#horatio galloway
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project-rosewood-476 · 4 months ago
At long last. Two years of waiting. It's finally here.
Hero/Villain duet ft. Tabby x Horatio. This was their so-called break up in 7th grade towards the end of their time working together.
Tabby and Horatio belong to me. Art, wording and animation was done by @wastelandcatartist and you should go check them out!
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the-ship-maker-2 · 1 year ago
Hello there! You've been visited by the random question fairy! ~ ☆
What was the most meaningful relationship (platonic or romantic) your character has had with another person? Why was it so meaningful? Ultimately, what happens to this relationship?
Michael: her step-dad. The man who raised her when no one else would. Her first real friend and the only one she came to respect on her own without being forced too. Set up her core foundation of who she was today and raised to become what she is now. The main source of her trauma. Very estranged now.
Adam: Her baby brother her pride and joy. She was forced to raise him at 9 since he was born. He is her living proof that she is not a monster and a bad person contrary to her step dad's belief. For how can someone so bad raise someone so good? Eventually they come back into each other's lives.
Horatio: The first person she ever met at Rosewood. became rivals and became each others equals. Also a main source of trauma and the bane of her existence. Taught her heart break and betrayal and that there is more than meets the eye. How to humanize people. That you can't save everyone if they don't want to be saved. They become sworn enemies again.
Autumn: Her best friend. Her second in command. her big sister. her human diary. Her other half. Pick one and go with it. The person who taught her what love, home, understanding and acceptance was. She balanced out Tabby's darker tendencies from her step dad. Would become the basis for what moral compass she has. Unfortunately death has kept them apart.
Toby: The boy who unknowingly saved her in more ways than one.Her savior and they one she grew to fall l in love with. Taught her that a second chance comes with everything, There is more to life than being a proxy and that you have relatively good people around you if you look hard enough. I can't give spoilers for ERHIT but it's becoming something worth while.
Connor: the boy who was by his side since day 1 in the orphanage. His best friend and soul mate. He showed him that he wasn't a monster and not to fear him. He never had that before in his life. For once he had something to fight for. Unfortunately due to trauma and tragic events they're both dead and become very estranged.
Sister Mary-Angela: the nun that took care of him and Connor. The seemingly only good one in that place. She gave them a mother figure that they both could trust and rely on. Unfortunately she dies for them and they both mourn her greatly.
Chase: his first real friend at the orphanage and his first real love. He never strayed too far from his side and fought for him. They're unfortunately very estranged now.
Sister Mary-Angela: same as chase up above
Louisa Monroe: her mother and one of the few family members she was close to. Definitely a mommy's girl. Gave her the doll that looks just like her and the only thing that she has left of her mom. One day she walked out on them and never came back. Needless to say I think they would be very estranged.
Evan Monroe: her older brother by 4 years. The second one she was closest to after their mother left. Only for a bit of course. Until their step mother came into the picture and began to turn on her. Needless to say they hate each other.
Fallax: a friend. A demon who haunts the abandoned carnival grounds that Evan forces juliet to explore every night. Her first true friend and savior from her broken home. They're relationship is very good very much a guardian/mentor/apprentice type of relationship.
Tbh I haven't done enough development for her to answer that question.
The college gangTM (Smiley, EJ, and Locklear): her friend group all throughout college and med school. EJ was the baby of the group. Locklear was an honorary member, and Smiley was her first love, although they were never officially together. They helped each other grow and develop. Until the death of EJ and then the group became distant and disolved. They were very estranged for a while after getting the group together in nearly 20+ years, but they're currently working on mending their relationship with each other. It's not perfect buy its a work in progress.
Anna: her lifeboat and savior after the group. Was there when she lost her medical license and got her in the medical cult to get it back. She turned out to be a back stabbing bitch so amelia killed her.
The cult: her one hope to getting her medical license back. She never truly belonged there but it was all she got left. Eventually she got out by killing all of them.
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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superspeare · 5 years ago
(just a misc. writing thing; happens during the Scots-vs.-Danes arc.)
After Hamlet gets captured (willingly) by the Scots and taken back to Scotland, he and Horatio stay in Macbeth's castle. Swords hang on the walls in the hall, each representing a victory won by the king. Hamlet reaches out to inspect the gems studding the hilt of one of the swords, and his powers act up.
He sees a young man in a dark green cloak, a silver locket around his neck. He sees a taller, broader man wielding the same sword his hand is on. The younger man fails to put up any sort of a fight, and the sword strikes him dead where he stands. A smaller man walks in and hands the sword-wielder a... knife? A cleaver, specifically. His curiosity outweighs his disgust, and he presses on as the large man kneels beside the fallen body.
Horatio walks in to see Hamlet, hand placed against a sword on the wall, his eyes distant and glazed over. Another vision. The prince's eyes grow wide in fear, and Horatio rushes to Hamlet's side as his breathing grows frantic.
"My lord," Horatio calls, trying to coax him from the object. Hamlet removes his hand from the sword, still shaken. The smell of blood clears from his brain, and his eyes adjust from spattered crimson and dusty brown flooring to the clean, dull grey of the castle's stone. A plaque above the sword holds a name that, while in an unfamiliar language, is familiar enough from what he had heard.
It reads "Maolsneachda, former Thane of Cawdor."
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rndyounghowze · 7 years ago
Hamlet by Aquila Theatre at Stockton College in Galloway, NJ
Something's rotten in the state of Jersey with Aquila Theatre’s touring production of Hamlet by William Shakespeare which stopped at Stockton College for a performance. This production directed by Desiree Sanchez brings something more than Shakespeare but the question of existence itself. Hamlet is the center of a 400 year old story of woe and intrigue. Someone has murdered Hamlet’s father. Gertrude, his mother, has married Claudius, his uncle. What's worse Horatio has seen his father’s ghost has come back from the dead with a message: “I have been murdered and you must avenge my death” Add in the schemings of Polonius who thinks Hamlet is just a lovesick puppy over his daughter Ophelia, the meddling of his parents who use Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to keep tabs on him, and the well wishes of his friend Horatio and you can tell that Hamlet is soon to be torn at the seams by everyone’s expectations of him. How is he going to fulfill every obligation? Does he even want to go on at all? Desiree Sanchez as director worked together with the cast and crew to bring something visceral to the play. When someone watches Hamlet it is easy to watch with your upper brain, the one that wants to dissect it as literature. But through skillful work with actors and long work with designers to shape sound and light she presented a piece that brought us back to the caveman’s campfire. We’re watching Shakespeare in modern dress but we're also talking about the oldest questions of life, family, legacy, and what would we do to preserve each if death were crouching just outside the light in the darkness. I think that she did a wonderful job bringing actors to that dark edge while still making it something that they can do over and over while on national tour. She also seems to curate the whole picture using physical bodies, light, set, and costumes to make the whole experience. Some directors you can tell whether they favor working with actors more or whether they are just putting bodies on stage under pretty lights. Sanchez rides that line down the middle and uses all the resources at hand. That's a perfect skill to have while designing a national tour.
