#hope you enjoy this snippit
anechomirrored · 2 years
Fandom: Original Work
Rating: T
Prompt(s):"What are you doing?"
Warnings: hunted, chased, taunted.
It was hard to breathe.
Minnow kept running, her feet pounding the pavement. Her eyes were wide, taking in her surroundings in the way all prey did, rapidly and desperately.
The creature behind her let out a rumbling guffaw as if it was pleased by her rising panic. In truth, it likely was. The fear meant she would push, that she would take risks, make mistakes, not plan for the inevitability of it outlasting her frenzied pace with its controlled lope.
She took another turn sharply and lunged. The momentum took her over the crumbling ditch and into the bushes on the other side. She paid no heed to the branches clawing at her shins, tearing at her skin. The bushes gave way to slim trunked poplar trees, these gave way to maples and evergreens. She didn't stop. She couldn't, not if her intention was to live.
This was not the first time that she had encountered this entity. She had been holed up on the edge of this empty city for almost a month now. She should have known that her presence would draw attention. She had been too injured and so, so tired.
It's arrival had started with a dream. A dream about a strange black bird. It feathers sleek, stomach gaunt and eyes bright with a hunger she had only known in the darkest months, when no traditional means of food were to be found. She woke with a cold sweat and had heard its strange laugh retreating into the night.
It did not make itself known futher.
Not right away, at least.
The first time she saw it she was foraging. The city had resources, that was why she was here after all.
Even after The Fall most of the towns and cities still had plenty of resources to pick through, if one was foolhardy enough to enter.
The shadows were long in those streets and ghosts walked the dilapidated sidewalks. It was unadvisable to traverse it alone but Minnow had little choice these days.
Once she had traveled with others. Cook and Shaker had been her favorites. Riddle and Mouse had been good company as well but their memories hurt. She hoped they were still safe at Settlement Rock.
A sudden drop in the terrain jarred her knee and she stumbled forward with a cry, barely able to remain upright and in motion.
"What are you doing?" A voice growled in the shadows behind her.
" Do you remember me, Little Sparrow? I am the ravens on the lampposts. The voices on the wind at night when you huddle amongst the wreckage of humanity and pretend to sleep." Its voice was like a base drum, sending verbrations through her.
She continued forward her knee protesting at her weight and her continued motion. She could hear the faint rushing of water. Her pulse beat heavily in her skull.
The creature behind her was death. It smelled of sun dried bones and something acrid. As she took in breath after laboured breath she caught the distinct taste of copper on the wind as well.
'Don't look back.' She thought, 'It only speaks because it wants you to lose your nerve.'
"Not so, Sparrow. I speak because your body is failing you and I no longer need to save my breath for the hunt." the creature taunted.
Minnow's next breath was drawn sharply, a cry escaping her lips.
" Your heart hammers in your chest, Your soul shakes, they form the sweetest song for me as you struggle for breath. Won't you slow down and let me hear what other songs it can sing?"
Minnow gritted her teeth and pushed her screaming limbs to keep the pace.
The crashing of the underbrush behind her was joined with soul chilling laughter.
Keep. Running.
There was a sickening moment in which minnow felt the ghost of a touch graze her shoulder. This happened just before a loose stone sent her tumbling down a ledge she had not seen.
Her grasping hands met air, her feet fought for purchase but found nothing.
A pair of eyes shone above her. Their hunger impossibly tangible. Minnow made impact with the frigid waters below, the ones she had thought sounded so much further away.
As the current swept her flailing form downstream a creature called Hunger watched intently.
"You always find a way to leave me wanting little Sparrow." He rumbled. " No matter, I will find you again."
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tswwwit · 6 months
(sorry, this got way long, and maybe a little sappy, but i didn't want to spam with multiple asks)
so i just finished reading the most recent chapter of the cultist reincarnation au, and i love it so so much.
my personal fave part is bills little rivalry with the mini bill plush. bill waited for so long to see his husband again, and this little plush is getting all of the affection bill wants, i love it. i hope dipper keeps it around after getting all his memories back, because it is a wonderful way to tease bill. just 'fine, i'll just go hug and kiss my new, better husband!' said as dipper walks off with mini bill just to annoy bill.
after reading that chapter i started rereading the entire familiar au (or like 95% of everything that was written for it including snippits, pov changes, and multipart stories, thanks to weirdeggi's masterpost) and its so so fun and interesting seeing bill go from a demonic jackass who barely tolerates his human, to seeing him put so much time, care, and patience into making sure the cultist reincarnation of dipper feels comfortable and relaxed around him. while seeing dipper go from timid and ignorant in the beginning to confident and knowledgeable with the ability to handle all of bills tricks easily.
it's just all so good and you write the characters so so well, i love them so much. i love seeing how much they've grown and drove each other insane/sane. the world building is so well done, especially with how the magic works and affects things. i've read these stories so many times over the years and as they come out, and each new one is always a delight. no pressure on you to rush of course, please take your time, but know that any new fic or chapter you post has at least one person eager to read and enjoy it.
(the rest of this is just going to be fun questions that popped up while rereading, no pressure on answering them, i just thought of them while reading and thought they'd be fun to ask and share)
I am curious about how bill views or thinks about his 'sickness' after the events of confessing it, and if that's different from several reincarnations later. cause i know in the bill v bill fic the other bill still calls it a sickness, and while i know our bill is happy as hell, i do wonder if he still thinks its a sickness or a curse, even if its the best thing to ever happen to him.
i'd also be interested to know if dipper ever makes friends with any demons, cause like i know in confessing it he meets pyronica and she reminds him of mabel, and he kinda got along with the spider centaur demon, but it would be neat to know if he ever makes actual friends with any demons, and if those friendships 1) make bill jealous 2) last over several reincarnations
speaking of the reincarnation, i'm curious when in their relationship that those two put that plan into action. like if it was still early into their relationship or if it was as dipper got older and his days got more numbered. i know bill thinks of it kind of early on while they're together, but that doesn't mean it's put into action right away.
it would be neat to see how all bills henchmen eventually see the whole bond too. i know in confessing it they see bill acting all weird with dipper, and how much his human affects bills mood, so im sure they know its better to have him around even if for a little while. but its fun to think that later down the line when the reincarnations pop up its viewed more as 'vacation time' when the henchmen don't have to take over reality and can relax while bills off smooching his mortal.
Thanks so much; I'm really glad you've enjoyed the fic! If it's been half as fun to read as it's been to write I'll have accomplished a ton.
Okay, onto the questions:
1: Bill likely still considers it a sort of sickness/curse, but like. Not a bad one, necessarily. While his relationship is way weird for a demon, that's actually great! He's the master of weirdness! If it weirds out other beings or confuses the hell out of them, that's proof that he's the best in the biz, baby. And he's very, very happy.
2: Dipper probably does make some demon friends/acquaintances. It's only natural after multiple lifetimes running in the same circles with eternal beings. Given a friendship in one lifetime, it's likely the demons' assumption that they'll just pick back up where they left off! Neat new body, how's it suiting you? (The familiarity weirds out Dipper incarnations until they get their memories back.)
I don't think Bill's jealous of them, though. Hanging out with buddies doesn't register as 'competition' for Dipper's affections, in the same way that Dipper's not jealous of the henchmaniacs.
3: I haven't decided exactly when they settle on the reincarnation thing, but likely it's after a near-death experience. Maybe even post-whump!
4: Speaking of those henchmen! They're eventually gonna get used to Bill being hitched. Not like they have a choice in the matter; Dipper's not going anywhere.
The new status quo is pretty weird, but they knew what they were getting into in regards to 'weird' - and frankly, Bill's in a vastly better mood whenever his husband's home. Something that puts the Boss in a cheerful Fun Times Interdimensional Crimes Party mood? When he gets pissy there's a human who deals with it, rather than Bill lashing out and picking on whoever's closest? Absolutely! They're all for it! Once those Big Upsides become apparent, they're gonna be pleased to see Dipper hanging around.
