#hope u guys are excited for the story bc i am lol
pinwheel-plant · 1 year
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in which emmett will never let this go
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snippy-tano · 1 year
hi! ^.^ i love ur writing and i was hoping to make a request for an echo x reader story where reader is rly close with hunter bc they both look after/care about omega and so echo thinks there's something romantic between them bc of that but reader actually likes echo too? and maybe the other batchers know the truth but dont say anything out of respect but omega ends up confessing on behalf of reader and echo like "why havent u guys admitted you're in love w each other its so obvious" or something lol im a sucker for mutual pining hehe. thanks in advance if u do write it! xoxo <3
I said I was back, but even I didn’t expect to post another one tonight. But I am on a freaking roll and I will keep on going until I run out of steam.
So here you are babes! I had a lot of fun writing this. I fucking love pining. Good god I love it. So this was a total treat for me. It’s a bit angsty, but with mutual pining, there is going to be some angst. Hope you love it anon! :))))
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Tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @marvel-starwars-nerd @mackstrut @dissapointingpancake @ahsokatano-thetogruta @welcometothepedroverse @padawancat97 @fractiouskat @mandaloriandin @bantha-shit @badbatch-simp24 @katelynnwrites @s1st3r @leotatombs @torchbearerkyle @rain-on-kamino @the-navistar-carol @bombshe77 @arctrooper69 @social-mockingbird @littlebluebatbrat @get-wr3ckered @flowered-bicycles @idoubleswearimawriter @eris-k @lucyysthings @quizznag @dangraccoon
Take My Hands Now
“Omega! Please slow down!” You called as the small blonde ran ahead of you and the rest of the Batch through the crowded market.
She stopped with a huff, bouncing up and down on her feet, restless. “Come on! Hurry up!
You smiled at her excitement, moving forward a little quicker and taking her outstretched hand. She immediately turned on her heels and began dragging you at a much faster pace through the dense crowd. You urged her to slow down, but the slight laugh in your voice didn’t deter her in the slightest.
Behind you, the Batch all watched fondly, following at a much more acceptable pace.
They caught up to the two of you outside of a booth with a local street food. You passed over a few credits before taking the outstretched food from the vendor and passing it to Omega who was beaming.
“Hunter look!” Omega called when she saw the group approaching. “Doesn’t it look delicious?”
“Yeah kid. Did you say thank you yet?” He said, giving her head a gentle pat.
“Thank you!” Omega beamed up at you and you smiled, crouching down to be at her level.
“You are very welcome. Now eat up. We’ve got a little further to go still.” You said and she nodded enthusiastically, jogging off to catch up with Wrecker who lifted her above his head and placed her on his shoulders with a laugh from both of them.
You stood up, watching as they walked into the crowd, Tech and Echo trailing behind. Hunter began walking beside you.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He said and you shrugged.
“Her eyes lit up when she saw it. I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” You replied, watching as she broke off a piece of the fried bread and gave a piece to Wrecker.
“I know I say it a lot, but thank you for helping take care of her. I’m not sure we’d be able to do it alone.”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that.” You cut in, giving Hunter’s shoulder a slight push. “I think you were doing a fine job on your own. But I’ll accept the compliment, thank you.”
He laughed lightly. “Come on, it’s like you said, we still have more to do here.”
You gave him another smile before picking up the pace to join the rest of the group. As you approached, you watched as Omega passed a piece of the food to Tech. He studied it curiously, sniffing it once before taking a small bite of it. He seemed to like it because his next bite was not as cautious. She then passed a piece to Echo.
You watched, chest warming as he thanked her with a genuine smile on his face. He too seemed a little hesitant, but took a much bigger bite than Tech. You smiled when his eyes also lit up, happily eating the rest.
He must have felt your gaze, because he turned back and made eye contact with you. You felt your heart thump loudly in your chest. And then it faded when his eyes dropped and he looked away, face falling.
You felt your own expression falter, feeling a familiar pain in your chest.
It was hard not to be disappointed. It has been happening a lot recently, Echo avoiding your gaze, keeping conversations short, and seemingly avoiding you.
It didn’t used to be like that. In fact, when you first started working with the Batch, besides Omega, you were probably the closest with Echo. He was a bit standoffish with you at first, but you figured it was him trying to protect his family. Eventually, like the rest of the Batch, he had warmed up to you. You used to take watches together when traveling and spent a lot of time talking, about anything and everything.
It wasn’t hard to fall for him.
In fact, it was probably the easiest thing you had ever done.
You knew that he was hesitant to get close with anyone, likely because of the “enhancements” done to him at the hands of the Techno Union. But that has never bothered you. Echo was Echo. The pieces of metal and technology were a part of him and it was because of those pieces that he was able to be here. And for that you would always be incredibly thankful.
But something had changed.
You’re not sure if it was something you had done, or if he was realizing how close you had become and was pushing you away, but no matter what it was, gone were the days where you would stay up talking for hours. You hardly ever saw him smile in your direction anymore, in fact, when he did happen to look at you, he just looked upset. Which was the last thing you wanted to see.
You didn’t know what was going on, but you’re pretty sure your heart was breaking.
You couldn’t really dwell on that though. The Batch needed you to be focused, so you needed to get over this quickly. Or at least get a handle on your feelings so you stop having the pain deep in your chest whenever Echo avoids your gaze.
Even if the lingering feelings never faded, your attachment to the Batch meant that you needed to get a grip. And fast.
Your trip to the market was largely uneventful.
Tech was able to get the parts he needed, you picked up some extra food rations and medical supplies you had been running low on, and Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo were able to pick up the information Cid had originally sent you for. Out of all the jobs they had been on for Cid, this was by far the easiest one yet. Which you were thankful for.
You had begun the long walk back through the market for the Marauder.
