#hor | starter
bcrncoldx · 3 months
@rainbowmuses (archie kennedy)
Having checked the table plan by the entrance to the reception, Horatio made his way over to the table to sit down. There was something about weddings that always made him... uneasy, he supposed. Although he couldn't quite work out why that was. "So do you know the bride or the groom?" He asked the guest next to him as he sat down. Perhaps there would be interesting enough company. If he was correct in his thinking, the table was the only one that was completely made up of guests who had come alone. "I work with the groom."
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alicornae · 10 months
im thinking abt luna and dreams again so have a starter call for luna to go into ur muses dreams :33
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landofequestria · 1 year
im still full of sombra thoughts soo uh.
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mini starter call? if you're a multi, please specify on your end!
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paulskitchenyum · 1 year
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badjokesbyjeff · 1 year
It's incredible how many French words are now used in the English language
There's 'Hors D'oeuvres' for starters.
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hoshinasblade · 4 months
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presenting: hors d'oeuvre - a collection
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description: a starter set of fics starring our favorite third division vice-captain hoshina soshiro.
author's note: individual posting dates pending. first fic should be up on june 17th.
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second best
pairing: hoshina soshiro x f!reader genre: slight angst, comfort, childhood friends to lovers snippet: hoshina soshiro always ranks second at everything in his life. god forbid he falls behind in the bid for your heart too. Part One | Part Two | BONUS: Part Three
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another love
pairing: hoshina soshiro x f!reader genre: angst snippet: in which hoshina soshiro finds out just how many times a heart can break.
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tear in my heart
pairing: hoshina soshiro x f!reader (feat. narumi gen) genre: fluff snippet: he is the third division's vice-captain. you are a platoon leader from the first division. romeo meets juliet - trouble ensues.
(i am working on other fics that are not in the kn8 universe but this should be it for now. if you have a prompt you want me to write about, feel free to let me know by sending me an ask!)
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pompadourpink · 2 months
Literal French expressions
À deux - at two
À la + n. - in the style of
À la carte - at the menu
À la mode - in fashion
Amateur - lover
Après-ski - after skying
À propos - about
Armoire - wardrobe
Art nouveau - new art
Au naturel - plain
Au pair - at the peer
Auteur - author
Avant-garde - before guard
Bête noire - black beast
Blasé - jaded
Bon appétit - good appetite
Bon voyage - good journey
Boutique - shop
Buffet - credenza
Bureau - office
Canapé - couch
Carte blanche - white card
C'est la vie - that's life
Chauffeur - warmer (n.)
Chef - leader
Cliché - picture
Clique - gang
Connaisseur - "knower"
Coup d'état - blow of state
Coup de grâce - blow of mercy
Coup de foudre - blow of lightning
Couture - sewing (n.)
Cul-de-sac - ass of the bag
Début - beginning
Débutante - beginner
Déjà-vu - already seen
Dénouement - untying
Dossier - file
Double entendre - double hear
... du jour - of the day
Eau de toilette - washing water
Eau de vie - life water
Encore - again
Ennui - boredom
En route - in road
Ensemble - together
Entourage - people surrounding you
Entrepreneur - starter (n.)
Essai - attempt
Esprit de l'escalier - spirit of the stairs
Étiquette - label
Exposé - exposed
Façade - frontage
Faux pas - fake step
Femme fatale - deadly woman
Film noir - black movie
Fin de siècle - end of century
Flâneur - "stroller"
Femme - woman
Folie à deux - madness at two
Foyer - fireplace, home
Gamine - female kid (casual)
Gauche - left
Gendarme - person of weapons
Je ne sais quoi - I don't know what
Laissez-faire - let (someone) do (imperative)
Laissez-passer - let (someone) pass
L'appel du vide - the call of the void
Lingerie - underwear
Maître d' - master o'
Mardi gras - fat Tuesday
Matinée - morning
Ménage à trois - household at three
Mon/ma chéri-e - my cherished
Montage - mounting
Motif - pattern
Mural - on the wall (adj.)
Né-e - born
Négligé - neglected
Nom de plume - feather name
Parole - word
Petite - small (adj.)
Pied-à-terre - foot on land
Poilu - hairy
Pot pourri - rotten pot
Pourboire - for drink
Première - first
Prêt-à-manger - ready to eat
Protégé - protected
Renaissance - rebirth
Rendez-vous - appointment
Répertoire - directory
Résumé - summary
Risqué - risked
Robe - dress
Rouge - red
RSVP - answer please
Sans-culottes - without pantaloons
Savant - "knower" (n.)
Savoir-faire - know how to do (v.)
Savoir-vivre - know how to live
Séance - session
Soirée - evening
Souvenir - memory
Suite - sequel, development
Surveillance - careful watching
Tête-à-tête - head to head
Touché - touched
Tour - circuit
Trompe-l'oeil - cheats the eye
Venue - came
Vignette - sticker, label
Vis-à-vis - face to face
Voyeur - "seer"
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Ballet vocabulary:
Allongé - laid down
Balancé - swinged
Balan��oire - swing (n.)
Battu - battered
Brisé - broken
Chassé - chased
Chaînés - chained
Ciseaux - scissors
Coupé - cut
Dégagé - cleared
Développé - developed
Échappé - escaped
En cloche - in bell
En croix - in cross
Entrechat - between braid
En pointe - in tip
Failli - almost did
Fouetté - whipped
Glissade - sliding
Plié - bent
Jeté - thrown
Manège - carousel
Pas de bourrée - drunk step
Pas de chat - cat step
Pas de cheval - horse step
Pas de deux - step of two
Pas de valse - waltz step
Penché - leaned
Piqué - pricked
Port de bras - carry of arms
Relevé - lifted back up
Renversé - titled, bent backwards
Retiré - removed
Rond de jambe - leg circle
Temps de flèche - arrow time Tendu - stretched
Temps lié - linked time
Tombé - fallen
Tour en l'air - turn in the air
Kitchen vocabulary:
Amuse-bouche - mouth entertainer
Bain-Marie - Mary bath
Café au lait - milky coffee
Casserole - pot
Cordon bleu - blue ribbon
Crème brûlée - burnt cream
Crème de la crème - cream of the cream
Crème fraîche - fresh cream
Croissant - crescent
Éclair - lightning
Entrée - entrance
Filet mignon - cute net
Flambé - blazed
Foie gras - fat liver
Fondant - melting
Fondue - melted
Gourmet - foodie
Hors d'oeuvre - out of the work
Légume - vegetable
Liqueur - liquid
Mille-feuille - thousand leaf
Mousse - foam
Pâté - pasted
Roux - redhead(ed)
Sauté - jumped
Sautoir - "jumper"
Soufflé - blown
Velouté - velvety
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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metatronhateblog · 1 year
As you all know by now
Metatron is sus af. And if you haven't noticed, or you live under a rock (no judgement here) I'm here to add some interesting things I have noticed as someone so obsessed with this show I can only see in the colors and outlines of Good Omens at any given moment.
Fair warning, the only theories or analysies I see are sent to me by my sister, or appear on my dash (and I don't follow many Good Omens blogs that theorize.) So if any of this has been stated or pointed out before, apologies. I'm trapped in tunnel vision mixed with an aching brain.
This one's a doozy and a conglomeration of stuff that I have noticed that I'm not sure actually hold any significance so hang in there, it's worth it.
SO. Let's dive in.
First things first, lots of different theories going around, not sure I believe a lot of them but am fully willing to indulge, and admire the effort people put it. I'm not a huge fan of the 'Metatron poisoned Aziraphale theory' but I have a feeling this post might possibly give those girlies a little 'W.' We'll see, I have various points to touch on.
Something fucked is going on with Metatron. For starters it's very uncomfortable to me, and hits very strangely that no one recognizes him (except Crowley.) Which is so strange because we previously see Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Saraqael all in a meeting with the Metratron about....oh maybe ten minutes prior, not to mention Muriel and Crowley were there witnessing it also??? Hello? Why does only Crowley recognize this person that this group of people have seen (Saraqael and Muriel only moments before at the same time as Crowley.)
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So how come Crowley is the only one who recognized him??? Sus to me. Any thoughts as to why cause I have none....
But then things to me seem to get a little weirder. I enjoy playing with audio, cutting out background audio and emphasizing little things that might sounds strange to me. And I went through checking all of episode 6 for any weirdly placed miracle noises or waving of hands, and I came up with three things (one of them was actually from episode 5 though).
1.) There's a miracle noise after Aziraphale asks Metatron what they'll be doing in heaven and Metatron responds with 'It's something we call the Second Coming.' This one, with a lot of back tracking and examining other scenes, I've come to the conclusion is simply the elevator being summoned, though I do find it strange to hear the noise yet not see that miracle happen.
