#horsemen of the apocalypse batfam
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Woke up thinkin about This Au idea where the Batfam are the Horsemen of the Apocalypse split into multiple forms. And just thinkin about those fics of someone summoning a character accidentally. Do you see where I am going with this?
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luthwhore · 1 year
“incorrect quotes” posts peaked with that post that put gina linetti quotes on screencaps of loki from the mcu. everything since then has been downhill.
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jasmines-library · 7 months
idea for a little spn and batfamily crossover!
imagine reader being part of the batfamily and maybe like 17-19 and also is the horseman of war. imagine the apocalypse starts and the brothers and cas come looking for her seeking her help and everything
Bringers of The Apocalypse:
Part one: Time to Wield The Blade
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Note: this is such a cool concept I couldn’t say no to writing it! When I started writing I honestly wasn’t sure where to go with it at first, but as I carried on I grew to like it. I hope you all do too.
Word Count: 3.1K
The Horsemen are drawing nearer On leather steeds they ride They've come to take your life On through the dead of night With The Four Horsemen ride Or choose your fate and die
It had been coming for a long while. You knew the minute that Dean Winchester was dragged off to hell and the first seal was broken that it was coming. The stench of its inevitability hung as one big fat cloud in the air but at first you still held out a little hope. A spark. A fraction of optimism that somehow someway the Winchesters would find a way to stop the seals being broken. But demons were tricky. You had never like the evil fuckers. You had hoped that Sam and Dean would notice that behind Ruby’s compelling eyes and false smile, there was a snake waiting for her prey to fall right into her trap. But it just so happened that lady luck was not on your side and the cage doors came blasting off their hinges for Lucifer to rise again. And with him would come the apocalypse.
The day was hot, the sky was cloudless and the flowers were in full bloom. It was so nice that you would have been described as perfect if your head didn’t feel like it was being pounded upon by a meat cleaver. It was was because there were there in the back of your mind, whispering away. Your brothers. The other three horsemen: Pestilence, Famine and Death. The bringers of the apocalypse. It had been many years since you had seen them, albeit they would still occasionally pop up in the back of your mind for a chat. A perk of being a celestial being you supposed. Though right now you were trying to shut them out and failing miserably. Sometimes you would find that they grew irritating, constantly disagreeing with each others actions or views. Perhaps that was the reason that after thousands of years together all of you had decided to go your separate ways. That was when you had decided to start over again in Gotham.
You remember the day distinctly. Bruce Wayne had opened you with open arms after you had decided to help them on a patrol with a particularly sticky villain. You were young. Well, younger. Time passes by strangely for a horseman. You have been alive since the very beginning. Since man decided to declare war on another. That was what you did. You aided and guided war. And it was a cruel job. You had seen a lot in your time as a horseman. Some things that made you squeeze your eyes shut until there were wrinkles on your forehead and nose. But someone had to do it. For the longest time it had just been the five of you: you, your brothers and God. For there cannot be no light without dark. No life without death. And while it had been exciting at times…it was lonely. Heart wrenching too for your entire existence was dedicated to something that caused so many people so much pain…often you had just wanted to quit.
You watched the world build foundations and knock them down again and again until it slowly morphed into what it is now. Over that time you had grown to love Earth and its people. Their complexities intrigued you. So, slowly but surely you began to build yourself a life on earth. You began to create your own human identity so that you could feel something more. And so you and your brothers split to begin lives amongst humans. To help keep an eye on things and to carry out your jobs more effectively. After all, it’s much easier to understand someone when you put yourselves in their shoes.
You kept to yourself mostly. You forged yourself an identity. Then came along Bruce Wayne and his espionage of Robins who embraced the real you instead of shunning you away. You felt loved and tried oh so hard to enjoy your time with your family. Until one night Lucifer tore that all away from you.
