#hopefully this all makes sense<3333
jeniffercheck · 8 months
hi!! do you happen to have any fics in the works/anything you can tease 👀
hiiiii :') so i am working on two fics right now, one is a shivlina zombie apocalypse au (very self indulgent, this will be my third apocalypse au on ao3 if it does get posted 😭) but i'm still in the early stages of figuring out how i want it to/the format, so i'm not sure if/when it will be posted, but i've just been working on it for fun so you're welcome to ask about it if you (or anyone) do happen to like zombie stories!!!! it's one of my fave genres and i've been revisiting fear the walking dead to get some inspo for it 😈
the other is a fic i wasn't really sure if i was going to post about or not; as a caveat, i haven't really been having a lot of fun with fanfic lately and i've been considering taking a break for a little bit until i start to feel good about it again, but i DO have a story i've been having a lot of fun writing and was kind of planning on seeing through regardless if i took a break from posting or not -- i have already been posting it on another account on ao3 and u can find it here -- i was keeping it anonymous bc i just wanted a low pressure place to post a story (but it didn't really solve any issues i've been having w fic. alas 😭) BUT i really do appreciate that you care enough about my writing to want more/check in about it & i'd feel really bad saying i'm taking a break and then continuing to post this one, so even if i do take a main 'duskfalls' break i think i will still be updating this story and hopefully it can fill the void<3333
i do have some other fics that are in the works that are probably going to take a pause and wouldn't mind sharing excerpts from them if u really really are desperate for jeniffercheck content, but yeah I think aside from the two fics i mentioned above that i'm just trying to write for fun, a break is probably happening rn :(
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petruchio · 4 months
I love love love your Finnick/Annie series!! I was reading the last chapter wondering how you could end it and it was so well done.
I’m kinda wondering on what your thoughts are on what happens to Annie after? Cause you touched on the idea of the capitol kind of exaggerating the whole “mad girl” persona for her so it would be so eye opening to find out that (pre-mockingjay of course) she wasn’t as crazy as everyone thought and they kept up that persona to keep her away from the capitol. But I could also see where as worse things were happening, especially when you get to the hunger games and catching fire, that would be tough and kind of lead to a downfall there? And then she would eventually get to how we meet her in the series.
Hopefully this makes sense! Basically I’m just fathoming the connection between what you wrote and the series we know and love. I just think Annie is such an interesting character that isn’t talked about a lot other than the fact that Finnick loved her.
yeah good question!! and ahhhh im so happy you liked it!! 🤍
i kind of think two things — so first, in terms of playing up the mad girl persona, i absolutely subscribe to that belief lol. in my story what i kind of alluded to is that i think finnick plays a role in playing up the mad girl thing to protect/save her from going through what he went through. and it works obviously which is why peeta buys into it in catching fire.
and then second, i really combed over the books for any annie moments and i think it’s significant that we actually only meet her AFTER she’s rescued from the capitol. so like, we truly meet her at her absolute lowest, and EVEN SO the only thing katniss says is that she’s, like, kind of odd and laughs in strange places in conversations. so all that is to say my interpretation is that she’s not actually all that “mad” — she’s traumatized of course but when we do finally actually meet her she’s dealing w the horror of whatever happened in the capitol, so i imagined a pre-capitol annie as being even less “mad” than her couple of lines in the books.
so i guess thats a long winded way of saying i kind of wrote it (and imagine it) to be both that they play up the mad girl persona to protect her from getting the finnick/johanna/haymitch treatment and ALSO that whatever happens to her in the capitol sends her into an even worse place that gives us the person we meet in mockingjay.
but that’s just me!!!! and ofc that’s also kind of specific to the one story i chose to tell — i can imagine a thousand other backstories and other paths for her. i think that’s why i found this to be such an interesting story to write, bc her and finnick have much less clearly defined stories as opposed to katniss and peeta, so there was a lot more to play around with and invent there.
thanks again for your sweet words <3333 im so happy you liked the story and thanks so much for reading!!
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linguenuvolose · 6 months
2024 goals - March progress
I can't claim I focussed on my goals at all this month... Idk I don't really see them as goals either they're just kinda.. things I keep some track of. I know I said this last month but I think April will be more productive because this month for sure spring will feel like it's here (we're still waiting for the trees to turn green, it snowed A Lot last week, just to give you an idea of the situation).
Anyway love and light below are some reflections on my specific goals :)
Get back into a reading routine
I've kept on reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf and I only have 35 pages left. I'm still not consistent at all with it, I read a bit about once a week. I find it so hard to reach for the book instead of my phone, it's annoying because I really do enjoy the book.
Meet friends at least once a month
I've had some good hangouts this month, mostly others that have been reaching out. I'm happy because one of my friends came to my boyfriend's show and was so excited about it and I'm happy they are bonding! In April I have plans to go visit a friend who lives in another city (one of my closest friends who will also meet my boyfriend for the first time) and I'm also planning to reach out to another friend!
Do the damn exercises for my back :(
I did them like.... 2,5 times :( not good at all. And my salsa classes stopped in the middle of the month and I've decided to not continue so it's not looking perfect. Hopefully with the extra light we get now I can have more energy to do them in the evening.
Get better at Portuguese
I signed up for the Portuguese course at uni <3333 Hopefully I'll get in and I'll be able to do that in the fall. I studied in some way 11 days of the month which isn't nothing!! Started doing Clozemaster and I really like it, especially on the writing mode (let's be honest, all my knowledge in Romance languages makes the "choose from these four options" a walk in the park for me). It's super annoying that the free plan only allows you 30 words a day. What I really should do is produce more, write little texts and stuff.
Get my license
We're still waiting for the permit to be able to practice driving with my boyfriend but it's taking a while... I've had 2 lessons though (was supposed to have 3 but one got cancelled). I don't know that I feel that I'm getting any better but I do really have to start studying the theory. It would be nice to talk to my instructor also and ask him what he thinks a reasonable time frame would be for me. In my head I'm seeing myself getting the license during the summer but who knows.
Get back into the habit of going on walks
I have been on some walks this month but more in the sense of I am somewhere and walk a bit instead of taking the closest subway. But I mean now with the change of the hour and the warmer weather I for sure am seeing myself going on more walks!
Go to the theatre more (youth discount my beloved) and also to some museums!
I went to the Maurizio Cattelan exposition at the Modern art museum because my friend had a free entrance with her job. I actually really liked it! Unfortunately I was in a bit of a hurry so I didn't have time to meander or look at the other expositions but I would love to go back! They do the free entry on Friday evenings so I think I might go!
Improve my sleeping schedule
I actually compiled my statistics for this this month (yay!). Slept an average of 7h15 but if we just look at work nights it's 6h20. Not great... It's not something I've paid particular attention to this month but I think I should. I think a goal could be maybe sleep before 1 more often (this month it was 3 times hihihi ma come siamo messi raga).
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eggyrocks · 4 months
hey hey hey!! i’m sending a matchup request in participation for fics for gaza 🍉 thank you so much for your hard work :D
— i’m an enfp 2w3 !!
— i’m 4’10” AND A HALF (the half is very important), and unsurprisingly i get made fun of a lot for my height. i have black shoulder length hair with blonde peekaboo highlights, and it’s usually pretty messy. i also have bangs because i like to call my forehead one of the seven mysteries of the world (because no one is allowed to see it)
— not only am i short, but i also have HORRIBLE eyesight so i have to wear glasses and contacts. i’d say that my fashion style falls under soft academia? oversized cardigans and leg warmers are always a staple in my outfits.
— a lot of people describe me as energetic, loud, and sociable. i’d like to think that people are drawn to my sense of humor and enthusiasm.