Your bag was full of supplies and was significantly heavier than it was when you originally arrived. That however didn’t stop Omega from bumping into you, eyes droopy and expression sleepy.
You smiled at her softly, bending down and opening your arms. She willingly embraced you and you gripped her tightly before standing up, bringing her with you. Hunter appeared at your side, placing his hand on Omega’s back.
“You got this?” He whispered and you nodded with a small smile.
He gave you a nod and walked ahead. You were fine for now, but knew that if you needed a break, Hunter would be willing to take over. Which you appreciated because unlike the rest of the Batch, you were not enhanced in any way and you would definitely tire much sooner than they would.
“You okay with carrying her?” Came a voice at your side and you turned to see Echo walking beside you. He wasn’t looking at you, his gaze instead locked forward. Your heart thumped in your chest and your stomach felt a little queasy as it fluttered.
Your throat was dry when you spoke. “Yeah. She’s not that heavy. But thank you for checking.”
He didn’t reply and you risked another glance over at him. He was still looking forward, but you could see in the way his jaw was clenched that he felt uncomfortable. The queasy feeling in your stomach only grew and a lump formed in your throat.
How had things changed so much for him? Was he always this uncomfortable around you? Had you pushed him too far? Was this your fault?
Omega mumbled against your shoulder and you couldn’t decipher it.
“Omega? Are you okay?” You whispered, rubbing her back.
Her arms tightened around your neck and she turned her head to face out towards Echo.
“Are you two not talking?”
Your stomach dropped down to your feet at her words and you inhaled sharply, steps faltering. Your eyes automatically flipped to Echo who seemed just as surprised, his mouth opening and closing without any words coming out.
“No.” You choked out, feeling sick that you were lying to her. “We’re fine.”
She hummed. “But you’re not happy.”
You really didn’t know what to say to that.
“I don’t understand.” She said and you shifted her, tightening your grip as your arms began to ache.
“Don’t understand what, starlight?” You asked, nudging her head with your own.
Echo was still walking beside you, which was a surprise. But you needed to focus on Omega right now. You could deal with what was going on with Echo after.
“Why haven’t you admitted you love each other yet. It’s really obvious.”
You thought what had said earlier was surprising, this completely blew everything out of the water. Your feet stumbled and it was only Echo’s hand gripping your arm that kept you from sending both you and Omega onto the ground. Instinctively, you looked up at him, meeting his gaze.
But this time, instead of looking away, he held your gaze. You felt your cheeks warm. This was the longest you’d been able to maintain eye contact with him for the last few standard months. You had just noticed a faint darkening of his own face when you felt a tap on your other shoulder.
You jumped and turned, seeing Hunter standing beside you.
He didn’t say anything, only gestured to Omega who had fallen asleep in your arms after her last bombshell. You didn’t fight it, quickly transferring the sleeping girl from your arms and into Hunters. Once she was settled, he gave you both a look before turning on his heel and walking away. When he reached Tech and Wrecker (who were watching from a distance), all three of them turned and continued walking.
But you couldn’t move.
You took a shaky breath, mind still reeling from what Omega said.
It was probably not true right? Just the wish of a girl who didn’t understand. It didn’t mean anything.
You felt a hand rest on your arm, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
It was Echo.
He looked uncomfortable, much like before, but it almost felt different. He looked down at his feet and cleared his throat.
“I think I owe you an apology.”
You blinked. “What?”
He sighed before lifting his gaze and meeting yours. “I’m sorry for avoiding you and pushing you away. I got too in my head about everything and I thought it would be easier to just avoid talking about it. It’s because you’re so good with Omega.”
“What do you mean? What are you talking about? What does Omega have to do with this?” You asked, feeling terribly confused by this turn of events.
Nothing was making sense at the moment and you were practically begging Echo to fill you in.
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s not Omega necessarily. It’s just you’re so good with her and you work really well with Hunter. I thought that maybe - maybe you and him - just-“
It dawned on you all at once.
He thought…
You reached forward and grabbed Echo’s hand. His gaze snapped to yours and you refused to look away this time. He was going to look and listen to you.
“I do care about Hunter.” You tightened your grip on his hand when you felt him recoil slightly. “But not in the way I care about you.”
You let out a sigh, looking down at your clasped hands before looking back up at Echo who had yet to look away. “I care about the rest of the Batch like you’re my family, because you are. And that’s all Hunter is to me, family. Or like an annoying brother. But you? Maker, Echo, I love you so much. You don’t have to reciprocate anything, but I’m tired of pretending that the past few months haven’t been brutal. I’ve missed you. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, just don’t push me away. I can deal with my feelings, but I can’t survive if you’re not in my life.”
You were slightly out of breath when you finished, more out of anxiety of finally confessing what you had kept to yourself for so long and absolute terror of rejection. But like you had said, you couldn’t live another day without Echo being in your life the way he used to be. Even if it meant you went back to managing your feelings. That was fine, you just needed him.
Echo didn’t say anything at first, just stared at you.
The longer he waited, the more anxious you became.
You really karked this up. You ruined it all.
Just as your thoughts began to spiral, Echo moved. He yanked his hand out of yours and crashed into you, arms wrapped around your shoulders and a hand braced against the back of your head. You froze at first, not really sure what was happening.
But then his head thumped against yours and you felt the tension in his body leave. It was then that you let out a breath, wrapping your arms around his waist to return his hug.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I put you through that. I misunderstood everything. Please forgive me.” Echo whispered and you squeezed him tighter.
“You don’t need to apologize, but of course I forgive you.” You said. “Just don’t do it again, please.”
“I can’t make any promises, but you have my word that I will do my best to never do that again.”
You smiled against his chest plate, letting your eyes close as you felt the most relaxed you had in months. And Echo seemed perfectly happy to stay there as well. So you did.