2.) In episode 5, during The Ball ™️, Maggie walks up to Nina who is sitting in a chair and offers a hand to dance. Aziraphale, my beloved, is watching so happily and excitedly from the side while holding a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Right when Nina grabs Maggie's hand there's a miracle noise. I'm not sure if it's part of the overall thing Aziraphale has cast over the bookshop, or if it's him from the side and we once again don't see it...(which feels weird) but it's there. And if it is because of the overall miracle cast over the shop then why don't we hear that sound every time something happens that is effected by said miracle. Something is weird about that one to me, but that's not Metatron related sorry. (Here's a screenshot from the exact moment if anyone is wanting to go looking for it.)
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And 3.) My big one. This noise is...so unsettling to me. The first time I heard it I flinched. I still cannot figure out if it's part of the soundtrack or if it is a separate noise that segues into the soundtrack or not. But this one. So when Metatron originally enters the bookshop there is obviously a commotion and then once he gets everyone to leave, he looks at Aziraphale and tells him he wants to speak with him or have 'a chinwag' (weirdly Earth term if you ask me) and then offers Aziraphale a coffee who then takes it and sips it blah blah blah we all know that part. But then Metatron says something...weirder. He mentions that he's also consumed things before...which...makes something about him feel all the weirder. He then again asks Aziraphale to chat with him. Aziraphale hesitates and looks to Crowley who is lounging behind him who tells him to go ahead because the 'day can't get any weirder.'
Immediately following that is where I am horribly sus. Aziraphale looks at Metatron who gives him this kind smile and ushers him forward, and once Aziraphale can't see them anymore, Metatron turns a glare onto Crowley, who I'm not sure if we see him acknowledge this sudden cold change.
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But that's not the sus part. In my opinion the sus part is the audio. THE MOMENT his demeanor changes to glare at Crowley. We get this little....noise that sounds like a deep kinda dark little twinkle of some sort (and holy shit I'm screaming over this noise because upon checking the official soundtrack the noise is not there) that sounds like magic is happening. And it just. I have listened to the dark way the soundtrack picks up and listened to it through over and over searching for any more signs of that out of place noise and I CAN'T FIND IT. So because I care deeply and am not going to make you people go hunting for this one, I have a screen recording of the audio clip. I kinda took the audio of an actual miracle noise first (I was using it as my reference) and then all the audio surrounding that noise and reduced it, but kept that noise kinda emphasized by not touching it at all. (My apologies now because my editing audio isn't the greatest, I'm no professional, and I did get the first notes of the soundtrack starting in there too.)
HOLY SHIT????? HELLO???? What was that dark little sound there??? I don't know if anyone else has pointed it out but if you have you're amazing and I love you.
BUT WHAT THE FUCK???? I'm sitting here trying to figure out what that strange little audio blip is right there because if I'm correct and when Metatron tells Aziraphale 'the Second Coming' followed by the miracle noise I believe to be summoning the elevator???? Then what is that sinister little???? Almost miracle sounding noise there???? My goodness.
That being said, I did check through the audio in other places, trying to listen real close (and if anyone else is good with audio and can actually find it, then please share I wanna know) and I heard no miracle noises during their kiss scene or when Crowley gets in the Bentley and the Nightingale starts playing. (Disclaimer that could just be because of my hearing loss, so if it is there and you can isolate it, I'd love to hear.) I tried, I searched endlessly to try and help you guys with your theories but I found nothing. I will say though, a bell tolls very frequently in the show when something significant happens and there's a bell toll right as our beloved angelic beings pull away from their kiss.
Now that I've pointed out the strange little audio things I personally have noticed, I want to move on to more colloquial audio and less background noises.
I wanna talk more along the lines of this post by @meatballlady (sorry for tagging you I wanted to give you credit where it's due.)
After seeing this post and doing a rewatch of the show, I have been working more at trying not to make assumptions and trying to think of the ways different things can be taken.
Well the Metatron says something that I think maybe we should focus more on the different things if could mean???
This thing is said (i believe during Aziraphale's retelling of what the Metatron said to him) but also right after another one of those moments of misinterpreting the meaning of what someone's being said. This happens after Muriel interprets Crowley's 'Us time' to include them.
The line I'm thinking of here is
"I've been idling back on a number of your...previous exploits, and I've seen that in quite a few of them you've formed a de facto partnership with the Demon Crowley. Now if you wanted to work with him again, that might be considered irregular, but it would certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend...Crowley...to full angelic status."
Holy shit there's a lot to unpack in that, both for Aziraphale and us. this whole thing could be interpreted multiple ways, I think, and that's why I've included this whole quote rather than just the specific line. It's a lot said in one go with multiple things that are....worded interesting. For a start.
Exploits -
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Several different meanings both in the words form as a verb and a noun, and Metatron puts an emphasis on 'previous exploits.' So how is he using the word? Noun meaning bold and daring? Probably not a software tool. What about a verb? 'derive benefit from' is an interesting way to put it. 'Use a situation or person in an unfair or selfish way.' There's plenty of options here. And to say that he is using one specific meaning of the word would be assuming that you know for sure what he's saying. And when it comes down to it, we don't. After all doesn't this season play a lot with the misinterpreting of what someone is saying?
Let's continue.
de facto partnership - is technically an informal arrangement generally for business, formed by two or more parties.
Which is cool, but that's not the emphasized word here. The word Metatron seems to hang on is 'partnership.'
Partnership -
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At this point it feels like an almost sterile way to talk about their very clear relationship together. But strange that he hesitates on the word.
The thing I really wanna talk about is
"...restore your friend...Crowley...to full angelic status."
Restore -
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Now everyone, Aziraphale included seemed to interpret this as 'reinstate' your friend Crowley. And again it would be very presumptuous to think that it could ONLY mean giving Crowley a position in Heaven next to Aziraphale.
One of those meanings in there says something along the lines of 'to return it to its original condition.' And we all immediately go 'well that would be an angel of course.' But we forget to take the time to realize that...as an angel, Crowley wasn't a demon. He didn't have all the memories and experiences as such. In fact, it feels hinted at throughout this season that Crowley doesn't have all his memory from his time as an angel. And who's to say that if he was restored to angelic status that wouldn't mean wiping him of his memory of his time on Earth? Who's to say that the Metatron isn't implying here that this is another way to make Aziraphale compliant while also keeping him separated from Crowley.
We all know as a team those two will 'raise Earth' for lack of a better term against Heaven and Hell to prevent Armageddon. They are their own side. And I think Metatron knows he has no chance of the Second Coming if those two are still working together.
Who's to say that Metatron wouldn't put limitations or a status quo on the allowances of Crowley returning to Heaven. He can't ensure that Crowley wouldn't cause problems, he can't ensure his trust.
Sorry if all of this has already been said and pointed out, but I personally haven't seen any of it and needed to get it off my chest before I exploded.
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
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~ Batman (2016)
This is the post y'all never thought would exist: a French criticizing the order of the dishes in a Batman's comic. The moment they wrote those in French, they were calling for it, sorry not sorry.
So, I'm French and the arts de table is a bit important for our culture. Like, we have rules about meals and dishes (the times and the orders). Serve champagne in something else than a flute and I will lose my mind, specific glasses for specific drinks. Specific cutlery for specific meals, but that's more for fancy dinner, like Christmas or New Year's Eve. So, we have a bit of education on the subject.
Anyway, I don’t know if it's an english thing or a rich people are trying to be different and quirky thing, but some stuffs are wrong here. I'm French, so of course I will criticize a billionaire's meal. And of course, Alfred, a british man, isn't free from my criticism. Let's go.
Hors D'œuvres - Good, that makes sense.
Potage (soup but make it fancy) - Depending on the soup and the quantity, it could be served after the entrée, but I don't think it's totally wrong.
Poisson (fish) - WTF, that doesn't make sense. That's a whole fish, that's a full dish, what is this before the starter??? Also, from everything else, this seems to be the main dish? So it doesn't make sense to have it that early. And, where are the trimmings in this plate??? Just a fish??? All alone??? No sauce, no veggies??? That's a sad fish dish.
Entrée (starter) - A starter is to start the meal, so it shouldn't be after the whole ass fish! The art makes it look like a full dish, like it's the main dish, so maybe they fuck up in their translations??? During a fancy dinner, you can have fish and still have a full dish after with meat, so it could be??
Sorbet - WTF, that's like an ice cream but without lactose. That's very cold and sweet. You don't eat that in the middle of the meal??? Is this some usamerican thing I don't know about??? Some stupid rich people thing???
Salades (salads) - Thanks goddesses, it makes sense again. Yeah, salad between the main course and the end of the meal. (These carrots are barely sliced, wtf? Rich people's dishes look stupid)
Fromage (cheese) - YES cheeses after or with the salad! This is beautiful. (The orange ones better not be cheddar, or so help me. They have the money for good cheese)
Desserts - Good. The art is so sad, that does look like the desserts rich people eat, they are so small and sad looking.
