#hope y’all are swell ! i am Not lmao but
Does seeing Rainfall when she was still called Asterfall on her character card on the og og blog count as art/characters?
Saw it and was like, yeah, I wanna see more this. Looked into the lore and I was a goner :)
Mind still very blown away by how much has improved and changed since then. It’s absolutely incredible Spotty.?
This ask is from a while ago, sorry I’m only getting to it now, my energy’s been in the negatives-
Every time I look at it, though, my serotonin just SWELLS, so I’ve been hoarding it in my inbox like a little goblin lmao,, sincerely, you, Ruse, and X-Critter have been my biggest and longest supporters and for that I will always be grateful to y’all.
Being able to share OFND with others is a dream I never thought I’d be able to achieve (for numerous personal reasons, but just know,, it means a lot) but being able to sit here now and share all my needlessly complex lore and characters is. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
Thank you to all who bore with me throughout OFND’s journey thus far, and I hope that you’re all as eager to see it continue to grow as I am <3
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websaved-a · 5 years
hello i miss my girl
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kagejima · 2 years
Oh-kay so I just spent the last however much time catchin up on your blog from the last week and a half —cause I usually have your post notifs on but I’ve been not on here in a minute.
BUT all this to say that I’m thinkin bout some nsfw Ushi things and since Wakatoshi Wednesday is upon us I thought I’d share with ya
—so I guarantee it’s been though of before but it’s fine lmao
Wakatoshi who doesn’t really acknowledge the size difference between you at first, because most everyone’s smaller than him so yeah of course his new partner is smaller that’s not abnormal
Wakatoshi who doesn’t pay attention until Tendou meets his partner for the first time and makes some comment like “they’re so small compared to you!” and “jeez that’s quite the size difference” and “you’re careful with them right?” in a teasing tone as he’s wagging his eyebrows “knowingly”
Now it’s “knowingly” in quotations because y’all haven’t done anything yet because Ushijima is respectful and the relationship is still on the newer side
But Ushijima is slowly becoming more aware of how much smaller you are than him—he thinks it’s … cute? Thinks you’re adorable
And when he finally decides to put you between him and a flat surface, caging you against the wall, with Tendou’s words hot in the back of his mind he realizes just how small you are. Just how much he towers over you and how much bigger he is.
Ushijima who can lift you off the ground like its nothing, like you weigh nothing. Who can twist your body to his liking and have you hovering over his cock that you think won’t fit. Because you’ve been aware of how much bigger he is than you.
Ushijima who encourages you with soft kisses and praises calling you his “pretty baby” and “you’ll be good for me right?” but still pauses and checks in with “you okay baby?” and “it’s okay if you want to stop” as he splits you open on his cock.
Ushijima who can’t help but get even harder as you whine about how big he is inside of you. Who can’t help but feel pride swell in his chest when you complain about being “so full” and he’s not even bottomed out.
Ushijima who watches as your eyes glaze over and jaw goes slack when he does bottom out.
Ushijima who realizes maybe he has a thing for how small you are compared to him. Who uses you like his personal fleshlight, bouncing you up and down on his cock as he praises you “how cute you look taking all of me” “look so small in my arms baby” “look so adorable all stretched out around me” “so pretty when you cum for me, do it again baby?”
Ushijima who fucks you until your whole body goes limp and you can’t do anything but babble his name and about how big he is.
Ushijima who now, every time he’s reminded of how much smaller you are than him, has to refrain from picking you up and manhandling you into whatever position he deems fit at the moment to have you babbling about him all over again.
…anyways. THAT WAS WAY LONGER THAN I MEANT— it’s 2245 for me…I need to go to sleep smh
Hope you have a good day !! <33
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KAZE!!!! KAZE???!!!?!??! KAZE!!!!!!!!!
KAZE, HELLO????? HELLO???????????
also my apologies for having notifications for me and expecting quality stories and its just text post goblin nonsense LMAOOO NFJSNFNSN 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ also when did tumblr start doing that, i gotta start doing that for moots!!!!!!!
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vtforpedro · 4 years
health/life update beyond like the actual symptoms of my neuro condition being horrifying to live with and the struggles I’m having cause of them all around, one of the worst things is that I can’t focus on reading fic other than my own. my concentration is shot. and even worse, I can’t actually physically watch tv or movies anymore. I’ve maybe watched three movies in a year and suffered quite a bit with one and no TV at all. I can’t watch videos on my computer or phone if they’re longer than about 1-2min because my head will go into an episode. in the beginning months of this I couldn’t even listen to music lol and sometimes I still have to listen to softer music as low as it’ll go if my head is bothering me or it’ll make it worse so I can’t consume any media and it fucking sucks. it just does. I miss watching movies and TV, I’m so far behind on so many good ones. I’ve gotten some weird push back on this like if I just ~tried~ it wouldn’t give me a physical reaction like I don’t live in my own body (god hasn’t this been a theme for over a year tho lmao). it’s because my neurological stuff is swelling my brain slightly and causing pressure on my optic nerves. surprisingly this fucks with my vision and is a symptom of IIH? moving your eyes in a certain direction (the direction being affected by the pressure) will make it WORSE. doctors looked at me like I was crazy when I told them this when it’s a fucking known, documented symptom that I found on my own. forever gonna be salty about it y’all lmao. anyway I can’t watch rapid movement, which most tv shows and movies have. camera changes, action, loud conversations with lots of movement, I physically cannot do it or I will suffer in agony because my brain literally swells and behaves like it has a tumor!! even gifs that move too fast or loop or have flashing shit can do it. it sucks but I hope one day it’ll get better and I can actually watch stuff again but what’s even worse is that because I’m not consuming anything, I am not part of any fandom now. I’m leaving my current fandom for a lot of reasons and idk if I’ll go back and I feel the same way with b*gginshield. the fandoms I want to write for I haven’t watched or consumed any content for them in at least 14 months and in some cases years. the one tiny fandom I could prolly write for has 300 fics in it and I’m not gonna start pouring my heart into these characters to get zero feedback, ya know? I wouldn’t post my fics if I didn’t want feedback I’ve been writing more than ever and putting out my best writing, in fact, and I’m really proud of my last year’s worth of fics soooo my massive dilemma is that I can’t read fic, can’t watch TV or movies, can’t write for the fandom I love because it’s fucking with my mental health, can’t force myself to write for fandoms I’ve written for already...... while I am in a huge creative mood? I think I’m gonna go fuckin nuts with the extreme creativity I’ve been feeling and no fandom outlet. like what the heck do I do. I can only work on art sparingly so it’s not enough to satisfy the itch, you know? I feel like I’m stuck in a corner and will be until like the end of the year when hopefully I am no longer suffering from this and can watch things. after everything I’ve gone through I wouldn’t be shocked if I could never watch anything again lol but trying to have hope I’m feeling really lost and lonely and the idea of having no fandom anymore to participate in scares me. I just want to write and enjoy myself like I did with b*gginshield. I only have timee on my hands cause I’m so severely disabled. what do I doooooo I’m sorry for this, it has been a rough fucking week, and I just want a little peace from my health, physically and mentally. it’s been a really long 14 months :/ p.s. my cancer numbers were undetectable in my blood for a second time in a row so I am staying off the chemo pill indefinitely and hoping it doesn’t get high enough to need to get back on for a long time. it was destroying my body and she said others are likely to give me the same side effects so OOF
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Gutter Balls
Franklin x Male Reader (MGG Character from Beginner’s Luck)
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This is my birthday present to @clean-bands-dirty-stories​ !!!! Happy Birthday love you and your stories so much!!!! They requested this from me a little while back and I thought it would be a nice birthday surprise!
Summary: While meeting up for a friendly game of bowling with Franklin’s team, some very rude people at the alley decide to tell their opinion about yours and Franklin’s relationship. 
A/N: Hey Hey loves, here’s my first x male reader!! I’m very excited to have more inclusive options on my blog for a wide variety of readers. I am female myself but, I know how much people who love MGG struggle to find x male or x GN fics. If you have any requests for x male or x GN readers send them my way! Also if you have any ideas on how to improve my writing please feel free to shoot me a message or an anon! Also I did try to make the dialogue funny from the main characters so I hope I did ok on that lmao—Hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: Homophobia, Swearing, Violence (the people definitely deserve it though) Not a warning but this does End Happy!
Masterlist Word Count: 1.3k
Being Franklin’s boyfriend was like a dream. We were still deep in the honeymoon faze even after being together for 4 months. When I was with him everything seemed perfect like nothing could go wrong.
Now it was time for me to finally meet up with his team for the first time at the bowling alley. I had met them all before but, not as Franklin’s official boyfriend. I honestly don’t know what I was worried about, they had been our biggest supporters. We both almost lived at the bowling alley with my job at the concession counter and his obsession to be the best bowler in Little Falls. We made eyes at each other for months before Franklin made the first move. Honestly, I’m pretty sure Franklin’s team would’ve locked us in the back room of the bowling alley if we hadn’t admitted our feelings to each other.
My nerves over hanging out with the team were definitely unsubstantiated. Everything was going smoothly, they all were warm welcoming especially Pamela and Judith.
Beth was a little more wary of me. She kept commenting on the fact that Franklin was special and that I should watch my back. I think she’s just being protective of him in her own way. (But she still kinda scares me)
Bomber I think was confused at first as to why I was there, she kept asking me to refill her drinks until Franklin and I clarified again that I was here to bowl with them. (Not that I was very good at it)
Everything was perfect.
I had even gotten a strike!
That was until Franklin gave me a small peck to congratulate me for my strike.
Some assholes that we’re fully taking advantage of the cheap beer that was sold at the bar decided that they wanted to voice their opinions on our relationship.
“Hey- we don’t like your kind here even if you are a God at bowling!” A greasy haired man with a mullet shouted out obnoxiously at us drawing the attention of the entire alley. Franklin was about to whip around to say something but I decided to pull him into a hug instead as a subtle way to calm him down while simultaneously telling the group to fuck off and mind their own business.
“It’ll be ok Frankie, I promise.” I said while rubbing circles on his back trying to soothe the rage I could sense bubbling up from him. It’s not that I didn’t want to respond myself but, I was worried that Franklin would get into too much trouble if he retaliated. He was known for his fiery temper when someone angered him, “Let’s just ignore him and finish the game off strong. I think it’s your turn next.”
He nodded slightly after pulling away from me and moved away to grab his ball for his turn. But, not before shooting a not so subtle glare at the men at the counter.
The rest of the team were hyping Franklin up extra, especially Pamela, for his turn. My heart swelled at the sweet gesture of support from them, they loved to see Franklin happy and successful even if he was a little much at times.
My happiness was quickly squashed by one of the other douche nozzles deciding to chime in a rather crude slur at Franklin just before he let go of the ball. The ball slipped out of his large hands at an awkward angle and shot straight into the gutter making my own rage start to boil over.
I shot a quick glare at the group of them and an especially pointed look at my co- worker, silently begging her to kick the assholes out of the bar. Even though she didn’t like my new boyfriend (she said he acted like a gremlin) my co-worker Rebecca was shooting me a sympathetic glance. I knew she was shy about confrontation though I wished she would just grow some balls and kick them out.
Franklin’s face had gone as red as the scarlet bowling ball that I held in my hands ready to hand off to Bomber for her turn. I walked over to him to try to calm him down again and tune out the slurs that were now freely coming from the three douche canoes.
“I’m gonna show them what happens when someone better then God lays into them.” He spat out in a deadly tone. If a glare could kill I’m sure the three men would be dead from the one that was peeking through his clear frames.
