#hope you like it 🤗
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pookiebear is a 30+ year old fictional man 🥺
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kotalloh · 10 days
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runninriot · 17 days
for @stervrucht
inspired by this beautiful art piece
Eddie's hand on his chest makes him stop instantly.
"Please, just- just don't."
Steve doesn't know what to say, can only stare at the boy in front of him, his friend, Eddie.
Eddie, who just told him he's in love with him. Said it like he meant it, so why would he stop Steve from leaning in to kiss him?
"I don't want you to do something you'll regret just because you feel the need to make it better for me, Stevie. I know you don't want this. And I don't want your pity, okay? So, please, let's just pretend I never said that."
Oh, right.
It's because he doesn't know.
Eddie doesn't know about the weeks he spent suffering, struggling to come to terms with the fact that FUCK, he has feelings for his best friend. His male best friend.
He doesn't know about the endless nights Steve had been losing sleep after realising that the way his heart always starts to race whenever they're close actually means something.
That the way his stomach always feels like it houses a thousand butterflies when Eddie looks at him with his dark brown eyes and his beautiful smile means that- yeah, shit, Steve's in love.
He's so in love with him it hurts. But Eddie doesn't know.
"Eddie, I-"
"Don't worry, Steve. It's okay, really."
He retreats his hand from where Steve can still feel the ghost of his palm lingering on his chest, turns to move, to walk away.
"Eddie, wait!"
He's already halfway out the door when Steve grabs him by his wrist to hold him back.
"Please, if you'd just listen to me!"
Steve is desperate, has so much to say, needs Eddie to hear what his heart has been trying to tell him for weeks now.
"I love you!"
"Steve, please don't do this to me."
Eddie doesn't even look at him, looks so defeated, so resinged.
"Did you hear what I said?" Steve asks, placing his free hand on the side of Eddie's face to force him to look up.
"I love you, Eddie. I was just too scared to tell you because I thought- I thought I'd never have a chance."
Steve can see in Eddie's eyes when the realisation hits him, knows that his words are slowly, finally sinking in.
"Y- you love me?"
"More than you know. More than I let myself believe was even possible."
It's a cheesy line and Steve knows it but it's true and it makes Eddie smile which is everything he could ask for.
Well, almost.
"So, now that you know, will you please let me kiss you?"
Eddie's smile only grows bigger and Steve's heart makes that weird thing it always does and the butterflies cause a whirlwind when suddenly, their lips find each other in the middle.
Eddie kisses him like he's never been kissed before and Steve knows in that moment that he'll never want to kiss anyone else ever again.
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honeys-marmalade · 8 months
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𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓘𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓰𝓸 🦋🪻
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻: @1indigoisles
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drrav3nb · 9 months
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overly-verbose · 20 days
If SIkuna will get the Heian era form later, can he change his appearance? I mean, it will be weird to see a guy with four arms hanging in public.
Assuming he were to do that,
(who knows, not me (I do lol) , if the hypothetical timeline where he and Yuji get separated is gonna be Canon to the Series *HeeHee HoHo's mysteriously*)
His alternate, 'human' form would be strongly based off of Yuji still, but with some differences.
(I've kinda drawn that as well, but I can definitely imagine it not exactly being clearly explained lol)
For one, he's significantly taller than Yuji (at least for now, the kid is most likely gonna grow to be not as much shorter lol) - although he can be shorter.