Our cast of eight may as well have been a cast of thousands with the kind of energy they brought to the production. Lewis Brown (Hamlet) gives us a character of struggle. He brings the full body and voice into what he does. I once always thought that Hamlet’s soliloquies were purely verbal and mental but you could tell he was leaning his whole body into it. He turned the iambic pentameter into a physical effort and showed us not only struggle with people but the struggle between the forces in his head. Lauren Drennan’s (Ophelia) did something that I never knew could happen. She made me feel sorry for Ophelia. There is always a sense of naive innocence when you talk about Ophelia and in her voice and her tone she started there but then as things got real and her life started falling apart she turned that innocence into a train wreck. She melded her voice and her body and her energy to become something that made me shiver. During her talk about the flowers I wanted to look away but found I couldn't. I wanted to run onstage, scoop her up, and take her away. Drennan brought her whole acting training to bear to make a character that made me feel guilty for sitting still. Now that was talent! Tyler La Marr (Horatio) served as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps and did two tours in Iraq. What better person to play a man do torn between duty to his country and duty to his prince. Immediately I found a man who was honorbound and struggling with those convictions usually willing to die for them but in his case brave enough to live for them. Kudos! My hat goes off to Guy de Villiers (Claudius) and Rebecca Reaney (Gertrude) who made me feel dirty as the king and queen. But it's also hard to play a king and queen that people hate but they still are captured by and have to take notice of onstage. There were times where I didn't believe their chemistry but I didn't know if that was because their characters literally had none in the story or if their performance was slightly off. I do feel however that it's something that is not as vague in most of their performances of this play. James Lavender played a host of characters from Polonius to the Ghost to the Grave Digger (as well as Osric). I want to focus on the work that he did as Polonius and the Ghost though. Playing both those fathers he brought forth the theme of legacy in the face of mortality. He brought a warmth to Polonius that I haven't seen and a tragic anguish to the Ghost that I've never seen. It really is a touching performance from such a versatile actor.
My hat is also off to Harriet Barrow and Michael Rivers who had to both play the parts of the players and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. I felt that they did the best that could playing two characters that seemed to have conflicting emotions. And motivations. In fact I don't know if the director made the right choice putting the characters together at all. But I so admire the actors for pulling off the feat this mashup presented. Barrow pulls off a wonderful performance as Marcellus and the priest. I feel that I loved Rivers’ Bernardo far more than I did his Laertes and I'm not sure that's supposed to happen. Rivers was obviously at home in Shakespeare and while one of his characters left something to be desired I truly admired his professional caliber performance.
I also want to give a lot of credit to lighting design by Joel Moritz, sound design by Andy Evan Cohen, projections by Lianne Arnold, and Lara de Bruijn’s work on costumes. Together they took a minimal touring production and made every little element have meaning. Even a shift in costume, a square of light, and a piercing shriek of sound could be a major change in psychology or plot. It's such a breathtaking piece of art that these guys have collaborated on and you must go see it!
When you're directing or producing Shakespeare you’re always wearing two hats. The first hat is the director who must become an advocate and lover of this story and bring together a team of artists on one solid mission to bring it to the stage. The second hat is one of an adaptor who must turn a five act Elizabethan script intended for an ancient stage into a two act piece of modern theatre. Unless you're directing museum theatre you're no longer performing Shakespeare in the way it was originally intended. Director Desiree Sanchez also wore these two hats and I don't envy her that job even while I celebrate her work. To adapt Shakespeare in one sense is to make no one happy. There is half the audience that is having flashbacks from years of English teachers shoving the bard down their throats and half the audience are Shakespeare devotees who have seen or read it several times and will swoon the minute they hear a soliloquy or get outraged the minute they see something they love get cut. But like I said earlier to produce Shakespeare today is to change it. So essentially half the audience won't care and half the audience wants to take you out back after the show and punish you for your “crimes”.
This is what made Sanchez’s adaptation so surprising. I first noticed something was awry when the first act was over and I saw some clamor amongst some audience members around us. The person next to me and my wife asked us “Did you notice that they cut “To Be or Not To Be”? My first reaction was to shrug and go “wait did they?” My wife, who is often far faster on the uptake than me snapped her fingers and went “that's what was missing!” The circle of humanity around us seemed a buzz. As if they were saying, “How dare they cut that one piece?” But I was desperately searching my brain trying to figure out where it was supposed to be. You have to understand that I'm a mixture of these two types of people in the audience. I was force fed Shakespeare in high school and then became a lover or him in college and grad school. I went from saying we should never produce Shakespeare again to saying we should desperately revive him and the old canon. The through line of this is that I've had to read, memorize, and discuss that speech my whole academic life. How could I have been watching Shakespeare so intently that I forget that soliloquy!
Right as the lights were going down for the second act my wife said, “We saw what they did with ‘Murder on the Nile’ I bet they’ll put it somewhere in the second act.” I was dubious but found myself silently rooting for her as the show went on. Then it came to the scene at the graveyard. We know that Claudius and Laertes have hatched a plot to kill him. We have already seen him hold the skull of a dear beloved Yoric in his hands. We see Hamlet and Laertes fight over the body of Ophelia. Most of us know the ending is coming. We know that most of these characters are not long for this world. We know that Hamlet will soon go to a grave of his own.
