#hopefully some nice plant vibes though!
mellific · 2 years
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i have a little comic about decomposition and ferns up in the ShortBox Comics Fair which runs through the end of october!
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b-blushes · 1 year
creating something to look forward to tomorrow: i'm gonna sit in the garden >:)
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brutal-nemesis · 11 months
Goretober VII: Pas-tell Me About It
The concept of this was a crack idea I had on a whim but I feel like it turned out better than I expected lmao so enjoy the @coyotehusk goretober content 🤪
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: yes i really did pastel gore in writing, vivisection, beheading, body horror vibes, emeto mention
Honestly, Castys was starting to get kinda bored of vivisection. Like, wow, there were his guts. They’re the same as the last eight times he saw them. Spice it up for once, why don’t you?
Somehow, Kuro must have read his mind, and he really regretted wishing for something different.
What she brought over after cutting him open wasn’t a knife or a hammer or a chisel, no needles or hooks, just…paint. “We already did the art class bit, didn’t we? What’re you gonna do with those?” 
Kuro laughed as she dipped her paintbrush into a glob of light purple. “I’m going to paint, of course. You’ll just have to come up with more jokes.” Castys sighed, sort of watching as she started to brush the paint over his ribs. This was fucking stupid. Who the hell even thought of painting someone’s literal organs? And, like, why? Why the fuck? And as always, despite the awful bizarreness of his situation, he couldn’t do much of anything about it. He just had to lie there as she turned his bones purple. Well, not all of his bones, thankfully, just some.
His lungs were pale blue. It was always strange to watch them move as he breathed,  swelling and shrinking. Smirking, he breathed in and out as quickly as he could, causing Kuro to smudge blue paint on his ribs. She slapped him pretty hard for that, but it was worth it. Not enough to do it again, though, so he kept his breathing steady for the remainder of the time she spent on his lungs.
His liver was pastel green. Green made him think about plants, which made him think about how long it’d been since he went outside. He’d been stuck in this same stupid torture room the whole time since he got kidnapped, and not even seeing the sun was starting to weigh on him a bit. It was the sort of thing he didn’t appreciate as much as he should until it was gone, but at least it wasn’t gone for good. He’d be able to go outside again…someday.
His stomach was a muted yellow. At least this didn’t hurt in itself, just the standard pain from being torn open like a candy wrapper. He missed having candy, and the fucking blood vomit chocolate did not count. Even water would be nice, too, just to wash the taste of blood out of his mouth, but why bother when he didn’t need it to live? Who cares if he felt the pain from hunger and thirst?
His large intestine was a faded orange. Being cut open like this was cold, both because he wasn’t wearing anything besides shorts and because he’d lost quite a bit of blood from the whole process. Oh, and his organs weren’t fucking insulated against the open air, which was probably actually what was making him so cold. Was he gonna end up dying from hypothermia? His fingers and toes were sort of numb, now that he thought about it. Hopefully if he died she wouldn’t start this all over again.
His small intestine was…pink. It was already pink, and Kuro was painting it a different shade of pink, which seemed stupid, but then again this whole thing was very stupid. At least this was probably almost over, since he didn’t have any more large visible organs left, as far as he could tell. What the fuck was she gonna do when she was done? The paint was going to stay inside him if he died, and he’d rather not get poisoned by it over and over or something.
“Alright, I’m all done! I want you to see, but I feel like you won’t really be able to appreciate it from there.”
“From-what the fuck does that mean? Am I supposed to-oh.” 
Kuro hefted the ax, tentacles removing the strap over his neck but keeping his head in place. “Just hold still for a second.”
When Castys came back to life, he was lying on the cold stone floor. He sat up and rubbed his neck, wincing when he felt blood. He really, really didn’t want to stand up and see his old body, still strapped to the table and painted, but Kuro pulled him up by the hair and yanked his hands behind his back with her tentacles when he tried to resist. So he had to look.
It was his corpse, he knew it was, but it didn’t look like him in the slightest. His head was fucking gone, for one, since Kuro had chopped it off and caused him to regenerate a new body from it, which is why he’d left this one behind and didn’t heal it. And the organs were…something. Pastel colors like that didn’t belong inside a person like that, softening the glisten of their organs, almost making them look like candy, something oddly beautiful and disgusting at the same time. He wanted to take a hammer or something to it and destroy it, wash all those colors out in red. Then he could believe it was his body.
“Well, Castys, what do you think?”
“I think you’re the most batshit fucking insane person I’ve ever met.”
“I’ll take it.”
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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It's really tough to decide if I feel so horrible because I had the day off so I didn't have to push myself, or if I would have felt this bad regardless. It was a tough day.
I didn't think it was going to end up with me feeling so bad. I slept pretty well. I woke up at 830. I was in a good mood.
I would wash my hair first thing. Which was nice. It was nice to start the day feeling nice and clean. And I was in a pretty good place this morning.
I would get dressed and took Crabcake and Sweetp outside. I had the donut I got last night when me and James had gone out. I enjoyed the nice weather, hanging out in the porch swing. It was a beautiful day.
I had a nice morning. It was really nice outside and I was enjoying watching a show. I would do a little knitting. I would periodically go inside to clean something.
But I would very quickly have to go back and lay down. I was losing energy so quickly and it was really really tough.
I would spend a long time laying on the porch swing. Knitting. Watching a video. Trying to clean my body down.
I just so desperately wanted to accomplish stuff. I would put more soil in Crabcake's outside enclosure to cover up the tarp spots. I want to get more plants in there.
I would keep trying to go and do things. I would put together a sushi plate and was very excited about it. I let it sit out under a bowl for a while so it wouldn't be fridge cold.
In the mean time I tried going through my camp trunk. I collected all the clothes and stuff that needed to be washed. And put everything else in tote bags to bring upstairs. I moved a couple things in the basement. And just felt. Terrible.
I laid on the couch and attempted to eat. And it tasted great. But I had to keep taking breaks because I just felt so weak. Thankfully the food helped me a lot and I got some energy.
