#hormone imbalance 👍
lyrichi · 8 months
mc, taking a pill right before eating dinner w the bros:
mammon: wtf is that
mc, swallowing it: birth control
asmo: why are you on birth control?
mc: you try having a uterus, boy toy
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moonchild033 · 2 months
D6 chart: Dissection of 6H 😌❤
How to draw a D6 chart manually by yourself? 💅😽
Since many websites are not too accurate in divisional charts, I thought I'll tell you an easy way of calculation to draw by yourself. Even if it is accurate, I think it is worthy or knowledgeable to know and not depend on anything. Trust your own brain more than the computers, it goes a long way, that's what I believe in. 🤗💛
One zodiac sign has 30 degrees. The stars and padas are assigned between these 30 degrees. D6 is dividing a single zodiac sign house into 6 parts (Baby math-> Divide 30 by 6 = 5). So, 5 degrees for each part. 👍
Now, how many zodiac houses are there? 12.
The male zodiac signs are- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
The female zodiac signs are- Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
I think ya'll know that before, it's just the alternative signs but I added it for your reference as it is the most important part in drawing D6.
If any planet is in the assigned male zodiac signs in the D1 chart, they get assigned between Aries to Virgo in the D6 chart. If any planet is in the female zodiac signs in the D1 chart, they get assigned between Libra to Pisces in the D6 chart. 😃💜
Now how to assign the houses for planets in D6 chart? 🤫🤔
In your D1 chart, if a planet is present in a male zodiac sign and between 1-5°, assign the planet in Aries in D6. If the planet degree is between 5.1-10°, it gets Taurus house, 10.1-15° (Gemini), 15.1-20° (Cancer), 20.1-25° (Leo) and 25.1-30° (Virgo). Ex.: If mars is in Leo at 6° in your D1 chart, you assign it in Taurus in D6. If Venus is in Aquarius at 22°, you assign it in Leo in D6. 😌💙
In your D1 chart, if a planet is present in a female zodiac sign and between 1-5° (Libra house in D6), 5.1-10° (Scorpio), 10.1-15° (Sagittarius), 15.1-20° (Capricorn), 20.1-25° (Aquarius) and 25.1°-30° (Pisces). Ex.: If Jupiter is in Taurus at 29°, you assign it to Pisces in D6.
Just remember not to mess up with the male and female zodiac signs. Assign all the planets and ascendant like this, now you have made your very own D6 chart! 😍🤩
Few notes on D6 chart 💅🤫:
If the 6H lord of your D1 chart is assigned in a male zodiac sign in the D6 chart, you will get problems from the male gender in your life. If you are a male, you can end up having bad friendships, a boss who doesn't like you or targets you often, ur brothers can turn up against you or just not be supportive enough. If you are a female, be cautious with male friendships, they might exploit you or spoil your name. Some of the females could've faced harassment too. 🧡
If the 6H lord of your D1 chart is assigned in a female zodiac sign in the D6 chart, your problems or enmity will be from the female gender. If you are a male, your spouse can be less supportive, you could've had issues with your female colleagues. If you are a female, your female friends could be fake, toxic or extremely jealous of you and try to bring you down.💚
6H lord of D1 in the following signs in D6 and the kind of medical condition they are more prone to have-
Aries- Constant or consistent headache like migraines, Eyesight problems, Head injuries.
Taurus- Tonsillitis or other throat related problems, straining in the voice box, Neck injuries.
Gemini- Asthma, Bronchitis or other respiratory tract inflammation.
Cancer- Problems related to breast area, tightness in chest.
Leo- Heart and circulatory system malfunctions, high cholesterol.
Virgo- Digestive tract ailments, Frequent stomach aches, Sensitive digestive system
Libra- Pain in the vertebral column, especially while sitting, skin infections
Scorpio- Reproductive issues like fibroids, endometriosis , Hormonal imbalances
Sagittarius - Hip or thigh pain, prone to dislocation or injuries in that area.
Capricorn - Joint pain, knee pain and related issues like rheumatoid arthritis.
Aquarius- Ankle or calves pain or injury, can get scars in those areas.
Pisces - Swelling in feet, difficulty in moving toes, varicose veins (even Aquarius can get this).
