#hope you like these despite how lq they are ;;
pink-november · 4 months
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You know who I want (threatening) (trying to be) (actually this was an attempt at flirting and not referring to Cold at all) (could’ve been referring to anyone) (who care!!)
*crawls out my hidey hole covered in dirt and blood* I'M ALIVE!
I definitely know who you're referring to 🤭 hope I did him well here <333
• First impression
Oh, he's emo. The emo voice. Saw him first with Paranoid in Wraith. Looks like the type to be easily misunderstood because he just sounds like that. Hot voice though, er well, cold voice. 7/10
• Impression now
THE BLORBO. PERIOD. One of the faves. He's actually so silly? Also he's got a lot of depth to him that goes under the radar because it's so easy to assign him as a typical "villain" since he doesn't show any remorse in killing the Princess and sucks at emotions uh, I mean, is emotionless. The rare moments of him showing anything than boredom makes me salivate and feral because my boi you are fucking lying to yourself about not feeling anything at all.
• Favorite moment
He has so many great moments actually: his Razor's entrance, the sheer difference of attitude when it came to his presence in The Greys and his entire show in Spectre. But my top favorite has got to be Moment of Clarity, especially after getting to know him a lot after replaying the game. There's just something absolutely heart-wrenching hearing him continually dismiss the other voices and insisting that he's the only special one here, trying to appeal to LQ that he only needs him alone.
• Idea for a story
Every idea I had about Cold gets sucked into the black hole that is Ouroboros Well, I do have that one story idea where it's a post A New Unending Dawn and Everyone Hates You where all the voices tore themselves out of The Long Quiet and got separated from one another because of how messy they got out their progenitor. They became something close to Catastrophes because of how violent their ascensions were and they bring disasters to wherever they go. And because I need more tragedy, all of them try to seek one another but find out they keep missing each other due to fate fucking with them. Also this is a fic where Cold is a vampire. And Smitten's there too, I guess.
Well, there's also my Swap AU. Gravedigger Cold still lives rent free in my head alongside his bestie, The Revenant.
• Unpopular opinion
He really should be elevated to Tumblr Sexyman status. He's got the qualifications for it even!
• Favorite relationship
I am Burned Bridges truther, mainly because of you Dicey. I have become ill for their dynamic and despite how rocky and nigh impossible reconciliation is with them, I do think they can be good friends under the right circumstances. Also, I love how Cold makes Smitten worse, just saying. They need to get a room smh.
But before Burned Bridges, I do adore Cold's relationship with Hero and The Long Quiet. It's only by virtue of having Nightmare as my first route and The Moment of Clarity happening that Spectre falls short on my favorite chapters, ending in a nebulous second place.
• Favorite headcanon
I love Cold collecting knives! Yes, I love that headcanon very much! Also, he's afraid of The Damsel.
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pacadong · 6 years
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mxm hugs ♡ for @seulpeo
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wooseokkies · 2 years
Extraordinary attorney woo Ep 9 — my tiny thoughts
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Ok don’t mind this lq gif; it’s just my favourite part ever 😭
Some bits and pieces I thought were lovely for Youngwoo & Junho 🐳🐋
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In the eyelash scene, Youngwoo was clearly more open to physical touch and intimacy — she didn’t really flinch or shut her eyes this time, and it was obvious that she had butterflies in her tummy the ENTIRE TIME!! (From the way the hurried off after, it was evident!)
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In the same scene, Junho was obviously prolonging contact with her for obvious reasons 😩 and can we talk about the way he held her shoulders in the middle? Totally unnecessary but look at this Junho seizing the opportunity and going in for the kill
Youngwoo having lunch in the cafeteria instead of bringing her own lunchbox; though it was still kimbap but I think it really shows her embracing change in her life, slowly. And the fact that the scene was with Junho made it all the more significant
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Even when Junho was jealous, he STILL couldn't help but smile when he saw Youngwoo smile — if this doesn't scream pure love then I don't know what does
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The ways Youngwoo expresses her love to the person she likes — by taking care of them in the ways she receives love (though she followed the advice of kimbap ahjussi, but still). I’m pretty sure she considers these acts of love too, and her extending the same to Junho was just plain heartwarming 😩 especially the sidewalk scene, where Junho counters her by saying ‘shouldn’t I be the one to walk on the outside’ Ahh. He wants to protect her… we stan a neon green flag
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Junho protecting her in the convenience store when the kids swarmed in :")
Them around kids — please… I was swooning so hard because now I can’t stop thinking about their married / family life. But Youngwoo being comfortable around kids is really something I enjoyed watching; she even became so much less inhibited. Junho was obviously admiring her in that scene 🫠
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Youngwoo’s smiles. So many smiles in this episode. Was so happy watching her
How Youngwoo confessed not once but twice. It’s so refreshing that she didn’t back down; in fact, Junho keeping mum after he first confession only fuelled her desire to make her feelings more known. I think that’s beautiful, that she’s exploring this side of her emotions.
Junho’s confession — AHH. Screaming, crying, throwing up, punching the air. That OH moment from him was pure gold and the way he practically sprinted out of his house to see Youngwoo? It sent tingles down my spine. What’s even better is that his OH moment came after such a simple realisation (thanks Attorney Kwon lol) that he does not have the thought that it won’t work out between them. And that in itself, is enough for him to welcome his love for Youngwoo, despite his reservations whether he can be good enough for her, or their potential road bumps they might face down the line. It’s so simple, but a very crucial turning point for Junho, imho :”)
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And the fact that the confession happened at the revolving doors — the place where they first met — is really them coming full circle, almost. And Youngwoo going round in circles in those revolving doors (and no longer terrified of it) + Junho coming in to hold the door for her — it's as if he's saying 'let me take care of you from this point onwards, Youngwoo-ya,' TT_TT
At this point, I’m slightly worried about tmr’s episode and if they are going to throw more roadblocks for our whale couple, but I’m interested to know how they will work things through.
Me thinks that Junho will be ever patient with Youngwoo; I mean, the fact that he’s even placing such emphasis and thinking about more deep matters if they start a relationship already says that he’s not taking this — and her — lightly. Far from it, because she’s way too precious to him.
And for Youngwoo, Junho is probably the first person she’s felt such intense attraction to that she might not know what to do with all these novel feelings / emotions; I hope she will continue to explore such changes TOGETHER with Junho, hand in hand.
Yes, hand in hand — I’m claiming it :-) 🙌🏼
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cheesygroove · 3 years
Hwasa doesn't realize how much she inspires Wheein.
pairing: Wheein x Hwasa (wheesa)
genre: fluff, comfort (?) // wc: 1.2k
cw: body insecurities; mentions of bodyshaming (all pretty subtle tho)
A/N: I know what I said about having no originals left 👉🏻👈🏻 but yesterday I was having a moment and needed to type something for myself. I hope you like it <3 the pic is lq but I love it so much
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The wind blew through the leaves of the tree, agitating them once again. Wheein impatiently transferred the weight from one leg to the other, sun blazing on her face and on the sketchbook she held. Despite only being able to trace a few lines on the paper, her stubbornness matched nature's resistance to stay still.
“Wheein-ah… I’m so lonely…” Hyejin shouted from afar in a whiny voice.
“Almost done here,” she lied.
“That tree won’t be going away, unlike me.”
Annoyed by the threat, Wheein turned around, eyes searching for her friend. Her black converse all-stars were discarded by the riverside.
“Get in, it’s so refreshing,” invited a fully clothed Hyejin, water at her waist level.
Wheein sighed when yet another weak breeze came, distorting her reference. It was one of those days where the persistent wind only seems to be helping spread the heat wave further.
“Okay, I’m going,” she shouted back.
Her orange slippers joined Hyejin’s shoes, some reluctance finding her way before letting go of her sketchbook and pencil. Wheein’s eyes scanned the surroundings one last time, trying to find another inspiring thing to draw — a more static one, preferably.
“Wheein-ah! Come on!”
Hyejin walked in her friend’s direction until only her ankles were deep in water. Despite being fully clothed, the wet dress clinging to her body and accentuating her curves left little to the imagination. Wheein hugged the sketchbook tightly against her chest, amazed by the sight.
“Not giving up on the drawing?” Hyejin asked when Wheein reached for her outstretched hand.
“No… I’ve just found my muse,” she answered, eyes sizing up Hyejin’s body. Her words trembled both because of fascination and the cold water at her feet.
Hyejin stole a glance at Wheein from over her shoulder, jokingly swaying her hips exaggeratedly while pulling her friend further into the river.
“Staring at my butt… I’ve got my eyes on you.”
“I’m sorry? This is called studying the reference,” Wheein whined, earning a laugh from her friend.
“I’ll allow it on that excuse, then.” Hyejin turned around and winked, receiving an eye roll in response.
Minding each step in worries of not getting her sketchbook wet, Wheein ended up staying behind. She climbed onto a rock, seemingly satisfied by her own stunt.
“I may be small, but my legs are strong! Look, Hyejinnie!”
She excessively tapped on the stressed muscle of her thigh to demonstrate her point.
“Gosh, I…” Hyejin sighed, giving in to a laugh. “I’ll miss this during my promotions.”
Wheein sitting on top of that rock with her thighs pressed together, knees flushing in a slightly pink tone… Yes, Hyejin would certainly miss that. Letting it out in a sentence with double meaning was more than she could ask for, though. Byul would’ve certainly read through those words in a heartbeat, but Wheein… Was just Wheein.
Sometimes, Hyejin would simply get lost in that puppy-like gaze of hers.
“... You’re truly in charge of spacing out.”
Wheein had found a dry spot on her lap to rest her sketchbook on, working on a drawing with a pout cemented on her face. Hyejin wondered how much she had missed.
“I asked if you are excited to show Maria to the world,” Wheein said without lifting her eyes from the paper, “but I guess what I say is not that important.”
“Hey, of course it’s not that. You know me.”
Hyejin apologetically walked to Wheein, clinging onto her legs. Trying to steal a glance at the drawing was deemed useless, as her friend simply lifted the sketchbook away from her eyes.
