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loveregrown · 1 year ago
Hi. I've been mentally insane & kept mostly to tweeting but my brain will let me post now, I think. I hope perce was not too missed. (Hope everyone missed me so bad.)
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discardead · 2 months ago
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··· ✧✦✧ ··· Eldritch Abomination Horror NPUT
Requested by Vulture anonymous!
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Abysmethe. Voideath. Voriethotep. Vessuriathi. Liforiaunth. Anomazoth. Horrogitha. Aliyath. Elridothe. Aliexeth. Azathoth. Horrofie. Abomina. Vessauri. Nyahumina. Chalsidraan. Nyamune.. Ixtravaen. Ultharax. Drig’thonal. Vorathis. Azaleth. Lissythra. Syrathrune. Morvathen. Krylothen. Velkier. Xelith. Xelinen. Inhumine. Elithar. Xyrr'thalis. Kaelzoth. Qaldrithon. Sythralyx. Vyrithar. Myrkalos. Nyxorithe. Krithanol. Zorath. Aervora. Kaeline. Kaeria. Kaeristh. Sawthe.
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xe/xen. xe/xer. ze/hir. sh?/h?r. h?/h?m. th?y/th?m. ?t/?ts. sae/saer. sie/mer. szi/szr. thi/thim. thy/thym. vae/vaer. ve/vem. ve/vis. vy/vim. zu/zur. su/sur. xe/xir. xey/xem. xie/hir. ze/zyr. zhe/zhim. kie/kiem. chu/chur. ve/vel. vy/vyr. gut/guts. sca/scare. fe/fear. fie/fier. zo/zor. gor/gore. fle/flesh. ix/ixs. ayr/aym. chr/chrm. zie/zym. az/aze. hor/horror. te/ter. hue/huem. zzt/zzts. ky/kyr. kry/krys. ki/kill. fri/fright. lu/lurk. lur/lurk. az/azr. xa/xas. hu/husk. hi/hiss.. blo/blood. ga/gash. mai/maim. maw/maws.
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eldritchoid. eldritched. eldritchbf. eldritchgf. eldritchorror. eldritchrr. eldrritches. horrorifying. abominorror. eldritchiing. horreldritch. [prn]haunting. hauntingful. scaryfcce. horrysmal. horrisma. terroranic. terrortowne. terrorfests. bloodritch. horroritche. dreadnaw. dreadingful. blwdybf. blwdygf. jjmpscare. abhorroring. fearisme. lurkedritch. dismayesth. dismay4all. griefs-nhorror. abwminated. abhorringed. devourror. devouredall. eyessmal. maimedritch. horrorfilled. horroright. frightffest. miasmiccc. spinechilled.
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The Absolute Horror of [name]. Prn* Life as an Eldritch. This Abominable Thing. The One / Thing beyond Human Comprehension. Prn* from Outer Space. Prn* Unfathomable Figure. The Creature of Horrors. Prn* Indecipherable Language. Prn* of the Crawling Chaos. Prn* of Impending Doom. The Call of this Eldritch. The Lurker from beyond. Prn* who brings Doom to All. Prn* who Speaks in Tongues. The Thing that strikes Fear. Prn* who strikes Fear to All. The Damned Being. The Eldritch of Horror. Prn* ever-haunting Existence. Prn* Hostility (in the Air). Prn* Hostility lingers. The Bloodthirsty Eldritch. Prn* who yearns for Blood. The Ever-Hungry Eldritch.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year ago
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Lacey from Lacey's Games is a hyperrose traumavesi caedrose bi conromantic nebtraumic traumacoric traumafem hikicoric genderbruised nightskymemoric comforgeniaic traumabungender traumacatgender painloathic cormemogender moinsfem angelgirl apollemian prettymasc bigender demitransmasc girlfriendgender girlfriendloser femininal animegirlboy afingender findrodox girlwreak femwebbic websitegender digigender onlinedollmakergender starpretgender virulovgoric childhoodwebcoric virtualthing compugothic virtualgirl gendersui pasteluvlettergothic neverendingaesic angeldigital angelwound posthumousic genderhikikomori romanticreepthing bludluvlettic kifemendic lovercorpse prettycorpse masobeau girlhopeless sarromefem enivloverian hypergirlia nightwebic pinxelic sickcute internetic bloodfilled horrorfilled acceptfem deathkiss gorturedigital endleturic gortufem lovetured girlfail roseglasstinting twistute sortaboth girlfriendian sofpinkfem anicanigxrl gendercutup hikikohoardic paspinkinterfaceiac depreneu girlflavila nosgirl douceboy virtualgirlboy!
dni link
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graveyarddirt · 4 months ago
Welcome to the darkness. Destryur and Figure come together to make a powerful horrorfilled synthfest. A must for all Darksynthlovers.
