#hopefully this little phase of his will be over soon its like dealing with a moody toddler
vaguewizard · 1 year
My homunculus is currently throwing a tantrum because I didn't feed him enough last night I guess :/
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
dlfkwkfowowo im secretly staking ur blog
if this is okay with you…
could there perhaps be a tadc x reader who smiles… but like all the time
like no matter what happens, reader always has a smile on their face to never show weakness!
this can come off as creepy because the only thing fhat you always see is their smile, they never frown, or anything like that
feel free to ignore this though if you aren’t interested! take care! <3
TADC cast x reader who always smiles!
gm everyone its 6 in the morning and the admin woke up at around 2am, unable to go back to sleep.... sooooooooooooo.... yeah! gonna answer a few requests then imma make breakfast, work on art, and hopefully work on more requests! might make cookies again today.... we'll see!
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completely unphased by any creepiness of your perma smile, in fact he would go on to compliment it anytime he sees it... which is... all the time.... whether your smile is permanent due to your digital body, or you willingly choose to smile all the time.. doesnt matter to him, hes going to let you know that he loves how you look! doesnt raise a brow when it doesnt falter in the phase of danger or stress, probably thinks thats... only slightly strange, but not anything to raise any questions... you know? pretty much ai not fully understanding humans deal with that one
genuinely freaked out by it because it can get.. unnerving at times especially if youre quiet. like can you imagine you just slink into the room and youre just. smiling. god she would probably jump a few feet into the air when she finally notices you.... not cool, reader!/lh
nervously smiles back, though she does relax a little when she gets to know you better and why you smile all the time, eventually getting over her fear for the most part! though, i think she would gently push for you to let the smile drop every now and then
assuming she knows you do it to not be vulnerable you can bet your ass shes going to try to get you to let your walls down around her, lets you have alone time with her and reassures you that theres nothing wrong in having a moment of weakness. things like that. though, she may come off as pushy just know that she means no harm. like pomni, when first getting used to you/getting to know you i think she would be a little put off by your perma-smile but soon grows used to it. much faster than pomni does, i think
probably teases you about it and gives you nicknames for it/being perceived as happy and cheerful... perhaps keeps it up even after he finds out why you do it/puts the pieces together himself. though, he doesnt try to get you to open up, since thats a you issue and jax doesnt seem like the type to have you take a step towards that since it seems to be working for you. sooooo... honestly i think he would still smile too, only because he knows it unnerves some of the other circus members. not at all for the same reason you do it so take that as you will
honestly depending on how the smile looks (normal, or perhaps stretched wide) it might dip into a sort of uncanny valley for him... actually, even if it looked normal, seeing someone just smiling all the time can put anyone off, i think. especially someone like kinger whos always paranoid about something terrible happening... definitely going to have to either drop the smile around him or fill him in on everything. do i think he would be rude and/or run away at the mere sight of you? definitely not, especially if you guys are friends/partners, but hes definitely going to be a little anxious on bad days the first few weeks he knows you, you know?
doesnt really care either way. does think the smile is a little creepy, though. but that doesnt exactly mean its a bad thing, in fact they think its cool. interesting. different. admin likes to headcannon that zooble was into horror/disturbing stuff so something like this might be up their alley, reasoning for the smile aside. though, i do think they would have a little pause if they find out your reasoning... mostly only if you guys are close since otherwise they brush it off as its not their business. buuuuuut... if you are close, they probably tell you theres nothing wrong in being vulnerable, at least in their own way which may come off as sarcastic.. so !
i was about to say that she would be put off by it, but honestly? she gets it. i saw somewhere/someone said that gangles masks are like metaphors/comedy mask is a false thing and shes not ACTUALLY happy or confident with it on.. if i had the post id link it but </3
out of all of them i think... with her, youre the most likely to drop your own mask and open up to her, at least with the most ease because you guys can relate to one another. sure, gangle has her masks for a different reason (as well as them simply being a part of her digital body), but you guys can still relate and find solidarity in one another
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You’re Not So Bad (Isaac Foster x Reader)
A/N: I finished Angels of Death a few weeks back, and it was so good! I just had to write a short story about it. I’m not the best writer, but hopefully my first writing of this anime is somewhat close to Zack’s character.  
Warnings: Cussing, Blood Mention (it’s Zack)
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You never expected to meet someone like Zack until he arrived on Floor B2. You assisted Reverend Gray, acting as another guardian of B2 after he took you in when he found you as a homeless teen, sleeping on the outside steps of his building. He wasn’t the best father figure you could’ve had, but he still treated you better than the streets did. When hearing the elevator on your floor ding, you wanted to see who was there, but Reverend Gray stopped you, warning you to be careful of the people you may meet. When you asked why, he described the people that held the names Isaac Foster and Rachel Gardner. In all honesty, you didn’t think they were actually as bad as he made them sound, considering that he over exaggerates his descriptions of people to you to keep you safe. Also considering the other psychotic people he had as guardians on the other floors, you could trust your own gut when you met the duo. You stayed hidden in the background while you watched Reverend Gray journey with Rachel to Dr. Danny’s floor. Watching them leave from the end of the hall, you saw a man in a dark brown hoodie and a scythe laying on the ground. That must be Isaac Foster. You could tell that he was bleeding out badly, a pang of guilt and empathy coursing through you. You were hesitant to approach him, remembering that the Reverend said he was dangerous to meddle with and there was a high chance he could react violently to you if you dared to try and talk. But seeing him looking on the verge of death, you couldn’t help but walk slowly toward him. It may seem unreasonable to walk right into danger, but you knew you could take care of yourself. Reverend Gray provided you with a weapon of your own, a basket-hilted sword. He helped you to perfect every swing and stab. Not only that, but you weren’t too bad at fighting hand-to-hand either. Luckily, Isaac Foster appears to be too injured to try and fight back anyway. I honestly don’t think my sword would be able to block his scythe well, I hope he doesn’t use it on me, you thought. As you got closer and closer to the strange man, he fidgeted a bit. You paused your movements, clutching the handle of your sword in its scabbard. He weakly turned his head towards you, his eyes opening slowly. 
“Who the fuck are you? You gonna try and kill me?” he questioned, a sharp tone in his voice. You noticed he made no effort to reach for his scythe, so you let go of your sword’s handle. 
“No.....I wouldn’t try to kill someone if they’re already dying,” you responded. He let out a dry laugh. 
“I hate to break it to ya sweetheart, but I’m not dying any time soon. Monsters are hard to kill. Besides, good ‘ol Rachel’s gonna fix me up. But enough of the chitter chatter, you didn’t answer my first question. Who the fuck ARE you? I thought there’s only one guardian on each floor, unless Reverend Shithead cheated,” he spat. You let out a small chuckle, finding his way of talking a throwback to when you were a teen. Although, he seemed to be around the same age as you, twenty or twenty-two years old. His bandaged face looked confused to your lighthearted reaction. He scowled, “Hey, what’s all that laughing for? I didn’t even say anything funny.” 
“Oh nothing, just thinking of my teenage days. But to answer your first question, I am another guardian of this floor. My job is assisting Reverend Gray on this floor, though I’m not really allowed to interact with the people who come here. But I uh, couldn’t help feeling a bit bad for you, seeing you bleed out like that,” you finally confessed. Letting out another dry laugh, he looked at you with a smirk. 
“Feeling bad for me, huh? Not the best decision. Don’t know if you can already tell, but I’m a cold-blooded serial killer. If I wasn’t feeling shitty at the moment, I’d cut that pretty head of yours off. Seeing you this calm around someone like me really pisses me off,” he said. You only let out another small chuckle, which irked him even more. 
“I’m sure you would, Isaac Foster. Although, I don’t think a fight between the two of us would end so quick. My weapon may be smaller than yours, but I can hold my own very well. If I could survive majority of my childhood and teen years being alone in the streets, I think I could survive you,” you calmly said. His temper apparently sky-rocketed because the next moment, he was yelling. 
“The name’s Zack, you bitch! Don’t go being so confident in yourself, it’s sickening to watch. I bet my ass could ruin all that confidence with just one land of my scythe. I’ll have you begging for your life, just you wait ‘til I’m in a better state to kill ya. Ugh, now I have two bitches to kill!” he groaned, then coughed loudly, more blood oozing out of his wound. You felt guilty again, wanting to at least stop the bleeding for a little while. 
“I carry some bandages and patches with me in case there’s a time I ever need to fix myself. If you need some I can-”
“Just leave it alone, will ya? I already got Rachel getting shit for me back on the other floor, I don’t need your damn help! Why the hell does everyone wanna help me?” 
“M’kay, but you’re bleeding pretty badly, by the time she comes back, you’ll most likely be passed out-”
“I said leave it alone! Stop tryna play nurse, your stuff probably won’t even do shit.” 
“But it’s better to stop the bleeding as soon as-”
“Will you shut up? You’re gonna make me go into shock.”
“I just wanna help-” 
“I said I don’t want any damn help!” 
“Well you won’t be much of a monster by bleeding out all over this damn floor! If you wanna at least live long enough to kill that girl Rachel, you could at least be somewhat decent and let me patch you up before you go all out, getting your own self killed instead! Now shut the fuck up and let me help! Geez! How does that blonde girl deal with you?” you shouted. Your yelling got him to close his mouth and shut up, surprised that he got someone as calm as you to get angry. How can I get her angry, but not scared shitless? It’s like she wasn’t even phased by my damn appearance, he thought. There was a short silence in the hallway, until Zack finally spoke up. “Didn’t know you had all that anger in ya. Heh, to be honest you even got my crazy self startled. I have no clue how Rachel deals with me, but all I know is her messed up head wants me to kill her. So I’ll do it. If I want to keep my promise to her.....I guess you should do what ya want. But don’t be a pervert about it.”
A small smile formed on your face as you took out your supplies in the small medical bag you carried around. 
“How the hell are you smiling after all that? Sheesh, I’m starting to think you’re even weirder than Rachel is,” Zack let out noises of disgust. You scoffed, rolling your eyes at his childlike behavior. 
“Tell me something.....,” he began to say, “why haven’t ya mentioned anything about my appearance? I’m literally covered in bandages and burnt underneath. Don’t I freak you out at all? Why aren’t ya scared?” 
“Well, I’ve seen crazier. I also don’t like to make a judgement about someone based on only their appearance. Sure you’re not ordinary looking, but I know there’s more about you than what I see on the outside,” you replied. Everything that you needed to help him was taken out. You didn’t have any type of alcohol or a sewing needle and thread to fully cover what you believed to be a deep gash in his abdomen, but it was all that could be done for now until Rachel got back. You reached over towards his wound, but hesitated. You looked him in the eyes, as if you were silently asking for permission. He nodded slightly, his breathing hitching a bit when he saw the look your eyes held. You looked so genuine, not one hint of fear in you. Was that.....kindness? No, it couldn’t be. Why would anyone show kindness to him? You unzipped his hoodie, a faint blush on your face. Sure he was an asshole, but it still felt.....somewhat intimate? Not in an inappropriate way, just in a trustworthy way. The fact he had so much trust in one stranger to help him like this.....it was odd. You undid the bandages already on him that were worn out. His wound was revealed, and so was his skin. Wow....is all of him burned? You shook your thoughts away. You grabbed a bunch of gauze sponges you had and grouped them together, beginning to apply pressure to his wound. Zack hissed at the pain, saying almost every curse word you think is in the dictionary. You let out a soft “Sorry” as you continued to clean up the big amount of blood on his body. Once you began to bandage him up tightly, Zack started up another conversation. 
“You’re different from the other guardians.....why aren’t ya trying to kill me? Isn’t that what you guardians do?” he asked curiously. You showed him another small smile. That damn smile, why does she smile so easily at me? It’s not like Rachel’s forced ass smile. What’s up with this bitch? Why is her smile so.....familiar? 
“Well, like I said before, I just assist Reverend Gray on this floor. He’s the main guardian. I’m just someone he happened to take in after he found me sleeping on the steps of this building. Heh, teenager me. Homeless after my parents abandoned me as a toddler. I’m not sure what made Reverend Gray want to keep me. Sometimes he acts like a father, but then I remember how self praising he is,” you sighed, “I know the people on the other floors kill so you expect me to be the same, but I don’t want to kill someone if they aren’t totally out of their mind.” 
“So is that why you didn’t try to kill me? Cause ya think I’m not totally out of my mind? Heh, well I’m pretty sure me killing people for fun isn’t sane either. I hate seeing people happy, sooooo I kill ‘em. What’s not psycho about that?” Zack stated. 
“Well for starters, I didn’t try to kill you because you were already injured, so it wouldn’t have been fair. And you can’t be totally out of your mind if you let me help you with your injury.” Zack scowled at your reply, knowing you were right. Even as a serial killer, he had morals. He hated lying, and he himself would never tell a lie. 
“You remind me of him too much,” he grumbled. Your head perked up. 
“Did you say something?”
“I said you talk too much.” 
“No, you definitely said something else.” 
“No I said you talk too much.” 
“Doubt it, tell me what ya really said.” 
“That is what I really said.” 
“Ugh, I said you remind me of him too much,” he said softly. 
“Him?” you questioned. Zack sighed. “There was this man I met when I was younger, a blind man. He let me stay at his place for a couple days. Even after I told him I killed a guy, he still had that dumb smile on his face. He always had that smile on his face around me. It was annoying, him being so calm around someone like me. Pissed me off, but I didn’t kill him. He fed me and everything. I mean he already died cause of something else, but it doesn’t matter anyway. Are ya done with my bandages yet? It feels like it’s been hours!” 
You rolled your eyes at his commentary. “Well, whoever that man is, he had quite the patience with you.” 
“Hey! I was giving you a compliment! Geez, way to be rude!” Zack crossed his arms, turning away from you. You only chuckled once more. You finally finished wrapping enough bandages as you could, making sure it was snug enough. 
“Happy now, angry boy? I’m done. They’ll still get bloody, but at least the bandages are fresh and not worn out,” you said, giving him another smile just to annoy him. 
“Thanks,” he mumbled. “I never caught your name. Since I told ya mine, it’s only fair you tell me yours.” 
“It’s (Y/N),” you said. 
“Well (Y/N),” Zack rubbed the back of his head. “You’re not so bad.....maybe I’ll keep ya alive.” 
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Alix's rom-com night
The June event of the @mlwritersguild was to create bonus content for one of our fics - I decided to seize the opportunity to finally sit down and write one of the bonus scenes of You can count on me (I will be there for you), and to do draw a bit of fanart to go with it (4 panels, including a Marichat piece)! Let me tell you that the Burrow is a pain to draw, but I'm actually quite proud of the result :)
About YCCOM: It's an aged-up, one-sided reveal with "fake" wedding fic, based on Sallteas' art. The fic is 9 chapters and 20k words long. It was written before season 4, so it's no longer canon compliant in terms of who knows who's identities at the beginning.
Synopsis: Ladybug's identity is compromised, and somebody is after her. After a lot of pondering, she and Chat Noir come to the conclusion that her best bet is for her to marry Adrien Agreste. It breaks her heart that she is not marrying Chat Noir, but she knows that she's buying them time to figure out who is behind the anonymous letters she's been receiving, and hopefully to find Hawkmoth. Whatever the situation might be, her wedding day should provide a moment of respite. And maybe it would have, had Chat Noir refrained from coming to visit her just before the ceremony...
About Alix's rom-com night: it's a one shot that's chronologically set before the main fic, but I recommend reading it after reading the latter since it contains spoilers for it. It follows Alix (obviously), and includes Ladybug revealing her identity to Chat Noir and the set up of their "fake wedding" plan.
Hope you enjoy!
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Alix opened her door and dropped her keys in the bowl as she kicked off her shoes with a satisfied sigh. Home, sweet home.
Her studio apartment wasn’t very big, but then again, she didn’t need a huge surface when she had a whole extension waiting for her just a transformation phrase away. She’d mentally thanked Marinette more than once for choosing her to wield the Rabbit Miraculous, rather than somebody else, just for the savings she made in rent.
She whistled happily as she made her way to her kitchen area, grabbing a bag of popcorn out of a cupboard and shoving it in her microwave.
She deserved the treat. She’d been running around all week, trying to slide letters to her targets without being spotted, spending hours on end to find the perfect stationary, and then staying up at night to get the wording exactly right, a delicate mix of subtlety and threat to elicit some sort of response from them. It had taken a lot of trial and error, especially for Ladybug. Her friend had always been surprisingly oblivious on many fronts, and it seemed that her honeymoon phase with Chat Noir reinforced her optimistic ability to brush ominous details aside. It had taken three letters for her to start freaking out and to promise Tikki she would talk to her partner about them, whereas Hawkmoth had started the analysis phase upon the first one he’d received.
Alix had only been mildly surprised by the identity of their nemesis when she’d decided it was high time she knew who they were facing; it was all too fitting that the man who leached off Paris’ most intense negative emotions should be the most embittered person she knew, and the one who, in retrospect, had been the cause of many an Akuma (she still shuddered at the what-could-have-been of Chat Noir’s akumatisation).
The microwave dinged, bringing her thoughts back to her timeline. She took the bowl out and called for her Kwami.
“Fluff, clockwise! Burrow!”
A white portal appeared in the middle of her living space and she walked through it, emerging in the ovoid room covered in screens. She made her way to the furthest point, hung her umbrella up on the coathanger she kept in there, and grabbed a folding chair. It was a director’s seat which supposedly had belonged to a rising name in the cinema world before their career had been shot down for obscure reasons, but she didn’t really care about its story; she’d bought it for a very low price at a yard sale, and that was all that mattered to her.
“Right, where are you…” She muttered, scrutinising her surroundings, until she found the screen she was looking for.
She unfolded the chair, zoomed in on the empty (for now) rooftop, propped down in her seat and threw a fistful of popcorn into her mouth, waiting for the show to start.
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Unsurprisingly, Ladybug was the first to arrive on the scene. She paced around, mumbling to herself as she wrung her hands together. Alix felt a pang of guilt as she watched her rehearse how she would break the news to her partner, but reassured herself that the ordeal would soon be over.
Finally, Chat Noir landed beside Ladybug, and she flung herself at him, holding him so tight he had to untangle himself from her arms to breathe.
“Well, well, well, my Lady, I know I couldn’t make it to patrol last night, but I didn’t think you’d miss me this much,” he chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Alix rolled her eyes at just how lovestruck he looked as he did so. How could her friends be so sappy, and yet still be at square one in terms of knowing who the other was?
Some might have said that it was romantic, that they loved each other regardless of who they were; but those people did not have to deal with the constant end of the world threat.
“What was so important that you couldn’t just text me?”
Ladybug took a deep breath. Her fingers slid along his arms as she relaxed her embrace, taking his hands in hers at the end of the line. “Somebody knows my identity,” she said quietly, looking down. “And I don’t know who they are.”
“What?!” Chat’s voice detonated in the previously peaceful quiet of the evening, making a couple of pigeons take off in a loud flutter of wings.
“I’m so sorry, I must have been careless when I got home one night, they must have seen me, I bet it was last week when I was tired and I-”
“My Lady, no offence, but I don’t care about the when and why, just... are you okay?” He tilted her chin up, gently turning her head to each side, checking for any signs of injury.
She placed her hand on his, making him stop, and gave him a soft, sad smile. “Yes, Chaton. Just a little rattled; you know you were the first person I wanted to reveal my identity to. Not including Bunnyx, although technically I never told her who I am.”
“And technically, I’m still the only person who knows who you are,” Bunnyx smugly commented between two handfuls of popcorn. “Now come on, I want to see how you react when you reveal your identities to each other.”
“How do you know somebody knows, though? And do you have any idea what their intentions are?”
Ladybug’s expression darkened. “I received some letters. They’re not signed, but they’ve got enough butterflies on them to make me think that even if they’re not from the biggest pest in Paris, then they’re probably from somebody who’s up to no good.”
Chat Noir swore under his breath, then regained his countenance. “So, what do we do now? Do you think we can hunt down the bugger?”
“We definitely will, but…” Ladybug bit her lip, and Alix leaned forward in her seat. This had to be it. “Chaton, I think the time has come for me to tell you who I am.”
“YES! Finally!” Alix cheered, almost spilling her popcorn bowl.
“Are you sure, my Lady?” Alix didn’t have to be on site to tell that Chat Noir’s heart was beating faster than usual; the corners of his mouth twitched as he repressed a smile, as though his excitement could make her change her mind.
“Yes.” She nodded. “I really want you to know.” In case something happens to me, Alix was pretty sure her friend had left unsaid.
“Okay, okay.” Chat Noir took a deep breath, buzzing with anticipation, so much so that he apparently missed the whole subtext of her previous words. “Do you want to do this now? And how do you want to do it? Do you want me to close my eyes? Are you going to write it on a piece of paper for me to read? Are you going to detransform? Should-”
“I was thinking the latter, and yes, now,” Ladybug said timidly. “Up to you if you want to look or not.”
“For some reason, I feel like I shouldn’t.” He took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles without breaking their eye contact, then took another deep breath and closed his eyes, a blissful smile on his lips. “Ready when you are, my Lady.”
“Ok, here goes.” She let out a shaky breath and called off her transformation. The soft pink glow engulfed her and receded, her suit melting away to reveal her true appearance.
“Wow, Marinette, you actually broke out your favourite dress for this? Glad to see all of this isn’t affecting your ability to think straight.” Alix smirked. If her friend had gone home after a long, stressful work day, and found it in her to change and doll herself up to make a good impression on Chat Noir, things couldn’t be that bad. She had to agree that her dress, simple, white, with little red hearts embroidered on it, was perfect for the occasion, though.
“You can open your eyes now, Chaton.” Marinette gave his hands a squeeze.
Chat Noir obliged, blinking slowly as he took in her appearance, her identity, her. Marinette squirmed under his gaze, his expression not giving away any of his thoughts.
“H-Hi,” she stammered when she couldn’t take it anymore. “I, erm, I guess I should introduce myself? We’ve run into each other before, when we were younger, and even if you actually had lunch with my family that one time, I guess it’s been a while… My name is-”
“Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Chat’s smile finally broke free, spread from ear to ear, almost literally illuminating his face. Alix wondered if anything could ever wipe it off. Love and admiration twinkled in his eyes as he picked her up and started spinning her. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling giddily, before Chat Noir closed the gap between their lips.
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Bunnyx modestly looked away, allowing them to have their moment. Her eyes landed on a rerun of Plagg putting an end to the dinosaurs’ reign.
“I should have known that it was you, Princess.” Chat panted slightly as he carefully set Marinette back on the roof. “Everything makes so much more sense now, I-”
“Before you finish that thought, I can’t know your identity.” She placed her index finger on his lips. “Yet, of course.”
“What?” Chat froze, and so did Bunnyx, her hand pausing midway between the popcorn bowl and her mouth. “But why?”
“I don’t know what might happen to me, but I don’t want to put you in any danger.” Marinette cupped his cheek. “And I don’t want to lose my memories of you. Of us.”
“Oh for Kwami’s sake.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Boo!” She threw a fistful of popcorn at the screen as her friend continued to list all the reasons Chat couldn’t reveal his identity.
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“My Lady, Marinette, if you’re worried about your safety, maybe we should do something about it. I could move in with you, or in a flat nearby, maybe, stay transformed or wear a mask at all times so you don’t know who I am, we can figure it out… Of course I know you can protect yourself, but I could stand guard while you sleep, or...” Chat raked his hand through his hair as he thought.
“You know I love you, Chaton, and that’s why I can’t let you do that! You can’t live like that, I can’t ask that of you. Not to mention how difficult it would be for me, do you really think I could resist having you so close, and not trying to get a glimpse of who you are?” She joked, trying to diffuse the sudden tension.
“Then we need to get you a bodyguard,” he insisted.
“I thought about it, but… Well, I can’t really afford it, and how could I justify suddenly needing personal security? I’m just a designer, and nothing I’ve ever done has been avant-garde enough that I should be worried about my safety.” She shook her head.
“Damn, I knew I should have targeted Chat Noir,” Alix swore under her breath. “He would’ve had to reveal his identity, and she definitely wouldn’t have been a pushover on her kitty’s protection matter. Come on Adrien, do something.”
She could tell that he was up to something just by looking at him. He’d been silent for a little too long for it to be natural. Cogs turned in his head, making him squint. He let go of her completely and paced around the roof, almost pulling his hair out as he did so. Alix sensed that whatever was on his mind was going to be big. She leaned forwards in anticipation.
Finally, Chat Noir came to a halt in front of Marinette, the fever in his eyes and his dishevelled hair making him look slightly unhinged.
“Buguinette, I think I’ve got a solution,” he whispered.
“You do?” Marinette’s voice was full of hope, although she looked slightly concerned about him.
“You’re probably not going to like it,” he warned her, lifting a finger.
“Beggars can’t be choosers.” She shrugged, taking a step forward.
“Right.” He gave her one last look, an opportunity to stop him before the words tumbled out. She nodded encouragingly. “Okay, here’s the thing. I have it on very good authority that Adrien Agreste is being pressured into getting married by his father.”
“I see Gabriel’s just as delightful as always,” Marinette shook her head.
“Unlike good cheese, he definitely doesn’t get better with time.” Chat smiled bitterly, eyes losing focus a little.
“What’s it got to do with us, though?” Marinette prompted, placing a hand on his arm.
“Oh, Agreste, you absolute genius, I think I know where this is going.” Alix took another handful of popcorn.