“Franklin- stop it’s not worth it if you get into trouble, they’re just a bunch of drunks. Rebecca will kick them out soon I’m sure-“
A loud squeak fell from my mouth cutting off my train of thought when Franklin suddenly had his lips on mine. Franklin was always a little rough when we made out but this was different. It was hard, passionate and like Franklin was trying to mark me as his territory to everyone no matter what stupid slur came out of whoever’s mouth. I almost forgot that we were standing in the middle of a quite crowded bowling alley until I had to come up for air. But, that was only for a short moment before I was pulled in by another kiss.
I opened my eyes to get a good look of what was going on behind me once I found my bearings. I smirked into the kiss at the funny sight I was witnessing.
Franklin had his large middle finger pointed upwards facing behind him at the 3 assholes at the bar.
“Y’all suck and you ain’t shit!” Pamela was shouting and had now taken a defensive stance, standing on top of one of the rickety plastic chairs while adding her own two middle fingers to flash at the dicks.
Bomber looked like she was ready to explode like dynamite. She was muttering words under her breath while grabbing a few bowling balls that I’m pretty sure she was planning on chucking at them.
Beth was cracking all her knuckles and putting her hair up into an obnoxiously short and high pony tail with a dark look on her face.
Judith was the most calm out of the group saying a prayer off to the side. But, from what I could hear she was asking the lord to forgive her for curb stomping some bitches.
Bomber was the first to charge at the group with two pink and purple bowling balls. Which, was funnily enough enough of a threat for the three guys to rush out of the bar. They tripped out, obviously inebriated, while Judith and Beth joined in on the chase following Bomber with Pamela trailing behind with some pretty solid trash talk.
“You’re a bunch of gutter balls!” Pamela shouted out as they pushed the glass doors open, with one of the drunks falling onto their face before scrambling away.
I was now laughing into our kiss along with Franklin, glad to see them get their comeuppance. Franklin’s were arms wrapped around me in a deep embrace that I never wanted to escape from, they were soon joined by the rest of the team coming in for a group hug. I felt fully welcomed and accepting onto their team, even though I suck at bowling.
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what-the-fic-khr · 4 years
Heya! I hope we can request now! OwO if so then I'd like a hcs with Hibari, Dino, Yamamoto (all separately lol) and their s/o sharing a bed for the first time (not in that way but more like a sleepover thing. Can turn into smth else too tho 🤷‍♀️ )
IVE NEVER WRITTEN HEADCANONS ANON SO I HOPE THESE ARE ALRIGHT LOL I feel best grasping anything with some kind of scene, so each has a little scenario!! thank you for requesting!
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Kyoya sharing a bed with someone?? probably awful at first like it’s so tense can you even breathe in there are you okay
doesn’t move so much, but obviously very light sleeper so he’d be better off with someone who doesn’t move much in their sleep
I think the first time would be SO nerve wracking like that’s awful and he can tell you’re so nervous like??
so he’d like,, pet your head to try and make you relax
if you’re lucky he might hold you or smth lol
he looks so peaceful asleep so you manage to fall asleep because of him
“What are you doing...?”
You frowned up at the ceiling for a short moment before huffing softly. “Sorry, sorry... It’s probably super annoying since you’re trying to sleep, but-“
You flinched, closing your eyes when he dropped the back of his hand on your face. He could feel you scrunch your your nose and almost snorted.
He shifting his hand up and gently brushed his knuckles against your forehead a few times until he could physically feel you relax next to him.
“If you’re so stressed out, you won’t get to sleep.”
Well, obviously, but you were stressed for a reason...
“It’s like any other time we’ve napped together. Is it really any different?” He wondered lazily. He didn’t think there was any real difference.
You pressed your tongue against your cheek before shaking your head. “Guess not.”
“Right. Go to sleep.”
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Dino, despite being very good with people (and probably having been with others before), is probably just as nervous as you are
it’s the first time with someone he’s in a relationship with, so naturally he is!!
you’re all embarrassed and flustered and he’s all nervous and shuffling around and stuff it’s cute lol
leave a space for God am I right
that’s a joke
he does leave some space at first bc he wants to make you as comfortable as possible he’s so nice
and you would like, maybe grab his hands between you and shuffle a little closer to the middle of the bed, so he would too
might laugh at how awkward y’all are being like “haha it’s like I’m fifteen again” to lighten the mood
“Y’know, you’re super nice to hug, actually.”
You huffed softly at this, fingers curling around his shirt. He said things like that with such ease; how did he do it?
“You’re pretty small.”
“So you fit in my arms!”
He laughed into your hair when he heard an embarrassed noise you tried to hide in his chest. He couldn’t say that any other time of the day?
“Well, you’re nice to hug, too...”
He hummed to indicate he was listening, gently twirling some of your hair around his finger as he waited patiently for you to continue.
“You’re big and you make feel safe.”
His heart swelled at this. You felt safe with him. With him. That was all he’d want.
“Good. I’m glad.”
“You also smell nice...”
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probably nervous but super good at hiding it so you probably wouldn’t notice
he’s try to make it seem like something you’d done before, for years, just to make it easier to do the first time he’s so sweet
he’d be in bed and let the mattress with a dumb smile hah. would make you laugh a bunch during the whole process of trying to wind down for the night
bc of his father you’d probably be there for the first time bc of smth super dumb and inconvenient like a storm
he’s there to keep you safe!!
I think he’s probably touchy in his sleep if someone’s there, so he might hug you and hold you!! but he’ll also be the type to throw an arm out and smack you in the face lol
“Are you comfy?”
You nodded slowly, shuffling around so you could fit next to him comfortably. His bed wasn’t made for two people, obviously, and he was so much bigger than you, so you had to be pretty close to him.
“Ehh, it sure is cold, though,” you mumbled, glancing up and straining your eyes as you tried to look back towards the window, rain pattering against it pretty heavily.
Your squeak was muffled when Takeshi wrapped you up in his arms and squeezed you to his chest.
“Then, I’ll keep you warm!”
You smiled crookedly at this, petting his shoulder gently. “Thank you...”
It would be easy to fall asleep like this, wrapped up in his arms, warm and safe. Listening to his heartbeat, and the rain outside that reminded you so much of your beautiful Takeshi.
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killjoy-loveit · 4 years
Something You’re Not
A/N: Welcome to Spring Season Stories! This is the 18th of the daily stories in April, so be on the lookout for more! If you’re wondering what the posting schedule is, then search ‘Spring season Stories’ on my blog and the calendar should pop up. I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. As always, the links for my masterlists will be in the notes, though I have come to find (after months of doing this lmao) that on mobile you have to click my reblog of the post to actually get the links- same applies to desktop. I am just going to add that I am planning on a part 2 of this, just so y’all don’t think I’m 110% out to crush your hearts.
Summary: Not everything is what it seems.
Word Count: 2,832
Genre: Spy AU, Angst, a bit of fluff in the middle
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     Light spilled in from the window behind you, easily illuminating the papers sitting out on your desk. Despite being easy to read, you wanted to slam your head against the desk in frustration. How is it okay to send so much paperwork, to analyze and go over, a mere hour from the meeting? Your boss must be out of his mind to think you’d be able to fully comprehend over a hundred pages filled with legal jargon in that short of a time frame. A scream of annoyance built up in your throat as thoughts plagued you to just toss the documents and finally quit. It sucked to be taken advantage of like this, over and over again.
     All because your boss, Mr. Dunne, the eccentric government official he was, knew that you weren’t very good at saying no to more work. This was because you were desperate to prove your value as an employee for your government so that you might be promoted. There was no way in hell you were going to let your political science degree, acquired from one of the most prestigious universities in the nation, go to waste. Putting up with such harsh extremes was your duty as you, unluckily, were hired to assist him with his work, rather than his kinder associate Ms. York. 
     She was the one you were hoping to work for in all honesty. Ms. York was known for her high morals and consideration of the people, not to mention she was one of the youngest government officials in office and a woman at that. There were times you ran into her in the hallways and she always made sure to greet you politely, asking how you were doing, before moving on her way. Everyone spoke highly of her, even the terrible Mr. Dunne, whose approval was difficult to gain. 
     “Enough of dwelling on how Mr. Dunne sucks, these papers aren’t going to analyze themselves,” you muttered quietly.
     Just like that, your mind focused on the task at hand, letting go of the heavy frustration and annoyance weighing on your mind. Words seemed to bleed together as your eyes flew over each page, taking brief seconds to highlight important parts. Little notes were written in the margins if a section didn’t quite make sense, while small stars indicated something that was written well. By the end of the hour, you had managed to go over approximately ninety percent of the papers placed on your desk. Which was an excellent job, if you must say so yourself. 
     At that moment a knock sounded on your office door before opening to reveal Mr. Dunne himself. He stepped in with an air of authority that would make anyone else afraid to question him. His demeanor was always something you had admired, despite his terrible personality, he always carried himself well and demanded respect wherever he went. 
     “Do you have the papers ready?”
     A tight smile graced your lips. “I have almost finished all of them. If I could be admitted into the meeting later I can finish the rest and bring them to you then.”
     “You couldn’t finish such a small task?” His tone dripped with disapproval.
     “Sir, I sincerely apologize. I have only ten more pages left to go over. I can give you what I’ve finished and bring the rest into the meeting later if you allow me to.”
     “Fine. Give me the ones that are finished.”
     The smile you held firmly on your face was starting to feel painful. “Yes sir, of course. Here they are.” You stated politely, lifting the stack of papers and handing them to him.
     Mr. Dunne let out an annoyed huff before turning and excusing himself from your office. Once you were sure he was gone, you dragged your hands down your face in frustration. Letting out a sigh you turned your attention to the remaining ten pages, refocusing in on the work. 
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     Each place you went in the store was crowded with those who were doing their grocery shopping after getting off work. Normally you were aware of this rush and you tended to avoid it by shopping early on the weekends, but you hadn’t been able to make it this past weekend. Now you were stuck having to go during the store’s busiest hours, having to squeeze through the throngs of people just to get a few items. There were only a few things left for you to collect before being able to rush home: milk, bread, and cheese. Getting the last two items was no big deal, but as you made your way to the refrigerated section containing milk, it was clear that you might not leave the store with the half-gallon you’d wanted.
     You were about to turn around, giving up on the milk entirely when you saw one left, sitting at the very back of the section. Quickly, you made your way to it, hand outstretched and ready to grasp the handle. But someone beat you to it. With a spin of your heels, you turned to face the person who had taken the half-gallon you were going for. The guy in question seemed to be oblivious that you had even been there, let alone reaching for the same thing as him. A small sound of frustration escaped you at the loss. It appeared you wouldn’t be having coffee this week, not unless you woke up earlier to stop by a cafe on your way to work.
     “Are you okay?” A voice broke through your thoughts of having to endure Mr. Dunne without being properly caffeinated.
     Your eyes locked onto the guy who had just barely managed to swipe the milk from you, all without realizing he’d done so. “Yeah… Yeah, it’s just that was the last of the milk and I need milk for my coffee. I’m now going to have to handle my boss without coffee. Let me just tell you, I have never known someone more frustrating than him!” You complain, hands waving in the air when talking about Mr. Dunne. A second later, after seeing the guy’s bewildered face, embarrassment crept up on you. “Sorry, you probably didn’t need all of that information. Umm, I’ll be on my way now.”
     You had maybe made it a couple of feet before you felt something being placed into your basket. Tilting your head, you spotted the same guy you’d just been conversing with. The milk settled in your basket.