I would hang out and tried to get more stuff done. But I would end up just fall asleep. I almost never fall asleep without being under a blanket but I was out. Just asleep asleep.
I woke up at 4. And texted James.
They said when they got home they would make me cinnamon toast. And in the mean time I had a pudding and tried to feel alright. But I actually felt so much worse. And would just deteriorate for the rest of the day. Despite taking my meds. I just felt horrible. My stomach hurts so much and I'm just exhausted. I cant find a comfortable place to sit or lay and I'm just really having a rough night.
Tomorrow though I have work. I'm both having a table at the farmers market but also running an info table for the museum. So it's nice to get paid just for being there. And hopefully my body cooperates. Because today was not great for me!!
James just made me some pasta. And I'm trying hard to eat so hopefully it helps. I mostly just want to sleep.
Hopefully tomorrow is better. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Send me good vibes. I love you all. Goodnight!
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newcoralfarmer · 11 months
Day 1
Well first night went ok, I do need to see what I need to fix the cracks up though. They mailed me what I need; 50 wood and 20 stone, I think I can get all of that just from the farm itself.
I found a couple of interesting things while I did a little clearing, a geode and a coffer, no idea what to do with them just yet but I'll figure it out.
I planted some of the seeds, they were turnips and daisies, the packets said they didn't take long to grow which I guess is good? I wonder if they have farming books here? The most I remember about it was summers helping Grandpa water tomatoes and chasing the chickens… I wonder if I can get chickens? I wandered around a bit found some pretty flowers, and I found the General Store! Sam seems nice, and the Mayor was there to introduce us, also to encourage me to meet some of the townsfolk apparently I make them nervous? Here I was thinking they were excited.
Anyway the General store apparently sells seasonal seeds, so I'll have to go in at the start of ever season to see the new seeds. I picked up some potato seeds to plant.
Meeting new people… So far I've met Ben, who was in the General Store, he seems…nice? He said I had good vibes? So that's something. Oh and I saw the most adorable fluffy brown dog! His tag said his name was BonBon, 😍 so cute! I also ran into Alice! Gosh we used to play on the beach in Summer with her sister Suki, she's still here too, apparently they run the Inn now! Which…hasn't had much business? In the Town Square I met this adorable girl called Eva, apparently her names actually Everest I always thought that was a guys name. She also mentioned they don't get a lot of new faces. Finally an explanation, I ran into a charming woman while heading back to the farm, name of Betty, she was filling up some bird feeders and upon my introduction mentioned that there was oil spill near here. Which I do remember hearing about, but I guess I never realised it was here of all places. Grandma certainly didn't mention it when she offered me the farm.
I headed down to the beach, I wanted to see how bad it was, I was tired yesterday and didn't notice anything which…it's bad, there's oil and these weird like spiky root things, how the heck did I miss this? I guess Mum was right about how observant I'm not…she can never know. Anyway I did a little exploratory running around, found the Carpenters! So now I know where that is, also the forest… Oh man there are so many monkeys! Also a weird place with a danger sign that sounded like it had a fight going on inside… not sure what that was about.
Oh and I met a few other people, someone named Chaem who…honestly seemed pretty forthright, a lady name of Zarah who was using a metal detector and seemed surprised I'd moved here after the oil spill. A dapper person called Raj who mentioned they did coffee ☕? So I know where to go for a pick me up 🤩.
The forest also seems to do pretty good for mushrooms, I found some nice Shiitake and some canola to pop in my shipping bin. I also found wasabi 😫.
Finally after a long days work, I headed to bed. If I keep up this pace I should hopefully have enough wood and stone by either tomorrow or the next day. I just hope it doesn't rain.
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sharky857 · 1 year
The Palia Experience™ (so far)
Believe it or not, I'm trying it out because a friend of mine ended up despising this (beta) game so much they went and asked the game company to straight up delete their account for good.
Know that I won't dig into some controversial/sus stuff ongoing with some cosmetic bundles, because right now I am not even interested in purchasing a single thing in game.
All this is going to be purely from a(n oblivious) player's pov, who is also still a newb who's just "learned" how to plant & water crops.
For starter, I appreciated same ol' warnings for flashing lights & stuff. I'm not photo-sensitive myself, but I can see how this can be a nice thing for those who have this issue to varied degrees.
What I would also appreciate would be the possibility to have subtitles in the cutscenes (unless this option is already available but dumdum me couldn't spot it).
Customisation has lots of options to choose from right away, and I'm saying so as someone who comes from Warframe, where the only "Operator" free stuff is 4-5 hairstyles and a Zariman suit, with everything else locked behind either plats or a grindfest.
Besides, you can also have a small selection of colours to tweak. This is what I ended up mashing together.
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The graphic looks cartoony/simplistic, and it kinda reminds me of another game: "Paladins" (another friend of mine described it as "generic unity style 'cutesy fantasy' aesthetics").
Makes me wonder if this has anything to do with both games running on "Unreal Engine". 🤔
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Also, despite my PC would meet the requirements to run the game at "high" settings, I decided to keep them at the default ones the game itself chose: "medium". This resulted in my GPU (GTX 1650) not breaking a sweat, ever and unironically.
(Yes, this means that my screenshots are all taken with the graphics set on "medium".)
Even so, it hasn't been uncommon for me to see the game freeze and/or stutter. What left me puzzled this whole time is that the CPU (of the i7 kind) would at time show spikes of 60% usage. A sign that, maybe, the graphic isn't as "simplistic" as it looks.
Still, I have yet to experience any game implosion, so I guess I am still all good here.
And btw: yes, the game devs themselves know about the latter issues I mentioned. 👇
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There is only one thing that keeps on leaving me quite fascinated.
Queue. Queue everywhere.
Apparently, the servers are still so damn tiny that, no matter where you're trying to load into, even though you are already logged in game, you will have a high chance of seeing a message like this in the corner of the loading screen. 👇
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Logging into the game? "X Palians ahead of you."
Loading into a cutscene before/after a quest? "X Palians ahead of you."
Going to the village? "X Palians ahead of you."
