#hopefully i'll be better soon.
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: "In The Name Of The Rebellion"
In which you owe your crazy conspiracy uncle an apology. XD
Live reaction version.
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Ya-vin, Ya-vin, Ya-vin, Ya-vin. :D
Per the dialogue we are setting down on Yavin for the very first time. Apparently I was confused about this the first time around but it's very obvious now that Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper broke off from the flotilla at some point in order to head to Mandalore while Hera and Zeb et. al. continued on to Yavin.
As I noticed in my first watchthrough there's a bit of the Rebel Sullust cue in here.
Ezra worrying about Hera crashlanding while Kanan has complete faith in her aww.
"I've seen worse landings." Fpfpfgkjhkf Kanan plz. It should not have taken this long to crack a blind joke.
This time through it's much more obvious to me that Ezra's expressing sympathetic leanings towards Saw and his methods out of frustration over Lothal, a niggling desire to hit back at the Empire hard out of anger. He keeps bringing up the fact that they've promised to help Ryder and his cell and he feels let down by the Rebellion's new hesitance to take action, to defer liberating his planet to "later".
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Oh ouch this moment with the map resonates more painfully now with Jedi: Survivor's release and Cal's paralyzed despair over just how big and overwhelming the Empire is.
Ezra's signature is so troubled Kanan can pick it up from feet away. :((((((
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Love this soft moment of the two meditating and talking.
I think I've already said my piece about the whole "How we choose to fight" theme, as it is contrasted by Saw "He Who Fights Monsters" Gerrera and Mon "Lawful Good" Mothma so I'll just enjoy this and move on again.
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Sabine backing Ezra up on his sentiments about hurting the Empire. <3
"If we destroy the relay the Empire will just build another one." Mmmmmm that kind of depends. Do they have the resources and manpower to spare for that kind of construction project ready and available on the fly? That thing isn't exactly small. Wasting the Empire's resources and buying yourselves time is in fact a valid strategy.
Given that Hera shares Ezra's feelings completely but can't disobey orders, it's arguable that her line here is self-justification or what she's rehearsed as the expected excuse.
Eyyyy the Sabezra Halo jump! Accompanied by lovely music cue.
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You know I gotta cap the mid-mission hand catching. <3 Oh and it's even punctuated with Ezra's theme, nice.
Lol Chopper just face-planting into the antenna base.
You know what? I'mma headcanon Chopper botched the spike install on purpose because he wanted to blow the disc too.
That he backs up Ezra's "idea" is only reinforcing that for me. Because this is a terrible idea, Ezra honey, no.
"Oh that is just so typical of our luck." Lol.
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It's adorable how Sabine packed detonators just in case.
Music is really on point this episode.
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Shut up and let me enjoy this.
Kanera trust flight moment. <333
Still love how Saw basically kidnaps Ezra and Sabine here and how pissed Hera is about it.
Aaaaaand goodbye Brom Titus. You could seriously make a drinking game out of how many named Imperial officers from previous seasons bite it in this one.
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They look a LOT more uncertain despite agreeing to be here in the heat of the moment.
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They are Not Impressed, lol.
Hey yet more evidence Sabine isn't Force Sensitive, she can't hear the kyber crystal.
Saw does sound crazy to the kids and to the wider Rebellion but remember, he's ultimately vindicated. The Empire was building a giant superweapon in secret.
Rebels said when in doubt always mistrust your government, I mean what.
Love the kalimba and xylophone in this track here.
Saw's so hyperfocused on the actual weapon he doesn't realize these prisoners are yet more proof of his theory.
I'm amazed Saw is still using just stun blasts here.
Gotta say, very effective jump scare with the Deathtroopers here. Also love the horror movie vibes of our trio taking out the Troopers in the smoke here.
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This is such a pretty sequence. It makes the kyber crystal seem like some kind of archaic magic artifact. Which, I mean, it is.
Chopper's interactions with the prisoners is such a fun running gag.
Love this little moment of Ezra clearing the Troopers for Sabine. What a gentleman. :)
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Yeah so the number one way to get me to not like Saw is still to have him hurt Ezra.
Hi Slavin!
Saw being so obsessed with the big picture of his cause that it makes him apathetic to the plight of the people suffering under the Empire's hand. Thrawn parallels much?
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(Oh hello moment that helped make "Reflections" wind up three times longer than planned.)
And the major difference between Ezra and Saw (and by extension Ezra and Thrawn)? Ezra is not willing to step on others in order to gain a victory.
Yeah no, regardless of how right he is, leaving Ezra and Sabine on an exploding ship was a dick move.
