious and a little sympathetic.
He shrugged non committedly. “Early night.”
She nodded, not surprised now she thought of it. “Don’t be late.” She quipped.
“I won’t.” He replied seriously.
She sighed. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”
He shook his head at once, mouth twisting. “Hoseok and Nana will have something planned.”
“I was worried about that.” She murmured dryly.
Yoongi laughed, grinning to himself. Still he squeezed her hand in reassurance. “You’ll enjoy yourself.”
“Last night of freedom.” She taunted, eyebrows raised.
He flashed his teeth. “I doubt they’ve hired a stripper.”
She rolled her eyes, though matched his smile. “No, but Seulgi might bark all night. I’ll lose my beauty sleep.”
“Is your mom coming in the morning?”
“My brother’s picking her up from the airport tonight. She’ll stay with him.”
He nodded. “And your dad?”
“Meeting us there.” She turned to him. “I hear he’s bringing a friend.”
Yoongi watched her raise a single eyebrow playfully and sensed the meaning immediately. His chest seemed to warm, which surprised him. “A date?” He confirmed.
“I hope so. She owns a cafe by the river.” She looked back towards the end of the little garden, thinking to herself. “They’ve been friends for years.”
“Good for him.” He nodded solidly, realising how happy the news made him. He had only met her father twice, more recently when the older man came over to drop off some of Jeong-sun’s things, but the respect he had for him was immediate. It was more than the token gratitude he had been brought up to feel when respecting one's elders, and perhaps even more than a quiet sort of fondness he had for the way the man had helped raise Jeong-sun. He had seen a lot of himself in the private way he had carried himself; the mourning he had subtly witnessed for Jeong-sun’s mother who was very much still alive. He realised, this whole time, he had wanted him to be happy.
They once more fell silent, his eyebrows knitting together. She could tell there was something on his mind and made a neutral sound between her lips, urging him to speak.
“I didn’t write a speech.” He admitted, sorrily. 
“Me neither.” 
“I didn’t know what to say…” He looked away, across the garden where the shadows now grew in length. “At least in front of other people.” Pausing, he shook his head. “I couldn’t do it justice.” Slowly, he turned back to her. “I’ve always told you how I feel…” Yoongi paused, hesitating. “Maybe not well enough at first.” The tinge of doubt in his voice made her want to reach for him, touch him. But still, she held back. “I love you so much.” He finished, almost urgently.
“You’ll make me cry.” She smiled, meaning it to sound playful but unable to help the knot which seemed to form in her throat. 
He turned to look at her straight, squeezing her hand tightly, reassuringly. “I don’t think so.”
“I’ve always known.” She reassured him, pressing back against his fingers. 
“I can’t put it into words…”
“Me neither.” She quietly agreed, smiling in understanding. “I just know…” Her eyes stang a little, though she let them. “I can’t wait to be married to you.”
He smiled in response, though fell silent for a moment, lost in thought. “Do you think it will feel any different?”
“I don’t know…” Her mouth curled. “Ask me tomorrow?”
They sat side by side for a while, before deciding, almost in unison, to move to the front, where they would get a better view of the rapidly changing sky and watch out for Hoseok’s arrival. Yoongi left the sliding doors unlocked and Jeong-sun eyed the half-empty pack of Marlboros on the porch, undoubtedly waiting for his return once she left. The thought didn’t trouble her. He seemed as able to pick up the habit and quit again as she had once done jobs during her university years, and she sensed that whatever urge had driven him to the step in the evening twilight, it was serving to comfort him a little. It would be a long night to spend alone.
The front of the house was equally quiet which surprised her for this time of year. As the days grew longer there were usually some signs of activity from the street; people going to parties or into town for the evening, but on this occasion the environment seemed to match their introspective mood. That was, until they heard the approaching tyres of the Porsche as it slid around the bend in the street. Window down, they heard Hoseok’s voice before they fully saw him.
“Aw, you’re holding hands!”
They both looked down, almost unaware of the fact as the younger man parked smoothly against the curb, 
“I’m allowed…” Yoongi retorted dryly before turning to Jeong-sun. “Are you all packed?”
“It’s in the hallway.” She conformed, slowly getting to her feet. 
“We’ll take care of her.” Hoseok reassured as the young woman went back in the house. 
Yoongi nodded. “I’m sure you will.”
She returned a moment later, struggling a little with the holdall which seemed packed to the brim. Jeong-sun, in a last minute rush, had indecisively packed both her hair straighteners and her curling prongs, not sure which she wanted. He slipped the strap a little further up her arm, resting it firmly against her shoulder. 
“So this is it?” She whispered quietly, unsure whether she felt nervous or relieved. 
Yoongi looked at her softly and nodded. “Until tomorrow.” He murmured. 
“I’ll be there.” She smiled. 
“I hope so.”
They leaned in, kissing each other with a surprising tenderness, forgetting they were being watched as their bodies pressed together, her bag nestling between them a little awkwardly as he cupped her cheek. Slowly, he pulled away. The beams from Hoseok’s car lit the street and he sensed the other man’s eagerness to take Jeong-sun to whatever strange fate awaited her back at Nana’s apartment. 
“Oh! You’re not married yet!” Hoseok called playfully as their bodies moved apart. 
“Piss off.” Yoongi murmured casually, making the other man grin with delight.
Jeong-sun flashed an almost sympathetic look, though it was herself she was feeling sorry for, before slipping her bag in the back of the strangely small car, tucking it behind the front seats. Yoongi watched her get in, standing still on the stoop at the front of the house as she waved to him through the window. The car slowly took off, her dark hair just visible as they turned away and Yoongi waited until they were both out of sight before going inside. 
“Absolutely not.” Jeong-sun said, a smile playing on her lips. The small, cluttered kitchen smelt strongly of chicken and vegetables, the scent had hit her as soon as she walked through the door, but the oversized pan bubbling on the stove was not what she was referring to.
Hoseok’s eyes widened in excitement. “I’ve tried them before. It’s really good for your complexion.”
The younger woman’s face remained neutral. “Is that so?”
Nana quickly piped up, mixing the thick concoction in the plastic tub with a plastic spatula. The label on the outside showed Jeong-sun it had once held Neapolitan ice cream, though its faded surface suggested it was more used for other purposes. “I learned how to do them at a natural workshop. The teacher said it’s a secret Scandinavian recipe.”
“Is there something wrong with my complexion?” Jeong-sun blinked, not meaning to be serious, but the couple’s faces turned to alarm. 
“No!” They both cried in unison. Hoseok immediately stepped forward, 
“We just thought it would be nice.” He wrapped his arm around her comfortingly before straightening up, his chest puffing a little. “I certainly want to look my best for tomorrow!”
“But if you don’t want to, it’s not a big deal.” Nana quickly added. 
Jeong-sun sighed internally, realising not following their carefully organised plans would certainly lead them to overthink the evening, and dour the mood. “No…” She uttered, giving in. “I’ll try.”
Hoseok stepped away joyfully, uncurling himself from her frame. “Nana made your cake! Just as requested.”
“Carrot and walnut.” The older woman smiled, almost proudly.
“Yoongi says it’s your favourite.” Hoseok nodded. 
Nana frowned. “Though not very traditional.”
Jeong-sun joined them by the kitchen counter, glancing sideways at the plate in the corner which she guessed was the object in question. Nana had covered the enormous mound with a chequered gingham cloth which fit well with the colourful decor of the kitchen. “Thank you.” She murmured, sincerely. “I guess we’re a bit counter for taste.” She admitted, lips turning up at the corner as she remembered the expression on Yoongi’s face when she had first ordered the delicacy, some years ago. They had visited a small bakery off the streets of Insa-dong one morning afternoon after work; his dark cap was as inconspicuous as her oversized sweater, but he had bought it for her and added another for himself just the same.  
“I had to look it up. I’d never made it before.”
“She got the carrots from the balcony.” Hoseok gestured towards the kitchen, where a little row of planters could just be glimpsed beyond the old-fashioned net curtains.
“I had to supplement them with ones from the market.” Nana admitted sadly. “We can’t fit that many in the pot.”
Jeong-sun sighed. “I’m really grateful, but you didn’t have to.”
Nana’s eyes widened at once. “It’s my honour.”
Hoseok nodded eagerly. “She really means it.”
Jeong-sun saw from their matching expressions that it was true, not that she had doubted them. The pair always seemed so earnest in a way which seemed foreign and unfamiliar. Perhaps it was her own upbringing that caused her to view sincerity with distrust. Lost in thought, the sudden bubbling from the stove, which seemed to grow a notch louder, caught her attention as Nana turned down the heat.
“Dinner’s ready.” The older woman said, sliding the lid off the pan. The smell grew stronger and Jeong-sun peered at the contents with curiosity. A thin, brown liquid shimmered, rainbow-like, on the surface. 
“Is that for us?” She asked, trying not to sound ungrateful. 
“No.” Nana laughed, immediately catching the look of relief on Jeong-sun’s face.
“It’s for Seulgi.” Hoseok reassured, glancing sideways at the dog who sat quietly in the basket in the corner. 
“It’s a type of broth. The dog loves it!” Nana reached down for the metal bowl by the dog bed and the canine sprung to life at the sound, wagging her tail eagerly. 
Jeong-sun smirked, raising an eyebrow to herself. “Do you always cook for the dog?”
“She’s been poorly lately.” Nana sighed, bending down to pet her head. “Upset stomach.”
“I’m sure she’ll be alright tonight though.” Hoseok joined her side, giving the dog a reassuring stroke. “The vet says it’s just something she ate.”
“Where does the dog sleep?” Jeong-sun asked, trying to hide her apprehension. She didn’t dislike dogs exactly, she’d never been bitten or had one startle her, but having been without pets her whole life, she never really understood the infatuation with them. She’d considered getting a goldfish once upon a time, when she first moved into her apartment downtown, but she figured the company she’d get from its presence wouldn’t make up for the time she spent cleaning the tank.
“Not with us.” Nana quickly retorted.
The target of her statement gave a sorry look towards the canine, affectionately. “Aw…” Hoseok cooed. “She sometimes sleeps with us.”
“Not when she’s sick Hoseok!” Nana replied, a little harshly, making the man back away. Her tone suddenly lightened as she bent down and stroked the soft fur on Seulgi’s rump kindly. “She’s got a lovely bed downstairs.” She sang, almost soothingly, as though trying to convince the dog of the matter.
“And where am I sleeping?” Jeong-sun asked cautiously. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that!” Hoseok dismissed kindly.
“You’ll be comfy, I promise.” Nana added, straightening up now the food was served. Seulgi lapped at it hungrily.
“And no sneaking out in the middle of the night.” Hoseok wagged his finger scoldingly, though he grinned as he said it.
“To spend the last night with your husband to be…” Nana added, almost innocently.
“He’ll be fast asleep by then.” Jeong-sun admitted, hoping it was true. She hated the thought of Yoongi being kept awake by nerves.
“Masks!” Hoseok suddenly claimed, only just remembering as he picked up the discarded ice cream tub from the kitchen counter. The scent of bananas was overwhelming and Jeong-sun spotted the large slabs of fruit dancing on the surface of the pale formula. Nana, it seemed, had used a whole bunch. She silently took her cue to follow them into the adjoining living room where the T.V stood blaring a colourful film; the tone informed her it was old, from the 90s perhaps, with subtitles. A group of women in shoulderpads sat clustered around a table in the middle of a bar; their perms as subtle as the slices of bananas in the mask. 
“Have you seen this before?” Hoseok asked, half watching the conversation on screen. The women’s accents were strong, even Jeong-sun could tell that, and a little familiar. She had never been to Australia, though her mother’s partner could be heard on the phone sometimes, asking her questions in the background. She thought that might be it.
“No.” Jeong-sun admitted.
“Oh, it’s great!” He beamed.
Nana glanced and smiled. “Hoseok’s discovered Abba.” She murmured approvingly. Jeong-sun didn’t quite get the reference until the next scene, when the music started; she recognised ‘Dancing Queen’, to which Hoseok gave an enthusiastic rendition. 
Jeong-sun sat down on the little sofa, pulling aside the blanket which was covered in hair, with some disdain. “I’ll ask the DJ if he takes requests.”
Hoseok paused, eyes wide. “You hired a DJ?” He asked hopefully.
She looked at him with an expression Yoongi would have been familiar with. “No.” 
His face dropped, disappointedly, before turning back to the screen.
“Min-seo sends her love.” Nana joined Jeong-sun on the sofa, obviously ignoring the now folded blanket which she sat on.
“You spoke to her?” Jeong-sun asked.
Nana nodded cheerfully. “She came around to help with the cake. She had to leave early to feed Eun-ju. She wishes she could have been here though.”
“Eun-ju’s grown so much!” Hoseok turned around just long enough to flash an affectionate smile. The scene on screen had once again moved on. It quickly dawned on Jeong-sun that the movie was also about a wedding and she wondered whether the choice had been deliberate.
 “Min-seo’s picked her out a dress for tomorrow. She’ll look so cute.” Nana smiled, face half covered by the yellow mask. Jeong-sun hadn’t noticed her put it on. 
Hoseok turned back, his attention drawn away from the film by the strong scent. “Do mine.” He pleaded, joining Jeong-sun closely on the other side of the sofa which hadn’t been designed for three grown people. 
“Erm…” Jeong-sun handled the spatula nervously. “How much do you want?” Her lips curled. “One scoop or two?”
“Lay it on thick.” Hoseok beamed, moving his face forward, as though holding it out for her.
“He likes to eat it sometimes.” Nana smirked.
The film had finished with a predictably buoyant ending. Muriel had stood up to her bullies and headed for the airport, never to return. The movie made way to another foreign one; this about a time traveller in England who used his inherited powers to get the girl, though the trio seemed to quieten down once the masks had dried and the clock counted down to midnight. At some point Seulgi had made her way between them on the couch, her head resting against Hoseok’s thigh with a surprisingly human-like sigh. Unsurprisingly; Jeong-sun had gotten the rump end. Still, she stroked her fur casually, almost without realising. Sick or not, Nana hadn’t protested her presence. 
Jeong-sun yawned without realising, stretching her back against the uncomfy back-rest. Her face felt tight beneath the mask; though she had gotten used to the fruity scent.
“Are you tired?” Hoseok asked, speaking for the first time in fifteen minutes. 
Jeong-sun blinked sleepily, realising she was. “Big day tomorrow.”
“Did you pack your jammies?” He asked seriously. She looked at him; eyes wide beneath his thickly smeared mask, and laughed to herself. “Nana has some if you didn’t.” He added.
“I brought some.” Jeong-sun nodded. “Besides, I’m not sure Nana’s would fit.” She admitted with a shrug, casting an eye over the other woman’s tall, slender frame. 
“They’re very versatile.” Hoseok commented, though Nana broke the conversation by getting to her feet, gently pushing the dog off the sofa. The canine yawned, stretching its long body before plopping heavily on the rug.
“I made up the bed for you.” 
“Where will you sleep?” Jeong-sun asked.
“Here.” Nana pointed at the sofa, barely small enough for the three of them, without concern. Jeong-sun didn’t question how uncomfy they would be, she knew they would protest. 
“Thank you.” She nodded kindly. 
“And I’ll be up nice and early to get you ready.” Nana beamed, scooping up the now-empty ice cream tub from the side table and taking it into the kitchen.
“Me too!” Hoseok quickly added. 
“Thanks.” Jeong-sun smiled. “That means a lot to me.”
Once the room was cleared Jeong-sun slowly made her way up the stairs, to the single master bedroom which was neatly made up compared to the rest of the apartment. She remembered the mask and considered going to the bathroom straight away, but instead slipped her phone from her jean pocket.
The photograph was unflattering but she didn’t care. The mask had set firmly against her features; a large slab of banana visible beneath her fringe, in the centre of her forehead. She tried not to laugh as she sent the picture, sitting comfortably down on the bed. I smell like banana. She typed, hitting send.
It occurred to her at once he might not be awake to see it, but predictably the reply came a moment later. Two single words. Dear Jesus.
She smiled to herself, wondering if she too would be able to sleep.
I love you. 
Her phone pinged a second later, before she’d even had time to take off her socks.
I love you too.
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist of fics and original art can be found here
& Our masterlist of preferences/most likely to/quizzes and fun stuff is here
You can support us by buying admins a coffee here (if you wish). :)
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ wonho ; facade ”♡ᵎ ꒱
part. 01
like/reblog | @keroppiwon
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
78 notes · View notes
kkurades · 1 year
the way things go masterlist !!
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━━ you had a bad habit of overworking yourself until you physically couldn’t anymore so your best friend decided that perhaps it would be best to distract you by adopting a hybrid but the both of you didn’t expect for you to end up with seven love struck hybrids
pairing: hybrid!ot7 x fem!reader
genre: hybrid au, fluff, angst, crack,
featuring: bts, heeseung of ENHYPEN, sakura of LE SSERAFIM, sunghoon of ENHYPEN, niki of ENHYPEN, jake of ENHYPEN, yuna of ITZY
warning: swearing, sexual references, injuries
status: ongoing
( started on 24/02/2023, finished on . . . )
tag list: @heyitsmehaneul, @therapysides, @heyitsmehaneul, @rorythme, @bxcndd, @kyuupidwrites , @aceofcards05, @sazifer , @xiusmarshmallow, @san-mysulsul, @sunny-nana, @url-boys, @skzbugology , @inniehab, @maliyachan, @jewishmommy, @mageprincess7, @yoursoontobestepmom, @singukieee, @dueiosy ( open )
## EXTRA !! kim seokjin moodboard , min yoongi moodboard , jung hoseok moodboard , kim namjoon moodboard , park jimin moodboard , kim taehyung moodboard , jeon jungkook moodboard , yn yln moodboard
## CHAPTER INDEX !! star struck panther , . . .
710 notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song vii (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, smut; includes jacuzzi (oral) sex, outdoor sex, the angst/drama comes knocking!  words; 8,336
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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A few days after Arin’s birthday party school started back, and just as you’d known you got incredibly busy, incredibly fast. With admin and getting to know your new students you found that you were too distracted to dwell on all the things that had been worrying you. Yes, it was strange not being able to see Seokjin practically whenever you wanted, and yes, you missed him – and the summer, but with work so hectic it cushioned the blow. You didn’t have time to live inside your own head or get sad about stupid, tiny things. 
Letting the school know about your relationship wasn’t mandatory now that you weren’t Arin’s teacher, but you felt better for it, meeting with Hoseok one morning to inform him. Eunbi already knew, being quite a close a friend to you, and slowly, over the next few days you let some of the other teachers you were friendly with know too. You found it quite exciting. You’d been single for such a long time so finding yourself in conversations about your boyfriend filled you with a happiness you weren’t quite used to. You liked talking about Seokjin, bigging him up, some could call it bragging… He’d even very kindly donated money for a new playground to be built in the kindergarten area. He wanted to help Primrose Hill any which way he could. It meant a lot to you and his daughter. 
It only took around three weeks to get yourself into a routine. For both of you to find a rhythm and make it work well. Your lunch break wasn’t long enough for you to zip to Seokjin’s office and join him so he always made an effort to come to you. Sometimes you’d eat in his car, sometimes yours, or sometimes you’d meet in a small café near the school. You cherished that short time together because sometimes that’s all you could have. Depending on how busy you both were you often couldn’t spend time together in the evenings. You tried to at least once in the week, but weekends were reserved for things like spending the night. 
It was Tuesday today and you somehow had a night free from lesson planning which meant you could join Seokjin and Arin for dinner. You were glad really, because Seokjin had been stressed since yesterday and you hadn’t had a chance to see him properly. He had to go away on last minute business this weekend but it coincided with Misook’s family vacation. He’d asked Nana if Arin could stay with her this weekend but she was busy too. He didn’t know what to do, other than try and postpone the trip. Key word: try. 
Misook had left for the day just as you were arriving, Arin in her room, too busy playing on the Nintendo Switch she’d gotten from Nana for her birthday, so it gave you some brief time alone with Seokjin. You were shocked to see him still in his suit, sat in contemplation alone in the family room. Oh, boy. You hated seeing him so stressed. He was never one to mope or even show his mood. You knew him well enough by now to be able to tell when he was drained, but he still didn’t let it affect him too much, always smiling, always joking around. This evening was different. He’d barely said a few sentences, mostly it involved apologising for his bad mood. He felt selfish, not being much company, yet still needing yours. He had nothing to be sorry for, you reassured, resting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. You reached for his hand, and there you stayed like that for a little while, fingers laced together. 
Arin made her way in soon enough, stomach rumbling, a hopeful lilt to her voice as she walked over to you both, hands behind her back. “Can we have pizza for dinner?”
Seokjin shifted, unlacing your fingers and dropping his arm from your shoulders as you both sat up straighter. “Didn’t we have that yesterday, Arin?”
Arin didn’t miss. She was a professional. “But Y/N wasn’t here yesterday. She missed out.” 
Her comeback even managed to draw a quiet chuckle out of her dad. “We’re not having pizza, sweetie.” 
She sighed softly, crossing her arms around her chest as she looked your way. “Daddy is moody today.” 
You raised an eyebrow, your mouth unable to stop quirking up in amusement. “He is?”
“Why do you say that?” Seokjin asked. His tone was light, but you could tell by his frown lines her casual words had him worrying. 
“I heard you on the phone this morning to mommy. There’s no one to look after me when you go away this weekend and she can’t do it.” 
Seokjin faltered, not expecting such a frank answer. He composed himself quickly. “She’s just really busy, Arin. She wanted to look after you, she just couldn’t this time.” 
“I know,” she replied simply, nodding her head. 
There was a beat of silence and then Seokjin reached for her, kissing her cheek, his voice quiet with apology. “I’m sorry. Was I really moody today?” He looked unsurely your way too. 
“Uh huh. You hardly smiled, and when I tried telling you about the field trip I’m going on next week you weren’t even listening properly.” Arin’s small voice filled with such attitude was comical. 
Seokjin chuckled. “Daddy’s really sorry. I’m smiling now, though, right?” Arin nodded. “And if you’re kind enough, you can tell me about your trip again over dinner. Is that okay?” 
“Hmm.” She thought allowed. “So can we get pizza?”
Seokjin snorted. “Nice try, young lady. It’s still a no.” 
Seokjin ordered from one of his favourite restaurants, helping you set the table as Arin went to check on her rabbits. You ate together, listening as Arin spoke all about her upcoming field trip, finally having her father’s undivided (and interested) attention. However, halfway in, she completely changed the topic, throwing you both. 
“Can’t I stay with Y/N this weekend?” 
“Hm?” Seokjin looked over at her, visibly surprised. 
You swallowed what was left in your mouth just as Arin’s eyes found yours.  “I can just stay with you while daddy has to go away.” Your lips parted, trying to think of something to say, your years of teacher training falling short. 
Seokjin beat you to it. “No, no, sweetie,” he shook his head, sounded a little flustered, taken by surprise. “Y/N will probably be busy on the weekend. That’s her only free time, she can’t look after you.” 
With a small shrug, she put her fork to her mouth. “It was just a thought.” 
Seokjin looked over at you, expression apologetic as he mouthed sorry. 
Hey, listen…” You began, feeling oddly nervous as you looked up at your boyfriend. It was a couple of hours later, Arin was in bed, time was getting on, you had to leave soon, but cuddled up against him, both curled up on the sofa as you watched mindless television, you really didn’t want to go anywhere. Seokjin had relaxed a little by now (the wonders of food), but you could still tell his mind was exhausted as his gaze fell on yours. You took a breath, deeper than intended, psyching yourself up. “I really don’t mind looking after Arin this weekend.” 
You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened a tad, obviously taken by surprise, but then his mouth lifted at the side, his head shaking from side to side lightly as he let out a breathy chuckle. “Y/N, don’t feel like you have to just because she brought it up.” 