Coming back to your tent/home? "X Palians ahead of you."
Imagine playing something like Warframe (the only other co-op game with quests I could think of). Imagine if you loaded in your own Orbiter and tried to start absolutely anything, even while in "solo" mode:
Loading a mission: "X Tenno ahead of you."
Starting/Progressing with a quest whatever: "X Tenno ahead of you."
Waiting for the cutscene(s) to said quest to load: "X Tenno ahead of you."
Going to a relay or a free roam (imagine instances didn't exist either): "X Tenno ahead of you."
Moving back to your Orbiter to call it a day: "X Tenno ahead of you."
You got the picture. Not really a fun and also sliiiightly irritating in the long run. 😅
But hey, it's a beta game that has just come out of "closed beta" only 1-2 days ago. So hopefully they will be able to expand their servers soon enough.
As for the gameplay itself, it's nothing really special to me, probably because I am already familiar with some of the mechanics. I've seen this being called "a mix between Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley", and so far I'm mildly getting the latter's vibes (never played any "Animal Crossing" game).
All in all, if I were to rate this game on a scale of 0 to 10, I would give it a generous 7. "Generous" because of the aforementioned controversy with the bundle discounts so-called "scam" (which is still unclear whether or not it's been accidental, haven't kept up with the news in this regards), plus the current, microscopic size of the servers.
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krakenjoy · 2 years
I'm 6 hours into the Pale Beyond on Steam and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's a survival management game where you balance resources and maintaining loyalty. It's got the Terror vibes, since the Franklin Expedition and the Endurance expeditions were direct inspirations. There's a character who I think looks like Cornelius Hickey who's background probably isn't the cleanest, and the doctor has Goodsir vibes. Someone says 'this place wants us dead'. The characters and narrative are intriguing. Also you get to pet dogs (I have a bad feeling about this).
It's difficult to not reset the game every time you mess up, and the game would prefer you not do that, since you have to restart the entire week. It's not just because of a more beneficial choice, but I also don't want to upset the characters.
Speaking of the characters, I did not expect to get attached this much. Even though you mostly interact with the specialists, the majority of them are given enough characterization to make them stand out. It should be quite easy getting a good/neutral response once you have a grasp on their personalities, generally just respect them and don't pry too much. Just do what they want you to do or find a neutral point.
Moving onto resource management. The most common resource you'll get is food, but besides eating, you also have to burn them for warmth. It's not hard to keep the crew happy so far, so you could alternate between half rations and half heat each week and be fine, which is what I should've done. If people get sick, there are ways to immediately heal them, or if you don't want to waste resources, send them to the doctor and they'll be fine next week. But it's still a hard choice if you like the characters as much as I do.
There are some bugs, like resource cards turning black when I click them even though I can add more and a few letters extending far beyond my screen (might not be wide screen optimized yet). I also experienced a loading problem besides the game screen popping out. It's not a huge issue (or I'm just used to Fallout New Vegas), and devs are fixing them.
Even if you're not a Terror fan, give it a go if you like narrative-driven strategy games with an interesting cast and brilliant art style.
SPOILERS up to Act 2, maybe beyond!
I have a tendency to spoil endings for myself. I didn't watch any youtube videos, but I did go on the steam forums and read some reviews. But first:
I thought Templeton was definitely going to stab me in the back somehow (judging from one reviewer), but up till now he's just being pragmatic and giving sound advice, if not a little suspicious. It's not hard to get on his good side. And wow, the plant metaphor really suits him! Please don't stab me in the back.
Grimley, on the other hand... it's ok if you don't completely trust me, but you don't have to sing about it to everyone, especially if we're going to be stuck together for a long time. Seriously, everyone is loyal to me but him. What the hell do I have to do to make him at least tolerate me? Cool song though.
I knew Hammond was going to fight someone sooner or later. Great work ethic borderlining on obsessive, but if I tell him to take a break he'll be pissed. Hopefully with Timmy helping, he'll worry less. Nice sense of humour.
Kurt is fine, surprisingly not that arrogant for a celeb. He's definitely insecure about his age and use of a cane hindering his ability to help, but he's still knowledgeable.
Junior is more sociable and receptive, but I'm still suspicious of him, considering his closeness to Captain Hunt and his brother.
Kasha is nice and super helpful for morale. It's great that she warms up to the crew, especially Arthur and Kurt.
Speaking of warming up (heh), Arthur's relatable with his social anxiety and need to be reassured. He does start bonding with the others. Besides that, there's Cordell with her love of singing and theatre and dogs.
The character development is amazing. The most heartbreaking part for now is when all the characters say they might not make it back and tell you to look after their family/tell their family etc.
Other memorable characters include science couple, science gun guy, Thomas Blanky vibes, the gymnast, and Timmy and his da. Also Grips who told me was in the military (because I picked colonial).
Leave the ship a week after announced, before dinner.
Get the medical supplies for the expanded bed space, one set of digging tools, and the guns to get more food and defend against the seal asap. Use the shotgun if you don't wanna die!
Don't hesitate because you want to please both characters.
The expedition is funded by the canned peach company. (Huh. Tins.) Templeton and most of the science staff are botanists. Why would you need botanists in the cold?
Captain Hunt said something like 'if I don't take this then others will'. Then he got drunk and left. It's definitely related to the expedition.
On the forums and in the achievements, I saw something about a 'tree' and 'fruit'.
The Viscount went to look for the Tree five years ago and vanished. The peach company hears about this and wants to find the tree and make money off the fruits, or the fruits are magical somehow and they want to exploit it. They organize the expedition in the name of finding the Viscount and send Templeton and the scientists to study the Tree. Hunt hears this somewhere, doesn't agree. He takes the job, deliberately choosing the path so we would get stuck in the ice, ignoring Kurt's advice. He sets off with some trusted crew members and leaves to find the Tree so we don't get to it. The rescue ship is to bring the harvested fruits back.
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moldy-mold · 2 years
fall arrived sooner than we thought
How I’m doing... I feel like things are good now. Figured out a new weekly routine that combines a balance of work and enjoyment. I’m not gaming as much these days so I find more comfort in watching shows with my friends (though we live in different parts of the world). I look forward to that time every week.