He usually isn't much 'shorter', because it's more comfortable - any much lower and it'd feel a bit like a too-tight shirt, but for your whole body lol
('down' to 6~ft/182~cm (wherein he usually stays at 6.4-5ft/193-195~cm) is the min. of proper comfiness)
He also wears earrings (I usually imagined some simple black ones, but he could just as well wear something Hello Kitty related lol (both for the Meme and just because) or just cute, or more colourful), and his left eyebrow has two slits - to kinda connect him visually to his Big Form heh
(I'm kinda contemplating adding some other things but yeah that's the bigger things heh)
And, although usually he only has these whilst in the Bigg form, he can have four arms, stomach mouth, and such whilst 'small' as well - but yeah, that's not exactly something that'd be useful/possible to use in public 😂
As shown in Chapter 2 of Visuals (although it is a different timeline, SIkuna is SIkuna lol), he can sometimes forget to close his secondary eyes, especially at the beginning of the Separation or when kinda mentally tired - it's just much more natural for them to be open
Some random person is more likely to assume they imagined it or he just had good cosplay than actual four eyes though, so hey at least there's that saving him
Not to mention interference from the kids he's likely hanging out with lol, Nobara is a quick-thinking Queen when her older familial figure is being a dum-dum and forgoring 💀 how to Human properly and we love her for it 👏
Since I imagine her dragging SIkuna out for clothes shopping relatively often, perhaps with other kids as well - and SIkuna doesn't mind it at all, he loves actively participating in the kids' hobbies 🥺 - she probably had to cover for his spookiness and such quite often lmao, even if he tries his best 😂
He is very respectful and polite to any workers they might encounter during their shopping though (well, assuming they aren't being unreasonably rude themselves but that's rare, especially in Japan I'd imagine), so fortunately even despite his Vibes being Very Off the two (or more) usually end up being a nice surprise to them actually lmao
- the fact that SIkuna likely takes everything that isn't chosen back perfectly into place whilst waiting for Nobara/other kids to put another outfit on probably makes their spookiness easier to deal with as well 😂😂😂
(He's not 'spared' from dressing up, but he can lighten the load on the workers' shoulders a little bit while he waits his turn, you know - he might be partially old as hell and from a time where that would have been unheard of to do for the sake of 'servants', but he also is partially someone from the 2020's lmao, he gets the pain)
(Imagine crossovers with Canon whilst he's in this form though lol, I feel like one Quite painful Misunderstanding that could happen is that This Other Sukuna apparently completely took over an older Yuji or something (since he clearly isn't there but Sukuna looks. like he looks.) OOF-)
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forsaire · 5 months
Try again
What if Ghost and Soap didn't work out? What if they loved each other more than anything and really tried to make it work but eventually, Ghost's own self-doubt and trauma built a rift between them that was impossible to overcome. And one day, they cracked.
Being reunited 15 years later, maybe the universe had finally given them the second chance Ghost so desperately craved. And with Soap's affectionate eyes crinkling warmly in Ghost's direction, he was damn sure going to seize it.
link on ao3 (with full tags) ~3000 words
When Ghost and Soap got together for the first time, Ghost felt as though he had finally found the missing piece that his life had been so empty without. They loved each other, they really did, but it wasn’t perfect.
Between their jobs, the constant stress, the long hours, and their own personal issues, something eventually began to break. They both had their own traumas but Ghost’s was especially destructive. It slowly ate away at him, consuming him, controlling him, no matter how hard he fought back against it.
They tried, god knows how hard they tried. They wanted nothing more than to make it work. They thought they could fix it.
But one day, it broke.
Sometimes bridges collapse. Sometimes roads crack. Sometimes houses crumble.
Sometimes love isn’t enough.
Ghost struggled a lot. Not with loving Johnny – that was easy – but with being someone that Johnny could love. The gnarled and intrusive whispers in the back of his head taunted him with how little he deserved happiness. He grew paranoid, distant, and cold. As time went on, Ghost started to push Soap away, scared of inevitably losing him like he’d lost everyone else in his life.
Near the end they fought. A lot.
Ghost wanted to stop, he did, but fear had clutched its sharp claws around his heart, stealing it away from the only man he had ever wanted to give it to.
When it all became too much for them – when the scales shattered and the rope splintered – Ghost didn’t blame Soap for leaving, not for one second. He only wished with Ghost no longer being a burden in his life that Soap would find a better happiness somewhere else.
While he understood why Soap did it, it almost destroyed Ghost when he left. He struggled to see the value in trying to live anymore. But imagining Soap’s face when someone told him the news always stopped him from succumbing to these thoughts. He couldn’t hurt Soap even more than he already had.
So he continued to live.
And the sun continued to rise.
And the days continued to pass.
And before he knew it, Ghost found himself 15 years older.
Then, by happenstance, they were reunited. Enough time had passed that they were both leading their own teams. Unbeknownst to them, one of their higher ups put their two teams together to work on a complicated infiltration mission. The docket had been classified, so Ghost would only know who he was working with once he saw them face to face.
But Ghost heard his voice before seeing his face, a throb in his chest spreading quickly as his heart skipped a beat. It had been so long since he heard that voice – deep, gravelly, and sharp, but also filled with unreserved warmth and care. Could it really be him?