Until you heard the chirp of Echo’s comm that is.
Nothing was said, but it was a reminder that you did have others waiting on you. You let out a sigh, not wanting to part, but knowing that you had to.
You started to pull away, but Echo held fast. You looked up at him and found him already looking at you. A smile spread across your face and he returned it. He leaned down and your eyes closed involuntarily. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and your toes curled in your boots as the knot in your stomach dissolved and the warmth began to spread again.
He lingered for a moment, but eventually pulled away. When you separated, you felt colder than moments before, but infinitely better than you had in so long.
You held out your hand towards him, just waiting. Echo looked down at your hand, before looking up at you. You offered him a smile and he returned it before gripping your hand in his own.
Both of you began walking in the direction everyone else had already gone, only this time things were different. This time, thanks to Omega, you and Echo were stronger than ever.
You still had some things to talk out, but knowing that it was only a misunderstanding that had caused so much discomfort was a huge relief. Now you could focus on him and the both of you together. He gave your hand a squeeze and you smiled up at him.
Maker, you loved this man.
You gave his hand a squeeze back before looking ahead at your path back to the ship.
Yeah, things were going to be just fine.
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campbyler · 7 months
they r so boyfriends! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it should be illegal to read acswy while being single CAUSE I WANT TO BITE SOMEBODY SO BAD. so im gonna bite u guys. as a revenge for my poor heart. sorry.
first of all will with tote bag!!! mike with long sleeves and shorts!!! yes!! their fits r literally so perfect. i just have to say it.
the fact that will didn’t even bring his car key with him. he doesn’t hate mustang as much as he pretends 😭 and he definitely changed his mind after mikes explanation. can’t wait till will break his stupid rule and they’ll make out senselessly in it.
i got mikes reasoning for buying that car (and ted is an asshole in every universe. sorry that it happened to u thea) but he could choose less pretentious one 🙄 sorry i have a with aversion towards expensive cars. their drivers always think that they better than traffic regulations. anyway.
manual transmission is a crime against humanity and im glad that i never have to use it again. it wasn’t that bad on the road and changing gears doesn’t take much time but traffic lights became my arch enemies cause i always managed to stall on them 😭 i hope ur lessons were better btw. i feel that will will shake like chihuahua😭 plus it like one extra leg on the clutch and i have no idea how to not forget about it if u only drive automatic.
their not-date date cause they definitely aren’t dating they’re barely friends who love kiss each other on the mouth and hold hands and spend time together and tell each other their deepest secrets.
the things i felt when mike dropped wills hand in the car. i Know it was was a reason. and he totally recovered himself by holding wills pinky the entire way to the mall. i know their pinkies Hurt cause where’s no other way.
when they’ll find out that smooches at the center of the cafe is not really platonic. isn’t really platonic with kissing if we’re judging be their standards. The Kiss in the changing room though…. they literally obsessed with each other i can believe guys used to pretend they enemies 😭
someone brought up dwoht on relation to the thrift store and i can’t stop thinking about it
“u (authors) said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
i (i) had a bad feeling”
i loveeee noticing how their humor changed. will doesn’t want to hurt mike anymore he wants to laugh with him instead 💔 and he thinks mikes password is cute and loserish (it is) but he charmed by it omgggg!!!
im so glad that i spent this year with u guys (im finishing my comment in 2024!!!! happy new year!!!) and im excited to follow the story next year too. days if the updates became my favorite and brought me so much joy!!
thea, suni and andi thank u so much for ur talent and passion!! ily!! happy new year 🎉🎄🥳🎊🤶❄️
ALYAAAA i am SO sorry that i am the worst and it takes me forever to answer things but just know i have been holding this ask so close to my chest for the past million weeks bc it is so special to meeee 💗💗💗💗💗
i will accept the biting bc i am also biting someone. it is hard to WRITE it while being single wtf. every time i write a kiss scene i'm like gd who wants to kiss me..............i am here and kissless...........
that and also i think he was so eepy he didn't even Think abt bringing his keys but also lbr he knew mike was going to insist on driving lol. mike fr could have chosen a less pretentious car But i think mustangs are universally cool cars for sure and i think it's very important to mike to have a cool car so even tho it's not necessarily something he would have picked out himself i do also think that he loves it. a little bit. (<- a lot bit)
i've ended up not actually learning how to drive a manual bc me and my sister have both been busy so all of my knowledge for the next chapter is going to be thru research and osmosis so pls call me out if anything is incorrect 😭
sometimes you have to kiss your friends on the mouth!!!!! and go on a not-date date w them!!!!!!!!!! that is so totally normal!!!!!!!!!!!!! their pinkies definitely hurt so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are obsessed w each other fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dwoht is not on the ch9.2 playlist but it is for suuuuure very will-coded for this stretch of the story if you even care.
we are so glad WEEE spent this year w YOUUU alya ty for supporting us and always leaving the sweetest most thoughtful comments 💗 i hope tht ch9.2 is everything you've ever dreamed of!!!!
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kkbardd · 4 months
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
*drops back into this astral plane*
so, not to pull a ravenstan ( accidentally fake my own death bc i fucked up a lot ) but I’M ALIVE! i’m okay..ish.
i just keep getting precious about how i word my ask memes and it was taking too long for me to explain,
so long story short, here’s what u missed on NEEN:
( tw for me recklessly piloting my body, a little body horror like very little and also…jersey me-tsd? yikes? )
-my lead teacher was out, so i taught kindergarten for a like a whole week straight out in a million degree heat,
-i accidentally drew one girl a disney princess ( big mistake ) so naturally every other girl needed one, right?