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deadgirlwalking91 · 5 months
new update - 'thank you for the venom', chapter 6: 'this isn’t what i wanted but i can’t keep my filthy fucking mouth shut'
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6 Summary
Lute bites off more than she can chew; Adam remembers he's not just Lute's punching bag... he's her boss.
Author's note:
Thanks to everybody who has read/engaged so far! I hope you like this one - it was great fun to write. Feel free to comment and inbox away, doesn't have to be about this fic. Happy to chat anything and everything guitarspear!
Cheers to @branded-rose for beta-ing once again; there's a snippit in here that I didn't send you, by the way. You'll know it when you see it ;)
Adam and Lute’s Office, Exorcist Training Centre, Heaven
It had been a month since the Great Bathroom Incident, and the Exorcists were beginning to feel the effects of burnout.
Layla collapsed from exhaustion during a gruelling combat tournament that Lute had sprung on the girls one training session. It turned out she had been hitting the gym twice daily to ensure her physical fitness could keep up with the increasingly difficult drills that Lute had been implementing.
Adam also knew for a fact that the gym wasn’t the only thingLayla had been hitting lately, but he was trying this new tactic with women where he didn’t kiss and tell.
Layla was one of many Exorcists who were suffering the effects of extreme fatigue due to their intense training regime. Over the course of a fortnight, there was at least two new injuries or incidents daily that arose, which meant one thing: More. Fucking. Paperwork.
As if he didn’t have enough shit on his plate already, he now had to spend more time in the office with the she-devil herself, who was still a raging bitch to him on the daily.
She was even worse than usual – not that Adam thought it was possible - now that their increased workload meant they had to stay back late each night to ensure the incident reports were completed in a timely manner. If there was one thing Sera got her panties in a twist about, it was overdue incident reports. Which, unfortunately for Adam, meant that Lute was also on the warpath about them.
The moment he stepped into their office on Monday morning, he knew he was in for it.
“Think you could fucking manage to be on time for once?” Lute snapped, eyes not leaving the paperwork she was frantically filling out.
“Think you could manage not to be a raging cunt for once?” Adam retorted, slamming a take-away cup down on her desk. Not that she fucking deserved it. He hoped the coffee was so hot that it would burn her mouth.
Without acknowledging the insult, Lute grabbed the cup and started drinking desperately from it, disgust clearly written all over her face as she chugged the beverage.
“Don’t get me that milky shit again,” she snarled, tossing the cup into the bin. “In fact, stop buying me coffee every morning, would you?”
“You seemed to enjoy it enough,” Adam retorted. “A ‘thank-you’ would be nice though, you rude bitch.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Lute looked up at him for the first time that morning, despite insulting him at least twice since his arrival. Adam couldn’t hold back his wince – she looked awful. Dark bags lined the underneath of her eyes, which were red rimmed with exhaustion, her hair looked like a brush hadn’t been taken to it in weeks and even from where he stood, he could see how physically tense she was.
“You look like hell.”
For once, Lute resisted the urge to retort back, though her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at him.
“I’m serious. You look like you need a good dicking.” Adam dropped into his seat and started sorting through his own pile of paperwork. “Not that I’m offering. My cock would probably shrivel up and fall off once I stick it in because –”
“Will you shut the fuck up?!” Lute shouted, standing and gripping the edge of her desk so tightly Adam could see the whites of her already pale knuckles. She looked positively rattled, and he wasn’t sure if it was a trick of the light, but her eyes seemed to be glistening. “C-c…” She took a shuddering breath to steady herself and looked around the room, avoiding eye contact, running her hand through her cropped hair. “Can you just…go?”
Adam studied her, frowning. In all the years they’d worked together, he’d never seen Lute lose her cool like this. Sure, she was in a perpetual foul mood, and often directed said foul moods at him, so he was used to her sharp tongue and venomous insults.
But…emotional Lute?
He didn’t know how to deal with an emotional Lute. He didn’t deal well with normal women who were emotional. He’d hate to think of how he’d handle his unhinged second-in-command who hated his guts on any regular day.
And yet… there was a nagging voice, somewhere deep in the back of his brain, that was urging him to cut her some slack. Give her a break.
Adam couldn’t quite place his finger on what caused him to listen to that voice, and there was every chance he’d live to regret it, but instead of kicking Lute while she was down – tempting as it was, given she’d been such a bitch lately - he decided to do the opposite.
He was going to grant her a reprieve.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said simply, staring at her. “You on the other hand, are dismissed for the day, Lieutenant.”
Lute’s head whipped towards Adam, her mouth agape.
“What?” she hissed.
“You heard me. Go home.”
“I’m not going home!” she shrieked. The glisten Adam thought he caught in her eyes earlier were now full-blown tears, threatening to spill down her cheeks. “Who’s going to do all the paperwork? Who will take training today?”
“Nice to know you hold so much faith in me.” Adam said dryly. “You’re a fucking mess, Lute. I need you to get your shit together. I can’t have you taking it out on the rest of the girls, not when they’re already dropping like flies every day.”
Lute gaped at him wordlessly.
“Close your mouth. You’re going to pack your stuff and go home. Now. If I catch you putting a single piece of paper in your bag so you can continue working from home, I’m adding another day to your dismissal.”
“What will Sera say?” she whispered, fear evident in her voice.
“Don’t worry about Sare-bear, she probably won’t notice. If she does, I’ll say you’re unwell. Women’s problems, or some shit.”
Lute let out a shaky laugh. “Great. Just what I wanted her to know.”
“One more thing,” Adam added, leaning back in his chair. “We’re having dinner tonight. You and me.” He pointed back and forth between the two of them. “After you’ve taken the day to wash the sand out of your vagina, and you’re a nicer person because of it, we’re going to go out to dinner and talk through some shit. Finish our conversation from where we left off a month ago.”
“I –” Lute started, but Adam held his hand up for her to stop.
“Shut up. It’s not negotiable, Lute. I’ll meet you at seven. For once, wear something that isn’t workout gear or your uniform. Got it?”
For what seemed like minutes, but really would have only been the matter of seconds, Lute stared at Adam, frowning like she wanted to argue but something was holding her back.
“Fine,” she answered. “See you then.”
Lute’s Apartment, Apartment Block, Exorcist Training Centre, Heaven
Lute sat on the edge of her bed, wrapped in a towel, staring into her wardrobe.
She had no fucking idea what to wear.
This wasn’t a predicament she usually found herself in; the beauty of being as unsociable as she was meant that she didn’t need an array of outfits stashed in her closet for impromptu events such as dinners with her boss.
In fact, her wardrobe mostly consisted of workout gear, her exorcist uniform and a few other select items of clothing. All of it was black. None of it was fancy. Or particularly feminine.
Sighing, she tousled her damp hair. This was stupid. Going to dinner with Adam was stupid. Adam was stupid. She could be using this time to catch up on the paperwork she missed out on doing while she’d been stood down for the day.
Lute would never admit it to Adam, but she had managed to relax for most of the day. And by relax, she completed a two-hour home workout, scrubbed her apartment from top to bottom, rearranged her pantry and finished all her laundry. This was all after she spent a good hour sulking about being sent home and wishing nothing less than a slow and painful death on her boss. Her version of sulking happened to consist of throwing things around her apartment until they broke.
She reached for her phone and tapped out a quick text message, hating herself for initiating conversation with Adam outside of work hours, but what other choice did she have?
Lute: Where are we going?
She tossed her phone aside and flopped backwards onto the bed. Knowing her luck, she’d make somewhat of an effort with her appearance, and he’d take her to a damn fast-food restaurant. Or she’d dress casually, and he’d humiliate her by taking her to a fancy restaurant, which she wouldn’t put past him.
It wasn’t the instantaneous reply that took her by surprise, but more the response itself.
Adam: Do you like BBQ?
Unsure how to answer, her fingers hovered over the screen of her phone before she replied.
Lute: Don’t know. Never had it.
Adam: Didn’t think so.
