#horrortale sans fang
smokbeast · 8 months
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Really old sketches of dad sans with frisk and au stuff with fang and Frak
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masked-artist-xp · 1 year
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S/O and skeleton are sleeping in bed when S/O suddenly shifts in bed and smacks them hard in the head with their arm. How would the main ten react?
Undertale Sans - He whines, still asleep, and buries his burning face into his pillow, trying to ease the pain without waking up. He then pushes your arm away and calms down.
Undertale Papyrus - He gasps loudly and immediately sits down, wide awake. What just happened? He looks at you, still deep asleep. His soul is beating fast, maybe it scared him a little. He blinks twice then goes back to bed. He can't sleep the rest of the night though, his brain can't rest now that he's awake. You wake up to a grumpy Papyrus later that day who clearly didn't have enough sleep. When you ask him why he just stares at you intensely and doesn't answer.
Underswap Sans - He stretches like a cat, opens his eyes, jumps when he notices your hand on his face, and falls out of the bed to escape it, thinking it's a big spider or something. You wake up to a loud crash on the floor lol.
Underswap Papyrus - He growls, grabs your arm, and holds it against him, hugging you like a big plushie. He's a deep sleeper, so it's no big deal. Anyway, he's slapping you in the face all the time when he's sleeping so it's revenge.
Underfell Sans - He growls, unhappy about that unexpected touch, and, still asleep, kicks you with his foot out of bed until you fall off lol. He then starts to snore again, smiling, because he has a lot more room in bed now. You on the other hand...
Underfell Papyrus - He smacks your hand away, then growls as he curls up to be comfy again. He pulls most of the blanket over him and you're suddenly cold. When you try to take the blanket back, he smacks your face lol.
Horrortale Sans - No reaction whatsoever. Oak keeps snoring, deep asleep, and doesn't notice anything. He just shifts after an hour or so, slightly inconvenienced by the arm across his face, but that's all.
Horrortale Papyrus - He blinks, confused, then, half asleep simply moves your arm out of his face. He then grabs your entire body to cuddle you in his sleep, crushing you against him. Good luck to breathe.
Swapfell Sans - He wakes up and stares at you, clearly offended. Since you give him no reaction, since you're sleeping, he leaves the bed and goes to sleep on the couch. Though, be careful. Nox is NOT a morning person and when you wake up, he's grumpy as hell and pouting, mad at you lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - Uh. He blinks, then decides to give you a taste of your own medicine. He smacks his own arm in your face and falls back asleep. We'll see who holds the longer like this. You can't beat him at this little game.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He instinctively bites your arm to shoo you away. Well, it's working since Wine has very sharp fangs and he's not controlling them well when he's half asleep. He doesn't feel guilty either when you have to run to the bathroom to stop the bleeding. Let him sleep.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He takes that as a hug invitation and lazily rolls over you to cover you with his entire body lol. He doesn't have enough energy to actually use his arms to cuddle though. He falls back asleep like that, spread like an eagle over your body :')
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hyena-shark-rusty · 1 month
Typing Quirks - Horror Sans - Horrortale
Substitute 'o's for '0's and 'r's for '7's - H07707 Sans
Use red text
Use '*' at the start of your sentences - * Hello...
Use '...' at the beginning and end of sentences - "...Hello..."
Use all CAPS when expressing EMOTION
Keep in mind that some of these will require translations for folks who have a hard time reading complex quirks or who use screen-readers!
Plus names:
Requested by anon!!
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nogacheloveka-blog · 2 months
"I'm not very good at speaking and writing in English. I did my best to make the text understandable, especially the jokes, but I may have been mistaken in this. If you see any serious mistakes, don't hesitate to write about it. You will help me a lot. Thank you.
Pairing and Characters: Killer/Nightmare, Horror/Cross, Killer/Cross, Cross, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror
Other Tags: only Horror point of view, no sexual scenes(i think so), a lot of reflections, some memory lapses, weak sexual dimorphism, pairings hinted at in general
Description: Horror lives among variations of himself. He can think a lot and say little. He is also a nearsighted stalker.
Notes: All "Sans" in the text belong to Horror. According to my headcanon, he looks somewhat frightening and beast-like, with fangs and claws, keen hearing and smell, but extremely nearsighted. He is also "older" than Killer and Dust: Horrortale moved forward in time, while the universes of these two remained frozen in repetition.
Sans often gnawed on things. This habit remained from the hungry years in the Underground: to suppress the gnawing feeling of hunger, akin to the birth of a black hole below the sternum, he would scrape his teeth against his post in Snowdin, the resinous bark of trees, boil pine needles, and the hard-earned fish. He chewed on thin children's bones.
After Nightmare gave his world a chance to survive, Sans had to keep an eye on his habit. It would be rude to leave marks on someone else's territory, right? But even so, the pens and pencils that came into his possession, as well as the mugs with cutlery, suffered. All his belongings bore the imprint of his sharp-toothed jaw.
All his belongings, not himself.