-so now on top of pulling all nighters lesson planning, i was also squinting at extremely pixelated images of elsa
-popped a blood vessel in my eye, and did not sleep for twoo? days straight??? and when i say not a single hour
-and i won’t get into this last part because it lowkey trauamtized me but on like hour 52 or something of not sleeping, i had a jerseykyle level 10 hallucination that to this very moment i have to tell myself…was not real!
HYH! ( i also hope that…for me; lol! )
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threestripeslider · 1 year
So i read ch 11 and it's one of the best chapters yet!
The way Leo spoiled so much for Leonardo made me laugh and remind me how my mom used to do it to get my attention on the soap opera show xD that was such a mood moment xD
I loved how Leonardo offered or more like " asked " leo if he can watch the rerun with him, and how there's a hopeful chance of saying yes.
The kids wanting to watch Game X reminded me of that one OMO art you did where almost everyone are on the couch watching TV as Leonardo and leo carrying about the show! Lol.
At movie night part when Splinter talked about white people saying " it's white people thing " i LAUGHED thinking 'NO SPLINTER YOU DID NOT JUST SAID THAT!!😂'.
And NOW am about to pick a fight with him; WHAT'S WRONG WITH REGULAR PLAIN CORNFLAKES?!?!
Knowing they're heading to hidden city made me remember that one piece of art you made about them about to fight big mama but then F!Leo come in saying " hey mom! ", will it happen?!?!🤩✨
Honestly when the kids left to the market and F!Leo said he's going to dojo i was sad i thought he would've follow them. But i nearly stimmed from excitement when splinter said this I’m not going to save you from the dramatics when they catch you!”
i love how i left you all little morsels like breadcrumbs but you somehow ended up face-first in my snack drawer like HELLO?? PLEASE LEAVE SOME FOR THE REST AJHSBJJBDH
also i debated about keeping the Splinter part or not, bc that is literally what i say too on the regular when it comes to horror LMFAO again; i'm filo and in pinoy culture you just dont fuck with spirits and such, asian ghost stories and folklore are fucking TERRIFYING at times, so yeah, i'll just wave goodbye to my white friends if they wanna fuck with an oujia board, im out of there, i am NOT about to end up missing under mysterious circumstances.
i love how some of u were so excited that Leonardo let his paranoia talk him into following the kids JHBBHDJBHF like you all looked at the guy and went "he is So Unwell, i need to watch him get himself into Situations"
and well...i suppose it was time drop another Big Mama hint HEHEHE
waugh! this ask made me giggle so much, i'm glad you enjoyed the chapter so much! THANK YOU!!
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stevie-petey · 2 months
okie here is my chapter 8 thoughts dump this is so long i'm SORRY
the way you write action is crazy good. like i was reading the whole first part as if i’d never seen it coming like i haven’t watched the episode a million times. 
murray x bug banter is kind of everything LOL the dynamic is so hilarious & same for erica. i can totally see bug and erica getting way closer of a dynamic next season (hopefully because i love that girl fr🤞🏼)
the way i'm crying at the hopper x bug farewell… like obviously i knew it was coming but… wow. i love how your cancer sun 100% influences your writing because miss bug is a cancer if i’ve ever seen one. like girl just feels emotions so deeply AND SHE’S SO ME FOR THAT
STEVE HAND ON THIGH WHILE DRIVING ENTHUSIAST that got me so good i was melting u have no idea i think him doing that to me would heal me a bit
i just love the robin x bug x steve dynamic SOSOSOSO MUCH!!! i literally cannot wait for more of it in season 4 because it’s just so excellent. i can’t wait for the first season 4 chapter when all 3 of them have had months to establish their friendships/relationships so that when we see them in the first chapter back we’ll see a glimpse of their new stasis (until everything inevitably goes to shit again)
STEVE BEE VS JON’S HONEY I’MMMMMMM that got me so good i was giggling kicking my feet
I’M SO GLAD YOU WROTE BUG SINGING ALONG TO NEVER ENDING STORY because that would have LITERALLY been me in that sitch like come awn guys the world is literally ending a monster is chasing us lets have a moment where we just sing and pretend everything is happy PLEASE ugh and i also just KNOW steve was sitting there with the goofiest love sick smile admiring miss bug AS HE SHOULD because he is just enamored by any and everything she does
the billy scene is truly one of the most well-written things i’ve ever read. the way you write guilt but also grief going hand in hand is so beautifully painful. jonathan and steve both comforting her got me so emotional because they both know her so well to know she is going to carry the guilt of this so heavily and it makes me so :((((((( oh god and the double whammy with hopper right after billy was like a knife to the heart (in the best way) like by this point i was fully in tears. this whole sequence of billy’s death has me WORRIED tho bc of eddie’s fate in s4. i know they probably won’t be the best of friends right off the bat, for good reason, however seeing dustin have to go through the trauma somewhat similar and somewhat not to what bug just went through with billy is going to tear me UP inside. miss bug is in empath and it truly worries me how she will internalize eddie’s death/dustin’s grief. though i am glad steve will be there to comfort both of them (hoping steve and bug stay together PLEASE LET THEM STAY TOGETHER) 
i’m so glad mrs. waters is doing well i love that woman and want to protect her with my LIFE✋🏼
THE CHARM BRACELET omg bug needed this so bad. i literally can’t say anything else about that scene because truly it had me at a loss for words. SPEECHLESS TRULY
this whole ending fucked me UP ! i’m so sad we only got a small glimpse of el x bug x max because i love the sisterly dynamic they all have :((( though i am so extremely excited to see max & bug’s friendship shape because of the ~trauma bond~.