“Oh, yes, right.” He cleared his throat. “See, Adrien’s not dating anyone at the moment…” Right, Alix snorted. “And he’s not really planning on starting a relationship with his father breathing down his neck, but, well, he happens to owe me a favour, and I’m sure that he’d be more than happy to put his security detail to good use…”
“So you’re suggesting that I marry Adrien.” Marinette deadpanned.
“Well, er, I actually thought you could just date, but thinking about it… It would be less strange for you to request a bodyguard if your relationship was more serious…” He trailed off.
Alix was impressed by how well he concealed his emotions. His poker face was truly exceptional.
“And you think Adrien would be ready to marry me because of a favour he owes you?” Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, pursing her lips and squinting at him as she tried to pick at his lie.
Alix winced for Chat. Maybe he should have waited a bit before blurting out the (as it turned out) probably only sane option in that situation so he could work out all of the details for himself. Marinette was very good at trying to shake plans to see how solid their foundations were.
“Please. Adrien had a crush on you when you were younger, if anything I could probably smuggle it as another favour, given how perfect the fake scenario would be. Although I guess that since you also liked him… It might just cancel out.” He tapped his lip pensively.
“Adrien had a crush on me?” Marinette frowned. “Oh, you must mean Ladybug. I think Nino mentioned it once.”
“Well, yes, but he also had one on you, Marinette.” Chat stepped forward, mischief twinkling in his eyes as he poked her on the nose.
“Really, now,” she muttered to herself.
“The main reason he didn’t act on it was that he thought you loved somebody else.” Chat smiled ironically.
“Wow, what a pair of idiots.” Marinette chuckled.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He kissed her forehead.
“But you know what?” Marinette didn’t pick up on her partner’s comment. “I’m actually glad we didn’t get together. It probably would have delayed us getting together.” She pressed a peck to his lips. “If we’d gotten together at all in that timeline.” She smirked.
Alix snorted. Out of all the timelines she’d watched unfold in an attempt to keep things in check, there wasn’t a single one where Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Chat Noir, didn’t end up together, and not just because of her interventions to help them, and the rest of the planet, stay alive.
Marinette’s face fell at Chat Noir’s lack of response. Alix knew her friend didn’t particularly believe in soulmates, but she understood that she would have liked a sappy Chat Noir special comment on how he’d told her he’d grow onto her anyway, and that she would have soon discovered that the Agreste boy had nothing on him. She assumed that he was too busy restraining himself from saying the wrong thing.
“Actually… What about us, then?” Marinette cleared her throat and looked up at him, eyes glistening slightly in the half light.
“My Lady… If you really think that you being a divorcée will spur me away…” Chat Noir looked down at their entwined hands, locks of blond hair falling in front of his eyes, concealing his giddy smile from her. You sneaky cat, Alix thought.
Marinette followed his gaze, letting out a long sigh as she watched their hands sway lightly. Alix knew her brain was probably trying to find all the flaws in the plan. She crossed her fingers, hoping that it would be enough for her friend to accept. It was perfect, whether they got their act together and figured everything out before the event, or not.
“Fine,” Marinette finally said with resolve, making Alix mentally thank whoever was out there. “I’ll do it on two conditions.”
“Anything, my love.” Chat let out a sigh of relief.
“Firstly, we’re honest with Adrien from the get go. No lying about anything.” Chat nodded along. “Secondly, we get cracking on finding Hawkmoth, and after we do and the divorce is settled, if we even get that far with Adrien because obviously if everything is settled before the wedding we won’t be going through the whole plan…” Chat smiled fondly as she took a deep breath. “After all that, we are getting married.” She gestured between the both of them.
“My Lady, are you proposing to me right meow?” Chat Noir all but purred.
“I guess so.” Marinette shrugged, a smile and a blush spreading on her cheeks.
“Wow, then, I’m definitely putting Adrien in charge of the proposal planning,” he replied with a smirk.
“Chaton!” She stomped her foot, her mildly amused smile cancelling out her frown.
“What?” He teased her.
“Will you? Marry me?” She held his gaze.
“Do you even have to ask?” He chuckled. “You know, my Lady, I’m pretty sure that, in my head, we’ve been married since that speech you gave on the Eiffel Tower during our very first fight. Well, I’ve been married to you; you do whatever you please.”
“You’re such a dork,” Marinette laughed, brushing her nose against his and throwing her arms around his neck.
“And yet you still love me.” He pulled her closer.
“Unfortunately, I do,” she sighed dramatically before pressing a kiss to his lips.
Alix dismissed the screen. She’d seen what she wanted, and it seemed like a good place to stop; a happy, sappy ending. Also, she’d finished all of her popcorn.
Everything was on track, her friends would start their Hawkmoth hunt, and soon everybody in Paris would be able to live without fear of their own negative emotions.
(Of course, that was the theory; she’d soon find out that she’d underestimated Adrien’s will to organise the perfect wedding for Marinette, and that, my friends, was no small oversight.)
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kabira · 4 years
09 | scientific inspiration
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pairing — spider-man!vernon x ofc
featuring — joshua, yeji (itzy), felix (skz), yangyang (nct)
word count — 3.6k
genres — spider-man au, marvel au, fluff, action, angst, humor
warnings — none.
note — so here it is, the big Science Dump that will form the basis for one of the major arcs of the story. now, i don’t pretend to know too much of what i’m talking about, but hopefully all the hours of scrolling through obscure genetics articles will hold up. hell, they probably won’t, but this is superhero fiction about a sixteen-year-old man-spider vigilante, so please excuse it !!! a lot of this is borrowed from the ultimate spider-man comics lore by brian michael bendis.
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Vernon was still thinking about Luce’s offer when he got to work later that day.
Normally, he would have tried to keep his head clear during his work, but since all he had to do that day was log data entries, it didn’t really matter. Doc hadn’t come back to the lab yet, so it was just him and the janitor, but from the open holograph display on his table, Vernon figured he’d be back pretty soon. Despite the state of his office, the doctor didn’t like messes, especially not in his workplace.
He hadn’t expected Luce to even consider inviting the others, even though she had been friendly with them. Movie night was something that belonged to just the four—three—of them, something sacred and untouched by outsiders. The thing that had surprised him even more was his own willingness. For someone who had been so acutely ticked off by their unannounced arrival, he sure had warmed up to his new teammates quickly.
Vernon was only a few entries in when Dr. Connors entered the lab, holding a cup of steaming coffee from the cafeteria. He smiled at Vernon when he came in, not bothering to glance at the screen to check what he was doing before making his way over to the work table. One of the things Vernon liked the most about this place was that despite being nothing more than a research assistant, he was still allowed to help out in more impactful ways than simply entering and saving data.
“You’re here early,” Dr. Connors said, setting down the Styrofoam cup on his table. He looked tired, Vernon noticed, probably why he had bought that cafeteria coffee despite it being a thick, dark color and tasting like tar. There were dark circles under his blue eyes, and his usually neatly combed brown hair was slightly disheveled.
“I came here directly after school was over,” Vernon said. “Figured I’d save a lot more time that way, and I don’t really have much left to do.”
“Hm?” The scientist faced the holographic model, hitting a few keys on the pad below it. His movements were listless, but his shoulders were still tense. Reminds me of seniors before finals, Vernon thought. It wasn’t exhaustion like he had assumed, but stress. “Then perhaps you’d like to help me out here.”
“Really?” Vernon tried to keep the excitement out of his voice, but failed. Probably for the better, because it sparked a small smile on Dr. Connors’s face. “What are you working on right now?”
He didn’t get an answer for a long moment. Vernon spun in his chair and pulled himself to his feet, ignoring the remains of exhaustion weighing his body down as he made his way over to the doctor’s table.
“It’s something your father and I were working on before…before this project was abandoned, almost a decade ago,” Dr. Connors said. He was looking at the display with a different kind of intensity in his eyes, like it was something to be defeated rather than discovered. “When I lost your father, I gave up all hope of ever getting back to it, but after all my recent failures, I think I need to revisit my roots.”
Vernon pursed his lips at failures, but said nothing. The hologram looked like a DNA strand—a double helix blown to the size of a poster tube. It shone with a dull blue light, lighting up Dr. Connor’s features, illuminating the creases around his mouth and eyes that Vernon wasn’t sure had been there before. Standing next to him made his own tiredness feel like a minor inconvenience.
“This was your father’s brainchild, after all,” the man said, still staring at the display. “A completely independent protoplasmic model based on the body’s own genetic edifice built to fortify the weaker structure of a sick body.”
“A protoplasmic model?” Vernon’s eyes widened. “I thought it was supposed to be controlled AI, like nanobots or something.”
“Imagine that, except a sentient being with the ability to detect and eradicate weaknesses in the body on its own, without any direction,” Dr. Connors said. “Something to cure everything—the right combinations of proteins able to use the body’s own natural resources to fight any infection, overcoming the problem of grafting and able to treat everything from neural atrophy to genetic diseases to cancer, contained in a small tubule.” His eyes shone. “The perfect cure.”
The perfect cure. Vernon glanced back at the holographic model, now seeing the inconsistencies in its structure when compared to normal human DNA. The idea was intoxicating and exhilarating, made even more amazing by the fact that it had been proposed by his father. It made his chest ache with longing, thinking of the possibilities of fulfillment if his father had been alive still—not just for the experiment, but for Vernon himself.
“He was way ahead of his time, Richard Parker—in that sense, you are a lot like him,” Dr. Connors murmured in a low, wistful voice, as if speaking to himself. “It had become almost impossible for us to receive any support or funding for our project, because of how wildly imaginative it was. We were ridiculed, discredited, called mad for our ideas before we finally got the deal with Oscorp. We had worked on the cure for so long, and just a couple of days before the deal’s signing, your father called me one night, sounding excited about a fresh prospect.” He shook his head. “But then…”
He didn’t need to complete his sentence. Vernon caught the drift of it, and turned away to hide the pained expression brought onto his face by the flood of emotions. He didn’t know if he felt good about being so close to his father’s work, or bad about being so far away from his father himself. Even the mere presence of his old colleague, still alive while he wasn’t, seemed to taunt Vernon.
Snap out of it, he told himself firmly. His father’s death hadn’t been Dr. Connors’s fault—he knew that, but still had to avoid even thinking of that idea, because once the seeds had been planted in his brain, Vernon knew he wouldn’t be able to work with Dr. Connors in harmony. Plus, watching him talk about the work he and his dad had done together, no one could say that the scientist didn’t care about his former partner.
“What did he discover?” Vernon prompted.
Dr. Connors’s eyes turned sad. “I never did get to find out,” he said. “Just two days after the call, he was finally going to come back to the state to share his discoveries with me, so we could compare notes and build on what was lacking. The first step to phase two, he called it.” His jaw tightened. “And just when we thought something was going to go right for once…”
Vernon hung his head. Maybe knowing his father had been on the verge of a breakthrough should have made him feel better about his achievements, but he only thing that Vernon could think about was what all the world had lost when he had lost his dad. A revolution in medicine. A father. He was almost a little uneasy thinking about which kind of loss affected him more. The world could have been a much better place, but all Vernon wanted was his dad back.
“I’ve been unfair to you, Vernon,” Dr. Connors said, breaking him out of his reverie. He straightened while keeping his eyes fixed on the DNA hologram, then faced Vernon with a sad look. “You should have had someone to help you come to terms with your father’s death, someone who could have told you about his great ideas and even greater work. I shouldn’t have left you alone to deal with everything, but I simply couldn’t bring myself to…”
His voice had lowered with every syllable until he trailed off, making Vernon think that his voice had finally become too small for anyone to hear. Vernon swallowed, unable to think of anything to say. He was usually good at talking to people, even heart-to-hearts, but when the subject touched his obscure past, words failed him.
“I understand,” he said, the first words that came to his blank mind. He tried for a reassuring smile, unsure of what the result actually looked like. “You shouldn’t blame yourself for it. And anyway, I am here now.”
Dr. Connors smiled a little. “That, you are,” he said. “I feel like I’ve been doing your genius intellect a great injustice by assigning you all these menial tasks.”
“Hey, someone’s gotta do the menial tasks, right?” He smiled back. “My experience with research is next to nothing compared to that of the other people in this lab, so I’m fine with where I am. And not all the tasks are exactly menial.”
“Still.” The man sighed. “Since it was your father’s genius that came up with this idea, it feels only right to have you develop it further—or at least play a role in its creation.”
“I’m here whenever you need me,” Vernon said, glad about the lightening of the atmosphere. He wasn’t sure how much more of that weight he could have taken. He cocked his head, studying the listed proteins. “What made you want to work on this ‘cure’ again after so long?”
“A lot of different reasons,” the scientist said. “I think I had been avoiding this project for so long because I couldn’t bear to continue it without Richard by my side, but meeting you, his son, and having you take up a position in my lab felt like a sign.” He gave the boy a sideways smile. “And from a scientific viewpoint—before this, I’d been working on a different kind of cure, a serum with a principle based in cross-species genetics. It was supposed to be give a person the ability to regenerate lost limbs like a lizard, but the premature human trials went off the rails.”
Vernon nodded, keeping his mouth clamped shut. “I see,” he said, not wanting to bring up the Lizard incident unless he was sure Dr. Connors was ready to address it.
“However, after someone helped…fix the problem by making an anti-serum, the new formula for it gave me an idea,” the man continued. “Scientific inspiration, I guess you could call it. There’s a lot to be done, but I still have the anti-serum here in the lab, and have been studying it for over a month now.”
The gears had already begun turning in Vernon’s head. He had been the one to create the anti-serum as Spider-Man, and no one knew the methodology better than the original creator. Most of it had stemmed from the original Lizard formula, and with a bit of recalibration and measured reversal, the formula had worked. That makes me wonder…
“Hey, doc,” he murmured, brow pinched into a thoughtful frown, “if you had a sample of perfectly bonded human and non-human cell structure, do you think you would be able to mimic it and engineer a matching structure for the cure?”
The man frowned. “How do you mean?”
“I mean…” Vernon hesitated. Because of the OZ formula transferred into his blood by the spider bite, his DNA was perfectly bonded to spider DNA, which gave him what they called in post-human-speak a ‘healing factor’. It wasn’t as effective as Wolverine’s, but it was still something—and it was based on the same principle as the cure. Like the OZ formula helped his body develop a natural cure for anything he could be hit by—be it a paper cut or a head wound—by using its own resources.
The only difference was that it heightened his facilities by combining human abilities with spider abilities, which gave him things like his spider sense. However, if Vernon could use his own blood to develop a kind of skeletal structure for the cure. If it did work, it would only work on enhanced spider/human DNA, but at least then he’d have a start. The possibilities after that were endless.
“If there already existed a perfect sample of blood which had an in-built system like the cure,” Vernon said, trying not to give away too many details.
“Like mutant DNA?” Dr. Connors asked. “They have a completely different genetic structure in place, though, Vernon. They have the X-Gene. Their nucleotide sequence itself is mutated.”
“No, not like that,” Vernon said. “Like human DNA, just…enhanced. Bonded with something like the cure, just not—not living.”
Dr. Connors raised his eyebrows. “Well, having a perfect sample would reduce the needed brainwork to a tenth,” he said. “But you couldn’t acquire a sample like that, because, well, it exists only in theory.”
“Right,” Vernon muttered, but already the beginnings of a smile had started to curve his lips. “Only in theory.”
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Vernon’s mind was buzzing with so much excitement from his idea for the cure that even web-slinging hadn’t been able to distract him from it.
He and the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team had spent the evening scouring the city for any signs of something that could substantiate Vernon’s theory, but had come up with nothing except a few petty criminals, who had been easily stopped. The other three had left early, telling him to use their new communication devices (which looked an awful lot like kitschy wrist bands, except for the fact that they could turn invisible) if anything came up.
Nothing did.
It was nine p.m. and Vernon had still not changed out of his Spidey suit, spending the free hour to swing around the city and try and clear his head. Too much had happened in one day, and his mood was seesawing between elation at his new project and trepidation because of the dreaded return of movie night. Funny that a high school hangout was a source of more nervousness for him than trying to imitate his own radioactive blood sample to finish his dad’s decades old design.
When I put it like that, it sounds even more absurd, he thought, scrolling through the usual evening homework-help texts on his phone as he waited in line to buy eggs and a carton of milk at the not-so-local grocery store. Even Spider-Man had to obey queues when he was out doing chores for Aunt May.
He paid for the eggs and milk without the tattooed cashier giving him a second glance, and stepped out into the street with the bags. Aunt May wouldn’t be back until ten; he had about an hour to kill until curfew, but he wanted to get home early to talk to her about movie night (yet another reaction to dread) and hopefully study his spidery OZ-bonded radioactive blood under the lens of his old microscope that Uncle Ben had gotten him over a year ago.
“Yo, Spidey!”
Vernon looked up to see a chubby, tanned guy in his late twenties beaming at him like an old friend as he jogged up to meet him. “Hey, I remember you,” he said, pointing at the guy. “You’re uhhh…” He squinted at him, trying to remember when he’d last seen him. “That pizza delivery guy who almost got abducted by aliens!”
“That’s me! Paulo!” the guy exclaimed, his wide smile widening even more upon being recognized. “You saved me from those killer robot aliens last month, remember? And I promised you free pizza in case you ever needed it,” he added. “How’s it going?”
“As usual.” He raised the bag containing the groceries he’d just bought.
“Running errands when you get a break from crime-fighting, eh?” Paulo asked, giving his thick dark curls a shake. His smile refused to dim even a bit, like someone had switched on a light bulb with a permanent power source. “Keeps the superheroes humble.”
“Tell that to Captain America.” Vernon checked the comm device on his wrist, almost groaning out loud when he saw it was almost half past nine already. “Great. Uh, Paulo, I’ll have to catch you later. It’s late, and I gotta get back well before curfew in case there are delays on the way.”
“Of course! Go do your Spider-Man thing.” Paulo lifted his hands, mimicking the thwip-thwip gesture of shooting webs, and grinned. “See you later, Spidey!” he called out from behind him as Vernon swung himself up to a lamppost before launching himself into the air. “Remember the offer with the free pizzas still stands!”
“I will!” Vernon yelled back as he swung away. And he wasn’t just saying that, either—free pizzas were free pizzas.
He had to change in an alleyway again, but thankfully this time it didn’t have an open dumpster or smell like someone had thrown out a decayed cheese slab in the trash. By the time he got back home, Aunt May was already back, as indicated by the lights in the kitchen. Just perfect, he thought miserably, as he unlocked the front door with his spare key and trudged into the hallway.
“Vernon! You’re back early,” a voice yelled from the kitchen when she heard the door shut behind him. A woman with short silver hair, clad in a comfortable t-shirt and yoga pants came out into the living room as he entered it, wiping her hands with a hand towel. “Did you get the milk and eggs like I asked you to?” Aunt May asked.
For an older lady, she sure has great hearing. “Yep,” he said, swinging his bag off his shoulders and unzipping it, internally praying he hadn’t squashed the milk carton from all his swinging like last time. Thankfully, they were undamaged. “Did you come back from yoga classes early?”
“Oh, Denise pulled a muscle in her back, poor thing,” May said. “I offered to bring her back home, but she refused to let me ice it for her, saying she’d get Mac to do it instead.” She disappeared into the kitchen once again, coming out without the hand towel this time. “Put the groceries in the fridge, won’t you?”
For an older lady, Aunt May also had a lot of things going for her. Yoga classes on Monday-alternating weekdays, squash sessions over the weekend, classes for baking and music and whatnot—she might even have been busier than Vernon himself.
“Will do,” he said, obeying. His mind was still swimming with all the older thoughts, but now that he was standing right in front of Aunt May, the worry about movie night had pushed itself to the forefront, demanding all of his nervous attention.
He stood at the fridge even after closing the door, chewing his lip and wondering how to bring it up. Words really had failed him today. “Aunt May?” he ventured, unable to keep the hint of nerves from his voice. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What is it, honey?” she asked, poking her head out of the kitchen. Around her waist was an apron that said Don’t Kiss the Cook. “Vernon?”
He kissed his teeth, teetering back and forth on the balls of his feet. “It’s about movie night.”
She stilled. “What about movie night?”
Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, Vernon thought, pursing his lips. Aunt May hadn’t exactly been close with the Osborns, but he knew she had cared about Harry in her own way, the same way she cared about any neglected kid that Vernon brought home like an abandoned cat. She gave them as much comfort as she could, tried to give them the family they never really had, even if she knew she couldn’t completely replace them. It had happened before: Harry, and Luce—and now, Vernon thought with a little sigh, maybe even the team.
“Luce asked me to ask you if you were okay with us doing movie night this weekend,” he said slowly. “And there are these new kids, and she told me to ask them too, but if you’re busy we can always—”
“Vernon!” Aunt May smiled widely, coming out of the kitchen to rest her hands on his shoulders and give them a big squeeze. “Of course I’m okay with it! Oh, you don’t know how I wished you kids would do one of those again, I’m sure that’s what Harry would have wanted too.” She gave him a motherly smile, one that was soft and sad at the same time. “I’ll leave the house to you kids that day.”
“Oh, no, Aunt May, that’s not necessary—” he started, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand.
“Don’t be so formal with me, kiddo,” she said. “I know movie night means a lot to you, and if you have new friends coming over, I’m sure you don’t want a chaperone around.” She raised her eyebrows. “Although I would like to meet them before I go out.”
Vernon sighed, but there was a tiny smile on his face. “God, you’re the best.”
“And don’t you forget it.” She winked. “Besides, even an old woman like me needs to go out with her friends every once in a while, too. This might just turn out to be a good break for both of us.”
He nodded, feeling a welling of emotion in his chest that wouldn’t go down no matter how much he tried to push it away. One less thing to worry about, he thought half-heartedly, trying not to think about how Aunt May’s agreement meant movie night was on, which had the potential to be an even more worrying prospect. “I hope so.”
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shiversdownyerspine · 3 years
9. Closer
Just gonna sliiiiide this over here.
You are finishing up the last of the scramble on your plate, fighting off the lingering fuzzy embrace of sleep with the help of your coffee. So the suspense wouldn't kill you, you had asked Axel if their coming questions had to do with your ability. After all, the three hadn't asked all that much about it.
Axel confirms, and you ruminate over the approaching task, how best to handle it...but are distracted when Oscar and Otto return.
The younger brothers look scratched up and dirtied, but overall in good condition. Although it was kind of difficult to tell who looked worse...maybe Otto. Poor man was still in his long johns. 
Grinning, you tease, "You two alright? Both of you look like you dove headfirst into the blackberry brambles."
Axel snorts. You're not far from the truth.
He subtly signals the two with a pointed dip of his head in warning; their feet are filthy and they are about to track a mess into your kitchen. Sheepish, the younger brothers share a look and head back outside, probably to make good use of your garden hose. 
Not wanting to put it off any longer, you ask for a change in scenery for this interrogation once you are dressed. In the garden, specifically. Axel regards you curiously, but agrees to your request.
You wander over to the sink to rinse your dishes when he taunts, "Thinking of running? We will catch you. No contest."
You blink, "No no, no running. I'm just...eager? To get started? Or maybe to get finished..."
Throwing a look over your shoulder, you return the taunt, "But if I did run, and I made it into the forest? I think I could surprise you."
Indeed, you are a good deal faster and more reactive while in your Phase. At least when you're prepared. It certainly helps having nearly all of your senses improved, but playing hide and seek with three trained assassins? It would be difficult to say the least...but in your forest and lake? Your second home? 
You would have an advantage, even being technically untrained. Perhaps you could give them a run for their money...at least for a little while longer than if you had tried in the tight spaces of your cottage.
Speculation and theorizing is cut short when the lone man in your kitchen says quite matter-of-factly, "Otto caught you."
Pride ruffled, you can't help but bristle, "Okay. That? Was a series of unfortunate events. And in my defense? I didn't have anything to run from, nothing was threatening me. It was just a spider bite."
The eldest doesn't reply, just quirks an amused eyebrow at the memory of you, perturbed and fluffed, wrapped up in his puzzled brother's arms. It was...an interesting day, no doubt.
You fiddle with your wet plate, frowning.
"I was distracted with my lack of gloves, that I had let something so simple slip my notice. Dug my own grave in a matter of seconds. Then I heard the door, and there was Otto and...I froze. He lunged and I couldn't move."
Axel contemplates for a moment, "You wanted to run. Not attack."
He says as a statement what should have been a question, never one to be all that subtle with his demands. You feel your stomach drop a little; given the pieces of your revealed history, maybe he was now beginning to reconsider the threat you could have posed to Otto. To all of them.
Acknowledging his concern was easy, but explaining yourself was going to be a bit complicated.  
"I..I think I have an answer for that? But it's something I'd like to address with all of you. I'm going to get dressed first, I've been in pajamas for far too long."
You know he could simply repeat what you said to his siblings, but it was the principle of the thing. That and you really wanted to take a quick moment to yourself before this all goes down. He doesn't stop you.
Toweling your hands dry, you head for the couch to gather up your sleeping kittens and make your way to your bedroom. Axel returns his attention to his brothers who were currently fussing over the hose; Oscar was currently trying to convince Otto to look inside and see what was blocking the water, all the while he held a section kinked in his hand, waiting for the right moment.
The eldest sibling shakes his head.
Butternut and Pumpkin are curled at opposite ends of your bed; one buried in the pillows at the headboard, the other stretched out dramatically at the end. Both chirp a greeting as you open your door and step inside.
Thing 1 and 2 in hand, you deposit the wiggly babies into their 'room'. The two look at you with what you can imagine is disapproval, breaking your heart as they toddle towards the bathroom door with noisy complaint.
"Don't worry, you'll be let out again soon."