Sans noticed a bite on his left hand while cooking, surprised by its presence. It was not painful at all, but deep enough to still be visible. It crossed the malicious "U" of his metacarpals and slid into scratches along the heads of the proximal phalanges, becoming particularly deep on the middle phalanx of his pinky finger. Sans himself could not have forgotten to bite himself this way—such an awkward angle.
The injured head made itself known. His memory sometimes failed to retain recent events. It was not as dire as with the Multiverse Defender, as he did not forget his daily routine. Only incidents with strong emotional outbursts, moments of excessive tension, became heavily blurred and slipped away, leaving gaping holes behind. He remembered things in fragments, from the words of those around him or by finding himself in similar situations, but he never had a complete picture. Life now presented itself to him as a series of calm days with patches missing during certain missions—when something went wrong, he had to operate at maximum capacity.
All attempts to recall the nature of the injury were unsuccessful. He remembered a vague excitement and an unclear obsessive desire, as his hands were tightly wrapped around something thin, like tree branches. No, no, wait, it was round and rough. And fabric. The claws on his right palm had definitely snagged something made of dense fabric, digging in, and it had torn under pressure, but it hadn't split apart. And he sank his claws deeper, simply because it felt good to have that sense of power.
His soul raced slightly even at the attempts to remember. Sans swallowed.
Judging by these scant fragments, it seemed he had been holding someone. Perhaps Nightmare had tasked him with stirring up trouble in some place, and he had gotten carried away? That seemed quite plausible. In most universes, just the sight of his massive, twisted figure in the middle of Snowdin or the New Home was enough to raise the level of negativity. Usually, during such missions, time did not particularly constrain him, and he allowed himself to chase the locals, driving them through the woods or engaging in extortion. He loved hunting too. It reminded him of the old days, but now he was full and could do it for fun, like someone of royal blood. Nevertheless, Sans did not like to kill—this did not apply to variations of Undyne—and he had a good sense of his opponents, which was why Nightmare appreciated the work he did.
Horror glanced at the calendar. He marked the days when he experienced memory loss, just to ask the others for details later. Or they would tell him themselves if they saw a new note. The bite had been less than a day ago. Meanwhile, the events of the current day seemed quite coherent, and Sans had noted the second half of yesterday. It seemed unlikely that this was a task from Nightmare, and he would remember many more details if that were the case. Perhaps it was related to someone here at home. In that case, it definitely wasn't Dust: he had left for a mission three days ago. He had seen Killer this morning, bored in the living room, and he looked the same as usual. Judging by the feelings from the memory, his victim should have been pretty battered. And it definitely wasn't a boss. Simply because it's hard to imagine how Lord Nightmare would bite him in self-defense rather than leave him with yet another hole in his skull.
Then Cross…?
He hadn’t seen him today, so that made sense. Did he get into a fight with Cross? Should he...
…The strong, white radial and ulnar bones in the grip of one of his hands, due to the splayed fingers, look like maple branches. Almost dazzlingly white compared to the grayish-yellow of his own bones. They are beautiful. Their color is indistinguishable from the snowy white of his clothing; even the scars do not mar them. Sans sees a brief flash of fear and how Cross freezes, pinned to the floor by his weight. He takes a breath to ask something…
...bring him some healing food?
A brief flash of memory pierces through like a spark.
…Sans covers Cross jaw with his free hand, not allowing a sound to escape. Cross's head is now pressed to the floor, revealing his beautiful profile and the white pupil widened in confusion at what is happening. From this angle, the strong cervical vertebrae, usually hidden by clothing, are visible. They are as lovely as blank sheets of paper and white, sweet marshmallows. He wants to bite-
His heart races from the unclear images. Sans runs his palm over his face. This is just disgusting. Yes, Cross is definitely beautiful, but that’s no reason…
…Hypnotized, he releases the other’s wrists and places his hand on the warm side. Cross flinches. Sans's claws dug into the layers of clothing, tearing through under pressure, but not splitting apart. And he sank his claws deeper, simply because it felt good to have that sense of power. He feels a smile stretching across his face. He wants to purr from the intoxicating sensation…
...to pounce on bones like a hungry dog. Sans wants to be dusted right now. No, no, first he needs to check on Cross's condition, to do everything he can to atone for his disgusting act — whatever it may have been. And then he’ll go impale the remnants of a skull...
…Suddenly, his victim kicks out and bites the hand on his face. He blinks sluggishly, and that moment of confusion is enough for Cross to slip away and disappear in a flash of shortcut teleportation...
...on something deadly.
Okay, fine. Great. He just scared him. The collar of panic and guilt around his neck loosened.
He will get up now and make a coffee pot of hot chocolate. And he will go talk to Cross about what happened. Apologize. Maybe he’ll try to…
It’s painfully shameful because Cross is really too good for all of them.
Sans remembered how Nightmare brought in a creature that smelled of dust and human blood. It was like a ghost: a silhouette near the occupied sofas in the living room, disappearing food from the fridge, the scent of cigarettes in empty rooms. One-word answers and silence to personal questions.