As Ghost rounded the corner, before him stood several men around a large wooden table, their gazes pointed downwards as they focused on the unfurled map that spread across it. Ghost’s eyes immediately locked onto the man standing in the middle, gesturing to a location with a deep furrow on his brow.
It was Soap.
He had changed – they both had. His hair was a bit longer but still sported that familiar mohawk. He’d aged beautifully, slight wrinkles around his eyes and grey hairs that peppered his sides. His lips were still full and his chin still strong and his nose still slightly askew.
He glanced up as Ghost walked in.
Those eyes. Those eyes hadn’t changed at all. They were still as stunningly deep and blue as the ocean, powerful currents that always sucked Ghost in.
Soap froze. His breath hitched. His mouth fell open. His eyes widened.
And Soap, who also hadn’t seen those eyes in years would recognize them in a heartbeat. He’d never forgotten the beauty of Ghost’s eyes, the colour of deep, rich earth that nurtured the vibrant colours of the world to flourish.
As they looked at one another there was a long, excruciatingly long, second of shocked silence.
Then, to Ghost’s immediate relief, a tender smile spread across Soap’s face, the coldness of his life immediately melting away as he was bathed in such breathtaking warmth yet again. It was a privilege he never thought he would get to experience again.
With a quiet mutter to excuse himself, Soap briefly patted the shoulder of the man to his right and started to make his way over to Ghost. Each step closer, one after another after another, the whole time a playful smirk pulling at Soap’s lips.
He relished in the way that Soap’s eyes looked him up and down. He stopped in front of Ghost, just a couple feet away which still felt like too much space.
“L.t…” Soap breathed out. It was like a song made just for his ears.
“I haven’t heard that in years…” Ghost said quietly, somehow stringing a coherent sentence together. He smiled. “It’s good to see you again, Johnny…”
Soap’s eyes crinkled, resembling sunshine, and his head briefly dropped as he let out a breathy chuckle. After a second, he looked up again, staring into Ghost’s eyes unwaveringly.
“And I only liked hearing that name from you. The only one who called me that.”
“Can I?” he said, his hesitant words heavy with implication. Could he still call Soap Johnny? Was he still Johnny? Was he still his Johnny.
“Aye…” he said sweetly. “Only you…”
They stared into each other’s eyes, forever and endless, and gleefully let the memories come rushing back like an old friend.
All of a sudden, Soap peeled his eyes away, shaking his head as if to snap out of it. He took a quick inhale and pointed a thumb over to the rest of the group.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
As they walked back to the group, Ghost couldn’t help but steal glances down at Soap’s hand to try and catch if there was a ring. It was selfish the way his heart fluttered with happiness when he didn’t see one.
And just like that, as if opposite sides of a magnet, the two of them were uncontrollably drawn to one another again, like no time had passed at all. Neither of them could help it. They were planets caught in the other’s orbit. They were the drugs that they were happily addicted to. They were the air of life in the other’s lungs.
As the days passed, their curious eyes wandered beyond, sneaking glances at lips, arms, legs, and any flash of skin. Their smiles were gifted fully in all manners of ways – teasingly, proudly, sentimentally. Their bodies always found one another with small and subtle brush ups along their shoulders, knees, and fingers.
Each touch was just as invigorating as the last.
They continued to grow closer, ignoring a strange look or two from the other members of their teams as frivolous nothings that existed beyond the gaze of each other’s eyes.
For Soap, the smallest of voices at the back of his mind told him to slow down, take it easy, think twice.
But he didn’t want to. It was all so thrilling and comfortable again.
Their evening planning sessions turned to late night joking conversations, a bottle of Scotch being passed between the two of them freely. These conversations quickly turned into flirting. Under the soft glow of the desk light, they would inch closer and closer to each other, their hearts skipping excitedly with each touch or look.
Ghost hadn’t felt so light and carefree in such a long time.
He wanted.
Soap wanted.
And one day, after weeks of this, the two of them turned that want into action.
After a final late night planning session where they spent at least most of the time doing their actual jobs, the two of them walked back to Soap’s room. As they lingered outside his door, the space between them felt thick with was unspoken need.
Soap turned around, his face pinched up in slight hesitation.
“We’re leaving tomorrow,” he stated, trying to make conversation, “for the raid…”
“Yeah…” Ghost said, not wanting to think beyond this moment.
Soap clasped his hands together. “And when it’s done… I’m… we’re… shipped off again. You’ve any idea where?”