Freelance illustration for weddings have seriously picked up though. I am pretty tired of doing it, but it only gets busy in short bursts so I feel like I can endure it until the holidays. Like usual, I will be taking a 2 week vacation doing nothing at home in FL for xmas. Very excited! I am terribly homesick and I miss my parents...
Kinda got into pizza. Like, I’m trying a different frozen pizza from the store every week just to compare them to restaurant pizza.
We had visitors... Some of my roommate’s friends from college came to visit. I wasn’t very close to them and I haven’t seen some of them since I graduated... So that’s like, 10 years ago? I thought it was going to be awkward but it turns out we had a lot more in common than before lol! Listen, card games unite people. One of them used to play YGO competitively (much respect) so we had a lot to talk about haha. One of the others likes R.Evil and S.Hill so there was even more for me to scream about! I think once I find mutual interests, the tension in my body disappears and I’m able to communicate like a normal person. We had a great time giving them the tour of ATL. It was nice to see the gardens again after several years.
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Watched a number of films... October is usually our choice month for cinema. The spooky theme this year was gothic horror! The completed watch list: The Woman in Black (w/ Daniel Radcliffe) ◆◆◇ Crimson Peak (Tom Hiddleston) ◆◆◆ The Others (Nicole Kidman) ◆◆◆ 1408 (John Cusack, Samuel L Jackson) ◆◇◇ The House (stop-motion) ◆◆◇
My feelings about social media... I think it’s been long enough that I have successfully detached myself from it. My health improved greatly since I started limiting my time on twt. After some thought, I decided upon a new strategy in managing my platforms. Ironically, when I decide to come back is when everything catches on fire and people leave in droves. Typical clown behavior of mine.
Other than that, I’ve becoming less strict with my online persona (whatever that was) and I’m trying to comment more on people’s artwork. Let’s support each other!
The Plant Saga...
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I finally got an orchid! That was on my wishlist for a long time, so I rescued “MOMO” from the dying plant sale section. It was $40 but I got it for $7. It’s my goal next year to get her to bloom again. It’s not complicated, but getting the right humidity levels might be challenging.
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Last year, my mom gave me a Thai chili sprout that she grew from the seed of one of her own peppers. Weather permitting, my baby chili plant can finally grow some peppers of its own! Ultimately, I will be turning this plant into a bonchi (bonsai-chili) once it gets a bit larger. Turning plants into bonsai is my newly discovered hobby of the year lol.
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I have some wildflower seeds that I started in the summer. I don’t know what’s in it. Just threw it in a pot to see what would survive. Hopefully I can get some blooms before the frost comes!
30 year old life goals... I stumbled upon a Jp vlogger one day and it changed me. Her videos are SO BEAUTIFUL! A lot of the time she’s just cleaning or cooking but it made me want to do it too... Also, I love her furniture so much! T_T They say that if you consistently expose yourself to people who you admire, they will naturally rub off on you. So I’m trying to watch all her videos while I’m working so I can absorb her vibes (and her furniture). 😂
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Thanks for reading! Until we meet again...!
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ghostofasecretary · 2 years
weird day. Monday. 12.5.22. yes.
stuff i did today!
- wore an outfit from the List Of Outfits That Would Be Cool i made yesterday
- lost phone. went on a stupid quest to get phone again and got rewarded with an outfit compliment and my phone. am v glad i have phone
- [work bs static noises]
- made list of possible gifts to get work gift exchange person
- got news of my grandma's dx. not great!
- cooked dinner and my dad and i enjoyed it
- on Saturday i told my stylist my part was in a different place than it actually is (fatal error) so to fix it a little i cut some of my hair with kitchen shears (a centimeter too short) but also did not cut enough of it (fix later)
- called friends and played cards and vibed, that was great
- bought new glasses because apparently i need new glasses every like 4-6 months now
- was too Exhausted to call other people or send the texts i was meaning to send (sorry frondos) (maybe i can fix one of these problems later)
- watched the new episode of Bleach! really enjoying TYBW so far even though i do not remember enjoying reading the manga that much
- hugged my parents
- watered my plants
that's a nice list of things. or, y'know, there are at least two terrible things on it but i mostly did stuff!
i'm in that, like, "everything is horrible because One Big Thing is horrible but also there are other awful things in the background too" spot where any small thing is devastating? like i almost cried about losing my phone this morning and i was SO mad about it and then about all the other bullshit. and then the news was just--haha ok. ok. well. gonna uhhh kneel with my head on my bed like a Victorian protagonist, i guess! feeling overwhelmed and lifeless!
i want the things in my life to stop being in my life. and to welcome other better things into my life. and to have a fucking break.
the current level of anxiety and bad shit is horrid but it's not going to immediately kill me or fuck up my work life. i want better things for myself than this, but my current goal is to make it to February, see if sticking around was worth it and if not screech a lot, and then either way jump shit to a hopefully better situation. and also i'll keep an eye out for nicer ships that i might be able to jump to for, like, January. i can make it till the holidays. i can make it through December.
oh jesus fuck i'm getting hives on my feet now??? rude
anyways. um. i can also quit at any time and take a holiday because of the lifestyle choices i'm making and the privileges i have, so that's an option to remember. it would not be easy or long-term smart but it is a real option if i need to snap. and maybe the more pressing of the two bullshit issues will resolve soon and i will be less stressed and have a little more time for living and soul-nourishing study and stuff like that. we'll see. did i mention today was weird? today was weird. but hey, i did it! go me
there isn't really a nice conclusion to this ramble i just need to get my thoughts down somewhere and public felt better than private for whatever reason, so, here you go
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fanfictionbymimnim · 2 years
Mlp make your mark chapter 2 thoughts because I just binged it and I wanna talk :
- The characters are kind of annoying at the moment, but also they all have so much room to grow and I'm really hoping we get slow but steady character development. Pipp and Hitch in particular need a reality check, but they have good intentions and weirdly are my favourites?