And then Hamlet comes on stage again with these images of life and death fresh in our minds. He comes onstage at a time where both of these predescribed factions of the audience know the plot and then begins to utter those immortal words. A silent hush fell over the audience. My wife grabbed my arm and I was shocked. Not by the audacity of changing the script but because how much weight those words had in that moment. In a graveyard of dry bones with murder plots abound where we know death is imminent Hamlet doesn't talk about life or death. He talks about existence and whether he wants to be on this or not. The sheer weight and density of that moment became so palpable that it lay like a heavy blanket over the whole audience. Sanchez didn't just awake our visceral selves in this play but got two steps ahead of our brains and played our emotions like an instrument. She made Shakespeare new to people who had seen it a million times. Maybe there were some people left in the torch and pitchfork contingent but the standing ovation at the end of the play tells me there weren't many. I got home home and looked up Hamlet and there it was in Act Three. “To be or not to be that is the question”.originally the lamenting of a young man (what my wife calls an “emo teen”) Sanchez made it into the heavy thoughts of a suffering adult. Hamlet seemed to grow up in this version. I also found a myriad of characters that I had totally forgotten were in the play. Aquila Theatre managed to make an old play, not one of my favorites even, and make it hit me where I live. Not only that it hacked my memory and made me watch the play with my emotions not my theatre degree. And for that rare and special gift I give them thanks.
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project-rosewood-476 · 2 years ago
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Art was done by @xxxamerican-psychoxxx and you should go check them out!
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project-rosewood-476 · 1 year ago
Chapter 9/ New School New Me Or So I Thought
Hey everyone sorry for not posting this chapter for a little over a year and a half. I was working on it little by little but then I graduated and got a job at a nice restaurant as a line cook which takes up the majority of my time now a days. Also got a bf too and he takes up the other half of my time. Also working on getting a car and have to find an apartment by January or else I'd be kicked out of the housing that my restaurant provides. So things will be hectic for awhile. But when things slow down I'll get into the habit of writing and posting more.
Other than that here's Chapter 9
Summary: It's Tabbys and Toby's first day of school again. What was supposed to be a cakewalk turned into something more difficult than their used to. Not to mention Tabby has to face her fears and feelings and come face to face with an enemy of her past. Sometimes the past just won't leave you alone. Will she give up for good? Or will she try and try again?
TW: swearing, portraying of panic attacks
Portrations of some characters and the pocket belong to @creepypasta-shtick. Mapplehood Creek, Tabby and Horatio belong to me.
No one knows how long Tabby was asleep. She was asleep if she wasn’t caring for herself, picking a fight with Hoodie, or having brief interactions with Toby. That's all she seemed to do nowadays. They say that people who just got out of a horrible situation will sleep for a long time to begin healing because their bodies need it. Maybe that's what Tabby was doing.
Today was a new day, the day Tabby and Toby were supposed to go to this new school for the mission. Greengrove High, it was called. Toby was up and at em already; meanwhile, Hoodie would have to be the one to wake Tabby up, and he was not happy about it.
And Tabby was not happy about the way he did it.
“Hey, what the fuck was that for!” Tabby groaned, annoyed at the rude awakening, and the mattress flipped over and on her. “Boss said to wake you up, so I did. Get up; you have school today,” stated Hoodie coldly and simply, although amused that he was able to inconvenience her first thing in the morning mildly. 
He gave her a condescending look before walking out of her room and closing the door behind him. As he walked out, Tabby gave him the finger before flopping back down for a few more precious minutes of sleep.
Everyone was already downstairs before she headed down. Toby was scarfing down a bowl of cereal. Masky was sitting at the kitchen table drinking his coffee while trying to chat with Hoodie, who was doing his best to ignore him while reading the paper. Everyone’s eyes landed on Tabby as she made her way down the last few steps, grumbling as she adjusted her clothes.
“Good morning, Tabby. Hoodie told me you had a..uh.. difficult time waking up,” Masky said slowly while Hoodie snickered unkindly as he turned the page in the paper. 
That led Tabby to give him the dirtiest glare up to date thus far. She didn’t even bother to provide them with a response as she felt like they didn’t deserve her precious waste of breath. She went to make a cup of coffee for herself, too anxious to keep anything solid down. She made it to her liking before downing that, making herself a second cup, and sipping that one more slowly. “So, how are you feeling?” asked Masky, trying to break the awkward tension in the room.         “Fucking miserable, thanks for asking,” answered Tabby into her cup as she was taking another sip. 
“How are you feeling about starting school again?” asked Toby between bites of cereal.
“Don’t talk with your mouthful! It's fucking rude and disgusting!” snapped Hoodie.
Toby took a bigger bite and chewed more loudly and obnoxiously, causing the two to bicker back and forth before Masky had to step in.
“Guys, knock this shit off! It is 6:45 in the morning! I don’t need this shit first thing!” Masky said irritatedly.
Tabby chuckled at the fact that Hoodie was getting what he deserved and at Toby’s antics. A lot of people would find them annoying and obnoxious by now. But not her.
“Honestly, I’m anxious as fuck to the point where I’m nauseous. I haven’t been to public school in 8 years. I reek of Rosewood; I have a lot of Rosewood mannerisms. Not to mention I’ve been missing for about two to three weeks now, so people know what I look like and have been looking for me.” she looked pale.
“Oh, man…” she ran to the bathroom, holding her hand to her mouth to not let anything escape. You could hear her yakking up in there. Masky looked at Hoodie worriedly. Hoodie just rolled his eyes and looked back at him, annoyed, and Toby just stared down his food, having completely lost his appetite.
A few moments later, she came out and wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her jacket.
“Okay! Let's get this shit show on the road! Toby, let's go! We got a half-hour walk, and school starts at 7:47!” she said with an upbeat tone, trying to hype herself up. “Have a good day at school!” Masky gave a small wave with his hand.
“You’re not my dad! Don’t tell me what to do!” yelled Tabby as she was halfway out the door.
“I’m coming!” said Toby hurriedly as he shoved some more food in his mouth before running to catch up with the girl already out the door.
The door closed as Masky gave Hoodie another look of worry.
“You think they’ll be able to do this?”
“They better be.”
Tabby was already a few feet ahead of Toby as he ran to catch up with her.
“You know where we’re going?” he asked, breathless.