01. Halloween 04:04 02. Revenge of the Cannibal Girls 04:45 03. Spit on Your Grave 04:44 04. Phantasm 03:47 05. Street Trash 03:04 06. Exorcist 04:17
see also: #halloween music
* Listen to/purchase: Frightmare, by Figure x Destryur
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Silent Hill (2006)
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I’d describe Silent Hill as dangerous for your taste. Hear me out. It’s got many creepy scenes, the music is fantastic, the monsters look awesome. That’s all terrific, but the video game-based picture gets increasingly ineffective the longer you watch it. By the end, it’s disintegrated into a creamy-colored, unappetizing mess but the promise it showed early on it compels you to forgive its flaws. You'll convince yourself that this is a good movie. It isn’t.
Rose (Radha Mitchell) is driving her adoptive daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) to the mysterious ghost town of Silent Hill - the subject of her persisting nightmares - hoping the trip will give them the answers they seek. Unfortunately, when Rose and Sharon arrive, they are quickly separated. Accompanied by motorcycle police officer Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden), Rose must find her daughter and uncover the mystery of Silent Hill.
The initial setup and look of the movie are dynamite. With eerie music, disturbing monsters aplenty, Silent Hill drips with mood and atmosphere. The film is set up like a horror survival video game (appropriate considering the source material), with the protagonist finding herself in a location she can't escape, hopelessly outmatched by creatures, and running around trying to piece together what's happening. It’s genuinely frightening.
When the picture focuses on the mystery to be solved, it’s a mess. If anything, the story plays out too similarly to a video game. People pick up clues and know exactly what to do with them, characters make lightning-quick decisions about where to go next, they don’t stop to ask questions but still find all the right answers. No one explains anything while legions of creatures appear briefly enough for fans to go "I know those!" Sure they look good, but what does it all mean? You have no idea - until a giant exposition dump tells you everything you need to know in a grainy, “spooky” flashback. Detective work? What detective work?
In the end, I’m not convinced the film makes a whole lot of sense. Some of the revelations about Sharon raise serious questions about the point of this ordeal - if there even was one. I'm not saying you have to dislike the film but consider the following: If the forces behind the madness of Silent Hill want what they say they want at the end… why are they even after Sharon? Shouldn’t they be helping her instead of trying to rip her to shreds? What have the people living inside of Silent Hill been eating in the decades they’ve been trapped there? Why does everyone speak in needlessly cryptic patterns in some scenes but leave clues (such as missing room numbers) for people to easily find? What does the big sequence at the end mean when you consider the film’s “cautionary message”? I could go on, but we’d be dealing in spoiler territory. Bottom line is, this movie’s script and story weren't sufficiently polished.
Silent Hill is a leaky horror film. Answers to the questions you’re asking don’t make the film more interesting, if anything it makes it more confusing. There are many successful elements… but so what when the story is incoherent? Silent Hill is not a good movie, but it makes you think it is. Don’t be fooled. (Fullscreen version on DVD, September 2, 2016)
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soundfackery · 5 years ago
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The soundtrack from @matthewjlawrencefilms Coven of Evil is available on Bandcamp (link in bio). If you fancy it, you might want to check out the offer on my full discography there, which includes the Zombified album with the trailer music I did for two Resident Evil trailers and some other stuff for the BBC and Macabre Pictures, and three other singles. #covenofevil #acovenofevil #horror #soundtrack #horrormovies #horrorfan #rock #doom #orchestral #witchcraft #music #studio #production #studioproduction #composition #musiccomposition #horrorfil https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxv5ubnHrd/?igshid=5y304l8x3p4
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thepeoplesmovies · 5 years ago
Doctor Sleep Final Trailer Welcomes You Back To Overlook Hotel
Doctor Sleep Final Trailer Welcomes You Back To Overlook Hotel
After last week’s Trailer for Black Christmas remake (that revealed everything), Warner Bros. want you to see Doctor Sleep. This isn’t a remake but a sequel for the classic Stephen King‘s The Shining which by many horrorfiles the greatest Horror ever made.  Same question as Black Christmas, do we need it? Do we want it?