Lute hissed at her phone and threw it across her bed. Fuck it, she wasn’t going. It’d be a waste of time anyway – no doubt they’d start arguing and she’d probably get so irritated that she’d throw her drink on him and storm out of the restaurant.
Only for the next morning to come and it’d all repeat again. The childish jibes, the insults, the threats of murder…
Her phone buzzed again, unexpectedly interrupting her thoughts. Probably Vaggie asking where she was today. She reached across her bed and tapped the screen.
Adam: It’s not fancy. Hellfire Bar & Grill. See you at 7.
Well. That at least gave her something to work with. Sighing, she got up and started sifting through the clothing in her wardrobe for what seemed like the four hundredth time, wishing she was doing anything but going out for dinner with Adam that night.
Hellfire Bar & Grill, Heaven
For once, Adam had arrived somewhere earlier than Lute. She wasn’t surprised; considering he was highly food motivated she was willing to bet that had something to do with it.
What she was surprised at, however, was the fact that he was dressed entirely in casual clothing. She’d only ever seen him in three outfits before, and they were all different variations of the same robe. It was jarring, seeing him dressed in civilian clothing but still donning his usual helmet and mask.
“Hey,” he greeted her, looking up from his phone as he saw her approach.
“Have you calmed the fuck down?”
Lute narrowed her eyes. “If you’ve asked me to come here so you can insult me, I’m turning around and going back home.”
“I would have thought,” he sighed, pocketing his phone and opening the door to the restaurant. “That some time off would have put you in a better mood.”
Ignoring him, Lute entered the restaurant and waited while he requested a table. Luckily for them - or unluckily, Lute thought – it wasn’t very busy, so they were seated swiftly.
“What can I get you two lovebirds to drink?” Their waitress chirped, beaming at them both.
“He’s not my fuckin-”
“We’re not dating, babe.” Adam grinned up at the waitress, who at his words, seemed to suddenly be very taken by him. “You and me, though? That could work. Two glasses of your best red wine, thanks.”
Lute shot him a disgusted look, wrinkling her nose at his blatant flirting. Sleazebag.
The waitress was clearly infatuated with Adam, because she giggled incessantly as she flounced away with their drink order.
“How do you know what I drink?” Lute demanded.
“The night I came to your apartment –”
“Broke into my apartment.” Lute corrected him, folding her arms.
Adam waved a hand carelessly in the air. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You had an open bottle of red wine on the bench, so I figured you drank it.”
“The things you learn when you break and enter.”
Before he could retort, the waitress returned with their drinks. She also held a piece of paper which she slipped not-so discreetly across the table to Adam. Winking at her, he pocketed the paper and Lute had to force herself to look away, lest she start gagging as the woman practically melted on the spot in excitement.
What all those women saw in him, she’d never fucking know.
“So,” Adam cleared his throat, shifting in his seat as the waitress practically skipped away. “Did you, uh, relax today?”
“I did.”
Silence. Lute, not really wanting to divulge any further information to Adam, fiddled with the sleeve of her jacket, staring around the restaurant. To their right was a couple who showed all the signs of being on their first date. Hands entwined atop the table, the angels were staring into each other’s eyes, not talking. Just… staring. With stupid smiles on their faces.
Lute rolled her eyes and shifted her focus to the table on their left, the couple occupying that space arguing in hushed voices, though one of the two women looked like they were dangerously close to tears.
She lifted her wine glass to her lips and sipped, trying to fill the silence with something.
‘What did you do?” Adam pressed, drumming his fingers on the table.
“I worked out. I cleaned. I did laundry.”
“Didn’t I tell you to relax?”
“I don’t really do relaxing.” Another sip of wine. The way this meeting was going, she’d polish off the entire bottle before she got the chance to even eat.
“You were relaxing the night I came around to talk.”
Lute stiffened at the mention of that night. She set her glass down on the table, frowning as she ran her thumb and index finger up and down the stem. She was unsure how to answer – it would be easiest to tell Adam where to go, but the reality was that she was tired, and wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep up the back and forth between them.
“I haven’t done it since.”
“Because of me?”
Lute felt her stomach knot, her hands growing warm and clammy. She removed them from her glass and wiped them down on her jeans. The last thing she wanted to do was get into a back-and-forth about that incident. Again.
“Why are we here?” Lute asked, her eyes snapping up and glaring at Adam. “What’s even the point of meeting here tonight? For you to -”
“Hey! Are you guys ready to order?” Another overly chirpy waitress was back, her smile almost blinding Lute. Her teeth were so white, it was alarming.
Lute stared at her menu, not registering anything that was on it.
“Usual for me, thanks babe,” Adam said, handing his menu back to the waitress. They both looked expectantly at Lute. Shit. She scanned the menu again, but nothing jumped out at her as particularly enticing. Truthfully, she didn’t particularly care for food – to her, it was just fuel to keep herself going.
“Uh, I’ll just have what he’s having. Thanks.”
Adam stared at her incredulously as the waitress took her menu and sauntered off, her small wings flapping happily.
“I’m not sure that was the best choice,” he said, eyeing her wearily. “I ordered –”
“I didn’t know what to pick, okay? I don’t really eat this stuff.”
“What do you eat, then?”
“What is this, twenty-fucking-questions?” Lute snapped. “I don’t have the time, or the patience to play bullshit games with you. What do you want?”
They both glared at each other from across the table, Lute’s golden eyes boring into the screen of Adam’s mask. For what felt like minutes, neither of them spoke.
The loved-up couple next to them were now tangled together atop a single dining chair, making out sloppily, the noisy smack of their lips filling the awkward silence. Lute’s eye twitched in annoyance, and she had to turn her head so she couldn’t see their tongues being shoved down each other’s throats.
“Shit, that’s annoying,” Adam scowled, taking a sip of his wine.
“If they keep going, they’re going to end up fucking on the table in front of us. Gross.” Lute muttered, also drinking. Their eyes met again, though this time there was the slightest hint of a smirk behind Adam’s mask.
He sighed and looked away, frowning.
“Lute. I’m going to level with you,” he said, leaning his forearms onto the table. “We need to make this work. The stakes for Extermination Day are fucking high this year.”
“What do you mean?”
 “Sera – ” Adam cut himself off, frowning. Lute studied him with mild curiosity as he paused, collecting his thoughts, his hand rubbing his chin. “Sera… she’s put a lot of faith in your proposal. And I won’t bullshit you – I thought it was a load of crap when I first read it. Too much math involved. If I can’t do the sum using my fingers, it’s too fucking hard.”
“Good thing calculators have been invented.”
“Wouldn’t know, I’ve never used one. Smartass. Anyway, after you left today, I took the time to read it again. I’ll admit, there’s…potential for it to work. But speaking from experience babe, a few adjustments need to be made.” Adam reached for his glass and swirled his wine, taking a sip once he was satisfied the burgundy liquid had been aerated enough. “Wanna hear them?”
Lute crossed her arms. “What are you getting out of this? I’ve worked with you for many years. I know you don’t offer anything up unless you’re getting something out of it.”
“You’re right. I don’t.”
“Spit it out, then.”
“Fine. Stop being such a fucking bitch all the time.”
“Excuse me?” Lute spat, her eyes automatically wandering to the steak knife set in front of her.
“You heard me, Lute. Statistically, you might be my top girl, but you rank dead last on my list when it comes to personality. Maybe if you loosened up and had a little fun –”
“Dinner’s here!” Two very large, very meaty plates were set down on the table in front of each of them. Lute wrinkled her nose, immediately regretting her decision to blindly order her dinner.
She should have known Adam would have ordered ribs, considering he waxed lyrical about them on an almost-daily basis. There had to be at least two dozen on each plate, all covered in a sticky glaze. Just lookingat the plate was giving her the sweats. She glanced over at Adam, who was watching her reaction intently.
“You know,” he began uncertainly, eyeing the sheer volume of food between the two of them. “You don’t have to eat that. You can always order someth-”
“I’ll eat them.”