If 6H lord of D1 sits in own house or exaltation sign in D6 chart, the native may get an authoritative position in government sectors. 💥🖤
Note: These ailments are what you can be prone to, so that you can keep yourself healthy and focus on those areas. This is not to make you feel afraid or sad. Always stay happy and healthy. 🤗
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Feel free to comment down your thoughts/questions! 🤗
Let's Learn and Grow Together 💅💋
With Love- Yashi ❤⚡
Here's my Masterlist! 💖
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I'm still bitter about that one time my mom paid $100 for me to visit the doctors because I was- and still am- having maybe 1-2 periods a YEAR only for them to tell me I'm fat (which I'm not) and sent me on my way
Turns out its a hormonal imbalance 👍
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nebuvoid · 1 year
ok no i need to vent this tf out. nonbiney related gyne stuff (my doctor is fine shes trans inclusive. not the problem)
trying out pill and i am SO FUCKING SICK of these moodswings???? and since saturday my skin has been breaking out all over and my hands feel dry no matter what lotion i use and im so irritable all the time and just
its obviously because of the pill and im not even halfway through this trial run and just knowing its my body acting like im pregnant makes me want to claw at the walls and scream (i have tokophobia 👍)
and like the whole point here is that my period gives me gender dysphoria so for now were trying out a pill that can strongly reduce your period. but ^ above is so so SO annoying and unpleasant.
i had hopes that it might also adjust my genetic hormone imbalance that flares up at times, and it still might since your body needs time to adjust to it. trial run is 3 months. (like i wasnt already having fun with the antidepr trial runs too)
ITS SO SO ANNOYING FUCKKKKKKKKK every small thing pisses me off and the impure skin when i literally always fight for my life trying to follow rigid skincare (not tiktok shit. sane shit) to keep it in check and then this bitch pill fucks it up??? not to mention its painful. and ugly. here i was happy i could wear lower cut shirts again but no :)))))
TLDR i dont know if this is reason to contact my gyn or if i should suck it up because its part of the adjustment period. guess i could also ask my therap and manager today but they both are those friendly types that will really just rile up my irritableness osidbvoibdoivboi end my suffering
how do i reverse puberty forever
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Hi! This might not be helpful for you at all, but I saw ur post about hormones. Now, for note. I was born AFAB but I have a hormonal imbalance that causes me to have 7x too much T naturally so take with a grain of salt. But, From what I have heard from doctors over the years, estrogen should be ok, what you would worry about would be androgens, as those do most of the heavy lifting sexwise from what my doctor says. Estrogen shouldn’t cause too many issues for sex-esc activities,
I wish you luck! <3
Okie thank you 👍👍
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madbalalaika · 2 years
Health update #3
So, one thing about my recovery is that for the first month of the treatment I had to exclude from my diet not only everything I'm allergic to (things containing lactose, gluten, and beef as well), but also all the common allergens, aaand everything that could trigger my reflux (fatty food, anything baked/fried, anything sour, coffee, chocolate, etc.), and the point of it was allowing my gut/stomach/esophagus heal first and then I could slowly reintroduce certain foods back: if I still have a reaction, I wait longer and then try again.
And that time has come! I CAN FINALLY DRINK COFFEE!!! It's been a minute!
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I've also done some goofs with meds/supplements about a week ago. First, I took a loratadine pill that we had at home because my skin was itching very badly (dust maybe, idk), but I forgot to read the contents before taking it. And what do you know, it had lactose! Lemme tell you, the consequences were not fun 🤡
The second time was a couple days later. I was feeling great, and was like "fuck yeah, might as well try drinking coffee for the first time in god knows how long". So I did, and it was completely fine, I didn't feel anything unusual at all, so I was like "sick, awesome", but there's also one nuance that I learned the hard way last year: never mix coffee with gluten when you're allergic to the latter.
Fast forward to that same day, later in the evening. I decided to try lactase wafers, that we bought a couple days prior, with some butter and regular milk to see what happens. So I take the thing, I start eating, at the same time reading through the label on the bottle. My eyes suddenly widen in terror as I find a line that says "contains wheat".
What happens next might shock you- no I'm just kidding
But seriously, when I tell you for the next few days my whole digestive tract fucking hurt, it FUCKING HURT. And the most fucked up thing was that not a single mf, not a single pharmacy's website, not even the official distributor's website, or the translation sticker (that they covered the original label with) specified what exactly that supplement contained. I had to actually rip apart the protective film with the sticker first to then read the English label to find out that that expensive af thingy does tenfold more damage to me than it actually helps.