- Why is Sprout not in prison
- Opaline is just,,,, sooo badly written lmao. Like, I get that this is supposed to be a kids show but it really wouldn't have been hard to move her from campy to creepy. If she could actually be a bit more manipulative insteaf of the narrative just telling us that she is, I'd like it a lot more
- Like the thing with the mirror- how was Sunny not suspicious ? They so clearly were not her thoughts. If Opaline had been kind and understanding it would have made more sense as to why Sunny was listening
- I actually really love the tie-ins with G4. The mystery and the wanting to know exactly what happened is really keeping me hooked, and I appreciate that we have a character actively investigating it
- speaking of Zipp, I am getting major trans vibes. I doubt Hasbro will let them go there, but I want a whole part of Zipp's "figuring herself out" to be figuring out her gender
- that could tie in to why she's so uncomfortable with being in the spotlight if she's uncomfortable with how she looks and sounds
- I love Zipp and Pip's dynamic, although I do wish that Pipp had apologised more in their episode. Pipp is always on her phone and does kind of make everything about her, and as much I love her she needs to go touch grass. The show has made some jokes about her need for validation through clicks though, so hopefully we'll touch more on that later?
- Misty is amazing and I am on Misty redemption arc train
- oh, the dragon is there too I guess, he's kind of annoying but can be a useful tool to explore Hitch's relationship to family. I definitely think that Hitch is an orphan now, with the whole "the town is my family," and "I just want to be a good dragon-pony-dad." I'm getting major "I just want to be there for him like my paremts weren't for me," vibes, but they just couldn't put that in a kid's show
- 3D Twilight was a nice suprise, and looked better than I was expecting
- Opaline's design is just,,, why. It's so bad. People have said this before, but damn, it just doesn't work?? Like, what is that hairstyle? Wouldn't it block her hearing and be super uncomfortable? And the coat vs the mane colour? It doesn't go, at all???
-Sunny angst was very good, and I like Sunny having to figure out how to deal with her new popularity
-Are we gonna address Pipp's creative block and wanting to please her fans? No? Okay
- Zipp I love you but please get a brain cell
- Sunny has the only brain cell of the group, everyone please listen to her
-Do ponies still get cutie marks when they discover a talent at a young age? Also, how does earth pony magic actually work? Can unicorns only do telekinesis now?
-I kind of feel like Pegasi now have the short end of the stick, if Earth ponies get cool growing powers and Unicorns cam also manipulate plants with their magic
-Twilight hid equestria? Why?
- Poor Izzy spent the entire show looking exhausted, she needs to calm down and have a nap
-Anyway, this show was good, not like imcredible, but it definitely has sparked my interest and I want more and would also like spme fanfic but sadly there doesn't seem to be a huge amount, at least, not on ao3. Guess I should check fimfiction.net although I haven't touched it in years
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Well hello darlin'
(I guess a little fact about me is that i'm NOT from the south, and thus have never been called that before you. it makes me a blushing mess each time)
sorry it took me so long to respond I tore my room apart trying to find my wrist brace lol
I ALSO play guitar, though mostly electric!
Every time you compliment my singing voice i'm just like awww <333 but I also feel the need to let you know that I have a lullaby voice. which does not mean it;s soft and sweet but means tired, cranky babies don't mind it (but tired, cranky adults do)
Русская Принцесса is about how it's hard to be around a russian princess but they're already part of the inner circle and it's interesting (probably in a 'person observing an insane person' kinda way I think)
I've actually never heard of the song to recommended but the vibes are very 'neon green' (like the colour) if that makes any sense.
I forgot to say but I listened to the songs you sent me and Apple Tree Blues is probably my favourite out of the bunch!
we really are two peas in a pod lol. guess who also has a bit of a stutter! it gets worse for me when i'm having a bad day(thanks autism!)
very random but, if you have any house plants what is your favourite one? and if you don't have house plants just favourite plant en général
also forgot to add but a man had the audacity to ask me out today, and to put it nicely I was dressed very not straight (my shirt had the word boobs on it and i was wearing so many rings, and my pants were cuffed, to list a couple things things) also side note but i might dye my hair purple again, thought?
your damsel who is currently in distress - el
Good evening my lovely! <33 I’m always so excited to see that you’ve messaged and definitely don’t gay panic for a solid 15 minutes minimum ☺️
(That’s so sweet! If you like it, I’ll continue. It’s not even common here, it just makes me swoon when I hear it, so I thought I’d try it out. I like the way it sounds, and if I ever get to say it out loud, I like to think it’ll sound nice with my accent)
That’s incredibly okay! I hope your wrist is okay. I would kiss it better if I could <33
That is so incredibly cool, omg. And you play BOTH?! Be still my poor gay heart. I want to learn both so bad, and any new favorite song changes my mind which I want more, but I’m on a solid acoustic kick rn. I have spent too long on the Donner website staring at their guitars and daydreaming 😔
A lullaby voice is still really cool! I’m tone deaf as shit but I think there’s a song or two where I can hit the notes okay. I love belting songs alone in the car with no judgement. Hopefully someday someone will want to do it with me.
Oh that’s so interesting! I think I did find the right translation then, I was having trouble lol.
No that absolutely makes sense! I definitely don’t have synesthesia, but I think some songs definitely have colors, you know? I mean you must since you said it 😂 It’s fun to connect little things like that, just take a song or a movie and say “yes, this is indigo blue” because of some specific reason or even just Vibes
Oh I’m so glad! I love that one so much. I listen to basically anything, but folk music has a special place in my heart (bet you couldn’t tell 🤪). What genres of music do you usually listen to?
Oh boy do I feel that. Mine comes out with nerves or excitement. My brain gets to fast for my mouth and then I just get stuck on a word. I think it’s fun, and my friends are all nice about it. We all laugh every time I hit a new record for how long I was stuttering over one damn syllable 😂
I do have a house plant! Turns out I have the opposite of a green thumb and I can’t even keep succulents alive (I managed to overwater one and underwater another despite them being the same species on the same water schedule shekekks), but I’ve found my match. I have a little golden pothos plant, and I named her Becky because why not. She’s going strong! Do you have house plants and do you have a favorite?