“Sure? There’s a lo-”
“I’ll be fine. I bet,” Lute added, folding her arms across her chest, an unknown bravado washing over her, “I can keep up for you, rib-for-rib.”
Adam choked on the sip of wine he’d been taking.
“You’re not fucking serious!” he spluttered, wiping his screen with the back of his hand.
“Did I stutter?” She picked up one of the ribs, instantly regretting her declaration that she’d eat what looked to be her entire bodyweight in meat. Why couldn’t she have picked a normal meal, like a steak? Steak would have been safe. Steak would have been easy. Steak wouldn’t have ignited her competitive streak and didn’t come with potential digestion issues.
But no. She just had to open her mouth. And if there was one thing that Lute did not do, it was back out of a challenge. Especially one that she initiated.
“Lute, this isn’t a good idea, I mean it, the ribs are –”
Staring Adam down, she held the ends of the rib in each hand and tore a chunk off meat off with her teeth. She grimaced – the glaze was sickly sweet, and they were…
“– spicy.” Adam said, wincing.
She maintained eye contact as she chewed, hating herself for not thinking before speaking. The meat burned her throat as she swallowed, the spice hitting her nose and tears prickling at her eyes.
Lute closed her eyes and bit into the rib again, stripping the meat from the bone completely.
“You,” Adam started, picking up a rib of his own and shaking his head, “are the craziest bitch I’ve ever met, you know that, right?”
Lute wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and tossed the bone onto the spare plate on the table. “Try and keep up, Sir.” She reached for another piece of meat and noticed Adam staring at her, an unusual expression depicted on his mask. “What?”
“You called me ‘Sir’.”
He shrugged. “It wasn’t sarcastic.”
Lute grabbed her napkin, wiping her nose which has started to run. “Must have slipped out. I can assure you it won’t happen again.” 
She watched with vague interest as Adam started eating. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him consume food – in fact, he regularly ate at his desk in their shared office. It was the first time though, that she focused on the food disappearing into the void of his mask.
Because it did exactly that. It just… disappeared. Almost like there was nothing underneath.
Maybe…maybe that was actually his face, and she’d been wrong about it being a mask all along.
“How does that thing work, anyway?” She managed to swallow rib number three considerably easier than the first two.
“Holy magic, babe.”
“Care to elaborate?” Four down, twenty to go. Her stomach churned at the thought.
“Who’s playing twenty questions now?” he snapped suddenly, glaring at her. “Drop it.”
“So you’re allowed to interrogate me, but I can’t ask you anything?” Another rib done. She was getting hotter, and Lute could feel the sweats starting to kick in. Wiping her glaze-covered hands on her napkin, she shrugged out of her jacket and hung it on the back of her chair. The cool air was welcomed on her skin, and she silently thanked herself for choosing a top with thin straps.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t ask me anything. For example, if you were to ask me if I’m surprised that you own feminine clothing,” Adam waved a hand at her, “I’d say yes.”
Lute scowled. “I’m feminine.” She ripped the meat off rib number six with her front teeth, holding the bone expertly now with one hand. Wiping her mouth with her hand again, she reached for her wine and sipped steadily, using the liquid to help wash the food down.
“You’re the least feminine Exorcist in the fucking army.”
“That’s because I’m the only one you haven’t slept with.”
“Not true. I haven’t slept with the ones that are into chicks.” Adam counted the rib bones on his plate. “I’m at nine, by the way, what about you?”
“How are you at nine? I started before you, and I’m only on seven. And that’s just great. Wonderful. I’m the only straight one you haven’t touched. That makes me feel amazing.” Lute gnawed at her rib, her face flushing in embarrassment.
It wasn’t like she considered herself attractive or anything like that. Truthfully, she’d never thought about it because her appearance had never been of high importance to her. Sure, she liked her hair cropped a certain way, and she’d very rarely wear a small amount of makeup on special occasions, but that was the extent of it.
Moodily, she threw the bone down, not caring where it landed, and reached for another piece of meat.
“Shit – I, uh, didn’t realise you were into dick.” Adam at least had the gall to look somewhat embarrassed. “I just assumed you and Vaggie –”
“You assumed Vaggie and I what?” she growled.
“I’m not judging, babe!” Adam held his glaze-covered hands up in defence. “Love is love, right? And, between you and me, there’s nothing hotter than watching a woman eat pu -”
Lute chucked her eighth bone at him in disgust, cutting him off and hitting him square in the chest. The couple to their left, who had been arguing all night, stopped their bickering and glared at her.
“The fuck are you looking at?” Lute snarled at them, fingers wrapping around the steak knife that still lay atop the table. “You bitches have been going back and forth all night, but me throwing food somehow offends you?” She pointed the blade of the knife at them. “Turn around and shut the fuck up before I –”
The women stood hastily from their table and scurried towards the exit, one of them tossing Lute a scared look over her shoulder. She sighed, satisfied, and grabbed another rib, hand still on the knife’s handle.
“You,” Adam began wearily, shaking his head, “are a fucking nutcase. You know that, right?”
Lute shrugged and kept eating. “I don’t suffer fools.”
“I can see that.”
“Which is why you irritate me so much.”
“I’m no fool,” Adam declared, counting his rib bones out with his finger, starting over once as he accidentally confused himself. “I’m more than halfway done, by the way.”
“Me too. And yes, you are a fool.”
Adam crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. “Before our dinner came, I was trying to explain how, if we tweak your proposal slightly, you’ll have more success with your training plan.”
Exhaling, Lute closed her eyes. She was starting to feel nauseous and if she kept going, she was going to be sick. Maybe she was the fool. “I’m pretty sure you were in the middle of calling me an uptight bitch with a shitty personality, actually.”
He clicked his fingers. “That’s it! Thanks for reminding me.”
Lute opened her eyes and narrowed them at him.
“What? You’ve just jogged my memory. Anyway, you’ve been riding the girls too hard,” he stopped to snigger at his choice of words, and Lute rolled her eyes at his immaturity as she grabbed more ribs. “You need to give them some time off.”
“They already get weekends and evenings off, what more do they need?”
 “A night out on the town.”
“You’re telling me,” Lute said, pointing her bone at him accusingly, “that the reason you dragged me out to this stupid restaurant is so that you can propose some kind of night of fucked-up debauchery with your harem of women? And I’m meant to be okay with that?”
“Settle down, Dangertits. As hot as a harem would be, I’m thinking more a night at a bar with a few drinks. Let the girls have a good time.”
“And by a ‘good time’ you mean get them drunk enough so they’ll sleep with you?” Lute snorted, starting on a fresh rib. She noted that there were only a few remaining on her plate. She couldn’t wait to get home and take her pants off, because she felt like she was going to burst from the sheet volume of food she had consumed that night. She was so uncomfortable.
“Hey,” Adam said, sounding slightly wounded. “I’ll have you know I don’t fuck drunk chicks. I might be an animal, but I’m not a predator.”
“Congratulations, you have one redeeming personality trait.”
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Oh that’s right, I forgot. I’m the unfuckable, unfeminine, uptight bitch, right?” Lute gulped down the rest of her wine before reaching for her second-last rib.
Adam cocked his head. “I never said you were unfuckable. I said I’d slept with all the Exorcists that I thought were straight. Which, up until about half an hour ago, I was not aware included you.”
Desperately wanting to end this conversation – and the night, Lute held up her final large, juicy rib. “Last one.”
She was sweating, bloated and her throat felt like it had been ripped apart and set on fire, but she’d done it. She’d kept up. Rib-for-rib, like she’d challenged.
Adam raised his eyebrows and downed the rest of his wine. “Fuck me dead, Lute. I thought you’d struggle to get through six with the way you started out.”
Lute shrugged. “Yeah well, I proved you wrong, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, and you also managed to scare the fuck out of the couple next to us. I’ve seen you slaughter thousands of sinners over the years, but honestly, I think it’s your tongue that’s the most terrifying thing about you.”
Lute smirked. “I guess it is.”