     He gave you a small smile. “I figure you need this more than me, I don’t need it to put up with my boss.”
     “I-Uh… Thank you. No, really, thank you so much!”
     His eyes shone with a gentleness, this paired with the way he nodded at you before turning around had you calling out for him to wait.
     “Umm, well… Could I maybe treat you to coffee sometime to thank you?” You asked softly.
     “I’d like that.”
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     It wasn’t until a week later that you were both able to meet up for coffee. Chan, you’d learned his name when exchanging contact information, was kept almost as perpetually busy as you were. Everything had started smoothly, a light chatter being upheld as you ordered your drinks and paid. But that chatter has long since faded and you felt awkwardness creeping up on the two of you. You, for one, were staring down at the table, every so often your gaze flickered over to Chan sitting opposite you. Wracking your brain for anything to start up the conversation anew was slightly frustrating. Any way you typically knew how to create a conversation had fled your mind, leaving you alone with frantic thoughts along the lines of ‘how do you converse with someone?’. 
     Finally, the silence was broken by Chan himself. “So, what do you do for work? I remember you mentioning that your boss is pretty difficult.”
     The tension in your body eased off as you were freed from thinking about how to start a conversation. “Yes! He really is hard to put up with. My job is kind of odd, I work for the government but not in one specific area. The man who works over me, my boss, has duties in multiple departments and since I’m his assistant, I also technically work in multiple areas as well.”
     “I’ve never met anyone who works for the government before. What’s it like?” He asks, tilting his head.
     “Well, it’s not easy, that’s for sure. Right now I don’t exactly have high clearance so I deal with all the paperwork and subsequent tasks for my boss. Basically I do the grunt work, make reports and file things to make his job easier.”
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     Over the next year, the two of you grow closer. Near constant texting turns into spending practically every spare moment together. You’ve come to find you simply enjoy Chan’s presence, the stress, and tension held in your shoulders because of work lessening when he’s around. It wasn’t uncommon to spy the two of you together at a cafe in the early morning hours, or grabbing takeout before heading to your apartment to watch movies. During this time you learned more about each other than you think you’ve ever learned of someone in only a year.
     If someone asked, you could tell them his favorite elementary school teacher, the way he likes his coffee, his favorite water brand, that he’s a sensitive soul, when he lost his first baby tooth, or how he broke his arm in high school; Not to mention so much more. The same could be said for him, even some of the more embarrassing moments of your life that you had spilled while drunk. Granted you weren’t alone in your ability to embarrass yourself while drunk, you had more than enough ammunition to tease him on the regular. However, you found yourself wishing for more, just a little bit. Your heart swelled at the mere thought of him, and the way your other friends teased you about him always managed to make you blush furiously. 
     It was hard to tell if he felt the same way, even though the few times your other friends had spent with the two of you had convinced them he was most certainly interested in you as well. They managed to hype you up to this point: inviting him over for dinner and telling him how you felt. Just the thought of having to say those words ‘I don’t want to be just friends’, made your heart hammer in your chest. Speaking of, Chan’s due to arrive any time now, meaning it’s time to double-check everything. Chicken bolognese was doled out perfectly on two plates, finished just a few minutes ago, joined by a sweet wine settled in the decanter your sister gifted you over the holidays. 
     Digging your teeth into your lower lip, you wondered if this was too much, or too serious. After all, neither of you had ever had a dinner like this together before. Thankfully a knock at the door put an abrupt dent in your harried mind. 
     “Is this too serious?” You ask after showing him to the small dining area. “It is, how about we just go eat in the living room?”
     Chan laughs quietly. “Whatever would put you at ease.”
     “Living room it is then.”
     Moving the food was no difficult task, and soon enough you were settled on the couch, feet tucked underneath you. With the television on in the background, conversation flowed as per usual. Quick rundowns of your days before moving on to different topics, most of which were based on different articles one of you had read. Just as you finished dinner and were preparing to tell him, you received a text from Mr. Dunne - who was no longer your boss, since you’d gotten promoted a few months prior, but you still worked with him on important proposals - informing you of an emergency related to the new draft you were working on. Apparently an official from the country you were trying to work out an agreement with had sent in new demands.
     After apologizing profusely and being waved off by Chan, who understood the importance of your work, you grabbed your laptop and proceeded to work in the living room. Despite having to work through quite a few new emails relating to the issue, the conversation continued in a relaxed manner. Until all the wine hit your bladder, and you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, setting the laptop on the coffee table and rushing off. You took a bit longer than usual, checking on your appearance, making sure not a hair was out of place. Maybe your cheeks were a tad pink, but it was hard to tell if it was due to the alcohol in your system or if you were preemptively embarrassed.
     Neither option truly mattered it’s not like slightly pink cheeks suddenly made you unattractive. Taking a deep breath, you exited the bathroom, an anxious smile tugging at your lips. Normally Chan could always tell when you were coming back and he would call out to you before you even made it to wherever he was. This time he didn’t. This time, he was leaning forward, eyes glued to the screen of your laptop, fingers tapping away at the keys. A chill went down your spine. What is he doing? Did he need to look something up? Why didn’t he say something if he needed to use your laptop?
     Creeping closer as silently as possible, you peered over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. At that moment you had the urge to throw up. Your stomach gurgled as the food you’d just consumed felt like it was souring in place. Why would he do this? Was he using me this entire time? To get information? How long has he been doing this? Your eyes stung with unshed tears, your lungs felt like they were on fire. You stumbled back, unable to stand behind him any longer, a choked breath alerting him of your presence.
     Chan’s head whipped around, eyes going wide at the sight of you. “I didn’t hear you get back.”
     “What were you doing?” Your voice came out shaky and you could feel your hands trembling at your sides.
     He smiled nervously, his hand going to the back of his neck. “Nothing, I was just looking at the forecast for the week.”
     You head spun. He lied to you. You caught him, he had to know that you saw, and he blatantly lied to you. “Don’t. Don’t lie to me. Why were you looking at my work files? You know those are confidential.”
     He tried to play it off by looking embarrassed by his actions. “I’m sorry, I got curious. You’re always talking about it but you can never get into specifics.”
     “Stop! Stop treating this as if it isn’t a big deal! I invited you over to tell you I’m interested in being more than friends, and you- you… You’re lying to me.” You back away from him, shaking your head, a stray tear sliding down your cheek. 
     “You want to date me?” He asked standing up, lips parted in surprise.
     “Don’t change the topic,” you say harshly. “Tell me what you were doing. Is this the first time you’ve gone onto my laptop and accessed confidential files?”
     It took a minute for him to answer, a minute that felt like an eternity. “It’s not the first time.” Your sob echoed in the room, causing him to move towards you with a distressed look on his face. “Wait, please, you don’t understand —”
     “What is there to understand? You used me! I could get fired because of you!”
     “Please,” Chan begged, stepping forward to grasp your hands in his.
     You ripped your hands from him. “Was anything out of your mouth the truth or was everything a lie? Did you ever consider what would happen to me if it’s discovered I was the one you took information from? You know what, I don’t want your excuses, those are left to real friends. And that’s something you’re not.”
     “Please, just let me explain.” 
     Shaking your head, you point towards the entrance to your apartment. “Get out.”
     “Please,” he breathed, eyes watery as he stared at you. You felt your heart shatter.
     “Leave. Get out. Now.” You set your jaw, looking away from him as more tears slid down your cheeks. “Don’t make me say it again.”
     His footsteps sounded on the wooden floors as he walked away, getting softer with each step he took. Once the sound of the door being opened and shut echoed in the apartment, you felt your legs give out. You didn’t have the strength to get up, remaining on the floor as you felt the world crumble around you. A mess of emotions warred within you: disbelief, rage, betrayal, sadness. What are you meant to do now?
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kae-karo · 5 years
Dabi: “Why not be angry? Anger is better than tears, better than grief, better than the guilt.”
oof hello anon dear first of all thank u but wow y’all really out here begging for some angst huh lmao. for context (x - make me write things!) but i mean i can’t really complain i’m a sucker for dabi is a todoroki content
“I’m giving you a chance, Shouto.” Dabi does his best to keep the pleading tone from his voice - he won’t stoop so low as to beg. 
“A chance?” Shouto dips his head, and Dabi hopes desperately that this is his indication he might be considering the offer. “I could’ve become a villain whenever I wanted,” Shouto says to the pavement beneath his feet. His hands find their way into his pockets, and Dabi’s chest swells with anticipation.
“So become one now,” Dabi urges. Now, before the end, before the reckoning that’s coming. Before his life is put at stake by Shigaraki’s plans, before he and all his little friends meet their end. Before Dabi has to watch his little brother struggle against the inevitable.
“I’ve never wanted to be a villain.” Shouto’s voice is calm, unerring. Emotionless and cold. Is that how he’s coped for all this time? By burying his pain instead of allowing it to guide him? To break him free?
“So you’d rather do exactly what father always wanted, then.” Dabi leans against the wall behind him and quirks a brow. “After everything he’s done to you?” He shakes his head, playing hard into the part of the disillusioned older brother.
“I’m choosing to be a hero for my own reasons,” Shouto says, but Dabi wonders if he’s struck a nerve. Assuming there’s any nerve there to be struck. 
“He abused you, abused us both, didn’t that hurt?” Dabi pushes himself off the wall and starts a slow circle around Shouto. “Beyond the physical pain,” he waves a hand, “but on the inside, didn’t that leave you broken?” He’s acting the part, that’s all he’s doing right now. Saying what he thinks will get Shouto to turn. 
He refuses to feel those emotions for himself, he can’t break down that wall right now, but he’s pleased at the twitch in Shouto’s jaw - he’s making progress.
“How does it feel, little brother, to know that half of you will always belong to him?” The corner of Dabi’s lip ticks up when Shouto lifts his head - finally, finally they’re getting somewhere.
He could never do it before, but he has to protect Shouto now. No matter the cost.
“I am not father.” Shouto’s tone drips acid, and Dabi clings tight to the hint of emotion.
“Oh, no, no, you’re far worse,” Shouto stiffens, “you’re the culmination of his poisonous ambitions. Everything he did to mother, to me, to our family…” Dabi trails off. “It was all for you.”
“I did not make father’s choices,” Shouto says with exactly the ferocity Dabi needs to harness. Because apparently gentle persuasion won’t work, he’s just as stubborn- well, just as stubborn as Dabi’s always been. He shouldn’t be surprised.
“Oh, of course not, little brother,” Dabi lets his voice balloon with false sympathy, enough that he hopes Shouto realizes it’s fake. “That was all the fault of dear old dad himself…” He pauses now that he’s once again standing face to face with Shouto. Mismatched eyes stare back, hard as the ice little Shouto had clung so desperately to for all those years.
“But you…” Dabi grins. “You’ve been his perfect little puppet, keeping your feelings to yourself, hiding them away in the hopes you’d be safe from father’s abuse. And look where that got you.” Dabi throws his arms wide, and Shouto’s eyes glance around the dark alley like Dabi had meant his words literally.
“Loss is inevitable, you heroes are outnumbered and fated to battle to the death for a society that worships people like Endeavor.” Dabi stops himself there - he’s seen what’s on the horizon, what the PLF is planning, what Shigaraki is meant to become. “And yet you would stand beside them, because, what, ‘that’s what heroes do’?”
Shouto’s chest expands with a breath. Dabi pauses, willing his words to break through that stoicism and resonate with the emotions he knows must be hiding beneath the surface. 