“Answer my question, then,” Wheein demanded.
Are you excited to show Maria to the world? Those words weren’t unfamiliar at all, the question often hanging over her head in a doubtful manner.
“Yes… Excited, yes. But now I feel more ready than anything else.”
“Your confidence fires me up,” Wheein said. She watched Hyejin drifting away while lost in thoughts, walking back towards the riverside. The absence of water around the contours of her body benefitted more than the drawing Wheein was working on.
“Isn’t it ironic that the more we feel the urge to scream about something —” Hyejin watched her unstable reflection, the river flow making it seem like her lips were trembling. “— the more that thing hurted us in the past?”
Wheein sighed, putting her pencil to rest.
“Maybe that’s self-defense?” she wondered out loud. “I want to talk about myself, but it’s hard. I’m glad you don’t have the same problem.”
A hate for her own words grew as soon as they came out. It all sounded more comforting — and less about herself — inside of her head.
“Did you just quote 25? It takes a lot to admit your struggles in a song.” Hyejin watched her friend from over her shoulder, realizing that the eyes weren’t the only puppy-like thing about her. “See, Whee. You’re doing way better than you think.”
“Well, it wasn’t intentional.”
A smile appeared on her face, at last. The dimple that showed up quickly dissolved as a concentrated expression took over, signaling that Wheein returned to her drawing.
“I’m happy you have your art. You get to express what you love through it,” said Hyejin, “sometimes I feel like I have to keep reaffirming myself through mine. I’m not confident all the time.”
Wheein nodded, taking the role of a listener. Her traces on the paper started taking shape, forming a radiant Hyejin. She bit her lip as the pencil drew the curves of her hips, shaping her friend’s ample bottom. The movement was automatic, the marked sight in her memory not requiring a second glance.
“I don’t like what I see in the mirror all the time, too,” she continued, “but I do wonder what people will say if I admit it. I don’t want more offenses piling up.”
Hyejin innocently rubbed the area around her hips, causing Wheein to blush. Could she have sensed her dirty thoughts? No. Perhaps her hips concerned her?
“You’re only human, Hyejin-ah.”
“More human than this confident persona allows me to show,” she scoffed, hands now staying still at her hips. Hyejin evaluated her own reflection in the water, eying herself down with judgmental eyes.
Wheein opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it. She glanced at Hyejin and at her own depiction of her friend’s body, watching the scene in disbelief. No words would be able to convey what Wheein wanted to tell her.
The water didn’t show only Hyejin’s reflection anymore — her friend had joined her. That presence alone felt comforting.
“You said that I get to express what I love.” Wheein handed Hyejin her sketchbook, getting over the usual resistance to show off her drawings. “See it.”
Anxiety almost took her for granted while her friend flipped through the pages. Sketches of Ggomo were everywhere to be seen, followed by drawings of the members. The one of Yongsun with a banana falling off slipped a chuckle out of Hyejin.
“And this…” Wheein said, flipping the last page herself, “... I drew it just now.”
She let go of the breath she was holding when the last sketch presented itself. Contrary to Wheein’s usual cartoonist-like style, this one tried to be more realistic. The drawing accentuated Hyejin’s curves, the posture of her body making it seem like it belonged to a goddess.
“Is this how you see me?” she asked, locking eyes with Wheein.
“I told you I had found my muse.”
Hyejin ran a finger along the traces on paper, slightly wetting its pages. Wheein didn’t care about it anymore.
“Can I get to be more than just your muse?”
ao3 link
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he gets under your skin by Skadiseven
Wow!! I loved this story! Everyone’s POV really gave me the feels and made the story more rich.
My favorite character was LQ in this one. His warm and comforting personality was nice to see. He even lied!! 😯
It is based off the movie “While You Were Sleeping” - which is a rom com of the highest order IMHO 😃
(LX is estranged from his family which is why they can believe WY is LX’s fiancé.)
The bird woman finally lets go of Wei Ying and peers up at him, dark eyes brimming with tears. “Tell us about our boy, please. We’ve missed so much.”
Wei Ying doesn’t know what to say. He should tell them he isn’t who they think. He should tell them he doesn’t know anything about Lan Xichen, not even his name until a few minutes ago. But when he looks around, he sees the same anticipation on all of their faces, the same heartbreaking hope, and he wonders what happened to this family that seems so close-knit, that all live in the same city, and yet don’t know anything about their son, nephew, cousin’s life. It must be quite a story.
“He saved him, you know?” the nurse breaks in, and everyone whips around to stare at him.
He takes a very smart step backward, two steps when he sees that Wei Ying is considering throwing the entire box, violin and all, at him. But he’s brave and doesn’t back down.
“He did. The paramedics said he rolled your son off the tracks before the train got there and protected him with his own body.”
“Technically, I didn’t call him an asshole, although I would be well within my rights,” Wei Ying glares at Jingyi, “since he is.”
Jingyi is laughing so hard he can’t breathe, and he wheezes his way into a chair.
“And he’s not much of a ping-pong player, either.” Wei Ying has always believed in swift, vicious retribution, and he smirks when Jingyi lets out an outraged snort.
The man shifts, the light coalescing into his features. He doesn’t smile, but something about his face makes Wei Ying feel like he’s smiling, and with that thought, Wei Ying finally processes his face. He doesn’t have words for how cruelly he’s been duped.
“You’re the ugly brother?” he says out loud because he is an idiot with no internal monologue in the morning.
Now both of the man’s eyebrows are raised. “Am I?”
Wei Ying stares at him, completely at a loss for words, not a situation he finds himself in very often, so he decides to feint and parry. He smiles politely.
“I’m Wei Ying. You must be Lan Zhan?”
Smoothly deflected, he congratulates himself.
“Ah. The...fiancé.”
M, 87.5k
From his job in the Armitage L train station booth, Wei Ying has watched The Most Beautiful Man In The World ride the train at 8 am and 4:30 pm for years, always in perfect suits, always with perfect hair, always with a perfect smile.
He's going to marry that guy someday. So what if he doesn't know his name. Names have nothing to do with true love.
When he saves His Future Husband from being squished by a train, Wei Ying finds himself engulfed in a tsunami of Lans who think he really is going to marry Mr. Wonderful, Lan Xichen, their son/brother/uncle/nephew. Despite himself, Wei Ying likes belonging to them. Except for the lying. Except for the guilt. Except for the fact that he took one look at his pretend-fiancé's brother, Lan Zhan, and maybe, MAYBE fell stupidly, hopelessly in love.
He can't tell them. He can't not tell them. How could this possibly get any worse??? (spoiler alert: it gets worse)
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kipskat · 3 years
Men, I'm sure there's a good part in you that desires to not end up 'not seeing her as your future'. (Jayzam-zoned)
And I mean, for the greater majority of men out there, I have always believed that the sane and average man would date a woman without the intention of playing with her feelings or hurting her.
But - even if the intentions are harmless, a lot of relationships still end up either spiraling to their destruction or continuing lifelessly on a plateau for years.
I'm offering you some new perspective that might just help your relationship move forward.
And I'm sharing this from my experience, observations, and failures I've had in the past. And sharing this as a married man to another man - because except for those who are obviously being whiteknights and simps, we don't really see a lot of men to men advices here on social media.
These are things your woman might not be able to fully express to you but would like to...
... videogames or hanging out with your friends all week, and it seems like you're taking it easy in life, your woman is gradually getting anxious about your future together.
They said a man matures later than a woman because their prefrontal cortex develops late. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that helps people set and achieve goals. That's why at the age of 25, the average woman sees herself settling down within 5 years, while the average man finds it hard to see even see himself at all within 5 years.
If this is true for you, it's about time to realize that you don't have to wait for that function to kick in. If you are in a relationship with a woman, you are responsible for her. Her dreams and aspirations in life can not wait just because you still haven't figured out yours.
... you need to understand that a woman has a biological timetable that she needs to beat. If she wants to have a handful of children in the very near future, understand that she needs to start making a family now. If you are serious about your future together as a family, think hard about this one.
... become fully independent. A help from your family, especially if you come from a well-off household, is truly a blessing. But your woman will always prefer seeing you striving, struggling, and working hard independently rather than getting everything you need from your family.
Remember, you are making your own, new family. Your family's wealth might have impressed her before, but things are different now. What she wants to see is how you are able to establish family with her, and not how much money your family can shell out to you every month.
... about marriage. Do you know how hard and embarrassing it is for women to open up the idea of marriage? While they or you both desire it, she doesn't want to come off as needy or insecure by initiating the conversation about getting married. Do not take this for granted. Just because she isn't talking about it, doesn't mean she doesn't want it.
This is by far the number one reason why women get stuck in 6-8 year long dating relationships. They can't afford to ask but their man won't ask either. Remember that the purpose of dating is to get to know each other. No sane woman believes it takes 8 years to get to know the other person, so you best bet that she is waiting for you to start talking.
Discuss it. Set timelines and deadlines. Think of it as your new project, or a new mission. Think of it as a quest that you need to finish before you can level up. Don't be stuck as a noob, take the first step.
... for every screw up that you made. It sounds illogical, yeah, but most women do this. If you ever cheat on her and have an affair with another woman, she'll get hurt, of course. But on the aftermaths of it all, she'll try to figure out what she did wrong, where she lacked, or what the other woman got it better than her. She'll start to compare herself to other women and get more insecure about herself. She will feel guilty about something she never did.
So just don't do it.
Even in minor, more tolerable issues, she would still try to see if she has already done her best or if she could have done better.
... on everything. You might already know that your woman is very emotional. It might not appear on the surface, but a whole lot of them use their emotions as their deciding factor.
Sadly, that is also the reason why so many women are stuck in toxic relationships again and again and can't seem to move forward. They are vulnerable to emotional deception, and some really despicable men out there know this and use this to manipulate the relationship.