It was acutely aware of monster magic — Killer was openly losing at hide-and-seek.
It only yielded to Sans himself in the real hunt. Sans even managed to remember its scent of death before it turned back.
The frightened expression of the skull reminded Sans of his own past when he looked at his changing body in the shards of a mirror. Back then, he saw living emotions. And how much effort it took him to discern in it the almost defeated self from the past, the one who needed help.
Hunger, long-standing trauma, and LV had long ago twisted Sans's bones, making him more dangerous, like a wounded animal. Dust's LV hung around like a heavy, biting cloud, constantly warping his mind, turning him into a madman, quietly begging the empty corners for either forgiveness or help. Horror caught snippets of phrases as he silently passed by. The addresses to Papyrus particularly pierced his soul. Sans remembered the times of the eighth human's fall and all that exhausting dance with timelines. In Dust's case, the hopeless conditions of the game broke him so much that he couldn't hold on. But it must be said that guy was holding up pretty well now, albeit with disgusting methods.
Dust's refuge was not far from Sans's own room, and at night, his keen hearing picked up unsteady footsteps, while his sensitive nose detected the alcoholic haze, in addition to the usual smell of the dust old attic. Horror was wildly glad that the skeleton didn't use shortcuts in such a state. Sometimes he heard the footsteps stop at his door. From that side came whispers and sobs, provoking a strong desire to grab this dummy by the scruff of the neck like a wayward kitten and carry it to safety.
On one of those days, Sans realized that he simply couldn't ignore his younger and more confused version. He had something to offer him. He did what Sanses did best:
“Knock, knock,” the knuckles rhythmically tapped against the door from the inside. There were doubts about the success of this plan on the first try, but at the very least, it would let him know he was open to company.
“ Who… is there?” The voice sounded uncertain from the other side, as if it were trying to remember the beginning of such jokes. Or preparing for an attack.
Sans was still glad to hear a response.
“A liver,” his large, clawed hand slowly unlocked the horrifically creaky door, creating a small gap. He could distinctly hear a shaky step back from the other side. A faint light streamed through the small opening into the dark corridor. Sans saw half of a skull, a swirling two-colored pupil beneath a disheveled hood, and an elbow frozen in a defensive gesture. The air smelled of fear.
“What… liver?” came the quiet mumble.
“Delivery,” Sans replied with a satisfied rumble, extending a Spider Donut.
It reminded him of how he used to lure children into traps in his Underground with bright sweets wrappers. In any case, the sweets had never been a trick — a really nice scream. He wasn’t a complete fiend.
Dust looked unusually bewildered. But he took the donut. What a good boy. Sans's hand itched to pat him on the head. But he had to hold back.
“Knock. I’m usually here. I’ll open up and help if you need it.”
Dust didn’t knock. It was as if he had completely evaporated. The need to find him and make sure he was okay left Sans restless. But there was no shuffling around and emptying the stock of strong alcohol in the kitchen either. Not for a while.
One calm day, early in the morning, Sans woke up to the sound of something falling outside the door. Could that be considered a knock? Yes? Definitely, yes.
Dust lay there without lights in his eye sockets, like an old, slippery, dusty rag that had wiped up a puddle of absinthe and hadn’t been wrung out properly. Sans took him in. He stripped off the stale Dust's clothes and the only remaining slipper, wrapping the unconscious bones in a blanket. After a moment’s thought, he brought an orange and a glass of water from the kitchen.
He would take care of him.
Sans stared blankly at the bare bones, unsure of what to do with himself. Scored with scars and illuminated by the poisonous crimson of the target's soul, they couldn't hide the gentle curvature at the joints. The light, elegant rib cage, with its lovely splay of collarbones, emphasized the fragility of the shoulders. The spinous processes of the vertebrae, unlike the others on the team, were not spiky like a gnawed fish spine but rounded, like feathers on a bird of prey. He had forbidden himself to look below the lumbar region of the spine, but even so, he counted three large vertebrae. The black tears of hatred, it turned out, concealed the subtle differences in the facial bones and jaw. Until that moment, Sans hadn't realized how nearsighted he was. Not just him, but everyone on their team of world evil.
Killer tilted his(?) head questioningly at Sans's confusion. The shattered radius seemed to bother him(?) not at all, just as the broken false ribs didn’t; he(?) was playfully swinging his(?) legs while sitting on the table amid the rubble of bones, like an unfinished cookie. A bit of bandaging and some healing food. That was all. Sans managed it in a couple of minutes, under the mocking, uncomfortable squint of the chocolate-black voids of eye sockets.
It was a pity that sorting out mixed feelings wouldn’t be so easy. He was somewhat old-fashioned about such matters. Sans was so flustered that he didn’t ask anything or request to cover up. Why did none of the guys react to—
But on the other hand, Sans reacted normally to other variations of himself. Himself who killed his brother. Himself with four tentacles. Himself in a blue neck scarf. Himself as a creator, himself as a destroyer. Why did he only short-circuit at the thought of himself
as a girl?