— i’m very open about my interests and feelings to the people im close to. a lot of people say it’s one of my strong suits, but sometimes i feel like im a little TOO open. (like, i’m the type of person to randomly text my friends that i’m currently taking a shit)
— i have a very direct style of communicating. if i ever have an interest in someone or something, i try my best to voice that immediately. i hate the feeling of being lead on by someone else, so i do my best to avoid doing that to other people.
— i get along better with introverts than i do with extroverts. i’m actually really intimidated by people who can match my levels of extroversion.
— i do sometimes worry that i’m being too talkative and annoying. i have a tendency to yap someone’s ear off once ive been enabled, so whenever im talking, i’ve gotten into the habit of asking if im ever talking too much mid conversation. i know a lot of introverts appreciate someone who can drive a conversation, but i also worry that im overdoing it
— in terms of hobbies, i really enjoy photography and scrapbooking. i have a digital camera that prints photos, so i always bring it wherever i go. i love taking candid photos the most, because it makes me feel like i’m capturing precious memories!
— i also have a really big sweet tooth. i want to get into baking just so i can make my own sweets, but i suck at anything that has to do with the kitchen. i can’t cook or bake for the LIFE OF ME. hopefully the person i get matched with is good at cooking because we might have to order takeout everyday if not
— i enjoy reading too! i love annotating my books and writing silly notes in the margins. my favorite thing to do is share a book with one of my friends, so we can reply to each others notes and mark up sections of the book we think the other person will find interesting.
i think that’s all the important information about myself that i have! again, thank you so much!! 💗
matchup #1: kageyama tobio
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kageyama could listen to u talk for hours. like actual hours without saying much. he just likes to hear what you have to say
you may sometimes wonder if he's actually listening but he always would be; he'd bring it up weeks later like "oh, remember that thing you were talking about a few weeks ago?"
you were talking about a new bakery you're excited about going to once it opens up? yeah he went there opening day and got you several of your favorite things to try. like weeks later. he's had it marked in his calendar the whole time
gets kinda shy whenever you take your camera out and whenever you tell him to act natural he forgets how. lots of photos of him trying to force a smile
but when you do catch him in a candid he's the best model out there
PLEASE make him a scrapbook of his volleyball games. it would be one of the most important things he owns to him. would actually treasure it for the rest of his life
your communication needs to be direct because otherwise it might go over his head lol; he appreciates the way you communicate with him
he's not the most avid reader but would ask you to explain the things he does not understand ; loves to hear your interpretation and might take them as fact
if someone else was like "here's what i thought abt that book" he might actually be like "wrong. this is what my parent thought so thats whats right"
matchup #2: tsukishima kei
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the type of mf to hide things in high places just so you have to ask him to get them for you
the most smug expression of all time when he does grab them for you. he would do this all the time
secretly would just like when you ask him for help and can't help but be a little smug abt it
if you ever got insecure abt how much you were talking around him and started to trail off, he would prompt you to keep going. "why did you stop?" "what happened next?" "what else?" because even though he's not good at saying it out loud, he'd love the sound of your voice and would get unnerved/uncomfortable when you weren't as talkative
big readers together <3 he's the perfect person to trade annotations with and his would absolutely be color coded and he would spark little harmless debates with u over the contents of the book
he doesn't like to be in your photographs but would frame them and hang them up around his house; especially if they're of places you two went on dates or shared a nice memory together
museum dates with him are an absolute must. art or history or science whatever. they're his favorite places to go with you
matchup #3: matsukawa issei
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such a chill and laid back bf he's really just happy to follow you and do whatever makes you the most happy
might take him a bit longer to open up but once he does he's just as open with you as you are with him; tells you absolutely everything and would not have a filter
your #1 defender
if anyone made fun of your height in front of him he would simply place you on his shoulder. what now? who's short now?
if anyone (rudely) said you talked a lot he would chastise them for interrupting you. “do you mind asshole i was listening”
might steal your cardigans even though it would be like comically short on him; he would just like that they're yours
would love your humor, would have a smile on his face all the time whenever you talk
wants to support your photography directly; he want to be your assistant. "do you want me to flash my phone light so this looks brighter" "i'll move those things out of the way so you can get a better shot" just wants to help u honestly
matchup #4: kozume kenma
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this is absolutely a take out every night kind of relationship; maybe he can cook but you'll never know because he never has the motivation to do so
he defends this to you by saying he's rich so it doesn't matter
kenma would really value your creativity (enfp) and your input; trusts your judgement in all things especially his career and would often come to you for advice on his content
sometimes asks if you'd be comfortable incorporating your photography into his content bc he wants you involved in everything he does
every profile pic of him would definitely be a photo you've taken
would love listening to you talk while he plays video games and would just want you near him all the time
if you ever got insecure abt talking too much he would be very straightforward abt comforting you "why would i listen to you if i didn't want to?"
also your hair is kinda matching and i think that is extremely cute
would absolutely LOVE the way you dress and thinks it's actually the cutest style ever
kenma values your communication style because it's very similar to his and there's never any confusion between you guys
matchup #5: kita shinsuke
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the most husband husband to ever husband
your enthusiasm is one of his favorite things about you; he loves the passion you have for the things you care about and finds your dedication so admirable
easily incorporates you into his daily routine and makes space for you in his life; he may be strict about his routine but he would absolutely be willing to make changes to accommodate you
LOVES reading your annotations because he loves to see how thoughtful you are and the way you think abt things
happy to cook for you constantly, loves to make your favorite things for you
would absolutely learn to bake for you as well!!!!! and when he does something he does it 100% so you know that would be the best baking you've ever had in your life
would be happy to go to social events with you but would stick by your side
genuinely just the best man ever and would also be the best partner ever he needs an award actually
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honeekyuu · 1 month
Hello! I have returned!!!! Here to ramble at you again but what’s new? Since you said you love live reactions I am here to do that once again <3
I’m sorry I’m still dying at him calling us pretty girl. Like I will never get over it, twirling my hair and kicking my feet as I giggle. Honee I know you’re killing me. I can’t with all the nicknames. This will be the end of me (bakery anon has never been called sweet things like that-)
Komori and Kita here to smack sense into Suna. Good job boys, knew I could count on you 🫡 I’m sorry he said “That’s my girl.” And my brain unhelpfully supplied me with Howl from Howl’s moving castle. I’m sorry for the person this fic is turning me into.
You’re feeding us good this week omg. WJFJJSJFJS “new favorite words.” PLEASE. HE’S SO DOWN BAD. GOOD JOB Y/N FOR OPENING UP. I’m so proud of her 😭😭😭 not to be dramatic but I would literally die for her.
HONEE PLEASE THIS IS SO WJNFNSNDJSJ SCRUMPTIOUS. I’M SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS. No rush though, I saw that apparently some people 😒 were being not very cute, not very demure, not very mindful.
Yapping Note Time: GUYS. I LOVE YOU!!!! YOU’RE ALL SO WORTHY OF LOVE AND I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!!! You guys are all beautiful and even if all you did today was read and stay in bed. You still did something you enjoyed and I’m proud of you! If no one else tells you today allow me, I LOVE YOU!!!! <333
That goes for you too Honee! but also! Remember writing is fun, write for you not other people. I hope your writing fulfills you and that you can look back and get happy when you see us go absolutely feral over it. I love you Honee and thank you for yet another banger of a chapter <3333
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
HI BAKERY ANON HOW ARE YOU TODAY??? HOPEFULLY WELL!!! im gonna live react your live reacts lmao
suna will NEVERRRR stop with the 'pretty girl'. he has yn saved as 'pretty girl' in his phone, with a black heart and the blushing-hiding-behind-hands emoji like a fucking LOSER. his phone wallpaper is also totally the charcoal drawing he did of 'yn in a pumpkin costume' because he was killing time waiting for suga to figure out how to draw ballerina slippers on his jellyfish
suna is a down bad SIMP, when she compliments him he gets so god damn blushy and nervous and he cant get enough
STOP NOT THE HOWL REFERENCE,,,, bro suna needed his ass handed to him and komori is secretly evil so
she really did open up to him after like 4 days they really took 'friendship progression' and BASS BOOSTED IT
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slytherinshua · 3 months
Hopefully they will get a bit of rest before the show! They definitely need it after the tour though, the schedule seemed brutal. I don't think I'd be able to cope if it was me lol. You'll have to let me know what they are like to watch live, I'm sure they'll be amazing!!