“Of course I do. I know this town like the back of my hand. It's just a few blocks away from Rosewood Prep. It takes about 30 minutes or so from where we live. I used to walk to Rosewood from where I lived for eight years, which took about 20 minutes. We will pass the place on our way there. I know many escape routes underground and the back roads,” said Tabby, proud to show off her knowledge but also talking out of anxiety.
Toby nodded. He understood.
“Hey, will you be okay?” 
Tabby just sighed and groaned.
“I can take care of myself just fine. I’ve been dealing with this anxiety for as long as I can remember. I promise you it won’t compromise the mission.”
Toby remained quiet for the rest of the walk, hearing her annoyed tone. Would he be bullied again? He would have no idea how to act around humans. He could stand up for himself but didn’t want to jeopardize the mission.
It wasn’t until they came across Rosewood and he felt a dark, suffocating energy overcome him that he was pulled out of his thoughts. He had never felt so uneasy and had the urge to fly so much before. Tabby, on the other hand, looked very relaxed. Like all of her stress and worries, it dissipated. It was good to be back in familiar territory again. Tabby stopped in front of the Rosewood gates and hung off the bars on the outside, looking in. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh of contentment.
“Hey, uh Tabby, I think we should get-” said Toby anxiously.
“You’re free to go ahead without me, and I’ll catch up with you. If not, I’d advise you to look around here.”
Reluctantly, Toby stood by Tabby, becoming an outsider looking in even though every instinct was begging him to run away from the place. 
It was an old, ancient, and broad building. It would be charming if it didn’t have an eerie and sinister feel. You can tell by the way there was the smell of blood, despair, and stale death that accompanied all Rosewood people that some shit had gone down there and that there was a dark and rich history behind it. There were many fields and pathways—an old, dark academic vibe. Many students were in waves of reds, whites, blacks, and tans for the uniforms. They were all off in their respective groups. Instead of Rosewood society's usual hustle and bustle, they were quieter, skittish, and withdrawn.
“Did you hear about what happened to Tabby?”
“I heard she got done in by Horatio!”
“I heard she got did in with her group as well!”
“I heard she started the fires as a distraction and ran away, never looking back. Pulled a real Laura Nightingale there!”
“Guys, I think she's still out there! There’s no way she would just leave us like that! I believe she is still out there as our guardian angel, waiting for the right time to strike and put the wrongs to the right and exact her bloody revenge!”      The students whispered and gossiped in their groups while Toby looked ready to bolt. Tabby had the devil's grin on her face.
“This is awesome; they think I’m dead! I’m an absolute legend here! I’m like the next Laura Nightingale!” giggled Tabby as she broke away from the bars of the gates and walked with more pep in her step and a more visibly relaxed posture.
Toby ran to catch up to her, thankful to leave the place.
In the back, somewhere, a dark-haired boy was prowling around the courtyard, doing his daily rounds of which kids would be his target next.
He thought it was good now that Tabby was gone for good since she hadn’t shown up for months. He finally won. He proved to be Rosewood’s Top leader, and the King of Rosewood has finally regained his tyrannical reign.
He thought that would make him happy.
But it didn’t. Quite the opposite, he was worried, no he was paranoid.
But why? Didn’t he get what he wanted? It’s not like Tabby has the mental and physical strength to fight him again, as proven by her cowardice to run.
Still, he didn’t like the rumors that were going around. Some better, some worse, and all greatly exaggerated from spectrum to spectrum. Pretty mixed reviews.
However, all rumors held to the same message.
Tabby will be back one way or another, and Karma will collect her dues. 
No doubt that she’ll be getting him first.
That thought scared him to death.
He shook his head to get rid of the paranoid thoughts. No matter that, it was neither here nor there.
Besides, he had places to be.
“Who is this Laura Nightingale?” he asked, finally catching up to her and catching his breath.
“She's kind of our folk hero and urban legend there! She went to Rosewood way back when it was Rosewood Asylum. She set up the foundations of our culture and society for what we know today! She fought against the tyranny and corruption of the asylum as best as she could with her group in hand. She was the leader of the Cult of St. Jude, which was like a resistance group somewhat. Some say she was the one who started the fire that ended the asylum days. Legend has it that she walked into the woods in the back of the property, never looking back and never to be seen again,” explained Tabby, excitedly happy to share her knowledge on the subject matter.
“Wait, you mean THE Laura? The one with all the tattoos who is like the cool aunt that you threw knives with?” asked Toby, speaking fast with the realization.
“Wait, you mean to tell me that the woman I threw knives with was THE Laura Nightingale? The legend in the flesh?” 
“I mean, she came to the pocket about 30 years ago. They said that she came out from fire, brimstone, and ash, and the Slenderman had been watching her for some time and made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.”
Tabby looked at him in disbelief and embarrassment.
“So you mean to tell me the entire time I looked like an amateur idiot, I was talking to THE Laura Nightingale?”
Toby laughed.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Tabby huffed, crossed her arms, and looked away.
“Well, now I feel embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. I’m sure at some point in the future, you can talk to her again and redeem yourself,” he chuckled as he moved past her. Tabby ran to keep up.
The rest of the walk there was uneventful and quiet, both mentally preparing themselves for the new school day. They finally got there, and both looked at the broadening stairs and doors before looking at each other.
“You ready?”
“Have no choice but to be.”
They gave each other a reassuring look before heading in.
School proved to be a lot tougher than they thought it would be. They both struggled to fit in as they stuck out like sore thumbs. To each for different reasons. Toby was more of a social outcast. Being homeschooled all his life and being a proxy created more of the uncanny valley effect for the rest of humanity. They knew something was off about him that was dangerous and made people stay away. Plus, his school knowledge was abysmal compared to Tabby’s. Tabby had that sickly dark rosewood aura that accompanied all rosewood kids who went there. It's how they identified each other. The longer you’re away from the school, the less noticeable it is on top of her Rosewood mannerisms. Never speak unless spoken to. Not mingling with the other kids who had their own established groups. She sat prim and proper as all Rosewood children were taught to do when they stepped foot into the classroom. Not to mention, her academic prowess exceeded the rest of the children there. She looked at the other kids with pity as she rapid-fired answers to the questions. They wouldn’t survive an hour back at home. Tabby played her role as the teacher's pet well.