Still love Ezra getting to be badass against the Deathtrooper commander.
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Shades of Season One "Breaking Ranks".
Aaaaaand bye Slavin.
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I love them your honor.
At times I kind of wish this could have been the premiere because it's just so much fun. Has that nostalgic OT feel and sets up the new status quo much better. Ezra and Sabine get lots of lovely interaction and the themes of previous seasons are continued, with Ezra coming to an internal realization that he won't sacrifice the people in front of him now to some unseen "greater good". Which positions him perfectly to be a foil to Thrawn. <3 And sets up our return to Lothal, to fight the war the Rebellion thinks is still far off.
There's so much to like about this two-part episode. It's one of my favorites.
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gotchibam · 1 month ago
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Commissioned piece for Missiletainn! 💞
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sgt-tombstone · 6 months ago
Contrary to popular belief, when Soap joined the 141, he didn't attach himself obnoxious and irrevocably to his glowering lieutenant. There was no baby duckling moment, no imprinting from the sociable sergeant, no following Ghost around like a lost puppy
For his first few weeks on base, he was bright and loud in the way of the new kid on the block trying to make friends however he could, but he gravitated mostly towards Gaz, a man equal to him in rank, passion, and mischievousness. He sought out Ghost with the same enthusiasm that he sought out latrine duty or paperwork; a part of everyday military life that's easier to accept and move on than fight against. He didn't go out of his way to avoid Ghost, but he also didn't actively try to gain his attention either
Contrary to popular belief, it was Ghost who attached himself to Soap, not the other way around
Ghost has always stuck to the shadows, taken advantage of the brightness of others to stay hidden, to fly under the radar until he erupts with deadly force, and no one was brighter than Johnny. When Soap walked into a room, no one had the wherewithal to even think to check for anyone behind him; he stole the attention of everyone he came in contact with. He was a blaze of energy and charm and excitement, and Ghost shamelessly used it to his advantage, placing himself behind Johnny like he was deploying a decoy flare, knowing that he could rely on the shadow that Soap never failed to cast with his intensity. It wasn't a fear thing, either; Ghost never cowered in Soap's shadow. At worst, he lurked. At best, prowled. He did what he did best, assisted by an oblivious, brilliant sergeant
And when Soap caught on... Price never knew peace again, because Soap turned the glow up tenfold, intentionally creating pockets of shadow for his lieutenant to hide in, the two of them working in tandem until they didn't even have to speak, until they could move around each other with alarming, exceptional ease
Around base, Ghost took advantage of it for fun, or to get out of paperwork, or to avoid social interaction; he could trust his sergeant to distract anyone from anything for long enough that Ghost could slip away entirely unnoticed, with everyone around them none the wiser
In the field, though... They had never been a more deadly duo. There was risk involved, of course, because intentionally drawing attention to yourself in a firefight is less than ideal, but they trusted each other implicitly. Whenever Soap kicked up dust, Ghost took cover in it, hiding in plain sight, secure in the knowledge that the combination of Soap's diversion and his own trigger finger kept them completely safe. No one ever saw Ghost, not when they were too caught up in the pandemonium that was Johnny MacTavish, and then it was too late, because Ghost had already taken them out
And when Soap turned that wildness on Ghost himself, well... Simon could admit that he used his sergeant's influence to his advantage, but he'd never claim to be entirely immune to it himself...
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virtualtear00 · 1 month ago
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I'm offering you this small sketch of modern au Adolin and Maya
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burningcheese-merchant · 9 days ago
May.. may we get more yandere cheese? Maybe of her starting to write her own just as deranged letters to Burning Spice, but she refuses to send them. She can't. He doesn't need to find out that she'd let him do what he wants after all. But he does. He finds out anyway. Because he's Burning Spice. He's smart.
I already did something like that haha. She hasn't fully succumbed to her vices yet, but this is a start. The first step on the long, winding staircase spiralling down into Hell.
You're right, though... Burning Spice does find out eventually. Of course he does. He's far smarter than anyone gives him credit for; even his comrades often forget that the man's wit is as sharp as the blade of his axe, if not more so. But it's fine. Better than fine, it's wonderful. Perfect, if he's bold enough to declare it (and he is). Let the world brand him a fool. It makes carrying out his sinister plans that much easier.
And now, his number one priority is breaking into her house.
Very... simple way of putting it, yeah. Plain. Boring. But the less time Burning Spice spends on molding his words into something prim and proper - what, does he look like that annoying know-it-all jester to you? - the more he can spend on turning this dream into reality. The plan doesn't need to be articulate. It only needs to be done.