Their kind had weak sexual dimorphism, and the presence of an ecto-body reduced the natural sex to something akin to hair color, essentially a joke. It was a remnant, considering the overall bisexuality. In his time in Horrortale, there had been other skeletal beings — not that Sans “shared a closet” with any of them — who helped him a lot by looking after Papyrus and providing both brothers with an education when their father to vanish into Core oblivion. At the very least, he knew how the females of their kind differed from the males (a couple of anatomy atlases from the Surface had lived under his bed throughout puberty).
Sans decided to observe.
All previous interactions with Killer had not revealed any concern: his(?) clothing was unremarkable, he(?) didn’t try to cover his(?) nudity (Sans realized he hadn’t really noticed nothing during those times), he(?) spoke firmly in the masculine form, teasing without hesitation. Even the tone of his(?) voice (Sans had to listen closely to all the nonsense that came out of that voice) hinted at nothing. The only thing that distinguished him was his(?) fighting style, where Killer preferred to use his(?) natural flexibility and show off in close combat, impervious to pain. And, damn, it was beautiful. Inventive. Next to Killer's deadly tango, Horror felt like a clumsy bear.
The others also didn’t react. Only Cross occasionally grumbled about the need to constantly heal Killer’s fractures, to which the latter shrugged, saying, “It’s so you can touch me a little more, Crossy.” Dust was irritated to the point of cracking with barely restrained magic. Their LV didn’t allow for any other kind of communication.
It became amusing that in all their variations of unfortunsanse outcomes, the conversation about pistils and stamens would only be his. Nightmare clearly had no intention of changing the current state of affairs. Although Sans had seen how disapproving he looked at the flirting from his protégé. To be honest, he himself also looked at it disapprovingly — Lord of Negativity was too old for Killer.
In the end, Sans resigned himself. Killer had socialized as a guy for too long, so even the sudden news that his body was somehow different and that he had to behave differently wouldn’t affect much. If someone suddenly told to Sans, “Hey, buddy, you have feminine bones,” he would shrug it off and do nothing. But Killer could throw something unexpected (in a bad way) in response. So he needed to take his gentlemanly instincts and shove them far up his backside.
Killer was a guy. Conversations about his body being female wouldn’t change anything — they were, for star's sake, made of bones that were covered in magic when it was really needed, with open interpretations the rest of the time. Case closed. Apparently, the long-simmering tension made him worry about trivial matters.
“Been a while since you ran from me, big guy,” Killer said, playing with a knife. “Thought I’d lost my charm with you.”
Sans snorted softly. He had only been thinking about him these past few days.
“I haven’t fought in a long time.”
“Ah, that’s it. Then…” His bored expression shifted to childlike joy. “Hi there! I’m Kill the Killer! Want a little LOVE from me? I share it through my little, pointy ‘friendly knives’!” And with a laugh, he launched magical attacks that appeared in the air, not particularly aiming.
Lord of Negativity was strange.
But that was somewhat pleasing, as he didn’t respond to “Sans.” And his brother didn’t respond to “Papyrus.” The body made of black sludge was strange too. Theoretically, it was the same substance that flowed from Killer's eye sockets, which explained the latter's attraction: a part of the substance inside him longed to reunite with its source. Or something like that.
The only thing that was not strange, but rather predictable, was the aura of negativity that followed him like a cool trail, displacing even the feverish, biting whispers of their colorful company’s common LV. When it was nearby, breathing felt easier. Dust relaxed his tense shoulders. The trails of eternal tears from Killer dried up. Only Cross became more serious, but he revered Nightmare.
It was no secret that he simply fed off them during such moments.
Well, so what — he didn’t consume regular food, so everyone just benefited at dinner. And dinners were always communal since Nightmare always gave instructions for the next day if there were any. He didn’t make his presence known every time, but judging by the feeling of relief, he was always nearby. Sometimes, Sans felt like he was even сhecking on their well-being during such visits. The feeling of being Checked could have just been a figment of his imagination.
“I don’t need you worrying about your problems,” Nightmare said authoritatively when he sealed their deal. “Just take care of my instructions. I take you, your world takes the food.”
At that time, his words sounded like selling one’s soul to pure evil, which doesn’t keep promises. And he agreed to it simply because everything that gave him the strength to survive was dying in his hands, turning hopes and dreams to dust. But the longer he worked under his patronage, the clearer it became that putting Lord of Negativity's concerns above his own was the best means of achieving any other goals and desires. He wasn’t senseless evil; rather, he was a spectrum from chaotic to lawful and was a personality.
It wasn’t an act of love or care.
For a knife to attack your opponent, its tip must be pointed where you want it to go. If it looks elsewhere, you’ll miss. If the knife is dull, you’ll waste your strength. If you apply constant pressure to it, the knife will break, and you’ll be left unarmed. Also, butter knives are bad for chopping trees, and axes are for social receptions.
Nightmare solved their problems if it truly required his intervention. He taught them tactics and strategy, kept the necessary books on the lower shelves (even if it contradicted the library system), and personally trained them. He gave them personal time and time for healing if it was needed. He didn’t send them on missions if it didn’t suit their abilities.