Their litter box training had been going swimmingly. Maybe it was about time to expand their territory? You think it'd go rather well, you'd just have to keep an eye out. Make sure they don't try to leave any little surprises for you and develop a nasty habit from it.
You swear their incessant meowing is growing louder. You sigh, shaking your head.
"The book was spot on when it called this breed talkative."
Taking advantage of the lingering warmth of your sleep with Otto, you decide upon a floral tunic dress with leggings instead of your usual chunky sweater and jeans. It's rare that you can wear a lighter ensemble like this, you'll have to find some way to thank Otto.
He does seem to really enjoy your baking, so maybe something in that vein.
As you dress you find your thoughts sombering as the previous conversation slowly ties you into a knot. You try to reassure yourself and soothe your nerves; you wouldn't have lashed out for no reason, wouldn't have killed them in cold blood. You have control. Besides, you're not a violent person. Surely they know that?
That fateful morning, if Otto had reacted with violence towards you, you would have defended yourself to the best of your ability and removed yourself from the situation once the opportunity presented itself. There had to have been a way around him, around his brothers, right? 
If Axel had decided you were too much of an unknown threat and had shot, you would have feigned death until you could slip outside and decide on the next step. You're fairly confident you could play dead and pretend well enough, despite the pain. The blue-clad man wouldn't have just emptied his entire clip into you, right? 
If you were being realistic, you were only considering the best case scenarios for you and the brothers if things had played out a bit...differently. Because if you thought too long about the worst outcome, your heart would squeeze unbearably tight in your chest and your eyes would water uncontrollably. 
You didn't want to think about what you would have done if the three had subjected you to too much injury and triggered your second Phase.
There was no denying it, you were incredibly fond of the three.
Maybe even a bit...smitten? 
At the errant thought you slap your burning cheeks with your palms, fighting against the helpless fluttering sensation of the heated butterflies in your stomach. Not the time. 
...Wait, does that mean there will be a time?
Focus, focus, focus.
With a steadying breath, you head back out into the kitchen. There's something you need to grab first.
"One last thing..."
Axel watches curiously as you pop open a kitchen drawer and rummage around its contents for an item you have stashed away.
"Here we go."
You find what you are looking for wrapped in a familiar kitchen towel; an old paring knife, kept clean and disinfected. You unwrap it a bit, just to check on the condition of the blade as the light glints off the metal.
A minor laceration from this would be just what you needed to keep you in your Phase long enough to hopefully answer all their questions.
You weren't sure you could count primarily on verbally explaining all the aspects of your ability. Some things you had nothing to compare with, not to mention how tongue-tied you were before. You're not all that confident when talking about your ability, as discussing it is still incredibly new to you. Demonstration could be a good approach, all things considered.
As you turn from the counter, a rough hand grips your wrist and pulls your arm up, leaving you to sway unsteadily nearly on tip toe. In your personal space, you can feel the warmth of him without needing to touch. It feels like if you could steal a speck of body heat from one of these men, you'd never feel the cold again.
Axel stares you down, lips pulled into a tight scowl, frowning with familiar furrowed brow.
Probably not a good idea to bring out a knife without context, especially around an assassin. Maybe next time explain first.
"...Sooo...um. I can't...will my ability to activate. I-it's a defense mechanism, remember? It needs something to trigger it."
His face is worryingly expressionless as he looks to the knife in your hand. With deft fingers, he plucks the tool from your grasp, leaving you with the empty towel as he slips it into his pocket without a word.
Did he seriously just...
The audacity.
Radiating cool smugness, Axel strolls to the screen door and looks pointedly at you. Waiting.
You don't budge.
Turning your attention to your knife block set, you hum, "You know I could just grab one of these, right?"
You assess the assortment, paying less attention to the man now stalking back to you.
"Although I'd much rather these be used for cooking, but what choice do I have? Apparently you have your heart set on being a mother hen-"
Your tirade is cut short as Axel's hands grip your waist to turn you to face him. He bends, curls an arm around your legs, and hoists you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Dumbfounded and indignant, your lips part for some sort of reprimand to leave your tongue. But you stumble over the words.
With an arm across the backs of your thighs to lock your legs in place and keep you steady, he walks completely unburdened once more to the screen door. You brace your hands on his back, feeling muscle shift underneath the material of his white Henley with each step. Well, needless to say, you can't really think of a retort at the moment. Hopefully your dress isn't riding up too much.
You can't help but wonder; is it just your imagination, or are the brothers getting a bit more...grabby with you? But more importantly, you cannot let this man have the last 'word'.
Fighting down the butterflies that have returned with a vengeance, you grumble, "Don't complain if I can't give you all some clear answers without my knife."
The large palm loosely holding your thigh gives a squeeze, followed by Axel throwing a comment over his shoulder to you, "We'll see."
Well now. Axel is honest to god mother-henning you. This was...unexpected? Infuriating? Kind of sweet?
...Oh yes. They're most definitely getting more grabby with you.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details
A bold new era for the Marvel Cinematic Universe began in 2021 on Disney+ with the wildly successful WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but Marvel Studios certainly hasn’t been resting on its laurels in terms of upcoming cinematic blockbusters. Not only does it have Black Widow (finally) ready for theatrical release, but we’ve also got Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Eternals, Thor: Love and Thunder, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness all in various stages of production, there are also TV series on the way for the likes of Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and more!
Well, if you’ve been a little confused by Marvel’s shifting dates and streaming priorities, never fear! We’ve got a comprehensive release calendar for you here detailing all the forthcoming MCU projects, so you’ll always be able to find the latest updates when you need them.
Let’s take a look at everything Marvel has in store over the next few years…
Release Date: June 9, 2021
Tom Hiddleston will reprise his most famous role, as Loki finds himself on a heist through time and space “as he steps out of his brother’s shadow” after the events of Avengers: Endgame! Oh, and based on this trailer, there’s all kinds of time-travelling weirdness awaiting, including the return of Heimdall, some other Asgardian hijinks, DB Cooper (yes!), Owen Wilson playing an obscure character based on a beloved Marvel Comics writer, and…Loki possibly running for President!
Tom Hiddleston stars, of course, and the cast also includes Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Sophia Di Martino, Wunmi Mosaku, and Richard E. Grant. Michael Waldron is head writer and Kate Herron is directing.
Black Widow 
Release Date: In theaters and on Disney+ with Premier Access Friday, July 9, 2021
The Black Widow movie was heading for a May 1, 2020 release before the pandemic, but Disney and Marvel decided to delay it until the industry’s infrastructure was back to some semblance of normal. They seemed absolutely committed to keeping Natasha on a theatrical release rather than sending her to Disney+, but eventually semi-caved in March as it was confirmed that Black Widow would hit both streaming and theaters simultaneously in July.
Here’s the official synopsis:
“Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger.”
Cate Shortland directed the film, and Scarlett Johansson stars, with Florence Pugh and David Harbour alongside her. One of the movie’s villains is Taskmaster, and we wrote a little bit more about him right here.
Natasha Romanoff will get a prequel movie of sorts here, as we catch up with Widow right around the events of Captain America: Civil War. Will the plot affect her character’s ultimate fate in Endgame? Do not count on it.
What If…?
Release Date: Summer 2021
The beloved comic book series that tells tales of how things might have turned out differently in the Marvel Universe is becoming an animated series on Disney+!
Here’s the official synopsis:
“What If…? flips the script on the MCU, reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways…Marvel Studios’ first animated series focuses on different heroes from the MCU, featuring a voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their roles.”
We know that at least a couple of these roles include Chadwick Boseman’s final performance as T’Challa as well as the return of Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter!
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Release Date: September 3, 2021
Simu Liu has been cast as the titular Shang-Chi and Tony Leung as The Mandarin (hey, that name sounds familiar! But this time, we’re getting the real Mandarin on screen). Destin Daniel Cretton is directing from a script by Dave Callaham. Given its “Ten Rings” title, Shang-Chi should be steeped in Marvel lore, going all the way back to the first Iron Man film!
Hopefully this will be Marvel’s most action-packed movie yet. The trailer sure makes us think so.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Release Date: September 17, 2021
Andy Serkis (Mowgli) steps behind the camera for Venom 2, which now boasts the catchy title of Venom: Let There Be Carnage. The first film, buoyed by a terrific showing at the Chinese box office, made an absolute ton of money, despite being released to mostly scathing reviews.
Venom: Let There be Carnage will follow up Sony’s 2018 Spider-Man-less spinoff film, but will likely be more connected to the MCU this time around, thanks to a renewed deal between the company and its Marvel Studios partners. Tom Hardy will return as Eddie Brock, of course, and as you can probably guess from that title, he’ll be facing off against Woody Harrelson’s villain, Cletus Kasady aka Carnage!
We wrote about all the cool Marvel stuff happening in the above trailer right here.
The Eternals 
Release Date: Nov. 5, 2021
Acclaimed Nomadland helmer (and Oscar winner!) Chloe Zhao is directing Marvel’s Eternals from a script by Matthew and Ryan Firpo. Marvel described the film as an “epic story, spanning thousands of years” that features “a group of immortal heroes forced out of the shadows to reunite against mankind’s oldest enemy, The Deviants.”
The cast features Richard Madden as Ikaris, Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo, Lauren Ridloff as Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry as Phastos, Salma Hayek as Ajak, Lia McHugh as Sprite, Don Lee as Gilgamesh, Angelina Jolie as Thena, Gemma Chan as Sersi, and Kit Harrington as Dane Whitman, the Black Knight. We meet all these characters in the trailer, which we wrote more about here.
This one was another victim of the release date shuffle, but we’ll finally get to see Jack Kirby‘s wildest creations soon enough!
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Release Date: Dec. 17, 2021
The next Spider-Man movie looks like a big one! Spider-Man: No Way Home will once again take place in the MCU since Marvel and Sony solved their differences, good sense prevailed, and Tom Holland’s Peter Parker will remain a vital part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This one, well…this might be a live action Spider-Verse movie from the sound of it. Jamie Foxx will reprise his role as Electro from the maligned Amazing Spider-Man films and Alfred Molina will return from the Raimi era as Doctor Octopus.
Wait. Are they trying to make this a multiversal Sinister Six movie? Because…we could be down for that.
Release Date: Late 2021
Jeremy Renner returns as Clint Barton to train his replacement as Hawkeye, Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop! Apparently based on the brilliant run of comics by Matt Fraction and David Aja, Hawkeye will also prominently feature Lucky the Pizza Dog, one of the great canines in Marvel Comics history.
The cast also includes Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop, Fra Fee as Kazimerz Kazimierczak, Tony Dalton as Jack “Swordsman” Duquesne, Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova, Alaqua Cox as Maya “Echo” Lopez, and Zahn McClarnon as Willie Lincoln. We wrote more about all these new characters here.
Ms. Marvel
Release Date: Late 2021
Ms. Marvel is finally coming to live action! Here’s the official synopsis for the series…
“Ms. Marvel introduces Kamala Khan—a 16-year-old Pakistani-American growing up in Jersey City. “A great student, an avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, she has a special affinity for superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel. But Kamala struggles to fit in at home and at school—that is, until she gets super powers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life is easier with super powers, right?”
The cast includes Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, Aramis Knight, Saagar Shaikh, Rish Shah, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur, Matt Lintz, Yasmeen Fletcher, Laith Naki, Azher Usman, Travina Springer, and Nimra Bucha. Episodes are directed by Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah, Meera Menon, and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.
This is going to be a big one, folks, because Kamala is going to be a significant player in Captain Marvel 2. How significant? The title of the movie is now The Marvels!
Release Date: January 21, 2022
Spider-Man spinoff Morbius is Sony’s next big Marvel wild card, and it’ll officially be the first spinoff to properly connect to the MCU (even if Marvel Studios still isn’t officially acknowledging it in their own promotional materials the way they are with Spider-Man: No Way Home). Here’s the official synopsis for the film…
“Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success, a darkness inside him is unleashed and transforms this healer into a hunter.”
Safe House‘s Daniel Espinosa directs from a script by Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless, Art Marcum, and Matt Holloway. Jared Leto stars as the vampiric title character, and the cast also includes Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, and Tyrese Gibson.
Read more about the character of Michael Morbius here.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Release Date: March 25, 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness looks like it will open up the storytelling possibilities in the MCU like never before. And that’s just based on the name alone. Scott Derrickson was scheduled to direct, but bowed out because of “creative differences” with Marvel. But the good news is that Marvel found a suitable replacement in none other than Sam Raimi, who of course has plenty of superhero experience thanks to his Spider-Man trilogy in the early 2000s!
This one has loads of connections to the wider MCU. Elizabeth Olsen will be here as Wanda Maximoff post-WandaVision, and the film will also connect to Spider-Man: No Way Home and its own multiversal ambitions. There are also a few rumors doing the rounds that Jericho Drumm aka Brother Voodoo could be introduced in this sequel. We’ll keep an eye on that and update this if there’s any substance to them.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Release Date: May 6, 2022
Taika Waititi, who gave us the delightful Thor: Ragnarok, will return to write and direct. Chris Hemsworth will be back. Natalie Portman is your new Thor (yes, you read that right, Jane Foster will wield the hammer…just as she did in the comics!). Christian Bale has also joined the cast as the terrifying Gorr the God Butcher. Not only that, this movie will finally put Olympians in the MCU with Russell Crowe as Zeus. Can Hercules be far behind?
Oh, and did we mention that the Guardians of the Galaxy will be along for the ride, too?
Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever 
Release Date: July 8, 2022
Black Panther 2 is now called Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Marvel has made it official that after the tragic, untimely death of Chadwick Boseman they have no intention of recasting the role of T’Challa, which is absolutely the right move.
Ryan Coogler will return as director, but there are no other details currently available. Interestingly, Coogler is also bringing a Wakanda TV series to Disney+ at some point in the future, too, and something tells us this Wakanda-centric title for the sequel is a sign of things to come.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Sequel
Release Date: October 7, 2022
Is it technically an MCU movie? Nope. But with all the legal weirdness going on between Marvel and Sony, and this franchise’s very multiversal concept, who’s really to say that it ISN’T an MCU movie either, right? In any case, the sequel to the best Spider-Man movie of all time is coming in 2022 with Avatar: The Last Airbender mastermind Joaquim Dos Santos directing and David Callaham writing.
There’s also an “untitled Marvel movie” still technically scheduled for this date but…that is almost certainly not gonna happen now. Expect whatever that project was to move to one of these below dates or to some other currently unspecified date on the calendar.
Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels
Release Date: November 11, 2022
WandaVision writer Megan McDonnell has been tapped to write the screenplay for Captain Marvel 2, which now boasts the title of The Marvels. You know what else is really cool? Candyman‘s Nia DaCosta will direct!
We have no idea where we’ll find Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) in the sequel to her hugely successful first standalone MCU entry. Will she be fighting to loosen her former Kree pals’ iron grip on a pre-Avengers galaxy? Or will the follow up film see her fighting for justice in the present?
In any case, we know that she’ll be facing off with Zawe Ashton as a currently-unnamed antagonist, and WandaVision‘s Monica Lambeau (Teyonah Parris) will also return in her superpowered state after the events of that game-changing show. Considering that Monica was once known as “Captain Marvel” in the comics, that title of The Marvels becomes more appropriate. And even MORE appropriate when you realize that Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel, will also be making her big screen debut.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Release date: Feb. 17, 2023
Peyton Reed will return to direct the third installment of the Ant-Man saga, making him the first director in MCU history to complete a trilogy…perhaps the most unlikely trilogy in Marvel’s entire arsenal. Paul Rudd will return as Scott Lang, and you can certainly expect Evangeline Lilly to return as The Wasp and Michael Douglas as Hank Pym.
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The villain of the film? That will be Kang the Conqueror, who will be played by Lovecraft Country‘s Jonathan Majors. The inclusion of Kang opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities for the MCU, and may even tease the arrival of the Fantastic Four down the line! We wrote more about those possibilities right here.
We’re also going to need fast confirmation on Michael Pena’s return as Luis, though. Luis is key…
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 
Release date: May 5, 2023
After a tumultuous period which saw James Gunn fired and then rehired as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director, he will finally return to complete his spacefaring trilogy for the studio. However, Gunn can’t even begin filming Guardians 3 until he finishes production on The Suicide Squad for DC, as well as an HBO Max Peacemaker prequel. Once those projects are finished, he’s free to return to the MCU.
Avengers: Endgame left the team in an interesting place. We broke down some of the story possibilities right here.
And then there are still some dates that Marvel has announced that they have yet to match projects to. Those dates are…
July 28, 2023
Oct 7, 2023
Nov. 10, 2023
Some of those dates could very well be good fits for the following films…
Fantastic Four
The MCU Fantastic Four movie is finally happening! Marvel seems to be hinting that Fantastic Four will be their next priority after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. So is it possible that we’ll see it on July 28, 2023? That sure would be a great piece of summer blockbuster real estate to launch what might be the most important piece of the MCU going forward!
Marvel’s first family will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a film directed by Jon Watts, who did such a wonderful job with the first two MCU Spider-Man movies. That’s all the information that’s out there at the moment, but as soon as we have more, we’ll update this. It also appears that WandaVision started to set up the Fantastic Four, so stay tuned. We have our own theories on why Marvel went with the Fantastic Four before the X-Men, but that’s another story.
In 2019, Marvel announced that they will be rebooting the Blade franchise with Mahershala Ali playing the titular daywalker. Ali’s True Detective co-star – and former Blade villain – Stephen Dorff is excited to see what he can do with the character, and so are we.
Could Marvel decide to drop this in that Oct. 7, 2023 release date? Considering that’s the Halloween season and Blade is, y’know, a vampire hunter, they’d have to be foolish not to, right?
Captain America 4
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier showrunner Malcolm Spellman is co-writing a currently-untitled Captain America 4 with another FWS alum, Dalan Musson. Those are pretty much all the details that are currently available on this one at this time, but at least we know that Anthony Mackie will return as Sam Wilson in that incredibly badass Captain America costume they gave him for that show. We wrote some more about the potential story possibilities for this one right here.
There’s no date or director for this one yet, so even 2023 seems like it might be a longshot.
Deadpool 3
Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin will be the writing team tasked with bringing the Merc with a Mouth to the MCU. What a Deadpool 3 could look like in the interconnected Marvel Cinematic Universe is, of course, anybody’s guess, but if anyone can crack wise about the follies of this kind of corporate synergy, it’s Ryan Reynolds.
And then there’s the lingering TV stuff, at least two of which will arrive in 2022, with the balance likely to arrive in 2023…
Tatiana Maslany will play Jennifer Walters, a lawyer who ends up with her cousin Bruce’s gamma-irradiated blood. Hilarity certainly ensues. Kevin Feige has promised that since this will be a courtroom show, you never know who else from the MCU could show up.
It’s possible we’ll get She-Hulk on Disney+ in 2022, but nothing is confirmed at this stage.
Moon Knight
Oscar Isaac will play Marc Spector, a disturbed fortune hunter who also happens to be the avenging avatar of an Egyptian moon god. Oscar Isaac is already training hard for the role, and the series is now officially in production, so we wouldn’t be surprised if we see this one on Disney+ in 2022.
The first of two series that will explore the legacy of Iron Man and Tony Stark in the MCU, Ironheart stars Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams, a teenager at M.I.T. who creates her own suit of armor to right the wrongs of the world.
Armor Wars
Don Cheadle will reprise his role as Rhodey and will have the solo spotlight in the War Machine armor in a series that deals with a nightmare scenario for the MCU: what if Tony Stark’s Iron Man technology fell into the wrong hands and was getting duplicated by villains? Based on a classic comics run, Armor Wars promises big action and lots of obscure bad guys. We can’t wait.
Secret Invasion
Samuel L. Jackson will return as Nick Fury alongside Ben Mendelsohn as Talos for a series about the shape-shifting Skrull infiltration of Earth. Kingsley Ben-Adir is apparently playing the villain of the series. Olivia Colman, Emilia Clarke, and Killian Scott also star.
On directing duties are Thomas Bezucha (Let Him Go) and Ali Selim (The Looming Tower) while Mr. Robot vet Kyle Bradstreet is the head writer.
Secret Invasion could be the biggest thing to happen to the MCU since Endgame.
Very few details are available on this one at the moment, but Ryan Coogler will develop at least one Wakanda-set TV series for Disney+. Could this have anything to do with that Wakanda Forever title for Black Panther 2? We wrote more about some of the implications of this here.
We’ll keep updating this with new information as it becomes available!
The post Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details appeared first on Den of Geek.
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melodyalanaroster · 4 years
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All I Want For Christmas Is You
When Halloween ended, it didn’t take long for the people in the Black Tower to begin their holiday preparations. The Senior Staff were already discussing what acts of good will they would commit during the season, and Alana had begun overseeing the decoration of her family home. “Why are you doing this so early?” Nora asked her. “You know its one of the only times that the family home is full. So, I want to make it to where my family won’t need to do much of the decorating. As Agatha and I are the ones closest, she and I will decorate the tree on Black Friday.” Alana replied. “It’s good that your family follows traditions like that.” Nora grinned. “I’m very thankful that The Red Death allowed me to continue that tradition even during my ascent to power. He didn’t have to do that.” Alana commented. “Because The Red Death still has a soul.” Nora stated. Alana shook her head. “Not just that. He still has his heart.”
Throughout the days leading up to November twenty-seventh, the Senior Staff gathered together in the main Recuperation Room. “I think we should give to local homeless shelters!”, “I think we should donate toys to needy kids!”, “Let’s take care of the bills for a few families this month!”, the ideas for acts of kindness poured out from the various members like a waterfall. Alana was deep in thought as everyone else talked. “What do you think Melody?” The Red Death asked. “I think we should make a list of all the needy families in the area, each of us choose at least a couple of them, then provide them with relief and goods this month. I also think that we should get the children more than just toys, but clothes, shoes and books as well. Perhaps, for every child on our list, we get them an outfit, pair of shoes, new book, and a toy. We can even take in to effect the non Christian population and still provide to them, simply for an act of goodwill. That way, everyone gets help, and needy children get a little cheer. They are a lot less fortunate than us, we should give them a bit of what they need and want. Oh, and let’s not forget the children in the hospitals around the area. At least one toy for each of them, and a meal sent to their families.” She suggested. “Do we have the budget for that, sir?” Veronica asked. The Red Death looked at Veronica with an eyebrow raised. He grabbed a tablet, tapped on it for a couple of minutes and handed it to her. “I see. We have more than enough.” Veronica replied. “I think it’s a fantastic idea!” Renee called. “We can even get the Paladins in on this! That way, we can help more people!” Nora cheered. “I’m in.” Derek chimed in. “Here here!”, “Let’s do this!”, “Huzzah!”, the room boomed with approval. “So, it’s unanimous. Melody’s idea wins.” The Red Death chuckled. “We deal with so much death, this is a lovely idea that can help people across the board, even if it is just for a little bit.” Lyra stated. 
After much more discussion, each member of the Senior Staff was given a family to spoil. As they left the Recuperation Room to begin their missions, The Red Death held Alana back. “I know you’re going home for Christmas. When will you be leaving here?” He asked. “Probably the morning of Christmas Eve. Sam and Ken will get to the house the night before, and Mom and Nate are set to come home that day as well. Don’t worry... I’ll be back the day after Boxing Day.” She replied. “You know you don’t need to worry about when you’ll be back. I just want you to have fun.” He grinned. “Thanks for this. Although, I know that, if I’m not back in time for the New Year’s Party, all hell will break loose.” She chuckled. “When it comes to your missions, just buy the stuff for the kids. I’ll buy the food and deliver everything. After all, you are the only person in this tower who is leaving it for the holidays.” He ordered. She looked at him, puzzled. “Are Brandon and Jack not having Nora over?” She asked. “They’ve decided to spend the day here.” He replied. “Ah.” She nodded.
“Melody are you ready? It’s time to decorate the tree!” Agatha called from the living room in the main Roster family home. The family matriarch, Margaret, sat in the rocking chair next to a big box of ornaments. Alana dashed into the room. “Sorry, I was working on something.” She huffed. “You’re always working on something. It’s time to have fun!” Margaret stated. “I know, but Oma, you know I’m a busy woman.” Alana explained as she stood next to her grandmother. “I know, but, you need to slow down a bit.” Margaret replied. “I’ve been saying that for over a year, Mom, but she won’t listen.” Agatha commented as she turned on Christmas music. “Sweetie, you can’t be running all the time. Sometimes, you have to sit back and enjoy the view.” Margaret smiled as she held Alana’s arm. “But the view I want to see is almost within my sight! I’m almost to my ultimate goal!” Alana excitedly protested. “It’s not good for you to always be running. Even Nathaniel has been saying that.” Agatha stated. “I know... But still...” Alana sighed. “Alright, let’s get to the tree!” Margaret ordered.
As the three women took decorations and ornaments out of boxes and put them on the tree, they talked about memories. Margaret picks up a purple heart ornament with a pink decoration on it. Agatha: “Awe! Mels! It’s your Hannah Montana ornament! Remember your pop star phase?” Alana: “I’m trying to forget about it...” Margaret: “I don’t see why. You have a lovely singing voice.”
Margaret picks up an ornament that looks like a playing card. Margaret: “Sam’s card ornament! What game was that that she was so obsessed with?” Alana: “YuGiOh! That’s her Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She put it in a card protector and turned it into an ornament for safe keeping.” Agatha: “I thought you all were in to Pokemon...” Alana: “We are. But, we all prefer the games and anime over the cards.”