Play is such a comfort song! I have definitely cried listening to it as well haha, also haze. I really do love how they have a song for every mood lol.
I'm honestly so glad that I started to listen to them when I did. I found them at a time when I'm finally starting to think more positively about myself and seeing my own potential, like seeing that I can improve myself but also being kind to myself when I inevitably mess up. I think the messages in their songs are really comforting and make me feel seen. (Although I still remember the night when hug by seventeen absolutely broke me ahaha) Finding a talented violinist who plays music that I like has helped me want to become better in that sense too, although admittedly I have wanted to improve for a while, but Yechan has actually given me a goal which is nice. (I've started to try and learn boogie man and my respect for Yechan has went WAY up).
I have wanted to watch super and for ages!! I never knew where to find it though. I found out about it because I'd started to listen to Hoppipolla and then would watch compilation videos of clips from superband. It seems so fun! And the amount of talent would make me cry ahaha. I'll and Ha Hyunsang's voices in 1000x almost made me cry the first time I listened to it because they blended so beautifully. After getting into Lucy, I was kinda like, the bassist in the awesome cover of the Coldplay song (I can't remember what it's called lol) was Wonsang?! Yechan played viva la Vida?? With Ha Hyunsang?? That made me want to watch it more ahaha (although I don't know if I'll be emotionally prepared to see Sangyeop cry)
I'll let you know if I have any ideas haha, but definitely keep writing for Lucy! I really liked your style of writing and thought you wrote Sangyeop really well!
Enjoy the show!!!!
okay now that I’m back from the show lemme answer this 🥹🥹 I think they did get some rest beforehand they were rly energetic and excited :( moreso than me cause I was so sore it hurt to stand and I was struggling when sangyeop wanted us to jump sigh
You could rly just tell they went all out for their last show of the tour and it was just so special :( I was right by wonsang bcuz he’s my bias and I wanted to watch him up close so most of the videos I took are of him. Whenever I could see sangyeop or get noticed by sangyeop I would die internally idk smth abt him live is just way too attractive and charismatic and he needs to stop being so fucking fine istg??? But wonsang was so cute I was chilling standing by him <33
I swear I can cry to any lucy song cause even the happy ones have sad or relatable lyrics… the sad ones hit so fucking hard absolutely when I need to cry colourless is my go to…. Sangyeop ugh 👹👹👹👹 and when it’s a song like boogie man I just cry cause of how beautifully crafted it is cause I think abt how hard wonsang works on every song LMAO IM SO EMO KILL ME
I also feel like I found them at just the right time but like for the opposite reason. I was going through intense burnout and listening to stove while I worked on schoolwork was the only thing keeping me going :( (along w bambam ty husband <3)
I NEED TO REWATCH SUPERBAND IN FULL TBH CAUSE 😭😭 I went back to watch the lucy stages but I just need to experience the WHOLE thing again… anyway here’s the link to the google doc with the google drive eps for you <3333 AND YES ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME COVER!!!! Absolutely adored it sm I remember how everyone thought wonsang was selfish and trying to make himself stand out by only picking guitarists while he was the only bassist but then he got all 5 votes cause his arrangement was so beautiful and chilling and ethereal and I love him sm I always call him my lil genius :(
Dropping some photos from the concert hehe
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reluctanttrabbit · 6 months
hi!! hopefully I don’t bother you with this question about your vanny playlists which I think are totally awesome. what exactly do you mean abt ‘songs that fit her thematically’ and ones you ‘associate with her’? Just curious, and hope the rest of your day goes well!
heyyyy not at all!! and tysm<3
by thematically, i mean songs that apply to her as a character, her role in the story, etc etc. for example 'me and the devil' , vanny could be seen as the singer and the devil would be glitchtrap if that makes sense ^^
and 'songs i associate with her' are just songs that i've heard in other playlists that dont exactly fit how i see her but i still associate them with her/songs that i think she would listen to. hope that helps :3333 you too!!
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jaegersmoon · 1 year
hey aimz, i just wanted to say i admire you and you’re writing so much. you have really inspired me to continue writing and have the confidence to express my emotions and hard experiences i have had within it. you should be so extremely proud of yourself!
my boyfriend suffers a similar thing to jean with his hand and it was a crazy kind of coincidence and it really touched me. idk how to explain it but it made me feel so much more attached to how you write jean and it tugged on my heart strings in all the right ways. hopefully that makes sense 😭
thank you for your amazing story, it’s made me feel so many things. you’re amazing, keep being strong and thank you again ❤️
we love you.
😭😭😭😭 idk how much more of this i can take. i love and care for you more than you’ll ever know!! thank you for your sweet words and for taking the time out of your day to send them to me. i am so happy you are taking writing back up!! i wish you the best in your journey and in the rest of life as well!!! <3333 💛🪐💫
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darlingpwease · 1 year
ah- true- asdfghjkl (keep writing the response here)
Yes!! Yes!!! He truly didn't mean anything bad in the beginning, he was so caught of guard, he was so lost, but after accidentally doing it for the third time, he finally caught on <33 He can't help but enjoy the way you look at him during those moments,, it's just so,, exhilarating? Even he isn't too sure what he's feeling, but he can't deny that he likes it <333 pretty boy pretty boy,, afkjskjahd Yay!! Tysmsm Dove, hopefully we can go from pencil to pen <3333
Ooo, ooo, what about after seeing a pattern of him trying to get a reaction out of you, you would keep talking to and teasing Toge in front of Yuuta, pretending to be indifferent to whenever Yuuta tries to get you jealous and acting bratty?? :00 Trying not to show anything, but usually not long after you mark him up all prettily??? :0000 maybebringingTogealongtoenjoytheshow??
"your only weapon" I don't even think there is one in the first place, if there is one, it's made out of cardboard and tape...... I can't even abuse it if I tried, those words will never not be surreal to me 😭😭 /pos /hsrs.... /3⁄4 srs WHAT- ur so meaAnNNN
Yes yes,,, it feels like an invitation at times honestly, all the time hkfjdsf
Ahh no need to thank me,, urs were so good so I'm happy you like these snippets <333 /gen All urs!! /slight t
1)YES!! He will admit, he was shaken at first,, who were you?? where was he?? You weren't going to hurt him, right? Pleasedon'thurthim- but he didn't expect for you to fawn over him right away, showering him in more praise and love than he expected, he was oddly.. flattered? Happy, even? Someone likes him this much?? You even proudly showed him your photo and video collection- and you added to it too, the face when he makes when he cums is so pretty, his voice, the way he twitches, his stomach full of you is so pretty, his body being marked by you is so so pretty, he'ssopretty- He even starts learning to cook to make you happy, you both need to lay off of takeout, definitely not because he wanted you to praise him again, definitely not-
2) AH AH Yuuta eventually so deep in his devotion to you that he truly believes that the church is for you, even when you come confessing "sins" how can someone as holy as you be impure?? he can only think that you're rewarding him for his devout worship and loyalty towards you, and only you. When he talks about you to other "followers", he praises you of all praises, so crazed in his prayers to you that when your name slips from his mouth as his Heavenly Being, that he doesn't even notice the way the others faces change. Maybe you don't even know that he worships you, completely unaware of his thoughts towards you,,, sure, you and him are, uh, closer compared to other priests and followers, but there's just this way he looks at you that makes you sink deeper into your sins. ah, but what about angel!reader who first came just to see how well humans worship the Lord Deity, laying your eyes upon Yuuta praying on his knees, feeling an unfamiliar tug in your chest.. Yuuta eventually seeing you as the Almighty Deity, and despite trying to correct him in the beginning, you eventually embrace it. Even when the Heaven's tear away your wings, scalding pain jabbing at you unbearably- falling from Heaven for Yuuta is worth it, both beautifully devoted to each others worship.