In other words, he replaced their goals with his own, didn’t let them dull, and didn’t pressure them more than necessary. A delightful approach.
And Sans was devoted to him out of gratitude.
Dream's arrows were no more dangerous to him than usual. You could say he took only half the damage from them, just like any normal skeleton*. And he calmly caught them mid-flight with his bare hands or…
“Wow, big guy, you’re completely insane!” Killer sounded genuinely enthusiastic, encouraging his ego with a peculiar compliment.
His admiration warmed the soul pleasantly, like a fletching of pure positivity warmed his mouth. The magical arrow crunched like glass under the pressure of his teeth.
Dream looked flustered. Blue and Dust even paused their fight to see how the half-broken arrow vanished into cool blue sand in the air along with Sans's 5 HP. For Nightmare, it would have taken comically more.
Horrortale made all parts of the body weapons, so there was nothing strange about utilizing everything available for Lord of Negativity. Magic wasn’t as fast.
And by protecting Nightmare, he was primarily protecting everything most precious in his life, which Nightmare also protected.
However strange that may sound.
Horror: Well, I would be quite hot in a female body. Killer: Flirting with a 500-year-old surströmming. Horror: Damn
- In games, skeletons often have resistance to swords or arrows
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0sleepforme · 6 months
Blue = Already exists
Red = Unsure if it already exists or not
Orange ☆ = From my dreams
Green = Group
Pink ○ = I don't know the name of the Au
Purple □ = Different or new Names for the look-a-likes, from New/old/Unknown Au's
White = means nothing
( But if a Pacific Au already exists, then I'm sorry, because I haven't found it anywhere)
List of who is going to be in ' Hope '
Undertale Sans: Classic
Undertale Papyrus: Papy
UnderSwap Sans: Blue
UnderSwap Papyrus: Stretch
UnderFell Sans: Fell
UnderFell Papyrus: Edge
BaraTale Sans: Bara
FellSwap-red Sans: Razz
FellSwap-red Papyrus: Mutt
Swapfell-Purple Sans: Black
SwapFell-Purple Papyrus: Rus
ReaperTale Sans: Reap
ReaperTale Papyrus: Syth
HorrorTale Papyrus: Sugar
DustSwap Sans: Phantom
DustSwap Papyrus: Orange
DreamTale: Dream
FreshTale Papyrus: Papsi
Nightmare - Papyrus: Mid
DreamSwap: Quill
Bad Sans's: Nightmare, Dust, Ash, Killer, Error and Cross
MafiaFell sans: Ruben
MafiaFell Papyrus: Noir
StoryShift Chara: Chara
MafiaTale Sans: Colt
MafiaTale Papyrus: Sniper
UnderLust Sans: Lavender/Lave
UnderLust Papyrus: Charm
FellSwap-Gold Sans: Wine
FellSwap-Gold Papyrus: Coffee
YandereFell Sans: Red
LustFell Sans: passion
AfterTale: Geno
ScienceTale: Sci
InkTale Sans: Ink
StorySwap: Toriel
FellSwap-red: Slim (but from genocide route)
( Both are jumping spiders )
SpiderTale Sans: Flip
SpiderTale Papyrus: Nip
VampireTale Sans: Dark
VampireTale Papyrus: Fang
BirdTale sans: Crow
( Different versions of:
lavender = Orch
Sci = Flor
Classic = Onyx
Crow = Arrow
Fell = Thorn
Geno = Peir
and Reaper = crescent )
OverFell Sans (GenderSwap): Mal
????: Unfresh, (Both fell verse) pallet and Goth.
Bitty MerTale Nightmare: Night
HorrorSwap Sans: snackers
HorrorSwap Papyrus: Carrot
Glamour Swap Sans: Berry
ButtonTale/Coraline Au:
( Different versions of
Edge, = Thread
Stretch = Belldam
Papyrus = Cotton
and Mutt/Slim = Stitch )
Fell snake bitty, Papyrus: Spicy
Fell snake bitty, Sans: Pepper
I need some help with new names on this Au, please 🙏
Bara - PoliceTale:
(Different versions of
Classic =
Papyrus =
Fell =
Edge =
Blue =
Stretch =
Razz =
Mutt =
Horror =
Nightmare =
and Error = )
I'll draw out new faces once they appear in the book!
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ivyprism · 8 months
The Other Dragons: Horrortale, Swapfell, and Fellswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Death, sadness, murder, etc.
Volance - Horrortale Dragon Papyrus
Personality: He is brave and bright. He usually keeps to himself. He finds himself preoccupied with other matters. He is a well-known and talented dragon who adores helping and defending the weak. He attempts to defend his loved ones, but when he lost his brother, he became fiercely protective. When necessary, he can be very sassy and often responds perfectly. He appreciates having friends and makes an effort to see them frequently. When it comes to those he doesn't trust, he can be brutal and direct. He is also one of the strongest bosses.