And with that, she took the rib whole in her mouth, closing her eyes as she sucked the meat clean off the bone. Once she’d finished, she opened her eyes and set it down on her plate atop the others. Adam was eyeing her with a pained expression.
“I don’t know if I should be turned on or disgusted by that,” he muttered, avoiding eye contact. “But I was definitely wrong about thinking you weren’t into dick after watching you deep throat that massive piece of meat.”
Lute rolled her eyes. “It’s always one step forward and two steps back with you, isn’t it, Sir?”
“You know it, Dangertits. So what do you say? Can the girls have a night of fun?” He extended his hand over the table.
Lute considered it for a moment before reaching forward and shaking it. His handshake was incredibly firm, and she was surprised to discover that the span of her entire hand was almost the same size as the width of his palm. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed how massive his hands were before now.
“Fine. One night out, and then back to regular training.” She quickly let go and exhaled, wishing the remainder of the meeting would come to an end soon so she could go home and unbutton her pants.
After all, how bad could one night at a bar be?
Next time: We find out that a night at a bar can be very, very bad. ...or good.
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little-queer-bee · 7 months
Looking for a Hazbin hotel Roleplay? Lookin for a bottom roleplay partner? Hoping to find someone you can rp with for potentially years at all hours of the day? Look no further!
I am currently looking for Hazbin hotel roleplay partners! I do rp on discord in dm/in personal servers and in public servers! Down bellow ive listed a bunch of different stuff about me and my rp style.
Discord - sorrowbee
I am vehemently pro ship fuck off if you don't care for it. I don't wanna debate.
Lil one paragraph introduction:
Allo i am jami, I have been Arping for fucking years (15ish years) and need constant engagement or i get board. I am constantly coming up with new ideas and simply want someone willing to explore it with me. I want long time commitment. longterm friendship type shit. I am a pest who has weird….weird really weird ships and rp interests. Dark shit comes from this mind. I want friends who like to explore the darker side of writing and who enjoy sappy shit and hurtcomfort. uvu Gotta set these bitches up to fall only to bring them back up again. I am into writing some seriously fucked up shit and want people to come to me with an open mind and an eye for a fun engaging time.
Canon characters or ocs? both?:
Both! i love doing both! I am currently on a kick where i want nothing more than to rp my oc but thats workaroundbale. thats a word i swear.
Small list of characters I play!:
Adelia (my oc), Alastor, Husker (side), Vox, Velvette
Small list of doable ships!:
AdeliaVox, VoxAl, HuskAngel(side ship) , Adeliaanyone, AdeliaVoxAnyone, Voxalmost anyone, the entire cast in a poly ship. other polyships.
Not Safe for Work?
yes (I am into many things but like to do things with mommy/daddy issue vibes, age gap, size dif, monsters, cnc, dubcon, the big stuff you know can be discussed more in depth)
Dead Dove?
yes. I really like exploring things with gore and sensitive topics not seen in rp and fanfic a whole lot. We can go into depth about it and set yes and nos. It is not necessary to make a good rp though.
Bellow are a bunch of lil rp snippits of mine!
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fayes-fics · 6 months
Hope im still on time for the ask snippit game 🫶🏼 13!
Hi lovely! 🫶
Of course! #13 is a Benedict fic that I started almost 2 years ago now, after an AMA night. It’s about him as a virgin having first time sex.
I got to a certain point but it’s sort of stuck in wip hell tbh. Trying to get the balance of sweet hot and 18 yr old Ben being a proto-menace is a challenge lol.
Snippet under cut:
“Benedict, what is this?” you whisper, his hand feeling so large wrapped around yours. So safe.
“A little spot just for us,” he smiles back.
“To do what?” you ask, your breath catching.
“You said you wanted to know a man before you are married,” he shrugs, “and I wish to know a woman.”
“But….” Beyond that, words fail.
You had indeed said that just the other day. It was an idle throwaway comment as you lay in the long grass by the lake, squinting at the sun and enjoying the summer heat on your face. That languid, warm feeling had made you honest and carefree with your words.
“It may be fine for you, Benedict, but I must be a maiden when I marry,” you point out.
“Well, what if you were to marry me someday?” he offers matter of fact.
“Is that a proposal?” you splutter. “Because I find it to be severely lacking.”
He chuckles at your affront. “No, you shall receive a ring when I propose,” he says, with a tinge of something low in his voice.
“So, it is a when now, is it? “ you volley back, feeling a smile tugging at your lips.
“Of that, you can be certain,” he assures. Again, there is something so seductive in the voice, so much older than his eighteen years; it’s quite captivating.
Thanks for your ask my dear 😁🧡🧡
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Last Daily Blog September 19, 2023
Well, it was worth a try, but this didn't turn out like I hoped. For one, I couldn't keep up with a Daily blog or Weekly. My priority has always been on getting my writing done first, and since I've gone to a scheduled posting of once a week for my WIP, I haven't found the time. And since the goal of this was for more fandom interaction, I kind of failed there, too, so I lost the inclination.
I'm also going to stop posting my weekly WIP fic updates. My last post last Tuesday, and Reblog the next day got one Like. There could be a variety of reasons, but this is consistent. If I post a rec for someone else's fic or reblog something, I'll get a fair amount of Likes and Reblogs. If it is my own work....... So, since I have less than 200 followers, it's not a productive way to promote my own work. In other words, my fandom ego gets embarrassed. I do understand that I tend to write niche or on-the-edge Drarry fics. From politics to trans-female!Draco with Harry during the 2-year transition, and this one where we have bi-sexual!Harry (Draco's is in Azkaban for 30 years, and Harry has to marry to uphold the family bloodline). I get it. LOL
So, one last time: Chapter 15 of The Azkaban Letters is up. Next week Harry enters the Portrait Room to meet all of his ancestors.
Okay, enough about my personal issues. BTW I will continue reccing fics and watchout, @hd-fan-fair is coming up in October!
What I've Been Reading:
I'm thoroughly enjoying @oflights The Star Splitter. This is a Drarry Chapter fic that is updated regularly.
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
@oflights is such an amazing plotter. Currently, there are seven chapters posted (34.5K), and Draco is in so much trouble that I haven't a clue how it can get resolved. It's truly delicious reading about Draco taking care of 7-year-old Harry but knowing he shouldn't be.
The Star Splitter on AO3
more recs and then fandom resources under the cut
@squintclover is a new author for me. She's got a very sweet 2 chapter fic going on where the first chapter has been posted. Twirling Cords (like in the muggle movies). I liked it so much that I perused her other fics posted and found this amazing gem. For anyone who loves Matilda and Ms Honey, Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 (2K) is a must read.
A look at Harry Potter's life from the POV of his year 4 teacher, Miss Drew.
These are the last two lines of the opening scene:
We all go into teaching wanting to be Miss Honey. But none of us want to meet our Matilda.  Harry Potter is my Matilda. 
I don't tear up often, but in only 2K, I most certainly did.
Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 On AO3
Please give lots of love and comments to both fics!
Tumblr Resources:
How could I not do this section without mentioning thee amazing @sitp-recs. Reccer Extraordinaire! I'm guessing every one of my followers is a follower of Liv. Her pinned post is so nice and simple, but OMG there is so much under all of those links.
I was in complete awe this past Spring/Summer when she did the Rapid Fire Rec series. I mean come on, how did she do that? Someone gives her a prompt, and she turns around and gives 3 stories dealing with that prompt.
Liv doesn't do Fic Finds; she doesn't tolerate hate or neg comments. What she does is spread Drarry (fic and art) love in every way you can imagine. Tons of love and respect for @sitp-recs for all she does to keep Drarry and some of those rare pairs alive in hp fandom.
One last resource. I've had this on my list to post, but I couldn't track down the author. For those who write about Harry's childhood abuse, this is for you. If you know who compiled this list, please let me know, and I'll give the credit! It's well deserved.
HP Abuse
Okay, that's a wrap. It was fun!
As mentioned above, I'll still be doing recs and other commentary.
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chaos-and-codeine · 3 months
Hey you guys!