Café (Coffee) - YEEEEEES You have not eaten a real meal if coffee isn't offered at the end. The fact it's in the Batcave and not in the dinning room with the guests (who don't know Bruce is Batman) implies Alfred and Bruce didn't offer it to their guests, so shame on them tho. If you are eating at someone's place, they can also offer tea if you prefer (or any distilled alcohols)
So, to finish, here is the order I would consider acceptable: Hors D'œuvres, Potage, Entrée, Poisson, Salades, Fromage, Dessert, Sorbet, Café (Potage and Entrée can be swapped, such as Dessert and Sorbet)
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apalestar · 6 months
@galefcrce plotted starter.
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An eventful evening not for the soiree or clandestine deals Astarion had in store. No, tonight his palace played host to a friend of old. Admittedly, he and Gale had not ended off on the best of terms. A lover scorned and all. Already a small entourage of Baldur's Gate richest and finest had gathered. The palace had never been more livelier.
And many of Cazador's old clients and connections were all too eager to latch onto another influential person. The infamous moniker attached to his name: Hero of the Gate. Who could resist not coming to his social events? And how foolish Duke Ravengard had been to give him a noble's title! It made him respectable even if the eyes of those who knew him when he was but his slave.
This was the crux of why he even considered extending his lover of old an invitation. Gale wanted something from him; a deal. Something of import for him in exchange for magical tomes the late bastard Szarr kept in his collections. All were property of Lord Ancunín now, of course.
The musicians played a classical tune meant for partnered dancing. The wine and hors d'oeuvres flowed from the kitchens. A perfect evening for playing nobility's game.
Astarion's chamberlain, a slight thing of a woman, approached him. One of the few mortal servants in the household. Every vampire needed at least one for appearances. "My Lord, your guest of honor has arrived." She spoke quietly only once he signaled for her to do so.
"Splendid. The highlight of my evening barring any assassinations. Those always make for an entertaining affair." Astarion dismissed her. He weaved himself in and out of the crowd dodging conversations with a polite, well-practiced smile. His roguish tendencies hadn't diminished since the fall of the cult.
"Gale of Waterdeep." He greeted with the same fervor any good patriar would of an old friend; even one as estranged as him. "So pleased I am to—" A pause. "—see you. I'd fear you'd be half dead before you came to chat."
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bcrncoldx · 3 months
@rainbowmuses (neil perry)
"So what are we meant to be doing exactly?" Horatio fell into step beside his friend. "It's not one of those immersive things, is it? Really, Neil, I don't really want to do anything where I have to interact with people more than I have to."
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angusbyrne · 5 months
LOCATION: Woodrow House grounds DATE: Sunday, September 4, 2005 Closed starter for @natcliachen
Angus remembered being told at some point in the last week that the past summer in New York was one of the warmest on record—averaging 4.5 degrees higher than normal. September already seemed geared up to take a similar direction. The day of Richard's funeral was clear and sunny, with a projected high of 78 degrees around noon. Milder than August and balmy, it remained the type of weather you dreamed of when you fantasized about the tail-end of summer while you were caught in the dog days of it. Howbeit, it still made Angus flush around the Piqué collar of his shirt.
He only meant to wander off for a tick. Angus feared a smattering of pink would soon pass across his cheekbones or that he'd quickly become incapable of keeping down the hors d'oeuvres. The afternoon was an endless well of thank you for coming and that's an awfully kind thing for you to say and no, he never told me that story, it sounds extremely amusing and where did you say your son would be interning? I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him. Shaking hands, exchanging business cards, nosey questions, getting pat on the arm—he felt like an exposed nerve, poked and prodded and turned over for examination. He simply needed a break.
As he strode across the lawn—that was what he often did: strode—he caught sight of a familiar outline. Natalia. Neat and pretty as a paper doll, a well-trained eye might've caught the tight creases around her eyes. Tired, maybe. Annoyed by what the man in the dark navy suit said to her, most certainly. He couldn't read the man's lips, but he did judge his choice of light brown shoes. That deemed her worthy of extraction on its own, whether or not she requested one. It would be a quick detour. He approached with no lack of confidence, clapping a hand over the shoulder of the man who seemed to show no signs of reining in his passionate gesticulation.
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Angus recognized his face immediately. "Macpherson," he started warmly, donning the mask of gracious host quite seamlessly, though, in the last few minutes, his tie had been knocked very slightly askew. "I've been sent to wrangle you of my own volition. Roger Milton and Graham Atterbury are engaged in a relentless debate. They're talking personal consumption expenditures, disposal personal incomes, mortgage rates—what have you." With a hand still on the man's shoulder, he gently and covertly began to turn him in the opposite direction. "Neither economists, of course. You'll have to save them with your expertise."
It was an easier task for him, getting rid of an obnoxious man. He exhaled heavily once the unwanted third party was gone, turning back to Natalia with a near-pleasant expression. The exhaustion started to crack him a bit, but he still had enough goodwill to extend her a compliment. "It's a testament to your mental fortitude that you were not just brought to tears of boredom," he said. Honest. "Tell me—how long did he go on for?"
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safarigirlsp · 1 year
Halloween Requests Open
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REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN for anything related to AUTUMN and HALLOWEEN! Please read this entire post for complete information, and if you're new, please take a look at my Masterlist.
This is my general theme and what I expect to cover this season, however, feel free to send in absolutely anything! I will definitely deviate from the regularly scheduled program if I like an idea. More info and prompt lists below.
Monster Monday - Zombies, Cryptids, Mummies, Dragons, Beasties, and any Monsters not covered by another category ☠️🎃🧟‍♂️
Transfusion Tuesday - Vampires 🌙🧛🏻🌙
Werewolf Wednesday - Werewolves 🌕🐺🌕
†hursday - Demons, Devils, Exorcists, Possession, and any related themes 🔥😈🔥
Phantasm Friday - Ghosts, Ghouls, Specters, and everything else that goes bump in the night 👻🪦☠️
I Put A Spell On You Saturday - Witches, Magicians, Spells, Rituals, Occultism, and anything similar ✨🐈‍⬛✨
Sunday, Bloody Sunday - Murder, Mayhem, Slashers, Cannibals, and Serial Killers 🪓☣️🔪
I’m only writing for Mills, Flip, Jacques, and Kylo for big oneshots. I will do HC’s for anyone I have ever written for. I am open to shorter ideas for Clyde and Henry, although full disclosure, they interest me a lot less these days, so any idea would have to really pique my interest. I have a strong preference for horror, adventure, and AU's.
This is an Adults Only event. My content is not for minors, or people who are easily triggered or offended. I write mature content intended for a mature audience only.
My Official Lineup will be announced October 1.
Here are Halloween fics from previous years.
Halloween Fic Recap 2022
Halloween Fic Recap 2021
Halloween Fic Recap 2020
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This is my favorite time of the year! As far as I’m concerned, Halloween runs from September 1 - November 15, if not longer! I currently have a big fic to finish up that should be done soon, but nothing else slated fic wise. After that, it’s full steam ahead for anything and everything related to Autumn and Halloween. I generally put aside other non-fic writing projects during this time to focus on Halloween content.
For the week of Halloween, October 25 - October 31, I intend to post a big daily oneshot. My stories generally range in size from 5k to 25k, and some are even more! Look for a mix of horror, humor, romance, and adventure! Everything will contain adult themes and mature content. There may be other writing throughout this time too. The quantity of stories I post depends on the length of them. In the past, I have posted a lot of shorter things, but I’ve gotten more into writing longer stories now. The last few years, I have averaged over 100k words for Halloween and Autumn content!
Please send me requests, ideas, thoughts, HCs, anything you like! I’ll pick my favorites or, very likely, a combination of a few different ideas, and I’ll write a oneshot that includes everything I can fit in. Feel free to send in multiple ideas or requests! The more ideas to choose from, the better! All AU concepts, time periods, etc are welcome. Anything is fair game. This is generally the only time of year I open requests anymore, so get them in if you ever want to. Requests will be open from now until Halloween. However, because I tend to write longer stories, the sooner an idea comes it, the more likely I am to use it.
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Below the cut are some of my favorite prompt lists, but do not feel bound by them. If you do include a prompt in your request, copy and paste the prompt itself because I hate chasing them down on lists.
Edgar Allen Poe Prompts
Ballroom Prompts
Eerie Prompts
Halloween Themed Prompts
Things to do in October
Autumn Aesthetic Starters
Terrible First Meeting Starters
Magic Starters
Spooky Aesthetic Ideas
Spooky Alphabet
Sexual Tension Prompts
Spicy Prompts
XXX Prompts
Pirate Prompts
Battle Prompts
Bad Reputation Prompts
Fighting Prompts
Attacked Starters
Witch trial Prompts
Horror Movie Starters
Stupid Things to do in a Horror Movie
Horrorland Prompts
Tarot Prompts
October Writing Challenge
General Prompt Masterlist
Tagging some witches who may interested!
