#hoppers stex
isaterriblebore · 1 year
StEx Appreciation Month Day 14: Hoppers
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Favourite Actor Hopper 1: Cyrus Brandon. Hopper 2: Christopher Jeffers. Hopper 3: Daniel Therrien. Favourite Songs/Scenes I don’t have a favourite but I like watching them in Poppa’s Blues. Favourite Costumes I don’t have a favourite but I dislike the US Tour costumes… Favourite Ships I don’t have any that I actively ship to be honest. Headcanons I headcanon that they’re that interested in all the racing stuff. Unpopular Opinions I think it’s popular to hate on them. I do think they’re cringe, but I also believe they had potential.
Photo 1: Joel Hewlett as Hopper 3, Aaron Piper as Hopper 1, Sharn Te Pou as Hopper 2 - New Zealand Tour 2009. Photo 2: Garry Lee as Hopper 1, Jason Guest as Hopper 2, Omari Bernhard as Hopper 3 - Bochum 2012. Photo 3: Dennis Spee as Hopper 2, Cyrus Brandon as Hopper 1, Tom Nihill as Hopper 3 - Bochum 2017. Photo 4: Jason Guest as Hopper 2, Marc McFadyen as Hopper 3, Garry Lee as Hopper 1 - Bochum 2012. Photo 5: Carlton Connell as Hopper 2, Rob Nurse as Hopper 1, Tony Andrade as Hopper 3 - UK Tour 2006.
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tabooi · 1 month
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Starlight Express, Bochum 1989
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chipontherailroad · 4 months
Train to the coast? NAH! TRAINS ON THE COAST!
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(This art makes absolutely no sense and I love it for that) ☀️🏐🚂🏖️
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phopollo · 2 months
You guys ever think about how there's currently 2 productions of Starlight Express happening at the same time with two separate groups of characters who fill the same roles
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Aofjsod this reminded me why so far I've only been drawing the 2024 cast, I did not pick a good style for my first time drawing the Bochum cast
Anyways, here's the separate drawings too that aren't all squished
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stealthkragen · 28 days
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aggregates are really great
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uselessjester · 2 months
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I've never drawn Dustin before, but i guess he turned out alright
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tabooiart · 10 days
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Favorite Actor(s): Gavin Ashbarry is the ONLY Dustin and I am not exaggerating.
Favorite Song/Scenes: Rusty And Dustin is such a cute scene eeeee. Also love how shy he is during his intro in Freight
Favorite Costume(s): Broadway and Japan/Aus since his makeup there is Not Scary as opposed to Bochum which for decades insisted on giving him the scariest makeup ever. At least the 2018 update fixed him <3
Favorite Ships/Friendships: I don't ship him with anyone since I see him as aro/ace! His closest friends are Rusty, Flat Top, and CB!!!
Headcanons: Dustin collects cool rocks he finds by the tracks on the freight routes. He keeps them lined up in his section of the shed :)
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think this is unpopular but oh my god they NEED to stop hiring the tiniest little twig men and sticking them in fat suits. I feel like especially the latest Bochum casts have been getting the guys with the thinnest faces ever it's so creepy. Just get some fat guys to play him Please.
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wonderful-magician · 4 months
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Dustin and flat-top!
Two more people of the freight left guys....
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dinahdoeeyes · 2 months
My ideal production of Starlight Express.
I suppose I'll just get right into it. First the list of characters, then the songs (excluding little bits/non-songs like Taunting Rusty and the races), then the rest.
Belle, the Sleeping Car (called Memphis Belle)
The Rockies
Volta, Joule, Wrench, Purse, and Krupp
The original National Engines
Duvay and the Sleepers
Setlist (* = will be addressed below):
Entry Of National Trains
Rolling Stock
Call Me Rusty
A Lotta Locomotion ('83 Workship version, but with Buffy added)
He Whistled At Me (Minus the Rusty/Pearl conversation)
*Dinah/Greaseball duet
Freight (With the girls bullying the boys)
Pumping Iron ("Trying to build my body, trying to lose my mind" and "Stretching my bullworker, heaving on my weights" switch spots because I just feel that it'd sound better that way.)
Sleepers moment
*Dinah solo
Hitching and Switching (probably original)
*That was Unfair (extended)
That's Me/There's Me (duet)
Poppa's Blues
Belle's Song (Combo of OG & Broadway — especially "sniffing the coke")
Starlight Express
The Rap: Hey You
*Make Up My Heart
Pearl Twirl
Girls' Rolling Stock
Wide Smile (Mostly the Broadway version, except he says the OG "...C.B." in the chorus instead of Broadway's "...the Red Caboose," until the ending after Electra & co leave.)
I Was Robbed
Right Place, Right Time
I Am The Starlight
Rusty and Dustin
*Dinah's Disco (extended)
No Comeback
One Rock & Roll Too Many
I Do and/or Only You (I really want "I Do," and it feels redundant to do both in a row, but I feel like "Only You" is important?)