Six months now. It has been six months, on the dot. Half a year since that fateful day, and she still has yet to notice...
One would think that, no matter how proudly and desperately Golden Cheese strove to be crowned the greediest woman on earth, she would still have the good sense to rein it in when absolutely necessary. But apparently not. Truly, her greed had no equal, no hope of being humbled or vanquished. She simply had to have everything, regardless of who, what or where it came from. Even if it came from him.
The moment he first laid eyes upon the painting, Burning Spice knew she would be drawn to it. A lone tree, humble in its size yet proud in its stance, mercifully draping a blanket of shade over the teal and jade shrubs huddled around its base. Before them sat a pool of water, shallow but pristine, glittering in the light of the afternoon sun. A lovely desert oasis.
She would appreciate the symbolism, he thought. And it would seem that he'd thought correctly, for despite her usual huffing and puffing about their fights and the other gifts he always intended for her, she nevertheless abandoned him to their makeshift arena with the painting in tow, tucked under her arm.
Pretty little bird, and her love for pretty trinkets... if only she knew. If only she'd thought twice when she looked more closely at the painting, and took proper heed of the little snake coiled around a tree branch, a single beady eye visible to the viewer. If only she was paranoid enough to have the painting be looked over by someone besides herself - someone well-versed in magic, preferably, as they're more likely to realize that a spell had been cast on the painting. If only she knew that the poor man (or what was left of him, anyway) he presented her to was the one he'd stolen the painting from, and strong-armed into bewitching (and, for his trouble, Burning Spice gladly freed his burdensome head from his weak, trembling shoulders).
If only she knew that, whenever she loomed closer and stared curiously at that snake, it wasn't the snake that was staring back.
And how curious it was, when Burning Spice caught her sitting at her desk one evening. Her pen gliding over paper with increasing speed and fury, the weight of whatever devilry had possessed her bearing down on her in such a way that her hunch grew more pronounced with each passing moment. One paper, soon crumpled with a shake of her head and a breath of frustration, became two. Became three. Four. Five. Six.
Alas, the painting hung a little too far above Golden Cheese's head for Burning Spice to see her work clearly. He'd been born with outstanding eyesight, as all apex predators ought to be, but there were times where even it failed him. The angle just wasn't quite right, and her handwriting was simply too small. The muscles in his face began to ache from how deeply he was scowling, such was his righteous indignation.
But far be it from him to shrug his shoulders and live without his questions being answered. He has only given up on something once in his life, and it wasn't this. He would never give up on anything related to his beautiful bird. Perish such a blasphemous thought!
Enough straining, enough squinting, enough parsing of the words and letters, and he saw it. Two words. One name.
"Burning Spice."
It was him. She was writing something about him. For him. TO him.
His heart thundered in his chest so loudly, so painfully, so beautifully at this divine revelation - but not as beautiful as her, no. Nothing could ever hope to be. Golden Cheese, HIS Golden Cheese, so stunning and delectable, so unbearably gorgeous in every way imaginable. So hypnotic in her movements - in the balled fists that battered the poor desk in a fit of rage, deep cracks springing forth and marring the otherwise flawless, polished surface. In the way her wings fanned out to their fullest size as she rose to her feet, shoving her chair away as though it was cursed. In that lightning fast heel-turn and leap across the room, that twist of the door handle so strong and erratic it nearly came off, the feather or two left in the dust as she vanished from the room and Burning Spice's sight entirely. Gods, he could watch her do anything. He could watch her forever.
He wants to know exactly what it is that she wrote. He must know. He will.
In his excitement - and it hasn't waned in the days since, not even the slightest bit - he had hunted down a piece of blank parchment and jotted down his own letter in immediate response to hers. It sat comfortably tucked away in his dhoti, near his hip; keeping it on his person at all times gave him strength, hope, a reminder of the holy mission he was destined to fulfill (although he probably didn't need it).
He can still feel his fingers itching as he lays in his bed, still wide awake well into the wee hours of the morning. He obliges them as he always does, and carefully plucks out the letter, a monstrous grin unfolding on his face as the letter unfolded before it:
"Golden Cheese, my little thief, my pretty bird, my delicious prey... I see you. I see you in your little nest, in that precious kingdom of yours, fluttering about to and fro. You dance and tiptoe so elegantly upon the winds that I curse myself every time I'm forced to blink, and be robbed of a single glance of you and your beauty.