“Why not be angry? Anger is better than tears, better than grief, better than the guilt,” Dabi adds. “Anger gives you power, it gives you everything you’ve always wanted. And trust me,” he grins, “I speak from experience.”
After a moment, Shouto’s eyes flick up to catch Dabi’s, and he stares hard - Dabi wonders if this is it, if that’s what it took to bring him to Dabi’s side. The promise of the inevitable retribution he must be seeking. The promise that giving into his anger will bring about revenge.
“You sound like father.”
Dabi freezes, and anger wells up in his chest. It finds its way to his hands, to the fire that creeps across his skin and- and the flames sputter out. Dabi forces his body to inhale a shaky breath.
Fuck, he sounds exactly like Endeavor, doesn’t he? Telling Shouto that power is the answer, power will solve all his problems, that Dabi knows best and if he complies, he’ll have everything he ever wanted.
“If I give into the emotions father caused, if I become a mon-” Shouto pauses, and his gaze flicks to his feet for a moment. “If I hurt people because of what he’s done to me, then he still controls my destiny.” When Shouto takes a breath, he seems to stand taller, and Dabi clenches his teeth.
“But I can choose to be better than him, I can set aside my feelings for him and pursue my future as a hero on my own terms, with my own motivations. I can be the person I want to be.” Shouto’s breaths come in faster now, like the words have stolen the air from his lungs.
Dabi can’t decide how to feel, can’t even begin to parse through what Shouto’s said. He’s terrified, truly terrified that if he lets the full force of those words in, they’ll rip him apart from the inside. 
“I know where I stand and who I’m going to become.” Shouto’s practically whispering, now, but the words hold such intense conviction that Dabi can feel it in his bones. “Touya,” Dabi startles at his name, “what kind of person do you want to be?”
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Dmitri Island: ch 1
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A/n: here’s the first chapter!!! Sorry it’s so long I wanted to get the reader and Tom’s back history started!! But I hope y’all enjoy it 🥰
Beep, beep, beep.
The blaring sound of your alarm rang through your ears, waking you from your dreamless slumber. Groaning, you fiddled around in the darkness searching for your phone.
Where is this damn thing? And why is it so loud?
Once you found it, you brought it close to your face and stopped the obnoxious alarm from ringing anymore to give you a peace of mind. Your phone cleared the alarm away from the screen as you saw a row of messages from Tom, your best friend.
T: loooooooove, WAKE UP!!!!!!
T: (y/n/n), I need you!!!!!!! 😭
T: Come overrrrrr 🥺
T: this is verrrrry important (y/n/n), n I need ur help ASAP xxx
“Oh my gosh,” you let out a loud laugh as you scroll through the extensive, dramatic messages left by Tom.
Some say it was crazy how you met Tom. You had just moved to London after your job had you transfer to run their UK division from your cozy, well-known New York office. You were so excited for the opportunity for change, even though you loved your NY team. You were desperate for a change of pace, so it was only natural for you to say yes to the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Not too long after you moved, you were checking out the scene that engulfed your new apartment, and had stumbled on a cute & quaint coffee shop. You walked in, and was in the middle of picking up your coffee when you felt a stiff, dark figure bump into your left shoulder, causing the coffee to spill everywhere.
You let out a small gasp as the scalding cup of coffee landed on the sleeve of your grey sweater. How in the hell does this happen to me? You were about to curse out the person who bumped you when you looked up and saw what was the most beautiful boy you had ever seen.
He was dressed in all black, with the collar of his pea coat cuffed up to cover his neck from the London cold. He definitely looked to be about your age, maybe a bit younger if anything. He had the most gorgeous head of dark brown curls, and they looked so glossy and soft under the warm lights of the dim cafe. His dark brown eyes were wide with fear (probably because of the scowl you were sporting) and embarrassment, but still there was a glimmer of something else you couldn’t make out. His chiseled face was flushing a deep red, and his mouth was hung wide open.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry, love. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see you there and-“
“No, no, it’s okay,” you sighed, feeling the creases of your forehead lift at the sight of the boy in front of you. “It was an accident, it’s all good.”
“Oh, good,” the boy relaxed, “because I thought you were gonna full-on beat me up.”
Your ears perked at his charming British accent, something you still hadn’t gotten used to after being in the UK for about a week at that point. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. It’s not usually a good thing when someone does what you did where I’m from, guess it was a quick reaction.”
“It’s okay, darling,” the boy smiled. “Where I’m from, it’s usually a cause for conversation with a pretty girl.”
“Hmm, is that so?” You felt your cheeks get hot at his comment and tried to flush it down by feigning confidence. “Well that’s a funny way to get someone’s attention. Guess that’s how it is over here, innit?”
“Yeah, it’s an unusual way, but it works quite often for me,” the boy winked at you as you felt the heat return to your face. “I’m Tom, by the way.”
“Hi Tom, I’m (y/n),” you replied, sticking out your hand to reach Tom’s already outstretched hand.
After that initial conversation, the two of you sat down in that coffee shop and talked for hours, getting to know one another. You found out he was an actor, and that he had just left New York after filming the new Spider-Man movie, and he found out you were from New York and the reason for your move.
Ever since that day, the two of you were inseparable. Even Tom’s friends and family would comment at how he always seemed to be by your side, but it never traveled over that line. That invisible line between friends and lovers, despite the fact that it felt like you two were always dancing around that line.
You were pulled out of your thoughts at your phone dinging, signaling another text coming through. However, it was not Tom that was ringing you this time, but Harrison, Tom’s best friend who was also yours.
Haz: dude, if you don’t get your 🍑 over here ASAP, tommo’s gonna combust 🙃
You: lmao, I’m coming!!!! Tell the div to chill and I’ll be by within the hour 💃🏽
You type away, and went to your contacts and searched for Tom’s number, hitting the call button as you peeled yourself out of bed to grab some caffeine.
“You know, a simple reply would have been really great, (y/n). Almost gave me a heart attack,” Tom’s dramatic voice filled your kitchen after not even one ring.
“Well good morning to you, too. Tommy, you know Saturday’s are my days to sleep in. Not everyone has the requirement to wake up at ungodly hours on weekends to exercise,” you chuckled. Sometimes, being friends with an actor can be so... dramatic.
“It’s a part of the job, darling. This is my line of work,” Tom replied, and you could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice.
“Sorry your line of work sucks,” you snorted as the beeping of your coffee maker sounded, signaling the end of the brewing.
“(Y/n), are you seriously still drinking coffee? We have to change that - you’re a Londoner now!” Tom shouted.
“No way, Tommy. I’m a New Yorker through and through, and there is no way I’m gonna have tea before coffee. Once a New Yorker-“
“Always a New Yorker. I know,” Tom interrupted, causing both of you to laugh. “So, darling, when are you popping on over?”
“Soon. I still have to get presentable, you know. Can’t come over in my pj’s,” you speak while taking a big gulp of the sweet caffeine in your favorite mug. It was a mug Tom and Harrison had given you for Christmas, and it had a picture of the New York City skyline covering the entirety of the mug. They gave it to you because it was the first Christmas you were not able to go home, so the two of them, Tom’s brothers Sam & Harry, and you guys’ other best friend, Tuwaine, brought Christmas in New York to you. Tom had organized the whole thing, and it made your heart swell.
There were so many moments in you guys’ friendship that twisted your heart in ways that should have killed you in the best way. But that day was the day everything changed for you. The way the day was planned, down to the gift that he and Harrison (but mainly Tom, because Harrison sometimes has a tendency of forgetting things) had gotten you, made you realize you were falling for your best friend.
It was hard not to - Tom is gorgeous. Like the kind of gorgeous that could take your breath away. And what made it even better is his sweet heart. He loved people with his whole heart, and he always made sure everyone who was around him was well taken care of. Despite his movie-star status, he still remained humble, which was so admirable to you.
“(Y/n/n), you could come over in a garbage bag and it would still be acceptable in my house,” Tom giggled, interrupting your thoughts.
“Oh hush, you. Okay, lemme get ready and I’ll be there in 30!”
“Okay, darling! See you soon!”
With that, you hung up and padded over to your room. You opened the sliding doors of your closet, sifting through the cozy linens and sweaters lined up in color order. London was a lot colder than New York during the fall, which you appreciated, but sometimes it got hard finding an outfit to fit this chilly weather. So you went with your go-to.
Working in the city taught you a lot about fashion, especially working with a fashion magazine. You were always up-to-date on trends because of it, and being editor-in-chief, it was necessary. Most people would go for a full-on sweatsuit with old sneakers, but your mind was trained to always look put-together, even when you were being “bummy”.
You pulled out your black jogger sweatpants and a long-sleeved, white, cropped graphic tee with an artsy-looking face on it, and your undergarments. You threw it on, and fast-walked to your bathroom, where you washed your face and brushed your teeth. Afterwards, you put on a little bit of concealer, blush, mascara, and eyebrows, and ruffled your hair out of its bun. You didn’t care to style it because it was your day off, and you were just going to hang out with your best friends, so it was highly unnecessary. Also, you were having a pretty decent hair day, so you just went with it.
Before leaving, you grabbed your black and white-speckled pea coat and slid on some pointed black flats. You took your keys and purse, and before opening the door, you grabbed your phone and headed out the door.
Fifteen minutes later, you pulled up to Tom and Harrison’s apartment and hit their buzzer four times. You hear the lock click, and you quickly walked into the warm building.
You could hear the chatter of multiple boys behind the door of their apartment before opening it. Tom and Harrison always knew to leave the door unlocked when you came over, mainly because of laziness, but it was definitely more of a comfortability, which you didn’t understand.
“You know, boys, having your door unlocked is super dangerous. I could’ve been a murderer for all you know,” you shouted as you stepped into the cozy modern apartment.
“(Y/n), we know it’s you. You have such a unique buzzer, so we always know,” Harrison rolled his eyes as he walked over to give you a hug.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Where’s the fussy boy at?” You replied as you were taking off your coat.
“Over here!” Tom perked up from behind the massive dark grey couch. His wet, post-shower curls bounced up from over the cushions, his face painted with a huge grin.
“What are y’all doing?” You asked as you made your way over to sit by Tom on the couch. While walking over, you saw the heads of more familiar sets of brown curly hair turn to face you.
“We’re looking to see where we all wanna go next on holiday, (y/n/n)!” Sam, one of the twins grinned.
“Yeah, we’re going on holidayyyyy!” Harry, the other twin, perked up, his grin reaching the freckles that lined his cheeks.
“No way! Is this what you were bugging me about, Holland?” You bump Tom in the shoulder as you sat down.
“Yes! I told you it was urgent! We need help finding a place,” Tom replied, tugging your arm in fake desperation.
“Okay, okay. Let’s look and see what we can find,” you sighed, eyes lighting up in playfulness at his response.
You took out your phone and began searching. It felt like forever, because there were so many different places you guys looked at. And it seemed like everyone was saying “no” to everyone’s ideas.
Twenty minutes later, your landed on a page talking about this island in the states that you had never heard of. The header of the article read, DMITRI ISLAND: THE BEST DESTINATION YOU NEVER HEARD OF. You figured, hmm, this could be worth a shot. You skimmed the article quickly, and as you were reading it, you knew in your heart this was it.
“Hey, have y’all heard about this? There’s this island that’s off the coastline where there’s only a population of 110 people, and there’s all this historic stuff about it and the only mode of transportation is golf carts,” you said, scrolling through the beautiful photos of the island you found on google.