i am so curious to see how and if jon stays in contact with bug. i’m wondering if it’s going to be a situation where bug and jonathan actually do stay in touch while he shuts nancy out causing tension, or if poor jon shuts everyone out including bug. i also wonder what bug’s emotions will be when jon doesn’t come and visit hawkins during s4. GAH i just have so many thoughts surrounding s4 and i’m so excited to see how you write it!! i have absolutely no doubts in my mind that you’re going to make it absolutely perfect, whichever direction you chose to take it. you have a crazy awesome gift and i know whatever you write will have me in shambles in the best way ok that's all sorry for rambling luv u have a good nite bestie
xoxo, s <3
okay first im SO happy u love how i write action because it genuinely makes me want to die every time. i always feel so awkward and stilted writing it so its a relief you think otherwise <333
and the murray banter truly wasnt planned like bug just naturally hated the mans. it was perfect. and her goodbye with hopper :((( and ur so right bug IS 10000% a cancer baby like me, its why i made her bday july 3rd because it just felt so right. shes the most cancer cancer to ever cancer lmao
steve and jon fighting over honey and bee had me GIGGLIN it was a throwaway line but i simply had to add it. they would fight over it and it felt right. even while bickering, they still shared a soft smile when bug started singing because thats their girl !!!
the billy scene </3 it hurt. he isnt my favorite character, i dont agree that he had a "redemption" arc per say, but i truly do pity his character. he never had a chance to become good. i think we all deserve to at least have the chance to choose good. billys choice was stripped away from him, so bug understanding this makes it all the more painful.
as for how billy will affect bug season 4 and eddie being introduced ,,, oh just u WAIT !!! and we'll see more max and bug in season 4, theyre gonna go through some wild rides together lmao
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jayflrt · 3 months
HAI USER JAYFLRT it's been so long huhu ㅠㅠ was lowkey reading yfi786 silently during exam season ... BUT IM HERE NOW TEEHEE disclaimer : i have so many thoughts but idt it makes sense even in my head TT
the recent chapter was SO GOOD like plot aside, i can never emphasize enough how much i love the way you write. sometimes i revisit your fics that i've alr read and sit in front of my screen and try to understand ur pattern of writing ?? mostly bc i have a terrible habit of incorporating repetition everywhere in my works and that is something i usually don't notice in ur fics so :O js want u to know that ure rlly someone i forward to when it comes to writing ( and like, absolutely fucked up humour too bc ure so funny )
back to the smau, CHAEWON WHEN I CATCH U ... i thought she and yn were getting along, at least to some extent ?? but it made me so mad when she brought it up although i sort of understood where she was coming from idk like maybe bc she had/has some unsolved beef towards yn which mostly roots from heeseung ... but still crazy af to say that in front of everyone!!!! lowkey scared for jay i think everyone will jump him when they know him and yn almost fucked TT
and the hazing ritual had me shook i don't think i would've ever survived that if that happened to me lmfao, tho thanks to svt for being the comedic relief. STEALING THE GOAT PART WAS SO SKJDHKJHDF aaand i loved the heejay cuddle part too i know they're the main pairing and everyone else is js secondary
ANYWAYS im so so excited for the next chapters and the chapters after that too >< got me praying for jay bc i dont see the light at the end of the tunnel for him ... but im gna take ur word when u said u dont rlly like sad endings so jayn r going to end up together ( _ _; )
HI CAEL!! i was saving this ask for when i planned to answer all of the ones in my inbox and kept thinking of getting to it whenever i'd see you on twt 🤧 but here i am sorry for the late response!!! and i hope your exam season went well! manifesting you passing with flying colors 💗
i'm so glad you liked the chapter!! (i think this was for chapter 40 if i'm not mistaken 🥲) but omg please that's so sweet 🥹 but no pls i have that same problem myself, it must be a universal writing habit 🤧 but what i try to do is fix it as i go, like i'll write what comes to mind and tweak my sentences if i catch some repetition LOL idk if that helps but that's what usually works for me!!! and omg it makes me so happy to hear that you look forward to my writing 🥰
chaewon's always been sidelined when it came to mc (especially by heeseung) so she definitely did not have good intentions when she brought that up 😔 another reason for mc to be Very careful about the people she surrounds herself by
i physically cannot add jeonghan in a story without making him a little silly goofy <33 svt are such pookies i had the most fun writing that exchange between hannie and hao LMFAO and omg so true this is actually just a heejay fic and jay/n is just a side pairing sorry guys :/
DONT YOU WORRY i have spent countless hours agonizing over how to flesh out this ending in the best possible way and i am 97% sure i have covered all the bases to get us there (the 3% will be accounted for after i finish the act 2 finale trust 🙂‍↕️) but although i haven't posted a chapter in a hot minute i've been racking my brain to tie all the loose ends together and i think i've done it!! so i'm hyped 😁 it will be a ride ,, i'll hold everyone's hand for the drops
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Hello again!
I’m so glad you feel that way because it’s all true and I feel like you should know just how much it meant and impacted me, something you guys made is that amazing!<3
That's so freakin cool! I love when I hear people talk about how their dreams inspire their work!! I don’t why because it adds a level of magic to it, I don’t know if that's corny but it feels that way to me lol.
Talk about crazy! I had a similar dream too!! Not the content but the feeling after one, a long ago as well. Like for me there was this white haired mage dude showing off their powers and after waking up I was in tears asking where he was even though I knew it was a dream!
And I’ve been wanting to make a vn for years but couldn’t think what to write but then I slotted this dream with another one of mine and BOOM everything fell into place.
So hearing you say you did something similar makes me think it’s the right choice, and I’m not being silly, cause it was something I was worried about lol.
But thank you! I would really appreciate it, I love what we got but can’t deny how enticing it would be getting more!