"Little bird... I know what you've done. What you've written. I have witnessed it with my own eyes. And I love it. I love it as much as I love you. I waited so long for this day, for the day you truly acknowledged me. My heart mimics the beat of a war drum every time the thought dares to cross my mind... But it isn't just a thought anymore, is it? It's as real as you and I. As real as our bond. Once a dream, now a prophecy. One I intend to fulfill.
"You don't need to worry. Don't lift a single finger or feather. I will come to you, as I always do, and then I'll steal your letters away. They fill you with the same excitement as me, don't they? I still remember the look you wore on your pretty face while you wrote them all down. The fire that crackled and burned in your eyes. I can't wait to see for myself the way you carved into those pages, and drained your pen of its blood. Gods, you drive me insane... We truly are meant for each other, aren't we?"
Perhaps, in the future, he can tell her the fun little story behind this particular letter, if she's curious. If she asks. If she remembers to do so, if she remembers it exists, if she even remembers her own name after her brain has already been completely fucked out. Yes, he wouldn't mind doing that. He loved doting on his little bird and feeding that insatiable appetite of hers.
He tucks the letter away again, and casts his eyes to the ceiling. Tempted as he was to reactivate the spell and gaze upon his beloved... No, not tonight. In brutal honesty, watching her from afar was beginning to cause him genuine pain. It wasn't enough; he wanted to see her face-to-face. More than that, he wanted to touch her. Trap her in a tight embrace and smother her lips with his own. Never let her go again, no matter what. And he would slaughter the whole world to have her, as he hoped she understood by now.
Sneaking into the kingdom would be no easy task, never mind her bedroom. But what were life and love without risk?
Who knows, maybe she'll defy his meticulous planning and be there when he arrives, instead of anywhere else so his entry and exit could go quick and smooth. Maybe she can hand him the letters herself. Maybe she'll grow bold and read them aloud. Maybe she'll become enraged and beat him to within an inch of his life for daring to set foot within her little sanctum (not that he wouldn't put up a fight; that was half of the appeal of their duels); maybe she'll weep with joy at finally being able to express herself, and pour out all the contents of her aching heart, begging him to take them all for himself. To take her. (Which he most certainly will, without a moment's hesitation.)
Some unholy mixture of all of the above would be quite nice, honestly. Such was his own insatiable greed.
I know the previous entry says "marble statue", but I'm changing it to a painting instead. You're less likely to think a painting is watching you than a statue. Statues are creepy. Paintings are a lot less assuming, I think. He's watching her through the little snake's eyes in the painting, the end
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obsmiechujek · 2 years ago
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Do you think the Enderman gifts cute blocks it finds to it's Enderman partner???
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of-time-and-space-itself · 4 months ago
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Ah - I'm so sorry for the absence!
I just got really sick! Not sure how, or with what, but I'm sick!
Normally, I would've posted some sort of joke about how sick I am, however, I think I might be cursed because my drawing hand has upgraded to being trapped in a brace!
I'll be resting for a little while longer it seems. You can continue sending asks if you like, although it may take me some time to get to them.
Then again, I may just rapid-fire respond because I can't get out of bed and I'm very bored. :(
Above is a random doodle(that was supposed to be in a set) that I invested way too much time into. It's been chilling in my folders, so I thought I might as well post it!
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buglaur · 2 years ago
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 6 months ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS Night Pool Ruki Mukami Acrylic Photo Card
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soulmvtes · 8 months ago
not been doing well lately but slowly coming out of it <3
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gauntletqueen · 2 years ago
Da Boochi,.,,,
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streetsweepershenanigans · 1 year ago
The first half of There! Right There! from the Legally Blonde Musical, but it's people (or even the daggers) speculating about Iceman at an event or something and then Mavericks comes in and kisses and him and it turns out he's both gay and European.
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rawpastamoth · 11 months ago
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Some cleaned up doodles and some less cleaned up doodles for a Pokémon AU thing (different from my other Homestar Pokémon AU)
I promise these choices all have reasons behind them I'm just too tired to type them out. Sorry for inaccurate sizes
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sysig · 22 days ago
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Things could be better, if you were to ask Ishida (Patreon)
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glamlet69 · 7 months ago
Unfortunately, I am sick
BUT that does give me time to relax where I don't feel like I need to do anything. I just have one more day of work to get through tomorrow and then I get two days to rot.
That being said, because I will be in bed rotting I will also hopefully be in bed writing the rest of my Supernatural one-shot! So be on the lookout for that!
That is all.
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cbdinodoodlez · 8 months ago
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fun idea i had almost a year ago where luke realizes clive isnt him, so he confronts him
here's a version w/o text and filters and also the original 👍👍👍👍
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