You found yourself relaxing. He didn’t want you to feel obligated. You’d thought so, but the teeniest tiniest most worrisome part of your brain had thought he might now have wanted, or trusted you, to look after Arin. That wasn’t the case. You could tell by the look on his face. He didn’t want to put you out, ask too much of you. 
You moved and straightened your back, eye to eye now. “No, I honestly don’t mind at all, Seokjin.” You reassured, talking faster as you noticed him open his mouth. “Seeing as Arin was the one who suggested it, I guess she’s fine with the idea. I…” Hesitating, you added something else. “I wanted to suggest it myself but… If she’s comfortable with it, I’d love to.” 
It was the truth. Ever since Seokjin had called you at lunch time, telling you Nana couldn’t manage this weekend, you’d wanted to tell him you were up for it but something had stopped you. Even as he’d tried to think of options this evening – maybe his mom could stay for the weekend, his aunt – you’d held back and bitten your tongue. What if you were pushing boundaries? Inserting yourself into situations that didn’t concern you? Arin liked you, yes,   but being entirely in your care for 48 hours was different. She might not want to, she might feel uncomfortable. However knowing that it wasn’t the case, suggesting it herself so casually over dinner had given you the confidence to push through. Seokjin needn’t be worried about asking too much of you. 
Regarding you silently, he considered your words. Lovingly, you glided your hand up his arm, reaching out for his cheek. He pressed into your touch automatically. “I want to help you out.” At that, he smiled gently, lips turning up in a way that rounded his cheeks, making him appear at least a decade younger. It was wholly unfair. 
Turning slightly, his lips grazed your palm. “I’ll ask her about it in the morning.” You grinned, visibly pleased, and Seokjin took your hand to tug you gently to his chest. This time he placed a kiss on your mouth, humming happily. “Thank you.” 
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Arin was more than happy about it. Seokjin suggested you stay at his home for the weekend, seeing as that would be easier for the both of you, but she was pretty adamant she wanted to stay at your place. You understood, kid’s curiosity and all. She wanted to know what your home looked like, she wanted to meet your “pretty best friend” she liked to ask about sometimes. Honestly, you felt touched that she wanted to learn more about your life. It was just another reminder of her acceptance when it came to you, and you’d be forever touched by how easily she’d let you into her life. She was more than welcome to come stay at your place, but of course you’d run it by Soojung first. She’d agreed quite easily, even after you informed her you’d be sharing her bed all weekend, Arin of course using yours. 
On Thursday night Seokjin’s guilt was getting the better of him. He had you on the phone, making sure you were 100% okay with looking after Arin. He didn’t want you to feel as if you were trapped just because you felt compelled to help him. He could cancel his trip. You told him how stupid he was being. Cancelling would put so many people out, including himself. Besides, you not only wanted to help him out, you wanted to take care of Arin. You felt as though you were capable, and if you were being even more honest with him, you felt really happy it was happening. Knowing Arin trusted you this much was a great feeling. Knowing he trusted you enough… 
“Why wouldn’t I trust you?” He scoffed in disbelief. “You’re great with her. She loves you.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you laughed. 
“How come?” He was hellbent on proving you wrong, voice softening as he continued. “You’re so easy to love.”  
You felt your heart skip a beat. He’d said it so casually, so easily, you felt dumb searching too much into his words. It was far too early to think of things like that – for confessions like that. Right? Still, he sounded genuine enough. He meant it, even if it wasn’t in that way. Not that you were expecting anything. You were perfectly happy with how things were, your feelings growing stronger each day. You weren’t in a rush, neither was he. That’s what made your relationship so great. But your heart still felt all fuzzy regardless. You found yourself smiling down the line, your thanks obvious in your tone. “I’m going to miss you.” 
“I’ll miss you more.” He ignored your noises of complaint. “I’ll video call you a lot – and Arin of course.” Then he laughed. “Although, I’ll have a feeling she won’t miss me at all this weekend.” 
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The next day you finished up work early, it was a Friday anyway, so you never made a habit of sticking around too long, but this time you were packed and ready to go the same time as the kids. Arin would be waiting in her classroom, ready to go home with you for the weekend. Seokjin had dropped off her things early this morning before his flight, indulging you in a few sleepy kisses before he had to go, a promise of ‘I’ll see you Sunday night,” slipping from his slightly downturned lips, hands reluctant to let you go. 
Arin was visibly excited when she saw you, seconds away from jumping up and down on the spot, your first name rushing out of her mouth without realising. It was no big deal of course, but her reaction was cute, eyes widening as her lips parted into a circle, a noise of realisation leaving her. She looked very much like her father, which made it even funnier. You took her hand, saying your goodbyes to Mr. Moon, her second grade teacher, and left the building for your car. 
“This is a really nice car, Y/N,” she complimented as you made sure she was strapped in properly. You weren’t nervous, but you were slightly on edge, cautious, being a better word, to make sure everything was okay. You needed all bases covered. Arin was in your care for 48 hours after all. You told yourself to calm down, if Seokjin knew you were being this antsy he’d be highly amused. You wouldn’t stop hearing about it for a week. 
“I’ve always wanted to ride in it,” Arin continued. 
You smiled down at her. “Thank you.” She was one of the sweetest kids you knew. Your car was average. Not that she knew anything about makes and prices and whatever else there was. You didn’t either. As long as it drove you from point A to B you didn’t care what it looked like. 
“Will your best friend be home when we arrive?” She asked as you got inside the driver’s seat, sticking the key in the ignition. 
“Soojung? She’ll be still in work. Remember I told she works at a department store?” It was adorable how excited she was to meet Soo. Your best friend’s head would be double the size soon, ego inflated. 
“Mhmm,” Arin hummed responsively.  
“She won’t be done until around 6.” You turned back to look at her, knowing your next sentence would make her day. “I think she wanted to get pizza for dinner. Would you like that?” 
“YES!” Arin exclaimed immediately, eyes lighting up. “Soojung likes pizza too?” 
With a chuckle, you started the vehicle up and started backing out of your spot, replying as you did so. “She does.” But in truth, the pizza tonight was Seokjin’s idea. He’d given you one of his bank cards to spend on the food bill with strict instructions to only feed her the doughy delicacy once this weekend. He knew what she was like – you both did. She’d eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. If you suggested it tonight, then that was it. She’d be eating your menu come Saturday and Sunday. 
“How far away is your house from the school?” 
You’d lost count of how many questions she’d already asked you since you’d arrived to collect her. It was comical. Seokjin had not warned you about that, but your years of experience had told you to expect it. What was a kid without questions? You’d be worried if she was silent. 
“Not too long.” You replied, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her happily looking out of the window. “When we get in, I’ll text daddy and see if he’s free to videocall.” 
You tried to stop the smile that wanted to break across your face at her nonchalance. “Do you miss him yet?” 
With a brief shake of her head, still staring at the whizzing scenery outside she answered pretty simply. “Not really.” 
This time you burst out laughing, unable to stop. She looked over at the noise, meeting your eyes in the mirror as you took a right turn, giggling along. “Don’t tell him though, Y/N. It might make him sad.” 
“I won’t, Arin.” You reassured with another chuckle. “It can be our little secret.” 
She settled in well that night, immediately warming to Soojung (who despite her lifelong insistence, was great with children). You thought perhaps Arin would begin to get homesick once it was time for bed, but after watching a movie you tucked her in and said goodnight. You thought she’d have trouble sleeping because she was in a strange bed but checking in on her twenty minutes later you found her fast asleep, hugging her rabbit plushie. You on the other hand got ready to share a bed with Soojung – the bed cover hogger… 
The next day Arin had you awake at 6am. You already knew about her liveliness in the mornings, so it was no surprise. You’d been woken up countless times over the summer by a knock at Seokjin’s door, Arin’s voice calling out for him. On days you weren’t there she’d even barge in and jump on the bed. Where she got her energy from so early in the morning was a mystery. This morning however, she caught you on the way out of the bathroom. You’d been tossing and turning all night, wresting the covers from Soo. You’d thought about maybe taking a blanket and having an hours nap on the sofa, but there Arin was creeping out of your room, a smile on her face as she saw it was you. 
There was no tempting her back to bed, so you sat her down at the table and made her some breakfast, snapping a picture to send to her father. (Captioned: Guess who had me up at 6am 😴) You had a few things planned today. Seokjin always made sure Arin was busy on the weekends, it was the only time he got to spend with her fully unless she was with her mom, especially now that she was back in school. Even if it was just something as simple as going to the park, he always made plans. So, to do your part and to keep her entertained, you were going to run by her house to make sure the rabbits were fine (fed and watered), then go to the mall. It was simple, yes, but you needed to get a few things anyway, and you promised after all that walking around you’d stop by the food court. Then she had to accompany you to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight’s dinner. 
She was pretty damn excited regardless. “I like going to the mall with mommy because daddy finds it boring,” she informed you as she picked out her clothes that you’d helped her unpack yesterday. That definitely sounded like Seokjin, you thought to yourself, laughing along with her. “Mommy told me that next weekend she’s going to take me shopping and buy me anyyy-thing I want.” 
“That sounds like great fun,” you smiled, telling yourself you’d pretend you never heard that… Seokjin was keen not to spoil Arin so you didn’t think he’d be best pleased to find this out. “What do you want to buy?”
“Hmm. Something for Olive and Ariel, I think.” 
You smiled again, admiring her caring nature. Her rabbits were the most well looked after in this entire country. She adored them. “I think they’ll really appreciate that.” 
You continued helping Arin get ready first, and thankfully by the time you were done Soojung had risen. You left them watching cartoons together while you showered, eager to leave by 10am. 
Arin you found out, didn’t just like the mall, she loved it very much. She was practically skipping around the place as she held your hand, helping you pick out the things you needed for your craft session with the students on Monday. While she was recommending paint colours to you, she surprised you with a confession. “I wish you were still my teacher, Y/N.” 
“How come?” You asked gently. 
She gave a tiny shrug. “I’d get to see you every day.” 
Oh. You didn’t know what to say to that, touched at her matter-of-fact revelation. Instead you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a loving squeeze. 
“But actually, maybe I wouldn’t like it.” She added as an afterthought. You waited, curious as to why she’d changed her mind so suddenly. “I’d have to call you Miss Y/L/N. I’d get too confused.” 
You laughed, this child was far too funny for her own good. “Me too, Arin. It’s better this way, right?”
“Right,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Y/N, this is pretty,” Arin cooed, calling your attention as you rounded the stand. You’d gotten everything you needed and were now browsing around some other stores. You’d let Arin pick a couple out, worrying she might be getting bored, and one of her choices had been Claire’s. She was holding up a charm bracelet. 
“Very pretty,” you agreed. 
And then she struck. “Can I have it?” She didn’t give you time to answer, eyes widening as she began to beg, voice soft and hopeful. “Please. Pretty please.” 
You chuckled. You were practically immune to cute kids, so that wouldn’t work on you. However, she had been really well-behaved all morning, in your eyes she deserved a small treat. “You can. But just this one thing, okay?” 
“Thank you, Y/N!” She squealed, rushing up to you. She gave your arm a squeeze. “I like you much better than daddy.” 
“That will hurt his feelings,” you burst out laughing. She didn’t have to butter you up, you’d already said yes. 
As you were paying the cashier, she wondered off to a stand of keychains, her eyes catching something instantly. “Oooh, pretty,” she purred and the cashier, a woman no more than a few years older than you, laughed. 
“Best escape before she wants something else,” you joked, handing over some cash. 
“My daughter is just the same. Kids, who’d have them, right? We’re glutton for punishment.” She joked. 
“Oh, no, I’m –” You stopped yourself dead, unsure what to say. Had this woman just mistaken you for Arin’s mother? It definitely sounded that way. But just how could you correct her? 
“Don’t get me wrong,” the cashier said, shaking her head. “They’re definitely worth it.” 
You forced yourself to smile, feeling a little wooden, but the chuckle you got out sounded better. “Yeah, yeah they are.” You glanced over at Arin, thankfully she was too distracted by the abundance of cute animal keychains. You turned back and took your bag from the woman, trying to shake off how awkward you felt. “Thank you. Bye.” 
Walking over to Arin you took her hand. “Hope to see you again soon,” the cashier called behind you and you gave a wave, telling Arin to do the same.
“Thank you,” she sang sweetly as she did so. 
“So, something weird happened today,” you told Soojung as you prepared food, careful to keep your voice low even though Arin was well and truly distracted inside the living room. Taehyung was a master with children. The guy needed a career change immediately. You’d never heard Arin laugh so hard. She’d been in stitches for the last hour. You were worried she’d be way to hyperactive for bedtime once it came. 
Soojung looked up from where she was chopping onion, interested as her eyebrow raised. 
“The woman at Claire’s mistook me for Arin’s mother.” 
Soojung scoffed, lifting her shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m not surprised. It was bound to happen. It’s normal.” She added, reassuring you as she saw the look on your face. “People just naturally assume.” 
“I guess…” 
“What did you tell her?”
Your expression turned sheepish. “I just went along with it,” you confessed, placing spaghetti in a pan of bubbling water. You caught the look she gave you. “I didn’t know what to say!” It was the truth. “I’m her father’s girlfriend seemed too… I don’t know…” Too impersonal? 
“That’s what you are though,” Soo snorted.
You gave up, knowing you were probably making a huge deal out of this. Was it that serious? Probably not. “I just felt awkward.” 
“Because you hate correcting people, or because you didn’t like someone mistaking you for Arin’s mother,” your best friend pried. 
“It’s definitely not that. It’s just…” You sighed. “How would Arin feel about it? What if she’d heard?”
Soojung shrugged. “She loves you. You’re great with her.” 
That wasn’t the point you were trying to make. “It still might have upset her though. She adores her mom.” You weren’t trying to take Nana’s place and you didn’t want her to ever think that. 
It was Soo’s turn to sigh, dropping the chopped onions into a fry pan. “Do you want my opinion?” 
“Please,” you requested meekly. 
“I think you’re looking way too much into it.” Obviously. “It’s not a big deal at all, and Arin didn’t hear anything so nothing to worry about.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, telling yourself to shake it off. 
“Of course I am,” she quipped, rooting around in a cupboard now. She turned back, a can of tomatoes in her hand. “I’m sure Seokjin will be able to ease your mind with his sexy Dilf powers or whatever he calls them.” 
“Shut up,” you groaned. You weren’t even sure if you were going to tell him. Like she kept saying, it wasn’t a big deal, right? It was an easy mistake to make. Probably happened all the time. 
From inside the living room you heard Taehyung roar loudly, mimicking a lion (possibly) and Arin shrieked out his name, laughter exploding from her. “Quick, let’s get dinner ready as soon as possible.” Soojung begged, dramatic as always. “I’m scared Tae might be getting ideas. I’m too young for kids!”
The rest of the weekend went by smoothly. Despite the excitement levels that Saturday night brought, Arin was knocked out by 9pm. You, Soojung and Taehyung stayed up for another hour before he had to leave and then Soo made her way to bed, needing to wake up early tomorrow for work. That left you on the couch, awaiting Seokjin’s video call. He’d already called once today, but Arin was so hyped, talking a mile a minute about her day, you couldn’t get a word in edgeways. (Neither could he.) You were thankful for some alone time. You were missing him. He’d gone away on business trips a couple of times in the summer but it didn’t mean you’d get used to it. You both talked about your day, and you decided there and then not to tell him about the Claire’s “incident.” Soojung was right, it was no big deal. It was a common misunderstanding, one you’d probably made unknowingly before too. After you’d said your goodbyes you went to bed, already strategizing how you were going to steal the covers back from Soojung. As much as you’d enjoyed looking after Arin, you couldn’t wait to have your own bed back. Sharing with your bestie was torture. Taehyung was an admirable man. 
Sunday was a chillout day, although Arin still had you awake at 6am. You made her breakfast, watched some cartoons and shared turns on her Switch before you both got ready for the day. You checked in on Olive and Ariel briefly before driving back to your place. There was a park nearby and you promised you’d take her. The weather was still warm despite September trickling by. It was crazy how fast this year had gone, autumn already nearly here. For the rest of the day you both relaxed in front of the TV, waiting until Soojung was home to watch a movie, and then you made dinner. Seokjin was due back around 7pm, so you made sure all of Arin’s things were packed up ready to go. It was just gone eight when he turned up at your door. Arin had already passed out on the sofa after her hot chocolate so he couldn’t stay long. You thought with how entertaining this weekend had been it had finally all caught up with her. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night?” He asked, careful to keep his voice down as he strapped Arin inside his car. (Still sleeping.) You’d followed him out as he carried her towards the vehicle, wanting to say your goodbyes. 
He straightened up, closing the car door as he stepped closer to you. You rubbed his arm. “You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t baby me.” Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around you, squishing your arms to your side. “I missed you.” 
You hummed, pressing your lips to his, careful to keep your voice a whisper. “Your dick missed me.” 
He scoffed in disbelief but couldn’t argue. “That’s…not a lie. My heart missed you too though.” 
“How sweet,” you joked, but couldn’t keep your charade up for much longer. “I missed you too.” This time the press of your mouth was much firmer. He matched it, letting you slip your arms around his sides, holding him too. 
“Tomorrow, then?” He asked hopefully, tip of his tongue wetting his bottom lip slightly as he pulled away. “I know it’s a school night but I swear I only get a good night’s sleep lying next to you.” 
Laughing, you nodded your head. “Tomorrow.” You agreed wholeheartedly. Sleeping alone was no fun anymore. 
He captured your mouth again, humming happily. “Can’t wait.” 
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The following weekend Arin was with her mom so you and Seokjin had the entire weekend to yourselves. Saturday was busy, you’d both probably been a little too ambitious when you’d decided to cram as many different activities as you could into the day, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You didn’t get many days to spend together likes this; walking hand in hand as you explored the local market, having brunch together, checking out a new museum exhibit, watching a movie at the theatre… You treasured days like these. And what better way to end one with? Jacuzzi time! 
Seokjin’s jacuzzi was fast becoming one of life’s staples lately. Who were you? A changed woman, that’s who. This was your favourite space in Seokjin’s garden(s). An area of decking, solar lights draped over the sleek fencing. In the middle was the jacuzzi, set into the wood. Now that the nights were drawing in, it was especially cosy out here, summer holding on for just a little bit longer as the weather stayed quite warm. It wouldn’t be like this for long so you had to make the most of it right now. 
You were sat inside the jacuzzi, water gently bubbling around you as you gazed up at the stars that had just started to appear when you heard Seokjin emerging from the house. His footsteps sounded against the wooden steps as he made his way towards you. You didn’t bother looking but when he didn’t join you straight away, you glanced over curiously. To be met with a rather naked boyfriend. 
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, eyes bugging out. 
He grinned. It was hardly innocent. “Jacuzzi’s are much more enjoyable naked, didn’t you know?” 
You tsked, watching him climb into the tub and make his way over to you. His mouth was immediately on yours, arms around your waist as he tugged for you to stand up. This wasn’t just any type of kiss. Like you’d said before, you knew Seokjin very well by now, and besides, you’d already noticed his dick was half aroused as he stood above you… He had a plan. 
On cue, he broke away, corners of his plump lips tugging upwards with a suggestion. 
“Join me?” 
“Seokjin…” You warned, voice low, hands grazing the tops of his arms. He couldn’t be serious. 
“No one can see us,” he reassured you with a wider smile. 
You mean, he was correct. This time you let your hands make their way to his shoulders, massaging them lightly. “You’re crazy.” 
“Yeah, crazy for you,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss you once again. His lips were slow, coaxing. Even more so as they made their way down your jaw and to your neck. You keened into his touch, his hands grazing down your sides, fingers toying with the sides of your bikini bottoms. “C’mon…” He sunk his teeth into your skin gently and you whined. “I know you want to.” You did indeed. Very much so. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, voice suddenly hoarse. You cleared your throat just as his fingers began to untie the strings of your bra, mouth still peppering your neck with kisses. Until that was your chest was bare, and then his lips were wrapped around one nipple, water rippling with the sudden movement. You moaned as quietly as you could, wanting to encourage him because it felt good, but also nervous as hell because you were outside. You didn’t care if there was no one around for a good mile, you were still out in the open. 
Cupping your breasts in his palms he gazed down at them, sighing dreamily. “Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?”
You raised an eyebrow. “One. Don’t be so crude.” (Not that you didn’t like it.) “And two. Yes, yes you have.” You broke off with a laugh, reaching for him to mesh your mouths together. He couldn’t help but chuckle too, but elsewhere he had a hand down your bikini to grab your ass. 
“What’s gotten – Seokjin!” You practically roared, cutting yourself off as he suddenly dived down into the water, fully submerged, hands attempting to tear your bottoms off. “What are you doing,” you giggled, clinging to his back as you tried to stay upright. He had one of your ankles in his hand, wrestling with the fabric. 
A few moments later he arose successful, flicking his head back to stop his wet hair from dripping in his eyes. He pushed it back further with his hands, forehead now devastating, skin glistening with water droplets. You heart stilled, he looked gorgeous – and naughty. Behind him your bikini bottoms floated to the surface. A smirk spread across his face as he finally replied. “Getting you naked.” And then he was on you. 
He kissed you hungrily, his erection pressed up against you, hot and eager now, just like his tongue. Your fingers threaded through his wet locks, letting him push his body weight into you until the backs of your legs hit the seat. 
“Up here for me,” he pulled away briefly, command light, tapping his hand against the deck behind you. You let him slip his hands around your hips and lift you up, legs spread to accommodate his body, feet still in the water atop of the seat. 
“You’re not too cold?” He made sure to ask, concerned despite being ravenous. You shook your head, desire for him enough despite the night air cooling the water against your skin. Satisfied he immediately dove in, leaning forward to place a kiss against your wetness. You pulsed against the touch, moving back on your elbows to get comfier just as his tongue came out and flicked against your clit. Suddenly you didn’t care that you were outside. 
From up here you had a great view of the expanse of his broad, wet back, muscles rippling as he ate you out. You moaned softly, running a hand through his hair, gaze falling to his face. His eyes were closed, water droplets caught in his dark eyebrows and as if he could feel your eyes watching him, he looked up, smirking against you before he sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth, actions growing more eager as he heard you go crazy for it. 
He knew your body well, which is why he cruelly held off slipping a finger inside of you. Actually, on second thought, he knew damn well that the second he did so, your orgasm would soon follow. It wasn’t hard to tease your body, to control it how he wanted. As soon as you felt his middle digit push inside, you clenched around it, hips bucking into Seokjin’s face as a stifled cry forced its way out of your mouth. He grunted, inserting another finger, curling and uncurling them as his other hand gripped your hip, trying his best to keep you still. It was no use, you were a woman possessed, pleasure beginning to hurtle through your body at an alarming rate. You stretched out, fingers of one hand sliding along the wood beneath you, desperately trying to cling onto something as you moaned uncontrollably. Seokjin hummed along, encouraging you, coaxing the orgasm through your body. With each wave your breath shuddered harder. 
You only started coming to when you felt his fingers slip out of you, his tongue ceasing, mouth now at your inner thigh, kissing you wetly, passionately. Your hands reached for him, wanting him close, but he was already on it, straightening up to meet your mouth. “I need you,” he breathed. You could taste yourself, it was intoxicating. “Here.” 
“Here?!” You exclaimed weakly, unfocused eyes trying to concentrate on his face. 
He kissed you once more, moaning a little. “Yeah.” His hands wrapped around your hips, lifting you further up the decking before he climbed out of the water and crawled over your body, reaching for something behind you. “Look – let’s use this.” He had a beach towel in his hand, the one you’d left draped over one of the wicker chairs, and he hurriedly laid it out, pressing you into it to kiss you again. His cock was hard and wet, bobbing against your inner thighs. 
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” He asked, wet hair now having fallen in his eyes. 
You cupped his face, nodding your head as you leaned up. You were still thrumming from your high. “Yes.” Your tongue curled against his open mouth, slipping in to meet his own. The kiss was messy, distracted, as he spread your legs, hooking one up under your thigh. 