@babbushka @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @mrs-gucci @mrs-zimmerman @iamburdened @gabesprincess @reborn-rekall @maybe-your-left @rynwritesstuff @caillea @cas-backwards-tie @candycanes19 @queeniebee @lumberjack00fantasies @mythrielofsolitude @icarusinthesea @ghoulian13 @darkhairedmenrule @reyloaddict55 @fizzywoohoo @heartlight-starlight @richbrittstein @clydesfavoritegirl @bensolodyad @thepalaceofmelanie @celiholland @durangoninetyfive @reveluving @fax4life27 @vedavan @queen-of-elves @srorgana1 @reylokisses @kyloremus @vixenofcourse @loveofaddy @kylofrk @dyaddu
All edits by the amazing @kyloremus
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yevetteheiser · 2 months
Yevette Heiser -from Street to Celebration: Merging Food Photography with Wedding Photography
Wedding photography traditionally focuses on capturing the romance and joy of the special day. However, integrating elements of food and street photography into wedding shoots can offer a fresh and captivating perspective. Yevette Heiser-Lens & Love: Mastering the Art of Wedding Photography for Starters explores how blending these genres can elevate your wedding images, providing a unique and memorable visual experience.
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 The Art of Wedding Photography
Wedding photography is a cherished tradition, capturing the essence of a couple's special day. Classic wedding shots often include posed portraits, candid moments, and detailed images of the venue. The aim is to document the day’s events while highlighting the emotions and beauty of the occasion. While these elements are crucial, incorporating other photography styles can add depth and creativity to the final collection of images.
 Embracing Food Photography
Food photography is known for its ability to showcase the beauty and appeal of culinary creations. This genre focuses on capturing the texture, color, and presentation of dishes, often using techniques that enhance the visual appeal of the food. In the context of weddings, food photography can be particularly impactful when documenting the reception’s culinary offerings.
1. Detail Shots: Capture close-ups of beautifully arranged dishes, from intricate hors d'oeuvres to elaborate wedding cakes. Highlight the craftsmanship and artistry behind each culinary creation.
2. Styled Presentation: Use food photography techniques to showcase how the food is presented at the reception. This can include artistic shots of table settings, serving dishes, and the overall dining experience.
3. Candid Moments: Incorporate moments of guests enjoying their meals, adding a personal touch and showcasing the joy and satisfaction derived from the food.
 Integrating Street Photography Techniques
Street photography, characterized by its candid and spontaneous nature, can be seamlessly integrated into wedding photography. This style focuses on capturing real-life moments and authentic expressions, often in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Applying street photography techniques to a wedding can bring a unique, lively element to your images.
1. Spontaneous Moments: Embrace the unscripted, natural moments that occur throughout the day. Capture guests mingling, children playing, or even the bustling activity in the kitchen. These images can add a vibrant and genuine feel to the wedding album.
2. Urban Backdrops: If the wedding venue is located in an urban setting, incorporate the surrounding cityscape into your shots. Use the city’s architecture and street scenes as backdrops, blending them with the celebration’s elements for a modern and stylish look.
3. Dynamic Compositions: Experiment with composition and angles, as seen in street photography. Capture the wedding party in action, use leading lines, and play with shadows and light to create visually striking images.
 Combining the Three Genres
Merging food photography, street photography, and wedding photography requires a thoughtful approach. Here’s how you can effectively blend these styles:
1. Create a Narrative: Build a visual story that includes elements from each genre. Begin with shots of the venue and food, then move to candid moments of guests and celebrations. This narrative approach offers a comprehensive and engaging portrayal of the event.
2. Maintain Consistency: Ensure that the different styles complement each other rather than clash. Use consistent lighting, color schemes, and editing techniques to create a cohesive look across the photos.
3. Engage the Senses: Capture images that evoke not only visual appeal but also the sensory experiences of the day. Include photos that convey the taste, aroma, and texture of the food, as well as the vibrant atmosphere of the celebration.
From Street to Celebration: Merging Food Photography with Wedding Photography offers a unique way to capture the essence of a wedding day. By integrating food and street photography techniques, you can enhance the storytelling and visual appeal of your wedding images. This creative approach adds depth and variety to the wedding album, making it a cherished keepsake that beautifully reflects the special moments of the day. For an in-depth look at this innovative fusion, Yevette Heiser - Flavorful Frames: Merging Food and Street Photography in Texas provides excellent guidance on blending these styles effectively.
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exhausted-archivist · 10 months
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Updated: 2023/12
I originally posted this on my old blog. Since posting that, I've found other foods, drinks and ingredients. As of now this list is updated with everything found in media released as of Oct 2023.
Like the original, this is still a very long post that contains all canonical desserts, dishes, drinks, ingredients, and sauces. Unlike the original, I could not list canonically suggested food and ingredients, nor every codex, item, letter, ect in the sources. Because it was too long. I did add them to the individual post.
Like in the individual posts, the list has the country of origins next to each item and any relevant information. Such as ingredients, use, notes, or trivia. For the canonically suggested foods and drinks I list what their real world uses are for your reference as to what they might be used for in Thedas.
For Shorter Food Posts
Dishes, Sauces, and Sides
Raw Ingredients
Prepared Ingredients
Canonically Possible Foods and Drinks
Though real life plants may be listed here as edible it is for fictional use only. This is not intended to be used as a reference nor guide for what plants are edible or safe to eat. Please do not use it as such.
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Bark Bread
Whole Grain Biscuit - Commonly made in Chantry cloisters. A staple in their simple diets.
Black Bread
Braided Honey and Date Bread (Anderfels)
Brown Bread
Butter Puff - Bread made by folding butter into the dough allowing it to become puffy and softer than usual bread. (Orlais)
Dark Bread
Dried Bread
Flat Bread - A no-rise bread. Served with dip, brushed in oil, and/or as a side. (Nevarra)
Honey Loaf
Lichen Bread - Bread that is made using lichen. (Orzammar)
Black Lichen Bread
Peasant Bread - Comprised of wheat, grease, and salt in equal measure, made by Dalish and city elves in Orlais. They top it with butter, jam, and sometimes sugar. (Elves - Orlais)
Pumpkin bread - A favorite of Dorian Pavus (Tevinter)
Raider Queen’s Bread of Many Tongues - Created by the Raider Queen, this bread calls for flour, baking powder, salt, butter, brown sugar, molasses, eggs, bananas. The creator calls for Par Vollen bananas but another version of the recipe says Rivaini bananas are an acceptable replacement. (Rivain)
Bread Roll
Sweet Rolls
Ryott Bread - Made of a protein rich grain called ryott. (Ferelden, Chasind)
Sweet Bread
Thin Bread - A thin bread used to make wraps in Seheron.
Whole Grain Bread - Another staple made in Chantry cloisters.
Wraps - Described as "soft" bread.
Appetizers, Starters, and Refreshments
Blood Orange Salad - a salad of bitter greens with blood orange slices served on top. (Nevarra)
Canapé - a type of hors d'œuvre.
Couscous Salad - A salad comprised of couscous with many varieties, one such variety includes red bell peppers and mint. (Rivain)
Crab Cakes - a classic dish in Kirkwall. (Kirkwall)
Dried Bread and Fruit
Eggs à la Val Foret - An egg dish served with a cream sauce. (Orlais)
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding - Celery, pepper, mackerel, diced onion, mustard, salt, Antivan pepper, ground mace, cardamom seed, eggs. Also known as Feast Day Fish (Ferelden)
Fried Crab Legs - A subsitute for the Orzammar dish of fried young giant spiders.
Fried young giant spiders - A common food in Orzammar, usually served with an alcohol-based sauce that varies with every establishment. (Orzammar)
Roasted Cave Beetles - Roasted whole and eaten out of the shell. (Orzammar)
Roasted Prawns - A substitute to cave beetles, said to have the same taste and texture.
Shredded Dried Meat and Cheese - A dish that is commonly used as a spread by the dwarves and used for lunches. (Orzammar)
Snails Dressed in Butter and Oil (Avvar)
Snails and Watercress Salad - A non-traditional dish inspired by Avvar cuisine featuring snails and watercress to appeal to lowlander pallets.
Stuffed Deep Mushrooms - A dish derived from various Orzammar deep mushroom delicacy. This Fereldan creation is stuffed with cheese and spinach. (Ferelden)
Rations, Tavern Fare, and Travel Food
Beer Nuts (Kirkwall)
Bread and Cheese
Chicken Wings - Sold in The Rusted Horn as ‘Wyvern Wings.’ (Ferelden)
Crow Feed (Antiva)
Dried Foods
Dried Fruit
Dried Meats
Fereldan Hearty Scones - a scone filled with bacon and cheese, careful, a mabari might snag it. (Ferelden)
Fish Pockets - A meal of fish, crisp vegetables, spices, and a soft wrap.(Seheron)
Fish Wrap - Fish wrapped in thin bread (Seheron)
Grey Warden Pastry Pockets - A hand pie filled with meat and other foods. Olesian Grey Wardens put their own twist using Olesian puff pastry.