3) (genital mentions [penis, clit, womb] but in a "he can change them like you can change clothes" kinda way if that makes sense at the end) You feel like you've been doused in cold water, you don't understand how you didn't see it earlier, whenever you two would watch a movie and you'd fawn over the characters, Yuuta suddenly looking more like said characters than before,,, maybe even saying little details you like on others (maybe some freckles, or what about dark eyes? Fuller lips? A pretty waist?) And he'd suddenly get them,, how didn't you see it?? You should feel horrified, scared, you should run away- but the way he seemed to have crumpled like ash in front of you, tears falling as he desperately clings to you, the pure horror in his eyes at the thought of you leaving him,, you're not too sure anymore. How he begs you to stay, saying how he can be whatever you want him to be,, do you want him to have a pretty penis to play with, a sensitive clit?? Or a womb for you to fill, making sure to breed him so well?? Would you like him taller? Shorter? What about hair? Blond? Black? Brown? He can do pink too! He'll do anything, please?? Well,, you can't help but feel at least a little tempted... he's such a lovely lover, you may as well give him a proper chance,,
4) AADJADFJLKSN HIM MAKING CUTE LITTLE CHRIPS WHENEVER HE GETS HAPPY 😭🛐🛐🛐🛐 You even teasingly call him a duckling sometimes whenever he follows you. Him trotting behind you with such cute looks in his eyes, pure and utter trust and adoration towards you <333 He's very clingy to you, but you have no complaints. He hates whenever you have to go out, but he knows he can't leave home, so he waits for hours by the door, crashing into you and wrapping himself around you tightly when you finally come back. Him nuzzling his head against you, wanting you to shower him in affection,, hhhh hes so cute omgomg 😭😭
5) :OO I'm so glad merman!Yuuta is back!!! <333 Him becoming much more clingy to you the more times you have to head out, he's your mate, so please stay with him longer :(( He's ready to be bred by you again, making more eggs for you so you can't leave him, so you have to take care of him.. you love kissing his slit despite how desperate he can be, even when he's so pent up that he's shoving your face against it, rutting heavily against your face, he still cries out for you to fill him up. He's been good, right? He's still only yours, for now and forever, so please stuff him full, he deserves it,, right?? You coming back from a hunt that was months long to find Yuuta waiting for you at the settlements entrance along with the other mates of your fellow mermen, his head peaking from the crowd and lighting up when he sees you. You barely get a hug back before he is clinging to you, panting in your ear as he whines about how much he missed you and loves you, not seeming to mind the fact that there are others right next to you two,,, barely making it to a more secluded area before you mark him up again, filling him up a few times before rushing back home to keep going <//3333 or hunter!reader keeping Yuuta as their prized possession, keeping Yuuta for yourself, not letting anyone see him,, Yuuta has been smitten to you for months after you captured him. He was panicked at first, but he finds himself drowning (lol) in you, happily doing whatever you'd like, feeling so much joy in indulging you as his mate <33
I tried to keep these as short as possible so I won't take up much space from this ask, but I got carried away with some despite still writing little, im sorry!! _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _
If I knew you were going to try to bite other areas, I would've included it in out 'contract' along with the neck and cheeks </33 /t /hj so please let me at least think those earmuffs will do something <//333 you're the only blind Dove that even thinks those thoughts, so I'm saying it's your fault >:(( /t /nsrs MY THIGH NOW AS WELL??? HELP????
-panna cotta
"(keep writing the response here)" ajhsjshdjdgdhd well, if you insist... /t /j
jssgdhdh,,,, when your hands roughly fondle him, perhaps even slightly choking him or forcing him to lick your fingers, demanding that he repeat who he belongs to,,, when you squeeze his body, almost leaving marks, growling that you warned him about the consequences in case of disobedience, and if he decided to behave like a spoiled brat, you're going to show him what people like him get,,,,, when you squeeze his cheeks, saying you're not angry at all, of course not, you just have to follow the rules, you know? for example, fuck him to such a state that he will no longer even think of trying to act against you, crying and writhing from hyperstimulation</3333 I hope we will move on to the fact that we will start considering you absolutely not a suspect, but given your behavior, I doubt that my dream will come true ://// /t /j
Toge quickly understands what's going on, but seeing Yuuta as such a naughty mess, trying to get your attention and acting up to attract you, is actually even exciting,,, in sense, Yuuta is usually so calm and collected that to see him go crazy and start acting spoiled when you get too close to Toge, since he is used to being the center of your attention and that you always look only at him, but he still understands that you are teasing him on purpose, and this only further overexcites him and his behavior<//33 Toge didn't even realize that he might have a thing for a jealous Yuuta who is trying to cling to you and get you out of yourself so that you take out your discontent on him and stop looking at others, but seeing him like that is kind of even hot??? when you click and invite Toge to look at Yuuta, since he is so desperate for attention and wants others to know that you belong to each other, besides, it would be a good way for him to compensate for how he constantly interfered with your communication if you demonstrate Toge that you really regret his behavior and that what a naughty brat he is,,,, Yuuta's ruddy face when Toge really agrees,,,,,,,,,
at the same time, this same Panna Cotta continues to tease me... yu know, you know, I really want to pinch your nose, and it's a pity that I can't do it >:<<< I'm just warning you that I have some nice blogs that can be blocked if someone doesn't take my gifs seriously, huh :/// /t /j /nsrs
right??? he looks like,,, I constantly want to make him be kidnapped and tamed while he looks at you with adoration and does everything for you, I do not know, this aura around him just makes him the perfect material for this :(((
hehehe~ thank you for meal<33333
1) Yuuta who finds himself strangely charmed by your tenderness and adoration, even if this is not exactly the situation in which he should think about it — but you are so loving and caring, doing everything for him, which strangely resonates with his own nature, looking for this unconditional blind love in which we constantly shower him,,, when you respect and listen to his wishes, give him the best, worship him, and Yuuta has always been very puppy-like when he was taken care of (and so indifferent to himself), that your praise and almost prayer when you kiss his neck, stroking his hips, assuring him that you will give him the whole world, makes his heart beat stronger not at all out of fear,,,, you are so gentle, so loving, so adoring that Yuuta can't believe that this is all for him, and he can't help but try to give you all the same, even if at first he wanted to run away — over time he just gets so used to this home routine that doesn't want to go anywhere and even more so to leave you. the thought that you may prefer someone else and, moreover, get tired of him, constantly makes him nervous, thinking about how to leave you forever — but when he sees that he is the only one in your eyes, it becomes much easier... listen, but when you see that everyone is looking for him and for a moment you begin to doubt whether it was right, of course, you have him, your partner, your Yuuta, but he's not unhappy that he left everything for you, right? he doesn't mind, does he?? you wouldn't want him to be sad, especially because of you, you want him to always know how adorable and amazing he is, and that you are absolutely in love with him and will do everything for him,,, but he was a famous one and probably used to his hobby / job, so what can you do to so that he no longer thinks about the past and thinks only about you??? of course, he tells you that he thinks only of you, especially when he whines delightfully after another orgasm, begging you to let him also serve you when you tie his hands, capturing his desperate face when he almost cries, even more adorable than in life, but you can't constantly make love with him so his thoughts were only about you, right?,,,,, right?