Breaking away from your mouth, he straightened his back and aligned himself at your entrance, needing no hands he was so erect. You clung to his shoulders, waiting for the first thrust. His skin was still dotted with water droplets. “I’m too impatient, baby,” he told you simply, and then he pushed inside. 
Slowly, savouring the feeling of your walls stretching around him, both of you gasping as he bottomed out. With a slow thrust he groaned. “You feel like heaven.” As he leaned in to kiss you, he noticed you trying to hold back a giggle. “What?” 
You burst. “That was so cheesy.” 
Chuckling, he kissed you again, tips of his ears turning red. “Don’t laugh at me.” You snorted, unable to help it, reaching for him in silent apology, despite laughter still escaping you. “Seriously, stoppp,” he whined, dropping his head. 
You grinned. “Or what?” 
That got his attention. Looking up, his top lip twitched. His hand cupped your face, thumb brushing over your lips. “I’ll have to teach you a lesson,” he murmured, voice an octave lower. You opened up, sucking the digit into your mouth, looking up at him knowingly. He knew what you were thinking. That didn’t sound so bad. 
“My mistake.” He smiled, gaze intense as he pulled away, his thumb leaving you with a silent pop. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” 
You were seconds away from agreeing but became distracted, watching him lift both legs up by the back of your thighs now, hiking them above his shoulders. He dick slipped so deep you choked, feeling so full you didn’t know what to do. 
“S-seokjin,” you panicked, your hands clutching his arms. 
He cocked his head to the side, voice soft. “Trust me?”  
You nodded, something already so addicting about feeling him inside you like this. You felt beyond sensitive, beginning to tremble as he slowly thrust in and out of you, bringing the tip of his cock almost all the way out before sinking back into your warmth. You moaned out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with a pleasure so overwhelming. He sped up, going harder now that he was certain you were enjoying yourself, wet squelches sounding along with your moans and his grunts. You loved watching him fuck you like this, towering down over you, the wet spikes of hair falling down around his face, fucking you with his entire body weight, your ass sliding back and forth against the towel. 
However, you also loved kissing him. Holding him as he thrust inside, keeping him to you. 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, voice tight, hands reaching for him. He got the message, easing your legs to the ground carefully as he took one of your hands and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, your name slipping from his lips, breathless and husky. 
He moved closer, capturing your lips eagerly and you hooked your legs around his waist, clinging to the back of his neck in the process as your hips jutted up to meet each roll of his own. You were both panting by now, grunts of exertion slipping from your mouths as you continued to make out. His movements were messier, wet bodies pressed up close, enough to provide enough friction for a second orgasm. 
“Ah… I’m close,” he panted, mouth grazing down your throat as he attempted to keep the same momentum. 
“M-me too.” 
That spurred him on, hips snapping into yours with a cry, newfound determination, lips pressing into yours once more. You came together, out of breath and quite sweaty, but mouths unrelenting. You’d never get enough of kissing him. It was addictive – especially like this. 
Spent, he slid out of your dampness naturally, having grown flaccid, kissing you slowly now, indulgently, until he was moving south, capturing your left breast in his mouth, tongue encircling your nipple. You shuddered as he pulled back, one of his hands cupping the right breast to give that a parting kiss too. It wouldn’t be long before you started growing cold, but you were so content here you didn’t care. 
Seokjin lifted his head up, gazing straight into your eyes. His were warm and soft, drunk on your beauty (or so he would say). “I want to give you the world,” he breathed, sealing his confession with a press of his mouth. 
Your heart swelled, heat prickling your skin and you clung to him. But despite that, you felt the need to joke around. Call it a defence mechanism, who knew. “Men are so weak,” you chuckled, running your fingers through his hair to pull it back, revealing his face again. The tips had already started to dry. “Let them cum inside you and they’re like putty in your hands.” 
He laughed too, genuinely amused, but his eyes were still soft and he leaned into your touch, content with the way you held his face now. “I mean it though,” he whispered. “Tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll make it happen.” 
You raised an eyebrow. He was being ridiculous, acting drunk. Still, you were pretty simple. You didn’t have many wishes, many dreams. “I want to travel on a plane.” 
It was his turn to lift an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like a private jet or?”
“No,” you giggled, “just a plane in general.” You kissed his nose. “You know I’ve never been out of the country before.” 
“You want me to take you on vacation?” He hummed, turning suggestive pretty quickly. “A sexcation?”
“Seokjinn,” you whined, dropping your hands from his face. 
He nudged his nose against yours playfully. “Well, of course there’ll be sex involved, but,” he grew serious, genuinely interested, “where do you want to go?” 
“Hm, anywhere?”
“Anywhere,” he confirmed, adding, “unless it’s another planet, or the moon.” 
You smiled, amused, yet deeply preoccupied now. Where did you want to go? What was your dream destination? You’d had one place in mind since you were a child. Running a hand down his bare chest you suddenly felt coy. “I want to visit Paris.” 
He grinned. “France, Mademoiselle?” 
You matched it. “Oui.” 
“Done.” He kissed you, sealing the deal. “Let’s go there tonight.” 
You burst out laughing at his idiocy. “I have school. You have work – a daughter!”
He laughed too, but he was distracted, gazing at you tenderly once more. He opened his mouth, about to say something but hesitated. Instead he smiled, nodding his head resolutely. “Okay, soon. Very soon.” He laughed when you squealed in excitement, bringing one of your hands to his lips. “I’m going to take you to the most romantic city on earth, baby.” 
It was Sunday the next day, which meant only one thing. Lazy morning sex. It was his favourite, his time to indulge in all things beautiful and pleasurable he told you. (i.e. You). You’d grown used to his lame lines, he couldn’t help it, and deep down you secretly loved them. A man so shameless with his desire, his devotion. You really had hit the jackpot. 
Sundays were also your excuse to just be lazy in general. You usually skipped breakfast in choice of an early lunch, but today you wanted to picnic outside. You knew in a week or so the weather would begin to change more drastically so this was your last chance. You made a reluctant Seokjin get out of bed and shower with you, ignoring his advances as you did so. He was like a dog in heat. Not that you usually complained, but today you really wanted to hit the grocery store before rush hour. Sundays were always busy. 
A few hours later you had everything ready, outside in the spot that saw the most sun. It bleated down on you as you kneeled, arranging all the dishes across the blanket you’d placed down across the lawn. 
“Oh, shoot. I forgot the salad.” Seokjin realised by the side of you. “I’ll be one sec, honey.” He kissed your cheek as he stood, smacking your ass playfully in the process. “Don’t start without me.”
“What will you do about it?” You called out to him, unable to help it. 
“If you’re feeling brave, I guess you’ll find out.” He called back with a laugh, retreating into the house. 
A good girl, you waited patiently, but then time started to tick on. One minute, then five… At ten you stood up with a sigh. Where was he? You had visions of the salad bowl on the floor smashed to smithereens. You made your way through the doors that led inside the back of the house. You past his study, calling his name. “Seokjin? Did you get lost?”
You were met with silence, which wasn’t surprising, his home was big after all. Down the corridor, closer to the kitchen you began to hear voices. Seokjin’s familiar rumble, although you couldn’t make it out, and then a louder, unfamiliar voice – female. You followed the sound, realising it was coming from the living room nearest the front door. A sick feeling was slowly creeping its way up your throat, but you didn’t understand why. As you got closer your heart began to race, blood rushing through your ears. There was this sudden feeling of dread. It was so strong you could practically taste it, and you were so frazzled you couldn’t concentrate on the words you were hearing as you rounded the corner of the open door, although you did acknowledge them. 
Immediately as you came into view you heard them loud and clear though. Directed at you. 
“Oh, and this is her, right?” 
They were coming from a woman, her dark eyes piercing into yours. She was beautiful, was your first thought. Tall and slim, with long black hair, so silky she could have come straight from a shampoo commercial. It reminded you of someone. Her hair just as dark and shiny. Arin. 
At the thought of the child’s name, you looked down, spotting her beside the stranger, clinging to her hand, eyes wide and shiny with worried tears. Everything clicked into place then. Confusion clearing, yet the sick feeling got stronger. This wasn’t a stranger. It was Arin’s mother. Seokjin’s ex-wife. Nana. And she looked angry. 
You glanced around, spotting Seokjin who was looking your way with apologetic eyes. His face looked torn. He murmured your name, stepping towards you, a protective hand reaching for your own. He held it tight, giving you a comforting squeeze. His palm was clammy. 
“Yes, here she is!” Nana laughed harshly, needing no reply. It made you wince. Beside you Seokjin groaned quietly, rubbing his free hand across his face before he took a deep breath. As if he was gearing himself up. 
You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. 
“The stepmom!” She sneered. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
sleepy �� monsta x
a/n: i hope you enjoy this new format! please let me know if you do and please give me feedback!
word count: 0.9k
content: sub!monsta x, dom!gn!reader except hyungwon’s part! his is fem!reader!!!, somnophilia, dumbification (a lil), cockwarming (hyungwon), masturbation and implied self-edging (minhyuk), handjobs, handcuffs (changkyun)
disclaimer: these are all with the assumption that prior consent was given and some display some unsafe sex practices so please read with caution. thank you.
son hyunwoo/shownu
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he collapses into the bed after a particularly hard day, already just a few minutes from sleep from the moment his head hid the pillow. he pulls you close to him, assuming you were asleep, but he’s wrong. you’re wide awake. you turn around, pushing him onto his back and curling up against his side, murmuring, “go to sleep, baby.”
he’s too tired to put too much thought into the way you kiss his shoulder and neck, so he just lets himself be swallowed up by the bed and your lips. your fingers brush the front of his sweats, teasing him slightly. he groans so softly, aching for you to touch him, but too tired and cloudy to ask for it.
you whisper to him, “i love playing with you like this, all relaxed and defenseless for me. sleep well, baby bear.”
lee hoseok/wonho
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usually it’s him who wakes up first, but on mornings where you catch yourself waking while he’s still all cute and dozed off, you don’t waste the perfect opportunity. you touch him lightly at first, trying not to alarm his body too much, because then he’ll awaken too soon, and that’s no fun. when he stirs slightly, you pull away, letting him fall back into sleep, and then continuing to mess with him.
he involuntarily lets out a whine, still so drowsy and out of it that he can’t quite tell why he feels so good when he regains some consciousness, “good morning, darling, did you sleep well?” he doesn’t answer, instead moaning prettily, “that’s what i thought, sleepy bunny. just lay still and enjoy it, let me do all the work.”
lee minhyuk
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“i’m tired, min, not right now,” you mumble, sinking more into the bed, but he pouts so cutely like he always does.
“then can i touch myself?” he pleads, and it gives you a cruel idea. you even have to stop yourself from smiling because he might catch on.
“go for it,” he’s taken off guard, not exactly expecting to get permission, “here, do it next to me so i can hear your pretty moans as i fall asleep.”
he does as you say, letting you curl up next to him as he touches himself. it feels dirty, but you’ve asked worse of him, so he doesn’t mind.
“one last thing, min,” you press a kiss to his shoulder, and he stops for a minute to listen, “if you want to cum, you’ll need my permission.”
he finally seems to get what you’re trying to do, pathetically sighing as it clicks for him, “b-but how am i supposed to get permission if you’re asleep—?”
“shhh, puppy, that’s your own problem.”
yoo kihyun
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“(title),” he almost whines, catching your attention. he’s never that outright with calling you that, always waiting until you force it out of him to cave, so you were already intrigued. he comes up to you, tiredly resting his head against your shoulder as you gently wrap your arms around him.
so you ask, “is everything alright, ki?”
“i’m—“ he yawns, “— needy. please take care of me,” you immediately get him on the bed, touching him enough to keep him from complaining as you curl up behind him to make him more comfortable.
“cum whenever you want, baby, don’t think too hard about anything other than me, okay?”
chae hyungwon
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“you’re so cruel, you know that?” he breathes, his expression so strained it makes you want to giggle. he was tired before, but now he’s wide awake as you rest in his arms, sitting completely still with him inside, not letting him move either.
“poor baby, are you needy? you want me to ride your dick until you can’t see straight, pleasure you until it’s too much and you're crying in pain?” he groans at your words, nodding with shut eyes and a tremble in his breaths, “well, that’s too bad, i don’t really feel like it. try to get some sleep, angel, i’ll get you off real nice and hard in the morning if you’re good.”
“god i hate you sometimes,” he whispers mostly to himself as you doze off with a smirk.
“oh, you love it. don’t lie to me.”
lee jooheon
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he was so cute when he slept, it’s such a shame he’d never get to know what it’s like to gaze at his pretty face all night.
what it’s like to play with his hair and hear his soft little moans and content, slow breathes.
what it’s like to see him drift in and out of consciousness as you touch him throughout the night, forcing your way into his dreams, making his body so needy it can’t help but imagine in his dreams all the ways you could ruin him.
what it’s like to bring him to the edge without him even consciously knowing it.
frankly, it’s a shame he doesn’t get to watch any of it through your eyes.
im changkyun/i.m
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“leave the handcuffs,” he whispers as you clean him up and reach to free him.
you’re left a bit stunned at his request, blinking confusedly, “what? you what to be handcuffed to the bed while we sleep? what if you need to get up or something happens—?”
“it makes me feel good, like i truly belong to you,” his eyes shimmer differently in the moonlight, still puffy from his crying but so full of love that you can’t help but adore him.
“alright, but i’ll leave the key on the nightstand in case you need out of them and can’t wake me up, okay?” you make sure to tell him before giving in and letting him rest with his left hand still above his head, handcuffed to the headboard, “sleep well, my prince.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @feelslikelove @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @baa-nana @foenixs @sunflowerkeen @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies
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xbaepsae · 4 years
prove it (m)
“How could he not see how this was all affecting you? Why didn’t he realize you needed him to be present in your life? But as much as you needed him to be one hundred percent here for you, a part of you would just rather have him one hundred percent gone.”
[boyfriend!jeongguk x girlfriend!reader]
genre: estranged relationship!au, smut, some angst
word count: 4.9k
rating: mature
warnings: mutual masturbation, jealousy, language
a/n: this is another reupload! i went back and reread this and, honestly, it’s not too shabby. granted, it’s not that complex, but i enjoyed writing this estranged relationship between jk and the reader. kind of want to write a follow up. let me know lol. xoxo
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Long distance relationships suck.
Even for the strongest of people, separation is never easy. Ideally, everyone wants to believe that not being with the person they love all the time isn’t a big deal. However, after a while, there are different factors that cause major stress in a relationship.
There’s a lack of communication sometimes; you can’t physically see them often, so you resort to the basic text and phone call. Still, it’s not the same. Seeing someone through a phone is vastly different than physically being with them. There’s a lack of intimacy too; no holding hands, late night cuddles. Your toys and hands can only do so much, unfortunately.
Being long distance wasn’t always the case for you and Jeongguk, but it became a reality when you both decided to attend different universities.
Early in your relationship, you both avoided talks about the future. In the back of your mind, you already knew that you both had different plans for college. But you didn’t want to admit it out loud—not even to him.
A part of you was afraid about the longevity of your relationship. Most long-distance relationships, and even more so with high school relationships, don’t really make it. But you loved Jeongguk; you don’t think you’ll ever be able to love anyone else as much. As cheesy as it may sound, he’s your other half. You knew that there were others out there, but you didn’t want anyone else.
“You’ll call me every day, yeah?” you asked him the day you both graduated.
“Of course,” he caressed your arm. “Every day.”
The first semester at college, you both talked nearly every day. And you were happy; so happy that despite the distance, not much had changed. Even with your different schedules, you both still made time for each other. You both even visited each other—you went to see him during Halloween, and he surprised you before your finals.
But of course, life gets in the way.
After the first winter break, the communication between you two dwindled. And after that first summer, everything changed. Even when you both did happen to be home, you barely had the time to talk let alone hang out. You found out more about Jeongguk’s life from his Instagram account than you did directly from him. Every time you scrolled onto his page, countless pictures of him partying and hanging out with his friends filled your screen—and yet, no time to give you a quick phone call. It was frustrating.
You considered calling it quits multiple times—what is the use of being with someone if you both don’t act like a couple? It was so bad; you couldn’t even remember the last time you two were in the same room. But every time you brought up the issue, Jeongguk did some redeemable act and you forgave him instantly.
It seemed to be a never-ending cycle.
And now, even though you both were well into your third year in college, Jeongguk was still tethering you on a string. How could he not see how this was all affecting you? Why didn’t he realize you needed him to be present in your life? But as much as you needed him to be one hundred percent here for you, a part of you would just rather have him one hundred percent gone.
3:14 PM | Jeongguk: I’ll call you later
3:15 PM | You: for real?
You watched the text bubble pop up for a few seconds before disappearing. And when it disappears, it doesn’t pop up again. A sigh leaves your mouth as you drop your phone onto the table.
“Are you texting him?”
Looking up, you make eye contact with your friend Taehyung. “Yeah…”
“And?” Taehyung prompts you to finish your sentence.
“And…he said he’ll call me later,” you say, “but these types of texts from Jeongguk are pointless and disappointing.”
You met Taehyung your first year at college, and immediately hit it off. You helped him with his math homework, and he paid you back by listening to all of your Jeongguk drama. Sometimes you wished you could fall for Taehyung—a relationship with him was bound to be easier than the one you had right now—but he was already in a deeply committed relationship with the cute librarian assistant, Jimin.
“I mean, at least he texted you, right?” your friend attempts to make you feel better, but you feel anything but that.
“I guess.”
“Well don’t be too hard on yourself, buttercup,” Taehyung smiles, “because today is not the day to be down in the dumps!”
Half the time, you have no idea what the words that came out of his mouth even mean. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you remember?” You have no idea. “It’s Hoseok’s birthday tonight!”
After a few moments, the gears in your head begin moving and you remember Taehyung mentioning something about it last week. You aren’t really close with Hoseok though; he’s Taehyung’s friend and a member of the soccer team, so it slipped your mind.
You have only chatted with Hoseok twice; once was at a party freshman year and you were wasted, and the second was in line for coffee at Starbucks; but you were pretty sure he had no idea who you were. “But I don’t really even know him.”
“Y/n, he doesn’t care who comes; hell, I think he invited the entire school. Besides, I already told him that you’re my plus one since Jimin can’t make it.”
Even though it was a Friday, you were not in the mood to do anything. All you wanted was to return back to your apartment and sleep until Monday rolled around. “Tae…”
“It’ll take your mind off of Jeongguk,” he says in a sing-song voice.
And he’s right—it will be a distraction from your issues in the love department. You think about it for a moment before deciding to hell with it; you’re going to allow yourself to enjoy tonight. “Okay fine, I’ll go.”
Taehyung gets up in that moment and engulfs you in a hug, which attracts the stares of many people in the room. “Thanks y/n!”
“I think you can let me go now,” you pat his back and he lets you go with an airy oh.
“Okay, well, I’ll swing by your place at around seven and then we’ll goooooo!”
You laugh at his enthusiasm and bid your friend goodbye as you both leave. You’re pretty sure Taehyung has a class, but he’s going the opposite direction…so you’re not sure what he’s doing. But you don’t think too much about it and make it back to your apartment. There, you greet your roommate, Nana.
“Hey, girl hey,” she smiles, and you’re struck once again by how pretty she is.
You and Nana have been roommates since you both started going to school here. Most people don’t end up living with their first roommate their entire stay at college, but you both got along well and there has never been a problem. Also, you two just knew too much about each other’s living habits at this point to live with other people.
“Hi,” you smile back, setting your things down before falling down onto the couch beside her.
“So, how was your day?”
Since you both are juniors and have busy schedules, it seems like you never really get to see each other. Which sucks because you honestly consider Nana to be your best friend, besides Taehyung of course.
“It’s been okay,” you begin, “I barely passed my exam in history and managed to turn in my paper for lit right before the deadline…and Jeongguk texted me.”
“Jeongguk texted you?” she only seems to pick up the last bit you said.
“Yep,” you pop the end of the word.
“How’d that go?”
You give her a look, “Horrible.”
Nana gives you a sympathetic smile, “Sorry boo that you have such a shitty boyfriend.”
“He’s not shitty…he’s just…” you try to get the words out about how loving Jeongguk really is, but your mind fails you. Maybe she’s right. “Okay, maybe he is being a little shit right now.”
“You know, I really liked Jeongguk when I first met him,” your roommate says. “But then he just stopped coming to see you.”
You sigh and burry your head into a pillow, “I know.”
“What did he even text you about?”
“He said that he’ll call or whatever—but I’m not even sure if he’s serious, or just messing with me,” you lift your head up. “Do you know that we haven’t talked since school started again?”
Nana gasps, “That was almost two months ago.”
“Y/n!” she screams your name. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m actually going crazy, Nana,” you feel defeated; what kind of relationship is this? “But maybe tonight will get this shit off my mind.”
“What are you doing tonight?” she asks.
You explain how Taehyung has basically dragged you to Hoseok’s birthday party and even though you don’t want to go that much, you need to forget about Jeongguk for one night. Nana thankfully agrees with you. She even says that you can borrow one of her dresses since you don’t, in her words, own anything nice.
“Wow are you saying I have no style?” you pretend to be hurt.
“I’m saying you don’t have clothes appropriate for nights like these,” Nana laughs and tells you to follow her to her closet.
When you walk into her room and open her closet—you let her have the bigger closet because she has more clothes than you anyway—you’re not surprised to see a variety of mini skirts and dresses. Nana definitely goes out more than you ever do and proclaims that she can never wear the same outfit twice. “What shall we put you in?”
You shrug, “I’m down to wear anything.”
But maybe you’re giving Nana too much free reign because as she begins to dig through her closet, she pulls out the most revealing dress you’ve ever seen. She tosses it you before you can blink and demands that you have to wear it.
You nearly fall over from the force of the dress, but somehow manage to catch it. Pulling it away from your body, you immediately begin to shake your head. There was no way in hell you can go out in public like this—you don’t even want to wear it in the safety of your apartment. The dress is black with a plunging back and an equally plunging front. And with its short length, it leaves nothing to the imagination. “Hell no.”
“Come on, y/n!” Nana whines, mouth dropping when you fling the dress onto the floor. “This dress will look so good on you!”
“I don’t think anyone can wear this dress,” you frown as she hands you the dress again.
Your roommate rolls her eyes, “Please—I wore this! And I got a ton of male attention that night…you will too.”
But you don’t want the attention of multiple guys, just want the attention of one. “I don’t know, Nana. I’m not one to wear this kind of stuff…”
“Just this one time! Trust me.”
And even though you’re completely out of your element, you succumb to Nana’s demands and trudge into the closet to try the dress on. You let your clothes fall onto the carpeted floor and slip the revealing dress on. Surprisingly, even though you and Nana aren’t necessarily the same size, the dress seems to fit; you just hope all your precious body parts aren’t hanging out on full display.
When you step out for your roommate to see the dress, her jaw drops, and she lets out the loudest ear piercing scream you’ve ever heard. It’s so loud, you’re positive the neighbors heard it.
“Oh my god, y/n! You look so fucking good,” she pushes you towards her full-length mirror and the air seems to leave your lungs.
“I…” you’re at a loss for words, “I…actually like it?”
Nana screams again and proceeds to hug you, but you can’t stop staring at the mirror. You hated the way the dress looked on the hanger; now, is it crazy for you to say it makes you feel like a bad bitch? It feels like you can conquer the world.
“I told you!” Nana exclaims. “God—you look so good; you can just keep the dress after this. I don’t think I could ever wear it again after you just slayed my existence.”
“Okay, you’re just being dramatic at this point.”
“But no seriously, you look amazing and fucking Jeon Jeongguk is missing out,” she says hugging you again. “Can I do your hair and makeup?”
A few hours later, the doorbell rings as you slip your shoes on. Nana runs to answer the door and you smile as Taehyung walks in. The moment his eyes land on you, he stops in his tracks and brings a hand up to his mouth. “Y/n?”