In the meantime I am now going through your other games, and becoming a patron tomorrow x333
Sorry I get chatty when I’m excited
hi!!’ dont apologize for being chatty! no one is as chatty as me. plus we love to talk in this house so 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
i feel the same way about dreams something about them is so mysterious and magical/romantic :’) i feel like a lot of amazing creative works have been inspired by dreams haha! not silly at all to use them as creative feed—everyone draws from different things to inspire their work <3
if you ever get around to releasing that vn i would love to check it out!! i’m losing track of where i’m leaving my comments but i think intertwine leaves a lot of room for imagination and additional content, what with the multiple lives. the possibilities r endless so if i ever return to intertwine, even if for a short dlc of small stories, i’m sure it would be fun! it’s not a priority right now just bc i need to return to my main child alaris, but the future is always open for more intertwine we never know ^^
THANK U FOR THE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT!!! it already means a lot to see you like intertwine but for u to also check out alaris and sub to my patreon 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖 i will say alaris is very different from intertwine. i’m also working on releasing a revamped version of alaris so if i’m being honest i kinda discourage ppl from downloading the current build since i like the enhanced version i’m working on rn so much more 🤠 but if u end up playing i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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nerice · 11 months
Fall Season 2023 Watch List >:3 !
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detailed thoughts >>
protocol rain. happy first esports anime. unsure if this will last the season but for now there's a core of smth in there that keeps me watching. also the op/ed are gorgeous rly where they put their priorities lol bc the main show does look like ass
100 girlfriends/hyakkano. the harem parody i didn't know i needed. the setup is so genuinely stupid but it fires thru jokes at such a rapid pace you barely have time to remember the ones that don't land as well. THE ANIMATION IS SO BEAUTIFUL. also inch rested to see if they can get to 100 girlfriends polycule without becoming boring (komi san i am looking at u......)
apothecary diaries. everything i hoped it would be <33 some say the mysteries are too easy but since im not big on detective stuff im actually happy with the pacing (compared to raven of the inner palace which could drag a lil imo) it just looks soooo good maomao is so fun her cat emotes... <3 ((also ngl. there's elifauve angle to the main duo which i am. delighted abt ww))
ragna crimson. do the character designs look like a b-tier anime from the early 2000s? yeah. does it slap all the fucking way? YEAH. ragna and leo are extremely whatever but crimson (damiacore!!) and angel dragon are SO DOPE. aots no doubt <3 (<- biased i cannot be trusted) it just scratches an itch that hasn't been scratched since the isekai game inspy fantasy scourge took over. bar is on the ground etc
shangri-la frontier. heel turn but. scratches the video game fantasy world itch and it's just stupid enough to be annoying. no isekai bullshit. fight animation that's exactly what made sao fun but without the harem bs that made sao.... sao. (i know there's more girls coming i just hope we stick to fun beat em up with it.)
sousou no frieren. ANIME OF THE DECADE. absolutely no question about it this is the best thing i've ever seen every second of animation is jaw-droppingly beautiful all the characters and the fkcin story the cycles the grief the humanity behind it all. i cry every single ep ;-; i am too enamored by it to even be annoyed abt the german names of everything and everyone. it's awkward but as someone who also gave all their first ocs telling japanese names I'LL LET IT SLIDE <3
spy x family s2. excited to get to boat arc. exactly what you know ur gonna get from it and i love getting more sxf. it's fun!!!!
undead unluck. it has the kill la kill energy (idiocy) we have no choice but to stan. took me actually till ep 2 to clock it was made by shaft guys and now i cannot unsee it anymore. all the chars and gimmicks are stupid and fun and it perfectly fills the niche left empty by zom100 being in production hell. ive watched anime for long enough that i can ignore the sexual comedy bits but it is becoming stale (in which it falls short of what klk was able to pull off. god i miss klk) lol
dropped tier
-shy (technically havent dropped this yet but unless ep3 gets interesting real fast... it's not doing anything well enough to care)
-kamonohashi ron/forbidden deductions (i hate detective shows sorry. was gonna stick it out for his cute disheveled design but i simply do not care enough for the gimmick or the genre)
-kamierabi (what happens when you let yoko taro of nier fame and jin of kagepro fame make a series together? nothing worth watching unfortunately. made me wanna rewatch mirai nikki tho lmao)
summer season leftovers
-zom100 (pour one out for production issues)
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valeriana-dioica · 1 year
Getting to know others meme
i was tagged by @friendamedes !!
last song: Little shop of horrors intro song/prologue! very fun musical. also not my last song but I have been really obsessed w "Amarillo by Morning" by George Strait lately... country music is very fun to sing
currently watching: I'm not watching anything rn but i recently finished season 2 of good omens and I watched the 2021 sequel to Candyman earlier today and enjoyed both of those things
currently reading: Making my way through Carmilla rn, and am technically halfway thru Good Omens but that one's been on pause for a while bc i got busy w school stuff and then forgot to get back to it lol. Also hoping to start and finish ancillary sword before i have to return it to the library lmao
current obsession: obviously tlt which is. the same story as it's been for months. however i also have been really into horror as a genre for a whileee so lately i've been trying to watch more horror movies and curate a list of good horror books to read and i'm very excited about that ! so if any of u guys have recommendations for good horror novels/short stories/movies/tv shows etc i am all ears 👀
i will be tagging uhhh @garaks-padded-bra @ds9jack @nomorethoughts
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
hiii, substack guy here just wanted to say that i absolutely love rob horning and little dog, my beloveds. zombies are also my favorite monster!! so ill definitely check and then i woke up, and am so accepting more zombie recs if you have any to give (btw i love your zombie apocalypse AU). Hmm what else. i fangirled so much over one of your girls (esp the music video) as someone who's been following troyes career since blue neighbourhood. Oh, and the haunted ~experience~ seems so fucking cool. we dont really do halloween where im from so the most im doing is some movie marathons and parties, which are super cool but seeing the pic you took got me yearning for some more elaborate celebrations. hope you're doing well!!
hi substack guy <3 another rob horning fan omg!! his essay "social media is not self-expression" is a fave of mine (although the title is maybe overstating his point a bit lol) so i was soooo excited when i found his substack. & yeah on earth we're briefly gorgeous kinda wrecked me ngl...i understand why everyone was raving abt it now...