“No I don’t think I have. What does it look like?” Tom asked, leaning over your shoulder as you scroll through. He rested his cheek on your shoulder while his curious brown eyes scanned the screen, causing a faint blush creep onto your face.
“Guys, we’re supposed to be looking for vacation spots, not desolate islands,” Harrison groaned into his phone, giving your right arm a little shove.
“Oh come on, Haz, this is a vacation spot! There’s multiple accesses to the beach, a live lounge where music plays all throughout the weekend, a tequila distillery, and a massive golf course in one of the hotels that are there,” you laugh, returning the shove into his left arm while wiggling your eyebrows.
“A golf course?! Mate, we’re definitely going. (Y/n), book the ferry tickets!” Harry perked up from his current binge of Stranger Things on the enormous SmartTV to jump out of his seat, shaking Harrison’s right shoulder in agreement.
You had to laugh to yourself at your friends. They were all so different, and such dorks, you just couldn’t help but admire their banter and energy. “Alright, y’all, the ferry tickets are booked. Vacation, here we come!”
A chorus of shouts and cheers erupted in the expansive living room of the boys’ apartment as the excitement and promise of a relaxing vacation starts to become a reality.
You know the boys needed this vacation, especially Tom. They all have been working so hard to get their careers on the path that they desire, and Tom has his fair share of craziness this past year. With Far From Home, Endgame, the press tours, and his other projects that were coming up, you knew he was exhausted beyond belief. He wouldn’t admit it to himself, but he desperately needed a break from reality. And that’s what you vowed you would do - get him and the boys a chance to breathe without people constantly bombarding them with questions, invading their personal life.
You were determined to make this vacation worthwhile, and as you looked down at Tom, you saw a new glow lit deep within him. His smile was practically taking up his entire face, he had a small flush of pink on the apples of his cheeks, and a glint of excitement in his deep brown eyes.
And it was a glow you wanted to continue seeing in him.
A glow you wanted to be the reason for.
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nightglider124 · 5 years
RobStar Week 2019: Day 2
So, I actually ended up liking this one quite a bit but honestly I’m just happy I actually had it ready before day 2 came lmao.
Little wins. XD
Hope y’all like this one! 
A chill seeped into the room, the breeze drifting in from an open source. In his sleepy haze, he could hear the brush of material against the floor as the wind danced with the curtains by the doors.
Clearing his throat, he turned over and blinked several times, adjusting to the new state of wakefulness. The room was bathed in darkness aside from the single stream of moonlight coming in through from the balcony.
Robin turned his head and patted his hand against the right side of the bed, searching for the warmth that he knew had been there when he’d fallen asleep that night. 
“Star?” He whispered, assuming maybe she was in the bathroom. 
After receiving mere silence as a response, he pushed himself up onto his elbows and dragged a hand through his rugged locks before he slid it over his face. He scrubbed away the spell of slumber that still lingered in his mind and peered into the darkness, searching for a flash of red or maybe the jade specks of her eyes.
“Starfire?” He called, a little louder this time.
Again, only silence greeted him and he inclined his head, trying to look around for her. 
With a gut feeling that she wasn’t within earshot, he pulled the covers back from his body and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his toes just barely brushing the cold, hard ground. 
As he got to his feet, he stretched his arms above his head and quietly walked through the large chamber. He didn’t think he would ever quite get used to Starfire’s home world.
They’d been visiting Tamaran for Starfire to give input in specific laws and decrees that Galfore was preparing to initiate. He often called her back to her home world for some insight, given she was still a Princess, despite leaving her k’norfka in charge and in the position of Grand Ruler.
Being the generous host that Galfore was, he had set them all up with rooms to stay in whilst they were on Tamaran, with Starfire being offered her old bedroom which she accepted by slyly informed her guardian that she wanted Robin to stay in her room too.
The boy wonder had blushed so much that he had probably looked as though he would pass out from embarrassment. But, Galfore had merely bellowed a laugh and agreed, waving her off with a knowing expression to his bumgorf.
Robin stood at the end of the bed and yawned behind his hand, idly wondering where she would have gone at such a ghastly time of night.
His attention was drawn to the brief sound of mesh rustling again and turned his head towards the open doors of the balcony, the thin, white material gently flowing with the nighttime breeze.
Following the trail of wind like a song calling him close, he stood before the threshold of the balcony.
He felt the bitter chill of the night stroke his bare skin, fighting not to shiver at the frigid sensation.
Robin wandered out to the edge of the balcony, pressing his palms flat against the stone railing that ran around the entirety of it.
He smiled briefly at the dotted lights that illuminated what was left of the city; decades of warfare and strife apparent in the bare appearance of the planet.
The palace itself had withstood so much that enemies had thrown at it over time and he couldn’t help the swell of admiration for Tamaran.
Tested and tried but never broken.
Tilting his chin upwards, Robin peered at the stars, scattered across the inky sky like a beautiful explosion; so clear and so bright, something so unlike the sights on Earth, hindered by the smog and electricity of the built up cities.
Suddenly, upon admiring the stars that lined the path of the universe above, he spotted a star of his own.
A flash of piercing green energy hurtled through the air, leaving a burning streak in its wake.
His lips curved upwards, recognizing that burst of light anywhere. Robin waited patiently, leaning on his elbows against the stone railing as she finished off her stream of flight.
She circled back around a few times before she slowed her pace, slipping through the faint grey clouds that lingered.
Her long, red hair floated above her as she moved down towards him, cascading around her like liquid ruby.
As she drew closer, he could see the content smile that graced her features.
Robin calmly reached out for her, his arms wide and inviting. Never one to pass up such an offer, Starfire hummed and flew straight to him.
She buried her face in his shoulder, taking a deep breath to inhale his familiar scent. Starfire smiled as she pressed her face to his skin.
The vastness of space was surprisingly cold and he was warm and so very addictive.
Robin was surprised at how cold her skin was compared to its usual fiery temperature but he supposed taking a late night flight coupled with the speed she usually went at; it was no surprise that she was on the chillier side.
“Star, you’re freezing.” He murmured, kissing the shell of her ear,
“Apologies…” She replied, beginning to pull back from him,
He tugged her back in a single heartbeat, rubbing his hands over the exposed area of her back where her uniform didn’t quite cover before moving onto her arms, stroking and caressing them to bring heat back to her soft skin.
“Hey, I didn’t say I didn’t like this…” He whispered, making her giggle, “I’m just a bit concerned. Where’d you go?”
Starfire turned her head slightly so her cheek rested on his shoulder and her nose brushed against his neck, “I did not go too far. I was simply flying just outside of Tamaran.” 
“I forget there’s more to space than just Tamaran...” 
She smiled, “There is. I never fly to other planets but… flying within the solar system... it all makes for quite a soothing flight.”
He nodded, playing with the ends of her auburn tendrils of hair, “So… what’s got you flying all over the place at this time of night?”
Wrapping her arms around him, she gave him a loving squeeze and stood closer so their chests were pressed together, “I am sorry if I caused you concern, my love. I felt very restless and only flights can help to tire me enough so I may sleep…”
Robin kissed her temple and shrugged, “It’s okay. I only woke up a little while ago because you weren’t beside me.”
Finally, she sighed and stood back from him. He withheld a smirk at her deliciously disheveled appearance. She looked a fair bit sleepy and she had a gorgeously windblown look to her; her usually straight hair was poofy and wild, sliding over her shoulder like silk.
Robin raised an eyebrow and peered closer at her.
Starfire tilted her head, curiosity laced in her jade orbs, “What is it?”
“You’ve got… some kind of… glitter all over you.” He faltered, wondering if he was imagining her sparkly features due to his own lack of sleep.
Sure enough, when Starfire picked up a long streak of red hair, silver and gold dust seemed to coat it all the way to the ends; shining and sparkling under the spray of the moon.
It shimmered at her roots, within in her bangs and seemed thoroughly embedded in her mass of locks. His cerulean gaze lingered before it swept to her face where he noticed even more of the stuff.
The orange tone of her skin seemed brighter as dots of glitter stuck all across her cheeks, her neck, speckled over her shoulders and even her arms which upon closer inspection, he had also happened to get some of it on his bare hands. 
“Star… you look like a glitter ball. Are you sure all you did was fly?”
The Princess blinked at him several times before she burst into a fit of giggles and shook her head. He watched the way her waterfall of hair swayed and swished against her hips, the glitter and sparkles gently falling free from their new home.
He grinned as he stared at his girlfriend, utterly bewildered but in the best kind of way that only she was capable of bringing out in him. 
“I… may have dove through a couple of nebulas nearby…” She admitted, sheepishly,
“So… all this… it’s stardust?” He chuckled,
“I believe so…” She paused and checked her arms, noting the sprinkling of pink and purple and green; all colours that were tied up in the beautiful nebula paintings she had taken the liberty of bathing in during her flight.
Robin could do nothing but gaze at her; the giggling woman that stood before him was so strangely remarkable and made him fall in love with her so effortlessly. 
“You’re incredible, y’know that?” 
Starfire beamed at him before she floated forward and cupped his cheek with a glittery hand, leaving trails all along his jaw as she captured his lips with her own; immediately melting into the kiss as fire sparked from where their mouths were fused. 
“Hmm… I believe you also suit the glitter effect, Robin…” She whispered as she pulled away, cheekily eyeing the sparkles that adorned his pale skin.
He shook his head, “You should probably shower to get that stuff out but… I think I’d much rather you being back in bed with me, warming me up again.”
She raised a single auburn brow, “You will likely also get this in your hair if you are to share a bed with me… and we both know how you care for your hair…”
Robin smirked and grasped her by the waist, pulling her forward so that his hips were pressed flush against hers,
“I think I’ll take my chances, Princess.”
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jae-daddy · 6 years
Chubby (8)
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine
Jaebum AU Series
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Chubby (8)
pairing: im jaebum x reader
genre: drama, romance, angst
plot: bleeding hands, and a bleeding heart or two
a/n: its real rusty lmao not edited, real rusty, read at your own riskhi, im back. it has been a long time so my style of writing has changed and its so rusty so go easy on me. hope y’all like it tho! i do!!
Tuesday purred against your leg as you retreated from Jaebum’s bathroom. 
“Where’s your brother?” You brushed his soft grey fur as your eyes scanned for Jaebum. It was strange that he hadn’t made himself visible yet, or tried to make sure you were okay again.
But, this was better in a way, it gave you a minute to gather yourself. 
What happened earlier today was the first time, and it was horrible. Just the thought of those dirty hands and their filthy gaze threatened for bile to rise up your throat once again. 
You didn’t want to know how worse everything would’ve gotten if Jaebum didn’t show up. 
You didn’t want to know what would happen if you remained as pathetically scared as you were in that room. 
You sighed as you threw your head back, letting the light ceiling cover your vision. You felt tears prickle your eyes, but you pushed them back. You didn’t feel like you had the right to cry, not after you let that happen to yourself. 
Why couldn’t I fight back? 
Everything else that you suffered through, you do it because you deserved it. Because you let it happen to her; you let so much worse happen to her. But even she wouldn’t have stood for this; heck even Jenny would have saved you. All and everyone would save you, all except yourself. You had no one else to blame, but yourself. You let yourself become so pathetic, so weak, so disgusting. 
Tee must’ve felt your sadness as he snuggled closer to your legs. He meowed softly, as he rubbed his softness against you. It was almost as if he was telling you that it’s okay, that next time, just fight harder.
You scooped him up into your arms, before twirling him gently. You nuzzled your face into him, as he purred in delight. 