“Don’t look so shocked,” you roll your eyes.
“Who are you and what did you do with y/n?” he runs up to you, inspecting your body from head to toe. “Who knew you had this side in you?”
“You can thank me for that,” Nana slides beside you, offering a bright smile.
After a little convincing, you managed to bribe Nana in coming out tonight too. Your main argument for making her go out too is that you needed someone to last the night with. Even though you are technically Taehyung’s date, he never stays out long and you didn’t want to be left alone with Hoseok and his friends. And you promised that all the drinks were on you, which made her agree in a heartbeat.
“I’m actually blown away,” Taehyung rubs his eyes.
You feel a bit of pride flare up inside of you; if your friends were already so blown away, you can only imagine the reactions from other people.
“You guys are so nice,” you smile before Taehyung makes it known that you all have to go before the party begins.
The three of you hop into his car as he drives to the place where Hoseok’s hosting his party. It’s at a local bar just down the street from school and when you get there, you see a huge sign with the words ‘Happy Birthday Hoseok’ in bold letters. Well, that’s one way to let everyone know. As Taehyung parks, you realize just how many people are here; birthday boy must’ve really invited everyone.
Walking inside the bar, Hoseok stands front and center and immediately greets you guys.
“Taehyung!” he excitedly says, a bright smile om his face. “Glad you could make it.”
The two of them shake hands before Taehyung wishes him a happy birthday and points to you, “You know y/n and Nana, right?”
“Of course,” Hoseok turns to you and immediately takes in your appearance. You notice his eyes widen at your dress before they meet your gaze. “Glad you guys could make it.”
You redden under his heated look as he reaches a hand out and you return the favor by extending your own too. Taehyung quickly suggests that you all take a picture together before the night gets too crazy and Nana forces you beside Hoseok. You give her a wide-eyed look, but she just smiles. You offer your phone to someone nearby and they tell you four to get into position.
The phone camera flashes while you offer your biggest smile. A few more flashes go off before the phone gets passed back in your direction. You swipe through the pictures, because one is simply not sufficient, and are pleasantly pleased with yourself. You have to admit it, you look pretty good.
“Damn, y/n!” Nana brings the attention to you and everyone begins to ask to see the pictures. But before Nana can pass your phone around, Hoseok tells you that he has to attend to the rest of his guests. At that, you quickly send everyone the pictures.
“I’ll catch you later?” he asks, and you realize he’s talking to you. Heat creeps up your face as you reply with a tentative sure and watch Hoseok walk away.
The moment he’s out of sight, Taehyung and Nana turn to you simultaneously saying that he definitely likes you. And while you’re flattered by the attention, you’re not interested. So you just brush your friends off and walk deeper into the bar. You order the three of you drinks and look at the pictures again.
“I think you should post the pictures,” Nana says sipping her drink.
You raise a brow, “Why?”
“Because you look good,” she talks like it’s the most obvious thing ever.
“Isn’t it a bit scandalous?”
“No?” Taehyung’s words come out like a question. “I’m posting one of these too.”
“Yeah but it’s normal for you to post stuff like this.” You honestly aren’t one to post suggestive pictures. Your feed is rather plain and simple. Also, you don’t party much either so might just look weird, or are you thinking way too much about this?
“Maybe it will elicit a reaction from that boyfriend of yours.”
Your ears perk up at Nana’s words. “I don’t think he even checks my social media…”
She raises a brow, “Girl, all men check their girls social accounts whether they like to admit it or not. Besides, he posted up pics with his boys earlier…why can’t you?”
She has a point. As the two of you were getting ready before, you scrolled through Jeongguk’s profile and saw that he posted a picture from last night. And it was the same pictures he was always posting—him and his friends with those damn red solo cups. If Jeongguk can post pictures of him at parties, why can’t you?
And at the end of the day, they are just pictures—completely harmless. You quickly scroll through the pictures again and pick the one that you look best in. After editing the picture and adding a witty caption, you press post. As you watch the page load, your heart races. Soon, a text bubble pops up signaling that the picture has been posted and you internally scream.
“Did you do it?” Nana asks, looking over your shoulder.
All you can do is nod and shove your phone away from you. “Can we just forget I did that?”
Taehyung and Nana don’t need to be told twice before ordering a round of shots for you, which you down without a fight.
As the night progresses, you actually do forget that you posted the picture.
With your phone on silent and your body a little more than slightly buzzed, you let the music and atmosphere of the bar take you away. By this point, you aren’t sure what time it is or where Taehyung went. You’re betting that he already left, but you’re too absentminded to really care right now. Beside you is Nana, but she’s rather preoccupied with a guy.
You try to grab her attention, to let her know that you need to run to the bathroom, but it’s fruitless so you just leave. In the bathroom, you push open a stall and let out a cry when your phone falls and narrowly misses the toilet. Thank god. Picking up the phone, you suddenly realize how many unread messages and missed phones you actually have…and they’re all from Jeongguk. You briefly run over the messages and see that he’s been leaving message after message for you to call him.
As if the ten missed calls weren’t enough.
Quickly doing your business, you run out of the bathroom and tell Nana that you need to go back to the apartment. But instead of the both of you leaving, she tells you that she’s more than likely not coming back tonight, and you catch the look in her eyes. Before calling an Uber back, you make her promise to text you and then you’re off.
The moment you step through the threshold of your place, you call him. And surprisingly enough, he answers on the first ring.
“Y/n.” As much as you hate to admit it, you’ve missed his voice.
“Hello to you, too,” you dismiss such defeating thoughts and try to remember your anger towards him.
On the other side of the phone, he sighs, “Where are you?”
“At home,” you tell him, kicking off your heels and walking into your bedroom.
“I see…” he says. “So, you’re not out at a party? I saw the picture you posted.”
You release a deep breath. So that’s what this phone call is about.
“Did you just call to chew me out?” you fall onto your bed. “Because if that’s the case, I don’t want to hear it.”
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Why the fuck do even you care?” you retort. “I see you partying every week too, and do I make a big deal out of it? No. You’re such a hypocrite.”
Jeongguk is quiet for a moment. He’s so quiet you almost think he’s hung up on you, but before you can say anything else, he asks, “Are you still at the party?”
You roll your eyes, “I told you I’m at home already.”
“Prove it,” he says.
You don’t even know what he’s asking for. How are you supposed to prove you were at your apartment? “What?”
“Skype me.” Oh.
“Isn’t it a little late,” you say, peering at the clock on your wall that reads a little after midnight. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
Even though you’re angry at Jeongguk ninety-five percent of the time, that doesn’t mean you don’t care to know what goes on in his life. You know that he has practice every Saturday morning and if he doesn’t sleep, he’ll be a cranky little baby.
“Practice is cancelled tomorrow.” It’s like he’s read your mind or something. And after much contemplating, you tell him you’ll skype him.
Grabbing your laptop from the floor, you can’t deny the anxious excitement you feel. You also can’t deny the fact that you miss Jeongguk desperately, even though he can be an asshole. It’s honestly been so long and you want nothing more than to see his face again. Logging onto your skype account, you click on his little icon and watch as the screen begins to make a call. As it loads and connects, you situate your laptop away from you.
And the moment Jeongguk appears on your screen, you feel an array of emotions. He’s in his room, you can tell from his blue pillows and the posters that line the wall behind him. A part of you wants to cry as dumb as it sounds; it just feels like you haven’t seen him in so long. Your eyes run over the softness of his features before meeting his piercing gaze.
“Hey,” you offer a half-smile.
“So,” you clear your throat, “as you can see, I am at home…in my room.”
He nods, not looking away from you, “Sorry for doubting you. That picture…just really fucked me up.”
“Why?” you question, shifting your position.
“First of all, you look fucking amazing in that dress,” Jeongguk smirks and you remember that you’re still in Nana’s revealing dress, face heating up. “Second, that guy’s hand on your body was literally too much.”
You’re not sure what he’s talking about, so you look back at the picture and notice that Hoseok’s hand was wrapped rather tightly your waist. “I didn’t even realize.”
“No, I’m serious,” you look back at Jeongguk. “I barely know the guy. It was his birthday tonight and Taehyung invited me.”
“And you still let him put his hands all over you?” he asks.
Why is he getting so angry about the picture? It was just a photo. Never in all the years you two have been together has he ever been like this. Is he jealous? You haven’t thought to pin him as the jealous type, but perhaps it’s finally showing.
“Are you jealous?” you narrow your eyes as his own widen.
“Of course not,” he brushes you off. “I just don’t like it when guys put their hands all over other people’s girlfriends.”
He’s totally jealous and your heart begins to warm at his words. “I’m your girlfriend?”
You’re teasing him and he doesn’t seem to catch on. “Are you not?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “Doesn’t really seem like it sometimes. I mean, you never call me. Aren’t people supposed to call their girlfriends? And I just feel neglected, you know? Like you’re living a completely different life from me—like we’re not even dating.”
“I’m sorry,” he immediately says, wetting his bottom lip. “I just—I’ve gotten caught up with life lately. I mean it when I say I’m going to call, because I really want to, but it doesn’t always happen.”
You’re a bit shocked at his apologetic confession because you were not expecting it. Jeongguk is not usually the one in your relationship to cave in first; you’re usually the one who comes running to him. Maybe he does still care about you in the same way he did all those years ago.
“You’re sorry?” you ask. “Prove it.”
His eyebrows raise at your repeated phrase. “What?”
“If you’re so sorry…show me.”
Where these words are coming from, you literally have no idea. While you cave in first, Jeongguk is way more forward about his intentions. It’s like your roles have switched and you strangely love it. His eyes stare into yours with so much intensity, it almost feels like he’s right here with you and not just on your laptop screen.
You wait for him to say something—do something; the anticipation of his actions have you squirming on your bed.
“Take off the dress,” he suddenly says, voice much lower than before.
Your insides clench as you raise your body to kneel on the bed and unzip the dress, letting it fall into a pile around your knees. Jeongguk lets out a deep breath as he takes in your smooth skin, body only covered by your flimsy underwear.
“I couldn’t wear a bra with the dress,” you smile at his reaction.
“Fuck, y/n,” he swears. “Take off the underwear and sit back on the bed. I want to see you.”
You oblige and fling your last item of clothing onto the floor. You’re about to do as Jeongguk wishes and lay back, but you stop. “I want to see you, too.”
His eyes darken as he pushes his laptop forward to reveal more of himself and peels the white t-shirt off his body. Your eyes drink in the muscles that adorns his body—god, it’s been so long since you’ve seen him like this. You’ve missed this all terribly. After chucking his skirt to the side, he pushes the waistband of his sweats down and reveals his already hard cock.
“Commando?” you smile, body heating up with desire. As you say this, he begins to slowly stroke himself and you swear that nothing hotter has ever graced your eyes.
“Lay back for me baby,” he whispers, and you follow his instructions, leaning back onto your headboard so you can still see him. “Touch that pretty pussy of yours for me.”
And you begin touching yourself, hands rubbing your sensitive clit. The first touch already has you moaning Jeongguk’s name. Fuck; you wish he was here with you right now. You wish it was him whose hands were touching you instead of your own. So you imagine his hands on your body instead and your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head.
“It feels so good,” you moan, watching your boyfriend as he moves his hand up and down his hard shaft. You can see the bit of pre-cum that has already leaked out of his head and you want nothing more than to lick it off. “Jeongguk…”
“You’re so hot,” he forces through clenched teeth. “Stick a finger inside baby. I want to see you fuck yourself.”
You do—you stick one and then another, pretending Jeongguk is actually entering you instead of your fingers. You start with a steady rhythm, slowly moving in and out before going a little faster. Jeongguk begins to match his pace with you and you feel yourself getting close. Your hips begin to buck up into your hands and your palm rubs against your sweet spot.
Sweat begins to bead along your forehead and you use your other hand to rub little circles into your clit again. “I’m so close.”
Jeongguk groans at the image he’s seeing, you desperate for relief. “Cum for me baby; I need you to cum, okay?”
And you can’t help it, you cry as your orgasm hits. It sends waves of pleasure throughout your body, causing your legs to shake. The entire time you ride the high, you’re saying Jeongguk’s name and it isn’t long before his own orgasm arrives. You watch as his face contorts, brows furrowed together and mouth slightly parted, and his load shoots onto his abdomen.
His dark hair is drenched in sweat, and chest rises and falls with each heavy breath. Jeongguk brushes his hair back and grabs his discarded t-shirt to wipe himself. You sit back up on the bed after you catch your own breath and brush your hair to the side.
“Thanks for that,” you tell him, and he laughs.
“Thank you, too,” Jeongguk smiles. “I needed that.”
“Same,” your eyes bore into his and silence passes between the two of you. You know this moment doesn’t change much; there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in your relationship. However, what you do know is that Jeongguk still cares and that give you hope. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you more.”
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lovelylusts · 4 years
Love & War || Min Yoongi
Pairing: Tsundere!Yoongi x Jung!Reader
Genre: College!AU, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Jiwoo is here but idk if her family still refers to her a Dawon so we’re just gonna call her Jiwoo, everyone is aged down by a few years bc college, Hoseok is a very weird brother but then again aren’t they all, Im Jinah/Nana and Jung Wheein make appearances as friends bc i’m a major simp, none of the cross-fandom ships represent actual ships and they’re there for p l o t, Vmin’s relationship is very vague but just know they act like an old married couple, I want a friend like Jungkook, AU where 2020 just didn’t happen mk, mentions of underaged drinking, actual drinking but legal this time, Dom!Yoongi, Sub!Reader, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), protected vaginal sex, biting, squirting
Remember that the whole “boys are mean to girls because they like them uwu” saying is not entirely true, and that this is fiction! If a guy is an ass to you, don’t automatically assume they have a crush on you, because they may just be an incel.
Word count: 6.5k
A/N: figured some of us could use a lil fic to get us in the holiday spirit! School has been a bit stressful for me, but now it’s Thanksgiving break, and it’s around this time that my family and i start planning Christmas and New Year’s. I didn’t really center this fic around Christmas bc not everything is abt Christmas, but New Year’s Eve is important to the fic! This was requested by @d-2-moonlight who wanted a tsundere!Yoongi fic! Hope you enjoy!
All is fair in love and war, and Min Yoongi, your older brother’s best friend, happens to use one as an excuse for the other.
You loved your older brother, Hoseok, to death - you really did - but you always had to find excuses to escape him when he had his best friend, Yoongi, over. He and Hoseok had been friends for as long as you could remember, and while you were glad he had such a close, life-long friend to confide with, you hated that such a friend hated you for seemingly no reason. He had never been that nice to you, mostly blatantly ignoring you or giving you one-word answers with no emotion behind them. Or, you would argue about who got to use the family room to watch movies or play video games, and Hoseok would always agree with him and override your quality alone time. Why could Hoseok never take your side?
But it had been quite a while since you had seen him - nearly three years. Last holiday season, he and his family had gone out of town on a joint-vacation with family friends, and coincidentally the family of his girlfriend; and you were pretty sure the year before that, they went on some cruise. Not that you cared, right?
You were aware that he and Hoseok were still close, evident by the constant Instagram posts on your brother’s spam account that showed their day-to-day lives on campus at the university they both attended. Because of course they’d go to the same college. ‘Soulmate shit,’ or whatever it is they say it is. You were aware that Yoongi had grown to be even more attractive than you remember him being last time you saw him in person, and you’re certain that the shitty-quality of the random photos weren’t doing him any justice.
It was now time for both you, Hoseok, and Jiwoo to all return home for the holidays, finally reunited after your stressful sophomore year fall term and Hoseok’s even more stressful senior year - Jiwoo was doing great, though, with her successful fashion line, and that served as big inspiration for you. But for now, you were stuck with your stressful art courses. Why did nobody ever tell me that art could be this stressful?
You went to school a few hours away from home, away from all of your family members, but you were excited to return back to your hometown and not only see your family, but also visit with your high school friends. While it was a lonely drive home, it was worth it seeing that some of your old neighborhood friends had awaited your arrival, waiting inside your home and conversing with Hoseok and your mother.
“She’s here!” you heard Wheein squeal as you opened the front door to your childhood home, seeing that virtually nothing about the house had changed since you were last home. Your two close friends ran to you before you could even put your bags down, and you found yourself nearly being tackled to the ground once they reached you.
“We missed you,” Jinah beamed, squishing your cheeks together. Not only were you the youngest, and therefore babied, by your family, but you were the youngest of your friends, meaning you were babied by them as well. Not that you minded, you missed being treated as such while you were off at school.
“I missed you guys, too,” you said, your voice laced with joy as you held your two friends, your bags long forgotten by the door. Your attention turned to your older brother as he neared you with his signature broad smile plastered on his face, and you smiled even wider upon seeing him. “Hey, Hoseok-oppa,” you greeted. “Sad how you weren’t able to reach your own baby sister before her friends could, huh, Mr. Athlete?”
He chuckled at your teasing, reaching out to ruffle your wind-frizzed hair. “I’m a dancer, not a track star,” he retorted. “Besides, I’ve known these two as long as you have, and they’re fucking vicious when it comes to you!”
“Hobi-hobi!” you heard from behind you. It was from a very familiar voice, who was using a very familiar nickname. A nickname that only one person in your life used. Jinah and Wheein pulled off of your body as you turned around, being met with the surprised gaze of none other than Yoongi. “Oh, it’s you,” he mumbled in an annoyed tone. “Long time, no see, Baby Jung.”
You narrowed your eyes at the nickname that Hoseok would call a ‘term of endearment,’ though you knew it was always a name Yoongi used to remind you of your place at the bottom of the Jung food chain as just a baby who needed to respect her elders. “Hello to you, too, Yoongi-oppa.”
Jinah and Wheein exchanged a glance, one that made it clear that they were very aware of how awkward these next few weeks would be now that you and Yoogi had been reunited, albeit against your will. Having grown up around your house, they knew of the unfair treatment you received from Yoongi, which obviously led to a silent hatred towards him from the two of them. Besides, they had interests in Hoseok’s other friends.
“Uh, do you wanna go get dinner tonight? Jimin and Taehyung both got here last night, and Jungkook should be in today!” Jinah said, pulling your attention away from the two seniors. “Also, we need to go shopping for Taehyung’s birthday! Jimin will keep him busy tomorrow while Jungkook comes with us,” she explained.
You nod enthusiastically, excited to finally spend some time with all of your close friends after such a long time without seeing them. You were aware that Jiwoo wouldn’t be in town until Christmas Eve due to her work schedule, meaning your parents wouldn’t mind you going out with friends because they were prioritizing a full-family day together. “Yeah, that sounds great! Same spot as usual?”
“You know it,” Wheein exclaimed with a wide smile spread across her face. “We’re planning on meeting at six, if that works for you?”
“Yeah, definitely.” With that, both girls left to go to their respective homes to visit more with their families and settle in, and you turned your attention back to see Hoseok and Yoongi in the kitchen grabbing various foodstuffs and beverages. “What are you guys up to?”
“We’re gonna have Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon over to help them plan their New Year’s Party,” Hoseok explained as he rummaged through the pantry, scouring for whatever chips or candies he could find, as Yoongi grabbed a case of beers from the refrigerator. You looked over at Yoongi, who’s gaze met yours with the same stoic face you had grown accustomed to seeing every time he was around you - odd, because he seemed to enjoy your friends’ company more than your own, his best friend’s little sister.
“Can I help?” you offered. Maybe you could make Yoongi like having you around. Sounds simple enough! Or so you thought.
“This isn’t a party for babies,” Yoongi grumbled with a bitter tone, not daring to make eye contact with you as he passed you to grab a bottle opener from the other side of the kitchen.
You narrowed your eyes at him, not fully comprehending that he had the audacity to say such a thing to you. “You realize I’m only two years younger than you guys, right?”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen you try to drink. You’re such a lightweight, it’s embarrassing,” he chuckled darkly. You snapped your head over to look at Hoseok, who was very clearly trying not to laugh at his friend’s insults.
Some fucking brother you are.
“That’s a lot of talk from someone who can’t stand being around me for longer than a goddamn minute,” you shouted at Yoongi. “Forget it, I’ll just spend New Year’s Eve with people that actually want me around.” You left the kitchen swiftly, grabbing your bags that were still set down by the front door from your arrival, and you hauled them up the stairs to your room.
Your room was just as you left it the last time you were home during the summer, some of the books on the shelf by the door collecting dust from not being touched in God knows how long, along with some snow globes and picture frames filled with pictures of your friends and family. You smiled as you saw one of your favorite pictures - a picture of your group of friends, as well as some of Hoseok’s and Jiwoo’s own friends, on New Year’s Eve during your junior year of high school. That night was the only time you could remember Yoongi being nice to you, though both of you had had quite a bit to drink that night. He had kissed you that night as a dare from Taehyung, who thought he was doing both of you a favor by making you both realize that there wasn’t just hatred between you two, but his effort was deemed futile. The next time you saw Yoongi, he yelled at you, berating you for being a liar and trying to trick him because you thought he was stupid for getting so wasted. You weren’t sure why you loved that picture so much, seeing as it was a reminder of so much pain - maybe it was because nearly all of the most important people in your life were in it, or maybe it was because you had the best kiss of your life that night.
The rest of your afternoon was spent unpacking your belongings, filling the space in your nearly empty closet, which had many old clothes that held sentimental value, such as your senior prom dress, and your old school uniform. Once the small, glow-in-the-dark digital clock on your nightstand read 5:30, you figured it was time to leave for the night, for a fun night with your best friends awaited you. You skipped down the stairs, hearing the familiar laughs of Seokjin and Namjoon; and luckily for you, they were two of Hoseok’s friends that genuinely loved you.
“Hoseok-oppa,” you sang as you entered the living room. “I’m leaving now, I’ll be back later tonight.”
“Aw, you don’t wanna stay and help us plan the party?” Namjoon offered with a warm smile. Ever since Hoseok met him in middle school, Namjoon had always been super sweet to you. Much to Yoongi’s dismay, he always tried to include you, whether it be discreetly saving a few slices of pizza for you, or letting you be his backseat gamer during Mario Kart sessions with the boys. Hoseok had said before that Namjoon had always viewed you as a little sister - odd coming from him, considering he never stopped Yoongi from acting in the complete opposite manner of Namjoon. 
You glanced over at Yoongi, who just grumbled, sighed to himself, and rolled his eyes, clearly not fond of how his other friends tried to include you in stuff. “I’d love to,” you started, briefly flicking your gaze to Yoongi, narrowing your eyes as him for a split second before redirecting yourself to look at Namjoon. “But I’m meeting up with my friends for dinner. Haven’t seen any of them since the summer.”
“Why don’t you invite them to the New Year’s Party. That small one we had a few years ago was super fun!” Seokjin said. Seokjin, who Hoseok had known since his later high school years, was similar to Namjoon in the sense that he tried to treat you fairly, inviting you to eat with them and he even bought you little stuffed animals or figurines as Christmas or birthday gifts. You really wished that Yoongi could be more like him and Namjoon.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi’s face drop at the mention of the New Year’s Eve party - you both knew that Seokjin was talking about the one from three years prior, the night the photo in your room was taken. “You guys plan it first, then I’ll ask them,” you conceded. “Now, I gotta get going. See you guys later.”
Upon arriving at the usual restaurant, a small seafood place that was close to the high school you all used to attend, you saw Jungkook and Jinah waiting by the front door for you, their eyes lighting up upon seeing you approaching.
“Jungkookie-oppa!” you exclaimed as you neared them, throwing your arms around him, nearly knocking the air out of his lungs upon the impact of your intense hug. “I missed you!”
“Missed you, too,” he chuckled, finally returning the tight hug you had surprised him with. “The others are inside waiting for us.” You simultaneously let go of each other, and you both followed Jinah into the crowded restaurant, letting her lead the way to the circular table in the back corner by a nearly empty lobster tank, where Taehyung, Jimin, and Wheein were waiting. 