So I'm away on a trip for six more days, so I may be a little less active (not that I was insanely active anyway), but I'm working on some stuff that I'm super excited to share. Ultimately that means my little guys are going through it right now as I write all the suffering haha. Hope I can post some of it soon!
For now, enjoy this wild little snippit.
Warnings and content: Electroctuion, captive whumpee, no present whumper, pain, possible torture
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"N-No, don't," Raine searched desperately for a breath through the hot pain, "Don't touch me."
Dellan dropped beside her. His knees hit the floor carelessly as he reached for the metal chaining her to the floor, stopped short by her pleas. She strained against the cuffs at her wrists and ankles before her body fell limp against the ground again.
"If you touch me," Raine gasped again, trying to speak clearly, "they'll shock...us both. They're watching... they'll turn it up..."
Dellan suddenly understood the tensing against the chains; the straining and the shaking. All four cuffs were rigged to electrocute at intervals. And from what Raine said, it sounded like they would up the voltage if he touched her. He noted the camera in the corner, but didn't take it out. Better they think they're in control than provoke them.
Raine's breathing was slower now, but her face clearly revealed the pain she was still in. Tears streaked down toward her ears even as her eyes were shut. Dellan couldn't think about what he saw, couldn't let his mind wander to all that must've happened to her, or he'd fall apart in an instant. And Raine needed him to not fall apart yet.
"Jake is trying to figure out the power source, just hang in there." Dellan said. Just then, Raine let out a cut off groan as her body arched once more. Her face twisted in pain as she fought. After only a handful of seconds she came back down, but it was more than enough to have her gasping for air again.
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novantinuum · 2 months
wip ask meme: "taste of ordinary" chapter 3, "white noise," and also you know i've gotta ask about the ford in hyrule fic LMAO 💜
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Thank you friends! Piling all these asks in here since many of you are curious about White Noise, ahah. Which is lucky, because that's one I am actively working to finish right now and finally got a proper title!
Aight lemme dust off my wips...
Taste of Ordinary Chapter 3:
Okay, so this one is like. Gosh. Portions of it are SUPER old, and that's why it's been taking me forever to finish it, but this story is overtly the first bit of SU fic I ever started to write, predating even Crack the Paragon. But the gist here for the final chapter is that- while Steven goes to spend the weekend with Connie in the hope of enjoying some Gem incident free time away from home- he's sorta hit with the realization that he'll never really be able to completely separate himself from this reality of his life. From the reality of all the consequences that his mother's war left for him.
I have a fun Steven and Connie solo (no CGs to help!) fight sequence planned for this chapter, because... well...
“Aww come on,” he whines, “another corrupted Gem now? Haven’t we bubbled like, a thousand billion of you already?” She shoots to her feet, already taking the offensive. “Um? Shouldn’t we—?” His lips press into a flat line. Deep inside, the months and months of repressed annoyance and stress and frustration coursing through his veins boil over. He extends his free arm and summons a large bubble to envelop the pair of them. Thoroughly satisfied, he situates himself on the log again and stubbornly crosses his legs. “Y’know, after all the days you corrupted Gems have interrupted my quality time, I’ve decided you can hold your horses!” he says with resolve, pausing to lick at his treat. “I’m finishing my ice cream first.” At his side, Connie pales. “What? Steven?!” The corruption howls, slamming her claws against the pink translucent barrier. “Oh, double-fudge rocky road,” he whispers, gently caressing the side of his waffle cone as he purposely tries to ignore the unholy racket outside his bubble. “You’re my only light in a world full of darkness…”
White Noise:
So, I don't want to give away TOO much of the actual body of this one, because it's not going to be a particularly long fic, but this is a sort of coda to the SUF episode In Dreams. I've had much of the dialogue sketched out since the night that episode aired, but just haven't gotten around to fleshing it out until now.
I think it also acts as a bit of a companion to my fic titled Second Skin, the one that explores Steven's growing understanding of his "pink mode" across the epilogue. There was once a time where I considered outright putting it in that fic, but I ended up scraping that idea because I wanted to maintain the (mostly) steady downward spiral of Steven's own mental state in that one, and this particular story ends on a rather sweet note. It just felt like it wouldn't fit, and deserved to be expanded into its own thing.
I will share a few snippits of dialogue. Some of it is already fleshed out, some of it is still just notes.
"So, have you always glowed pink in your sleep like that?"
“I don’t need to be fixed!” he insists, almost feeling sick to his stomach as that damned glowing pallor rises under his cheeks again anyways, a rote betrayal of all his futile claims. “Didn’t we just decide that’s the whole point of us hanging out now? That we don’t have to fix anything anymore?”
(Surprise hug.) “Steven? It’s okay if you’re not okay.” (She says it in such an understanding manner.) “Sometimes… I’m not okay either."
Ford In Hyrule:
I'd still like to do something with this at some point, because I feel like Ford getting hurled into Hyrule would be PRIME material.
But basically, this is an excuse to have a completely external to all the chaos character commentate on the wild Bullshit Hyrule is dealing with and be a nerd. I think Ford would totally geek out over guardians and ancient tech and do THE most dangerous shit to get his hands on ancient cores for his weapon design. With this crossover in mind, I have the silly thought that a giant ancient core actually ends up as the power source for his quantum destabilizer.
Here, have a bit of one of his journal entries:
Journal entry #8539 Day 2 At first glance, this world is a vessel of stark contrasts. A barren land, strewn with ruins of a civilization long past… and yet irrevocably alive. The wide bounty of wildlife, so similar to the creatures of my own dimension in form, are no doubt the true rulers of this place. Thick young-growth forests blanket these rolling hills all the way to the horizon, practically bursting at the seams with deer, wild boar, foxes, squirrels, and wolves. A diverse variety of avian species populate the vast skies. If I’m honest, such unfettered freedom amidst the local fauna is not a sight I often see in a lot of the more technologically advanced dimensions I frequent, and that saddens me. There’s just something so ephemeral and intimate about observing the daily routines of critters in their natural habitats. (And it’s a large reason why I began my cryptozoologic research in the first place.) Of course, as I mentioned briefly in my last entry, the crumbling remains of former houses, barracks, and marketplaces (among countless other facilities I cannot even begin to guess the purpose of) exist as gaping scars amidst this otherwise pristine wilderness. While the broad grasslands I currently traverse certainly seem peaceful on the surface, all the lingering rubble and rust paints a dire picture of this realm’s history. Dented, tarnished swords lay long-abandoned in the dirt. Scattered humanoid remains pepper the edges of settlements like garish confetti. Certain structures are now housed by small troops of tribal, flat-nosed creatures the likes of which I have never seen, a species which must be unique to this dimension. Since these were the first tool-wielding creatures I had encountered in this world, I briefly considered making contact to learn more about their customs and capacity for communication, but after observing their nature from afar for quite some time, I determined it unwise to approach. While seeming endlessly loyal to each other, this species quickly proved to be intensely territorial upon the approach of those who were not a part of their tribe. I watched them all take arms against a lizard-like creature who made the mistake of hunting too close. Suffice it to say, that lizard was not long for the world. I shan’t be making the same mistake.
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dapandapod · 6 months
I wanna hear more about ace Jaskier 👀
I can do that 👀 I am very fond of it, so here's a second snippit! Damnit, why work hours, I wanna work on it more now...
Strangely enough, this fic includes a surprising amount of talking about sex 🤣 They figure it out together! Also, Good Friend Geralt rights! (even if it's end goal Geraskier, because my heart needs it)
Jaskier doesn’t respond immediately and when he is looking over, Jaskier is blushing lightly and he is giving Geralt a cheeky smile. “Why Geralt, are you asking about my habits of self love?” Quickly Geralt turns back towards the road, feeling his own face heat up a little. “I suppose I am. I did really mean generally though, because some of those songs you sing… well. And some of the books you carry with you at times also lean towards the uh… spicier audience.” “My, my, Geralt, did they make you hot and bothered?” Jaskier teases, and Geralt huffs an embarrassed laugh. “Guess that’s why I’m asking,” he shrugs, and Jaskier softens again. He does that a lot now, the gentling around the eyes. It is a becoming look. “It is a reasonable question, if a bit private. But I think that it helps, reading I mean. It allows me to experience and enjoy that part of life without having to… join in? It is safe, because they don’t want me.” He trails off, mind far away, as if he stumbled upon something. “Huh. Well, sidestepping self discovery and back to your question. Yes, it happens, but like you said, it is not aimed anywhere. I can appreciate someone or something being sexy, but it close to never leads me to wanting someone to touch me.”