Ghost shook his head. “I go where I’m needed.”
Something shifted behind Soap’s eyes, disappointment mixed with sorrow. “Right…right…”
A spark.
Ghost raised his arm to scratch at the back of his neck, feeling a sudden need to do something with his useless hands, when a familiar stabbing pain shot through his shoulder. He sucked in a breath and grimaced, lowering his arm to make the pain stop.
“Still that shoulder?” Soap asked, jokingly but still with sincere concern.
With pinched lips, Ghost smiled and rolled out his shoulder.  “Same shoulder for 20 years. Only gotten worse with age. Even lifting my arm hurts it sometimes. It feels like I'm too old nowadays for most things I used to do.”
“Well…” Soap said teasingly, his eyes shifting with need. “Hopefully not everything…”
A flicker.
“Yeah?” Ghost replied, keeping his voice low. “What did you have in mind?”
Soap discreetly raised his hand, wrapping his fingers tightly around Ghost’s belt and pulling him closer. The air crackled with electricity between them.
“Are you sure…?” Ghost asked softly, tilting his head closer to Soap who lifted his chin up expectedly.
“Simon…” Soap whispered, his mouth so close he could feel its heat through his mask. “Don’t make me beg…”
A burning flame.
And that was it.
They tumbled into the room, grasping onto every inch of each other. There was nothing but lips and hands, limbs tangling and taking with need. Their bodies were infinite and Soap’s eyes, giving him nothing but trust and pleasure, were endless.
In an instant, everything came back to Ghost as he relived exactly where to touch and caress Soap’s body that would coax out all of his pretty little moans. Hands traced over old and new scars on each other’s bodies. Soap placed kisses down Ghost’s tattoos which had sprawled up his bicep and crept onto his chest over the years. There was nothing but them.
There was nothing but Johnny.
When they were done, twice surprisingly, they lay in bed together, Soap curled up against his side and Ghost’s arm wrapped around him like they always used to do. With quiet puffs that blew out across his chest, Ghost counted each of Soap’s breaths, wondering if this was going to be the last time he’d ever get to see Soap like this again before they parted tomorrow.
Ghost leisurely trailed his fingers up and down Soap’s spine, expertly noting all of the new marks and scars he knew had never been there before. The metal of Ghost’s dog tag quietly jingled as Soap absentmindedly twisted the chain around his finger.
“Not too old for that,” Soap joked quietly, the smile evident in his voice. “Thank god.”
“No,” Ghost mumbled warmly, “I suppose not. Helps that it was you.”
Soap then lifted his head off of Ghost’s chest and stared at him in wonder, awestruck as if seeing him for the first time. He unwrapped the dog tags from his hand and gently traced the line of grey hairs that had sprouted along Ghost’s temple.
“Counting my greys, are you?” he said jokingly, not-so-secretly loving all of the attention that Soap was giving him.
Soap smiled sentimentally, memories flashing behind his eyes in an instant. “I’m glad to see you like this,” he replied. “You often spoke about how you didn’t think you would make it this far. It’s proof that you did. And I think it’s beautiful.”
With a quick peck to Ghost’s cheek, Soap rested his head back against Ghost’s chest.
Ghost didn’t want to let go. He couldn’t. Come morning, he didn’t think he had the strength to say goodbye to Soap yet again. He clenched his jaw and blinked away the tears that threatened to come out.
“Is…” Ghost started, scared to ask the question. “Is there anyone else…?”
He probably should have asked that before their night together, but he wasn’t exactly thinking with the right head. He didn’t know what he wanted to hear. He didn’t know what would hurt more – Soap walking away alone or towards someone else.
Soap gently shook his head. “There were a few people over the years but…” he trailed off with a sigh.
“But what?” Ghost said, tenderly urging him to speak more.
After a few long seconds, Soap spoke up again.
“I never loved anyone in the same way that I loved you.” Soap’s fingers were gracing the top of Ghost’s chest, turning those meaningless shapes into artwork against his skin. “And you?” It was also hesitant but hopeful, trying not to give too much away.
Ghost placed his fingers underneath Soap’s chin and gently pushed it up so they were looking into each other’s eyes again.
“I never loved anyone after you…”
Soap took a shuddering inhale upon hearing those words. Ghost couldn’t wait anymore. He needed to know. He needed to ask. He needed to scream it out into the world.