Taehyung and Jimin, the infamous chaotic duo that they were, nearly knocked over their respective glasses of water from how quickly they shot up from their seats once they saw you, both of them rushing over to you to engulf you in a hug, sandwiching you between them.
“How’ve you guys been?” you asked them, your voice muffled due to the fact you were enclosed by their bodies.
“This semester totally kicked my ass,” Jimin grumbled. “But I’m just glad to be reunited with my bitches.”
“Excuse me” Taehyung interjected. “I think I’m the only dom h-” Taehyung’s snarking remark was interrupted with a huff that followed the sound of impact, seemingly from Jimin slapping him on the arm. “You hate me because I’m right!”
“Can you let go of me now?” you asked with frustration, attempting to push the two boys away from your body, whining. “I’m hungry.” All six of you took your spots at the table, you found yourself seated between Wheein and Jungkook, with Jimin across from you, and a waiter soon came by to take drink orders.
“So, Hoseok and his friends are throwing a New Year’s Eve party,” you remarked once the waiter left towards the bar to bring the six bottles of soju. “They told me to invite you guys. I don’t know how big it’s gonna be, or where, for that matter.”
“Is Yoongi-hyung gonna be there?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone, raising his eyebrows at you with a mischievous smirk taking over his plush lips.
“Oppa, I will kill you. That is both a threat and a promise,” you said with a slight snarl. All of your close friends were very aware of the kiss that a very drunk you and a very drunk Yoongi shared three years prior, and they were equally aware of how crushed you were once Yoongi returned to his normal asshole antics. “He doesn’t feel that way towards me, you know that. He can hardly stand being around me. I’m not going to the party for him; I’m going because Seokjin-oppa invited us. Besides, they’re still planning it.”
“Have you ever, I don’t know, asked him why he dislikes you so much?” Jungkook asked, not looking up from the menu as he spoke.
“That’s such a weird thing to ask, though,” you whined. “Imagine if someone went up to you and asked you ‘hey, I’ve known you for most of my life and you still act like I’m the bain of your existence, why is that?’ It’s so odd!”
“I agree with Jungkook,” Wheein said. “You should try to talk to him. At least so you can know why he’s so cold towards you.”
“Asking him would require that he actually wants to talk to me, and he definitely doesn’t.” Your friends were treating your complex relationship with Yoongi as something that could so easily be solved, yet you knew it wasn’t that simple in the slightest. Although you had known these friends for many years, they never seemed to fully understand everything that happened and continued to happen in your time knowing Yoongi. “We’ll just see how the party goes, I guess. Besides, Jinah-unni,” you said, changing the subject to aim your friends’ teasing towards somebody else. “Since Seokjinnie-oppa invited us… are you finally gonna try to talk to him?”
Jinah’s face immediately reddened at your question, her eyes shifting around the table as she choked on her own words. “I… I mean, I want to. I just get so nervous around him. I feel like he’d want to date someone closer to his age. I don’t know, I just don’t wanna be disappointed.
“You should definitely talk to him at the party,” said Wheein. “Maybe even get a New Year’s kiss!”
“Shut up!” Jinah exclaimed with a glare. “You all are awful.”
“Yes, but you love us anyway,” said Taehyung through a chuckle. “Now, what are we gonna do for my birthday?”
The first two weeks of your winter vacation went by quickly, having spent most of it with your high school friends, and your family upon Jiwoo’s arrival. You spent the early half of Christmas Eve exchanging gifts with friends and watching cheesy holiday movies, and then spent the evening and Christmas Day with your immediate family. Taehyung’s birthday party was fun as well, all six of you getting immensely wasted (and maybe Taehyung and Jimin making out, but that’s neither here nor there). You were having the time of your life - and then it was December 31st.
You stared in the mirror, nervously checking over the outfit you picked out for the party as Wheein did Jinah’s makeup on your bed, various palettes, makeup brushes, and product tubes laid out on the fluffy comforter as she carefully worked. The party would be at Seokjin’s family’s house, seeing as it was the largest house of the four party planners, and his parents gladly (or so Seokjin says) gave up the space to their son.
“You look great!” Wheein reassured you as she watched you check over your appearance in the mirror. “Who knows? You might meet someone nice tonight,” she suggested.
“Maybe,” you mumbled. “Jinah-unnie? Are you actually gonna try to talk to Seokjin-oppa tonight?” You needed to talk about something else, anything else, to keep your mind off of Yoongi. You were terrified of seeing him tonight, the third anniversary of the moment you’d rather forget. What if it happened again? What if he snapped at you in front of everyone?
What if he went the rest of his life ignoring you?
“I think I will,” she said with a smile audible in her voice. “I really like him… and if I get rejected, we don’t go to school in the same city, so I don’t have to ever see him again and relive the shame,” she cheered ironically, trying to make light of her nerves.
“I’m sure he’ll give you a try,” Wheein insisted. “Who wouldn’t want you, unnie? If he turns you down, I’m sure there’s plenty of better men out there for you.”
Although you were invested in the conversation, the nerves were still eating away at you. Even as the three of you picked up Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, even as you arrived at Seokjin’s large, crowded house, even as you took the first tip of the concoction you had your brother surprise you with - you still felt every ounce of nervousness. You compulsively looked around at your surroundings, scouring for Yoongi - so you could try to avoid him, or try to make conversation with him, you weren’t entirely sure yet - but you were only met with some people you recognized from high school, as well as many strangers.
Your friends, save for Jungkook, eventually dispersed - Wheein started talking to some random cute guy she spotted, Jimin went to go do body shots, Taehyung was hitting up an old high school crush, and Jinah finally found the courage to talk to Seokjin. Jungkook knew how nervous you felt at the moment, so he decided to stay with you and talk about random subjects to help calm your nerves until you found Yoongi.
You didn’t have to wait long, however, because pretty soon you saw him approaching you and Jungkook with a wide smile, a soju bottle in hand. “Heyyyyyyy,” he greeted with a slight slur. “You guys having fun?”
You and Jungkook exchanged a brief look of confusion before nodding at his question with awkward smiles. “Hey, uh, Yoongi-oppa… can I talk to you? Alone?”
“Yeah, of course!” he said, taking your hand and dragging you through crowds of college students towards the nearly empty backyard. You were able to turn around for a split second, shooting Jungkook a thumbs up before following closely behind Yoongi. “What’d you wanna talk to me about?”
“I… why are you being so nice to me right now? Why are you only nice to me when you’re drunk?” you asked him, your voice shaky.
“All you ever do is ignore me or make fun of me and call me a baby. You’ve done that since we were kids. The only times you’ve ever been nice to me are right now and three years ago when you kissed me! And even then, you didn’t remember and said I was making shit up. It fucking hurts Yoongi. I’ve tried so hard to be nice to you, and all you do is shut me down. Why? Why can’t you at least try to be nice to me?” The words spilled out of you, practically unfiltered, tears welling in your eyes as the alcohol in your system made you hyper-emotional.
He blinked, his face void of emotion as he took in everything you just said. The realization hit him all at once, sadness overtaking his face. “I… I’m really sorry.”
“That doesn’t answer my damn question, Yoongi-oppa.”
“Because… I really like you. And I thought you wouldn’t like me because I’m your older brother’s best friend. Wanted to make it easier on myself.”
Your sadness was immediately overtaken by anger. His feelings for you didn’t even matter now that he had confessed his shitty reasoning. “Are you fucking kidding me? You asshole,” you exclaimed at him, watching as he winced at your reaction. “I’ve liked you for years and you made me thinking you fucking hated me. Go fuck yourself, oppa.”
You made your way inside, not looking back and in desperate search to find any of your friends. You found Jinah still talking to Seokjin (seemingly less awkward and nervous than before), Wheein was dancing with some of her other friends from high school, and you found your three boys at the bar together. Their eyes lit up as they saw you approaching, but Jungkook noticed your negative demeanor and rushed over to you.
“It didn’t go well, did it?” he asked with a downturned tone. You shook your head, leaning against Jungkook’s body to bring him into a much-needed hug, nearly breaking down as you felt his arms wrap around you. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“I don’t wanna ruin your fun. Stay here, I’ll call a cab,” you insisted. You were about to leave by yourself, but you felt Jungkook grab onto your hand. You turned to face him, and you were met with his warm-hearted smile.
“I’m going with you. I’m not having much fun here, anyway,” he said, flashing his teeth, before turning back to Jimin and Taehyung to let them know that you were both leaving and that you’d explain later if you felt comfortable.
It was a short, quiet ride back to your house; he softly held your hand in the back of the cab, this thumb stroking your cold skin. There were no words between you two, neither of you wanting to have such an important talk with a complete stranger in the driver’s seat; but as soon as you got home to your empty house, you broke down.
“He said he likes me,” you said. “And he didn’t want to get hurt so he pushed me away.”
Jungkook’s facial expressions changed from concerned to annoyed in an instant. “Are you serious? What an ass.” He pulled you into your nth supportive hug of the night. “Fuck him. There’s plenty of better guys out there who won’t treat you like shit just because they like you.”
So you tried to forget about Min Yoongi. You spent the rest of your time at home with your friends, finding any excuse you could to spend time away from home when Yoongi was there hanging out with Hoseok; and you went back to school without talking to him again - letting go of him hurt a lot, but you supposed it didn’t hurt as much as him acting like he hated you for years to mask his feelings. You tried to find boys on your campus to get your mind off of him, many one-night stands following dorm parties, and maybe a few dates here and there, but there was never a spark with any of them. Maybe I’m just destined to be alone and own a hoard of cats. Yeah, that sounds nice. Luckily for you, you didn’t have to see Yoongi over Spring Break because your close friends whisked you away for a week-long trip to Tokyo, Japan to sight-see and get lost in the bright night-life. But when you had finally let go, you just had to see him when you went home for the summer.
You nearly broke down upon seeing him in the living room of your house the night that Hoseok arrived at home, the boys ready to spend their last summer together before entering the real world. He had seen you coming down the stairs, grabbing your shoes from their location near the door, a pang of sadness hitting him as the hazy memories of the New Year’s Eve party that occurred many months prior.
“Y/N?” Yoongi called out to you, though you ignored him, much like he had done to you for the many years he had known you, casually continuing to lace up your sneakers. “Jung!”
“Fuck off,” you grumbled. “I’m not talking to you. See you later, Hoseok-oppa. I’m going to the mall with my friends.”
You were relieved to finally be with all of your friends again - they were the five people who managed to keep you sane, no matter how much you loved your roommate back at college, and you definitely needed some quality time with them knowing that Yoongi could possibly be waiting for you when you got back to your parents’ house. The six of you walked around the mall, popping in to random stores and browsing, making terrible jokes about random objects along the way, before you all decided to go to the food court and grab lunch.
“So,” Taehyung started. “Jinah-noona. How are things with Seokjin-hyung?”
Jinah blushed as she reached over to pick up a dumpling from the large plate that sat in the middle of the rectangular table. “It’s going great. Luckily for me, he’s staying in town, so we’ll be close. He’s really sweet.”
“Yeah, I’ve known him for a while. He’s really a sweet guy. Don’t let go of him,” you chuckled.
“Have you seen Yoongi-hyung lately?” Jimin asked out of nowhere, causing Jungkook to kick him under the table. “What? I just wanna know!”
“Let him Jungkookie-oppa. I saw him before I left my parents’ house. He wanted to talk to me; I just blew him off,” you said with a shrug. “I plan on spending the rest of my summer ignoring him. If I’m lucky, he’ll take a hint.”
“There's not any cute guys on your campus?” Wheein asked.
“I’ve tried hook-ups and dates but… I don’t know, I haven’t found anyone I like.”
“I think you should try to talk to Yoongi-hyung,” said Jimin. “Maybe he’s realized how shitty he made you feel. He’s just graduated college, I’m sure that’s been a big wake-up call for him.”
You thought about Jimin’s words, thinking about both sides of the singular Yoongi-shaped coin, which just so happened to be the same shape as the void in your heart - on one side, it could be a wonderful, loving relationship, because he’s shown that deep-down, he’s quite the softie. But, on the other hand, you barely knew him outside of what you had seen of him through the minimal amounts of time he had acted like himself around you, like when he was gaming with his friends, or watching terribly made movies with Hoseok in the middle of the night. You had the entire afternoon to make your decision, or at least that’s the time limit you gave yourself because the feeling of loneliness and missing Yoongi was starting to eat away at you. You had to act on it
You arrived home later that night to see that Yoongi had gone home; but luckily for you, he only lived a few houses down. You found him outside in front of his house with the Min family dog, the toy poodle known as Holly, playing tug-of-war with a bright blue and green braided rope toy.
“Yoongi-oppa,” you called out quietly, standing a few feet away from him. “We should talk.”
He sighed to himself, standing up from his spot on the concrete driveway. “Yeah, we should. Look, I’m really so-”
“I’m going to give you one chance, oppa. I need to see that you’re actually going to treat me like a human being and that you’re not using feelings as an excuse to be an asshole to me. I don’t need an apology, I just need something real,” you said, interrupting his apology.
He looked shocked, not quite expecting your response. “I- yeah. Yeah, no, of course. I promise I’ll do right by you. I promise,” he rambled. “I’m still sorry, though. I spent the entire second half of my senior year really fucked up over what I did. It doesn’t even make any fucking sense. It made sense to high school Yoongi, but I don’t know why it continued. I’m sorry.”
“Oppa, it’s ok. Calm down. I forgive you, but just remember you’re on thin ice. You need to show me that you can be a good lover,” you said with a warm smile.
“I promise I won’t let you down.
He split his summer between hanging out with Hoseok and hanging out with you, which meant he ended up spending most of his time at your family’s house. He managed to make good on his promise, doing both large and subtle things to show you how much he cared, whether it be taking you out to nice dinners, or cuddling you during movie nights with all of your friends. His kisses were just as amazing as you had remembered from over three years ago, and he made you feel so warm around him - the spark that you had failed to find in your time apart had been ignited by him, and you never wanted to forget the feeling.
Summer fled nearly as fast as it arrived, and you feared that shortly you’d have to be returning to your campus, cities away from Yoongi. He was now part of the list of people who you missed dearly while you were away, along with your best friends, but this would be your first summer away from him as your lover.
“I want to have sex,” you blurted out as you lied on your bed one hot afternoon, about a week before you had to drive back to your campus.
“Come again?” he asked, evidently shocked by your out-of-the-blue confession.
“We have a week before I leave, and I wanna fuck before I go,” you said bluntly with a shrug, turning on your stomach, the thin straps of your tank top sliding down your shoulders - not planned or intended, but you were very appreciative of gravity in that moment. “We don’t have to.”
“N-no, I want to. I really want to,” he admits. “Just… I tend to be a bit rough. I don’t wanna make you do something you’d be uncomfortable with, or hurt you, or…” he trailed off.
“Oppa, you realize we went to the same high school, right? And Hoseok-oppa and I share a wall? I’ve heard all about what you’e like, both from you and, er, outside sources. I’m well prepared,” you said with a chuckle, moving over to straddle him, watching his body language to see if he tensed up, but he instead brought his large hands to your hips, his fingers fiddling with the top hem of your athletic shorts.
“Oh yeah? What have you heard about me?”
“You’re quite large, a little bit of a sadist, have a good tongue… never heard of a girl who’s had to fake it with you,” you said, trailing a finger up his side until your hand was cupping his jaw, and you leaned down to kiss him. By now, his hands had trailed lower, now resting on your ass, gently gripping and guiding your hips to move against him, the hardness beneath your core growing as you moved against him.
“Hm, you’ll just have to find that out for yourself, won’t you?” he teased, his sentences becoming more breathy as you ground against his hardening cock. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“We won’t see each other for another few months, honey. I want to do it now before we have to wait until December,” you said. You saw up, pulling the plain grey tank top over your head, your sports bra following soon after, smirking as you watched Yoongi bite his lip at the sight of your bare chest. He reached forward, gently brushing his thumbs over your nipples, watching intently as they hardened beneath his touch, much like his cock beneath you as you continued moving your hips. Without warning, he flipped you over so you were beneath him, and he quickly tore his own t-shirt and gym shorts off before grabbing your own shorts and underwear and quickly removing them.
He wasted no time lowering himself to be face-level with your cunt, delivering an experimental lick to your swollen clit before going all in, shoving two fingers into your wet pussy as he sucked on your clit. His tongue was definitely better than any old high school rumor could have set you up to believe - so many other boys had disappointed you in this department, leading to equally many faked orgasms, but you already knew that you would not have to fake with Yoongi. His fingers curled perfectly against your walls, hitting the sweet spot within perfectly; in combination with his skilled tongue, you were sure it wouldn’t be long before you came.
You felt him insert a third finger into your heat, his tongue not letting up as he quickened the pace of his fingers. The stimulation was causing your thighs to shake, and your back to arch off of your bed as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten.
“O-oppa… I wanna cum with you inside me,” you said, running your fingers through his soft black hair. 
He peered up at you from between your legs, only his darkened eyes visible to you as he pressed one more kiss to your clit before removing his fingers. He sucked each finger into his mouth, tasting your essence once more before speaking. “You taste fucking amazing, by the way. Do you have any condoms here?”
“There should be some in my nightstand,” you said.  You rolled over to your nightstand, opening the singular drawer and rummaging through; and luckily for you, you managed to find some. You grabbed one and handed it off to Yoongi, watching him hastily pull down his briefs so he could put the condom on.
It was at this moment that you understood every piece of gossip you had heard regarding his bedroom abilities. To put it simply, he was huge, but to elaborate, he had the prettiest cock you had ever seen: long, a slight upwards curve, a few veins, and a pretty red tip that was leaking pre-cum. He put the condom on over his length - luckily you had grabbed the right size - and he lined himself up against your entrance. He looked to you for assurance that you were ready and wanted him, smiling at your shy nod, and he pushed forward slowly so you could adjust to his size.
“Oppa?” you asked as he bottomed out. He looked at you with mild concern, hoping he hadn’t already hurt you. “Don’t hold back.” He smirked at your request, asking you if you were sure you were making the right choice, and once you gave him the reassurance, he started thrusting in and out at a quicker pace than he had initially planned. He filled you perfectly, almost as if he were made for you. It was a tight fit, but the type of tight where it left the pleasurable feeling of being stretched out rather than the feeling of being torn open. You wrapped your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you so you could feel him hitting you deeper.
“You feel so good,” he groaned out. He buried his head in your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin before softly biting you, which caused you to whine in pleasure. “Hm, you like it when I bite you, don’t you?” Yoongi didn’t need an answer. He already knew, judged by how whiney you became after the bite, so he returned to the same spot on your neck, biting a bit harder than before.
“I-I’m close,” you moaned, the stretch of his cock in your tight pussy mixed with the sensation of him biting you were too much at once. Your moans became more persistent - thank God nobody else is home - as you grew closer to your climax. Yoongi quickened the pace and intensity of his movements, his cock railing against your g-spot with every harsh thrust; and one he reached between your bodies to rub your clit, you were done for. You came undone in an instant; however, he didn’t slow down at all. He kept fucking into you, kept rubbing your clit, the contracting of your pussy around him bringing him closer to the edge himself. The persistent stimulation was too much for you, making you scream out at the overstimulation, and pretty soon you found yourself experiencing something that you had never experienced with another person. You squirted around him, which was the catalyst for Yoongi’s own release, his warm seed filling the condom.
“Holy fuck, that was hot,” he said as he looked down between your bodies, seeing both pairs of thighs covered in your juices.
“I’ve never squirted because of another person before,” you admitted, equally shocked as he was at what had just occurred.
“So… I take it I live up to the hype,” he joked as he pulled out of you, chuckling at how you whined at the empty feeling after being stuffed so perfectly, before getting up to throw the condom away and grab some towels from the bathroom connected to your room to clean you up with.
“I think the hype couldn’t live up to you.”
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hobiwonder · 4 years
crazy rich asians | 02
Genre: Chaebol!BTS. maid!reader. Smut, fluff. mild angst. 
Pairing: Jin x reader, Jimin x reader, Hoseok x reader, Yoongi x reader. Possible future pairings. 
Warnings for this chapter: language. mention of porn. 
Words: 6.5k+
Summary: You overhear something you shouldn’t. Now some of the country’s most powerful - and rich - men would do anything to keep you quiet. 
a/n: I'm back finally lol. this chapter moves along the change in feelings of the different characters. main pairing becomes more clear and also just sets the scene to the final few chapters. please let me know what you thought?
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“Yeah...” Yoongi lets out a hefty breath he’s been holding since Jimin had mentioned the Will. He’d known his friends were multimillionaires. But never quite the exact aggregated amount of their wealth. Which he now knew was A Lot.
“Wait so let me get this straight, your dad has to marry Amber in order for you to get the money - what if he doesn’t?”
The unexpected question - that Jimin or Jin didn’t even take into consideration - makes Jin smack his younger brother on the back of his head. Light enough that Jimin’s exaggerated flinching was uncalled for.
“He should if Jimin here, can keep his dick in his pants.”
“Please! You slept with her before me, don’t act so self righteous.” Jimin’s scowl only earns him another glare from Seokjin.
“Once. Whereas you will probably make her your booty call.”
“Well I have someone else in mind for that now.” The smirk on his face is mirrored by Yoongi who just shakes his head at his friend’s unadulterated behaviour.
“Good. Call her from now on.” Jin doesn’t seem to catch on to who Jimin is referring to but it does remind him about your departure not too long ago. Hoseok seems to have the same idea when he speaks up before him.
“Speaking of, you assholes better have made sure y/n wasn’t outside at least this time.” His eyes don’t flicker away from his phone as he says so, making no move to get up and check if you had in fact, left.
“Are any of you going to check?” Jin knows the answer but somehow expects a different outcome. Negative.
“Not my house.” Yoongi is leaning back, stretching his arms behind his head to get comfortable.
Shaking his head at his useless friends and even more useless brother - he opts to have a look himself.
“I’ll be back. Meanwhile you peasants think up an idea on how to retrieve that will.”
“Excuse me?” Hoseok’s eyes are wide as if Seokjin told him he was an illegitimate child.
“Hyung you don’t have the inheritance yet. If speaking solely of net worth, mine is more than yours.” His record producer friend’s shit eating grin is well earned but doesn’t mean it doesn’t make Seokjin want to get this plan in motion sooner.
“Yeah yeah..” He’s not paying much attention to their mindless chatter about Jimin’s impromptu vacation.
A few strides later, he’s opening the golden doorknob carefully. That way if you were outside - which would be quite dumb of you he thinks - he’d be able to catch you red handed. Right outside the door, he doesn’t find anyone. He lets out a sigh of relief at the peacefully empty hallway. No servants or butlers and definitely not your cute little frame hovering in places you shouldn’t be.
Just when he’s about to head back inside - he hears the faint noise. Immediately, his feet are going towards it - not quite being able to pinpoint what exactly was that he could hear. Was there someone else lurking nearby? God. Were the staff always this nosey in this house? Then again he would know if he paid much attention even if he saw nothing wrong with not doing so.
Jin strains his neck further, hoping to see whoever it was, without being all too visible as he stood behind the massive vase in the hallway. The next sound he hears though, inevitably someone talking - worries him just slightly. Walking forward until he was nearing another room - there you were, sitting against the wall with your back hunched over. Seokjin couldn’t see your face but your voice was telling enough to let him know of your distressed state. You were sitting on the floor, hand covering your mouth to seemingly hold back a cry.
Who were you talking to? And where was the girl who not even half an hour ago blackmailed his brother and friend?
“I-I’m okay. I just miss you.” Your quaint, undoubtedly overwrought whisper in to the phone makes his chest constrict.
“I’ll let you know. I have to go now Nana. I love you.”