Margaret picks up an ornament that looks like Merida. Alana: “Mom’s Brave ornament!” Margaret: “We were singing “Noble Maiden Fair” before Disney popularized it.” Margaret picks up a metal ornament that’s in the shape of a cat. Margaret: “Sylvester’s ornament.” Alana, who tears up and begins to sniffle: “I miss him...”
“Mels! This is a wonderful idea! I’m glad the R.D.R is doing this! I wanna take part! If there’s a family that I can do that to, let me know!” Severina cheered. “Well, there are a couple of families that are on the list that the Senior Staff and I can’t get to... I’ll send you the details later today.” Alana smiled as they walked around the shops. “Fantastic! I can’t wait to put a smile on their faces!” Severina beamed. “Have you finished your shopping?” Alana asked. “Not yet. I haven’t quite decided on what to get you. Do you know what you want?” Severina asked. Alana shook her head. “The item I want most is on its way... I hope.” She replied. “That book you’ve been talking about for months? What was it called again? The Toll?” Severina asked. “No. The Toll is a book I’m still waiting on. It’s The Living that is on its way. I’ve waited two years for that book. I preordered it when Isaac Marion said that it was available. It’ll be a signed, hardcover, first edition, fresh off the press, copy. It’s that zombie book I’ve been waiting for.” Alana replied.
As they went through the shops and Alana purchased the items for the needy kids on her list, Severina kept talking about how great the holidays were gonna be. “We’ll play games and eat ourselves sick!” She cheered. “And your dad will get mad like he always does.” Alana commented. Severina stuck her tongue out at her. “This year, I don’t care if my father gets angry with me! I wanna enjoy myself!” She scoffed. Alana smiled. “Not to mention, how, if everything goes well, you won’t have to deal with your father any more soon.” She added. Severina hugged her. “Yeah! After that’s all over, my father won’t have any power in my mom’s and my life! I still don’t see why this investigation is taking months to do....” She replied. “Because you and your mom need time to build up your lives so you two won’t fail after he’s gone. I’ve told you that for weeks. Make it to where there is no way that you two will ever need him. During this time, the police and I are getting every ounce of evidence we need to lock your father away for good.” Alana explained.
A few minutes later, they had wandered into a bookstore. “Are we gonna have a snowball fight?” Severina asked. “Probably.” Alana grinned as she looked over the books. Suddenly, a book on a shelf in the book caught her eye. She walked over to the shelf and gazed at the book. It was an old detective novel by Agatha Christie. She picked the book up, looked closer at it, and smiled. A first edition. “I’m sure he has a copy of this one, but he doesn’t have a copy like this.” She thought. She took the book to the counter. “Either you’re a hardcore Agatha Christie fan, or you’re a fan of rare books.” The girl commented. “The man I love is a major fan of Hercule Poirot. I’m sure he has a copy of this one, but it’s not a first edition. This will be a perfect Christmas present.” Alana explained. “Would you like it gift wrapped?” The girl asked, smiling as she rang the book up. Alana shook her head. “No, I like wrapping presents myself.” She grinned as she slid her card in the card reader. “That’s so sweet. I hope he likes it.” The girl handed her the book in a bag with her receipt. “I hope so too. Thank you.” Alana took the bag, looked at it hopefully and began looking for Severina. “Have a great day! Merry Christmas!” the girl called as Alana walked off. “So, find anything good?” Severina asked. “Yeah, Nathaniel’s Christmas present.” Alana replied.
“Get in assholes, we’re going light looking!” Alana cheered as Castiel, Priya, and Nathaniel stood before a van. “Why do I have to drive?” Nora asked. “Because it will be good for you.” Alana replied. “Why are we doing this?” Nathaniel asked. “Because! Light Looking is a fun holiday event! We get hot chocolate, fast food, blankets and pillows and listen to Christmas music while we drive around and look at everyone’s light displays! Come on guys! Please?” Alana cheered. Nathaniel, Castiel and Priya looked around at each other and sighed. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy.” Nathaniel slightly grinned as he got into the van. “And why are we here?” Priya asked. Alana looked at them blankly. “Because its more fun with more people and you guys are my friends.” She stated. Priya looked at Castiel, shrugged, and got into the van. Castiel looked at Alana and smiled. “Is this what you really want?” He asked. “Yes.” Alana cheerfully cooed. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He chuckled as he got in the van. “Fantastic!” Alana cheered as she got in.
“Does your family decorate the outside of the main house in Weathering at this time of year?” Priya asked as they drove through the suburban sections of the city, listening to Christmas music, eating snacks and drinking hot cocoa. “Yeah. It’s tradition that the closest family members are required to do it. This year, Agatha and I had that task. There are lights in the trees and along the fence. We even have metal Santa hats for the dragons on the gate and the mailbox. Its not much, but people like it. We used to always get comments from local kids and our postmen before mom, Sam and I moved.” Alana explained. “Why don’t you stop, now that you don’t live there anymore?” Priya asked. “Because that house has been in our family for several generations. It’s been my family’s primary home since my great, great, grandmother bought it when my great, grandmother was a child. Typically, the next head of the family inherits it. It’s going to mom. Then, even though I’m mom’s successor, it will be going to Sam. Decorating it is a tradition that my family follows because, at it’s core, even though most of us don’t live there anymore, it is still home to us.” Alana continued to explain. “That’s really sweet.” Priya cooed.
As they drove through the city they saw many beautiful displays. Lights, music, beloved characters, it all made them feel warm. “Are you all gonna see family this season?” Nora, innocently, asked. Nathaniel and Castiel looked down. “I’ll be seeing my parents, but only for a couple of days.” Priya piped up. Alana put her hand on Nathaniel’s arm. “You could spend the holiday with me. I’m sure my family will happily welcome you.” She whispered into his ear. “I’m not ready for that. Besides, I’ll spend part of that day with Amber.” He whispered back. “Oh.” Alana looked down. “Thank you for the offer.” Nathaniel whispered, lovingly.
“Calm down, everyone!” Rayan called as he stood before his class. When the class became silent, he gave everyone a grin. “Now, I know that some of you will be starting your winter break after this, but I want you all to remember, learning does not stop at that door. Take in the beauty of the season, and appreciate the art that comes with it. Have a good break.” He announced as the class ended. Alana walked up to the podium. “You gonna watch the BBC’s rerun marathon of all the Doctor Who Christmas specials during the break?” She asked. “Maybe. You know Christmas isn’t my favorite time of year.” He replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. Alana looked down and attempted to be cheery. “I get that. But, hopefully, something will help you feel better.” She replied as she took a package out of her backpack and set it on the podium. “Merry Christmas Rayan.” She smiled as she walked out of the auditorium.
Rayan looked at the package, curiously, and began to open it. Inside was a DVD copy of Matt Smith’s era of Doctor Who, a Deadpool comic, a set of Batman shaped chocolate, and a note. 
“From one geek to another. I hope this adds some cheer during this season.
                                     - Melody Alana Roster”
He read the note and smiled. “Thanks Alana.”
The hustle and bustle throughout the Black Tower became more celebratory. The Jewish members celebrated Hanukkah and invited Alana to join in on their fun. She took part in at least one night of the celebrations. “If you ever wanna join in on our holiday, please feel free to!” The girl who invited her smiled. “Yes, thank you so much for giving us some of your time!” a boy beamed. “Thank you for the invite! It was a lot of fun!” Alana smiled as she left the room. The other members of the Senior Staff were continuing their work on their missions. Alana had dropped off her mission purchases in the Red Death’s office.
“Severina talked to me about the mission. I gave her three families to help out and she went above and beyond. I’m impressed.” The Red Death commented. “She really wanted to help and she loved our mission.” Alana smiled. “That’s amazing. I’ll be sure to give her credit for all the work she’s done.” He replied. “Thank you, sir.” Alana bowed. “Alright, go get ready for your holiday.” He ordered.
The morning of Christmas Eve, Alana had been walking through the city, getting the last items she needed before she had to leave for Weathering. “Alright, got the treats from that local bakery that I like. Got all the presents loaded into my Mini Cooper, the Tower won’t fall into ruin while I’m gone. Nathaniel and everyone here know when I’ll be back. Sam and Ken got to the house last night. Mom and Nate should be getting there right about now. The shops should all be closing in the next couple of hours. I even got myself some yummy treats for breakfast! I’m still waiting on The Living to come in.” She thought out loud as she made her way back to the Black Tower.
When she got back to Death’s Domain, she saw Nathaniel standing outside her door. “My, my!! It really is Christmas. It’s just a damn shame I don’t have any mistletoe around!” She cheered when she saw him. “I wanted to see you before you leave.” He said, nervously. “I’ll only be gone a few days. I promise I’ll be home in time for New Years.” She cooed as she opened the door and let him in. “Would you like something to eat? I guarantee I bought too much for myself.” She offered as she set her purchases on the table. “Are you sure?” He asked. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure. Come on, let’s eat.” She insisted as she pulled out the food and a couple of plates. “Thanks, Alana.” He smiled as he sat down. Alana noticed him placing a package on the ground next to him. “What’s that?” She asked. He looked at her and nervously blushed. “I-I got you something.” He muttered. Her heart skipped a beat. “That’s really sweet! I’ve got something for you too.” She mused. He looked surprised for a second. “Really?” He asked. Alana got up from the table, walked over to the Christmas tree, picked up a present, brought it over to the table and sat down. “Do you wanna do this, then eat? Or do you wanna eat first?” She asked, lovingly. Nathaniel looked at the gift, then at the food, and his stomach growled. “Can we eat first?”
After eating their meal, Alana cleared the table, took the present she had gotten for Nathaniel to the couch, sat down and motioned for him to follow in her stead. He picked up the present at his feet, walked over to her and sat down. He sat the package on the table next to hers. She picked up the small package and handed it to him. “You first.” She beamed. He took it in his hands and began to open it. When all of the paper was off the book, he looked at it. “Its a first edition. Where did you find this?” He asked, shocked, a smile making it’s way onto his face. “There’s a bookshop in the more aristocratic part of the city. I was there with Severina one day and I found it in the back on a shelf.” She explained. “Thank you Alana. I love it.” He blushed. Nathaniel laid the book on the couch next to him, picked up the remaining present and handed it to her. She unwrapped the present, opened the box and looked at the item in shock. “Nathaniel, you remembered!” She choked as she pulled out a blue and white teddy bear. Nathaniel put his hand on his neck and nervously looked away. “Amber dragged me to the mall one day... I saw that in that bear building store and thought of you...” He explained. The bear was a deep blue with white spots all over it, resembling snow. It had yellow pajama’s and a deep blue robe on. On it’s wrist was a large plush bell. Hanging from it’s ear was a tag that looked like a golden train ticket. “Nathaniel, you didn’t have to get me anything...” Alana smiled. “I know, but I wanted to.” He replied. She set the bear down on the coffee table, got closer to him and kissed his cheek, sweetly. “Thank you so much Nath. It means the world to me.” She cooed. He scooted away from her, nervously, and his blush became more prominent. “M-Merry C-Christmas A-Alana.” He stuttered as he grabbed the book. She chuckled, grabbed the bear and stood up. “Merry Christmas Nathaniel.”
A couple of hours later, the gate at the main Roster family home in Weathering opened and Alana’s car pulled into the driveway. Sam opened the door as Alana got out of her car. “Welcome home, asshole!” Sam called as she walked towards the car. “Merry Christmas jackass!” Alana called as she started pulling stuff out of the car. “Good to see you, sis.” Sam patted Alana on the back. “You too, Sam.” Alana smiled. “Mom and Nate aren’t home yet. A package was sent here for you. The Red Death directed it to come here.” Sam explained as they walked into the manor. They walked to the kitchen and sat the goodies on the counter. “Mom and Nate will be home this evening. As for what he sent here, I’m not sure what it is.” Alana replied. “Well, he’s not the type to send gifts like that, is he? He typically gives you guys stuff directly, or sends messengers, right?” Sam asked. “Typically... Unless...” Alana began as her eyes shot up and she bolted to her room.
Alana threw open the door, ran to the bed, pulled out a knife and opened the package. “FINALLY! TWO YEARS OF WAITING AND IT’S FINALLY HERE!” She called as she picked up the book. Two years of waiting patiently, watching out for Isaac Marion’s email updates, a hint of despair when one update said that it might not get finished, hope when the emails began talking about the looming completion, and utter joy when preorders became available had all lead up to this. She opened the book and smelled the pages. “Ahhh... Freshly printed!” She sighed. She turned to the title page and saw the signature. She closed the book, looked in the box, pulled out the two packets and smiled. “The signed bonus stories!” She cheered. She quickly placed the book on the bed, sat down, and delved into the stories. After a few minutes, she placed the packets on her desk. “Those were lovely.” She sighed as she grabbed the book and went back downstairs. 
“He must have seen that it would come in while I’m here!” Alana cheered as she walked into the living room and held up her book for Sam and Ken to see. “Isn’t that the book you’ve been waiting on for a while?” Ken asked. “Two years, yes.” Alana confirmed. “Well then, good for the Red Death. Although, you’d better understand, you can’t tear into that book the entire time. I know you’ve been waiting forever for it, but you need to stay in our world for a bit.” Sam chuckled. Alana rolled her eyes. “I know. I’ll just read in my free time.” She sighed. “Good. Mom texted me, she’ll be home in a couple of hours.” Sam announced.
Hours later, while Sam, Ken, Margaret and Alana were in the kitchen preparing the meal for the following day, the front door flew open, allowing some of the snow to come in to the manor. “Mom!” Sam and Alana cheered in unison as they sauntered towards the entryway. “We’re home!” Lynne announced as she and Nate walked into the entryway and shook off the snow. “Welcome home mom.” Alana smiled as she hugged her mother. “Hey Nate.” She cheered as she hugged her step-father. “Welcome back guys.” Sam smiled as she hugged them. “My babies! I’ve missed you two so much!” Lynne cheered as she looked at her daughters. “Is Nathaniel not with you?” She asked Alana. “No. I invited him, but he’s spending tomorrow with his sister. He came to Death’s Domain this morning and we ate breakfast and did our gift exchange.” Alana clarified. “What did he give you?” Nate asked. “The Polar Express bear from the bear building shop.” Alana blushed. “Awe, he must have remembered your favorite Christmas movie!” Lynne smiled.
It didn’t take long for everyone to eat dinner and get settled into the living room. The Christmas Eve movie that was chosen was Hogfather. As the movie progressed, and Death did the Hogfather’s job, Alana couldn’t help but be reminded of why she chose the Grim Reaper as her R.D.R avatar. It was, of course, an homage to her favorite incarnation of him. She never got over the part of him saving the little match girl in Hogfather. The scene in the movie was playing. “You’re not supposed to do that.” Alfred said as Death refilled the little match girl’s hourglass.  "The Hogfather gives presents. There's no better present than a future." Death pointed out as he picked the little girl up off the street. Terry Pratchett’s version of the Grim Reaper was what she wanted to resemble when doing her job.
After the movie was over, and everyone had gone to bed, Alana made sure to leave a pork pie and a glass of sherry for Santa with a note saying “The Hogfather likes this, maybe you’ll appreciate something different.”. She knew that no one would come for it, but she giggled at the principle of the thing. She went back to her room, put the bear Nathaniel gave her in her lap, texted Nathaniel “Goodnight”, and began reading her book. “I’ll just read a couple of chapters, then I’ll go to sleep.” She mused as she read.
The morning of Christmas Day was always a fun one. With no little kids waking up early to make a ruckus, it was up to Sam and Alana to wake up and begin the festivities. As Alana descended the stairs in her pajamas, she smelled bacon being cooked in the kitchen. “Merry Christmas fuckface!” Sam cheered as she stood over the stovetop. “Merry Christmas you overdeveloped cum shot!” Alana mused as she walked into the kitchen, pulled out a griddle and began preparing pancakes. As the pancakes cooked, Alana pulled out her phone and sent a “Merry Christmas” message to Nathaniel. He quickly came back with a “Merry Christmas” message. As the smell of the girls’ cooking became stronger, Ken, Lynne and Nate wandered into the room. “Smells delicious!” Lynne mused. “Can I have some?” Nate asked. “We’re eating good today!” Ken cheered.
Not long after breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Everyone had gotten dressed and was beginning to work on the next preparations for the evening feast. “They’re here early.” Sam smiled. “At this rate, they might as well spend the night here!” Alana commented as she went to open the door. “MELS!” Severina cheered as she threw her arms around her. “Hey Rini!” Alana mused as she hugged Severina. She looked at the people behind Severina. “Hey Viktor, aunt Verity!” She called. Viktor came into the manor holding a large stack of gifts. “Hey Mels!” He smiled as he did his best to balance the stack in his arms. “Do you need help?” Alana asked. “I’d appreciate it.” He sighed. She chuckled and took some of the packages away from him. “Thanks.” He smiled as they walked to the living room and set the presents around the tree.
Throughout the day, the manor filled with the Roster clan and close friends. Agatha, Seraphina, Kirk, Kai and Ravenna had all shown up. As soon as Kai had entered the living room, he was met with sharp glares from Viktor, Severina, Ken, Sam and Alana. “Already judging, I see.” Kai commented as he sat down in a chair in the corner. “If you weren’t so disrespectful, you wouldn’t be receiving this treatment.” Sam spat. “The least you can do is be a good little boy and remain silent.” Severina shot. “Oh, and don’t forget to thank OUR FAMILY for making sure your daughter doesn’t turn into a wretched disgrace like you!” Alana added. Ken and Viktor looked at each other, then shot Kai disgusted looks. “Come on? Nothing from you two?” Kai asked them. “The girls have got it covered.” Viktor stated as Ken nodded in agreeance. Kai then scoffed and left the room. He could be heard muttering the phrases “fucking assholes” and “no respect” as he walked out. A minute later, Ravenna ran into the room, Seraphina following suit. “MELS! SAMI! RINI! KEN! VIKY!” Ravenna cheered as she made her way around the room, giving everyone hugs. “Hey kiddo.”, “Hey Kid.”, “Merry Christmas Ravenna.”, “Good afternoon little one.” they all greeted. “Hey kids.” Seraphina smiled. “Hey Sera.” Alana grinned. “I see you’ve all instantly jumped on Kai.” Seraphina commented. “I know Christmas is about “Peace on Earth” and “Good will towards men”, but he’s been an insufferable prick the past few years, so, we’ll ignore peace and good will in an effort to show him that.” Sam explained. “Not to mention how he’s disrespected mom, Sam and me A LOT over the past few years!” Alana commented. “Sera, he has become a selfish, self centered, overly entitled, fool.” Severina stated. “Okay, I get it. But, can we please tone that down for the holiday? I’ll tell him to do the same.” Seraphina requested. Sam and Alana rolled their eyes. “Fine, I guess.” Sam sighed. “Whatever.” Alana shot.
It wasn’t long before the ham was in it’s final hours of cooking and everyone could gather in the living room to open presents. “Did you get something from Nathaniel?” Severina asked. “Yeah, that Polar Express bear that just came out.” Alana replied. “Awe! He remembered!” Severina cooed. Lynne began passing the presents out to everyone. Ravenna had gotten a bunch of toys from various genres. Superheroes from Alana, Anime from Sam and Ken, Sci-Fi from Lynne and Nate, and Princesses from everyone else. “Looks like her villains are up a creek without a paddle!” Alana joked. “Oh yeah! They won’t know what hit them!” Ravenna cheered. “Mels? Sam? Did you two not get Kai anything?” Seraphina asked. “Nope.” Alana replied. “Why would I?” Sam asked. Seraphina, and Lynne sighed. Kai opened the three presents he received. “Thanks guys.” He sheepishly grinned. Ken, Viktor, Agatha, Seraphina, Kirk, Margaret, Harold, Nate, Lynne and Verity opened their presents. “Thanks everyone.”, “This is so sweet!”, “You all know me!”, “This is lovely!”, “Thanks fam!”, “This is amazing!”, “So cute!”, “Fantastic!”, “I love it!”, “Divine!” they all cheered as they put the trash in the bag. Severina began to open her presents. “Oh my gosh! These are amazing!” She cheered. Alana had gotten her a collection of all of the Pokemon movies. Sam had gotten her a bunch of Sailor Moon items. Viktor had gotten her Disney stuff. The family got her various other things that was on her wish list. Sam opened her presents. The pile of items around Sam looked like an explosion of Batman. “This was awesome!” She beamed. Alana began to open her presents. Agatha gave her filaments for her 3D printer. Margaret gave her a Sailor Moon plush. Seraphina gave her a set of Stewart Semple’s paints. Lynne gave her figures of Death from the Discworld Emporium. Nate gave her Doctor Who items. Verity gave her a black, Doctor Who, long coat. Viktor gave her a Rowlet plush from Pokemon. Severina gave her a set of Sailor Moon Funko Pops. Then came Sam’s presents to her... Alana unwrapped the gift and instantly became awestruck. “Sam, this is a Hong Kong exclusive.” She commented. “Yeah, I got a contact to get it to me.” Sam replied. Alana picked up the item and showed everyone. In Alana’s hand was a portable power bank shaped like the Cosmic Heart compact from Sailor Moon. “There’s more in that box.” Sam smiled. Alana pulled out a Spiral Heart Rod selfie stick and a Cosmic Heart popcorn bucket from Universal Studios Japan. “See, it matches the Crystal Star and Cutie Moon Rod stuff I got for Rini!” Sam beamed. Tears came to Alana’s eyes. “Sam.” She sputtered. “Awe, come on! You know I love you!” Sam chuckled. “Awe!” A bunch of people smiled. 
After the trash from the presents had been cleared away, and all members who didn’t live in the house had put their presents in boxes and bags, Sam, Ken, Lynne, Seraphina, Agatha, Viktor and Alana put the food on the table. The dinner consisted of a massive brown sugar glazed ham, turkey, two different dressings, green bean casserole, yams, mashed potatoes, white gravy, cranberry sauce, carrots, croissants and rolls. The desert table was covered in beautiful snacks brought by several members of the family. Several Christmas themed cakes, snickerdoodles, several variations of sugar cookie, shortbread cookies, gingerbread cookies, divinity, home made hard candy, truffles, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, candy canes, and cheesecake. “I see the feast is a little extra cheery this year!” Verity beamed as everyone sat down. “Yes, this is a major year for our clan! We must celebrate it properly!” Seraphina smiled. “Let’s hope that the table will have more next year!” Agatha cheered. Alana smiled. “Hopefully, it will!” She cooed. Margaret whispered something to Lynne and Lynne stood up. Everyone turned their attention to Lynne. “Family, dear friends, each Christmas, our clan celebrates another year of love, life, and the pursuit of happiness. As the stories tell, this season is for “Peace on Earth” and “Good will towards men”. Our family is no different. The past few years, we have been through many hardships, and, while I know the hardships have yet to end, and I can say that, this past year has brought us many victories. That being said, this is a time to be thankful for what we have, and look forward for what’s to come. I know you all are working hard to achieve your dreams, just as I have. Thank you all for everything you are, and everything you do! Merry Christmas!” Everyone raised their glasses and toasted to Lynne’s speech. “Merry Christmas!” They all cheered.
When dinner ended, they cleaned everything up, got everyone’s “to go” boxes ready and the kids went into the living room. “Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.?” Sam asked. “Either way, someone is getting their ass kicked!” Alana cheered. “Let’s play Mario Kart! We played Smash last year!” Severina suggested. “I’m in.” Viktor cheered. “I’m out, I’m too full. I’ll sit and watch.” Ken sighed as he laid on the couch. Viktor, Severina, Sam and Alana proceeded to play video games for a couple of hours. Each match ending in cheers, someone groaning, and plenty of jokes and laughter.
Alana’s head had begun to hurt from the games, even with her glasses activated to “videogame mode”. “I’m gonna go to bed.” She yawned. “Okay, do you need help upstairs?” Viktor asked. “Nah, I’ll leave my presents down here, I’m just gonna go to sleep.” Alana smiled as she left the party and went to her room. Suddenly, her phone was vibrating. She took it out of her pocket, looked at it, and answered the call. Alana: “Good Evening Nathaniel.” Nathaniel: “Hey, Alana.” Alana: “I get a present and an evening phone call? It really is the most wonderful time of the year!” Nathaniel: “You sound like you’ve had fun.” Alana: “It would have been more fun if you had been here.” Alana put Nathaniel on speaker phone while she got changed into her pajamas. Nathaniel: “Alana....” Alana: “I know, I know.... You’re not ready for this yet. It’s a big thing to come to the Roster Family Christmas. Especially considering you’d be meeting Viktor, Severina and my aunt Verity. Oh, and we’re not officially back together yet.” Nathaniel: “You know...” Alana: “I know, it’s dangerous. You keep telling me that. But, you’re worth the danger. Not to mention, I’m me. I’ll survive.” Nathaniel: ... Alana took the call off of speaker phone and got into bed. Alana: “So? How was your holiday?” Nathaniel: “It was alright. I hung out with Amber for a while, then she had to spend time with our parents.” Alana: “So, for the most part, you just spent Christmas with Blanche?” Nathaniel: “Yeah.” Alana: “Well, next year, how about you spend Christmas with me?” Nathaniel: “Next year?” Alana: “Yeah. Amber can come too. We can even bring Blanche!” Nathaniel: -chuckles- “Maybe. When we get closer to that point.” Alana told Nathaniel how her Christmas went. Nathaniel: “Wow, you did have a lot of fun!” Alana: “It’s always a bit of a party around here at Christmas!” Nathaniel: “Would your family be okay if I came next year?” Alana: “Mom asked me why you didn’t come this year. Don’t worry, I told her that you and I aren’t fully official yet, and that you’re not comfortable.” Nathaniel: “Thanks Alana.” Alana: -yawns- “Of course. Hey, I’m really tired, I’m gonna go to sleep. Goodnight Nathaniel. Merry Christmas!” Nathaniel: “Okay. Goodnight and sweet dreams my Melody. Merry Christmas.” Alana ended the phone call, put her phone on the charger on her bedside table, grabbed the bear Nathaniel gave her, and curled up in bed. Viktor and Severina lightly knocked on her door, telling her that they’re staying the night and they’ll see her in the morning. Slow, calm, Christmas music rang through the house. Sam knocked on the door. “Mels! Don’t forget! We’re all having a snowball fight tomorrow! Rest up and prepare for battle!” She called. “’Night Mels!” Ken called. A couple of minutes later, Nate and Lynne called through her door. “Goodnight kiddo!”, “Sweet dreams sweetie!”. When the only thing that could be heard from outside her bedroom door was the Christmas music, Alana rolled over and muttered to herself. “He called me “his Melody”. She smiled.