His heart started thumping nervously in his chest. He was sure that Soap could feel it. He gathered every bit of courage he had inside, beating down years of shame and regret.
“I…I…” he stuttered, the words tumbling out without any grace. “I’ve missed you so much, more than you could ever know. And I’m sorry… I’m sorry for how I treated you. There’s someone I’ve been talking to for a long time now and they’ve been helping me. I’m not perfect, god knows I don’t think I’ll ever be. But I’m better. I really am.
“The whole time all I wanted was for you to see how I was changing. I wanted to be someone that could make you proud. I hope I am…
“I know what I’m about to ask is a lot, and I understand if you don’t want to, or can’t, or… anything else… but… I’d never be able to forgive myself if I-”
Ghost let out an anxious sigh, letting his thumb that softly caressed Soap’s cheek calm him down.
“I want… I want…” Ghost took one final breath. “Can we try again?” He didn’t care how pathetic he sounded. He didn’t care that he was practically begging. “I’ve never stopped loving you all this time and… and seeing you again just brought back all these emotions again… and… You were the only good thing I’m my life after so many years. You made me so happy. I selfishly want that feeling again. I want you.
“So… what do you think? You and me again? I don’t know what might happen, I guess neither of us do, but I promise I won’t give up. I never want to give up on you again. I promise to make you happy, in whatever way that means now. I’m scared of you walking out of my life tomorrow. But even then, you’re still the love of my life and always will be whether or not we’re together…”
As Ghost spoke, he watched Soap’s eyes soften. He leaned into Ghost’s touch, blinking away the mistiness that had clouded his eyes. He carefully dragged his eyes up and down Ghost’s face, flickering memories dancing behind them of the life they used to share.
Ghost didn’t know if the years had been kind or cruel to him. He so desperately wanted to fight for Soap. He wanted to give him a life he deserved.
Soap let out a shuddering exhale, leaning forward to bury his face into Ghost’s neck.
“Aye…” he whispered with desperate relief against Ghost’s skin. “I do… I want that more than anything…”
Had Soap not been there in his arms grounding him, Ghost would have crumpled into ash. Dizzying, dizzying happiness swirled around his mind. He tightened his grip around Soap, holding him until they were one. His heart was soaring, grateful at the chance to love once again.
All of Ghost’s nervousness turned into giddiness, a happy chuckle bubbling up and singing a beautiful symphony for the whole world to hear.
“I can put in a transfer request…” Ghost murmured, “but… I’m not sure…”
He could feel the way Soap’s smile widened across his skin.
“Murray is leaving in a few weeks,” he stated, his controlled excitement still peeking out. “His wife is having a baby. There will be an empty spot on my team. And I have complete authority over who joins…”
“You sure the rest of the Scots won’t have an issue with me invading?” he joked. It felt so good to joke. It felt so good to hold Soap in his arms.
“They best not. Then they’ll also be having a problem with me.”
Soap lifted up his head again, gifting Ghost with such tenderness and softness. There was nothing on earth like those eyes.
He leaned forward and blissfully pressed their lips together. No longer was Ghost adrift. No longer was Ghost alone. They’d missed so much time together that Ghost wanted to make up for.
When Ghost used to think about their future, he was frozen with fear, scared that he wasn’t worth it, scared that they would never last. But now, Soap’s firm but soft body wrapped in his arms and addicting lips pressed against his, Ghost was no longer afraid.
He was excited for whatever the future may hold, hand in hand, side by side.
link on ao3
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ian-galagher · 1 month
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darkness comes before the dawn.
written by Willow @ian-galagher and Sky @transmurderbug for @gallavich-fic-club's summer camp event, with art by Nosho @creepkinginc and betaed by Julia @blue-disco-lights
"Hey, Mickey? I was thinking of baking a pie. Would you like some?"   It startles him when the raven lets out a burst of shouts. "Cah, cah, cah!"   "I take that as a yes," Ian says, grinning. "Blueberry?"   "Cah! Cah! Cah!"   Mickey shuts his eyes, his chest squeezing tight. To his ears, it sounds an awful lot like the raven is talking to him, rather than Ian, telling him to "Speak! Speak! Speak!"
this fic is now COMPLETE! 🥳
total worth count: 20k
🌾read here on ao3 or start from the beginning here!
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marclef · 9 months
my art trade for @yo-kai123 done! here's a couple very good froggies for you!
fake might be a bit nervous, though.... he hasn't exactly seen many others like him before.