The feeling cut through you like a knife, tearing the wind from your lungs. Dick would have thought you were dying from a gunshot had it not been for the fact that you had been lounging beside him on the couch when it happened. You clutched at your chest tightly, clawing for breath as though you were suffocating. He was looking at you with wide eyes when you removed your hand from your chest allowing your breathing to finally slow. And there it was, shimmering against the light. Golden lines that twisted around your wrists. They were pretty like: shifting in rich shades of gold that would make even the richest of men jealous, though the meaning made you want to scream and shout. To kick your legs around like a small child just in hope of a small chance that it would disappear. Albeit instead you closed your eyes tight and took a sigh of defeat.
A binding.
Lucifer had bound you to him.
A gentle breeze drifted through the air. It was enough to make the branches dance softly as it passed through providing a small moment of relief against the warm summer's afternoon. The sun was still high in the sky, casting golden shadows against the ground that moved as she pivoted in the sky. It was truly a nice evening, so you had decided to sit in the garden to enjoy the day for once.
You had chosen a lounge chair tucked away by the flowers. They were in full bloom and adorned the garden with shades of reds, pinks and whites. It was a nice burst of colour against all of the green hedges that Alfred kept pruned back cleanly.
At first, you wanted to curl up with a book and catch a bit of sunshine but you had long since set that aside on the pillow next to you. You hadn’t really been reading it anyway; more like scanning the words blankly without letting them even register in your mind before you had moved on.
The truth was you were distracted. You had been since the minute Lucifer placed those bonds on your skin. It began to affect your everyday thinking. Every minute was consumed by the thought of him. And your brothers, whose whispers in the back of your mind grew louder and louder as time ticked by You were waiting for him to call you to him any minute. The anticipation ate away at you but you tried to ignore it and let it get stale.
Something was changing.
You had felt it coming: a ticking in the back of your mind. And you shouldn’t have been so thrown off by it: you had been watching and waiting patiently for it to arrive for years, but now it was finally here you couldn’t help the bubbling feeling in your stomach.
You sat twirling the ring around your finger: A simple gold band that fit snugly around your ring finger. It was far less ornate than the ones that the other horsemen shared, but you supposed that was the beauty of it. So war is so complex…yet simplified too much in the public eye. Being with you since the beginning, the ring was so much more than meets the eye. Holding the key to your power it was a symbol of who you are and so so much more. It was also the reason that you knew you would have to leave soon. Sooner or later you would be forced to reunite with your bothers under Lucifer’s binding to begin the apocalypse. Unless you could convince them to use the rings for good and to create the key to the cage to send lucifer back. Though you knew it would be much harder to get your brothers to give up their rings. They did not share the same values as you did.
“Y/N?” It was Damian who made his way toward you from the double doors. He had seen you leave a few hours ago and had watched you for hours as you sat trying to work through whatever was clearly bothering you. He had tried to figure it out himself: Damian had always been good at reading people, though you stumped him. He could never quite figure you out. He supposed that was one of the reasons you were so special. “Are you alright?”
“Fine.” You nodded, still twirling the band around your finger. “I’ll come back in a moment. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“Not at all.” Damian gestured to the bench and you slid over so he could squeeze in beside you. “What’s on your mind?”
There was no easy way to put it. You knew exactly what it was and you knew that you were going to have to tell them about it at one point or another. So why couldn’t you bring the words to your lips? Why were the words you had spent so long rehearsing refusing to speak? It’s not like your family didn’t know who you were. In fact, that was one of the reasons that Bruce adopted you into the family. For years and years you had known nothing but War, Famine, Pestilence and Death. And they were all so different from you. Without the same morals you were often left aside. Or sneered at when they thought you weren’t looking. You had nothing. And now Bruce and given you everything. Perhaps that was why you were so hesitant to tell him. As it meant that you would have to leave. Although you knew it was inevitable, you had hoped it wouldn’t have been this soon. The thought bothered you deeply, so with a heavy sigh you decided to just spit it out and get it over with.
“The apocalypse is beginning.”
Damian faltered, jaw nearly falling open like an old doll that had lost its jaw hinges. “So soon?”
“I am afraid so.” you chewed on the inside of your lip.
The boy fell into silence for a moment as he tried to process the information.