2) you can't help but be inspired when he gets down on his knees in front of you to prove his loyalty, even if you're sure it's wrong, — but when you squeeze his hair without interrupting his desperate act of service, even if he can't help but be awkward, having never done anything like this before, you feel too unreal, seeing how your sweetheart, previously devoted only to the Deity and people, now goes to everything for you, almost worshipping, promising that he will never leave you and will not allow you to leave him, swearing that this is a promise in the face of the Deity, that he will follow you anywhere, and you really can't dismiss it when his eyes are so drunkenly shining; stealing your kisses while no one sees and greedily kissing you in the semi-darkness, shyly squeezing your hand with his wet one because of excitement, asking you in a trembling voice to follow him so that he can listen to you,,,, but Yuuta who simply does not believe that there can be something even more delightful and divine in the world than you, even if you know that such words are blasphemy — you cannot try to threaten him with punishment when he looks at you with such adoration that you cannot resist this temptation, demanding that he bow down before you, that you must be the only thing in his heart, and you will be expelled for it, but even knowing this, you cannot stop, desperately kissing his lips and pressing him closer, hugging him not at all like an angel should hug his ward, but rather like a spouse is hugged, and Yuuta can't help but blush because of this, but can't help but burn with this excitement and excitement, even if it's a sin,,,,, angel!Yuuta who comes to see the world, but meets you and gives up everything just to stay with you; maybe even uses his powers to convince you that he is an important messenger of the Deity and you should listen to him and accept his commandments, since he sees that you have a chance to become another angel, but instead you defile him by kidnapping and deciding to keep him for yourself, since you have never seen someone so amazing and something inside you demands that he stay with you forever, and you don't see the point in resisting this thirst, wanting him, and Yuuta can get out, — not that something mundane could stop him — but he even feels shamefully enthusiastic, encountering something like this for the first time and not wanting to harm you or resist,,,, you are so weak and gentle and full of adoration, even if your methods are outdated for this era and a little strange, but as long as you are willing to listen to him, he doesn't mind, you know? even if your way of getting him to be obedient is a little hasty — that's what only spouses should do, you know? — he shyly agrees, believing that he is doing everything for the sake of raising a new angel, even if he subconsciously understands that he has been indulging you for a long time and longs for you not at all because he wants you to leave him one day,,,,
3) mention of bottom!reader the way he starts to cry less, seeing that you don't look so scared and annoyed, even thinking in response to his suggestions, only to start smiling when you ask if he understands that you still can't forgive and accept him right away,,, when you cannot deny that you are becoming somewhat dependent on his ability, constantly using it to play with him, caressing his leaking precum dick, not letting him cum, asking him to tell you why you are punishing him, biting his sensitive neck, sliding lips over his pretty shoulders while he sobs, since he can't utter a word because of the gag;;; when you let him cum only after his red clit swells and becomes painfully sensitive due to constant denial, praising him that he is so pretty, maybe you will even think of riding his cock somehow, but instead you turn him over on stomach, resting his wet ruddy face in a pillow to stuff his cute throbbing womb, hungry for no less attention and squeezing you tightly even when it's full of you, trying not to let anything leak out, but even when you push a plug inside his pretty hole, it doesn't help</3333,,,,,, listen, but when you ask him to show you what he considers a real face and Yuuta is horrified, refusing, saying that almost all changelings have an ugly appearance and even if it is selfish, he would rather live with you with the appearance of another than show you his own, not wanting you to be disgusted with him, but as you ask him to change something in his appearance, he catches himself with guilty pleasure thinking that he is becoming like his real self, although you clearly have not seen his real appearance — you make him beautiful to your taste,,,, </33333
4) he builds a nest in your bed when you are away for a long time, as your smell soothes him from suffocating loneliness, even if soon you find nests everywhere in the apartment, especially in spring, when his life cycle says "it's time to get ready for eggs", only instead of eggs he drags you there,,, or when you wake up because your back is being scratched, only to realize that Yuuta is half asleep trying to clean your "wings" because he believes that his partner is next to him, but you only enjoy affectionate, gentle strokes, not considering it necessary to wake him up because of this, even if the next morning he says that he dreamed about cleaning your wings,,,, or when he thoughtfully cleans his wings and then you walk around the house with him to remove the fallen feathers, since he still forgets that he has to collect them and throw them away,,,,, when he gives you a gift of his feathers like a dream catcher,,,,,,,,, or when you sleep with him, but he's so hot that you get too warm, although he's still good to warm you if you understand me...
5) merman!Yuuta, who is getting acquainted with the concept of oral sex for the first time and becomes obsessive about it,,,, let you lick his slit? stick his head between your thighs? he could spend hours just to serve you and always so enthusiastically rubs against your face when you want to take care of his — how much he has become addicted to it is almost unreal</333 shark!Yuuta who thinks you're kind of fucking breathtaking and tries to shyly court you by bringing shiny things and fish just to get you closer to him, but you think he's trying to mate with you — but hey, you're okay with that, even if he seems shy when you find a more comfortable place to you are to mate with him, pressing him against a stone or wooden building to stuff him and make sure that his slit will swell by the time you are done with him, if only he would stop scaring the villagers, — only so that he will soon come back to you with gifts, shyly looking out from under the water, but when you try to understand why he came back, Yuuta first blushes and looks away, then squints and timidly slightly opens the slit, and you are even amazed at how lustful and greedy sharks are, not realizing that Yuuta decided that you probably find friends this way, and he really doesn't mind to mate with by you if it's a friendly thing for you,,,, as a rule, shark mating is rough and bloody, but you were so gentle and careful caressing him before you started rubbing that he can't understand if you are reacting to his courtship or you just think of him as a friend — maybe he's just not your type and you're not sure that his cubs will be strong? or do you need more time to start a relationship?? or is he thinking too deeply about it??? listen, but you know that some species of sharks can turn from males to females with age, right? listen, yuuta, whom you thought was your boyfriend, at some point explains to you that no, he's still a guy, it's just that now he has a pretty womb that you can stuff instead of a beautiful cock, but not that it changes anything, right? (wrong, you were in shock when you woke up and realized that something was... wrong... with your partner</333)
6) Yuuta, who turns out to be a victim of stalker!slime!reader, since he is so cute and good that you want to wrap yourself around him and make sure that he feels good, so you can't resist the temptation when he gets a wet dream — and are happy to help him just to find out that Yuuta is into monsters and doesn't mind a few appendages at all, even if at first he chokes and whines while you caress him everywhere, ready to lose consciousness from hyperstimulation<333
I'm rather dissatisfied — why so little??? why did I read all this so quickly??? huh huh huh🤨🤨🤨 disappointing, disappointing, try again :/// /hj /hj /neu don't apologize, sun, who doesn't like a lot of favorite text??? all the dissatisfied have long been removed or received an automatic readmore🙄😒
but you didn't know~ so well that you still underestimate me<33 no♡ have I ever deceived you? so how can I lie now? it's hopeless, dear<333 it's your fault, of course. don't you have such pretty ears??? If you didn't have them, I wouldn't bite you!!! after all, you seduce me with them, you know? first you tease and then you say that I can't even bite you in return!!! such a Mean, such an Evil panna cotta... :((((( /t /j I've been targeting them for a long time, glad to get the opportunity to finally bite!!!😋😋😋 CHOM—
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Hellaaaaaauuuur, I'm in Taiwan, but I'm going home soon :/
So CBX, I'm glad they won, but I'm also confused about the whole thing, it's awkward af to be working with people you sued ajgghshgajaasgsdgsd also I wouldn't trust SM, but I hope everything improves and works out well. Baek said to trust him, so there's nothing we can say since we don't know all the details
Omfg, have you seen Shinee in Thom Browne, I can't believe Minho and Jinki are the ones serving skirts??? makes me even sadder Jinki won't be promoting. But heeeeey Shinee variety shows!!!