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but hey i'm sure they'll get along after enough time 👍👍!!!
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a very small jesse & zane interaction loosely inspired by @lostinthewoodsomewhere's post about them!! (go read it its fascinating!!)
what if your favorite poet-turned-filmmaker-? came back wrong and wanted you to star in a movie? in a dark dimension? but also hes a weirdo and a bit of a creep and you dont trust him :/ (originally the last panel had dialogue, but I couldn't decide on it and eventually thought it was funnier like that, lmfao)
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confused-canid · 2 months
Honestly, people against nounself pronouns are ableist. I use werewolf related neos because of "clinical" lycanthropy. Due to what people would deem delusion, to me, I am genuinely a werewolf.
People who use the argument "just because you us those pronouns that doesn't mean you're actually that thing" or whatever the fuck you're saying, that's ableist. I experience delusions of being a werewolf. To me, that is my reality. That kind of blows your argument out of the water when to me my true one hundred percent reality is me being a werewolf.
Stop hiding and just say you hate people who experience delusions. Just say you're ableist and cry about it. Say it so we can see what piece of shit you genuinely are. You can't hide behind trying to "protect" the trans community anymore. Gatekeeping that does genuinely nothing. It's not our fault transphobes are transphobic. That's like blaming POC for people being racists.
Like bro stfu
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ten-cent-sleuth · 10 months
I have just finished Chapter 10 of Northanger Abbey. Some thoughts:
I kind of wish I had read this book first out of Jane Austen’s works, if only because I would have related to Catherine more
since I’m mostly familiar with Pride and Prejudice and Emma and Persuasion, and a little knowledgeable of Sense and Sensibility, (I have yet to even touch Mansfield yet, I am so sorry) I was immediately like what the heck do you mean Catherine’s got a brother
who is this man?? what is he doing here???
I’ve read too many P&P fics,,, the state of being brotherless is just so ingrained into the story conflicts and character dynamics in my head, whoops
Mr Thorpe was annoying from the first, and he has only gotten on my nerves even more (and do I smell a fortune hunter??)
Isabella is also hmm
at first I was leery of her and Catherine’s friendship because of how she’s older and more polished; I was sceptical of the sincerity of how quickly they seemed to get attached
also I get the vibe that she’s hiding something from Catherine (has she met Tilney before…?)
but if she’s really James’s love interest, then I see her as more harmless; more of a disappointment, less of a threat, I guess?
still absolutely relieved Catherine’s not overly attached to her now though
Miss Tilney intrigues me
I like her so far
might be my favourite character but we’ll see we’ll see
Mr Tilney also intrigues me but less decisively of a favourable bent
I’m kinda suspicious but idrk why
tryna withhold judgement since he hasn’t actually done anything sus yet (that I can think of)
plus I genuinely enjoy his and Catherine’s tête-à-têtes
so mostly on the fence
I am most curious about General Tilney, idk why but he is piquing my interest
the exposition about the late Mrs Tilney seems very deliberate
the whole family is just intriguing I s’pose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
loving the writing, unsurprisingly
I put off Northanger for a long time because I hadn’t expected it to be as lighthearted as it is due to some reviews I’d read but
there do be plenty of funny parts
and of course Miss Austen’s characteristic wit is ubiquitous <3
Please forgive me for any egregious mistakes, I am no literary academic and cannot spot themes or symbols or meta details for my life. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Fan photos of Ash in Boston
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ladykissingfish · 10 months
*at Kakuzu and Hidan’s wedding*
Konan, dancing with Hidan: This is really a beautiful thing, Hidan. This place is absolutely gorgeous!
Hidan: It is nice, ain’t it?
Konan: I have to admit, I’m surprised that Kakuzu would spend so much. I mean I know it’s your big day, but considering how frugal he is …
Hidan: I thought that too, but he insisted he’s making all the money back, and then some. 
Konan: I wonder how …
*over by the buffet table*
Kakuzu, quietly, to Sasori: My thanks, Sasori. A most sublime wedding gift.
Sasori: I still fail to see how my injecting all of the food with laxatives is beneficial to you, Kakuzu. I —
*Deidara walks up, holding his belly*
Deidara: Oi, Kakuzu … I don’t mean to be rude but I think something might be wrong with the food. My bowels are on fire, hm! But when I tried to go into the bathroom, the toilet paper dispenser had a lock on it!