And so on, and so forth, I wanna give you more, but at this rate, I'll be giving you the entire fic xD hope you like!
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rosekasa · 6 months
You don't need to publish this ask, I hope you don't take it as a bad faith thing either. It's meant to be a compliment (as odd as that sounds)
Your little ladynoirisms and adrienette moments are so cute. So lovely, and they hurt every time I see them because they' are what this could SHOULD be, but not what we were given. the divide between the couple this pair could be (So many Oblivio vibes from your snippits) and where they've been taken by the narrative just glares back from each tender moment.
I'll keep reading them because you write so well, but damn does each one hurt.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ im really glad you enjoy them !!! but i am sorry that they hurt sdfhj. i really sincerely love the show so much and i think my favourite thing about canon is the fact it's not what fanon is, you know? there's so much space for us to explore what could've been which is literally like a petri dish for creativity !! so many of my favourite fics, comic series', illustrations, etc. have been created because they wanted to see something that canon didnt give us 🥺
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Mischa is so GAGAHAKAIAYGAHAJ 😍😍 I need him so bad 🥴
He's very flattered and is proud of me that I did a good job of doing his portrayal justice :))) haha
I'm working on a continuation of the first introduction fic, which follows something akin of a canon storyline, in which the reader becomes his apprentice for real ^^
And beside that, I'm always working on more moodboards and small imagines like the one I did yesterday. Another ask wanted to know more about his fashion sense, what he dresses like and so on, and I will definitively make a big post about that, in addition to answering the ask with some snippits of stuff I managed to find up to this point ^^.
I hope you will enjoy all of the things to come too! <3
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dairi89 · 11 months
Sneak Peek, Shuttlecraft
So I have been really slow with getting anymore writing out. Some things came up in real life, and unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to update Rescue Me until possibly mid-November, but was can hope for earlier. In the meantime, I know it's way late for #26 I think it was for Trektober, Shuttlecraft, but I've had this idea in my mind for a long time and this finally got me to start it. It's gonna be a longer story and I don't have a set time in mind to finish it, but here is a little snippit. Hope you enjoy. ;)
“Sir, there seems to be some sort of object on a path of collision with Shuttlecraft 2…moving rapidly.” Chekov replied, looking over his shoulder at Kirk with a clearly worried expression. Jim stood up from his Captain’s chair and drifted towards the viewscreen a few steps.
“Can we target it with a tractor beam, move it out of the way? Or if it’s unmanned, blow it up before it hits our craft?” Kirk suggested, looking over at the science officer currently standing in for Spock, who was currently in a lab somewhere going over what they’d found on the planet below.
“Scans of the object and inconclusive, sir. It appears to be made of some kind of metal, but as for exact size or signs of sentient life on board - I can’t get a clear enough reading, sir.” Taylor responded, shaking his head.
“Jones, open communications with the shuttle. Tell Mr. Sulu-” Kirk began, but was cut off by Chekov’s sudden cry of,
“Sir! The object - it just…”
“Sir, Sulu is reporting a hull breach - but I can’t…” Lieutenant Jones squinted, pressing the ear piece a little more into her ear as she flipped various switches and tried to get a better signal from the shuttle. “There is too much background noise, sir. It will take me a few moments to clean this up.”
“Do it,” Kirk responded, then turned back to Chekov, “Mr. Chekov, what is happening with our shuttle?”
“...It is going down, sir. There - there seemed to be…something falling from it…” That caught Kirk’s attention again, but he waited for Chekov to go on, “...the two objects are too far in the atmosphere for us to get a clear reading, sir, but based on the trajectory of the craft I can provide coordinates for a search party, Captain.” Chekov explained, only looking up at the end of his little speech.
“Two objects?” Kirk muttered to himself, but was again distracted at Jones’ urgent <em>sir.</em> 
“Lieutenant Uhura got sucked through the breach in the hull, sir.” She informed her Captain, eyes wide. “And…and I believe, sir, Sulu just said Doctor McCoy went out after her.”
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imastarokay · 2 years
Chapter 8 of my Romione Fic: When a Rose is met with a Thorn:
Current word count: 21121
Click to read my fic
Here's the Summary:
What if Hermione was the one who left during the Deathly Hallows, and never came back? What if the war never ended and things just got worse for 16 years until one fateful day, when it did end, and Hermione knew she had to come back?
Rose Granger, a fifteen year old girl has to deal with her mother's constant secrecy and abnormalities. Her mother is not like other mothers, hell she isn't like anyone she's ever met. It never all pieced together until now. What will happen when Rose investigates her mother's past and discovers secrets to otherworldly too be true?
Snippit from Chapter: "On the drive back to her house, Hermione couldn’t stop thinking about how good it felt to feel young again. Although both she and Ron have aged a great amount since they last saw each other, Ron could easily make her feel youthful, and she loved him for that."
I hope y'all enjoy if you choose to read. Reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated.
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little-queer-bee · 16 days
Looking for a Hazbin hotel Roleplay? Lookin for a bottom roleplay partner? Hoping to find someone you can rp with for potentially years at all hours of the day? Look no further!
I am currently looking for Hazbin hotel roleplay partners! I do rp on discord in dm/in personal servers and in public servers! Down bellow ive listed a bunch of different stuff about me and my rp style.
Discord - sorrowbee
I am vehemently pro ship fuck off if you don't care for it. I don't wanna debate.
Lil one paragraph introduction:
Allo i am jami, I have been Arping for fucking years (15ish years) and need constant engagement or i get board. I am constantly coming up with new ideas and simply want someone willing to explore it with me. I want long time commitment. longterm friendship type shit. I am a pest who has weird….weird really weird ships and rp interests. Dark shit comes from this mind. I want friends who like to explore the darker side of writing and who enjoy sappy shit and hurtcomfort. uvu Gotta set these bitches up to fall only to bring them back up again. I am into writing some seriously fucked up shit and want people to come to me with an open mind and an eye for a fun engaging time.
Canon characters or ocs? both?:
Both! i love doing both! I am currently on a kick where i want nothing more than to rp my oc but thats workaroundbale. thats a word i swear.
Small list of characters I play!:
Adelia (my oc), Vix (oc) Alastor, Husker (side), Vox, Velvette
Small list of doable ships!:
AdeliaVox, VoxAl, HuskAngel(side ship) , Adeliaanyone, AdeliaVoxAnyone, Voxalmost anyone, the entire cast in a poly ship. other polyships.
Not Safe for Work?
yes (I am into many things but like to do things with mommy/daddy issue vibes, age gap, size dif, monsters, cnc, dubcon, the big stuff you know can be discussed more in depth)
Dead Dove?
yes. I really like exploring things with gore and sensitive topics not seen in rp and fanfic a whole lot. We can go into depth about it and set yes and nos. It is not necessary to make a good rp though.
Bellow are a bunch of lil rp snippits of mine!
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shouldersshrug · 1 year
You can call me Jasper! That isn't my name but it's the name of my current stardew farmer so I don't mind it being used. I use he/him pronouns. This is my stardew valley writing blog!
I'll probably post the following:
writing + snippits
sdv headcannons
gameplay screenshots
general fandom brain type stuff
probably some NSFW, so please keep in mind this blog is 18+
My tags:
#shoulder shrugging -> posts i make
#reblog -> reblogged posts
#good as writing -> writing that isn't mine that i rb
#good ass art -> art that isn't mine that i rb
#character thoughts -> usually longform posts about my personal headcannons, or other people's headcannons
I do plan on adding character specific tags at some point :)
This is the first blog I've decided to make fandom specific and fully seperate from my regular blog, so I hope you guys enjoy my stuff! I hope to maybe even some friends in the community, mayhaps?