He’d never witnessed someone so rawly feeling emotions that weren’t joy or ecstatic even. The most he was used to was anger from his father. Frustration from his friends. Mostly bliss on his own. But never something like this. You sounded defeated and scared. Were you really crying because of him? He hadn’t anticipated that immensity the empathy would flood into him. He’d never really gotten upset and nor did he believe his brain had the chemicals to make the reaction happen which would allow him to feel said emotions.
He watched you - and heard - let out soft whimpers into your lap. His hands suddenly started to sweat and his feet itch to walk forward but he remained rooted in place. A few moments later, you were getting up, dusting your frumpy uniform before storming off to who knows where with a determined stomp to your steps. A small grin tugging at his lips at your determination. It was more than likely that you were feeling upset and intimidated by the situation you found yourself in. So why did Jin still not call it off when he went back inside the room?
He couldn’t answer that even if he tried. Maybe he was a masochist. Maybe he really did not have any regard for anyone but himself. It certainly wasn’t because he wanted to keep tabs on you.
“You good brother?” Jimin instantly notices his older brother’s more sinister expression.
“What are you looking so happy for?” Jin counteracts before Jimin can try and analyse him any further. He didn’t do well with emotions other than hunger, ecstasy and horny.
“Did you hear? It’s all over the news.” Hoseok is laughing obnoxiously loudly, shoving his wide screen phone in Jin’s face.
A familiar face is greeting him right next to his eyes - if only Hoseok would move the offending phone slightly back, Jesus. Taehyung’s bright blue hair is the front page of the news article. His hand is up a model’s skirt and face plastered on hers. The next set of pictures is him being spotted at a museum with his Posse before they tastefully switch to him at an elite rooftop club. His friend was always the centre of attention and quite obviously thrived on it.
He was very liberated and couldn’t careless of the strict rules his family lived by. Boy would he be in trouble if he comes back before his newest scandal dies down.
“What’s he done now?” Yoongi’s just shaking his head - being the older brother of said boy and rightfully being pissed off. He usually took the heat for his younger brother’s shenanigans.
“Just shoved his face in between a model’s tits for all to see. Nothing new.” The tick in Yoongi’s voice is all too familiar. He always had to do damage control while Taehyung partied the night away. He felt for his friend sometimes, he really did.
“Well, shit. What’s the damage?”
“If i’m lucky, just more shame.” Yoongi’s gaze turns back up to the ceiling, hands stretched behind him to cushion his head.
“Hyung, you really don’t have to keep being the martyr for him. Let him face the music when he gets back. Grow the fuck up.” Hoseok can’t help but feel like a broken record whenever he gives yoongi advice.
No matter how stubborn and wilfully isolated Yoongi remained from the rest of the world, he insisted on protecting his younger brother as much as he could. It would’ve been admirable if it was a rarity. Saving Taehyung’s delinquent ass was like yoongi’s day job at this point.Yoongi just shook his head, not dismissing Hoseok’s advice completely even if it seemed so that way.
“I’m more selfish than you think Hoseokie.” What did he mean by that? That story was for another day.
“Ladies, ladies,” Jimin eyes his older brothers, holding out his hands in a gesture to settle everyone down, “Let’s get back to business. Taehyung whoring around is like being surprised to find out that a lion eats meat.”
“What the fuck kind of analogy is that?” Hoseok is chuckling at Yoongi’s taunting but Jimin barely blinks.
“What is it Jiminie? You’ve had another revelation?” Standing and pacing was not something Jin had ever done before. And he wasn’t about to act like a commoner just because of a little maid who’d caught him off guard.
Taking a seat back at the couch, Jin takes the scotch from Jimin before settling his attention back on to the matter at hand.
“We need to use our newest asset.” Jimin’s devilish smile is nothing short of mischievous.
And Jin was very familiar with that look. He knew that his little brother was intrigued and despite having his eye on the prize, no doubt, he wasn’t thinking all business anymore. There weren’t many things that Jin and Jimin couldn’t have. In fact, he would argue that even if he tried to spend all his money - he wouldn’t be able to. Jin was only 27 and yet he felt like he was on his ninth life - all previous deaths were due to absolute boredom. Women flocked him to without him having to bat an eyelash, had too many servants to count, too many places to sleep and too little to want. Could he get bored of being rich? Not ever. But was he bored with things he could do that came with being rich.
That’s why he was always actively looking to spend his wealth on hobbies and objects that were unattainable. Dangerous. Something that was forbidden to even a man like him who could have anything. And at this very moment - it was you. It was hard to pretend that Jimin wasn’t also well aware of that fact. Hoseok and Yoongi were merely held back because they hadn’t received the ‘go-ahead’ from either himself or Jimin. That they were allowed to play with such a pretty thing like you. They were all good-looking, incredibly so, and extremely wealthy. It was a default that people wanted to be as close to them as possible. Not you. When Jimin had crowded your space, you looked ready to bolt. Like you would be anywhere but in that room with all three of them. And when your body had reacted quite the opposite way, clinging onto Jimin and Hoseok - it was he could do, watch in awe. Jin rarely saw people at war with themselves when it came to physical intimacy with himself or any of his friends.
He’d slept with his fair share of attractive house staff but never encountered someone like you. And that had to be why he was inexplicably attracted to you. Nothing more. The look on Jimin’s face meant he was too and he wanted to play with his meal.
“What do you propose? Shall we take turns trying to maximise our profits from said asset?” Hoseok’s shit-eating grin accompanied with his schoolgirl giggle annoys Jin more than usual but he doesn’t mention it.
Letting the younger ones have some fun, with his fists clenched. He needed another drink.
“Well, I found out from Amber that there have been some staff changes to the Manor and I wonder if our little maid being here has something to do with that. Minhyuk doesn’t work here anymore.”
“And?” Yoongi sounds just as bored as Jin probably looks.
“And, you little shits, he used to work in father’s wing. Know what that means? Hm?” Jimin is looking around at his older brothers like they are supposed to be on the same page.
And while it makes sense that the other two who didn’t live here were lost - it baffles Jin that he didn’t know of the change when he’s been here far longer than Jimin. How does he know so much in so little time? Though it clicks for him just before Jimin opens the pandora’s box.
“It means that y/n works there. She’s the only new hire and none of the other staff have been moved around.”
“And let me guess, you want to seduce her into breaking into father’s office and snoop around?”
Jimin is gasping in mock shock at Jin putting two and two together like the drama queen he is. “Precisely. Knew your brain hadn’t hibernated permanently.”
“Yah, shut up before I expose you and get you cut out of the will entirely.”
“You won’t. You’ve got too much to lose.” Jimin is tilting his head innocently, a juxtaposition between his words and actions.
Jimin was a slithery snake, that much Jin knew. Hell, he was often proud of his younger brother’s extraordinary mind but even Jin knew that he was sharp underneath his soft exterior and disarming smiles. Which meant that he’d made up his mind to include you into their devious plan. But something about the phone call Jin had witnessed before, he felt a little uneasy in the pit of his stomach. The feeling is all too foreign and unfamiliar that he has to place a hand on his abdomen.
“Well boys, just let me know when my turn is. She was too cute for me to pass up on. Now if you excuse me, I have to pick up Taehyung.”
Yoongi’s passive face turns up into a scowl at the mention of his younger brother. “Good. At least he’s bringing back enough of his brain cells to know not to ask me any favours for a while.”
“That’s why he called me, hyung. I’ll drop him off at the Hilton.” Yoongi murmurs a thanks at Hoseok, glad that his friend could sense that Yoongi would rip Taehyung a new one unless he took some time to cool down. He already had to hang up on his father’s personal secretary twice since the news broke out.
“Later sluts.”
“Bye hyung.” Jimin is waving Hoseok goodbye before he finally sits, looking expectantly at Jin.
“So, what do you say? You in for some adventure? It’s been a while since I fucked someone I wasn’t supposed to.”
His pursed lips would have you think he was talking about a physics phenomenon and not sex. “Yeah? And what do you suppose is called when you sleep with your future step-mother?”
His smile is blinding. “The family jewels. I’ve just as much right as father now.”
“Jesus christ.” Yoongi mumbles before putting down his half empty glass. “I’m just glad I won’t have to merge with that obnoxious knob my father keeps insisting I do business with to expand. Tell me what’s needed of me and then wire me the money. No need for details that don’t concern me.”
Stretching like a feline, Yoongi takes his leave. Leaving Jin to marinate a little more in his conflicting feelings toward Jimin's pet project. Well, he did willingly take part but that was before the five foot something intrusion in their plans. There wasn't anything particularly extraordinary about you. So why was Jin finding it so difficult to separate himself from the situation like he usually was able to?
"Jin hyung?"
"Yeah?" Pretending that he wasn't distracted by any thoughts of you, Jin stares back at Jimin's smirking face. He's holding a sheet in his hand, waving it around like he's going to cast a spell.
"Let's figure out the logistics here shall we?"
"You do that on your own brother. I've got some business to attend to." The clink of his heavy scotch glass is definite as he sets it down.
Jimin doesn't argue and that in itself is suspicious. Giving Jimin a pat on the back, Jin heads out with a mission to let off some steam at the gym. Just knowing you were somewhere in the Manor put him on edge and he wasn't about to flail like a teenager in front of you should he encounter you again.
"I'll do that. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Y/n, Please make sure you are supervising the staff as they move through the rooms. I'd like you to personally go through the checklist before my inspection. Mr. Kim will be spending a lot more time in his home office starting the week after next and we cannot afford the Manor to be anything short of impeccable."
Anders was talking just as fast as he was walking, causing you to almost have to jog besides him as he fired off the list of chores. it was odd enough that you still had a job, let alone climbing up the rank and supervising other staff. In Mr. Kim's wing no less. For a split second you thought you were part of some joke and any second you'll be laid off. But Anders had all but looked through you like it was any other day of work.
"And please, take note that due to the eventful nature of Mr. Kim's work, we will be expecting many visitors therefore everything needs to be tidied up before and after Mr. Kim's work hours. you will be rostered on to take care of his wing, including the guest rooms, living room, library and the restrooms. Mr. Kim's office will be out of bounds and I shall take care of that room. understood, dear?"
Anders is looking at you warmly for the first time today and like a true airhead that you'd been acting these days, it takes a few seconds for you to nod at him.
"Yes sir. Will I be working the regular hours or will my shift hours be changed?"
"I presume it will be on a weekly basis for a little while. For this week you will be required to tend to Master Kim's quarters after 5pm and get everything set up for the next day. Of course, with the exception of today."
His smile is kind and lighthearted. You know he isn't this forthcoming to all of the staff. Perhaps your age being the closest to his own children gives you the soft advantage. Nonetheless, you are thankful for the little bit of gentleness, guidance and just a light hand ever since you'd started working here. And maybe Anders has a little bit of hand in you getting this sort of promotion in such a short amount of time.
"Okay. I will get to it right away." Tucking your notebook in your apron, you nod at him.
"Yes?" Your heart is thumping too loudly, too fast in your chest. The events of yesterday flooding in your mind.
But Anders didn't seem to display any anger so far.
"I say this for your own safety, dear. Try your absolute best to keep a respectful distance between the people of the house and yourself."
"O-Okay." Spinning right around, you bolt.
There was no way Anders didn’t know something. He had to have known that something incredibly inappropriate happened, right? Did Mr. Kim’s sons complain about you? There was no way they probably didn’t make you seem like a creep. Snooping around their house like paparazzi. Just thinking about the events of yesterday made the blood rush to your face fast enough to make you slightly dizzy. It still felt like a fever dream. Something that was far too.... astounding to have every happened to you. You could count on one hand how many times something memorable happened to you in your short life. And yesterday was equally memorable as well as terrifying. This uncertainty you felt with your place in the Manor was something you didn’t want to feel much longer.
The more you thought about it last night, the more angry you became at yourself. How selfish could you be to put your job in jeopardy? Especially when you have so many people counting on you to keep it for a long while. You had stupidly put yourself in the midst of some money war happening between very powerful people. Now you’d become someone for them to play with or at least that’s what you felt like. Yes the kissing was great, your traitorous body soaked up the physical intimacy like a starved nymphomaniac but at what cost? Tossing and turning, sleeping had been futile.
And maybe your red eyes gave Anders some indication about what had been troubling you. Still, you were adamant on keeping yourself away from their traps. No matter how beautiful and alluring their words were. No matter how beautiful each one of them were. They were unattainable and a lowly worker like you was never going to be someone worth their respect. Head filled with many thoughts, you march towards the crowd of people awaiting your instructions.
You will not think about them. Especially him. Kim Seokjin.
A week goes by much easier and uneventfully than you had expected it to be. And the more days that pass, the more that one encounter feels like a fever dream. Like it happened in the fantasy realm. Something twisted conjured up by your brain after it got tired of your insipid life. You’d managed to speak to your grandma on a regular basis to make sure she wasn’t worried after your out of the ordinary tearful conversation with her. As usual, your mother had not been interested in talking with you and it hurt you just like it always did. Though it was becoming so normal and expected that you suspected your numbness to it soon. You awaited that day.
“Miss. y/n, would you like me to change the glasses from the liquor table? One seems to have broken...”
One of the staffer’s, Jihoon, trails off as he inspects the damage. Your eyebrows furrow at his observation. You left everything in place last night before leaving. No broken glass anywhere. Was someone here after hours? Mr. Kim’s schedule didn’t show any scheduled meetings after 6pm - which was unusual anyway as he finished up by 5pm most days.
“That’s odd. I’m sure this wasn’t broken.” There are a few shards of glass peeking out from the bottom of the liquor cabinet and sure enough, when you bend down, you can see the remains of the glass pushed underneath it.
“Oh boy. Be careful when you clean that up Jihoon. I’ll go get a new set.”
“Maybe one of the masters we’re here.” Jihoon shrugs absentmindedly, proceeding to vacuum all the shards and the mention of the other men in the house makes you jolt like you’re the one vacuuming glass into your bare hands.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll be right back. You’re free to go when you’re done. I’ll do the last sweep before calling Mr. Anders.”
“Okay! See you tomorrow noona!” You say your goodbyes before heading to the storage room. Jihoon had been here overnight so you wanted to let him rest as quickly as possible.
Feet rushing you out quickly, it feels like every breath is being stolen out of your lungs while the memories from last week are rushing into your empty brain. Why couldn’t you get yourself together? It was one incident. Yet, your whole life seemed to revolve around it. It was getting pathetic. You hadn’t seen any of the boys since then and the more days passed, the more it was clear that they played around with the staff on the regular. You weren’t anyone special. The more it made you angry that you let it happen. How dare they treat you like a common groupie? You may be just a household worker but that didn’t mean these rich trust fund babies should treat you like this.
All the comebacks you could have said then were coming to the tip of your tongue now. Especially for the tall, handsome eldest with lips of sin. Lips that didn’t touch yours and annoyed you so much for some reason. If you saw him again, he was going to get an earful!
Your emotions were getting the best of you. So much so that the force with which you were pushing in the key with to unlock the  storage room was rattling the mahogany door rather loudly. Thankfully, before you disturb the peace down in the basement even more, you’ve opened the door. It’s only the second time you’re here as you were not allowed the key before. Seeing as you managed Mr. Kim’s wing, it was given to you by Anders to keep with you at all times.
Locking the storage room again after you’ve grabbed a new case of - extremely expensive - glasses, you make the tread back to the meeting room. The Manor is quiet at this time in the morning. The only activity most likely happening in the kitchen while breakfast is prepared. You were on time for all your tasks regarding Mr. Kim’s wing, a spring in your step as you thought about having a cup of tea with the cooks in the spare time you had. The next task was to get everything ready for tomorrow’s Family dinner that Mr. Kim was hosting. Thankfully you didn’t need to be there. You may have been promoted but you were not allowed to stay for the intimate family gatherings as only the very essential staff stayed. You could understand given the influence of the people present in the home and how anything could be made a spectacle if it were to get out.
“Oh Y/n, glad I caught you.” Anders is walking towards you down the hall.
“Mr. Anders.” He’s smiling as he approaches, eyeing the box in your hands.
“Everything looks good. I have inspected the room. I presume these glasses are for the liquor cabinet?”
“Oh, yes they are. Did Jihoon call you? I was about to do a last sweep before paging you.”
His kind smile greets you as he shakes his head. “No need. Everything looks remarkable. You are doing a wonderful job, dear. Join the others in the kitchen for some tea and muffins. They smell especially good today.”
He’s walking down the hall to Mr. Kim’s office as he reminds you of the treats. It’s such a wonderful morning now that Anders has acknowledged your hard work too. You must really be doing a good job. Without wasting any time, you walk a little too fast to the meeting room to display the glasses. Before you can though, a call for your name stops you in your tracks.
“In a hurry?” The deep, mocking tone of a certain someone you were trying to avoid is all you can hear.
Taking a few steps back until you are facing the doorway where you heard his voice from, you come face to face with an image only your imagination tried to conjure on nights you were so, so tired. The real thing though, was far more picturesque. The eldest Kim, Seokjin, stood there, lean muscle on display while his jeans hung low. Hair wet and skin looking slightly flushed due to the shower you assume he just had, judging from the towel around his neck. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t be able to stop your eyes from memorising each ridge on his abdomen. There was something about seeing him in casual wear when you have only ever witnessed him in slacks and expensive silk shirts.
“Are you done? I get that I'm the most handsome man you’ve ever seen but the staring does get old.” He’s sighing as if he bears a great burden on his shoulders.
"I wasn't- wasn't star-"
"Anyway. Bring me a glass of scotch will you?" He cuts you off before you can actually properly say anything.
Now sitting on the plush couch with his legs spread and an arm slung behind the backrest. Looking like something out of a magazine cover. Ugh! He was so infuriating. He didn't even respect you enough to let you respond to his ludicrous remarks! Nevertheless, you were in no position to be angry. He was your boss after all. And after last week, you weren't about to stir up trouble and get yourself fired.
You must have been zoning out for a little too long because you can feel Seokjin's stare burning a hole through you. His gaze indifferent and apathetic. "Well?"
"Yes... Sir." Your mouth aches from the force with which you clenched your jaw before answering.
Standing a good distance away from him really helped your mental state. You were much more clam and composed. You had space to think. Unlike when you were in that room last week. His proximity made it worse for you to think let alone compose a coherent sentence to stop whatever the men were practically forcing you into. Who even makes a deal with a servant anyway? They could toss you out whenever they want to, that's for sure. So really, they were playing with you and you'd been nervous and scared and made that stupid call back home like the gullible sheep you were. That's what rich people with too much free time on their hands did. Play with innocent people's feelings. Not knowing how much trouble it may cause for them. So, whatever. You weren't going to think about it and let them get the best of you again.
Turning swiftly, you complete your original task of replacing the liquor glasses. Carefully pouring one for Seokjin - despite your dislike for the man - as to not pour too much or too little. He's in the same position when you left, albeit, his body more relaxed into the sofa than before as he flicks through the channels. The noises erupting in the room suddenly, however, make you halt in your tracks like you just witnessed some sort of tragedy. The high pitched moans and whimpers are bouncing off the walls all too clearly. The sounds are so pornographic it has your whole body on fire and your pulse racing. Taking a look at the TV - of course, it actually is porn. And what do you know, that's enough to rattle you once more as you almost see it happening in slow motion.
The glass that was weighty and secure on the tray in your hands; now tumbling to the tiled floor like it was fairy floss dissolving in your hands. The loud shatter compared to the very obtuse and unmoving reaction from Seokjin is too metaphorical for you to not notice. This incident now can pretty much sum up your encounters with him. Seokjin hasn't moved an inch, casually watching porn like it was the weather man. All the while you're glancing frantically at him and then the floor, then back at him and back to the floor where they shattered glass is scattered on the floor.
"I'm- I'm so sorry, sir! I'll clean this u-up." What even was happening. How the hell do you apologise with those noises in the background?!
"Don't interrupt. You've already broken expensive glass, don't sully my enjoyment of the film too." Again, he has yet to even look at you.
"This is hardly a film." The words escape you a little too quickly and a little too loud. And of course, Seokjin would notice now. If only because of your ticked tone and the scoff that’s bound to get you in trouble.
“Any movie that I’m in is worth watching.”
“Excuse me?” What was he talking about?
That’s when all plans of being poised and professional go out the window. Due to one rookie mistake. Taking the bait that he dangled in front of you because you turn around like a fool and look at the large TV screen. The sight is slightly unexpected. You had expected to see porn, of course. But not porn that included Seokjin. Sure enough, it’s hard to deny that it’s really him behind a really attractive blonde, someone you recognised from a lot of hollywood movies, flexing his biceps as he intently stared at the camera. You could feel your body tightening up, your thighs connecting with each other on instinct. You can feel the perspiration build up on your skin, your heart rate a million miles an hour. Seokjin was naked in all his glory, hair still looking as if it had just been styled in that effortless way. Even though the snapping of his hips behind the woman displayed how much his muscles were being exerted. The scene was mesmerising. His smouldering eyes holding yours captive that you forget that he was actually there in the flesh. Currently watching you look at the screen like a pervert.
Seokjin’s chuckle breaks your blatant staring at his naked form in the video that was playing by pausing it. So you had no other choice then to look back at his smirking face. The wheels turning in your head, trying to find a viable excuse to get out of another uncomfortable situation you seem to have pulled yourself into just because you can’t help your reactions. The anger was also starting to creep up your spine, getting dangerously close to the part of your brain that failed to control your impulsivity. All because Kim Seokjin was pushing you to your limits. So instead of making a comment on how you had shamelessly watched a good minute of his sextape with some A-List actress, you clear your throat and look him dead in the eye no matter how hard it was after seeing what you had.
“I will have Jihoon bring you another glass and clean this up right away.” Taking a small bow, you cheer internally that you didn’t stutter.
“I don’t want Jihoon. I want you.” Your breath hitches at the heat in his words. Somehow they didn’t convey the appropriate message considering the context.
“S-Sorry?” Seokjin clears his throat, looking back at the TV before speaking again.
“To clean up this mess.” He waves his hand at the shattered glass again, flicking the TV to some cartoon channel.
“Aw, did I miss all the fun?” The cheery voice from the doorway finally takes Seokjin’s attention away from you to his younger brother.
“If by fun you mean the maid breaking house property then, no. I’m sure she’ll make more mayhem soon enough.”
“If you can kindly wait till i’m out of earshot to discuss me, that will be great!”
It’s like you’ve asked them for 2 million dollars or something because Jimin’s eyebrows have shot so far up his forward you’re worried that his eyes might fall out of their sockets. Seokjin is looking at you, really looking at you, for the first time it seems. Even you hadn’t expected to lose your cool because you’re slapping your hand over your mouth, knowing you have definitely screwed up now if you hadn’t already.
“Oh?” Jimin’s tone is mocking and amused. Showing how unexpected your outburst was.
“It seems that our little maid has a spine after all?” He walks to you like a predator ready to trap his prey and it sends a chill down your spine.
Jimin was attractive.
That much was obvious. Somehow his soft features didn’t translate to his personality, he didn’t seem human in the way he addressed you. His tone was almost vindictive. Like he couldn’t believe that someone of your stature would talk back to him. As much as it didn’t make sense, you looked back at Seokjin out of instinct. As if he could save you from whatever Jimin will inflict on you. Which was ridiculous given that moments ago you were ready to strangle him.
“I-I don’t appreciate being treated like a toy.” Chin up, feigning all the faux confidence you could conjure, you stand your ground.
Jimin’s cackle is like needles in your skin. It makes you hot and cold at the same time. Walking over to you, he’s merely a few inches away. Clearly trying to intimidate you as he’s done before. The scent of his cologne hits your nostrils and you have to clench your fists to stop yourself from taking a deep inhale. Perfumes were your weakness. Seeing him up close again is enough to remind you of the last time. But you were more prepared now. No way you were going to let him kiss you again.
He brings up a jewelled hand, twirling the stray strand of hair that was framing your face. “Oh darling…. But you are a toy.”