“They will be coming for me soon.” You told him “if I don’t go to them first.”
Hunters. Sam and Dean Winchester. They were infamous and you heard whispers that they were looking for the rings. So you knew that sooner or later they would be coming for you to use everything in their will to get their grips on your ring.
“You’re leaving. Aren’t you?” Damian asked at your silence. You couldn’t bear to meet the young boy’s gaze. Instead you opted to watch the petals fall from the flowers as the wind knocked them from their beds.
“Do you have to?” Damian pleaded “why can’t you stay here in hiding? We can protect you!”
Damian’s gesture made your heart melt. You knew they would try to protect you. They had for years. But this was the apocalypse and as strong as they were, they stood little chance against the end of the world. You had told them before that this would come one day. That you would have to leave to complete something dangerous and they could not follow. So it hurt to hear Damian plead for your safety.
“Sometimes, Dami, we have duties to fulfil that we do not want to do. But we must for the greater good.”
“But what if you get hurt!? If you leave us and we can’t protect you then-
“Oh Dami.” You turned to face him, placing a gentle hand on his arm and trying to swallow down the guilt that ate away at you “I will be fine. Promise.”
Sleep did not come easily to you that night. In fact, it didn’t come to you at all. Instead you lay awake staring blankly at the ceiling as you tried to plan out how you would tell them you were going to leave. It would be difficult. For you and them. And the situation wouldn’t go down without a verbal fight between the six of you.
You had considered just getting up and leaving in the middle of the night. They would piece it together sooner or later if Damian hadn’t already told them, which he likely had, so it would save you the pain of having to tell them yourself. But you couldn’t do that to them. It was unfair. So instead you lay awake planning how you would break their hearts.
No matter how many times you tried to think it through, you just couldn’t get the words to sound right. They were always too formal or straight to the point. You could just picture their faces: Dick’s gaze refusing to meet yours, Tim’s eyes glazing over and Jason’s brow hardening. The thought of leaving there and then crossed your mind again.
But then, the decision was made for you.
Almost silently, the window to your bedroom began to slide open inching upward slowly. You moved watched it hesitantly for a second before noting the tall silhouettes that tried to keep their backs pinned to the wall of your balcony. Swiftly, you were up on your feet and moving to stand in front of the window, readying your fists in case of the the figures got too trigger happy and moved to attack you first.
When the first figure squeezed through the window, dressed in plaid, he seemed taken a back to see you standing there watching him struggle through the small space. With a flick of his head he gestured to the other man, who shared a similar likeness, and reached for his pistol holstered in his back pocket. With a flick of your hand you turned on the light.
“No need to draw a weapon on an an unarmed girl is there?”
“War?” The taller one squinted at you, leaning forward to study you.
You nodded calmly. The smaller man eyed you warily and you saw him hand inch towards his pocket where he more than likely had a weapon concealed.
“You’re… younger than I expected.” The tall one noted.
“I’m older than I look.” You told him. “How did you get in?” You asked. Security around the cave was high, but not impossible to bypass if you were exceptionally well trained like these two seemed to be, the real challenge was your family who had eyes on every window like a hawk and seemed to have a 6th sense for unwanted visitors.
“Snuck under the fence. There’s a gap between the hedges in the garden. If you stick close enough to the shadows and move at the right time the cameras have enough blind spots to get by mostly unnoticed. And besides that? We’re damn good at our job.” The older one said.
You hummed. Smart, you thought, making a mental note to tell Alfred about the fencing.
The taller one with the long hair opened his mouth to speak and you could tell from the way he shifted his feet uncomfortably that you were in for a very long winded explanation of why they needed you to come with them, so you decided to put yourself out of your own misery and to beat him to it.
“I know who you are, Sam Winchester.” You watched his face drop. “I know why you’re here.”
“Then you’ll know we need that ring.” Dean barked.
“I know. And if you’re as experienced as people say you are then you’ll know that I can’t just give it to you.”