That being said, I'm sure that's not you. But be aware of this the next time you screw up: she's torn between getting angry at you and loving you. And most of the time, women choose to love. That's why they get hurt because they keep on choosing to love, over choosing to move on. They keep on hoping for that slightest possibility of feeling loved back.
I've always joked about this to my wife. "What if you found out that I cheated, and I asked for your forgiveness, will you forgive me?"
She doesn't want to answer it every time, but as followers of Christ, we both know for a fact that she WILL forgive me.
That said, this idea never made me happy or never pushed me to entertain the thought of having an affair. Why? Because of how much damage it will put through her heart, her mind, and her soul, to deal with unfaithfulness and shame, and ridicule, while she has to put up with me and accept me back.
It's not something a proper man would ever do to her woman.
So if ever you're even thinking about messing around with another girl while you're in a relationship with your woman, think about this.
... in all aspects of the relationship. It doesn't matter if you're a shy one, if you keep to yourself, or if she has a more dominant personality. It might not seem like it, but she would want to see you be the best man you can become by leading her.
Knowing where to eat or where to go is different than being able to guide her through life's most difficult challenges. She wants to see that you can be relied on in almost every aspect of your lives together.
Lead her emotions. If she's angry, learn to model how to communicate despite negative emotions. If she's happy and ecstatic, be joyful yet stable.
Lead her through decision making. In my experience, what a woman wants is not a man who makes all the right decisions in life, but a man who can pull himself up through all the bad decisions he's made. If there is need to admit a wrong decision and give an apology, then do so. Wise decisions are great, but so is accountability.
Lead her through proper perspectives and worldviews. If you see her scrolling her Instagram feed, or sharing 'sana all' posts on Facebook, appreciate her and encourage her to find the beauty in what you already have.
Lead her spiritually. Most often than not, your woman sees her relationship with God as something personal. But if you're building a family together, someone needs to be the spiritual head of the household. Invite her to study scripture. If you're not there yet, talk to her about finding a church you can both try and attend. And in the simplest forms, pray for her and your future together.
There are many things and areas in life that she wants to see you lead. But maybe it's the idea of knowing you can take good care of her and your family in the future is what matters.
... but it has to be special. Understand that she's scrolled past countless of wedding photos on Facebook that almost looks like it costs over a million to set up. While it might entertain her mind for a while, she will always be happy with the thought of being married to you. It doesn't have to be as grand as your friend's wedding. Just start the damn wedding is what she cares about.
If this is what's keeping you from proposing or making plans, make sure you understand why weddings happen in the first place. It's a covenant between the both of you and God. Those TikTok dance numbers is not something God cares about. Not even that 4-6 tier cake or those fancy lights and decoration.
Start with the essentials and then add the non-essential elements of the wedding only if you can. Your woman will love you for it. What matters to her is that you finally and officially belong to each other.
I tried to keep this as close to the Jayzam-zone issue as possible, but it's 3 AM and my words are leaking out of my mind.
So if you want to "see her as your future", start seeing her differently today.
And don't be pressured if she tags you in this post for you to read. That's how mature relationship works. Lots of things need to be discussed.
I'll write more if I have to and edit this post to add more . Follow the page to stay tuned.
P.S. bawal mag LQ sa comments section. Discuss it in person or sa messenger.
CTTO: The Imperial Patriarch of FB
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f-ngrl · 4 years
Skinny Brown features 2020 2/3
At the end of April this year I made a post about the 19 songs Skinny Brown has featured in from January 2020 until end of April 2020, so I thought why not make another one about the songs where he featured from May to end of August :)
First I thought it might not be possible for him to work this much AGAIN, but, despite him producing Ash Island’s single and recording the Tocca Brown album that is going to be released soon (and probably more), he managed to get on another 17 songs by other artists! And probably I missed some.
greenbeige – In the booth: (not so surprisingly) an emo rap song. It has the simple little bass you hear on khh soundcloud songs often these days, but I like it. It’s not outstanding or particularly special, but personally since it’s my taste, I find it nice.
Cash Dhila – Nerd Trap Star: Same bass, also autotune singing (slightly mumbly) rap :D I like the song but especially Skinny’s part. He really comes up with new fresh melodies each time I’m so impressed.
M1NU – NABI (feat. kuzi): Also like the other songs but more melodic/pop. Alright.
Leebido – Creep: this what I call prrrrccccht lol. Beat and rap are probably decent and just what they’re supposed to be, but not outstanding. Idk what else to call it but lq trap you know what I mean? It seems to be a strong trend for now and lots of artists, especially underground, follow it. It would be nice to see somebody add a personal note now and then :‘D
Minit – Ride (feat. Jayci yucca, Leellamarz): I was excited for Minit’s EP after he produced The Guys (and lots of other good songs) and happy to see wysd boys feature too! It’s a cheerful pop-rock song. Sadly the chorus is very ballad-y which is not my taste at all.
1DAY X Urban Fisher – W.Y.S.D (feat. Wayside): this is from 1DAY and Urban Fisher’s first album which all of Wayside were very emotional(?) about. Both of the main artists use a lot of autotune which made me not like the album a lot. It’s a pop-rock song and for me the song is a bit too much pop BUT it’s cute to see all Wayside members on a song together and apparently cutely happy about it :D Also I was missing Hyoeun a lot these days, it’s nice to hear a bit from him ^_^
Leellamarz X Panda Gomm – Done (feat. Jayci yucca): loveitloveit. Leellamarz and Panda Gomm showed some REAL versatility on their two albums and more singles they quickly threw out in just a few weeks. They had various artists featuring in the Bambooclub projects, and this song fits Skinny and Jayci perfectly. It’s a pop-rock song but.. not boring :‘D :‘D I really like the main electric guitar riff :)
Jimmyy : Jimmy – I: Another pop song with some guitar. The vibe/rhythm of it, especially the chorus, isn’t my thing… From a neutral point of view I could imagine a lot of people would like it.
JAEHA – Pop a Pill: JAEHA is a member of Livrside crew where Trade L is also a member. This is his debut song. When just reading the title I’m… I’ve had enough of all the pill talks tbh. It’s a pop song with piano and strings, some hiphop hi-hats and autotune singing.
Pateko – Rainy Day (feat. Ash Island): This is the debut of PATEKO, a producer in wysd. Pop song with instruments. It’s cute but not outstanding.
Wasp – Something (feat. MIllO): same but MIllO’s autotune is too much for my taste.
northfacekid – vinyl flava (feat. Tommy Strate, Mckdaddy, Bradystreet): now there is some rap here. Different names, different styles. Skinny, too, raps again without melody for a change. Overall still a little chaotic. A slow trap song.
D-Hack – Bokura ga ita: D-Hack is a member of Neokidz and he has been releasing A LOT of music. He is another singing rapper with autotune BUT in him I see some more potential. Even though his songs sound a little similar sometimes, this only shows that he has his own style compared to similar artists. I’m sure as he keeps making music, he will polish his own style more and I hope he will get some more recognition. This song has drums, guitar, and piano and it’s nicely arranged – better than most songs on this list. It’s almost a rock song, maybe it’s only a matter of mastering or whatever idk that stuff :D You will see D-Hack’s own style when you check his MVs too, he has a lot and they’re super cute :)
Futuristic Swaver – Ftu (feat. JAEHA): So most of the things I just said about D-Hack go for Futuristic Swaver too. He is also a producer who also produces for other people and releases SO MUCH. He’s already a little more popular than D-Hack and has many connections. Colorful, creative MVs. This song is a little slow for my taste though. Emo rap about heartbreak. But it’s a good example for how I can forgive Skinny Brown any amount of autotune he just sounds good either way :D
hyeminsong x BAMSEM – Thinking of me: hyeminsong and BAMSEM are women, one is a producer and the other a singer (I forgot which way around :D). It’s a R&B song with not that great singing (by the girl) but an interesting beat.
 + 17. Yami Tommy – We know (feat. Ash Island) and Bakery (feat. Ash Island): I really like this double single! The songs are produced by Pateko and TOIL. I like Bakery a tiny bit better because it’s less melodic (?). “Bakery, we make a lot of pain money” get it haha I find it funny. (”pain” is bread in French but… pain in English^^)
Extra: G R I O – Forward (feat. GI$T): since there is „only“ one Soundcloud song, I decided to add this one too. I almost wondered if Skinny really hasn’t worked with GI$t for four full months and here’s the answer :D G R I O is a producer who produced a lot of GI$T’s songs. Very melodic, almost a pop song. It’s alright.
IFI – Memo (feat. HOON): was released in February, I missed it last time. A singing-rap ballad with a slow distorted guitar that I find a little irritating. It’s alright; the guitar part could’ve been better.