“I’m sorry, Tee,” you whispered to him, “I’ll try to get better.”
Just as the words left your lips, you heard the door code be entered. Jaebum strutted in with a handful of the cold winter raging outside. 
“Hi,” you whispered softly, as you walked up to him and took the bags from him. 
Jaebum froze for a second, before smiling brightly at you. 
“Hi,” he beamed as his eyes began tearing up. “It’s been a while since I was welcomed back home.” 
It was now your turn to freeze in your spot as Jaebum shook his head, dismissing the tears. He cleared his throat before, taking the bags from you and walking towards the kitchen. 
Your heart broke as you stared at Jaebum making his way through the kitchen like he knew it like the back of his hand. He wasn’t even looking at the cupboards as he perfectly placed everything in its place. Instead of a homey familiarity, you saw a lonely boy who did everything by himself, enough to know every aspect of his house as if it were a part of him. 
You took a step towards him, as you studied his dark hair moving with him. The different shades of brown and black shining and mingling under the fluorescent lights of his kitchen. His hands strong, arms long, him; comfortable and warm like home. 
You sighed as you looked at him, not knowing exactly what you were feeling. All you knew that it was happiness and warmth. 
“Is ramen okay for dinner?” Jaebum looked up at you, as he nervously scratched the back of his head. 
You kindly smiled at him as you nodded. Anything is fine with you; everything is perfect with you. 
“Great,” he smiled nodding, before holding up a container. “The old lady next door gave us some side dishes!” He shook it victoriously making you chuckle slightly before you noticed the blur of colours spreading over his hands. 
The smile instantly fell from your lips, as your brows furrowed in concern.  
“Jaebum?!” You gasped as you raced to his side. You hurriedly placed the boxes down on the counter before clasping his hands in yours. You inspected the deepening purple, blue and dried blood swelling on his hands. Your heart hurt seeing this. 
Your teary eyes peered up to meet his dreamy brown ones, taken aback as he stared at you, bewildered. 
“Does it not hurt?” You whispered to him, however along the softness and worry, there was anger. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” 
There was anger, so much of it; too much of it. It consumed every inch of you as you pulled Jaebum to the bathroom and made him sit on the cabinet as you pulled out the safety kit. 
You slammed the clear box on the white surface, before whipping it open and reaching for Jaebum’s hand. Despite your furiously racing breathing and sharp actions, your touch on Jaebum was so soft it was scarcely touching him. 
“This will sting a bit,” you told him, concentrating on the dampening cotton. 
You tried to ignore Jaebum’s heated gaze that remained on you. He watched you and refused to look away. 
He smiled as he saw the way your brows furrowed adorably in anger and concentration. His chest filled with warmth as he noticed the frown on your lips from the worry you felt for him. Jaebum felt happy seeing you care about him. 
A hiss left his lips as the alcohol burned his cuts. 
Your gaze immediately snapped up to meet his in worry. 
“Are you okay? Does it hurt too much?” The words left you a hundred miles a second. “Just hold on for one more second; it’ll be over. Just count back from ten for me.” 
Jaebum just nodded, as he tilted his head to the side to watch you better. 
You gently blew on his bruising knuckles as you cleaned it with alcohol. It didn’t hurt anymore, Jaebum noticed. It felt nicer now, it felt sweeter. It made him feel lightheaded. 
Despite what Jaebum felt inside, the panic and anger inside you would not reside. Especially with the little winces, Jaebum failed to hide. You applied the cream in silence trying to calm yourself down, but as the process began to wrap up, you were nowhere near your dawn. 
You pinned the bandage securely in its place, but instead of moving away, you placed your hands on either side of Jaebum holding him in place. 
“Are you stupid?” You glared at him, finally voluntarily meeting his eyes. 
“Huh?” Jaebum stared at you, eyes widened, unsure of how to react. 
“Huh?” You mocked, before biting your lips to hold in the tears. “Don’t you see how you get yourself hurt to help others? Do you realise how dangerous it was today?
“I get that you’re the bad boy of the school and what not, but there were three of them and one of you. Do you realise how bad this could’ve ended up on the flip side? And not to mention--”
“And what about you?” Jaebum cut you off. The surprise and confusion replaced with anger of his own. “What if something happened to you? Do you think I could just walk away when I saw you like that?!”
You took a step away from him as you shook your head. 
“It is not your job to protect me!” You stared at the wall as angry tears escaped you. You couldn’t look at Jaebum. You couldn’t show him how pathetic you truly were. “Stop trying to save me, Jaebum!” 
“Why? Why not?” He asked after a moment, his voice calm, but the anger still lingered. “Even if it wasn’t you I would’ve done the same-”
“But it was me!” You turned around to meet his gaze. The tears were now falling; the shame, disgust, the pathetic little girl out on display. “Jaebum you don’t understand; I don’t deserve to be saved.”
“Fuck! Stop it.” Jaebum groaned as he kicked the sink behind him. His hands ran through his hair as frustration roared through him. “Stop fucking acting like you are beyond saving-- like you don’t deserve to be loved and taken care of.
“Stop fucking being like this, y/n. Because whatever you think, it is not true,” Jaebum sighed, as he stepped closer to you. His eyes burned with an emotion you couldn’t comprehend, as he held your shoulders softly. “I am here, y/n. Despite everything that you believe, I am here. And I will stay here; not for you, but for me.”
You looked into Jaebum’s eyes and you felt your stomach drop. You didn’t understand a single thing they tried telling you. You couldn’t decode the glistening of his eyes; you couldn’t hear what he was trying to whisper. But you could understand it, and it was tearing you apart. 
Everything that you had believed in. Everything that made you who you were was all getting challenged in this small white bathroom, and it made your gut twist. 
But more than that, it was him. He, who stood in front of you. His eyes staring at you like you were a mystery so beautifully complicated. He, who tiredly sighed and rested his forehead against yours. He, who’s hands slipped from your shoulders to your waist, drawing your body closer to his, and into an embrace. 
He, who was breaking your walls down with every passing second, brushed a strand of hair from face. 
It was him who made you feel safe enough to step out of the room you had hidden in. He made you feel like deserved to stop drowning. 
“You make me so happy, y/n,” he whispered, as he closed his eyes, “I will protect you until I am nothing.”
You crumbled in his arms, as your hands fisted the hem of his shirt. 
“Please, Jaebum,” you rested your head on his shoulder, as he hid his face in your hair. “Please stop this if you’re only going to break me.”
Jaebum chuckled as he moved away from you. 
“Do you listen to anything that I say, kid?” He smiled at you with the warmth of a thousand suns. You tried to reply with one just as bright, but all you could offer was one broken down and wasted in a thousand stormy nights. 
However, it was enough for him. 
Jaebum placed a kiss on your forehead, before holding you close once more. 
You couldn’t understand Jaebum. You couldn’t comprehend his actions. You didn’t understand how he entered the story your grandma had told you a thousand times. 
You already had a castle tower that locked you away. You had a fierce dragon that reminded you of it endlessly, guarding you captive. 
All you ever missed was a prince, a saviour; but he was the only one you didn’t believe in. You didn’t believe anyone to ever find you in this far away land. 
But there he stood, his white shirt flowing in the wind, as the dragon breathed restlessly, and your heart raced in your chest. 
There he stood against all odds, and there you were, turning away from the skylight. There you were blinding yourself of the only star in this endless night. There you were addicted to your shackles.  
not edited
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retro-melanin · 6 years
Have Your Cake, and Eat It Too
what up, what up y’all? i’ve been working on this fic for awhile, and i was gonna leave it just as cute food fight fluff, buuuuut that didn’t happen lmao. i LIVE for playful chadwick so this fic is full of it. sorry for any typos and/or ruined panties
Plot: cute Sunday afternoon food fight turns into a fun time in the shower
Word count:2.5k plus
Kinks: oral sex (male and female), overstimulation, EXTREME DADDY KINK LIKE BEWARE LMAO,  Dom!Chadwick
Warnings: swearing, smut (obvi), unsafe sex (raw and it’s in the shower so we’re living life on the edge ksdlfjaoerijapwie)
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It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Luther Vandross’s melodic voice was crooning from the speakers you had in your kitchen. You were dressed in some shorts and one of Chadwick’s old shirts. Today, you’d decided to try and surprise your lover by making a treat he’d kept asking you for. Chadwick was on the couch jotting down some ideas for a script. At least, he was the last time you’d looked up. You were vigorously stirring the vegan cheesecake batter when Chadwick snuck up behind you. His hands slid around your waist, and you let out a startled yelp. You could feel his shit-eating grin on the side of your neck. You decided to get him back by flicking some of the batter from the drenched whisk on to him.
“HEY,” he exclaimed. “I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t help myself. You’re just soooo...delectable,” he said. His voice was getting dangerously lower with every sentence. Chadwick left a wet line of kisses up your neck and along your jaw, causing you to gasp. You put the bowl and the whisk down and spun around in his grasp.
“Now listen here,” you demanded--pointing your finger into his chest for emphasis. “You have BEGGED for me to try this recipe all week! And noooooow when I have the time you wanna distract me! Nigga, which cake do you want?”
Chadwick giggled at your sass. “Why can’t I have both?” he asked while trying to pull you in for a kiss. You playfully wiggled out of his embrace.
“Because…” you mused. You turned your attention back to the batter to begin beating it again. It was almost time to pour it in the mold, but you just needed a little more air in the mixture in order to assure the fluffiness of the treat. All the while, you were paying Chadwick no mind. You began to dance and twirl around the kitchen as if you were in a disney movie, he was a disney king after all. A devious glint developed in Chadwick’s eyes. He pulled himself up on the counter of the island separating you two and slid across it. Suddenly, your lips were mere inches apart again.
“Because why,” he asked playfully.
“Because I said so,” you sang-song. Chadwick sucked his teeth and gave you this look:
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“Maaaiiine that aint a reason,” Chadwick said with a pout. You giggled at his childish antics. He leaned in, and you dipped the your finger in the cheesecake mix and swiped some across his nose. His eyes got comically wide, and you couldn’t help but  paint his face with more batter, hoping to elicit the same reaction from him. Chadwick retaliated by throwing flour at you. You shrieked with laughter. It was war. You dashed across the kitchen to grab at the lemon juice. You squeezed it at his shirt. He was arming himself with fistfuls of cornstarch.
“Oh you done did it now,” he said through is grin. He launched the cornstarch at you, and it went everywhere. The two of you went back a forth throwing any food item that you could reach. The food was not only all over your and Chadwick’s hair, face, clothes, but also all over the cabinets, stove, floor--everywhere! While you were taking in the view of the mess the two of you made, Chadwick came over and scooped you up. He held you bridal style and spun you around. It was your turn to giggle. He was smiling warmly down at you, and your heart swelled.
“Let’s go get cleaned up,” Chadwick said already making strides towards your master bathroom. You struggled like a cat in his arms, but he held you tight.
“We made a mess! I was trying to make your cheesecake!! ChaDWICK,” you wheezed between fits of laughter as he was tickling you now. He was watching you with both adoration and amusement.
“Thank you so so so much, but right now I just want you. We’ll worry about everything else later,” he said fondly. “Shower or bath,” he mused.
“Shower. I don’t want all this gunk in a bath...ew!” you scoffed. He chuckled yet again as he gently placed you on the floor. You began de-robing, eager to rid yourself of your soiled clothing.
“Is that MY shirt,” Chadwick asked.
