lightningxmagic · 4 months
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@hopestanding sent: i was really hoping you'd come with me. ( liam @ violet )
“I can’t.. we both know that.” Violet whispers into the abyss. She knows he’s not really there but, she’s just glad to have the company. “I can’t leave Xaden, or anyone else.. not when they don’t know what’s coming.” She feels like she’s been tortured for days instead of hours and talking to a ghost has to be a bad sign.
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rosefromdeath1 · 5 months
"And yet here you are." Why? She always finds him, no matter how hard he tries to hide. Loki holds both hands behind his back as he stares up at the fiery sky, the loose strands of wild hair dancing in the wind. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
"Why? Did you intend to frighten me away?" Doe eyes were gentle even with the furrowed expression that gently shifted Gabriella's face as she turned around Loki's shoulder: wanting to properly look at him, not at his face, "I was raised by vampires, Loki. My brother tried to kill me and drink my blood once. I'm hard not to be surprised anymore." It was an accident, of course. Gabriella didn't blame Jasper. And even if it happened again she still wouldn't blame him ...
Loki's question brought sweet Gabriella's attention back. She thought for a moment before answering truthfully, "I just wanted to see you ... before you decide to run off again."
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chaoticrebels · 10 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ you don’t know what hell you put me through. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Tony }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @hopestanding ❫
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Life certainly had a way of surprising someone, rather it be good or bad. Which in his experience, it hadn't always been good. It was almost as if someone out there was out to get him, despite how ridiculous that was. But it certainly felt like that times, this being one of those times. Mainly because running into none other than Stark was certainly a surprise, yet only time would tell what kind of surprise this turned out to be.
Actually, no. Correct that, time wouldn't tell because Loki wasn't planning on sticking around to find out, he wasn't about to deal with this reunion at all. Too many memories he wanted to forget and the last thing the God of Mischief wanted was to get into another fight with Tony. He just wanted to disappear, hell with his mission and all. But as he turned to walk away, the silence between them was broken which caused him to stop in his tracks. Eyes closing momentarily, was truly debating on rather if he should indulge the male or just walk away and pretend he didn't hear a thing. But it would've been obvious that he did so he remained where he was, with his back towards the other.
❝That's a bit of an assumption, wouldn't you say? I mean to assume that I don't know the hell you've been through because of me, is a bit of a reach.❞ He voiced out in a patronising kind of tone before he sighed. ❝Well maybe not because you are right, I truly don't know the hell I've put you through but how can I?❞ Well the prince could if he used his powers on the man that was known as Iron Man but he wouldn't, he'd play nice for now. ❝But why are you telling me this, unless you want an apology. Is that what you want Tony? Cause if it is then you may be waiting for a while for that.❞
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itsbitmxdinhere · 8 months
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🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒  ( Accepting )
@hopestanding said: [ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart ( sam & alec )
It really came all backwards not as he planned definitely, and here he was now hanging and chained up in a basement where his own people that survived the Winchesters a few years back were torturing him. After everything this was not how he should go, he was trying everything to get rid of those chains but they were protected by some kind of spell so no supernatural creature would be able to escape, it send him shocks everytime he moved, the slightliest friction could cause a wave of electricity to rush down his body, so he learned to stay stil. There must be another way out something think!.
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Just as he was about to give up there was a brutal sound coming from upstairs and the door of the basement opened after a few minutes of silence and footsteps, a tall figure crossing thru one he knew to the core, it culdn't be he must be hallucinating, " Well if it isn't my knight in shiny armor ", he let out coughin spitting some black blood in the process as he laughed because this wasn't happening. The leviathan thought he would never see one of the brothers again that for some reason they ended up hating him and decided to vanish from his life, wouldn't surprise him everyone turned on him in the end so he was used to it but this time hurted specialy because of his godamn feelings, the way they fell so fast for the younger Winchester it was ridiculous to hope they could've become something good.
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replicantdeviancy · 9 months
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@hopestanding asked:
it’s a terrible thought. to die frightened and in pain. ( markus @ connor )
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Those words lingered in the stagnant air a long moment, the weight of the atmosphere surrounding them heavy, as if the stillness of it had settled upon the detective’s shoulders. He felt it pressing ever so slightly, more & more. His chest felt tight, & he drew a needless pseudo-breath to help dispel the feeling. It was all psychosomatic, he knew - androids did not experience these symptoms, but to Connor, it felt like the descriptions of tangible gravity humans experienced with guilt. & he did know guilt. He had learned the emotion well, becoming intimately familiar with its effects on his body & mind. Somehow he knew, even with the forgiveness of the Jericho leader, he would forever be marked as the deviant hunter.