The Hanged Man's Stew - The tavern’s featured dish, made with a different mystery meat every morning. (Kirkwall)
Jerky Ball
Spiced Jerky
Meat Skewers - A portable snack. A known Orlesian version of this snack is primarily eaten by nobles while out on hunts and are not interested in the hunt, made of meat, cheese, and wine-soaked fruit.
Pickled Eggs - Eggs, sugar, salt, vinegar, and various spices and seasoning of the cooks preference. Favored in Ferelden and seen as a cure all. Served in nearly every Fereldan tavern. (Ferelden)
Pig Oat Mash - A constant dish on The Hanged Man menu, a popular hangover cure if washed down with brandy spiked cider. This warming porridge contains apples, dried salt pork or smoked bacon, dried rolled oats, berries, ale or water (Kirkwall)
Poison Stings - "Poison stings" is the colloquial name. Orange peels coated in chocolate, a crunchy yet chew texture that is both sweet and sour. A favored snack of Dorian Pavus when traveling from Tevinter to Ferelden. (Tevinter)
Provisions and Rations - Typically consist of dried meat, nuts, and a variety of other simple foodstuffs.
Dry Ration
Qunari Ration
Stuffed Vine Leaves - Common tavern food in Tevinter, stuffed with rice, herbs, and sometimes minced meat. Can be topped with lemon juice or tzatziki sauce.
Treviso Energy Balls - Made of peanut butter, oats, and dried fruit, it is a famine food invented during the occupation of Treviso in the Qunari Wars/The New Exalted Marches.
Unidentified Meat - Despite it's ominous name, it's simply chicken legs. Sometimes served with Nevarran flat bread. (Tevinter)
Dips, Glazes, Gravy, and Sauces
Apples Stewed in Brandy Sauce
Cherry Sauce
Cheese Sauce
Cream Sauce
Deep Mushroom Flavored Cream Sauce - Commonly served with seared nug. (Orzammar)
Dragon’s Blood Sauce (Nevarran)
Honey-glaze - A sauce used to glaze various foods, particularly meats.
Hot Sauce
Llomerryn Red Sauce - A sauce that goes on almost everything, contains pulped tomatoes, onions, red pepper, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, mustard powder, hot pepper powder, salt, cinnamon stick, allspice, cloves, fennel seeds, dill seeds, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, bay, garlic. (Rivain)
Mushrooms cooked in ale - One recommendation for this sauce is to be served over roasted nug.
Mushroom Sauce
Nesting Roast Gravy - Gravy made from the pan juices of a nesting roast. Meant to be served with the roast. (Orlais)
Plum Sauce
Red Wine Marinade
River-herring Gravy - a gravy as white as apple blossoms. (Orlais)
Special Sauce - A sauce infused with the essence of fifty-two herbs, prized for the ability to help with “inadequacy”. (Kirkwall)
Spider Leg Sauce - a variety of alcohol-based sauces unique to each Orzammar establishment, meant to be paired with fried young giant spider legs.
Tzatziki Sauce - Served with stuffed vine leaves. (Tevinter)
Wild Flower Glaze - A honeyed glaze made of wild flowers, it is recommended to use flowers plucked at dawn and the lowest blossoms. (Anderfels)
Yogurt Dip - Often served with flat bread (Nevarra)
Soups and Stews
Barley Soup
Blood Soup - Merrill is credited with the creation of this creamy beetroot soup, it is topped with roasted chickpeas. (Dalish)
Butter Soup - A simple, inexpensive, and easy soup. Made as midmorning meals or midday refresher for field workers. It is commonly fed to children and convalescents due to its nutritious nature. Ingredients include water, potatoes, cinnamon, star anise, clove, bay, peppercorns, salt, noodles, cream, butter (Orlais)
Cabbage Stew (Ferelden)
Deepstalker Stew - A stew of deepstalker is made when rations run low. (Legion of the Dead)
Denerim-rabbit Stew - Made with rat (City Elf)
Enchantment Soup - Made by Sandal, edibility unknown.
Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup
Fereldan Turnip and Barley Stew - White beans, oil, onion, carrots, celery, garlic, stock, turnips, turnip greens, sausage, barley, cumin, dried basil, oregano, salt, pepper, herbed wine vinegar
First Day Festival Stew (Orzammar)
Fish Chowder (Antiva)
Fish Stew
Lamb and Pea Stew - Alistair has his own version of this soup. (Ferelden)
Lentil Soup - A universal soup, with lentils being common in every Thedosian pantry.
Nettle Soup
Norbotten Fruit Stew - This dish is used to rehydrate dried fruits: dried apricots, pitted prunes, raisins, mixed dried fruits (cherries, apples, cranberries, etc), lemon or orange, cinnamon, cloves, water, sugar or honey, brandy. (Anderfels)
Pea Soup
Ram Stew (Ferelden)
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup (Ferelden)
Turnip Stew (Ferelden)
Turnip-Goat Stew (Ferelden)
Wild Rabbit Stew
Main Course
Alamarri Pickled Krone - Krone, Brine, (optional) pine pitch and druffalo dung.
Baked Fish - An Avvar cooking method where they wrap fish in pungent leaves and clay before cooking it in banked coals. (Avvar)
Baked Krone with Honey - The honey is typically used as a side sauce for dipping. (Fereldan)
Beans and Bread
Boiled Roots
Braised Nug with Elfroot (Dwarven)
Braised Ram with all the Trimmings (Ferelden)
Broiled Boar Head (Fereldan)
Cacio e pepe - A dish of three ingredients; spaghetti, pepper, and pecorino romano. (Antiva)
Dalish Deep Forest Comfort - String squashes, halla butter, garlic, mushrooms, elfroot or spinach, diced tomatoes or beetles, hot red pepper, rock salt, halla cheese or goat cheese, edible wildflowers (borage, chicory, etc), pine nuts. (Dalish, Southern Orlais)
First Day Chicken - a dish served during First Day in some parts of Orlais. (Orlais)
Fish in Salt Crust - Cooked much liked the baked fish, instead of using clay, the fish is covered in salt and wrapped in pungent leaves before being cooked in banked coals. (Avvar)
Fresh Oyster - Noted to go well with Llomerryn red sauce.
Fried Fish
Fried Mush (Orzammar)
Glazed Krone (Ferelden)
Gilded Swan with River-herring Gravy - An eastern spice, flour, gold leaf, river herring, swan, yolk. (Orlais)
Gnocchi (Antiva)
Goat Custard - A broiled goat head, not to be confused with the dessert. (Ferelden)
Grilled Poussin - Grilled chicken, typically a younger chicken. (Chasind)
Anderfels Smoked Ham - It tastes of despair
Avvar Ham
Ham Stuck with Cloves
The Jade Ham - Honeyed with wild flowers (especially those picked at dawn), masterfully seasoned, and spiral-cut. Not considered edible but better used as a weapon. (Anderfels)
Orlesian Ham
Smoked Ham
Herbed Chicken and Biscuits (Ferelden)
Jellied Meats
Jellied Pigs Feet - A delicacy in the Free Marches and originally a popular commoner food that has risen to the tables of nobility. Pigs feet and/or pork hocks, salt, onions, garlic, allspice, peppercorns, bay. (Free Marches)
Veal Galentine (Orlais)
Nesting Roast - This dish is classically made with a quail stuffed in a pheasant stuffed in a swan. Served with gravy made from the pan juices. (Orlais)
Mad Burnard’s Gift of Flesh - A nesting roast unlike any other, involving a whole wyvern, stuffed with a whole gurn, stuffed with a horse, stuffed with a large halla (horns and all), stuffed with a swan, stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a quail, stuffed with a bunting that choked on a gold piece. (Orlais)
Nug Steak (Orzammar)
Nug-gets (Orzammar)
Nug-loaf (Orzammar)
Nug-Nug - A dish meant to resemble a nug peeking from its burrow; made of ground meat (beef preferred), parsley, egg, salt, crushed cumin or mustard seeds, black pepper, cooked rice, tomatoes, onions, chives (Orlais)
Paella - Made with rice, saffron, and a variety of seafood; such as shrimp, cuttlefish, and mussels. (Antiva)
Pancake - The breakfast food and savory dishes.