       It wasn’t until lunch that things went downhill. It didn’t take long for Toby to use his awkward charm to make a few new friends. Which Tabby didn’t like and scowled at them. She spent her lunch alone with her head down in her hand, shoving food into her mouth to drown out her problems. She knew that socializing was a part of the mission, and he played the part well. But seeing  Toby smiling and laughing with a small group of people, which consisted more of females, did something to her and nothing good. It made her blood boil and made her feel hurt and rejected. Did he not want to be around her anymore? Did he not like her? She admits that she could be mean and selfish, and bitchy and lacks empathy. It was tiring to be around that constantly could push anyone away. Why did she have to constantly push people away who even remotely get an inch closer to her? Why did she continue to do so? Why did it bother her so much that he was hanging out with other people? She wasn’t usually a jealous person. She believed in free will, and they both could choose to do whatever and whoever they wanted. It’s not like they were exclusively dating. Hell, they weren’t even friends!
Still, why did she feel so hurt by it?
Tabby sighed and shook her head, resting it on her arms. She supposes she’ll sleep her lunch away.
That was until she felt an eerie, dark, all too familiar presence enter the room. She opened one eye to see what all the whispering was about, and she almost had a damn near heart attack with her breath sucked in, and her eyes widened in fear and despair at the sight before her.
“No, it can’t be..” she begged in thought.
“Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Horatio Galloway, and I’ll be joining you briefly to get a feel for the student body here and see what changes I can do to make the school better,” he faked a laugh. However, it was a laugh that everyone bought as most kids were cheering and clapping along. He seemed to make eye contact with Tabby as he had a smug, triumphant smile, almost like he figured her out.
All except a handful of students who looked massively uncomfortable and Toby as he saw Tabby’s fear and distress and what seemed like a panic attack going on.
Tabby made a bolt for the cafeteria doors to the bathroom to hide, and Toby excused himself and followed suit. 
Toby quickly found Tabby as he could hear her vomiting and coughing through her sobs.
“Tabby..are you okay in there?” he called out cautiously as he knocked on the nearest girls' bathroom door.
Tabby vomited again before responding.
“No..” she said in between coughs.
Toby debated for a bit before deciding to come in. The bathroom was white and pinkish-red. And it smelled of perfume, flowers, and chemicals, with sinks lined up in a row and a big mirror stretching from one end of the wall to another. And to top it off, a white and pinkish red tile floor. Oh god, he hoped that there wasn’t anyone else in there... How embarrassing that would be? Still, he cared for Tabby despite what she thought; all of the embarrassment and shame was worth it. He recognized those dirty, beat-up Converse from anywhere. 
“Tabby..Can I come in?” he said meekly.
“yeah ..” she weakly said and struggled to push herself up to unlock the stall before collapsing against the wall next to the toilet and sliding down.
Toby busted in there, and the sight of Tabby was heart-wrenching. She was a hiccuping mess between crying, vomiting, and hyperventilating. She was pale, and her eyes were red and puffy. She was taking quick, shallow breaths. Still hyperventilating but didn’t have the energy to. She looked at him, petrified, with her legs pulled up and her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to make herself small and protected. Didn’t even care that he was in a girls' bathroom in a stall with her in it!                                                                                                                                                                                                            Right now, she was vulnerable.
“H-hey, what happened?” he jerked his head hard to the left, almost banging it on the stall wall.
“He’s back…why is he back? What is he doing here? I thought I was safe..” she whispered, holding herself tighter to self-soothe.
“Was that the Horatio guy you were telling me about?” he whispered back as he yanked on his right ear.
Tabby nodded.
Toby sat up in realization as he put two and two together. Now, he had a face for the name, which was helpful to him.
“I thought I was safe here..I should have known better..” muttered Tabby in a defeated voice.
Tabby’s comment pulled him from his thoughts, and he hesitantly hugged the girl and pulled her close. He wasn’t exactly big on physical contact, but he could tell she needed it, and she didn’t pull away either. She only clung to him for dear life and buried her face into his chest as she inhaled his scent to calm down and hide away from the world in pitch black.
She knows she is safe with him even if Toby didn’t say it and probably never will until he dies.
Ironic, isn’t it?
It wasn’t until Toby gently pushed her off of him that she sat up, albeit visibly shaken, but doing much better now. She had that tired, slight smile on her.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” he asked, jerking his head again. Even though it was a tic, he was using it as a gesture to get out.
“Toby Rogers, are you suggesting we skip our first day of school and go home?” she playfully scolded. 
“I mean, if that's what you want. Staying here for the rest of the day will probably make you much worse, y’know, seeing him again. And besides, we got three months to figure this -fuck- shit out. With us working together, we’ll do this mission in no time!” he said excitedly, trying to hype her up and reaching out his hand for her to grab it.
Tabby sat on the ground for a minute, contemplating. Sure, Tabby has skipped classes occasionally, but not the rest of the school day deliberately. However, it wasn’t a bad idea. Besides, if all of the other days will be like today, it’s probably best that she stop while ahead and try again tomorrow.
“Okay, sure,” she said as she broke into a complete smile, grabbed his forearm, and lifted herself.
With that, he grabbed her hand and practically ran out the door.
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project-rosewood-476 · 3 years ago
Something There
Alright, two for two, I am on a roll here! Yes, this fic is inspired by the song Something There from Beauty and the Beast. Sue me. This is about Tabby and Horatio. It's their time to shine.
Summary: This is a fluffy way of exploring Tabby's and Horatio's whatever-the-fuck-they-had-going-on relationship when they briefly worked together in the 7th grade. They went through various fluff events throughout their friendship to see how they went from enemies to frenemies to something, maybe possibly more.
There’s something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean, and he was coarse and unrefined
But now he’s dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn’t see it there before
Tabby had her head slide down on her arm in a weird attempt to hold her head up as she was reading a thick psychology book listing disorders and the causes for them and how they work. Honestly, at this point, she could just become a psychologist, not professionally, and she doesn’t get paid with the number of books that she’s been reading over months. Lately, she’s been too depressed to go to class, so she’s been skipping just to hide out in the middle school library on her floor and sit in the way back and read. Maybe if she kept reading these psychology books, she could figure out what was wrong with her and then tell her dad so he could leave her alone.