Favorite plant in general would by hibiscus though. I have a hibiscus tattoo, because my Papa used to have some in his backyard and we’d go see what new ones had bloomed every time we stayed over <33
Okay, first of all, that outfit sounds sick as hell and I adore your style. Second of all, ew why do men. I wish I could have been there to defend your honor, my darling damsel. Purple hair sounds sick as hell!
Your knight in shining armor who’s definitely not plotting homicide on said man,
- Max/Lo
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cmoniqueeeee · 12 days
every time I go to a person to be my peace, my home - I am utterly disappointed. My father once told me as a little girl - “Cyarra, everyone will disappoint you.” And that’s facts.
A great reminder again and again to turn into myself - to find home again in myself.
I am a great home. Warm but drafty - a cold wind gets through every time and again. Solid foundation, there's some cracks in the wall, creaky floors and a roof that leaks during thunderstorms - but it gives it character. A welcoming red door - but don’t take advantage - read the sign on the fence. THE SIGN: “All who are genuine are welcomed past this gate - selected individuals are welcomed inside. Please call 24-48 hours in advance if you can to let me mentally prepare for human interaction. Quiet time is from 8pm-11am. There are always exceptions - nothing is black and white. The key is always respect and authenticity.” Just beyond the fence, the front lawn has a quiet and effortless beauty to it - nicely maintained but a little messy - filled with prairie wild flowers with a wooden bench hidden behind the thick of it near the door. As you approach the front door you are greeted by another sign but this time in fine print - “If the house feels disrespected in any way or feel as though you are not treating it the way it’s wants and deserves to be treated - it will do it's best to politely ask you to leave, or may just begin to quietly shut you out. However, it is known to shake and rumble violently as well. Hopefully it’s the former but no promises.” You enter the house and you instantly feel comfort - a place you can be yourself and accepted in all that you are. The house is not perfect, it's unique, just like you. It's not immaculately clean or polished either, you can have a little fun and relax (however, I will ask you to take your shoes off to not drag in any bad vibes from the outside world.) You may feel a sense of ease - and you leave your mask at the door. In the living room Pictures of my past hang on the walls - the good, the bad, the ugly - you can ask if you like, I’ll share. Trinkets that bring me joy and from my travels are sprinkled throughout the home - I am a collector. Arts and crafts stuffed away in the closets - always calling to be used… Philosophy, holistic health, romance, fantasy, adventure and spiritual texts line my bookshelves. The kitchen is full of nutritious foods and rich spices. Smells of recipes taught to me by my mother who learned from her mother and her mother’s mother - linger faintly in the air. A dining room table worn from many meals eaten that fills the belly and the heart. A basement full of memories from the past that I like to visit from time to time, and delusions I get lost in that I keep locked with a sign that reads, "Forbidden". Echoes of laughter throughout the house, even in the darkest spaces, but mostly it’s quiet. I like it quiet. However, every once in a while, there is an impromptu dance party or a Broadway/Disney musical performance. There's a big backyard with lots of space to plant seeds and three deeply rooted trees that provide ample shade. A comfortable wooden, swinging bench to sit to observe nature, to play pretend, and to open ourselves up to Self and each other. My bedroom is a private space and can only enter upon invitation - there is a big comfy bed to embrace you in a gentle nights rest and a beautiful craved vanity with a magic mirror - the Mirror of Truth I call it - if you look in the mirror and the mirror will reflect back all that it sees and senses - remember the Truth can hurt but it is a necessary pain. Everyone needs to be told about themselves from time to time. In the attic there are bullet boards filled with my dreams and future plans and boxes of projects I haven’t finished or moved on from - it’s giving… a little chaotic. My home is filled with light but darkness lingers in the corners. The few flaws stick out to me like a sore thumb (is that the saying?) most of the time and sometimes I don't see the many beautiul things in my home and what it provides. My home is not perfect - there's some cracks that may need to be patched and some tidying up to do - constant maintenance and improvement that this life is. It is also my beautiful sanctuary and I wouldn't want to be in any other place to call home.
I often think of home - what is means, what it is. who it is? What I’ve found out so far is you have to be with yourself to find yourself. And solo travel is always a sure way for me to find myself again, to connect with the home inside me because that’s all I have while im in a foreign place, no one knows me or shall I say I’m not around anyone who thinks they know me or who are projecting their own ideas of who “Cyarra Monique Swanson” is or should be. I sometimes don’t know the language , sometimes I do. I have no one really to rely on but myself. I have only myself to tend to. I experience all the emotions that come along with being human - and I am there with me - through all the things (whether in the moment I judge them as good or bad). I always leave feeling refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated. I feel a new verve for this life that often drains me. I acknowledge again that my soul decided- for whatever reason - to play this role of a human for this lifetime and I should just go with the flow and not take it too seriously. Just do my best, let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, be kind, stay authentic, and take deep breaths.
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fff777 · 9 months
I am getting around to the NCT Dream Starstruck series!
Here is reaction to Starstruck episode 1 :P
I appreciate the pun, by the way. Star-struck, but also stars-truck
So I noticed on the thumbnail it says 'highlight,' so I'm guessing this isn't actually the full episode.
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Space nerd Jisung activate
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Honestly Mark isn't very good at switching between languages XD
I also don't think I agree with the definition of it being a kind of 'fascination' with celebrities. If I had to define starstruck, I'd say it's like being shocked by the sight of a celebrity that you can't function.
Woo food truck. I remember when they did the cafe videos and they were so cute. I wonder what each guy is going to be assigned to work on.
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Absolute cuties T_T
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LMAO Find 3+ other dudes called Mark X'D
Of course Chenle thinks it'll be fun, competitive little guy
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They've got cartoon faces :3
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As expected
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Meanwhile Chenle's like "I got this bro"
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Chenle at Jisung: Stop being nervous, you're stamping down my vibes, bro
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Chenle just going around asking people their names which honestly would be a little weird but Chenle has no shame so it's fine
Chenle's advice: Just power through!