“Well it’s either that or we take it from you, sweetheart.” Dean clenched his jaw. His voice had little to no remorse despite the fact that he knew it would end in your untimely demise. Or close to it. But he was growing desperate: the fate of the whole world quite literally depended on his actions. The fate of his brother. And Dean Winchester was not one to give in to fate.
You inched away from them, subconsciously twirling the ring around your finger savouring the coolness of it against your skin. “You know that’s not possible.”
“Listen here sweetheart. We need that ring to send Lucifer back to that god forsaken hell hole he crawled out of and-“
“I know. But I cannot give you the ring.” You told him. “I have a life here. A family. I will not give myself up just like that. And besides…” you rolled up your sleeves to reveal the shimmering binding on your arms. “He will know the second I do. I am bound to him and to fulfil in duties in the bringing of the apocalypse.”
Sam and Dean’s faces fell.
“However I am willing to help you as much as I can.”
“How so?”
“I will help you get the other rings. I will help you save Sam Winchester and I will give everything to hand you my ring to send Lucifer back to the cage on one condition.”
“Go on.” Sam nodded.
“You help find a way to make me human.”
“What?” Dean was sure he had misheard you.
“If I give up that ring. I lose everything. I will become a shell of a person. So lifeless that there is hardly any point in living. That is if I don’t die the second the my brothers, or lucifer lay eyes on me. If I become human… I can live out my life here with my family. As a Wayne.”
The two shared a look. It said a thousand more things that words could have.
“Son of a Bitch…” Dean murmured, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
@aestheticdaisies @hell-o-kittys @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hearts4robs @harleycao
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covertblizzard · 5 months
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So this guy, Kid Cameraman (Grady Dawes), their friend, went missing.
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And apparently he is to the Teen Titans what fanon Tim Drake is to the Batfam (their stalker / photographer whom they adore)
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So obviously, they're all real torn up and sad about it and they go out to try and rescue him from this fictional country.
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They go off and apparently face off with the real four horsemen of the apocalypse and stuff, but the main point here is that at some point, they actually successfully stopped Death from killing a mother and child, BUT inadvertently caused their friend to die because of it!!!
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lananiscorner · 4 years
Hi there! I originally followed you for your batfam work, but I've seen you posting a lot of things about Darksiders. I've never heard of it but you seem so interesting in it that I was wondering what it was. Thanks!
Thanks for your ask, Anon!
Darksiders is an on-going video game franchise that started in 2010 and plays like Zelda meets God of War, with a healthy dose of western comic book tropes (one of its creators is Joe Madureira and in addition to the games there were two comic books and a novel). In each of the games you play as one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, who are siblings in this universe and the epitome of a disaster family:
War: rider of the red horse (named Ruin), built like a tank, has a massive sword and anger issues to the point that one time he went berserk his brothers had to cut off one of his arms to stop him and he now wears a metal prosthesis, also the youngest and most honorable of the four and a bit of a warrior poet
Death: rider of the pale horse (Despair), wields a scythe, is the oldest and strongest of the four (he has an instant healing factor in the lore that does not make it into gameplay, for obvious reasons), not devoid of empathy and can actually be kind and honorable, but is also an arrogant jerk who does not believe in silly things such as blocking... or trusting his own siblings... or admitting to his mistakes and regrets, also an accomplished crafter, does not get along well with Strife
Fury: rider of the black horse (Rampage), wields a whip, she’s a bundle of rage (even more so than War) and a genuinely unpleasant person at first who genuinely just wants to beat the hell out of everyone and become leader of the horsemen, eventually grows some empathy and humility while still being badass, does not seem to like any of her siblings at first
Strife: rider of the white horse (Mayhem--poor horse actually is covered in armor and looks more gray than white--I will be forever salty about this), wields two pistols and while he’s not confirmed to be black (he’s covered in armor just like his horse) all signs point to him being black, a wise-cracking bundle of ADHD symptoms who uses humor as a coping mechanism and actually cares deeply about humanity