“Oops,” you replied with a shrug. He rolled his eyes, and went to turn on the shower. You’d slipped the rest of your clothing off before you snuck up behind Chadwick and tugged his loose sweatpants down. A scandalized look swept across his face, and you burst out laughing. He turned on one of the many shower heads and aimed the freezing spray of water at you. You screamed and jerked away. Chadwick’s bodacious laugh filled your large bathroom, and you pouted.
“I’m cold AND disgusting,” you whimpered, trying to sound as frail as possible. You weren’t really mad, but you liked making him feel bad every once and awhile. This time, however, Chadwick didn’t fall for your antics. He was busy pulling his shirt over his head and kicking his sweatpants away from his feet. You decided to adjust the knobs while holding your pout.
“You’re fine, and you’re about to be better. You know why,” he inquired. You rolled your eyes while stepping under the now warm drizzle of the rain shower.
“Why,” you sighed. Your sigh turned into a gasp as you felt Chadwick’s firm chest against your back. His hands ran up your sides caressing your hips, waist, stomach, and finally landing on your breasts. His lips met your neck and he began leaving wet, nibbling kisses on it. His fingers took turns plucking and rolling the nipples on either breast. Between the attention he was paying to your tits and the attention he was paying to your neck, you were in heaven.
“Because….” he teased, mimicking your tone from earlier. He pulled away to grab the soap, and you let out a long disappointed whine.
“No, no, no, no, no. You don’t get to do that,” you sassed.
“You tryna distract me? Nigga, which cake do YOU want,” he kept mocking you, even if it didn’t make sense. You decided to catch him off-guard.
“Well, I don’t cake, but I am craving a certain kinda pie,” you mused as you pressed your wet body against his. His jaw dropped.
“DAYUM-,” he started, but you took his long, beautiful dick in your hand and gave a few firm strokes. He got too lost in the sensations to finish whatever he was going to say. You smirked when he let out a deep, wanton groan as he grew harder in your hand.
“Fuck baby…” he said just above a whisper through hooded eyes. You looked up with the most innocent face you could muster. A slow smile spread across his face, and you couldn’t help but get on your tiptoes to kiss him. Your lips met his in a chaste kiss, and you stole the soap from his hand while he was distracted. You began lathering it and cleaning your man. He returned the favor, sliding his strong hands down your spine. When he reached your ass, he gave powerful squeezes before giving you two hard slaps on each cheek. You couldn’t help the small “ah..ah!” that you let out.
You pulled away from the embrace, just enough to run your hand up and down his perfectly sculpted torso. His muscles rippled under your smoothing touch. He grabbed both of your hands in his much larger one just before you reached your prize. Your eyes flicked up to meet his lustful gaze.The tension between the two of you was palatable, as you both waited for the other to make a move. You dropped on to your knees and took the head of Chadwick’s dick into your mouth. Your boldness surprised him, and he let out a high pitched moan. He let go of your hands, so he could grip on to your head.
You gently raked your nails down is abdomen, to his hips, finally landing on his ass. You pulled him forward, forcing his dick further down your throat. He let out an aborted grunt, and one of his hands flew to the wall to stabilize him. It was nearly impossible to take his entire length into your mouth, so you used one of your hands to aid your mouth. One of your hands rested at the base of his dick, while you used the other one to lightly roll his balls. Something about Chad’s playful mood today inspired you to make this a messy blowjob.
You started slurping nosily. Your hand was twisting in the opposite direction of your head, and you would occasionally go further down to gag yourself a little. He was whimpering and biting the knuckle that wasn’t on the wall. You pulled off with a nasty pop. You let your tongue hang out, connecting it with his weeping slit. You alternated between little kitten licks and broad, confident strokes.
“Ooooohmy gawd,” Chadwick slurred. You tightened the hand that was on his shaft, and you sucked him back in with hollowed cheeks and wicked tongue movements. As you did, you looked up. His knees buckled, and his balls started drawing up in your hand the moment your eyes met. He pulled you off as he gasped, “shit baby, I almost came.” A smirk formed on your face. Chad let out a breathless chuckle and gently pulled your to your feet.
“Do you trust me,” he whispered once you were standing again.
“Of course,” you whispered back. Suddenly, your feet were off the ground. Your back was against the wall, your legs on his shoulders, and your pussy just millimeters away from his plump lips. You gushed when you realized how easily he picked you up, and Chadwick let out a deep, satisfied chuckle.
“Somebody liked that,” he murmured. Air grazed your wet folds with his every word. His hands on the small of your back pulled you in closer, and his tongue connected with your glistening slit. He ran his tongue up and down from your asshole to your clit over and over again, driving you mad. When started doing figure-eights around your clit with his tongue, you hissed while pulling on his curls.
“Ride my face baby,” he moaned into your cunt. You didn’t need to be told twice. You put both hands on his head and rolled your hips up to met his hungry licks. His arms were flexing as he held you up. His beard was burning the inside of your thighs, adding the perfect bite of pain to accompany your pleasure. He was gasping and moaning just as loudly as you were. Your joint moans bounced off the shower walls like a chorus praising your passion. Chadwick growled and forced your hips to his face. He sucked in your clit, and you threw your head back and screamed. You legs started shaking, and your hips were moving on their own accord.
“Ergh, oh, cha-AHHHHH,” you babbled. He could tell you were close, and he pulled off completely.
“CHADWICK WHAT THE FUUU-,” you screamed as he let go, and you slid you down the wall. He caught you when your hips were level with his abdomen. You had just seen your life flash before your eyes, and Chadwick was just standing there chuckling. Your face went on a journey from terrified, to astounded, to confused, to pissed. He watched all of your emotions unfold before him, and he kissed you when he could tell you were about to go off on him. Most of your anger faded away as soon as your lips molded together in an impassioned kiss, but your heart was still racing.
“Are you tryna give me a heart attack oooooor?” you whispered between the nips and bites you were leaving on is soft lips.
“Neva, neva….I’m just tryna keep you on your toes,” he slurred, “or should I say, off of ‘em.” He squeezed your legs that were now secured around his slim, toned waist. Your body was still orgasm deprived, so you started rubbing yourself against his slippery abs. He moaned when he realised what you were doing.
“If ya ask nicely, I might fuck you,” he said as he sucked dark marks on to your neck. His voice was growing low and gravely, and it struck you straight to your core. ‘Okay I’ll play your game Mr. Boseman,’ you thought slyly. You let out the filthiest moans your could conjure and put on your sex kitten voice.
“Please baby, fuck me,” you moaned right into his ear. He slid your hips down so that the very tip of his dick was teasing your entrance.
“I’m not convinced you want it,” he growled.
“Ahhh Daddy, please, pleeeeease I’ll be so good for you. I promise, please daddy,” you gasped in a played up breathy moan--licking and sucking on his ears in between each plea.
“Fuck.” he breathed out. He slid you onto his dick as he gave a forceful thrust up.
“OoooooOoOooOoo fuuuck, it’s that, uhf, easy h-huh?” you tried to quip, but Chadwick was already fucking the living daylights out of you.
“You know it gets me when you call me daddy, fuck,” he groaned. He rolled his hips back and snapped them forward, making his dick hit your sweet spot perfectly on each thrust. His powerful thrust had you scratching at his back for purchase. Your thighs were definitely going to bruise from the force of his grip. Everything felt to visceral and unhinged. Although you loved how Chadwick made love to you, you lived for the moments when he lost control. Your bodies were making lewd slapping noises every time your hips connected with his. His dick was pounding into you relentlessly, and you could feel your orgasm rising again. You clamped your legs around his waist and tried to met his animalistic thrusts as best you could.
“Uh, ah, fuck fuck,” you whimpered.
“You like that,” he moaned into your neck.
“Yes, yes, baby, yes”
“Who’s pussy is this?”
“Your’s! It’s your pussy daddy!” you said and you felt his dick throb. “Fuck your pussy daddy. OoOooh my god.” Your cunt was clenching around him, rearing up for the orgasm of the century. Chadwick’s hips were moving at a rabbit’s pace--you could tell your lover was close too. He was too lost in the warm, wet feeling of your pussy caressing his dick to speak. You slipped a hand down to your clit, and started rubbing to match his pace. As soon as you did, your insides clenched HARD, once, twice, three times before you felt yourself teetering at the top of your release.
“Look at me while you cum in me daddy,” you demanded. His eyes shot open to meet yours, and you shook from head to toe. You both crashed down into the most glorious orgasms of your lives. Your pussy was throbbing, your clit was twitching beneath your fingers.Chadwick’s mouth dropped open and he let out cropped “shit, fuck, AHHHH, FU- FU.” You felt his dick enlarge and shoot inside you. Your eyes rolled back as you yelled out your release. He thrust in you hard while your were still trembling out your high. You started whimpering and pushing against his chest--it was too much. He kept going, and you yelled “FUCK DADDY IM CUMMING AGAIN!” One orgasm bled into the next, and you found yourself speaking in tongues.
He finally held himself against you. He put your legs down, and you leaned on the wall for support. The two of you were breathing heavy, and shaking. He blew out a shaky breath and said, “damn baby what was that.” Even though you were exhausted, you still had a trick or two up your sleeve. You gentle scooted him back, and you dropped down to your knees once again. Once you were eye level with his spent dick, you took it down to the base, and you bobbed up and down. Chadwick let out high pitch moans that almost sounded like screams.
“babybabybabybaybaplease please pleeeease, you gotta stop you gotta i CAN’T,” he was completely incoherent and at your mercy. You didn’t stop until he shot whatever was left from his beautiful dick into your mouth. When he was totally spent, you pulled off and sleepily said, “who’s beggin’ now?”
He pulled you up, and held you close. “I love you so much. You know that?”
“I sure do,” you said with a smile. Chadwick grabbed the shampoo and washed your hair and his since you were near passing out. He finished washing the both of you down before he turned off the shower. You were nearly limp in his arms as he towled you off and lotioned you. You couldn’t help but think ‘wow this man is perfect. I’m so lucky.’ He slipped your bonnet on, and placed you gently on the bed. You were falling into the beginning stages of sleep when you remembered, THE KITCHEN! Chadwick was putting on his durag when he saw you shoot up.
“Chadwick! The mess!!” you tried to articulate in your sleepy state.
“The mess will be there when we wake up. Now we rest.” he said getting into bed and wrapping you up in his arms.
“Yes, baby?”
“I love you, even if you’re a little shit sometimes.”
“I know it.” he said with a smile on his face. You could still distantly hear Luther Vandross playing across the house as you fell asleep cuddled up next to the love of your life.
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solastia · 3 years
Hey, I haven't given up my goal of 30 days, it's just that the end of the school year has caught up to me and I'm rushing to get report cards ready. I will still finish what I set out to do.....
I can't quit you!!!! 🥺🥺🥺😢😢😄😄
Ok but how are you doing? I didn't have too many side effects of the shot, except I had this weird lump in my arm pit after the second dose. Something about lymph nodes swelling up, idk, but I hear the side effects can be brutal.
Hoping you're 100% soon!
Love ya lots!
You do your thing love! I definitely am aware of how real life gets in the way sometimes. I’m still glowing from all the ones you’ve already shared though, so no rush lmao. 
And I’m doing okay now. My arm still kinda hurts but I was able to get dressed without help today (Seriously y’all. Trying to put on a bra when I could barely move my arm? Not fun). The nausea, fever, and migraine are gone. Still feel a little tired but it’s almost passed already. 