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We see a lot of fans following them and taking pictures, but thankfully there seems to be a considerable gap so hopefully they don't feel too claustrophobic.
Chenle's strategy is to ask people who seem interested or who are already looking at them. Pretty good strategy if I do say so myself. They can't be too surprised because they're already watching you.
Honestly I would have reacted like Mr. Ehud here if someone asked me my name. Like, why dude.
Aw Mr. Ehud was nice though. He saw that they were foreign celebrities and his lady companion was like "enjoy your visit :3"
Like Chenle, Renjun is very social so he's comfortable going up to strangers.
Renjun abandoned by Haechan and Jaemin X'D
Lol Haechan is so smooth. He says "good to see you" in response to a greeting lol.
Lol Jaemin turning this into a fansign
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Markno on their date <3
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Mark: I bet there's a Mark in the Apple store! LMAO you know what, he's not wrong, there's probably some tech nerd called Mark
Still working on project "make Jisung talk to people"
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LMAO the guy that Jisung approached could speak Korean
I think I see some bodyguards/security personnel with each group so that's nice (y)
Lol Chenle was like "some dudes just look like a Mark"
Jisung: What about this guy (does he look like a Mark)? Chenle: He looks like a Richard
I wonder what place this is, there's lots of room for pedestrians, it's nice :3
Now that I think about it, I wonder if they have plants in the area so that it's guaranteed that the Dreamies can find guys called like Mark. This Mark that Jaemin, Renjun, and Haechan found was standing near fans, so it felt a bit purposeful like he wanted himself to be found haha.
OMG Team Renjun, Heachan, and Jaemin found another Mark
Honestly Renjun is doing most of the work haha. He's social, but he's also confident with conversing in English.
They even had time to film a dance challenge with Mark 2 hehe
Mark just yelling out Mark and hoping he attracts the right people.
LOL the Mark connection
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Why does Mark talk like this XD He turns everything into a romance
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Music fan meets music fan :3
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OMFG all these guys named after Mark from the Bible lmfao
Omg Chenji also find a Mark? Mark #4
This was cute :P To be honest I thought it would be a bit uncomfortable because they'd have to approach a lot of strangers, but I think the editors focused on the interactions where the strangers seemed more open to speaking and being on camera.
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Cast Reveal #3 - Antigua - Old School
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First Survivor Season: TS Montenegro (June 2019)
Intro: 28. zilennial. enfj. begrudgingly a morning person and a glass half full person. is happiest cuddling & sleeping in bed or on a roadtrip. writer & poet. humanistic spiritual interpreter. professional ipad baby. the most taylor swift hating taylor swift listener. happiest zero vote finalist. moved cross country recently and is still adjusting to being in CST after a lifetime of PST. cries pretty easily after a lifetime of repressed emotions so don't take it personally. a little pretentious about how much they love music but definitely not in music taste. in a perpetual state of grief & love. misses the beach.
Three Words to Describe You: Effervescent, passionate, creative
Hobbies and Passions: Writing, collaging. Playing online Catan and some video games like Overwatch, Mario Kart, etc. Reading tarot and astrological charts. Pointless debates. Finding humor in everything (genuinely). Going on long drives. Going to the beach. Making playlists for people I love.
What You're Most Proud Of: Myself and how far I've come after all I survive and keep surviving.
Why You'll Win: I think 3rd time may actually be the charm!
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First Survivor Season: Stings Tierra del Fuego (July 2020)
Intro: Howdy party people, my name is Maddison and I’m super excited to (potentially) play with all of you! This is about as exciting as my tinder profile, so I’ll notably mention my love for basketball and being a plant mother. I’m a 26 y/o lil bisexual and I work in marketing (thrilling!)
Three Words to Describe You: silly, goofy, cowboy
Hobbies and Passions: listening to live music, watching women’s sports & anything outdoors!
What You're Most Proud Of: Leaving my small, rural hometown and building a life for myself that feels authentic and open to possibility.
Why You'll Win: I can win this game because I am open, adaptive and flexible to others gameplay.
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First Survivor Season: Athena Azores (July 2017)
Intro: I'm Raffy. I wasn't planning on playing a game so soon after, but it is Jay hosting and I love them. So here I am again to make a fool of myself.
Three Words to Describe You: Prideful, Sentimental, Bold
Hobbies and Passions: Reading, writing, and playing video games
What You're Most Proud Of: I am most proud of my senior thesis I wrote in university. It taught me a lot about where my skills as a writer lies and the joy of research. I’m actually working towards creating more analytical essays on some of my favorite TV shows and video games (though I still have to get around to it)!
Why You'll Win: Because I am headstrong and determined to do my best in everything!
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First Survivor Season: Supreme Madagascar (February 2016)
Intro: Hey y’all! I’m Steven and I’m a Florida guy without the Florida vibes. I work as a line cook and love Pokémon, board games, and reality tv. It’s also my birthday month so please be nice to me
Three Words to Describe You: Optimistic, competitive, opinionated
Hobbies and Passions: Watching reality tv, Pokémon, and baking
What You're Most Proud Of: That I am able to always push myself to overcome what scares me and grow as a person from it
Why You'll Win: I know what I am successful at and hopefully can balance the things I struggle with to make my way to the end
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First Survivor Season: TS Kiwayu (March 2015)
Intro: Hi kids it’s everyone’s fave elusive icon back from the grave to play again! Currently using she/her pronouns and am a fresh crispy 26 years of age! Unfortunate facts about me include that I’m a swiftie, I identify as a slytherin in ironically, and i’m mentally stuck in 2004! 🫶🏼 Excited to dust off the ole brain cells and play again with everyone!
Three Words to Describe You: Kooky, Kwazy, and Kunty (can i say that?)