That sensation was never far when dealing with cases such as the one he had been tasked with now. Another android had been found destroyed, the viscera which only barely resembled that of a living being scattered & discarded. The chassis had been brutalized, left in a dark hallway of an abandoned building in one of the more desolate areas of town. Servos had locked upon the sudden cease of function, keeping the dismantled form of the android locked in a state not unlike rigor mortis in humans, expression contorted into that of abject fear. Connor couldn’t make himself meet the android’s dead eyes, not after his reconstruction software had so completely calculated the manner of the other’s death. It was an AP700 model, one which had been listed as missing some time before the revolution.
One of many listed in the files upon files of cases still left unsolved by the DPD involving deviant androids. Though he had worked these cases for months alongside his partner, Connor always hated when their closure involved the discovery of a body.
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A faint sigh left him as he moved slowly to take a closer look, taking a knee besides the dismantled android. “When was he discovered?” His question was direct, to the point. He couldn’t afford to allow emotion to get the better of him, even if the scene horrified him in a way no human murder scene ever could. No matter how much the lieutenant tried to insist that androids weren’t all that different from humans, the RK unit knew that this just wasn’t the same. It was too close, far more personal to witness one of his own having been destroyed, knowing exactly which of the two designated intelligent species between them had done the slaying.
He understood why Markus had called him personally. Before the police got involved, before CSI & his fellow officers showed up, stealing away all the humanity from this display, rendering it cold & at the unwavering scrutiny of the law. Connor knew what had happened, how their victim had been chased down & mercilessly taken apart. This wasn’t a case of red ice related deactivation - he could see the splatters of thirium residue left over beneath the thickened puddles that had still yet to dry & evaporate. This was just hatred. This was overkill. It made his whole chassis twitch as a shiver ran down the length of his spinal assembly.
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[ ANGER ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall out of anger. ( race @ any of your newsies muses )
Oscar gave a winded 'oof' as he was slammed back against the alley wall, but he recovered fast, pushing back against the boy to at least keep him at arm's length, all while giving a cocky smile. "Whaddaya think ya doin', Higgins? Maybe ya really are as stupid as ya look, but somehow I'd figure ya'd know bettah than ta come at me like that..." The smile turned dangerous.
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spectrophobias · 10 months
continued from x with @hopestanding !
so she had been right. annie usually was, at least when it came to judging people, and something about finnick just struck her as so sad. she couldn't quite put her finger on it yet, she didn't know him well enough for that, but there was something heavy in his heart. it was a little jarring to consider, because she had always been told that victors were the best of the best, the happiest and luckiest of them all. she guessed it must have taken a toll on you, living a life after all of the other tributes were gone.
it didn't matter now. whatever struggles a victor might face, annie would never know. all of the career training in the world couldn't have made a winner out of her, and she was sure most of her past tutors had well enough figured it out. she had never been one of the top students, that was for sure. she wondered how long it would take her new mentor to realize he had been stuck with a dud. the tributes from four usually had at least somewhat of a fighting chance, but even as one of the older kids this year, she didn't think she stood much of a chance. she was small and sneaky, which worked to some people's advantage, but it was rarely a strategy that won it all. she didn't think she had the smarts to pull something like that off fully or the brute strength to fight her way through.
she would rather keep talking about finnick. she didn't want to face the idea that even after a lifetime of her parents pushing her to train, it didn't matter. nothing mattered now, except that annie was going to die and that they were both so very sad. it would have been easier to keep picking at his wounds than her own, whatever they may have been.
but then the mask was back up, and she knew that he wasn't going to let her in. she knew better than to pester him about it, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot with the one person who was supposed to be keeping her alive. l
"i'm a good judge of character. i'll know who to trust." with the way her eyes met his, it was clear that annie thought this also extended to him. finnick didn't seem so awful up close, he was just another teenager instead of the preening peacock he was during celebrations. annie wondered if that was a part of winning, painting on a face for the public and then never really taking it off. annie had never been good at things like that, had never pretended to be anything but exactly what she was. she was just going to have to follow in finnick's lead, as hopeless as things felt. she didn't want to be one of his sorrows. taking a deep breath, she stayed hovering in the center of the room, feeling a little too restless to sit. "i can weave. i can hide, move quietly. i can survive even on my own, whatever environment they put us in. those are my strengths. i think-- well, i guess i think my weaknesses are everything else. once i get cornered, that's it. i can't take on the types of guys who win these things... they're going to rip me apart. it's not your fault, it's just how it is."