Oh but I didn't get bloated from the milk, how cool is that 🤡
Anyway... I do admit that I should've done more research though, but oh well, what's done is done
P.S. the award of "truly the most hyperfixation food of all time" goes to Swiss hard and Parmesan cheeses. It's been 2 weeks, I haven't been able to stop eating a whole pack a day since. Send help
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Edit: oh, and remember I told you I was super sensitive to sugar and caffeine before? So apparently it was due to thyroid hormone imbalance that, in turn, was due to my (as the endocrinologist I went to suggested) covid-like sickness back in December, but as time goes by it should go back to normal, so that's cool 👍
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bazpitch · 2 months
got my labs done yesterday so ill probs get my results soon and have an update wrt my gf's theory that i have a hormonal imbalance 👍
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
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Ease depression naturally with homeopathy
Depression is a serious mental health condition that impacts millions of people worldwide. It is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch – clinical depression is a persistent low mood and loss of interest in activities that can significantly interfere with daily life. The feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and fatigue associated with depression can make even simple tasks seem insurmountable.
Despite being one of the most common mental disorders, depression is still widely misunderstood. Many people dismiss it as something that can be overcome through willpower alone or view it as a personal weakness rather than a legitimate medical issue. The truth is depression results from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological and social factors that alter brain function and chemistry.
While depression can be debilitating, it is also highly treatable in most cases. Homoeopathy can effectively treat depression. Since Homoeopathy treatment gives the most importance to mental symptoms, the complete symptoms of depression Homeopathic treatment can be cured. While considering the side effects in the treatment of depression, homeopathy treatment is the best. Homeopathy treats the condition naturally and helps the body regain all the inborn power to root out the condition naturally and completely.
What are the features of depression?
Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave, and can interfere with your ability to function in daily life.
Some key characteristics of depression include:
👉Persistent low mood or feeling sad, empty, or hopeless most of the time
👉Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
👉Significant changes in appetite or weight
👉Sleep disturbances like insomnia or oversleeping
👉Fatigue and lack of energy
👉Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
👉Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
👉Thoughts of death or suicide
Depression arises from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. It can happen at any age but often begins in the teens or 20s. With proper treatment like therapy and/or medication, most people with depression can get better. To cover these features of depression Homeopathy treatment has medicines of natural origin. Homeopathy medicines for depression are made from plants, animals and minerals.
Causes for depression
There are many potential causes of depression. It is usually the result of a combination of factors rather than a single cause. Some of the major potential causes include:
1.Biological Factors:
👉🏻Genetics – Depression can run in families
👉🏻Brain Chemistry – Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
👉🏻Hormonal Changes – Fluctuations in hormones from puberty, pregnancy, thyroid issues
2.Psychological Factors:
👉🏻Low Self-Esteem
👉🏻Pessimistic Personality
👉🏻Trauma or Abuse
3.Environmental Factors:
👍Difficult Life Circumstances (unemployment, divorce, poverty)
👉🏻Lack of Social Support
👉🏻Major Life Changes
👉🏻Substance Abuse
👉🏻Seasonal Changes
4.Medical Causes:
👉🏻Certain Medications
👉🏻Chronic Illness
👉🏻Chronic Pain
👉🏻Sleep Disturbances
It’s important to note that depression is not a personal weakness or character flaw. A complex combination of factors can increase vulnerability. Major life stressors often act as triggers, but depression can also occur spontaneously without obvious external causes. Understanding the potential underlying causes is important for guiding effective treatment.
These causes of depression homeopathy treatment can eradicate completely from the suffering patients.
Depression, Homeopathy treatment is the best
There are a good number of homeopathic medicines, which cover a wide range of mental symptoms. Homoeopathy can correct the imbalanced state of mind to a balanced state with pure natural medicines without any side effects. The causes of mental disorders are very important during Homeopathic treatment. For treating depression, Homoeopathy treatment is the best, since it nearly does not control the symptoms, but it has the power to root out the disease to its whole extent. People of any age group can take Homeopathic medicine for depression for any long time without any complications. Even it is safe for pregnant ladies. People having any other health issues and taking any other medical treatments can also take homeopathy medicines for depression safely.
some of the Bodden homeopathy medicines for depression are,
1. Aurum metallicum – Claimed to help with depression accompanied by anxiety and obsessive thoughts
2. Natrum muriaticum – Claimed for depression with sensitivity and grief
3. Sepia – Claimed for depression in women with hormonal components
4. Ignatia – Claimed for depression after grief or emotional trauma
5. Pulsatilla – Claimed for mild depression with sensitivity and a changeable mood
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desktobikini · 8 months
Sit at a desk and cant lose weight? Not anymore! Get moving at your desk and get fit this year!