Baek ILY you came with a whole ass Powerpoint presentation on Ateez's lack of good photos <3333 I feel like I'm nitpicking sometimes, but I genuinely care about the pictures especially if I'm buying albums. I bought so many from artists I don't stan because of the photobooks. TXT for example, I bought two of their albums before I even got into them, because WOW same with NCT. And they don't even need to try that hard, like I said before: some of the pics members post on SNS are much better, wtf??? Very true on the settings + clothes combo, sometimes the colours are so off it makes the photos look even more lacklustre... they rely on members' looks, but they still edit them to the point of the boys looking strange :( Like https://twitter.com/shinestarnation/status/1669978356861874176?t=MOHn2peZLBCxzCiWmfTMAA&s=19 and https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1669972664046469123?t=6JuN7g_tRmtkZ2jJofzqLA&s=19 - he looks hot, but come on. This https://twitter.com/pshsource/status/1670647944469696512?t=7ewg9ktCAqqyvfKprFNCBg&s=19 is better, and the lil ponytail is cool, but again it's because HWA IS A MODEL
Now onto the album, yeah it's like Movement and I feel the same about it, except Outlaw doesn't have Cyberpunk <3 each song has cool parts, but they blend together too much. Can't even tell which one is my fave honestly, I still cannot distinguish all of them based on the verses. I haven't listened to the album a ton, because I didn't have time also the album is kinda an assualt on my senses 😭. Coming from me - noise music lover, lmao. Bouncy grew on me, it's catchy, I'd rather if Ateez gave me something else, but it's the only track that's different
Bestie my bff/flatmate met Yuta in Paris and hopefully she meets TY too, but FUCK PARIS!!! This video lowkey reminds me of our meeting, so fucking random https://twitter.com/yutpeu/status/1670738437585108993?s=20
Anyways, you're right Yuta is a great actor, the difference between that movie he did and his current drama is soooooo 😂😂😂 and the fact so many people don't know his voice and claim he can't sing, but he can do this https://youtube.com/shorts/YcuQlxS3hjA?feature=share4 !? 127 has a lot of singers and not enough singing lines, their line up never made sense to me. Like Jaehyun is a good singer with nice vocal tone, not a fucking rapper, STOP IT. I think they'd benefit from having another proper rapper instead of so many vocalists. 2 Baddies is questionable, but Yuta's "fill up the tank pour gasoline on me rah"??? Okay rockstar!
Speaking of Jamal Jeong, this https://twitter.com/jaehyunpetals/status/1669874106874073088?s=20 video is so fucking funny I've been laughing at it for days and not Troye pulling him also?! Have you seen the vid where Troye tells him he was born in South Africa and Jaehyun literally has his "if you're from Africa then why are you white" moment, I CANNOT
Hoooooold ooooon the challenges, first Taeyong x Felix, now Taeyong with Woo and Yunho. The universe knew I'd die if it was Hwa, lol
Can we talk about Hwa's room??? He did not dissapoint me, the only one so far who has a room with some personality, not just b&w hotel look (soz WooSan) or a literal man cave (Yunho). His room is gamer nerd aesthetic x high fashion girlie DID YOU SEE THE YSL STUFF???? ANTHONY VACARELLO WHERE IS HIS SHOW INVITE THEN. The Folklore vinyl made me laugh, I won't comment, but it's a crime his room is so small :///
Wow, I'm so normal... https://twitter.com/MAS_43ver/status/1670391008151109632?s=20
He is so great and amazing and spectacular https://twitter.com/shinestarnation/status/1670014890969292804?s=20 - DV 💖
Hellaaaaaauuuur, I'm in Taiwan, but I'm going home soon :/ /// So CBX, I'm glad they won, but I'm also confused about the whole thing, it's awkward af to be working with people you sued ajgghshgajaasgsdgsd also I wouldn't trust SM, but I hope everything improves and works out well. Baek said to trust him, so there's nothing we can say since we don't know all the details
HELLOOOO LMFAOOO BACK TO BRITAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i think this is like the first time sm backed off??? no bc some ppl are not able to read,,, im vv glad they have an agreement and now will change things on their contracts, not only theirs but potentially everyone at sm will now have a chance to change those contract terms now,,, cbx really became sm’s character development??? im also hoping they weren’t threatened into this,, but as long as baekhyun says it’s fine then it must be, he’s the lawyer i just hope he isn’t be scrutinized and singled out 😭😭😭 AT LEAST WE ARE GETTING THE COME BACK??? ALL THE PRODUCERS ARE SO EXCITED AND ITS MAKING ME SCREAM BC ANON THIS????
do u hear this (put the volume up rly loud) that baekhyun siren call oMG???? ANON ALL THE BEST OLD SM PRODUCERS ARE COMING BACK??? THAT SIREN CALL??? the way im gonna buy this album the minute they drop the photos omg anon u will not hear the end of me talking about their voices ALL THE SM HIT MAKERS BMWDJWK
Omfg, have you seen Shinee in Thom Browne, I can't believe Minho and Jinki are the ones serving skirts??? makes me even sadder Jinki won't be promoting. But heeeeey Shinee variety shows!!!