As for the plot, to cut long backstory lore short: the Creator (God) made angels, then demons, then humans and gave humanity Eden, and foretold that one day, when humanity had reached its full potential, they would join the war going on between angels and demons and restore balance to the universe. After that, he kind of disappeared from the universe and was replaced by a trio of ancient beings called the Charred Council who were charged with maintaining the Balance. A demon called Lilith decided to create her own species that’s neither angel nor demon (she mixed the ashes of angels and demons) and named them nephilim. They went on a blood-mad rampage through the universe wiping out entire planets and turning them to ash until they decided to attack Eden and four of them went “hey, wait up, slaughtering the race that’s supposed to be integral to the balance is not a good idea”. They went to the Charred Council instead, who gave them immense powers and some really neat horses in exchange for eternal servitude in the name of the Balance. Their first job was to kill the other nephilim to protect humanity and Eden. So the nephilim are wiped out, Eden is uninhabitable, humanity gets re-homed to Earth, and a truce is formed between Heaven and Hell (the New Pact), which is supposed to ensure that humanity stays safe until they are ready. This where the games pick up:
Darksiders Genesis: a spin off from the main series and the latest one to be published, but chronologically the first. You play as War and Strife, who have just returned from slaughtering their siblings at Eden and are now being sent to find out what Lucifer is plotting against humanity. I hate the game play mechanics of this game (isometric twin-stick shooting, ughh...) but I love that it has Strife and War trying to figure out how to cope with their PTSD from Eden and their new job while being typical brothers to each other (constant bickering, but also unyielding support of each other when the chips are down).
Darksiders (1): starts with War coming to Earth in modern times because he believes the seven seals were broken thus ushering in the apocalypse, but turns out that the seals are intact, even though angels and demons have arrived on Earth. War gets stripped of his powers and killed by a big-ass demon in the prologue. He’s resurrected by the Charred Council, accused of having started the apocalypse early, and eventually sent back to Earth 100 years later to figure out who really started this battle on Earth that has by now wiped out humanity completely. Plays like a classic hack and slash action game with Zelda puzzles.
Darksiders 2: starts with Death learning that War has supposedly set off the apocalypse and setting out on a quest to find a way to restore humanity to erase War’s crime and ensure his survival. He quickly gets forcibly side-tracked when he learns that the entire universe is under threat from a malicious force called “Corruption”, which also keeps on interfering with his quest to restore humanity. The entire story of this game takes place sometime before the bulk of Darksiders 1. Plays like Darksiders 1, only with RPG elements like loot and skill trees.
Darksiders 3: starts 10 years after the prologue of Darksiders 1, with Fury being sent to Earth to kill the Seven Deadly sins, where she also meets a few human survivors who are being sheltered by a trio of ancient beings who got stranded on Earth. She reluctantly agrees to help save some more humans in exchange for better gear, learns that someone is conspiring to kill her and her siblings, and generally gets put through the wringer, which ultimately teaches her humility and empathy. This game got a lot of flak upon release for being a Souls-like game and significantly harder than the first two (and it is!), but imo it’s the one with the best story/character arc and I cared a lot more about the other horsemen AFTER I played this one.
And that’s it for the games so far! Most of us are hoping to get Darksiders 4 as Strife’s solo game eventually (this series went on a long hiatus between 2 and 3 because the studio went under) and then eventually a final game where you get to play as all four. It really does feel like a comic book franchise in video game form, with a messy timeline, a very unique artistic style, and characters who are mainly presented as individual badasses, but you as a fan will look at them and go “fine, if canon won’t explore the potential of their relationship dynamics, I will!” The fandom for this game is small, but passionate, and while the bulk of its content is not up my alley (reader insert fan content), it’s a rather cozy fandom to be in (I have yet to see any big fandom drama).
I talked about this a bit when I streamed the second game last Sunday, but I think I might end up doing a stream of the games in chronological order (so DSG, Ds1 prologue, Ds3, Ds2, the rest of Ds1) on Youtube (where the videos will remain accessible, in contrast to my Twitch streams) for anyone interested in checking out the series. Until then, hope this post gives a good overview. ^^
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Gosh I am just slowly rotating a 4 horsemen of the apocalypse batfam au. Y'know, for fun. And like, the horsemen having been separated into two bodies, two beings to prevent the apocalypse. Despite the fact they don't care for the end of the world anyway.