As the calm took over the Roster Estate, the area felt an air of peace. The snow was still falling, the music was soothing, and everyone in the home felt warm and cozy. Sam and Ken snuggled up in their bed. Nate and Lynne cuddled in theirs. Kirk picked Ravenna up off the floor and took the child to bed. Harold had fallen asleep in a chair in the living room. Seraphina told Kai to quit complaining and go to bed, before having a cup of tea with Agatha and Margaret. Verity, Severina and Viktor took refuge in guest rooms. And Alana fell asleep without the fear of her nightmares waking her up in the middle of the night. Just as it should on Christmas, peace and love won, and for one night, all was well.
I have been wanting to write this one for a couple of years now. It was originally going to be a lot like the first Christmas event for MCLUL, but I ended up taking a lot of liberties.
Oh, for context.... Kai gets a lot of harsh treatment in this one... You might wanna read the Cousin Mels specials.... You’ll find out why the girls can’t stand him. He’s an entitled asshole. But, hey, every family has one of those.
Credit: @candysweetposts for Lynne’s sprite, and most of the components used to make Sam’s and Severina’s sprites. andanguyen for the background of the Roster Family Home
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riofann · 4 years
Meet The Parents
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GIF by: @leelakoiwolff​
A/N: Part of The Spooky Series
Warnings: some violence, cursing, mentions of smut, 18+ crowd
Things between you and your boyfriend Oscar were not going so great. The honeymoon phase was over and now it just seemed like all you two did was argue over dumb shit. You actually hadn’t talked or texted him in over a week after your last blow up, both of you had too much pride to back down. However today was ‘Santos Day’ and there was going to be a big party at Spooky’s house. All the Santos would be in attendance.
You and Letti had decided to bake a cake in celebration
“What type of cake should we bake?” she asked
“We should make it like the Santos sign, the cross and all”
“Oh yea! We should, good idea!” 
You both rush to the grocery store to grab all the ingredients you simply didn’t have enough at home. 
“How are things between you and Spook?” Letti asked
You shrug “I don’t know haven’t heard from him”
“Well hopefully with ‘Santos Day’ being today it will break the ice and we can double date again!” She was Sad Eyes' girlfriend. Very sweet young lady cared for Sad Eyes and Santos like they were her family. 
“Yea...” you said agreeing but deep down you weren’t so sure. The argument you had was so stupid you couldn’t even remember how it started, but it did, and one thing led to another which resulted in Oscar grabbing his things and leaving slamming your condo door behind him. 
~~~~As the time approaches you both get ready. You didn’t put much effort into your outfit, black jeans white top, and converse, you weren’t planning on staying anyway. You had a back up plan texting your cousin Sasha earlier in the day making plans to hang out with her and her boo. Even if it was third wheeling, you’re positive it would be better than having to pretend all was okay between you and Oscar. 
As you both arrive there are cars all over the street so finding parking was quite difficult. You had to walk a bit before you got to the house carrying cake in hand. 
“HHHEEEYYY!” Letti greets as she enters “Look what we brought!”
“Damn thats a cake?” Cesar asked 
“Yup we made it for ‘Santos Day’”
“Yo Spook!” Lucky one of his men called him to “Get in here!” 
Oscar slowly rose from his chair in the back of the house and walked in
“Look at the cake!” Lucky speaks to him pulling him in the direction of the cake 
(A/N:The cake is a replica of Cesar’s back tattoo, with cupcakes spelling out Happy Santos Day) 
“We made you a cake for ‘Santos Day’!” Letti says exited
“Hope you like it!” you added 
“Looks good, before we eat it call everybody into the house” Oscar said
You stood next to Letti and watched him give a speech, thanking The Santos for being his make up family and watching over his little brother Cesar. Afterwards it took you and Letti some time to cut and distribute either cupcakes or cake pieces to everyone, by the time you were done both Oscar and Sad Eyes had migrated back to their chairs in the back of the house and were just relaxing listening to conversations. Letti left to be by Sad Eyes before you did. You were doing a little bit more cleaning there were beer bottles and cans everywhere, red solo cups all over. You just wanted the place to be a little bit neater. 
When you step out to find the crew there's a couple girls sitting close to Oscar, flirting with him this was normal you had gotten used to it by now. 
All the ‘important’ Santos sat in the circle, as you approached the group a few attempted to offer you their seat but you declined and made your way to Oscar.
You bent over next to him putting your hand on his shoulder. “Hey!” he gave you that notorious mug and you quickly removed your arm, so much for breaking the ice he was still mad at you, “I'm gonna go, I’ll see you later okay?” He didn't respond, just give you a look you couldn’t read besides anger and irritation. “bye babe” you say before kissing his cheek
“Bye guys Happy ‘Santos Day’ drink up be merry yea?”  you speak to the group
“Where you going?” Letti asked 
“Yea what's up with that?” Sad Eyes chimed in
“Come on you can’t leave” someone else spoke up
“Sorry guys, my cousin Sasha and I made plans. I'll see you guys later.” you wave goodbye and quickly make your way down the driveway. Everyone knew there was bad blood between you two but nobody knew exactly what.
All eyes turned back to Oscar, who you feel boring a hole into your back
“Watch out” Letti said to Sad Eyes as she stood from his lap. “Y/N!” she called to you by this time you were walking down the street to your car. When she caught up you were wiping away your tears
“You can’t leave, talk to him”
“I’m tired of being the one who always surrenders Aletticia!” you vent
“Y/N come on you guys are good together”
“Maybe we aren't suppo...”
Before you can finish Oscar had caught up with you two and was standing a few feet back “What’chu guys talking about?”
You turned to look the other way while wiping away your tears 
“Nothing Spooky we’ll be in soon” Letti answers
“I gotta go” you say hugging Letti “I’ll talk to you later” 
“Vamos” Oscar called tilting his head backwards
Letti begun to walk towards him 
“Not’chu,” he points at you “You, Y/N vamos” “Oscar I have...” you protest 
He interrupts once again “Cancel them”  he said stepping closer 
“Fine” you said walking towards your boyfriend, you had given up and you knew if you made this an issue things might get worse 
“AAAYYEE you came back!” Sad Eyes celebrates
“Have a seat” Oscar says to you as you approach his chair 
“Yea!”  you say forcing a smile 
You text your cousin canceling movie night plans it worked out for her anyway, she was getting hot and heavy with her boo thing. 
When Oscar returns he has another beer bottle in hand and a red solo cup “Here” he said handing you the drink. “Taste it”  He knew beer wasn’t your thing, you hated it, you would rather go for the liquor. 
You take a sip and smile. He made it just how you like, sweet. “It's good thanks”
He pulls you to stand up before sitting down on the chair and pulling you on his lap. He adjusts a bit and you sit still, your back is straight up you haven’t relaxed into him yet, your body is tense against his. 
“You comfy?” he asks close to your ear
“Mhmm” you nod taking a sip 
“Ven aquí”  he says pulling you closer to him practically forcing you to lay on him wrapping one arm around you resting his hand on your thigh
You don’t make a noise but just sit and sip on your drink. You didn’t do well with confrontation let alone a full blown in your face argument. You always needed verbal confirmation that things were good between you two before you felt at ease again. 
Your phone vibrates and it's a text from Letti
Letti: TALK. TO. HIM
You look up at her scolding you. You know Oscar has seen the text because he chuckles out of nowhere. 
You sigh and run your fingers through your hair. 
“Changed your hair?” 
“Yea” you had made it lighter and added a few highlights “you like it?” 
“It's cool,” he could care less you could be bald and he would still think you were the baddest in the group “what’chu been up to?” 
“Just work” you answer curtly
He nods and takes a pull from his blunt. He blows out the smoke. 
Out of nowhere you squeal from the sensation that just hit you causing the group to look at you “Oscar!” You say smiling now trying to get out of his lap, he was pinching your sides knowing they are your ticklish spots
“What?” he asks smiling while he pinches your side again causing you to squeal 
“Stop” you squirming around his lap
“Talk to me then, like Letti said”
“About what?” you ask looking in his eyes 
“Okay what happened to your hand?” you ask the obvious
“Don’t worry about it”
You shrug “I have no other questions”
“I got a question”
It takes him a moment before he finally speaks “How come i ain’t never met any of your family only your grandma who used to live down the street”
You turn to look at him and hold a puzzling look
“What cat got your tongue?”
“No,” you were putting two and two together  “is that why you're mad at me?”
“Answer the question.” he responds calmly before taking another pull from his blunt
“You answer the question!” you could really be difficult to deal with sometimes. 
“I mean we been dating what six, seven months you’ve met my entire Santos crew i don’t  even know your moms first name”
“I don’t know” you shrug “we have never really talked about it, i didn't think you cared”
“You embarrassed of me or something?” his facial expression changed to a serious one
“No! I am not”
“So whats up then?”
“We literally haven’t talked about meeting my parents i didn't think it mattered but i am not embarrassed of you! Don't think that!” 
“So when can i meet them?” he asks challenging you
“Uh” you hesitate before answering “I can text them and find out when would be a good time”
“Do it then”
He nods “Yea”
“Its one in the morning”
“So? When they wake up they’ll see it”
“Okay” you say pulling out your phone and type the message “happy?” you ask showing him the text 
He raises his brow and shakes his head looking away 
“Hey” you say, making him look at you. “I am not embarrassed of you and I’m sorry if i made you feel that way.” 
“It’s cool, give me a kiss”
You leaned in to plant kisses on his lips. You two always did 3 meaningful kisses followed by an eskimo kiss
“There we go there we go!” Baldie, another one of his men, claps “WHOO that’s what we want to see!” You both flick him off before returning to the conversation. 
~~~~~A date was finally set for Friday night. Oscar was to pick you up from your condo and you were both to arrive by 7PM.
“Come on Y/N we are late!” he fusses, he was so anal about time
“It’s fine i guarantee you my mom is waiting for me to help her cook”
“Yea but i don't want my first impression to be bad i already got strikes against me”
“Like what?”
He counts on his fingers “Like my tattoos, my occupation, my record”
You shrug “I dont care about those”
“But your parents will”
“Are you dating them or me?” you challenge 
“Ay! Esta mujer! Vamos!”
“Okay! okay! im done sheesh!”
You both don't say much during your ride there. Truth be told you were both nervous. When you pull up to the affluent community, Oscar feels his nerves raging he didn’t care about them not liking him but what if they influenced you to feel the same?
He parks the car looking at the houses around him 
“DAMN you lived like this?” He asked 
“Yea” you shrug it was nothing special to you but for someone who grew up like Oscar it was something
“Ready?” you ask as you hold his hand pulling him towards the house
You open the door and call out, “Mom?” the dogs start barking, two Samoyeds run up, “Hi Tweety, Hi Sylvester, how are you I missed you!”  you greet them, Oscar does the same bending down to rub their heads, “Mom? Dad?”
You hear talking further into the house “they must be in the kitchen come on” 
You walk through the house and find them deep in conversation, in the kitchen 
“Hey mom, hi dad”
“Ahh Y/N you finally made it!” your dad comments he stands up and  glances at his watch. Oscar could pinch you right there “right on time!” He walks up and gives you a hug
“Hi sweety” your mom chimes in, giving you a hug too
“Hi mom this is Oscar, my boyfriend, Oscar my mom and dad Jennifer and Nicolas” 
“Nice to meet you son, come here” your dad said pulling him in for a hug
“Hi give me a hug too” 
“Nice to meet you guys”
“You guys got here right on time, dinner is almost ready! Y/N why don’t you help your mom finish up” he speaks to you before turning to Oscar  “let's go for a chat shall we? What's your poison?” your dad asked
“I'm good with anything sir,” this was his first time meeting parents. “Oh no, Call me Nicolas”
The two men walk away and your mom’s smile drops
“Really Y/N?”
“What mom?”  you say preparing yourself 
“Him? Of all people Him?” 
“Yes HIM” 
“What about Brett”
“Oh you mean the piece of shit who cheated on me repeatedly?”
She huffed handing you the salad bowl “what do you think is gonna happen, hmm? That you two can live happily ever after?”
“Why can't we live happily in the moment?” you argue 
“How long have you been dating?”
“Almost 7 months”  you mumble 
“7 MONTHS!” 
On the patio Oscar and your dad’s head snap at the direction of the scream
“Don’t mind them so tell me about yourself Oscar,” he motions to his cheek indicating the same spot as Oscar’s tattoo “is that tattoo real?”
“Killed someone? That's what that means right?”
Oscar adjusts in his seat “Something like that?” he wasn’t sure how much he should reveal of himself. 
“Well did you?”
“No, attempted, self defense” he takes a sip of his whiskey
“When did you get out?”
“Bout a year ago”
Your dad nodded as he analyzed his outfit. You had told Oscar to be his true self and not change a thing, so he was dressed in his Cholo garb
“The other tattoo?” He turns so your dad can see all of it “Santos” “Your gang?”
Your dad adjusts in his seat “So what plans do you have for yourself Oscar? Do you plan on being in a gang your whole life?”
“Honestly?” he was going to reveal his true feelings to another person, that would make two, you and your dad. 
“Yea honestly”
“Honestly im kinda tired of it, trying to figure out how to get out but things are kind of complex”
“How’d you get involved?” 
Oscar tells him the family history all of it, might as well tell him now and hold nothing back 
“Wow i'm sorry to hear that must have been rough”
He shrugs “I made it through”
“How long have you been dating my daughter”
“7 months”
“Wow! She kept you hidden for 7 months, we didn’t even know, as much as she came over we would have never known.”
“Yea it was my idea, for us to meet” 
Your dad nodded, “I know you know my concern is my daughter’s safety at all times” 
“She's safe with me”
“I don’t question her being safe with you. It's been 7 months and she hasn’t come back with a scratch on her. My concern is how involved she is in your gang life”
“She's not” 
“She's not?”
“No she knows what we do but i’ve never asked her to step in and do something on behalf of the gang”
“Okay good because my concern is not so much that you two are dating more or don't throw your life away because of loyalty to..”
Oscar cuts him off knowing where the conversation was going. “I get it. I would never ask her to do that. I actually want my brother to leave the gang life too”
“Well good i’m glad we have an understanding”
“Honey!” your mom calls from the patio door
“Perfect timing again! Come on Oscar let's go eat! I hope you like italian” 
They both stood up and begin to walk slowly towards the kitchen
“If you ever need anything, in regards to your exit from your uh ‘club’ let me know and i will see what i can do”
“Thank you, I appreciate that”
“No problem anytime my friend, anytime”
Dinner was awkward between you and your mom.  There was a huge argument over you dating Oscar, but otherwise the conversation was kept light. Afterwards you both hang around, allowing mostly your mom to get to know him better before you leave. 
You both get in and say nothing for a few minutes until you hit the highway. 
“What did you and my dad talk about?” you ask 
“Don't worry about it” he says looking over at you flashing a smile
You knew that was good news you didn’t need to know the details
“What was that screaming we heard?” he asks you 
“Oh uh my mom was upset that i kept you hidden for almost 7 months”
“Did you tell her it was your fault?”
“YES” you roll your eyes
“What did she say?”
“She wasn’t happy” 
“And?” he knew that wasn’t all of it
“And said other things you know typical mom stuff” 
“She doesn’t like me huh?” he says knowing the truth you were hiding
“Yet, doesn't like you yet”
Your mind drifts off to the conversation in the kitchen
“Mom!” you didn’t want Oscar to hear you two
“What? 7 fucking months you’ve been dating that!....that!...” 
“Human being” you cut her off before she said something else more degrading
“Why would you throw your life away?” she now stands across from you 
“I am not throwing my life away I still work at the firm, my behavior hasn’t changed, He hasn't asked me to do anything”
“Oh my god of course”
“Yet Y/N! What if you are in danger?” “He will protect me!”
“How? By brandishing a gun and shooting it? Then what about you huh? If you get shot?”
“I won't”
“Yet Y/N do not mom me! I knew i shouldn’t have allowed you to go visit your grandmother”
“He is not that type of person!”
“Are you serious right now?”
She moves to stand closer to you “Riddle me this. Are you willing to pull out a gun and shoot?”
“What about him? Huh? Are you willing to shoot someone on his behalf?”
You shrug “Yes why not?” 
“So you're just gonna throw your life away like that?”
“Mom, dad has guns, are you telling me if some person came to hurt you guys you wouldn't defend yourself and dad?”
“I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is when you associate yourself with people like him it's hard for society to see your true intentions, you will be reduced to nothing but a gang banger girlfriend.”
“Mom can you give him a chance, please!” 
“And he has a teardrop tattoo! So that means he has done time in prison?”
“Yea so what?” you shrug She stood back shocked by your nonchalant attitude“Y/N i honestly don’t know who you are anymore!” 
“I was the same daughter who came to visit last week. You didn’t have concerns about my person then!” 
“Because you were hiding him from me!” 
“Because I knew you would react like this!”
She threw her hands up in frustration “Y/N I can’t do this with you!” “Mom, I don't want to date rich guys. I want to date regular people. All the money we had and i still ended up depressed with anxiety and all the boys and men I have dated they didn't care about me the way he does. So can you please just give him a chance?” you beg
She scoffed “and you think you’re so special huh?” “Yes!” 
“I can't believe you. I am very disappointed in you. I raised you better!”
“This is why i kept him a secret”
She scoffs “don’t put this on me!”
“Fine it's my fault i'm a shitty daughter i’m a big disappointment. Sorry i couldn’t find a rich guy to fuck like you did” you argue back
You feel a sting across your face, “typical” you say as you hold your cheek. This was part of the reason you moved out. You two just couldn’t seem to get along. 
“You watch your tone!” she threatens now squaring up with you, waving her finger in your face
You take a deep breath and move back “You seem to easily forget where you grew up.” You wipe away the tears. Your voice breaks as you speak “I don’t need your approval. I don't need dad's approval. I really care about him, mother, he makes me happy, he takes care of me, he keeps me safe, isn't that all that matters?”
“What if he gets locked up?”
You shrug “Then he gets locked up!” 
“Are you gonna wait 10 years? Waste your life away waiting for some thug to get out of jail before you live life?”
You take in a deep breath before you speak “He wouldn't let me do that. We already discussed this. As soon as he goes to jail we are done. And that's part of the reason why he is trying so hard to NOT go back”
“I don't know what to say”
“Just give him a chance. I tried it your way I really did. But the men of today aren’t like dad, the rich spoiled men aren’t like dad they don’t care and they all treated me like shit. Oscar has never done that to me”
“When all of this comes crashing down don’t ever say, i never warned you”
“That's okay i know dad has my back even though you don’t” you say as you walk away 
“Y/N!” she huffed as you walked away. 
“Y/N!” Oscar calls your name 
“Hmm!?” you say turning to face him  He rubs on your thigh “You okay bebita?” 
“Mhmm!” you hum taking his hand into yours
“I asked what you want to do? My place or yours?”
You shrug “doesn’t matter to me.”
He nods heading over to your place. 
The rest of the night goes smoothly but you can’t seem to get your mind off of the conversation you and your mom had. You don’t really sleep but listen to him snore lightly. Maybe your mom is right. Were you being that naive?  It was easier to pretend when your parents didn’t know anything but now it felt like reality was hitting you hard. And you start to remember the run-ins with The Prophets and how things were fine one second and the next it was war. You think about the gun he gifted you to protect yourself, it stayed in the night stand drawer.  He has shown you how to shoot it, how to load it, how to clean it, unjam it, all of that. What about your safety? You lived in a condo downtown with parking underneath the building, you started to wonder if he had been followed to your place, What about you? Had you been followed? Do his enemies know where you live? Do they know the car you drive? Should you get another car? What about your job? Your friends? Now your parents.  It was all too overwhelming and you didn’t have concrete answers for all it. 
When morning arrives you ease your way out of bed careful to not wake him up, you sit in the living room staring at the walls drinking tea, deep in thought. When you hear him wake up you rush to the kitchen pretending to make something for breakfast, so you pull out eggs, bacon, and fruit. 
“Morning” he greets you with sleep laced in his voice, you loved his sleepy voice 
“Hey good morning”
“Kiss” he states leaning down for your 3 kisses and Eskimo kiss “mmm making me breakfast?”
He smacks your ass 
“Hey!” You say holding onto it
He smirks and you know that look all too well “what if i only want you for breakfast?” he asks picking you up placing you on the counter
“I’m not food”
“Speak for yourself”
You giggle as he bombards your neck and lips with kisses “baabbee” you whine
“Hmm?” he hums paying you no mind, he was preoccupied
“I have to cook”
“My meal is hot and ready” he says cupping your pussy
You erupt in laughter
“No seriously” you say pushing him away
“Why you being stingy?” he pouts playfully
You lean down to kiss his lips “I am not!” “You know i need it at least 3 times a week!”
“You got it 4 times this week” you counter back
“I can’t help myself it's so good, you got me feenin”
“Really Oscar”
“Plus 1 of them was a quickie so it didn’t count” 
“You came! So it actually does count” 
“Okay how ‘bout we go for the record do it all 7 days?” 
You laugh at his proposal, but you’re becoming weak to the temptation, he knows what buttons to push to get you going. The spatula you're holding drops to the floor, a result of you wanting to pull him in closer. He pulls you forward so your bottom half is hanging off the edge, he gently pushes you down on the cold counter. With one swift move he removes your shorts and underwear. You wrap your legs around his body so you don’t feel like you’re going to fall. He rubs up and down your thighs lightly, he knows you're anticipating  his next move. You roll your hips against his growing hardness. He reaches down and flicks your clit  with this thumb causing you to jolt away from him.
He grabs you holding you in place “don't run, i’m flicking the bean over here”
You can’t help but laugh, sex with him was just as goofy as it was intimate 
You watch as he returns his thumb to its place right on your clit and starts rubbing it in circular motions 
“I think i’m in love” he comments
“Are you talking to me or it?” you ask now curious 
“Shit i don’t know” he answers not looking up at you, he was mesmerized 
Before things get going his phone rings he groans in frustration but he is on a mission. It stops ringing and you hear it chiming meaning someone was texting him before it rings again this time you grab his wrist
“It could be important.”  It is important, phone calls signaled trouble
“Fuck men i can’t win!” he complains as he walks away from you. He picks up the phone and closes the door. You can’t hear much but after a few minutes he exits fully dressed. Gotta go
“Okay be safe” 
“I need my kisses,”  he says leaning in to give you a kiss. It didn’t matter how bad things were, he wasn't going to leave without getting his 3 kisses and nose kiss. You two actually argued about it once. He called them his ‘good luck kisses.’
A/N: as always please let me know what you think
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
It’s Sin  (Prophecy Update)
By Daymond Duck    Published on:  August 29, 2021
On Aug. 17, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland warned that “we are suffering as a world because of our sins (promoting abortion, homosexuality, and oppressing ordinary citizens) and failing to recognize God as the Creator and true author of life.”
Strickland urged Christians to stand for the “truths of the faith” and said, “They (godless world leaders) can kill us, seriously curtail our freedoms, but they can’t take away the very essence of who we are: free beings that can choose to say yes to God or not.”
This writer agrees with the bishop.
America’s problem is sin: political corruption, judicial corruption, moral corruption, the Church is lukewarm and declining, etc.
We’ve thrown God out of our schools.
We’ve thrown God out of our courts.
We’ve thrown God out of our government.
We’ve thrown God out of our homes.
We’ve thrown God out of our churches.
We’ve drenched our land with the blood of innocents (abortion).
We have openly blasphemed our God for ages, in books, movies, and the media, but even Christians have come to regard it as ‘normal.’
We have elected unbelievers to rule over us that want to establish a godless world government and religion.
These are not the characteristics of a Christian nation or sins that a holy God will tolerate forever from a nation that was created under God.
Payday has arrived for America and the world, and it is our own fault.
There is still hope for individuals that have truly accepted Jesus as their Saviour (the Rapture), but there is no hope for those that have joined the Church without truly trusting in Jesus (unless they do it before they die or before the Rapture).
Hopefully, this writer is wrong, but it is possible that America has reached a point of no return, that God has already decided to bring our sin-filled nation down, and it’s possible that America will never recover.
One, concerning the impact of Afghanistan’s fall on world government and wars and rumors of wars:
Many Americans don’t believe Biden is in charge, and there are calls to remove him, but removing him won’t remove America’s godless shadow government (the CFR and their minions) or alter their efforts to establish a one-world government by 2030 or sooner. If the shadow government orders Biden removed, it will be because they are afraid he will cost them control of the House and/or Senate, and they don’t want to risk that.
