#hortensia x celine
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justrandomgrill · 9 months ago
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Done with another run of FE Artscuffle! I decided to just post everything I've done at once sine I was doing wAAAAAAAAAY less stuff than I was doing last time.- part one cause tag limit sucks
Commission status is in my pinned post!
Uncensored Merrin/Chloe utc! + taglist
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mokadevs · 1 month ago
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treat me
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forblazess · 11 months ago
Fire Emblem Pairings Stamp Batch #5
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I edited some FE pairing stamps! Use them for your HTML needs :)
Just make sure the stamps have their URLs when you add them.
Other batches:
Batch # 1
Batch # 2
Batch # 3
Batch # 4
Batch # 5
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emblemxeno · 2 years ago
People on Twitter denying that Engage’s cast is very queer coded is really funny to me lmao
Like, to an extent, I can understand it seems cheap and inoffensive just to make Alear’s romances gender neutral and them being the only ones to have paired endings is sad. Fair.
But deliberately ignoring how fruity the Engage cast is? What? Supports between Fogado/Alcryst, Fogado/Pandreo, Diamant/Amber, Etie/Goldmary, Celine/Hortensia are very gay! Anything that comes out of Alfred’s mouth is gay! Merrin is very les to the point her personal skill is her escorting women like the handsome gal she is!  Kagetsu and Chloe are very open and brazen with their gay words (okay maybe the former is explained by language barriers but honestly he’s probably queer, too)! Rosado personally executed the gender police himself!
Part of the criticism of Engage’s queerness is that no character “uses it in a meaningful way” i.e. explain deeper parts of their characters, and Twitter people compared it to X, Y, and Z characters from the game that shall not be named, and idk, personally in a game with a tone like Engage, it matters less to be specifically descriptive and matters more to be more playful and fun with it. It’s not like Fates where there were only two same sex S support characters and so they had to be written with that directly in mind for their characters (which Treehouse then removed, damn thee), but Engage from the jump tries to be more feel good and hopeful, so not only does there not really need to be character arcs intertwined with implied differing sexualities, that opens the avenue for more of the cast to be read as queer/queer coded by fans.
Idk, that’s what I feel anyway
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teaveetamer · 1 year ago
(anon who loves all 3H lords)
what are your non-3H favorite FE ships?
Oooh a fun question! Sorry it took me a minute to get to it, end of the semester has been a bit wild.
I like basically all the royal x royal ships from Fates (Leokumi especially), Diafred, a lil bit of Fogato/Alcryst (Fogacryst? idk) and Celine with Hortensia (no idea on a ship name there, I just think their supports are cute).
Going further back I'd say I also at least passively like Chrobin (usually the Chrom/F!Robin configuration but that's just me), Tibarn/Reyson, Naesala/Leanne, and Rafiel/Nailah. Elincia and her royal polycule are also cute, and I'm down for some Eirika/Seth. I'm sure I'll have at least one Ephraim ship by the time I'm done playing Sacred stones as well, but I'm still working on that one!
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emblematicemblazer · 1 year ago
Adorable conversations
One of the lovely people I follow explained the Celine x Hortensia poking, cheek pinching conversation. I hadn't watched it in Japanese so I went into my japanese saved file and did a little conversation grinding. It is adorable in both languages. I may have translated 'punipuni' to 'squishy squishy' since it is a mimetic word.
My top three adorable conversations are:
Celine and Hortensia
Jean and Clanne
Jean and Zelkov.
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harpyladyval · 2 years ago
What are your favorite sapphic ships?
Ooooh fun!
For FE Fates:
Camilla/Hinoka was probably my biggest one. Love the aesthetic, very versatile dynamic
Elise/Sakura was also hella cute. Pink and purple sapphics! Outgoing + shy combo! I actually just pulled their Valentine's duo in FEH and their lines are so friggin cute (Elise would be such a sweet and supportive girlfriend)
For FE3H:
I really like Mercedes/Annette. Besties turned lovers, their ending together is cute, and also, Mercedes is well equipped to bully Gilbert (nicely)
I'll preface this by saying I played their paralogue before I got their supports, but I thought Dorothea/Ingrid was hella cute. Lots of potential for angst. I'd just... you know... rewrite their support line lmao
Hilda/Marianne. Cotton candy sapphics! Also, I just think it's really cute how Hilda is lazy AF but will still wind up doing things for Marianne to take care of her. Their duo unit in FEH is also really freaking adorable I mean
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Hilda straight up throwing her body in front of Marianne? Marianne is completely uninjured while Hilda is lookin' pretty rough?! Tell me that doesn't just make your heart swoon
For FE Engage:
Celine/Everyone she's got some mad game. I think Chloe is her biggest pair but I actually think her support with Hortensia is adorable too.
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risingdragonblade · 2 years ago
So remember those Fire Emblem: Fates Revelations playthroughs people would do, where they’d intermarry the Hoshido and Nohr royal families (Ryoma x Camilla, Xander x Hinoka, Takumi x Elise and Leo x Sakura)? I’m trying to think of how to do something similar with the royalty that Engage has shown off between the four nations.
Right now my instinct is something like: Alfred x Ivy, Diamante x Timerra, Celine x Fogato and Alcryst x Hortensia.  This is just for sillies lol I have no idea how their supports will go, it’s mostly based on Vibes.
If there turns out to be gay/bi options tho I am willing to make Timerra x Ivy a thing. Alfred x Diamante, and then still Celine x Fogato and Alcryst x Hortensia?
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dahliaceo · 2 years ago
alcryst x hortensia rly is my bread and butter but alcryst has two hands and so does hortensia. for fogado and celine respectively
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Anuncian la X versión de Voleibol Superior con refuerzos de la provincia Monseñor Nouel; inicia el 28 con la participación de 4 equipos Bonao, Monseñor Nouel.-Un total de cuatro equipos se estarán disputando la Copa Alcadía de Bonao, durante la X edición del Torneo de Voleibol Superior Femenino, evento señalado para inaugurarse este próximo Sábado 28 de octubre en el bajo techo Andres Osiris Tejeda Cessé, a partir de la 8:00 de la noche, dedicado a los empresarios Luis Castillo y Cerda Cerda. Los detalles del torneo fueron ofrecidos por el comité organizador que preside el Dr. Alexis Mármol, el encuentro con la prensa tuvo lugar en el Paraíso Solymar, lugar encantador por su belleza natural. Mármol informó que en el tradicional certamen accionarán los clubes Las Hortensias, Las Delicias, Dental Plamed y Piedra Blanca, todos en la rama femenina. El odontólogo y deportista resaltó el entusiasmo reinante en Bonao por el inicio del torneo, al tiempo de asegurar sentirse comprometido con esta iniciativa de relanzar el Voleibol Noulense. Eric Robles y José Galán miembros del comité organizador explicaron el trabajo arduo para el montaje del evento, el cual comenzará con una vistosa ceremonia, a la que han sido invitadas personalidades y autoridades de la provincia, previo al juego inaugural. Informaron que el calendario contempla partidos Sábado y Domingo en doble jornada. Sábado a las 7:00 p.m. a excepción de los Domingos que se jugará en la tarde. Patrocinio El Lic. Lorenzo Burgos, comercializador del evento agradeció a los patrocinadores. El torneo cuenta con el auspicio de la Alcadía de Bonao, Cerimax, combustible Atlantic, Quimagro, Dental Plamed, Incisa Motors, Diputado Orlando Martinez, Gobernación Provincial, Ministerio de la Mujer, Impresos Celin, Helados Bon, National English Institute, en otras empresas. Departamento de prensa del evento. #Osnyenlosdeportes
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