Jason & Cass as Conquest/Pestilence, two sides of the same coin, of the same being, one of violence and one of horrifying silence. Dick & Steph as War, of the first blow and the utter violence wrought by their actions. Tim & Duke as Famine, forever hungry, not just for food, but for information, for recognition, for just a hint of anything at all. And Bruce & Damian as Death. Death one refuses to do. A merciful death, and a death still learning. A young death and the death of innocence.
Idk just an idea lol
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lananiscorner · 5 years
who would you say is more of a disaster family? the horsemen of the apocalypse or the bat family? also which members of each family would get along with the other the best you think?
Thanks for your ask,conrad6136, and I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it.
Who is the biggerdisaster fam—the Horsemen or the Bats? You know, I was going to say “hands downthe horsemen, of course—they are even ready to maim and murder each other”,buthonestly, the more I thought about it, the more I came to doubt that. In theend, I realized they are really on two opposite sides of a spectrum:
The Horsemen are morefam than disaster and the Bats are more disaster than fam.
Because let’s face it,there are two parts to a disaster family—the disaster, aka the individualmembers being deeply flawed people who interact with each other in frequentlyunhealthy ways, and the family, aka the unshakeable bonds that still hold themtogether and sit at the core of their relationships, no matter what. From hereon out, there be spoilers for all the Darksiders media (games, novel, comics,you name it) and Batfam comics of any continuity.
Let’s start with thedisasters. Almost everyone in camp Bats has issues up the wazoo:
Bruce is, at best, adeeply traumatized, obsessive perfectionist with a heart of gold and a flairfor the dramatic, and while being Batman has allowed him to help many people,it’s often been to the detriment of his own health (physically and mentally)and that of his loved ones (ranging from being emotionally distant and lackingto outright beating the crap out of his kids).
Dick, depending on whichcanon you’re looking at (Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis, New52, Rebirth) might seemlike the most well-adjusted one, but he is capable of being anywhere fromtone-deaf to downright cruel to the people closest to him.
Jason started out as atraumatized kid without sufficient therapy, was killed, resurrected, went downsome really dark paths, and was overwhelmingly met with next to no compassionby his family upon his return. Whenever the writers are not choosing to ignorebasically all his history with them, his relationship with the family is shakyat best and murderous at worst.
Tim, depending on canon,is either grossly sexist and entitled, constantly over-worked andsleep-deprived, or both.
Cassandra was raised tobe a living weapon and it left her with a severe disability, suicidalideations, and a deep identity crisis. On the bright side, she never wanted to murderany of them.
Damian was raised to be aliving weapon and it left him with severe socialization problems, an incrediblesense of entitlement, and an identity crisis. Also, he was ready to murderalmost everyone in that family in the beginning.
Stephanie (nottechnically adopted or anything, but fuck it, I’m counting her) had a villainfor a dad and Tim for a boyfriend, and has mostly been disregarded and/ordismissed by everyone in the family. Honestly surprised she does not want tomurder them.
Barbara and Duke… arehonestly two people who seem incredibly balanced and well-adjusted in spite ofthe awful shit they went through, so kudos.
As for the horsemen:
Death is suffering fromsevere PTSD over having had to slaughter almost all his brothers and sisters atEden in the name of the balance, even if his PTSD does not present in thetypical way people associate with PTSD. He had also done a whole lot of fuckedup shit even before Eden, including crafting a bunch of WMDs out of the livingbodies of an entire sapient species. Once chopped off War’s arm when Warrefused to be reasoned with and in another instance implemented a plan that heknew was going to get War killed without telling anyone. And then promptlyswept it under the rug. Generally does not like to hold himself accountable toanyone but himself and can be a truly arrogant bastard.