Sit at a desk and can’t lose weight? 🤔 Not anymore! Get moving at your desk and get fit this year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ0Xiq0fUu4 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ January 25, 2024 at 08:42PM
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femmesandhoney · 2 years
I have many sisters and brothers. one is a teenage gendie nonbinary on T. another is in college. the others are younger than us three. my college sister was having symptoms and went to the pcp and eventually got referred to an endocrinologist or something. they found she has high levels of testosterone. a scan later revealed she has a brain tumor. the doctors want to remove it asap. they told my parents it’s a race against the clock because there is a high risk of heart attack from male testosterone levels in a female body. my mom then freaked out because the gendie doctors told my mom T for the teenage sister was safe. my mom is making my gendie sister stop the T and she freaked out and called our parents transphobes. it was a scene. my college sister was crying in the livingroom about her tumor and surgery. one of my other sisters was getting in trouble with our dad for hitting our brother after he walked in fake crying that she hit him. my mom and gendie sister started having a screaming match on the staircase. meanwhile I was scrolling radblr tumblr in the corner😊👍
tumor anon. for clarity I’m not sure if it’s a brain tumor or not. I just heard tumor and jumped to conclusions. I assume it’s in the brain because I assume that is where hormones originate. I would ask but it’s tense in the house
im glad youre parents decided to take your sister off testosterone. gender doctors are such liars and straight scamming these parents by making them think its safe. and i also assume its in the brain and pushing on one of the major hormone producing glands, such as the pituitary. but thyroid problems could also create similar problems i believe. but im not a doctor nor study this sort of thing to know exactly how tumors affect hormonal imbalances. i wish both your sisters well <3
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aatreyaayurved · 3 years
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What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda :
The Science of Life Ayurveda is the time-tested, natural, prevention-oriented, and holistic health care system of ancient India. It is free of negative side effects and offers economical solutions to the major current health problems worldwide. It advocates that living in harmony with nature and maintaining harmony between body, mind, and spirit contributes to a long and healthy life. Any imbalance in this harmony results in disease. The focus of Ayurveda is on preventive and curative aspects.
Everything in the universe is composed of five elements: space; air; fire; water and earth. These can be condensed into the three bio energies of space and air – Vata; fire and a little water – Pitta and water and earth – Kapha. Every individual has a distinct balance of these doshas and our health depends on maintaining a healthy balance between all three energies.
The Ayurvedic way of life is tailored to each person’s unique constitution, taking into account individual needs for nutrition, exercise, personal hygiene, social interaction and other lifestyle factors. The Ayurvedic healing approach to treatments is based on detox and herbal medicine.
Benefits of Ayurveda Panchakarma
Relieves insomnia
Removes extra fat and retunes the body
Reduces physical and mental stress
Enhances proper digestion
Improves metabolic activities of the body
Improves hormonal balance
Tones up muscles and skin
Enhances blood circulation
Rejuvenates and replenishes the deeper tissues of the body
Helps prevent internal and external aging, delays the aging process
Tackles menopause and andropause-related issues
Addresses infertility issues
Improves skin texture, complexion and beautifies the body
Boosts energy and vitality
Prevents disease and promotes good health
Helps to rejuvenate body, mind and soul
Replenishes the reservoir of mental vitality and health
Strengthens all systems of body to achieve sound health and longevity
Restores balance in the body, mind and consciousness
Proven expertise of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the world’s oldest comprehensive health care system and is indigenous to India where it is widely practiced.
Ayurveda helps in managing and healing a disease from its root or cause. It assists with:
skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and allergic skin conditions
respiratory illness like asthma, allergies, recurrent respiratory infections
obesity, joint disorders, rheumatic disorders, spinal disorders, fatigue, migraine, thyroid disorders, infertility, hypertension, anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, constipation, liver and kidney disorders and much more…
What is it going to be like for me?
Our experienced and Qualified doctors will do an initial in-depth consultation to identify your body-mind constitution, balances and imbalances of bioenergies, status of digestive fire, physical and mental state. You get to share all your concerns and problems regarding your health and discuss them with the doctor. The treatments and type of Panchakarma detox procedure suitable for each individual will only be decided after this initial consultation. This is the reason why you will not find any pre-designed packages on our website – in Ayurveda, one size does definitely not fit all!