+ a fellow zombie fan omg fun <3 unfortunately i do not have many zombie book recs bc. well most of them r bad i will not lie...unless we're talking nonfiction in that case i really like zombies and sexuality: essays on desire and the living dead. fiction-wise and then i woke up is probably one of my fave "zombie" stories i've read; i'd recommend severance by ling ma as well although it's not really a zombie story in the classic sense...i still kind of think of it as adjacent 2 the genre. if ur looking 4 movie or show recs tho...hmu happy 2 share my faves...
i have not actually watched the music video for 'one of your girls' yet lol but i'm loving the song!! + yeah i grew up watching troye sivan on youtube + went 2 see him live during the blue neighbourhood tour so it's really cool 2 see how his trajectory as an artist has progressed <3
haunted experience WAS so fun omg it was super elaborate...it was like on this big outdoor park/complex/event space + divided into 4 different sections where u essentially followed these hiking trails through the woods, but each section had a different theme w all these scary sets + props + lights etc. & scare actors in full costume + makeup jumping out + shouting + trying 2 scare u...i've been 2 similarly elaborate haunted houses before but never an outdoor one where ur on hiking trails (outdoor-wise i've only ever been 2 haunted corn mazes...which i will be doing at the end of the month <3). hope ur doing well as well + enjoying ur own halloween celebrations movie marathons + parties sound v fun <3
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
I've been your reader since imagine fic and I'm so excited and fangirling so hard when you said that the oc will be like a 'bruh girl' bc I am like that 😭 but I don't enjoy most fics with ocs like that bc they tend to show traits of internalized-misogyny and it's so not cool so I really do enjoy your stories with girl boss girly girls and their head over heels cool boyfriends and I'm so excited for the next oneeee I'm sorry this is getting too long lol
omg an og reader hi love!!! thank you for sticking with me for the year ive been writing, i love you so much and it means the world!!!
and yeah im very much a girly girl so it just feels natural to write oc’s like that, but this oc is super witty n cool as a cucumber!! she is also v empowered in her own right, like she’s a sex worker n yeah!! she’s also just really down to earth n open minded. this jungkook is extremely awkward and has no rizz whatsoever lol, and she thinks it’s cute and plays along and doesnt make him feel bad about it. they’re a cute pairing forsure and i hope you guys like it!!! this one is dedicated to u anon 🫡
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daydadahlias · 2 years
this will be long so prepare cause i can't actually choose one favorite of yours.
Scene 14 -> they're idiots and i love them (i'll have to reread this one soon) and horsemint and lemonade
Fine print -> this is the one i've reread the most out of your works. i love glimpses of cake and their past relationship and how it affects present day luke and how in the end luke calls calum (out of respect i guess) to basically ask for his permission to date ash.
Coy Fish -> probably my favorite cashton fic (calum is all of us in this one :D), i also liked how you wrote muke here (their dynamics, and michael calling luke bambi)
Paint me -> i absolutely love the scene where they're all seeing ash for the first time in the painting class and the last scene where malum finds lashton in bed in the end
New -> great story and very hot, but what makes this one hilarious and stand out to me are your notes (aka hey guys, it's me pornbot jess)
and of course, the sexting ot4 fics simply because they're both so hilarious and i do hope you continue them
Bite Marks -> i know this one isn't finished yet, but i get very excited when you update so i hope you won't leave it unfinished (i am subscribed to your ao3 so i'll read it even if you finish it in 3 years)
i have a fave pairing when i'm reading fics (and it's obvious based on this list) but damn you have so many fics and i will read all of them asap.
Thank you for writing and sharing your stories with us :)
omg i love long asks
they're so impossibly stupid, how could you not love them?
i love that you brought up cake in FP! when writing, I considered it being an act of respect, yeah! because it's, like, here's someone you've built your entire life around and also, in a lot of ways, torn your life apart for and even though you're not with them anymore, there's still that inherent need to feel like you're doing right by them. and i dont necessarily think that Luke was asking permission bc if Cal had said "no, im not ok with that" (which he kind of was implying) i dont think that would have stopped luke from pursuing ashton. I think it just would have made it harder for him. i think he just wanted Cal to know. bc he felt like he owed it to him. i have lots of thoughts on Fine Print cake obviously lol.
a little projection from me to Cal in that one, I won't lie. ALSO i love that you brought up side muke!! and it's especially cute bc im writing a really long cashton fic rn with (very prevalent) side muke where michael calls luke bambi lol. i just think it's so cute!!
oo Paint Me was funnnn to write. she'll always have a special place in my heart <3 I dont love all my old stuff but PM definitely holds up.