His smile is so big and endearing - had you not already recognised the evil twinkle in his eyes. How dare he?! Your hands balling into fists, nostrils flaring from the sheer anger that you felt right now. This was one of those moments you would surely regret later on. Because you were about to slap the living daylights out of him.
“Let her do her actual job Jimin-ah. I believe we have things to discuss.”
Seokjin’s command is Jimin’s - and perhaps yours too - saving grace. He’s turning on his heels swiftly walking to where his brother lounged. You have to take a deep breath, snapping yourself out of it before you say something that might get you fired for real.
“Oh, y/n, bring me a glass of champagne too while you’re at it.” Jimin winks at you and you scurry out of the room without even responding.
This family was crazy.
Champagne? Seokjin wondered what his brother had done in just a week to warrant a celebration.
“Is this another premature celebration Jimin? You know it ruins all the fun when you end up failing. For you that is. It’s very entertaining for me.”
Jimin is flipping him the finger as he sits down, changing the channels until it lands on something he is vaguely paying attention to.
“That was very rude you little shit. I was watching that.”
“Hyung, they were playing rugrats. You’re 27 now. Watch Naruto or something.”
“Tell me why you’re here before I kick your ass.”
“Wow, being around servants has turned you into a commoner too, huh?” Jimin is clicking his tongue like he's gravely disappointed. Obviously referring to you.
The mention isn’t healthy for Seokjin right now. He’s spent far too much time thinking of last week and the phone call he’d witnessed. Though the majority of that regret was not actually kissing you when he had the chance. Your lips had haunted his dreams too many times. This was an odd activity for his brain and he was now worried if you carried some sort of disease that caused all his brain waves to malfunction and make him think solely about you.
Jimin throws up his hands in defence when Seokjin remains unamused, moving a little closer to talk in a much more hushed tone.
“Okay okay. Hold off on the dick measuring. I’m here to tell you when we’re going to put the ‘plan’ into motion.”
Jin arches a brow in question. So soon?
“The family dinner is tomorrow. Most of the staff will be gone so less witnesses.”
“Is… the girl working the night? I don’t think essential staff includes the cleaners.”
Jimin smiles wide like he always does when he’s up to something. Though to be fair, he is always up to something.
“She isn’t but leave that to me.”
“Wasn’t gonna help.” Seokjin shrugs, feeling slightly ticked at his brother’s suggestion.
What was he up to now and why did Jin feel the need to protect you from Jimin’s devious plans?
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minty-minmin · 5 years
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Hoseok x reader
[social media au]
[Summery: Jung Hoseok has been a single dad for about 3 years now, his life as a part time dance teacher and full time dad took most of his private life and with that also his faith of falling in love ever again. Y/n on the other hand has other problems; she's a struggling Photographer/Barista and has always been the black sheep of her family due to her mothers high expectations regarding her love life and the strong comparison to her (already married) siblings. So to sum it all up- life isn't going the way any of these two wanted it to be...however there's always a possibility that turns something bad, into something wonderful right?]
@dixonsbugaboo @chubbybunnyjeonjk @salty-for-suga @nerdycookiemonster-1222 @briramirezalipio @babygirlnana06 @goldenchemistry @dearbangtan07 @vousmemanqueez @anniemin @isthatvelvet @jiminieschilliepeper @cvbachacbitch @betysotelo18 @insanewif @thesugatoyourtae @joanc24 @joyfuljihao @sugagimmesugar @yeontanismypresident @lylanie12 @sunskook @hellboundblogger @labgeek @rjsmochii @pocketfullofsuga @booklover240 @dumbnojutsu @jayhope88 @adriennemichelle98 @enthusiastt @nanas-smile@chiminilove @tirednation @gcf-pluto @sugashearteu @seoulgotmysoul @thealexalcala @tiernamente @aspaceformyself @kwonnansi @silencedlittlebirdy @thesunisup-theskyisblue @yeontanie21
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insfiringyou · 2 years
Would any of the couples be intro traveling and experiencing new cultures much? What about to the point of say staying in another country for like 1-2 months (in one country or maybe a couple during that time)? I listened to a podcast ep about this couple that spends 3 months a year living in another country (or 2-3 different countries) for creative inspiration, cultural enrichment, sometimes like an extended vacation feeling, for their kids to learn other languages and ways of living, etc.
I do think Jungkook and Young-soon maybe would in the US. Tae I can see wanting to move to Europe for a period of time or retiring there. He and Cass even spoke about it, even though they aren't together any more. I could see Jimin (and Ara?) moving around Asia. Namjoon and Ji-eun could definitely move abroad to an English speaking country, but I could also imagine them in Western Europe like Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, or somewhere alike.
Yoongi x Jeong-sun, Jin x Min-seo and Hoseok x Nana would be least likely to move abroad as a couple.
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ wonho ; facade ”♡ᵎ ꒱
part. 02
like/reblog | @keroppiwon
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years
Puppy Love - 2Seok/JinHope Littlespace Drabble
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(Source - bwisan)
A/N: Happy Birthday to our angel, our hope - Jung Hoseok!!
I hope you enjoy this AU!
Pairing: Little!Hoseok X Caregiver!Seokjin
Rating: G
Words: 3000
Fluff, Hurt/comfort (just a teeny tiny bit)
Kim Seokjin was the CEO of his family’s news company, The Seoul Journal, the city’s most trusted news source. The company was founded by Jin’s grandfather in the 1950′s and had built it’s way to the top over the decades.
When Jin took over his father’s position two years ago, he was prepared and excited. He had a few changes he was ready to make as soon as he became CEO and they ended up making the newspaper more popular than ever - both in physical paper sales and online subscriptions.
Growing popularity meant more meetings, one of the things that Seokjin dreaded the most about his job. It might seem silly, but he found that after the initial decisions were made during the meeting, they would then go into the fine details that didn’t really matter - such as font and deciding between one amazing picture or a nearly identical one for page seventy-two. Things that he felt his employees could make a good decision about themselves but for some reason felt they had to confirm with him. Tedious but unfortunately necessary things.
So when Jin’s cellphone buzzed violently in his pocket just as the meeting got to the tedious part, he silently thanked whoever was out there for saving him from the impending boredom. He almost immediately stood up from his seat and addressed the room curtly, “If you will excuse me, I have an important call. I’ll trust Namjoon here to make the decisions in my place.”
Namjoon was the chief editor of The Seoul Journal and often took over the tedious work for him. He was also Jin’s close friend, so he knew what Jin was up to. He simply rolled his eyes (in a way only Seokjin could see - he had to remain professional) and nodded.
The other twenty or so employees in the room stood and bowed as the CEO left the room with a confident stride.
As soon as he was down the hallway and back in his personal office, Seokjin pulled out his still-ringing cellphone and frowned at the caller ID. He’d expected it to be a phone call from his father or maybe his mother, but instead, it was his Hoseok calling him.
It made him frown because Hoseok knew that he wasn’t supposed to call him during work hours unless it was an emergency.
Biting his lip and trying to keep the panic from welling up inside of him, Jin swiped his thumb across the screen and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hello? Is that you, Hoseokie?”
There was rustling on the other end and then a very quiet, “D-Daddy?”
Jin was immediately more alert as he knew Hoseok was supposed to be in his university classes right now, “Baby, are you little right now, honey?”
“Mhm,” came the response. Hoseok sounded way too quiet and scared, especially since his little self was usually so outgoing and, well, loud.
“What’s going on, love? Is everything okay?”
“Seokie lost!” the other exclaimed, suddenly bursting into sobs on the other end of the line.
Seokjin felt his heart beginning to race, “Lost? You don’t know where you are, baby?”
“Okay, love, it’s alright,” Seokjin began softly, “First, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? Follow my breaths.”
They took a few minutes to get the younger calmed down before Seokjin decided to ask for more information. “What happened, love? I thought you were at school?”
“S-Seokie was, b-but he had bad day and was s-slipping into littlespace and he got scared,” Hoseok explained, “He didn’t know what to do, so Seokie ran to Daddy’s work.”
Seokjin stood up straighter at the information, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head, “Baby, you came to my work? Are you outside?”
“No, S-Seokie slipped and he can’t remember how to get to Daddy now. He’s lost, Daddy, and it’s scary!”
The CEO was already slipping on his coat and scarf and throwing an extra set over his arm before he hurried from the room. “I’m going to come find you, love, don’t worry.”
Taehyung, an intern for Seokjin, looked up from his little desk just outside his office, “Hey, hyung-”
“Tae, can you reschedule the rest of today’s meetings for me? Hoseok-ah needs me.” 
The younger man nodded, eyes widening at Hoseok’s name. Taehyung had gone to university with Hoseok and was a close friend of theirs as well. Jin had a habit of surrounding himself - both in life and at work - with people he could trust, people he cared for.
Jin slipped into the elevator just before the doors closed behind a few office workers.
“D-Daddy, it’s cold,” came Hoseok’s voice from the other end of the line. Jin could almost see the pout on his baby’s lips.
“I’m bringing you a nice warm coat and scarf, okay?” Seokjin assured, “Can you tell me where you are right now? Do you see any signs around you that you can read?”
Hoseok hummed in thought on the other end of the line and Seokjin was just glad that the younger had calmed down from his panic earlier. “Seokie sees...Nana’s Doggy Daycare and...something else, but Seokie can’t read it.”
Dog Daycare, Jin corrected in his mind, smiling slightly at the adorable slip-up. Thankfully, he knew exactly where that was - it was only a few minutes away from the company building.
Once the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, Seokjin was running through the lobby and out of the building, making a right hand turn to head in the direction of the dog-sitting service.
“Can Seokie go see the doggies?”
Jin chuckled and tried not to sound out of breath (He really needed to work on his stamina), “Not right now, love.”
“But there’s one in the window, a-and he’s looking at Seokie. He wants pets!”
Seokjin hummed fondly, “Does he now?”
“Mhm,” Hoseok replied matter-of-factly, “He’s really cute and fluffy too.”
“I’m sure he is, bub.”
Seokjin froze in his tracks when he suddenly heard the very obvious sounds of traffic through the call. “Seokie?” he began cautiously, “Stay away from the busy roads, baby.”
Hoseok hummed on the other end of the line, “It’s okay, Daddy! Seokie is almost across the street now! He going to see the doggy!” he shouted over the roar of the vehicles around him.
Seokjin’s heart sped up and he began running now, “You know you’re not supposed to cross the street alone when you’re little, baby!”
“Oh,” the little suddenly sounded guilty, “Sorry, Daddy. Hoseokie forgot.”
“Are you on the sidewalk now, love?”
“Good,” Seokjin was panting with how fast he was running but he refused to slow down. “Now, don’t move.”
Less than two minutes later, Jin made it to the Dog Daycare, nearly crying in relief when the familiar blue writing came into view. Nana’s Dog Daycare and Adoption Centre.
Seokjin spotted Hoseok by his bright red hair, right by the front window of the establishment. He was bent down to get as close as possible to the glass and running his fingers up and down gently. On the other side were a few dogs of all different breeds. They were obviously quite entertained by the human paying them attention.
“Seokie!” Seokjin called, relieved, as he approached.
The little looked up and smiled, the expression a stark contrast to the tears still drying on his cheeks. His panic a few minutes before on the phone was completely gone.
Jin pulled the younger up and brought him into a tight embrace. Hoseok happily nuzzled into the older’s neck.
“Thank you for finding Seokie, Daddy,” he murmured against his throat, “Seokie sorry.”
“I’m just glad that you’re okay now, baby,” Jin sighed in relief. He was already starting to feel the exhaustion of his own panic and the short sprint to get there.
Hoseok pulled back so he could look up at his Daddy with a pleading look on his face, “C-Can Seokie please play with the doggies?”
Jin was about to deny him but was stopped when the little pulled out the pout. Hoseok’s lower lip stuck out and his eyebrows pinched together cutely. “Ugh,” Jin groaned, “How can I say no to that face?”
The little broke into a grin and clapped his hands together excitedly, “Yay! Doggies!”
“I’m not even sure if you’re allowed to play with the doggies, baby, but we can ask, okay?”
Hoseok nodded and grabbed his Daddy’s hand, dragging him to the door.
They entered and were instantly met with the unmistakable smell of dog. The establishment itself wasn’t dirty - in fact, it was almost startling how clean it was considering the number of dogs it was housing.
Jin counted at least thirty different dogs, all split up and put in six pens. They had plenty of room to run around, and he could see a few workers inside some of the pens, playing with the dogs.
Immediately to the right of the entrance was a reception desk, where a young girl with her dark hair in two long pigtails and a bright smile sat. She looked up at the two of them and greeted, “Hello, how can I help you today?”
“Well, we were hoping we could play with some dogs, but I wasn’t sure if we could do that here,” Jin replied.
The girl - Dahyun, according to her nametag - nodded, “Of course you can. The front here is our daycare section, but I will show you to the back where we have our adoption center.” Dahyun led them past the pens and to a set of double doors. She pushed them open and they entered.
They found themselves in a large room about as big as a football field. The left side of the room was decorated and furnished to resemble a park, a set of doors opening on that side out to a fenced-in backyard area. On the other side of the room were twelve pens like the ones Jin had seen out front at the daycare but smaller. They were still spacious enough - nothing like the pounds Jin had heard horror stories about.
It was clear that the animals sheltered here were taken care of properly and Jin had a hunch that it was because of this “Nana” person from the name of the place.
His thoughts were confirmed when Dahyun greeted one of the workers inside the enclosed park area. “Nana!”
Jin watched as an older woman began making her way over to them, surprisingly quickly for someone who looked to be over seventy years old. She was obviously very healthy for her age.
Nana smiled at Dahyun and greeted Jin and Hoseok, “Let me guess, you two would like to play with some dogs?”
Hoseok gripped Jin’s arm tightly and gasped, drawing all attention to himself. “Woah! How did ahjumma know that?!”
Nana’s smile brightened, her eyes wrinkling at the sides. “Ah, well, I know everything, you see.”
Jin was impressed by her nonchalance towards his boyfriend’s childlike attitude. Normally it would attract at least a double-take from someone, but this Nana seemed to accept it easily.
“Now come on in, you two,” she waved them in as Dahyun opened the door for them. They hung up their coats and used some hand sanitizer before they entered, courtesy of the kind receptionist.
“All of the dogs in the back area here are available for adoption,” Nana explained, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a dog you fall in love with while you play with them.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened like he hadn’t thought of the possibility yet. He turned towards his Daddy with another pleading expression, “Oh, please! Can we get a doggy? Can we?”
Both Jin and Nana chuckled at the younger’s enthusiasm. Jin hummed contemplatively, “Maybe. We’ll see.”
Hoseok squealed and then hurried off towards two dogs who had spotted him and were heading over with excited leaps.
Nana turned to Jin with a fond smile, “Your boyfriend is adorable.”
Jin froze momentarily before he stuttered, “Oh, ah, thanks.” He hadn’t been expecting her to pick up on the romantic energy between him and Hoseok, but since she had, he was thankful that she didn’t seem to mind.
Nana had a look in her eyes that said that she seemed to understand what he was thinking, “I know the majority of South Korea still shuns anyone who isn’t straight, but I don’t have a problem with it.”
Jin smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Ma’am.”
She rolled her eyes and waved her hand nonchalantly, “Call me Nana.”
When Seokjin turned to look at Hoseok once more, he saw his boyfriend laying on the ground, being attacked with kisses from seven or eight different dogs. A dark grey and white husky was sniffing at the top of Hoseok’s head, while a little dachshund was licking at his wiggling fingers. A poodle-lab mix was nuzzling its snout all over Hoseok’s neck and shoulder, while a tan pomeranian attempted to nibble at his shoes. The three other dogs around him - a retriever, a beagle and a bulldog - were all trying to gain Hoseok’s attention. The little was giggling away happily at the ticklish touches as he tried to pet as many of the dogs as he could at once.
“I see you’ve made some friends, baby,” Jin commented, allowing himself to be more free about showing his relationship in front of this woman.
Hoseok managed to sit up and keep the dogs away from his face. His hair was a mess and he probably had dog slobber all over him, but he still looked ridiculously adorable with his heart-shaped smile. “They love Seokie! Can we get them all?”
Jin laughed and he could hear Nana giggling under her breath as she moved on to check on the other dogs and employees in the enclosure, leaving the two of them to themselves.
“I’m not sure about that, love,” he replied, “Dogs are a lot of work. I think we should just start with one.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened, seemingly only picking up on the last part of the sentence. “Wait, we can really get a doggy?”
Jin hummed and booped the little’s nose just to see it scrunch up cutely, “I know you’ve wanted a dog for a while now, baby. We have a nice house and yard and enough free time to properly take care of one, so why not? But only one.”
“YAY!” Hoseok jumped to his feet so he could begin bouncing excitedly and clapping his hands.
The older chuckled, “Why don’t we play with the dogs a bit more and see what happens?”
Hoseok was eager to run around the open space inside with the dogs following him. There were about twenty or so dogs in the play enclosure at that time, and at some point, each one of them had come over to greet the little.
As Hoseok was playing fetch with three or four dogs, Jin became preoccupied rubbing an Australian shepherd’s belly. The dog happily presented its stomach to Jin with its paws folded over in the air. It panted lightly and almost appeared to be smiling up at him.
Jin couldn’t help but feel something warm in his heart. It was similar to what Hoseok made him feel, but somehow still different. It was unexplainable. Jin hadn’t had a dog since his family dog passed away five or so years ago, and he forgot about the happiness a pet could make you feel.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Hoseok wandered back over to Seokjin with the beagle from earlier cradled carefully in his arms and a bright, heart-shaped smile on his face.
“Yes, baby?” Jin replied though he had an idea where this was going.
“Seokie likes this puppy. A nice lady said that he’s still a puppy. They found him alone in an alley!” There was a solemn look on the little’s face now as he imagined the dog in such a sad condition.
Jin hummed and reached out to take the beagle puppy into his own arms. “Poor little guy.”
The little beagle puppy had been relatively energetic earlier, but after playing around with Hoseok, it was getting sleepy. It’s normally big brown eyes were shutting and he leaned his little head against Jin’s forearm. The dog was white with reddish-brown patches over his soft fur, and he was only a few inches bigger than Seokjin’s large hands.
“How’s it going over here?” Nana questioned as she approached the two of them once more, “I see you’re taking to this little one quite well.”
“This puppy is so cute!” Hoseok exclaimed, “Seokie wants to name him Copper like from The Fox and the Hound! Seokie loves that movie.”
Jin glanced down at the sleeping puppy in his arms and ran a hand over his back, “Hm, Copper? He does have copper fur.”
“Can we get him, Daddy? A-And call him Copper?” Hoseok’s eyes were wide with happiness and honestly, Jin would do anything to see that expression all the time.
“Sure, he is pretty cute,” Jin replied.
Hoseok went to squeal before his caregiver reminded him to use his inside voice. “H-Hoseokie will take really, really good care of Copper! Promise!”
“Pinky promise?” Jin questioned, lifting his hand from petting the puppy to hold his pinky finger out to the little.
Hoseok linked them easily, “Promise, Daddy.”
Nana smiled, “Looks like you’ve got yourself a puppy, you two.”
Jin met her kind gaze and grinned, “Looks like it.”
After getting a list of things they would need for Copper from Nana, as well as a package of basic dog care information, Jin and Hoseok were heading out the door, Copper trotting along happily on his new leash.
Hoseok’s bad day at school was far in the back of his mind now, and he knew that even if school was difficult sometimes, he had a wonderful caregiver and a new, loving puppy to come home to that would help him through it.
A/N: So, I got BTS tickets to their concert in Toronto and I’m so stoked to go my dudes. It was a ridiculously painful experience, considering that I just happened to be on my way to another concert when the tickets went on sale. Not to mention that ticketmaster kept crashing at the only times I had the best internet access. What a pain, man. I was literally seated in my seat at this other concert, four minutes before it started, trying to buy BTS tickets. I’ve never been to such a big concert so hopefully I don’t have a panic attack while in such a literally gigantic crowd lol. I hope that you guys were able to get tickets to go as well!