The debacle in Afghanistan has convinced many world leaders that America can no longer be relied upon to lead the free world (America’s military is still strong, but America’s civilian leaders are corrupt, inept, and unreliable. U.S. Sec. of State Blinken admitted receiving a cable from about two dozen diplomats warning that the Taliban could seize Afghanistan in a hurry if Biden removed the troops. An Audit uncovered by the group called “Open the Books” listed 600,000 weapons; 75,000 Humvees, armored personnel carriers, tactical vehicles, mine-resistant vehicles, etc.; $200 million dollars worth of drones; 208 planes/helicopters in Afghanistan).
China now believes it can attack Taiwan and get away with it.
North Korea now believes it can attack South Korea and win because America’s leader is weak and indecisive.
Russia, Iran, and Turkey now believe they can march into Israel, and the U.S. will do nothing.
China, Russia, and Iran have now scheduled joint military drills in the Persian Gulf for later this year or early next year.
Israel now knows that her enemies no longer fear her number one ally (the U.S.), and Israel must now act in Israel’s own best interests.
The EU now knows that something is wrong in America, and the EU must build up its military if the EU wants to remain free.
America is no longer the world’s number one superpower, and the decline of America is just what the globalists needed to bring in their godless one-world government and religion. (George Soros gave millions to the campaigns of the Clinton’s, Obama and others who were in favor of weakening America to eventually bring in the NWO. George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and the Rockefellers were also strong supporters of the NWO.)
As Jan Markel so often says, “Things are not falling apart; things are falling into place” (lining up exactly the way the Bible says they will at the end of the age).
Update one: On Aug. 18, 2021, the U.K. Parliament held Pres. Biden in contempt for withdrawing from Afghanistan and called his decision “catastrophic” and “shameful.” This reflects the thinking of one of America’s strongest allies.
Phase 1 of the Globalist plan to establish the New World Order was to create trading blocks of nations, and many trading blocks are now in existence.
Phase 2 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is to remove America as the undisputed leader of the free world and replace it with leaders from ten groups of nations (Ten Kings). It is the opinion of this writer that America has been deliberately disgraced, world leaders will soon say Biden is not mentally capable of leading the free world, the U.S. must be replaced – they will select ten leaders from ten trading blocks of nations, and the U.S. will be in the trading block known as the USMCA (United States, Mexico, and Canada).
Phase 3 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is for the Ten Kings to empower one man to rule over the entire world. This will be done after the Rapture.
In addition to seeing the global development and advancement of technology and policies that will lead to the Mark of the Beast – forced compliance, development of passports or passes, a demand for government databases to track people, a demand to prevent the unvaccinated from entering stores to buy or sell, the spread of anti-Christian rhetoric, etc. – we are seeing the development of the government that will use that technology and force the Mark upon the world.
Remember that the goal is to have it up and running by 2030 or sooner if possible.
It is likely that Satan’s man with a plan is alive and well right now.
This writer also believes that God is showing us these things to remind us of what Jesus said in the Book of Revelation, that He knows the end from the beginning, and there is a great need for us to repent of our sins.
Two, the Bible teaches that the Kings (plural) of the East will invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 16:12).
The Bible doesn’t identify the Kings of the East, but many prophecy experts have long expressed the opinion that they will include China, North Korea, and other nations.
China now has the largest navy in the world; China is expected to soon be the number one economy in the world; China has built a railroad and highway to the Middle East; China has already reached out to the Taliban government in Afghanistan; and China is seeking to negotiate a deal with the Taliban to mine an estimated one trillion dollars of essential minerals in Afghanistan.
Three, on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that even though the Biden administration says it is evacuating people from Afghanistan for free, a State Dept. official admitted that they are charging U.S. citizens up to $2,000 per person to get them out (more for non-U.S. citizens).
The Taliban has taken over the banks and emptied the ATMs, so some evacuees are being forced to take out a loan from the U.S. government.
Four, concerning persecution, on Aug. 22, 2021, it was reported that Christians are facing imminent death in Afghanistan, women and young girls are facing rape, beatings, and forced marriages (candidate Biden said he is a good Catholic and he loves women and children).
Five, concerning persecution and the days of Noah (great wickedness): on Aug. 24, 2021, the Head of the UN Human Rights Council said she has received credible reports that the Taliban is executing civilians and members of the Afghanistan Security Forces.
The blood of these victims is on the hands of those (the shadow government and Mr. Biden) that have deliberately weakened the U.S.
Six, concerning the refusal to let people buy and sell unless they take the Mark of the Beast during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 13:15-18): on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that some very large French supermarkets in areas where there is a high rate of Covid are requiring people to show a valid government-issued Covid pass before allowing them to enter to purchase food.
The only two ways to get a valid government-issued Covid pass are: 1) proof of vaccination, or 2) proof of a negative Covid test in the last 72 hours.
For years, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying this is coming.
Some French citizens are refusing to be vaccinated, and thousands are protesting by marching and demonstrating.
During the Tribulation Period, those that refuse to take the Mark will be killed.
Seven, concerning peace, Israel and the Arabs: on Aug. 13, 2021, Israel and Morocco announced that they will open reciprocal embassies within two months.
Eight, concerning deceit:
we were told that candidate Biden didn’t know anything about Hunter’s business dealings with other nations (Hunter’s laptop proves otherwise);
we have been told that America is back (but America is going down);
that domestic terrorists plotted to take over the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, (but the FBI found little to no evidence of that);
that there is no crisis on our border (but children are in cages and Covid is being deliberately spread from there);
that there is no crisis in Afghanistan (but it is now a terrorist state);
that U.S. military leaders advised Biden against pulling our troops out of Afghanistan before he removed our people and weapons (but he trusted the Taliban instead of trusting our military leaders);
that there was no election fraud (but the Arizona audit proves there was);
that masks offer no protection (but everyone should wear a mask);
that a vaccination will protect us from Covid (but we need a booster shot because vaccinated people are getting Covid);
Climate Change is the greatest threat to America (but sin is the greatest threat to America);
Biden will unite America (but he says all white Republicans are racists), etc.
There is no reason not to tell these whoppers because big tech and most of the media ignore them.
The Satanic Antichrist will have to be terrible to out-deceive this administration.
Think about it; Democrats impeached the previous president over something he didn’t say in a phone call.
Nine, here is some of this writer’s thinking on what we may be seeing:
Islam believes in world government and world religion, but the Radical Muslims want it to be an Islamic world government and world religion.
They are fighting and dying to accomplish that.
God will allow a world government and world religion to rise and exist for seven years (the Tribulation Period), but it will not be Islamic.
Some Muslims will perish in the Psa. 83 war (if that is an end of the age prophecy, and this writer believes it is).
Some Muslims will perish in the destruction of Damascus (Isa. 17).
Some Muslims will perish in the attempted Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel (Ezek. 38-39).
Some Muslims will perish when the Antichrist plunders Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia during the Tribulation Period (Dan. 11:43).
It is likely that some will perish when the Kings of the East invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 16:12).
Russia and China are already wooing Afghanistan, and this writer is not sure which group Afghanistan will wind up in (the Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel or the Kings of the East), but this writer is sure that Afghanistan will wind up in the right group and Jehovah will not allow Allah to have His (Jehovah’s) glory.
Jehovah could even be drawing the Taliban into a coalition that will soon be defeated and an embarrassment to Allah.
This writer believes that Russia, China, Iran, and other radicals will now think an evil thought (America is weak; America is preoccupied with Covid, Climate Change, the Woke culture, etc.; it is time to strike; time to plunder Israel; time to create an Islamic Caliphate, etc.).
The prophesied end of the age wars and rumors of wars could be on the horizon.
Biden abandoned billions of dollars of high-tech weapons in Afghanistan; some are already finding their way to Russia and China, but they are nothing compared to the power of God.
The globalists will use the defeat of these nations to establish a world government and religion under the Antichrist and False Prophet.
America’s problem is sin, and I believe we are the only generation in history that could be the terminal generation.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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yentotajaan · 4 years
Repercussions II: Wasp’s Nest
Yen’to wandered up to the library with a sense of foreboding. The reason for the meeting was unclear, but with Khan anything was possible. As he entered the library proper, he spied Strega and Khan already present. Damn... thought I would have some moments of peace to prepare for the drunken rambling that is sure to ensue. They engaged in a bit of small talk as they waited, much to Yen’to’s annoyance, but it was not long before the others who saw the posting started filtering in. Annoyance shifted rapidly to surprise at the steadily increasing number of attendees: Alyona, Alaric, Kouronne, Silf, Luka, Ghost, Lalatua, and Ramius. A mixture of new and old employees.... but Alaric does not even work for Lady Faye, does he? How did Khan rope him in? 
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The lingering questions were soon cleared up -  Ramius indicated that he was the one that called the meeting rather than Khan. Oh good... maybe this time the briefing will actually be coherent. A strange screen popped out of a device on Ramius’ back, some sort of video feed from one of his drones that apparently captured sight of a suspicious person frequently loitering in the hills around the Shroudrose. Ramius wanted everyone to go out and attempt to find, capture, and interrogate the suspicious target. There were transmissions that potentially linked him to Garleans. I would say this sounds easy enough, but every time I have said that the complete opposite was true. Nothing involving Khan is every that simple.
As they began leaving the Shroudrose grounds, it was not long before Ramius spotted someone suspicious on a path up a nearby hill, leaning against a tree. At his suggestion, they split up to approach from different directions and hopefully catch the person in a pincer. Yen’to took about half of the group while Ramius took the remainder, and upon his signal they approached a visibly panicking miqo’te. He could not be more suspicious even if he was trying...
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The unlucky miqo’te was sweating and fidgety, and cracked under pressure almost immediately. As he was not so gently prodded for answers, some in the group began remarking that they smelled smoke. That is odd... did something spark out in the forest? It is not storming, though. The sounds of bells clanging and shouts from Wood Wailers began filtering in from the south, where smoke was streaming into the sky. What in the... that looks like houses are on fire! Before anyone could figure out exactly what was happening, the twang of bows being drawn nearby forced everyone to take cover. Arrows loosed found their target easily - the poor panicking miqo’te spy. Strega and Alyona attempted to keep him alive while Yen’to and Kouronne returned fire with their gun and bow.  Their targets were dressed like Wood Wailers, complete with wooden masks. Oh no... saboteurs?!
The two saboteurs went down quickly, a bit too dead to question. Ramius began picking up strands of chatter from the wounded spy’s linkshell, prompting him to scan for aether currents with his goggles. I swear, that man has a gadget for every occasion. The linkshell chatter made it clear that they were dealing with Garlean infiltrators. Yen’to barely had time to absorb this information before Ramius pointed them north. The band cautiously made their way forward before pausing at a bend in the path.
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Half a dozen arrows whizzed by, forcing everyone to press up against the hill just before the bend in the path. Yen’to, Ramius, and Kourunne ran out to fire back at the archers, easily cutting the ambush short. Or so they thought. A shout came from the bushes nearby to “cut down the savages”, and more ‘wood wailers’ leapt out, flanking the party and trapping them in the middle of the path - lancers in the rear and more archers in the front. Damn it -- with the actual guards distracted by those fires we are on our own!
The fighting was brief but brutal. Yen’to yelped as an arrow embedded itself into his leg above the knee, avoiding the armored greaves he hoped would have protected him. Buckling down, he managed to level his rifle and return fire, felling his attacker. Most of the others managed far better, and the Garleans soon came to realize that underestimating tea house employees was a surprisingly bad idea. Lalatua used both fire and ice magic to great and terrifying effect, while Luka ended up burning and melting one of the wooden masks into a hapless soldier’s face. 
The other Garleans fell one by one, but they managed to also injure Alyona before being defeated. Most of the ambushers were dead, but a few laid wounded and moaning. As with the spy, Alyona called Khan over the linkshell to gather the wounded Garleans. Hmph, I say let them bleed out... but the dead do not give up secrets. Once again, Ramius utilized his goggles to pick up the trail and the group rushed in the direction of the ferry docks. Or all but Yen’to rushed, who could only do a hurried limp at this point.
As they approached the docks, they could see the Garleans’ sloop shrinking in the distance as it sped away. There was only one remaining boat at the docks,  with a goblin skipper drinking away the day nearby. He seemed wary at first of the anxious group, but a bag full of gil changed his tune. He promptly called over his own linkpearl to Khan that he was taking a break and that Khan could go fook himself. Oh gods -- this is Khan’s ship?!
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The little sloop had seen better days, and seemed to be held together by little more than rusty nails, rotting boards, and pure hope. ... Do I also smell liqour? It had a black flag emblazoned with red glasses, reminiscent of the pair worn by Khan. A kobold on deck gave them a happy little wave and nonchalantly returned to swabbing the deck.  This... both makes complete sense and is utterly stupid. At the urging of Lalauta and Strega, Yen’to sat down to take the weight of his injured leg. Strega once again took the opportunity to stab him with a magitek medical device, despite their previous discussion about advance warnings. At the direction of Ramius, the others grabbed what they could to use as oars and employed aero magic in an attempt to catch up with their targets.
‘Their’ ship came within a few dozen yalms of the Garleans before a shout came from behind some rocks in the river, and another boat slipped out and sped in their direction. Seven hells, how many ambushes are we going to stumble into?! The party braced for impact, and the two boats soon collided and locked into place. Belting out war cries, the Garlean boarding party swarmed onto Khan’s floating coffin.
Yen’to had managed to stand by this point, and upon seeing a saber swinging his way he managed to block it with his armored gauntlet, then returned the favor by slamming the butt of his rifle into the man’s head like a club. Alaric had ripped off one of the boards from the deck to use as a makeshift weapon; a vhan below deck looked up through the hole and simply returned to whatever it was doing.  Uh... I hope that bit was not important. Ramius finished off the remaining Garleans with his quick-firing pistol, and managed to free the boats by cutting entangled ropes. 
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Upon arriving at shore, they were met with a scene of carnage. Dockworkers and a few Wood Wailers were crumbled on the ground, seriously wounded but not yet dead.  A jumble of tracks led deeper into the woods. Alyona once again used the linkshell to inform Khan that there were wounded that needed tending, but his response was a complaint that it would take a while because someone had stolen his boat. ... Oops? Well, that is what he gets for being sloppy! One of the injured workers confirmed where the Garleans fled, and the group was soon hot on their heels.
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The party caught up to the remaining Garleans soon enough, who were busy at work doing something near a patch of trees. They did not have long to observe the enemy before being spotted, and a Garlean officer called for his troops to form up. They did so with alarming speed and precision, and soon let loose a fusillade of bullets from their gunblades. Thankfully, their aim was not as precise as their formation but a few in Ramius’ group were still hit. Damn it... if I die here I am killing Khan!
The gloves were off now, and no mercy was to be given. Yen’to finally activated his machinist aetherotransformer and spewed a gout of flame from the end of his rifle towards an unfortunate clump of Garleans. The others did not hold back either, letting loose with their fiercest techniques to utterly obliterate their targets in a storm of explosions and fire. I almost feel sorry for the bastards.... almost. As the smoke cleared, it was made apparent what the Garleans had been concerned with - a secret door leading underground. 
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Cautiously, the group made their way into the underground store room. It was unlit and barely any light made its way inside. Yen’to’s moon-keeper eyes quickly adjsuted to the darkness, but few of the others were so lucky. Lalatua used some aether to light up her staff, and what it revealed gave everyone pause.
There were numerous desks and cabinets filled with papers, and posters and flyers covered the walls alongside maps. Almost in a stupor, they fanned out to dig through the papers to figure out exactly what they were dealing with. It was worse than suspected. On the largest desk, there was a stack of flyers with names and brief descriptions, many from previous missions with Khan:
Faye Covington, Silf Silverwood, Mocking Bird, Yen’to Tajaan, Elyn Merielle, Mako, Strega, Deccan, Ramius Raske, Khuron Khan.
By the Twelve.... these are signed by tribunus Lucian. He knows so much! How?! Aside from Lucian’s signature, there were directives commenting on multiple phases and local assets. Some of the other posters had vaguely familiar sketches, but were lacking descriptions. Sensing time was of the essence, everyone gathered whatever they could carry and made haste back to the Shroudrose to disseminate the information later and lick their wounds.
All this from one little information gathering mission that went sideways almost a moon ago. If the Garleans do not kill us, Lady Faye just might.
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idorkish · 4 years
The Reaper’s Angel: Fly Away - Chapter 8
Warnings: Smut/mention of smut. Cursing, 
 Thank you so much to those who have stuck around. This section is quickly coming to an end. Please be gentle with me, it’s a long time since writing smut! Also, this is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine. LOL 
Need to catch up? Check out Reaper’s Angel Masterlist 
Angel had been back in Charming for three months when she finally ran into him. Well, it was more that she crashed into him as she wasn’t paying attention in the store. Angel stared wide-eyed over her cart, her fingers gripping the handles tightly. “D-d-David?”
David looked up and smiled, “Angel! Shit, I’m sorry, I should have looked where I was going. I’m zoning out today. What have you been up to? How ya been?”
“Just moved back to Charming. Working at the garage for now. What about you? Thought you were still in the Marines?”
David rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. “Nah. It was time for me to leave. I missed being home. I’m actually working at the police station now. Started a couple of months after I got back to Charming.”
Angel couldn't help but smile at him. It had been years since they last saw one another. Their last interaction hadn't left them on any good terms but Angel couldn't help but take in how much David had Changed. 
"Wow, you? A cop? Well damn. David Hale, all grown up and protecting little ol’ Charming.”
He smiled and gave a small shrug. “Look I know this might seem odd, considering, well you know," David cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck, "But, um, I was thinking that we could catch up over lunch, or dinner if that’s better? Sometime soon hopefully?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Angel smiled a bit at her lower lip. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the butterflies in her stomach when he asked her. How could it be that he made her feel like a teen all over again? 
“Well, I’d eventually like to. But this time, it'll just be us catching up and nothing more. I’m sure you still got the club on your ass about who you’re hanging out with. Wouldn’t want to have the charter buckle down on you more than I’m sure they already are.”
Angel barked out a laugh and quickly covered her mouth, her eyes wide but sparkling with amusement. She did a quick look around their surroundings and let out a sigh of relief that no one was paying them any attention. He was right, the last thing she needed was everyone in the club becoming more overprotective of her. “Always the charmer Hale. I’m free tomorrow night. 7:30 pm. Granted, it might not be a good idea to stay in Charming, considering, well ya know.”
“7:30. I know a place out in Lodi that’s nice. We can meet there. I’ll send you the address and everything.” David couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He had left things on bad terms with Angel, and there wasn’t a moment he didn’t regret that. Once he had left her that day, he knew he fucked up but it was too late. He had made his mind up and hadn’t looked back. This didn’t mean that Angel never crossed his mind. No, no. She was always on his mind. Over the years, he wondered what she was doing, if she was still in Charming or if she went to school in Arizona like they had planned. This was a good start for reconciliation and David was hopeful that nothing would fuck this up. 
The next evening couldn't arrive quickly enough for Angel. She was fidgeting the whole day and avoided Gemma as much as possible.  She loved that woman but knew she wouldn't stop badgering Angel for information.  This was something Angel needed to keep for herself.  When Bobby cornered her in the garage office, Angel claimed she was just excited to see a college friend in Lodi that evening.  Her father took the vague answer and shrugged,  just reminding her to be safe and keep her phone charged. Angel had no idea how she managed to get them to not have someone go with her, but she knew better than to test fate. 
By quitting time, Angel was rushing home to get ready before she could be stopped or distracted by anyone.  It was times like this that Angel wished Precious was still around. She wasn't sure What to wear. What do you even wear to a non date- but kind of a date-situation? Angel groaned and grabbed her phone. She let it ring and sighed in relief at the familiar voice.
"Dollface! miss your Johnny-boy that much you couldn't wait for our chat time tomorrow?"
Angel rummaged through her closet and groaned. “I need help. Remember my ex I told you about - the first one? Well he asked me on a non-date-but getting dinner tonight and I don’t know what to wear. Help?” she whined out and pouted. 
Johnny laughed and Angel could hear him moving about, laughter and groaning, and then a door closing. 
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
“Nah, just a couple people over to watch some movies. You know I’d ditch anyone and anything for you Dollface. Now, I vaguely remember. This was the dude who was a bitch when he left and essentially led you into the arms of your now army-lover-boy correct? And don’t roll your eyes at me! You know that I know when you do that, even over the phone and miles and miles away from me. Now tell me the options.”
Before Angel knew it, she was pulling into a brightly lit,  family-friendly franchised diner. Angel couldn't help but laugh when she realized why David had picked this place - the Sons would never be caught dead in this place and if they did somehow follow her, they would stick out like a sore thumb in the parking lot. Either way it gave her a chance to see if they followed her and adjust her plans. Angel couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto her face. She would have to thank David for thinking this through. 
She locked her car and smoothed out her skirt before making her way inside. The butterflies in her stomach hadn’t stopped and seemed to be going crazier. Angel stopped once inside the door and looked around. Her heart dropped when she realized David wasn’t anywhere in the diner. “Am I early?” she thought as she grabbed her phone to look at the time. “Nope, I’m a bit early though...I wonder where he is..”
A young waitress made her way over and tapped Angel gently on the shoulder, “Miss Munson? Please follow me, your guest is waiting for you over here.” 
She led Angel to the furthest corner of the diner that was hidden behind a large cutout of the mascot. David was sitting in the booth, an arm resting over the back of his seat and the other holding his phone. Angel stood for a few moments and just took in the view. David had changed over the years, he was more filled out from when they were younger, his jaw more square and sporting stubble. Angel took in his attire, blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a short sleeve blue button-up shirt. 
Angel cleared her throat and smiled once David finally took notice of her. He looked up so quickly and stared at Angel, as he dropped his phone to the table, scrambling to quickly get up and greet her. “Sorry, was just letting Unser know I wasn’t in town...in case he needed me or something. You look, wow. Angel, you look great.”
It didn’t take David and Angel too long of time  before they realized they were back to being nearly inseparable. Angel would spend many of her nights at his apartment,  where they cooked dinner and watched movies together. It was nice to be with him again and she prayed that they could maintain this for a while longer. Angel hated that she kept their relationship a secret but she knew it was for the best. David understood. Angel could tell it was hard for him to not say anything to others but he was willing to do it for their chance to be together again.
Like most other nights, Angel was curled on the couch in David’s apartment with some random show playing in the background as she read through one of the many books she left there. David had given her a key to the apartment early on and she’d often go over, even when he wasn’t home. This was one of those occasions. She knew he would be home later than normal but that didn’t phase her. She just didn’t want to go back to the house and deal with arguing with Bobby for another day.
Things had been stressful since Angel had moved back to Charming. And even more so once she was spending more time at David’s. Angel was stuck living with her father for the time being and struggling to find a place of her own. Bobby kept treating her like a child again and always tried to keep close tabs on her. Even though she agreed to work at the garage for a while, Angel knew it couldn’t last much longer. She was tired of everyone “keeping an eye” on her there, and then trying to demand she tell them where she was going. Sneaking around with David had been hard. So far they had been lucky at keeping everything a secret. Angel often parked her car blocks away and just walked to his place, often changing where she walked to get to his place. 
The more she thought of it, the more Angel started to doubt if they could keep this up anymore. It was great to start over again but Angel knew it would have to end again. The book was quickly forgotten as Angel got lost in her thoughts. Would it get to the point that she’d have to pick between David and her family? If she stayed with David, how would that impact her living in Charming? She knew that it would be hard to stay in town and constantly run into her family. But if she let go of David, how would she deal with seeing him around town? Angel knew that if she picked the club - her family - that she would say goodbye to dating for the foreseeable future. 
Angel was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear the door of the apartment opening. Nor did she pay any attention to the figure behind her until the body was leaning close and arms were wrapping around her upper half.. Angel jumped and screamed, flinging her book and falling off the couch.
David froze as a large grin spread across his face. He watched as Angel scrambled on the floor and clutched her chest before narrowing her eyes at him. 
 “Welcome back to earth gorgeous.” David jumped over the couch and moved so he was hovering over her on the floor. “Was your trip to dreamland a good one?” He nuzzled his face against her neck, placing soft kisses. 
Angel grumbled and pinched his arm but closed her eyes and relished in the feeling of his lips against her skin. All David could do was laugh and press his lips to hers. 
Kissing was all they had done, which Angel loved. They had a long talk when they first started their arrangements and agreed to wait it out. There were still wounds that needed to heal and neither wanted to go further until those were cleaned up. 
"I'm sorry sir, but I hope you know you've broken into a cop's apartment.  I don't think he's gonna be too happy about that"
David grinned and raised a brow before grabbing her wrists and pushing them above her head.  "Is that so? Well, a little birdie might have told me he's far off being busy and he had something worth taking a look at." David nipped at her ear before nudging her face to the side, exposing the side of her neck, and grazed his teeth along the skin. 
The sharp edge of his teeth dragged across her skin and Angel closed her eyes once more, sighing out at the feeling. 
“Fuck,” Angel dragged out the word and wrapped her arms tightly around David’s center. The warmth and weight of his body were causing her brain to haze over. The feelings had been building up since they rekindled their once-relationship. This time, the added secrecy was doing something else and Angel wanted more. Digging her nails into the fabric of his shirt, Angel used the leverage to raise and grind her hips against him, hummin in pleasure as she felt David groan against her neck. "Please Davey, I need you."
David pulled back and sat on his haunches, his warm palms running down her sides anf pushing up her shirt. He watched Angel- his angel- writhe beneath him. Her eyes were closed and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she leaned into his touch. That one thing had always stuck in his mind during their time apart.  When they were teens, he could barely control himself when she'd look up at him with her big doe eyes and teeth biting down on her lip.  They were kids then.  Now he had another chance and he had his own place to hide her away and finally have his way with her. 