0 notes
halfblood-fiend · 7 years
So I just wanna make a huge, and I mean massive, thank you post for all y’all that came out and supported me during my liveblogging of finishing The Calling over the last couple days. It’s honestly been the best part of being stuck in bed sick and it actually made me want to finish that bound--forgive my language here--piece of crap. (If you wanna see the posts, you can find it all under #Fiend attacks The Calling and spoilers are tagged, just in case.)
For anyone who’s interested in me doing it again, the other two DA books I haven’t read right now are Asunder and The Masked Empire and you can let me know via ask, message, reply, or whatever, which one should be done next (though I think I know which one might win).
If you replied to any of my posts and didn’t get a shitty personal reply I tried to do through mobile, I am literally gonna put them all here, under the cut (and if you have the time, I feel like it’s worth looking through all of them because some people said interesting things and I like to think I can be pretty funny with my responses. lol). Lmao.
Thanks for enjoying this mess of a book with me! When I first started venting my frustrations, I low-key thought I’d be slamming a book everyone loved. Lol. I’m glad I was wrong.
@inuy21 replied to her own reply post:  I’ll have to give Stolen Throne a look to see if will change my mind Loghain. Though I wasn’t really a fan of his in the game nor Maric’s in The Calling. And it’s Empress Celene, right? LOL
Nah, that book is actually called The Masked Empire. It’s the one where allegedly Celene and Michel de Chevin are The Worst™.
Anyways, do at least take a look at Stolen Throne because Loghain is 15/10 in that, honestly. I hated him too until I read that book and now I’m in love.
@thexann replied to Why do I hate David Gaider’s book’s so much?:  The only good thing his books did for me were make me unconditionally love Loghain, but even then, his writing was so difficult to give a damn about I skipped around the ENTIRETY of The Stolen Throne, read all the good Loghain bits, then never picked it up again!
Same! High five for solidarity sisterrr!!
Skipping around, that was smart. That could’ve saved me a lot of Maric moaning and complaining as he destroyed not one, not two, but THREE of his friends’ lives. WHat a swell guy!
@october-rosehip (I hate it when it doesn’t TAG PEOPLE!!) replied to the same post: Dude needs an editor, BAD. He also suffers from… severe need for someone to hide his thesaurus. He’s written about people sitting redolently, smoking *kohl*, and once, three elves were playing HARPSICHORDS in a town center. Outdoors. Also, pacing issues. Dude has great ideas, but he’s not a novelist. Or historian.
He does! I’m surprised he didn’t have one? Isn’t everyone supposed to have one? Or did it not matter because he was riding on the coattails of a successful game of a hopeful franchise?
But yeah, I noticed that too. There’s overly conspicuous complex words, like he actually went into Word processor and tried to find the biggest word he could to replace his plain English ones. Causing no one to understand him. I mean harpsichords?? outside?? Has he ever SEEN a harpsichord??? Gaider wtf man... I look forward to that nonsense.
@cullenstairshenanigans replied to Dusty. Everything is “dusty” with this guy.: I quit after the 20th use of “the man”
Oh yeah. I saw that. He was notorious for that.
Don’t be afraid! Use people’s names! Do you realize how many men there were in this book?? Especially at the beginning?! Use. Names. There’s some free writing advice for ya, Gaider.
@october-rosehip replied to the same post: Oh, I guess someone DID steal his thesaurus.
Lmao. Only when it wasn’t convenient. Not only did he use “dusty” for everything, he also believes that the only noise swords make is a “clatter,” be it a “dull clatter” or a “clear clatter” (literally both phrases he used in the same scene!) Not to mention that he also thinks warriors just drop their swords willy nilly all over the place, as if they aren’t the most important singular possession to a SWORDSMAN.
@oh-thatcal  replied to “She had never spoken of this to anyone.”:  if you wanna rage, just read The Masked Empire… OTL these books are both good and awful at the same time.
I am actually rather beside myself with excitement tbqh.
@bombasticpro replied to  Oh god now Maric is doing it too…: Dat dab
Now I’m not sure if I’m Young and Hip™ enough to understand this correctly, but I’ll go out on a limb and say, “Yeah, I know right??”
Maric and Fiona bled their hearts out to each other for literally no reason. Do real life people actually do this? I don’t go around spilling my deepest secrets. Maybe it’s just that no one has gained enough Approval to unlock my Tragic Backstory™ yet.
@oblivionscribe replied to Maric has been stabbed by several spears...: For all the head trauma Maric received, I’m surprised he lasted long enough to sire sons.
Me too. I seem to recall that this isn’t new either, that Maric was often receiving head trauma in The Stolen Throne too!
What I would like to know is why is no one wearing a fucking helmet???
@thecrazyfereldan replied to I think that I’m starting to see one...: His writing also tends to be rather dry.
TRUE. It’s hard to read. Like, I read his story the way I would eat beef jerky: slowly, in near agony because I like the taste but hate the texture, and with my jaw aching because I had to chew so god damn much. And in the end, it’s for what? A steak tastes better, is easier to eat and is still beef.
(the steak in this metaphor is a DA game btdubbs, lol)
But seriously, it goes right up there with show and don’t tell. Telling only takes me to Snoozeville.
@october-rosehip replied to the same post: Dislocated thumbs continue to dislocate for MONTHS if you keep using your hands. Guess how I know. Also? Putting them back in hurts just as much as putting them out in the first place.
Oh, yikes!! I am so sorry there, friend. But, yeah, I can see that because my jaw still gives me trouble. Not that it redislocates, but it’ll pop sometimes and it HURTS.
So that means that Duncan would have been in WAY more trouble by doing that to himself. Imagine being a rogue who’s thumbs kept dislocating??? Especially when he was trying to pick the locks on their manacles again in the climax?
And when Duncan popped his thumbs back in, all he said about it was that second quote (“He took a moment to get used to the stabbing pain…”). That was it.
Gaider, I can only suspend my disbelief so far, bro.
@oh-thatcal replied to @starlanellfic ‘s post about my liveblogging:  Do all the books!
Dude... I kinda want to...
Although I wouldn’t do Stolen Throne again only because it would probably crumble into me fangirling over Loghain which no one, except maybe @@element-104 , would want to see. lol.
@ma-sulevin  replied to Okay, so, as much as I sorta like Duncan...: My personal favorite part is when the mage asks him about Grey Warden stamina and he’s like “uhh….. YES yes we do have that let me show you”
*snorts* omg YES. It was classic! Predictable, but classic, and I was totally willing to accept that from him. xD
@ma-sulevin replied to WHY DID SHE KISS HIM I AM SO MAD... : It literally made no sense
I’m still mad. I haven’t gotten over it. There was no romance until that happened and even that was forced af. Not one piece of it felt real. At least I can thank the Maker that he didn’t write about Fiona “boobing boobily down the stairs” or any of that other male gaze nonsense.
@thesecondsealwrites replied to Duncan has an obsidian dagger. Smh.:  \o/
Bless you, PonySeal. I feel like you might’ve already figured this was a peeve of mine. Lol.
@queenofeire replied to the same post:  0/10 against any kind of armor Hella sharp for 5-10 cuts then pretty much useless….
^^Yup, basically.
Granted, it ended up being magical? But if that mage didn’t enchant it with an Unbreakable spell, chances are it’s still useless. Fite me.
And @fenriswaifu? You’re welcome. :) Sorry if I ruined your Aesthetic.
@valammar replied to Gaider keeps using the word “almost.”:  I’m still cackling at the last line of this post.
Look, I’m still VERY angry about obsidian knives, okay?? lmao. Volcanic glass IS GLASS, it’s not ALMOST GLASS. It is.
It is.
@amarmeme replied to Well that resolved neatly...:  yea, that book was… not my cup of tea
Mine either. Of the three DA books I have now read, The Caling is my least favorite. And by least favorite, I mean it was awful. Sorry to those who love it.
And that’s all te replies for now. LMao.
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xdreamer45x · 8 years
86. Goku Black and Zamasu? :D
prompt from here: [x]
Thank you! I’ve been wanting to do something for this lovely pair for a long time now (but have been too much of a lazy ass to do anything about it lmao) XP
fair warning, this is gonna contain some mpreg, so for y’all’s who don’t roll with that kind of stuff, here’s your warning XP
#86: “Am I scaring you?”
Another day, another afternoon wasted in the boring hell known as life in suburbia…
Black sat in a plush chair next to the window overlooking his and Zamasu’s front yard, granting him a beautiful view of the rose bushes he had so carefully grown and cared for with the utmost perfection. A hand rested over the swell of his belly that was full with child, the other occupied with a book for some light reading.
A sigh passed through him as he read; the things he was able to do during the day had become limited the further he advanced in his pregnancy. His belly had grown rather large, which put a significant strain on his muscles and kept him away from quite a few physical activities. A lot of his gardening fell onto Zamasu’s shoulders since being out there on his feet, on his knees, bent or leaning over made him ache something fierce. Black did quite a bit of sitting around the house these days since even just walking around would start to hurt him after a while.
Black continued reading quietly, the hand on his belly running idly over it as he felt his baby move, a gentle breeze blowing in through the open window. Things were peaceful…until Black heard the sounds of digging in the front yard.
He whipped his head up to look out the window, catching sight of the neighbors’ godforsaken mutt digging up his precious roses again. Blood boiling, Black flung his book away from him before hastily making a move to stand up to teach that horrid beast a lesson.
“Hey!” he shouted out the window to catch the dog’s attention, to make it stop digging before any more damage could be done. However, Black’s plan to go outside and punish the dog was impeded by him being unable to get out of his chair; he had sunk so deep into the plush cushioning, the weight from his belly had him pinned and prevented him from achieving enough momentum to push himself up. So there he was, screaming at the dog in the yard while stuck flailing around in his chair attempting to escape its plush clutches. The next thing he saw had him seeing red.
“Oh, you mother fucker!!” Black shrieked, witnessing that despicable mongrel stop its digging so it could soil his roses! His perfect roses!
“ZAMASU!!” he screamed, now worked up in an absolute fury. The kai was at his side in seconds, but unfortunately the dog had pranced off before Black could tell him to go outside and deal with it.
“Are you okay?” Zamasu asked.
“Get me out of this goddamn chair!” Black screeched, looking utterly livid. Zamasu was quick to comply, helping his cranky husband up to his feet. 
“Alright, what’s going on? Why all the screaming?” Zamasu inquired, concern for their baby lingering in the forefront his mind. 
“It’s that filthy vermin belonging to those heathens we call neighbors!” Black snarled, gesticulating wildly towards their front yard. “This is the fifth time this month I’ve caught that disease-ridden hairball destroying my roses! I want that thing dead!”
“Dearest, calm down…” Zamasu replied in a much calmer, softer tone, hoping to placate his heavily pregnant spouse.
“What? Am I scaring you?” Black snapped back, the air around him beginning to crackle with the looming threat of an ascension to super saiyan rose.
“What I’m scared of is that you’re going to rage yourself right into a premature labor,” the kai countered. “Now, I want you to calm down before something happens to our baby. I will take care of this.”
Black crossed his arms with a growl, but otherwise complied with his husband’s wishes. “Fine…”
“Good. Now, what I want you to do…” Zamasu led him over towards the couch in the living room. “…is sit right here, and-” he zipped off towards to kitchen, bringing back a warm teacup- “drink this tea that I so lovingly brewed for you. I will handle everything else.” Zamasu pressed a kiss to Black’s lips before giving his belly an affectionate rub. “I’ll be back soon.” 
Needless to say, upon Zamasu’s return, Black’s roses would now forever be safe from the terror wrought by their neighbors’ destructive dog and a new plot in the pet cemetery was now occupied.
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