Crepes - A very thin pancake that can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients. (Orlais)
Hearth Cakes - Described as a common fare where they are baked on an iron griddle. They are made with halla butter (can be subbed for goat or cow butter), flour, hardwood ash (can be replaced with baking powder), cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, sugar, mixed dried fruit (like cranberries, raisins, and currants), an egg, and milk. Described as baeing crispy and flaky on the outside, but remains moist on the inside. They are grilled on one side and then are flipped over, ensuring they are all crisp and bown. (Dalish)
Nug Pancakes - A savory pancake made with nug. A favorite among dwarven children. (Orzammar)
Bland Porridge
Deer Porridge - A savory porridge served with deer.
Porridge with Raisins
Savory Porridge - Served with meat, vegatables, or spices.
Pudding - A sweet or savory, steamed dish that can be topped with gravy or chocolate.
Rack of Ribs (Ferelden)
Ram Chops (Ferelden)
Ram Cutlet (Ferelden)
Rice and Boiled Vegetables (Tevinter)
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce (Avvar)
Roast Boar - One cooking method involves the boar being stuffed with apples (Ferelden and Orlais). Another has it served with a side of candied yams.
Roast Chicken
Roast Duck
Roast Hog
Roast Lamb
Roast Turkey - Common in the Free Marches, especially among Starkhaven nobility, as well as the Chasind.
Roast Wyvern - Common with the Avvar and Orlais.
Roasted Cave Beetle (Dwarven)
Roasted Giant Spider (Dwarven)
Roasted Nug (Orzammar)
Roasted Phoenix - One of the most infamous meals in Thedas, it is served with sweet red wine.
Roasted Rabbit
Roasted Venison with Wild Greens - The venison is seasoned with mint and pepper, served with wild greens and sweet pastries. Paired with wine to drink. (Ferelden)
Slow-roasted Nug-let (Orzammar)
Spit-roasted Deepstalker (Dwarven)
Spit-roasted Nug with Hot Sauce (Orzammar)
Ham Sandwich
Sausage - There are about twelve different kinds of sausage unnamed mentioned in Last Court.
Black Pudding - A type of blood sausage made from pork or beef blood, pork fat or beef sue, and a type of cereal. (Orlais)
Smoked Sausage
Spiced Sausage
Savory Pies
Dove Pie - A pie made with live doves, for the theater of the meal. (Orlais)
Nug Bacon and Egg Pie (Ferelden)
Pigeon Pie
Pork Pie
Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie - Fish from the Minanter River (carp, trout, or others), wine, onion, carrot, thyme, bay, sea salt, dried currants, sliced almonds, boiled sliced eggs, butter, flour, fish broth, milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cream, fried whitebait or other small fish. (Starkhaven)
Turnip and Mutton Pie (Ferelden)
Unmentionable Pie - It is a meat pie that uses the typically undesirable parts of an animal. (Ferelden)
Venison Pasty - A hand pie filled with venison. In Serault, it is served with curls of goat cheese. (Orlais)
Seared Nug - Usually served with a deep mushroom cream sauce. (Orzammar)
Simmering Partridge - Cooked with sweet onions and pale beans (Orlais)
Smoked Meat
Smoked Boar
Smoked Fish
Smoked Rabbit
Smoked Venison
Spiced Nug
Stuffed Cabbage - A seasoned cabbage head stuffed with meat.
Venison with Apples Stewed in Brandy Sauce
Wandering Hills - A delicacy made from large creatures of the same name. (Anderfels)
Wyvern Steak
Antivan Olives - Soaked in vinegar and stuffed with capers.
Boiled Turnip (Ferelden)
Brandy Soaked Cherries (Orzammar)
Candied Yams
Fried Potatoes - Recommended to be served with Llomerryn red sauce.
Hard-boiled Egg
Honey Carrots - Most common in Orlais where it is traditionally sweeter compared to other places due to the use of honey.
Jarred Olives (Tevinter)
Jellied Eels (Ferelden)
Mashed Turnip (Ferelden)
Peeled Grapes (Tevinter)
Picked Foods
Pickled Apples
The Pickled Apples of Arlathan - Apples said to be from the time of Arlathan. The taste is described to be one of fresh apples, with the same crispness.
Pickled Fish
Pickled Lamprey
Pickled Nug
Pickled Ox Tongue
Pickled Vegetables
Roasted Chestnuts (Nevarra)
Roasted Figs (Rivain)
Roasted Potatoes - Recommended to be served with Llomerryn red sauce.
Roasted Turnip (Ferelden)
Sera’s Yummy Corn
Smoked Bacon
Steamed Beans
Steamed Turnips (Ferelden)
Stir-fried Turnips (Ferelden)
Toasted Bread - Used for dipping in stews.
Toasted Chickpeas - Used as a topping for soups and salads, sometimes as a replacement for croutons.
Wine Soaked Fruit
Baked Goods, Desserts, and Sweets
Bread Pudding - Made with stale bread, eggs, milk or cream, and other ingredients varied by if it is savory or sweet (Ferelden)
Cake with Apples
Cake with Nutmeg
Chocolate Cake
Cherry Cupcakes - Historically a common method used to poison people, often served in the theater. (Tevinter)
The Exquisite Misery - A little cake topped with a dusting of anise, deep mushrooms, and gold dust. (Orlais)
Found Cake - A chocolate cream cake topped with white frosting and strawberries (Ferelden)
Hearth Cake - A pan-made cake; made of flour, hardwood ash or baking powder, halla butter, sugar, mixed dried fruit (currants, cranberries, etc), egg, milk. (Dalish)
Honey Cake (Orlais)
Lamprey Cake - contains no actual lampreys, it is modeled after the appearance of lamprey.
Lemon Cake
Petit Fours (Orlais)
Pound Cake
Round Cake - Often topped with poppyseed and honey. In Serault, they will sometimes have the antlers baked into the crust. (Orlais)
Sponge Cake (Orlais)
Sugar Cake - One version is made with strawberries and sugar-cream icing dressed on a pound cake. (Ferelden) Another version is made with a "humble cake" and is dressed with butter, sugar, and almonds. Both are seen as great gifts and good pick-me-ups after long days of traveling, and are often served by merchants.
Sugar-drizzled Lemon Cake - A type of lemon cake that was used in Antivan Crow history to assassinate templars.
Sugarcake - A dense cake usually topped with powdered sugar.
Sweet Cake
Wedding Cake
Black Licorice Candy - Can be salted. (Tevinter)
Candied Almonds
Candied Fruit
Candy Apple (Ferelden)
Candied Dates (Tevinter)
Candy Cane
Carastian Candy - A candied chocolate. (Tevinter)
Spun Sugar (Ferelden)
Sweetmeat - A confectionery treat, sometimes candy coated fruit.
Unnamed Candied Nuts with Spice - A candy that is sweet until swallowed, then they leave a spicy aftertaste. (Orlais)
Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler
Strawberry and Rhubarb Cobbler (Ferelden)
Biscuit - A hard, flat, and unleavened baked treat that can be sweet or savory.
Butter and Sugar Cookie - This cookie isn’t specified as it is only described by these ingredients.
Raisin Cookies
Tea Biscuits
Goat Custard - Differing from the Fereldan savory counterpart. This custard is made throughout Thedas with goat milk and has numerous varieties. On pairs it with roast fig. A Rivain variation uses milk of the Ayesleigh gulabi goats specifically for its sweeter milk.
Ice Cream
Orlesian Guimauves - Another name for marshmallows.
Antivan Apple Grenade
Cinnamon Rolls - one of Varric's favorite pastries.
Croissant - Vivienne starts every morning with one. (Orlais)
Honey and Nut Pastry (Tevinter)
Marie du Lac Erre’s Sweet Ruin - One version of this pastry with a dramatic history, the recipe contains; butter, powdered sugar, chocolate, vanilla extract, flour, orange or mint extract, baking powder, and milk. (Orlais)
Unnamed Blueberry Pastry - A light, sticky pastry with blueberries. (Possibly Nevarra)
Varric's Favorite Pastry - A pastry spread created by Devon, a Fereldan cook, after consulting with Varric Tethras on his favorite pastry.
Apple Pie
The Blessed Apple - A pie made by a small cloister of Chantry sisters tending to the orchard, they use the windfall apples and share the pies freely; as well as the apples. The ingredients are flour, salt, butter, water, apples (golden apples from Lady’s Orchard preferred but others are acceptable substitutions), brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. (Orlesian)
Minced Pie - filled with finely chopped fruit and sweet things.
Blancmange - A white pudding made of milk or heavy cream, its name is Orlesian for "white eating". Because of the mild, sweet taste it can have a variety of toppings such as toasted almonds, ribbons of fresh mangos, red grape compote, cherry saus, or Vivienne's preferred plating of white chocolate curls with whole jasmine flowers. (Orlais)
Caramel Pudding
Dessert Pudding
Rice Pudding
Sour Cherries in Cream (Orlais)
Sticky Figs Rolled in Nuts (Tevinter)
Sticky Jellies (Orlais)
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Absence - One of the bottles of Thedas you find in Inquisition.