I DID AND IM SO PUMPED??) THE STYLING AND THE TEASER PHOTOS?? TAEMIN BACK TO SKUNK HAIR AND HIS FRECKLES??? OH LORD SM BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THAT ART,,, see it’s so simple but the depth?? the filter?? wowzie BUT YES SHINEE SHOWS!!! im also quite upset about that but i hope kibum does a ending fairy w onew’s face in it 🤲🏻🤲🏻
Baek ILY you came with a whole ass Powerpoint presentation on Ateez's lack of good photos <3333 I feel like I'm nitpicking sometimes, but I genuinely care about the pictures especially if I'm buying albums. I bought so many from artists I don't stan because of the photobooks. TXT for example, I bought two of their albums before I even got into them, because WOW same with NCT. And they don't even need to try that hard, like I said before: some of the pics members post on SNS are much better, wtf??? Very true on the settings + clothes combo, sometimes the colours are so off it makes the photos look even more lacklustre... they rely on members' looks, but they still edit them to the point of the boys looking strange :( Like https://twitter.com/shinestarnation/status/1669978356861874176?t=MOHn2peZLBCxzCiWmfTMAA&s=19 and  https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1669972664046469123?t=6JuN7g_tRmtkZ2jJofzqLA&s=19 - he looks hot, but come on. This https://twitter.com/pshsource/status/1670647944469696512?t=7ewg9ktCAqqyvfKprFNCBg&s=19 is better, and the lil ponytail is cool, but again it's because HWA IS A MODEL
NO BC I WAS SO FURIOUS I WANT BETTER PHOTOS 😭😭😭😭 right! like it really matters when a photobook is very pretty,, sometimes i don’t even like the songs but the photobook? im buying it. it’s like a magazine collection for me fbenjck nct’s resonance album was the definition of simple but it was so pretty to look at?? a whole magazine style,,, THE NCT SEOUL CITY ONE IS JUST TO BEAUTIFUL !!!! no bc they really do post better on social media,,, petition for booba to do their actual album’s photo books !! ur right, the clothes are like the same colour as the bland background which just fades them out plus the extra photoshop on their lips that DISAPPEAR???? idk if u saw but i was looking thru the deja vu san photos,,, i think they made his nose longer? i think it may just’ve been me but when i first saw it it’s all i could think off,, those photos with the wire have sO much potential like PUT SOME FILTERS LETS NOT MAKE IT BLAND, USE CYBER CORE LIKE ITS THE PERFECT TIME??? like zoom into some random part of their face,, like just show us art 😭😭
honestly that orange ones are so pretty, i wish they did something like that!! i made a another one that i wish was the aesthetic / theme for this comeback,,, cyber core ateez pls 😭😭
Tumblr media
Now onto the album, yeah it's like Movement and I feel the same about it, except Outlaw doesn't have Cyberpunk <3 each song has cool parts, but they blend together too much. Can't even tell which one is my fave honestly, I still cannot distinguish all of them based on the verses. I haven't listened to the album a ton, because I didn't have time also the album is kinda an assualt on my senses 😭. Coming from me - noise music lover, lmao. Bouncy grew on me, it's catchy, I'd rather if Ateez gave me something else, but it's the only track that's different
each song does have some pretty good parts,, i also cannot distinguish between them.. they seem very cohesive to each other in a sense if u finish one song u don’t even know u finished it bc the next one correlates to the one u just finished,, ASSAULT TO MY SENSES FBWMDBWMBDWKBDKWHDWKHDKWJDKW LMFAOOOO bouncy grew on me too bc i be doing that dance challenge every second <3
Bestie my bff/flatmate met Yuta in Paris and hopefully she meets TY too, but FUCK PARIS!!! This video lowkey reminds me of our meeting, so fucking random https://twitter.com/yutpeu/status/1670738437585108993?s=20
Anyways, you're right Yuta is a great actor, the difference between that movie he did and his current drama is soooooo 😂😂😂 and the fact so many people don't know his voice and claim he can't sing, but he can do this https://youtube.com/shorts/YcuQlxS3hjA?feature=share4 !? 127 has a lot of singers and not enough singing lines, their line up never made sense to me. Like Jaehyun is a good singer with nice vocal tone, not a fucking rapper, STOP IT. I think they'd benefit from having another proper rapper instead of so many vocalists. 2 Baddies is questionable, but Yuta's "fill up the tank pour gasoline on me rah"??? Okay rockstar!
RIGHT!! the movie it fit him so well, like his sharp features just make it even better ??? sm get him into movies??? NOOO LITERALLY LIKE ME TOO I FORGOT HOW HE EVEN SOUNDS LIKE BC THEY DONT EVEN GIVE HIM LINES,,, that’s the problem w nct like u guys have some of the best vocalists in the industry but the songs are too small or the lines are just not being given fbwndbsn RIGHT HE IS HE IS !!! HE SINGS SOOOO PRETTILY PLS LEAVE THE RAPPER TO MARK 😭😭😭 the rAH GOT ME FBANBDKS
Speaking of Jamal Jeong, this https://twitter.com/jaehyunpetals/status/1669874106874073088?s=20 video is so fucking funny I've been laughing at it for days and not Troye pulling him also?! Have you seen the vid where Troye tells him he was born in South Africa and Jaehyun literally has his "if you're from Africa then why are you white" moment, I CANNOT
JAMAL 😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO I LOVE KPOP LIKE THIS FBEKFBKW saw a twt that said “how u whiter than a white guy” I SCREAMED FHWKFHWKDHWK
Hoooooold ooooon the challenges, first Taeyong x Felix, now Taeyong with Woo and Yunho. The universe knew I'd die if it was Hwa, lol /// Can we talk about Hwa's room??? He did not dissapoint me, the only one so far who has a room with some personality, not just b&w hotel look (soz WooSan) or a literal man cave (Yunho). His room is gamer nerd aesthetic x high fashion girlie DID YOU SEE THE YSL STUFF???? ANTHONY VACARELLO WHERE IS HIS SHOW INVITE THEN. The Folklore vinyl made me laugh, I won't comment, but it's a crime his room is so small :///
THESE CHALLENGES ATE !!!!! THE TAEYONG ONE FHWKHDKW SCREAMED we could’ve had a kai x hwa x san…..
san is me in hwa’s room
DONT REMIND ME I WILL DROP THE TEASER THIS WEEK AFTER MY MIDTERMS 🫡🫡 FBWMDBWMDBKW AND WE WERENT THERE??? HOW DARE THEM?? no bc what would they talk about like kai would not speak a word if not spoken too 😭😭😭 these introverts pls LIKE???
Wow, I'm so normal... https://twitter.com/MAS_43ver/status/1670391008151109632?s=20 /// He is so great and amazing and spectacular https://twitter.com/shinestarnation/status/1670014890969292804?s=20 - DV 💖
wow. i just did not let out a shrill.
and this titanic thing??? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND omf they must be mf terrified to be in their, in the dark alone in the water so deep like 😭😭 & like i did not know titanic was that close to canada like damn??? the submarine may have been imploded or flooded?? but they heard knocks from the ocean,,, like omg i hope they find them bc the oxygen is running out,, 40 hours of life support left i desperately hope they find them bc they 19yo kid in it got a whole life ahead omg 😭😭😭 ppl on twt saying titanic still taking lives 😭😭 i hope w some miracle they’re all alive ,,,, imagine them rn in that ocean thinking while we all just sit in our rooms seeing this,, it’s so unsettling my fear of the ocean skyrocketing <33
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artisticbunny · 2 years
Hey did I already send this…? Asking bc I thought I sent an ask this morning… but I guess not?? It’s a fuzzy memory anyways plus I think the internet blipped around then so :P.
Alright Bun! New question! I love the story so far (because I can’t express this enough sjdisjkssmeiwjdud) and I have writers block, so please fill my brain with pretty knowledge and ideas!
C-can we hear about Quincy the time please? Knight from a distant land… coming to end a prophecy that spelled ‘this is gonna be bad’ to him! But then become Brook’s practical father! Like how does that work bro where are you from what is your life story??
(Just seems quite interesting overall Yk?? Like HIM and all. I like knights anyways they’re great, and so is necromancy it’s interesting. Like how do you keep the body, the spirit, and the like essence itself alive? Plus how long might it last? But… I guess this is getting a bit long lol. Love you, and I love the story too! I hope you don’t get writers block like me! <3333)
I don’t think you’ve sent in this ask before, no!
I would LOVE to give you more info on Quincy but unfortunately his backstory is plot relevant so I can’t say too much I’m sorry!!!
What I CAN reveal is that Quincy was taken in by his family at a young age, and is very protective over them because of this. He loves his family VERY much, and would do ANYTHING to protect them, including possibly hurting/fatally injuring a child that is thought to somehow bring calamity to them. I can’t say how his family is connected to the prophecy just yet, tho.
Over the course of the story he learns more that Brook is literally the most harmless, well meaning person, and is literally incapable of bringing the destruction that is understood to come from the prophecy. He also gets very attached because she reminds him a lot of himself in a lot of ways from before he was taken in by his family. He can kind of guess the conditions she was kept in by the way she looks and acts, which are both things he didn’t really notice at first before he dove in head first. Now that he’s noticed it, he knows and understands some of what she’s gone through and IS going through, even if he doesn’t know the details.
I’m sorry I can’t give too much more insight at this point!!! I’ll give you a fun fact and a reference for him to hopefully make up for it!
Fun fact: Quincy swears like a sailor. Literally every other word that comes out of his mouth while he is able to speak is some sort of curse word.
Ref pic(s):
(With helmet)
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(Without helmet)
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As for the necromancy part-
Magic is what keeps beings like this from decaying any further than they have upon the use of the spell.