Libraries were her sanctuary. The librarians there didn’t bother her too much. She was quiet, respectful and kept to herself, and stayed out of the way. Plus, they knew that she had a rough home and school life, so they took pity on her and let her stay there for however long she wanted.
It was also where a certain someone kept meeting up with her.
Tabby felt the presence of someone coming towards her. She halfway glanced up from her book and under her glasses at the tall, dark-haired boy walking towards her.
“Well, speak of the devil,” Tabby said as she put her book down and sat up with her hands folded under her chin to give him her full attention.
“Oh shut up! Don’t pretend that you’re not happy to see me!” he smirked.
“Has anyone told you that you’re full of yourself?” she remarked back.
“And what are you doing here again?”
“What? Am I not allowed to go to the library that’s designated for us? It’s neutral territory, and it’s against the fight and honor code to start shit in the library so you can relax a bit,” he said and held his hands up in defense and backed up a little.
“This is becoming a common occurrence. I just didn’t peg you to be the type to keep skipping class. You have a higher reputation to keep than I do,” pointed out Tabby.
Horatio shrugged,” I have better things to do. I’m way too smart for these classes. If anything, I can just pay them off. Besides, I have to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re not plotting against me and keeping up your end of the bargain.”
“Awww, someone wanted to spend time with me,” she smirked.
Horatio scoffed
“Don’t be ridiculous. I could hang out with a bunch of other people, but you are my biggest threat,” he looked away with his arms crossed, a little embarrassed.
Tabby rolled her eyes. Tabby would be lying if she said that she didn’t secretly enjoy his company. But it was a part of their newfound intricate little game that they played with each other. It was always the same excuse with him, and she could see right through it.
“Yeah, sure, okay,” she said sarcastically and went back to her book.
Horatio just kind of stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say to her without pissing her off. He realized that she was kind of a hard person to read. He didn’t know what she wanted. To be honest, he was kind of afraid to take the initiative to sit next to her because she could easily kick the chair out from underneath him or shove him off of it if she didn’t want him next to her. Tabby preferred to use actions rather than words to express what she wants he’s come to realize. He was just bad at telling what she wanted.
Tabby could feel him staring at her as she was trying to read. It was creepy and irritating. She would let this go on for a while just to see what he would do. She didn’t know if it was because she was his equal or the fact that he knew she could beat his ass if needed, which kind of made her intimidating, she’ll admit, but she noticed that he’s a lot more hesitant when it came to her. He was unsure. Horatio was usually quick wit, arrogant, and a know-it-all when it came to social situations. With Tabby, he showed his true colors. He’s insecure and has no idea what he’s doing, and he can’t bullshit his way through with her either. Tabby also has no idea what she’s doing. They’re learning together in a sense.
Tabby sighed and quickly put her book down in a frustrating manner.
“Instead of gawking at me like a freak show, why don’t you sit down?,” Tabby said, a little agitated.
Horatio obediently sat down next to her, grateful that she didn’t push him away. Usually, they would read their respective books and secretly enjoy each other’s company in silence. Sometimes, which is more lately, they would have little conversations over what they were reading. Tabby realized that in general Horatio was a lot more talkative than she was, and Horatio realized that Tabby was willingly more talkative if you got her talking about stuff or books that she liked. He quickly figured out a little mechanism of how she worked. If you’re forcing her to speak or making her talk about stuff she doesn’t like, then she’s going to give you hell for it and give you the bare minimum of what you want and not put forth any effort into it. However, if it’s on her own accord that she talks to you or lead her in the direction of talking about stuff that she likes, she’ll talk for hours on end.
“What are you reading?” he inquired softly after a long period of this weird tense silence that they have with each other.
Tabby didn’t look up from her book and lifted it to show him the cover, which said, “The Disorders of the Adolescent Minds.” and then put it down because it was a big heavy book.
“Where did you find that?���
“I found it here in the psychology section but judging from the state of the book; it looks like it’s been around since the asylum days here. Which oddly enough makes sense.”
Horatio shuddered at the mention of Rosewood asylum. There were some things even he didn’t fuck with.
“You know I often find you here reading those types of books.”
“So?” said Tabby somewhat defensively.
“So that way, I can figure out what’s wrong with me, and I can make a more accurate self-diagnosis than any of my shit therapists and doctors,” said Tabby bitterly.
“Hey! There’s nothing wrong with you! You may be a Rosewood kid, but you are the most normal one out of everyone in the whole school! And anyone who can’t see that is a piece of shit! But please don’t talk about yourself like some sort of science experiment when you as just as human as everyone else!” said Horatio, kind of pissed that she would talk about herself like that. Honestly, he expected more from a prestigious Rosewood leader.
But above all else, He hated the fact that she was talking about herself the way he thought about himself.
He didn’t want her to go through the same thing he does daily.
Tabby kind of stared at him awkwardly with her mouth slightly agape and a light blush creeping along her cheeks. He stared back at her awkwardly with his face bright red, and it’s times like these lately where he would say some weird attempt at being so sincerely nice that Tabby doesn’t know how to respond to it because she doesn’t get kindness towards her very often let alone from him. He doesn’t mean to say those nice things; they just sort of coming out as blurts of truth, and he doesn’t know what to say after, which results in the long, drawn-out awkward silences.
Tabby was the one to look away and speak first.
“Just...shut up and grab a book, come sit next to me and pretend to be doing something,” she grumbled.
And this is how their intricate game starts and finishes.
She glanced this way.
I thought I saw
And when we touched, she didn’t shudder at my paw
No, it can’t be; I’ll just ignore
But then she’s never looked at me that way before
It was after school hours, and as Tabby was about to leave, she saw Horatio curled up on the ground on the right side of the courtyard.
“Well damn, and I thought I was the only one who can beat your ass and make you turn tail and run,” said Tabby, half-amused
“I have a life outside of you, you know. You are not my only enemy,” he groaned as he struggled to roll over onto his back.
“I may not be your only enemy, but I am the only one who will help you up and patch you up. Can you move?” she asked, with her voice becoming more serious and concerned.
“Barely,” he groaned out.