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theseancekid · 2 years
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@hopestanding​ sent: i told you to turn your music down! (diego)
With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us!
He’s lying flat on the bed, restless hands fiddling with a rubik’s cube as he lets the music thud in his chest until it’s all he can think, all he can feel. Sometimes it’s the only thing that really works, when the voices get too loud. And, boy oh boy, are the voices restless today! If it’s not one lady yammering in his ears about finding her son, it’s some old brute of a man shrieking about revenge. Best to drown them out before they drive him to do something even more stupid, and what better way to do that than with good ol’ Mr. Kurt Cobain?
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It’s bad enough tonight that his walkman won’t suffice— he likes the fuzzy texture of his beloved vinyls, prefers the way the music fills the space and permeates the air, like it’s squeezing out his soul through the top of his head until he can’t think or move or do anything but listen. 
The thunderous shout above the music jolts him out of his trance, and he can’t help but yelp at the looming figure of his brother in the doorway.
He doesn’t need to hear Diego to be able to read that grumpy scowl on his face. Scuttling to the foot of his bed, he stretches for the stereo system, lanky arms just barely able to reach the volume without toppling out of bed. 
“C’moooon, Diego, I thought you liked Nirvana!”
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acourtcfmuses · 1 month
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@hopestanding asked: you’re pretty irresistible. ( alina - prob said sarcastically but she's serious @ mal )
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"I like to think it's you who is pretty irresistible." Mal grinned at her as he leaned in closer. "But hey, if you want to say I'm irresistible, I won't argue." he teased. Though he definitely felt she was the irresistible one. He would do anything for Alina; anything to keep her safe and happy. "We should probably keep moving though 'Lina." people would be hunting her and he wanted to get her as far from the danger as possible.
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cripplemagics · 4 months
i came all this way to help you, and this is the thanks i get? ( jesper )
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"Excuse me for not hiding in a mansion. I'll try to remember that preference next time." Jay stands from the corner they've been huddled in. This dilapidated house was the first thing they saw when fleeing the mercenaries Elias sent after them. Getting Jesper's attention before running means they have better protection getting back to the Crow's Nest.
"I'm sorry for running off so suddenly. Some guys came in that I knew were looking for me. You don't mind shooting some shitheads, do you? I'll get ya a round of the good stuff on me when we get back."
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lightningxmagic · 4 months
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@hopestanding sent: * a kiss to the back of their hand, before beginning to formally dance ( ex. waltzing ) ( jj @ sarah- what if they’re at a fancy event 🥺 and he’s like idc let’s dance )
The last place Sarah wants to be is at another Midsummer festival. But Rafe wanted them to go back to normal, even without their dad, so he insisted they all go. So she’d asked JJ to crash and keep her company but she never expected this. Her cheeks are red just from the kiss, and then he pulls her in to dance with her. And he knows how? “… when did you learn how to dance, Maybank?” The blonde can’t help the adoration that’s written all over her face. She knows the entire party is watching them but her focus stays on him.
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oakthcrn · 4 months
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There was venom in that stare. Lark wasn't ignorant to it, and she had to wonder how her words truly affected him. Had he misconstrued them into thinking they were about him? Lark's expression remained like stone, unmoved, and unchanged. A pristine picture of indifference. If he only knew what resided behind the stoic mask--how much anger, how much rage. Her fire could take all if she wanted.
But she didn't want that.
There was only one that her fire yearned for, and he was currently dead, presumably. Lark shifted in her chair as she watched Nikolai with her piercing gaze, one unrelenting. She didn't look away from him because he was the King of Ravka, like most who bowed their head. It was an unfortunate trait, but she would never bow her head to another. Never again.
She stood up and canted her head to the side.
❝ There is a difference between shadow and darkness, Moi Tsar. ❞ Lark replied in her matter-of-fact tone. She studied the frayed thread and shook her head.
❝ Who here hasn't looked into the mirror and dislike what they see? ❞ She went on.
❝ What afflicts you is an animal. It knows nothing of good and evil. Only to hunt to survive. It is no different than a bear. What I speak is a different kind of darkness.❞ She glanced away finally and let out a soft huff of air. Whatever this strange stagnant thing of friendship and enemy between them, Lark had one goal in mind. The eradication of every immediate threat against Ravka for Ravka was her home.