Now it’s September and Skinny already featured on someone else’s song again. I don’t know if I’ll keep doing this. Most the artists are still small and sound similar because they haven’t developed a lot yet, which is ok. Maybe it’s just me being biased, but Skinny Brown increases the quality of most these songs so much, he’s on a much higher level. I guess he’s doing these paid(??) featurings to save money for other projects? Anyway I look forward to his new music where he’s a main artist. The Tocca Brown album must be coming soon (they’re teasing so much but it’s still not here >.<) and after that there will be only more, yay ^_^
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xiaosean · 4 years
✨ + /tagged/gifs 💝
this is my first time screaming 2 u about ur creations outside of dms... so beware (and my last ask of the night I’ll answer the rest tmrw 💕)
one: first glance at this & I was like... so THIS is where softchangbinnie went *clenches fist* --- okay 1st panel every time yibo’s magazine switches out, the tag switches too and I have no idea how you manage to do that so seamlessly // the shadows for all of them are so cool and creative I HAVE NO WORDS I JUST AM IN AWE... okay so 3rd panel now = the title art + the wrinkles... shut up it’s perfect AND THEN THE CHARACTER pictures for cql and the tape ;-; it makes me feel like I’m looking at me middle school bulletin board & it brings back so many memories ;-; you don’t understand how much I miss ur gfx and what you bring to all the fandoms ur in... it’s fate I found u in mdzs fandom wow
two: wang yibo dystopian au is so hot and something I NEED // this was probably one of his more murky/dusty photoshoots but you know, he’s beautiful bc you color him beautifully while still maintaining that apocalyptic vibe about the set; his windbreaker isn’t even that appealing but I wanna buy it now :/
three: believe it or not... when wyb spoke Korean with the other uniq members in 2019 I ALMOST CRIED bc I knew them during debut but sorta followed them less and less bc I was 15 and couldn’t understand why they weren’t having comebacks all of a sudden :O and this concert with almost all of them together was so nostalgic AND THIS LOOK !!! the video was so lq sennen, did you use magic ??? but like yibo looks like a snacc here so you succeeded
four: LOL SO I TOLD YOU I DON’T LIKE IDOLS WITH BLUE HAIR, and this idiot proved me wrong :) your coloring makes his eye shadow nice, his skin GLOOO and his hair *chef’s kiss* and I like how smooth the gifs are despite it being a sorta old-ish show and bad Chinese show lighting !!! and then his smile in the final gif... no talk me.
five: his LIPS are so cute + pink ;-; and YOU WORK WITH THE WHITE LIGHTING WELL AND not whitewash him I love this set <3 and then the bubbles in the bathtub & sizing of the gifs sorta tell a story ??? idk but it’s like he’s asking you to go take a bath with him LMAO ugh his older advertisements are so much better than his now... I talked so much about wyb tonight, I hope you are content :3 (he looks like mark in the last gif but whatever I love the both of them)
send me ✨ + your creations tag & I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours! 
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jreviewsstuff · 5 years
#1: “I can explain” - Destiny Child (Korean Ver.)
First ever post and it’s going to be about a game that’s been on my phone for a couple of years now. Quite an achievement as I tend to quit games pretty easily. To give a rundown;
Partly taken from google and partly me talking; Destiny Child is a gacha mobile game where the user collects characters called as “Childs” (this sounds unnecessarily sketchy). These characters (let’s not refer to them as childs) are then used to fight against other childs and to become the very best by ranking #1 on every chart possible.
The art
As explained, it’s a typical gacha game where you use in game “premium” currency to summon characters with the premium currency being crystals. Whats not so typical about the game is how amazing the art is. I’m not the biggest fan of lewd girls doing questionable poses however, the art in this game is amazing. The characters are drawn so well, it makes me shed a tear every time I use them in matches because its so damn beautiful. An easy google search can easily show you how well done the drawings are done in the game. (The top images doesn’t show enough justice but I hope it’s enough to please you)
The gameplay(?)
My favorite part and the only reason why I continue to play this game is to collect as many girls characters as I can (like any other gacha game) and to just make them the strongest versions of themselves. (so I can complete my tasks faster if they can kill enemies one shot) The game itself does have many interesting mechanics and they hold many (crossover) events as well. This is great as playing campaign mode does get really repetitive so its always nice to have other things like PVP mode, 15vs15 mode, etc.
The music
To be honest, the bgm played at the log in screen really impressed me when I first downloaded the game (it wasn’t the interactive Dabi i swear)
Why I play the Korean Version and what I like about it
Despite having horrible Korean skills, I only play the Korean version mainly because: 1. I started playing before global came out, 2. I wanted to improve my korean, 3. I am somewhat confident that it’s not as censored as the global version oops. What I like about the korean version is that:
Leveling up skills uses coins instead of onyx - I think its much more feasible to have a shit ton of coins rather than onyx so
The summoning character animation is much shorter compared to the Japan/ Global version of the game - The japan/global version is definitely nicer with Dabi doing that somewhat Mickey Mouse drawing glow stick thingy (I hope you know what I mean) however, I am inpatient.
Other than the reasons above, I’m not too sure how much the Korean version differs but those are my reasons.
Overall thoughts
As mentioned above I have been playing this game on and off for about roughly 2 years now and it has been fun. Dailies are easy to complete, farming crystals ain’t that hard and farming for any in game currency in general isn’t so hard (except rumble coins and labyrinth ones lmao). I don’t do alot of PvP or the Endless Duel mode so I can’t so much about that but overall, game is quite fun. Will probably keep it on my phone for many years to come as I’ve invested way to much time and effort for me to delete it anytime soon. Below is a screenshot of my log-in screen just to show how “legit” I am and not someone who played for 3 hours and decided to post a long ass post about what I think of the game. Not too sure how popular the game is irl but I hope it’s doing well because I really adore it and every single character in it. Unnecessary note: I am purely F2P. (I apologize for the extremely LQ screenshot)
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got7doubleb · 7 years
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kaysie’s second follow forever / mutual appreciation
i hit two big milestones recently and the growth of this blog is still mind boggling to me. It’s been a year and a half? now since this blog has came to be and it’s come a long way. The friends ive gotten thru this blog still make me emo bc omg who wouldve thought ppl would wanna be my fren sldfjdlskfjsldkfj
but anyway; i’ve sorted out my fav blogs and lovely mutuals into two sections, which is got7 and nongot7. bare in mind i’m putting a loose label for the blog but everyone posts a lot of things. also please tell me if we are mutuals and i didn’t include you. tumblr is confusing
key - favs |  ily | ilysfdm | 💝 scroll down for your letter 
(almost) only got7 content
@jinandtuanic | @strxctlygotseven | @wildcat-jinyoung | @cutepimook | @floaty-glasses | @the-princejinyoung | @danhoe-mark |  💝  @lemon-amethyst | @ranqueenie | @magiccastles | @junievre-gotchu | @amerithotkongs |  @yugyinplaid |  💝  @m-yien | @j1ny0ung | @jbmygoodboy | @loveisyugyeom | @twojproject | @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie | @jaedaddy | @cyjsgirl | @flawless-7 | @paradisejaebum |@jinyoung-ssi | @gyeomd | @whaaaalep ! @tuanever​ |  @7uv​​
@tuangel | @sarahgase | @pjy  | @gyeom7 | @akasalty | @ehgase | @husbandsjjp | @mark-i-pooh | @okjb  | @park-markjin | @cocoyah | @silent-fangirl | @sugarplumjae | @imjaebeomtrash | @parkjinyoungsbooty | @sky-way | @peachandmark | @yugbamprompt | @wangraps | @doublebam1a | @biasjacksonwang | @wangamama | @ungiis |  💝  @cuddletuan
@cchoiyoungjae | @leaderbum | @ahgamark | @bamslegs | @kimyugy | @signjaes | @angeljaebum | @kissmyars | @underratedbambam | @noirahgase | @wangjsn | @pastelbam |  💝  @got7-markjinson | @ramenjae | @melaninbam | @mooncyj | @jajajaebum | @mochimork | @bambamedaf | @iheartyugyeom | @blndjcksn | @jacksonwangblog | @mart-art | @nyeongwi
@jinyoungslover | @teenagermp3 @teenymark | @bamsonnie | @tuanisanangel | @saltygot7 | @wanderingingot7wonderland | @artuan | @cyjarsvita | @lomlmark | @jeh-beom |  @markeu-poo | @97youngnrich | 💝  @katbeom | @jj-prxject | @stellarcollision-arsvita | @shelovesjinyoung | @honeybambam | @aomgot7 |  💝  @peachypinkjackson | @icarusjjp | @youngjaesloudlaugh | @makeu-ssi | @youre-my-uranus | @markiepoohismysunshine | @darlingjbum | @defbald | @cuddly2jae | @hoodiejaebum | @real-got7mark​ | @babyboychoi​
AHGABLOGS THAT MAKE ME AHGAHAPPY (blogs that arent necessarily mutuals but imma mention you anyway)
fanart blogs - @m-melted | @ask7dorks | @yinglalada | @koyangii-art | @ask-got7-yugbamjae | @sabyarts | @askpepi-jy |  💝  @sevencolourseason | @white-alien-with-a-rose​ | @chibicookie | 
misc blogs -@got7fakesubs | @incorrectgot7quotes​ | @got7ficrec | @got7rarepair | @ahgahappy | @ahgapositive | @secretahgase | @gotstyle | @markjinficfest | @lowqgot7 | @got7-memes | @marktuanjournal | @got7fakequotes | @lq-got7 |
member/ship centric blogs -  💝  @bamspeach |  💝  @redgyeomie | 💝 @demongyeom | @onlymarkjin | @markjinology | @kissbbom | @imarkson |  @yugyeompire | @yourmajestyqueenchelseachels | @choiyoungjae | @jinyoungied | @2jaekisses | @pepilovesgyeom
content creators (gifs/gfx) - @umma-jy | @jinyoungot7 | @tuanpumpkins | @jack777 | @editsgot7 | @holyfuckmark | @got7europe | @gotchicken​ | @got7ish | @got7gifs | @got7official | @defwang | @defsouldanik | @jwxngs | @got7-out | @markticseas | @jackseunie | @ahgasedits | @little-jyp | @astrayjinyoung | @jingogi | @shiningmark | @jbssi |  💝  @nyeongificent | @pinkhoodiemark​ |  💝  @marksseunie | @gsvnrewind |  💝 @morkjin​ | 💝 @mochabam | @1kayee |  💝  @bamethyst​
fy blogs/networks - @fybam | @got7-updates | @fynyeong | @19970502 | @19940106 | @fyars | @fuckyeahchoiyoungjae |
networks - @bambamnetwork | @got7creators | @7ornevernet | @ahgasenet | @got7maknaelinenetwork | @nyeongnet | @got7jinyoungnet 
@imeightout​ | @yubgam​ | @kwon-yulra​ | @wlwobama​ | @yoonwang​ | @yeoseong​ | @amerikaikong​ |@jyum​ | @god10tion​ | @elizabethgracew​ | @leedongshae​ |   @artificialskyway​ | @seungriholic​ | @hobsbf​ | @honeyjoonn​ |  💝  @ljhsgf​ | @knockknocksoosthere​ | @lovebtob​ | @jaehxlic​ | @clairtea​ | @hypetae​ | @softtaemins​ | @flowrcafe​ | @guksuu​ | @whaaattheflower​ |  💝  @imjadebeom​