 "Shh, I know baby," he crooned before leaning over her again, "I'm right here.  Just gotta tell me what you want.” 
He watched more as Angel squirmed under him more. He held onto her thigh snaked around his hip and groaned when she thrust her pelvis up to grind against him. David trailed his eyes across her face, relishing in the pink flush spreading down towards her chest. He followed the flushed skin and stopped at her heaving chest. His jeans were so uncomfortable at the moment but he refused to do anything further unless she asked him for it. 
“Please baby,” he leaned down to press his lips to hers, “all you have to do is tell me. Anything you want, it’s yours. Just tell me baby.” 
Angel was surprised at the whine that burst past her lips. She kissed him back and gripped his shirt, tugging him even closer. “Please, bedroom. Need you so bad,” she murmured against his lips. 
David paused his movements and pulled back slowly. “Are you sure?” His hands rested on her hips. He swiped his tongue across his lower lip, waiting for Angel to answer him. Fuck he wanted her so badly. No, no. Not wanted. He needed her. 
“Yes. Davey, please.”
That was all he needed before he was lifting her into his arms and all but running towards his room, kicking the door behind him. IT didn’t take long to rid themselves of their clothes and fall back onto the bed. Angel ran her hands down his chest and stopped at his abs before wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him further down on top of her. “Davey, please don’t make me wait more.” 
David rested one of his hands on the side of her head and used the other to line himself up and push in slowly. He savored the moment of her walls squeezing around him. There was no way that David was going to rush this moment and did his best to keep his movements slow. 
As David’s thrusts gained a steady tempo, Angel brought her hands to his pecs, his nipples, down his abs, then clamped her legs around his waist to drive him further into her until their sweat-slick bodies slid together. With each thrust, Angel dug her nails deeper into his back. There were no words for how she felt, no way she could comprehend how her body felt so much on fire and the need for David to touch her more. She was so close. The strength of what was building was staggering. The feeling of his lips and scruff against her neck set her off and she let out a wail as she tightened around him more. 
She shuddered against him, her legs quaking, and when he finally slowed to look up at her, he saw her hair was a wild tumble, and her face was glowing. David stilled and just watched her come down from her orgasmic high. When she opened her eyes, he couldn’t help the smug smirk that crossed his face - her eyes were hazed over and the smile on her face was one he had wish to see so many times over the past years. The moment her eyes locked with his, David felt a lump catch in his throat. There were words he wanted to say, but he knew now wasn’t the time. 
“What’s wrong Davey?” 
Fuck, even her voice was wrecked. David shook his head and leaned down to press his lips to her. He started thrusting into her once more, lifting her leg higher up to his hip. He wanted to hear more of the sounds she was making as he thursted harder. David was determined to pull at least one more orgasm from her before letting himself go. 
The two laid on his bed, chest heaving as they tried to regain their senses. Angel curled into David and pulled the covers over them. She knew they should clean themselves up, but her mind and body were too tired. And David was so warm to curl against. They held each other and kissed softly as they refused to let the outside world break their bubble. 
They would have stayed in bed and continued their activities if it hadn’t been for Angel’s phone constantly ringing. She ignored each call that came though. Until the ringtone she assigned for Tig started blasting from the nightstand. 
“Ignore it, stay here... with me.” 
“I can’t. That’s Tig. If I don’t answer for him, the goon squad gets sent out to look for me. Plus something could be wrong with Bambi. Just give me a moment.”
Angel pushed the  hair from her face and steadied her breath before answering.  “Yeah, yeah. Sorry for not answering. Y’all caught me at a bad time and I wasn’t near my phone. Wait, slow down Tig! What...what do you mean?” Angel was jumping from the bed and scrambling to put her clothes on once again. 
David got up and started dressing; part of him was curious, the other part worried. Did something happen to Bambi? If it was Bambi, David knew he would go with Angel. To hell with what the club thought. 
“I-I’ll be right there!” Angel hung up the phone and froze in place. 
“Angel. What happened? Is Bambi ok?” David gently grabbed her chin and lifted her face to look him in the eyes. His heart clenched as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. 
“It’s Opie. I gotta get to the clubhouse.” 
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 1)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part one] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
even though you decided to stay in your hometown to further your studies, you moved out as soon as you could. your parents were smothering you and you were honestly tired of it. so, you got your own apartment and started to live on your own. everything was fine and easy so far but then you realized how lonely you felt. your friends had moved away to go to other universities, and you were never really good at relationships. the anxiety of not knowing what to do with yourself until classes started was consuming you. to deal with this, you figured you might as well download a dating app. 
“Gotta check out all the hot singles in my area, I guess,” you thought.
it had been a while since your last relationship but you were sure you were ready again. or maybe you could try to find something different. maybe some hookups could be enough to help you during this weird adjustment period. 
you downloaded the app and added whatever details were needed. 
Name: l/n, y/n
Looking for: chat, relationship, hookup, anything
it took you about ten minutes to finally decide on what you wanted to add to your bio. finally, you typed out:
Bio: just another single college student looking for genuine human connections. Interests include watching anime, reading nerdy shit, and getting to know you 
you were never too good at coming up with bios but this should be good enough for now. time to see what kind of fish you could catch..
not even a minute after uploading a picture of yourself, a new message showed up.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey, beautiful! (;
Y/n: oh hi! how are you?
N: doing better now that I’m talking to youuuu. how about your lovely self?
Y: wow someone is really straightforward. I’m doing pretty well rn thanks. what are you up to?
N: just been bored as fuck on here and then BOOM you showed up (:
Y: lol youre silly. so hows the whole dating scene look like on here? any good ones?
N: nah it sucks honestly. But now you’re here so its a million times better!
Y: oh shush lol. does this site really work? like have you actually met someone from here?
N: uhh i actually havent met anyone yet, but ive had some nice conversations so far! ive still got high hopes
Y: have you been on here for a long time?
N: i just downloaded it like two weeks ago? idk but yeah. im hoping that maybe youll be my first??
Y: your first what? haha be more specific
N: OH sorry!! i didnt mean it like that omg. i meant like my first person to meet off of this app lol
Y: i mean if youre not busy right now, we could meet up for a coffee date or something? (cliche right?)
N: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? like... right now rIGHT NOW?
Y: yeah (: sorry for doing this so fast. you’re just really cute and im bored haha
N: nooooo its fine i swear im just a little shocked. and WOW you think IM CUTE? you should look in the mirror because your gorgeousss *heart eyes emoji*
Y: so its settled? lets meet today at around 1 pm at XXX cafe? 
N: yeah! thats not too far from here! i CANT WAIT
Y: same here (:
as soon as you sent that last message you hopped in the shower and started getting ready. you debated whether to put on makeup or not and then eventually decided to do it. you wore that one red dress that greatly accentuated your butt and your curves. you checked the clock and it was 30 MINUTES UNTIL 1 so you finished up by brushing your hair and adding on a spritz of peach scented perfume. “Hopefully this impresses him.”
the cafe you guys agreed to meet at was only a short walk away from your apartment. you were almost at the cafe when you noticed the time again and it was already 10 MINUTES PAST 1! you were so scared that he thought you stood him up but as you got closer, you noticed a cute boy sitting by himself outside. you stared at his backside for a little, unsure if this was your mystery boy. so you messaged him on the app
Y: heeeey are you the one sitting alone outside with a tan shirt and some ripped black jeans?
your phone lit up with the answer to your question: “yes”
as you looked up again, you noticed the stranger you were staring at had stood up and was looking right into your eyes. once you locked eyes, he grinned the biggest smile you’d ever seen and he chuckled. 
“Hi there!! L/n, right? Nice to meet ya, I’m Nishinoya Yuu. Wow, you’re even more beautiful in person!! Do you want anything from the cafe? I’m buying”
You were kind of shocked by his beautiful smile and his spiky hair. It took you a while to respond as you tried to take in the wonderful sight in front of you. He was simply breath taking. You could tell he was the athletic type by the way his shirt hung onto his broad, toned shoulders. 
“Ummm... L/n? Are you okay? Do you want any coffee or sweets from the cafe?”
“OH, oh my god, I’m so sorry! I got distracted..” you said as you looked away from him, getting redder by the second. you hadn’t even noticed his compliment or the way he kept eyeing you up and down and licking his lips. “Yeah, I’d love to get a coffee, if you don’t mind. Please..”
His eyes snapped back up to yours. “Awesome, I’ll go order inside. You can just sit your pretty little self here while I do that. Don’t run away! I’ll be right back!”
now that you had some time to reflect on what the heck just happened.. you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t believe that he was real and so goddamn gorgeous. His little tuft of blonde hair at the front of his head was so cute and his smile.. goddamn. the way he looked at you.. and his friendly demeanor. it was all so much to take in. you didn’t really know how to react. as soon as you had relaxed, you tensed back up as he came back and sat down with you.
“Here’s your coffee hot and ready just for you, hun”
“Thank you so much Nishinoya” you blushed a bit as your mouth pronounced his name
“Hey, just call me Noya! Or Yuu...”
“On a first name basis already?”
“Only if you want to..”
you giggled as you noticed that he was getting bright pink too. “Okay, Yuu.”
as soon as you said his first name, his eyes lit up and that bright pink hue on his face soon turned into a passionate red
“Soooo..” you said as you tried to break up the silence.. “what do you do? do you go to school?”
“Yeah! I’m going to start going to Sendai University in the fall! I’m going to be playing on the volleyball team! How about you?”
“No way.. I’m gonna go there too! I guess I’ll be seeing you around probably. And wow! Volleyball huh? That’s hot.”
when you said that last part, Noya almost spat out his coffee. you laughed at the look on his face. he was blushing so much he couldn’t keep still. you were almost afraid he would just run away from you and never come back.
He just tried to regain his composure and laughed. “You really got me there oh my god i almost choked. But yeah I can’t wait to play again.”
The rest of the afternoon you guys talked about everything from anime to your favorite season, to your least favorite horror movie. The more you two bonded over common interests, the more he let his wild side out. He became more rambunctious and fiery and this did things to you, to say the least. you checked your phone to check the time and it was already 6:45 pm. You had no clue as to when the sun had started setting, but it didn’t matter because you hadn’t felt this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart in a while. it felt so nice. you didn’t want it to end. but then noya interrupted your thought by saying, 
“Hey, (y/n)..” you two were on a first name basis already and it was just the first date. “it’s getting pretty late and I have to go home and help out my family with some stuff. I hope you don’t mind. Sorry! But we can definitely go out again if you want. i know i sure do..”
“Yes, of course! I totally get it. But first can I get your number?” you look away as you say this because this was the first time you’ve ever asked a guy for their number. 
you two exchange phone numbers and hug goodbye. you let the hug linger for a little longer than you should and plant a quick soft peck on his cheek and say,
“I can’t wait to see you again, Yuu.”
He just smiles and replies, “Me too, Y/n. I’ll see you again soon, babe.”
You freeze up and don’t know what to say as he walks away. you think to yourself, “did he really just call me babe?”
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yegarts · 3 years
Meet Your Makers: Michael Hingston
Presented by TIX on the Square
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If you’re a collector of beautiful books and ephemera, you’ve likely heard of Michael Hingston. If not, you’re in for a treat. He’s half the team at Hingston & Olsen Publishing, an independent press known and loved for its Edmontonia Trading Cards, Short Story Advent Calendar, and deluxe boxsets. Finding stories and giving them a permanent home is Michael’s passion. As you’re about to discover, so is writing, reading, collecting, and being a big stubborn believer in paper books. Meet this week’s maker, Michael Hingston.
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TIX: We’re taught to believe it’s what’s inside that counts, but it’s impossible to ignore the beauty of your books and boxsets. Tell us about your decision to not only publish books but also celebrate them as art.
M.H.: Well, thank you! When Natalie (my co-publisher) and I decided to form Hingston & Olsen, in 2015, one of the first things we agreed on was that our books would be beautiful objects in their own right. At the time it seemed like everyone was panicking about the future of publishing in the age of e-books. We decided to double down on the qualities that you can only get from physical books: the tactile feel of paper, pops of colour, and an interactive presentation that you just can’t replicate on a tablet. It’s a better reading experience, not to mention a better deal for our readers in the long term. Ten years from now you probably won’t have access to an e-book you bought today, but every book on your bookshelves will still open up like it always did.
TIX: Which of your strengths (or experiences) as a writer have helped you succeed as a publisher?
M.H.: I’d say it comes down to empathy. Publishing is an act of faith between writer and publisher, and understanding the creative process—with all its up and downs—gives me an extra level of appreciation for the work that our writers entrust us with. That’s not something we take lightly. All of our editorial and design choices are made with the goal of presenting the text in the best light possible. I want writers to love working with us, and to feel that their work is in good hands.
TIX: What’s the first thing you wrote that inspired your career path?
M.H.: That’s a great question. The truth is I didn’t start reading or writing seriously until I was in university and fell in with the student newspaper there. I remember my first few production nights—which routinely kept us in the office until past midnight—where I would frantically write something on deadline, then look at it in print the following week and think, “Huh, that’s actually not bad.” Then we had to do it all over again for the next issue, which was a big part of the charm.
TIX: Tell us about your Edmontonia Trading Cards and what inspired the idea.
M.H.: The Edmontonia Trading Cards are a set of all-ages collectible trading cards that showcase this odd, charming, mostly frozen city of ours. Each card features original artwork
from one of 12 different local artists on the front, and an entertaining and informative write-up about that subject—from landmarks to urban wildlife to the four phases of West Edmonton Mall—on the back. They come in randomized packs of 8, and there are 60 total cards to collect. You can get them at independent shops around the city, or from our website (edmontonia.ca).
The idea for the cards was two-fold: (1) Thinking how cool it would be to make a set of non-sports-related trading cards, and (2) Figuring out what to do with all these odd little stories I was gathering about my adopted home. When I first moved to Edmonton, back in 2008, I kept having all these questions about what I was seeing. Like, why do all these buildings look like pyramids? What’s the deal with magpies? Sure, it’s cold, but what’s the coldest it’s ever been? As soon as those two ideas merged, I got to work, and I’m really proud of how it all turned out.
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TIX: Your projects all seem to celebrate reading as an experience—combining the physical act of opening a beautiful “gift” with the pleasures of reading. What was the inspiration for that equation?
M.H.: The age of paper being the default vehicle for communication is gone. Digital technology is way more convenient, and also generates less clutter in people’s lives. But that doesn’t mean paper has no function. As mentioned above, I’m a big, stubborn believer in paper books—and I think one of the things they do exceptionally well is ground the reader in a particular time and place, having a particular experience. Throwing in extra layers, like the element of surprise in the Short Story Advent Calendar or opening a pack of random Edmontonia cards, just makes that experience a little more fun.
TIX: Far too often, the conversations around print publishing are centered around worry for it and what’s being lost. What excites you about the future of print publishing and your role in shaping it?
M.H.: As more of our lives go digital, the funny thing is that people actually become hungrier for offline entertainment. (Have you seen the internet joke about spending all day at work looking at the bad screen, then coming home to look at the good screen? I hate how much I relate to it.) We all want to unplug, or at least to stop doomscrolling for a while. This is a big opportunity for print! It’s one of the few modes of entertainment we have that doesn’t require electricity. That’s one reason H&O doesn’t do e-books. We want to give people a different experience, because we believe there’s value in it.
TIX: Your books and advent calendars have become a favourite gift to receive. What’s a favourite book you’ve been given (and who gave it to you)?
M.H.: I love books about books, and two of the chunkiest and most beloved ones on my shelves were gifts: John Sutherland’s Lives of the Novelists, given to me by my friend Jeremy before he moved away (he’s actually since moved back; hopefully he doesn’t want the book returned, too), and Michael Schmidt’s The Novel: A Biography, which was a Christmas present from my brother.
TIX: You’ve said that the retirement of your Advent Series has freed you up to work on some exciting new ideas. Can you tell us a little about them?
M.H.: We try to keep a pretty tight lid on things at H&O, but I can tell you we’re planning to release more titles in 2021 than we ever have in a given year before. That’ll include something new for the holidays, as well as our first-ever standalone novel.
Want more? Visit hingstonandolsen.com, edmontonia.ca and tixonthesquare.ca for the latest from Michael and other great artists.
Artist Bio
Michael Hingston is a writer and book publisher. He is the author of three books, including Let’s Go Exploring, a history of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. His journalism has appeared in Wired, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and the Washington Post. Hingston is also the co-founder of Hingston & Olsen Publishing, an independent press specializing in deluxe boxsets like the Short Story Advent Calendar and the Ghost Box. He lives in Edmonton with his family.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Wallflower: Chapter 11 - The Honeymoon Phase (NSFW)
Raihan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Note: This is my first Pokemon fanfic. I hope you enjoy it :) Originally posted on Archive of Our Own.
Summary: You’re an unassuming Pokemon breeder who works at the nursery in the Wild Area and he’s Raihan, the fearsome gym leader of Hammerlocke who has more than a million followers. You don’t want anything to do with him but he’s…persistent.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Lemon, smut, violence, language
Extra Note: Plenty of smut here 
"So, how's things?"
It's been a while since he visited Alola but Looker thinks it's time he paid Nanu a visit. Nanu had always been rather rough around the edges and when it came to dealing with people, he's not exactly described as being a ray of sunshine, but he gets things done and his heart is in the right place, even though people may not realise it. Looker calls in advance of course, and when he arrives, his superior's looking more grizzled than ever but overall, he seems to be fine. He's just slumming it in a dilapidated settlement called Po Town, right next to the hideout of a gang that once roamed around Alola. After some brief catching up, they decide to go through some cold cases from regions ranging from Kanto to Kalos which Nanu has kept in a box under his desk.
"Heard you helped a couple of kids recently," Nanu grunts out, rifling through the documents and examining them. They're so old, the paper is turning yellow and wanes in his hands. "It's always the kids these days, isn't it?"
"It was more of a personal favour." Looker puts down his file, deciding to pour himself and Nanu another cup of hot herbal tea, watching as two Alolan Meowths play with a ball of string. Another Meowth is resting at the foot of the window whilst another stares at Nanu's fish tank which contains several Goldeen and Finneon. That's not all - In fact, there's a lot of Meowth here. Looker counts sixteen, but there could be more. "...Before I left, they told me they found a dead body in the woods of Galar and the Stow-on-Side gym leader said it belonged to a Phantump."
"You gonna investigate that?"
"Not this time."
"Good on you."
Together, they go through some more documents until Looker finds an old photograph of a young couple - the mother is holding a little girl in her arms. Lifting it up, he studies the little girl's face carefully and realises he may have seen this girl before. He turns the glossy print round but there is no further information aside from a date stamp. Looker picks up the file next, flipping it open. The file mentions the little girl went missing and has never been found. "Hey, Nanu." Looker mutters.
"What?" Nanu grunts out.
"You mind if I hold onto this?"
"Nope, it's all yours."
You have a couple of tasks to complete and on your to-do list is to check up on your family. Therefore, early in the morning, you called them and you're glad to see that your mother's doing fine. You tell her you're dating and she's eager to meet Raihan in person so you tell her she will be able to meet him soon should you decide to visit Johto with him in the future. She asks you about work and you tell her everything is well. You chat for a bit longer and her Blissey pops up - you’re not too worried about your mother being left on her own since she has a lot of Pokemon and Blissey is an excellent nurse.
Next, you call Glenn and he's safely made it to Johto, he's in Mahogany Town and he's doing just fine. Everything is just peachy. He will also go visit mum soon as well. Great! You'll check up on them again when you have the time.
Following that, you message Allister and ask him how Phantump is doing. He informs you he's fine and sends you a photo of himself, Phantump and his pokemon. Allister will let you know when they find out more about Phantump and his family, if possible. It’s going to be a while, so you will need to wait. 
Either way, you wonder what will come out of this. You also message Opal, asking how she got on with Chairman Rose and the Glimwood Tangle business. She flagged it to him but Rose merely told her he's dealing with it and Eli would be careful from now on. It sounds like Eli's been left off rather lightly. This is unsurprising, you suppose, since Eli works closely with the Chairman.
You’ve scored off several tasks which were rather easy to complete so onto the next one - you open the door, the bell jingling to indicate your arrival. The nursery worker greets you and quickly disappears inside to retrieve your Pokemon. 
They've refused to stay in their pokeballs, knowing that you're coming - so when you see the large hulking frames of your Haxorus and Salamence stomping through the doorway and into the visitor's area, you hold your arms out and they growl and nicker at you affectionately as they waddle into your embrace. Mindful of their sharp skin, tusks, claws and fangs, your pokemon allow you to pet them and stroke their heads and backs.
"Here you are! Bagon and Axew are in excellent shape!" The nursery member also hands you two pokeballs which you take off her.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome!"
With the new pokemon, you recall your two dragons, pay the worker and leave the nursery. You can't wait to give them to Raihan; you're sure he will love them and you're excited to see his reaction. You're also wearing one of the lingerie sets you got the other day. It's not the most comfortable and the lacy thong keeps riding up your ass and you’re trying your best to resist from adjusting it every now and then, but your mum once told you beauty has a price, so you're reduced to dawdling around with an awkward gait. 
Hopefully, you'll get used to it soon and it's not like you are going to wear this everyday. Nope, on lazy days you're just going to go back to your mismatched, grubby t-shirt bra and panties. You’ve even done your hair and makeup today too. It’s not a special occasion but you wanted to put in the extra effort and it was really fun to dress up.
There's not a moment to waste - you're supposed to meet Raihan in Hammerlocke stadium as soon as you have finished up. You call the Corviknight taxi which arrives pretty quickly and once you’re at the castle city, you hurriedly make your way towards the venue; you've become rather familiar with the entire place by now but inside, you don't see Raihan anywhere on the pitch at all.
"Hey!" Someone yells from behind, and you turn round, coming face to face with none other than Ball Guy. "Hihi. You're looking for Raihan, right?" His voice is muffled behind the mask but it sounds pretty deep.
"Unfortunately, he got called to the vaults, but he told me to give you this." He lifts his hand up, where you see a pair of keys dangling off his fingers. He presses them into your hand for your taking. "And since you came all the way here, this is from me, your friendly neighbourhood Ball Guy!"
He hands you a Love Ball - a type of capsule which you know is far more common to get in Johto than other regions. "Thanks!"
"No problemo! See you around! And have a wonderful day!"
Gee, Ball Guy's positivity is contagious. You leave the stadium in good spirits when Rotom sounds off. Checking your phone, you see that you've received a message from Raihan:
Doofus: Did you get it?
You: The keys? Yep
Doofus: great
Doofus: Meet me at the house :) I'll be there in 15. You remember the way, right?
You: Yep, sure. See u x
Leaving it at that, you make your way to Raihan's house, your heart pounding and stomach fluttering with butterfrees. Even now he still has that effect on you. You make your way past the main district and into the quiet, residential area with the similar looking houses where you count down the number of houses until you reach the two hundreds. You didn't realise it but this is a decent area and it's very quiet. You pass a few people with their Stoutlands and Yampers scurrying around on leashes and they greet you politely.
Once you're at number two hundred and forty one, you go up the steps, remembering the last time you had been here. Pulling out the keys once you reach the door, you unlock it and step in, closing the door behind you, removing your shoes and leaving them on the shoe rack. Now this would be your second time in Raihan's home and you take the time to look around. His wallpaper is a royal blue which reminds you of the dragon uniform colour.
You hang up your coat on the hooks provided and the stairs are directly in front of you - however, you decide to enter the living room to your left. You hear something rustling from within so you quickly poke your head in to see Torkoal fumbling in the lounge by the fireplace, heating up the room.
"Hey there!" You greet him with a wide smile, squatting down to his level and he lets out a low but gentle bellow as smoke puffs out from his shell. You pat him on the head and from the corner of your eye, behind the leather recliner, you see a little Applin on its back, struggling to roll up properly. You promptly head over and pick him up, returning him back onto its feet and it rubs itself against your arm happily. "Hehe, you're okay."
Returning to stand, you put a hand to your chin, glancing around. A black leather sofa sits against the wall, facing the fireplace. The TV stands opposite the sofa as well albeit closer to the window. In another corner, there's a benchpress and a couple of weights - Raihan's workout station. You smile to yourself as you glance at his bookshelf where you see a few awards standing on the top shelf along with some books. 
There's a few photo frames too and you look at them one by one: there's a photo of himself with Leon, a photo of himself surrounded by his pokemon in front of Hammerlocke stadium along with his proteges and the cheerleaders. Then there's a group photo of the gym leaders and Rose. There's another photo with himself, Leon and Sonia.
Then you see two photos that capture your interest; the first photo shows Raihan, Rose and the blond-haired man known as Eli. They all look happy, and you wonder what happened that drove the wedge between them aside from, well, Raihan getting the position as Hammerlocke gym leader and Eli getting...well, whatever his job actually is. The other photo is a picture of Raihan with his arm around an extremely attractive young woman as they stand in front of a beach resort. Maybe an ex-girlfriend...
You should let Axew and Bagon out, so you quickly release them and they look around their new home for a while; Applin rolls over to Torkoal's side and everyone makes a brief exchange of growls and rumbling noises before they decide to follow you into the kitchen. 
There's bowls left lying around with food and water which Applin and Torkoal head over to at once. Raihan's kitchen looks surprisingly empty but there's a lot of protein powder and nutrition bars in the shelves and his fridge is full of vegetables and meat. 