Appearance: He's a dragon skeleton. He has a total of six scars on his face. Five on his right eye and a diagonal scar on his cheek, but they appear to be splintering. He has horns, wings, and a tail. He has a large skeleton dragon form. One of his horns is severely damaged. He's blind in his right eye.
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Caedos - Fellswap Carnelian Dragon Papyrus
Personality: Most people characterize him as flirtatious, aggressive, and harsh. When the chips are down, he doesn't back down. He is snarky and very strong. He doesn't like some people very much. Although he is incredibly gentle and caring toward his loved ones, if someone poses a threat to them, he will rip them apart. He never thinks twice about reaching out to assist. He goes for the throat and offers assistance where he can. To keep the people he loves safe, he will kill. He is more bite than bark. He doesn't hesitate to help. He is very fierce and protective.
Appearance: He's a dragon skeleton. He has one gold tooth. He has three large scars on his left eye that cross into each other which lead from the top of his skull to his cheek. He has horns, wings, and a tail. He has a large skeleton dragon form.
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Infernos - Fellswap Carnelian Dragon Sans
Personality: He is quieter, more measured, and more severe than his sibling. He will murder to win a fight, and he never backs down. He consistently goes straight for the throat and never backs down. He keeps all possible threats out of his home. He is fiercely determined to defend his haven. Although he rarely loses his temper, he is incredibly passionate, and crossing that line can be dangerous. He won't lose anyone else; he will defend those he loves. He is a hard foe to beat and those who underestimate him die trying.
Appearance: He's a dragon skeleton. He has three two scars on his left eye that are diagonal. He has horns, wings, and a tail. He has a large skeleton dragon form.
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Amaranthinos - Swapfell Amethyst Dragon Papyrus
Personality: As they would say, fierce, cold, but flirty. He is incredibly intelligent, pays close attention to detail, and is perceptive of his opponents' emotions. When it comes to a full-on brawl, he doesn't back down and moves very quickly. He takes his responsibility to safeguard others very seriously. He never hesitates to act fearfully because he is a menace. He is fiercely protective and relentlessly pursues anyone he can. He will never lose anyone again since he loves them so much.
Appearance: He's a dragon skeleton. He has a large painful jagged scar on his left eye. He has horns, wings, and a tail. He has a large skeleton dragon form. He has two silver fangs.
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Veilios - Swapfell Amethyst Dragon Sans
Personality: He is brusque, gruff, and unrelenting in his pursuit of the kill. He isn't scared to take action to keep his loved ones safe. He is a force of nature and doesn't hesitate; he is aware of this. He is devoted and watchful. He is fully prepared to fight to defend those he loves. He is not hesitating. His bite is harsher than his bite, but he is incredibly gentle to kids. He's never going to let anyone in again. He has a good temper.
Appearance: He's a dragon skeleton. He has two large jagged scars on his left eye. He has horns, wings, and a tail. He has a large skeleton dragon form.
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horrortalez · 2 months
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⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
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— hii I go by horror or fang im just a goofy guy posting random stuff ,, best viewed in light/dark mode <3
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.☆˚ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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— ask me to be moots or friends please I genuinely don’t mind and love meeting new people yr all so silly.
— my current pronouns are he / him but I also enjoy when it / its and neos are used on me ,, but If referring to me as male makes it easier for you feel free
— a lot of my main interests are undertale aus, pokemon, call of duty, and spiderman / deadpool so expect a lot of art and yaps on those topics.
— my main programs for drawing is ibispaintx and clip studio paint ,, the stylus I use is the MEKO universal stylus and my phone is the iPhone 14 Plus.
— Im really into any kind of horror stuff movies, games, art etc !! Im more of a horror gameplay watcher but I have played some scary games.
— Im a playstation user (PS5/PS4) please play red dead online with me im so lonely and cool I love funny horse game ,, im a huge gamer and like playing shooter games especially call of duty and fortnite sniffles..
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.☆˚ MY TAGZ .ᐟ
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— #horrorzscribbles ++ my artsy
— #horrorzbarks ++ rambles and opinions
— #horrorzanswers ++ ask me stuff grrr
— #horrorzwhines ++ vents and corny shit
— #horrorzpuppylove — zim and killz drools..
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— I have adhd, bpd, and a speech disorder!! I tend to have major mood swings and bad anger issues this shouldn’t affect interactions unless their negative.
— I ramble a LOT and sometimes my words don’t make sense If you need me to translate I will I also have 3 typing quirks one where I change my ‘s’ into ‘z’ the second one when I space out and add an extra ‘,,’ and lastly sometimes I’ll add an “*” at the beginning of my sentences.
— Im a non human Its not a delusion or anything I just prefer skeleton terms and such.
— tonetags are highly encouraged as I struggle with social cues and such!! plz tell me if your uncomfortable with my behavior I get excited easily and can’t tell at all If Im making you weirded out or smth.
— a lot of my content is suggestive and I make a lot of nsfw jokes I won’t publicly or if we’re first meeting ,, so please let me know ahead of time if it grosses you out even putting it in your rentry/carrd/etc is a major help as I always read those first.