Absinthe - also referred to la fée verte - “little green fairy”
Petite Absinthe - Made from a certain type of wormwood.
Ale, Beer, Drafts, Lagers, Malts, and Stouts
The Tapster’s Tavern in Orzammar serves 52 types of ale, some are listed.
Ander Stout - This stout is stored in oak casts. (Anderfels)
Barley Wine - Despite its name, this is an ale.
Brakien Brew (Orzammar)
Brown Ale
Coconut Draft (Orzammar)
Fereldan Beer
Fereldan Lager - A pale ale.
Lichen Ale (Orzammar)
Lichen-malt (Orzammar)
Oghren’s Homebrew - An amber coloured ale with a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and described to have a hint of toastiness, and is spiced with cloves. (Dwarven)
Qunari Ale
Ryott Ale (Ferelden)
Ryott Beer (Ferelden)
Valenta’s Red (Orzammar)
Watered Beer - While watered beer is served to reduce the price of beer and stretch it along, it is also served as a provision. In Serault, the peasantry drink watered beer to stave off the summer heat.
Watered-down Ale
Wildwine - An ale made from ryott. (Chasind)
Wilhelm’s Special Brew - This dark-colored ale gives off a thick, oaky smell. When swirled in its tankard, it takes on an unexpected glow. (Ferelden)
Ammazzacaffe - A drink taken after coffee to dull the taste or effects. Though it can be a small glass of any liqueur, it is usually brandy. (Antiva)
Aged Antivan Brandy
Antivan Brandy
Antivan Plum Brandy
Apple Brandy (Orlais)
Orlesian Brandy
Plum Brandy
West Hill Brandy (Ferelden)
Serault Cider (Orlais)
Winter Cider (Wycome)
Benediction - Made of Prophet's Larel gin, served with a wedge of lime, and a thimble of Golden Scythe.
Elfroot mixed with Dandelion Wine - A restorative draft. (City Elves of Orlais)
The Emerald Valley - A spirit distilled of over seventy different herbs and flowers by the Chantry sister in Lydes, it is topped with egg-white foam and dusted with nutmeg. Described as having a varied and complex flavour, fresh like a lush green valley. (Orlais)
Dragon’s Piss - The name is probably figurative, but no one knows for sure. BioWare gives the “recipe” for Dragon Piss as “1 oz light rum, 1 oz dark rum, filled with iced tea”. "Dragon's Breath" is offered as an alternative name for this drink as it is served while lit on fire in the glass and burns on the way down.
The Golden Nug - Made with a base of effervescent white Seleney wine, sweetened with a dash of West Hill brandy and a splash of pomegranate juice. Muddled with raspberries and garnished with a sprig of Royal Elfroot. The goal is to imitate the soft pink colour of a nug.
The Heart of Spring - A “restorative” drink from Verchiel made with violets. (Orlais)
The Hissing Drake - Mix of cinnamon-infused whiskey, darl Llomerryn rum, and Hirol's Lava Burst.
Ice Cream and Beer
A Night of Shame - Antivan port with a dash of chocolate bitters and a twist of orange, served in a flute of chilled Serault glass. (Orlais)
Orichalcum mixed with wine - Considered to have aphrodisiac properties.
Posset - A drink made of hot milk curdled with ale, wine, or other liquor and typically flavored with spices. Can be drunk as a delicacy or as a cold remedy.
The Randy Dowager - Rumored to be created by the editor of the periodical, it is a tall glass of Abyssal Peach liquor and fresh cream, garnished with sugared rose petals and served on a silk handkerchief with a scandalous rhyming couplet inked by the bartender. (Orlais)
To Cure a Cold - a folk remedy that requires boiling whiskey and adding lemon juice and crushed garlic.
Prophet’s Laurel Gin (Orlais)
Grey Warden Liquor
These are bottles unique to members of the order, as each warden will combine half-full bottles in order to save space. No bottle is ever fully emptied or cleaned. In order to preserve the base flavor. They are called Grey Whiskey, Ritewine, or Conscription Ale, each vintage is named after a warden with a small note.
Vintage: Warden Anras - Bottled whimsy.
Vintage: Warden Bethany Hawke - Princess piss.
Vintage: Warden Carver Hawke - Toast them all.
Vintage: Warden Daedalam - Extra red.
Vintage: Warden Eval’lal - Griffon Wing Ale
Vintage: Warden Gibbins - Don’t frigging touch! I spit in this! I mean it!
Vintage: Warden Jairn - Smash when dead.
Vintage: Warden Korenic - Notes of fruit and anger.
Vintage: Warden Riordan - Serve yourself.
Vintage: Warden Steed - Joining juice.
Vintage: Warden Tontiv - Home.
The Tapster’s Tavern in Orzammar serves 17 types of mead, some are listed. Honeywine is another name for mead.
Avvar Mead
Chasind Sack Mead
Lady Odette Guillory’s Family Honey Wine (Orlais)
Orlesian Honeywine
Port A sweet, fortified red wine, typically served with dessert.
Antivan Port
Tevinter Port
Rum Boot Screech is another name for rum.
Alvarado’s Bathtub Boot Screech
Blackwater Rum (Wycome)
Dark Llomerryn Rum
Tea and Other Drinks
Coffee (Antiva)
Cocoa/Hot Chocolate
Fermented Fruit Juice
Pickle Juice
Pomegranate Juice
Prune Juice
Spicy Punch
Almond Tea (Orlais)
Bitter Tea - An unspecified tea so bitter it is astringent. Served during the Fourth Blight.
Black Tea
Black Tea with Juniper
Fires of Change Tea (Orlais)
Herbal Tea
Iced Tea
Lattenfluss Tea (Anderfels)
Mint Tea
Anderfels Mint Tea
Nameless Tevinter Tea
Rivaini Spice Tea Blend - Blend of cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. One of the teas from Rivain known for its healing properties. Empress Celene commonly uses this tea to stave off headaches.
Rivaini Tea
Rivaini Tea Blend - A blend of licorice root, oregano, lemon verbena, and peppermint. One of the teas from Rivain known for its healing properties. Rumored to be favored by Empress Celene to stave off headaches.
Rosehips Tea (Orlais)
Spiced Tea (Nevarra)
Stripweed Tea (Tevinter)
Unsweetened Tea
Verimensis Tea (Tevinter)
Cinnamon-infused Whiskey
Ferelden Whisky
Legacy White Shear
Mackay’s Epic Single Malt
The Tapster’s Tavern in Orzammar serves 12 types of imported wines, some are listed.
Agreggio Pavali (Tevinter)
Alyons Black (Orlais)
Amaranthine Red (Ferelden)
Anderfels Red
Antivan Red
Bitter Black Wine (Orlais)
Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted - A rare collaboration between human and elf vintners.
Celestine Black Wine (Orlais)
Dalish Wine
Dandelion Wine (City Elves of Orlais)
Elderberry Wine (Ferelden)
Finale by Massaad (Orlais)
Flames of Our Lady (Orlais)
Flat Wine
Ghislain Red (Orlais)
Iced Wine - Mentioned in both Tevinter and Orlais.
Montsimmard White (Orlais)
Mosswine (Orzammar)
Mulsum (Tevinter)
Orlesian Red
Plum Wine
Red Wine
Serault Yellow Wine (Orlais)
Serault White (Orlais)
Silent Plains Piquette (Tevinter)
Southern Black Wine
Spiced Wine
Sweetened and Spiced Yellow Wine
Val Chevin Red Wine (Orlais)
Vint-9 Rowan’s Rose (Tevinter)
Watered Wine
White Seleny Wine (Antiva)
White Wine
Yellow Wine
Additional Spirits
Abyssal Peach
Antivan Sip-Sip
Aqua Magus
Aquae Lucidius - A potent liquor made of wyvern venom; a rare drink known for its hallucinogenic properties.
Bottle of Rotgut - Rotgut is slang for cheap whiskey.
Butterbile :84
Carnal 8:69 Blessed (Orlais)
Dwarven Ale - Not actually an ale, but a black liquid reputedly made from fungus with a reputation as being almost undrinkable for anyone not a dwarf.
Garblog’s Backcountry Reserve
Golden Scythe 9:40 Black
Hirol’s Lava Burst (Kal'Hirol)
Maraas-Lok (Qunari)
Potent Moonshine
Sun Blonde Vint-1 (Tevinter)
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Raw Ingredients of Thedas
Fruits, Mushrooms, Nuts, and Vegetables
Edible Plants
Fern Fiddlehead (Avvar)
Lichen (Dwarves)
Black Lichen - Toxic unless properly cooked.