@sunbeamjinhappybirthday​ |  💝  @sparklybammie​ | @kpopfanfictrash​ | @bangtanhoseok​ | @adoresoo​ | @dimpledjaehyun​ | @blndrgn​ | @kkangdaniel​ | @jongbeer​ | @evkabibi​ | @chanisblackgf​ | 💝 @straybams​ | @babybyuny​ | @flymansae​ | @kvths​ | @withnosuchgrace​ | @gotday6​ | @confessed-nafsiya​ 
girl group favs - @withfx​ | @periwin5les​ | @wheeinyoo​ |   @bubblejoy​ |
💝 letters for my precious
@sevencolourseason​ - The angel in the holy trinity. The original momTM and the bambam to the ultimate trio jinbamgyeom. Thank you for being amazing and nothing but nice to me (and laura since yknow, same person). i don’t know what ive done in my past life to be blessed with crossing paths with you but i’ll do it all over again <3
@redgyeomie​ - THE YUGYEOM TO MY 97 YOUNG AND RICH LINE. KATY i cant even start to form words without slfjsdlfkjdskjfh. thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to and knowing the exact words to bury me in my grave. your love for yugyeom always makes tumblr a better place to be in. thank you for sticking around with me even tho im undeserving 💝
@demongyeom​ - we don’t talk as much as i would like but just seeing you on my dash always always brightens my day! i hope we talk more in the future!  💝
@nyeongificent​ - hello gabby! i love your blog and you’ve been nothing but a star ! i hope we become better friends in the future! thank you for that time you were my secret ahgase!  💝
@marksseunie​ - C A M ! we’ve become mutuals on tumblr (and i guess twitter too) for quite a bit now! thank you for sticking around despite my horrible excuse of a blog and creating that A+ got7 content! you’re a star  💝
@morkjin​ - omg ron.... it took me so long to look for you. i was half panicking. but i love this markjin trash url. it suits you and im lowkey jealous. lol. thank you for being a good friend (yes i think we’re friends, we are arent we, we also are the same age so like chingu? lmao) and for blessing us with your blog  💝
@mochabam​ - omg where do i even start with this JEM !!!! bambam’s softest (softy-est soft) gf. I stand by my word im still jealous about how cute your urls are and also of how cute you are esp when it comes to bambam. bambam doesnt even deserve you (you are too good for him!). thank you for your soft edits it’s soft bambam hours whenever u post them  💝  
@lemon-amethyst​ - hello  💝 we haven’t talked for quite a long time but you’re still precious to me! thank you for sticking around and blessing us with your presence <3
@m-yien​ - Rey! i feel like you are one of the first mutuals i have when i first started this blog. it’s been a long time since then but you’re still here and i’m still here! thank you for sticking around and being so sweet! it means a lot to me  💝
@cuddletuan​ - where do i even begin this jeng? thank you for supporting me in the things i do and being a literal angel. i don’t know what i’ve done in this life that was so good that i deserved to cross paths with you. thank you thank you! i love you i hope your healthy and happy  💝
@got7-markjinson​ - Nelyn  💝 !  we don’t speak to each other nearly as enough as we should but im so glad our paths crossed. I love seeing you on my dash and in the network chats (even tho im like come and go like a ghost lol). Thank you for being so nice to me! i hope you have a good day everyday <3 
@katbeom​ - KAT  💝 hello! i cant even remember when we became mutuals but i know we shared a lot of funny interactions which are still very precious to me. thank you for sticking around my trash blog. You are a star ! take care of yourself <3 
@sparklybammie - Jinju! the literal angel. thank you for always messaging me it always brightens my day. you are literally the nicest person and im so glad we have become friends. i hope your healthy and always take care of your health <3
@peachypinkjackson​ - so before making this i realized that you were number 3 in my tumblr crush list and we have never? actually talked to each other and i was like omg this is a sign that we should be friends. that must be it. (im delirious i know). but anyway, thank you for your quality blog which i cant resist to reblog from! i hope you get to talk more in the future <3
@ljhsgf​ - FEL hello ! ever since the start of got7maknaelinetwork i feel like we have been close.  thank you for sticking around with the mess that is my blog! i treasure all our interactions and hope we become closer in the future! take care of yourself <3
@imjadebeom​ - syd! the got7 tumblr community owes you so much for all you manage! thank you for lending your support on the projects i do and just being a real nice friend. you’re a treasure yknow that! take care of yourself <3
@bamethyst​ - noora, you sweet muchkin !!!!! your creativity in creating content never ceases to amaze me. thank you for the support you lent in creating bamloween. it means so much to me. You are a star <3
@straybams​ -  hui !!!!!! how do i begin to express the adoration i have for the support you have for bambamnetwork. i dont even know where to start. just like thank you i love you. please take care of yourslef i hope your happy wherever you are and want to be! 
@bamspeach​ - ugh this is going to take forever for me to write this letter. ive been agonizing how to put into words how much you mean to me and i cant even because its all just like soieyrfsijdfhksjdf in my head. thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how ludicrous or frantic or dramatic they all are. im sorry i laugh at almost anything and probably frustrate you to no end with my ways of teasing (i am after all yugyeom in this jingyeom dynamic) but i guess you know by now that it’s all just how i express my fondness. im shit i know. did i start this blog thinking i would find a precious friend like you? no. but i did anyway and im eternally grateful for our inside jokes and sudden bouts of deep conversations. i must have save the world in my past life to able to share not only my ahgafeels but every other stupid part of my horrid life with you. i mean really how do i even function without the jinyoung to my yugyeom. u really deserve everything in this world and more. ugh now its soft lausie hours. i might as well write a 1k word essay at this point. i love you. thank you. stop crying.
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shintorikhazumi · 7 years
Day 3: “What if I kissed you?”
[Chariox "What if I kissed you right now?” pls]
 A/N:Honestly, I don’t know how this turned out. Ciao all. Lemme go loathe my self in the corner. Also it’s late coz our computer was reformatted and only got back today.:(
~Shintori Khazumi
 She was angry. Very angry. And she knew, she was aware that Croix knew this too. But then what of it? She certainly wasn’t doing anything about it, busy glaring (oogling) at Pisces who suddenly turned into a human just shy of a minute ago.
How exactly did it come about?
They had been fighting about something Croix waved off as trivial, while to Chariot it meant so much, and their bickering was witnessed by Pisces who just so happened to own the classroom they had chosen to fight in, bubbling between them, trying to mediate.
By some odd stroke of fate, the resident troublemakers, aka the red team, just so happened to pass by, Sucy brewing up a concoction that quite literally smelt of trouble, coupled with Akko’s mere presence and Chariot had the premonition that another explosive problem was about to happen. That didn’t enable her to act on it fast enough however, as Croix tried to stomp away angrily, bumping into Akko who tripped against Sucy, who somehow managed to throw the potion all the way into Pisces bowl and spilling all its contents there.
While everyone took cover, Chariot’s eyes scanned the situation, trying to assess the damage dealt.
“Oh my gosh, Pisces-sensei!” She screeched in realization, rushing to the table and finding an empty charred bowl. “Was she blown up?! Sucy, what was in that potion?!”
Said student got up rubbing her head as she groaned, trying to register what her teacher just asked. “Huh? I’m pretty sure it was just a- holy…”
Chariot blinked, wondering why Sucy had trailed off and turned to follow where the girl had pointed to, blinking rapidly now, mouth agape as a woman, in her birthday suit was blubbing over and over, with her pretty coral-themed wavy hai-
So back to their current situation. Chariot who had already previously been in a bad mood before and throughout their fight, couldn’t help but feel jealous at the amount of attention Croix was giving to their fellow professor. She had taken off her favorite red coat and wrapped the other woman in it and tried to carry her to  seat when she could just get up and do it herself, heck she could’ve just poofed some clothes for herself!
Yes, She was jealous. Very Jealous, and Chariot admitted that. Croix never did that for her, acting sweet and considerate, no, not for these past few days. Actually, this is the reason they had had a little spat. She felt that there was a lack of given attention, of love towards her. Croix seldom showed her love after her return to cure the pollen’s curse and was quick to immerse herself into work the moment she stepped foot onto Luna Nova.
So seeing this, witnessing Croix being kind, despite it being to their friend, and much needed action, Chariot frankly found it unfair. If she didn’t get to have this kind of action with her own girlfriend, why should others?
As if the heavens heard her unspoken prayer, Croix turned around and finally checked on her, approaching her as if she hadn’t done anything wrong. (She hadn’t really, but to Chariot… well…)
“Are you okay?”
“…am I?” Chariot replied, turning away from Croix. Maybe she was acting petty, but right now, she couldn’t care less.
“Chariot? Babe, what’s up?” Croix tried again, poking her girlfriend, this time, slightly more conscious that she might have done something against the astronomy teacher.
“It’s clearly something, that’s for sure.” Croix responded, growing a tad bit more anxious.
“And you only notice now?” Chariot whispered in reply, hoping Croix didn’t really hear. (Un?)Fortunately, she did, and frowned.
“Notice what? Char, I won’t know if you don’t tell me, you know?” Croix rubbed the back of her neck in frustration. “I need you to tell me these kinds of things if you want me to know. Got no clue, honestly.”
“You’re supposed to be smart.” Chariot huffed uncharacteristic of her and Croix raised a brow at that. Usually, Chariot avoided being like this, petty, if she were blunt. She was the most patient woman in the world, so now Croix was left to wonder how many buttons she pushed.
“I am, but I grow dumb when I’m around you. So tell me! I don’t know!”
“We were just fighting about it a few minutes ago!” Chariot raised her voice just a bit, but it was enough to draw the other’s attention to them, the red team who helped Pisces get dressed (Lotte cast a spell), and the teacher aforementioned looked to the bickering couple.
“Should we… Umm.. we should…” Akko trailed off, hands around Pisces waist as she assisted her.