You think it's best to wait for Raihan to come back to decide on food so you head back to the lounge and into the landing again where you head up the stairs and into Raihan’s bedroom. You two were really absorbed with each other the last time so you didn’t quite look around his room properly. You’re not being nosy or anything, just curious.
It’s a typical guy's room. The bed's in the middle, there's a desk with a Dragonite figurine, there's another bookshelf chock full of Pokemon books and there's posters of the Pokemon League stuck to the wall. That's about it.
Remembering that Raihan will be here soon, you suppose it’s time to get to business and you begin to remove your clothes, leaving them folded over his stool and leaving yourself in your undies. 
You wonder how to do this the right way and quickly check your reflection, making sure your hair and makeup is fine - before you gently move to lie over the bed, propping yourself up with one elbow on the bed and your hand behind your head, leaving your other hand draped over your waist as seductively as possible. 
It's then you catch whiff of his scent from his sheets and you feel your cheeks warming. Holy shit, you've never done this kind of thing before... This is really happening and it feels like something straight out of a movie. Your heart's thumping hard even though he's not here yet. What will he think of this?
You sit up, pondering to yourself until Rotom sounds off again and you check the screen to see that Raihan has messaged you. He's running late. Your face falls as you tap a reply back. No biggie, he will just be an extra thirty to forty minutes late. 
Lying over the bed, you stare at his ceiling. What should you do to kill time? You actually feel very sleepy all of a sudden - well, it has been a long day, you suppose... but you fight to keep your eyes open. Your eyelids are threatening to droop every second or so and you move to lie on your side, curling up for some warmth. It is so nice and cosy in his bed that you find yourself drifting blissfully off to sleep...
...Then you promptly jerk awake because you feel someone stroking your hair and you open your eyes to discover that it's become dark - you must have dozed off - and you're still in Raihan's bed but this time the owner has returned and you're sitting in his lap.
"Hey..." He grins at you as you blink unsteadily for a few seconds before you look up and around, lifting your head off his chest.
".....Raihan?" You squeak groggily, brushing some hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear as you sit up properly. "You're here."
"Sorry I'm late." He replies; you rub your eyes, glancing around again and stretching slightly before you gasp, throwing your glance to yourself. You're still in your bra and panties and you gawp at yourself whilst his grin widens; he reaches over, fingering the lacy shoulder strap of your bra. "What's all this about then?"
You cringe as he lets go, encircles his arms around your bare waist, pulling you into his chest before his hands slide down to your ass, fingers delving under the flimsy material of your panties. You silently inhale in response, your cheeks evidently growing warm as he busies himself in feeling the fabric of your underwear, skimming his hands over your flesh at the same time. "Oh, um...well, this..." You slip your hands over his shoulders as your faces grow close, your lips millimetres away.
"And there's a Bagon and Axew downstairs too." He murmurs, leaning forwards to bite down on your lower lip teasingly before pulling away gently.
"Yeah, they're yours." You mutter, and you quickly throw your glimpse down to yourself once more and return to meet his gaze; he hasn't taken his eyes off you, not once. "I, uh...I wanted to do something nice for you. But... I feel and look stupid."
Raihan gives you a sweeping look from head to toe before he leans into you again, lips by your ear. "You look beautiful."
Even though you feel ridiculous right now, your heart lurches frantically against your ribs when he pulls away, letting go of you to swiftly remove his t-shirt, lifting it up and pulling it off before he dumps it somewhere to the side; reaching for you, he pulls you into his embrace once more, crushing his lips against yours and as you kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of his muscles relaxing under your grip whilst his large palms caress the curves of your body.
You cautiously slip your hand from his shoulders to his chest and hips, sliding your fingers past the waistband of his shorts and his boxers when you feel the hardening bulge underneath the thin fabric, fingertips gliding over his smooth skin until you find his shaft. He hesitates at once from your touch and you can tell he’s a little surprised by your bold, eager action but then he grins against your mouth and you know he doesn’t mind this at all.
In fact, he leans backwards slightly, allowing you full permission to explore him to your heart’s content. You swallow down inwardly, cheeks going warm as you fondle him. He’s been inside you, and as you slowly grip his shaft, you realise just how big and thick he is. Clamping your fingers around his warm length, you gently run your hand up and down, giving him a few strokes.
His cock is engorged with arousal, hard and stiff under your palm as you sheathe him with your hand, fingers gliding underneath his length. He feels bigger than usual and as you continue to stroke him his breathing becomes laboured; you come in contact with something wet and it's coming out of his hardened tip but you continue, the warm liquid staining your fingers as you pump your fist up and down over his length.
"My turn." He breathes out, pushing you gently to lie over the bed and you retreat your damp hand, licking your fingers dry. You watch as he climbs over you, pinning your wrists to the pillow before his lips claims yours. Closing your eyes, you relish the feel of his mouth over yours. He kisses you passionately and when you part your mouth for air, he slips his tongue inside, mingling with yours and you emit a soft gasp as your tongues press together. He retreats to focus on kissing your neck, trailing his lips up and down your skin as he releases your hands to hold you tightly to him.
You close your eyes, slipping your arms around the back of his neck and entwining your fingers over the sides of his shaved head and into his dreadlocks, moaning quietly as he moves to your chest, pulling down on your bra to reveal your breasts.
Cupping your breasts with his hands, he frees your breasts from the garment so he can suck on your nipples, massaging your chest and running his fingers all over your flesh, forcing you to shudder involuntarily under his touch. He leaves no area of your exposed skin untouched, using his tongue to lap at your nipples and under your breasts. He's determined to take his time with you today and he suckles on each breast at his own leisurely pace.
You sigh gently, lying still as he continues, tilting his head to the side to kiss and lick your breasts from all possible angles. He cups your breasts and massages them again, squeezing down on your mounds before he laps at your nipples hungrily. 
He soon moves between your breasts and down your stomach until he reaches your panties. Hooking his fingers under the thin material, he eases them down your hips and all the way down your legs before yanking them off you entirely, pressing kisses over your skin as he moves further and further and once he's at your slit, he discovers you're drenched for him.
Raihan parts your folds with his fingers before he leans forwards, his lips finding your aroused clit. You moan heavily with unabashed lust as he kisses and sucks, and you clamp your hand over the back of his head, weaving your fingers through his dreadlocks and keeping his face positioned in-between your legs. 
You can feel him grinning against your flesh before he slips his tongue inside and eagerly licks at your clit. You wriggle helplessly as he continues but he holds you firmly down over the bed, one hand fondling and squeezing your breast whilst the other hand keeps your leg pinned down.
When you come, your body grows limp as you sigh and he finally releases you to nudge your knees further apart from him, untying his shorts and removing them. Raihan wipes his chin, grinning as you pant from the extortionate experience, chest heaving. He proceeds to lift your legs up and hike them over his hips - you instinctively settle them around his waist and over his back, keeping him close and locking him in so he can angle and guide himself.
"I'm not wearing a condom." He murmurs.
"It's fine, I'm on the pill. I want you inside right now." You reply breathlessly, and now that you're quite aware that he's going to go in raw, you swallow down when he pushes his tip past your soaking folds and buries himself all the way to the hilt, grunting. You bite down on your lower lip as you feel your walls being stretched to accommodate his size and when he starts to thrust, you clutch onto him.
He sets a moderate pace and you close your eyes, moaning loudly with content as he fucks you. You spread your legs as far apart as you can for him; your body forced to move up and down from the repeated, rhythmic penetrations of his cock. You can't think properly as he leans his weight against you, your legs bending further for him and dangling high in the air as he drills into your wet and tight pussy.
He goes in smooth with slick, deep thrusts because you’re so wet. He strokes your walls intensely and withdraws, then pushes himself back inside once again and you pant and moan heavily. To keep yourself grounded, you hold onto him tightly, snuggling into his shoulder and burying your nose into his nape as you enjoy the build up of pleasure that's settling in your lower regions.
The bed begins to protest loudly from the harsh movements of your joined bodies. Raihan kisses and nuzzles you affectionately, passionately ravishing your skin with his lips; he trails his mouth over the side of your neck and shoulder, biting down on your flesh playfully as he holds you to him, wrapping his arms around your back, your breasts pressed tightly against his chest.
As he rocks his hips back and forth against yours, you follow him so you can meet him thrust for thrust, your walls contracting around him uncontrollably.
You're close to coming and he bucks his hips against yours in one intense motion that has your toes curling; his cock pressing thoroughly inside, his tip hitting your womb and you cry out at the mind-numbing intensity, nails digging into his back. Knowing you thoroughly enjoyed that, he pumps into you rapidly and slams you harder into the bed, working you over the edge and you're starting to feel rather raw and sensitive as he grinds against your walls.
Thrusting into you one final time, you pant and moan as you achieve that peak and he cums inside you, spilling his seed and you shudder all over as he grows still, his cock throbbing inside. 
He stops moving altogether, and you rub his shoulders gently as your frantically beating heart begins to slow down. Grunting, Raihan begins to withdraw out of you and you steal one shy glance to your body as he drops himself beside you on the bed; you’re smothered entirely all over with cum and juice. You wipe your brows free of sweat before you roll over to join him, climbing over his chest, stroking the side of his shaved head before you lean over to nibble the shell of his ear, your lips finding his piercing.
He welcomes you into his embrace, wrapping his arms around you tightly before he runs his fingers down your spine and stops at your ass, giving you a firm squeeze. "Can you stay here for the rest of the night?" He mutters, burying his nose into your hair.
You poke your head out of his neck, smiling. "Okay."
He looks surprised that you've actually agreed, grinning widely before he promptly rolls over the bed, trapping you underneath him as he nudges your legs apart and enters you once more.
Eventually, you both leave bed after the third (or was it the fourth?) round and don't even bother getting properly changed: Raihan merely puts on his boxers and tugs on the string whilst you pull your panties back on along with your bra and the two of you leave the room, hand in hand. Once you reach the stairs, however, and he decides that carrying you is more fun and you climb onto his back with your arms around his neck and his arms tucked underneath your knees. He carries you downstairs and into the lounge where the pokemon including your Rotom phones, stare at you two silently and you both smile sheepishly at them.
Raihan wanders to the kitchen in his flip-flops to switch on the central heating, picking up Applin along the way and holding him under the arm whilst you stay in the lounge to make sure the pokemon are fine. They're okay, just wondering what the racket upstairs was all about, why the two of you were gone for so long and also, when you were going to come back downstairs.
When Raihan returns with Applin and two beers, Torkoal helps heat the room up for the time being so Raihan sprawls over his sofa and you curl up beside him with your head on his shoulder; he throws his arm around you, switching on the TV where a late night scary movie is playing. He hands you a beer and funnily enough, he's become engrossed with the movie in a matter of seconds. As you lean against him, you stroke his bare thigh absent-mindedly before he lifts you up and eases you into his lap, bundling you up in his arms and stroking your thighs and ass.
He also holds your hand, reminding you that you don't need to be afraid of any scary parts because it's just a movie. It's then you remember something similar that crossed your mind a long time ago. You watch him from the corner of your eye as he relaxes and drinks his beer. Despite his tall, lanky lithe figure, his body is sculpted and he's undeniably fit. Again, you wonder to yourself how you managed to land yourself such a fine man.
The ambience is disturbed when Raihan's phone sounds off. "Bzzzt, mezzage from Chairman Rose!"
"Hm?" He puts his beer down as Rotom flies over and Raihan opens the new message on his phone.
"What is it?"
"...Chairman Rose will be holding an exhibition in two weeks and all the gym leaders, including the Champion, are invited. And there's some special announcement from Eli. It says I can bring a plus one." Raihan adds with a grin, turning to you. "How about it?"
"Uh...." It's basically a party and you absolutely abhor parties, but for Raihan, you have to bury those feelings deep inside. Therefore, you find yourself nodding reluctantly. "Sure."
A few days later.
Ever since Raihan confirmed he was dating on his social media account, his page has been inaccessible due to overwhelming traffic and he's been trending for days.
Who is she? Where did they meet and when? How long have they been dating for? No-one knows who she is, why is everything so secretive? Fans were divided at once - some were happy for him whilst others flew off into a rage which subsequently created a storm of online articles about social media influencers and the importance of their privacy. 
Eli puts away his phone, brows furrowed. Honestly, he just thinks this whole thing is annoying and that Raihan is an attention seeker. Why is this guy so popular? What is so lovable about him? Who cares about the fact that he is dating, and who he is dating? He's dated before anyway... Why do people care so much and how could he get so many fans, so many followers? He's nobody special.
He moves off the tree he was leaning on, making his way towards the direction of the pokemon nursery. He stops just a few steps away. It's a disgustingly cheery place - a small cottage, pleasant and cosy, with a thatched roof and one side covered in ivy. 
There's a sign painted in primary colours, along with rainbows and a sun. He scoffs, opening the door to see Raihan's girlfriend inside at the sink, washing dishes. There's a Goomy sitting on her shoulder. She hears the door opening and turns round, a little spooked by his arrival. It's then he also sees a Dreepy sitting in the front pocket of her apron.
"Hey." He greets her, stuffing his hands into his pockets, glancing around.
"...Can I help you?" She asks, a little nervously whilst Dreepy and Goomy gurgle and chirp. He doesn't think Raihan's girlfriend is much to look at, but considering how strong her pokemon is and what kind of pokemon she has, looks certainly are deceiving for her case. He also finds her a little demure and quiet, meek. She's the complete opposite of Raihan. Also, he takes notes of the dragon pokemon - no doubt, she'd raise them into strong battlers for her team in the future.
"No, you can't. Where's the old bag?"
Her eyes widen; she knows he's talking about her boss. "...She went to Hammerlocke to complete some errands."
"So it's just you then?"
She looks uncomfortable. "...You...You can wait over there for her to come back." She stammers slightly, pointing to the sofa for visitors.
He follows the direction of her finger, but doesn't head over. Instead, Eli proceeds to wander over and approach the counter; she inches backwards as he pushes open the small gate and enters the staff area, stepping towards her.
"What are you doing? You can't come in here."
"Don't you know who I am?"
She stays silent as he steps closer and closer to her until she is backed against the wall. She looks left and right, not sure where to go and Goomy and Dreepy emit loud noises in protest but she doesn't command them to attack. It's not like she can, anyway.
"I'm her son. I bet she's never talked about me before, right? Heh. She wanted me to become a pokemon breeder but the idea of looking after other people's pokemon and raising them up instead of my own made me sick." Eli replies, smirking as she gazes up at him, eyes wide. He's not as tall as Raihan but he still towers over her. "You know, I really wonder what Raihan likes about you...you’re nowhere as pretty as his ex-girlfriend and you’re nothing like her. I didn’t think Raihan would like girls like you. Actually, now that I think about it... it’s not even been that long since they broke up. He’s probably not even over it. Maybe he’s just using you.”
Reaching for her, he takes a strand of her hair in his hand and all of a sudden, he sees a change in her persona - she shoves him away, seething. "Don't touch me!" She yells, her face red with anger. Goomy and Dreepy also hiss at him angrily too, protective of their trainer.
Eli merely blinks slowly, and sighs. "....You're no fun."
In fact, they didn't notice that someone else had entered the establishment and as Eli turns, a fist connects with his face. However, before he falls to the floor, he is grabbed by the front of his coat and he comes face to face with the dragon tamer.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Raihan growls. It's weird to see Raihan angry because he's always either smiling, grinning or posing for the camera. Nothing gets to him apparently, except this, which is nice to know. It's kind of exhilarating, knowing that he can get Raihan to rear this side.
"Oh. It's you. We were just talking about you." Eli says, grinning.
"You got a problem with me, you take it out on me. Not her. Leave her alone."
He is unfazed, despite Raihan's threatening tone. "You don't scare me, Raihan. I'd watch myself if I were you."
Raihan releases him and Eli almost stumbles over his own two feet. "Get outta here."
Adjusting his coat, he wipes the blood off his chin, turning round to leave. "See you at the party." Eli says, smirking.
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thirstyforlulu · 5 years
Alucard x Reader: For Your Convenience Chapter 2
You were left alone on the floor for a while. The room was silent, although you couldn’t tell because of the ringing in your ears. His coat was very much appreciated as it kept you warm as your body slowly recovered. Never before had you felt the effect of such extreme blood loss, it was terrible. The scariest part however, was that you’d be doing this for ages to come.
When he returned, the ringing in your head had stopped but you were still very weak. He grabbed your hand and lifted you off the ground like you weighed nothing, then led you toward your room. His grasp was strong, not enough to be painful although you were still a little numb. It was shocking how cold he was. If he were human, he’d be long dead of hypothermia. The longer he held your hand, the more the cold began to set into your body, spreading from your hand up your arm. You were so focused on the cold that you didn’t notice he was slowing down until he stopped.
“Here is your room. I expect you to be in here unless I tell you to be elsewhere, understand?” He said, pushing the door open.
Just like with the entrance, a loud creak resonated throughout the small hallway. When the door was fully open, you were surprised to find a very nice looking room. It was bigger than the room you’d had at the inn and had much nicer furniture. There were two large windows pointing out toward the front lawn of the castle, letting you see up to the edge of the woods. It made you feel isolated, like you were on a far away island with no one but him and yourself.
“Thank you, sir,” You said, taking a step into the room.
You were still a bit woozy, so the sudden movement threw you off, sending you crumpling to the floor. He expected this and caught you before you could hit the ground.
“So weak,” He groaned, lifting you off the ground.
He lifted you up and wrapped your legs around his waist, placing your upper body over his shoulder. With your added weight he didn’t seem phased, walking just as fluid and quick as he had when he wasn’t burdened.
He took you over to the bed, and slowly lowered you onto the bed, carefully supporting you by your back as you went. Once you made it down, he paused with his body right above you. His torso made a cage, keeping you from getting out of the bed, his hips were perfectly positioned between your legs, making you blush.
“How sweet, my little human is embarrassed. Do you want me to please you? Are you hoping that by making that cute little face you’ll tempt me? Well, unluckily for you I prefer not to play with my food,” He sneered, standing up straight and heading for the door.
Your blush worsened. You laid there as you watched him go, excited at the prospect of a moment alone. It was still light out, but you felt so tired.
“I’m going back to sleep, you should do the same. Tomorrow, I will send you out to get your things from the village, until then stay here and be a good pet,” He said with his back to you.
Before you could protest against being called a “pet”, he’d shut the door and was gone, leaving you alone in your new room. Slightly lifting your head, you looked around at the other furnishings around you. There was a desk, a wardrobe, a chair, and a nightstand. The walls were bare, save for the occasional sconce. The candles, you noted, were all brand new, showing no signs of ever being burned. Only a thin layer of dust clued you in to their age.
In fact, everything in the room had dust on it besides the bed which you were grateful for. You wouldn’t have been able to sleep otherwise.
You snuck under the heavy covers and wrapped yourself up. The bed, you found, was very soft and comfortable. It cradled your body so sweetly, easing any aches and pains you had in your joints. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep after that.
He was right about you needing to rest. You slept through the rest of the day and all through the night, waking up the next morning when a beam of sunlight made its way onto your face.
The fatigue from yesterday was gone, leaving you feeling refreshed. When you sat up, the door to your room opened on its own. You expected to see someone behind the door, but there wasn’t. Taking that as a sign, you got up and headed out.
You weren’t sure where to go, but an incredible smell attracted you downstairs. Following the smell, you found your way into a large dining room with a table in it so massive it could seat a small town. At the head of the table, was the vampire, sitting with a book in his hand. To his right was a chair with a single plate in front of it. The table itself was covered with every breakfast food you could imagine. Everything looked so delicious, your mouth watered and your stomach grumbled.
“Come, eat something,” He said, gesturing to the open seat.
Upon closer inspection, you realized the plate was full of food. You excitedly took your place in the chair.
“May I?” You asked, gesturing to the meal.
“Is there anyone else here that you think would eat this?” He snapped.
You took that as a yes, picking up your fork and taking a bite of whatever was closest. Everything on the plate was high in iron and protein, which your body desperately needed. To your surprise it was actually really good. It was amazing that someone who doesn’t even eat food would be able to make something so tasty. How did he know what he should and should not do? How did he know he was doing it right without tasting everything?
“Make sure you eat everything I put on that plate. You’re welcome to eat more, but not less. Your body needs it right now,” He said without looking up from his book.
The plate was massive, you had no idea how you were going to finish it all. You were starving yes, but not enough to eat all he’d given you. Even though you tried your best, there were still a few bites left. No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t do it.
“You’re not finished,” He chidded.
“I can’t. It’s too much,” You replied.
He sighed, setting down his book and grabbing your plate.
“I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t want you hurting yourself, especially when I’m sending you out today. You get a pass, but just this once,” He said, walking to the kitchen to do the dishes.
When he returned, he picked his book up and put it under his arm, walking up behind your chair to pull it out from under the table.
“You are now free to go collect your things. I expect you to be back before sundown,” He said.
“Wait before I go, can I know your name?” You asked, wanting to tell the people in the town.
“It’s none of your concern.”
You nodded, lowering your head and excusing yourself out of the room. The fresh air hit you as soon as you opened the door. It felt so good, the weather was amazing. Everything seemed even greener than it had the day before, and there were far more birds singing in the trees.
Not wanting to waste time, you headed off into the words towards town. Now that you sort of knew the way, it didn’t take as long to get back. When you exited, there were children playing not far from you. Noticing you step out from the woods, they gave you strange looks as you walked past.
The Inn wasn’t too far away, so you weren’t worried. You walked through the town at a leisurely pace, taking time to really admire it in the light. With everything that had happened you hadn’t really had a chance to see what all this place had to offer, and since this was your last bout of freedom, you figured you should take advantage of it.
Nobody recognized you as you filtered through the shops. You were just another tourist, come to look around then leave. They let you do as you pleased, said a few good mornings, but other than that they wanted nothing to do with you. Well, everyone except the young man from the day before.
He noticed you first, you didn’t see him until you noticed the way the crowd was parting to let him through. Before you could greet him, he pulled you aside into a bar. He pushed you into a seat, ordered a beer, then started talking faster than you’d heard anyone talk before.
“You’re alive? How? Why? What did you do? Did you promise him something? Seduce him? Threaten him? What was it?” He rambled.
“Slow down, one question at a time please,” You replied.
He hadn’t expected you to come back. In fact, he’d lied to you about how many people had gone to the castle. In the past year alone over 30 people had gone, 20 men, 10 women, each hoping to stop the terror that plagues their village. Some claimed they were going to kill the vampire, while others planned to seduce him, but they all met the same fate. The next morning after they left, their bodies would wash up on the riverbank, completely drained of blood. His plan was for you to go up there like all the others as a sacrifice, to hopefully buy the villagers some time.
The bartender came over and set his beer down in front of him. Before he left though, you ordered a drink for yourself.
“Ok, how did you make it out alive?” The young man asked.
“I talked to him. He was scary at first, but he was willing to listen to reason.”
“Reason? That’s impossible, he’s a monster, reason means nothing to him,” The man interrupted.
“No seriously, I just talked to him and he agreed to a deal. He promised to leave the town alone as long as I stay there with him and let him drink from me.”
As you explained, the bartender brought your drink, setting it in front of you before quickly walking away.
“And you agreed to that? Why?”
“I wanted to help the town.”
“A town full of people you don’t even know?”
Hearing what you did made him question himself. He had just sent you to die and here you were saying you sacrificed yourself for his town. Was that really all that needed to be done?
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, I wanted to. I’m happy to be able to help,” You replied, taking a sip of your drink.
The two of you got to talking and drinking, before you knew it you were several mugs in with no plans of stopping. He paid for everything you ordered, it was the least he could do for you for saving the town. You had just finished another glass when you noticed a man in a dark cloak approaching you.
Out of nowhere, he grabbed you, pulling you out of the booth by your arm. The young man went to protest but suddenly stopped after looking at the stranger. You tried to scream, but no one seemed to care. The stranger pulled you out of the bar and into an alley. They slammed you against the wall, holding you up by the cuff of your shirt. When you looked up, you realized it was night time.
“What part of be back by sunset was too hard for you to understand?!” They yelled.
You recognized the voice instantly.
“I’m so sorry Sir! I got carried away. I wasn’t paying attention to the time,” You pleaded.
The bar didn’t have any windows, so you had no clue it had gotten so late.
“Shut up! Was that man supposed to take you away somewhere? Were you two going to run away together? Like I would just forget about your promise and let you go?”
“No! He was just surprised to see me again, I don’t even know him that well.”
His hands moved from the cuff of your shirt up to your neck, squeezing hard until you were only able to get a little bit of air with each breath.
“I should kill you right here. It wouldn’t be hard. I could snap your neck like a twig then drink your blood till your body shrivels up, then leave you here for the wolves.”
“Please no!” You choked out, reaching up to grab his wrists.
The hold he had on your neck was like iron. No matter what you did you couldn’t shake it. You could feel your veins start to struggle to pump blood to your head.
“Why shouldn’t I? You haven’t shown any loyalty to me, I have no reason to spare you.”
“I-I want to please you,” You said, reaching down and placing a hand on his stomach.
“Please me? You have no choice in that matter, you’ve already promised yourself to me,” He replied, his grasp weakening slightly.
“I want to. I want to make you happy. Please, let me give you what you want,” You said, your hand trailing lower.
With a groan, he dropped you to the ground letting you fall like a limp noodle. He took a step back and admired the look of you gasping for air on the ground.
“I bet you’d love that. Pleasing me in this dirty alleyway like a cheap whore, but I’m not that easy to please. Go get your things and meet me back here. I’m taking you back to the castle.”
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