Moss (Dwarves)
Pungent Leaves - Unspecified leaves. (Avvar)
Rose (Orlais)
Rose Petals
Stripweed (Tevinter)
Sugar Cane (Orlais, Tevinter, Rivain)
Vine Leaves (Tevinter)
Watercress (Avvar)
Fruits and Nuts
Applewood Apples (Orlais)
Golden Apples (Orlais)
Green Apples
Le Pomme Vie et Morte - Apples that grow by the gallows in Val Royeaux. (Orlais)
Red Apples
Windfall Apples
Par Vollen Banana
Rivain Banana
Blackberry (Ferelden)
Black Currant
Elderberry (Ferelden)
Strawberry (Ferelden)
Caper (Antiva)
Black Cherry
Sour Cherry - unspecified variety(ies)
Sweet Cherry - unspecified variety(ies)
Cocoa/Chocolate (Donarks)
Coffee (Antiva)
Date - A purple and red fruit with a pit, it has a sweetness and tangy taste. (Tevinter)
Fig (Tevinter)
Red Grape (Orlais)
Pine Nut
Antivan Olive
Orange (Antiva, Orlais, Tevinter)
Blood Orange (Nevarra)
Passion Fruit (Antiva)
Pomegranate (Tevinter)
Pomegranate Seeds
Fereldan Barley
Pot Barley
Rolled Oats
Rice (Antiva, Rivain)
Ryott (Ferelden)
Durum Wheat (Rivain)
Whole Grains
Deep Mushroom
Field Mushroom
Unspecified Fungus - Used to brew Dwarven ale.
Unnamed Glowing Fungus
Wild Mushroom
Vegetables and Legumes
Bush Beans (Free Marches)
Green Beans (Orlais)
Pale Beans (Orlais)
White Beans (Orlais)
Purple Carrot (Orlais)
White Carrot (Orlais)
Chickpea (Rivain)
Checkered Corn
Golden Corn (Orlais)
Yellow Corn
Eggplant (Antiva, Ferelden)
Fennel (Orlais)
Red Onion (Orlais)
Sweet Onion (Orlais)
White Onion
Peanut (Antiva, Seheron)
Antivan Pepper
Green Pepper
Hot Pepper
Hot Red Pepper
Red Bell Pepper (Rivain)
Sweet Pepper (Orlais)
Daikon Radish (Ferelden)
Rhubarb (Ferelden)
Marrow Squash
String Squash
Turnip - aka navet
Turnip Greens
Wild Greens
Yams (Ferelden)
Animal Products
Heavy Cream
Cow Milk
Goat Milk
Halla Milk
Ram Milk
Soured Milk
Chicken Egg
Fish and Seafood
River Herring
Cave Beetle (Dwarven)
Giant Spider (Dwarven)
Snail (Avvar)
Wood-burrowing beetle larvae (Dalish)
Bronto (Orzammar)
Cat - mentioned to be eaten in Orlesian alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Orlais).
Dog - mentioned to be eaten in Orlesian alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Orlais).
Giant (Tevinter)
Liver - General name given, animal isn’t specified.
Pig’s Feet
Pork Hocks
Pork Saddle
Rat - mentioned to be eaten in alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Anderfels, Ferelden)
Wandering Hills (Anderfels)
Poultry and Reptiles
Poussin (Chasind)
Deepstalker (Dwarven)
Dracolisk (Tevinter)
Dragon (Nevarra, Orlais)
Gurgut (Avvar)
Lurker (Avvar)
Wyvern (Avvar and Orlais)
Dragon Blood (Nevarra)
Druffalo Dung
Miscellaneous Ingredients
Baking Ingredients
Elfroot Ash
Hardwood Ash (Dalish)
Baking Powder
Yeast Cake
Fine-ground Salt
Rock Salt
Sea Salt
Clay (Avvar)
Pine Pitch (Alamarri)
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Herbs and Spices
Basil - Mentioned to be grown in Serault, Orlais.
Dried Basil
Bay Leaf
Elfroot Leaves
Royal Elfroot
Lavender (Orlais)
Anderfels’s Mint
Dried Oregano
Prophet’s Laurel
Verdant Spindleweed
Antivan Cord-seed
Cinnamon (Rivain, Seheron)
Cumin Seed
Deep Mushroom Powder (Orlais and Orzammar)
Dill Seeds
Eastern Spice - Unnamed
Fennel Seeds
Dried Ginger
Hot Pepper Powder
Hot Red Pepper, Crushed
Mustard Powder
Mustard Seeds
Nutmeg (Seheron)
Grated Nutmeg
Ground Nutmeg
Black Pepper
Black Peppercorn
Spice Ball - A variety of mixed spices wrapped in a cheesecloth
Star Anise
Vanilla (Rivain)
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Prepared Ingredients
Basic Ingredients
Cinnamon-infused whiskey
Dark Llomerryn Rum
Hirol’s Lava Burst
Prophet’s Laurel Gin
Red Wine
Watered Down Ale
White Seleney Wine
Deepstalker Broth
Fish Broth
Butters - Non-dairy butters
Peanut Butter
Cocoa Products
Chocolate (Orlais, Tevint)
Chocolate Bitters
Cocoa Butter - used to make white chocolate (Orlais)
Cocoa Powder - difficult to procure
White Chocolate (Orlais)
Compote - Fresh or dried fruit that is cut into chunks and stewed in a syrup of sugar and other flavours.
Red Grape Compote (Orlais)
Pie Dough
Puff Pastry Dough (Orlais)
Mint Extract
Orange Extract
Vanilla Extract
Ryott Flour (Chasind, Ferelden)
Semolina Flour (Rivain)
Wheat Flour
Whole Grain Flour
Chocolate Cream
White Frosting
Edible Gold Leaf
Gold Dust
Plum Jam
Raspberry Jam
Mulled Fruit
Mulled Raspberry
Cod Liver Oil
Orange Essence
Antivan Pasta
Couscous (Rivain)
Gnocchi (Antiva)
Grain-based Noodle
Pound Cake
Brown Stock
Brown Sugar
Powdered Sugar
Sugar-cream Icing
Sugar Flowers
Sugared Rose Petals
Sugar Syrup
Tea Biscuit
Apple Cider Vinegar
Herbed Wine Vinegar
Dairy and Eggs
Cow Butter
Goat Butter
Halla Butter
Herbed Butter
Nug Butter
Antivan Smoked Cheese
Blue-veined Cheese (Orlais)
Brie Cheese
Brined Goat Cheese
“Dalish” Cheese - An ill described item as it is unclear if it is actually cheese. One thing is for sure it isn’t Dalish.
Dry Cheese - Unspecified cheese used in cacio e pepe(Antiva)
Feisty Cheese (Orlais)
Goat Cheese
Halla Cheese (Dalish)
Ram Cheese (Ferelden)
Spiced Cream
Thickened Cream
Whipped Cream
Hard Boiled Egg
Dried and Cured Foods
Dried Fruits, Vegetables, and Fungi
Dried Apple
Dried Apricot
Dried Beans
Dried Cherry
Dried Cranberry
Dried Currant
Dried Mushroom
Dried Peas
Pitted Prunes
Cured Meats
Nug Bacon
Smoked Bacon
Cold Cuts
Dried Meats
Dried Mackerel
Spiced jerky
Salted Meat
Dried Salt Pork
Salt Pork
Salted Beef
Salted Dragon Meat
Salted Fish
Salted Goat Meat
Blood Sausage
Smoked Sausage
Spiced and Salted Sausage
Smoked Beef
Smoked Fish
Smoked Goat Meat
Pickled Foods
Pickled Apples
The Pickled Apples of Arlathan - Apples said to be from the time of Arlathan. The taste is described to be one of fresh apples, with the same crispness.
Pickled Fish
Pickled Lamprey
Pickled Nug
Pickled Ox Tongue
Pickled Vegetables
Prepared Animal Products
Ground Meat
Ground Beef
Ground Nug
Spiced Meat
Soup Bone
Wyvern Venom - There are 47 ways to distill wyvern venom to be safe for consumption.
(If you want to find the direct links or page numbers, check out the Wiki's Food and Ingredients page.)
Primary Sources: Dragon Age: Origins (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: Awakening Dragon Age 2 (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: The Last Court Dragon Age: Inquisition (DLCs + Multiplayer)
Books: Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Blood in Ferelden Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Game Master’s Kit: Buried Past World of Thedas Vol. 1 World of Thedas Vol. 2 Dragon Age Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Asunder Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paper and Steel Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in Truth Short Story: As We Fly
Comics: Silent Grove Mage Killer Knight Errant Deception
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wildfantxsies · 1 year
@galahadsboy liked for a starter.
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Taking one of the hors-d'oeuvre offered by the waiters, Julio made his way into the room. He hated these pompous soirée that the nobility loved to had and his presence had been requested by his father. Julio knew better than refusing then. He looked around, trying to find the right group to go and have a least some little fun. His eyes stopped on Florian, he had no idea how fun he would be but he clearly was the sexiest man here.
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