“Let’s go.” Sucy said with a blank expression, leading everyone out. “I’m gonna get started on turning Sensei back so you guys should help me.”
The rest nodded as the headed out, and Croix was thankful for the privacy.
“LQs shouldn’t be interfered with.” Sucy giggled maniacally as she locked the door behind them. “By the way, curfew is in fifteen minutes. If you two don’t fix that up, the doors will lock you in. You’ll have the whole night to yourselves.” The student giggled as the professor’s eyes widened.
Croix made her way quickly to Chariot.
“So… uhhh.”
“Save it. If you’re just gonna apologize so they won’t worry and we won’t get locked in, save it.” Chariot shrugged off the hand that Croix had placed on her shoulder. “Sometimes, I wonder if you even care anymore. Work seems a bit too appealing to you. Or other people for that matter. Tell me Croix,” Chariot looke into the eyes she loved so much with fear. “Are you finally tired of me?”
She didn’t know why, but those words felt like a sharp knife being stabbed into her. Croix just felt like crying as her mouth ran dry. Unbeknownst to her, it was a double-edged sword for Chariot, hurting her as she had hurt.
“I… I said I was just busy. It’s not like I don’t want to spend time with you. I’m just… I just get busy. Char… please understand that it’s for us… I missed too many work days, I just want to get everyone’s trust and reliance bac-“
“Everyone’s? What about mine?” Chariot whispered again. “I just want a part of you. I’m not taking everything from you. Just a bit of your time. Sharing breakfast, talking during breaks, sleeping together, that’s all.” Chariot spoke so soft, as if speaking louder would make her voice break. “That’s all.” She repeated, not allowing tears to escape. “That’s all, really. That’s really all… Really… that’s all I want.” She spoke like a broken record, like a track on replay. “But if that’s not possible, then…”
“Chariot.” Croix suddenly cut off, holding the other woman’s shoulders tight, squeezing it tight as her eyes stared into Chariot’s, tears threatening to come out. "What if I kissed you right now?”
Chariot didn’t reply, eyes simply wide.
“What if I took you out for dinner, hugged you, gave you my coat and spent time with you… wh-what if I told you I’m scared to lose you again? What if all my work is to secure a future or something for us… what if I… I’m just scared of you right now… that if I see you, I’ll realize that I hurt you once an that you weren’t cured… and maybe I hurt you again.. but what… what if…”
“What if I said Sorry? What if I hugged you now and took you out on a date? What if I… what… if… if…”
“What if?”
"What if I kissed you right now?”
Warmth spread throughout Croix’s body as she was embraced tightly. The curfew bell’s sound falling on deaf ears as the pair embraced. (Though eventually they escaped quite easily. Chariot wasn’t a former troublemaker for nothing.)
"What if I kissed you right now?” Croix repeated, cradling Chariot’s face in her hands, brushing her thumb over her cheeks repeatedly, smiling all silly like.
“Then I’d have to forgive you.”
 A/N: Hi, bye… gonna go hide.
~Shintori Khazumi
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vloggerliam · 8 years
The Nilo/Nouiam masterpost we all deserve
Because I have a lot of feels about Nilo and I cannot believe not everyone screams about this OT3???
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The rest under the cut because I got carried away with these menaces.
Before we proceed though, I must clarify: none of the lovely pics of gifs belong to me; all the credit to the rightful owners/creators. Thank you for all the work y’all put in, y’all the real MVPs tbh. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin the ride. Hope y’all are ready
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Nilo or Nouiam or Louniam or  idiots, however you may wish to call them, are founded on the base of roughhousing. They like it rough
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The highlight of this relationship is unrestrained energy and joy and they always mess with the third boy in twos
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Liam, are you seriously going to pretend to be cross at Louis for playing with Nialler
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It’s not like you’ve been indulging Louis at Niall’s expense from the start
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But there’s also this side to them where they are so soft with each other
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Ohmygod pls
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He’s just letting them have their way with him I-
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And more oft than not, Neil has to claim the responsibility to get these numpties to behave. For instance, remember when Neil told Lilo off bc they wouldn’t sit quiet for Harry to speak???
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And that time when Lilo were involved in their random foreplay
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Uhm, Louis you okay bruh?
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Louis does not digest a dose of his own medicine too well (I am Zayn)
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And Louis is left offended lmao And Lord knows he’s had to put up with ample flirting between the two Seriously look at Niall’s ‘oh no, not again’ face
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But despite all this, Neil loves his boys, the menaces so, so much. Remember when he tweeted this:
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@NiallOfficial: Keep finding great pics on my phone! Louis and liam on the set of our macys Xmas commercial for the perfume last year  (GREAT PICS. Of his boys. Okay I am Okay :)))))) ) And remember when he brought his boys water bottles?
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Look how caring and soft he is
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THIS whole episode spells Nilo:
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Nilo the kinda boys to have so many inside secrets between them tbh
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You don’t understand them but you can’t help but grin wide???
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Now, here’s Nilo and their football dates:
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Nilo looking cute with their outfits:
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Nilo looking adorable while travelling together:
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Nilo slaying M&Gs:
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This is hot bye?
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Lilo slaying events:
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Nilo feat. Wiz Khalifa:
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Nilo looking like a child with his parents:
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Nilo being badass on stage:
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Nilo sitting on that ledge thing:
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My fave LQ Nilo gif:
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Nilo kicking Baywatch in the backside:
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Look how Niall rests his head on Louis’ shoulder while Liam and Louis talk fondly just as Niall and Liam share a look. I am not crying you are 
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And at the end of it all, Nilo just love each other
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and are so pure
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and make everything in this world so much better
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Nilo are that trio of mates
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who are always up to something
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and you can’t help but hate them a little out of pure envy
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Bc you aren’t as cool as them
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But most of all, you and I just want our Nilo
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224 notes · View notes
resourceanime · 7 years
Tumblr is making edits look LQ when you go to a person's blog, but look fine on the Dashboard, is there any way to fix it or something do for the edit?
Hello!! If you’re referring to what edits look like on a person’s blog, it might be the way their theme works, not necessarily the edits themselves. For example, tumblr’s default theme stretches out posts and makes them a whole lot bigger despite their size. That’s just how the theme layout is. 
As a rule of thumb, however, I highly suggest that when making edits you only use the new dimensions, not the old ones. The new ones are bigger than the old ones, so if you’re still using the old sizes your edits will look stretched out and low quality. Hope this helps!!
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btsjimln · 7 years
i've been a bit hesitant to send this because i've been shy and kept pressing cancel but i just wanna say that i see whenever you reblog posts from me (hope that doesn't sound weird but i love to go through the tags when people reblog from me) and you're always so cute in your tags! i love how you always freak out and share your love 😭😂 i hope you have the nicest day ever filled with tons of love and that you got some sleep despite the full moon! stay healthy and be safe ❤️
Ohmygohdhd this is honestly the sweetest message I’ve ever gotten😭😭💘💞💘💞💘😭 thank you for not shying away from sending this bc reading this literally made me all warm nd giddy on the inside ohmygohd☺️💘💘nd it doesn’t sound weird that you read your posts tags honey bee trust me I do it all the time!! but you’re sososo sweet plsls if I could burst with joy I would i love how you love that I freak out plslsmyhearts literally here like!!! I hope your every day is as amazing nd great as you nd your message (you really really deserve 192373 great days for this message) 😭😭💘💘💘 I hope you stay healthy and safe too nd thank you for all the lq jimin pics you bless me with 😌💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💖💖💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
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dubredofanfics · 7 years
Six Years
Part 21 - Even More Messed Up
Digong saw the guilt in her face, he didn't need further confirmation; he was now sure that Bolet and Leni really had a relationship behind his back.
"Hindi mo naman sinabing may boyfriend ka pala eh di sana alam ko kung saan ako lulugar." He expressed numbly. Leni was silenced, she didn't know how to respond.
"Sana sinabihan mo ako, muka pala akong tanga kakaseryoso, laro laro lang pala sa'yo." He chuckled sarcastically.
"Digong, hindi ko naman gusto itago. Sasabihn ko naman—"
"Kelan, Leni? Ngayon? Gano na kayo katagal ni Banal? Ngayon mo lang naisipan sabihin kase ano? Kase nahuli ka na?" He interjects, she sincerely didn't want to deceive him.
"No, hindi. Sasabihin ko naman talaga kaya lang—"
"Naunahan ka." He interjected once again. "Naunahan ka ng boyfriend mo." He followed. "Nag-LQ ba kayo kaya nilaglag ka nun sakin? Ang gàgo naman pala ng boyfriend mo eh." He asked.
Her eyes turned teary, the thoughts in her head felt more cluttered that she could no longer speak to explain herself.
"Hindi... mali yon. Hindi mo lang naiintindihan—"
Digong felt a but offended. "Ako pa ang di nakakaintindi?" He snorted and looked away. Anger, jealousy, self pity and misery all dwelled inside his chest.
"Sige na, Leni." He attempted to end the conversation as he felt the bitterness rising from his chest.
"Sige na, you're free to go. Hindi na ako haharang sainyo." He assured.
"Leni." He cuts in. "Sige na, you can go." He stipulated.
"Pakinggan mo naman ako." She asked but he was certain that no matter how much explanation she do, he isn't on his proper self to listen and understand as jealousy, anger and pain swallows him.
"Hindi na, sige na." He pointed at the door and took a seat. He speed dialed Bong from the outside. "Assist mo si Leni sa lobby. Aalis na siya." He directed him, Leni looked at him finding it hard to believe that he's not even willing to listen.
"Seryoso ba 'to?" She questioned him. In no time, Bong entered his office to fetch Leni.
"Digong! Ano? Pakinggan mo naman ako." She dared but he snubbed her. "Bong," he signaled him and focused on pretending to read some papers.
Leni looked at Digong for the last time hoping he would reconsider but he didn't. "Mam. Tayo na po?" Bong courageously asked. Leni didn't seem to have much choice as Digong didn't want to speak to her.