My ao3: ShoulderShrug
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wooahaes · 2 years
If you're still in need of some EXO recommendations, I got you! Enjoy the following ask that definitely isn't way too long didn't take me way too much time to put togetherbecause I couldn't decide on just a few songs
(before getting to the list tho, I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your writing and it's helped me through some hard last weeks, so thank you for that 🥰)
So, first of all, fitting to this season, I can really recommend the whole universe album (I especially enjoy Fall), Sing for you and miracles in december, 10/10, always great
Then, we've got the classics - Baby don't cry, Mama (their debut, still hitting strong), Overdose
The title tracks obviously as well, but I especially really really love Tempo, the acapella part in the bridge is just out of this world good; also Lucky One is a really really good one (that I feel often gets overshadowed by Monster)
Now I could list a lot of side tracks, but I'm gonna try to keep it to two per Album ^^' and go through them chronologically
Playboy and Hurt, Promise/Exo 2014, Artificial Love and They never know, Can't bring me down, Boomerang, The eve (obviously, you definitely have to watch the dance practice too), walk on memories and touch it, ooh lalala and smile on my face, Jekyll and Groove, Paradise
Now coming to the solos and subunits, I'll just go for one each, because this is already way too long 😶
Baekhyun - UN Village
Kai - Nothing On Me
D.O. - Rose
Chen - Beautiful Goodbye
Suho - Starry Night
Xiumin - Brand New
EXO-CBX (Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin) - Hey Mama
EXO-SC (Sehun and Chanyeol) - What a Life
And last but not least: Lay - Lit this song is just so so so good, it's honestly one of my all time favourites
hii nonny! ive been meaning to get around to listening to all of these but im just gonna answer this one ask (since other ppl have suggested the same songs) and listen through rn!!
also tysm!! i'm glad i was able to help you through hard times. i hope things are better for you now <3 december has been weird for a lot of us i think, but we're getting through it. 2023 is just around the corner!!
i'm gonna go into this mentioning that the only EXO songs i know are love love love, tempo, baby don't stop, ko ko bop, and el dorado. there's probably more i've heard snippits of, but those are the ones i'm most familiar with >:3 (love love love was one of the first songs i listened to (outside of shinee) back in like. 2014-2015ish when i was originally into kpop tbh!!)
i'll come back to sing for you + miracles in december since universe has been a lot slower/calm winter vibes which is great but im admittedly in a weird spot rn ksdhfsdf but i do enjoy universe!! the winter vibes are great, just not what i need in this moment <3 (i'll def try to return to these later and give them a proper listen-through)
baby don't cry is like... oddly cozy in a way i can't describe? but ugh their voices layer so nicely here. also wait wtf this was 2013... how...
OH IVE HEARD MAMA. lets see how many of these songs i already know. it absolutely hits strong how the fuck is their debut??? some groups rly do just have debut songs that will always slap. also hehe they look like babies on the album cover. their vocals literally are so strong tho what da hell... how old were they at debut...
oh they were all upwards of 17. yeah that'd probably make sense.
know im also looking at songs on color coded and what the HELL kai's voice..... wack.
this answer is gonna be really long as u can tell.
OH ive also heard overdose. same album as love love love apparently :0 wack. overdose also slaps. i feel like im just gonna go through every song like "yeah this slaps" but tbh everything so far has slapped
im listening to tempo and im like wow. more guys <3 also the squeaking is the only cursed part of this song. i read a reddit thread once that mentions there was Someone who kept using the sound in songs??? the cursed SM era. song still slaps tho <3
i have reached lucky one. this one i haven't heard before! :D oh wait i lied. i was abt to be like 'idk where i heard it' BUT I'VE HEARD THE CHINESE VERSION.... probably in the rhythm smtown. im blanking on the name. but i do recognize the chorus lmao i was like hm why does this seem a lil off and its bc i've heard it in chinese lmao
good song tho!! its fun <3
OOO PLAYBOY IS ANOTHER I KNOW and love a lot. i mentioned once that i love the exo version but i always wished there was an official recording by jjong since both have different energies. i could go into it but i think jjong's live version he did once felt more... smooth? while the exo version feels a lot more playful and teasing. both are so good in different ways. it works so well with their voices imo but god i can only think of jonghyun when i hear it. it feels like such a Him song to write. i'll stop talking abt him but know that i do love the way EXO did the song.
hurt i don't think i know? we'll know when we hit the chorus. ok i dont know this. but :0 i have no idea how to talk about music despite taking classes for that lmao but!! the drawn out 'hurt' in 'you hurt me' just... flows so nicely?
can i say i rly do love baekhyun's vocals. like idk i think i usually notice his voice above the others at times. im saying this while listening to promise/exo 2014. also forgive me if its the wrong word but chanyeol has like... a slight rasp to his voice? its SO nice to listen to tbh idk if thats the right word but its like. texture. it scratches a brain itch.
ooo artificial love i also know primarily from the chinese version. it also slaps idk what else to say here sdfkhsdf it Does
they never know is another im unfamiliar with. i am repeating myself when i say i think everything slaps but there's something like... SO soothing abt this one while i can kinda bop to it as well? exo can do it all-
ok im gonna start making comments when i actually have them. if i don't say i dislike something, then assume its gonna be the usual 'this fucking slaps yo???'
OH YOO??? the like... contrast between "무너져 가는 Wall / 니 별은 이미 Fall" like. w wall and fall being much deeper? it is delicious. i am consuming this. its also in the different "down"s at the end of lines. tht contrast though UGH <3333 its so good
im gonna take a sec to mention that i really like the different exo album covers and like. the different way their logo is made. i just think its neat :)
im watching the dance practice for the eve. why are men hot. anon why would u do this to me. NOOO WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!! I UNDERSTAND WHY U SAID I HAVE TO WATCH IT is this allowed. in my good christian minecraft server. i need to stress my 'why are men hot' was said within the first like 10 seconds.
ok i finally did something smart and just queued up everything else so i dont have to manually search.
walk on memories + touch it are both good! i don't have any real comments haha
have i mentioned i rly love how their voices mesh when singing together... bc i do...
jekyll slaps. i feel the need to mention it specifically. also groove is such a like. 180 from how intense jekyll was. 11/10 i love that.
ooo i rly like paradise :0 idk what abt it gets me but it scratches a certain itch and im into it
ok im gonna do the solo ones faster. baekhyun good and i already know this (i've heard some of his solo stuff and also his voice is just... so cozy. let him out of the military rn.
i put these out of order by accident so kai's song is after xiumin's--anyway YOOO I KNOW D.O'S SONG its on my lovey playlist hehe (the english version is i mean). solid song, makes me smiley <3
beautiful goodbye: makes me want to cry. good song <3
starry night: ooo... cozy. kinda sad. very pretty tho.
brand new: absolutely not what i expected ngl but im already into it. his voice reminds me of someone and i don't know who?? im boppin tho
nothing on me: kai is also someone who's solo work i've heard before--in terms of like... the big ones (mmm + peaches) and vanilla. his voice is so nice. idk how else to describe it, im running low on brain juice and im gonna make food after i finish out the last few songs
hey mama!: ooo this is fun <3 truthfully at this point i think if u tell me baekhyun is in anything, i'd probably listen.
what a life: ngl i wasn't sure if i'd be into it but the chorus slaps and i def enjoy it more after hearing the first chorus. random comment but i have to wonder if vernon has listened to this before. something about the way it flows, esp at the chorus, make me think of him and the way he makes music
lit: oh. oh. this gave me chills (in a v good way)
i'd give final thoughts but i think the general "exo fucking slaps" is all i can manage rn
ty for the long ask (even tho im getting to it a lil late) i hope u are having a good day <3
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