WHAT !! AN OUTLIER !! a SURPRISE! this was a delightful little surprise. it's so funny, I was just thinking about New the other day for the first time in, like, two years. bc i like the premise of it but i Don't like the fic and i was considering rewriting it. also obsessed with the fact that u mentioned my author note. you read an author note and thought ugh Jess is just so funny and personable and you were right <3
I plan on continuing them! I'm just trying to pick a Setting for the next installment. maybe while they're in the studio, an interview, or the tour bus
I love BM and I really do plan on finishing it. I hate that I posted it before I was properly ready and I do not plan on ever doing that with a fic again. but i will finish it!! even if that, yeah... takes 3 years.
thank you so much for reading and all of your kind words! I loved reading this <3
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vacantgodling · 2 years
Hi Ren I hope you've been doing well :) If you had to pick, who would you say your favourite oc is and what do you like most about them?
hey ish!!! i’m doing okay :’) i hope you’re doing well too & that the parousians is coming along ok!!
i have A Lot of ocs, so it’s hard to pick just one favorite however i’ll give u a couple that i’m really attached to!
hya & amon — i mean it’s kind of obvious i’m obsessed with the two of them lol. they’re kind of a package deal and their dynamic drives me insane in the best way lol. individually, i’d say that i just enjoy how the two of them are so so shaped by their experiences and the lives that they’ve lead, but neither of them will necessarily acknowledge that? it feels realistic to me in a way; messy people who can’t escape the chains of their past until they face it but they just don’t Want to face it. they both are scared of being weak, but it’s really emotional vulnerability that helps pull them out of this loop that they’re in and that’s powerful to me. also their bickering and general attitudes are so fun to write and think about haha.
darren — genuinely i love how his real strength in this whole story is his emotional maturity and his ability to befriend and make connections with other people. he’s not the strongest one there, not by a long shot. but he’s on of the most stable person there; at peace with himself even despite learning things about himself that he never knew before. idk i just want more protags that are defined by their emotional strength lol. also he’s just fucking funny to me. love that guy.
clear brightendale — i don’t talk about tcol nearly as much as i should bc y’all don’t KNOW how obsessed i am with clear mother fucking brightendale he is ONE OF THE BIGGEST BLORBOS. he’s got trauma, he’s struggling, he wants to be good and has a twisty backstory where he feels like he’s terrible, he’s got sexuality trauma, i am imprinting on him i am turning him in the microwave i am kissing him bc he’s my ANGEL.
lath — also a super huge tcol blorbo for me (and a fave of henrike bc they’re intelligent) i just love his perseverance. i love how he’s both revered and feared. how he singlehandledly made it so tcol could even be possible like agH. i also love how off he is. like myths have hero’s sure but those heroes aren’t always like charismatic guys like in his lifetime lath was actually seen as super weird and people didn’t usually like hanging around him (he rarely ever blinks, he’s super blunt, he only really cares about fighting and combat — so many of my characters are autistic coded bc it’s what i deserve) but he!! is a hero. i’m like mad excited for when he actually shows up in the main storyline bc i’m obsessed with him,,
di & toph — similar to amon and hya they’re kind of a package deal. i’ve had and been obsessed with the two of them for so long, part of me kind of mentally refers to them as the precursor to amon and hya bc they kind of are! the only thing is they actually have a much easier time expressing (especially now in this new iteration of them in lukewarm rejection) how they feel about each other and caring for one another. they’re better adjusted. if darren and gabe are on the “super loving and supportive” and amon and hya are the “toxic but they’re good for each other” then di and toph are kind of the middle ground on that lol. toph was the biggest blorbo for the longest for me until hya came to mind lolol. but that punk rock boy will always reign supreme. i love how unapologetically himself he is, and his backstory with the chains no matter how i’ve done it is one of my favorite powers i’ve ever created tbh. di snuck up on me, but he’s similar to clear in the sense that he’s one of my horses for dealing with complex real world esque pain in a way. i love how hard he tries to forge a path for himself and to just be more confident in himself bc mood. and i love how he’s got many contradictions lol :’)
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miupow · 5 months
hi sorry long ask im coming out of the wood work (i logged into tumblr for the first time in weeks lol hi lia !!!!) to deliver a certified puppy anon cannot shut the fuck up ever take so pls take it w a grain of salt if i am wrong and a smooch on ur face.
tee bee aech i really dont think it matters if an audience can tell if a writer has had sex or not - and this comment is more like a general message on ur post + all the mooties who expressed insecurity 😔🫡 i do nawt want this to read as an attack and if i came off as um acktchually 🤓 ☝️ i would kms
like you said porn is about the fantasy of it all and imo whether or not you can deliver a cohesively written story/porn/smut etc is more important than depicting it accurately or with the fear that the sex being portrayed isnt good enough. i think sex is about passion as much it is about logistics and its a combination of the two that achieves good storytelling in porn - idk maybe this is the "idk but this guy Fucks" thing u were talking abt !! 🤔 its why theres so many background workers in like actual professional video-type porn; u need to get the right aesthetic shots, make sure the actors stay ready for hours and hours of filming, and make sure the editing is compelling enough that the audience stays.
as a writer and an audience member if two writers, one virgin and not, both wrote like idk breeding doggy style coming together with dirty talk and aftercare one-shot for the 40th time each the contents would be similar enough that like i do not think i would care if i could tell someones history based on how fast someones cock goes flaccid post nut because i was invested in the rest of the story. That and bc their sexual history is personal to them and its not my place to speculate based on like idk kpop idol porn lol. 😎😔🫡 its v reminiscent of irl fears of being s virgin/ not being a good enough partner at sex bc being good at it is something so intrinsically personal to a lot of people and their worth. so much so that we've made hierarchies out of it!!! 😭 but maybe i dont care about it in the same way others do so its importance is lost to me.
anyways thats my long long long comment and pls feel free to disagree or push back where im wrong i looove talking and thinking 💔. but. hi!! how r u!! i hope work isnt ruff 3: its been like two weeks i was in exam hell and while i am not free i am letting myself back onto tumblr for like approx 24 hrs bc my ults r at coachella and i need 2 see that 🫣
- 🐶 non
hi sweetie pie!! i missed you lots <3 it’s good to see you back!!! i’m working lots but i have the weekend off i’m so excited… i hope you come out of exam hell unscathed
i completely agree with you that it doesn’t really matter whenever or not a writer has sexual experience when writing smut. i didn’t mean anything critical by what i said and i’m really sorry if it came out that way; i just find it so interesting how so many nsfw writers are virgins lol i wonder if there’s a reason for that
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