She left despite that it was against her will.
The next days turned rough for the both of them. Digong avoided Leni, he won't even reply to her messages or answer her calls. Each day passing by, she felt more and more hopeless that they'll patch things up between them and now it's been over a week since their relationship turned cold as  an ice.
Leni browsed her phone to have a break from her non stop work. She miss Digong so bad that it triggered her to call Bong.
"Mam Leni!" Bong picked up. "Hello, Bong. Oo. Si Leni." She answered. "Napatawag kayo, mam?" He replied.
"Oo, eh... nagbabaka sakali lang. Pwede kaya akong magpaset ng appointment kay...." She didn't know how to call Digong anymore. "...kay pangulo?" She continued.
Bong felt doomed. "Mam Leni." He mouthed as Digong looked at him. He shook his hand informing him that he is not interested.
"Bong?" Leni uttered as his line seemed to disappear. "Ah, mam? Ano po yon ulit?" He stuttered.
"Ayun uhm, magpapaset sana ako ng appointment kay pangulo. Naisip ko kase na ikaw lang naman pwede kong tawagan tungkol dito." She requested.
"Sige mam, kaso medyo loaded po kase yung schedule ni Digong pero patawagan ko nalang po kayo kapag pwede na." He safely replied. "Sige, salamat Bong! Sobrang salamat!" She felt so hopeful but little did she know that it was just his safe way to rejecting her request.
Leni waited until the evening for Bong's callback but nobody rang her phone. Baka bukas pa tumawag. Baka masyado lang akong excited.
She headed straight home to her condo and slouched on the couch as she felt so heavy with all the works and thoughts in her mind.
Digong sighed as he watched Bong dropped the Leni's line. He suddenly felt bad for making her expect something from him.
"Okay na, Digong." Bong said. "Puntahan ko na kaya? Kausapin ko." Digong replied astonishing him. "Ho?" He replied.
"Akala ko po ba..." Bong shook his hands imitating his gesture earlier during the phone call. Digong remained silent as he didn't find it necessary to admit to him that he's missing Leni too.
"Patawag mo nga yung kotse. Puntahan ko si Leni sa condo niya para makapag-usap na." He instructed him.
We Bare Bears played on the television as Leni ate a bowl of Cheetos, she smiled as the bears made her remember Digong. Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. She paused for a moment as she wasn't expecting any guests. She placed the bowl on the coffee table and opened the door.
"Hi," he uttered coldly, the astonishment manifested on her face upon seeing him.
"Dinala ko lang 'tong mga gamit mo." He held the box towards her. She looked at what's inside and saw some of her stuffs that she probably left at his place long time ago. She took the box from him and held the door open for him welcoming him despite their recent rift.
"Salamat," she stated and placed the box on the floor inside.
"Hindi na ako magtatagal. I just wanted to take your things off my premise unless..." he haltered.
"Unless?" She asked as he paused for quite sometime.
"You want to get back together—" "Ah. Hindi na." She immediately interjected hurting his ego a bit.
"Okay," he scoffed softly. "Bolet, I'm sorry. Ayoko nalang talaga, masyado akong nasasakal—"
"I could loose it up?" He negotiated.
"Hindi na," she replied. "Leni, maayos pa naman natin 'to—"
"Hindi na kita mahal." She uttered weakly shutting him off. "Tingin mo may remedyo pa yon?" She followed hoping he would no longer argue.
It struck him badly but he thought he needed to hear it too. "Okay," he replied.
"Then this will be the last straw." He uttered and cupped her cheeks before he pressed his lips against hers for the last time; with a slight hope that their last kiss would bring back everything. She stood still and didn't respond to his kiss.
He made sure he gets more and more prepared for every step he took on the stairs, every step closer to her unit.
He moved his sight to the hallway of her condo unit but it doomed him to see Leni and Bolet kissing — right next to his eyes. Astonishment swallowed Bong as well.
Struggle appeared on her face as she looked at Bolet upon breaking off from the kiss. Her eyes grew as she saw Digong standing from a distance.
Digong immediatelye turned away and headed down the stairs. "Lika na." He told Bong.
Leni tried to run after Digong but Bolet held her wrist causing a resisting force. "You follow him and we're through." He threatened her.
This time, Leni was sure that she's all fine ending things between them already. "Kailangan ko siyang sundan. Sorry." She replied and took her hand off his grip.
She immediately ran down the stairs to follow Digong.
"Digong, sandali." She begged but he kept rushing down. "Hindi na, Leni." His reply echoed all over the stairwell.
"Digong, please naman." She kept pleading until she finally held him. "Sus— ano—"
"Yung nakita mo, it's not like what you think—"
"Pùta, eh ano yon? Maryosep." He scoffed finding it hard to believe she's still denying when he already caught her. She wanted to explain but she ran out of words to use.
"Okay na, Leni. Alam ko na. Nakapili ka na. Nakita ko na. Wala nang dapat pag-usapan." He replied sternly and continued walking. "Digong, hindi." She ran after him again.
"Leni, don't embarrass yourself. Wala na. Stop it." He retorted and rushed down. She stopped for a moment and watched him pace away from her.
"Digong, mahal kita!" She professed, she was certain of herself.
He stopped walking without turning back. She found hope as he paused.
Mahal kita.
Her words struck him but he's currently in the state of haze that he didn't know whether to believe her or not.
"Please naman, ayusin natin 'to." She almost cried. He looked blankly on the floor.
Hindi na. Stop it, Rodrigo. She doesn't love you.
He reprimanded himself at the back of his head. He continued walking with Bong leaving Leni alone.
A sharp exhale escaped her mouth as the pain dwelled in her chest seeing him leave. She sat on a stair and covered her face with her hands.
Bakit naman ganon? Ang sakit.
She rushed back to her condo unit, locked herself up as she felt herself crying in pain.
Bong tried to keep quiet as he saw the sincere pain and anger in Rodrigo's face.
"Sabi ko na, di na dapat pumunta diyan kay Leni eh." He vented out. "Huli na 'to. Tapos na yan. Wala nang susunod." He assured.
Leni felt so alone even when she's with the people she's been helping out. It's been days since the incident when Digong saw her kissing Bolet and she still haven't had the chance to talk to him. Nevertheless, she was glad it was clear already between her and Bolet that they are through — he stopped communicating with her as well.
One Sunday morning, she called up Siege to confide her problems to before she explodes.
"Hindi parin kayo nag-uusap? Grabe naman si Digong. As if naman ikakamatay niya kung mag-usap kayo." She sided Leni. "Hindi naman natin siya masisisi. Nasaktan ko siya." She favored him.
Siege was silenced for a moment. She tried to figure out the best response to her misery. "Pero, Leni... Di ba ikaw narin nagsabi noon... kung magalit eh di magalit, kung hindi na magkaayos, baka sign yan na..."
"...hindi talaga kayo para sa isa't isa." She continued.
Leni's heart broke upon hearing her. "Don't you think the best thing to do is to just give him up?" She followed but Leni remained unspoken.
She tried to hold back her tears as the thought of giving him up breaks her.
"Baka kase laban ka ng laban tapos yung isa sumuko na pala." She added.
Leni looked at Siege. "Eh papano kung lumalaban parin pala siya tapos sumuko na ako?" She brought up. Siege smiled faintly. "Sa nakikita ko kase ngayon, napakadaming rason ni Rody na bumitaw..." She tried to make her understand.
"Ang alam ko kase mahal niya ako, yon yung pinanghahawakan ko ngayon, Siege, na sana kumapit lang siya kase mahal niya ako." It was all she could ever hope for but Siege felt hopeless for her.
"But is it worth holding onto, Leni? Worth it ba lumaban kung pati yung pinanghahawakan mo, wala naman ding kasiguraduhan?" She questioned making her feel more and more hopeless.
"Ayoko bumitaw, Siege." She uttered weakly. "Ayoko pa." She followed. "Ikaw kase yung kawawa eh. Alam natin na misunderstanding lang lahat ng ikanakagalit ni Rody ngayon, wala ka namang kasalanan pero ikaw 'tong hirap na hirap." She favored her, Leni sighed. "Maawa ka naman sa sarili mo. Tiniis mo na nga si Bolet, lahat ng pahirap non lately, pati ba naman kay Rody—"
"Hindi, iba si Rody. Iba siya kay Bolet..." She cleared his name.
"Hindi ko alam pero lalaban ako hangga't kaya ko para kung mauwi man sa wala, at least ginawa ko yung part ko. At least masasabi ko na pinaglaban ko siya..." Her voice started go faint as her tears slowly dripped down from her eyes.
"Mahal ko siya eh." She followed with a soft voice.
Siege heard the pain from her voice. She knew she was struggling and no matter how she persuades her to just move on and let go, Leni won't just give him up.
To be continued...
0 notes
anotherler · 8 years
Time for more LQ notes! I read probably...40 pages if not more yesterday and the night before that so I’m taking a little break cause I got emotional but I still have tons of notes to post and I have been dividing them up so that the lists aren’t too long. I’ve also got some longer notes because I really like to think about this blog.  I probably should have mentioned this earlier but yeah...spoilers for ALL of LQ’s blog because i’m taking into account past and present posts.
This one has some of the longest notes in it and it ends at page 24 of his blog.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
186. LQ seems to be feeling peachy keen ehehehe
187. The quality of LQ’s eyesight it somewhat correlated with seeing the truth or seeing clearly…so to speak…or quite frankly in a completely litteral sense.
189. (Also I understand forgetting of/being sick of drawing glasses.)
190. Blood faucet
191. Ah yes. Stove’s bestest friend; Oven…heheh.
192. In nightmares. In the distance…a hazy silhouette. No wonder LQ is so terrified of his dreams. Does he know that other guy is there? (Also I love ‘Ending’ by Ellie Goulding that’s an amazing song for LQ) Another thing of note is how LQ just sits there with his hands on his head. I wonder how he feels when he’s there. Is it a reminder of a part of him that literally died away?