*GreaseDinah reunion (extended)
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Starlight Express Megamix (of course)
We are leaning hard into the 80's here! None of that trying to modernize StEx they've been doing since the 90's. It doesn't work, and the hyper-80's...ness is one of the best things about StEx!
This is about 60% the 1984 original, so keep that in mind.
Dinah & Greaseball look most like the original Dinah and Greaseball. (Though Dinah's hair looks like this. I'll get to her costumes below.) Greaseball looks completely like Jeff Shankley's GB.
Most of the costumes look like the Broadway versions.
However, Pearl gets 3 costumes; her pants outfit from the '84 previews (but with white pants), followed by her sleek Broadway dress outfit (w/ Electra), and then the fluffy dress outfit (w/ GB).
Dinah has 2 costumes; the first one being more Broadway (but I dislike the leggings, so different ones), and then, when she pairs with Electra, she changes to and outfit that is similar to her OG outfit.
C.B.'s look is very similar to the original, except his pants are black, and he has his later hat.
I want some of the choreography from the '83 workshop. ( x x x x )
Dinah & Greaseball banter a bit because "Incapable of feeding yourself, Greaseball?" Ohhh *chef's kiss* 2017 London Workshop did something right!
*Dinah & Greaseball get a couple's duet. It's a fun, cute, rock/80's pop mix song that touches on their love for each other and how they don't care about others' bullshit. ("Our Lips Are Sealed" kind of vibes, I suppose.)
Ashley and Duvay are sisters.
Greaseball pulls the girls during "Freight," like he originally did.
*Dinah gets a solo after "Pumping Iron" after the Sleepers talk their bullshit. It'd be about 3½ minutes long. If you've read my Dinah rants, you can get an idea of what it's about.
Greaseball, Bobo, and Espresso are part of the choreography during "Crazy" toward the end, racing around with Dinah, Ashley, and Buffy. (I promise this is FIRE in my head. Have faith. 🥺)
*Grease & Dinah have a longer argument before their breakup.
Dinah and C.B. have a duet. It's the Broadway version of There's Me combined with That's Me. (Dinah singing her solo part first.)
*Pearl sings "Make Up My Heart" about Rusty, Electra, and Greaseball. (Explanation here.)
*"U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D." is slower, sadder, and has more lyrics, like it was in the '83 workshop.
Buffy & Ashley are finally canon. It's Complicated™️, but they get it together by the end.
*"Dinah's Disco" is a bit longer, as is *Dinah & Greaseball's reunion/makeup.
Pearl is absolutely like original Pearl in this: A selfish bitch (who learns and gets better by the end); she is not "naive." ("Further from my vision" over "Sadder but no wiser.")
We actually acknowledge that Pearl is an asshole. But, like Greaseball, she learns and is working on herself by the end! 🙌🏽
Pearl apologizes to Dinah at the end. FINALLY. (During a break in LATEOTT.)
Control loves the trains/coaches/freight, and they love him. He's just a bossy little kid, but they're also actin' up. (I'm open to Control being a girl.)
Electra and the Components do come back.
I... think that's it. I hope didn't forget anything.
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honey-dont · 12 days
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stex month day 12: hip hoppers!
favorite actors: dewayne adams, lauren hearnden mayer, marc mcfayden, and dennis spee!
favorite songs/scenes: right place right time ofc but i also love watching them mess around in the blues they're so cute <33 they're so polite to poppa that's their dad!! special shoutout to hopper 3 rolling around on the ground like a worm in the philly boot what is he doing.....they're a lot of fun during the rap too!
favorite costumes: bochum!! but there's something charmingly goofy about the belts being outside their shirts in the us tour
favorite ships/friendships: they're not directly related like the rockies but they consider themselves to be family! esp lyta and hyle, they're each other's respective annoying big sister/little brother. i also love them being friends with rusty and their relationship with poppa is so sweet, they'd totally be momma's boys (gender neutral) too
shipwise i like fem rocky/fem hopper! i call them radiostation bc. bc there's rock and hiphop
headcanons: one is named hyperion, two is hippolyta, and three is hyle! hyle's the youngest of all the freight and he has a one-sided teenage crush on espresso :') they're also latine and they've been teaching the rest of the freight spanish!
unpopular opinion: i prefer them to the rockies and i miss them :( sorry rocks promise i still love you
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captainmvf · 3 months
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Lil Stex doodles from yesterday-
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tabooi · 3 months
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Shout out to every single one of the original freight characters for having been written out of the show at least once now
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dogsamadoodles · 6 months
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Some Dustin and Flats cause I’ve been thinking about them a lot🤲
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moonkit60633 · 11 months
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Downhill final!
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calocera · 2 years
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EPIC rap battles of history…FREIGHT…versus…COACH
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starburst2000 · 10 days
Starlight Express Appreciation Month 2024!!
Day 14: Dustin!!!
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🎶They aren't rocks, they're aggregates! And aggregates are pretty great!🎶
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