Anyway, let me know what you guys thought about the story and leave a littlespace request if you would like cuz I’ve been lacking inspiration lately <3
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
A Full List of all my Biases
Because I stan too many groups. I always go by company so I don’t forget anyone. It just makes it easier for me uwu let’s get it. Btw some of the groups I still haven’t found a bias in oops. Also I apologize cause this bitch long af
H.O.T - Kangta
Trax - Jungwoo and Rose
Super Junior - Eunhyuk
DBSK/TVXQ - Changmin/ Junsu
Girls Generation - Sunny
Fx - Luna and Krystal
Shinee - Onew
Exo - Xiumin and Sehun
Red Velvet - Yeri
NCTU - Doyoung
NCT127 - Yuta
WayV - Winwin
Big Bang - Daesung
2NE1 - Minji
Winner - Baby Lion (Seunghoon)
iKON - Junhoe and Jinhwan
AKMU - Suhyun
Blackpink - Lisa
2PM - Taecyeon
Wonder Girls - Yubin and Sohye
Miss A - Min
Got7 - JB
Twice - Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jeongyeon
Day6 - Wonpil
Stray Kids - Woojin
Itzy - Yeji
Afterschool - Nana
NU’EST - Ren and Baekho
Seventeen - Jeonghan
Pristin - Nayoung
Hello Venus - Lime
Astro - Sanha
Weki Meki - Doyeon
Sistar - Hyorin and Bora
Boyfriend - Youngmin (but also Kwangmin and Minwoo)
Monsta-X - Shownu and KyuKyu
WJSN - Yeoreum
UNIQ - Yibo
Everglow - Queen Onda
SS501 - Kim  Hyun Joong
A-Jax - Yunyoung
Rainbow - Jisook
KARA - Gyuri
April - Chaewon, Rachel and Naeun
KARD - Jiwoo
Map6 - J.Jun
D-Crunch - Dylan
Noir - Seunghoon, Yeonkuk, Siha, Siheon and Minhyuk
B.I.G - Benji
Bigflo - Z-Uk, Jungkyun and Euijin
A.C.E - Byeongkwan
VAV - St.Van and Ziu
ZE:A - Minwoo
9Muses - Minha. Sojin and Hyuna
Imfact - Jian
24K - Cory and Daeil
Halo - Heecheon
GWSN - Miya
14U - Loudi
ATEEZ - Jongho
Mamamoo - Hwasa
Vromance - Chandong and Hyunseok
OneUs - Hwanwoong
OneWe - Cya
AOA - Choa
SF9 - Zuho and Hwiyoung
CNBLUE - Jungshin
N.Flying - Seunghyub
Cherry Bullet - Kokoro, May and Remi
Momoland - Jooe and Hyebin
Saturday - Chohee, Yuki and Ayeon
Z-Boys - Gai
Z-Girls - Priyanka
Trei - Jaejun
Teen Top - C.A.P and Niel
100% - Rokyun
UP10TION - Xiao, Sunyoul, Kogyeol, Wei and Wooshin
Ladies’ Code - Sojung
B.A.P - Youngguk is my main bias but also Himchan, Zelo and Jongup
Secret - JiEun
Sonamoo - D.ana
Vixx - Hakyeon obvi
Gugudan - Mina
VeriVery - Hoyoung
Dal Shabat - Serri
Dreamcatcher - Dami
LC9 - King, Rasa and A.O
Brown Eyed Girls - Gain
Lunafly - Teo
Royal Pirates - James
N-Sonic - Minkee, Sihoo and Jeonguk
Cross Gene - Takuya
KHAN - Euna
BTOB - Peniel
4Minute - Jiyoon
B2ST/Highlight - Yoseob and Gikwang
CLC - Sorn and Seungyeon
Pentagon - Wooseok and Jinho
G-idle - Soojin and Yuqi
Block B - P.O, U-Kwon and Taeil
Speed - Sejun, Taewoon, Taeha
TARA - Boram
DIA - Somyi
Newkidd - Hwi
Black6ix - Ziki and Taeyoung
AB6IX - Woong and Dongmin
CIX - Bae Jinyoung
Great Guys - Dongin
Beat Win - Sunhyuk
M.Pire - Haru
Alphabat - Code, Heta, Jeta, Gamma and Iota
G.I - Oneket
M.O.N.T - Roda
Brave Girls - Yuna
Bigstar - Baram (but also Raehwan and Sunghak
Gfriend - Umji
Infinite - Dongwoo
Lovelyz - Babysoul and Mijoo
Golden Child - Daeyeol
B1A4 - CNU
Oh My Girl - Yooa
ONF - Wyatt and Hyojin
Wassup - Nari
Hotshot - Timo and Junhyuk
Spica - Boa
Matilda - Saebyeol
Girls Girls - Miso
Girlkind - JK
IZ*ONE - Sakura, Yena and Chaewon
BTS - Namjoon
Glam - Dahee
TXT - Soobin
MBLAQ - Thunder and Lee Joon
Madtown - Daewon, Lee Geon and Buffy
U-Kiss - Kiseop
Nature - Saebom, Gaga, Sunshine, Aurora, LU
Topp Dogg/ Xeno-T  - Nakta, Xero, B-Joo
Evol - Hayana and Saay
Elris - Bella
Crayon Pop - Ellin
Loona - Chuu and Vivi
The Man BLK - Jinhwan, Sungyong, Seung, Hyeongseok, Jeongyou and Taewoo
BLK - D.A, Inno, I and Ming Ming
HBY -  Taro
fromis_9 - Seoyeon
Hot Place - Hanbit
A-Pink - Chorong
Victon - Seungwoo, Sejun and Hanse
Girls Day - Hyeri
Laboum - Solbin
N.Tic - Seunghoo (but I wholeheartedly bias the whole group, they all amazing)
Target - Woojin
H.U.B - Rui, Yehin and Keina
Chocolat - Juliane and Soa
Boys Republic - Sunwoo
History - Yijieong
Fiestar - Yezi
N-Train - Yujin
Dalmation - Inati and Donglim
Myname - JunQ, Chaejin and Gunwoo
JJCC - Eddy and Yul
Led Apple - Hanbyul
Say Yes -Subin and Sion
DGNA - Jay, Mika and Karam
M.I.B - Kangnam and 5Zic
Wonder Boyz - Master One (V.Hawk)
KNK - Youjin
Favorite - GaEul
LU:KUS - Jinhwan and J.One
Mr.Mr - Ryu, Doyeon, Tey, Changjae, Jiwon and Han
MVP - Giteuk and Rayoon
Rania - Di, Ttabo and Riko
Stellar - Minhee and Hyoeun
Two-X - Eun and Minjoo
Bulldok - Kimi 
1Team - Rubin
Snuper - Suhyun, Woosung and Sebin
Varsity - Kid, Xiwoo, Damon, Anthony
Highteen - Sea
TINT - Mirim
Tiny-G - Mint
Purfles - Wooyoung
Double A - Kimchi
F.Cuz - Yejun
C-Clown - Rome, Siwoo and Maru
ZPZG - NK and Jihoon
PLT - Jinwoo, Gaho and Villian (I know they aren’t a group)
A.Cian - Jungsung and Lo-J
2EYES - Dasom
Wanna.B - Eunsom, Saebom, Yoonseul, Jiwoo and Siyoung
Moa - Zelli
4L - JNa
Holiday - Dany
021 - Weiyang and Jiyoung
Ela8te - Darae
Blady - Coco, Kangyoon and Seojin
A.de - Suyeon, Haeyong, Miso and Choyoon
S2U - Miyu, SeEun
Sixth Sense - I.N and Heeju
Bay.B - Seola
ZZBae - MoA
Unicorn - Sally and Winnie
Phantom - Sanchez
Baby V.O.X - EZ and Heejin
As 1 - Shin, Nata and Kayan
w24 - Aaron
Vermuda - Nakang, U and Je1
Red Sun - Subin
Pink lady - Woolim
T-Birds - Nara
Playback - Woolim
Seo.Sijak - Sun-A
In2it - Inho and Inpyo
Cupid - Bona
A6P - Jungyeon, Jelly-P, Yaho and Actin
Click-B - Minhyuk, Hyungon and Hoseok
Ashgray - Minhyuk
Heymiss - Naru, Hyunji and Seula
ATO - Rihan 
Icia - Yoomin
Like a Movie - Domo, Siryu, Joha
AGirls - Minsung, Yurian and Heeso
Lucente - Bao, Z.Hoo and Parkha
Barbie D - Jiyeon 
ZEST - Shun and Seunghoon
Trophy - Davino and hae.on
N-Balance - Riu
DayDay - Minju
M-Fect - Low
Hey Girls - Jandi, Heesu, Mizi and Hyuna
Switch Berry - Minji and Saerom
MASC - Ireah, DoEun and Chibin
Blah Blah - Hajung and Seolhwa
MustB - Taegeon and Chibin
Various - SoEun, Seulgi, Hyebin and Yeji
GP Basic - Amet
Ye.A - Ha.Dey and Ka.zoo
Seven O’Clock - Hyun, Taeyoung and Vaan
Gate9 - Haeyeon, Gaga, Kady and Yoon
South Club - Kunku and Donghyun
ZZBest - Ina
Spectrum - Minjae, Jaehan and Villian
Hotties - Ellie
Underdog - Dal, Seunghyuk, Roel, Jiro and Gaon
S2 - Soyul, JooAh, Yujeong and Chaewon
Supernova - Yunhak
Pitapat - Jain and Solim
Chloris - Dina and Liwon
The Rose - Hajun and Jaehyeong
X1 - Hangyul and Seungyoun
Play the Siren - Kasper
Camila - Choim, Yubeen and Jeongyuna
1NB - Jayeon, Leeda, Jungyu
MY.ST - Woncheol and Woojin
Argon - Kain, Gon and JaEun
INX - Bonkuk, Jinam and Win
Airisu - Eunbi
10X10 - Jiyoon, Rica, Cindy
In4mal - Seulgi, J-Feel, Seungheon
Vividiva - Ha.L and Saeyan
Afos - Zett and Seungheon
NOM - Yonggi
Offroad - Gil, Arkay, Seunghun
Twinkle - Sujin, Sunyul, Y-B, Sol-E
AA - Arkay
ACE - Jinah, Youjin, SeolA and Darum
Bada - Jinri, Seungha, Loha, Maum
B:Skit - Sangyun, Hooni and Issac
LeaderS’ - SeulA, Hyoji, Yoonbyul, Bini, Myullan
Lucky Girls - Sandy, LeeSol, Harin
Blast - Dal and Dahee
Sha Sha - Chaiki
Tweety - Ain
Be.A - Milly
Blue Fox - Daya
J2KC - Danny
Midnight - Danbi and Yebin
New Town Boyz - Duckie and E-Kyun
PLO - E-Kyun and Mori
M.Crown - Juyeob, Taegun, Taichi and Laon
Lipbubble - Mirae and Haea
BTL - Jean Paul, Jay, Yeon, Do.ka and Yei.A
All S Girl - Ria, Seoyoung, Karam and Yujin
Road Boyz - Myoha, Hwan, Maca, and ZBell
B.Heart - TaeU and Yongha
Blanc7 - D.L, Taichi and Jean Paul
All Star - Harang and Dal
NewUs - Jion and Sangwook
TST - Junghoon and Kyeongha
APL - Seoin
Aweek - Hyeon
BIT - Mino
Rainz - Seongri, Wontak and Eunki
Penta-G - Haullim and N.Jun
One Voices - J.Han
Street75 - Sungchul
Waeb - Jebb
1tension - N.Jun
B.O.I - Joonhyeon
A-Peace - Sehyeon
D-Unit - Ram
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noonaduck · 5 years
BTS - Sweet Dreams pt.7
Pairing: OT7 x reader Gendre: Fantasy AU, fluff, smut(?), angst words: 1530 Summary: Eight dreams and eight powers, tied together. Would they fall or would they rise? Y/N had seen dreams about seven men as long as she could remember. Namjoon was a regular guy who worked in a small bookstore. Jin has finally reached his dream and opened his very own cafe. Yoongi was a heir with future which was already planned for him. Jimin and Hoseok were partners in everything what they did in their life. Jungkook was an artist with complicated past. Taehyung was a knot which bond them together. Together they all were a circle with awakening powers. 
6. < 7. > 8.
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[Gifs belongs to their rightful owners]
Taehyung's Pov. Taehyung keeps staring at his computer screen and frowns. He feels so frustrated about yesterday's events. After he had told everything for his new circle he had hoped to get more positive reactions. People did not seem to react well when everything that they know turns upside down. At least he did not get denial from everyone, but Y/N and Jungkook were hard cookies to break. Taehyung knows a lot about computers, so It wasn't that hard to find out about everything from everyone. Nana had told their names for him after all. Since he has been little all kind of electronic devises has been on his interest list. Thanks for that belonged to his late parents who were both working with computers. His father has been computer engineer and her mother has worked in marketing department in same company. Taehyung was greatly surprised that one of his circle members was heir of that corporation. Min Yoongi, heir of KOBRA corp. There wasn't anything mysterious about their deaths, an armed robbery had gone terribly wrong and his parents and one another hostage had lost their life. Luckily the robber, who was been under influence of drugs, was rotting in the jail for rest of his life. Even tough Yoongi has nothing to do with his parents death his last name brings memories back about his past. Taehyung brings his focus back to mission and keeps scrolling down on Hoseok's Instagram account. There is some selfies and dance videos, those does not really gain his interest. He bumps into post where sad looking Hoseok looks at his camera. description box's words makes him cringe for little bit. 'Me & @Chimchim missed our turn on yesterday's competition for personal reason. Better luck next time, I hope.' It was Taehyung's fault that had happened. He had done some hacking works for The Coffin's owner Zeke and used it for his benefit. Taehyung had asked to bring Hoseok and Jimin to him, even when he knew how much dancing meant for them. Nana had told him that sooner he gets them all together than better. There is a knock on his bedroom door and Nana steps in. Today her hair is on loose bun and she is wearing long sleeved grey tunic over her pants. heavy opals are hanging from her ears. ''What do you need?'' Taehyung asks and spins around with his chair to face his grandmother. ''I have something to give for you.'' She says and steps closer to her grandson. Taehyung's room is small ans most of his space takes his computer station. Walls are painted with olive green and his bed is pushed in front of his window. He does not have a wardrobe in his room because he has turned an attic into his fashion studio. He keeps his clothes there with his sewing machine and other sewing supplies. Stairs to the attic was located right next to his room.  On left side wall next to his bed is hanging a huge grey dream catcher. Quite useless if u think it now. ''What is it?'' Taehyung asks curious. His grandmother opens her palm and there is laying a bracelet made of black stones. Taehyung looks at his grandma with curiosity. ''This bracelet belonged to your grandfather and now I want to give it for you.'' She says and takes Taehyung's right wrist into her grip. Without a word she slips the bracelet at it place.
Taehyung is quite surprised, because usually Nana refuses to talk about his grandfather. He looks his new bracelet with wonder. ''Why you are giving this for me?'' he asks. ''It will protect you as long as the stones touches your skin. You must promise me that you will never take it of if you are without your circle members.'' Her grandma says with gentle voice. Even tough her voice is gentle her eyes are serious. ''Why grandpa would have something like this?'' Taehyung is turning more confused. Nana takes a deep breath. ''Because he was member of my circle.''
* Y/N's Pov. Jungkook is still sleeping next to you when your phone begins to vibrate on your pants, which are still located on bedroom floor. You push yourself up from the bed and hurry towards your pants pocket. You press the green button and put your phone on to your ear. ''Y/N finally, I was ready to put police after you.'' You hear Cloe's worried voice on the line. ''I'm so sorry, I totally forget to let you know that I'm fine.'' You say ashamed. You had totally forgotten about Cloe with everything that had happened last night. ''What happened?'' Cloe asks more calmly. ''Wait did you perhaps leave home with that guy you were about to meet?'' She is turning excited. ''Maybe...'' ''I fucking knew it. It was about time that you got laid. How was it? Was he good at bed? Did he treat you right?'' Cloe almost yells at phone and you see Jungkook sifting in his sleep. ''Shh, calm down,he is still sleeping. It was, It was good. He was good to me. How about you, did you have good time with your guy from yesterday?'' You ask knowing that Cloe likes to talk about herself. ''Oh my god no. It turned up that he had a girlfriend who ended up causing a scene on the club. I slipped away and waited for the dance/rap competition to began but for my luck neither Jimin or Hoseok showed up...'' Cloe keeps going and you let her speech go in from one ear and out from another. ''Y/N?'' Jungkook asks with raspy voice. He gets into sitting position on his bed and looks around with sleepy eyes. His brow hair is messy like a birds nest and his face is lost. ''Cloe, listen I have to go. I will call you later.'' You interrupt your friend. ''Ah, I see. Have fun and don't worry about me. Call me when you can, bye'' Cloe says knowingly and ends the call. ''Yes?'' You ask shyly. You are scared about what is going to happen next.
Before Jungkook has a chance to answer both of your phones beeps at the same time. ~You have been added into chat group Dream Catchers with seven other people.~ ~TaeB0lt has added Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Y/N L/N & & Jeon Jungkook~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Kim Seokjin's username to Doctorhandsome~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Kim Namjoon's username to LeaderofShadowsss~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Park Jimin's username to Fl0werdude~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Min Yoongi's username to Pale_Icecube~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Jung Hoseok's username to SunhobiNy~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Y/N L/N's username to Copy.paste.princess~ ~TaeB0lt has changed Jeon Jungkook's username to hot_kookie~ TaeB0lt: *Hello.* Pale_Icecube: *WTF? How did you get my number and what is going on with this username?* Fl0wedude: *I was thinking about it too...* ~SunhobiNy left the chatroom~ ~TaeB0lt added SunhobiNy~ SunhobiNy: *!!??* Taeb0lt: *There's no escape Hobi. It wasn't that difficult to get your numbers when you know what you are doing. And I thought that our usernames are creative.*
LeaderofShadowsss: *Tell me again, why I'm leading this group?* TaeB0lt: *Because you're smart and maybe because you acted like our leader even when we didn't knew what was going on.* DoctorHandsome: *True, Namjoon acted like everything was under his control even in our dreams.* ~Copy.paste.princess is typing....~ You decide to not say anything and delete your message. hot_kookie: *Was there some point for this chat room or did you just came here bully us?* TaeB0lt: *Ah indeed, I'm glad that you asked @hot_kookie because I'm right behind your door.* Door bell rings and you and Jungkook freeze. You look at each other and your naked forms. You and him begin to move at the same time both reaching for your clothes. ''How he knows where I live?'' Jungkook asks while he keeps pulling his pants up. ''How I'm supposed to know?'' You question back while searching rapidly for your bra. Doorbell rings again, but with more demanding tone. Jungkook pulls his shirt from yesterday hastily over his head and heads out of the bedroom and towards his front door. You keep still collecting your clothes when you hear Taehyung's distant voice. ''Hello kookie, I'm sorry to drop in without a notice, but I knew that even if I would let you know that I was coming you might not be happy.'' Taehyung keeps chatting. You have found your clothes and you sneak out of Jungkook's bedroom. His bedroom leads on hallway with a glass railings. You could easily see what happened downstairs. ''How did you know where I live?'' Jungkook asks annoyed. His looks were rather messy even more when compared to Taehyung. He was wearing black leather jacket with white t-shirt paired with black jeans and boots. ''I have quite good computer skills.'' He shrugs. ''Oh hi Y/N? Wild night, huh?'' Taehyung smirks and waves his hand to you. Damn, you thought that he hasn't noticed you. You walk awkwardly down the stairs and stop next to Jungkook. ''What are you doing here?'' Jungkook asks crossing his hands in front of him. ''I thought that we should have a new meeting after everyone have calmed down. Talking about meeting  you don't mind that I texted your address for everyone right?'' Taehyung ends with wide smile. ''You what?'' Jungkook asks angry and right then the doorbell rings again.
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yujaenhq · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
reserved until 07/31.
KIM JIYEON / BONA ⟩ idol - wjsn ⟩ molae building - 2h ( expiring tonight ! )
reserved until 08/01.
KIM JUNGEUN / KIM LIP ⟩ idol - loona ⟩ yugji building - 1b. MINATOZAKI SANA ⟩ idol - twice ⟩ haean building - 1d. KANG DANIEL ⟩ idol - soloist ⟩ yugji building - 1a.
reserved until 08/02.
PARK SEONGHWA ⟩ idol - ateez ⟩ haean building - 2d. WONG YUKHEI / LUCAS ⟩ idol - nct ⟩ yugji building - 1a.
current applications.
SHIN HOSEOK / WONHO ⟩ idol - monsta x ⟩ yugji building - 1a. NANA KOMATSU ⟩ actress ⟩ molae building - 2i.
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picficskpopstyle · 6 years
Request List 2018
A/N: All of the smut will be bolded and italicized. Everything will be linked to the original requests...erm, anything that I’m considering to be put in series will have an asterisk (*). Oh, and for myself, the requests that aren’t super specific will have an exclamation point (!). Taboo requests will be marked with a tilde (~). Requests that I’m considering combining will have an ampersand (&). Requests that’ll probably need to be a series will have...a question mark lol (?).The group names will be linked to a thread for all of the original requests for that group. Same thing for the member’s names: it’ll be linked to all of the requests under that member. Okay, let’s get into it.
- “similar to Hot for Teacher” w/ one of the boys
-BTS members proposing
- Kidnapped and the members save you
-Rough Punishment
-Dating Tae and you find out your ex is in his group (w/ Yoongi) (?) 
-Food Play / Whipped Cream (*)
- Cute foreplay threesome w/ Jungkookie (*)
-Threesome w/ Jimin (!) (*)
-First Place (*)
-Tae’s first time
-Threesome w/ SHINee’s Minho (!)
-Dress up like a cat (*)
-Angsty smut (!) (*)
-Motorcycle Teasing
-Dancing and Teasing you (w/ Jimin)
-Learn that you’re pregnant
-Poly relationship w/ Namjoon (!)
-Dancing and Teasing you (w/ Hobi)
-The Nutcracker (?)
-Threesome w/ Got7′s Jackson (!)
-Angsty smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Taehyung (!) (*)
-Blind Date
-Threesome w/ Taemin as a backup dancer
Jungkookie~~~ :
-Didn’t know he wanted you until you dated someone from another group (?)
-Stepbrother (~)
-Threesome w/ Namjoon (!)
-Jungkook and reader...self harm (~)
-’Careless Flirting’ w/ Yugyeom and you
-Kookie wants a threesome
-Slow Motion by Trey Songz
-Cute foreplay threesome w/ Taehyung (*)
-Jungkook’s first time
-Jungkook noona
-Jungkook classmate
-Namjoon smut (!) (&)
-Fighting for Dominance
-Threesome w/ Jungkook (!)
-The two of you are caught by Yoongi
-Poly relationship w/ Hoseok (!)
-Noticed at a concert (&)
-Jungkook’s gf (you) have a crush on Yoongi
-He’s jealous of Jin
-Catches you in the studio
-Walks in on you and Namjoon
-Angsty relationship (!)
-Tease him under the table (&)
-Public teasing w/ some Daddy kink (&)
-Dom Yoongi Sub Reader (!)
-Threesome w/ EXO’s Kyungsoo(!)
-“Kiss Me” by Ed Sheeran
-Skype Sex
-Clingy Puppy-like Fluffy smut
-Shower Sex
-Junhoe smut (!)
Hanbin/ BI:
-Hanbin smut (!)
Donghyuk/ DK:
-DK smut (!)
-Bobby smut (!)
-Taboo smut request (!) (~)
-Sex Trip / Teasing Vacation (?)
-Wild Master
-You’re a surgeon
-Makes you get along w/ Minho threesome
- Threesome w/ BTS’ Jimin as a back up dancer
-Just...smut (!) (&)
-Demon Key/Angel Reader (?)
-Fluffy Morning Smut (&)
-Fuckboy Key (&) (?)
-Dominant and Rough (!) (&)
-Dominant Minho (!) (&)
-Short smut (!) (&)
-You don’t like him threesome w/ Taemin
-Threesome w/ BTS’ Taehyung
-Lap sitting (~)
-Fluffy Smut (!)
-Anything NCT (!!!) (&)
-School (!) 
-Steamy (!)
-Mafia Jaehyun 
-Jealous of Ten
-New Manager Noona
-Suspiciously Teasing
-Wants to hear you beg
-Threesome with BTS’ Yoongi  (!)
-Threesome w/ Chanyeol (!) 
-Sehun and Kai threesome (!)
-Sehun smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Uniq’s Wang Yibo (!)
-Sehun and Kai threesome (!)
-Luhan smut (!)
-Rough Jealousy
-Threesome w/ Kyungsoo (!)
-Fuckboy brother (~)
-Finds out he has a daughter
-Chubby reader smut (!)
-Fluffy Jongup
-Threesome w/ you and Yongguk(!)
-Threesome w/ you and Jongup(!)
-You’re a virgin
-Series of Fluffs (!)
-Drunk Camping
-Teaching you to drive
-Jealous of Jackson
-Threesome w/ BTS’ Jimin (!)
-Being Ignored
-’Careless Flirting’ w/Jungkook and you
-Caught in the Act w/ reader
-Friends w/ Benefits
-Naughty w/ a fangirl
-Jealous of Infinite’s Myungsoo/L
-Stylist Noona
Super Junior:
-Someone is a dom (!!)
-Threesome w/ Donghae (!)
-Threesome w/ Eunhyuk (!)
-Yesung Fluff
-Jiyoon smut (!)
-Hyuna Smut (!)
Big Bang:
G-Dragon/ Jiyong:
-Dual Personality
-You bring your son to his job
-Fluffy Smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Sungjoo (!)
-Rough and Fast
-Wenhan smut (!)
-Threesome w/ YiXuan (!)
-Confused Feelings
-Threesome w/ EXO’s Sehun (!)
B2ST/ BEAST/ Highlight:
-Phone Sex
-Junhyung Smut (!)
-Just...smut (!)
-Just...smut (!)
-Voodoo Doll inspired
-Kitten Play
-Threesome w/ Ukiss’ Kiseop (!)
- Love triangle w/ N 
-Love Triangle w/ Ravi 
-Threesome w/ Vixx’s Leo (!)
-Threesome w/ Sunggyu(!)
-Threesome w/ Dongwoo(!)
Monsta X:
-Jooheon Smut (!)
Changkyun/ I.M:
-Just...smut (!)
-Alex smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Hojoon (!)
-Threesome w/ Hansol (!)
-Fluffy Smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Afterschool’s Nana (!)
-Threesome w/ 2ne1′s CL (!)
Teen Top:
-Angsty Fluffy Smut (!)
-Taehyun smut (!)
-Threesome w/ Gray (Aomg) (!)
Actors/ Solo Artists:
Ahn Jae Hyun:
-Jooyoung Smut (!)
Kim Soo Hyun:
-Just...smut (!)
-Public sex (!)
Park Seo Joon:
-Threesome w/ Winner’s Mino (!)
Series/Part two requests:
-The Truth (Jungkook v Namjoon)
-Becoming A Memory (Taehyung)
-Kinky (Taehyung w/ Jimin& Jungkook)
-Game On (Jungkook)
-Can’t Be Friends (Taehyung v Jungkook)
-Absolutely Adorable (Jimin)
-Immoral (Yoongi)
-Back to Haunt You (Yoongi)
 -Biting (Uniq’s Seungyeon)
- Daddy Jin (Jin)
- Baby Sis (Yoongi)
-All Grown Up (Taehyung)
-Just a Few More Days (Seventeen’s Jeonghan)
-Piano (Got7′s Youngjae)
-Always (Got7′s JB)
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