193. LQ dabbles in the ancient language of magic anon..without success. Gosh that’s so meta.
194. LQ doesn’t really seem to think there is much of a difference whether he’s female or not. He’s pretty much right about that if you ask me.
195. Oh LQ :” D
196. The tags on the “static explanation” post are golden
197. LQ talks about his mom and boy does it hurt.
198: LQ sorta seems to prefer his female form in some ways…then again it’s really tricky to nail down. Such is gender, honestly.
199. LQ is very self aware and rather smart so it’s hard to believe him when he says he’s an idiot and doesn’t understand himself. But I do get that you can never full understand yourself.
200. LQ confirms that he really really didn’t take the surprise of being an aftermath well and that’s probably how he got all those injuries…he’s also been screaming in his sleep. As to whether or not he’s saying any additional thing is…hrm. Perhaps at this point he already knows about HQ and it’s just something he kept hidden from his followers. Considering it seems as though his dreams are composed of a bloody wasteland…why would he have any other reason to scream.  Just a theory.
201. I really appreciate LQ admitting he feels cowardly and going at his own pace. It’s good for him to take it slow but dangerous I suppose to sorta fall back into stagnancy. It’s a feeling that’s easy to recognize…
202. Be NICE to LQ he’s trying his best!!!!
203. Swiggity swall what’s with that pink ball…in his tags he mentions colossal con…hmmm. If LQ really did win that ball then maybe he’s so happy about it because it was a little victory.
204. LQ is immortal; on account of peaches
205. HQ is probably one of the best kept secrets on this blog because to my understanding, the concept for HQ has been around far longer than HQ has been present. I wonder if LQ’s laughter and words and sudden duality were because of HQ. LQ does mention being tired and he appears to be falling asleep and his head hurts so hm…hmmm
206. THIS PART!!! THIS PART!!!!!!
207. I’ve got a sense of déjà vu at this part cause there was a drawing of LQ facing to the left where it’s dark and his eyes were obscured and here it is again…but not quite the same. Just a second while I locate that other one….yup, page 52. LQ addresses his name and how he got it.
209. No static on LQ but static on trees
210. TBH I love LQ’s once-ler story like all the other parts of it too like his valley days and boy did I want to see him at the height of his business but he did sorta act like he was at the start of the blog…but I get the sense it woulda been a bit different.
211. The illustrations in this part of the blog are so beautiful too. There are tons of other really notable areas but you can’t help but admire the complexity and the bright colours.
212. Interrupting your pleasant flashback to remind you of how much deep shit you’re in!!!
213. So LQ totally knew what was gonna happen and did it anyways…could he have even avoided this?
214. So I can see what makes LQ so bad. He talks about yelling at people, took his brothers for granted, calls people fuckers and idiots when he’s mad and I get the impression that with his delusions of grandeur he milked his success for all it was worth and used that time as an opportunity to feel superior and successful for once and quite simply give himself whatever it was he wanted for some time. Allowing himself to act however he wanted too. You get hints about this kind of demeanor throughout the blog, especially when he’s upset. But frankly, I think he’s been upset this whole time thinking about how nothing could change, how he couldn’t change anything about what direction he was going in because he really didn’t think he could. And then he slipped up and lost the seed. His last hope to not be a fuckup and come out as somewhat of a hero in the end despite how he acted. He probably didn’t think it would matter back then. The way he talks while holding the seed just oozes with selfishness. This part is really fucking sad. Plus a lot of it plays out in LQ’s mind: what others think of him. He doesn’t seem to believe that love can be unconditional that one day if you appear to be shitty enough people will leave and he braces himself for that constantly. This note is long, but this is a very important part of his story and a clear view of his past.
215. I’ve said it once. I’ll say it again. I FUCKING LOVE HQ. I love how he…antagonizes and challenges LQ. I love his charismatic way of speaking. I love his energy. He’s wild. He does sometimes refer to LQ as separate. How could he not? They ARE separate. HQ tends to aggressively oppose everything LQ does and I wonder what caused HQ to exist. Is this what LQ wanted?
216. IT HIM. I also really like how his reveal is dragged out like…who IS this guy. Who is he??? Is it LQ talking holy shit theres two of him??????
217. Me, forgetting how long HQ’s cape actually is: SHI T (also it looks really good long oh my god how did I not realize it was long?????????)
218. Well…so that’s why LQ’s mother started to avoid him and never spurred him on. She knew that Once-lers were bound to fail. I kinda wonder if that notion of failiure caused LQ to think less of himself...oh, probably.
219: So HQ is pretty much kinda like LQ’s…”true self” (insert persona joke here I suppose) so it makes sense for him to insult the followers as much as he does because LQ was probably holding his tongue somewhat. But HQ kinda takes LQ’s…truthfulness and bumps it up to 50 so in a case where LQ is mildly irrated, HQ just amplifies it to a screaming fit till it’s impossible to ignore or shrug off. LQ also perceives himself to be rather horrible and HQ definitely drives that peg in.
220. LQ was apparently distrustful and managed most of the tasks of business on his own and not very well either. Comparing this to previous things he’s  said , suddenly it doesn’t add up. A while back he mentioned that he shouldn’t HAVE to work because he is CEO but I think maybe he just didn’t want to get the credit for running his business so badly. Not to mention he had widely forgotten things back then.
221. Frankly when HQ is calm it’s really hard to discern him from LQ and he does. Get really calm at some point. I could picture LQ saying these exact things in previous posts. LQ doesn’t always lie, afterall. And HQ is not as much unlike LQ as people would think. But HQ kinda is a separate school of thought. I guess some part of LQ really wanted to be honest about everything and say everything that was on his mind and not hold it in anymore.
222. Wow. LQ really knows his METAphysics. (As in he understands perception of reality quite well.)
223. LQ is pretty much aware of everything you do. All your lewd questions, all your ships, everything. He just keeps his mouth shut because…common courtesy, eh? Even if talking about these things makes him ache. And just the way LQ defends this  makes personal sense to him. He believes that since he has an askblog people have the right to ask him whatever they want and he can’t be too mad at them cause otherwise he wouldn’t be running it properly. Never the less, it hurts and though the hints are there throughout the blog, HQ makes it painfully obvious here and then. And he gets really mad too, so LQ is clearly rather mad and fed up with it himself. LQ also mentions that he never should have..what? Talked about it? Yelled at his followers? Questions.
224. Okay, also now that I’ve read his blog through I really understand how LQ and HQ are one in the same because I remember all the ways that LQ has acted in the past and making these notes expanded my understanding. Perhaps the most unprecedented thing about the blog is how the followers are going to react and the majority of them seem to think there is no way that he and HQ are one in the same.
225: HQ sorta explains that why he’s there is so that the truth wouldn’t be coming from LQ himself. HQ’s kinda like a scapegoat.
226: LQ honestly does inflict a lot of punishment on himself.
227. Static Oncie was attacked by LQ because he stood for the hope of not messing up for good and LQ didn’t think he had made any mistakes. Static Oncie continues to be an enigma, however…I’m still trying to figure him out.
228. Shout out to Corv who kept LQ alive by feeding him like a mother bird. Good bird man.
229. Shout out to Mori for everything so far because it’s still fucking amazing!!!
230. LQ looks super adorable with suspenders. I really like them ^^ And yeah LQ you’ve come a long way since you’re not as pale as the sheet you were wearing on Halloween anymore.
231. Well, LQ honestly explains it well saying that some part of him probably got mad at him for not taking charge or a sense that when wandering in his thoughts they took control.
232. It’s pretty hard for LQ to have to push himself to face what he’s done and remember it when it hurts so much. But the latter isn’t exactly good for long either. It seems hard for him to find the right way of going about things.
233. From this angle you can see that LQ’s wall has blood on it and it’s only more obvious by how the static gathers in front of it.
235. Nice Stove cosplay
236. LQ seems to have a strong aversion to the colour black.
237. I love it when LQ tries to be spooky hehehe~
238. rainbow gloves are amazing gloves
239. HQ’s back! And LQ is intitially being a bit of a good sport about it it seems.
240. Again, this part is rather hard to read. Litterally because most of it is supposed to be obscured. Frankly…what I’m starting to understand about HQ is he’s the part of LQ that wants to improve to some degree. What other reason would he have to be so honest? He also reacts in shock to LQ not responding in the light of holding a knife up to his own throat. HQ also tends to plead and question the other side of him. It hadn’t occurred to me but among many of my thoughts HQ is kinda like a manifestation of survival too. He’s aggressive as a last resort. He kinda acts out of turn and does whatever he has to do and overtime he just never gives up. He keeps trying different things and I think it might be for the sake of trying to get better. What would it be alternatively? Punishment? Later posts really nail that notion in, if you ask me.
241: It really fills me with warmth to remember how Mori decided to update LQ on my birthday. It meant so much to me UuU it still does
242. Peach farmin’
243. I only have oen thing….to say……..8 >
244. The first time my dumb butt decided to come off anon and talk to LQ eeee :”D Kinda fucking weird that I’m such a fangirl ahahaha…ah well LQ would probably understand. As would…most people.
245. I kinda wonder if LQ doesn’t want visitors and doesn’t want to leave moreso on the basis that he’s scared of being judged and hurt by others as opposed to “Oh I’m an aftermath and that’s just what I do.”
246. LQ claims that he met HQ when everyone first saw him.  I had another theory but maybe LQ is telling the truth here too…or is he? Did he maybe just not know what was going on until HQ truly stepped in?
247. LQ is convinced that he’s not a good person. Is he really as bad as he says? That’s almost never the case.
248. It does seem like HQ and LQ can feel different things at the same time so it’s quite likely a sort of split personality conundrum
249. I am still really sad about the history surrounding LQ and his real name.
250. Honestly it’s so cruel that LQ can’t really keep anything to himself. But there is that entire dilemma of wanting to know something someone won’t tell you. Of just being curious an then having that curiosity satisfied. Sorta the nature of an askblog and opening yourself up for questions, isn’t it?
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