Kakuzu: Ah, that … *reaches into his pocket* I’d be happy to sell you the key … for $200.
Deidara: TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for some TOILET PAPER?! That’s crazy! I —
*Deidara’s stomach suddenly gives a very loud gurgle*
Deidara: F-fine! Fine!! *pulls out his wallet and throws the bills at Kakuzu, before grabbing the key and sprinting towards the bathrooms*
*more guests approach Kakuzu, all holding their stomachs*
Kakuzu, to Sasori: I guarantee I’ll have my entire deposit on this venue back within the hour.
Don’t remember the exact conversation but I know we talked about this/you inspired this in some context, so thank you, @amikotsu ☺️🩵
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writing-good-vibes · 7 months
For Valentine's Day, number 1 under angsty prompts. The Replacement. A little bit of jealous ex!Corey maybe...
ahh thank you for your req !!
WARNINGS for (past) corey x gn!reader, jealousy, mildly stalkerish behaviour, dark post accident!corey, mentions of joan being The Worst and mild implications of violence.
💔 very cute divider by @/firefly-graphics 💔
taglist: @slutforstabbings @ethanhoewke @voxmortuus (just let me know if you want to be added or removed !!)
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Corey didn't like being jealous. Being jealous made his stomach ache, a horrible sickly feeling deep down in his gut that wouldn't go away, made worse by his tossing and turning at night while he tried to sleep. Being jealous made his fingers hurt, and he'd clench them into fists, hard enough for his blunt nails to leave red crescents in his palms, to try and ease the pressure in his sore knuckles. Being jealous made his eyes water and his chest tight and it made him want to scream, sat in his bed alone at night, watching the radio tower blink tauntingly through his window.
But Corey couldn't help it, Corey was jealous.
Maybe it was his own fault -- it was definitely his own fault -- that you didn't want him anymore, that you got out the first chance you had, that you chose to dodge the bullet that is Corey 'Kid Killer' Cunningham.
And he can't really blame you because he knows that you were getting bored with his reluctance to go anywhere, and with all his nervous habits he still hadn't been able to shake.
He knows it's because the looks got too much for you. Because the mutterings behind your back were starting to take their tole. Because the soda thrown at him from a car window as you walked down the street was only a taste of what was to come.
He really only had himself to blame, and yet he couldn't make himself let go of you so easily. Especially not now he'd seen his replacement.
It's difficult not to compare himself. Corey's been monitoring his placement in every league possible since middle school; popularity, academics, looks. He'd skated along in the middle of the pack popularity-wise, which suited him just fine, and he was never quite top of the class but he was close enough to keep his GPA up, and well... he wasn't winning any prizes compared to some of the guys at school, but he'd lived with it.
But next to his Replacement? Oh, Corey never stood a chance.
And Corey doesn't want to do this. Of course he doesn't. He sees you from across the street, holding his hand. He sees walk you around the dollar store while he pushes the cart. He sees you take him back to your place. And he follows you back to his sometimes too.
Momma's upset with him when he's late for dinner.
It's funny how much he still misses you, even when he sees you all the time. You smile and your smile is like sunshine. You look and your eyes are sharp and clever and deep enough to drown in. Your voice, god he could listen to you forever and ever and never get bored.
He closes his eyes and thinks about it, reconfigures all these sightings onto himself. You smile at him, you look at him, you talk to him, not his replacement
He's cold, and his stomach aches, and his fingers hurt, and his chest is tight when you open your door. He doesn't remember looking through the kitchen draw, or leaving home, or when his cheeks got so wet.
"Corey? Is everything okay?"
Momma always told him no one else would ever love him, and that's Corey down to the bone: always wanting something he can't have.
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on the topic of jealousy, you should also read [warnings apply]:
clean again by blake (@/slutforstabbings). after corey survives the events of ends he travels south and, against his better judgement, falls in love with the reader. corey's jealous streak is strong in this story, but it comes up most directly in chapter 7.
rock bottom by toxic (@/toxicanonymity). corey can't decide if he wants to do the reader or michael, so he does both. and even though he gets the best of both worlds, he's still somehow jealous of both of his partners.
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fyodcrs · 2 years
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Nakahara Chuuya ✰ BSD Wan!
Happy birthday, Ray! @nightrayv ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ ♡♡♡♡
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