The anticipation of seeing Little Danny Torrance on the big screen again .…
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ivyprism · 4 years ago
What do you fear? 😈
Like I would tell you.
I don't fear much of anything. I listened to the most gruesome and horrorfilled scary story narrations to sleep before.
Don't test me.
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retecool · 8 years ago
Horrorfiles from hell rond Schipholtunnel
Horrorfiles from hell rond Schipholtunnel
Het is schering en inslag op de Nederlandse wegen rond de Schipholtunnel. Die is momenteel afgesloten, waardoor er extreem lange files ontstaan en dat blijft dus nog minstens tot morgenochtend het geval. Er is een brand geweest en de ventilatoren krijgen het nog niet voor elkaar de tunnel voldoende te voorzien van zuurstof. Houd daarom rond Amsterdam rekening met files waar je u tegen zegt.…
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year ago
lacey from lacey's flash games is a traumacoric traumafem hikicoric bruisedgender caedrose bi hyperrose traumavesi nightskymemoric Comforgeniaic traumabungender traumacatgender painloathic conromantic (coined by dodstoldpackage as con-) Nebtraumic cormemogender moinsfem angelgirl apollemian prettymasc bigender demitransmasc girlfriendgender girlfriendloser femininal animegirlboy afingender findrodox girlwreak femwebbic websitegender digigender onlinedollmakergender starpretgender virulovgoric childhoodwebcoric virtualthing compugothic virtualgirl gendersui pasteluvlettergothic neverendingaesic angeldigital angelwound posthumousic genderhikikomori romanticreepthing bludluvlettic kifemendic lovercorpse prettycorpse masobeau girlhopeless sarromefem Enivloverian hypergirlia nightwebic pinxelic sickcute internetic bloodfilled horrorfilled acceptfem deathkiss gorturedigital Endleturic gortufem lovetured girlfail Roseglasstinting twistute sortaboth girlfriendian sofpinkfem Anicanigxrl gendercutup hikikohoardic Paspinkinterfaceiac depreneu girlflavila nosgirl douceboy virtualgirlboy! (sorry i know thats a lot. if you need help finding any of the flags lmk)
queued! i couldn't find the bruisedgender or douceboy flags, but if you lmk where i can/send them to me, i'll get them added!
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thepeoplesmovies · 5 years ago
Doctor Sleep Final Trailer Welcomes You Back To Overlook Hotel
Doctor Sleep Final Trailer Welcomes You Back To Overlook Hotel
After last week’s Trailer for Black Christmas remake (that revealed everything), Warner Bros. want you to see Doctor Sleep. This isn’t a remake but a sequel for the classic Stephen King‘s The Shining which by many horrorfiles the greatest Horror ever made.  Same question as Black Christmas, do we need it? Do we want it?
The anticipation of seeing Little Danny Torrance on the big screen again .…
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thepeoplesmovies · 5 years ago
Black Christmas Classic Slasher Gets Blumhouse Remake Watch Trailer
Black Christmas Classic Slasher Gets Blumhouse Remake Watch Trailer
Yes folks Christmas might be the most wonderful time of the year. But for Christmas this year cinefiles, most of all Horrorfiles an old Cult classic, getting another Remake…Black Christmas.
Today Universal Pictures has released the First Trailerfor the Blumhouse produced slasher. A killer prowls a sorority sisters house at Christmas, but this is one household the killer faces formidable…
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thepeoplesmovies · 5 years ago
Black Christmas Classic Slasher Gets Blumhouse Remake Watch Trailer
Black Christmas Classic Slasher Gets Blumhouse Remake Watch Trailer
Yes folks Christmas might be the most wonderful time of the year. But for Christmas this year cinefiles, most of all Horrorfiles an old Cult classic, getting another Remake…Black Christmas.
Today Universal Pictures has released the First Trailerfor the Blumhouse produced slasher. A killer prowls a sorority sisters house at Christmas, but this is one household the killer faces formidable…
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