Tabby held out her left hand for him to grab. He gripped her forearm, and she yanked him up halfway, carrying him back into Rosewood to the bathroom on the main floor.
“I can’t go in there; this is the girls’ room!” Horatio exclaimed.
“Do you really think Rosewood gives a rat’s ass about you being in the girls’ bathroom with me? After all of the shit that they know, that goes down in these bathrooms?” she retorted back.
They both shuddered at the thought of the stories that they’ve heard from various other students about what goes on in those bathrooms.
“Only if we agree to never speak of this,” he agreed reluctantly.
“Believe me, I wasn’t planning on it,” she said as she made sure no one was watching them; she pushed the door open and gently led him inside.
“I need you to take off your shirt,” said Tabby shamelessly with a deadpan expression
“I will do no such thing!” said Horatio, appalled with his face beet red with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I need you to take off your shirt so I can see how much damage there is so I can clean you up!”
“Ugh, fine!”
He shyly took off his shirt and was hunched over from pain but to shield as much of his body from her as possible. Tabby sucked in a breath as her eyes widened at Horatio’s torso. From what little she could see, he was covered in bruises and scars, too, just like she was. She had no idea what they could be from, but they looked to be a little too big for kids their age. Then again, Horatio kept shit hidden and didn’t flaunt his battle wounds, so to speak, as Tabby does. Oddly enough, they made Tabby look at him like he was human that he was just like her. Tabby was also blushing a little since she’s never really seen another boy without their shirt on before save for on tv and family members.
“Well?! Are you going to help or not?!” he said, looking down, embarrassed.
“Y-Yeah, of course, give me a minute,”
Tabby wetted some paper towels, went behind him, and gently patted his back where the most damage was.
“Hey, that hurts!” he hissed and moved away from her a little.
“It’s going to! Now hold still and let me do my thing!” she hissed back and grabbed his shoulder tightly to hold him in place.
Horatio sucked in a couple of breaths at the pain but soon realized that Tabby was being gentle and caring and pretty soon relaxed into her touch.
“They did a number on you. I’ve never seen anyone kick your ass so severely besides me before,” she commented, trying to break the awkward silence.
“I’ve never known you to be so gentle and caring. It’s weird.”
“I’m gentle and caring to those who need it or to those that have earned it.”
“Awww, I’ve earned your gracious care?” he teased.
Tabby scoffed.
“Of course not! You’re just a tool for my survival, and I take good care of my tools. To be honest, you kind of act like one too,” she added bluntly as she was bandaging him up.
“There, all done. Change your bandages once a day, add ointment, and for the love of God, keep your wounds clean. I’m not going to do this for you again,” said Tabby as she finished the last round of wrapping and tying it off. She turned him around to inspect him to make sure she did a good job before pulling him into a hug.
“What was that for?” he asked as he kind of froze, not knowing what to do. He wasn’t expecting this from Tabby, of all people.
“I know it sucks getting your ass kicked and being alone after. Sometimes it’s nice to have comfort after losing a fight. Autumn used to cuddle me all the time for a few minutes after she patched me up. I’m just doing what she would do,” she held him tighter as she murmured in his ear.
“Thanks…” he said slowly as he finally hugged her back.
“If you tell anyone about this, I will hunt you down and violently murder you in your sleep.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Trust me.”
New and a bit alarming
Who’d have ever thought that this could be?
True that he’s no Prince Charming
But there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see
Tabby and Horatio were in the library again. This time they were just chilling and enjoying themselves and being kids.
“Do you even have the coordination to juggle three of those god awful, uneven, paper balls?” said Tabby, amused, clearly wanting to see where this was going.
Horatio was laser focusing on making the paper balls more compact with folding and squeezing and tape. He was honestly doing this just to try to impress Tabby.
“Of course I can! I am a man of many talents! A Galloway who can’t do this much isn’t worth their salt!” he said arrogantly.
“Oh boy, I can’t wait to see this failure,” she smirked as she lazily laid back in her seat.
“Shut up! I can do it! Now when I say go, you toss one to me, got it?” he asked as he handed the five that they made because he’s just THAT extra.
“Alright, let’s do this.”
She tossed him one ball, and he was moving it with ease.
Tabby lazily tossed him another one. He almost messed up, but he kept them smoothly moving because he’s good like that.
She gave a gentle underhand toss, and he caught it, keeping it moving. He looked at her with a triumphant smile as to say, ‘Look at me now! Are you impressed?’
Tabby had a mischievous grin on her and tossed him a fast one to throw him off to see what he’d do.
He caught it, but he was going too fast and was starting to lose control over the balls and fell out of his seat trying to catch them. The pure look of “Oh shit” was too good to miss on him.
“Are you okay?” asked Tabby looking over at him giggling.
“I’m fine! I just wasn’t ready,” he groaned and laid back down.
“Need help?” she got up and went over to him to help him up.
“No. Yes.” he grabbed her forearm, and she yanked him up.
Just then, the librarian came around the corner to scold the two.
“Can you two please be quiet? If you’re going to cause a ruckus, the library is not for you, and frankly, I’m tired of seeing the two of you in here. Mr. Galloway and Ms. Anderson, you two know better. I expected more from you.”
She shook her head at them and walked away.
“Join the rest of the group who expected the same thing,” muttered Horatio under his breath.
Tabby just giggled at him before he busted out laughing too.
Well, who'd have thought?
Well, bless my soul
Well, who'd have known?
Well, who indeed?
And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?
It's so peculiar. Wait and see
A few days more
There may be something there that wasn't there before
Perhaps there's something there
That wasn't there before
There may be something there that wasn't there before
No one indeed knew what the fuck they had going on. Not even them. Not even Rosewood itself knew what the fuck they had. All that the two children knew was that it was something never seen before, and they were rewriting Rosewood history one day at a time. However, the rest of the students knew that there was something so much more going on brewing in the halls of Rosewood. Something so strange and terrifyingly wonderful and was sure to change the course of Rosewood history forever. During that year, there was a thing called hope in the hearts and minds of the Rosewood kids. Hopes that the two will change and work together to make Rosewood better forever. What Rosewood was supposed to be. What will happen when the two most influential people work together and create something so genuine that it can’t ever be broken?