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— a big no no is genuine sexual flirts and intents with me this has happened before. (ex: saying you wanna suck me or fuck me erps also count as sexual intent)
— I hate when people make fun of my fandoms or personality If we’re close I won’t care but If I don’t know you and you judge me Im gonna tweak out.
— please don’t add me on any of my socials unless you wanna be friends or its serious ,, people tend to just frq me and not answer my dms you will get blocked.
— mentions of HORRORTALE undyne and alphys they make me sick to my stomach and its just yuck.
— Im not to big on this but doubles Im not gonna block you if your also a horror sans Its more of just you claiming to be the best horror sans!! I have genuinely met people who told me their a ‘better’ version of me.
— tw for gross fandoms and topics beware /srs !! proship umbrella, dark media enjoyers, tcc, gore enjoyers, undiagnosed disorders with no research, blaming yr disorders (esp undiagnosed) on yr actions, alfreds playhouse, okegom, killing stalking, and other shitty fandoms like that do not interact with me at all, weird anime fans. anything here dni or mention eugh.
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☆ LAST EDIT : 8/2/24 ˖⋆࿐໋
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fauxcalcium · 3 years
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It didn’t feel right posting Poplar without Ash. Love this lil boi. Smol flower baby is shy and perfect. <3
As always this design belongs to the lovely folks @bonelyheartsclub​
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owl-bones · 5 years
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definitely tired of working on this OTL
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smokbeast · 10 months
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Bone gang art dump turn now and some fellas I will share in the future soon with friend.
For context fang is old. He's a boomer, he doesn't get technology and refuses to change his name online in their groupchat and the other bros are like "no fang wait. You can't do that-"
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craftyravens · 4 years
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We are getting closer to Halloween, so how about some horror.
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Does each older skeleton remember the first time he met his younger brother? What has happened in that moment?
Undertale/Horrortale Sans - Love at First Sight. Sans wanted to be a big brother for a few years now and he was very excited to see his brother. The second he picked up the baby, he refused to let them down, to the point he threw a temper tantrum when his dad asked to give back Papyrus.
Underswap/Horrorswap Sans - He wasn't too sure about this, mainly because his parents explained to him he would have to share his toys soon and there was no way Blue would share his toys. The baby is cute though so he guesses he can't give it a try. It didn't take long for him to warm up.
Underfell/Horrorfell Sans - He frowned and said he's too ugly to hang out with him and that his brother would embarrass him at school. He then asked his parents what they were waiting to get rid of it.
Swapfell Sans - He looked at the small skeleton, let go an "Ew" of disgust, and then simply said "No." before leaving the room, refusing to have anything to do with Rus. And he refused to take care of his brother for a few months. He's stubborn.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Coffee is premature so when Wine met him for the first time he was so tiny Wine was scared he might break into his hands. Wine immediately felt the need to protect his baby brother from everything, and it became even more important as he became an orphan not a few months after his birth.
Outertale Sans - He was a little too excited about the baby and he had zoomies, flying all around the room like crazy to the point it scared the hell out of his little brother who cried nonstop for hours.
Dancetale Sans - He stared for a long minute, before poking his cheek and quickly retreat to see if the baby would kill him. The baby giggled and Rambo decided it was safe and that he liked him.
Dancefell Sans - The baby put a hand in his pocket, and Rumba ran away in fear, screaming like he was getting murdered. Baby Tango discovers himself a superpower this day.
Farmtale Sans - Ben is actually not Sam's blood brother. He found him one morning in the trash and knew that it was not normal, so he brought it home. He didn't get too attached at first because his mom said they couldn't keep the baby, but... That failed terribly as Sam spent all his days with the baby, keeping him entertained. He's too much in love to let go.
Mafiatale Sans - He got mad at his parents for replacing him with a baby and screamed at them that if they wanted him gone they just had to say it. A drama queen from the very start.
Mafiafell Sans - "i don't like him, can you make another one please?" He even said please, that's like a magic word to get all he wants usually. But, uh, not this time. Fang is pouting.
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cherry-shipping · 4 years
HAha mew
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lost-immortality · 5 years
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Undertale Asks
If you have any questions for any of the undertale guys or AU’S just tell me! I’m real excited to get this started and going >w<
I made a kofi!
The ones that I write for, the aus, are under the cut cause it’s long.
