yourroyaljas · 6 years
The Nun — Movie Review + Recommendation Rating
Hey! My name is Jasmynn 👋🏽😄
Okay y’all. So I’m an avid horror movie watcher. Meaning I critique EVERYTHING from the acting down to the lighting and everything in between.
THIS MOVIE IS A MASTERPIECE. Yes I had to shout that. I’ve seen literally almost every movie directed by James Wan and this was a whole new level.
I mean there’s not a single moment when you’re not on the edge of your seat. The storyline was interesting. The music was drawing you in albeit scaring the heck out of you. The camera angles were perfect. The suspense was CRAZY! This is probably the only movie where I could not predict what was going to happen, outside of “something scary is coming” 😂😭
I don’t think I left that theater with any questions. Which is good since this was the answer to most questions Lol.
My recommendation: I HIGHLY recommend seeing this movie if you haven’t already.
My rating: ☹️😕😐🙂[😀]
(More like 🤯🤯🤯)
If you want more ratings, please let me know!
Jasmynn ❤️
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