I guess only time will tell.
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project-rosewood-476 · 3 years ago
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Tabby x Horatio mood board
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project-rosewood-476 · 3 years ago
Horatio: I will not fall for my enemy this is strictly a business deal. Nothing more and nothing less.
Horatio: by talos this can't be happening
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the-ship-maker-2 · 4 years ago
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Horatio Galloway coming to fuck Tabby's shit up
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project-rosewood-476 · 3 years ago
1) Vices and Virtues- Reinaeiry
2) Hero/ Villain Duet- Trust Me Not
3) Ancient History- Set it Off
4) Somebody That I Used To Know- Gotye
5) Someone You Loved- Lewis Capaldi
6) You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance- A Day To Remember
7) First Punch- Pierce the Veil
8) Honey This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us- MCR
9) Im Not Okay- MCR
10) The Sharpest Lives- MCR
11) This Is How I Disappear- MCR
12) I Don't Love You- MCR
13) Bulletproof Heart- MCR
14) Bad Blood- Taylor Swift
15) You Don't Care About Me- Shakira
16) How Lovely- Reinaeiry
17) Liar- Taking Back Sunday
18) Castle Walls- T.I and Christina Aguilera
19) Star Crossed- Scary Kids Scaring Kids
20) Star Crossed Enemies- Ice Nine Kills
21) Love Is Gone- Slander
22) Change My Mind- One Direction
23) I Am Damaged- Heathers the musical
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project-rosewood-476 · 4 years ago
After all night drawing and many retrys it's done. This is my first time doing something like this. This video takes place in the Every Rose Has Its Thorns AU. It delves into Tabby's past and the long complicated history between herself and Horatio. Showing that not everything is what it seems...
Pictures are mine you're free to use them if you want as long as you give me credit for them
Song: Star Crossed Lovers by Scary Kids Scaring Kids
I do not own the song all credit goes to the proper artists
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project-rosewood-476 · 4 years ago
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Horatio coming to fuck Tabby's shit up
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the-ship-maker-2 · 3 years ago
11. A ship you like but don't want to be canon?
Well for my fic that I'm writing for the creepypasta fandom called Every Rose Has Its Thorns on the @project-rosewood-476 blog. I really like the ship Tabby x Horatio. Solely for the angst, enemies to lovers and wanting people to hurt and suffer once they read the reasoning behind their long complex history together.
But I will never make that Canon. Number 1 there's already a major ship in the works that's going to be a slow burn. So it would take away from the main ship. Number 2 it would just negate why she took that second chance at life. Yes she's still hurt by his actions in the past but she's well past that now the moment he decided to kill all her friends now she no longer wants an apology or justice. She's looking for cold hard revenge. Number 3 it would mean that she's too quick to forgive. And nah man fuck that he needs to pay the consequences with his life.
I hope you like this and please feel free to ask again
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project-rosewood-476 · 3 years ago
Horatio: you made me cry!
Tabby: baby
Horatio: nows not the time for pet names!
Tabby: no I'm actually calling you a baby
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the-ship-maker-2 · 3 years ago
Hi! Do you have any headcanons for your OC's or just cool little facts about them? it's always cool hearing about other people's characters :D
I do! I have so much to say about them! But people don't really ask about my ocs or the universe that they're in. And I don't have a lot of exposure for my ocs as most people do. 😔
Tabby Anderson HCs
-the middle child of two brothers
-she used to be ambidextrous before she got her paralyzed left hand
-had a complicated frenemies with benefits relationship with Horatio Galloway after their little thing after the 7th grade
-because Tabby talks fast naturally she can do the fast parts of rap songs
-its her proudest achievement
-shes a jack of many but an ace of none
-she absolutely adores children because of her little brother
-she remembers what it was like being a kid being not wanted anywhere pawned off from one adult to another being used and abused because the adults could and there was nothing she could do about it.
-she refuses to be like her stepdad. So she has the compassion masked as spite for the kids. She will do everything in her power to protect, defend and stand up for them.
Chase Chasteaway
-his mom died during childbirth
-his favorite game to play as a kid in the orphanage with Connor was pretend and dress up
-is half demon
-now a ghost
-his favorite color is purple
-has religious trauma in spades
-hes very grumpy and cynical
-would have been an actor if he lived long enough
-age locked at 19
-his best friend and worst enemy is Connor Carters
Connor Carters
-very sweet and niave
-definition of a golden retriever
-wears his heart on his sleeve
-very trusting
-which is how he got himself and chase killed
-was absolutely smitten with him his entire life
-idolizes him ever since he first laid eyes on him
-his brother/best friend/ lover
-but that's long gone now
-he still begs for forgiveness in hopes one day they can both cross over
Juliet Monroe
-i love her so much I'm actually obsessed with her and making her an original character for a dark cirque book that I'm currently writing
-baby scene queen
-im talking about bright and obnoxiously colored outfits. Arm sleeved, thigh highs, Kandi all along her arms and legs and neck big fluffy poof tutus
-shes 10
-her father allows her to have this style because he feels bad for everything even though he does nothing to stop the abuse from the step mom
-he draws the line at dying her hair but as soon as she turns 18 it's over for him and she'll have rainbow hair galore
-she has a baby doll named lulu that she holds near and dear to her to this day
-its the only thing she has left of her mother
-her older brother Evan started her emo/scene lifestyle
-she still loves him despite the abuse he puts her through
Robbecca Ironwood
-a genuis and gifted in robotics
-has muscular dystrophy
-wasn't supposed to make it past 6 for her life expectancy
-her father resented her for it
-he became an alcoholic and abusive towards her
-had a fnaf phase and has attempted to make the animatronics from the games
-it failed but she will die before she admits it
-is a health nut and wears armor to attempt to strengthen her muscles
-it has lead to some unhealthy habits
Amelia Lovelace
-happy go lucky
-adhd ridden and autistic
-always wanted to be a doctor since she was 8
-favorite shows are doctor who and the good doctor
-went to the same college as EJ, Smiley and locklear
-they became known as the college gang
-amelia and Smiley never officially dated but it was clear that they were a thing to the rest of the college
-EJ was her adopted son
-she joined a medical cult many years later after college
-in hopes to get her own practice and medical license back
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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