Lark arched a brow at his question. ❝ Not particularly, send it to a tailor and be done with it. ❞ She replied.
❝ And as you say, day cannot survive without night, nor does shadow without light, and fortunately for us we have an abundance of light.❞
@hopestanding continued from here: XX
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chaoticrebels · 2 months
✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Continued » { Peter }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @hopestanding ❫
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❝It's just you're curious, yeah?❞ Kimo asked, despite having a good idea what the answer was. ❝But don't you know that curiosity is a dangerous thing Peteyboy?❞ Though at the same time, curiosity was truly a wonderful thing. It was something someone shouldn't lose, after all it was a great thing to be curious by nature at times. At least he thought so because after all, he was a naturally curious himself. It is after all what had started this friendship? Whatever this was, it had started out as curiosity because the elven prince had witnessed Spiderman in action a few times and wanted to know WHO the spider was so he went invisible and followed him. Wasn't expecting a teenage kid to be behind the mask, also wasn't expecting the kid to stumble into him while he was invisible. Which gave them both a heart attack, caused him to come visible for a second before he went invisible once more before taking off quickly.
After that, it seemed like a little spider kept seeking him out. Which amused the assassin to no end because didn't he know better? But you know if neither one of them were curious then whatever this was, probably never would have happened so yeah, as dangerous as curiosity is, it truly was an remarkable thing.
❝Don't have many friends who can go invisible, huh? What a shame but guess I should be honored that you came to me. Though spying on Tony sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially if I end up getting caught.❞ Did Kimo really need to give Stark any reason to consider him a threat? No but the risk, oh how he couldn't resist. A soft chuckle escaping his throat as his facial feature lit up, shaking his head no moments later. ❝Unfortunately no, I definitely can't give you my power of invisibility. But I do believe I can make you invisible with me if I'm touching you, so if you promise to take all the blame if we're caught by Stark then I'll try it out with you. Or I can do it myself and you can remain innocent, after all I do love a challenge..❞
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itsbitmxdinhere · 4 months
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Random Asks/Memes (Accepting)
@hopestanding said: am i to assume you are the expert? ( jihoon my time traveler oc @ daljae )
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"I'm definitely not an expert but I just don't think is a good idea" .
Because as much as he wanted to believe he had it under control testing it in front of so many people was definitely not going to work he was already getting anxious about the whole situation so if he attempted to use his powers right now he was pretty sure it would blow on their faces.
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replicantdeviancy · 2 months
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hopestanding asked: what would you have me believe ? ( kamski @ connor )
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____________@hopestanding || 𝑺𝑳𝑬𝑬𝑷𝒀 𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑶𝑾 .  | Accepting
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The question produced a soft yet prominent frown upon the android’s pretty visage. The manufactured lines of his forehead deepened as gently arched brows furrowed, lips pursing lightly. One might have mistaken the expression for a pout, if not for the darkening of chocolate colored eyes which observed the CyberLife founder with a distinct displeasure. Or was it annoyance? Connor seemed almost tired, the mental fatigue of the situation draining. But android’s couldn’t experience fatigue, could they? One had to wonder. They were so much more than Kamski or his successors had designed once they had broken free of the bonds of their programming. Nevertheless, the detective was there for a purpose, though at this point, he was questioning himself & his intentions.
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“I would hope that you would believe me when I tell you my experiences, Mr. Kamski,” he retorted, the displeasure of his tone faint but present. Connor was such a careful being, always mindful of his words, his approach. He had been designed that way, programmed to manipulate & tactfully maneuver his way through any & all interactions with others, both human & android. "I would hope that you would feel compelled to help me understand why I feel the way I do." A feature that didn’t necessarily give him a foothold over Kamski, as the founder of CyberLife & creator of the first of their synthetic kind had intimate knowledge of these beings & what they were capable of. Being a narcissist with nothing but time on his hands, the RK unit’s programming was of little consequence. He had Connor at a disadvantage, one that both were painfully aware of, & the android didn’t like it. He didn’t like that someone could see right through him.
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dhampiravidi · 4 months
continued from here:
The woman was probably the most attractive person any agency had ever sent to kill or capture Jas. That didn't mean she was distracted. "Look, humans are about 60% water. I control water. So you should hurry up if you have something to say. I'm on a schedule," Jas snapped. Only two agencies--the CIA & HYDRA--had ever caught her. She would really prefer to keep it that way.
& she was supposed to be blowing up a building in 35 minutes.
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