Hobbies and Passions: Spin/the gym in general, reading, and arts and crafts 🫶🏼
What You're Most Proud Of: My fiancé and I recently bought property in the year 2023 and we never thought that would happen so that’s probably my most proud moment 💅🏼
Why You'll Win: Because I’m funny but also snakey and everyone loves the mean one with the good one liners
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letamthoughts · 2 years
Vesper (2022)
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i really like it (mid/high tier) 10/10
Only read the description before walking in and enjoyed it all what a world they crafted loved the fauna; reminds me of Prospect (2018), especially when the helmets come in
(Moderate Spoilers)
why dafuq were there skulls? was he surprised or just nearing the end? sad how it turned out
(Major Spoilers)
homegirl was in so much denial about her dad's inevitable end; totes understand her reaction to o'lady deciding to leave/sacrifice am I just being wishful, or was that a socialistic act at the end? when she let the wind carry the seeds probably socialistic considering the deal she tried to make with uncle and were those seeds already changed? yeah, probably didn't fully get the seed code matter; i think they just grow a plant that never dies and hold up; o'lady's father cracked the code himself and said "fuck all y'all" before dipping out, or did he know/steal the code and the place always had enough food? if the latter, she did specify "enough resources" 🤔 wonder how dad got hurt didn't fully get her dad controlling the pod until she straight up said "this is Pop" or whatever uncle's a hell of a creep, and greedy i see why mom left; dude was making advances and not letting up which explains why the Pillagers exist; ain't no "sickness" so Vesper and the 4 other kids all joined the Pillagers then? and I guess they'll just see where the seeds sprout? hopefully >.>
hold up, the fact that they killed the uncle (and possibly everybody else there); either they were protecting the code (holy shit, what dafuq kinda world is that?) or they were protecting the reality of Jugs that injured Jug was sentient and sapient :o freaking racism 🙄 ah, food is a key resource without which limits their control and ability to trade
what were they doing with children's blood? eternal youth? the practical and wise decision would've been to kill her uncle (outside if nobody's there), but she ain't the type; bit 'em in the ass -_- would probably still have to leave after, though, considering the other kids huh... "take every opportunity you find" was nice foreshadowing for his betrayal
bruh, she planted those ankle biters as guards 🤦🏿‍♂️ her poor plants are gonna be lonely now 😢 if the facial deformities some of his kids had was from inbreeding then he's might be reproducing with his own daughters :|
some motherly lesbian vibes fo'real, especially during the picture book and her 2nd to last scene
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luimagines · 2 years
Okay but think about how badass a reader that has the ability to control flora would be. Need a specific herb for that dish? They've got you. Need a softer place to sleep? Just wait a minute, they'll make a nice plant bed for ya. Wanna smell better? They're already growing very fragrant herbs and flowers.
Many members of the chain feel as though the reader would be easily harmed in a fight because they tend to create/grow flora that are easily destroyed. That is the general consensus until they encounter three lynels (I have no idea if they actually travel in groups please go with it 😅)
The chain's protective instincts kick in and the smallest + reader kick in immediately. However, our dear reader is far from helpless. They are targeted by one of the three lynels, but before any of the Links can react, thick, coarse vines with thorns, and tree roots rocket out of the ground, restraining the beast. The beast puts up one hell of a fight, no surprise there, but the reader has it handled. The thorns grow exponentially, causing the lynel to begin to bleed out. The lynel's weapons and other gear are ripped away. With one final push from the reader, a vine penetrates a wound in its chest and expands until the lynel is no more.
With one beast slain, the reader moves on to protect any Links that may have fallen by creating nearly impenetrable canopies over them. When that is finished, they jump into the rest of the fights by once again restraining the beast, taking its gear, and ultimately allowing the Links to land finishing blows much easier than other fights.
After everything is settled, the wounded have their canopies withdraw so Hyrule and the reader can tend to them. Sky got a pretty nasty hit to the head, and Wars had quite the laceration ranging from his shoulder blade to the other side of his ribs.
Reader carries seeds that have been blessed by the fairies in their world that will grow into plants that have immense healing properties. The two get them fixed up. With the little energy they have left, the reader creates one large canopy that will enable them to camp for the night with (hopefully) minimal problems.
I believe the reactions of the chain would be as follows (please add on if you want!!!)
Time: taken aback for exactly 0.5 seconds before getting back to it
Twilight: will probably ask reader to grow an ordon pumpkin (he carries pumpkin seeds around lol, gotta have snacks that double as slingshot ammo)
Warriors: wants to know how tf a plant chrysalis suddenly encased him, then is thankful the reader can hold their own in more ways than one
Legend: "you couldn't have done that earlier?"
Wild: wants them to spar with him only using their magic abilities and staying in one spot... and other shenanigans involving natural sedatives/stimulants
Sky: once he wakes up, he's confused until wind excitedly tells him about how badass the reader is. Then he's disappointed he didn't get to see it lol
Wind: in awe, a little jealous, mostly wants to partake in plant shenanigans and hijinks with wild
Hyrule: 0-0
- can I assign myself an emoji and establish myself as a consistent anon? I totally get it you don't want to do that :) if yes, can I be ☀️?
Also, how do you feel about longer asks like this? I don't wanna cross any boundaries
Absolutely Sunshine!
I have a masterlist for anons who send in literal stories. I don't mind the length at all. :D
I have a few regulars as it is, so take a seat and relax, we're all friends here.
Also this Reader gave a bit of Poison Ivy vibes.... just.. with out the whole backstory and desire to wipe out humanity.
Time would probably want to know how it would work the way it does. I bet he's seen some flora magic before. But with their powers, can they make the deku tree grow any bigger than the mere sprout he currently is?
Wild.... no drugs dude, chill. This won't count into your enchanted food.
Poor Sky though. He didn't get to see Reader save the day and be the best of the group for a chance.
Wind is totally going to rub it in his fac- I mean, recount the entire thing with theatrical flair. :) Obviously.
.....And with Warrior, I guess the only thing that comes to mind is from Critical Role Campaign Two... with Forge in the seaweed roll. I won't go too into it for spoiler reasons. But he comes out a bit beefier.... So Warrior less of a twink then?
The rest are stellar. Spot on interpretation. Thank you for your contribution. XD
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