Fury is a ball of ragewho hates everything and everyone, has a fuse shorter than the wick of abirthday cake candle, laughs at seeing her brother War chained and imprisonedand talks trash about Death and Strife, too. Turns out to loathe herself justas much as everyone else and only admits so after she really, really gets putthrough the emotional wringer.
Strife is a living murdermachine, who freely admits that he loves fighting and killing, but is alsoreally upset about having had to kill almost his entire family at Eden. Questionseverything and everyone and will 100% pick a fight with you if given thechance. Once threatened to kill War (that being the alternative to Deathchopping off War’s arm). Has also done some truly fucked up shit that he hastrouble talking about even to his brothers, though in contrast to Death, atleast he’s trying.
War… is actually themost balanced one of the four, but god help you if you push his berserkbuttons, because he will chop you up within the blink of an eye. What can Isay? All four of them need anger management therapy.
So that’s the disasterside. But on the other hand, we have family and this is where the horsemen aresimply much more consistent, imo.
We are talking thingshere like Strife promising War to always have his back, even if the Councilwere to order him to kill War like he killed his brothers and sisters at Eden.
We are talking Warpromising to do the same.
We are talking Strifeopening up to War about some of the atrocities he committed, even just alittle, and War respecting his boundaries where he draws them.
We are talking Deathbeing willing to sacrifice the souls of all his slain siblings and himself,just to save War, whom he does not even know to be innocent (all the signspoint to him being guilty, but Death’s faith in his brother is so strong herefuses to believe it right down to his last second).
We are talking Furyaccepting the lessons of humility she gets from Strife with a smile in the end.
We are talking Fury usingher last moments on Earth to try and secure help for War, whom she hadinitially believed guilty of bringing about the apocalypse.
We are talking War askingabout where his siblings are the moment he arrives on Earth.
We are talking Warultimately reacting to Fury’s scorn by warning her of the conspiracy against them, trying to keep her safe.
We are talking War havingsuch unshakeable faith in his last three siblings that he knows, without ashadow of a doubt, that they will ride with him against Heaven and Hell and theCharred Council and onto Oblivion.
We are talking thehorsemen, despite all their flaws and the many ways in which they clash withone another and even hurt one another (physically and emotionally), bandingtogether and supporting each other when the chips are down, because at the endof the day, they are family and they trust each other with their lives.
Where, pray tell, do youfind that in the Batfam? Where was that unshakeable faith, that bandingtogether and supporting each other, when Bruce was framed for murder? WhenJason returned to Gotham as a villain, twisted by the Lazarus Pit and trauma ofhis death and return? When Cass was brainwashed by Deathstroke? When Stephanieaccidentally started an unsolvable gang war because she was missing crucialinformation that had been deliberately kept from her? When Bruce beat the crapout of his kids in Rebirth? When he took Jason back to the place of his deathin a deliberate attempt to retraumatize him in the New 52?
I know the batfamcharacters have had their fair share of heartwarming family moments, especiallybetween certain characters (e. g. Dick and Tim, Dick and Damian, Tim and Cass,Barb and Cass, Dick and Barb), but at the end of the day there have been soooomany instances where they could have really needed each others’ compassion andsupport and there was just… no-one… there. At all.
That’s why, in the end, Ithink the Horsemen are more fam than disaster and the Bats are more disasterthan fam.
P.S.: Almost forgot thesecond part of your question, so here goes:
Death: gets along bestwith Bruce—the emotional repression, the untreated PTSD, the jerkish habit ofGoing It Alone At All Costs™…
Fury: gets along withabsolutely no-one, because she thinks they are all ridiculous, would get alonggreat with Damian if they could both get over their egos and has respect forCass
Strife: gets along bestwith Jason, hands-down, appreciates the flair for the dramatic and pragmaticand the sense of humor, can relate to being somewhat of the black sheep in thefamily, also: guns
War: gets along best withBarb because he is genuinely impressed by the fact that she can still kick assin spite of being in a wheel chair and has managed to weaponize her intellect tothe benefit of everyone
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