We offer a genuine Ayurveda Panchakarma experience, not a spa vacation. Our emphasis on traditional Ayurveda guidelines will ensure that the balance of your body is restored and you get to enjoy the benefits for a long time to come. Please note that to achieve this, certain diet restrictions may apply and there are times when you will experience discomfort and some treatments that you do not enjoy. However, this is part of the whole process and well worth the results!
For more details 👍 Contact us - 9561323931 Visit: /www.aatreyaayurved.com/ayurvedic-medicine-for-weight-loss-remedies-and-tips/  
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desktobikini · 1 year
Lose the weight for good by adding desk workouts. Save time and gain energy! #healthyhabits
Lose the weight for good by adding desk workouts. Save time and gain energy! #healthyhabits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCX5ZI9XH1I 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ September 19, 2023 at 11:45PM
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desktobikini · 1 year
Take back control of your life if you have a desk job & are unhappy & gained weight. I got you
Take back control of your life if you have a desk job & are unhappy & gained weight. I got you 🥰 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAf6YwqPdKc 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ August 31, 2023 at 07:57PM
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desktobikini · 1 year
Lose weight while SITTING at your DESK? take your fitness to the next level now!! #deskworkout
Lose weight while SITTING at your DESK? 😱😱 take your fitness to the next level now!! #deskworkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlkwgtpMLyc 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ August 24, 2023 at 07:44PM
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desktobikini · 1 year
Take your fitness to the NEXT LEVEL with the power of Desk Workouts! #officeworkout #abworkout
Take your fitness to the NEXT LEVEL with the power of Desk Workouts! #officeworkout #abworkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOjo_Xz1uCk 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ July 25, 2023 at 09:23PM
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desktobikini · 1 year
If you sit at a desk you must try these two movesBurn calories at work and get fit! #deskworkout
If you sit at a desk you must try these two moves😱😱Burn calories at work and get fit! #deskworkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF8e_ZKO7YU 🌟 The Power of a desk workout: A Must for Productivity! 🏋️‍♀️💪 In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it's SO easy to overlook the significance of stretching and working out while we are stressed with work. However, taking the time to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules can have remarkable benefits for our overall well-being and productivity. (SOME companies even do this with their corporate wellness) Let's delve into why stretching and working out during the day are essential practices that should not be underestimated! 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen flow to the brain, providing a much-needed energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration. 💥 2. Improves Mental Clarity: Breaking away from your desk for a workout or a stretch session helps clear your mind and promotes mental clarity. It allows you to recharge, leading to improved cognitive function and problem-solving abilities. 🧠 3. Reduces Stress: Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. By incorporating movement into your day, you can effectively manage stress levels and boost your mood. 😌 4. Enhances Productivity: Regular physical activity has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. When you invest time in your physical health, you're investing in your professional performance as well. 📈 5. Prevents Aches and Pains: Sitting for prolonged periods can result in muscle stiffness and body aches. Stretching and working out help alleviate these issues by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and reducing the risk of chronic pain. 💆‍♀️ 6. Increases Resilience: Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also builds mental resilience. By challenging yourself physically, you develop a mindset that can help you overcome obstacles and handle stress effectively. 💪 7. Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common consequence of desk-bound work. Incorporating stretching exercises and strength training into your routine can help correct postural imbalances, reducing the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. 👍 8. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Taking breaks for physical activity during the day helps establish a healthier work-life balance. It allows you to prioritize self-care, leading to improved overall satisfaction and fulfillment. ⚖️ Remember, small actions can make a big difference! Incorporate these simple habits into your work routine and experience the positive impact they have on your productivity, health, and happiness. #StretchAndMove #WorkoutBreaks #ProductivityBoost #ExerciseForLife #WellnessAtWork #HealthIsWealth #MentalClarity #StressRelief #BoostYourEnergy #FitAndFocused #Deskercise #PreventPain #StayActiveStayHappy #MindBodyConnection #HealthyHabits #WorkLifeBalance #FitnessGoals #PosturePerfection #InvestInYourself #BeYourBestSelf #WorkoutInspiration #PrioritizeHealth #FeelGoodLookGood #GetMoving #MindfulnessMatters #PowerOfExercise #HealthyMindHealthyBody #StayFitStaySharp #MoveToImprove #BalanceIsKey via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ July 17, 2023 at 06:53PM
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