When you use a piece of your magic to magically jumpstart another person, you DO get an influence over them, as previously stated, but they also keep their essence as well. You’re kind of calling back some of the magic still hanging around in their corpse, not yet returned to the earth, and combining it with your own so that they can go ahead and take in their own over time like other living beings can. Which is why, over time, people who are under the influence of necromancy can have bits of themselves shine through, ESPECIALLY when taking orders. Does this make sense? I’m sorry if it doesn’t, it’s hard to put what I’m thinking of down into words qwq
Surprisingly, I haven’t thought about how long it lasts for!!! That’s a really good question!!! I’d say that when the caster dies all the influence they had over the affected dissipates. The affected naturally will get weaker and weaker and more and more sluggish as time goes on after the caster dies, and will eventually go to sleep and not wake back up. The amount of time that takes can vary from a few days to years after the fact depending on how long they’ve been revived for.
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astrobei · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers <3333 self love. now.
omg HELLO i realize it has been like . a month since u sent this to me but i am so bad at chain posts bc i always forget who’s tagged who and i get weirdly worried abt not having enough mutuals to do it w 😭 but i will be holding everyone hostage until they list 5 things they like abt themselves!! Seriously I Mean It. no more astrobi fics until u do it
um . anyway .
1. i have a freaky accurate sense of smell! which maybe is a weird thing to like but i think it’s cool! my mom always gets so impressed by me smelling all the little ingredients of the meal she’s cooking + me texting my roommates that whatever they’re making smells rly good except i live on the third floor of our house and should Not be able to smell anything. anyways not to flex (i totally am)
2. i know so much about whales . seriously, i watch So Many nature documentaries (especially ocean ones) and whales r my favorite animal Ever and all my friends n fam give me so much shit abt it but I DONT CARE!! also as a pacific northwesterner maybe i’m biased ! idk i think it’s cool i could spout a couple whale facts (haha get it) at any given moment (iam Sorry).
3. i know my way around a kitchen sort of ! (or so i’ve been told?) anyways i Do love to bake and my love language is definitely giving my friends baked goods so . if anyone is interested i’ll mail u a cupcake of ur choice (may be slightly moldy upon arrival but whatever) n i make a lot of bread when i’m at home for the summer and also like . cinnamon rolls and scones and creme brûlée sometimes and stuff . anyways
4. i take Pride in my hugging skills ok i know for a Fact i am a top notch hugger . i think my secret talent is knowing from instinct whether someone will go above or below for a hug and then it’s never awkward when i go in !! and Squeezing just right!!
5. i’m good at math which i think is cool and neat of me sometimes! unfortunately this does come at the cost of me not being able to write an essay or discussion post to save my Life i don’t know HOW U GUYS ALL DO IT I AM SO SCARED OF U😭 coming out to u all Officially as a stem girlie btw,, first person to guess my major in college gets a patented Astrobi Hug
anyways it’s 2am for me so this was probably incoherent but . hopefully now i am less of an Enigma to u all and more of a Real person . have fun perceiving me or whatever :/ putting u all on a fic moratorium unless u also perceive urselves (real)
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mossible · 2 years
I loved the callie octavio interactions!!!! I JUST GENERALLY... LOVED THE WAY YOU WROTE CALLIE you are so right of letting her carry the story
BUT OCTAVIO... OH WOW HE DIDN'T DISAPPOINT EITHER. he has so much more going on inside him but after years of being lonely and not having any real friends and after whatever the fuck Craig did, he's gotten used to repressing all of his problems. Especially with how busy he is taking care of his kingdom. He has no time to process what happened. That's sad.
Tangent over! I read this fic religiously with my sister together, we freak out everytime a new chapter comes out. We cast each other on who's gonna voice who. And it's just- you make our day with the silly pop idol/old man DJ dynamic. We came for the old men and stayed for the amazing writing and interactions. WE ARE OF COURSE... STILL WAITING AROUND FOR OLD MEN... BUT NOT JUST THE OLD MEN!!! THIS IS PROPPING TO BE ONE OF MY FAVORITE FICS..
All I have to say is, bravo mossible!! Great fic!!! Me and my sister wish you good luck on the next chapter!!!!! <3333
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ohg my god than k you so much for like. all of this LMAO ??
i am so so glad that all my silly brain ideas for this fic are making sense and reaching people and that i didnt totally butcher anyone im writing omgg
ive been super into splatoon like. ever since i remember seeing the trailer for the first game on the nintendo 3ds videos app?? or the 3ds estore trailers section i forget where. but like. this is my first time actually sitting down and writing for these characters, so the fact that i hit the mark so well is SO relieving!
also omg yall reading it together absolutely puts a smile on my face thats so cool !!! thank u for sticking around to wait for the old men as well, hopefully next chapter will provide an exciting little dramatic reading for the two of you! bc believe me, ive already got some crazy stuff planned :)
speaking of the next chapter! i'll do you one better and give you two very important words; the title! the next chapter's title is going to be "the parallel." i will let you come up with your own conclusion as to what that could possibly mean happens next.
tysm for the ask though!! im glad youre enjoying so far !!
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fairyhaos · 4 months
hiii my dear it me your weekend fairy ✨ don't you feel like times goes by super fast? Some days it def doesn't feel like that but omg we're in June??? It's super hot here and a few weeks ago I ordered myself some cute appropriate for work dresses for the hot weather but said weather is here and the dresses are taking so long to arrive 😔 I just wanna look like an adult while not dying from the heat lmao I also got my period so I'm gonna have one of my rooting in bed sessions
Idk if you've made updates somewhere but how is it going for you? how many exams do you have left? I'm sending you all the good vibes so you can power through ✨✨✨✨
- 🍒
hiii hello my beloved <3333 omg you're so right pls when im living in that day it feels like it's dragging on forever but then i realise it's the 2nd of june already and im like ????? time is insane fr and nothing makes sense 💔 the weather is warming up over here too !! and thank gOd pls i was getting tired of the rain jshfhd and im hoping ur dresses arrive soon! nice summer dresses are a must in order to deal with the heat of the weather imo haha bc u might be melting into oblivion but at least you look cute while doing it haha
ahhh sending u loads of comfort to help u get thru your period!! hopefully there will be zero (0) cramps and the mood swings will be nonexistent and everything will go well 🫡
and i currently have 5 exams left! which is kind of okay considering they're done over the next three weeks but three of them are on consecutive days which is kinda crazy cuz it's literally over THREE weeks and also my last exam is almost a week after the penultimate one which is also weird 😭
so tldr my timetable is on crack but it's all okay!! thank u for the strength and ill do my best to survive all of this 🫡🫡
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theinheriteddutchess · 4 months
I hope you have your kids in the rubble next or be burned alive <3333
If you don’t have any may your loved ones be next <33
See this is what I mean.
Absolutely no sense of reality or any compassion.
You are exactly what I talk about. You know nothing about who I am or what I think. I said there shouldn't be sides, I say we should work together to prevent more people getting hurt or murdered. I'm saying that if we fight each other no one gets helped, just more people being hurt.
And you come in here hateful. This mindset and behavior hopefully doesn't come back to you. But it's hard to break out of those behaviours. Maybe one day you can direct all this hate and anger into making the world a little better. But I doubt it, you rather be anonymous (and you are a coward) and pathetic.
I wouldn't wish this upon your loved ones, because they haven't done anything, but I hope one day you can look at yourself and realize what a fucked up thing it was to say.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Okay thanks for letting me know
It’s really hard to find gn fics or mr fics
So thank you for writing gn fics❤️❤️
no need to thank me at all sweetie :D it's a pleasure!
it just makes sense in my brain if i write my stuff in gn terms because that way everyone can read it. i will only do gendered terms if i am told to :]
i'm glad you appreciate it though, and hopefully i will continue to make content you can enjoy <3333
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