Undertale- Sans, Papyrus
Underswap- Blueberry, Stretch
Underfell- Red, Edge
Horrortale- Axe, Noodle
Fellswap- Lord, Mutt
Swapfell- King, Alpha
Fellswap Pink- Overlord and Pup
Swapfell Emerald- Commander and Hound
Fellswap Gold- Chief and Wolf
Swapfell Silver- Royal and Fang
Fellswap White- Prince and Canine
Swapfell Rainbow- Leader and Beast
Fellswap Sugar- Grandeur and Behemoth
Swapfell Spice- Tycoon and Brute
Fellswap Sky- Cloud and Bat
Swapfell Wood- Superior and Exo
Fellswap Night- Brilliance and Werewolf
Swapfell Day- Vivid and Lycan
Fellswap Kindness- Ruler and Pooch
Swapfell Justice- Sheriff and K9
Fellswap Steam- Crowned and Whelp
Swapfell Tears- Dynast and Mongrel
Fellswapkiller Pink- Rebel
Swapfelldust Emerald- Shards
Horrorfellswap- Regicide and Cur
Fellswap Fire: Luce and Hellhound
Swapfell Freeze: Baron and Pawls
Fellswap Blush: Palace and Cad
Swapfell Rose: Duke and Bull
Fellswap Anchor: Captain and Dogfish
Swapfell Ocean: Regent and Coyote
Outertale- Cosmos, Galaxy
Dreamtale- Nightmare Sans, Dream Sans, Passive
Horrordream- Oxi and Sleeper
Dreamfell- Coma and Gloom
Mafiatale- Wiseguy and Bones
Mafiafell- Clip and Boss
Mafiaswap- Books and Crank
Dreammafia- Envy and Pride
Killermafia- Calamity
Dustmafia- Tragedy
Errormafia- Crisis
XMafia- Misfortune
Horrormafia: Scourge
Farmmafia- Field and Crop
Lustmafia- Diva and Charm
Inkmafia: Vibrant
Farmtale- Corn and Harvest
Farmswap: Sheep and Duster
Farmkiller: Shot
Farmdust: Soil
Echoflower Sans- Repeat. 
Underlust- Lover and Hearts.
Unlust Sans- Heartbreak
Lustswap- Beau and Dreamboat
Reapertale- Reap
Dreamspirit: David and Wraith
Tubetale: Screen and Keys
Merkiller- Mimic
Merdust- Ringer
Horrordragon- Burn
Killerdragon- Arman
Dustdragon- Levi
Dreamdragon- Chua and Dracul
Swaplust: Maiden and Vestal
Lust!Ink: Eros
Lust!Error: Aphro
Lust!Geno: Venus
Killerlust- Cuddles
Outerlust- Astra and Alioth
Sugartale: Sugar and Sweetie
Dancetale- Hop and Sway
Dancefell- Stomper and Jazz
Danceswap- Flamenco and Uprock
Outerdance- Ballet and Taps
Dancelust- Waltz and Boogie
Ink and Error Swap- Drain and Glitchy
Freshdust- Fairy
Inkkiller- Splat
Unfresh Sans- Rad
Fresh Ink
Dusttale- Dusty
Dustswap- Powder
Dustlust: Cupid
Swapdust- Fragment
Outerdust- Stardust
Outerkiller- Shooting Star
Aftertale- Echo
Yandere Swap Sans- Yanberry
Merlust- Pinks
Lustfell- Passion and Desire
Horrorfell- Feral and Sharp
Horrorfarm- Oak and Sunflower
Outerhorror- Supernova and Sunspot
Horrorswap- Snackers and Butcher
Foresthorror- Timber
Foresthorrorswap- Bark
Horrorflower- Bud and Vine
Forestlust: Strawberry
Horrormer- Chum
Outerhorrorswap- Rigel and Vega
Dreammer- Light and Deep
Dreamswap- Daydream, Delusion
Dreamswap Killer- Mur
Outerdream- Solar, Nightfall
Dreamtale Two: Trance and Oblivion
Mothtale- Sunset
Mothfell- Scarlet 
Horrormoth- Leopard
Mothlust- Rosy
Mothkiller- Shadow
Aftermoth- Lace
Dreammoth: Lamp and Shade
Dustmoth- Luna
Outermoth: Moonshine
Outerkillermoth: Lunar
Outerdustmoth: Moondust
Swapfellmoth- Droplets
Farmmoth- Leaf
Crossmoth- Halfa
Fellswapmoth- Vio
Frozentale: Chills and Shiver
Swapkiller- Slay
Farmlust- Nymph and Fae 
Pastryverse: Sprinkles, Crumble, Sticky, Mallow.
Outermer: Cielo and Comet 
Outerhorrormer: Badar
Soultale: Soul
Dustfell: Chains
Swapdream: Moonlight and Suns
Underfreak: Breaker and Undertaker
Dustkiller: Corpse
Errormer: Inker
Inkmer: Angel
Nightmare!Papyrus: Bane
Error!Papyrus: Defect
Nightmare Blueberry Fusion:  Paradox
Dream and Axe Fusion: Fever
Dreamact: Fable and Thorn
Star Sans Fusion: Starshot
Bad Sanses Fusion: Guts
Murder Time Trio Fusion: Mask
mutt and oxi fusion: Bubby
Ruler and Screen fusion: Acid Bunny
boulder and mallow fusion: Charmer
Mallow and Shimmer fusion: Vegas
Yanberry and swap fusion: Punch
Theo and Sprinkles fusion: Baker
Prince and Calamity fusion: Blank
Dream and Nightmare Fusion: Tranquility
any questions are fine, but if I don’t like it, I most likely won’t answer but I most likely will. No smut, sorry :( 
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